#bloodborne family tree
fantomette22 · 1 year
Cainhurst & Pthumeru family tree (headcanons)
Alright there it is ! @heraldofcrow @8km-2
While I was trying to do one for Cainhurst, I got inspired and ended doing one for Pthumeru and the pthumerians' line as well...
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Well the numbers refers more to generations/ when the differents labyrinths were made than actual people. I skipped a few generations too I can't managed to detail it too much with individuals x) So I might use it as a timeline as well.
(yeah thanks to elden ring for me a "shadow" is now a bodyguard in bloodborne too. And the shadow of Yharnam here are either her siblings or close relatives)
Now Cainhurst!
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Yes it's a mess too and there's even connections where I am indecisive about (the smaller doted lines) I don't know winch one too choose but feel it's not really urgent too. And idk where to put Arianna... but I have a couple ideas so idk. There's a few ocs I didn't put as well but for now it's not really important.
This one is essentially for my main fic. Because alternatively in some other AUs, I wouldn't be surprised if Annalise, Maria and half of the persons on the paintings are all siblings XD + the lil 10mins idea AU where Gehrman is maria's dad (completely separated universe from this one) I guess it's dear Lady Evelyn that would be the mom x).
Also in my headcanon the symbol of Cainhurst represent the two "beasts" or "shadows" that protected Cain's line (akin to a beast possess soul). And I hc that the first keepers of the old lords/pyromancers that decided to protected the pthumerians royals instead of the gods turned into the first beast possess soul. Then after a while pyromancers managed to stop turning into beats, at least for most of them.
(I just remember this post too that’s why i put loran/pthumeru who separated first)
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blood--king · 4 months
Bloodborne Family Tree
Part I — Part II — Part III — Part IV — Part V — Part VI
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We have finally arrived at the last branch of the main Bloodborne tree, and as crazy as it looks, it is true, Vlad had offspring, but it didn't turned out well (obviously). Vlad was a man who loved many things, from the most complicated schemes to the simplest instincts, like sex. Vlad's favorite activity is one founded by himself and established during his reign, the Blood Orgies. These activities where typical of wealthy vampires, rich enough to buy humans, having sex with them and then eating them all. Humans were very expensive in the kingdom, so much that renting them was more common for the middle class vampires, therefore they wouldn't kill them, just use them for any purpose that didn't violate the terms of the owner. For a vampire to buy a bunch of humans And killing them, that was a True sign of wealth.
Vlad took this activity to another level, he had a special hall in his castle, with a huge swimming pool of blood, he had the orgies there and he hated being interrupted (and sometimes he even ate other vampires there). But one day he decided to try something different, a vampire prostitute, one that he wouldn't eat alive. Why, you ask? Just for the fun of trying something different. Because of this encounter, the woman got pregnant, and after the baby was born she abandoned him, she didn't want to have anything to do with Vlad.
This bastard son grew to be the greatest soldier of the kingdom, stronger than Dark the Duke of War. Vlad quickly recognized not only his talent, but his own flesh and blood. The vampires can recognize their blood relatives just by looking at them, they can sense the blood connection. Vlad became closer to him, and thus the people in the kingdom started to suspect he was indeed Vlad's son, that's why they called him Vick the Bastard Bloodborne.
Eventually, Vick got bored and tired of his own culture, he didn't like any of it, he grew up alone and poor, his wealth came from his hard work and accomplishments even if he was a nobody, and now being "Somebody" didn't matter either. That's why he left the kingdom, never to come back.
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slightlydeadghost · 2 years
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Redraw of the family tree I posted and the backstory of them
Katherine Fled Cainhurst after her Brother Luther was knighted, the culmination of a bitter rivalry lasting their entire childhood it inadvertently lead to her discovering the truth of the castle and why they were so fiercely protective of the bloodline, she then made her way to a town meeting Emit a local blacksmith and falling in love eventually marrying him, she felt she was finally free of the ridged tradition she had lived under for so long.
Katherine became a seamstress enjoying working alongside her husband but when she was pregnant with Annette her brother found and cornered her with orders to either bring her back to Cainhurst or kill her if she refused. upon finding she had built a life for herself and was going to have a child he couldn't go through with it so he decided to take a lock of her hair back after an emotional farewell and on his return to the castle told them he had had to kill her.
Emit and Katherine raised Annette well never telling her of her heritage wanting to protect her, when she was old enough she started helping out with the family business she spent most her days sewing with her mother and enjoying the time they spent together, soon her father introduced her to regular customer Fredric who was studying to be a doctor and needed his suits tailored so he would look the part, she and Fredric eventually married having two daughters Elenore and Effie who could not be more different to each other.
as time went on Fredrics health worsened he had always been feeble it was one of the reasons he had studied medicine, eventually he became bedbound beginning a spiral of obsession trying to use his knowledge to cure himself, all his research lead him to a so called "miracle cure" a treatment by the name of blood ministration, he travelled to the city of Yhanarm signing his name away only thinking of being cured, it was successful he was overjoyed at being able to return to his former self again and he began to make up for the time he had lost with his family, he was not bothered by the duties that were now required of him but due to those and needing to be closer to the City for his treatment he brought his family to live with him there.
Annette began to notice changes in Fredric after he had become ill he had never raised his voice at her and the children or thrown things but now it had become a common occurrence, one fateful day after returning home from the market she found him hunched over rambling to himself as she approached she saw his face it was not that of her husband it was twisted into that of a beast, as she turned to run he caught her in an instant turning the room red, Effie and Elenore had hidden themselves as their father had rambled and demanded to see them tearing the house apart, not wanting to be near him in his state they hadn't heard their mother return until they heard her screams, Elenore peered out wanting to protect her younger sister upon seeing the carnage she tried to creep past her father as he began his feast to try to alert anyone she could but she was not quick enough the last thing she did was scream for her sister to run.
Effie after losing everything had decided to become a Hunter she was determined to prevent the scourge from doing the damage she had witnessed first hand.
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medi-melancholy · 3 months
i only know very vague things about the ER dlc from skimming tvtropes and glancing at twitter and looking up some music and cutscenes, but here's my takeaways so far, mostly about Best Worst Boy
miquella in the running for one of the best soulsborne characters ever oh my GOD i love his whole everything. what a fun fascinating fucked up lil guy. what a good year for beautiful awful well-intentioned extremists and their plans for utopia. it's impossible to say whether he's a Good person or Bad person but you can't deny he does both good and bad. at the very least his intentions and goals come from a good place but his methods and values are uhhhhhhhhh something else. i love it!
i'm seeing people very upset that the version of miq they had in their heads is ruined forever so they're gonna ignore canon and like. sorry i guess! but the foundations for what he's really like were always there, and the new revelations about his actions are interesting and also in line
miq and malenia's relationship isn't any less valuable and malenia isn't any less badass ok? ok. calm down lol
enjoyers of pure and helpless miq who makes for a pretty victim or damsel in distress can still keep that image, because, hey, playing that role was also within his plans, it seems! He Has The Range!
also it's not a bad thing that we see a physically older/more mature version of miq! that's a win-win tbfh! and has some fascinating implications to me, from an outside perspective without all the info--did he find a way to break his curse, even if only temporarily?? is it tied to him nearly entirely reaching godhood?? i think it's neat and he looks gorgeous! it's not like everybody's gotta throw all their fanart away now, again, calm down
mohg isn't instantly some innocent victim in all this nowwwwww aaaaaaaaaaa he was still a really fucked up dude, and idk if we even know exactly how deep miq's charms over him went, maybe miq took advantage of some feelings or urges that were already there, maybe mohg's preexisting traits and personality made him do even more things than what miq himself was expecting, idk! there's room for interpretation and regardless he's still a fascinating monster of a guy, and i love having ansbach for perspective
this fucking family tree keeps getting BIGGER because so many fuckers got wiped from history because no one fucking gets along. it's so funny to me
i sure as shit wasn't expecting radahn to come back or be relevant in any way but yknow i do kinda dig it! he's a great and iconic character. yet i am seeing lots of complaints about that too lmao,, ER at its core was always based around and focused on That Big Goddamn Family so having things circle back around to figures already involved in things makes sense imo
but also GODWYN IS DEAD GODWYN IS VERY VERY DEAD GODWYN IS BEYOND DEAD i was hoping for some more info about him at the very least and maybe there's some i haven't heard about myself yet but holy shit ok he wasn't gonna have a physical appearance or be a boss or anything, but i'm seeing a ton of people disappointed that isn't exactly what happened
so what if things are messy and complicated and fucked up and squicky all over, welcome to soulsborne, like, idk what to tell you, i'm still so baffled by people who are shocked and appalled by dark or unusual content in elden ring and don't wanna talk about it or acknowledge it. where did yall come from???? did you play des or ds or bloodborne or even sekiro?? ? ?? ?????
i also saw some people complaining about the tragic/hopeless/depressing/upsetting quest or story parts and i'm so ???????????? seriously does no one realize what they're playing, why does this feel like an ER exclusive problem for from games?
music is great as ever i don't care what anyone says
messmer is cool as hell and super interesting and i can't wait to read up on him even more. i loooove his voice and just, how he looks and moves. he has a ton of personality and presence about him
leda what is wrong with you. i love you so much girl
happy pride month! 🥳
also i saw this phrase uttered along the way and i'm kind of obsessed with it lmao
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ofsilentthings · 20 days
Chapter two of my Bloodborne/Baldur's Gate crossover is out!
Introducing drug induced visions, sinister 'family' encounters, and Creative Use of Mirrors.
To get to Cainhurst from Byrgenwerth requires traveling through forest, city, and farmland. And even though Micolash keeps his blue eyes staring outside the carriage for the entire trip, he sees none of it. Instead he watches silver strings like sap slip from the barks of trees. He sees towering man made buildings pockmarked with corals and barnacles. And he sees, before the bridge to Cainhurst proper, the sea itself lapping against farmhouses, following the curve of the hills. He is fascinated with the alien landscape outside his window, brought on by the paleblood slithering through his veins. The visions are nothing like he’d ever imagine in his short life. Instead of being frightened or appalled, he is intrigued. Surely there is something real here, he thinks.  *** [snip] ***
Astarion hates everything about the palace but he hates the ballroom more than even the kennels. In the kennels there is privacy, torture conducted under sympathetic shadow. He can hide afterwards, hide his shame. In the ballroom there is torture and pain and suffering but it is out in the open. When he is brought here he is made to suffer under the public eye, for the amusement of his master’s guests. Even being in this room now makes him shake with deep seated fear.
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simplegenius042 · 2 months
"Welcome To The Simple Lounge" - Introduction and MasterList Post
Hi there friends! SimpleGenius here, and here's a bit about this and the other blogs.
On this blog I mostly reblog anything that catches my eye and where I post most of my tag games and posts related to my stories. This blog is also where most details on my Original Works Trilogy An Old Ballad Of Chance And Ember Hearts (including its Original Work predecessor, Wings And Horns) and Fallout series A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore can be found.
@the-untitledverse-blog is where I post fics and details related to my The UnTitledverse series. The series is comprised of four sagas; The Perfect Storm, The Omniscient Rule, The UnTitled Ventures and The Ender sagas, focusing on the development of a child by the name of Joaquin Cobalt, who grows and matures throughout the sagas, alongside friends and family against enemies and threats on a multiversal scale.
@the-silver-chronicles is where I post fics and details related to my The Silver Chronicles series. The series is smaller than that of The UnTitledverse, however it is one with several alternate scenarios and AUs, most of which for Far Cry 5. This series doesn't follow a sole character, rather being a kind of anthology, connected but can still be solo, though personally I believe Junior Deputy Silva Omar should hold that title, as she is the most significant and reoccurring character in The Silver Chronicles, especially for the FC5 stories.
@life-despair-and-monsters-blog is where I post fics and details related to my Life, Despair & Monsters series. Like The UnTitledverse, this series focuses on the multiverse. Unlike it's predecessor, Life, Despair & Monsters focuses on the alternate dimensions, the Old Kin and magical aspects surrounding the Multiverse, as well as its fundamental foundations. This series follows three groups of characters; Haoyu Anabuki's rebellious group which act as the protagonist faction, Sir Enigma Malvolio's Ruins of the Midnight Rise scientific progress-obsessed institution which acts as the main antagonist faction, with Aggravor's Chapter of the Occult which is a group of warlocks conserving and preserving all kinds of magic and plotting to return the Old Kin back to power whom act as a rival against Malvolio's faction.
@mycharacterlistandwipdump is where I dump my story related details such as list of OCs, plots and WIPs.
I can be found on AO3 here.
Below the cut are the fandoms these series will include and a number of links which can take you to several masterposts. Enjoy!
The UnTitledverse includes fandoms such as Jurassic World, Five Nights At Freddy's, Transformers Prime, The Walking Dead Game, IT (2017), Stranger Things, Gravity Falls, DOOM (2016), SCP Foundation, Detroit: Become Human, Hellaverse, Pet Sematary (2019), Red Dead Redemption, Yo-Kai Watch, Subnautica, Final Space, Life Is Strange, Star Wars, The Last Of Us, Classroom Of The Elite, Hitman, Inside Job, Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, Saw, The Hateful Eight, Resident Evil, The Masquerade, The Bone Season, Mermaids of Eriana Kwai, The Priory Of The Orange Tree, The Locked Tomb and Fear And Hunger.
The Silver Chronicles includes fandoms such as Far Cry, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare, We Happy Few, Welcome To The Game, Six Of Crows, The Bone Season, Mermaids of Eriana Kwai, The Priory Of The Orange Tree, The Locked Tomb, Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, and Bloodborne.
Life, Despair & Monsters includes fandoms such as Love Death + Robots, Doki Doki Literature Club, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir, Arcane: League of Legends, Cyberpunk 2077, Guenevere, I Am Not Okay With This, House Of The Dragon, Wednesday, Poppy Playtime, The Invitation, Choo Choo Charles, God Of War, The Legend of Vox Machina and Castlevania.
A Radioactive Calamity Of Love, Bombs & Gore solely set in Fallout.
However, there are a few fandoms that I may do some unconnected (from my main fics anyway) fanfics on plus some other original works.
Lastly are the links to any MasterPosts and information I have [THIS WILL BE UPDATED (PROBABLY)]:
Masterpost of Fallout OC Protagonists
Masterpost of casted Fallout characters in my The Schmuck Squad's JJK Abridged react fic
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lxvvie · 3 months
I'm in the middle of watching a Shadow of the Erdtree playthrough... wasn't expecting much because I'm not super interested in these branches of the family tree but damn what a beautiful dlc so far.
Divine Beast Dancing Lion is such a cool fight.
Cracking up at Rennala's sister's name. Of course, I should've known they would do something like that 😂
Graphically, Elden Ring is lovely.
I enjoy the uniqueness each boss brings but you can also see they got inspiration from Dark Souls and Bloodborne in their designs and fighting styles.
And yes, that's the GRRM School of Naming Conventions making an appearance lmao. Admittedly, her name doesn't flow as naturally as Rennala's does for me. I feel some variation of Relena (a la Relena Peacecraft from Gundam Wing) would've been better but I understood the theme.
And they have just about the same tastes in men, too lmao.
Let me also add that Messmer's voice is velvety. It's so... mesmerizing. Like Morgott's voice.
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fantomette22 · 2 years
Ok I'm once again asking
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I now the big one/down left on the 2nd pic is basically Annalise...But everyone else?! They could be anyone...
I love it it's beautiful but it made me goes insert conspiracy theory meme
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blood--king · 6 months
Bloodborne Family Tree
Part I — Part II — Part III — Part IV — Part V — Part VI
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The next relation we're going to explore is the one between the two brothers, Vlad and Drak. They were twins, however, only one of them could inherit the power of the Vampire God; Drakule, the child that was more of a humanoid bat was born just a few seconds earlier than Vlad, which gave him the right to inherit that power. This made Hal have a huge preference towards his first son and neglect the second one. Outside the palace, Vlad was a famous prince, he was talented, charismatic and fun, but inside the royal castle he had no value.
Vlad tried so hard to win his father's heart, but at the age of 10, all that love towards his father split in half, one half became an insane obsession to be the best for his father, and the other half was hatred towards his brother. What caused that? You may ask. At that time, Hal have had enough of Vlad trying to be acknowledged, so he told him something he would never forget: "You are half strong, but twice a failure." The King was implying with that phrase that both brothers were incomplete, however, Drak was the first born, giving him access to the Vampire God's power, while Vlad was twice a failure, he was missing a half of his vampire self, and couldn't even inherit that great power.
Since then, Vlad tried to murder Drak multiple times, but Drak's ears were so incredible he could even see with his eye closed, as he could hear even the slightest wave of sound, Vlad couldn't even launch a punch, as the mere action of flexing his muscles produced a sound Drak could hear. But one day, at the age of 18, Vlad created a technique that allowed him to summon a Storm. With all the raindrops, the thunders, the wind, plants and animals, with the sound made by all of that, it was easy for Vlad to slay his brother. No one knows how it happened except for Vlad himself, he told Everybody that his brother was a traitor, he set Drak's husband up and sold him like a slave, never to be found, and kept the recently born Hell Bloodborne, the next Vampire God, and he used him as a battery, borrowing fragments of that power yearly. And just like that, Vlad was the new Supreme King and God of All Vampires.
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aegor-bamfsteel · 2 years
So Rhaegar Frey, a southern lord, whose son named Jonos Frey and had other son named Robert was potential match for Wynfred Manderly a northern daughter. Rhaegar's first wife was dead from illness. He insulted North king Robb Stark and wanted Manderlys to bend the knee to Iron Throne. His family was responsible for killing killing Starks and Wendel. Though he died before he married Wynafrd. I do think grrm is mocking Rhaegar Targ through Rhaegar Frey and fans don't even recognize it.
Despite GRRM saying he has good fans (as per this response comparing us favorably to Rowling’s after he lost the 2001 Hugo Award), he does seem to like trolling us, doesn’t he? There’s also Melisandre saying if she’s ever mistaken about her visions “the fault lies with the reader, not the book” like he’s poking fun at fan speculation.
GRRM does like using the Frey namesakes to play around with character fates. Sandor Clegane killed Tytos Frey, whereas his grandfather saved Tytos Lannister. There’s Sandor Frey, a squire of Donnel Waynwood, who for all we know Sansa will meet as she leaves the Vale. Half of the Beesbury-Raymund Freys have main branch Lannister names (twins Jaime and Tywin, “little Bee” Cersei), and their father Raymund personally slit Catelyn Stark’s throat. Speaking of, Cat killed Aegon “Jinglebell” Frey at the Red Wedding as “a son for a son”, which has some similarity to Aegon son of Elia’s presumed fate (killed while a mother was begging for mercy). There’s Aegon “Bloodborn” Frey son of Aenys, an outlaw, who again has parallels to Aegon VI (you could consider the alleged baby swap him born in blood, and certainly he lived as an outlaw during his youth). Then there’s Bloodborn’s brother Rhaegar, who as you said had three children (Robert, “White” Walda—maybe for her pale hair as she’s part Beesbury?, and Jonos) with a mother named Tyana (Lyanna?) who died in childbirth presumably with him, lied about the Starks’ involvement in the Red Wedding, was betrothed to a northern heiress, and presumably died and was fed to his kin, including his own father Aenys (I guess substitute for Aerys, who outlived Rhaegar before being killed himself). The details are mixed up from what we know of the Targaryens (Lyanna the mistress not the mother, Aegon the son not the older brother, Robert the cousin not the son), but considering how Wyman points out that Rhaegar was “a smirking worm who wears a dragon’s name) I’m sure this branch of the Frey tree having some Targaryen names has significance (probably that they’re doomed). In addition, it seems that Rhaegar’s kids are double cousins with Raymund‘s Lannister named kids (both have Beesbury mothers), so their fates are possibly connected (again, I wouldn’t put it past GRRM murdering some Lannister namesakes even if they’re infants).
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Here's my usual dump of submissions that didn't make it:
Ludwig (Bloodborne): Holy shit does this man epitomize Body Horror. Man-horse-creature fucker. Too many legs and arms. Second mouth that's made of eyes. Flailing mass of pain and flesh. BAD HORSE VIBES ABOUND.
Ylfa Snorgelsson (Dimension 20: Neverafter): trapped and starving for days, eventually forced to kill and eat Death itself to survive, consequently turned into a werewolf. Took a Druid subclass specializing in shapeshifting, which manifests as contorting and breaking her body in nightmarish ways. Eventually goes full wolf after giving up the memory of her grandmother.
Mottom (Kill Six Billion Demons): An immortal archmage who was taken as the wife of Hastet Om, who forced himself onto any young woman who caught his eye and then discarded them when they grew old for his tastes--"His appetite was insatiable." Mottom killed him and buried him, but he came back as a monstrous tree with a gaping mouth. Feeding young women's blood to Hastet Om caused the tree to grow immortality-granting peaches which restore youth by causing the old flesh to peel away in a really gross manner. Using her magic and immortality, she became one of the seven queens of the multiverse. She represents the sin of Gluttony: her entire culture is based around being a gracious queen who freely shares the luxuries and glories of her owned worlds with her inner circle. Her parties are extravagant beyond compare, and her appetites strip planets down to the bedrock. She has her servants wear plates of food on their heads, and is constantly eating from them. In fact, her gluttony is so extreme that her desire for a particular fruit that grew in the forest around her home reduced the entire region to a scorched wasteland. She also inflicts Body Horror by turning a rebellious king into a peach tree: "For thy valiant concern o'er hunger, I grant thee a power. The power to tend to the hunger of others. Eternally."
Rykard (Elden Ring): let himself be devoured by the God Devouring Serpent—a primeval being worshipped with human sacrifice—to merge with it, becoming a monstrous man-snake-thing with a sword covered in wriggling arms and a desire to devour the entire world—starting with the player. Lures his champions to his lair, then eats them, leaving their souls conscious and writhing in eternal agony. From TV Tropes: “His transformation has left him a giant snake with long, peeling gashes along the scales, out of which writhe masses of tiny, blackened crimson arms and snake tongues (stated to be the souls of his many victims forever trapped in eternal agony as part of his 'family'). His real face is on the underside of the snake's neck: it's huge and flat, with no ears, bloodshot yellow eyes, and stretched out, ashen skin, with encrusted scales forming his crown, jowls, and beard. He's got two 'main' arms and legs (with too many fingers and toes) sticking out of some of the peeled slices on his scales, jostling for space as they crowd out the miniature arms.”
Charles (Choo Choo Charles): a locomotive with huge spider legs, a nightmarish face with More Teeth than the Osmond Family, and a craving for human flesh.
The Stepmother (Neverafter): Cinderella's stepmother who ate her daughters and became something monstrous. After destroying her name, she starts plucking illustrations from the various versions of her story, or rather, characters from those versions, and eating them. Eventually, she grows big enough and powerful enough to consume characters outside her original story, including the Wicked Queen. She is so horrible and terrifying that seeing her is enough to make The Wicked Fairy tear out her own eyes just to stop looking at her. Her skin is bulging with the worlds and stories she's devoured in her wake, and the mere act of viewing her true form in the sword of truth, combined with Pinocchio finally defying her, shatters reality itself.
The Formless Flesh (Darkest Dungeon): A writhing, amorphous mass of demon-possessed pig meat from a rich fuck's experiments putting demons in pigs that was discarded but mutated into increasingly-hideous and deadly forms. It's a beast with a pig's head, multiple eyes, a spine jutting out from its back, and a body composed of a single large tentacle. Sometimes. Sometimes it's one, none, or all of those things. The main form of attack from its rear end involves firing a Blight-dripping tentacle from what remains of a hog's backside. It also has a toothy mouth on the end, just in case that wasn't disturbing enough. Every last one of its parts has at least two mouths on or in it, giving it over half a dozen mouths at any one point--and those are just the visible ones. The Ancestor--the aforementioned rich fuck, who dabbled all sorts of unspeakably terrible stuff in pursuit of eldritch knowledge--thinks this thing is more horrible than he describe.
The Harvest Child (Darkest Dungeon 2): The Foetor was once a prosperous farmland in which peasants lived a simple life as they tended to their crops and herds. However, it was overrun by masses of putrescent flesh, covering the crops and houses in fleshy tendrils. Its inhabitants were all corrupted and mutated into Plague Eaters, covered in cancerous growth and filled with an unending appetite: they turned upon themselves to sate their hunger once their larders were empty and their animals gone. The Plague Eaters all have too many mouths, they gain buffs from eating corpses in battle, and they'll eat fellow enemies alive. The lair boss of this area, The Harvest Child, is a giant baby stuffed into a cornucopia with tentacles; its description is "Born to a corpulent, half-eaten mother, the child is a ravenous avatar of degeneracy!" It surrounds itself with rotting meat which tempts your heroes to take a bite if they do not resist the allure, giving said hero a minor stress heal and causing their maximum health to decrease for the remainder of the fight. When it gets close, it attacks the party with "Maws of Life"; when it's in the back, it inflicts Blight with "Sapid Drippings".
The Kraang (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles): They conquer worlds by spreading Meat Moss over them, which twists organic life and technology alike into weapons under their control. After being freed from a prison dimension (where it's implied the survivors cannibalized the others to survive), they inflict monstrous transformations on the Foot Clan and start spreading their nasty flesh all over NYC. When they assimilate their victims, their flesh grows all over and consumes them, reaching underneath into their body and morphing their physiology into something alien, including eyes and mouths where those don't belong. This is shown off with Raph, who is found in a cocoon and comes out possessed with discolored eyes and an arm covered in spiky, meaty growths. Their Fleshness extends to their spaceship, The Technodrome, which is made entirely of bio-organic material; in order to take control of it, Donnie has to let the ship's tendrils go into his soft shell and basically get absorbed into the ship in a viscerally disgusting scene. Another Kraang brought Empyrean--a mutagenic liquid that is the source of all the mutants in the ROTTMNT continuity--to Earth.
Also Six and the Chefs from Little Nightmares, but I want to talk abt them in my Lady propaganda.
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katyspersonal · 1 day
if you could ask Miyazaki a single question on Bloodborne lore and he had to give you a complete and non-obscure answer, what would you ask?
"Why the Doll from Bloodborne is dressed like this?". In a heartbeat.
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There ARE some other things I really want to know, of course! All Fromsoft, not just Bloodborne. Like who was Djura's third companion, because it is absolutely not obvious since Joseph is not unique but just a summon variant of a generic invader enemy 'Izzy's Follower'! Or exact list of parents of Gwyn's children, so the family tree is solid! Or how exactly Rom ascended, because whereas Micolash claims she was given eyes by Kos, she is a Spider (Nightmare/Amygdalae affiliation) AND is found as a corpse near weeping Ebrietas in the Choir! Or who exactly Gloam-Eyed Queen was... All that!
However, simply answering all these with theories and headcanons and interpretations does not have consequences! The Doll's clothing discourse, however, does!
It is obvious that we as a fandom are not ready for Miyazaki's genius, and above all, not ready to be mature enough to respect each other's takes! Doll discourse brings out the worst in people! No other unresolved lore question makes people block each other on the spot for """wrong""" reading of this. People even block Gehrmaria shippers as if to distance from "impurity uwu" instead of just blocking the ship's name, like Tumblr allows to do! No other question makes them vagueblog absolutely vile shit about another, or sometimes put their hate for character/ship in the tags. No other question makes people call their opponents misogyny-apologists, braindead, weirdos, media-illiterate or straight up claim they "just want to woobify the cis white man" (seriously what the fuck RACE has to do with this?) ..... this is the part where I should address the wrongdoings of people with charitable Gehrman reading as a 'both sides bad' matter but I can't recall anything lolololololol
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Yeah, I might not believe there was any sort of misogyny tradwife stuff planned for the character. It is not just a matter of "even the doll should it please you" and "his curious mania" being inventions of localisation team:
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Doll says '私をお使いください' ('Watashi o o tsukai kudasai', so, please use me), referring to using her for channeling Blood Echoes! Gehrman says '君さえよければ、あの人形もね⋯' ('kimi sae yokereba, ano ningyō mo neso', so, 'doll too if only you are okay with it', or '...if that is alright with you') in the context of talking about the Hunter tools in the Workshop, again, pointing us towards the fact that she is, too, a 'tool' in a way. Some tools fortify your weapons, others (herself) turn blood echoes into your power.
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The "mania" mentioned in this line also uses the word 狂熱 (kyoonetsu), which refers to madness and insanity. Meanwhile, the "mania" mentioned in the description of Doll's clothes uses the word 偏執 (henshuu), meaning to be absorbed in the process very much, being very fixated etc. So, he was so absorbed in his work on the clothes of the Doll that he lost track of time!
It is... everything. Him being put up as a tragic character with a tragic song, when Fromsoft is always blunt when they want someone to be a weirdo or disliked. It is Doll crying a tear of joy upon feeling how Gehrman cared for Maria through Hair Ornament. It is Doll being based on Victorian grief dolls and not being a sex doll or whatever Reddittube said and Twitbr parroted. It is bifauxnen archetype being more often about a woman who did not even want to be masculine but something, or someone, pushed her to, than about plain masculine woman, paired with how much Maria regretted joining the hunt and her hunter attire being the 'masculine wear'. If not and transition was genuine, grief doll implies Maria at least used to be this way, and Gehrman clings to the past version of her, away from what killed her.
But in the end, it doesn't matter which! I try to not have biases besides 'what works better' or 'what feels more natural'! But even if Miyazaki said that yes, he did imply misogyny tradwife forced femininity whatever whatever for this character, what would matter is a concrete answer! Again: we as a fandom, heck, as a species, are not intellectually ready for the concepts like 'up to interpretation'. But removing interpretation factor from THIS thing would've saved so, so, SO many unnecessary petty dramas and conflicts!
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slightlydeadghost · 2 years
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Super old drawing of my Bloodborne Hunter Effie's family tree
Her Grandmother Katherine of Cainhurst and Grandfather Emit Whitlock, Her Mother Annette Whitlock and Father Fredric Corvo with her older sister Elenore Corvo
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jeza-red · 2 years
I think I kinda wish From dropped their usual writing style for ER. This game needs some more meat on the bare bones plot. This being an open world, I kinda need a good reason as the protagonist to follow the plot. The usual "you are vaguely chosen idk do ring a bell/light a fire/burn a tree" isn't cutting it, because in this one characters you meet are supposed to matter.
The Plot was the big selling point - and when the Plot doesn't include the protagonist and barely acknowledges their existence... Well, what's left?
How much more engaging it would feel if the Tarnished of your choosing was an old hand that had a place in Marika's court/family only to end up stripped of their powers and sent into exile - now returning to their ruined home in search for answers and revenge?
What if they were Godfrey's trusted lieutenant and watched the exile kill their lord - and dragged themselves back to Limgrave to, again, get answers/revenge? Or even to deliver Godfrey's ashes to Marika - as a last wish of the besotted King?
Or if they were an agent of the Formless Mother sent to infiltrate the kingdom and kill the ruler so that she can take over? Like, this is instantly more engaging and involved than whatever the fuck two fingers have going =_=
Hell, even a Nomad on a path of solving the mystery of their missing people. Or go crazy and they're a homonculus created by Miquela, mean to get godly power and then serve as him new body.
Just - something to make the game interesting, to involve the player in the story, make them a part of it. Something to make the characters mean to the player something more than a shopping list.
Bloodborne justifies the Hunter being a free electron - they're living through their 28 Days Later as we speak, no time to talk.
Elden Ring has us returning home. Home we know nothing about and have no stakes in reclaiming.
At the very least let us gun for a place that was our home/people - only to see it destroyed and desolate, and let the need to know appear organically.
Like, say whatever you want about JRRM, but he is a good writer who can easily convince readers care about his characters. Why would you hire him as a writer and then just - strip everything down to the skeleton, but cause Soulsborne has a style...
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tridentarius · 2 years
Tag game: tag people you want to know better! (tysm for the tag @tigraine-mantear <3333)
Favourite time of the year: april-september, because it’s the best weather to take long walks in :)
Comfort foods: I don’t have a ‘favorite food’ but I do like it when my mother cooks sausage and beef curry for me lol
Do you collect anything: nah nothing really. That’s never been my style to collect anything.
Favourite drinks: orange juice (no pulp)
Favorite music artists: for the past year I’ve been super into car seat headrest, fiona apple, beyoncé, japanese breakfast, and BUCK-tick
Current favourite songs: I’ve been listening to the gun song by car seat headrest and carrion by fiona apple repeatedly
Favourite fics: mostly I’ve been reading star wars fics but also some fire emblem and locked tomb on the side, here’s some of em:
1. the shovel - the locked tomb - mercymorn/augustine. Rated M. (probably the best locked tomb fic I’ve read I love the lyctors’ immortal saint war criminal behavior, why did the author orphan their tlt fics 😭)
2. at arm’s length - the locked tomb - gideon/harrow. Rated T. (I don’t even read much griddlehark fics, much less modern AU, because reading tlt I’m getting the full griddlehark experience, but this author’s griddlehark fics are soooo good esp their modern AUs)
3. afterimage - star wars - padme amidala/darth vader. Rated M. (I looooove the lovecraftian use of archaic and lush prose here)
4. cutting down the family tree - fire emblem: three houses - no pairing, edelgard centric. Rated M. (probably the best fe3h fic I’ve read just yet, it gets dark tho wrt edelgard’s backstory, heed the warnings)
5. red meat - star wars - no pairing, darth vader and darth sidious centric. Rated M. (the author is probably one of the best fanfic writers I’ve ever read, I’ve read almost all their star wars fics. i really really love their fucked up, corpse-ridden prose, like a dead dog getting dissected by a surgical knife kinda vibes, again heed the warnings)
favourite video games: Uhhh I don’t exactly have a single ‘favorite’. I really love the last of us, the first game I played on ps4 therefore I’m always had some attachment to it, and bloodborne, but I got fire emblem: three houses in like july this year and it’s kinda taken over my life, sawry. currently im playing elden ring, hades, and I just got fire emblem: three hopes on black friday. I’ve been in a gamer mood lately.
Tagging: @frogdilf @helenfrankenthaler @alcahuetas @warmsafflinas @bonebutchblues @harrowhark @buffyboyfriend @elliewilliams @zutaralesbian @furiousfinnstan @lesbianahsokatano @sithbian
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mrslittletall · 2 years
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Ich habe 27.608 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 7.295 more posts als 2021!
1.366 Einträge erstellt (5%)
26.242 Einträge gerebloggt (95%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 27.400 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
Nur 1% meiner Einträge hatte keine Tags
#fanart – 14.487 Einträge
#elden ring – 3.582 Einträge
#pokémon – 3.182 Einträge
#hollow knight – 2.457 Einträge
#other stuff – 1.471 Einträge
#bloodborne – 1.384 Einträge
#elden ring spoilers – 1.374 Einträge
#art – 1.335 Einträge
#cute – 1.134 Einträge
#dark souls – 1.001 Einträge
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#laurence is writing a furious comment under the healing church video to tell that it was byrgenwerth and not the healing church in the haml
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
Anyway, just know that the more a character gets hated on by the fandom the more of an apologist I will become for them.
194 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 8. Juli 2022
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Time for Memes.
296 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 27. Februar 2022
I was thinking about the concepts of a god in video games and my favourite depiction of it is in Okami. Because... nobody really knows that you play as the god, in fact, it is a pretty huge plot point that everybody stopped believing in the gods. And then you go around with Amaterasu and help out people... but you don't do it with a big fanfare, you just go there and use a little magic that just looks like it was a coincidence. And then people are like "What just happened?!" and often they talk to Ammy because she is there, but for them, she is just the cute little doggy, but then they give praise because their problem got solved and it all gets to Ammy. And it is like this in the whole game. And not only that, the people react to your shenanigans. If you let a tree bloom in front of them, they have a surprised animation and a question mark over their head and then go back to what they were doing, probably thinking "Well, that was strange." And you keep doing stuff that just isn't logic over the course of the game and then... in the end... they finally believe in Ammy, but only after Issun told them about her. I just... really love the idea that a god is someone who just is around and helps without expecting anything in return and just taking the praise of people who now not have a problem anymore. And the fact that they animated people reacting to random shenanigans and not only people, also every single animal. I just love Okami so much.
535 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 23. März 2022
Demon's Souls: Everything went to shit because one guy was power hungry. Dark Souls Trilogy: Everything went to shit because the gods wanted to stay in power. Bloodborne: Everything went to shit because humanity tried to ascend to become gods. Sekiro: Everything was already shit, but hoo boy, you better would not have abducted the one the Shinobi wanted to protect. Elden Ring: Everything went to shit because family drama.
695 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 24. April 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
You know, one thing that makes the Soulsborne games so great is the fact that your character is an absolute nobody. You are not supposed to be some godlike being with powers beyond measure or the one who is fated to do great things. Sure, Dark Souls 1 has the Chosen Undead, but it becomes revealed quickly that the Chosen One trope is a farce and so it gets completely subverted. In Dark Souls 2 you are simply the Bearer of the Curse, just one of many who suffer from the curse. In Dark Souls 3 you get told straight up that you were the last they could ask, because you are the loser of the losers. In Bloodborne we play as some unlucky random person who got wrapped up in Yharnam's affair. In Demon's Souls our Slayer straight up gets enslaved to the Nexus out of sheer desperation of the Monumental. And in Sekiro we play as a single Shinobi, who can't take on a whole army himself. So he makes defense to his greatest offense and uses stealth and dirty tricks. Which leaves the Tarnished, the one who is played the most straight. Elden Ring has this amazing opening movie and we get to see the six Tarnished who will probably be the main bosses of the game and... ...one another... Our player character. Here is the thing. It was never meant that our character should win. In fact, in Soulsborne all odds are AGAINST our character. It is the fact that DESPITE everything they win, that is the theme of these games. Our character has only one thing going for them... They can't die. And therefore, only giving up is when they lost. It's a theme of overcoming, a theme of persevering, a theme of fighting a battle that should be unwinable, but isn't. You just have to try it again and again. And that is what I love about these games.
5.021 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 4. März 2022
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