#boar random
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reinekes-fox · 3 months ago
Writing a game about community proves to be quite difficult when you realise your friends don’t want to spend time with you.
I will probably spend my b day alone too.
I am trying to finish the update before the new year but it’s going really slow atm, I am just not in the right mood, which I am sorry for, I wish I had better news for you.
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reinekes-fox · 2 months ago
Me whenever people post art or write about my silly games
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there is something so crazy and powerful about having art of your oc that was made by anyone other than yourself. like oh my god you actually exist outside of my own brain that's WILD
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idkfitememate · 1 year ago
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I just wanted to let everyone know that in my notes the title of Boar!Creator story is “… A Boar? In This Economy?” Do with that information as you wish.
⠀ ⠀ (\__/)
(•ㅅ•) Don’t talk to
_ノヽ ノ\_ me or my son
`/ `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y ヽ ever again.
(  (三ヽ人  /  |
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/ミ`ー―彡\ (•ㅅ•)
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Boar when someone fucks with a churl around them☝🏾
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reinekes-fox · 6 days ago
Some ROs
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inbarfink · 10 months ago
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sweetfirebird · 8 months ago
so, so pleased that over a dozen years ago, I worked with a guy from Staten Island who hated Boar's Head so much that he would constantly talk about what shitty deli meat they had, that to this day when I see them in a store, I avoid buying them. My memories of Joe ranting about Boar's Head turn out to have possibly saved me from listeria contamination. So thanks, Joe.
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randomkposts · 6 months ago
Mikage-Cho is a Mafia town.
And while this is hardly the weirdest thing about it, Innocent Sin has PSP only sidequests that establishes one of the classes at St. Hermelin has a class Pet Boar.
And now I have to wonder, what did it get up to durring the demon invasion? Pigs can be pretty tanky, and are very omnivorous.
Did it spat with Demons? Did it win? Did it eat any demons?
Was a student in a tight spot until there was an unexpected intervention by the pig? Who ate it?
Does it haunt them?
What level is the class boar?
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reinekes-fox · 11 months ago
Export of the Divine Flock.
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Knitted Pigeons
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reinekes-fox · 2 months ago
Hi ! I'm usually a silent lurker but I've (finally) decided to get out of my cave (on "anon", I'm too self-conscious XD) to show my appreciation for your work. I love your writing and your stories are among my favourites, especially "Birds of a Rose" (cult, dark, mystery, vampires), "Dog Nights" (vampires, family drama) and what I could read of "Fallen Dove" when it was up (I've always dreamt of playing an ancient child vampire lord/lady MC, a character like Gaius in "Thicker than"). 1/5
Ik that feeling, Anon! There are still many authors here that I only "dare" to write to as anonymous. Thank you 🧡 first mention of Fallen Dove! And I confess I love that trope as well, I need some more time to tweak that combination between madness and humanity in Fallen Dove MC! ( @barbwritesstuff see what you do, you made people love that little crazy kid) I didn't work on my other WIPs as much as on BoaR but I will never abandone them. It will just take time.
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velvetjune · 6 months ago
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I didn’t notice this before in the Control AWE dlc but I love that there’s a stack of cans (Ahma beer!) in the Bright Falls room like the random ones in the first game
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cyancactus · 6 months ago
while I love bkdk just as much as the next person I can't stop thinking about an au where Katsuki is just a butch lesbian with a semi-deep voice that everyone just assumes is a dude
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reinekes-fox · 1 year ago
Oh what a time you have choosen... for Birds of a Rose. (more than a sentence but idc)
You open your mouth, ready to say something. Ready to demand an explenation. Twack. You stumble, hand shooting up to press against your ribs and your fingers trace a thin object. Not a sound leaves your mouth as you gasp, fall to your knees and feel iron on your tongue. You try to breathe... a wheezing sound comes out.
From far away you hear a voice, you could swear you know it... "What have you done?!"
@himbeereule (no pressure though!)
Thank you for the tag, @gwenllian-in-the-abbey :)
Share the last line of your WIP with no context:
The child is not lying, but neither is he telling the full truth of it, about the many lessons in Dreaming that were beaten into him alongside his own intrinsic knowing. 
Tagging @mihrsuri @six-of-snakes @thenightisland and anyone else that wants to participate!
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cain-to-your-abel · 11 months ago
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couch-aloo · 1 year ago
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I'll be looking like this and my brain will be calculating my existence...! 😶
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randomnameless · 2 years ago
Thinking about it -
Imagine AM Dimitri knowing the truth about Nabateans and crusts and relics - bleeding heat Dimitri, empathic to a fault, 
hears Supreme Leader, during her parley, mention something about a “crustless world”.
Of course he’d tell her the truth too, just in case she didn’t know, and point out how making that world a reality will imply killing people not over their actions, but because they were born -
“I see no people, only beasts masquerading as humans”
What would Dimitri - who suddenly remembered the Flamey’n’Flayn kidnapping incident - do in that situation?
1/ Tell Billy and Dedue they’re leaving, because you cannot reason with someone who refuses to listen ;
2/ Go full Zahras “assuming we kill them, will that make you stop this senseless war?”
3/ Try to convince her despite how different their ears are, Nabateans are living beings just like them and as such shouldn’t be killed based on their race?
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nonovyabuisness · 1 year ago
Hey, funny story that just happened a few minutes ago.
So it’s 11pm and I’m feeling down and therefore unable to sleep.
So I decided to clear my head by having a stroll in the public park near my apartment. I get dressed, take my phone,AirPods, keys as well as my pepper spray that looks like gun just in case.
( I already did this before once at 12pm- 1am and nothing had gone wrong. I just eavesdropped on a couple breaking up in the parking lot before the entrance of the park.)
So I’m casually strolling through the park which has areas that have a dense but manageable forest. And I decide to take the small off-trail path that pass through said areas like I did last time.
( Last time I deviated, my phone’s flashlight illuminated two cats’s eyes which scared me before I remembered seeing them near my apartment.)
But this time, I continued on the path further off-trail wondering where it lead. Until I heard a mix between a growl and a bark. I immediately assume it’s a dog (either belonging to someone or a wild dog) and I backtrack while holding my pepper spray and occasionally checking behind me to see if it’s following me.
I quickly get back on the main path and take a break to look at the starry sky (that is surprisingly clear for being in the city) before I decide to head back.
Then as I walk, I heard the growl/bark again. Terrified.I put my flashlight on the highest setting, take out my pepper spray with my finger on the trigger and slowly continue to walk to the illuminated crossroads while pointing the flashlight and looking in the direction of the noise.
A few steps forward and I find out that it’s in fact not a dog but a wild boar. Which makes it worse.
Because a wild dog will most likely flee the second I move, but a boar will either flee or charge me.
So I’m just frozen on the spot having a staring contest with the f*cking boar, before I regain control over my body.
I think I twitched when that happened and the boar (who had its head down like it was preparing to charge) ran off.
I then immediately headed back to my apartment and am now writing this.
I don’t know if there is more than one boar. But, I think it was the same one I heard before and it followed me discreetly.
Unfortunately for you all, I froze up completely and couldn’t take a picture of it and I frankly don’t want to try.
Anyway, since it’s a public park in the middle of the city where people take their kids and walk their dogs, I’m gonna contact the closest animal refuge to give them a heads up.
I don’t want to feel responsible when either a kid or a dog ends up running into it and possibly injuring themselves or the boar.
But, what a way to see a living wild boar in real life. I live in France, Montpellier (a rather major city especially for college/university students). So that was unexpected.
For anyone wondering what the boar looked like when I was staring at it, have an exemple.
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Also this is what my pepper spray looks like,
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Have a good night everyone !
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