#bodyguard verse
songsformonkeys · 1 year
Saying I love you through a movie (Javi G x Bodyguard!reader)
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Month: April
Word count: ~2800
Warnings: Spoilers for a movie that came out in 1992
Notes: Javi takes his bodyguard camping and tries to express his feelings through a movie. Part of the Bodyguard!verse. Find the rest of it on my masterlist
Beta read by my wonderful @yespolkadotkitty <3
The rest of the Year of Creation stories
You really should have seen this coming.
Javi had brought up the idea of going on a camping trip a few weeks back – during a screening of The Blair Witch Project, that you very much regretted having agreed to – and you'd barely let him finish the sentence before telling him: ”No! Absolutely not!”
It wasn't even primarily about the movie, although you couldn't say that it inspired the same desire in you to venture into the woods as it apparently had in your boss. There was just no way you would let Javi stay in a flimsy fabric tent in the middle of nowhere and pretend that you had any chance in Hell of keeping him safe.
Javi had protested, because of course he had. He'd tried to persuade you using both his patented puppy eyes and sad sighing. But against all odds – perhaps aided by the horrified screams from the movie in the background – you had held your ground. Few things sounded less tempting than a massacre in the woods.
The fact that Javi had actually given up soon after, with nothing but a dejected sigh, really should have given you pause.
But you had pridefully chalked it up to the firmness of your voice having been able to inspire some extra sense of respect for authority in Javi. Even if he had an arsenal of tricks to try and convince you to let him do things he wanted to, he always listened to you when it actually mattered.
Except for when it came to camping trips, apparently.
The deception was revealed weeks later when Javi had asked to go for a walk in the garden after dinner. That in itself wasn't anything unusual. Javi often asked you to join him on his evening strolls. It was a sort of routine that had been going on for months now. Javi said the fresh air helped him think and work through whatever creative hurdle he was currently struggling with.
He used you as a sounding board for his thoughts and ideas, though your participation was a very passive one. You weren't educated enough in the field to actually give any useful creative advice, so mostly you just listened. But Javi always thanked you at the end of the walks, as if your contribution had been invaluable.
And with all this in mind, you didn't find it particularly odd when Javi reached over with a tap to your bicep to get your attention and asked if you wanted to go with him.
It wasn't odd. The quick exchange of a look between your colleagues, however...
You were certain that you had seen them glance at each other, out of the corner of your eye, but when you turned to face them, there had been no trace of anything out of the ordinary. Just the usual easy-going conversation that always flowed around the dinner table in Javi's house.
Feeling somewhat paranoid and doubting yourself, you'd stood up to follow Javi outside. If you checked that your gun was properly holstered one extra time, you made sure to do it when you were out of sight from the others.
You spotted the baby blue atrocity beneath one of the stone walls well before Javi had the decency to confess to his crimes, and you almost grabbed him to pull him behind you, before it properly registered what it was that you were seeing. Then you stopped dead in your tracks and turned away from the tent to give Javi an outraged look.
In return, he gave you an innocently hopeful smile.
”Javi...” you said, voice halfway between disbelieving and weary.
”Hear me out,” Javi said quickly, holding his hands up as if surrendering, even if you realized he had no plans whatsoever to do just that. He never had. This much was becoming more and more evident as Javi looked like he was preparing to deliver a well-rehearsed speech.”You said no when I asked because it was not safe. This... this is safe.”
You opened your mouth to protest but Javi made a tsking noise and snapped his fingers like you were a dog. You would have gotten offended if your brain wasn't partially occupied with trying to figure out how the Hell Javi had managed to orchestrate this whole thing without you knowing. He was usually an open book and it was quite frankly a bit concerning that he had managed to pull a fast one on you like this.
Javi's next words pulled you back to the here and now.
”The others have promised to watch the garden all night. There are so many cameras. I would not be safer in my bed.”
The others...
You didn't say anything. Technically, Javi was probably correct. But recruiting the others to help trick you was still a low blow and not something you approved of at all.
Javi looked at you with pleading eyes.
”Please,” he told you. ”I've never been camping. I just wanted to go, this one time.”
In the end, it was the please that did it. Every fucking time...
You fished your cell phone out of your pocket, hitting speed dial. It only rang once before Manolo picked up.
”I want an extra security sweep of the garden,” you told him, ignoring the surprised laugh from Javi in the background. ”And I want all the motion sensors switched on, and there better be two eyes glued to the feed until we're back in the house in the morning.”
”You got it, boss!” came the reply and you could hear the bastard smirk. You let out a steadying breath through your nose.
”Oh, and Manolo,” you said. “Fuck you!”
There was laughter on the other end of the line when you hung up.
Looking up, you were met with the brightest grin, and something inside you did a weird somersault.
”Come on,” you told him, voice softening, but still adding an empty threat: ”Before I change my mind.”
The tent Javi had bought was nothing too flashy, but big enough for two people to be able to sleep without twisting themselves into pretzels, which was a point in its favor.
When Javi crawled inside, you noticed two backpacks – one looking suspiciously like your own – and two thick sleeping bags, along with a pile of pillows and blankets. Thankfully, all of them sans the face of Nicolas Cage. No tent would be big enough to share with that face. The pillow you had been gifted when you started working for Javi still haunted you from the deepest part of your closet. It was only out of consideration for Javi's feelings that it hadn't been burnt.
All in all, the tent looked very comfortable. You were by no means a stranger to spending nights in a tent or sleeping on the ground, and this looked to be as close to cozy as you would get while sleeping outdoors.
It quickly became clear that while you were more than happy with the level of comfort of this sleeping arrangement, the same could not be said for Mr. Javi Gutierrez.
Since you had entered the tent, you didn't think he'd been still for more than a couple of seconds. He was tossing and turning on his side of the tent, huffing out annoyed breaths when no position seemed to offer the comfort he wanted.
”There are perfectly good beds in the house,” you eventually suggested.
”No,” Javi replied stubbornly. ”I just...” He moved again.
You decided to take pity on him, even though he had very much brought this on himself.
”Here, let me...” you said, waving a hand at him. ”Roll up against the wall.”
Javi did as he was told and you pushed your sleeping bag over to his side for extra padding. You wouldn't be using it anyway, because the maniac next to you had brought sleeping bags fit for Arctic climate to a camping trip in Mallorca in April. You'd boil alive sleeping inside one of those. The heap of blankets Javi had also brought would be more than enough to keep you warm through the night.
”Better?” you asked when Javi rolled back onto the now two sleeping bags.
”Won't you need it?” Javi asked, actually sounding concerned, which made you want to reach over to smooth out the furrow that had formed between his eyebrows.
”I've slept in far worse places,” you assured him. ”This is fine.”
Javi didn't look entirely pleased with that answer but he seemed to decide to let it slide, for now.
”You want to watch a movie?” he suggested instead and the tone with which he asked piqued your interest. There was a note of nervousness, which was unusual when Javi spoke about movies.
”Sure,” you said, raising an eyebrow in question.
Javi didn't provide any further details, just nodded and brought out his iPad. Seeming to avoid your gaze, he started tapping away at the screen, and you decided that whatever he was up to, it most likely wouldn't result in any actual danger. Worst case, you were in for another horror movie. 
So while Javi decided on which movie he wanted to watch, you let your head fall back against your pillow and brought up your phone to check in with the house.
Less than ten seconds after you had sent the message, Manolo replied and gave the all-clear, along with a request to please relax and just enjoy having the evening off.
During the exchange, Javi had finished setting up the movie. Rolling over to face him, you realized too late that with the iPad propped up against Javi's backpack like that, there was only one way to arrange yourselves for both of you to be able to see the screen.
You were proven correct a moment later when Javi laid down and scooted back a little, effectively turning himself into the little spoon in front of you. You tensed up, and Javi must have noticed because he asked ”Is this okay?” with his feet bumping nervously against yours. And you wanted to tell him ”No” because nothing about this situation was technically okay, considering he was in fact your boss.
Instead, you heard your traitorous mouth answer the question with a slightly hoarse ”Yeah. It's fine.”
That seemed to relax Javi at least. Not you.
You were suddenly acutely aware of your arm and where to put it. It was balancing awkwardly on your own thigh, a safe distance from where the soft blue fabric of Javi's shirt dipped slightly at his waist.
When Javi started the movie, you were too preoccupied with the proximity of your bodies to immediately register just which movie that was.
The name Kevin Costner appeared on screen and there was something at the back of your mind, some vague sort of recognition. It clicked when his name was closely followed by Whitney Houston's.
The Bodyguard. You were about to watch The Bodyguard.
Closing your eyes, you held back the sigh before it could pass between your lips. Javi would notice. And he would say something about it. Something you wouldn't know how to reply to. It would be better if you pretend not to notice. If you just watched the movie in silence, ignoring any and all similarities to your real lives.
You envied Frank Farmer with an unflattering intensity that might have left your cheeks with a faint tint of green. Along with it came a bitter feeling that – if you were perfectly honest – was just as much aimed at yourself as the fictional character on the small screen in front of you.
Logically, you were fully aware that what you were watching was nothing but a Hollywood spectacle, a series of events where someone had already decided on a satisfying enough ending to justify the journey and the events that led up to it, a story where even the mistakes served a purpose and no fuck up was big enough to cause irreparable damage.
Still, you both envied and resented Frank for how easily he seemed to give in to the flirtations of the person he was supposed to keep safe and alive. Especially, when it took every fiber of your being to stop yourself from doing just the same, to stop yourself leaning forward to brush your lips over the tanned skin just below the curls at the nape of Javi's neck.
It would be the easiest thing and the hardest thing in the world at once. Not because you were worried Javi would push you away, but because you knew that he wouldn’t. And the two of you didn't have the Hollywood assurance that everything would turn out OK in the end, didn't have the guarantee that giving into months' worth of developing feelings wouldn't be just the thing that – maybe not today or tomorrow, but some day – caused the death of the gentle man in front of you that, against all odds, had taken a liking to you as well.
You were hired to protect, and in Javi's case, it had turned out that meant to protect him both from external threats but also from himself and his bleeding heart.
So when Javi shifted to move even closer, you put your hand at his waist, not to pull him in but to stop him.
”I'm not Kevin Costner,” you told him and Javi let out a sad chuckle.
”No,” he said, ”You're better.”
You agreed - even if better probably meant different things for you and Javi - and the limitations that came with being better pained you. You were better. You had to be.
Javi didn't say anything more after that. Not until the twist in the movie where it was revealed who had hired the hitman to kill Rachel.
”I can't believe someone would betray their family like that,” he whispered, as if not to interrupt what was happening on screen.
You didn't have the heart to tell him that you could absolutely believe it and that, if murder statistics were taken into consideration, the sister had been the most likely suspect right from the start. You'd seen it many times over, the things that people were willing to do to their supposed family. The fact that Javi couldn't even fathom such a thing as a possibility was a constant worry at the back of your mind. He was too trusting. Always too goddamn trusting!
The ending of the movie was, in your opinion, the most realistic thing about the whole story. Whatever the characters had didn't last. Of course, it didn't. It was nothing but a silly fantasy to think that it ever could. There were too many things besides feelings to take into consideration.
Whitney Houston sang about love and you wanted to break the iPad because Javi started singing along. It was quiet and out of tune but you heard every ”I love you” so clearly, and you knew it was not a coincidence.
Nails dug into your palms as you tightly clenched your hands into fists. Pain to distract yourself from the unbidden images of rolling Javi onto his back to...no!
You just needed to hold out a little longer, just until the song stopped and the end credits had finished rolling.
But Javi surprised you by reaching forward to turn off the iPad in the middle of the credits, when the last note of I Will Always Love You rang out. It was out of character and you realized that you had approximately 2 seconds to react before Javi did something you would both regret.
So you sat up.
”We should get some sleep,” you told him, pretending to look for something in your backpack. ”It's late.”
You waited until you heard Javi shifting back to his own side of the tent, and felt like a complete asshole.
Immensely grateful for the complete darkness of the tent, you laid back down, rolling over onto your side, facing away from Javi. You didn't want to see the rejection on his face, or worse, have him realize that the pain was mirrored on your own face as well.
It was better for him to stop trying and just let you protect him.
As if reading your mind, Javi spoke from the other side of the tent a few moments later, in the gentlest voice imaginable.
”You could do both. I know you could.”
You pretended not to have heard him but stared into the darkness long after you heard him fall asleep behind you.
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miguelsslvt · 1 year
SO AFTER READING your ... Miguel smut 😩✊ which is so freaking good and I wanted to ask if you can make an bodyguard/brat tramer !Miguel x FM/sassybrat!reader PLS I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE PLS SMUT please I'm on my knee on this idea like pls imagine Miguel trying n to do his job but FMbrat!reader wouldn't stay put and bend her over any surface and GO ABOUSTLY *Feral*ON her not giving READER ANY BREAK ! ONLY making her an moaning MESS while SAYING such thing like
"Oh? ..f-fu..So... This will shu-fu-ck!~....You so tight huh? You like when.!-.. I treat you like a...~!*fucking*slut" *"Mis extremas*" ( I use Google translate I'm so sorry if it wrong pls correct me I am!😭)
🗣🗣🗣🗣😩😩✊I CANT I NEED THIS PLS GURLL!.mother I love your writing🙌
(Im definitely a normal think about this man ,Miguel ohara)
bodyguard! brat tamer! miguel x brat! reader smut
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word count: 445
TW: hugely nsfw, hair pulling, overstimulation, creampie.
A/N: SWEETHEART I FEEL YOU!! i was so excited to do this request because as a brat myself, i love this concept so much. brat tamer miguel has my heart djhisdjdgkl!! anyways, welcome to the club! ^^
god, did you regret not listening to his warning sooner. you were in the kitchen, whining as usual.
'no! i don't want to go see my dad!!' 'y/n your father wants to make sure y-' 'i don't care! who are you for me to listen to!? you aren't anyone special!' you whined. god, you were such a princess.
'still not anyone special am i, sweetheart? because i-.. ay coño... i think i'm the one fucking you so hard you can't focus right now.~' he said behind your ear, as you held onto the kitchen counter for dear life. you were a moaning mess, eyes rolled back as miguel relentlessly plowed his way into you.
'aww poor princess.. can't even process a single word other then my name hm?~' he teased, pulling your hair back as you let out a squeal. 'm-miguel!! p-lease~ g-gonna-' 'oh no no muñeca.. only good girls get to cum. and i don't think you've been good have you?' he mocked, as you moaned in response, drool spilling from your mouth. miguel let out a light chuckle.
'aw look at you, you're lucky your dad let me to take care of you, hm? i wonder what he would think if he saw you like this.. all blabbering nonsense as your bodyguard fucks some sense into you~'
god, you couldn't feel anything. you were close, so close. but you knew that if you'd cum, miguel would make this so much worse then it had to be. even though you liked a challenge, you couldn't even form words to think right now, let alone another punishment.
'i-i'll b-be g-good! i-i swear!' you cried out, a moaning mess as tears and drool fell down your face, down to your neck. your hair stuck onto your forehead, as the restr was held by miguel's strong hand, where his other was on your hip, guiding you deeper onto his 9 inches.
'good? yeah? you'll be good for me muñeca?' he panted, feeling his climax arising. 'm-mhm!! y-yes- m-miguel ple-ase!~' you moaned out, as he let go of your hair and started to play with your clit.
you were practically chanting 'yes, please, miguel' as if your life depended on it. 'g-gonna..! i- m-miguel-' 'shh.. cum for me sweetheart, i know i know, you've been too good for me to not let you cum.' he said, as with that, you broke.
as your pussy spasmed around his cock, miguel let out a loud groan as he came moments after you, filling you. you gasped for air, as he panted with you.
wait, didn't your dad request to see you earlier? is that a knock on the door?!
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bunmuffin · 1 year
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One less problematic customer to deal with 😌
Security - Me Viper - @tuzesdays​ Charlie - @cacaocheri​
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natrogersfics · 2 months
Always Remember Us This Way - A Romanogers AU
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Artwork by @faith2nyc Part of the So It Goes... 'verse
Heels click against the marble, and it’s not until Steve’s own feet are moving that he realizes how attuned he’s grown to the sound, following suit without so much as a second thought and stationing himself by the closest pillar. Before him is the vast expanse of the newly renovated penthouse floor of Red Guardian’s Midtown property, its far most wall made entirely of glass windows boasting a panoramic view of the sun setting over Manhattan’s skyline and providing the perfect backdrop behind Natasha as she makes her way to the sprawling bar. Loki and Ophelia trail not too far behind her, and momentarily, he lets his eyes drift to the latter.
He hadn’t learned much else about the woman from the report Maria Hill, his contact at the FBI, had given him. There were some rumblings about her tendency to be tactless, but given the social circles she runs in, that hardly comes as a surprise to him. Nevertheless, her lack thereof of any criminal history did wonders for assuaging his concerns about this last-minute meeting – especially in light of the venue change from Natasha’s office to here.
“As you could probably tell from the gray and gold veining,” Natasha begins, looking at Ophelia as she traces the surface of the counter with a finger. “This is made entirely out of Calacatta imported from Italy. Now, obviously, this bar is intended for refreshments, but given that slabs like these are rare, I was thinking-”
“That it’d make a great backdrop for my products,” Ophelia finishes for her, and though her back is to him, he can tell from her tone that she’s clearly impressed.
“It could be a nice touch if your team is planning on taking some flat lays for your socials,” Natasha says. Her tone is cool and casual, but he catches the way the corner of her mouth quirks ever so slightly, her tell that she knows she’s on the right track. 
And she’s right. He doesn’t have to see Ophelia’s expression to know that the woman is already sold on the idea. She may not be aware of it, but what she’s currently experiencing is Natasha Romanoff in her element, and he’s observed enough of her meetings to know that it’s all but impossible to walk away from her, uncharmed, when she’s dialed in like this.
It’s as Natasha leads the way towards the center of the room, talking about the craftsmanship of the pair of chandeliers hanging from the ceiling that he brings a hand up to the side of his face, tapping on his earpiece. “Give me a floor run down.”
Sam’s response comes a second later. “Floor below is clear. As is the lobby.”
“And the construction site across the street?”
“I have eyes on it,” Clint pipes in. “Lots of workers, but no suspicious activity so far.”
“Copy that. Thank you, both.”
Some semblance of relief washes over him as he puts his mic back on mute. By all accounts, he knows that having two members of his team run surveillance during a routine client meeting is overkill. He’s lost count of the number of times he’s accompanied Natasha to site visits just like this one, and never once has he required backup. Nevertheless, as he thinks back to the events that have occurred since they returned home, the part of him that believes that it’s always better to be safe than sorry can’t help but roar loudly.
It was instant, the way he knew something was wrong when he and Natasha walked down the steps of the jet to be greeted by the stoic faces of his team. Sam was the first to speak, informing them both that out of an abundance of caution, they would be taking Natasha back to her suite at The Empire instead of her apartment. It was on the car ride over that the team had started to brief them, and while his gut began to sink as he listened to their theory that someone had been keeping tabs on Natasha’s apartment while they’d been abroad, it wasn’t until he was presented with the letters – letters that were similar to the ones Natasha’s father had shared with him when he’d first sought his services – that he felt his blood run cold.
Finding the culprit had become their team’s primary focus in the days that followed, the intensity with which they had treated the objective reminiscent only of his days running covert operations in the Army. With confirmation that Natasha’s initial stalker was still incarcerated, they had set out to ID another suspect, exhausting every avenue from the CCTV footage from her apartment to leveraging what contacts they had in law enforcement. His patience (and quite frankly, his sanity) was beginning to run thin when a week had passed and they had yet to find any concrete leads, the four walls of his office becoming unwantedly too familiar to him as he spent his nights obsessively poring over all the information the team could gather, trying to piece it all together. It’s the most time he’s spent at his desk, and while he normally hated being confined to a space, he found it difficult to peel himself away. It was one thing to protect Natasha from the unknown. That was always going to be a challenge. What he couldn’t stomach, however, was how he had let a horror from her past haunt her once more.
The breakthrough they’d been desperately searching for finally arrived a few days later when a forensic analyst from the NYPD was able to confirm a handwriting match from a previous case. “I was never going to harm her,” he recalls the suspect, Sonny Burch, saying with that distinct drawl of his as he watched the authorities interrogate him from behind the one-way glass at the precinct. “I just wanted to know that if I wanted to, I could,” Burch added, unable to conceal his sickening joy. “And now I do.”
Burch was far from the criminal mastermind he’d been picturing, the man’s gel-stiffened combover that gleamed under the fluorescent lights making him look more like a caricature of a villain than anything else. And though the pursuit of infamy may have been Burch’s only objective, it made no difference to him. Physically harming Natasha may allegedly not have been in his plans, but in sending her those letters, Burch had drudged up one of the worst experiences of her life, and that was enough for him to want to see him behind bars.
He wants to say that knowing Burch has been apprehended helped him sleep better at night, but that would only be a half truth. Perhaps justice had been served. But if there’s anything the incident had highlighted even deeper for him, it’s that danger continues to lurk, and now, more than ever, it’s clear that he needs to keep his eyes open.
“Was there anything else you’d like to see Ms. Sarkissian?”
Loki’s question breaks him out of his reverie, and he blinks to see the trio of them walking towards the front of the room. Silently, he follows, finding his post close to the elevator when they pause just a few feet away.
“No, I think I’ve seen everything I needed to see,” Ophelia says, a pleased smile forming on her lips. “I look forward to Viper Cosmetics inaugurating Red Guardian’s newest space in the Spring.”
Natasha shares a glance with Loki before beaming back at her. “As do we.”
“Wonderful,” Ophelia says, adjusting her purse on her wrist. “And again, I do apologize for having to make a hasty exit, but I have to run to my next appointment. That being said, I’ll have my team contact yours to discuss getting a contract together.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Loki says, offering his arm out to her. “Allow me to escort you downstairs?”
“Please,” Ophelia says, linking arms with Loki, who begins to lead her towards the elevator.
He takes a step forward to get the button when he catches Loki gesturing for him to stop, and with a nod of acknowledgement, he unmutes his mic instead. “Client is on their way down.”
The elevator dings just as he hears Sam’s affirmative in his ear, confirming that he’s already stationed at the lobby. Loki and Ophelia step inside, the latter sending another smile at Natasha, who’s come to stand next to him. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Natasha.”
“You too, Ophelia,” Natasha says as the doors begin to slide closed. They wait for the hum of the elevator as it begins to descend, and it’s as the numbers on the panel above start to decrease that Natasha turns to him, eyes expectant. “So, what do you think?”
He shrugs. “She’s demurer than I expected,” he says. “Compared to her online presence, at least. But as far being a threat goes… what?”
“I meant about the deal,” she says, and though she looks away, he catches the way her expression falls. 
“Oh,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Well, you have her ready to draw up a contract after your first meeting. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a home run.”
“Yeah,” she says. “Yeah, I guess it is.”
“Her company is going to be a great addition to your client list,” he adds, taking note of her less than enthusiastic response. “I’m sure the board will be thrilled.”
When she looks back at him, the smile she flashes his way doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Would be nice to get them off my back for a few days, wouldn’t it?”
His brows furrow in concern as she turns away from him to walk to the credenza where she’d set her belongings at the beginning of the meeting. It would be easy to ascribe her sudden forlornness on her being worried about the board watching her every move. But that’s a perpetual worry for her as long as she’s in this job, and he knows that for the most part, it’s something she’s incredibly adept at coping with. Whatever it is that’s weighing on her now, it certainly has nothing to do with work.
“Natasha,” he says, coming up behind her as she slips her tablet back into her purse. His hands fall to her shoulders when she doesn’t respond, and he frowns when he feels how stiff they are. “Tell me what you need.” He slides his hands down her arms, nearly breathing a sigh of relief when she leans back against him, melting into his touch. “If you’re tired, I can ask Daisy to book an appointment with your masseuse.”
She hums at the thought. “Tell her to call my bodyguard while she’s at it,” she mutters. “Tell him I miss him.”  
His hands still at her words. “Hey,” he says, gently turning her so their eyes can meet, only to find the emotion in hers difficult to pin down. “I’ve been right here.”
“Physically, maybe…” She pauses, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip – the way she always does when she’s hesitant. A beat passes before she sighs. “But Steve, ever since the letters-”
“Nat,” he interjects, “I-”
“I know you’re just doing your job,” she concedes with a nod. “But then there’s your job, and then there’s… you and me.” She shakes her head. “I just worry that maybe it’s beginning to be too much.”
“What? Natasha, no,” he says firmly. “That’s not it. Not in the slightest.”
“Then why have you been keeping your distance from me?” she says, giving up any pretense of hiding her frustration now.
It’s then that he sees it – the hurt in her eyes that’s clear as day. The anguish that’s been lingering from the moment they got back home, he realizes, flashing every single time he’s left her in the care of someone else to go and dive right back into the case. He had mistaken it for fear of the situation, and in his determination to never see that emotion on her face ever again, it seems he’s only made it worse.
“I didn’t mean to,” he says, his eyes turning downcast as a curse slips from his lips. “But you having to see those letters again? Having to relive…” He shakes his head, refusing to even voice the words. “I guess I stayed away because I’ve been feeling so ashamed.”
“Ashamed?” she repeats, only to cup his face in her hand when he nods. “None of that was your fault, Steve.”
“I failed you,” he says, swallowing the lump that’s formed in his throat.
“No, you didn’t.”
With a shake of his head, he pulls away from her. “It happened under my watch-”
“And it’s under your watch that it got resolved,” she insists, sighing when he doesn’t look quite convinced. “Hey, listen to me. I won’t downplay the fact that the world’s a dangerous place, Steve. We both know that. But when the facts tell us that this time around, the danger is just a lunatic looking for some fame? We need to leave it at that and count putting him away as a win.” She steps closer to him, imploring him to meet her gaze. “Otherwise, we’re just living life afraid, and I don’t want that… And I know you don’t, either.”
His eyes fall shut at that, huffing out a breath that’s long and winded. Despite his never ending list of worries, he knows that she’s right. While he couldn’t stand the idea of any kind of harm coming to her, protecting her has always been about making her feel safe enough to live her life the way she wants to. It was never about keeping her in a gilded cage or making her privy to and fearful of all the dangers that lie ahead – something his actions had inadvertently done in the weeks since this all unfolded.
“I’m sorry, Nat,” he says, and for the first time in weeks, he allows himself to give into his urge to pull her into his arms. She goes willingly, burrowing her head in his chest as he wraps his arms around her. He drops a kiss to the crown of her head, breathing in the scent of her shampoo. “If something happened to you...”
She pulls away just enough to look up at him. “You would never let anything happen to me.”
Her words take him back to the very first time she had uttered them to him, her hand in his as she sat in the bathtub that night after they’d finally given into their desire for one another. He recalls the certainty in her eyes then, certainty that’s only somehow been fortified as she stares at him now, even after everything that’s occurred. “You said you trusted me… Did you mean that?” 
“I mean every word I tell you,” she says solemnly, then in the same breath, she allows mischief to flicker in her expression. “Well, almost every word.” He arches a brow at that, and as she rests her palms flat on his chest, she juts her lower lip out in a playful pout. “I said you would never let anything happen to me, but seems you have no problem letting me miss you.”
He scoffs, amusement pulling his lips up into a smile. “A demented sociopath was running amuck and that’s what you were worried about?” Her shoulders lift in a nonchalant shrug, prompting him to chuckle. “Your mind, Miss Romanoff, is always in the gutter.”
“Weeks, Rogers,” she whispers, pulling him closer by his tie and looking up at him from underneath the fan of her darkened lashes. “I’ve been missing you for weeks.”  
A quip makes its way to the tip of his tongue, but before he can say it, he’s interrupted by Sam’s voice in his ear. “There’s a pileup on the BQE, Cap. Barnes will be late for his shift, but I’ll fill in until he makes it out.”
Natasha stiffens in his hold, confirmation that with their proximity, she heard Sam’s words loud and clear. “Don’t bother,” he replies, running a hand reassuringly down her back. “I’ll take the night shift.” She smiles widely at that, and as Sam voices his confirmation, he takes off earpiece for good measure as he adds, “Seems I have weeks to make up for." 
“Bold of you to assume you can make up for all that time in one night," she says, smirking. 
He tips his chin up at that, the corners of his lips quirking when he catches the little breath she takes in. 
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bxtonpxss · 20 days
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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what’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
Neya & Thor are the only two applicable options here when it comes to things outside platonic/familial relationships. Opacho is 5 and Jack is also just a baby, but she's like best frienemies with Faolan. I know when you hear OTP its usually referring to romance but I'm super big on platonic relationships being OTPs!
That being said Neya x chemistry, she's not overly complex but Neya is a kind-hearted and deeply supportive type of character who despite often being in situations where she's in way over her head, is willing to persevere and overcome whatever obstacle that may be, especially when it involves people she cares about! If our characters build a relationship through our writing then I will never say no to it! This also applies to Thor! They have a good relationship built through us writing together and/or chatting about stuff via messages I'll never say no.
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Pretty much anything, except you know the obvious and universal no no's.
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Hoo boy ok. So, Neya, for her era (and the author even states this in the manga) at 16 she's considered an adult. On that alone I'd do 2 years younger and 4 years older cause I'm just trying to think of how it'd be from her time period. Now, this ONLY applies specifically for [main verse || itsuwaribito] when she's in her canon universe or some other feudal-era settings. I understand she's still 16 and other people don't vibe with that, I don't force anything on people (at least not intentionally, if you ever feel like I write something that makes you uncomfortable please tell me!) and romance is never my first or main priority, I like crushes/gradual friends to dating/lovers etc when writing anyway. This also obvi needs to be discussed first cause duh. Also, I'm fine with like 'x character looks 16/17 but is actually 100+ years old' (I’m an Inuyasha girly uwu, so we love a good demon/immortal s/o pairing).
For the verse where she's stuck in the future, [verse || under a rock] she is by modern-day laws legally underage. I'd go for 2 at most maybe 3 years older, 1 year younger. For the sub-main verse set at the end of the series with her running her village [verse || nanushi] she's canonically an adult there so I can deal with 10 years older or whatever and when it comes to the monsters/demons/immortal characters, so long as both parties are consenting adults it's cool!
Thor's a talking rodent. He's adult age and would be considered a young adult by human standards I suppose. So as long as the other creature is adult-aged it wouldn't matter to him. I can't put too much thought into this one, trying to make the math make sense is gonna hurt my brain, but obviously NO child-age creatures.
are you selective when shipping?
Can't really say, like excluding Coschu x Surgechu, which happened gradually through jubilantsparks and I's constant gushing about our chus via DMs I've never really shipped seriously with anyone else before so I can't really give an honest opinion about it *kanye shrug*
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
When they start undressing and getting real handsy, but none of that will ever be happening here so no need to worry!
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
For Thor, specifically in his Lt. Surge Raichu verse (affectionately shortened to Surgechu) I shipped him with jubilantsparks' Fem!Pikachu OC Elysia who had a Cosplay Pikachu verse (affectionately shortened to Coschu). Coschu x Surgechu was fun and I miss them :') Also, Thor and Elysia in general were my favorite platonic OTP that could have easily become romantic cause they loved and cared for each other so much as best friends who could have just as easily become something more if they wanted to </3
NeRiya with Jade's Iriya . We've had many discussions about this enemies-to-friends/maybe more slow burn/redemption arc for Iriya. I cherish it deeply and Iriya deserved better than what he got in canon ; n ;
does one have to ask to ship with you?
Hmm, not really? I have a very chill and go-with-the-flow type of mindset when it comes to building relationships and shipping in general. The more our characters interact, get to know each other and the closer they become the better! If there's ever a certain aspect of their relationship you wanna discuss with me privately or plot, then just shoot me a message!
Also, I never assume anything so if you're invested off the rip in wanting to pursue the ship beyond them being friends then once again just message me. I'm here to have fun and write with folks, so go for it I will most likely never say no lmao. Crushes on Neya or Thor are also 100% ok, even if it's one-sided I have no problems with it, you don't even gotta ask me for that.
how often do you like to ship?
I've only had two (2) actual ships during my entire time here on this site. I have a bad case of anxiety brain when it actually comes to shipping and I never wanna assume or push anyone into doing anything so it's rare I ever approach. I'll just sit and vibe and settle with my time in the friendzone while making up scenarios in my head like the dork I am.
are you multiship?
Ok, after getting some answers on what multishipping is from an RP standpoint, I want to say yes I am. I'd have no issues with having multiple ship partners. Every character interaction is like in their own separate universes so like I can't understand limiting myself as a single ship. This is subject to change but like I said, I barely have any shipping experience.
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
More-or-less! As stated above I don't really ask or approach first for ships soooo if it happens it happens. I'm down for shipping off of chemistry through a gradually built relationship!
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
ooh chile I'm in a bunch of fandoms lol so I'll just go with the fandoms for my muses specifically. For Pkmn it'll always be ShinHika/Paul x Dawn/ Ikarishipping. Pokeani can pry that dynamic from my cold dead hands.
I like all the potential pairings within Utsuho's group, but that'd be too much to list. Gin x Kin, Neya x Uzume, Neya x Hikae, Hikae x Iwashi.
For SK I was a sucker for Hao x Tamao back in the day. It still could've been cute if Takei didn't turn Tamao into Anna 2.0. I find her whole personality shift weird.
finally, how does one ship with you?
Just write with me! I don't care how many asks or threads we end up having. I cannot reiterate how much I adore relationship building in writing. We write enough threads together and our characters grow to like each other or something I'm 100% down to clown! Also, If you don't suffer from perpetual cold feet like me, just shoot me an IM and let's talk about it! Easy peasy, promise I don't bite!
Nabbed from: @gamenu initially, but I've been seeing other moots do it too! Tagging: @sillymuses, @lostusagis, @museguided, @despairforme, + anyone who sees this!
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
Think AFO would introduce Torino to his cool new son Tomura he found for free off the side of the road
this was AFO's initial plan in dad fails of the week, chapter 6. because CLEARLY the biggest issue lingering between them was the lack of a pitiable child to bandage the relationship, and considering his husband's attachment to the Shimura woman, doesn't Tomura fix both issues???
(and then Toshinori practically domed AFO, at which point AFO switched courses to bodysnatch Tomura instead. "it's not weird," AFO insists. "look, the body even has the Shimura woman's smile!")
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enderon · 10 months
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I like this bit cause not only does it mention Kururu's demotion (though I think the translation got the ranks wrong?) but it shows Garuru being principled. Could easily wipe the floor with Kururu, but it would be an unfair fight.
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everyday I pray for someone pick my bodyguard cherik AU prompt/idea and write a beautiful fic 🥹
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 10 months
guys imagine:
knight!reader x transgirl!princess!miguel
reader is like really strong and stuff and adored by all the women in the village, but then they get chosen as a knight for princess mariana
basically a royalty bodyguard au ✨
@ace-and-sleepdeprived @chessbox @darksidescorner @hoe-bie @i-put-the-wit-in-dimwit @jasontoddssuper @skullghoulz @sp1derw1re @spiderxpawz @thecrowandtherose @the-cat-and-the-birdie @spidey-bie
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sweetfirebird · 9 months
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... seven if you count today, as some might. Anyway.
A Suitable Captive, less than a week now!!!
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mechahero · 2 months
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//Quick sketch of the result I got from this wheel earlier. Deeply hilarious that out of all the gems Lambda got assigned out of that generator, it had to be a Sapphire LMAO
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natrogersfics · 2 months
PREVIEW - Always Remember Us This Way (Romanogers AU)
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Artwork by @faith2nyc Part III of the So It Goes... 'verse
“These are the occupancy numbers for the month?”
Natasha’s lips curl up into a smirk as Loki peruses the latest report on the tablet. “Try the entire Summer.”
Loki’s eyes dart to her. “You don’t say,” he says, a smile spreading across his face when she nods in confirmation. He hands the tablet back, and the pride that fills his expression is difficult to miss as he leans back against the couch cushions. “Seems our little experiment is working.”
“Maybe a little,” she says, causing them both to chuckle.
If working meant blowing projections out of the water, then that’s absolutely what their experiment – that is, throwing rolling, invitation-only events at each revamped Red Guardian property – is currently doing. Their Las Vegas property had benefited from a surge of bookings following the opening of the Red Room, and if there’s anything she’s gleaned from the sudden resurgence of their once ailing asset, it’s that there’s still cache in the hotels that her parents had built. The waning interest of their patrons in recent years had nothing to do with them tiring of their prime locations but with the predictable, cookie-cutter experiences they were offering. After all, luxury hotels on the Strip were a dime a dozen in Sin City. But crown one with an ultra-exclusive rooftop club and suddenly everyone is clamoring for an invitation.
Needless to say, they had taken that concept and ran with it, applying it next to Red Guardian’s hotel in Milan. Following the rebuild of its grand ballroom and the subsequent Masquerade Ball that Loki’s company had arranged with every celebrity and socialite in attendance, what was once considered a hemorrhaging outpost in their portfolio is now a go-to destination in the North of Italy – a fact she’ll happily highlight at her next meeting with the board.
“So, where to next?” Loki asks, spreading his arms across the back of the couch. “Tokyo? Dubai? Oh, what about Ibiza?” He sighs. “A couple of glasses of tinto de Verano under the Iberian sun sounds heavenly right about now.”
“Are we picking our next project or your next vacation?” she says with a scoff.
Loki rolls his eyes. “One day, darling, you will learn to play as hard as you work.”
“Who’s to say I don’t?”
Intrigue colors Loki’s face, but before he can ask one of the hundreds of questions she knows is already forming in his mind, a knock causes them both to look towards the doorway of her living room to see Steve standing there, a folder clutched between his fingers.
“Mr. Rogers,” Loki greets cheerfully. “How nice of you to join us.”
“Mr. Laufeyson,” Steve says, and she doesn’t miss the way his tone sounds more formal than usual. She offers him a little smile when he turns her way, but it does nothing to dislodge his humorless expression. “When you have a minute, I’d like to go over the preliminary background check for your potential client.”
“The one who requested to meet with us tomorrow?” Loki clarifies before she can respond, earning a nod from Steve. “Since when do we run background checks on clients?”
“Since it’s become clear that security’s been a little too lax as of late,” Steve says, to which Loki arches a brow at. “Safety isn’t something we’re going to trivialize.”
“We can go over that report right now,” she says before Loki can say anything more, tapping his foot with her own in an attempt to get the man to shut up. From her periphery, she catches the confused stare Loki sends her way, but she ignores it as she directs Steve’s attention back to her. “We’re just about done here anyway.”
Steve walks further into the living room at that, stopping just in front of her coffee table to hand her the folder. As she opens it up, Loki scoots closer to her, peering over her shoulder as they both study the picture clipped to the corner of the report. The woman in the image couldn’t be much older than she is, her striking features breathtaking. Everything from her flawless, porcelain skin to her gray eyes that are wide and piercing – a stark contrast to the dark curls cascading down her shoulders – made for an intriguing sight.
“Her name is Viper?” she asks as she unclips the photo to read the rest of the information on the page.
“Yes and no,” Steve says, prompting her arch a brow. “Viper is her online persona, but her real name is Ophelia Sarkissian.” He gestures towards the rest of the report. “If you turn a few pages, there are some screenshots from her social media profiles. She made a name for herself by reviewing cosmetics for the eleven million followers she has across all platforms.”
Loki lets out a low whistle. “That’s quite a following.”
“Which is why she may be looking to capitalize on it,” Steve says. “She recently filed an LLC for a company called Viper Cosmetics.”
“Finally putting her doctorate to use,” she notes, reading over Ophelia’s accomplishments that include multiple PhDs on top of being a board-certified chemist. “Filing for an LLC is literally step one in putting up a company, though. Why would she want to meet with us already?”
“Probably to secure a venue for her when she’s ready to launch,” Steve says. “Between Vegas and Milan, the uptick in your occupancy has been all over the news.”
She rolls her lips, considering the thought before looking at Loki. “She’s not our usual clientele.”
“True, but it could be a good way to get our hands into that industry,” Loki offers.
“I suppose,” she says. “What else do we know about her?”
“At the moment, not much more than what’s in that file,” Steve admits, a hint of frustration slipping into his voice. “But like I said, this is just a preliminary check. The team and I haven’t found anything online that’s raised any red flags either, so as long as the meeting is in our territory, we don’t see an issue with tomorrow’s meeting.”
“I trust you,” she says, watching the way the tension in his shoulders ease ever so slightly at her words.
The faintest of smiles cross his lips, and she’s glad when that softens his worry-hardened expression. “I’ve also reached out to my contact at the FBI to see if she can find anything. Just in case.”
“Well,” Loki says, “I, for one, already feel very safe.”
This time, she doesn’t even think twice about joining Steve in sending him a glare, shaking her head when Loki only whips out his phone in response, scrolling through it unbothered. She looks back at Steve. “You’ll let me know if she finds anything?”
“Of course,” he says, checking his watch. “I’m actually going to meet with her this evening. Sam’s right at the door, but I’ll be in first thing in the morning.”
“Oh, okay,” she says, feeling a sudden wave of disappointment at the idea. Even so, she musters a smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“Goodnight,” he says before turning to leave.
She watches his figure retreat down the hall until it disappears from her view as he turns the corner, and it’s only when the telltale sound of the front door opening and then clicking shut fills the room that Loki turns to her. “Has he always had that stick up his ass or did he put one up there today just for me?”
She leans her head back, sighing. “He’s been this way since we got back.”
“You’ve been back for weeks,” Loki says, smirking as he adds, “I thought he’d be a giant ball of sunshine after your little side trip.” She turns to him to send a glare his way. Needing someone to confide in after the events in Vegas, she’d told him about the true nature of her relationship with Steve. And while in hindsight, she should’ve known her best friend could not help but meddle, she was still a touch surprised when he’d admitted in return that he had some hand in setting things in motion. Nevertheless, she’s glad to have someone to talk to about all of this now – even if she is, at present, regretting the decision as she catches the mischievous glint that sparkles in Loki’s eyes. “Did you two have your first little domestic up in the mountains?”
“No, it’s nothing like that. Those three days…” she trails, reminiscing. “Well, they were perfect.”
She isn’t even being hyperbolic. Short as the trip they had decided to take after the event in Milan was, there really isn’t any other word to describe the days she and Steve spent alone together in her cabin in the Alps. With her phone forgotten in the deepest crevice of her luggage, it’s as though time spanned endlessly, allowing them to explore every nook and cranny of the little remote village they found themselves in. And with no one to recognize her, there hadn’t been a need for them to hide. They spent the days walking in and out of the quaint shops, sipping on mulled wine, and stealing kisses as they huddled for warmth. Then as the night rolled around, they would find themselves retiring by the fire, where they would talk and laugh and eventually find their way into each other’s arms again. Those days were nothing short of blissful, and she couldn’t think of a time where she’d felt so happy. So complete.
“What’s changed then?” Loki asks.
She sighs, recalling the exact moment in the car ride back home from the airport where she felt their euphoric little bubble burst right in the backseat of the SUV. “When we got home, his team told us that someone had sent me letters,” she says. “They were similar to the ones my stalker had sent me in the past.”
“Natasha,” Loki says, every trace of his upbeat mood gone as he sits up straighter, grabbing her hand. “Are you alright? If you’re in danger again-”
“I’m okay, Loki,” she says, finding that she truly does mean her words as she squeezes his hand back in reassurance. She’d been paralyzed with fear the first time she’d received those letters, and even more so when that maniac had found a way to corner her in the elevator bank way back when. But things are different now. She’s capable of fighting back, of protecting herself. And now she has Steve, who along with his team, she trusts whole-heartedly to never let anything like that happen to her again. “The guy’s been apprehended. Steve… well, he and his team made sure of it.”
“I’m relieved,” Loki says. “Though I suspect he isn’t.”
She shakes her head, running a hand tiredly over her face. “He’s been… distant?” she says, trying the word out for size. “He’s here, watching me and our surroundings like a hawk, but at the same time it feels like he’s a million miles away.”
“He cares about you. Deeply.”
“And I feel the same way about him,” she says, her answer coming to her almost instantly before she finds herself admitting the one thought that’s been weighing on her since the jet touched down in Teterboro last week. “I just wish we never came home.”
A beat of silence hangs over them before Loki sighs. “Natasha,” he says, “I understand why the two of you have been keeping things under the radar, but… would it really be the worst thing? The two of you out in the open?”
For a moment, she can only stare at her friend, contemplating his question. “I don’t know,” she says eventually.
Full chapter coming soon...
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quccninchains · 1 month
| @kingmaketh sent: you look more beautiful with each day you carry my child. 💚
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{☾} She stood in the mirror, her shirt lifted up to just over her belly as she watches her reflection. She's never felt so...comfortable in her body than she does right now. Her life, since being paraded around as an actress from the age of four, had been all diets and weigh-ins. Maintaining a certain weight and body physique, punishing herself in the gym if she ever overindulged--even a little.
In the past, she would've BALKED at the reflection looking back at her. But now, she just feels...joy. Contentment. Happiness.
Alicent glances up, her hands resting on the swell of her belly, to look at her partner and beam. Her cheeks warm, as they're oft to do when Criston was around. "You're sweet," she hums, leaning back against his chest, one hand leaving her belly to rest against his hip. Though she was only six months along, she was ready to meet their daughter.
"Mmm...she's kicking again. I have a feeling it's because you're plying me with sweet compliments," she teases, leaning her head back to look at his face.
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Just updating my Raipunzel RP/ficlet list with @xiaolindude/@xiaolintease for our own reference.
-Dragon of Light -Home Is Where Your Ass Is [COMPLETE] -Nova Scotia (ficlet) -Building Up Walls [COMPLETE] -Is This Okay? (ficlet) -Not a Nightmare... (ficlet, 18+ for s.exual content) -Diffident Diversions (18+ for s.exual content) -Suns Out, Guns Out (18+, for s.exual dialogue)[COMPLETE] -Cramp (ficlet, 18+ for s.exual content) -Lucky 13 (18+ for s.exual content)[COMPLETE] -You Can't Save Me (18+ for violence and potentially triggering themes)[COMPLETE] -Catch (ficlet, 18+ for s.exual content) -You're An Asshole But I Love You (starter) -The Balance of Waiting (18+, for s.exual content)[COMPLETE] -Mind Games (18+, for some s.exual content and several dark and potentially triggering themes) -I Want You to Want Me (18+, for s.exual content)[COMPLETE] -Rum Soaked Sunset -Negative Head Space -Something's Gotta Give -Stolen Studies (18+, for s.exual content) -The Intimacy of Hands - prompt (ficlet, 18+ for potentially triggering themes)[NOTE: Is not "canon" to this AU, but still takes place in it]
Bodyguard AU:
-Nowhere Safer -You Worry Too Much [COMPLETE] -Freefall (18+, for s.exual content) -Closeted Desires (18+, for s.exual content) -Jealousy (18+, for s.exual content) -Silence and Patience (18+, for s.exual content) -Another Inch of Your Life Sacrificed (18+, for s.exual content and potentially triggering themes) -One Year Kissaversasry -Behind Closed Doors (18+, for s.exual content) -The Sweetest Dessert (18+, for s.exual content) -I Choose You -Back In Rio - prompt
Futbol AU:
-Charitable Contributions -Sign On the Line - prompt -My Every Thought Is of This Being True -Reopened Wounds (18+, for s.exual content and potentially triggering themes) -Christmas EmergencEve (18+, for s.exual content and potentially triggering themes) -Fall Apart to Reunite (18+, for s.exual content) -Flight to Catch -Nothing Will Burn Us Out (starter) -We Don't Talk About Trauma - prompt
Tempting Scandal AU:
-Teach Me to Be More Adaptive (18+, for s.exual content and potentially triggering themes) -The Intimacy of Hands - prompt (ficlet)
"Villain" Rai AU:
-New to Rio, New to the World [COMPLETE] -Secretly On Your Side [COMPLETE] -A Guy Like You Should Wear a Warning (18+, for s.exual content)
Verses we've plotted but not RP'd in yet
Heylin Kids
Pirate AU
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alabonshay · 16 days
The guard had been stuck to Evergreen's side since she had entered society as Lady. Through the gardens, through the woods, at the near corner of every ball, along the dirty streets of the perilous Old World, during the height of the social Season, Aurora loomed by her side. Although Lady Evergreen did not see the nervous looks of her acquaintances as they talked and laughed together, she knew how guarded they were. She knew how they shuffled around, how their fingers tapped at their drinks, how they always looked back to the same corner. How some jokes were never finished, out of fear of being understood the wrong way.
Lady Evergreen had been smiling a moment ago, out on the lawn, glittering with lights, and the gentle murmur of the partygoers. She was about to tell Aurora a story, as if a friend. Now, the Lady watched in horror as a shape of pink frills and lace cowered in the grass, at her rabid dog's mercy.
Yes, the Lady felt the tug on her pocket-watch. The other must have caught on her chain. No, there wasn't a chance her mother's heirloom was being stolen from her. It wouldn't be, not in such a safe place. She did not recognize this dendie, but that hardly mattered.
She balled her fists, her heart twisting for the innocent. Her muscular shoulders strained against her silk evening coat. She was not as useless as everyone said. Why did Aurora always ruin everything? Why couldn't she ever have a moment of peace? Why was it that no one thought she could take care of herself?
"Let go!" she shouted, "Let go!" Lady Evergreen launched towards Aurora like a cannon shot, attempting to tackle her.
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shinobinvku · 9 months
The Academy is putting together an event called Shinobi Career Day, where several shinobi of various titles will speak for today’s class, giving the students a brief demonstration of the job variety one could have after graduation. Raidou agreed to take Genma’s place as a guest speaker in exchange for extra time off duty, but as the day arrived, he was beginning to feel reluctant about his task. 
Starter for @irukasenseii || Iruka
As an elite bodyguard to the Hokage, Raidou had little qualms performing his job or relaying information to colleagues on the fly, but having to speak to a classroom of children was another thing entirely. No wonder Genma dumbed this task on him! They say that public speaking is a person’s number one fear. 
It’s been a long time since his Academy days. What would the students find most interesting about his job title? 
He arrives thirty minutes early before the event begins, wanting to speak with the classroom instructor beforehand. Much to his surprise, Raidou realizes that the teacher is none other than a former Academy classmate, Umino Iruka. 
❝Hey, Umino-san, it’s been awhile! ❞ Raidou says, a crooked smile widening his lips. ❝ It’s good to see you again. I didn’t know you were an instructor here. ❞Truthfully, it was a touch embarrassing to have not stayed in touch, but so much has happened since they were boys in school. Raidou was one of the older kids in the class the younger ones looked up to as their senpai.
❝ How’ve you been? I’m here to speak during your class today. Is there anything I should know about before it’s my turn? Things I shouldn’t say and whatnot?  ❞
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