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valerie-royeaux · 6 years ago
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Awesome surprise from my wife @bloodmagespectre in the middle of the work day!!! I guess we have one hot surface dwarf who not only enjoys the sky, but is also not having it with winter!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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cdhurricane · 6 years ago
Thousand Words  
I’m so excited to share with you guys this beautiful fic with my Warden and Zevran  written by the lovely @bloodmagespectre for my birthday <3
I can't find the words to thank you enough for this amazing gift!!!
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dalishious · 7 years ago
Not sure why some stupid anon’s been pegging you with white Alistair bullshit, but I can sure make that into a reason to send some love your way! You’re amazing and you make this fandom a better place! 💚
Thank you
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thunderheadfred · 7 years ago
For your TMI, would you share some of your Mordin headcanons? Also, Paradox and Double Blind show very different shades of him (both are amazing, and I sincerely envy the flexibility of your writing voice!), do you have a personal favourite?
Great question, thank you! And wow… I ended up rambling for fucking EVER, sorry. Gonna put this one under a cut so as not to annoy anybody, haha
Honestly I’m not a big headcanon person - I tend to select ideas based on the story, scene, or situation rather than write the fics around pre-existing headcanons, if that makes sense? But, during or after writing, I’ll often find I have developed a new idea or headcanon that I suddenly can’t shake? So it’s sort of like the writing comes first, which might be a little backwards, but that’s how I roll. 
Surprising headcanons I’ve developed re: “my” version of Mordin… 
Well, since Paradox is fundamentally (if unconventionally) a romance, I’ve done a lot of pondering over Mordin’s proclivities. Even in Paradox, which I consider pretty close to canon, I don’t consider Mordin completely asexual, at least not over the course of his entire life. 
I tend to headcanon most (but not all!) salarians somewhere in the demi-sexual range, including Mordin. That said, I think by the time Grace meets him, he’s older, more set in his ways, and has totally put all ideas of sexual/romantic attraction aside. A combination of age (biological factors essentially rendering older salarians impotent) and personal disinterest/other priorities mean that he is CURRENTLY 100% asexual and mostly non-romantic. But he nonetheless has a range of prior sexual experiences to draw from, all of which probably color his assumptions about Shepard’s expectations later on. Regarding his own sexual history, I headcanon that he gave it a fair shot just out of curiosity, but probably didn’t think it was worth all the trouble, as hinted at in the game dialogue. Not his thing - more important things to do. (Double Blind Mordin, uhhummmm… reached a rather different conclusion on that score, lmao)
This is maybe why I don’t find it all that difficult to imagine this aggressive, sexualized version of young Mordin in Double Blind, because I kinda feel like my previous “canon-compliant” version of him was one convincing partner away from being like “maybe this isn’t a total waste of time” and with butterfly effects being what they are……………… BDSM sex lab??? hahaha IDK.
I don’t really have a favorite - both stories present totally unique challenges, and I don’t value my sexual fanon version of crazy Omega!Mordin over canon’s strictly Ace!Mordin. Both are good. Both present interesting potential relationships and story opportunities. Both are my favorite. hahaha.
Mordin is my favorite.
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kirkwallgirlesque · 7 years ago
Just popping by to thank you for being you! You're not only an incredibly talented artist, but also an amazing person! You make this fandom and the world a better place! :)
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captainceranna · 7 years ago
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Alice in Mass Effect form, an OC for the awesome @bloodmagespectre as an art trade with @john-cousland!
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amarmeme · 3 years ago
For @bloodmagespectre, who messaged me and asked for #20: telling each other I’m here. This prompt fit perfectly for an upcoming chapter of Verita & Michel's story, but I didn’t want to spoil it. So here’s a snippet of a plot point I briefly considered writing in, but ultimately decided against. Keeping it a little light on the details up to that point. You also mentioned angst — I may have overdone it. ;)
Verita fell to the floor, knees scraping against the stones in the makeshift hallway between the cottage and barracks. The templar stood above her, coming back to himself after that terrible moment. His mouth opened in horror at what he’d done and, unable to cope with silencing her, backed out quickly. Whether he fled into the night or crawled back under his covers, Verita could not be certain. All she knew was that her knees hurt, but that was nothing in comparison to the emptiness.
Running out of mana was unpleasant, like an itch that could not be scratched or a hungry belly without food in sight. Being stripped of mana and ripped temporarily from the fade was an experience unlike any other. She shivered as if cold, her fingers and toes tingling as if asleep. Heart beating out of her chest, Verita could hardly catch an even breath, the world narrowing to a single point in front of her eyes as she slumped over like a lifeless doll. She could not cry out, even if there was someone there to help. Her forehead rested against the damp stone. Cool and bracing, like jumping into icy waters, the contact helped sharpen her focus. Verita began to measure her breaths.
They came in and out, in and out, pulse returning closer to normal with every inhale and exhale. The sound of footsteps at her back set her on alarm, nerves clanging like a pair of iron pots, but the visitor was no enemy.
“No,” Michel said, kneeling beside her prone form. He felt her pulse and, finding it there, moved aside the curtain of her hair to see her face. Verita couldn’t do much more than continue breathing, limbs still feeling out of her control.
“Can you sit up?” he asked. She shook her head lightly, and his hand came to her back, rubbing between her shoulder blades. He leaned forward and spoke softly but assuredly, the familiar accent pleasing to her overwhelmed senses. “I’m here, Verita. You are safe. I’m here.”
It was almost as if he tried to convince himself of the fact, repeating to her as she breathed deeply. The hand against her was solid and real, the connection not replacing her link to the fade, but offering a suitable stand in for the time being. She felt her breathing unravel the confusion that twisted around her mind and body.
“I want you to say it, too. Can you?”
She was relieved to find she could speak now. “You’re here,” she whispered.
Even without looking she could feel the sad smile in his tone. “Ah, mon couer, say that you are here. I want you to feel it.”
“I’m here,” she repeated. “I’m here.” She sighed deeply and repeated for good measure, realizing it was true. Still jarred by the silence, but back in her own normal state of mind.
She rose her head slowly, worried about breaking the return to sense somehow. But Michel helped her up by the arm, coaxing her over into his lap as he sat flatly against the ground. She leaned into the embrace, closing her eyes and feeling his steady heartbeat thrum against her temple.
“Thank you,” she whispered, mumbling against his shirt.
“I should have been here to start,” he said. “That should never have happened.” His arms tightened around her more.
She realized her hand had stopped tingling, her feet felt in place. She hoped to never experience a silence again, but if it happened, Verita knew how to reach the other side of it. As her connection to the fade returned and the well of her magic filled back up, Verita looked to Michel and traced his jaw with her fingers. The regret in his expression was clear, but she had nothing to be angry for. This was not Michel’s fault — she didn’t want him to be her champion, after all.
“We’re both here now, vhenan. That’s all that matters.”
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fieryaxolotl · 6 years ago
Crown Portrait - Alice Shepard
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And we are starting this year’s series with @bloodmagespectre awesome Shepard, Alice!
Alice is wearing the A1 Crown!
A HUGE thank you for letting me draw her! <3
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sassylavellen · 7 years ago
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Thank you so, so, so, so, SO much for this!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
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gugle1980 · 7 years ago
I got tagged by @uriellactaea and @machatnoir thank you ladies :)
RULES: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, and tag nine people! 
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair  • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organised sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favourite season  • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm• I want to travel the world • I sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colours not words
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humour is very cheerful • I am a valued adviser to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally.
i tag: @starsandskies @ladymdc @cloakinghawk @laraslandlockedblues @john-cousland @mapplestrudel @bloodmagespectre @alpheratz1 @amarmeme @skyholdherbalist @beckily 
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valerie-royeaux · 6 years ago
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Lo and behold, and marvel at perfection for it is fleeting! :D
My lovely wife @bloodmagespectre created this beautiful masterpiece, a moodboard perfectly showing my Junia Cadash!!!
Thank you SO MUCH, honey, I loved it!!!!
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valerie-royeaux · 6 years ago
The same as everyone, in a bit fazed by early morning in the first Monday of DLS ( 😭 😭 😭), but here it goes: @bloodmagespectre , @cdhurricane , @ankalime , @ladydracarysao3 , @captainceranna , @smuttine , @dertira-cousland !
And for the record let it be said that I’d totally go gay for @enchantment1385 ‘s Faeron!
Do you ever just *clenches fist* love other people’s OCs so much???
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amarmeme · 6 years ago
Fic update!
A Trick of the Rain has a new chapter:
Thank you to @lonyn @bloodmagespectre and Mirandraden1 (on AO3) for the encouragement and continued interest! I hope you enjoy this one. :)
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liaragaming · 7 years ago
bloodmagespectre replied to your post: I am bored and not feeling well. Send some asks to...
Hope you feel well soon, da'len.
Ma serannas, Lethallen.
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valerie-royeaux · 7 years ago
@mapplestrudel @bloodmagespectre
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my turian boyfriend embroidered
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valerie-royeaux · 6 years ago
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Proud Progress Report - 2 Years
I just realized I posted my first drawing on Tumblr almost 2 years ago - February 27th 2017. Today, February 23rd, I posted a Junia drawing again: and I’m so, so happy to see the difference! I have a lot of people to thank - chief among them my wife @bloodmagespectre​ and @cdhurricane, who became a mentor and a friend. Don’t give up, people! It’s a grind, but it’s worth it!
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