938475824521 · 2 months
Rox (BlushCrunch Studios)
I meant to make a longer post detailing all of Rox/Joji/Qwel's claims in "Our Final Response To Allegations", however I do not simply have the time or spoons to rewatch the video to its fullest. I had a blog post drafted, but it's fairly long for the 10 minutes-ish I had already written about.
This is not comprehensive. Please watch Rox's video to actually get each point. It is more important to listen to how he speaks about the allegations to form your own opinion about the situation.
CW for grooming, CP, just generally gross shit all around due to the allegations.
The long TL;DR of the history (without rewatching the video, only using my notes from initial watch) is:
Rox says that he was not attempting to hide from the allegations, rather only moderated people talking about it in public chats as the nature of the allegations are inappropriate for the server. He also only banned people if they were acting antagonistic towards him, not willing to hear him out and only were there to harass him.
Rox (17 at the time) had made a bunch of inappropriate conversations which were geared toward "Buddy" (victim, 13). While working with Pixel-Bit on Tower Heroes, he was also a part of a group chat where he had also said inappropriate jokes (though not aimed directly at anyone), one of which included him moaning into a microphone over voice chat.
Rox, under the influence of a group chat (though unclear if it's the same group chat he would say inappropriate things in), also had created CP, to which he would say that he regretted ever making the art and called it disgusting in the video. (Notably, he only ever called it "art" in the video, never directly saying it was CP.)
Rox was banned from Pixel-Bit Studios Discord server after the CP Rox drew resurfaced. Later, when DataBrawl and Tower Heroes were considering a collab, SudoMesh joined a VC in BlushCrunch Studios and Rox said some rude things about the members joining to Qwel, which started an argument between them.
Rox would later apologize to SudoMesh, both about the argument and the document, to which Sudo accepted and told him to "stay out of trouble". SudoMesh, when later being one of the people spreading the Google Doc exposing Rox, would delete these messages on his side of the conversation.
Rox makes an argument that, according to the Oxford and Merriam-Webster definitions of grooming, he did not groom Buddy, saying that he is just "sexting" them. He also makes a point that SudoMesh calls him both a groomer and a pedophile (words that Rox points out are used interchangeably and do not apply to him), and noting that the original document does not call him a groomer.
Rox was locked out of the JSnake account due to two-factor authentication so he cannot verify the screenshots, and he also says that context is missing from a lot of the screenshots. It does not show who he is sending the messages to, nor what else is in the conversation, making the point about him sending messages to Buddy completely up in the air.
When discussing more about the group chat he was in during 2021, Rox picks apart their wording of "mostly 14" and him being "almost 18" rather than saying 17. He also recalls that there were also people ages 15-16 in the group chat. This is also where the "lewd jokes" argument comes in from points 1 and 2.
Rox was banned from the PHIGHTING! server due to the allegations. While the doc argues that Rox was heard out through his friend, Rox argues that if the admins really wanted to hear him out, they would have not shadow banned him or refused a one on one conversation.
Rox had said the people involved creating the Doc claimed he had "not shown his side of the truth", which Rox says both videos are responses to.
Rox points out the biases of xtriel (Google Doc creator and developer of DataBrawl), as Duncan (owner of DataBrawl) was also involved in his own alleged grooming scandal of a person named Maya who he made Roblox R34 with before figuring out she was underage, never having asked her age. xtriel defended Duncan vehemently. Duncan is also responsible in sharing the Google Doc exposing Rox, and both he and xtriel attempted to get a YouTuber to cover Rox (despite xtriel wanting to leave the situation behind). SudoMesh is also another developer of DataBrawl. Rox makes this point to show the double standards in how he and Duncan are treated.
Rox made "CP" of Gary/gecbomb and another person in order to make someone, who Gary harassed after they were banned, feel better. According to Rox's memory, he only made two drawings; Gary kissing the person, and stick figures with Gary and the other person's head slapped on top in a sex-like position. In Gary's video, it is so blurred/censored it's hard to tell what's going on. In gecbomb's video, he refers to himself in the third person. Rox also says that Gary used to be chill in the BlushCrunch server until he began saying strange messages, mute-evaded by joining with an alt account, and when he was banned, he began spreading the Twitter thread about Rox.
Rox talks about Duck Adam, a YouTuber who's made videos on Flavor Frenzy and Dandy's World. They continuously called Rox a pedophile in their videos. (I intentionally skipped over this part of the video during my initial watch because Duck Adam just seemed like one of those trash YouTubers, my bad. If you want to watch it, Rox talks about them at 37:24.)
In Qwel's side of the allegations (43:40), she claims to be 16 at the time she was banned from the Pixel-Bit Discord, and had previously been a collaborator for Tower Heroes for 4 years, creating concept art for characters like Sparks Kilowatt. The CP Rox drew was shared in an art channel in Pixel-Bit Studios Discord, which sparked a lot of debate. The messages with Qwel in it had actually been Spookiner, who Qwel VC'd after the images Rox drew were leaked. Qwel was explaining the situation to them and trusted Spookiner would do the right thing. Spookiner had talked about demoting Rox. They instead banned her and Rox the day after this VC happened. (Qwel does make a note that the point about racism was removed from the Doc after they realized it was stupid.) Qwel also claims she had no idea about the art before it was leaked.
Qwel was also accused of being transphobic because she broke up with her trans partner... except Qwel claims she broke up with them before they came out. There were also accusations of racism because the concept art she drew of Sparks had a darker skin color than what she actually appeared in-game. She was also accused of being ableist. Qwel defends herself by saying she is not racist/ableist/LGBTQ+phobic and has always been a supporter of these communities, being a lesbian herself.
For timestamps: Rox talks about the document at 3:25. Gary/gecbomb is discussed at 17:29. Joji talks at 22:38. Duck Adam is discussed at 37:24. Qwel talks at 43:40.
Joji's part of the video wasn't talked about because honestly he seems like Just A Guy that got mixed up in all this. He essentially got harassed for doing his (trial) moderator job and isn't relevant to the allegations. If you want to listen to his testimony, it's at 22:38.
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mozzy17 · 2 months
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nugoober · 3 days
please? :)
This was a bit tough, knowing Starfruit has a complex design...
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It's a sketch at the moment, I may remake it.. I added a couple changes
-End of scarf has the seeds resembling paw pads.
-Feathered wings with a talon on each.
-Dyed hair/fur.
-Buckles on belt.
-Pattern on ears.
-Poofy tail
-Bigger pawprint on chest
-Biggggggggggg nose
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voixprizma · 18 days
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elqenna · 1 month
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uh oh shrimp smoocher on the loose
meet whaley, she keeps shrimpo in check
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piquuroblox · 23 days
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Okay i concede we can talk about him. Only for a little though he has a bedtime
he has no friends no life no money no job and his only hobby is Extensively researching twisteds and ichor and Everybody thinks hes a freak
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peachybruiseslego · 3 days
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ref image under the cut
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reminder to not buy the new dandy's world ugc 💕
they just released some new products, but all you have to do is nothing! it may be tempting, but it's simple to just not press those buttons
we're not supporting the dev team either until things get fixed or until we find a suitable replacement 🤩 (cough cough what if we made a legally distinct version cough cough)
here's the very nice and cool google doc detailing everything, the CWs are stated in the doc in big bolded letters.
i didn't make this, nor did i contribute to it.
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theunknownsandwich · 10 days
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glistennglimmer · 1 month
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giriliker69 · 2 months
do any of u guys fw shrimpo x dandy.... 😓
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yournameisnill · 1 month
hai diddy world fandom
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first time actually trying to draw him lololololo anyways haii everyone how you doing :3
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asilikesshit · 2 months
Rox made a statement again, rn bro is getting flamed in the comments.
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skipperdoodles32 · 2 months
I found out about Rox being a groomer a couple days ago.
Froze up on speaking on it because I had posted Dandy’s World fanart. (Which I still honestly like, & a lot of people like it too.)
But I won’t stay silent anymore.
Refusing to give money to BlushCrunch isn’t enough; refuse to play their games, period. Qwel is focused on the success of Dandy’s World & Flavour Frenzy, so perhaps things will change once Qwel notices the player counts on these games dropping to rock bottom.
Keeping & defending a groomer on the team is a real damper on your image, isn’t it?
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oasistreeroot · 28 days
Me and scraps broke the fucking game
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elqenna · 2 months
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the girls of Dandy’s World 🌸
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