#blue baby got back
gorevidalsassoon 9 months
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firstprinced 1 month
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henry & his big, beautiful, true smile
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daily-hanamura 10 months
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tkachukitup 7 months
a rat and his emotional support towel
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geniewithnolamp 2 months
Gege, * 馃憚馃Э 馃馃數馃敶馃馃馃煟 when??
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quixotic-gray 6 months
If my fictional boyfriends were to hang out----
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bonus with my priest boyfriend
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bluestempigeons 1 year
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This little one is finally starting to look like a pigeon. They'll likely be available, those muffs are a big strike against them
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whoblewboobear 9 months
Jared鈥檚 probably never had to argue with a person that鈥檚 good at arguing. I would eviscerate him.
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hauntingblue 2 months
#nami put luffy in a cage.... dont let sanji see that.... again nami demonstrating how she is the strongest ever.....#why is franky the boat akshaksjskqjqk ROBIN NEARLY 1000 MILLION YEAAAAAHHHHH#sanji exploded </3 rip the smoking got to him..... luffys snapshot in the cage beaten up akdhsksjsk#jinbes theme is a banger.... buggy lmaoo chacho means president??? that is so funny... CHACHOOOO!!! also buggy owning croc money... banger#these two divas sitting cross legged on the couch bullying buggy.... ajhdkajsa buggys bounty akdhsksjsks#this whole episode was so funny lmao buggy....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1086#luffy wanted yamato to join the crew omg....... i mean of course but he was maaaad.... i kew yamato was a nakama for sure#marco telling luffy ace would be proud of him and smiling.... didnt that happen before and he got sad??? development#SERAPHIM?? THE NEW PACIFISTAS?? why tf does she look like hancock??? OMG MARGARET!!! FUCKING BLACKBEARD??? IN AMAZON LILY???#baby angel mihawk too??? what is this.... KILL BLACKBEARD YES!!!! THROW HIM INTO THE SEA!!! LET THE SEA RECLAIM HIM!!!#so pretty sure what garp was talking about were the seraphim pacifistas..... just keep making things worse old man sure#koby is gay confirmed see.... helmeppo got got... the downsides of being bisexual...#BLACKBEARD GOT HER!!! GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF HER!!!!#episode 1087#hancock lying on rayleighs legs omg... those are her parents ALSO SHAKKY EX KUJA CAPTAIN AND EX EX EMPERESS??? RAYLEIGH?????#why does amazon lily have a giant portrait of luffy on the palace facade akdhaksjaka i mean i DO know why.....#who tf is wang zhi and what did koby do.... and blackbeard is NASTY!!!! RAYLEIGH GET HIM!!! this reminds me of shanks in marineford... a lo#koby kidnapped by blackbeard?? omg kuma....... he is alright.... why the cherry blossom petals in between them ajdjsksjwk#see how sabo is alive.... but why does koala have blue eyes and orange hair now.... luffy having a crisis#i was thinking is carobou om that fucking barrel and YES why us brook crying akdhsk what do you know#zoro using luffy's words against him.... but i dont think ace is a good example of this.... zoro and sanji fighting about who is on top....#luffy asking robin for news.... BUT ROBIN I WANT TO KNOW!!!! omg this ending???? WHAT DID LUFFY SAY???? that was beautiful.............#he said he wants to give everyone freedom i know it... and he needs to be pirate king for that.... he knew since he was a child.....#omg....... the one piece is freedom for everyone and for some reason roger couldnt do it he wanted his son to do it.....#back on my theories grind....#episode 1088#LUFFY!!!! THE MAN THAT YOU ARE!!!!
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moonsoupstar-ao3 3 months
I don't like this timeline anymore...
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antisocialxconstruct 4 months
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blue-lock-rocky 2 years
my brother鈥檚 hot take: the third selection was the best arc because shidou showed up and
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todayisafridaynight 8 months
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ik a mention rgg nerfing ttm's features when modelin sawashiro every five minutes but they really had to cause aint no way in hell would a been intimated by this bruv if they didnt
#snap chats#oh im fucked i really put 'a' instead of 'i'. whatever thats how i pronounce it we goin phonetic baby#did ou know i remember abolutely nothing about the ending of drive. i watched it while drinking two soju#DO NOT RECOMMEND by responsible#to totally contradict myself im drinkin nigori i bought . i didnt know alcohol cold frreeze and i accidentally froze it 鈽狅笍鈽狅笍鈽狅笍#iiii ALOMST knocked my cup over ohmy gd#moving on. legality to say soem BULLSHIT noowt ho#anyway n o lsien to me ttm's 38 in this movie and sawashiro's 38 in 2000. probably. i cant do math rn Or Ever point is About Same Age#this IS from drive. great movie. and this is one of his cuter/sillier roles imo so awkward comp but ill still speak#main text got me lying i was out of pocket seeing bro frame 1 anyways but it woulda been a diff vibe this route lsten to me#hes just too cute bro . bye. fymhes an antagonist hes too cte for that <- his filmography prves otherwise#gon try to start an argument with me what you gon do mate kiss me ??? enough.#i like how ttm just has A Vibe to him. Apparently. he always playin awkward mates.... back then anyway..#postman blues did him so dirty bein all 'slender-framed mates are more prone to socipathy' LKE LEAVE HIM ALONNNE#wehhh i wish they mocapped his facial expressions more accuraltey in rgg. and his teeth. his smle still cute to me..#i sound lke my mom when she talks bout lee joongi whenever i talk bout ttm ew lke bye. stop#ok im going bak to playing mincraft now bye#oh my gd when did it become 2AM literally suck my ween
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kechiwrites 10 months
I loved the 6th chapter so much 馃槏鉂わ笍鉂わ笍 are you also gonna write a 7th?
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed! Also thanks for phrasing this question kindly cause some of y'all are outta pocket.
I will. But I'm actually not sure what it will be. I'm deciding on a few story beats I absolutely want to see, but I don't know if I wanna jump forward? Go back? Continue directly with the white flag>light of day>??? line? Honestly, when it comes to full chapters of baby blue I like to use suggestions and requests to build on their relationship. And while I have some requests I'm working on for drabbles nothing's piqued my interest yet!
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screwpinecaprice 2 years
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*smooshes cheeks*
And of course lots of love to my supporters at Patreon! 馃グ
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jackpotsadmon 1 year
shit like kizuna and distant blue sky are going to be the fucking death of me man
(long kizuna and pokemon rants in tags + a lot of emotional rambling and spoilers)
#digimon n pokemon were my first two animes and like. i hold those memories very dear to my heart#i loved both of these btw i am holding back tears i just saw distant blue sky i love ash man he鈥檚 just. like he鈥檚 just some guy i love him#he gives off this kind of childish joy that made me love pok茅mon in the first place when i was little . like baby etke would sit and watch#the gengar episode from the first season on repeat SOBBING#i don鈥檛 have to say why kizuna one hit KO鈥檇 me do i? /lh#mini rant actually because it鈥檚 been an . Hour#agumon and gabumon were so and are so important to me as characters . the point of digimon partners in season one is that they are there#to be a mirror to what their partner needs to accept and overcome. gabumon never gave up trying to make matt feel loved and helped him stop#repressing his feelings and agumon and tai gave eachother things to live and fight for!! that鈥檚 why agumon鈥檚 speech about life in 02 gets me#because he has had to fight a lot. but he did it all because he had tai and tai had him#and i think what kizuna missed the mark on was that it wasn鈥檛 that tai and matt didn鈥檛 need them or want them anymore.#it was that agumon and gabumon helped them get to a place where they don鈥檛 need that mirror anymore.#it sucks and i wish they hadn鈥檛 left but like. i think that鈥檚 the point#like we鈥檝e all had shit that has helped us grow and cope and learn and when we leave it or when it leaves us it feels painful. it sucks#but you realize how much that thing really helped you become a better person#christ this got personal and ranty. anyways i鈥檓 still emotional about kizuna#kizuna鈥檚 ending wasn鈥檛 happy. but you could tell in the credits that even if they didn鈥檛 have their partners anymore#the lessons they learned from them is still there#digimon#gamma鈥檚 static#pokemon#digimon last evolution kizuna
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