#bnha chapter 300 spoilers
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three-semicolons · 7 months ago
Okay I’m sorry but I haven’t been paying attention since like the first vestige popped up and I saw online that Midoriya lost OFA after AFO is defeated??? Is he just like quirkless again or does he still have the stockpile and it just can’t be passed on anymore?
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dumpster-dive-reading · 2 years ago
So I just finished Player One from alohaflower on Ao3 and was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it.
I got into reading BNHA fics largely because of my addiction to reading Yandere stuff, specifically platonic Yandere. There’s so much platonic Yandere stuff out there for BNHA- dad for one vaulting Izuku in like 300 different fics.
Anyway, I didn’t go into this story expecting platonic Yandere. I just wanted overpowered Izuku to beat up everyone. But this was a pleasant surprise.
(Minor Spoilers ahead.)
I’ve probably read hundreds of Dad for One aus, and I’ve enjoyed them a lot. But finding platonic Yandere content of other characters can be really difficult. Player One is a fic that manages to give me just a little bit of platonic yandere Nedzu. Yes. Absolutely.
It’s only for a few chapters, and manages to get resolved pretty well. Still, it’s a lovely few chapters, and left me with a craving for more.
Anyway, Player One is a fic where Izuku has a quirk that lets him live life like a video game. He can see stats for other people, he can see his own stats, he can adjust his stats and gain levels, and so on. He’s absolutely overpowered, but it’s a fun au.
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catboyjorts · 4 years ago
I am....in love with Rei. She.....
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lioncubofboone · 4 years ago
Finally caught up on the my hero academia manga and holy shit I'm dying
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luacridcy · 4 years ago
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“I can’t fight him.”
Chapter 300
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jaded-ghoster · 4 years ago
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pandirpus · 4 years ago
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bnha chapter 1 vs. bnha chapter 319
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fumikage · 4 years ago
i cant stress this enough but izukus selflessness as a human being is misjudged horribly often just because he is doing things by his own way and with his own pace, saying that he is too naive for his own good? after all the hardships he had gone through to reach this point of course he would use everything he has to seize the day.. and saving the already stigmatized society to a better light in midst of chaos of COURSE he would give anything to reach that noble goal.. none of us deserves this child
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punkbakugo · 4 years ago
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ch.18 -> ch.318
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sharpsho0ter · 4 years ago
Hero commission: we need someone to take the fall for this
Endeavor unconscious in the hospital:
Hero commission:
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wolfcrunch · 4 years ago
if theres one thing this fandom manages to surprise me with, its the fact that yall can get so mad, so fast, over a chapter we havent even seen fully of..... truly, comprehension is off the charts
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logicalbookthief · 4 years ago
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Rei dressed for a funeral and she did in fact come for his whole life with just a few words
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veroverse21 · 4 years ago
Fandummies seeing All Might’s statue vandalized in chapter 300: iT’s alL mIgHT’s fAuLt!1!11! 🤪🤡🤪🤡🤪🤡
You haters find some way to put the blame on either All Might or hero society every chance you can get and leave your dumb hate in the tags where we just want to see actual good content.
It’s not All Might’s fault. It’s not hero society’s fault. It’s the fictional citizens who forgot that All Might and the other heroes are still humans that make mistakes, do bad things, have feelings, and can only do so much to help those who are in need. They may be heroes, but they will always be human first. The fictional citizens will have to understand that sooner or later and will regret turning on the heroes because of Hawks and Endeavor doing bad apple moves, and the heroes retiring after the prison break possibly only caring about fame and fortune rather than saving people—more bad apples. Bad apples in fact don’t spoil the bunch when they can be used for something else. Some people don’t want to hear that, though. (FYI I don’t hate Endeavor and Hawks🥺)
Haters go away. 💅🏼
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nyelaexe · 4 years ago
i mean like yeah people deserve a chance to redeem themselves and educate themselves about things they dont know about when they fuck up but the todoroki family is not required to forgive their abuser. we, the readers, are not required to feel bad for him because he cried in the hospital. let's not act like it's wrong for people to still hate endeavor. girl fuck him.
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princechairmanmeow · 4 years ago
ok but this would be so funny
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redphlox · 4 years ago
i am LIVING for this new chapter and i'm so glad that a minority of fans (like you!) defended both touya and rei from the start and correctly predicted rei's reaction. it was so frustrating to see all those cold takes after the touya reveal, the "oh poor rei now she has to find out her son is a MURDERER" bs. idk, maybe a lot of these fans are young and can’t really imagine the sheer, incomprehensible grief of losing a child, but after rei was shown watching dabi’s broadcast i was like man, if you think ANY of that information trumps the fact that her baby is alive, you don’t understand her at all. and we were right!! look at rei in this new chapter!! she looks stronger, younger, healthier...it’s like finding out touya is alive literally lifted 10 yrs of weight off her. it’s obviously exactly what she needed and i’m SO happy for her and the todosibs. here’s to hoping she absolutely eviscerates endvr and then he fucks off forever and the rest of the todofam can save touya and live in peace
YESSSSS anon, yes to everything you said! I feel like some readers viewed her in the same “oh poor mentally ill crazy woman </3″ pitying attitude that people with mental illness face from society IRL. It’s on the opposite end of the “just get over it” spectrum, but still harmful because it oversimplifies mental illness and ignores the fact that it’s not stagnant and that recovery is possible. Your mental health changes, you change, and you’re not weak because of your struggles with your brain’s chemistry. There’s no correlation. And there’s no need for pity or coddling. 
People are more than their mental illnesses. Rei was a mother who endured abuse trying to protect her children  - why wouldn’t the return of her presumed-dead son inspire her fight to bring him home? Her love is unconditional, unlike Endeavor’s. She wasn’t seeing a monster on that tape, she was seeing her son, someone she loved since before he was born, someone she saw suffer and couldn’t help. Obviously the media and the public will demonize Dabi. Obviously he’s self-harming. Protective mama Rei is here and she’s not playing. I’m so proud of her!
Also, let’s not forget that the story wrote Rei on a trajectory to soon be released from the hospital because of all the progress she had been making once she reunited with Shouto, so it wouldn’t make sense that Touya’s appearance would wipe any of that away. She could talk about her abuser without spiraling, so why not handle the Dabi reveal with her new skills too? I honestly see a lot of the Todoroki family pain being blamed on Dabi, but he’s not the one responsible...
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