#bnha 240
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buttercupshands · 10 months ago
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just a sudden redraw practice of Mr. Compress without a mask
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redphlox · 8 months ago
Now that the bnha manga is coming to an end, I'm wondering if the story itself will be revealed to be the actual book/comic Spinner mentioned wanting to write in chapter 427. After all, the main narrator of the story is future!Deku, with Spinner specifically narrating the My Villain Academ arc in chapters 220 - 240.
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This all leads me to theorize that Spinner and Deku meet up numerous times after the epilogue to work together on this project and talk. Deku's knowledge of events that he wasn't around for or involved in (for example, Shouto vs. Dabi during the last war, Mr. Compress's discussion with Geten in jail, etc), suggests he may have also interviewed other individuals to capture the full picture of all sides and tell the story completely.
So, basically, bnha might be a comic book created by both Deku and Spinner much like The Outsiders novel was revealed in the end to be Ponyboy's school essay processing his grief about what happened with Johnny and Dallas.
Bnha might be a story pieced together by a hero and a villain coming together to humanize the league of villains instead of actually being about societal change. This book/comic is supposed to spark change - or something. I'm not saying this is great writing or fixes any of the issues in the story... it's just a set-up I'm noticing.
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epickiya722 · 2 years ago
How many fanfics have you written/are writing?
And how many are small fics? I'd love to read what you write, but I have a terrible time reading fics over 10k words.
I have roughly about 240+ posted (the majority being BNHA at 70) and most of them are under 10K since a lot of them are short stories. It's actually rare I do write over 10K nowadays.
I do have my works locked, so you do need to have an account to read them.
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naty-js-adopts · 4 months ago
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LINK> https://www.deviantart.com/naty-js-adopts/art/OPEN-KNY-ADOPTABLE-67-1120281523
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saragirl32 · 3 years ago
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Boku no hero academia 5th season - Episode 24
Manga vs Anime
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shig-a-shig-ah · 4 years ago
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Really love these panels and how it’s like, so so obvious that Horikoshi got to the end of the MLA arc and realized he fucked up. Like he went ‘oh, shit, accidentally made Shigaraki’s character design 150% less iconic by destroying all those hands’ and then he just straight up retconned himself with zero shame. Truly amazing.
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lemongogo · 4 years ago
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speaking of mva, i like this part a lot
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moodyvoid · 6 years ago
We finally got some character development for Dabi!
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He hates fish.
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evevoli · 6 years ago
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khorale · 6 years ago
Bnha 240
Surprisingly, still a villain chapter!
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Pfft yeah, eyewitness report. How reliable, these eyewitnesses.
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It’s the question of whether citizens have the right to arm themselves. One side states that allowing this directly contributes to the death toll, but the general public is more swayed to the other side that proclaims that they’re allowed to protect themselves. It’s a thing that officially it’s illegal due to the many varieties and unpredictable quirks, but people are known to look the other way when things like that happen, as we are shown all the way back during the Stain fight. Being able to use their quirks, to have something that they can use to defend themselves, provides a sense of control and confort to people who live in a society without All Might. At the same time, this is swaying them to follow the Liberation Army’s ideology. Nicely played.
The truth of Deika city may eventually come to light given the fact that there’s a lot of holes to this story. Some questions that could arise: Are those 20 people named? What quirk or device do they use to make that giant crater? 
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Compress finally got his sushi! I can’t believe we actually get to see the sushi party! Although I wish Shigaraki could eat with them - the only thing he ate on screen was a biscuit 20 chapters back.
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I can see a pretty nasty scar there on her face. I wonder if she lost an eye or if the eyepatch is just protecting it while her eye heals. It’s still too soon to tell.
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Seems like it’s not “bye bye trauma” after all... I know it’s more realistic this way and you don’t instantly get better, but... Poor Twice. Also I love all the casual LoV banter.
I also love that sushi loading screen! The League is making the Liberation Army pay for everything from food to clothing 🤣. I’d feel sorry considering all the medical bills, but... the Liberation Army was the one who picked the fight.
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Dissention being buit up between the Liberation army members and LoV despite working together. Hanabata referred to Re-Destro as the supreme leader still before he corrected himself, and that’s the only reason they’re doing this. Plus they are raised to follow Destro’s will no matter what.
Still, it’s still different from the time Magne was killed and Toga and Twice had to go over to the yakuza - they were ready to screw Overhaul over despite not given clear instructions to do so. Meanwhile, Curious is dead via Toga and nobody mentions it except the news. Nobody in the Liberation army had a genuine emotional reaction (Hanabata’s incitement doesn’t count). I hope this won’t follow the trend and have the Liberation Army backstab the LoV at a bad time.
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New costume! 👀 Shigaraki actually wearing a suit!
It’s still not specified why he’s still wearing a hand. But I’m thinking he only destroyed Father who physically hit him, and he won’t be crumbling his other family member’s hands. Plus, many people knew Shigaraki Tomura as the guy with a hand on his face so he’ll be more recognizable/iconic this way. Another reason is that he hides his face from people he doesn’t trust, so even if there are spies (ahem, Hawks) in the crowd, they won’t get identifying features from his face. For instance if he tries to go out incognito and people know what he looks like, that will make it much harder to steer clear of heroes.
Hopefully we’ll get more explanation in the future.
Also, Gigantomachia is at the back of the crowd! Is he still naked...?
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Wow, Re-Destro. Your fanboy is showing. It’s crazy to see Shigaraki inspire such intense idolization and loyalty unintentionally. Boy’s leveled up in charisma stats.
His parka also looks like Geten’s. Like Geten just had a spare one in the wardrobe and lent one out to be used as a cape.
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Paranormal Liberation front sounds like you’re liberating ghosts lmao. I’ll stick to the League and Liberation army. OR Battlefront (from the leaks translations) Unless Mangastream or Viz gives better names.
Someone noted that gap between Compress and Skeptic shows a clear divide between the group. It also could have been Curious’s spot. I hope that with time the group can learn to work together and mesh better. It won’t be any fun if they separate again and the League go back to sleeping in dumps.
“Go wild.” Yess sir. I just realized that Shigaraki had a script in his hand and was reading off of it until he went “screw it this is irrelevant” and said just a single phrase to drive everyone wild.
We also get Geten face reveal! Cool. Not sure if girl or pretty boy.
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That’s a brutal slice across the corpse’s face. But Dabi is skeptical about if it’s actuall Best Jeanist so we at least have that bit of hope. Otherwise... the #3 hero is dead and the heroes lost another important firepower and Hawks will be enduring emotional backlash as well as public backlash if/when he’s found out.
Look at Re-Destro! His happy little smile and his head above the clouds. Totally lovestruck, man. I don’t even need to look for ship material they’re just there.
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He’s like a puppy following Shigaraki around, eager to please now.
I also think Shigaraki told him to get lost so that the Liberation army people don’t get to see him fall and look weak and stuff. He doesn’t trust them that much yet. With white hair + red eyes, a cane and the general grumpy attitude, he reminds me even more of Accelerator from A Certain Magical Index.
“The Bare Minimum” sounds like a taunt, because Shigaraki did all that and more. He ended up gaining the Liberation army alongside Machia’s loyalty, on top of regaining his memory and power boost.
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While Ujiko talks to Shigaraki on the phone, Hawks had one of his feathers to spy on the conversation by sensing the air vibration. Dabi really shouldn’t have brought him to the meeting because now he has like a surveillance device.
Hotwings shippers come get your food~.
Before Shigaraki gets that “power”, he has to go on a quest. Hmm... I hope it’s not about the quirk bullets and the doc needing Eri to make more of them.
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transmanmonoma · 6 years ago
I think a lot of people talking about Hawks right now are forgetting that he didn't want any part of this. He was assigned to infiltrate the league by the hero commission, and literally says he cannot refuse them. He hates what he's doing, but doesn't see any other option
The hero commission could easily take away his licence if he goes against them, and may be holding his family's financial stability hostage. Hawks is 22yrs old, being manipulated into doing things against his moral code in order to protect himself from the people who should be watching his back
Hawks can't even ask for help from other heroes, because his mission is top secret. He's alone in this, so it's no wonder he's panicking and making bad decisions
That is, assuming any of these decisions were actually made by him
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tummy-ache · 4 years ago
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touya brain rot
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lumchan · 6 years ago
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toga returns! 
(rbs appreciated) 
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psychaoticpeace · 5 years ago
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You sure about that bro?
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elegiesforshiva · 6 years ago
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death of a hero
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moreonionpls · 6 years ago
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he is? wearing?? a??? fucking???? suit????? with?????? fucking??????? sneakers????????!!!!!!!!
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