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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Booklet cover art for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of Kiss Of Death (1947). An icon of film noir, Kiss of Death tells the tale of a petty crook-turned-stool pigeon (Victor Mature) who, in his attempt to go straight, finds himself stalked by a psycho killer, the notorious Tommy Udo. One of cinema’s most frightening villains, Udo is incarnated in a startling début performance by the one and only Richard Widmark, whose career was launched here under the guiding hand of veteran director Henry Hathaway. Shot in documentary style on location in New York City, the film also features a striking score by David Buttolph. Available February 14, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe40s #films #movies #filmnoir #kissofdeath #movie #victormature #richardwidmark #tommyudo #henryhathaway #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #classicmovies #classicmoviestars #davidbuttolph #bwfilms
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wanderingwithgary-blog · 7 years ago
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250 BLU-RAY DISC WITH OUT CASE OR ART WORK Unbeatable! http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10039&campid=5338273991&item=153001937073&vectorid=229466&lgeo=1
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arturolopezrossell · 7 years ago
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Rumored Blu-Ray Box Art for JUSTICE LEAGUE #justiceleague #superman #batman #wonderwoman #aquaman #flash #theflash #cyborg #zacksnyder #bluray #blurayart (en Gran Plaza Hotel Acapulco)
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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Booklet Cover art for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of Edge Of Eternity (1959). Thrillingly shot in CinemaScope® in and around the Grand Canyon, director Don Siegel’s actioner Edge of Eternity stars Cornel Wilde as a hard-jawed deputy with a past, suddenly dealing with a plague of murders. There’s mystery, there’s romance (Victoria Shaw is the tough, attractive woman with whom Wilde teams), and above all there are thrills, including a climax shot by legendary cinematographer Burnett Guffey to rival any cliffhanger ever put on screen. Daniele Amfitheatrof’s score—available on this Twilight Time release as an isolated track—provides heightened suspense. Available February 14, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe50s #films #movies #cornelwilde #edgeofeternity #movie #victoriashaw #mickeyshaughnessy #donaldsiegel #burnettguffey #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #classicmovies #classicmoviestars #danieleamfitheatrof #cinemascope
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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Booklet Cover art for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of The Mad Magician in 3D (1954). Columbia Pictures’ last entry in the 1950s 3D craze, The Mad Magician stars Vincent Price in a trademark role as a round-the-bend illusionist bent on revenge. Delightfully tongue-in-cheek, the film also offers some genuinely fright fest-style moments, courtesy of director John Brahm (The Lodger, Hangover Square), one of Hollywood’s foremost stylists of the macabre. PLUS: �Two 3D/2D 1953 Comedy Shorts Starring The Three Stooges, Pardon My Backfire and Spooks! Available January 17, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe50s #films #movies #vincentprice #themadmagician #movie #evagabor #marymurphy #johnbrahm #johnemery #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #classicmovies #classicmoviestars #3dmovies #horrorfilms #horrorfilm #horrormovie
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wanderingwithgary-blog · 7 years ago
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250 BLU-RAY DISC WITH OUT CASE OR ART WORK Crazy Prices http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10039&campid=5338273991&item=153001937073&vectorid=229466&lgeo=1
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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Cover art for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of Hell And High Water (1954). Director Samuel Fuller uncorks a mad Cold War adventure with Hell and High Water (1954), shot in CinemaScope™ even as it takes place mostly on a submarine commanded by Richard Widmark at his toughest. He and his cohorts are bound for the Arctic, hoping to uncover and thwart a plot to start a nuclear war with an atomic incident that will be blamed on the United States. Bella Darvi, Victor Francen, and Cameron Mitchell also star; super-cinematographer Joe MacDonald is behind the camera; and the score is by the one and only Alfred Newman. Released June 14, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe50s #films #movies #richardwidmark #samuelfuller #submarinemovie #conemascope #cameronmitchell #movie #victorfrancen #belladarvi #hellandhighwater #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #classicmovies #classicmoviestars
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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Booklet cover for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of The Valachi Papers (1972). Adapted from Peter Maas’ best-seller, The Valachi Papers tells the true story of Mafia informant Joseph Valachi, superbly incarnated here by Charles Bronson. A low-level gangster associated with the Genovese crime family, Valachi moves from punk to full-fledged gangster over the course of the brutal narrative, handsomely directed by Terence Young. Also starring the great Lino Ventura, Jill Ireland, and Joseph Wiseman, and featuring an effective score from Riz Ortolani. Released June 14, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe70s #films #movies #charlesbronson #charlesbronsonmovies #mafiamovies #terenceyoung #linoventura #movie #josephwiseman #jillireland #thevalachipapers #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #classicmovies #classicmoviestars
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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Cover art for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of The Valachi Papers (1972). Adapted from Peter Maas’ best-seller, The Valachi Papers tells the true story of Mafia informant Joseph Valachi, superbly incarnated here by Charles Bronson. A low-level gangster associated with the Genovese crime family, Valachi moves from punk to full-fledged gangster over the course of the brutal narrative, handsomely directed by Terence Young. Also starring the great Lino Ventura, Jill Ireland, and Joseph Wiseman, and featuring an effective score from Riz Ortolani. Released June 14, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe70s #films #movies #charlesbronson #charlesbronsonmovies #mafiamovies #terenceyoung #linoventura #movie #josephwiseman #jillireland #thevalachipapers #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #classicmovies #classicmoviestars
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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Booklet cover for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of The Quiet American (1958). Writer-director Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s adaptation of Graham Greene’s The Quiet American gives us a very early look at the burgeoning tragedy of Vietnam. It focuses on a jaded English journalist (Michael Redgrave), based in Saigon and more or less settled in with his Vietnamese mistress, Phuong (Giorgia Moll). Then an apparently idealistic young American aid worker (Audie Murphy) arrives, and all bets are off: when the jealous journo learns that the Yank may actually be a spy, he sets in motion a series of terrible events. Highlighted by a moody score from Mario Nascimbene. Available June 13, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe50s #films #movies #thequietamerican #audiemurphy #michaelredgrave #claudedaphin #giorgiamoll #classicmovies #classicmoviestars #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #warmovies #josephlmankiewicz #grahamgreene #marionascimbene
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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Booklet cover art for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of The Bridge at Remagen (1969). The Bridge at Remagen stars George Segal, Ben Gazzara, and Robert Vaughn in this tale of a desperate battle in the waning days of World War II. Segal is a war-weary combat team leader charged with taking a bridge over the Rhine during the Allies’ final push into Germany; Vaughn is his German opposite number, who’d rather blow up the bridge than have the Americans capture it. John Guillermin (The Towering Inferno) directs; the film was shot by the masterful veteran Stanley Cortez and features a score by the one and only Elmer Bernstein. Available June 13, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe60s #films #movies #thebridgeatremagen #georgesegal #robertvaughn #bengazzara #egmarshall #classicmovies #classicmoviestars #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #warmovies #jonhguillermin #stanleycortez #elmerbernstein
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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Booklet cover art for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of The Bridge at Remagen (1969). The Bridge at Remagen stars George Segal, Ben Gazzara, and Robert Vaughn in this tale of a desperate battle in the waning days of World War II. Segal is a war-weary combat team leader charged with taking a bridge over the Rhine during the Allies’ final push into Germany; Vaughn is his German opposite number, who’d rather blow up the bridge than have the Americans capture it. John Guillermin (The Towering Inferno) directs; the film was shot by the masterful veteran Stanley Cortez and features a score by the one and only Elmer Bernstein. Available June 13, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe60s #films #movies #thebridgeatremagen #georgesegal #robertvaughn #bengazzara #egmarshall #classicmovies #classicmoviestars #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #warmovies #jonhguillermin #stanleycortez #elmerbernstein
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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Booklet cover art for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of The Stone Killer (1973). Star Charles Bronson and director Michael Winner (The Mechanic) team up again in The Stone Killer, the tale of a tough cop (Bronson) up against a Mafia plot to avenge a decades-old massacre. The twist: the Don (Martin Balsalm) is using Vietnam vets as his hit men. John Gardner’s book was adapted by Gerald Wilson, and the score is from Roy Budd. Released May 16, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe70s #films #movies #charlesbronson #charlesbronsonmovies #actionmovies #michaelwinner #martinbalsalm #movie #johngardner #thestonekiller #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #classicmovies #classicmoviestars
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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Cover art for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of The Stone Killer (1973). Star Charles Bronson and director Michael Winner (The Mechanic) team up again in The Stone Killer, the tale of a tough cop (Bronson) up against a Mafia plot to avenge a decades-old massacre. The twist: the Don (Martin Balsalm) is using Vietnam vets as his hit men. John Gardner’s book was adapted by Gerald Wilson, and the score is from Roy Budd. Released May 16, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe70s #films #movies #charlesbronson #charlesbronsonmovies #actionmovies #michaelwinner #martinbalsalm #movie #johngardner #thestonekiller #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #classicmovies #classicmoviestars
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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Cover art for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of Edge Of Eternity (1959). Thrillingly shot in CinemaScope® in and around the Grand Canyon, director Don Siegel’s actioner Edge of Eternity stars Cornel Wilde as a hard-jawed deputy with a past, suddenly dealing with a plague of murders. There’s mystery, there’s romance (Victoria Shaw is the tough, attractive woman with whom Wilde teams), and above all there are thrills, including a climax shot by legendary cinematographer Burnett Guffey to rival any cliffhanger ever put on screen. Daniele Amfitheatrof’s score—available on this Twilight Time release as an isolated track—provides heightened suspense. Available February 14, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe50s #films #movies #cornelwilde #edgeofeternity #movie #victoriashaw #mickeyshaughnessy #donaldsiegel #burnettguffey #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #classicmovies #classicmoviestars #danieleamfitheatrof #cinemascope
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twilighttimeart · 8 years ago
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Cover art for Twilight Time's Blu-ray release of The Mad Magician in 3D (1954). Columbia Pictures’ last entry in the 1950s 3D craze, The Mad Magician stars Vincent Price in a trademark role as a round-the-bend illusionist bent on revenge. Delightfully tongue-in-cheek, the film also offers some genuinely fright fest-style moments, courtesy of director John Brahm (The Lodger, Hangover Square), one of Hollywood’s foremost stylists of the macabre. PLUS: Two 3D/2D 1953 Comedy Shorts Starring The Three Stooges, Pardon My Backfire and Spooks! Available January 17, 2017. #bluraymovies #twilighttimemovies #twilighttimebluray #twilighttime #twilight_time #twilighttimeart #twilighttimedvd #screenarchives #blurayart #bluraycover #bluraycollector #bluray #moviesofthe50s #films #movies #vincentprice #themadmagician #movie #evagabor #marymurphy #johnbrahm #johnemery #itsnotanoldmovieifyouhaventseenit #classicmovies #classicmoviestars #3dmovies #horrorfilms #horrorfilm #horrormovie
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