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Stars & Stripes Hotline [Version 1.01]
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09/07/2006 10:34 AM Total Files Listed:
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Directory of C:\BrigadeFiles\Civilians\JONES_RICHARD.txt
[file data =
Main Alias/Moniker: Rick Jones
Legal Name: Richard Milhous Jones
Other Aliases: Buckaroo, Nowhere_Man, Lodi, Lizard_King, BobbyMcGee, Mr_Blue_Sky, Dancing-Bear
Date of Birth: March 2nd, 1985 (Age: 21)
Status: Alive
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Gender: Cisgender
Height/Weight: 5'9'' (1.75 m) / 165 lbs (74.84 kg)
Hair/Eye Color: Brown / Brown
Timeline (1985 - 1995): I don't like talking about my childhood. Not that I'm ashamed of it, or I have anything to hide. I just never found my story all that marvelous. I've never been the type looking for attention. I just figured if me and the other TBs are cataloging all this sensitive info on everyone else, I may as well stick my neck out along with them. Solidarity, free information. All that jazz.
If my folks were still here to tell this story, they would have told you they met twice. First in spirit, and only in person years later. Both of them went to Woodstock when they were kids. Neither of them were very religious, but they felt there was this "divine nudge," as they put it, that brought them together. To be but two drops in that massive ocean of people, brought together by the concert's message of love and peace, then going off and living full lives apart before being brought back together. Really idealistic people, my folks. I've always envied that.
I was an only child, and they doted on me. My mom was a freelance programmer who worked out of her garage, and it was through her that I first learned my way around a circuit board. My old man taught horticulture at Desert State, but he also played a mean guitar. I learned how to work with the elements through him, and I learned all the oldies from his record collection before I lost all my baby teeth. Between the two of them, I learned about integrity, healthy skepticism, and standing up for the little guy.
Timeline (1995 - 2000): After the accident, I was a hard sell for any potential guardians. After all, a moody kid who's parents just died is a sweetheart. A kid who won't look you in the eye and has a temper about him is a troublemaker. It didn't take long before that label stuck, and I tried joining in on all the other troublemakers. There was one group I ran with when I was twelve I felt I could count on. I counted wrong. One day, when we were out joyriding, I choked. Being put behind the wheel, it brought too many bad vibes from what happened to my folks. They ditched me when the pigs cornered us, and I was thrown in Tempest House.
It wasn't too bad at first. I could give a sour look at the staff, but I never caused any real trouble, so I was off their radar. I didn't make any friends there, either. Still way too bitter about getting ditched before. After a while, something about Tempest didn't sit right. Our food was dirt, the facilities were shoddy. The conditions were substandard, even by the already lowly standards of these types of joints. So I did a little digging. I found out Tempest's headmaster had been personally pocketing most of the budget given and running the place on a pittance.
Unfortunately, I didn't cover my tracks, and the headmaster figured out ally snooping. To keep me quiet, he sought to break my spirit, so he didn't just beat me, and didn't just stow me away in solitary for three days. No, the son of a bitch smashed my old man's guitar right in front of me. That weekend in solitary changed me, alright. All the rage that had smothered me since my folks died focused into a righteous fury. It's been carrying me, in one way or another, ever since. A couple weeks after coming out of solitary, I played nice, shaking off any suspicious minds, before I skipped out in the middle of the night. I went off on my own, but not before I made a house call on that headmaster. The pigs answered an anonymous tip the next morning, and found the man hogtied in his living room, and the security footage of him whooping my ass playing on loop on the TV.
Timeline (2000 - 2003): The next few years were a bit of a zigzag. I probably set my foot everywhere between Seattle to San Antonio. Never really heading any place in particular, and never staying anywhere for too long. If I caught a whiff of some bad business in town, I'd snoop around, and if I dug up something I'd send that dirt to the right people, then split. I'd also just do some digging on my own free time, whenever I could get my hands on the proper tech to do so. If a joint like Tempest could get away with what they did, I could only imagine what the bigger guys were hiding.
I was able to get myself a new guitar after a while, but street performing can only earn you so much. I learned quite a bit of skills to survive back then, but driving still wasn't one of them. One day, though, out in Vegas, I was desperate for cash, and I let a guy get under my skin. Next thing I know, I'm drag-racing into the desert, barely able to see fifteen feet ahead of me. Enough space for a couple of giants to sneak up on two punks doing eighty on a lonely highway. I skidded off-road, but the other guy wasn't so lucky and collided. The brawling of these two brutes continued, barely acting like getting a face-full of car threw them off, but one of them seemed to be trying to avert their destruction away from me, giving me just enough time to gather my bearings and get the hell out of there.
Living on the road, you hear about all sorts of cryptids and close encounters. Bigfoot, of course. Mothman. The Hopkinsville Goblins. The Incredible Hulk was a fresher one, barely five years old. In my private sleuthing, I made a habit out of debunking these types of sightings. Figuring out what were old wives tales, what were cover-ups, what truths were even stranger than fiction. After what I saw that night, or even what I thought I saw in the darkness and confusion of it all, I couldn't let it be. And what I dug up would change everything.
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The list of people I follow is much longer than the list of people following me, so I'm gonna make full use of it.
(Sorry, not sorry)
@crystalpallette @hyriareblog @hyriaven @morphoxiii @corndog-patrol
@mochilicius @meltygears @dreamygear @batfluffs @qwiopty
@rylusussy @neruzou @chocolatechampaign @fds-t @warpstarrie
@goomboat @void0mega @owlelight @carmen-art @nariyahcore
@poppybros-jr @m0x1ez @kirbart90 @zombiecicada @pochirika
@guilherme-rm @v-a-p-o-r-s-m-u-t @nokk0 @eggtempest @mikeahrens
@uzumakiosushi @ghostbny @galacticghoste @meatmel @xx-psych0-rabbit-xx
@lavenderbirchtrees @ansitru @jdzombi @genmuhan @emthimofnight
@arbitriumart @gethoce @cauliarty @sunflowersandcats @aitze
@iratheartist868 @tubulartoasts @sorasumark @siliconcat @brainworms-all-night-long
@malama-art @xuegin @catmask @ggdgart @brightestofcentaurus
@ledgends-of-the-stars @photos-of-space @veinsfullofstars @felinedraco @drakkonyan
@chocokeyboard @pimppasta @ramhamwald09 @skewedcanvas @kacchy
@itz-pandora @rainie-is-seasonchange @kirbyoctournament @giantchasm @ken-yamh
@pand1on @kai-sh1 @teratulip @xxzackattack27xx @notaventura
@dailydigidraw @avaikaofstarfox @risziarts @brucespringsteen @thedoggoboi
@literallyfarah @the-nyan-cat-x3 @ban-pixelart @gummymela @sakaruchibi
@zakeno @teller-of-tragedies @cawffeejelly @chaokocartoons @pixellands
@coalslaw12 @isatwothree @chickenwaffles17 @kajidraws @ashyzzz
@blubblubisdead2me @junebird24 @montereybayaquarium @dandysphinx @blueestardust
@dodifikus @chibitech @cosmicguts @glazedcroissant @creepincrawl
@ghibli-forever @officialelectric @bitepixel @bounceblooms @temmiechang
@spicynoodlearts @onndapixel @moonbeampixels @gaytangle @shencomix
@sharpedgedfool @lavendorii @truejekart @heelbit3 @shye-eclipse
@huyun0 @retrodust @bypandas @kuroiyuki96-art @junie-bugie
@chriskotiesen @pixelartparker @koasku @waythroughtheice @interstella-eyes
@deluxepainting @madychi @go-ichimonji @victorards @schottidev
@copheemoth @chibilicious-nostalgia @askroadtrip @pageis @mysunnyrose
@bdragon1727 @preppion @flinigan @anfuncanny @bobbymcgee
@backtothearcades @seaeees @sabbitabbi @majo-shoujo @erytau
@mhbali1 @magepixels @arcadebroke @livvyglizzy @poltergeist-pixels
@retropiart @pxxplx @goldstarknight @kawaiikimu @emmapixels
@graylure @seppukudoge @chacolacereal @zaebucca @butterberrycafe
@astrawitch @noion-art @came2slide @helmipxl @snapdex
@laikascomet @sauri1861 @momentaryunicorn @little-creature-of-the-day @idrptr0
@renae022 @stardust-specks @ainasge @namatnieks @wonderbuster
@parigrafpix @side-ling @dailykirb @atruedonaldist @universallydelegated
@isaacz @hbystuff @coincrown @nuaahbox @poropo1133
@cutieidel @valenslimess @retrofightingrobot @kimo-nade @virtallytoast
@zuccnini @creature-machine @okosanopixel @shelbiewillhoite @wanderthewood
@mommyscarcass @sodorart @synthwavepoem @6vcr @sirwolficus
@multiprism @zahranw @sonlc @incorrect-star-allies @juless08
@tinydiorama @tornado1992 @star-stages @knolacreative @lowpolyshadow
@taffydragondraws @pixel-maytch @sarurun42 @wind-never-mind @actreoart
@sodaft-potato @astrophysician @seldompathic @ikamera @darkscorpion19
@xeleph @gferamos @rowansugar @zhampip @zonydragon
@rockmangurl @fishynurse @tezzbo @tezzbot @shadowlifeman
@spilledpixelpng @jessbits @glitchedcosmos @ceemi @juicesnatcher
@moriintus @allura-raine @other-subject @qwertgfx @lastandir
@tinyreploid @noirlac @limitiv @salamiinbits @pixelpengu
@storygirl000 @cephalosaur @alyaly @punksnarl @mekkanicalsol
@chronocrump @decafbat @mellodillo @omegachainoboy @sophiesplushies
@sometiktoksarevalid @zarla-s @rozentrue @pinkestmenace @lemonloven
@tworedplants @rasbbe @wkiie @silvers-starrway @rapidhighway
@fourleafisland @reimidy @squidpedia @abloomsdayy @ireallylovefoxes
@foxeseveryhour @goshaag @clarigaricus @kanashino1020 @maepixels
@riftclaw @mel-g-posts @nightmargin @kurosawagin @goku-nba
@nixoon-again @danielasdoodles @starrjoy @dummy-kanji @suchotokki03
@nova-rpv @galaxylover06 @nijyu7 @myymi @cali-kabi
@summermonths @noatpad @webparteez @sixofheartz @crisscrash
@cloverleaf-palette @katsettee @cak3o @pholooo @deciido
@jasminebythebay @deadcyberlink @zinniagalarts @jj-gold-falcon @iemon-pxl
@fermentedgutz @manicyoar @atsr-studios @landsccape @miserymet
@donelywell @kyalbrownart @0vergrowngraveyard @michiriii @nortedwayfinder
@pocketscribbs @crownednova @ampharosee @vani0-18 @hoshinokaabi-secretsanta
@malamiteltd @weirdofish @knairda @awd-eheroes @s-pyder
@poruwiki @airshipsystem @sonicheritageposts @deolkai @jeyrolami
@ybetzarts @rariatoo @wibblus @sonicstormnews @kingsanda
@petday @dark-sweet-muffin @soothifying-sounds-asmr @eloaholiveira @vixitart
@tatck @ne0nthc @karekareo @nerdandjock-comic @dailyfigures
@nerum09 @ecojak @warakami-vaporwave @ksenolog @kladdle-dee
@miscellaneousmao @blumineck @what-is-love-babey-dont-hurt-me @rhubarbes @coolmagoloraskblog
@thehypedbuddy @thestarconqueringtraveler @12neonlit-stage @dystopianscty @haydensmub
@kendo-64 @sammhainnn @wattice @azzie-tangerine @lowrezbonuslevel
@sweets-maoo @mryador @pinkd3mon @greenroze2 @toonyteethy
@beinganegg @starsh0cked @stardustshimmer @nerbos @reallyndacarter
@kirby-manga-translated @hi5-lo5 @lowpolyparrot @processormalfunction @lryla
@magolandandfriends @magical-wishies @icedragonlizard @starflungwaddledee @anubiarts
@fafameow @desultory-novice @notnaruse @anywaymuahahahaha @hoshi-no-mahoroa
@sonicfangamebot @kornart3 @tsuno-mochi @chopp-6467 @cosmic-chat
@rayactive-factory @veveisveryuncool @vadapega @gemapples @gen-toon
@026tuus @paintpanic @artseuki @aseuki @deafeninggardenerpanda
@das-a-kirby-blog @syzekrom @k-eke @peep-po-pi @wisteriabirdstudios
@eganmont @yamujiburo @jareckiworld @sageisnice @jojo-schmo
@makrustic @brandontheoutcast @kikikitsvne @animatedjunkfood @mmbn3d
@bleu-pale @kirbyvolt @muffin-snakes-art @hexh-pixel @johntayjinf
@cultofgalaxy @megamantad @samthecookielord @thevideogameartarchive @diroxide
@pixelpulp @tinybandee @anistarrae @justatoast @butterrrmoth
@mostly-funnytwittertweets @aryelsereio @ziggyfin @kirbydaily @entiqua
@a-spacecadet @itsquakey @mattis-flo @asleep-kat @polliwoggers
@lumsparko @gaako-illust @mleelunsford @sonic-adventure-3 @segacity
@sun-supernova @heckinzeem @zeezu-ix @gorez @pumpkinnkidd
@pixel-jess @70sscifiart @cits-kirby-brainrot @pastelaeqy @rolitae
@raindropsyndrome @ask-prismaknight @crash7733 @youhalfwit @shirasu-umai3
@junesdoodles @eggseabutter @motocross-arts @n30nmoon @camilomujica
@outrundis @star-road18 @antonio0gamer @laser-lance @marshkaleidoscope
@soapdispensersalesman @deegeemin @ratrrriotabandoned @retroburnt @lowpolysonic
@the-cactus-taco @goldiesalmonn @fernsnailz @sacriou @kiriharayuhki
@neoncityburning @ratrrriot @purple-aesthetica @tokyostreetphoto @dinchenix
@socksoinabox @smallpwbbles @madasthyhatter @senden11 @forgottensonicfacts
@centellazul @moonllita @mealbits @lunarcryptik @kidmograph
@eggskie @say0ranarts @timetocrybois @restlessdipstick @superrichie64
@sonicchaoscontrol @skeblinn @5h0w1sh @batfeula @megshrm
@scorchrend @miniiinebulaee @westwing19 @galacticnightz @jencilthepencil
@comickergirl @adaminaart @vinikdev @puppiesandanime @ghibli-collector
@afeelgoodblog @kittenvirus @pixelartjourney @solfinite @sarahboev
@shenanisketches @dunkinbublin @8bitskey @arsvitaest @moawling
@unbreakable-red-riot @wiishu @trash-canned @otapxl @nurapixel
@sawaaa-uwaaa @mudp4wzz @franeridart @yokyoaaa @todoizuocha-week
@destiny-hoodie @bananasandguavas @pennytf @7th-place @kisu-no-hi
@izuochaweek @astradella @spfaucomic @mossy-box @clumxy
@xsega-corex @z-ero-b @playstationpark @somethingtizz @meanbeanzone
@lanawanderwood @sillychiken @savehut @n1tw1t-sk3tch3s @socksboxsketches
@stupidfred0 @arq004sp @pixel-bluewit @kianamosser @mattfdraws
@blue-shrike @eijiroukiriot @doodleduds @aramouto @gotogull
@elenanazaire @pixelesma @samoirax @abonbons @calista-222
@vichi60 @thesoniclibrary @jazzpostsrandomthings @abueloretrowave @topspin-the-fuzzy
@cyberlightstrike @nyurakim @moringmark @twistedchickness @masakist
@xenonb @arinqiart @experiment-t @dormivegliagame @i-like-eyes
@saltmalkin @myartbytes @snakepixel @vaporeonstims @kamiveicht
@feniiku-arts @feniiku @jayaxer @stormte @miitarion
@frogapplesportfolio @techypotatoartist @metal-harbor @thevisualdon @rubystims
@d0d0-b0i @thepinkgalaxy55 @chessboxingstreetwear @warakami @iamblz-tblr
@konami-retro @nintendo-retro @treasure-retro @snk-retro @sega-retro
@capcom-art @dreamyaster @namelesschris @post-it-notes7 @dertherck
@wave3qna @kirbymusicdaily @bendan-ninja @vs-stardream @graskip
@t4tklonoa @qui-gg @n219 @ferahntics @lupucs @t4p10c4
@vgbossthemes @dewa-chan @saltytwi @roposhipin @rowdychickens
@gibbiiginnii @thisish20 @prinsomnia @drunknfirefly-junkjumble @startistdoodles
@ardenzer0 @aleha84 @jibadojo @meitantei-shitpost @r0sebuddy
@earlgreymon @dgmnqueen @digi-egg @shakespearestwin @id-f87
@bluerainbowart @8-bitdream @apolism @norma2d @ninn001
@ryugamori-manjou @mi3nai @swordbreaker @incorrect-rockman-exe-quotes @detshin
@thecollectibles @asterkallium @xstarcutx @allthingseurope @inky-axolotl-gaia
@mimickrii-art @alwayswonderingandwandering @hatomura @hatoyan @imasyd
@lost7101 @incorrectdetectiveconan2 @nearestazurestar @sanodon @transparensie
@zilmart @firemanshug @oldwindowsicons @never-obsolete @256colormode
@pixelartarchive @konjakonjak @aikawa82 @megamanincorrectquotes @decibelcoatl
@ilta222 @mainly-megaman-edits @rainandcheese @weaselshark @rembrandtswife
@ponett @qkora @ktkaaai @soterio-px @a-tinynut
@ek-vitki-pixels @funneylizzie @obscurevideogames @justpastryvideos @yp-design
@raposarealm @tofupixel @cyberneticeden @mixsamixsa @sijimi061
@heatphoenix @seeyouguyslater @mato025k @paperloops @kukakoo
@cybersodas @sprinkledsalt @mrrevilnemesis @robotnik-mun @megumon109
@beliot9 @mewkwota @innovator-123 @angz @cherrifire
@outofcontexttokusatsu @muaff-uu-ck @floo-doin-art @mane-desu @pgs-pictures
@buggygerm @zepandovski @junryou @enochliew @liamwong
@siggiedraws @ifanimaltrapped @superemeralds @antirepurp @usagisquared
@nature-hiking @fuckyeahmegamanstarforce @terusnail @thispleasestormod @em-exceeds-change-zearu
@delightful-69 @shooting-star-exe @mienar @megaquint @grammars-doodles
@zonaraze @incorrectstarf @kinoselynn @sanigo @beeh0rnz
@dovelydraws @jellyquin @ctrlsprite @1st-1 @seireasong
@mogosketchpad @orphisterical @megadinkloid @riggo-draws @rhymewithrachel
@balestrra @andrereee @naurannasmess @heidysartstuff @onieli
@electronicgems @a5tros @harehues @jiiniix @fettiowi
@outofcontext-comics @purblethinkin @chaosblast @lightningstar1389 @wereshoes
@videogamescovers @angeban @quimser @candyypirate @yellowvixen
@ricecaqes @ambi-stage @summers-art @phoenixsalover @xericstudios
@a-rae-of-sunshine @r0b0t1me @sticksandsharks @n0ughtical-n0nsense @sonicrift
@remasteredstandstats @biovyxart @cinno @kue-rangi @gojira007
@beevean @latin-dr-robotnik @elbiotipo @cryamore @maareyas
@dailycupofcreativitea @someemochick @adorkastock @batu1997kristal @ghminerals
@geographyofrobots @mejwh @son1c @gelybeannn @karos-4art
@bhuxu @lady3clipse @skelenova @klaudia96art @acediee
@maximumthrill @kaialone @rosettimusic @dat-soldier @tahutoa
@crow-drawing-their-cards @as-warm-as-choco @gaiuki @sonadink @fakesweets-muuu @spacecolonie
@mina404 @nightvisioncyberpunk @pixelatmosphere @prettyprettypixels-blog1 @ivalyn-rose
@snow-white-shadow @boltertokokoro @woven-song @xgingerx @zombieeparty
@lasuastanza @cherry--a @quetzzall @trans-tails @cd-sonic
@loopersum @rainsyru @freshthoughts2020 @larabar @megamanheadcanons
@shootyrefutey @icarianarts @bk-179 @inthetags @lionfloss
@artsyhedgehogs @cylikaart @jet-grind @cartoonfuntime @littlesthater
@larytello @sprayjea @darknoisestudio @roadsaltedpretzels @alomaire-whoruinedeverything
@isou-chan @beeames @verocitea @goldiia @magimacaque
@moduxxy @incorrect-dragonball-quotes @kingprinceleo @allendoartnstuff @shiliria
@corvidarcana @fedoragato @just1cy @nappotuna @keirookie
@indigonite @sonicwind-01 @l1atena1 @murialiis @xxtc-96xx
@evaroze @jevsterchester @milolunde @gogglecannon @zippityzap
@ultramantr1gger @solar-socks @bl00doodle @lovelylivewirez @candycatstuffs
@doomfox @ruviart @maydayaj @maxwell-the-pizza-boy @star-plasma
@sanic-baddie @civilizationfiction @lakefama @blear25 @projectblackoutcomic
@shadowiie @matialonsorphoto @minimega @chreest @wanpakupixels
@kviing @arrowmarrow @lunian @askmemeindex @sonic-colours
@chemicataclysm @brutalitybunny @cloudvampire @tuanonna15 @big8cola
@bogkeep @blooplycan @777mari777 @manmossu @ouroborosasunder
@delku-archive @jagaimo1020-select @amckaz2y5 @spaghetti-dragon @a-confused-dragon
@neetzone @ghostlyumbre2 @nieznasztejosoby @pixel-voxel-diary @grigoreen
@kurageneric @bbpixel @guttykreum @mykarmykar @daydreamers-art
@beezii @renamonkalou @uroko @literallymechanical @autisticshadowthehedgehog
@draconicdeityarts @ballad-of-gilgalad @thesuperheroesnetwork @megagwolf @bitch-dont-krill-my-vibe
@catpaku @blackyjunkgallery @thatsmyaestheticbitch @paleoart @the-heart-of-a-monster
@lilacoraa @unlicensed @pokerharem @urbanowa @chris-re5
@teamdarksupernovaodyssey @wonders-of-the-cosmos @tracingpapier @khinesthetic @dmdokuro
@cyberpunk-soul @cityscap1ng @reallyloudcolor @thejohnsu @pumpkiart
@dragon-spaghetti @8bitftw @littleivyart @motobug @rjshuu
@askswolmarron @didstwt @stuz0r @violetcatt @expaulore
@gunmouth @almightychiru @mightyno9 @rcasedrawstuffs @tokti
@puyopuyo @thelegendofrenegade @fuckyeahrockmanxlosdramatracks @riverholtart @seagull-scribbles
@doorbloggr @epictones @letters-to-lgbt-kids @ace-artworks @twincookies
@carlycmarathecat @boundforfreedomsonsal @rubrtic @doubleca5t @chigosenpai
@dualvoidanima @db-shipposting @projectknothole @dbzhell @nasa
@space-pics @frommylimitedtravels @ketrindarkdragon @sixpenceee @jothelion
@s3tok41b4 @innamorat4 @everythingfox @niseku @toonimated
@pik-soulation @pietepiet @1041uuu @the-hydroxian-artblog @nonstopsmile
@flaerty @parsabad @blazetbw-art @iandimasart @poro586
@kazdow-with-sonic-art @throughwinterfields @aestum @thespectral-wolf @aliensnowflake @pixel-art-gallery
@shrimposaurus @ansyp @hejibits @phana-banana @shingclaire
@maureen2musings @soothifying @elrannosketches @seatrench @tenya
@feet-of-clay @thecoolertails @silvykinesis @kotomisadventures @mellow-elbow
@tyrantisterror @lackadaisycats @elux-storage @vurtual @ponderation
@the2dstagesfg @expressions-of-nature @lissfreeangel @angrimator @nocandnc
@shadowaod @jondobbsart @crazycometspecular @incorrectsonicquotes @8-bit-britt
@wildwoodmage @lyllaotterofhalfworld @zanaratazana @hbmmaster @inaccurate-dbz-quotes
@math-memes @kiwi @smugbugunderarug @michaelbjorkwrites @goldkin
@robotseverywhere @raccoonshinobi @beccadrawsstuff @catchymemes @evelyn-art-05
@cainternn @doogaldoodles @prozdvoices @zandraart @buggachat
@cloudburstsapphire @ph0slux @chelsiegeorgia @kldpxl @merrigo
@mini-moss @aimf0324 @danielasdoodles-art @rwby-analysis @yuntoku
@smaiart @blackbookalpha @rosuroid @drawloverlala @fini-mun
@hajnarus @lumiiki-sonic @giygas @riverwindphotography @adokle
@multiedits @kelseykingillustration @speeps-highway @pixeljeff @pixeldanc3r
@stconline @chauvel @waneella @8pxl @jrchair98
@codeine--daydream @kirokazepixel @lesspixelsplease @prokopetz
@moertel @lennsan @rollinrabbit @badlyportrayed-tails @oechoeso
@anguset @aukives @shadthemadlad @king-of-teeth @kiimmyko
@beadichnoa @the-caped-shadow @blueslashed @luc3ks @quartz-mania
@7violetmadness7 @bunjywunjy @speedofsoundsketches @tsaikonautz @everything-fox
@phantomrose96 @sir-adamus @red-riot-kirishima-eijirou @chongoblog @snapscube

Use this number to text Kamala directly and demand a recount and investigation
And here’s a script to use. Also personalize it to make sure it isn’t spam
Hello Ms. Vice President. I'm contacting you to request that you do not concede, and instead request an investigation and recount of the votes. Right now, many people on social media are finding suspicious signs that may point to Trump cheating (links at the end of the message). Additionally, many media outlets are declaring his victory before all votes have been counted. I understand that you have a duty to protect democracy and a peaceful transition to power, but I fear that accepting these results would also mean accepting a potential dictatorship that can still be avoided.
Thank you for your time.
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Bobby McGee what you want from me?

#grungemetalandshit#dog#doggo#babydog#puppy#puppies#puppylove#puppy doggo#pup#germanshepherd#germanshepard#summer#summerdaze#dogoftheday#bobbymcgee#smile#puppy smiles#baby animals#hell#heart#love#life
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Janis Joplin animal vest for only the coolest pet! She is one of my all-time favorite musicians ever! I just had to make one dedicated to her. ❤️❤️ www.dogscarfees.com #janisjoplin #bobbymcgee #mercedesbenz #mushrooms #peace #love #hippie #smallbusiness #dogscarfees #dogs #cats #rabbits #goats #pets #etsy #etsyhandmade #doglife #catlovers #schwarzerhumor #schnauzerworld #puglove #chihuahualove #70s #vwbus #vw #volkswagen #petlovers #vests #giftideas #petphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CODYtYpHaEz/?igshid=qbeuzlb2ijf4
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Janis Joplin tribute promo
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One of the greats! . . . . #twistedpicks #janisjoplin #classic #pearl #recycledmusic #recycle #recordalbumart #clocks #clocksofinstagram #keepingtime #rockandrollforever #bobbymcgee #bigbrotherandtheholdingcompany #handmade #handpainted (at Saint Petersburg, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-pEQJKJiup/?igshid=1blrheh2ynfow
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#oldschool #rocknroll #girlswhorock #janisjoplin #grace #graceslick ##1967 #againwithbeth #billygraham #bobbymcgee #jeffersonairplane #itsonlytuesday https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Sffl4p9aI/?igshid=h3ye2cx4hlvv
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Last night. Rita Brooke rocking a little Janis Joplin! @ritabrookemusic #ritabrooke #ritabrookemusic #ritabrookeremedy #ritabrookevideoshoot #indieartist #epkcomingsoon #touringsoon #fullband #songwriter #songwriting #songwriters #singersongwriter #singersongwriters #janicejoplin #bobbiemcgee #bobbymcgee #meandmybobbymcgee #liverecording #houseconcert (at Goodlettsville, Tennessee)
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Happy Bday to one of our favorites! 83 years young today! #kriskristofferson #outlaw #legend #silvertonguedevil #bobbymcgee https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBtBWeno7c/?igshid=dyvxyxkhq8wz
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I love to base the characters I write on people I meet and experiences I share with them. It makes writing ✍️ that much more personal and real. Two years ago, I wrote a project and based one of the character’s tone and feel on the amazing #kriskristofferson. Just brushed it up today and can still picture him being this man... as vivid as the day I first wrote it. ✨ So, wherever you are today Kris just know I’m thinking of you and sending you lots of love!💕 #livinglegend #americansongwriter #astarisborn @dolphintalemovie 🐬 #bobbymcgee https://www.instagram.com/p/By1NxWGB3wq/?igshid=wt989uey4vuu
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📷Like our photos 👧 Follow our IG...📷 Photography by: Connie Wheeler Editing by: Connie Wheeler @ConSuePhotoDesign #Booking new #ᑕᒪIEᑎTᔕ #sasxcofkilleen #sasxc #sasxckilleen #bobbymcgee #texasdistrictconference #2019 #exchangeclubs @tiffanywheeler11 @tiffany_wheeler99 @jimmy.wheeler.547 @terrence_wheeler @wheeler.jimmy1999 @tiffanywheeler38 #forthood #fthoodphotography #lifestyle #lifestylephotography #consuephoto #igphotography #killeenphotographer #2019 #beltonphotographer #familyphotography #nolanvillephotographer #templephotographer #copperascovephotographer #fthoodphotographer #forthoodphotographer #igbelton #harkerheightsphotographer #instagramphotographer #killeen #canonphotography #people #consuephotodesign #consuepd #consuephotography #children #consuephotographydesign #consuephotographyanddesign Follow us on Instagram: Www.instagram.com/consuephotodesign Check our website: Www.ConSuephotographyDesign.Zenfolio.com Like us on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/Consuephotographydesign (at Con Sue Photography And Design) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byg56IJJsLG/?igshid=rulhg7yfj2ql
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Here’s your playlist:
1. Smile Upon Me by Passion Pit
2. Deathwish Fish by Duncan Fellows
3. Bags by Clairo
4. Just My Imagination by The Cranberries
5. After the Afterlife by CocoRosie
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Kris Kristofferson enjoying a quiet moment to him self at @newportfolkfest 2016. Such an honor to meet him and take some photos. Never know who will show up at NFF. His performance of "Me and Bobby McGee" with @missmargoprice was historic. He will be performing tomorrow night at the Wilbur Theater in Boston, MA. #americanicon #legend #kriskristofferson #kristofferson #outlaw #countrymusic #americana #folkmusic #newportfolkfest #newportfolk #bobbymcgee #singersongwriter #texas
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This is a secret, but when I was little I would sneak past my older brother to enter his room and nibble a few bites from his chocolate easter bunny. Several times a day.
omg I hope it’s okay that I post this but this is the most precious thing! I hope you still eat chocolate easter bunnies :’) thanks for sharing!
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My wife, always the star of the show. ⭐️ #bobbymcgee (at Homestead Oyster Bay)
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#bobbymcgees #topsiders #501levis #1981 (at Marina Pacifica Shopping Center)
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