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MRG Group Launched its Luxury Floors Residential Project in sector 106 Gurgaon. MRG CROWN is comprises of 3 BHK Low-Rise ultra luxurious & posh residences with advanced modern & ultra luxury amenities in order to make your lifestyle luxurious and worth living. Which makes you feel and experience like you’re unique and more special.
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Le centre de Paris interdit à Airbnb ? Ce qui semblait impensable il y a dix ans est en passe de devenir réalité : la ville de Paris va interdire les nouveaux meublés touristiques dans les quartiers de la capitale qui souffrent d’un déficit de logements, comme le Marais, le Sentier, le Quartier latin ou la butte Montmartre. La mesure devrait être gravée dans le marbre du futur Plan local d’urbanisme (PLU), en cours de révision. [...]
«No-go zones»
La mairie centrale travaille actuellement, main dans la main avec les mairies d’arrondissement et l’Atelier parisien d’urbanisme (Apur), à délimiter ces zones, qui devraient inclure au moins Paris Centre (Ier, IIe, IIIe et IVe arrondissements) et Montmartre (XVIIIe). Une carte de ces «no-go zones» pour les nouveaux Airbnb sera présentée aux élus parisiens lors du conseil municipal de juin, qui sera consacré à l’examen puis au vote du plus gros chantier de la deuxième mandature d’Anne Hidalgo : la révision du PLU, le document qui définira les nouvelles règles de construction, de transformation et de création d’espaces verts pour au moins les dix années à venir.
«Nous voulons mettre un coup d’arrêt à la création de nouveaux meublés dans les secteurs où il n’y a quasiment plus de résidents permanents», a expliqué jeudi Emmanuel Grégoire, le premier adjoint PS, chargé de l’urbanisme, lors d’une déambulation dans le quartier du Sentier. «Si on ne veut pas que Paris se transforme en Venise, il ne faut pas laisser faire le marché», a ajouté le bras droit d’Anne Hidalgo. L’interdiction, a-t-il précisé, ne s’appliquera pas aux Parisiens qui louent leur résidence principale, dans la limite de 120 jours par an, mais uniquement aux investisseurs professionnels.
Ici, rue de la Lune , c’est un immeuble entier qui a été progressivement «mité» par les locations touristiques. «Petit à petit, des gens ont racheté les appartements qu’ils ont transformés en meublés touristiques. Au bout d’un moment, vous vous retrouvez avec une sorte de résidence hôtelière», explique Dorine Bregman, adjointe chargée des commerces et du tourisme à la mairie de Paris Centre. «Il y a toujours eu des propriétaires bailleurs à Paris, pour obtenir un complément de revenus pour la retraite, par exemple, mais quand le phénomène des locations touristiques est arrivé, les gens se sont aperçus assez rapidement que c’était beaucoup plus lucratif de louer à la semaine, voire deux, trois jours, que de louer sous le bail classique de trois ans». Là, rue des Jeûneurs, en plus des appartements dans les étages, c’est le rez-de-chaussée, jusque-là occupé par un local commercial, qui a aussi changé de destination. La vitrine a été opacifiée, et le tour est joué.
«Pendant des années, nous avons été désarmés, puis, avec [l’adjoint au logement] Ian Brossat, on a pu reprendre la main», a reconnu Emmanuel Grégoire. Comme les autres capitales du globe, Paris a d’abord subi, impuissante, la déferlante de ces locations meublées de courte durée, qui ont fait monter les prix et chassé les habitants des quartiers centraux, entraînant avec eux la fermeture de commerces de bouche ou de services à l’habitant, comme les blanchisseries. [...]
La régulation a fait son effet
La France est le deuxième marché mondial pour Airbnb, derrière les Etats-Unis. Première destination touristique mondiale, sa capitale reste une ville de cocagne pour la firme de San Francisco, surtout dans la perspective des Jeux olympiques l’été prochain. D’où l’urgence de compléter l’arsenal juridique mis en place à partir de 2018 par Ian Brossat, à base de régime d’autorisation préalable et de règles strictes de compensation pour les professionnels, en parallèle à l’obligation faite à Airbnb de désactiver les annonces, désormais pourvues d’un numéro d’enregistrement, dont le nombre de nuitées dépasse 120. Ainsi, depuis janvier 2022, tout changement d’usage d’un commerce en meublé touristique est désormais soumis à autorisation de la mairie et les logements transformés en locations touristiques doivent faire l’objet d’une double, voire d’une triple compensation en surface. Il était temps : en à peine deux ans (2020-2022), un commerce sur huit a été transformé en meublé touristique au cœur de la capitale, selon Dorine Bregman, l’adjointe de Paris Centre. De manière générale, la régulation a produit son effet, puisqu’on assiste à un «tassement du nombre de meublés touristiques déclaré», affirme Emmanuel Grégoire.
[...] Longtemps hostile à toute réglementation, au point d’adresser régulièrement des «bras d’honneur» à la mairie, dixit Ian Brossat (1), la plateforme américaine assure aujourd’hui être non seulement en règle, mais avoir renoué avec son mythe fondateur, puisque «les trois quarts des hébergements loués l’an dernier à Paris sur Airbnb étaient des résidences principales ou des chambres chez l’habitant». Omettant de rappeler la bataille qu’a dû livrer la ville de Paris (mais aussi d’autres métropoles régionales et jusqu’à l’île d’Oléron, qui a attaqué récemment la firme en justice) pour récupérer la taxe de séjour. Sans parler des tentatives, infructueuses celles-là, pour qu’Airbnb paie des impôts en France à proportion du chiffre d’affaires qu’y génère son activité : peine perdue, puisque la maison mère est basée en Irlande, un quasi-paradis fiscal.
«Un trou dans la raquette»
Cette offensive pour «déloger» Airbnb n’est pas que parisienne : la municipalité écologiste d’Annecy, victime à son tour de son attractivité, a ouvert la voie en votant fin février la mise en place de quotas de meublés de tourisme pour tenter de faire revenir sur le marché plusieurs centaines de logements. Ces quotas s’appliqueront dès juin dans la commune, qui a été divisée en trois zones, la plus restrictive étant la vieille ville, très touristique. Une mesure jugée «discriminatoire et disproportionnée» par le Syndicat Annecy Meublés, représentant les intérêts des loueurs, qui a annoncé son intention de saisir la justice. Le lobby des professionnels de l’immobilier, qui a déjà eu la peau de l’encadrement des loyers (finalement rétabli), va-t-il repartir à l’attaque contre le régime d’interdiction appelé à se mettre en place à Paris ?
La transformation des logements et commerces en meublés de tourisme étant désormais très encadrée, les élus parisiens redoutent que l’appétit des investisseurs ne se tourne désormais vers les bureaux. D’autant qu’avec la généralisation du télétravail, les besoins des entreprises en m² de bureaux se sont beaucoup réduits. «Ce qui nous manque aujourd’hui, ce sont des déclarations préalables pour la transformation de bureaux en Airbnb, et puis il y a un trou dans la raquette concernant les locations de passoires thermiques, sur lesquelles il y avait une exception pour les meublés touristiques��, confirme Emmanuel Grégoire.
Pour boucher ces trous, la ville compte sur la proposition de loi transpartisane visant à «remédier aux déséquilibres du marché locatif en zone tendue», qui sera débattue le 13 juin à l’Assemblée. Selon son corapporteur, le député de la Nupes Iñaki Echaniz, présent lors du déplacement dans le Sentier, son article 2 propose justement «d’étendre aux meublés touristiques le droit de regard des élus», en leur permettant de mettre en place une autorisation préalable à la location touristique. Ce régime dit «de changement d’usage d’un local», bureaux inclus, ne concerne aujourd’hui que les communes de plus de 200 000 habitants et trois départements de la petite couronne francilienne, a précisé le député socialiste.
Véto fiscal de Bercy
Reste le nerf de la guerre : la fiscalité. Relayant une demande ancienne des associations de mettre fin à la «niche fiscale Airbnb», l’article 3 de la proposition de loi suggère de réduire l’abattement dont bénéficient les investisseurs sur leurs revenus locatifs, qui peut aller jusqu’à 71 % ! «Je plaidais aussi pour une révision de la taxe sur les résidences secondaires, mais Bercy ne veut pas en entendre parler», a regretté Iñaki Echaniz. Explication : cette taxe est une majoration de la taxe foncière. En raison de ce «couplage», toute hausse de la première entraîne mécaniquement une hausse de la seconde. Résultat, les maires qui voudraient augmenter la pression fiscale sur les résidences secondaires pour inciter les propriétaires à remettre sur le marché ces logements inoccupés une bonne partie de l’année devront augmenter les impôts locaux. Aucune chance qu’ils le fassent… D’où l’idée portée par le Parti socialiste d’un «découplage», sur lequel Bercy a mis, sans surprise, son veto.
Ce n’est pas comme si la crise du logement ne frappait pas durement, non seulement l’Ile-de-France, mais une bonne partie du littoral atlantique. Le député basque a décrit le défilé dans sa permanence électorale des saisonniers, étudiants ou membres du personnel de l’hôpital de Bayonne, qui ne trouvent plus à se loger «là où ils travaillent et là d’où ils viennent». La raison ? Le boom des meublés de tourisme, qui ont augmenté de 130 % entre 2016 et 2020 dans la communauté d’agglomération du Pays basque. «Même dans l’arrière-pays, les prix montent. Au centre du Pays basque, une maison achetée 120 000 euros il y a trois ans a été remise sur le marché, avec une piscine en plus, à 400 000 euros, a illustré l’élu. Or nos territoires ne sont pas seulement des centres de vacances : on souhaite avoir des gens qui y vivent !»
Dédiabolisation des «méfaits du business»
Alors qu’Airbnb est montré du doigt pour son rôle dans cette crise, la firme a lancé une opération de séduction pour tenter de redorer son image. «Avec la ville de Paris, la relation est forte, il y a toujours des moyens de l’améliorer mais nous serons un partenaire extraordinairement important du logement», a assuré Brian Chesky, son PDG, dans un entretien aux Echos publié mardi. Et, à moins de 500 jours du top départ des JO, elle se décarcasse pour montrer à quel point sa présence sera bénéfique à l’économie française. Par exemple, elle a commandé une étude au cabinet de conseil Deloitte, qui chiffre à 1 milliard d’euros les retombées économiques attendues pour la France. Un chiffre largement repris dans les médias. Ainsi, les quelque 560 000 touristes «qui séjourneront dans des hébergements loués sur Airbnb pendant les Jeux généreraient un milliard d’euros de chiffre d’affaires, 73 millions d’euros de recettes fiscales (dont 15 millions de taxes de séjour) et devraient permettre la création de près de 7 300 emplois équivalents temps plein dans l’année», détaille l’étude.
Du côté des 130 000 hôtes attendus, Airbnb fait miroiter un jackpot : selon Deloitte, ils devraient empocher 221 euros par nuit en moyenne entre le 26 juillet et le 11 août. Soit une hausse de 85 % par rapport au revenu moyen en 2022 (119 euros). «Cette étude n’a pour but que de dédiaboliser les méfaits du business des meublés de tourisme sur notre territoire et de redorer l’image de l’entreprise, s’agace Vincent Aulnay, membre du collectif ParisvsBnB, cité par le Parisien. Oui, il y aura des retombées économiques fortes durant cette période, mais après ? Va-t-on voir encore une vague d’investisseurs jouer au Monopoly dans nos villes ? Trop de jeunes, de foyers modestes ont énormément de mal à se loger, des quartiers se vident, des classes ferment…» Pour ou contre Airbnb ? Après les trottinettes en libre-service, autre marqueur contesté de la «ville ubérisée», la question ne pourrait-elle pas aussi faire l’objet d’une votation citoyenne ?
(1) Voir son livre Airbnb, la ville ubérisée, éd. La Ville brûle, 2018
#real estate#french#upthebaguette#article copié en entier car réservé aux abonnés#enfin j'ai coupé deux trois phrases pour la longueur quand même mais l'essentiel est là#bee tries to talk#air bnb#long post
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#meanwhile... somewhere on the estate#or maybe a bnb#idk but he's reading one of Isaac's books#god that a nerd
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Whenever I see "housing crisis" I get so fucking infuriated. It's only a "crisis" because speculators, landlords, and air bnb fuckwads are allowed to buy up as much fucking property as they want and drive up prices even if they have absolutely no intent on using the space.
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Navigating the Challenges of Property Management with Mercedes Sanchez
🏡 Welcome to the World of MBX Homes 🏡
Mercedes Sanchez, founder of MBX Homes, has revolutionized property management in Los Angeles. This blog captures her insights from the FTR Sisterhood podcast, hosted by Stacy St. John, where she discusses her journey, strategies, and the secret to building a rental empire.
🚀 From Hospitality to Real Estate
Mercedes’s transition from luxury hospitality to short-term rentals came naturally:
“Operating short-term rentals is like running a mini hotel.”
With her background in onboarding luxury resorts, she seamlessly applied her expertise to managing 70+ properties across Los Angeles.
🔑 Keys to Success in a Regulated Market
Los Angeles’s strict rental regulations pose unique challenges, but Mercedes’s proactive approach keeps her ahead:
Stay Informed: Attend city council meetings and advocate for clients.
Plan Ahead: Use permits strategically to balance short-term and midterm rentals.
Adapt Marketing: Tailor strategies to meet evolving demands.
🎥 Lights, Camera, Rentals!
Mercedes has mastered the art of renting properties for film productions. By partnering with scouts and showcasing properties on platforms like Image Locations, MBX Homes turns homes into stars.
🌟 Empowering Others
Mercedes offers invaluable advice for newcomers:
Never work for free.
Maintain standardized agreements.
Always strive to exceed client expectations.
💻 What’s Next for MBX Homes?
As MBX Homes continues to grow, Mercedes aims to become a household name in property management. Her focus on client satisfaction and operational excellence ensures a bright future.
💡 Final Thoughts
Mercedes’s story is an inspiring reminder of what’s possible with dedication and creativity. Whether you’re managing rentals or exploring new ventures, her insights are a guide to success. 🌟
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taina-iti ─ Résidence White Plage (Tahiti)
Conception d'une identité visuelle (logo + charte graphique) & réalisation de photographies pour un air bnb à Tahiti près de la plage du PK18
#graphic design#graphiste à tahiti#air bnb tahiti#hostel#photography#interior photography#photographe intérieur#immobilier#real estate#logo#logo design#logotype#creative logo#logomaker#brand identity#graphicdesign#creativedesign
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Are you interested in learning more about Sean Rakidzich because of your ability to make money with his Million Dollar Renter Program?
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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ the earth from a distance | andrew hozier-byrne *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
ship: andrew hozier-byrne x fem!oc
warnings: references to death, alienation
summary: Gráinne moved to Dunbur to escape her past, to live quietly and write, and wallow in all the grief she had acquired. Andrew has other ideas…
word count: 3663
a/n: dedicated to my beloved @ath3nasgard3n who came with me to see bogfather in concert and held me while I SOBBED to Abstract (Psychopomp), even though she had never listened to hozier before that night.
Also, the setting for this fic is the Old Wicklow Head Lighthouse in Dunbur, which is now a BnB that you can stay in.
How to pronounce Gráinne and Máire
It began, as all good love stories should, with the death of a stranger. This time, it was the old lady who lived in the disused lighthouse by the battered shore, dying as the leaves turned to copper. I had lived in Dunbur for almost a year by that time, I never saw the heather part for any cars that might wind along the gravel path to the sea- but, then again, I was not watching for them. Either way, Lady, my poor MX5 was not built for such terrain and I could feel the scrub catching in sods under her chassis all the way down to the grass flat that had been designated as parking.
My gumboots squelched on the sopping turf as I hopped out, squinting at the pallid sun that tried so hard to reach me through the permanent duvet of cloud. It was a nice day by County Wicklow standards, no rain, minimal mist, and nearly, nearly sunny. The only reason to rug up was the damn wind billowing off the sea. I caught a gaggle of county gents eyeing Lady with appraisal while their wives loaded their cars with salvaged kitsch.
“She’s a beauty.” Mr Mulligan, the butcher- the most confident of the group- spoke up, peering out from beneath his tweed flat-cap with a face far too chipper for an estate sale.
“Ta.” I nod in thanks. “She’s old enough to order a pint.”
“What year?”
“Ah, excellent year.” He said. I supposed it would be true if cars were like wine. “You’re a fine driver to get her up the back ass of nowhere, o’er all this shite.”
“Ta, just dumb luck, I reckon.” I moved to step away, but he cut in closer.
“We got ‘em lil’ cutlets in at the shop, I know they’re your favourite.”
“Ah, ya can’t fuckin’ get a word outta this one without him sellin’ ya some gobshite.” Mr Ronan, the newsagent spoke up with a roll of his eyes.
“Ahh, rev up ya bastard!” He aimed a light smack at his friend, and soon they were in playful fighting stances.
I took their rough-housing as my cue to retreat, finding their high spirits quite macabre and feeling grateful that the old lady’s family could not see them over the shallow rise.
The sale itself took place over the hillock and down in a scoop of grass a little ways away from the lighthouse. The townsfolk picked over fold-out camping tables laden with knickknacks and books, and a sparse supply of farm equipment and furniture on tarps nearby. I resolved to steer clear of there since Lady wasn’t known for her boot space, and I did not feel like calling in a favour from someone with an appropriate vehicle for the countryside. There was a dull hum of conversation hanging over the scene, and as I approached I must have murmured ‘hello’ and forced a smile for half a dozen of my regular customers. A few young men in black coats seemed to be dealing with the sales; grandsons of the deceased, I assumed.
I started with the books, finding a Folio Society copy of The Divine Comedy for a relative bargain,and- to my surprise- a few of Anne Rice’s Christian novels. I had little luck with anything else and was about to give up and go home, but something more caught my eye. It was a teddy bear with fur like lush, green grass. It had a curious face, with dark eyes and wide, brown nose that matched the brown on its paw-pads. Around its neck were four bells on a chain, each a different autumnal shade. Immediately taken by him, and spying a toddler staring at him with hungry eyes and grubby hands, I decided I couldn’t live without him and snaffled him up. The bells jingled pleasantly, and the fur was silky in my hands.
“Alright?” Someone sidled in beside me- Sue- the dumpy older woman who worked at the dingy smoke-and-gun shop down the street from the cafe where I worked.
“Quer’n windy out, ain’t it?” Her eye contact was intense and probing.
“Aye.” I kept it brief. Once you got her talking, she wasn’t likely to stop.
“Cute.” She pointed to the bear, raising her brows. Her curiosity read phoney. “Bairns at home?”
“No. He’s for me.” I giggled in embarrassment, but she did not appear to be listening.
“Look at all this shite, would ya?” She picked up an admittedly hideous angelfish paperweight made of blue glass, sneering. “Hard to imagine such a proper woman would fill her gaff with this much cheap junk.”
“You couldn’t move in that place for all the stuff.”
“You been in there, then?” Shit, she’s got me asking questions...
“Well,” She fiddled with her straw-blonde pageboy hair, suddenly self-conscious. “No, but you know that’s what its like, I mean look at it all.”
“You know, I sold her fags.” She lifted her chin, prideful, yet almost disapproving. “Seven packs, each week on a Tuesday.”
“Maybe that’s what got her.”
I regretted the words as soon as they escaped my mouth, smiled tightly at her aghast expression and made a run for one of the young men dressed in black. This was a sad town, I reminded myself. A sad town, with sad gossip, and sad old ladies who die alone in bleak, majestic places full of items haunted by memory. What do I care if Sue starts spreading rumours?
The man served me quickly, seeming distracted. I wished him well and expressed sorrow for his loss. He thanked me in a robotic way, as if this were the hundredth time he was hearing those sentiments that day, and gave me a paper bag for my books. I took my cue to leave, hiking up over the rise to my car. As I went, my eyes strayed to the lighthouse. It burst up from the earth like the trunk of an enormous tree, though it lacked the natural curvature of wood, instead taking the form of an eight-sided prism. Ringed around the top was a deck with a railing just visible from such a distance. My feet slowed, suddenly intrigued by the memory held within the stones. I cast about a furtive glance. Nobody around, and all the patrons out of sight behind the slope. A closer look couldn’t hurt anyone, could it? Without another thought, I made a break for it, trying to walk swiftly without appearing to be hurrying in case the eyes I felt boring into me were not just a figment of my active imagination.
The gorse and heather grew all the way up to the base of the structure, which stretched high up above me in six tapering sections. I tilted my head back, I shielding my eyes against the glare. It was so tall, yet not even the domed top could scratch at the clouds. It was too windy to see the mist settle low enough to swallow the top, yet the idea of such a sight was glorious in my mind’s eye, like a tower from a fable. I wandered around the base, picking my way across the brush, until I came to the door. It was enormous and fortified, and appeared to be locked. I pushed on it hard, expecting nothing, but it swung in with a creak and a great feeling of resistance.
The surprise drew a gasp from my lips as I slipped inside. The inside seemed tiny in comparison, with low ceilings yellowed by years of indoor smoking. The inner walls were rounded, rough with crackled plaster and faded yellow wallpaper hanging off in sloughs. The air smelt of mildew and damp, and I noticed that the window at the rear was open in an attempt to flush out the smell. I crept over, laying my feet lightly. There was a book laying face down on the sill and a pair of reading glasses folded beside them. A chill ran over me at the realisation that these people may still be using this space.
Get out of here Gráinne, what the hell are you doing? I scolded myself internally as I abandoned my package of books and made a beeline for the stairs. You stupid woman, they’re gonna catch you! Sue’s probably told them all you spit on their grandmother’s memory by now!
The stairs ran openly up the walls of each floor, and I found myself gripping the iron railing as I climbed. They creaked and popped as they took my weight, the sound amplified by the empty stone interior. I saw that the second and third floors were as empty as the first, each showing signs of water damage and decay. The fourth floor was home to a frankly enormous four-poster bed that took up almost the whole room. The fifth floor appeared to be a bathroom, while the sixth was a kitchen. I was out of breath by the time I reached the top, and I had counted 109 steps from the ground floor.
As I bent over, holding my knees while I caught my breath, I noticed that in the corner there was a pull-down attic style door that hung open invitingly. It looked a tad rickety, and the fact that it was open at all should have read as suspicious, but the climb had taken a good five minutes and I’d be damned if I would leave without seeing the view from the very top. Gritting my teeth, I took the final climb, white-knuckling the rail as I popped my head out into the brightness. The wind howled against my ears, cutting through my beanie. I blinked my dry eyes against it, peering through my lashes and rubbing furiously against the sting.
“Hello, miss.”
Such a cheerful voice had never struck such terror in a person. A shock like falling galvanised my blood and before I had time to register what had happened, I had sprinted backwards down the stairs and stood frozen at the bottom. A beat passed, then he appeared, kneeling at the top of the trap door like a gargoyle: a young man with a soft face and a nest of dark hair poking out from beneath a knitted beanie. He seemed to be suppressing a smile, and when he spoke, it burst across his face with a giggly laugh.
“I see you down there.”
“Sorry!” I blurted out. “Sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think-”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright.” He put a hand over his heart in an old-fashioned gesture of sincerity. “I didn’t mean to frighten ya.”
“N-no, I shouldn’t be up here anyway, I…”
“Well, strictly speaking, no you shouldn’t. But I left the door unlocked, and if it wasn’t you, it would be someone else.” He tilted his head, offering a kinder smile than I deserved. “You’re not in trouble.”
“I-” I took a deep breath, trying to swallow my stutter. “Thank you for… understanding.”
He shrugged.
“S’alright. People get curious. It’s not like there’s much left to steal, anyways. Unless you think you can get that bed frame down the stairs.”
“I-I don’t think I could, no.” A nervous giggle found its way into my voice.
“Alas, neither can the movers. She’s a beauty though, ain’t she? Though I think I’ll have to burn some sage before I sleep in it. I’m not the creepiest thing in this place, I’ll tell you what. Banshees and spooks in every corner.” He seemed amused at my wide-eyed confusion. “You may need to sage the bear too. I think I see Aunt Máire’s ghost peepin’ out through its beady eyes.”
“Right…” He raised an eyebrow as I held the bear close to my chest.
“Sorry, I’m just messin.’”
“I know.” I said quickly, taking a tentative step back, eyeing the stairs. “Well, I’m gonna…”
“What? You’re not coming up?”
“I-I shouldn’t. I’ve already basically broken in.”
“Nonsense.” He shook his head, his smile almost exasperated. “You’ve climbed all this way, surely come out and have a look. I don’t mind, I promise. I’m invitin’ ya.”
In that moment it occurred to me that this was a stranger- albeit a kindly and handsome one, but a stranger nonetheless- and we were in a very secluded spot. He could be anyone. He could want anything. I felt my phone pressing on my leg from my jeans pocket. He put his hand up in surrender.
“I won’t twist your arm about it, but the door is open if you like. I’ll let you get on, or would you like me to walk you back down?”
“No.” I left myself no more time to think on it. After all, it was the middle of the day, and the folk at the sale could see us standing by the railing. “I’ll come up. If you don’t mind.”
“Of course.”
He moved aside obligingly, offering a hand to help me up. It seemed rude not to accept such an offering, and I could not say I regretted it. His hands were huge and soft, his grip firm but gentle. He kept hold of me for a beat longer than he needed, meeting my gaze with eyes narrowed against the glare. He was gorgeous up close, with down turned moss-green eyes that resembled those of a creature far older than any human, half hidden beneath thick, dark lashes. He smiled as he stood up, and as my stare dropped to his cherub lips I noticed his close cropped beard was auburn in the watery sunlight. He rose up, and up, and up, and soon he was towering over me like a beech tree.
“Wow, you’re tall.” I had to shout over the roaring wind.
He laughed. A husky sound that made his shoulders shake.
“Aw, and you’re such a tiny ting, I feel like I owe you a couple inches.” Instantly, he blushed. “That’s not what I- uh- oh, forget it.”
He tore off his beanie and buried his face in it. Bubbling up from the depths of me, for reasons unknown, was some of my old sense of humour.
“Well, I wouldn’t say no…”
“Ugh, inappropriate, missy!” He swatted at me with his beanie, then sniffed in mock offence. “You don’t even know my name.”
“Hey! You’re the one who started on about all your inches…”
“And I do have a few.”
“See what I mean? Unbelievable.”
He rolled his eyes, then contained himself no longer and let loose his infectious laughter. Soon enough, I was in bits. When we could both hold a straight face, he leaned in and offered me a handshake.
“I’m Andrew, by the way.”
“Gráinne” He leaned in as he spoke, the sound softening as it passed through his mouth. The ‘r’ rolled gently like the crest of a wave into the breathy final syllable, and the name I once found so masculine and harsh sounded like a prayer to my ears. “Borrowed name for an English girl.”
“Not borrowed,” I sniffed, suddenly protective of the name I once considered an unflattering mouthful, and embarrassed at my obvious lack of an accent. “I’m a quarter Irish on my father’s side, if you believe in splitting yourself into fractions. It’s my great grandmother’s name.”
“I apologise for my rudeness.” Again, he put his hand on his heart. I had to stand close to hear his soft tone as the gale whipped my face. “I was only surprised. Gráinne isn’t such a common name these days, which is a shame ‘cause I find it quite beautiful. Do you speak any Gaeilge?”
I shook my head, heat marring my cheeks.
“If you fancy learning, I’m your man. These courses…” He shook his head. “They teach you how to speak it, but they can’t help you with the feeling.”
“I’ll keep it in mind.” I would be lying to myself if I denied the thrill of excitement I felt at the prospect of getting to know him in some small way.
“I certainly hope so.” He took a step back and gestured broadly. “Such a view is surely incentive enough.”
I looked around, realising that in my fascination with this sprite of a man, I had failed to take in my surroundings. One one side, the prairie hills rolled gently out toward the horizon, marbled in a thousand shades of green, brown, bronze, even pink and yellow where the gorse and wildflowers grew dense through the grass. Clusters of trees and scrub broke up the smooth flow of the turf, crosshatched with paths carved out by hares and foxes. Further out, I saw a sparse gathering of cottages, and an ivory freckling of sheep over the surrounding hillside.
We wandered the circumference of the deck, looking down first upon the rows of reliable utes, and one fragile sports car; then, at the people milling around the tables like tiny crabs on a beached porpoise. Finally, we regarded the stark, white shape of the new lighthouse and control centre; unnatural, yet homely against the shore. Down there, the brilliant tapestry of colour gave way to grey stone that formed jutting structures along the shore, growing smaller and smaller until they reached the small stretch of beach that must have been made from gravel, or even coarse sand. The sea there was deep grey, roiling with pale breakers that threw up jets of foam as they crashed against the rocks. Above the water, yet still strangely beneath us, grey gulls wheeled on the wild wind. Their cries carried over the roar of the sea, reaching us on a breath of sharp, briny air. I inhaled deeply, feeling the spirit of this ancient place come into me, cold and fresh.
“It is… beautiful. Do you mean you’d teach me up here?”
“If it was a bit less windy, yeah.” He scrunched his nose. “Otherwise, I’m renovating the kitchen in the next few weeks. Once its done up and not so decrepit we could use that.”
“So, this really is your place, then?”
“Aye. And about a hundred acres worth of peninsula. The workers at the new lighthouse have right of way, of course, but whatever. It’s a good deal.”
“Wow,” I allowed myself an awed gasp. “You inherited all that?”
“Well, my cousins did.” He itched the back of his neck, as if about to confess to an embarrassing fact. “They were gonna put it on the market and split the money, so I said I’d buy it sight unseen if they come down to help me clear out all the stuff.”
“Wow. How can you afford all that as such a young age?”
“I’m older than I look.” He admitted with an awkward laugh. “But younger than my soul, ma says.”
“You’ve been here a few time before?”
“More’n a few, I’d wager.” He turned his glittering eyes to me. “You don’t seem new either. We’ve probably met before, once upon a time.”
“You’d think I’d remember someone like you.”
“Ah, I’d say the same about you.” I did not miss the redness on his cheeks. “Memory is a fickle thing. Anyway, I can afford this place because I lead a charmed life. I work hard, yeah, but luck has so much to do with it. You collect your share of four-leafed clovers growin’ up ‘round here.”
“You’re from Dunbur?”
“Newcastle, up the coast a ways.”
“I might have driven through on my way to Dublin.”
“Might’ve.” He checked his watch. “Sorry, I better get back to the vultures.”
He strode over to the stairwell, and I took it as my cue to follow.
“Oh, you can stay up there as long as you like.” He assured me. “Just make sure you lock the door on the way out.”
“Oh, no, I better go home myself. Dinner to cook, laundry to do…”
“It never ends, does it?”
We made our way down, moving quickly as he took two stairs at a time. He reached the ground before me, but I found him waiting for me with an amused look on his beautiful face and my book bag under his arm.
“Sorry, I forgot about your poor, tiny legs.”
“Rude.” I tried to take my bag from him, but he was already digging through it.
“What have we got in here… The Anne Rice novels, very nice, and oh! The Divine Comedy! Have you read it before?”
“No, never.”
“You’ve got to.” He handed it over with gravitas. “Do not let this gather dust. Read it, it’ll change your life.”
“I will.”
“Good.” He glanced over his shoulder as we stepped outside, pulling the enormous door closed behind him. “Alright, I’ve gotta run, but it’s been lovely to meet you.”
“You too.” I was about to let him go, but I wanted to see him for just a moment longer before he dissolved like mist. “Oh, Andrew?”
“I’m… sorry, for your loss.”
“Thank you, but I never really knew her. She was the black sheep of the family, a title I’m happy to inherit. One day, I’ll tell you all about it.” Gently, he tapped my elbow with the back of his hand, a gesture that set my skin alight. “I’ll see ya round, Gráinne.”
He waved as he left, the ever present smile still lingering on his lips. He turned to me again when he reached the crest of the hill and waved once more. I waved back, and when he disappeared over the rise, I bounded over to watch him walk away. One more time, he turned, as if he sensed me watching, and lifted his hand over his head.
“Gráinne.” I whispered, trying to match his lilting cadence. “Gráinne, Gráinne…”
I knew then that my name would never sound as sweet again, and wondered how much more exquisite it would be were it to pass from those budded lips in a sigh of bliss.
#hozier#andrew hozier byrne#hozier x reader#hozier x you#hozier x y/n#hozier fanfiction#unreal unearth#abstract psychopomp
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With the upcoming holiday season and cold weather, I wanted to recommend my favorite cozy fics for cuddling up with something (or someone) warm. These aren’t all winter fics - most of them aren’t - but they will make your heart glow.
Be Still My Indelible Friend by @nonamemanga
Rated E, 3k, complete
Tyler might need a shave. Wednesday gets one anyway.
I Didn’t Know Where Else to Go by @therulerofallpotatos
Rated E, 3k, complete
Wednesday bought a house before starting school at Nevermore. It was the house she had intended to run away to and continue her writing in peace. For three weeks after the semester came to an early end, Wednesday remained in her basement studying the hyde as best she could without the man himself present. Three weeks after Tyler became a fugitive of the state, she left her lab to greet the disheveled, neglected hyde collapsed on her front porch. // Tyler met her eyes. // Wednesday squatted to eye level and said, “Inside.”
Smoke Signals by @realmermaid333
Rated E, 7k, complete
Three years have passed since the events that occurred at Nevermore in Wednesday's sophomore year. Wednesday has graduated and is taking a gap year, spending her time writing and deciding what she will study in college. Morticia convinces Wednesday to leave the house and write at a cafe nearby called The Dark Dahlia. There a huge and confusing coincidence happens.
don’t throw it out with the bathwater by @katwitchwriting
Rated M, 5k, complete
Wednesday has a goddamn reputation to uphold and Tyler cannot be running around town screwing that up for her by letting people know she lets him call her baby.
Snowed in with him… by writingallthetime
Rated G, 10k, complete
Wednesday takes a writing break during the holidays up in the countryside and gets snowed into her Air Bnb. Unfortunately for her, her neighbour smiles a lot and bakes more, and always finds a reason to knock on her door throughout the days she spends in the middle of nowhere.
Not a Trainwreck, but I Can’t Look Away by @itshype
Rated T, 4k, complete
AKA the It’s Free Real Estate ‘verse // The entire thing really is Tyler’s fault. Wednesday is the victim here.
Bloody Good Time by @onlyelaine
Rated E, 8k, complete
What Wednesday does for fun these days is slightly unconventional.
It Only Took You by @galpinlvr
Rated G, 2k, complete
When Tyler took his designated mid-afternoon break at the Weathervane today, he didn’t expect to open his phone to thirteen frantic texts and seven missed calls from Enid. // AKA // Wednesday is overstimulated and only wants her boyfriend (without actually saying it.)
Heartburn by @wileyonce
Rated T, 17k, complete
Wednesday went to the Weathervane for the coffee and didn’t need to let anyone know that the bitter dark liquid was not the only purpose of her trips to Jericho anymore. Everything was exactly the same as it has always been. That’s what she told herself walking into the Weathervane again, anyway.
Let me know your favorite cozy wyler fics in the notes <3
#fic rec#rec list#weyler#wyler#wednesday and tyler#weyler fanfiction#wyler fic#wyler fanfiction#tyler and wednesday#wednesday x tyler#wednesday addams x tyler galpin
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Trees on the grounds of a BnB I stayed at on Maryland's Eastern Shore. A very beautiful estate converted to a BnB.
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I’m kind of annoyed I know I shouldn’t but SnC could have traveled this month in Asia , Europe or whatever destinations they’re going too , we could also had some content video but instead they decide to stay in vegas for K and M ://… unless SnC are waiting until April for Coachella which I’m not surprised but still meh….😕
Alright, let it be known for the record that I do not condone leaking xplrclub information at will.
But I think some things need to be set straight, here.
Not everything snc have been doing as far as their travel is concerned is about the girls.
Colby has had two health scares arise since January; both of which required a lot of testing and doctor's appointments. One occurred in January; the other occurred days before they left for Australia and was only just resolved within this last week.
He is ok - still cancer free and was not diagnosed with anything serious. But he had to deal with quite a bit as it pertains to his health recently - as anyone who battled cancer has to do.
He is also in the process of switching his oncologist to one in LA, and will be back there in a few weeks to meet with them and begin his quarterly scans and testing with them. So, when they pop up in LA in two weeks and everyone gets all pissed off because, "All they do is hang out with those girls," PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS MAN HAS OTHER SHIT GOING ON. His life isn't just fucking and ignoring the internet and his youtube career so he can act like some hedonistic fucking frat bro like some of you seem to think. There is other, way more important shit at play here.
Also, for anyone wondering - the main reason they went to LA after Australia, besides meetings with their teams and filming the podcasts they appeared on, was to meet with a real estate agent so they could buy more property. AGAIN, Colby's oncologist team is now based in LA. He will need to be back and forth for his health quite a bit. So, buying a property so they don't always have to rent air bnb's every time they need to be in town for either medical, business or personal reasons is really probably a smart move.
I need everyone to remember that they do not have a huge team behind them. They have an editing team of THREE (one of the three being Colby), they have ONE producer, and them. That's really it. They have a management team for high business matters, but even then, snc are heavily involved in that. There are not enough hours in the day for them to smash content out the way everyone seems to want them to do, unless they give up all control of their editing and business to focus solely on filming the content - and the last time they tried that route was 25x25, which is not something I'd call a rousing success.
And even if they are taking some time off to hang out with their girlfriends - are they supposed to be working 24/7? Is anyone on this planet supposed to be working 24/7? No. Everyone deserves some down time. Even filthy rich youtubers.
They cannot do it all. And expecting them to give up their personal lives to give everyone more content when they not only deserve personal lives, but also have way more important shit going on in their lives, is just unfair to them.
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did you know the hell house llc origins manor is a functional air bnb with all the furnishings seen in the movie called fernhall estate. girls trip
Let’s go and do unspeakable acts in the bedroom the two main characters stayed in and hope the clowns don’t possess us 💙
#nsewell#sealy answers#lol when they were doing to tour in the beginning#I was thinking ‘this house is so pretty where did they find it’
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i could remake seinfeld. jerry is a comedy podcaster. elaine works for a feminist online publication. george is still a real estate agent. kramer has been out of work since blockbuster went out of business.
jerry holds auditions for a duo act and accidentally hires a vocal misogynist. elaine thinks jerry does this on purpose and goes to slash his tires only to slash the tires belonging to a little old lady. george laments that the only people buying houses today all want to turn them into air bnbs. kramer tries to get his new crypto KramerKoin off the ground
this show would be very kramer focused as he is the best of the gang. kramer gets addicted to temu. kramer tries to make his apartment a smart home only to lose control. kramer gets really into the pirating community. kramer gets a tesla only for it to catch fire with him inside.
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The Expansive World of Cryptocurrencies: Innovations, Challenges, and Notable Projects
Cryptocurrencies have revolutionized the financial landscape since the introduction of Bitcoin in 2009. These digital assets leverage blockchain technology to offer decentralized, secure, and transparent financial transactions. Over the past decade, the cryptocurrency ecosystem has expanded dramatically, encompassing a wide variety of projects with diverse purposes and features. This article explores the broad world of cryptocurrencies, highlighting key innovations, challenges, and notable projects, including a mention of Sexy Meme Coin.
The Birth of Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin, created by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, was the first cryptocurrency, designed to provide a decentralized alternative to traditional financial systems. Bitcoin's success paved the way for thousands of other cryptocurrencies, each seeking to improve upon its limitations or to introduce new functionalities.
Key Innovations in Cryptocurrencies
Blockchain Technology: At the heart of cryptocurrencies is blockchain technology, a decentralized ledger that records all transactions across a network of computers. This technology ensures transparency, security, and immutability, making it ideal for various applications beyond finance.
Smart Contracts: Introduced by Ethereum, smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. These contracts automatically enforce and execute agreements when predefined conditions are met, enabling complex decentralized applications (DApps) and services.
Decentralized Finance (DeFi): DeFi refers to a range of financial services built on blockchain technology that operate without traditional intermediaries like banks. DeFi platforms offer lending, borrowing, trading, and earning interest on digital assets, democratizing access to financial services.
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): NFTs are unique digital assets representing ownership of specific items, such as art, music, or virtual real estate. Unlike cryptocurrencies, which are fungible and can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis, NFTs are indivisible and unique, making them valuable for digital ownership and provenance.
Types of Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin and Altcoins: Bitcoin remains the most well-known and valuable cryptocurrency, often referred to as "digital gold." However, the term "altcoins" encompasses all other cryptocurrencies, which serve a wide range of purposes from enhancing transaction speeds to enabling smart contracts.
Utility Tokens: Utility tokens are designed to provide access to a specific service or product within a blockchain ecosystem. Examples include Ethereum's Ether (ETH), used for transactions and computational services on the Ethereum network, and Binance Coin (BNB), used for transaction fees on the Binance exchange.
Stablecoins: Stablecoins are pegged to stable assets like fiat currencies or precious metals to reduce volatility. Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC) are popular stablecoins pegged to the US dollar, providing a stable store of value and medium of exchange in the crypto market.
Security Tokens: Security tokens represent ownership in real-world assets, such as stocks or real estate, and are subject to regulatory oversight. These tokens offer traditional financial rights, such as dividends or interest payments, on the blockchain.
Meme Coins: Meme coins are cryptocurrencies inspired by internet memes and cultural phenomena. They often start as jokes but can gain substantial value and community support. Dogecoin is the most well-known meme coin, but others, like Shiba Inu and Sexy Meme Coin, have also captured public attention. Learn more about Sexy Meme Coin at Sexy Meme Coin.
Privacy Coins: Privacy coins prioritize user privacy by obscuring transaction details. Monero (XMR) and Zcash (ZEC) are notable examples, offering enhanced anonymity compared to other cryptocurrencies.
Challenges Facing Cryptocurrencies
Regulatory Uncertainty: Cryptocurrencies operate in a regulatory grey area in many jurisdictions, with governments around the world grappling with how to regulate these assets. This uncertainty can impact market stability and investor confidence.
Security Concerns: Despite the security of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies are not immune to hacks and fraud. High-profile exchange hacks and scams have highlighted the need for better security measures and regulatory oversight.
Volatility: Cryptocurrency markets are known for their extreme volatility, with prices capable of experiencing significant swings in short periods. This volatility can pose risks for investors and hinder mainstream adoption.
Scalability: Many cryptocurrencies face challenges with scalability, struggling to handle a large number of transactions quickly and efficiently. Solutions like the Lightning Network for Bitcoin and Ethereum 2.0 aim to address these issues.
Notable Cryptocurrency Projects
Bitcoin (BTC): As the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, Bitcoin remains the benchmark for digital currencies. Its decentralized nature and limited supply have earned it the moniker "digital gold."
Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum introduced the concept of smart contracts, enabling decentralized applications and services. It has become the backbone of the DeFi and NFT ecosystems, driving significant innovation in the crypto space.
Cardano (ADA): Cardano focuses on sustainability, scalability, and transparency, using a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. It aims to provide a secure and scalable platform for the development of decentralized applications.
Polkadot (DOT): Polkadot facilitates interoperability between different blockchains, allowing them to share information and resources. Its unique architecture supports the creation of "parachains," which can operate independently while benefiting from the security and connectivity of the Polkadot network.
Chainlink (LINK): Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that connects smart contracts with real-world data. This functionality is crucial for the operation of many DeFi applications, making Chainlink a vital component of the blockchain ecosystem.
Sexy Meme Coin (SXYM): Sexy Meme Coin stands out among meme coins for its combination of humor and innovative tokenomics. It offers a decentralized marketplace where users can buy, sell, and trade memes as NFTs, rewarding creators for their originality. Discover more about Sexy Meme Coin at Sexy Meme Coin.
The Future of Cryptocurrencies
The future of cryptocurrencies is filled with potential and challenges. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, cryptocurrencies are likely to become more integrated into mainstream financial systems and everyday life. Regulatory clarity, improved security, and solutions to scalability issues will be crucial for the continued growth and adoption of digital assets.
Cryptocurrencies represent a revolutionary shift in how we think about money, finance, and digital ownership. From Bitcoin's inception to the diverse array of altcoins available today, the cryptocurrency ecosystem is rich with innovation and potential. While challenges remain, the ongoing development and adoption of cryptocurrencies suggest a promising future for this digital revolution.
For those interested in the playful and innovative side of the cryptocurrency market, Sexy Meme Coin offers a unique and entertaining platform. Visit Sexy Meme Coin to explore this exciting project and join the community.
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