#boe gideon au
comfiecore · 2 years
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more raised by wake /boe gideon au art
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dve · 9 months
more than anything I think I want a novella from pash’s perspective. I think that’d be so fucking funny. Our Lady Of The Passion and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
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greyborn2 · 1 year
Sooo... uhhh... desperately need a BoE Harrow AU now.
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mayasaura · 1 year
One of my biggest hopes for Alecto is that Harrow has a minute of going full Carrie revenge insane upon finding out what they did to Gideon’s body. Like. Throughout Canaan House and especially in the AUs, we get the sense of Harrow having a deep desire to protect Gideon’s body even if it is in her own solitary goth nun way. She wants Gideon to put more consideration into the danger of avulsion before agreeing. She tells her afterward not to price her life so cheaply. She makes Cam and Pal check on her multiple times. She leaves her bread in a drawer. She’s fully on board to throw Camilla towards possible death in the interest of keeping Gideon safe. And then when she finally sees her in the coffee AU her description is just so soft and loving even when she’s about to pass out because she saw her arms, and continues that way until the end of the book. When Ianthe thinks it’s Harrow in Nona she’s surprised she isn’t violently storming the compound to recover Gideon’s body. Anyway she should find out how BOE and Jod treated her body and go on a tiny insane revenge spree. As a treat.
You are SO fucking right. Deep down inside Harrow is that one gif of the girl holding puppies and crying because she can't protect them, only the puppies are a butch lesbian determined to throw herself into a meat grinder.
I think Harrow might be a little grateful for the unbreakable bones and indestructable skin part of Jod's deal re: Gideon—she may have done that herself in Canaan House, if she'd known how—but the rest of it? The gaping wounds, the leaving her dead? Kill Bill sirens. She has been trying so hard to protect and preserve Gideon, to give Gideon a life, and when Gideon's own father has the chance to restore her he just slaps her together with crazy glue and calls it fine? That is not fine.
If she ever finds out how Gideon's corpse was being treated while her murderer lay in state on a bed of flowers... Man, I would not want to be in the room where that happened.
It would be so cathartic to see her tear into John over his part of it. Gideon already went apeshit on him for how he treated Harrow, so it's only fair Harrow gets to have her go. It's equality!! If We Suffer could somehow be there to be held accountable, too, so much the better.
And after that, what I really really want to see is Harrow turning the soft and loving vibe from the Baristar AU on the real Gideon, and channeling that protective fury toward protecting or restoring Gideon. I know it's probably not going to be exactly how it happens, what with everything else going on, but that sleeping beauty fakeout has me hungry to see Harrow try to ride in and rescue her prince.
In abscence of her body, Harrow's soul dreamed of Gideon's eyes; and in abscence of her soul, Harrow's body dreamed of Gideon's hands. If we don't get to see some pay off when she has those hands to hold again, I'm gonna have to chew my own fucking leg off.
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notedchampagne · 3 months
i live off of making tlt aus but ive done more or less every low hanging fruit i could think of (arranged marriage both canon and modern, what if pyrrha6th and nona went on the moon, college au, college ta au, soulmates, boe gideon, griddlehark immortality, gh parents (theyre bad parents), every iteration of twins!gideon & kiri or harrow & nona & nova, like 3 separate roadtrip aus) if anyone is willing to offer up their ideas to the pyre i would love to express my own spin on other concepts people have
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
salut!!! do you have any fave griddlehark au fics?? your taste is immaculate so i would appreciate the recs
omg thank u!! and YES i have tons of recs. I have started a couple of bookmark collections on ao3 for my personal favorite fics, THREE of which are about griddlehark!! As a heads up I only made them somewhat recently, and am therefore trying to catch up on my bookmarks backlog, so they aren't complete but I recommend everything in them :D
Griddlehark Modern AU bookmark collection (what it says on the tin, all fics >10k words) Griddlehark Canon Divergence AU bookmark collection (Basically any AU ft. griddlehark with canon divergence from any period in the timeline, including regular canon divergence & more drastic alternate paths such as Nova AU, BOE!Gideon, Her Divine Highness AU, etc) Griddlehark Misc AU bookmark collection (Any non-canon, non-mundane AU)
for specific fic recs, just off the top of my head:
Waiting and Better Days by badgerjaw (Griddlehark modern AU sickfic & hurt/comfort, made me cry (positive), really beautifully written)
I am one of the young women who was rescued from the Locked Tomb cult, AMA. by mintpearlvoice (formatted like a reddit AMA, funny but also angsty in the best way. what can i say but them <3)
literally anything written by @valancietrinit/valancytrinit, especially if you like your alternative universes with an angsty modern flavor they have some utterly FANTASTIC oneshots here, literally no words u just have to read them and experience it for yourself
hold you like a weapon by @gideonisms/GingerAlchemy (ballet fake dating AU with pitch perfect griddlehark dialogue and banter. holding them in my arms)
The Heart Is Hard To Translate by JustBeCos (BOE!Gideon AU, Harrow is captured by BOE and Gideon ends up guarding her. One of the most scrunchable Harrows ever, with SUCH a well written Gideon as well, tears my heart out with each update!!!)
Mors Vicit Omnia by @four-for-fidelity/WalkingDisaster (forensic anthropology AU that has me by the THROAT!!! in suspense, truly one of the Fics Of All Time, to me)
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by @neornithes/pipistrelle (MOBY DICK AU where the scions of the Houses are called by God to go on a Ressurection Beast hunt. Once again, truly one of the fics of ALL time, the way this fic re-interprets Resurrection Beasts, Lyctorhood, the River, and necromancy in general is just beyond fantastic)
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bkyngw · 2 years
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whooohooooo!!! i drew this short little comic of terrible tweens gideon and pash bonding time for @naamah-beherit for the @tlt-holiday-exchange!!!
more info about this AU is written in the notes on ao3, but the gist of it is that gideon was taken to BoE as a baby. And because BoE is an insurgent organization that takes advantage of child soldiers, gideon and pash have guns to play with instead of more age appropriate stuff. like coloring books or gameboys or something.
i had so much fun coming up with this!! much thanks to the event organizers for a great event and my giftee for giving me such a fun prompt!!
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princesscolumbia · 3 months
Peanut Butter...Chocolate...Lyctoral Consumption...Murder?
So I just got done reading an interesting examination of a moment in Nona the Ninth where Alecto emerges from the depths of Nona's consciousness and chastises Pyrra "I'm not the Lyctor, I'm the (he) Or (she) who Lyct Up" Dve. It was good, it was solid, and it was done with the understanding that OP didn't know for sure as they're not Tasmuir.
So you can imagine what a baseball bat to the head it was to see a Psych AU post where Shawn is dead and haunting Gus.
So guess what fell out of the piñata that is my imagination:
Shawn and Gus were born on the Sixth. They weren't supposed to be doing anything with the lyctoral process, but you know how Shawn is...and Gus is always a step behind. You know how they're "Ride or Die"? Well, Shawn is just smart enough ("...a brilliant mind with no impulse control." -Palamedes, who upon meeting Gideon is eternally but silently grateful that she and Shawn never met) piece together how to become a lyctor just from the available material and a few clever questions to the currently living lyctors without ever stepping foot in Canaan House. Because Shawn's knowledge and understanding of the process is SUPER limited, even more so than Ianthe's when she ate Naberius, they're unaware that one of them's gonna die as part of the process, and it's not going to be the necromancer...which is Gus.
Gus goes along with it because he knows Shawn is going to loop in some other more gullible adept and doesn't want anyone to be dealing with Shawn on one of his hyperfixations that isn't used to dealing with him.
Things are going well...until they aren't, and Shawn realizes he's gonna die, but he figures out how to modify the process while they're in the middle of a failed ascension and they become a lyctor...sorta.
Shawn winds up 'haunting' a now ungodly powerful and immortal Gus. Shawn's spirit is inhabiting Gus' body at the same time as Gus' spirit is "consuming" Shawn's, but since Shawn isn't a braindead result of a transference that's intended to be strictly one way, Shawn is 'eating' Gus' spirit at the same time, creating a cycle where both are feeding each other in perfect lyctoral harmony. They don't twig the Resurrection Beasts because "sin" =/= "dumbass fuckup" and Shawn isn't, strictly speaking, dead. It's a symbiosis rather than a parasitic relationship.
So here these two dumbasses are, neo-lyctors, standing over Shawn's dead body. They figure out that they're going to be so screwed if they're caught and someone figures out what they did, so they destroy the body and bug out as fast as possible...
...landing in the midst of BoE on one of the non-Empire human-occupied systems. They're doing their best to lay low and not twig anyone to the fact that they're from the Empire (Gus, thanks to the neo-lyctorhood, looks like a fine, fit, and dare we say sexy man, so nobody pegs him for a necromancer) and Shawn figures out how to do a fancy kinda-sorta projection where he can actually interact with the physical world while still bonded to Gus.
One day there's a murder nearby and Shawn sees all the clues to figure out who-dun-it, and Gus is all, "Naw, man, they're gonna pick us out as Imperial the second those cops see us!"
Shawn, of course, does everything possible to draw attention to the clues, which catches the attention of (you guessed it) Lassie and his partner. Lasiter is suspicious but can't prove anything because the usual 'tells' for a necromancer or lyctor aren't turning anything up. Shawn feeds Gus some line about some grandparent from a few generations back being an expat from the Empire and so Gus is "able to receive messages from the spirit realm" (just Shawn, obvi) and because they can't prove there's a more direct connection to the Empire than that, the police are forced to let Gus go.
Things play out fairly similar to the pilot of Psych from that point forward, but with Gus having to be the point-man for the whole thing while Shawn is getting better and better at manipulating the world around him, including being able to visually manifest by the time Juliet arrives on-planet. She's one of the refugees of a planet destroyed by a lyctor and is absolutely the best officer ever when it comes to hunting down necros...but since none of her tools or experience include anything like what Shawn and Gus have become, she doesn't figure it out for several years, by which point she's fallen in love with Shawn.
Until we get AtN, I have no idea how this would shake out, but my ideal scenario is somehow Paul and Kirona wind up on this BoE planet that Shawn and Gus are on.
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paradoxcase · 6 months
Chapter 24 of Nona the Ninth
The return of the Gideon skull!
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For the record, that's when I figured out what they had done
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Good news: you finally get to talk face-to-face with your necromancer who you a weirdly intense codependent relationship with and haven't been able to talk to in ages. Bad news: he looks and sounds exactly like Naberius Tern. Do you press the button?
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The whole thing where Corona had to pretend to be a necromancer with Ianthe's help must have really contributed to their relationship being this weird sort of incestuous thing. From the last book I sort of got the impression that Ianthe felt like she was Corona's protector, and from what she said last chapter about still planning some way to be with Corona and the fact that she's been actively searching multiple planets for her, it sounds like she had plans to continue that relationship even after she became a Lyctor. I'm not sure if it was made clear at any point if their parents were in on this whole thing or not, but based on their relationship, I feel like they probably weren't? And maybe if they had discovered that Corona wasn't actually a necromancer, something like the Harrow Nova AU would have happened with her. I bet Corona is now glad to have escaped that situation and she's definitely unhappy with how Ianthe treated/is treating Babs, but she still has this weird and twisted up relationship with her
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I'm not sure what Pyrrha was pretending here? It sounded like she'd told Ianthe what had happened. Or did Ianthe think she still had Lyctor powers, even when she was Pyrrha and not G1deon?
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I'm dying to know what Pyrrha was going to say about Nona's yelling
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I never really stopped and thought about the fact that Mercy must have been the one to make the entropy field. Palamedes calculated that it would result in permanent brain damage for Camilla if he did it, and Gideon probably only survived because she's Gideon, but Mercy and Cristabel must have tested this out at some point, right? Was Cristabel just extra thalergenic or something, or did she suffer permanent brain damage? Or did Mercy not run through the whole test herself? Or does the Eighth House have a natural advantage here as was suggested in Gideon the Ninth?
If blood wards age, and get weaker with age, doesn't that mean that John's blood ward on the Tomb should be pretty worn out now after 10,000 years?
It did seem clear to me that Nona's regeneration was much better than Harrow's was in Harrow the Ninth, but I figured that meant it was just like, regular Lyctor-level regeneration. It's interesting that it's actually faster than Lyctor-level regeneration, which maybe also supports her being Alecto, since John's powers came from Alecto and he seems to be the only person more powerful than the Lyctors. But if I understand correctly, I think Lyctors can survive headshots like the one Nona got, or at least BOE thinks they can, and I can't imagine that they didn't try to headshot a Lyctor at least once, since that seems to be their basic MO for killing necromancers
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I hope this is not foreshadowing for something, but it probably is
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We're 2.75 books into this story and this is the Griddlehark first kiss we get, where Harrow's body is being occupied by someone who definitely isn't Harrow and Gideon is kinda sorta dead and has huge open wounds all down her front
Also, I feel like Nona should be more frightened when a body that she identified as definitely being dead suddenly opens its eyes
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That means that Gideon didn't only uh, wake up, I guess, because Nona arrived and has been mobile and able to brush her teeth for a while, because the only other option is that Ianthe manually brushes her teeth for her, and that seems unlikely
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I really cannot think of a single time when Mercy would have seen Gideon's body. She saw Gideon's eyes at the end of Harrow the Ninth, and recognized them immediately, but I don't think she ever saw Gideon's body at any point? Unless BOE showed it to her that time when she sent Harrow to kill the planet that just happened to be right next to where We Suffer and Co. were and was like, hey, have fun, I'll be back in 4 hours? I guess she showed up at some point during As Yet Unsent to heal Judith, too, which must have been before that point, so maybe she saw it then?
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You punched her out of an airlock, and then she tried to kill you in the incinerator, and then you shot her in the head. This is just how tales of epic romance go in this universe
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This is what it means to love in this story isn't it? To own, to squeeze, to cosset, and to destroy
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Just a guess, but I think John did not in fact allow her to bring Gideon with her and Ianthe just did it anyway
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Is this why people have been saying that Pyrrha must remember the world from before she was resurrected, because she still remembers disco?
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So far necromancer/cavalier relationships have been entirely a social construct, there are different rules for them and different ideas about what they mean and how they work across all nine Houses, and we've had cavaliers that switched necromancers, like Protesilaus, like this isn't a soulmate AU. I don't think there should be anything necromantically binding any particular necromancer to their cavalier unless they've actually Lyctorfied. So I can believe that Ianthe has some special necromantic connection to Babs but I don't think there's any reason for Palamedes to have a special necromantic connection to Camilla? Unless the like one step they took towards Lyctorhood counts? But Harrow was able to use necromancy through Gideon when they did the construct challenge back at Canaan House, and they hadn't taken any steps towards Lyctorhood at that point. Even if the phrase "one flesh, one end" somehow has necromantic power, Harrow and Gideon hadn't said that to each other yet at that point
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Ianthe put a ward of some kind on her a while back, I wonder if that is protecting her from Number Seven somewhat?
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I hope that's like, Nona describing ribs, and not actual teeth in her chest, because why would they be there? It can't have been a modification that John made, because Palamedes claims that her wounds are the same as they were earlier
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That does confirm that the only reason Corona came to the barracks was to get Ianthe to put that ward on Judith
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Ok, I have a prediction now, which is that since Nona is probably Alecto, or at least mostly Alecto, with maybe some Gideon and/or Harrow residue, when they go to open the Tomb the thing that Pyrrha was afraid of earlier where Nona's soul gets vacuumed out of her body into Gideon is actually going to happen for real with Alecto, and then they will have to try to figure out how to get Harrow's soul back into her body before it dies, and probably also have to deal with Alecto waking up as herself, whatever that turns out to mean
Which is probably why the next book is called Alecto the Ninth
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I like how the one thing that breaks her out of pretending to be dead is the thought of getting poked with a needle, haha
So now I have to wonder though, what kind of partly-dead state is she actually in now? And why has she been pretending to be dead? I doubt she would be on Ianthe's side of things and she considers all of these people friends, except for Judith probably
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nonas-third-tantrum · 2 years
responding to questions, comments, and concerns about the tlt twitter au
1. harrow’s twitter presence
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both excellent points. I doubt gideon would let harrow tweet from her account though (gideon likes to maintain a certain persona and harrow would ruin it), and imo harrow is a grammar bitch yes but also prefers the lowercase aesthetic. she contains multitudes (literally).
2. nona eating a worm
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obsessed with all of these. love how important it is to you all that we clarify nona’s stance on worm eating. concerned about the tumblr user who would let nona eat them. let’s say that nona would put the worm in her mouth for safekeeping and then accidentally swallow it. unless the worm was ianthe in which case she might eat it intentionally, but maybe not if she knew how important worm!ianthe was to coronabeth.
3. the sexpal account
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some of you went 'it's time to defend palamedes sextus' and others went 'it's time to theorize about who runs the account' and you're all so valid. the concept of nona, pyrrha, and camilla running the account is hilarious to me. I did consider that pal might have made it himself, but he is simply too smart to mix up twt and google or make an account without triple checking that it's private. agreed that camilla hect should be canonized, for the above stated reasons and many others.
4. jod
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thank you for seeing my vision. of course the former twitch streamer turned self-made god who thinks he created a utopia because there's no internet would be Like That
5. misc.
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I'll leave it up to interpretation whether corona's life coach side hustle is affiliated with BOE or some other organization. both are funny. women can do it all
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comfiecore · 2 years
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More boe!gideon au . the girls bonding* (gideon wanted to see an necromancer in action and still thinks bones are lame)
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senseoftheday · 8 months
out of context & unedited snippets from the WIP Not Quite Shining/Ren Faire AU companion fic where also BoE is a punk band:
All of this bullshit is on top of the fact that the suit is fucking gold. It hurts to look at. When Gideon twists, it reflects on the walls. The leather bow-tie is at least pretty snazzy, and Gideon reminds herself that it’s far better than the suit with the flippy sequins that her father made her wear when she was twenty-one and impressionable. (That had been before Cytherea hauled ass to Barcelona to go cougar some impressionable Spanish girls, and she’d used it as an excuse to run her hands up Gideon’s back and arms to draw patterns on it. Twenty-one-year-old Gideon had been horrifyingly into it, but then Ianthe had drawn a dick on her back and things had only gone downhill from there.)
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partage de galeries!
hello! j'ai trouvé l'initiative de @nuitdhiverasa super cool (merci à toi pour ce partage 💜), je me permets donc de rassembler les galeries que j'ai déjà partagé sur un même post. je viendrai en ajouter au fur et à mesure. 💜✨
cindy mello (1, 2 ) // benjamin voisin (1) // gideon adlon (1) // mikey madison (1,2) // martin sensmeier (1) // jessica matten (1) // maka monture paki (1) // sage atankahe (1) // shondina lee (1) // braydee cardinal (1) // grace dove (1) // d'pharaoh woon a tai (1) // quannah chasinghorse (1) // mia goth (1) // kawennáhere devery jacobs (1) // khadijha red-thunder (1) // keyla monterroso mejia (1) // lily yeung (1) // talaysay campo (1) // willow allen (1) // amber midthunder (1) // memegwans johnson-owl (1) // thomas weatherall (1) // tia wood (1) // priscilla quintana (1) // alex meraz (1) // chanee grosser (1) // tatyana perry (1) // dandara queiroz (1) // anouchka gauthier (1) // charlie puth (1) // jonathan eap (1) // sián lilly (1) //  kim yoojung (1) // sabrina carpenter (1, 2,3,4,5) // cha eun woo (1) // dope saint jude (1) // grace van patten (1) // kaia gerber (1) // shin ryu-jin (1) // lee do hyun (1) // kim tae ri (1) // ashton wood (1,2) // jannis niewöhner (1; not mine, 2) // telma zorrilla-masurel (1) // anya chalotra (1) // kennedy walsh (1) // sasha trautvein (1) // dove cameron (1) // chance perdomo (1) // lee chaeryeong (1,2) // angelina michelle (1) // josie totah (1) // kristine froseth (1) // alisha boe (1) // imogen waterhouse (1) // francesca corney (1) // guy remmers (1) // aubri ibrag (1, 2) // maia cotton (1,2) // tom blyth (1)
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quinnorion · 5 months
Vu que j'ai changé de blog, les avatars que j'avais postés sur le précédent ne sont plus (sauf s'ils ont été reblogués quelque part) donc je poste cette petite liste avec mes (anciennes) galeries pour d'éventuel.les intéressé.e.s.
Adeline Rudolph
Adria Arjona
Alisha Boe
Andy Blossom
Anya Chalotra
Anya Taylor Joy
Ashley Moore
Aslihan Malbora
Aubri Ibrag
Boran Kuzum
Bruna Marquezine
Burak Çelik
Callum Turner
Camila Morrone ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 )
Carla Guetta
Cenit Nadir
Charleen Weiss
Davika Hoorne
Gideon Adlon
Go Minsi ( 1 / 2)
Grace Van Patten ( 1 / 2 )
Hannah Dodd
Jessica Alexander ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 )
Jodie Comer
Jonetta Kaiser
Kim Jennie
Kim Yoojung ( 1 / 2 )
Laura Harrier
Lauren De Graaf
Lucy Boynton
Madelyn Cline ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 )
Maia Cotton
Mara Lafontan ( 1 / 2 )
Mel Jarnson
Natasha Liu Bordizzo
Neelam Gill
Nikkita Chadha
NiNi ( 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 )
Oliver Jackson Cohen
Rafaella Consentino
Renata Notni ( 1 / 2 )
Rubina Dyan
Sabrina Carpenter
Savannah Lee Smith
Simone Ashley
Sobhita Dhulipala ( 1 / 2 / 3 )
Sydney Park
Tati Gabrielle
Taylor Lashae
Taylor Russell
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g1deonthefirst · 7 months
i feel like a good way to incorporate wake into a modern au could be by having her as gideon's egg donor/surrogate; she's still alive & probably kicking around with BOE, she's just Not Gideon's Mom (and Gideon could still have those thorny twisted feelings with a living woman!)
i think this is a really interesting idea! it does a decent job of capturing the way that wake carried gideon but simultaneously doesn't seem to feel like her mother at all. it does raise the question of surrogate for who? if i were writing a modern au that i wanted to parallel canon i think my instinct would be to have gideon be the result of an unwanted pregnancy where wake couldn't get an abortion — but personally to me what's more important than why wake had gideon or even whether or not she raised her in a modern au is just highlighting that they both have complicated feelings about each other and that wake is a fully-formed person outside of her relation to gideon. what really pisses me off is when people kill off wake and also have gideon feel absolutely nothing about it, which i think does a disservice to both their characters.
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notedchampagne · 3 months
Is now the right time to ask even though it was a while ago about the Pyrrhawake pirate au you did😭I still think about it the designs were soooo good
teehee id gladly speak about it! a lot of these are cooypasted from discord so its a little disorganized but anyway
btw this au is now called nonapelagic zone. "The pelagic zone includes all ocean waters away from shores. The term pelagic is derived from the Greek word pelagos, meaning "open sea."" and they have nine seas now just because
in this au necromancy is a thing. harrowhark has a literal skeleton crew and gideons onboard it as a sort of prisoner as well
before gideon was with harrow she was raised by john like his little princess. she does rapier and normal swords because she needs the enrichment but god shes so depressed. one day she grabs some of johns money and tries to get one of his boats to ride around on. maybe to never come back in maybe to die in she doesnt care. then harrow ransacks her. kiris held hostage and made to swab the decks because she might be the prince BUT. shes not staying on that boat doing nothing
harrow has a davy jones type thing going on with alecto, who is kept in a well in brackish water underneath johns castle. harrows been looking for alecto for years
the other ship groups on here are pyrrhawake (broken up bc wakes in prison), the rest of boe (riding with pal and cam because theyre on their own atlantic type adventure to go to islands and log research), and the tridentarii (they are rich and have a silly yacht)
boe is a group of smaller ships with the hopers, wakers etc and they all have an "alliance" but only out of mutual distaste. all the houses are Lands but ninth was a little shitty island so after the death of harrows parents she took her loyal ones and made a ship
wake stole one of johns ships and ransacked him a few times before. she also sinks his other ships for the hell of it until she got captured and is behind bars. pyrrhas been trying to get her back
pyrrhas ship temporarily took over harrows and thats when pyr bonded with gideon, then returned her to john so that she could sneak in and release wake. a beautiful reunion + betrayal combo
some years later kiri runs away AGAIN. shes really truly so desperate bc johns trying to set her up for marriage to the third to see if itll make her normal. shes on the boats shes about to go off but then she sees a boat explode. and then another. hi wake. you picked a bad time to try and leave gideon. her revenge era where shes really intent on racking up bodies
gideon gets onto wakes ship, realizes shes her mom and that shes crazy, takes her leave and dips before she gets killed. she finds harrow in a cave with a little tattered sailboat still searching for alecto
harrow: aww. did the prince try to kill herself again
gideon: yes
harrow: say it
gideon: i dont WANT to go on your stupid ship
harrow: i will cut your blood on the tide pools and watch the sharks cut you holes
gideon: SHUT UP!!! just give me the fucking mop and a sword ok
after a few more brief adventurings w the sixth and second (john sent them to find kiriona) they go back to johns castle and harrow tries to rescue alecto, chained to the bottom of a well
you have to do cpr on alecto to wake her up harrow keeps trying to swim down there but ooooh. its so deep. shes trapped shes asleep harrow has to hold her breath and breathe it into her and then come back up alive. its tough
gideon comes in now because its been 2 hours and harrows not back and she finds alecto out and harrow half dead. harrow breathes life into alecto gideon does cpr on harrow ok. ok. its the rituals
meanwhile the sixth have been speedrunning treason in the bg like a fun cameo. theyve been imprisoned too and they helped griddlehark break out
johns mad at them i think this is about as far as it goes. alectos free YAY
there was a previous sidequest where the fourth are baby sailors trying to capture gh and they had to fucking return them back to land where theyre allied w the fifth laaaame
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