athleticperfection1 · 5 months
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American bobsledder Riley Tejcek
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l00k4tm4m45c415 · 2 months
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Gea Johnson
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ldagence-sports · 2 months
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Lolo Jones - American Athlete and Bobsledder ★彡𝓛𝓓ミ★
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kmscb · 2 years
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Simon Dunn passed away. Australian bobsledder, in the Olympics. First out gay man to do so. Gay champion. But rough times the last few months may have led to him giving up. Very sad...
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bufffamouspeeps · 1 year
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Lolo Jones
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our-b3cka · 2 years
Would it be cheating if one member of a bobsled team didn’t have legs?
You could just toss him in the sled while you’re running, idk?
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sadiie · 2 years
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petit-papillion · 3 months
"I wasn't expecting such fervour in Monaco, but I think Charles Leclerc has brought us a bit of a crowd."
Monegasque bobsledder and Olympic torch bearer Rudy Rinaldi
Olympic torch relay in Monaco | 18 June 2024
Source: La Gazette de Monaco
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dailyzineprompt · 3 months
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Daily Zine Prompt:
July 6
Tell us about some lingo you use in an expertise or subculture. What terminology do bobsledders use that I, a non-bobsledder, wouldn't understand?
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kickingitwithkirk · 1 year
Greetings from Austin
Summary: Jensen and Jared are at odds over a monumental decision that changes their lives in a way they couldn’t have envisioned.
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Alpha!Jared Padalecki x Omega!OFC
Word Count: 2161
Warnings: a/b/o, J2 are married/mated, homophobia, bisexuality, biphobia, outdated beliefs, angst, cursing, jealousy, depression/anxiety, medical stuff, sexual dysfunction, infertility, IVF, surrogacy, subgender inequality
*additional warnings to be added in future parts.
Square filled: Non-traditional Alpha Traits @spnabobingo Maid Au @spnaubingo
A/N: Here we go again with one my weird as hell dreams, series Inspired by this art.
A/N II: There is no intentional hate or malevolence intended towards any of the Ackles or Padalecki families. This is a purely fictional piece containing real and created persons/names/events set in the fictional A/B/O verse. Some dates/events altered to fit story.
A/N III: thank you to everyone for hanging in there since it’s taken me ages to drop a new character, I’ve been doing rewrites/updating on all my series, more to come in future.
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
*divider by @writeyourmindaway​​​​​​
*images found online
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Part IV
“I gotta go,” tossing his phone on the bedside table, Jared, wearing his blessed socks, runs across the main room and slides on the hardwood floor into the kitchen and saw his husband standing three feet from Quinn as she’s vigorously gesturing with a paring knife while telling him off in her colorful language.
“Put the knife down!” The older Alpha’s voice resonates through the room, making Jared flinch, feeling the command’s power, watching Quinn set it on the counter and Jensen reach over, sliding it towards him.
She stood a bit longer before blinking in confusion, and then her demeanor shifted to madder than a wet hen, her natural lower voice dropped another octave, and the lilt became very pronounced. “Don’t ya’ ever use that fucking voice on me again!” 
“You were threatening me with a knife!” Jensen picks up the item, making her laugh, “Holy fucking shit, are ya’ serious? Ya’ could barely use it for a toothpick, let alone...” 
Jared stood there, mouth hanging open, have’n seen others take on his mate, wrongfully assuming he’d be the easier of the two to intimidate, but when let off its leash, Jensen's wolf made Dean Winchester look like a pussy cat.
The younger Alpha's mouth snapped shut, “sorry, what?”
“I asked you what the surrogate is doing here?”
“The surrogate has a name.” 
 “What is Quinn doing here?”
 “So..uh..okay,” Jared slowly starts around the island doing his sometimes awkward, hesitant thing.  “A few days ago, I got a call from this number I didn’t recognize. It was about the ultrasound appointment scheduled while you were in LA.” 
He paused to see if Jensen remembered, and yep, his mate was wearing his get to the fucking point expression.
“They informed me she’d canceled it because she was leaving town.” 
Jensen's attention returned to the O, ”Don’t fucking start on me again, Ackles!”
“You know who I am?” 
“Duh, Sherlock!” 
Jensen would later try to justify it was jet lag and surprise finding their surrogate in their home, not her smart-ass mouth, for snarling at her.
“Och, save it for the cameras, drama queen. Ya’ put pants on just like the rest of us; the only difference is yours have designer labels.”
Jared interrupted the speeding downhill faster than an Olympic bobsledder situation, “I remembered her saying something about managing Mulroney’s Bookstore, so I called Clif to see if he’d get her to contact me and calls back saying some Alpha...” 
“...who’s a flaming jackass!”
“Yeah, that’s what Clif called him. Anyways, he claimed to be the manager and had no idea where she was when another employee said they knew where she was living...”
“... that’s when ya’ boy shows up..”
“…I explained about the mixup...”
“…Padalecki followed me to my room to get the new date, then he caused a scene...”
“...I couldn’t help my wolf freaking out at where my..our pups were living...”
“…told ya’ it was there or the I-35 underpass!”
Jared bristled at the reminder, “The door had three locks, a barely functional heater, and a broken fridge. Cockroaches wouldn’t even live there!”
Quinn raises onto the balls of her feet and loudly reminds him about putting her in the shitter with the manager and getting fired when Jared shouts back in his booming voice, “there was a guy by the ice machine offering to sell me heroin!!”
“ENOUGH!” Jensen's Alpha voice echoes throughout the kitchen, quieting them both.
“She’s right,” Jared opened his mouth to retort, but Jensen countered with, “And so are you. Quinn, couldn’t your family help,” the Alphas wrinkled their noses at her souring scent, so he attempted another approach. 
“I want to clear something up. I recall one of the stipulations for surrogates is that they reside in an appropriate domicile. Why were you living in a motel? Could you tell us what happened?”
“The flaming jackass tipped off the landlord I’m an O, and that fucker evicted me even though I never caused any problem or was late with rent.”
“There is a moratorium on evictions..”
“..that moratorium is a fucking joke!”  
“What a minute,” Jensen said, and at the same time, Jared remarked, “It protects people...”
“Newsflash, Mr. Wizard, was created by and for the protection of Alphas and Betas! Take a hot minute to read the fine print, and you’ll find loopholes granting landlords, to quote, discretionary privileges pertaining to the eviction of those designated with the sub-gender Omega. In other words, they can boot O’s for any damn reason!” She gave the Alphas a hard stare, “So, enlighten me as to why y’all didn’t know a fucking thing about that bit?”
The kitchen got quiet as the Alphas glanced at each other, trying to find a non-assholey-sounding response. “Yeah, that’s what I thought; since it’s well known you two prefer Betas.” Quinn addressed the older Alpha.
“Padalecki and I have an arrangement. I keep the house and do meals in exchange for temporary boarding. No need to fret that pretty head of yours, Ackles; I’ll do me damnedest to stay outta the way."
December 23rd                                                                                                   Late Afternoon
Quinn heard Jensen’s surprised greeting covering the stewpot of goulash, slid it into the oven to stay warm, and peeked around the wall and saw him in the foyer hugging a small, older O, then a tall, bald Alpha carrying several bags crossed over to them.
“Let me help you with those, sir,” she offered, taking them couldn’t help but overhear his not-subtle sniff, “Jensen, who’s this?”
“Umm,” Jensen scratched the back of his neck, fumbling for a response, “this is the housekeeper, Quinn.”  His mother-in-law peered inquisitively at the tall Omega before asking, “What happened to your boys' service?”
“I worked for it.”
Gerald Padalecki dubiously eyed the O up and down as she continued. “They pared down the staff, and Jared offered to retain me in exchange for lodging...”
“You live with them?” Gerald barked, “Jensen, that’s unwise considering...”
“Considering what Gerry,” his mate sharply asks, “the boys wouldn’t let someone stay they couldn’t trust.”
 “I normally wouldn’t question their judgment, but she's an unmated O.”
“Whoa,’ Jensen jumped in, “are you suggesting that Jared or I...” 
“Mama..daddy..what’re y’all doing here?” Jared couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice, wrapping his long arms around his mother, “thought you were coming tomorrow.” 
“We decided to surprise you but got it instead.” Gerald’s gruff reply made Jared throw his husband a confused look, catching a whiff of his dad and Jensen, “What’s going on?”
“I bet y’all would like to freshen up after your trip.” Quinn blurted out, “Jensen, would you help me with their luggage, please.”
Taking the car keys, he follows her out the door, remarking, “you think fast, coming up with that story.”
“Ya’ were about to lose ya' shit on your father-in-law, and I didn’t precisely fib, just moved a few facts around,” Quinn shoots back, grabbing a bag while Jensen, fuming, retrieves the other, following her to the guest house.
How could the Alpha he considered his father even think, after everything they’d been through, found his dark thoughts distracted by two simultaneous acts; a deflating blow-up bed and his bewildered husband storming in shouting, “What the fuck was that?”
Jensen ticked his head towards the O and made the finger-in-hole gesture.
 “I’ve gotten that shit since I presented,” the pair look towards Quinn with confused expressions. “Loads of Alphas still carry antiquated beliefs about unmated O’s, and I’m…pick an adjective to fill in the blank.”
“So much for a peaceful holiday,” Jensen grumbled.
“Yeah, too bad ya’ boy stuck his nose where it didn’t belong, right?” Quinn's tone was caustic. “I don’t want to be a bone of contention with ya' family. I’ll figure somewhere else to stay.”
Jared’s wolf simmers under his skin, “How? You have $636.96 in your account. That won’t cover a security deposit, let alone fir..” 
“How the fuck ya’ know what’s in my account?!”
“Your laptop was open...”
“...and ya’ snooped...”
“...I happened to see it...”
“...still not your fucking problem...”
“...you’re carrying my..our pups, that makes it my fucking..”
“...ya’ are the most unfucking...”
“I’m tired of y’alls motherfucking bitching, so shut the fuck up!!” 
Jensen wrinkles his nose, “Dude, dial it down; you’re stinking up the joint! And Quinn, Jared screwed up...”
“I never asked...”
“...doesn’t matter! He's trying to make amends, for fuck sake!” Jensen felt the vein in his left temple throbbing again.
“There will be many people dropping in or staying with us this fucking week, and this is how we’re all going to handle our situation.”
January 15th
“Humph,” Jensen jerked awake, slapping a hand around, and found his phone before cracking an eye open.
7:18 A.M.
Groaning, he dropped face-first into his pillow and wrestled his mates over his head to muffle the noise, but the pearls of his pup's laughter signaled he wouldn’t sleep much longer.
His fuzzy brain's insistence that coffee was more imperative than a shower has Jensen sleepily shuffling around the oversized couches, once again grateful they’d decided to move their bedroom to the main floor, spots the group in the kitchen muttered too damn early.
“That’s a bad word, Daddy,” JJ says, her frown a replica of his, “you owe the swear jar.”
“Your right, Birdie, sorry,” dropping a kiss on top of her and the twins' heads, stepping around them, pouring himself a mug, “remind me to pay it later.” 
Hopping up on the counter, Jensen sips his coffee, savoring the black elixir rolling over his taste buds; he feels the caffeine penetrate his system, working its magic to turn his morning grumpyass into a civilized human watching his brood.
JJ and Arrow are busily festooning Quinn’s long, wonky braided hair with ribbons. Zeppelin and Icarus are sitting on the O’s lap, watching something on his iPad that's precariously balanced against her feet; felt his wolf purr in contentment, starting him when his mate materializes and gives him an odd look.
“Alright, y’all,” hopping off the counter, Jensen scoops up his son and flies him around, making airplane sounds, “Uncle Jeff and Aunt H/W/N will be here soon. What do all of you need to do before going?”
“Brush teeth and hair,” Arrow says, then looks at JJ, “grab our snacks from the fridge,” she reminds her, “and put them into our backpacks.” 
“And do bath break!” Zep giggles as Jensen hands the pup to his mate and quietly says, “I wanna discuss something with Quinn.”
Jared reaches through their bond and finds a placidity in Jensen he hasn’t had for so long, but before he can deduce the causation, he gets distracted by the twins' squeals and escorts the pups upstairs. 
Quinn eyes the older Alpha while securing a hair tie around her long braids, “what the fuck I do this time, Ackles?”
“Jared mentioned something about your leaving..”
“...I know ya' expected me gone before now...”
 “...ya’ know what I expect?” Jensen snaps, mimicking her subtle accent, “I expect you to stop interrupting and let me get something out for fucking once! Now, could we please discuss this without fighting?”
Sitting at the dining room table, she says nothing, watching Jensen refill his coffee, grab another mug, and drops in a spoon of honey before pouring the brewed tea from the kettle, “Ya’ know how I take me tea?”
“I’m not a completely unobservant asshole,” Jensen self-deprecates, “you make a damn good cup of coffee,” he said, carrying both mugs over. “And I’m astonished how you balance everything, working at Emmer and Rye while keeping up with our hectic schedules. And what did you do to Jared?” Quinn looked confused, “you got him to put his wet clothes in the laundry instead of leaving them all over the bath. You’re either a witch or a goddamn miracle worker!”
“I gave him two options. Leave’um in the laundry or find itching powder in his clothing.”
“He’d just borrow my stuff...”
“...he did, once.” 
“So, you?
“Clif said ya’ boy spent the day denying it was jock itch.” 
Jensen was still laughing when the quartet came back downstairs, so Quinn placed both forearms on the table, leaning forward, and spoke softly, “okay, Ackles, the fucks going on with this little tête-à-tête? Cause ya’ been freaked the fuck out the entire time, so,” nodding to her mug, “What’s with the buttering up?”
“It’s about not leaving...”
“Quinns not gonna leave?” Jensen whipped around to find Arrow bouncing excitedly beside him, then she suddenly raced towards the front door, yelling, “Papa Jared, Daddy’s got Quinn to stay with us!”  
Jared stood there scrutinizing the seated duo with an indecipherable expression.
“Looks like ya’ the one dropping me in the shitter this time, Ackles.”
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Part V
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @b3autyfuldisast3r  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Sam/Jared:  @idreamofplaid Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @akshi8278  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl @siospins2
GFA: @babypink224221 @waywardjoy @let-me-luve-you @all-4-wincest @ladysparkles78
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mwbergr6 · 5 months
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Lisa Buckwitz
German Bobsledder
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anexperimentallife · 10 months
It's almost 8 am here now. Got maybe three hours sleep before I woke up coughing around 4 am. Despite that, feeling a little stronger today than yesterday. Although my overall health is in decline, I'm hoping this current bout of bronchitis or whatever is waning.
Eleanor is very understanding about Daddy being sick, but I play with her as much as I'm able. One of her favorite games is "slide down daddy," which is just me laying on my side, them her climbing onto my hip and dropping herself onto the mattress. Low-impact playtime!
Another game she asks for is "car." This is where we sit like bobsledders, with her in front, holding a small stuffie or something as a "steering wheel," with a big stuffie laid across her lap as a dashboard. I bounce us (when the imaginary road is bumpy), lean us from side to side or back or forward, and make tire squealing noises as best I can. I narrate, as well. "Oh, no! There's a doggie in the road! We have to stop!"
When I'm too tired to continue (which doesn't take long), I pretend to open the car door and get out, and suggest a game that doesn't require as much physical activity on my part.
She spends a lot of time when I'm awake just cuddled up against me while she plays learning games on her tablet. (The one I won at SM for being the umpteenth customer.)
I just want to spend as much time with her as possible, and document and preserve every moment, so that if the worst happens, she can see all this when she's older and know how much I love her.
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beefysmorgasbord · 2 years
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Simon Dunn - Australian bobsledder.
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bufffamouspeeps · 2 years
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Lolo Jones
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Olympic Bobsledder and Rugby Star, Simon Dunn (1988 - 2023)
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izatrini · 7 months
Local student makes history as first female bobsledder for Trinidad and Tobago - Moose Jaw Today
Local student makes history as first female bobsledder for Trinidad and Tobago  Moose Jaw Today http://dlvr.it/T3GTTN
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