#blythe basile
miscelliteeous · 9 months
So I have a new hyperfixation character and it is The Spot from Spider-Man, and that led to me coming up with a Spidersona, a universe for them, and several side character/villain reimagines (plus my OC I already ship with Doc Ock, killing two birds with one stone here!). And while I don't have anything drawn yet due to my wrist getting injured, I do have a lot written down that I want to share!
-Spidersona Detailed Profile-
Name: Blythe Basile
Alias: Shutterbug
Age: Thirties
Height: An even 5ft
Weight: Classified
Occupation: Fashion photographer
Spider-sense, reflexes/agility, wall climbing, major jumping ability, super strength, (aka standard Spidey powers). Also: photographic memory, enhanced vision, a natural webbing released from the fingertips that can't be swung from but can slow down or catch others
Fear of heights, Shutterbug is short, handsome men
A much, much more fashionable world's New York Garment District, which takes up most of NYC now
An orphan found abandoned on the doorstep of a fashion boutique, Blythe was taken in and adopted by the owners, Marianne and Rainier Basile, who unfortunately both perished in an accident when Blythe was ten. Rainier’s sister Maylis stepped up to take care of them, and she quickly proved to be a kind and caring adoptive parent, sharing with Blythe a love of photography.
Similar to many others, Blythe was an awkward geek in high school and a loner, and what little respect and status they had was gained through their roles on the photography club and as photographer for the yearbook committee. Bullying was common, but despite everything Blythe graduated early.
After graduation it was like they flourished, gaining a mentor in one of the most decorated photographers in the world; LeBene, a former wartime photojournalist turned nature photographer who taught them everything he knew and was almost like a father figure to them. Their entry into the photography world, and LeBene’s care, gave Blythe a sense of confidence, fashion, and style, and they no longer felt awkward and alone anymore. LeBene often told them "Always put people before the art. Use your camera for good." Blythe was overjoyed when LeBene and Aunt Maylis began a romance.
On one of their first solo assignments, Blythe was sent to shoot photos for a "Men of Science" beefcake calendar at a nearby laboratory. In the middle of photographing a lab technician holding a strategically placed folder, there was a sharp stabbing sensation on the back of Blythe's thigh, though they didn't see what caused it. Despite the pain, Blythe continued to work, until collapsing at their studio apartment and sleeping for three days. Still, they did at least manage to get a boyfriend out of the experience, and a foothold in the photography industry.
It didn't take Blythe long to realize they were developing superpowers and they designed and crafted a suit to photograph themselves in for fun. Instead, Blythe wound up saving someone's life, and found that they actually make a pretty good hero. As they started their heroics, they also started to move up in the world, and was hired at a famous fashion magazine. Unfortunately, with the increase in costumed crime and a beginners workload, Blythe and their boyfriend decided to mutually break up, and Blythe attended the wedding of LeBene and Maylis by themself. 
The increased pressure at work and on the streets, began to cause Blythe to care less and less about the duty they had willingly taken up. Long story short, one day when Blythe put protecting their camera over stopping a criminal, that criminal happened to run over LeBene, who died in Blythe's arms. From that day forward, Blythe vowed to not only stop crime, but also to only use their camera for good (and fashion). Using their powers and photography skills, Blythe takes down both supervillains and corrupt capitalists.
Takes photography very seriously and always has at least one camera within arms reach. Mildly boy (or well, old man) crazy, in that they sure do like getting grabbed by their middle aged enemies an awful lot (though they do always get the upper hand on the bad guys in the end). Blythe still has an incredibly geeky side, and has to hide it while mingling amongst the fashion elite. Hardworking, dedicated, and very good at helping others feel comfortable and safe.
Has no idea they were EVER bitten by a spider and would be horrified to find out.
Their boss is J. Jonah Jameson, head of the magazine! He’s tough but fair and considers Blythe to be a good person but thinks Shutterbug is tacky and boring.
By “a more fashionable world”, think like Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure fashion in a golden art deco-inspired city. Very in-your-face style.
Blythe doesn’t like touching things without gloves.
Their favorite camera was LeBene’s, and it is only used on the most special of occasions.
Their studio apartment is actually pretty small and cramped, with the walls covered in photographs, unintentionally making it look like a damn serial killer lives there instead of a superhero.
They’re working on not going heart eyes over their villains, but so far they’re having no success.
Despite being a fashion photographer, Blythe is terrible at telling what they look good in, luckily their best friend, Graham Stacy (a fellow photographer at the magazine), helps them with shopping.
Mostly uses their organic webbing for ease of photography. It doesn’t show up on camera, so it can be very useful.
Typically goes by they/them but is fine with any pronouns and prefers to be called a girlfriend when being dated as opposed to partner/enbyfriend/etc. Being called she/her by citizens whilst in costume just means it’ll be harder for others to connect Shutterbug to Blythe.
Despite their fame, Blythe doesn’t have a social life and spends what little free time they have watching old horror movies and playing video games. They’re still majorly geeky, it’s just usually hidden.
Not nearly as book-smart/scientific as most other Spidey-types, and by far the worst at math in the entire multiverse. Yes, that includes the car. Spider-Mobile can do math better than them.
Drinks an ungodly amount of coffee and caffeine, but doesn’t suffer from it  because of a pre-existing mutation the spider had where it could handle caffeine.
Doctor Octopus- During an experiment gone wrong, shy and reserved Otto Octavius was forever fused to a set of rose-gold robotic tentacles he created and he’s making it everyone else's problem. He’s very charming and sadly taken, but also very ruthless (with a new god complex) and one of Shutterbug’s biggest and most intelligent foes.
Melusine- An act of corporate sabotage that destroyed her life's work caused Mima Marsh to lose her legs and her career. She turned to crime as a way to get vengeance on those who caused her loss and the world itself. Flies around connected to a very classy mechanical mermaid tail and has robotic flying fish minions. Locked down Doc Ock as her partner fast.
The Spot- Johnny Ohnn was one of the scientists posing for the calendar, and he and Blythe briefly dated until work became too hectic for them both. He was in a lab accident while working on portals and forever changed into a being of portals and turned to a life of crime after losing his job. Blythe thinks they can still work things out. (He’s getting his own section too because he’s a major character)
Electro- An electronica musician in the wrong place at the wrong time, Max Dillon became more electricity than human, and of course turned to a life of crime, but he still makes pretty good music on the side. Tries to not kill anyone, though he’s not always successful. His crimes mostly include breaking into power plants to turn them into giant music machines.
Vulture- After being forced out of the company he created, Adrian Toomes stole an invention that allows him to fly and make life hell for those who planned the hostile takeover. Ironically he’s a kinder person after becoming a criminal and regularly donates to charity. Blythe would let him be if he wasn’t swooping at people on the streets.
Mysterio- Illusionist Quentin Beck lost his stage in Las Vegas to a pop star and decided to try his luck in NYC. Having no luck there either, he decided to put his skills to use in a less legal way. Has an ego even bigger than Doc Ocks. Teams up with Electro a lot and their fights are actually a highlight for citizens. 
Lizard- Dr. Curt Connors injected himself with lizard DNA on a dare from his science buddies and transformed into a big lizard monster and roams NYC’s sewers. Still pretty intelligent, he just eats people now and has a lot less morals. Has an ex-wife and son that he still tries to visit once a month, but they’re less than pleased when he tries to make them lizards too.
Kraven The Hunter- Sergei Kravinoff comes from a long line of furriers, but when NYC’s biggest buyer decided to go fur-free, he decided to seek revenge, using skills learned from the other half of his family; notorious big game hunters. As stylish as he is deadly, he hates Shutterbug for always getting in his way, while they’re kinda low key jealous of his style.
Shocker- Herman Schultz is a mercenary with vibro-shock gauntlets who views villainy like his old construction job, very 9-to-5 blue collar. Doesn’t hold a grudge against Shutterbug for foiling his crimes, and is down to team up with others at any time, though few take him up on the offer. A pretty chill guy when he’s off the clock.
White Rabbit- Model and heiress Lorina Dodson was disinherited after a very embarrassing scandal. In a rage, she paid Shocker a ton of cash to get her a ton of rabbit-themed weapons that she uses for criminal mischief and making her parents mad and dressing like a Playboy bunny. Always down to let Shutterbug take a pic or twelve during fights.
-Spot Detailed Profile-
Name: Johnathon “Johnny” Ohnn
Alias: The Spot/Spot
Age: Late 30s-Early 40s
Height: 6’3” (before Spot)/7’ (as Spot)
Weight: 210lbs (before Spot)/Unknown (as Spot)
Occupation: Scientist (before Spot)/Criminal Mad Scientist (as Spot)
The only son of Patty and Albert Ohnn, Johnathon was a shy, awkward kid, who grew into a shy, awkward (and lanky, his growth spurt was very generous) adult but one with an autism diagnosis that explained a lot to him. 
After graduating from college, his brilliant mind was quickly snatched up by Alchemax Laboratories, and thrown into a number of projects, proving himself a reliable and efficient member of the team. 
Whilst working on a small scale project, Johnathon decided to put himself out there and sign up for a “Men Of Science” calendar that was being done to raise money for a new coffee machine in the break room. He was surprised when he showed up and found out it was a ‘beefcake calendar’.
The photographer shooting the event noticed his discomfort and offered to shoot his page during lunch on a closed set, and he quickly agreed. During that photo-shoot, he felt surprisingly relaxed, confident, and comfortable. Though still the most covered up in his photos, wearing a lab coat and strategically covered boxer-briefs, he was actually proud of how they turned out, and exchanged phone numbers with the photographer, who he learned was named Blythe Basile.
One phone call turned into having lunch together, which turned into dinner, and quickly they started dating. Johnny, as Blythe called him, was experiencing a massive positive boost in confidence and his personality, he even became friendly with his co-workers. But after about a year, things quickly took a turn.
Blythe was hired at their dream job as a fashion photographer for a highly popular magazine, and Johnny’s project (studying and trying to create a teleportation device) was approved by higher ups. As work began to pile up for them both, they agreed to a mutual break-up, at least until things became less hectic, which they did not.
While about to make the breakthrough of his life, and possibly one of the biggest discoveries of all time, a portal opened, which was the plan, but what was not expected was that the Vantablack portal would pull him inside and vanish. He had entered a strange dimension of darkness and light, where he was trapped and studied the unusual properties of the location as best he could. 
For three weeks he was gone without a trace, before emerging, transformed and changed by his experiences, in his lab. He was shocked to find no one believed who he was, and he was shunned by everyone he met, losing his job, home, and even his parents were horrified and refused to believe him. He didn’t bother contacting Blythe, as he didn’t want to experience that painful rejection again.
With no other choice, Johnathon, now calling himself The Spot, decided to work at stealing lab equipment from various labs to try and find a way to turn himself back while hopefully keeping his abilities. Unfortunately for him, Shutterbug stands in his way.
Has no idea his most hated foe is Blythe and would be horrified to find out.
Not able to access the multiverse, he’s not THAT powerful, he’s more connected to a pocket dimension and anywhere in the one universe he’s from.
Casually dated others before Blythe but never got past second base before.
Like Blythe, his vision was fixed by his transformation. Despite his eyes no longer seeming to exist. He’s never figured out how that works.
Much more of a trypophobic design than most Spots have, with a small cluster of spots typically forming around where one of his eyes used to be, before it forms into one big one and migrates on his face while another cluster starts appearing.
Technically a genius! He just doesn’t have the confidence to assert himself as much as ones like Doc Ock or Melusine.
Would let Blythe put his hair up for him before work, but after they broke up he started leaving it down again.
Gamer boy, puzzle games are usually too easy so he mostly plays FPS games and has ridiculously good aim after years of practice. It’s his main source of stress relief.
The tea to Blythe’s coffee, this Spot has a soft spot for matcha and Darjeeling, but will drink any kind except sweet tea.
Has a bad habit of being condescending and talking down to others but is working on it.
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osonlinediary · 3 months
lovely lovely blythe doll that my girlfriend named basil :) thank you sweetness!! @linkestlink @linkytea
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lovely-abeille · 1 year
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on being the daughter of the family
if my body could speak, blythe baird // i put the coffin out to sea, lisa marie basile // @/belovedbi // ? // been a son, nirvana // elektra, sophokles; translated by anne carson // ? // churching, kristin chang
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phfenomena · 9 months
❝watching the world from the sidelines.❞ || tom blyth x actress!reader
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| request - what about sidelines by phoebe bridgers with tom? i feel like that could be really cute. thank you!
| A/N - i love phoebe so much i can't believe i didn't think of this.
| WARNINGS - eating, heat, tom being a cutie patootie, a m*n serenading you, cringey fluff and an overuse of lyrics,
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i'm not afraid of anything at all. not dying in a fire, not being broke again.
your head was lying comfortably on the pillow that you call your boyfriend. he was currently reading 'call me by your name' to you and you hung up to every syllable that slipped past his lips. his eyes transfixed on the page while yours were wandering across his face, memorizing every feature you loved so dearly.
"why are you looking at me like that?" his voice didn't even register as his until you saw him look down at you. "like what?" you retort back to him, playing the innocent role. "like you're obsessed with me or something." he teasingly says as he smiles at you. you turn your head away from his and towards the trees and people walking in the park. "i can't even look at you right now, i'm ignoring you." you reply holding your hand up in the air blocking his view of you.
he chuckles and pushes your hand down. "you're so dramatic" he whispers while passing his hand over your hair, smoothing it out. you smile softly and soak in the moment.
had nothing to prove til' you came into my life. gave me something to lose.
"can you believe rachel chose us to dogsit lenny? i feel so honored." tom says as the dog tugs on the leash, clearly giving tom some trouble. you stifle your laugh at the dog pulling him across the sidewalk.
your sat on your sofa with lenny tucked gently in your arms as you both watch the movie you put on. well you're watching the movie, he's staring at tom on the other side of the sofa typing emails. you look from the dog to tom, and then back to lenny. "i'm getting the vibe that he isn't your biggest fan, tom. he's literally looking at you like you killed his family." you manage to squeeze out in between laughs.
i'm not afraid of getting older. used to fetishize myself now i'm talking to my house plants.
the watering can felt heavy in your hand as you watered the collection of flowers and herbs you grew indoors. “you’re looking so pretty these days.” you whispered to your basil plant. “you’re gonna make my tomato soup so good.” the praises to your plants kept pouring out as you watered them. tom leaned the kitchen doorway and watched you talk to your plants. these small moments remind him in all the way he loves you, and you just make him laugh.
not of being alone in a room full of people, watching the world from the sidelines.
you loved watching tom being in his element, and this was it. a movie premiere where he’s being bombarded with questions and interviews. you’ll stand off to the side and watch him answer the same question for the hundredth time, and it’ll never get old. on the rare occasion someone would ask you something, you’d just look to tom in hopes he’d answer for you. he’s telling the interviewer his favorite snack to have on set, but you’re looking at him as if he’s explaining the secrets of the universe.
your hand is wrapped around his bicep as you walk together and he’s telling you the easter eggs hidden in the movie. you nod and smile but haven’t heard a single thing he’s said, he’s just so adorable talking about his work. you haven’t had a lonely moment since the day you met tom, and you wouldn’t change a single thing.
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sleekervae · 2 months
New York Romantic 1.2
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a/n: I'm so so soooo sorry I'm dragging out the date sequence... but I also love a good build up and I hope I did them justice! And I promise that the actual date is next!
pairing: Tom Blyth x ballerina!oc
summary: the seagull
word count: 4,943
taglist: @watercolorskyy @carolanns-world @alana4610
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"Tom, how many hours did you sleep last night? Quickly," Tom glanced up at the call of his name, finding Marcelline standing over him with her phone.
"Are you filming me?" he asked plainly.
"Yeah! We're gonna look back on this when we're in fourth year!" she replied ecstatically, "How many hours did you sleep last night? C'mon!"
Tom was taken aback at first, his mind blanking out before he stuttered a quick, "Erm -- six?"
Marcelline's face fell into shocked dismay, dropping her camera lens and turning around, "What the f-- how are all the guys sleeping better than us!?" she shouted to another classmate, Kathy.
"Because men don't fret like women do," she replied.
"Hey! Brian got three hours!" another student pointed out.
While Tom managed about six hours of sleep, it wasn't exactly the kind of rest that left him feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. Instead, it was a restless, fragmented slumber filled with half-formed dreams about missed cues and forgotten lines. He'd spent most of the night tossing and turning, his mind running a relentless marathon of overthinking. Every detail of the day ahead looped through his brain: rehearsals, costume fittings, the potential pitfalls of his performance.
An hour on the phone with his mom before bed had been both a blessing and a curse. She was her usual buoyant self, overflowing with encouragement and excitement, "You're going to be brilliant! I just know it!" she'd said, her voice brimming with pride. Tom could almost see her smiling on the other end of the line, her enthusiasm a bright beacon in his otherwise cloudy thoughts. She'd wished him all the best for his show and reminded him how much she was looking forward to having him back home in England. One more week and he'd be on a plane again...
As he got ready that morning, he tried to shake off the lingering drowsiness. The mirror reflected a version of himself that looked more frazzled than he'd like to admit. Dark circles underscored his eyes, a testament to his lack of rest, but there was a spark there too—a determination to push through the fatigue and give the performance of his life.
He packed his bag with a meticulousness that bordered on obsessive, double-checking that he had everything he needed for the day. Script, check. Costume, check. Snacks to last the day, check. With each item he ticked off his mental list, he felt a tiny surge of control in the midst of the chaos.
Sunny's performance review was the following Monday, so he had the luxury of staying home that morning. He lounged on the couch, feet up, looking more relaxed than Tom had ever felt in his life. That being said, he wish Tom luck and told him he'd catch him at the show. Just as Tom was about to leave, Sunny stopped him and tossed him a small bottle of cologne, "Trust me, you'll want this for your date,"
Tom caught it, barely. "Thanks, I think?" he read the Jo Malone label with intrigue, "Basil & Neroli..."
"It'll make a better impression than just deodorant," Sunny assured him.
Tom stuffed the cologne in his bag, feeling a bit overwhelmed by Sunny's thoughtfulness, but grateful nevertheless, "Seriously, thanks mate,"
"Go knock 'em dead," Sunny said, waving him off, "And remember, the date's about having fun. Don't overthink it!"
With a final nod, Tom stepped into the hallway and nearly collided with Noelle. She emerged from her door at the exact same moment, wearing a navy mini dress sprinkled with delicate white flowers. A light white cardigan draped over her shoulders, her hair cascading in long, soft waves that framed her face. The white trim on her black backpack coordinated nicely with her converse sneakers, and there were little white berettes clipped at the sides of her hair that added a lovely touch of innocence and charm.
Tom felt his breath catch. This was a far cry from her usual ballet attire which was clean, sleek and perfectly packaged. She looked relaxed, fresh, and irresistibly sweet. Every time Tom thought Noelle couldn't be any cuter, she somehow managed to surpass his expectations.
"Hey," he greeted, his voice betraying his admiration.
"Hi," she replied, a shy smile curving her lips.
He couldn't help but stare, feeling like a giddy schoolboy, "You look... wonderful,"
Her cheeks flushed a delicate pink, "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself,"
"Thank you,"
They started walking to the stairwell, slower than usual to a fault, "So... are you excited?" she asked.
"For what?" a teasing smile tugged at his lips.
She shrugged shyly, "For tonight,"
"What part of tonight?" he asked, his nerves easing a bit, "There's a lot happening tonight!" he laughed as she rolled her eyes.
Noelle shook her head with a candid smile, "And I'm personally excited for all of it," she said.
"Me too," now, if he could just make it through the next twelve hours with peace and calm...
They hit the lobby and immediately heard the sound of sticking and cutting, they were both curious and dismayed to find Doris putting up 'DO NOT ENTER' tape over the elevator doors. She was mumbling under her breath, only pausing when she turned and found Tom and Noelle watching her.
"Elevator's out of commission," she simply said, "Don't ask,"
With an uncertain glower Noelle looked to Tom, who simply shrugged back as they started for the doors and wished Doris a good day. The older woman was so frustrated and annoyed with her renovations plans, she was none the wiser to the palpable energy between the pair.
The ride to school was nothing remarkable—New Yorkers squeezed together like sardines, the air thick and unmoving. Noelle and Tom managed to snag the last two seats at the back of the bus, a comfortable silence settling between them.
Tom turned to her, curiosity piqued. "So, when did Daniel give you the ticket?" he asked.
Noelle shook her head, her expression softening into a smile, "He didn't."
Tom blinked, confused, "Then how did you get your ticket?"
Her eyes sparkled with mischief and excitement, "Stanis is a magician," she replied, her smile widening.
Tom didn't press for more details; there was still a part of him that found Stanis intimidating. He could very well imagine Stanis being involved in a high society crime syndicate, the type where he knew dirt on everybody and would use it to his advantage. So instead, Tom settled back in his seat, smiling to himself as Noelle locked her pinky around his, the simple gesture filling him with warmth.
And that was how Tom found himself here: sitting on the cold auditorium stage floor, watching his castmates run through their final rehearsals. The memory of her finger wrapped around his was still fresh in his mind, a welcome reassurance that he could push his nerves down. The bustling energy around him, the snippets of dialogue floating through the air, all of it seemed more manageable with the thought of Noelle in the audience, her presence a comforting anchor.
As he tried to focus on his lines, a familiar voice broke through his thoughts.
"Jordan! How many hours did you sleep?" Marcelline's voice carried across the auditorium.
Tom couldn't help but snicker to himself as Jordan forced himself to look up at the camera, a dry, tired glare crossing his face.
"Eight," Jordan answered bluntly, his voice tinged with irritation. Somehow, it still didn't look like enough for Jordan.
Tom's amusement was short-lived as he realized his own exhaustion mirrored Jordan's. The final rehearsal was proving to be as challenging as he'd anticipated, but the thought of Noelle watching him perform kept him going. He straightened up, ready to dive back into his role, determined to give it his all.
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In the dressing room, the tension wrapped around Bianca like a suffocating shroud. She meticulously adjusted the layers of her costume, her movements sharp with a lingering resentment she refused to acknowledge. As Iseul delicately applied makeup nearby, she ventured cautiously once more into the fraught silence.
"You've been awfully quiet all day," she noted, carefully applying her eyeliner in the mirror.
Bianca scoffed back, "I've had a lot to do today," she replied simply, "Stanis doesn't have just one star pupil, after all,"
At that, Iseul put her liner down, turning to her friend with a concerned scowl, “Bianca, I know how close you are with Noelle,” she began, her voice gentle but firm, “but do you think there might be a part of you that’s feeling… maybe a little jealous?”
Bianca froze mid-adjustment, her brows knitting together defensively, “Jealous? No way,” she retorted, her tone sharp with denial, “Why the hell should I be jealous of her?”
Iseul sighed softly, sensing Bianca’s resistance. “It’s okay to feel that way, Bianca. It happens between friends, more often than you think. But maybe… maybe you’re projecting your fears onto her?”
Bianca shook her head adamantly, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. “I’m not projecting anything,” she insisted, her voice wavering slightly. “I'm not afraid of anything, either. I'm a friggin' ballerina in New York City for Christ sake...” her voice trailed off, the unspoken fears lingering heavy in the air.
Iseul reached out, placing a comforting hand on Bianca’s arm. “Bianca, listen. Noelle’s not you. She feels things more, she had a lot of compassion for people. I'm not saying you don't!" she held up a finger before Bianca could interrupt. "But... even you've admitted you can be intense, and stressed. And we know how stressed you've been since getting this part --"
"What is your point, Iseul?" Bianca finally asked, "We have like -- ten minutes before we have to be on stage!"
"I know!"
"So get to the fucking point!"
"Don't be so mean to Noelle! And lighten up about Tom," she told her.
Bianca scoffed, "And what does Tom have to do with anything?"
"Noelle told me what you said about him. How he's no good for her? For the record I completely disagree, but... Maybe you think that because you're jealous of her? You're jealous of what they have?" she reasoned gently, “Maybe instead of antagonizing her, you could talk to her. Tell her how you're feeling, truly,”
Bianca hesitated, her emotions a tumultuous storm inside her, “I'm not jealous, Iseul. I'm just... I'm so sick of everything coming so easily to Noelle!” she admitted quietly, her eyes avoiding Iseul’s gaze, “She's got a great body, flawless hair, everybody loves her -- even friggin' Stanis! And why not me? Why can't I be that likeable? Why can't the guy that I like just pay attention to me and not to her?"
Iseul’s heart ached for her friend, seeing the vulnerability beneath Bianca’s facade of strength, “Bianca, of course people like you! We're your friends!” she reassured softly, “But to be honest... you can be really bitchy sometimes, and just really unapproachable. And if that's the way you've been feeling then maybe you should talk to Noelle about it? Just be honest with her! She'll definitely understand!”
"Will she? How could Little Miss Perfect possibly understand?" she rolled her eyes.
Iseul cocked a brow, "What perfect? She gets zits and period cramps just like we do. She farts and burns her food just like us. Her parents are deadbeats who probably don't even give her a second thought. And she had to miss this recital because she got really sick, and you got her part! So really -- how perfect is her life?"
"You're not gonna' guilt me, Iseul!" Bianca snapped, "I worked just as hard for Giselle as she did!"
"I'm not trying to guilt you, Bianca!" Iseul snapped back, "I just want you to chill! You and Noelle have been best friends since kindergarten, and you know she has your back! You don't need to be threatened by her!"
Bianca nodded slowly, her thoughts swirling with conflicting emotions, “I guess so,” she murmured finally, a mixture of resentment and determination simmering beneath the surface.
As they finished preparing for the performance, Bianca’s heart was still heavy with unspoken fears and unresolved feelings. Deep down, she knew she needed to confront the truth she had been avoiding: the fear of losing herself in Noelle's shadow, losing her to someone who might not understand her as deeply as Bianca did. Yet, amidst the swirl of emotions, Bianca clung to her denial, unwilling to admit the jealousy that gnawed at her heart.
Just as the tense silence settled between them, a knock on the dressing room door broke the moment. Startled, Iseul turned to see a delivery person holding a bouquet of vibrant red roses, a card nestled among the blooms.
"I've got a bouquet delivery for Iseul Jeong," he announced. Iseul's surprise was palpable as she accepted the flowers.
"Oh my gosh, thank you!" the delivery man took off with a curt nod and Iseul settled back in her chair, both girls adamant and curious as she read the note.
“Dear Iseul, good luck on your performance tonight! Wish I could be there in person, but I already know you're going to kill it! All the best... your secret admirer? I've got a secret admirer!” Iseul exclaimed softly, her cheeks tinged pink with pleasure.
Bianca’s gaze flickered to the roses, her irritation simmering beneath the surface as she averted her eyes. The timing of the gesture felt like a cruel twist of the knife, a reminder of her own tangled emotions. She busied herself with her makeup, her thoughts a turbulent storm of envy and uncertainty.
As Iseul admired the flowers, a faint smile playing on her lips, Bianca wrestled with her inner turmoil. She knew she needed to confront Noelle, to voice her fears and concerns. Yet, as she watched Iseul’s delighted reaction, a part of her couldn’t help but resent the happiness that seemed just out of her reach.
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The auditorium hummed with the low murmur of excited conversations, the anticipation of the upcoming ballet recital palpable in the air. Noelle and her family settled into their seats, Franca fussing with Chiara's hair and trying to fix her slightly smudged makeup. And ever in her teenage angst, Chiara batted her away like a bratty cat. Noelle, however, was only half paying attention. Her eyes kept darting to the illuminated face of her watch, or she would double check that she had her ticket in her purse.
In another part of the campus, Tom was in the final stages of preparing for his performance. The backstage area was a flurry of activity as actors milled about, doing vocal exercises and stretches. Tom adjusted his costume, the stiff collar and unfamiliar fabric feeling both thrilling and constricting.
He glanced at the mirror, taking in the reflection of himself as Boris Trigorin. Excitement bubbled in his chest, mingling with a gnawing apprehension. He could hear snippets of lines and bursts of laughter from his castmates, their warmups filling the air with a kind of chaotic energy. Tom’s fingers tapped nervously against his script, the worn pages a comforting anchor amidst the chaos.
Back in the auditorium, Franca leaned over, her voice coming in a whisper "Are you feeling alright? Do you want to stand up before the show?” Franca’s voice was a soft but frantic hum in the background as Noelle’s gaze flicked to her watch again.
"I'm fine, Franca. Don't worry," Noelle smiled reassuringly.
The house lights dimmed, signaling the start of the performance. Noelle’s heart pounded, not only from the excitement of seeing her friends dance but also from the anticipation of what lay ahead with Tom. She forced herself to focus on the stage as the first notes of the orchestra swelled, the curtains parting to reveal the dancers.
Tom, meanwhile, took a deep breath, the finality of the upcoming performance settling in. He moved to join his fellow actors, feeling the camaraderie as they wished each other luck. The scent of greasepaint and the soft rustle of costumes created a familiar backdrop to his growing nerves.
As the ballet began, Noelle’s eyes flickered between the graceful movements on stage and the persistent ticking of her watch. Her friends twirled and leaped with ethereal beauty, their dedication evident in every precise step. Noelle felt a pang of pride and longing, wishing she could fully immerse herself in the moment but knowing that her mind was already halfway to Tom’s show.
Despite the tremendous music, Maurice could still hear Chiara's nails tapping away over her phone. She was texting furiously. With aloof dismay, he leaned over, his voice barely a whisper as he scolded her, "Put the phone away, Chiara. Security's gonna think you're filming," Chiara sighed dramatically beside them, clearly unimpressed, but Noelle remained oblivious, her thoughts far away.
As Noelle watched Bianca gracefully glide across the stage, her emotions swirled like a tempestuous sea. Pride welled up within her, a fierce joy that threatened to overflow as she witnessed her friend's flawless execution of each pirouette and arabesque. Yet, beneath the surface, a trace of lingering resentment lingered from their recent argument. Despite the saltiness tainting her admiration, Noelle couldn't deny the admiration she felt for Bianca's talent and dedication, her heart swelling with conflicting emotions as she applauded vigorously at the performance's end.
Sunny sat in the dimly lit theatre, his anticipation palpable as he waited for the play to begin. His fingers twitched with nervous energy, but he was anxious as his phone buzzed discreetly in his pocket. Retrieving it, he read the confirmation text: his flower bouquet had been delivered anonymously. The gesture warmed his heart, and he couldn’t suppress a giddy smile as he imagined Iseul's surprise and -- hopefully -- delight. He hoped she wouldn't think she had a crazy stalker or anything. Adjusting in his seat, Sunny glanced around the theatre, his excitement growing as the lights dimmed and the stage came to life.
Tom’s turn on stage was fast approaching. He joined the others in a circle, their whispered encouragements a soothing balm to his nerves. His mind wandered briefly to Noelle, imagining her in the audience, her presence a steadying force. He straightened his costume one last time, taking another deep breath.
As the ballet performance reached its crescendo, Noelle’s eyes met her watch once more. It was almost time. She leaned over to Franca, whispering her plan to slip out quietly. Franca nodded, giving her a reassuring squeeze.
Noelle rose from her seat, her heart pounding with a mix of emotions. She cast one last look at her friends on stage, then slipped out of the auditorium, her steps quickening with purpose.
Tom stood in the wings, the stage lights casting long shadows. The call for his scene came, and he moved forward, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Somewhere out there, he knew Noelle was making her way to support him, and the thought filled him with a surge of confidence.
As he stepped onto the stage, the world seemed to fall away, leaving only the performance and the promise of seeing Noelle after the final bow.
Noelle slowed her pace to a cautious jog, mindful of her surgeon’s warnings against strenuous activity, including running. She focused on reaching the theater without pushing herself too far into discomfort. The new auditorium for the theater kids was more accessible this time, and she navigated towards it with determination, her purse clutched tightly as if afraid her ticket might escape.
Arriving breathless, Noelle found the door attendant in the process of closing up. Her lungs protested the exertion, legs already sore from the brief jog. She managed to catch her breath enough to hand over her ticket, which the attendant glanced at briefly before nodding her through the entrance. The theatre was already dark, the actors already on stage opening up the scene when Noelle ducked in. She skimmed along the wall and finding one in a handful of empty seats in the back row.
Just as she sat down, Tom stepped onto the stage, his heart racing with a mix of nerves and excitement. The auditorium stretched before him, a sea of expectant faces shimmering under the soft glow of stage lights. His gaze flickered across the audience, searching, hoping to catch a glimpse of Noelle.
"In this tranquil setting," he began, his voice steady and resonant, "where the lake whispers secrets to the wind, I find solace in the embrace of nature's beauty."
Marcelline, embodying Nina's youthful admiration, approached him with eagerness, "Boris, tell me of your latest story. Your words weave magic in my mind."
Tom, as Trigorin, smiled warmly at Marcelline, his eyes reflecting the character's depth of experience. "Ah, Nina," he replied, "your enthusiasm is a balm to my soul. I draw inspiration from the simplest of moments, the fleeting whispers of life."
Jordan, portraying Konstantin, interjected with a hint of resentment. "Your stories, Boris, they enchant Nina and the world. But do they speak of truth or mere fantasies?"
Tom met Jordan's gaze, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Ah, Konstantin," he mused, "the artist's eternal dilemma. Truth, illusion—perhaps they are two sides of the same coin, perceived differently by each soul."
The other actors, fully immersed in their roles, engaged in a lively discussion that echoed Chekhov's exploration of art and existence. Tom's performance carried the weight of Trigorin's introspective nature, his voice resonating with the character's complexities.
Throughout the scene, Tom's eyes darted to the audience between lines, silently hoping to spot Noelle among them. His performance, a delicate dance of words and emotions, captured the essence of Chekhov's themes while his heart beat in anticipation of her presence.
Noelle sat in the dimly lit auditorium, her gaze fixed on the stage where Tom, transformed into Trigorin, held court with his eloquent words and charismatic presence. The play's dialogue floated through the air, mingling with the soft rustling of the audience and the occasional cough. Yet, for Noelle, all peripheral sounds faded into insignificance as she watched him.
Tom's voice resonated with a depth that captivated her, each word a brushstroke painting vivid images in her mind. His eyes, usually warm and inviting in their everyday encounters, now held a new intensity—a reflection of Trigorin's conflicted soul. She noticed the subtle shifts in his expression, the way he leaned forward in earnest engagement with his fellow actors, and the graceful gestures that punctuated his dialogue.
As Trigorin, Tom embodied a blend of charm and vulnerability that stirred something deep within Noelle. It wasn't just the character he portrayed but the essence of Tom himself, laid bare on stage. She felt drawn to him in ways she hadn't fully acknowledged before, his presence enveloping her thoughts and emotions with an undeniable allure.
In the darkness of the auditorium, surrounded by the unfolding drama and the palpable energy of the performance, Noelle's heart beat in sync with the rhythm of the play. She couldn't tear her eyes away from Tom, each fleeting glance he cast towards the audience igniting a flutter of anticipation in her chest. The distance between them seemed both vast and infinitesimal, a tension she struggled to define yet couldn't deny.
Noelle's fingers curled around the armrest of her seat, her breath catching in moments of poignant dialogue that resonated with her own inner turmoil. She watched Tom with a mixture of admiration and longing, the lines between reality and fiction blurring as she found herself caught in the spell he wove with every word and gesture.
She glanced around the theater, noticing the rapt attention of the audience, but her focus remained on Tom. In that moment, watching him embody Trigorin's complexity, she couldn't deny the magnetic pull he exerted on her heart. Each word, each gesture only deepened her admiration and affection for him.
And then finally, finally, Tom saw her. As his gaze settled on Noelle, a soft smile touched his lips, and he delivered his line with an intensity that resonated with his own emotions:
"Amidst the chaos of life's stage, a solitary figure emerges—a beacon of serenity in a sea of tumult...."
The words carried a dual meaning, echoing both the character's sentiment and his personal recognition of Noelle's presence; a calming presence amidst the nerves and anticipation of the performance. He was doing so well, he was so close and he would be at the end.
On stage, Bianca's movements were fluid and precise, each step echoing the rhythm of the music pulsing through the theater. As she pirouetted and leaped, her eyes occasionally strayed to the audience, seeking a familiar face. Amidst the sea of spectators, she caught sight of Noelle's family—her aunt adjusting her seat, her uncle leaning forward with interest. But Noelle's absence was palpable, a void in the audience that Bianca couldn't help but feel keenly.
A flicker of disappointment crossed her features, mingled with a hint of resentment that tightened her movements, infusing her dance with an unexpected intensity. She pushed through, channeling her emotions into each graceful arc and turn, determined to make her performance memorable despite the absence that weighed on her heart.
The final curtain fell with a hushed finality, the stage bathed in the glow of the overhead lights. The audience erupted into a thunderous standing ovation, hands clapping in unison as cheers filled the air. Backstage, the cast of gathered, their faces glowing with relief and pride. Tom stood among them, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He ran back on stage to take a final bow with his cast mates, so overwhelmed and grateful for the reception.
Amidst the celebration, Tom's gaze found Noelle in the audience. Her eyes sparkled with pride as she clapped enthusiastically, a radiant smile lighting up her face. Their eyes locked briefly, a silent exchange of shared joy and accomplishment passing between them. Tom's heart swelled with happiness, knowing that he had not only impressed the audience but also earned Noelle's admiration.
As the curtain fell and applause thundered through the theater, Tom found himself swept up in a whirlwind of backstage activity. He exchanged quick hugs and high-fives with Marcelline, Jordan, and the rest of the cast, their faces alight with exhilaration and relief. The adrenaline from the performance surged through him, keeping fatigue at bay as they navigated the maze of corridors backstage.
They reached the dressing rooms amidst laughter and excited chatter, the air thick with the lingering euphoria of a successful show. Tom sank into a vanity chair, his legs trembling with lingering nerves and the lingering rush of performing. His costume felt like a second skin, a reminder of the character he had just inhabited, and he couldn't help but replay moments of the play in his mind.
"Tom! Group photo!" Marcelline's voice broke through his reverie, pulling him back to the present. He pushed himself up with a smile, joining the cast for a photo that captured their shared triumph. Flashbulbs popped as they posed, their faces still flushed with the heat of the performance.
As the theater buzzed with post-show excitement, Tom stood near his dressing room, scanning the crowd with anticipation. Amidst the throng of well-wishers and fellow actors, he spotted Sunny weaving through the crowd, a wide grin plastered on his face. Sunny approached with his characteristic exuberance, arms outstretched in a gesture of camaraderie.
"Mate!" Sunny exclaimed, pulling Tom into a quick but heartfelt hug, "You killed it out there! Seriously, the whole audience was eating it up."
Tom laughed, returning Sunny's embrace briefly before pulling back to meet his friend's enthusiastic gaze. "Really?"
"Yeah! Fuck'n move over, Dicaprio!" Sunny clapped Tom on the shoulder, nodding towards the dispersing crowd, "You were incredible. And hey," he added with a wink, "I reckon someone else agrees with me," Sunny nodded subtly towards the hallway where Noelle stood, her presence a beacon amidst the backstage chaos.
Tom followed Sunny's gaze, his heartbeat quickening at the sight of her. Noelle's eyes met his across the room, her smile radiant and genuine. She approached them with a grace that seemed to quiet the bustling energy around them, her focus solely on Tom.
Noelle moved gracefully through the bustling crowd, her steps echoing just behind Tom's. As she approached, a rush of excitement and pride filled her chest. When Tom turned to face her, she couldn't contain her joy. With a playful squeak, she threw her arms around him, feeling his warm embrace as he lifted her off her feet for a brief moment. His presence, neroli oil mixed with the faint scent of his costume, enveloped her, filling her senses with a blend of musk and the lingering energy of the performance.
"Oh my gosh, Tom!" she murmured against his shoulder, her voice barely above a whisper but filled with sincerity, "You were incredible!"
He chuckled softly, "Thank you, Noelle," he replied, his breath warm against her hair, "I'm so happy you could make it!"
"I wouldn't miss it for anything," she said softly, her fingers brushing lightly against his as they stood close together, "You're always worth the wait,"
Tom's smile widened, his gaze softening as he squeezed her hand gently, "And you make every moment special," he replied, his voice filled with quiet sincerity.
In that fleeting moment, amid the buzz of the crowd and the shared euphoria of the evening, Noelle felt a comforting warmth envelop her. As she locked eyes with Tom, a silent giddiness passed between them, a taste of whatever adventures lay ahead for them for the night...
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marie-viola · 5 months
Also while I'm at it, I'll put on here my headcannon last names for the Omori gang.
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I have lil descriptions as for why it suits them or whatever.
Sunny "Hisayume" & Mari "Hisayume"
Sunny and Mari are probably of asian descent. Likely Japanese due to them owning a Japanese piano. That and of Omori's (aka Sunny) favorite food is Onigiri. Hisayume isn't a known surname I think, but I combined the two words together since it just sounds cute. "Hisa", 久, meaning "a long time ago", and "Yume", ゆめ, meaning "dream". I think it suits the siblings. Sunny dreaming about a time long ago, and Mari being a distant memory. The "Hisayumes" has a nice ring to it.
Hero "Maradona" & Kel "Maradona"
Hero and Kel are likely of hispanic descent. Specifically Mexican, as they own an Ofrenda in their house. It's originally a spaniard name. "Mara" meaning "lots of", and "don" meaning "happy" or "leadership." I think this perfectly describes the both of them. Kel being overly positive, and Hero being mature and compassionate. I also think it sounds nice with their first names.
Aubrey "Blythe"
Aubrey is of English descent, I'm pretty sure. Her mother's hair is blonde after all, which means her father has black hair. Blythe means "cheerful and pleasant" which Aubrey definitely was when she was younger. But she still is, albeit underneath her cold exterior. The name is also sometimes associated with the color pink. I think it sounds nice with her name having a B in it, and having her initials A.B.
Basil Blumenthal
I like to think Basil is of German descent. Or anywhere around the Swiss Alps. It's very cozy and the region has floral aesthetics in its culture. Blumenthal means "flower valley", very suitable for a flowery boy as him. Blum also sounds similar to "bloom". His name just sounds green now somehow lol. Also the initials B.B sounds kinda cute.
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thatliminal-wanderer · 4 months
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Sidon (The Legend of Zelda) ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Aban, Aine, Aliza, Alizah, Allegra, Ameer, Amir, Amiri, Angel, Arnav, Barindra, Basil, Beatrice, Bliss, Blythe, Brendon, Bronze, Bull, Douglas, Dusky, Fara, Farah, Frieda, Grey, Hallie, Harshavardhan, Harshil, Jatasya, Jeevika, Jewel, Jocelyn, Joy, Kaemon, Kalea, Kunwar, Kuvaya, Lemon, Leroy, Letita, Lvanish, Mako, Malik, Mandharti, Manichara, Mirza, Moana, Moses, Nadish, Namazzi, Nandini, Nandita, Nesan, Ninad, Nirvelli, Nixie, Panav, Paramanyu, Prahlad, Preenz, Prins, Pygmy, Radman, Raj, Ranen, Ray, Reef, Reginald, Rex, Rey, Rian, Rory, Roy, Royce, Sagarika, Salil, Soneera, Sultan, Tawny, Thalia, Thresher, Tiburon, Tiger, Tish, Toyesh, Udadhi, Udaka, Vaarin, Vladimir, Wainani, Yuvaraj
aqua/aquas, boing/boings, cheer/cheers, coral/corals, fin/fins, foam/foams, fun/funs, gem/gems, gill/gills, glee/glees, gold/golds, great/greats, hammer/hammers, heir/heirs, jew/jewelry/jewelries, jewel/jewels, joy/joys, king/kings, ocean/oceans, pearl/pearls, prince/princes, red/reds, regal/regals, royal/royals, salt/salts, scale/scales, sea/seas, shark/sharks, speed/speeds, stream/streams, swim/swims, tide/tides, tooth/tooths, water/waters, wave/waves, wet/wets, 🌊/🌊s, 🔱/🔱s, 🔴/🔴s, 🦈/🦈s
The (Prince/King) of The Zora, The (Princely/Kingly) Shark, The Fast Swimming (Prince/King), The One Of Scales and Joy, The Red-hued Shark, The Royal Shark, The Sage That Is Always Ecstatic, The Sage That Looks Like a Shark, [prn] Who Tries To See The Good
Aecoraromic, Affectisharkic, Aquacéan, Aquaprincic, Creauterrelle, Leonic, Mascsharkgender, Moonlongarine, Nautishellgender, Playfulprincegender, Priaqua, Prifish, Princelexic, Priseaic, Redgender, Sharkboygender, Sharkgender, Sillysharkgender, Waterelementic, Whimsiaquata, Zoragender
Other mogai
Prince Omninoun, Princestelic, Princevesi, Shark Omninoun, Sharkperspesque, Sharkvior
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chernobyl2 · 8 months
(Pictures of me below the cut if that's important to ur decision)
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realmermaid333 · 2 months
I've had a list of name ideas for different districts going in my phone's notes section since 2022, and I have been inspired to post them as @anniecrest4 has been posting lists of her own district name ideas <3
District 12- Marjorie, Basil, Alice, Magnolia, Archie, Charles, Maple, Hemlock, Azalea, Laurel, Sycamore, Sugar, Melody, Nora, Carmen, Clyde, Levi, Mossy, Alyse, Ducky, Wyatt, Rose, Ruby, Blythe, Joy, Bliss, Bennet, Bonnie, Rho, Cherry, Ash, Day, Lily, Clover, Fern, Spruce, Cedar, Buttercup, Aster, Daisy, Thistle, Gold, Cypress, Autumn, Abelene, Cricket, Inez, Minnie, Dillard, Meadow, Mint, Summer, Calendula, Smoky, Spirit, Bee, Jonny, Gray, Tulip
Citizens of Twelve tend to name their children after the plants around them. Often ones used in apothecary or just beautiful/tasty plants, or the land around them in general. Also names that mean joy or music, strength or nobility, or old classic southern/Appalachian names that have been passed down for generations. There's also some intersection with District 11's names as they are next to each other so they have similar flora and fauna surrounding them, and they come from similar cultures (district 10 a bit too).
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teaziecups · 7 months
How old are the OCs from oldest to youngest?
Baph: Old as time- her time period is in another universe. Think of Skyrim lol (she’s also a vampire)
Ms.Hamilton: 48
Jolly-Bee: 32
Lynrith: 26
Pluto: 26
Josey: 26
Nini: 26
Nancy: 25
Thorm: 25
Takaki: 25
Bird: 24
Hazel: 24
Blueberry: 24
Blyth: 24
Tsukimi: 23
Iridium: 23
Drat: 23
Atticus: 23
Rome: 22
Pagen: 22
Milly: 22
Aka & Nepp: 20
Naama: 20
Coco: 20
Berry: 20
Cassie: 19
Nano: 19
Peppermint: 19 (changes depending on which part of the story we’re talking about)
Basil: 19 (changes depending on which part of the story we’re talking about)
Mint: 19
Nana: 18
Elliot: 17 (changes depending on which part of the story we’re talking about)
Rett: 17 (changes depending on which part of the story we’re talking about)
Emit: 16
Chole: 16
Udon: 16
Might’ve missed a few!
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angel-dearests · 1 year
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Puff ocs. Puff ocs everywhereeeee!
In order:
Blazer! He's an older brother to The Powerpuff Girls :] Template by @terraterraart
Bliss! Well, not really an oc persay- but this is my version of her.
The Hueshift Boys! Crimson, Azure, and Basil
The Darkwell Children! Bethany, Caden and Ethan
The Skylight Pals! Beckett, Blythe, and Baxter
Feel free to send asks about them because I would love nothing more than to infodump about my babies
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holytrohmanempire · 5 months
an incomplete list of classics couples who should be peterickified
Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe. So the first person in the world who is utterly unimpressed with this boy is the one he falls madly in love with? Chicago softcore af
Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester. This one perhaps should not be done due to the racism but like. "Am I hideous, Jane?" "Not moreso than usual, sir."
Basil and Dorian. This one doesn't work as well as the others but I do love historic queers.
feel free to add.
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featherlouise · 1 year
ALRIGHT I'll just go with my own vibes for him then;
(sorry if you already picked a name by the time I send this, I spent a while collecting these LMAO)
Elisedd - meaning kind/benevolent in old welsh
Myron - meaning sweet oil/perfume
Basil - he gives me plant vibes bc farmer, but also apparently it's derived from the Greek word for king??
Malik - meaning king in Arabic, because I find a farmer boy being named that and then becoming king consort down the line to be amusing
Asher - meaning happy/blessed in Hebrew
Blythe - meaning cheerful in old english
Amandus - derived from Latin meaning "lovable, worthy of love"
Amor - obv means "love" but also I feel like Hollow could make some cheesy, lovable puns with that name
Helios - means sun in Greek (and also a sun God's name), the whole warm colour scheme, being a warm new presence in Hollow's life plus moth = connection to Radiance
Alon/Allon - means oak tree in Hebrew, again he gives me plant vibes plus the stability of a tree/tress protecting from elements etc etc, feels fitting for his story with Hollow
I could find more but this is already becoming long LMAO
I think Elisedd and Amandus are my faves, but I LOVE the vibes of Allon with the whole stability thing ngl
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round 2! finally!
in our defense it was baz's birthday on thursday so we were busy
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matchups under cut again!
part a
les amis de l'abc (les miserables) vs geraldine/christabel (christabel)
henry jekyll/lanyon (jekyll and hyde) vs rodion raskolnikov/dmitri razumikhin (crime and punishment)
frog/toad (frog and toad) vs duncan/macbeth (macbeth)
dorian gray/basil hallward/henry wotton (the picture of dorian gray) vs marius pontmercy/eponine thenardier/cosette fauchelevent (les miserables)
anne shirley cuthbert/gilbert blythe (anne of green gables) vs rosencrantz/guildenstern (hamlet and rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead)
the tell-tale heart/the raven (edgar allan poe works) vs the tinman/the scarecrow (the wizard of oz)
tom buchanan/jay gatsby (the great gatsby) vs antonio/sebastian (twelfth night and/or the tempest)
dracula/jonathan harker (dracula) vs maria/sir toby (twelfth night)
part b
arthur holmwood/jack seward (dracula) vs catherine/eleanor (northanger abbey)
buttercup/westley (the princess bride) vs jane/helen (jane eyre)
andrei bolkonsky/pierre bezukhov (war and peace) vs romeo/juliet (romeo and juliet)
andrei bolkonsky/speransky (war and peace) vs elizabeth bennett/fitzwilliam darcy (pride and prejudice)
christine daae/meg giry (the phantom of the opera) vs henry clerval/victor frankenstein (frankenstein)
fyodor dolokhov/anatole kuragin (war and peace) vs sir toby belch/sir andrew aguecheek (twelfth night)
athos/aramis/pothos/d'artagnan (3 musketeers) vs fortunato/montresor (the cask of amontillado)
ishmael/queequeg (moby-dick) vs john watson/sherlock holmes (sherlock holmes)
part c
nick carraway/jay gatsby (the great gatsby) vs helene kuragina/natasha rostova (war and peace)
nikolai rostov/tsar alexander (war and peace) vs gilgamesh/enkidu (the epic of gilgamesh)
benedick/beatrice (much ado about nothing) vs ahab/starbuck (moby-dick)
fantine/sister simplice (les miserables) vs jean valjean/javert (les miserables)
samwise gamgee/frodo baggins (lord of the rings) vs romeo montague/tybalt capulet (romeo and juliet)
sampson/gregory (romeo and juliet) vs penelope/circe (the odyssey)
erik/raoul de chagny/christine daae (the phantom of the opera) vs the bear from war and peace/the bear from the winter’s tale (self-explanatory)
odysseus/diomedes (the odyssey) vs aramis/athos (3 musketeers)
part d
benvolio montague/mercutio (romeo and juliet) vs rosencrantz/guildenstern/hamlet (hamlet)
mina harker/lucy westenra (dracula) vs macbeth/banquo (macbeth)
lancelot/arthur/guinevere (arthurian legend) vs benvolio montague/tybalt capulet/mercutio (romeo and juliet)
orsino/olivia/violacesario (twelfth night) vs jonathan harker/mina harker (dracula)
hamlet/horatio (hamlet) vs malcolm/macduff (macbeth)
enjolras/grantaire (les miserables) vs maurice hall/alec scudder (maurice)
brutus/cassius (julius caesar) vs puck/titania/oberon (a midsummer night's dream)
jack seward/quincey morris (dracula) vs benedick/claudio (much ado about nothing)
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
It’s the 1970s and San Diego anchorman Ron Burgundy is the top dog in local TV, but that’s all about to change when ambitious reporter Veronica Corningstone arrives as a new employee at his station. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Ron Burgundy: Will Ferrell Veronica Corningstone: Christina Applegate Brian Fantana: Paul Rudd Brick Tamland: Steve Carell Champ Kind: David Koechner Ed Harken: Fred Willard Garth Holliday: Chris Parnell Helen: Kathryn Hahn Tino: Fred Armisen Eager Cameraman: Seth Rogen MC: Paul F. Tompkins Bartender: Danny Trejo Waiter at Tino’s: Scot Robinson Stage Manager: Ian Roberts Hot Blonde: Darcy Donavan Petite Brunette: Renee Weldon Tino’s Bassist: Jerry Minor Director: Holmes Osborne Security Guard: Charles Walker Biker Guy: Thomas E. Mastrolia Eyewitness News Member: Jay Johnston Man in Kitchen: Peter A. Hulne Donna: Laura Kightlinger Custodian: Adam McKay Custodian: Joseph T. Mastrolia News Station Employee: Judd Apatow News Station Employee: Debra McGuire Network Reporter: Kent Shocknek Yelling Woman: Monique McIntyre Bum: Bob Rummler Announcer: Chuck Poynter Middle Class Mother: Esmerelda McQuillan Elderly Woman: Angela Grillo Wealthy Family Father: Lionel Allen Wealthy Family Mother: Trina D. Johnson Doctor: Fred Dresch Middle Class Dad: Glen Hambly Nursing Room Resident: Stuart Gold Bill Lawson – Narrator (voice): Bill Kurtis Motorcyclist: Jack Black Arturo Mendes: Ben Stiller Frank Vitchard: Luke Wilson Frank the Bartender (uncredited): Frank Gorgie Zoo Keeper (uncredited): Missi Pyle Public TV News Anchor (uncredited): Tim Robbins Wes Mantooth (uncredited): Vince Vaughn Man in Bar (uncredited): Jerry Stiller Secretary (uncredited): Holly Traister Zoologist with Panda in Doug or Glen scene (uncredited): Matthew Vlahakis Reporter / Anchor (uncredited): Richard Yett Film Crew: Supervising Sound Editor: Mark A. Mangini Casting: Jeanne McCarthy Sound Effects Editor: Richard L. Anderson Stunts: Jack Gill Hair Department Head: Toni-Ann Walker Location Manager: Jeremy Alter Casting: Juel Bestrop Set Decoration: Jan Pascale Music Editor: Ellen Segal Writer: Will Ferrell Executive Producer: David O. Russell Art Direction: Virginia Randolph-Weaver Set Designer: Sally Thornton Director of Photography: Thomas E. Ackerman Music: Alex Wurman Producer: Judd Apatow Executive Producer: Shauna Robertson Editor: Brent White Costume Design: Debra McGuire Stunts: Joe Bucaro III Production Design: Clayton R. Hartley Writer: Adam McKay Co-Producer: David B. Householter Casting: Blythe Cappello Second Assistant Director: Basil Grillo First Assistant Director: Matt Rebenkoff Second Unit Director: Rick Avery Construction Coordinator: John R. Elliott Foley Artist: Joan Rowe Foley Artist: Sean Rowe Stunt Double: Sophia M. Crawford Property Master: Scott Maginnis Color Timer: David Orr Makeup Department Head: Kimberly Greene Script Supervisor: Rebecca Asher Sound Effects Editor: Mike Chock Sound Effects Editor: Donald Flick Key Hair Stylist: Joy Zapata Dialogue Editor: Ralph Osborn Sound Effects Editor: Piero Mura Set Designer: Randall D. Wilkins Set Designer: Barbara Mesney Still Photographer: Frank Masi Visual Effects Supervisor: Ray McIntyre Jr. Key Grip: Lloyd Moriarity Leadman: Louise Del Araujo Production Supervisor: Diane L. Sabatini Video Assist Operator: Paul Murphey Dialogue Editor: Thomas Jones Transportation Coordinator: Michael Menapace CG Supervisor: David Alexander Smith Dialogue Editor: Solange S. Schwalbe Digital Effects Supervisor: Reid Paul Still Photographer: Darren Michaels Additional Editing: Melissa Bretherton Art Department Coordinator: Jeanne Bueche Makeup Artist: Erin Wooldridge Music Editor: Erica Weis Visual Effects Supervisor: Richard R. Hoover Production Sound Mixer: Jim Stuebe First Assistant Camera: Baird Steptoe “A” Camera Operator: Harry K. Garvin Orchestrator: Tom Calderaro Visual Effects Producer: Diana Stulic Ibanez Stunts: Lisa Hoyle ADR Mixer: Jeff Gomillion “B” Camera Operator: Steven Hiller Stunts: Joni Avery Sound Recordist: Philip Rogers Assistant Art Di...
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miscelliteeous · 9 months
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Still can't draw or write so I tried my hand at doing moodboards again for the first time in like 2 years, and the first time with my selfships. Also, I am subjecting you to the cheesy ship names I came up with.
In order, they are:
Johnathon Ohnn/Blythe Basile (Shutterspot)
Jonathan Crane/Bianca Crane (Scareshow)
Teddy Lobo/Bea Lobo (Teddybee)
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