mikanlardyclinic · 3 months
⌨️+ Mikan Tsumiki
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How to stop your friends from chugging lard..
Why is lard ao tasty?!
Junko enoshima panty shots
Junko enoshima belly pics
XXL nurse scrubs..
Sorry it hasn't been updated for a bit.. She lost her phone while treating junko and it's been lost in the fashionista's rolls for weeks!~
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sweetside · 4 months
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"Y-Yoouu knohw Kiirrhigiirhii, Y-Youh.. bworrRRPPp... hahveh deh c-cuhtehsht, creeaamiieesht'sh.. nggnhh boohdy i-in.. hooh... aahll ohf... gaasp.. H-Hoopee'sh Peeaakkh, it'sh s-shuhch aah shhahmeh thaauurrRRPPPp... y-yoouuhr shuuch aah p-pparttyh poooopeer.. aaboouut'sh iih-iiht'sh... BUURRRPPphh... thoouugh~" The queen of doughy despair exhaled after she confessed her admiration for her rival's gains, while also still hating her guts... At least said gut provides a good surface to rest her head on, using it as a makeshift pillow after their promised 'date' of emptying out the entire cafeteria~
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Kirigiri huffed in response to her arch-enemy's horrid conduct, which she obviously would not stoop to.
"YoOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHH.... wouldhe beh a lot... wheeze.... lot cuter if... haaa.... you kepth your big mouth sut..." She wheezed as the flecks of bbq sauce on her cheeks glinted off the harsh cafeteria lights.
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substantial-gains · 9 months
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"Hey, roomie! Do you mind gettin' out of the bathroom before I bust down this fuckin' door?!"
You use your "friend" as a genie pig to funnel all your rejected turbo gain shakes into over the course of 3 years while she slept and this is how you're repaid; left sweaty, outside, unable to take a shower... What a load of bull!
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"You know I'm just gonna keep knocking until you get your ever-loving sumo stuffing gut out here! I can totally hear your piehole belting out burps, ya asshat! KAEDE!!!!! HWOUUURRPPPPPPPPPP!!"
This is getting out of hand, the genius's gut is getting all sorts of queasy and bloated 'cause of the stress this bimbo-brained broad is putting her through, what the hell is going on in there?
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gluttonygirls · 10 days
Being fat together and getting even fatter because of one another~
Exactly enabling each other all the time, even if they aren't romantic, just fat friends-
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nevermindtheweights · 2 months
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Misha had always been chubby or plump, as Shizune would of put it to avoid using any harsh terminology such as fat or obese.
Shizune had never thought much about it until it caught her eye and then her attention. It settled in her thoughts. Privately, the appeal of each wobble that Misha had to her body alongside how she consumed food, gained more and more purchase within the mind of the deaf mute. Unaware of what a feeder was nor what fat admiration was, Shizune partook in the feeling casually. An extra treat here, a meal out together then, ordering take-out together when they studied or spent time, a supply of snacks to offer to Misha, downplaying any concerns the other might express about her waistline or clothing size. All the while she enjoyed it but made no expression of it beyond lingering gazes and long periods of personal thoughts alone.
Given the complex nature of feelings the two had for each other, most of this went unspoken between them. Though, Shizune did think her feelings were changing towards Misha with each pound that the pinkette had gained. All the food exposure had not spared Shizune the gains, gaining Misha's old chubby / plump build while the pinkette was fed and fattened to likely be the fattest student.
Not that Shizune minded. She rather liked the extra weight upon herself too. It gave her more presence, more sturdiness compared to her once old dainty form.
With the set-up expressed, the two were alone in the in the Student Council Meeting room. It was, of course, just them there as it often was. Nonetheless, a bounty of snacks sat on the table alongside the documents Shizune was working through. She glanced up, surprised to see that Misha wasn't eating her fill as was often the cause. She blinked. She gently tapped the pinkette's soft bicep and signed at her;
[Is something wrong, Misha? You are not eating. Do you need to talk?]
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gensokyogains · 8 days
Patchy thinks the maido is quite alluring with her looks... If Sakuya wasn't always so busy pampering lady Remilia the magician would plead for her to clean up the library to get closer to her (and to give Koakuma-san a well deserved break but mostly the former reason~)
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"I can, quite literally, make the time if need be."
She's not putting on the smaller maid outfit, though.
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sandwichsakurauchi · 5 months
blubberymuses Imagine not idolizing idols whose blubber make them look delightfully more adorable.
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"Riiiight~? She's SO self-conscious when she should just relax... kick back... and just eat her current weight in matcha donuts I can have ordered for her~"
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"...Mari-san, you're-mmf... not even being shubtle anymoremmmph..."
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sweetside · 5 months
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Despite being bitter rivals Junko is more than pleased to see Kirigiri's current burger-obsessed state! So delighted in fact that she ordered her lil' precious Monokumas to deliver off more greasy, calorie-rich burgers straight to her dorm free of cost!!!
Why not hand-deliver them? Well she might be -- ridiculously addicted to the french-fries at the moment... Stupid western food~
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Her office, she lives in her office now.
Still. Her face will be red as she tries her best to bend down to the monokuma's level, to pick up the burgers. "Hnnghhhrrrhhh.... I bet you like watching this through your teddy bears camera eyes, perv. I bet you couldn't get out of that control room if you... huff tried." She says before enjoying the victory feast squished between her tubby fingers.
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sweetside · 7 months
There's a note left upon the detective's desk, alongside a couple boxes of doughnuts and coffee as a gift...
It's from Ms. Akamatsu, which is pretty surprising considering her wobbly ass is firmly seated at a piano 99% of the time at Hope's Peak...
Anyways, she's asking if Kirigiri-san wants to go out to get and eat some food with her at the local diner, Kaede wanting to get to know the stoic lady better.
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Well that was indeed a surprise. Considering that the pianist had somehow managed to sneak in here while Kirigiri was out. And the detectives wide squishy cheeks were stuck in her office chair another 99% of the time.
The stoic lady in question had done a little research on all the people at Hope's peak. So she was aware of the pianists reputation of optimism, friendliness and hugeness. So she'd accept. "It's probably going to do her some good to exercise, I can't imagine letting myself go like that." She said after devouring the contents of both boxes with a dash of the coffee... "Needs more sugar."
Kirigiri would send an affirmative message to Kaede, probably via one of the students.
At the appointed time. Kirigiri would be wedged on one side of the booth at the diner. Drinking lots of water as she tried to recover from the waddle there. Had the other side of the street always been so far of a journey?
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sweetside · 1 month
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Anti-Kirigiri be like. "I'll create a mystery so complicated that no one will ever figure out who ate the salad from the fridge!"
But also thank you!!!! I haven't really figured out who it's going to be. Been thinking about adding a pokemon muse but have no idea who I'd choose.
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sweetside · 5 months
To ask an adjacent ask, hows the burger diet going for good ol' Kyoko?
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"It''sshhhh beeeOOUUURRRRRR!!! Quithe... enjoyable.... haaa...." Like her counterpart's control room. Kirigiri's room is akin to fast food wrapper landfill, With the detective's mass serving as a weight to crush the trash, along with the camera that a certain mastermind placed in the room long ago...
The rooms windows have been set so that no light can penetrate the curtains. So it doesn't matter of kirigiri's state of dress is... not decent.
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sweetside · 6 months
The queen of despair waddles on up to hopeful detective, pressing her flabby digit into Kyoko's creamy, soft orb of a stomach.
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"Haah.. K-Kirigiri'sh ss-huff-huch aah f-fatty!.. Kiiriigiirii'sh shuuch aauurrRRRP! hooh... fahtty!.. mmmphh.." Junko teased rather bluntly with her signature sadist smile.
Ms. Enoshima sure is a -- polarizing classmate to say the least, and those comments sure are beyond comical coming from her fatass.
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Kirigiri huffed as she felt those tubby fingers sink into her stomach. Which was only visible and open to prodding because her former jacket could only hope to cover half of the detectives back rolls.
Still the classmates poking did have an effect on the cauldron of doughnuts and coffee that was Kirigiri's stomach. "HuuOUUUUURRRRRRRRPPPPP!!" As in denial as she was, the chin shaking burp caused the detective to cover her mouth. "haa.... my... ahpologiesh... huff... ... howw..... hauuuww ever yousheeem to mishtaken... Im am... fit and....skinneyhh..." Oh how talking tired her out...
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sweetside · 3 months
As a sick prank Junko made it so her precious lil' Monokumas slid a phone (with vibration on full max) deep inside one of Kyoko's fat folds while she was passed out... Imagine the Detective's horror when the fashionista turns her ALL of her social media notifications on on said phone, causing it to vibrate like hell but unable to be turned off due to the purple laughingstock's gloved hands being a bit too stubby for the job~
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Cut to the building shaking as Kirigiri slams her stomach against the wall in hopes of destroying said phone. Too bad her rough methodology will destroy any evidence of Junko's involvement.
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sweetside · 3 months
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"Many food places suffer losses because their goods go bad before they are able to be sold. Thus if you are paying them for each food item, eating all of their stock would not make them go out of business. They might close down early that day or two while they restock, but that is very different than what you are insulating. Aumph..."
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sweetside · 5 months
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To mock the slobbish doughtective the fatshionista made an enticing deal that Kyoko's gluttonous side could never deny despite how much inner turmoil it'd surely cause: She'd rent out an all you can eat buffet full of her favorite treats for an entire day, but she'd had to go on a date with her dearly loathed and at the end of their hate date have to sloppily kiss Ms. Enoshima on the mouth!
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She will accept... knowing that the fashionista pig will propably keep her mouth shut by jamming it with some kind of unhealthy slop.
The kiss though.... sure.
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sweetside · 5 months
I wonder how little of Kyoko's professional attire fairs to this day, I mean there's no way she can button up her undershirt, or zip up her jacket, or cram her lardy fingers / toes into those severely undersized gloves / shoe-wear, and I'm pretty sure her shelf of an ass can't be contained by any skirt readily available...
It's all... relative.
I feel that, Kirigiri, regardless of how obese her fingers and hands become, even if they are essentially pudding on bones. She would still find gloves that fit, due to her burn scars.
If Kirigiri can still move... and if she's become lazy, she'll just upsize her jacket until it's a trench coat, that can flowcover her rolls.
Other than that, every piece of her outfit would eventually decay and be eventually fall off her rolls as slimy rags.
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