#blue tile pool interior
dakaria-ktp · 1 year
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Privacy in Toronto Photo of a mid-sized contemporary drought-tolerant, privacy and full sun backyard stone and wood fence landscaping.
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lillu-kr · 2 years
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Contemporary Pool - Pool Landscaping Example of a mid-sized trendy backyard stone and custom-shaped natural pool landscaping design
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rcgality · 1 year
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Transitional Pool in Miami Inspiration for a sizable, remodelled, rectangular, and tiled backyard pool
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wasntallbad · 2 years
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Pool (Phoenix)
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uroborom · 2 years
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Transitional Pool in Miami Inspiration for a sizable, remodelled, rectangular, and tiled backyard pool
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unimpulsivethemes · 2 years
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Pool Lap in Phoenix
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serialthrill · 2 years
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Mediterranean Patio - Patio
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Have you ever seen a curved and angled house like this? It's a little disorienting inside and I wonder what the architect was thinking (drinking). It's a 1995 contemporary farmhouse in Cocolalla, Idaho. 5bds, 5ba, $2M.
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Angled kitchen. Why would they put up a suspended ceiling?
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They sure do like black outlined rectangles. Interesting tile pattern on the floor. The great room has a rustic vaulted beamed ceiling over a long catwalk. I don't care much for the glass door that opens directly inside.
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The dining table is in the octagonal tower. Hmmm. I think it would be a little tight for a larger family. And, so plain.
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Pantry down a hall.
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The formal dining room has too close a proximity to the toilet.
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A balcony over the family room.
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This bedroom has room for a sectional. The light fixture looks like a 1950s circular neon kitchen light.
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The catwalk. I imagine that the chicken wire was nailed as a safety measure by the owner.
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Another family room. Note one of many dormered windows that you see on the exterior of the house.
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This room is so small, it necessitates the bed being placed in front of the window.
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I don't know why they only show a glimpse of the primary bedroom, but this is the en-suite. It's huge, and there's a weird built-in showcase so you can sit on the toilet and admire your stuff.
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Cold, unwelcoming bedroom with windows only to the interior.
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This is bizarre, when you realize it was actually designed this way.
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Unfinished home gym/pantry/playroom.
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Creepy freezer area.
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They're using this for firewood. Lots of cubbies in the house.
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Pink tool and hat room.
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Outer buildings include a greenhouse.
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Adorable she shed.
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Chicken coop.
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Look, a trough to feed the deer. I would have signs all over this 40 acre property that say "Don't even think about hunting here."
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Nice property, though. Just to be clear, the blue areas are the roofs of outbuildings, none of which is a pool, but there's plenty of room to put one in.
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gladlypants · 2 years
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Hey! I uploaded a ton of lots to the gallery today (id: gladlypants) Some were recent builds I was doing while I was waiting for GT, some I just furnished today, some I built last summer before HSY released and forgot about, and then vault Cleo’s grandparents’ house. I had a lot of fun practicing building over the last few weeks!  :) 
It’ll take me a bit to get all of these tray files up, will have to go back and take interior screenshots and all that. There are names of each and short descriptions under the cut, numbered like the screenshots, cuz I just felt like talking about em, and gallery images suck. I’ve playtested most of these at some point, except Charles E. Cheese’s, the shells, and the Batchelder house.
Lmk if you want any of these now for your new pack gameplay and I’ll shoot you a temporary dl.
1. Charles E. Cheese’s - Heavily branded for the feline version of Chuck, Charles! It’s a restaurant and I haven’t playtested it, sorryyyy, but I don’t foresee any issues. There’s a pizza vendor kiosk inside too if you want to change the lot type or have typical Dine Out problems. Intended as a kind of party space for kids. The upstairs feels a little chaotic to me but maybe not idk. ♥
2. Raymond’s Noodles - A little local noodle restaurant I built for a sim named Raymond I was playing in a recent rotation save. It’s small and cute. ♥
3. The Schneider House - a big ol’ traditional style Windenburg house. I was also playing a household on this lot, and I really loved it!
4. Batchelder Craftsman - I love the style of this house. Named for Batchelder tiles, which I am pretending this one has throughout! (reference)
5. Gray 2 Story Craftsman - The household I played the most in my rotation lived in this house and I love the layout, so it’s probably my favorite of the Craftsman shells I built, even if it is a little plain looking on the outside. It has an awesome, huge main bedroom suite! 
6. Green Family Craftsman - f*ck those rooves. This one has a a sunroom and a bedroom for grandparents/stay-overs. (reference)
7. Blue Craftsman - Built this one like a house my sister-in-law lived in here for a long time, it’s a common style and layout in older neighborhoods where I live.
8. Black Victorian Shell - It’s supposed to a small detached row house. I built it with the idea of using it for renting to roommates but you can use it however you like obviously.
9. Cleo’s Grandparents’ House - a desert mcm! Still has the camper in the yard that Cleo + Devon lived in before they got locked in the vault.
10. Single Mom House - I built this for one of my gallery households, who is a single mother and teenage daughter. It’s a little shabby, with some craftsman features and some Hispanic decor for them.
11. The LaFollette House - also built for one of my gallery families, a single military dad and his two daughters. I intended this one to be the same as the Single Mom house, but remodeled to be more modern and spacious.
12. The Gilbert House - for a gallery household, it’s a little retro inside!
13. Split Level Family Home - also for a gallery household, this one has very feminine style decor, except for one of the bedrooms for a teen, and a huge unfinished basement (just walls.) 
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^^ Also this “Colorful Craftsman Shell” that I forgot about and don’t think I’ll get around to furnishing/finishing it anytime soon. It has a bonus attic room. You’ll need to move the back door, place it on a bigger lot, or lower the foundation because I didn’t leave space for steps there. 
And a big modern “apartment building” with one furnished unit and a gym and indoor pool downstairs, which is kind of unfinished but idk if I’ll get back to it.
Sorry for the wall of text, thank you if you read it all. ♥ 
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xirayn · 1 year
Stonathan Week Day 1: Scoops Ahoy - Jonathan helps Steve get ready to sling ice cream.
Hey Sailor
written by @xirayn and @aibhlynn
Trying something new by writing screenplays rather than short stories. Feedback on this format appreciated.
The kitchen is the height of modern interior design circa late 1980s: terra-cotta tile flooring, honey oak cabinets, white countertops and backsplash. JONATHAN is sitting at the island reading a SCOOPS AHOY training manual while STEVE gets a quart of rocky road ice cream from the freezer. There are already bowls on the island, as well as a white sailor’s hat with ‘AHOY’ embroidered in blue across the front.
Greet all customers with a smile and a cheerful 'ahoy'.
JONATHAN looks up at STEVE, who sets the ice cream on the counter.
Ahoy there, sailor. Would you like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I'll be your captain, Steve Harrington.
JONATHAN is trying hard to suppress a smile. Steve rolls his eyes and takes the top off the ice cream.
That wasn't very cheerful.
(Still deadpan)
Ahoy, me hearty lads and lassies, I am Captain Steve and I will be taking you on a magical journey to an ocean of flavor.
It is painfully obvious you have never worked with customers.
I worked at the pool. There were a lot of customers there.
You weren’t serving them. Here, give me the scoop.
JONATHAN reaches for the ice cream scoop and STEVE gives it over without any objection. With the scoop in his hand, JONATHAN smiles with the forced friendliness that comes with working in the service industry.
Ahoy, matey. Are you ready to set sail on an ocean of flavor?
Dude, you look like someone is controlling your facial expressions.
Do you want my help, or not?
Do you want my ice cream or not?
STEVE takes the scoop back as Jonathan laughs.
Fine. Try adding some of that 'Harrington charm' this time.
STEVE runs the scoop over the smooth surface of the ice cream. He looks at JONATHAN through his lashes with the start of a coy grin.
Ahoy, my good sir. I'm Captain STEVE, would you like to set sail with me on a journey through an ocean of flavor?
Do you have anything other than rocky road?
There's mint, butterscotch and Swiss vanilla.
JONATHAN smirks at ‘butterscotch’, trying not to laugh and making Steve tense.
What's wrong with butterscotch?
Nothing, if you're taking your grandkids out for ice cream.
With a tight frown, STEVE returns the scoop of ice cream back to the carton. He closes the carton and returns it to the freezer, coming back with Swiss vanilla. JONATHAN is clearly unimpressed and possibly a bit exasperated by the display.
And there goes your tip - You can't let the customer know you are anything other than happy to serve them.
STEVE pushes the bowl of Swiss vanilla across the island to JONATHAN. His expression remains neutral.
Enjoy your vanilla ice cream, sir.
Oh, come on, are you actually upset?
STEVE hesitates to answer while JONATHAN picks out the chocolate covered almonds from his ice cream.
The very first and last time my mom took me to get ice cream, she got me butterscotch. Last time she said she was proud of me.
You don't have to justify why you like something, Steve. Just like it.
This seems to be a revelation to Steve. He blinks, confused, then laughs lightly with a shake of his head.
You might have a point there.
JONATHAN eats his ice cream while STEVE picks up the hat to idly fidget with as he sits down
Did I mention the Party is already asking me for free ice cream? I haven't even started working yet!
Of course they are. When I worked at the theater, they were always asking if I could sneak them in or get them free popcorn. Their favorite babysitter working at an ice cream shop is basically a dream come true.
STEVE flips the hat onto his head then slumps forward onto the counter, resting his head on his crossed arm.
I fully expect them to beg me to let them sneak in to slip inside the theater unseen once I start working.
And Dustin is the one that suggested you apply?
JONATHAN pushes the ice cream bowl aside so he can mirror STEVE’s posture. They are both grinning slightly with an almost playful energy that hints there is more to their relationship than what is seen at first glance.
You got played, skipper.
Are you going to complain about all the future free ice cream coming your way?
Abusing your employee benefits already?
If I'm going to be forced into abusing them for a bunch of brats, I might as well abuse them for my friends.
So we're friends now?
Dude, we're hanging out in my kitchen eating ice cream.
That's true.
How was your vanilla?
STEVE sits up slightly to take the spoon from the bowl JONATHAN pushed aside to have a taste. When he notices JONATHAN watching his mouth, he pulls the spoon out slowly. STEVE’s tongue flicks over his lips. JONATHAN swallows before looking away.
Scoops Ahoy knows how to make ice cream. I don't get the obsession with chunks, though.
Not even a ribbon of flavor?
That's more understandable. I'm just not into chewing my ice cream.
What can I say. I like nuts.
STEVE is clearly going for a double meaning that JONATHAN glosses over.
I like them, too, but in trail mix or cookies.
I could go for some cookies.
All this ice cream isn't enough?
How much did you see me actually eat, Jon?
I asked if you were ready to set sail on an ocean of flavor.
JONATHAN gets up and goes around the island to lean beside Steve.
What do you say, matey? Want to cast off with me?
STEVE chuckles, amused by JONATHAN’s attempt at flirting. It works, of course, and STEVE takes the hat from his head to put on JONATHAN.
Aye aye, Captain.
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I miss being a little girl and putting my feet on top of my dad’s so he can walk while I hugged him. I miss that joy. I miss climbing on the rocks in Central Park and feeding the horses carrots. I miss the tulips in my neighbor’s yard and the caterpillars on the tomato plants and the pansies planted around the bird bath. I miss the sunflowers taller than me. I miss the intricate wrought iron railing with filigree. I miss the wooden chest with fish shaped brass handles that flipped up and down. I miss my giant, empty, carpeted room and scratchy blue heated blanket. I miss the sound of the motor humming and clicking from my favorite nightlight. I miss playing in the park next to the elementary school across from my house. I miss the frost on the steel bars that stung my skin. I miss the cold tile in the kitchen and the broken clock above the dining room table. I miss the corded phone that was always tangled and the screen door that never closed just right. I miss footy pajamas and sliding down the carpeted stairs on my butt and crashing into the coat closet at the bottom. I miss the scary basement. I miss watching the sun set over the Brooklyn bridge. I miss Fergus scratching up my legs when I’d get home. I miss sitting in the back of an airport terminal tram while the sun rises. I miss the bumps of a plane landing and the ding before a pilot’s announcement. I miss yawning to pop my ears during take off and that momentary feeling of falling when the plane wheels leave the runway. I miss the silent dark car rides home with only the glow of the buttons to light up the car’s interior. I miss the strange carpet in the Tampa International baggage claim with its rows and rows of empty carousels. I miss those little curled leaves that crunch when you step on them. I miss the feeling of my baby brother’s hand gripping my fingers. I miss how he always laughed hysterically every time I smiled at him. I miss building train tracks for him after school. I miss watching his favorite shows with him and his hugs when we’d pick him up from preschool. I miss mixing and heating up his baby bottles and cleaning his binkys. I miss his mouth breathing when he passed out in his car seat. I miss scrubbing the spaghetti stains off his high chair. I miss playing on the roots on the trees in Medard Park and running across the boardwalk to hear my feet thunk against the wood. I miss hiding my DS under my pillow so I could play Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. I miss playing with my bakugan and pretending they were empires at war. I miss sleeping in my closet just because I could. I miss the dark parking garages and dull beige walls at USF. I miss sitting with my mom in the campus library. I miss going to Busch Gardens every weekend and riding the sky ride over the habitats. I miss taking the train through the safari area and being lulled to sleep by the clacking of the wheels. I miss running across the rope bridges in Jungala and riding Air Grover with my little brother. I miss the smell of chlorine and the cold unfriendly YMCA changing rooms. I miss the rock wall and the hot concrete. I miss swimming in pools and being afraid of the robot cleaning the deep end. I miss feeding the ducks stale bread. I miss my 8th grade history teacher. I miss the cold dark mornings in the car. I miss sitting on my backpack outside the door of my first period class. I miss skipping lunch and hiding in the darkness backstage in the auditorium. I miss the library after school. I miss cleaning the fish tanks in the marine science room. I miss the smell of formaldehyde. I miss walking from the school to the local library and hunkering down in the corner to watch Hetalia on my laptop. I miss listening to music as I walked through fog to the bus stop just before sunrise. I miss the dew on the bus windows and the painfully cold mornings and blue faux leather seats always cracked and peeling. I miss the snails hiding in the cracks of the bricks. I miss the warm summer rain and the windy fall days. I miss hiding in the nurse’s room during pep rallies.
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lillu-kr · 2 years
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Pool Landscaping - Contemporary Pool
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sessakag · 2 years
10 first lines Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @wickermayne!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway!
The Wizard of Odd
A gentle breeze swept across a rocky meadow, teasing multi-hued flower and lush blade of grace into a slow, synchronized dance. Vibrant sunlight stretched across a sea of endless blue over head, billowing clouds drifted lazily along languid air currents. Peace lay heavy atop the serene depiction of nature, flowing tranquil and undisturbed…
At least until…
“Shit, shit, shit, shit!!!!” Naruto screamed, booking it across the grass plane.
ᙃꙆᖇƮƳ ᒐꙆƮƮᒐᙓ ᔑᙓᙅᖇᙓƮ
A high pitched whistle pierced the air moments before an earth shattering blast rocked the building’s foundation, tossing furniture and tearing apart the interior of the room. Two heavy bedside lamps toppled to the now cracked and dented tile, shattering on impact; their shiny ceramic fragments joining the bits and pieces of stone that had rained down from the slowly caving ceiling and the glittering shards of delicate window panes blown from their sturdy frame. The beautifully carved labor pool, a once proud center piece, lay buried beneath rubble, spilling blood tinged water across the floor.
Any Way You Desire/First Lady Need A Break
“All packed?” Naruto asked as he slid his arms around the tiny waist of his wife, and pressed his lips to the shell of her ear.
Her delicate jaw flexed, alerting him to her smile.
“Mhm,” she murmured, sighing contently, “I’m all set.”
A gentle flora scent, emanating from her long dark hair, teased his nose. It was different than the strawberry aroma he was used to and he wondered when she’d changed her shampoo.
He held back a disappointed sigh.
His job kept him busy, and as a consequence, he often missed the small things in his family life, like the scent of his wife changing over time.
קгєץ 🕷
"Naruto Uzumaki!"
Girlish giggles and boyish snickers followed the outraged shout of his name. Annoyed, the teen in question raised his head, wild blonde locks mussed, right cheek shiny with drool. Drowsy blue orbs snapped a question at his disruptor.
"If you cannot stay awake in my class then you don't need to attend it! Grab your bag and excuse yourself. Principal Shimura is already waiting for you in his office."
Naruto stood, yawning as he grabbed his bag, tossed his unopened textbook inside, then weaved through desks towards the door.
A Drunk Mind Speaks A Sober Heart
Naruto snorted a tipsy laugh, his blue depths alight as he studied his pouting girlfriend.
Gowned in a pretty, thigh length, forest green dress, she looked pretty as a flower amongst their cluster of friends, though she fit right in amongst the disheveled, goofy faced crowd. Her long, dark blue hair was hanging half across her gorgeous face, her lilac orbs glassy and struggling to stay open wider than a sliver. Her pale cheeks were flushed, but she wasn’t embarrassed or feeling shy, not in her current state.
She blinked like an owl, leaning forward on the table in a concerted attempt to follow the conversation.
Late Night Confession
He didn’t understand at all…
What had he done wrong?
Slipping cold hands inside the warm haven of his hoodie’s front pocket, Naruto indulged a heavy sigh that blew a stream of frost as he exhaled, and curved his mouth into a familiar pout. His lips dropped at the corners as he moped home, the severe downturn emphasizing his puckered lower lip, deepening his pensive scowl.
Hinata’s image returned to the forefront of his brain for what had to be thousandth time in the last half hour, and for the millionth time he wracked his brain to make sense of what had caused that scene.
Hinata didn’t remember much about the day the Gates were closed.
Her mind had been young and undeveloped, the ensuing chaos too loud to filter out what had actually taken place. Everything she knew about that day was told to her by elders, endlessly regurgitated by their leader, the ‘Father’ of all fairy kind; Hiashi.
Seated behind their leader at another fairy gathering, Hinata tuned out today’s sermon unconsciously, unable to focus on anything other than what had happened the other night.
She’d told a Fallen Angel about the Ascension.
A Night Of Firsts
College was a time of discovery.
It was a time for wild parties and unprecedented freedom, a time where naive teens gain their first taste of adulthood.
A place for one to experiment and uncover new things about oneself amongst their peers.
As she stared dead-eyed into her cup, inhaling the fumes of rum, gin and cola, Hinata couldn’t pretend that that was what this was.
She wasn’t experimenting.
She wasn’t finding herself…
Naruto stepped carefully across a wide clearing on the outskirts of the forest, blue depths scanning the nearly undisturbed landscape, nostrils flaring as he followed the very faint scent of danger wafting from the area. A round swath of chocolate brown earth accented by small chunks of grass and cast within heavy shadows by the thick, towering trees surrounding it, the little patch looked harmless to the untrained eye.
Naruto was nothing if not rigorously trained.
✰ 𝔸 ℂ𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 ✰ [🧡Nαɾυ 💜Hιɳα 🖤 Sαʂυ]
"We truly are sorry, Naruto. We were hopeful that this treatment would at the very least slow Sasuke’s condition and perhaps create a foundation to build up to a cure, but there hasn’t been any change from last weeks numbers. In fact…his degradation has accelerated. Tsunade-sama will continue to work with his samples, for now, there’s simply nothing further we can do. We’ll reach out to you the moment anything changes. Good luck to you both."
“That was a waste of time,” the last vampire of the Uchiha scoffed, stepping outside the clinic and into the night, “I told you that before you set up the appointment.”
@bunny-hoodlum @mrs-messy @narutosgirl7 @theehotgrl @dayeongi @arunikas @happyocelot @truebkgirl @nightowl27-writer @pepcornpress @powerful-niya and anybody else that wants to chime in!
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zerotwentysims · 1 year
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Modern Family Mansion IX
Contemporary luxury family mansion for your Sims. This a second take on trying to blend in a modern house into the surroundings of The Crumbling Isle in Windenburg. Fully furnished CC build.
Main level : entry, cloak room, formal living room, formal dining room, 2 half baths, family seating area, kitchen, chef's kitchen, garage (skill building area), guest bedroom (with its own bathroom, would also be a great nursery), master bedroom (with its own living room, her/his bathrooms connected to each other through a walk-trough shower, large walk-in closet and terrace) and a outdoor deck with a seating area and kitchen garden.
Lower level : 5 bedrooms each with a private bathroom (one staged as a butler's studio), lounge area with a bar, games area, cinema, sauna, gym, wine room, full bathroom, half bath, office and laundry/utility room.
Basement : vault. This basement has 2 entries and is ideal for future expansions (perhaps a bowling area or nightclub).
Gardens : 2 pools, hot tub, seating areas and firepit.
Lot size : 64x64, designed for the Von Windenburg Estate lot in Windenburg. This lot looks also good on the Dresden House lot.
Packs used for the exterior/shell and gardens : Eco Lifestyle, Spa Day, Get Famous, Get Together, City Living, Desert Luxe and Island Paradise. Many others for the interior.
I won't upload a CC Free version since there too many elements in this build that just won't look good without CC in my opinion. On request I could send/upload the shell without CC though.
Available on the gallery, ID : zerotwenty-sims (please tick "include Custom Content", or download the TrayFiles directly below)
In case of any questions : please feel free to drop a line
Free CC used from following amazing creators:
ZeroTwentySims : Marble Walls Part 2, Basic Walls, Basic Glossy Walls, Basic Floors, Slate Tile Recolor and Fireplace strip (all included in the Misc CC Zip Pack)
KTA : Marble Floors 5, Marble Walls 3, Mural 25 Volume 2 and Panel 9
Nickname : Fireplace Stone
Sevarinka : Modern Ceiling Lights Set (Gamma and Beta), Jorden Living Chair and Wella Living Round Mirror
Harlix : Bafroom, Baysic, Baysic Bathroom, Harluxe, Jardane, Livin'Rum, Orjanic and Kichen
Harrie : Heritage, Brownstone, Brutalist, Coastal, Halcyon, Octave, Spoons and Shop the look
Felixandre : Berlin, Chateau, Colonial, Fayun, Grove, Shop the look S1 and S2, Florence, Gatsby and Kyoto
BrazenLotus : Within Reach
Blue Teas : Largo Dining
Cowbuild : Millionaire Living Room
Angela : Low Fence
FIW : Basic Waterfall Short Footprint
IllogicalSims : Simkea
LittleDica : Sleek Slumber Wallpaper
Peacemaker : Caine Living
Pierisim : MCM Bedroom and MCM Bathroom
Ravasheen : Uplifting Elevators
Simplistic : RH Rugs
Syboulette : Artus and Elevare
TudTuds : Wave, 2nd Wave, Beam I&II, Cave, EMA, IND, MIRR, NCTR and Vime
BreezeMotors : decorative cars (these are paid, optional)
SimFileShare : Misc CC Pack, contains my own CC + items that I coulnd't link directly
SimFileShare : Trayfiles
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myrontile · 1 year
The Art of Pairing Granite Stone Tiles with Various Home Decor Styles
Granite stone tiles from Myron Tile And Stone, a reputable tile shop in Mississauga, offer a world of design possibilities, making them an ideal choice for homeowners seeking elegance and durability. The beauty of granite lies not only in its timeless appeal but also in its ability to seamlessly complement various home decor styles.
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Whether you lean towards contemporary minimalism, rustic charm, or classic sophistication, here's a guide to masterfully pairing granite stone tiles with your preferred interior design themes.
Contemporary Chic: Clean lines, neutral tones, and uncluttered spaces define contemporary decor. For a modern and sleek look, opt for granite stone tiles in shades of black, white, or gray. Polished or honed finishes work best to create a sophisticated backdrop that exudes refinement and understated luxury. Incorporate granite stone tiles as kitchen countertops or bathroom vanities for a touch of elegance that enhances the overall contemporary aesthetic.
Rustic Retreat: Rustic decor embraces natural elements and textures, making granite stone tiles a fantastic fit. Choose warm, earthy tones like browns, beiges, or tans with natural-looking textures. Tumbled or brushed finishes evoke a sense of age and weathering, adding to the rustic charm. Consider using granite stone tiles in the living room as a stunning fireplace surround or as flooring in the entryway to set the tone for a warm and welcoming ambience.
Classic Elegance: Timeless and sophisticated, classic decor calls for the refined beauty of granite stone tiles in rich and regal colors. Opt for deep marbles, dark greens, or striking blues to create a sense of opulence. Polished granite stone tiles in these hues make for striking kitchen backsplashes, accent walls in dining areas, or as a border for a luxurious bathroom. The high-gloss finish of polished granite exudes an aura of grandeur that perfectly complements classic interior design.
Eclectic Charm: For the free-spirited and creative homeowner, eclectic decor celebrates a mix of styles, patterns, and colors. Granite stone tiles in a range of vibrant or unique colors and patterns can become the show-stopping element of an eclectic space. Play with mosaic tiles in different hues or arrange granite stone tiles with bold veining to create a stunning focal point in your kitchen, bathroom, or living area.
Coastal Serenity: Embrace the tranquility of coastal decor with light and breezy granite stone tiles in soft shades of white, beige, or light blue. Textured or sandblasted finishes emulate the feel of sea-worn stones, evoking a sense of relaxation. Use granite stone tiles to enhance the ambiance of your outdoor spaces, creating a coastal oasis in your backyard patio or pool deck.
In conclusion, the art of pairing granite stone tiles with various home decor styles lies in understanding the unique characteristics and versatility of this natural material. Myron Tile And Stone, your trusted tile shop in Mississauga, offers a wide selection of granite stone tiles to cater to your specific design preferences. Whether you seek contemporary chic, rustic charm, classic elegance, eclectic charm, or coastal serenity, granite stone tiles add a touch of enduring beauty and sophistication to your home decor, elevating your space into a true masterpiece.
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belalhossainseo · 17 days
Top Pool Design Trends for 2024
The pool design world continues to evolve, with innovative ideas emerging every year. For 2024, pool enthusiasts and homeowners can expect to see a blend of elegance concrete vs fibreglass pool, sustainability, and advanced technology shaping their backyard oasis. Here are the top trends that will dominate pool designs in 2024.
1. Sustainable Pool Designs
As environmental awareness grows, sustainable pool designs are becoming increasingly popular. In 2024, eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient equipment, and water-saving technologies are making a significant impact. Many pool owners are investing in solar heating systems, efficient pumps, and LED lighting to reduce their carbon footprint while enjoying luxury.
2. Natural Pools for a Green Aesthetic
Natural pools are gaining traction as a favorite design choice. Instead of traditional chemical filtration, these pools use plant-based filtration systems. They blend seamlessly with the natural landscape, offering a more organic and eco-friendly swimming experience. These pools are designed to mimic natural water bodies like lakes and ponds, enhancing the surrounding landscape while providing a refreshing and chemical-free environment.
3. Smart Pools with Advanced Technology
Technology is rapidly transforming the way we maintain and use our pools. Smart pools, equipped with automated cleaning systems, chemical monitors, and temperature control, are set to be a huge trend in 2024. Homeowners can manage their pools through smartphone apps, ensuring the water is clean, balanced, and heated just right—without any manual effort.
4. Minimalist Pool Designs
Less is more in 2024, with minimalist pool designs taking center stage. Simple, clean lines paired with neutral colors like grey, white, and beige create a modern, sleek look. This trend focuses on elegant simplicity, making the pool area an extension of a minimalist home's architecture.
5. Infinity Pools Continue to Shine
Infinity pools remain a luxurious option for homeowners in 2024. These pools, with their disappearing edges, provide breathtaking views, especially when placed in properties overlooking oceans, lakes, or even city skylines. The illusion of water flowing endlessly enhances the aesthetic appeal and creates a calming ambiance.
6. Fire and Water Features
The combination of fire and water elements adds a dramatic flair to any pool setting. Expect to see more fire pits, fire bowls, and waterfalls incorporated into pool designs. This juxtaposition not only adds warmth but also elevates the poolside experience, making it a perfect spot for evening relaxation.
7. Customizable Pool Lighting
Lighting plays a critical role in pool design, especially for nighttime use. In 2024, customizable lighting systems allow homeowners to change colors, brightness, and patterns according to their mood or event. LED lights, in particular, are highly energy-efficient and versatile, offering a personalized touch to pool designs.
8. Indoor-Outdoor Pool Integration
Blurring the lines between indoor and outdoor spaces is a trend that’s gaining momentum. In 2024, many homeowners are integrating their pools with both indoor and outdoor living areas. This seamless transition creates a resort-like feel and allows the pool to be enjoyed year-round, regardless of the weather.
9. Plunge Pools for Compact Spaces
For those with limited space, plunge pools are a great solution. These small, deep pools are designed for relaxation rather than swimming. Plunge pools are perfect for urban homes or properties where space is at a premium. They offer a luxurious feel without requiring large outdoor areas.
10. Dark Pool Finishes for a Bold Look
Dark finishes in pool interiors are becoming a popular design choice. Black or dark blue tiles give the water a deeper, more reflective look, creating a mirror-like surface. This trend offers a striking contrast to lighter surrounding areas and adds a modern, bold aesthetic to the pool design.
The pool design trends of 2024 reflect a balance between sustainability, technology, and aesthetic appeal. Whether you're looking to create a natural sanctuary or a high-tech oasis, there are plenty of innovative options to transform your outdoor space into a stylish retreat.
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