#bmb outfit
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wizblr-blue-moon-ball · 10 months ago
You find a letter addressed to you...
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The envelope is a pale, moonstone white with gold filligree. It is sealed with a wax seal, the engravings from the stamp showing an intricate magical spell used to ensure the letter was delivered to you.
If you are with a friend who also recieves a letter, you notice that each seal was customized to specifically reach you and you alone.
The paper inside a fine parchment with an invitation written in deep blue ink....
Hello Magical Friend~☆
You are cordially invited to the Blue Moon Ball, the first of its kind hosted on Wizard Island (Island).
It will be a week-long celebration of the magical and arcane with old and new friends; if you happen to receive this letter, you are one of many esteemed guests we would like to host at our establishment.
Should you decide to attend, please sign the RSVP card added within this envelope and send it back using your preferred method of mailing.
The ball will be held in the fourth week of May, the Nineteenth through the Twenty-Fifth (May 19-25). We hope to see you there!
Welcome everyone to the official announcement post of the Blue Moon Ball! Wizardblr's (maybe?) first community-wide event. Hosted by yours truly @the-necrobotanist! I'm happy to see you here!
The event will take place over the course of seven days, where participants will make posts relating to a series of themes throughout the entire week.
The event will take place on the week of the 19-25, mark your calendars!
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Please be polite and kind to other participants
No AI generation in any and all submissions
Do not reveal any personal info
(This is everything for now. Please do not make me extend this rule list)
There are four categories for people to partake in for the prompts: Art, Writing, Roleplay, and Photography. I'll explain a bit more in detail about them below.. .
ART [#Blue Moon Ball Art]
Draw your character according to the prompts, and perhaps other people's characters!
Use of picrews/heroforge is allowed as long as you credit where you made the image from
Use of AI to make art is strictly prohibited and will not be included in the event.
WRITING [#Blue Moon Ball Writing]
Write a story, drabble, or fic of your character!
There is no base word count or word limit, do whatever you wish!
Poems and the like are totally welcome and allowed!
No AI generated writing is allowed.
ROLEPLAY [#Blue Moon Ball Roleplay]
Roleplay at the event! I'll make a few starters for people to post and add to :)
Keep everything SFW, and if a RP situation makes you uncomfortable please remember that it is okay to back out
PHOTOGRAPHY [#Blue Moon Ball Photogtaphy]
Take a photo! Whether it be an outfit, food, or a pet!
No revealing personal information. This includes your face, address, full name, etc. Please practice internet safety.
The official prompt list will not be revealed until 3 days before the event! There will however be a prologue prompt!
Prologue Prompt
Your prompt for before the event is.....
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Gather your fabric and get your sewing kits ready, your first prompt is to design and create your character’s outfit for the ball!
Create an outfit and post it to tumblr, whether through art, writing, or whatever you wish! Make sure to use the tag #BMB Outfit so people can see your work, and feel free to mention me so I can reblog!
All outfits submitted (unless noted otherwise in the post) will be added to a poll for a "Best Dressed" poll that will he hosted after the main event is over, consider it an afterparty of sorts.
All rules above apply to this post, I hope you all enjoy!!
That's everything for now! I'm so excited to be hosting this, and I'm so, so happy and grateful for the huge amount of people interested. I cannot wait to see what you make!!
Enjoy the ball, Magical Friends~☆ !!
Pinglist Set A
@scuttling-comfuddlement @the-gnomest-bastard @kobold-sanctuary-buss-island @satyrs-apothecary @irving-the-pirate-wizard @morbingtime @justagingerwithredhair @chaos-familiar @these-detestable-hands @regina-the-sorceress @combustion-witch @yourlocalbreadenthusiast @selldemapplez @agentldiddy @fractalkitty @wizard-island-trading-co @good-wizard @the-illegal-wizard-council @ash-the-tiefling @mysticminion @blobbiedaykeeppcaway @life-is-okay-rn2 @skyethebisexualwolfwizard @thequeerwizardcouncil @dread-the-eldritch-wizard @profeshinul-wizurd @a-squirrel-wizard @the-mighty-dalob @amateur-wizard @chaos-wizard-nyehehe @bertskullhaver @transgender-wizard @flowers-the-sun-witch @the-silliest-sorcerer @wizard-ghost @a-goose-in-a-trenchcoat @flirtyambiguouswizard @paltering-peculiarity @parkyrtheelvishbard @ceeceelemons
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a-ladyman-in-waiting · 10 months ago
Blue Moon Wizard Ball Outfit
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I'm ready for the Blue Moon Ball!
(Pixel Art lol)
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[Accelerometer Attack]
Of all the time in the world, yours is the shortest.
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hyper-lynx · 10 months ago
Blue Moon Ball: Outfitting
“So what the hell, a ball? A formal ball?” Hemi looked over at Liam, ears ascanse. Liam’s long, clouded tail swished playfully behind him. 
“Yep~! That’s what the letter said. The Blue Moon Ball. Two weeks from now on the Wizard Island, planar registry WIS-α-1.”
The lynx groaned and stretched as he stood from his well-cushioned seat. His upper body was wholly unclothed -- indeed, only a pair of trusty cargo shorts girded his tan fur. The tufted tips of his ears tingled a little as the energy current beside this reality shifted slightly. He approached and snatched the letter from Liam’s grasp.
“To Queer Wizard Council MEMBER and Hyper-Lynx, Hemi. Hello Magical Friend~☆…” And the invitation continued. An open bar, festivities, and a formal dress code, all described in impeccable hand-written cursive.
“I see…” Hemi muttered. He regarded Liam, his closest friend -- adorned in his typical flowing skirt and well-fitted vest, tail meandering through the cool air behind him, and wondered for just a moment if he should ask the clouded leopard to take his place. Then, the pride flag mounted on the cavern wall caught his eye, and he remembered his obligations.
“What’s the matter?” Liam asked, ears lowering just slightly. “This should be a lot of fun!”
“I’ve never… been to a big formal party like this, so I… don’t really know how any of it works. I’ve also only been to Wizard Island Island for business before, it’s not really… like, I don’t know my way around there at all.”
Liam chuckled. “You’re not one to turn down an adventure, so I don’t buy that that’s the problem.”
“...There’s also the matter of the dress code.”
“Hm! I figured that was the issue. “ Liam began to pace through the workshop. Pieces of unfinished arcane devices littered the counters, glass containers housed samples from distant realities, and a few piles of boxes were still, after months, residing at the sides of the closed cavern chamber. He stopped in front of the makeshift wardrobe -- just a wooden frame around a bar with various shorts hanging, completely in the shadow of a large mechanical air purifier. “I know your outfit choices are usually pretty… spartan, but this is a big event! Dozens or more wizards will be there, and everyone will have put a lot of effort into their outfit. I don’t think just finding your least dirty pair of pants will help you here.”
“I-- hesitate to ask this, but, what alternative do you have in mind? I’m not likely to fit any of your clothes either…” It was true-- Liam was almost a full head taller than Hemi, so sharing clothes was out of the question.
“Well, then we’ll just have to go clothes shopping for you!”
“...Can’t I just, find a good cheesy wizard hat or something? Cut some ear holes, call it a day?”
Liam’s face darkened. “Well, you could do that. For a ball of wizards, you might not even stand out. But, aren’t you a member of the Queer Wizard Council? Specifically one of the ambassadors of the gay identity?”
“Oh, you’re not about to--”
“I am! Friend, there are Expectations on you, justified or not. I won’t condone you showing up with absolutely no effort in your outfit. It doesn’t have to be like what I wear, I just want you to make a good impression! These wizards are powerful allies -- don’t you want to get to know them?”
Hemi sighed and flopped back down onto the chair he was still next to. “...Fine. We’ll go clothes shopping. But you’re doing the astrogation.”
“Ehe, I knew you’d see things my way! You won’t regret this!” With that, he practically pounced over to the divining orb and began running the numbers.
Hemi had almost fallen asleep by the time that Liam returned to him with a piece of discarded scroll paper. 
“Here! A full charted course.”
Hemi sat up and looked it over. It was a pretty straight shot through the phantasmal plane to reach… “Terastra… Is this just an excuse to visit your homeworld, Liam?”
“I mean… no! It’s not. It’s almost spring on my continent of origin, so the blooming festivals will be kicking off soon. They’re tied to the new moon, so I figure the motifs should line up. Plus, if we get lucky with the time alignment, the plaza might already be pretty well decorated.”
Hemi hesitated for a moment, but then stood up again. “Alright. Let’s do this. Better to leap then stay in place, right?”
Liam’s grin widened. “That’s the spirit!”
They both stepped onto the pedestal that formed the center of the entire chamber -- the place set aside for traversal work. The tips of Hemi’s ears sparked and shone with indigo and lavender, bringing a strange vertigo over both of them for just a moment. Hemi traced his claw along the lines of the pattern from the paper, then huffed and crouched.
“Three seconds!” He called out. Liam crouched down too.
Hemi bobbed his head a few times, running the final calculations in his head, and then leapt into the air and sliced outward with extended claws. The air tore open, and from the wound a prismatic light burst onto the chamber. Hemi’s momentum carried him through, and a second later Liam lowered his eyes and leapt into the rift as well.
The void between worlds was beautiful, but in a fleeting way-- when one leaves it, the structure is lost as the story of a dream upon waking. So it was that Liam had almost no memory of the traversal itself when he came to his senses on the surface of his home planet. The air was crisp and cool, but the first tinge of spring’s humidity had already snuck into it. The grass around him was damp with morning dew. He found Hemi’s paw reaching down towards him and took it with a groan as he stood unsteadily.
“Feeling alright?” Hemi asked.
“Yes, sorry.”
��Not at all! It was my bad, I took us close to a turbulent zone. That being said… where are we?”
Liam blinked a few times and found that the two of them were, in fact, not in the plaza of any city, but were in the midst of a great pine forest. The untamed ground sloped upwards towards the gathering light of morning.
“Um-- hopefully, we’re just… next to the city?”
“...What precision did you use in the astrogation?”
“Five places?”
Hemi groaned. “We could be miles away…” He started trudging through the short grass towards the local peak. “Come on, maybe there’s a view over this bluff.”
It was a deceptively long distance to the bluff -- by the time they arrived, the sky was already very nearly blue. But, when they finally reached the top, both were wordlessly taken aback.
The cliff they had arrived at was, in fact, the edge of a great ridge that nearly surrounded the landed side of the vibrant city below.  The shadow of the opposing cliffs still cast darkness over the white buildings, but the miniscule impressions of hundreds of people were already milling about in the city center, were the colors of spring had been lavished upon the streets in minuscule strands. Liam’s tail and ears recovered their former, perky status immediately.
“Hmh! Not bad for five decimal places.” Hemi remarked. “I might come back here on purpose some time.”
“I’m still sorry for the trouble. It might take all morning to hike down there.”
“We’ve got two weeks, right? There’s no rush. If you mess up your skirt we’ll be in a good place to get a new one, too.”
“--Right! Okay…”
They sat for a moment to watch the sunrise finish, and then continued on their way. Thankfully, a reasonable series of switchbacks existed to allow the downward voyage to be done without any significant climbing.
“They won’t like-- recognize you here, right?” Hemi asked as they approached the base of the hills. “I know you’ve done some pretty heroic stuff…”
“No, we should be fine on that front. It was a while ago, and I looked different at the time.”
“Damn. Was hoping for some ‘divine messenger’ discounts.”
“Ha!” Liam shook his head. “We should hope they don’t have any ‘divine messenger’ flaming arrows for us. But, again, it should be fine.”
When they finally breached the city walls, both cats were somewhat exhausted, so before they reached the plaza proper, they found a tea-serving restaurant of some kind to relax at. As promised, none of the residents seemed to think the two of them were at all unusual -- the residents and tourists occupied a wide array of distinct species. Mostly canids, it seemed, but felines and the odd cervid could be sighted in the streets.
As Hemi sipped on his (quite good!) cup of green tea, Liam tilted his head, caught by a passing idea. “So, Hemi, there’s one big choice we have to make before finding you clothes.”
“And what’s that?” As Hemi asked, he already had some idea of what this ‘choice’ would be, judging from the mirthful display across Liam’s face.
“Suits or skirts?”
Hemi sighed, but had no immediate response. To tell the truth, he’d been mulling that over the entire hike so far. Suits were, of course, more traditional for masculine-appearing beings, but he was there as a representative of the Queer Wizard Council, so everything would be open to him, but if he looked bad in something, it would be worse than having shown up in just shorts and a hat, and suits and ties all seemed very restrictive compared to what he was used to… it continued spinning around from there. 
“I haven’t chosen.” He answered bluntly.
“Well, for what it’s worth, I’m sure you’d cut a dashing look in either. Since you don’t have a strong preference, we’ll have to try out some of both.”
Hemi squirmed a little in his seat, then tilted his head and let his ears fall back as he noticed Liam’s general expression. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you--?”
“It’s not every day I get to see you, of all people, flustered~”
“I’m not flustered!”
“Yes you are. Don’t lie to yourself, sweetheart.”
“Don’t-- call me that… Damn it. Fine, it’s just not a comfortable thing, okay? Is that such a crime? I probably’ll look stupid no matter what I choose anyway so--”
“What? Don’t say that! I wasn’t joking earlier, I really do think you can pull it off!”
Hemi’s ears were low, and his little nub of a tail was moving back and forth through the cutout of the chair. His posture made him appear to be barely half of Liam’s size, and his voice became quiet but firm. “This is an important event, Liam. I’ve never even seen this many other wizards at once before, let alone-- partied with them. What if I end up making a bad impression? All of this is alien to me, literally more so than actual, like, alien life… I’ve literally been more comfortable climbing a volcano or spelunking a thousand miles under the surface of some rock no one has laid eyes upon since creation began.”
“Those things are physically perilous. That’s completely different then this-- social peril-- you’re feeling. I’m sorry for pressuring you… I, uh, think I got a little too excited.“ 
Liam was quiet for a moment. “If, you want to go home, this was still a nice day out. You can even discard the invitation if you want, I’m sure they’ve got plenty of attendees.”
“...No.” Hemi’s back straightened, and he took a deep breath in. “No, I need to do this. I can’t just live underground with you alone forever-- no offense. I need to get out there, get out of my own head and be seen by… anyone else. Anything else, then just me and the one writing all this down.”
Hemi finished his tea and stood up. “I’m ready.”
Liam’s eyes went wild and he quickly finished the last small amount of his own tea as well. “Then, let’s do this--!”
The plaza burst and flowed with vibrant colors and moving bodies of all descriptions. A sea of horns and ears jostled about open-air stalls with perfumes, floral headdresses, fresh-grilled fish, and, finally, a veritable feast of clothes. Gowns, cocktail dresses, suits, ties… a hundred outfits for a thousand eyes. Above it all, streams of paper-made flowers that jostled in the gentle breeze, like candle fire against the immense blue sky.
Hemi tried on a suit first. As predicted, the feeling of his long body fur being constrained by the fabric was hard to stomach, and this particular suit made his head seem disproportionately too large. He tried another -- similar results, but it was a bit looser. Most of the outfits had some sort of floral design, but a few commemorated the moon as well -- unfortunately, each suit that had appropriate theming seemed to have some issue of comfort or price that disqualified it from consideration. Minutes passed, then tens of minutes. Almost an hour. Over an hour. Even Liam had begun to wear down, and that resolve the lynx had kindled within himself could only maintain itself for so long. The crowds kept throbbing and coursing down the cobblestones all the while.
In the distance, Hemi noticed something different as the attendant (a rather friendly coyote) and Liam were helping button together the latest too-tight suit. It was a cocktail dress (of the over-one-shoulder variety), formed from a deep blue-purple that matched the night sky above his home world on a clear night. Across its chest, it displayed a beautiful full moon, and it had a few frills down the sides that would match his face’s lynx-like cheek fur. It stood against a boutique stand that seemed to have little traction.
“How does it fit?” Liam asked of the suit he was already wearing, though he was able to guess given how much Hemi had squirmed while it was being fastened, when he caught Hemi’s gaze and followed it. “Oh~! Did you find something..?”
An invisible barrier formed around Hemi’s words as he was stricken again with doubt. It would be a bold statement -- one his generally not-that-attractive physique would butcher for sure. Liam took the coyote aside and whispered something in their ears. The coyote looked across the crowd, then back to Hemi, and put their paw under their chin for a moment before nodding. Liam’s smile became a gentle smirk.
“Well, what are you waiting for? You won’t know anything until you try it on.”
The lynx looked to Liam with a frightened expression, so Liam put a hand on his still-padded shoulder. “They’re wizards, Liam. Half of them will be wearing bones or slime or something.”
Hemi swallowed and, after another second nodded. “I want to try on that dress.” The words, alien as they might have been to his tongue, brought an electric feeling to the back of his mind. The coyote dutifully helped him remove the suit, and he and Liam entered the other stall.
The dress, once donned, hung loosely around Hemi’s frame. Somehow, his exposed shoulder felt almost salacious, compared to not wearing any shirt at all, but the feeling was a good one. The fabric was smooth and breathable, so it was not unbearable on his fur. Most importantly, the inner structure of the dress emphasized his physique without being explicit-- it was just a little more sensual than normal. He turned around and around in the mirror, while Liam watched on from the side.
“So… what do you think?”
Hemi looked down at himself, then back up at the mirror. “I think I actually like it--! What do you think?”
“I think it’s gorgeous. It fits you really well! The moon might make it hard to use at other events, but that’s the only downside.”
“I’m alright with that. I’m sure if I end up wearing it often I can find some illusion to cast over the moon -- it’s basically a big white disk, right? Perfect backdrop for an insignia.”
“Right! Well-- do you want to try any of the other dresses? Since we’re on this side of the aisle…?”
“...Um. No, no I think-- I like this one. Aha--” Hemi put a hand against the back of his head and gave a soft, genuine smile. Liam quickly moved to find the cashier -- who ended up being some kind of dog with very curly white fur.
“My friend would like to buy that dress, please!” 
The cashier nodded. “And why not! Oh, but the moon is out of season, isn’t it?”
“It’s fine, it’s for a different event. Actually, the moon was what drew us over here in the first place.”
“Oho!” The cashier dropped her voice. ”And, your friend is happy in… that kind of clothing? We have a suit with the same design in the back--”
Hemi approached. His large ears made it trivial to overhear the conversation from afar. He’d removed the dress and put it onto its hanger, but was still carrying it. He laid the fabric onto the purchase area. “Yes, I’d like to buy the dress. What’s your price?”
The cashier tapped her claw onto a rune engraved in her desk, and a circle of symbols appeared briefly in the air between her and the lynx. “You are a magician, yes? I will ask for a simple service -- production of some lumen oil for my silkworms to feed on. A cup should suffice as payment.”
“Lumen oil… very well. Do you have a cloche?”
The cashier directed Hemi to her alchemy room, and left him to provide his payment while she packaged the dress gently into a clear garment bag. A few minutes later, Hemi emerged with a small container of glowing golden liquid, formed from pure arcane energy. He wiped the sweat from his head -- he’d have to do a more complete grooming in a moment.
“Pleasure doing business with you.” He set the vial onto the payment section. The cashier tapped a rune, and the sign for equivalence appeared in the air. “Then the outfit is yours. I do hope you enjoy wearing it…!” The cashier announced. 
Liam took the dress into his hands. “Thank you!” Hemi nodded in thanks as well, and the two left into the plaza. As midday drew closer, the crows had settled into lines near the food vendors, and it was clearly time to take their leave. Hemi knew the way home by heart, so it was a quick matter to tear open the air again and lead the duo back to their place in another reality.
“You did good today, Hemi.” Liam literally patted the lynx on the back as he groomed.
“It’s strange… I never imagined I’d choose an outfit like that, but-- it really did look alright on me?”
“My friend, I could not have envisioned a dress that would fit you and the occasion better. I know I’m biased, but it’s really nice that you’re taking these kinds of risks now. It was a nice day! When we both get a while off of work, we should go out again -- and not just because I got to watch you try on suits for over an hour this time.”
“Hmph--! I’ll bet that was a real treat…”
“Oh, it was~” Liam said in a tone that made it truly impossible to discern if he was being sincere or just trying to get a rise out of him. Hemi just chuckled and looked back over at the garment bag, now hanging in his wardrobe.
“You should come with me. To the ball.”
“Um-- I’m not a wizard, though?”
“Any good ball allows plus ones. Besides, I know you’ve got some ridiculous giant gown or other in your storage somewhere.”
“I… may, but, I don’t think I’d look-- hey, you don’t get to turn the situation around on me like that!”
Hemi’s chuckle turned into a full laugh. “Revenge really is sweet~ But, seriously, you should come.”
“I’ll think about it. Home’s been pretty busy lately. Tsunamis, droughts-- the people need a nature prophet more than ever. But-- if I’m not actively mitigating some huge catastrophe-- I’ll put on a ‘ridiculous, giant gown’ and come with you to the ball. It’s the least I could do, after today.”
“Thank you.”
“Of-- course.”
The matter decided, each cat went on to enjoy the rest of the afternoon in their own ways.
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thattabaxiwizard · 10 months ago
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magiced this beauty up for the blue moon ball, super proud of how the glow turned out!
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parkyrtheelvishbard · 10 months ago
I got my outfit for the Blue Moon Ball!
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It's a bit big because I had to get it secondhand but I hope you guys like it!
@wizblr-blue-moon-ball @be-gentle-with-littluns-2 @good-wizard
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regina-the-sorceress · 10 months ago
I look over the new dress I’m crafting, black spider silk, difficult to harvest, harder to weave, and almost impossible to get in quantity. However through careful magics I’ve managed it, an entire dress made of it, thin as a whisper, and strong as chainmail. All I need to do now is weave in the enchanted silver threads.
Using my magic I weave in the silver, the shape of a spider in her web forming over the chest. I extend the web pattern out, until it covers the whole dress. I take a moment to admire it, suspended in the air on an invisible replica of my exact body.
I turn to my footwear, high heeled, silver, and enchanted to turn each step into soothing magic, fashionable and practical.
Next is jewelry, bracelets and rings, necklace, all on theme with spider motifs. The necklace in particular is a wonderful bit of magical wonder. Its black gem forms the “thorax” of a spider, powering a glamour that should make my dress glitter like starlight.
Everything together I put it on, the spider silk feels like air on my body, it offers full coverage with hardly any weight. I look in the mirror when it’s all on, then bite my black lips, I look good! The slit up each leg shows off my figure, and the necklace draws the eye to my chest in a good way.
This ball is going to be wonderful, and I can’t wait to turn the heads of everyone there.
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a-goose-in-a-trenchcoat · 10 months ago
how do I use a needle?
Goose was sitting at the kitchen table in his tower, eating toast, when there was a chime from his post bell.
"Probably some junk mail, or maybe a bill" he thought, but nevertheless stood up, and promptly faceplanted the floor.
This wasn't because he was inherently clumsy, although he wasn't the most dextrous individual. No, this was because, up until recently Goose had been, well, a goose. After several kidnappings, accidental crushings and general mistreatment, he made the executive decision to not be a goose anymore. It was a long and complicated process, and he didn't necessarily understand it, but it worked, and that's what counted for him.
"Idiot." A small voice muttered from within his mind. This was Hamünchez, and they were a 4th dimensional librarian who, due to a set of incidents that somehow resulted in Goose gaining sentience, currently resided inside his head.
"Shut up." Goose grumbled from the floor, shakily picking himself up from the Checker patterned marble. "You know full well that I'm still adjusting to my new body."
He wobbled his way to the stairs and, with minimal hesitation, plunged over the edge. For anyone with a fully functioning brain, this would seem like a bad idea. But what these people neglected to know, was that Goose, having rather liked them, requested that he still have functioning wings of some kind when Good Wizard made his new body. Not yet trusting his current motor functions, he had come to the conclusion that using his wings, which he had plenty of experience with, was the safest way to traverse his staircase.
Swooping gently to the fluffy carpeted floor, he tried to grab the red robe he had borrowed from Good Wizard and finally got a grip on his 4th attempt. He gangled his way out of the front door and, swearing profusely, opened his postbox with much difficulty. He removed the pale white envelope from the box and haphazardly toddled back to his front door.
Goose's new body was about 5'10, with shoulder length white hair that could do with a brushing. He was of a build that could be best described as 'twink'. Whatever that meant. He wore rectangular wire frame glasses on his nose, had some freckles across his white skin and grey-blue eyes, that had rather curly eyelashes attached. Just above the aforementioned eyes there were some mildly thick black eyebrows that were often situated lower on his face than that of your average Joe. His limbs were long, and he had a pair of white wings erupting from his back that, when tucked in, still necessitated specially modified clothing to be safely rested.
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flowers-the-sun-witch · 10 months ago
Audio Log #001
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read more for writing
Flowers walks into frame, wearing a blue dress, lighter on one side and tied with a red belt with a flower around their waist, with a white shirt and red tie underneath. They are wearing light brown boots. Their black hair is tied into 4 pigtails, 2 at the front and two at the back. Co has small red flowers in her hair, as well as 2 leaves on top. They pose a little bit in front of the camera before sitting down and starting to speak.
Hey there! I don't know if this is working, but it's fine, probably. I'll probably wear this to the ball, but I'm not sure if it looks good or not? It kinda gives private school uniform but I don't like my old suit as much anymore, so I chose this. I think I like the colours though— oh, sorry for rambling. I'm a little tired.
It took so long to get this outfit ready, honestly. I almost did a different skirt for the dress, but I decided, like, 3 hours ago that it didn't work so I had to change it out. It was a pain in the ass.
I'll probably save one of the frames of this video later so I can actually have a picture before the ball. It's pretty exciting, if I do say so myself.
Flowers looks up at a clock on the wall.
Well, I'd probably get going, I guess. Ball's starting pretty soon, and I don't want to miss the start.
Should I make these audio logs, like, a thing for me? I guess it's kinda weird to ask this, since I'll probably be one of the only people actually looking at this, but I guess future me can answer that. I do need a place where I can, y'know, say things, and it's easier to talk anyway.
I better go now. Bye, I guess?
Flowers steps closer.
Is this thing off—
OOC: I haven't really written in this style before, so lmk what y'all think I guess
EDITED because I forgot my own pronouns lmao
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wizardflambe · 10 months ago
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After a long lunch shift serving the various ghouls and goblins that frequent the sandwich shop he works at, Joeby Sauce gets to work at his cauldron cooking up a fresh batch of dusk to bring for the journey to the ball.
He'll bring the cauldron along on his back, handling out bowls to anyone who would like to get in the mood for the ball and join him on his trek.
He realizes to his surprise that he managed to forget to change into his proper wizard regalia, and wonders if he'll be mistaken for a cook working to serve the guests at the ball.
"oh well" he thinks, "easy access to the kitchens never hurt anybody!"
Credit for the artwork goes to @clipglitch!
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kobold-sanctuary-buss-island · 10 months ago
oh! i nearly forgot this!
here is my outfit @wizblr-blue-moon-ball
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it is just my regular outfit i do apologize >︿<
i don't buy lots of different clothes
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wizblr-blue-moon-ball · 5 months ago
... so yeah, life happened.
I've been really sick all summer, so I wasn't able to really do the best dressed and I'm so sorry for that. I'll get to it eventually, so yeah
I'm unsure if I should still host the halloween event, so lmk if there's still interest
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the-mighty-dalob · 10 months ago
As a preparation for the Ball she got together with her Girlfriend to make her an outfit consisting of a Dress, a pair of boots and some Jewelry.
The Dress is made of fine Spider silk, durable yet light with a shine to it. It's build is asymmetric with a single short sleeve covering her Right leaving her collar and the other side exposed.
Further down the Dress hugs her figure terminating on her Thigh on the right while it extends to the Knee on the Left.
Its colored in fiery shades in a Gradient from a dark Brown at the bottom over to a strong Orange, which seamlessly bleeds into a Reddish yellow finalizing in a nearly shining Yellow at the sleeve going over the Right shoulder.
The Fiery aesthetics are augmented by being covered in a fine layer of Flames which seem to not burn her at all.
Her ankle high Boots are Finely plated with some form of Reddish Brown metal resembling Mountains and have a small wedge heel at the back.
For the accessories she's wearing a Golden Necklace with a sun shaped Pendant whose center Piece is a single Red Gem.
Her reddish brown hair Extends to her Shoulders and seems to be covered in a thin layer of fog, it is crowned by a golden Circlet with cloud motives.
Furthermore a set of Lightning shaped golden bracelets surrounded by actual lightning can be spotted at her wrists. The Final and last piece is a small Purse made from shining Red Dragon-Scales hanging on her right.
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destinyc1020 · 7 months ago
The dream role isn't a role perse, but I really want Tom to work with authors like Chris Nolan, Denis Villeneuve, or PTA. Not necessarily sci-fi but more grounded projects like Sicario, Inception, and Memento. So modern-day thrillers or dramas. I could picture Tom in something like that.
The dream role for Z would be another musical/drama with her as the lead, set in the 70s. She can a Diana Ross or Lola Folana type. I think with Z, she has the potential to give grandiose performances and also not to be harsh, I wish the method styling she wears for her presstours were reflective in her projects.
I like her MJ, Rue, Chani, and now Tashi looks, but I want pure sex appeal from Z🙈🥵!
She just has it and we're being robbed because studios like to see her plainlooking, which isn't wrong, but for me to be lost in a character, I need full transformation to lose myself in a performances. Those current characters mentioned can be interchangeable if that makes sense.
Again, subtle acting is great and all, but sometimes I miss the theatrical acting that was prominent in old hollywood. I know Z can give us that!
Give me diva outfits akin to Grace Jones, Cher, Elizabeth Taylor, and Iman. Considering she likes risky projects, maybe a Showgirls reboot lmao. Z can give a good Elizabeth Berkeley.
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Wow Anon! These roles you're putting out there as ideas for Tom and Z.... like wow! Someone hire you in Hollywood! Lol 😆 🤣 👏🏾
I like!!
I especially love the 70s Z vibe. I also agree with you about the "plain" thing. I think "Challengers" was the first onscreen lead role we saw Z in where they didn't make her look like a teenager, and she was given a more adult look and seemed fashionable for a change lol.
I'd love to see more of that. We might get some really cute styles in BMB. 😁
But GOD NO to the Elizabeth Berkley Showgirls remake. No boo no boo no boo!!! Just NO!!! 😭😫
Enough with remakes! Plus, that movie I heard sucked so bad. Why would you wanna do Z like that?? 😭
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aestheticlifestyle33 · 6 months ago
Text I received from my friends group chat regarding her BACH...
Hi ladies! Welcome to i’s Bach Planning GC!!
Quick recap:
✨When: Nov 2-4
✨Where: Santa Cruz
✨Theme: Mayumi’s Last Romp in the Swamp
✨Decor: Mayumi requested nothing with “bride” or “mrs”
✨Outdoor Activities: please see her requests below:
🧖‍♀️ Pajamas and indoor spa time
🎨 Paint (wine glasses) and sip in our bnb
🍽️ A girly sunset dinner + bar/club after
🎤 Karaoke (private room for a few hours)
🥐 Brunch!!
✨Outfit Themes
🤍 Day1/Night 1: Spa time/ Paint and Sip: Bright colored PJs 🩷❤️🧡🩵💙💚(BM) White (Mayumi)
🤍 Day 2: Karaoke - Shrek theme - Shrek characters
🤍 Night 2: Dinner/ Club - BRATZ dolls
🤍 Day 3: Brunch- RIP to her last name - Black funeral outfits but make it cute (BM) White Mayumi
✨Games/ Indoor activities
🤍 Pin the D on ur Dude - please send photos of ur SOs or crushes (solo photo preferred)
🤍 PPT presentations of favorite Mayumi memories (TBD) open to alternatives
I lowkey don't want to go...😭 it's destination for me and she has changed it so many times...I'm happy for her and I could use a vacation 😌 but I guess I should go...I just need to save money/buy plane tickets and buy my outfits for each attire🙃 I guess my brain wants to fully focus on Texas but I can do both✈️
Calculated and it would only be $822 for flight, car, hotel and hotel but I know there's a bmb but I need my own bed🤷🏾‍♀️ so I don't mind leaving middle of the night/be at bmb for the festives but as soon as everyone talks about bed...I'm out✌🏽🤣
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possugard-the-possum-wizard · 9 months ago
(OOC this is the general vibe of my BMB Outfit, please be patient art is coming)
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gravityfying · 7 years ago
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It’s like our souls are bonded.
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