#blush blush video game
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skatermusic · 1 year ago
Two types of people when you're pissed.
William: "Awwww, c'mere, hon." (Hug, smooch!)
Eli, sing-songy, while grabbing a baseball bat with a sock on it: "Somebitch is gonna get it!"
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adamsrcnan · 2 months ago
the foxes in 2024 would have a team tiktok and 50% of the videos would be nicky secretly filming kevin in the gym till he gets caught and then it's just kevin staring angrily at the camera, slamming his weights on the floor and striding towards nicky and nicky cackling loudly before running off, the camera blurry and shaky all over the place while kevin swears in the background. OR OR slow mo videos edits of kevin making inappropriate sex faces while he lifts to failure or stretches out while something like taste by tyga and offset plays over the top. or kevin doing a push up challenge unprompted followed by a zoom in on aaron shaking his head in the back before walking off bc he's not about that shit
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xinyuehui · 1 year ago
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»» ────ஓ๑ when he 😳👉👈 ๑ஓ ──── ««
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alpharaddaily · 6 months ago
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shinzenii · 5 months ago
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2/9 portraits
and I had a lot of fking homework, so tired, I just wanna draw for myself 😭
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nothingbizzare · 9 months ago
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More highschool terumob
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ren-054 · 8 months ago
Made a little video for uh reasons :3
​The first piece isn’t done yet but shushhhh ajjds
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ahollowgrave · 7 months ago
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Spent more hours than I'd like to admit playing with Renn Cosmetic's Build Your Own Makeup and I think I might make some edits in terms of colors! But for now she's looking pretty fricking cute! Thank you to @thefreelanceangel who showed off her own usage of this kit with Anna!
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footnoteinhistory · 6 months ago
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 9 months ago
Figure skater! Andrew and hockey player! Neil is something so personal
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ozzy-boy · 2 months ago
hope you're doing okay! Use this as an excuse to write anything you feel like or even just a lil self indulgence
I've been putting off writing this idea for a while cause i wasn't sure anyone would like it but me lol i live for dates at a shitty fair
Scale, foolishly, thought that going on a date to the nearby pop-up faire would be fun. He'd fantasized about taking the lead, showing his skills at frustratingly rigged carnival games and proving what a great boyfriend he is.
Oh, how wrong he was.
It would be bad enough if he had just gotten a little motion sick on the roller coaster, but stumbling off the ride in a rush and immediately vomiting into the nearest receptacle instantly skyrockets up the list of the most embarrassing moments in his life. Right alongside that time he broke his nose by messing up a backflip in front of the whole clan, and somehow getting turned into a literal dragon.
To make matters worse, you stand behind him and gently rub his back, your face twisted into deep worry.
"I'm so sorry," You're already saying. "I had no idea you got so motion sick-"
Scale swallows and forces himself to stand straight, wanting to deny it. "That is not-" A wave a nausea forces him to pause. "Er, I'm fine. Just... I'mma sit for a sec..."
Having been assembled and built for only a few short days, the faire had a severe lack of benches pr seating. Leading Scale to unceremoniously flop flat on his back in the first empty patch of grass he sees, staring directly up at the night sky, a shifting purple hue as the sun goes down. He barely feels any better by the time you come back with a bottle of water from one of the vendors, too busy feeling lame and sorry for himself. Although, the water and stick of gum from your bag make him feel marginally better.
He closes his eyes and sighs, and after a moment he feels himself being moved and adjusted. For a moment he barely registers the hands on his shoulders and neck- then the assassin part of his brain kicks back on. He suddenly becomes aware of the crowd again- the hundreds of people flowing to and from attractions and rides. A wave of paranoia makes his eyes fly open, seeing you trying to pull his head into your lap.
"Hey- what are you doing?" He squirms, incredulous.
"I'm trying to help you get comfortable- stop squirming." You pout.
Scale relaxes his shoulders and lets you maneuver him, but his heart pounds and he maintains a close eye on the crowd around them. They had managed to find a secluded little spot, but that did nothing to reassure him about any lurking danger.
You roll you eyes and lightly flick his forehead. "Cut that out."
"Ack- hey! I wasn't even doing anything."
"I know you way too well to believe that. You're overthinking like crazy, I can see it in your eyes."
He grumbles while wondering if he can get away with pulling the hood of his white hoodie over his face to hide himself from your observing eyes.
The hand that flicked him settles over his forehead, pushing back his hair and threading through it in a comforting motion.
"...Sorry." He says. "I don't know why I'm being such a loser today."
"Don't say stuff like that, I'll flick you again."
Scale sticks his tongue out.
He goes back to scanning the area, but tries to frame it in his head as 'people watching' rather than 'on the look out for would-be assassins'. Although it's hard to focus on anything aside from the gentle fingers in his hair.
"...I have to go again."
"Uh, what?"
"The rollercoaster. An assassin must learn to overcome all hardship."
You barely avoid facepalming. This is gonna be a long night...
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skatermusic · 1 year ago
Blush Blush Headcanons: Eli
He can sing, He performs his new song "Liquid Gold" at the masquerade, and it blows your mind.
The glittery tears he used to shed as a pegasus remain as a human.
He could give Gordon Ramsay a run for his money.
If you came home after a crappy day, he'd make you your favourite dinner, then put your favourite movie on and give you plenty of snuggles while reminding you how amazing you are.
He is CAKED UP. We're talking the entire bakery.
Take your eyes off Eli for longer than 10 seconds at a karaoke bar or anywhere else with a mic and you'll hear him singing.
Eli can walk in heels.
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meli-meliai · 6 months ago
When Seth was a child, he wanted to know about everything.
How humans had first came to be, who the mysterious God that his parents so often whispered about on nights when they didn’t think that he was awake, why his mother always flinched whenever she caught even a fleeting glimpse of a snake. Why his father went out of his way to hunt down every snake he saw. Who decided that the trees and grass should be the same color in vaguely different shades.
It wasn’t just mere, childish curiosity, either. His thirst for knowledge was insatiable. But books weren’t invented yet when he was young; so instead he focused on listening to as many stories as he could.
His beloved mother, though an eternal burden weighs upon her shoulders, took it upon herself to weave the young world’s very first stories. Before the Son of the Lord had walked upon the Earth, gentle Eve held her son in tired arms and spun tales that no one but him would ever hear, parables of virtue and morality, her melodic voice floating in the cool, nighttime winds whistling past the orchards that could never compare to the Garden of Eden. Though she was exhausted-a feeling that she could never quite get used to, no matter how many times she has experienced it- she had never failed to scoop her son into her arms and hold him close as she spins another new story out of thin air.
“My son, have I ever told you about the angels who fell from eternal paradise?”
”No, you haven’t! Tell me!”
”Of course, of course…but before I tell you, do you know WHY they fell from paradise?”
“I can’t know ANYTHING if you don’t tell me! Why did they fall?”
”…I don’t quite know either! But… I might have a guess.”
”What is it, mom?”
Eve still had dreams-or rather, nightmares- of the beautiful angel who held out the tantalizing red apple out to her- his soft, sultry voice promising her an eternity of knowledge and a vast sea of answers. On some nights, she woke up shivering, swearing that she had felt a feathery wing envelope her back and raise her up, up, up… to a light so bright that she felt as though she might burn if she rose any further Funnily enough, though, it wasn’t his beauty that she remembered. That part was wispy around the edges, blurred and faded like a memory of the wind.
No. It was the promise. Of freedom, of knowing. For what is life without the crisp, sweet satisfaction and reward? What is humanity without automity?
Sometimes the taste of forbidden fruit lingers on her tongue, the crisp sweetness unlike anything she had ever experienced. Yellow-gold snake eyes watched her as she bit into the crisp flesh, and a part of her wanted to kiss it. To thank it for giving her a choice, the freedom, the knowledge that she could make decisions by herself.
Knowledge was a beautiful thing, for if she hadn’t eaten the fruit, she wouldn’t have seen the way the snake’s eyes softened in turn. And for a moment, she could see an angel behind it.
Then she and her Adam were promptly kicked out of Eden.
Her Adam…
”Mom! Are you okay??”
”…Oh! I’m so sorry, Seth. I was just… lost in thought.”
”About what?”
”Nothing, don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter now, anyway.”
Seth looks so much like his father, but also…so much like him. The fallen angel that she never had a chance to understand.
”Hm? What is it, my son? Are you tired? I can put up your bedroll…”
”No! I just wanted to ask, how did you come to love Father? He’s so…”
Frigid. Bitter. Demanding.
She couldn’t imagine a day where she wasn’t in love with Adam.
“I was created for him, Seth. I was born to love him.”
”Yeah… but what about him? Do you think that he loves you back the same way?”
Eve wasn’t sure. Before the fruit, before she got them both thrown out of Eden, she had never questioned her purpose or place in Adam’s life.She was literally created from his bones, shaped to be perfect and his love, his constant companion. But… he had another one, didn’t he? Before her. She never learned the woman’s name, but Eve wonders if she left because of the same reason that the snake tempted her with.
Knowing. Freedom. Something more out in the world.
She wonders about this woman, would love to talk with her about all the answers of the world. She wonders if she is as beautiful as the angel of her dreams.
“Of course he does. If he didn’t, he would’ve left me to face the consequences in the Garden of Eden.”
Seth frowned, scrunched up his nose. His mother always seemed distracted whenever he asked these kinds of questions, but never doubtful. He saw the way her warm brown eyes (the only part of her appearance that he had inherited) stared wistfully into the trees, as if she was reading something that wasn’t- and will never- be there. Waiting for answers that will never come.
And he hated it. He hated leaving questions unanswered. He hated the twistedness of guessing, of having to wrack his brain over and over again just to find a puzzle piece of the uncompleted whole story. What was the point of breaking God’s rule to consume knowledge itself, only for it to be twisted in a labyrinth of confusion? He was only a child, and he had hundreds of years in front of him to figure everything out- but he wanted to know now.
But he loved his mother. He inherited her eyes, her smile, her craving for knowledge. Her desire for something more. But unlike her, he would never have the chance to satisfy his curiosity until long after his death. And his fate will be far, far more cruel.
To him, at least.
”Hm? What is it, my dear?”
”If you don’t know exactly why the angels fell, can you make up a story about it?”
Eve smiled, and in that moment the tiredness from her face faded. She nuzzled her son and placed a kiss upon his silvery-white hair, and her heart felt light and content. It was as if she had never left Eden. In fact, she felt even happier, somehow. Would she have had her wonderful children if she never ate the Fruits of Knowledge? Would she have had the joy of holding her bright-eyed son in her arms and making up lullabies to sing to him every night? Motherhood was suffering, but what is joy without it? Light and color would’ve never existed without darkness. And, though she knows that she should disagree, a part of her felt like she would never have it any other way.
If only she could’ve done the same for Abel and Cain…
If only she could’ve saved both of them.
But she was powerless to her own consequences, the first seeds of sin taking root in her own children. Holding Seth close so that he wouldn’t see his failure of a mother blinking back tears, she whispered a feather-soft prayer into the nighttime wind, that none of her children would ever suffer the same fate for as long as they lived. Otherwise, if anything happened to them because of her idiotic mistake, trusting that damned snake’s honeyed words and false promises…
She felt like crying. What kind of mother cries in front of her own child? She felt like a failure of a mother, unworthy to be the forebearer of humanity. For was the purpose of humans simply to struggle, due to her choice? Did she bear her children only to have them face the same fate?
…No. It won’t be like that again.I’ll get them right this time. She thought, as she wiped her face and lifted her face to smile at her son again, unaware that he heard and saw everything. But Seth has always been good at hiding his true emotions, so he gave her a smile that mirrored Eve’s own. He felt her hands tremble against his back.
She could still see the blood that coated her son’s dead body, could still feel the rasp in her voice as she screamed and screamed and screamed as Adam came running to see what was wrong-
No. It would be different this time. It would never happen again.
Her smile faltered a little bit as she looked at her son. So much like his father, but so much like her. Forced to carry such a burden at such a young age… but he never would’ve been born if not for that burden. Truly, a gift from the omniscient and omnipotent Almighty, sent as both a consolation and a reminder of what she had done wrong. And if not for that gift, she would’ve never been here, singing lullabies and weaving stories to tell him. And so, she began a new one, her ethereal voice carrying in the cool airs of the wind, the stars twinkling overhead mother and son as moonlight enveloped their silhouettes. The creatures of the Earth held its breath in anticipation of a new story:
“There was once an angel, the most beautiful out of all the ones in Heaven… he was God’s favorite, until the day he fell, both from his home and from grace.”
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aestheticsoftheinternet · 3 months ago
Scale Stimboard
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Requested by: Nobody! <3
x-x-x x-o-x x-x-x
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kylominis · 2 years ago
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Here's my little treat with their cheeks all flushed [♡]
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pinkcandycatmakesart · 2 months ago
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💙True Kisses🩷
I posted this before New Year's Eve!
TBH, I really love this ship 🩷💖💙 which feels like cotton candy.
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