#blood sucking bitch muse
countrycrackheads · 2 months
Run for Your Life
Bowers Gang x Reader
Summary: fem!reader is being hunted down after discovering who’s been making the kids in town go missing
TW: Murder, blood, implied rape, violence, weapons, death, some small gore I suck at writing. Don't expect this to be amazing. note: as I finish writing this I realize how much I despise dark themes. oh well, I already wrote it. Also, yeah the title is stupid. It's okay.
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“: ̗̀➛did you really think we would just let you off the hook so easily?‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ”
Seeing them shove that body into the quarry was the beginning of the end.
Perhaps it wouldn't have been if you had simply made a break for it as soon as you saw it, but how could you? Seeing the mutilated body of Chase Foreman was quite the sight to see, a sight so mesmerizing that your feet had cemented themselves to the ground. Any will to run or scream was paralyzed as your mind screamed at you to escape.
It was only after Belch Huggins had thrown Chase’s body off the edge of the cliff that you found the strength to turn around. But when you did, you were immediately slammed to the ground by Patrick Hockstetter’s hard chest.
"Didn't your parents teach you it's rude to spy?"
Patrick's sarcastic, shrill laughter of joy rang through your ears as he kneeled down beside your body, his knee pressing between your thighs. A large rotting Cheshire grin was on display before your very eyes, the smell of cigarettes assaulting your senses.
Your mouth opened pathetically, ready to sputter out any excuse to spare your life as tears threatened to spill out. Patrick, however, wordlessly put his fingers to your lips, softly shushing you in an oddly soothing way—as soothing as someone like him could sound.
"Don't fret, little bitch. I'll make sure to finish you off quickly. But what's the harm in a little fun?"
His dimly lit face turned up, looking behind her. The moonlight revealed the dirt and blood smeared across his face, casting a sinister glow on the deranged psychopath. Panicked footsteps crunched against dirt and gravel. A shadow came over Patrick and his grin vanished as quickly as it had appeared.
"Just make this quick, Hockstetter." It was Belch Huggins' worried voice coming from behind her. The crunching of dirt and gravel signaled a third presence.
"What's the fun in making this one quick?" Victor Criss mused as he knelt down behind you. He leaned over your shoulder before abruptly gripping your neck, pulling you back into his chest as he observed your face. A choked sob escaped your lips as you gasped for air, while his fingers tightened around you. "She's a looker. Got a pretty mouth too..." Victor trailed off, his tone filled with dark intent. Another shrill giggle came from Patrick as he climbed on top of your body, watching your eyes roll back into your skull.
"I like the way you're thinking, Vic." Patrick suddenly tore Victor's hand off of you, making the blonde grunt in irritation "But if I'm gonna fuck her, I want her to be awake." He looked down at you with that same grin, grabbing your jaw as you pathetically gasped for air. "Isn't that right, little bitch? You better look me in my eyes when I'm inside you."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Henry stood over the boys, watching with disinterest as Patrick eye-fucked the witness to their crime.
"Yeah, yeah." Patrick brushed off Henry's comment. "You're one to talk, Bowers. All high mighty 'cause you never stick it into our girls, huh?"
Henry's eyes trained on Patrick as his nostrils flared. His hands jutted out, lifting Patrick off of you by his collar. "Don't fucking talk to me that way, you goddamn pervert. One more word and I'm making you the next kid on a poster."
Patrick only grinned at Henry's empty threats. "You wouldn't dare get your pretty little hands dirty. That's my job." He had made it a point to get in Henry's face, enjoying how Henry's eyebrow would twitch in irritation. If there was one thing Patrick was good at, it was getting under Henry's skin. His comments had challenged Henry's masculinity, and for this crime, Patrick would pay the price.
It had all happened in mere seconds. Patrick’s body was slammed down, his head violently bouncing off the ground before hitting cold earth. Gasping sharply, he tried to recover the breath Henry had knocked out of him. Henry loomed over Patrick, straddling him with clenched fists. Patrick’s defiant laughter rang in the tense silence, his breath ragged as he laughed at Henry’s pathetic attempt.
Without hesitation, Belch lunged forward, ripping Henry off, while Victor rushed to Patrick’s side. Despite their lack of genuine concern for each other, the gang all understood their unspoken rule: no turning on each other.
Henry kicked and flailed like an enraged toddler as Belch manhandled him. "Get off of me! I ain't gonna hurt 'em!" He shouted, shoving Belch away and kicking dirt in Patrick's direction. The dirt hit Victor in the face, causing the blonde to sputter, spitting out any dirt that got into his mouth.
"What the fuck?" Victor complained, wiping his mouth repeatedly. The blood on his long-sleeve had now smeared across his lips, a stark contrast between his pale skin and the crimson streaks. Henry's rage had moved from Patrick to Victor, sneering at the smaller blonde.
On that cold earth, you laid there motionless, watching the boys through your peripherals. You felt a strange sense of joy when Patrick was thrown to the floor, and an even greater relief washed over you when the boys left you behind to break up the cat-fight. Your body was flooded with fear and adrenaline, and your mind went into overdrive, thrust into a survival mode you had never felt before.
Without a second thought, you pushed yourself off the ground, sprinting into the woods surrounding the quarry. Your absence hadn't gone unnoticed, and as soon as you made it into the woods, shouting ensued. Twigs and leaves crunched under your feet, drowning out the sounds of the boys chasing after you.
The boys you had known since childhood—whom you watched grow up as you went from playing with toys together to wanting to play together—were now hounding you like rabid wolves.
As you ran, a gunshot went off. You flinched violently, causing the bullet to only graze your flesh. Instinctively, your hand shot up to grasp your barely bleeding cheek in shock. "What the fuck!?" you screamed, your legs pumping faster.
Glancing over your shoulder, you noticed the distance in between you and the boys widened, giving you the advantage momentarily. Ducking under thick foliage, you followed a mini trail that would lead you to the barrens. With limited light, you ran blindly through dense woods. Branches and logs snapped against your face, pulling at your clothes, and threatening to trip you as you raced forward.
The shouting continued to follow you, except now it had split. Wicked voices bellowed at you from the surrounding trees, and with the dim light you could hardly tell what was coming from where. Your head tilted up, trying to gauge the sky from the trees, but it was entirely pitch black aside from the twinkling of stars and a melancholy moon.
"I'm coming to get you, little bitch!"
This time the voice was right beside you. Whipping your head to the right, you saw Patrick Hockstetter running, a wild grin on his face as he tried to swoop in closer, weaving through trees to get on your path. You swerved to the left, only to be greeted once more.
"You can't run forever, slut!"
It was Victor Criss this time, his baggy clothing whipping through the wind as he grasped a knife tightly in his right hand. He was weaving in towards you, both boys working together to trap you in between them. Your legs were aching and sweat drenched every inch of your body, but you couldn't bring yourself to stop.
Victor swiped his knife at you, nicking you in the stomach. A gut-wrenching scream followed as you felt the blade run across your tender flesh. Your hand immediately pressed itself against the bleeding wound, trying to stem the flow. Patrick's laughter drowned out your screams, his voice filled with eagerness as he closed in on you. His arms reached out, desperately trying to latch on.
“Fucking grab her already!” Henry’s voice roared from behind Patrick, filled with a frenzied intensity. His eyes locked onto you like a mad bull. He drew the pistol from his belt, aiming it in your direction. Fueled by a surge of adrenaline, your cramping legs pushed harder, desperately propelling you forward.
The bullet darted out, intent on killing. You instinctively shut your eyes but it never came. Victor's body collapsed on your left, abandoned as the group continued the chase.
"Fuck!" Belch wailed, maneuvering past Victor's corpse.
"Nice aim, moron!" Patrick taunted Henry with another shrill giggle. Henry only roared out in frustration. Your eyes were wide, body racked with fear and oddly enough, guilt. But you kept on going anyway, better Victor than you.
With ringing ears, you weaved through dense foliage and never-ending trees, feeling as though you were in a relentless loop. The constant barrage of Patrick’s taunts and Henry’s angry roars only added to your despair. You wanted to give up. To just collapse like Victor had on the cold earth and rest. God, death just seemed so tempting.
Something you feared for years suddenly seemed so desirable. And wrapped up in these thoughts of sweet death, you had hardly taken notice that Belch Huggins had swung his axe at you, lodging itself into your shoulder blade.
"Fuck!" You bellowed as the blade was pulled back. Your left arm dangled pathetically, blood oozing out as tendons strung your arm to your body. Immense pain took over and you collapsed, screaming as you cradled your arm.
The three boys stalked towards you, watching you intensely. Your sobs echoed through the trees, birds scattering out of trees hearing your screams of agony.
"Fuck, just kill me already!" You pleaded, tears streaming down your face. Belch solemnly crouched down beside you, a look of guilt on his face.
"Don’t take this personally…" he mumbled, glancing down at your bloody arm. Your eyes locked onto his, and you whimpered softly. Despite the situation, you couldn’t help but remember Belch’s kindness from long ago—how he had always been a big sweetheart, even back in kindergarten when you’d share a nap blanket. What happened to that kind soul?
Your eyes lowered to your arm, bile creeping up your throat until you couldn't help but pathetically keel over and vomit. Henry scowled, letting out an annoyed scoff while he panted heavily.
"Good going, tubby." Patrick sneered at Belch. "I can't enjoy her rockin' body when her arm is all fucked up. That's why we wait to cut them up after I've already dumped my load." The psychopath scoffed at this inconvenience, disregarding your dying body as just another dumpsite.
"Shut the fuck up," Belch mumbled, shooting a glare at Patrick. His attention moved back towards you, noticing how you were starting to fade away. He removed his flannel, gingerly put it over your body. He especially was trying to cover your arm. "I really didn't mean for this to happen," he whispered as he covered you.
Henry scoffed, "Don't tell me you're sweet on a dying girl."
Patrick snickered, nudging Belch. "The guilt getting you again, big guy?" His taunting laughter filled your ears.
Your eyes slowly rolled up to stare at the burly axe-wielding bully. With a small scoff, you groaned softly again. "Just fucking kill me..."
"If it's what you want," Henry grumbled, beyond annoyed that he had to run for so long. "Fuck, that's what we've been trying to do this entire time. Dumb bitch." He cocked his gun, aiming it at your head.
"Any last words?" Patrick cooed, his eyes glinting with a twisted excitement. His gaze darted back and forth between you and the gun, a dark smile stretching across his face. The anticipation in his voice was almost palpable.
You forced a sneer, even as your vision blurred to white.
"Yeah, fuck you," you rasped, your voice trembling.
The gunshot rang out, its echo a brutal punctuation to the silence that followed.
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*edit: i have decided if you requested partner in crime, venice bitch, or waiting room yours will be done last just for efficiency so i can get through the quicker ones first <33*
hii i just wanted to share some of my new year’s resolutions as preparation for 2024😭😭
 learn guitar, read at least (!!!) a book a month, improve my drawing, improve my cooking skills, eat healthy, make the most of term 2, be so alive it aches, be more open and engaged with people and connection, laugh lots, cry hard, be present, be a bit less bitchy to my parents learn to crochet, care less about what other people think, study hard and try to be passionate about what i’m learning, go for walks in the nature, etas lots of strawberry sorbet and ice cream and dance in the rain :)
~dandy’s 200 celebration!!~
ahhh first of all thank you so much for 200 followers! thats actually insane i love you guys so much <33
silk chiffon - i give you a list of things that remind me of you!
ribs - i make you a (small) playlist!
waiting room- i make you a moodboard based on your blog or personality!
not strong enough - i write you a letter (mutuals only)
you’re so fucking pretty - i guess what you look like based on ~vibes~! no longer available i got bored lmao
lacy - you ask me to listen to a song and i tell you what i think!
all i wanted - i make you a small drawing of your choice (preferably people i suck at drawing anything else)!
casual - i give you music recs! edit: i think i’ll use this one to recommend smaller artists so would love if anyone asks for this!!!!
american teenager - i give you book/tv show recs!
partner in crime - i design you an outfit using pinterest!
venice bitch - i design you a room using pinterest!
not a lot, just forever - you tell me a problem and i give you advice!
coming of age - i give you an artist, album, and song that reminds me of you!
false god - i shuffle my playlist until i find a song that gives your vibes + give you my fave lyric from it!
followers only
send requests in asks please
limit of two requests per ask
there’s no overall request limit
this will probably end by february bc that when i start school again
@astraeasparrow @literatureisdying @leaskisses444 @zzzzzzzzzee @tellme-o-muse@xgirlidiotx @lalallorona @crowgenius @my-cages-were-mental @none-of-it-was-accidental @imswimmingback @a-portal-to-nowhere @emailsicntsend@5ducksinatrenchcoat @recklessandyoung @waitingforthesunrise @radio-silencepdf@pho3b3-tayl0r-luvr @ineedibuprofen @emilybrontesghost @moonartemisandstar@gayoticbeing @photogenic-strawberry @maxdamax @august-taylors-version@svnflowermoon @the-turtle-fan @dcfcyay @mandythedino @holdmyteaplease@strawberryloveyyy @imperpetuallylost @bookscorpion73 @skeelly @swiftieannah@channnnnieee555 @strats-blood @vams225 @the-smiley-blue-axolotl@mushroomcarrotstick @waiting-down-the-hall-for-me @niallermybabe @pazoo-underscore@personifiedgoldenretriever@thebestieyoureinlovewith@electric-sheeeep @if-i-could-give-u-the-moon@fire-but-ashes-tootoo @trying-to-be-cool-abt-itit @brenninthetaylorverse@shortgaything @cc-horan28 @isitoversnowtvs@my-mind-is-frozen@giveuthemo0n @evazlana @someones-name-inserted-here- @the-stars-sing@aaalixaf@photogenic-strawberry @qwerty-keysmash @coco6420 @evermore-4-life@eden-crowley-fellfell @trashmeowcan@parasite-2-2 @folklore-girlgirl @urbanflorals @nqds @judeisthedude @returnofthecabbageman @thats-the-power-of-love @stvrlighhttt @enchanting-grom-fright @imslowlydisintegrating @loving-the-marauders @loveisaseriousmentaldisease @dicklesssswonder @bassguitarinablackt-shirt
uhhh that’s a long list of most of my mutuals i think ahh sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged please tell me if you want to be added/removed
omg i’m insane why’d i tag that many people IM SORRYYY (it’s the notes app list istg)
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13as07 · 5 months
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Object #8
(Akatsuki Smut)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Pixiv Id]
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 4,727
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
It got worse? Or maybe better? Idfk
Characters Include: Deidara, Hidan, Kisame
Name Calling: Explosion, Firecracker, Angel, Sacrifice, Whore, Bitch, Idiot, Guppy, Baby
Knife/Blood Play
Human Carving
Oral (male and female receiving)
Improper use of blood
Boob-Job/Titty Fondling (I think that's what it's called. Correct me if I'm wrong)
Toxic Religious Practices
Improper use of a knife (yes, like that; I need serious help)
Biting/Bite Marks
Pussy Shot
     "My little explosion!" Deidara yells, getting a grumble from Tobi who's stretched out in my lap, enjoying the tummy rubs I've been giving him. "Marco?" The bomber calls from the hallway, making me softly giggle.
There's silence and then the pattering of feet along the hallway. Tobi continues to grumble, turning over to wrap his arms around me. "You should just stay here, okie dokie?"
"You have to share," I hum, sliding my fingers over his shirt again, focused on drawing out the symbols of the alphabet. He whines, arms tightening around me like that'll stop Deidara from ripping me out of his grasp. "You're fine, Tobs. We can hang out after I'm done with Deidara."
     The boy whines again but does roll off of me, settling by my side on his bed. "He's so boring. I'm much more fun. Stay here."
     "In your dreams," Deidara says, pushing the bedroom door open. A smile breaks out on his face when his eyes land on me, his metaphorical tail wagging. "There you are."
     "Here I am."
     The youngest member works his way into the room, his arms sliding under mine to lift me off the bed. "And now you're not here," he says, carrying me out of the room. Once we're across the threshold, I'm placed on my feet again, Deidara's fingers laced through mine to lead me forward. "We're going to go have sex."
     "I figured," I mutter, teasingly rolling my eyes at him. "Though you do know - "
     "Just oral, I know," he cuts me off, glancing at me before tugging me down the hallway again. "Getting head is nice," he mumbles, pushing his door open before I'm pulled after him. "And giving you head is great too," Deidara adds, almost buzzing as he pulls me toward the bed. I chuckle at the eager boy, tugging my hand out of his hold. "You should give me head. Right now," he pushes, gripping at my hand again.
     "I can do that," I answer, letting him cling to my fingers. "Do you want to sit down?"
"Yes," He pushes out quickly, falling to the edge of the bed. I can't tell if he's bouncing from excitement or almost body-slamming down. "Open your mouth, Firecracker," Deidara buzzes, his hands shoved down his pants to pull his dick out.
     I giggle at the ball of energy, sinking to my knees and letting my mouth hang open. My elbows rest on his knees, looking up at him as I wait for my next order. "Oh! Hold on!" He chirps, picking my elbows off of him before he leaves me alone by the bed.
     My eyes trail after Deidara, watching him shift through his drawers, pulling out one of his clay knives before settling back in his spot. "Come here, Firecracker," he mutters, positioning my elbows on his knees again. "I'm going to carve my owl into you this time," he continues, most of his focus on slowly sliding my dick into my mouth.
     I hum in response, puffing out my cheeks so I can take him easier. "Make sure you focus, my beautiful muse. Just because I enjoy your blood doesn't mean I enjoy mine," he teases, his fingertip trailing over my upper arm.
     Again I hum, slowly bobbing my head and doing my best not to move my arm around. As I start sucking, the tip of Deidara's knife starts trailing over my arm, quickly dipping further into my skin. On reflex my teeth try to clench, making it that much harder not to nip the dick down my throat.
     I bob my head faster, swirling my tongue around Deidara's cock. The sooner I can get him to finish, the sooner I can slide him out of my throat and stop worrying about nicking him. I know it won't be long until he finishes, the baby of the crew lacking the self-control to last after being untouched for so long.
     His eyebrows press together, the scope on his eye shifting to focus on my newest carving better. Though, he's probably focusing on not finishing so quickly if the mutters and noises attempting to hide under his breath are a hint to the thoughts behind his eye.
It doesn't work. The inexperienced bomber explodes down my throat, a small whine tumbling from him when he does. "That's not fair," he whines, disregarding his current artwork for a second, his hands cupping my elbows as he complains.
I pull myself off him, sending a smile his way. "How isn't it fair? You are the one that finished, not me."
"I know," he grumbles, using his hold on me to tug me to my feet. "My turn," Deidara cheers, his attitude doing a one-eighty once I'm off my knees.
I roll my eyes at the eager boy, crawling on his bed before situating myself on my back. "Always so eager to please, aren't you?" I tease, my hands instantly toying with his hair as the arsonist slides between my legs.
"Of course. I have to make sure my muse is taken care of," he says, Deidara's tone surprising me that there's not a 'duh' at the end of his sentence. "Relax, Firecracker. All you have to do is look stunning."
Again, I roll my eyes at his eagerness, toying with the end of his ponytail. The boy wastes no time, burying his head under my skirt and greedily sucking on the skin of my inner thighs. The forced bruises to my skin take away some stinging pain from my arm, but not all of it.
     Deidara hums to himself as he works, the sound getting muffled when his tongue starts to dance through my folds. "You're always so taste, my Pretty Explosion," he mumbles, layering my clit with short quick flicks of his tongue.
     "Thank you," I mutter, twirling his hair in hopes it'll help me not pull on it. "You always do such a good job."
     The praise only boosts his eagerness more, his arms hooking under my legs, dragging me forward to help himself bury further into me. An arm squirms out from around my knees, clumsily finding its way between us. "Deidara," I husk out, the tongue on his hand sliding out to start poking at my hole.
     "Firecracker?" He murmurs, his face shifting out to look at me as he starts sucking in my clit. His tongue slides in, sliding against my walls in time with the tongue circling my clit sucked into his mouth. I change my mind, Deidara's unnatural number of tongues is why he's my favorite.
     He takes his time, slowly prodding at my hole, softly sucking my clit while sliding teasing circles again it. The little pleasure top goes nice and slow, as if to punish me for being away too long, not that I mind. "Dara?" I breathe out, my orgasm following suit and slowly building up.
     He hums again, eyes still wandering over me to drink in my reaction. "Am I doing good?" He asks before falling back into place, the small break helping to push my finish forward.
     "Ya, yes. You always do such a good job. You're doing so good baby," I coo, twirling his ponytail before letting it tumble back into place. My cute little blonde.
     My thighs smoother his thin face, his eye lightening up as he releases what's about to happen. "Fuck," I hiss, Deidara's pace picking up, the boy as ecstatic as ever to push me over the edge and lap up the mess. "Slow... slow down a - " I cut myself off, a moan spilling out as I gush onto his tongues.
     "Yes," he mutters under his breath, dragging out the word he tried - and failed - to hide from me. Deidara's tongues go back to lightly dancing over me, trying to be gentle as they clean up my spill. "Stop squirming," he giggles, using his free hand to pin my hips to my bed.
     "Stop licking at me and I won't be squirming," I huff, squeezing his cheeks between my thighs again.
     He laughs again, his tongues leaving me as he pulls away. The material of my skirt is gently pulled back into place as Deidara decorates my knees in kisses. "Firecracker?" I let out a hum, eyes half-lidded as I watch him toy with his knife. "Now that you've finished, can I get head again?"
     I let out an airy chuckle as I sit up straight, cupping his cheeks to gently shake his head back and forth. "I just gave you head. How are you already hard again?"
     "It's your fault," he whines, crawling onto the bed next to me. "You make the prettiest sounds and the most beautiful face when you're enjoying my tongues," Deidara praises, his hands tugging at my legs, the teeth and tongues on his hands working at marking more of my skin. "Please?" He continues to whine, situating me between his knees, my arm back in place on his thigh so he can finish his carving.
      "I suppose I can do that for you," I mumble in a fake annoyed tone, my tongue already sliding over the tip of his penis.
     "Good," he breathes out, patting around the bed for his knife. A moment or two later, the sharp edge of the knife is badly digging into my skin, counting to carefully carve Deidara's owl sculpture into me.
     Just like last time, my main focus is on not accidentally snapping my jaw shut from the pain spilling from my upper arm. Despite his yearning to be sucked off again, I can tell he's not going to last as long this time; not that he lasted very long last time.
     "Slow down," he mumbles, his curving getting slower and eye blinking a mile a minute. Instead of being nice, I mimicked Deidara and pick up the pace. "Hey," he whimpers, dropping the knife back on the bed before his fingertips toy with the edges of the cut. "I said slow down."
"That's no fun," I shoot back before dropping back down his dick, the tip poking the back of my throat before sliding down nicely.
Another pitched whimper spills from him, marking the start of his orgasm seconds before he spills down my throat again. Deidara leans forward, his mouth cupping my new cuts and his tongue sliding over the valleys of it, slurping up my blood to hide away his noises. New pains spark from his curious tongue, a mix of the pain and having his dick so far down my throat prickling the corners of my eyes with tears.
When Deidara pulls away, fingertips wrapping up my hair to pull me off of him, a big toothy grin is on his face. His lips are stained with my blood, a stain that he transfers to my face when he litters me in kisses. "You should blow me again."
"Dead Lord, Dara," I chuckle, moving to situate myself on his lap, making sure the material of my skirt is between us. The last thing I need is to accidentally tease the hormonal boy under me and make his hormones spark even more. "Your dick is a little limb at the moment. How about we cuddle for a few minutes? It'll give both of us a nice break."
"Or I could eat you out again," he chirps, flipping us over. I lay out on the bed, letting him crush me under his weight. At this rate, I don't think I'll be able to go back to hanging out with Tobi. "Ready my perfect exploration?" Deidara asks, already tucking his head under my skirt.
Next time Pain takes me on an extended break, maybe I should bring Deidara with me cause Dead Lord does this boy have a sex drive. "Sure baby," I hum, situating my knees over his shoulders, preparing to be overstimulated for the rest of the time I'm with him.
     The clock next to Nagato's bed rings, tipping me off to Hidan's soon-to-be arrival. The toxic follower of Jashin prays twice a day: Noon and six pm. Like clock-work, as I'm leaning over to turn off the alarm, the bedroom door slams open. "Angel!" I swear, what's with people and slamming doors open? Knock, or at the very least open the door like a civilized person. Thought I guess no one here is civilized.
"Hello Hidan," I mumble, leaving my book on the bedside table before I crawl out of my spot.
Before I'm even fully situated on my feet, I'm wrapped up in his limbs and carried out of the room. What's the point of having working legs if everyone is going to carry me everywhere? "I've been thinking," he starts - which is never a good thing, "about how I can't fuck you." I let out a hum, nodding my head along-side his babbling. "Though I guess it doesn't matter since the boss said I can still use your mouth."
Sometimes I wonder if Hidan was born a natural blonde. Especially in moments like this when he says the most pointless shit just to hear himself talk. "But I think I want to use your boobs." Maybe his ramble isn't as pointless as I thought.
     "I don't think my boobs are big enough for that," I mutter, being set on my feet long enough for Hidan to open the door to his Jashin Shrine - I mean, his room.
     "What you have will do. Besides whatever isn't wrapped in your breasts can be wrapped up by your mouth," he cackles, dragging me into the chilled darkness of the... well, sadist-worshipping space.
Like always, I'm tugged into the center of the paint on the floor, pushed to my knees, and told "Stay. Undress."
He leaves me to my devices, busying himself with collecting the circle's candles and scurrying off to find something to nick me with. As the obsessive worshipper runs around, I obey his orders, peeling my clothes off, and tossing them out of the sacrificial circle before I settle on the floor again.
Unlike last time, I wised up a bit from Hidan's jealousy and had Deidara wrap his curving this time. He bitched and whined a lot but did give in and wrapped my arm in bandages after I promised to unwrap it after both of my 'worshipping' times.
     "What the hell happened to you?" Hidan asks, appearing in front of me before shoving his fingertips into my wound, causing fresh blood to soak into the bandages.
     My eyes flicker around, trying to think of a reason. "Sasori got knife happy," I mutter, getting a shrug from Hidan as he settles on the ground.
     "That makes two of us," he tells me, gripping my wrist and tugging it toward himself. Unlike Deidara, Hidan digs the knife right into my wrist, mercilessly ripping my skin open and letting a river of blood spill out. He stabs himself with the knife, using his thigh as a knife holder. "Your titties are hot," he mutters, picking up and squeezing my newest cut, letting my blood soak into the whittles of the candle.
     "Fucking hot," Hidan repeats once the candles are coated, squeezing one of my breasts before leaving me to set up and light the candles. It doesn't take long for him to return, this time standing over me instead of sitting across from me. "Come here," he grumbles, snatching my wrist with one hand as the other one dips into his pants to pull out his cock.
Again, my new wound is squeezed, the warmth of my blood trickling out and numbing just a bit of my pain. Hidan shifts my wrist, hovering it over his dick so my blood coats it. "Press those fucking titties around my cock," he orders, dropping my wrist.
I situate myself on my knees better, sliding his dick into the valley between my boobs before doing what I'm told. The stickiness of my blood coats my boobs as I move, using my titties to jerk Hidan off. My mouth falls open too, letting my spot spill out and coat the sadist as a better form of lube.
"My Lord Jashin," he starts, hands buried into my hair and shoving my face down. His dick slips past my lips, Hidan's bullshit prayers spilling out as he jerks my head up and down. His cock bullies itself, the tip shoved into my mouth and the shaft sliding between my breasts. Muffled gags spill from me, his fast pace threatening to make me sick
It doesn't take long for me to start hurting, my ribs aching from pressing my boobs together, my throat starting to go raw from being fucked so rough, and my stomach hurting from suppressing my sick feeling. Luckily, Hidan shoved his penis down my throat, his cum spilling out. "Thank you Jashin. Please grace us with further immortality, health, and prosperity." Fucking weirdo.
I focus on my breathing and continue to not get sick as he stays buried down my throat, head dipped back as he pants and continues to praise Jashin. "Your turn!" He cheers, tugging himself out of my mouth, using my hair to tug me on all fours.
"My turn?" I ask, more to the ground than to Hidan, courtesy of him still clinging to strands of my hair.
"Yes, I'm going to fuck you while you thank Jashin and ask for the blessings you want to receive from him, like a good sacrifice."
"You can't fuck me, Pain said so," I remind him, trying to loosen his grip on me.
"Maybe I'll fuck you anyway."
"Put your dick anywhere near my vagina and I'll scream," I dare him, still tugging on his wrist.
"Pain isn't home," Hidan points out, his fingertips ghosting through my pussy. "He won't be able to hear you from where the hell he's at."
"No, but Konan is and everyone knows she rides Pain's dick harder than you ride Jashin's."
Hidan drops my hair, a rough smack landing on my ass, and pulling a yelp from me. "I swear, you're just thirsting for Jashin to kill you, you ungrateful whore," he grumbles, pushing me to the ground before flipping me over. "Maybe I should kill you," he mutters, tugging the knife from his thigh to rub it against my throat, not enough to cut me but enough to cost me with his blood.
"Or," I start the sudden reminder of how insane Hidan is sending freezing fingers of fear down my spine. "I... I... I can ask for forgiveness during my prayers."
He thinks about it for a second, still dancing the tip of the knife back and forth over my throat. "I suppose we can do that, can't we Angel?" I quickly nod my head, keeping the shakes swallowing so I don't cut myself. "I'm glad we agree! Now come here again," Hidan cheers, snatching my wrist again.
This time he shoves the handle of the knife into the open wound of my rest, the metal of it making my whole arm sting. "Knock it off, that hurts!" I yelp, trying to pull my wrist away from him.
"Stop being a bitchy little whore. I'm doing this for you," he grumbles, flipping it onto the other side of the handle before shoving it against the wound again. "Ungrateful bitch." Once the knife is finally pulled off, it's replaced by Hidan's tongue sliding over the cut, his paleness quickly coated by the black mainframe and white strips that make up his voodoo form. "Your blood is so tasty," he mutters, sinking his teeth into it, forcing blood to spill out faster.
"Hidan," I hiss, the name coming out more as a sob than the anger I was trying for. I'm ignored, the immortal continuing to use his teeth to rip my wound open further and using his tongue to guzzle my blood. I swear the little shit is a vampire.
     When he finally pulls away, his eyes are gleaming with joy. "Alright, time for you to pray," he tells me, shifting my legs up, and pushing my knees to my chest. "Jashin, I can't wait to use your pussy again," Hidan mutters, his still blood-soaked tongue twirling through my pussy once. "But for now, focus on Jashin," he adds, shoving the butt of the knife into my hole.
     "Fuck, Hidan. What the hell?!" I yell, jerking upward, my hands gripping his hair as I pant, trying to calm the tears in my eyes and the pain rippling from my cunt.
     "Pray," he orders, shoving me back onto my back, his eyes seeming to glint even more from my discomfort. Why's he always such a jackass?
     More pain wrinkles through me when Hidan starts thrusting the knife in and out of me. "Fuck... Jashin," I mutter, hoping the sooner I get out a prayer, the sooner he'll knock his shit off. "I would... would like to apologize for disgracing you," I rush out, tears starting to spill down my cheeks as the handle is thrust faster. "Thank you for... for all my blessing recently, for my safety and... and I would... like to ask for further health and prosperity."
     "How cute! Jashin will be so happy!" Hidan cheers, pounding the knife in and out of me still, soft yelps of pain spilling from me. "I'm so happy," he says, finally pulling the knife out of me, raising it to lick the blood and pussy juices off of it. "Your ah... pussy is bleeding a bit," he mutters, finger swirling around as it points at my pussy.
     "I thought you were into period sex," I grumble, snapping my legs shut, squeezing them together as much as I can.
     "I am but this isn't your period. Your cycle doesn't start for another eleven days. If I'm going to eat your bleeding pussy I want it to be naturally bleeding."
     "You track that?" I ask, shooting upright, causing new sparks of pain to swirl through my vagina and legs.
     "Duh, idiot," he grumbles, collecting my clothes before throwing them at me. I'm left to dress alone, Hidan busy snuffing out his candles. What a fucking sociopath.
     "Dolly," Tobi hums, slithering back into Nagato's room. "I'm back with a new ice pack," he adds, shaking the cloth-wrapped cooling device as proof.
     "Thank you," I whisper, lifting my hips to remove the defrosted one. Why does Hidan always have to be so rough? Why does he leave me so sore every single time?
     Tobi places the new one under me, gently pushing my hips back down before his fingers slide through my hair. "I'll be right back, okie dokie?"
     "Okie dokie," I echo, hunching back over in the bed, my head buried in my arms and my chest pressed into the mattress. Tobi grabs the watery ice pack before skirting out of the room again, leaving me alone.
     I'm not alone for long though, a knock on the door notifying me that I have another visitor. I shift up being met with the Akatsuki's great white shark poking his head into the room. I flip my head back down, a long whimper spilling from me. "Kisame, I can't," I whine, continuing to throw a hissy fit.
     "I'm sure you can, Guppy," he coos, walking into the room. His big hand rests on my head, shifting around to nuzzle my hair. "I just want to hump and nibble on you."
     "Kisame," I wail, continuing to pout. "It's going to hurt."
     "I'll go nice and slow, I promise," he chuckles, hand sliding down to cup my throat, using it to push me upright. "You'll be fine."
     "Meanie," I whine again, sticking my lip out to continue my pout.
     "Baby," he shoots back, bending down to nibble on my lip. He tugs on it, replacing his teeth with a kiss when he loses his hold on my lip. "Be a good Guppy and take your shirt off."
“Fine,” I grumble, tugging the material off.
Kissme’s hand slides off my neck, trailing over my shoulder and down my back to unsnap my bra. His lips continue to brush against mine, his hands twirling in small and slow circles down my sides before gripping my hips. I’m lifted long enough for him to position himself on the bed. “Can you be a good Guppy again?”
I nod my head yes, my fingertips tapping around his neck, being careful not to touch his gills. He chuckles, stamping a few kisses on my cheek as he rubs my sides again. “Take my dick out and start grinding yourself on me.” My hands fall, quickly sliding under Kisame’s waistband and wrapping around his thick cock to pull it out.
He hums in approval, lifting my hips to situate himself against my pussy. “Your cunt is chilled,” he chuckles, hands sliding forward and up to cup my breasts.
“Hidan fucked me with a knife handle,” I shortly explain, shifting my hips forward. I shove down the whimper that bubbles when Kisame’s tip snags on my hole.
“Remind me to rip Hidan’s throat out,” he grumbles, head dipping to rest against my boobs. Kisame’s teeth graze my skin before digging in, their sharpness easily sinking into my flesh.
I continue humping again Kisame’s dick, sliding myself back and forth. It doesn’t take long for arousal to mix with the stinging of my aches. It also doesn’t take long for the snagging on my pussy to push out my whiners of pain. “You’re doing so good,” he coos, releasing my skin long enough to praise me and find a new spot to sink into.
Small rivers of blood trickle from the bite wounds, staining his teeth red as he chomps on me. “Kisame,” I whine, sobs threatening to bubble up with my whimpers of pain. “It hurts.”
“What hurts?” He grumbles, switching to my other breast, and quickly tearing at the new section of flesh. “Your boobs? Your boobs look delicious, I can’t help myself,” he mutters, shifting an inch or two before stamping another teeth imprint into me. “I’m sorry, Guppy,” he apologizes, tongue sliding out to coat the muscle with the same paint covering his teeth. “Just keep grinding, I’ll be done soon.”
I let my arms dangle over his shoulders, my nails clinging to his shoulder blades. I ignore the pain, sliding against him faster. “Just like that, Guppy,” he coos again, his hands clinging to my hips to help me grind against him better. “You’re doing so good, going through so much pain for me,” praises fall from his lips like water, a hand slithering over and dipping down.
Kisame’s fingertips are rubbing lightly, the calluses that have built over the years of sword-work counteracting the soft touches. “Don’t,” I whine, the touches making me pulse, adding new numbed ripples of pain to echo through my body.
“Why not? I want you to feel good too,” he chuckles, snatching my nipple between his lips, and grinding his teeth against it.
“That hurts too,” I continue to pout, clinging to him harder. “You’re hurting me.”
“You’re fine,” he mutters, eyes flickering up as he sucks my nipple into his mouth. He suckles on it, tongue slithering over the ache. “The gushier you are the quicker I’ll finish,” Kisame adds after releasing my tit.
His head rests against mine, softly knocking against me before he settles. “I’m close, Guppy, I promise. Just a little longer. You’re doing so good, so perfect.” Kisame is a lot like his partner, a rough serial killer who is soft and sweet when we’re alone.
“Fuck,” he grunts, tugging me forward again, his dick snagging on my hole again. His tip toys with my hole, poking at it but not enough to slip in. At least he does until my pussy is coated in the wetness and warmth of his cum. “Good Guppy,” he grunts, the tip still in action with the want to shove as much of his seed into me as he can without breaking his orders.
“Dolly, I’m back!” Tobi’s voice rings out, pulling a groan from Kisame.
“Why am I always the one getting walked in on while using you?”
“I don’t know,” I giggle, twirling his short hair around my fingertips. “Maybe next time we won’t get walked in on.”
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el-conejo-loco · 7 months
Howlin' For You (Wolf x Reader) Valentine's Day Special !
Wolf tries to confess his love to the reader. Emphasis on "tries". As it turns out, murderers suck at figuring out their own emotions. Happy Valentine's Day ! 💕 Based on some headcanons by Crispy_Bonnie. Go check out their works.
He remembered the way he had met you: when you had been announced as a new member of the gang, and walked past the door.
Everyone had cheered, and he had shaken your hand, like everyone else, but no warmth laid behind the gesture.
Let's hope this one's not a rat. He had mused, with a side glance to you. Then he had gone back to work, like nothing had happened.
It had taken him a while to begin trusting you. At first, he was wary, observing your every move, convinced you had something nasty in mind. He kept an eye on you at all times, hoping to catch any suspicious movement from you before you could put a bullet through someone's skull. He slept with his bulletproof vest on, locked the door every night, and otherwise never talked to you outside of heists. He watched you from afar, like a stranger in the otherwise tight group of friends he had.
Bain probably had good reasons to trust you, but he didn't. Just in case, he'd err on the side of caution. Instead of protesting, or confronting him about it, it seemed you understood why he was so cold, and just let him be. He had to admit he at the very least apreciated that about you. If he had a penny for every single time that Jimmy guy had barged into his workshop, leaving blood and white powder everywhere, he wouldn't even need to rob banks anymore...
Well, he liked robberies, so he'd probably do it anyway.
He had started opening up, after a while. It was a slow improvement, but a welcome one. He began warming up to you: he would occasionally bounce back on some comment you made, as you all discussed the heist of the day in the van; or he cheered when you managed to take down one of those sneaky sons-of-bitches they called "cloakers" before one of them greeted you with one of their infamous drop-kicks. He even grumbled an occasional "thanks" or two when you pulled him out of a sticky situation.
You saved his ass; he saved yours. A symbiotic work relationship. He had lost his animosity towards you, and thought of you as his colleague. A partner in crime. Not as close to him as the others, but not as far as you used to be, either.
Then, he got to know you better, through anecdotes shared over a couple beers, as a celebration for successfully completing a particularly tricky robbery. Everyone had laughed, and shared a bit about their past. He wasn't very talkative when drunk; he mumbled to himself a lot, mostly in Swedish, and it wasn't always a piece of cake for the others to understand what he was on about, but he had gladly chatted with you, upon hearing you answer in the same language, and had found out you guys had more in common than he first thought.
Later on, you had helped him de-escalate a particularly bad panic attack, and his view on you had done a complete 180° turn. Your patience and comprehensive attitude had punched right through the wall of defiance he held against you.
That night, you had become a friend, to him. A real one, one he knew he could count on. You had no obligation to help him with something he considered so ridiculous, yet you had chosen to do so.
You guys had had a night of hysterical laughter, following this particular act of yours, talking shit about the others, right in front of them, in the native language you both shared, which only you two could understand. That is, until you uttered a snarky remark towards Bain, and he spat back at you both, from over the speakers.
Turns out, the contractor knew Swedish too. Who would have thought that some genius mastermind with contacts all across the world would be fluent in more than one language ? Wolf and you had laughed it off, like the good friends you had become.
But that had changed, as well, and now, he stood outside of your room, repeating a script he had made up for the occasion.  
"Hey, we've known each other for a while, huh ? I think I'm starting to like you. Do you wanna go on a date, or something, one of these days ?"
He had rehearsed it in front of the mirror for hours, until it had felt right. Until it had sounded just right, which it now did. He just had to go for it, now.
He knocked on your door, in that special pattern you two used for one another. Your voice called out a casual "come in" and he pushed the door open. Sitting there, working on something, you smiled at him, and he felt himself freeze.
When he had first seen you without your mask on, he had thought, just casually, that you were a rather good-looking person, but, now, he couldn't even hold your gaze anymore. You weren't just good-looking: you were magnificient ! Your eyes sparkled, so gorgeous, and the little creases at their corners when you smiled made him melt everytime.
Speak of that, your smile? It was mesmerizing. Every single time you sported it, he felt weak at the knees. As of your laugh, the sound of it made his chest sink with a feeling of warmth whenever it reached his ears. He would be ashamed to admit it, but, often, he acted like a total idiot around you, simply to hear it...
If the others had noticed, they probably saw it as a friendly thing. Would you two have to make it official, if you said "yes" ? Would you have to announce your relationship to the others ? Would they say it was obvious he loved you ? He cringed. It was none of their business, really.
He shook his head. Whatever. They'd figure it out, if they cared. The big issue, for now, was making it official to you. He had prepared. He was ready. He knew he could do it.
He opened his mouth, but, to his surprise, nothing came out. His mind had suddenly gone blank, and his carefully crafted speech was now completely out of his mind.
"Uh... uh... I..." He tried. "Do you think... err... do you... ?"
Nope. Radio silence in his head. Not a word could be uttered, as if he had forgotten the language abruptly.
He raised a pair of wide eyes to you, in a pained expression.
Come on, this was just ridiculous ! Why couldn't he say it ?  
You looked back at him, confused: he usually never acted nervous around you. At least, not anymore.
"I, uh... no ! Um... you... uh..."
He groaned in frustration, unable to get the words out.
Fuck... he could feel you watching. Your pretty eyes were now digging holes into his skull, while he glared at his shoes to avoid meeting your gaze.
His face felt boiling hot, yet he was shaking like a leaf. He hoped he wasn't blushing, for the sake of his dignity, but that might have just been the case.
It was the case. As you observed him, you started worrying. You wondered if he was having another panic attack, or something of the sort. He was prone to this kind of stuff, so it was entirely possible.
"-Hey, man, what's going on ?" You questioned.
"-I..." His eyes met yours, and he found himself petrified. You were so damn beautiful. How could he ever believe he had a chance with someone like that ?
"Uh..." He started fidgeting with his hands, seeming mildly uncomfortable on the outside; while, on the inside, he was panicking, trying his hardest to put his hands onto his script from earlier.
And you just stared, waiting, albeit, with the awkward silence surrounding you, you were starting to feel a little nervous.
Not as anxious as him, though. He was panicking. In such a panic, in fact, that he reverted back to his native language, scolding himself for his inability to tell you what he had in mind. You weren't sure if if it was a reflex, or if he did it hoping that you wouldn't understand, but you did.
"C'mon, c'mon... just say it. Just fucking say it !" He whined, to himself.
In his mind, he saw himself give up, go back to his own room, and be left to ruminate on his feelings some more. He didn't want to keep them to himself anymore ! He wanted to tell you. Scratch that, he needed to tell you. It was taking too much of a toll on him.
But now ? It wouldn't work ! He couldn't articulate a sentence for the life of him ! The ambiance of the room felt more and more suffocating, and a lump was begining to form in his throat.
With a little laugh, meant to convey sympathy for his situation (and release the awkward tension that was building up around you two), you patted him on the back.
"-Take your time. I'm not going anywhere, so you're in no hurry."
It wasn't a matter of time ! It was a matter of whether or not he could pull his shit together. And it seemed like he was fighting a lost battle.
It should have taken him ten seconds maximum to say it. It was not supposed to be this hard, and the pressure he felt was becoming infuriating.
Fuck... Fuck ! FUCK ! Why couldn't he say it ?! Why was it so hard to say that he loved you ?
Well, that was it. He didn't need to say much more than that, did he ? 
He took your hand in his, squeezing it perhaps a little too hard, and, at last, spoke. Well, yelled.
"Oh, FUCK !" He snapped. "I love you ! Really love you, I mean."
The weight in his chest was immediately lifted, but a terrible sensation of having done the wrong thing replaced it. Like spitting out something you were choking out, only to realize you did so on someone's shirt.
Oh, shit. That was out. He couldn't take it back, now.
You stood there, for a second, staring ahead at his crimson face, unsure of how to reply to that.
So that's what he wanted to say ? That's why he was freaking out on you like that ?
Well, it did make sense. Frankly, he had never been good at opening up, and, if you had to be completely honest, you'd even recognize that he wasn't the most emotionally stable person you knew. Which is precisely why you were so suprised: you couldn't believe this guy was capable of falling in love, let alone do something as normal as confessing his feelings for you. You were as happy as can be to hear it, but it was pretty surprising.
All you'd seen him do before was panic in the middle of a police assault, and cheer after a clean getaway. That was... new. Him being loving or shy ? Yeah. It was really new.
You stopped thinking about any of that, when he raised a hand to his face, and started sobbing. That snapped you right out, and you realized, remorsefully, that you hadn't answered him yet. He might have taken that as rejection. That, or he was reasonably overwhelmed, after expressing an emotion that he wasn't familiar with.
"-No, no, no... Wait. Hey, don't cry, man." You called out, in a low voice, and pulled him into a hug.
"-I'm sorry..." He sniffled. "I'm just..."
He paused, as if to reflect on what he was trying to say.
"I'm not used to it."
Yeah. Typical Wolf. Awful at processing his own feelings, and hates to show them.
"-No, it's cool." You patted him on the back. "It's a lot to process, I bet. It must have been tough to say. But I love it."
He raised a pair of fearful blue eyes to you, watching for a reaction. When he met your smile, your beautiful smile, instead of the look of pity he expected, a glint of apprehension seemed to vanish from his eyes. His cheeks visibly flushed, and he lowered his gaze, but you tipped his chin back up to you.
"Come on. Look at me, Wolfie."  That nickname caught his attention, and he timidly complied.
He sighed. All he could think about was how ethereal you looked. It was beyond words. Getting to be so close to you, and to look at you like that felt like such a privilege. How could anyone even be this-
He cut himself off, nearly jumping out of his skin, when he felt your lips against his. If confessing was already a little too much for him, now, his brain was going into overdrive, flooded by a multitude of feelings and thoughts he couldn't quite understand.
As you pulled away, he stood in place, immobile, almost scarily so. You could nearly imagine a "404 error" message popping up behind his eyes, with how unresponsive he was. You even thought you could see smoke coming out of his face, for a moment.
"-I'm sorry." You cleared your throat, feeling suddenly upset with your reaction. "I should have asked, first. That was not cool..."
He blinked twice, looked around, raised a hand to his lips, as if to analyze the sensation onto them, then turned to you, with the brightest, most excited smile he ever bore on his face.
"-Can you do that again ?" He chuckled, and you felt yourself beaming as well.
You grabbed his face in between your hands, and dove into the kiss. He seemed hesitant, at first, as if the sensation was still unfamiliar to him, but quickly relaxed. The softness of his lips against yours stunned you. You felt like a sensation of pure warmth was coursing through you. Even more so when you felt the corners of his lips raise into a smile, as he snuck his arms around your back, and pressed his body closer up against yours. That small sign of validation felt so right, and, to be truthful, it was a relief, when you thought about how long you had wanted to do this for. 
It felt like floating on a cloud, in the middle of the room. Just you and him, holding onto each other, sharing a surprisingly tender kiss, for two criminals. You hoped it felt as good to him as it did to you.
It did. Although the room was quiet, he could hear the blood rushing to his ears, and felt his heart pounding in his chest. Finally getting to do this with you was a sensation like no other. He was overexcited, obviously, but a strange calm inhabited him, all the same. As if your presence alone sufficed to soothe him to his very core.
You loved him back...  You really did !
He couldn't believe it ! It had been worth all the stress he had felt, if it meant getting to hold you like that. If it meant finally getting to kiss you, like he'd been dreaming of doing for months.
When your lips parted, the both of you stood quietly, with your forehead pressed against the other's, savouring this moment you just had. The begining of something beautiful, for sure.
He was the first to break the silence, speaking in a questioning tone:
"-So, um... do you wanna go on a date, or something, one of these days ?"
He drummed his fingers onto the side of your shoulder, nervously awaiting your answer.
"-Totally, yeah !" You nodded.
A long silence followed, instead of a display of excitement, during which you noted his bitter expression.
"-Nämen... it wasn't that fucking hard to say... could've been ten minutes ago."
You burst out laughing.
"-You didn't know I liked you back, ten minutes ago. That's why."
The corners of his lips twitched up into a smile, as he considered how lucky he was to hear you say those words. Another, smaller silence. This time, you broke it.
"And, honestly, I'm glad you said it first, because I would have never had the balls to. It's been months of me being a total schoolgirl about it."
He had to bite his lips to contain a squeal of excitement, when hearing you say, loud and clear, that you'd felt the same for a while, too.
"-You kidding ?" He joked back. "I was scared shitless the whole time ! I thought I was gonna pass out !"
"-Yeah, I thought you were gonna do it, too !" You both laughed.
And with that, he wrapped his arms against you, and planted his face in the crook of your neck. You left a peck onto his temple, and heard a muffled chuckle from him. Your heart sunk into your chest, overcome with affection for that one crazy, awkward little maniac you worked with.
Love comes from the strangest places, after all...
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hymemena · 10 months
My Spotify Wrapped 2023 Top Ten Lyric Starters
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: General ns.fw, blood, rough sex, toxicity, daddy kink, manipulation, drug use, electrostim, alcohol use
"Riots on the TV."
"They wanna keep it PG."
"All their daughters wanna be me."
"Believe me."
"I'm not nice, I'm a meanie."
"I did something bad."
"Please don't get attached."
"There's no coming back."
"Break a heart like an eggshell."
"Throw a tantrum, baby."
"Baby, doll me up 'cause I'm a brat."
"I'm a brat."
"I'm a handful."
"Bitch, I am one."
"Make it tragic."
"Spoil me, buy me things!"
"Golden watches, diamond rings."
"Take me out and pamper me."
"Show me I'm your everything."
"Bend me over, make me scream."
"Choke me, hold me, breed me, stroke me."
"Make me say those dirty things."
"Bring me joy!"
"I'm your girl/boy and you're my toy!"
"Buy me gifts. Give me more!"
"Make me feel like I'm adored."
"Put me in my place."
"Slap my face."
"Treat me like your little whore."
"Use me 'til you make me come."
"You've got some nerve to throw it in my face."
"They want your money, honey."
"Don't they seem so loving?"
"Trick or treat and we fade away."
"Kicked to the curb on judgement day."
"A pinch of salt in your Hater-ade?"
"Just a little bit of torture."
"Move a little closer."
"Listen to the clock tick."
"Tell me if you want it."
"I can make you toxic."
"Come fake the fire."
"Get you higher than high, suck you dryer than dry."
"Race you to the steeple."
"On the bright side, we should bang one last time."
"So, I'm the boss man."
"I've got anything you'll ever want."
"Call me sir, call me Daddy, call me CEO."
"But for you, Baby Doll, just call me -name-."
"'Cause I run this empire."
"I flaunt this."
"Every day I'm gon' be cashin' the checks."
"Eyes up, show the man respect."
"Come on, Baby."
"You'll feel pleasures that you never knew were real before."
"With my hands on your hips and my taste on your lips?"
"Take you to your limit 'til you give in."
"Got you feeling like I'm all that you need."
"All in the service of insatiable greed."
"Don't want no backtalk, just follow my word."
"Am I extreme?"
"Strictly business."
"Take a picture, hope it lasts long."
"Yeah, I live for the attention."
"I got a problem and it's not my fault."
"Why would I pay it any mind?"
"But yeah, I guess I must have pissed you off."
"Thinking about a little something something in my septum and a couple tattoos."
"Gossip 'bout a little something something even though nobody ever asked you."
"Shut your mouth, listen up when I talk!"
"I'm a spoiled little brat and I get what I want!"
"Stick around and I'ma do my worst."
"What the Hell did you expect?"
"Criticize a little something something that I did because somebody had to."
"If I did a little something something in the bathroom could I get it past you?"
"Come on, feel my affection."
"Feel my affection for machine love."
"Just plug in, then fade out."
"It's the real deal."
"It's the real deal, electric feel."
"Trip your pulse, your heart beats faster."
"Ask yourself how long you can last."
"Come on, feel my danger."
"I'll be your cheap slut savior."
"I am the one who makes you want it."
"Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex!"
"Does your libido feel my sex?"
"Come tonight."
"Be with me all of the time."
"I am the one who makes you come."
"Never had her dad there."
"Kissed a lot of boys but never seems to have care."
"She just wants vodka and cigarettes."
"Has the dealer on speed dial when she gets stressed."
"She knows, she knows, she knows, she knows that I can't resist her ways."
"I'm so exposed to all the tricks she plays."
"I think I fell in love with an art hoe."
"I think I love getting my heart broke."
"Wakes up at noon, gets up when she has to."
"Cocaine in her bathroom."
"She just wants love that she never gets."
"Has my number on speed dial when she needs sex."
"Caught up and never talked to her."
"She ripped my heart in half, took me for all I have."
"Got nothing left but it's cool."
"There's something about you I cannot explain."
"I just want to know you."
"It's not what you said, not the way you said it."
"I'm under your spell and I don't regret it."
"Take my breath."
"Baby, reach inside my chest."
"You can have whatever's left."
"Baby, I'm possessed."
"Don't you try to hide with those angel eyes?"
"If you let me inside, I won't hold back this time."
"More than paralyzed."
"Oh, it's the chase you like?"
"I should get away, I want you way too much."
"I don't care how many times it takes to get through to you."
"This is a force that not even God can stop."
"Make that ass shake like that ass is scared of me."
"All these other spooky dudes can't compare to me."
"October 31st, bitch, you know what I'ma be."
"I'ma be a ho for Halloween."
"Yo, happy Halloweeny!"
"My shorts looking teeny?"
"My big fat pumpkin pie going trampoliney."
"Her man wanna be me."
"She bad like a meanie."
"I knew we'd get along 'cause she loves Frankenweenie."
"Pull up to the party on a broomstick."
"I'm too thick."
"Crush a bunch of Smarties up, take two hits."
"Costume shopping, I'ma pop a tag."
"Bitch, I'm sexy Freddy Krueger, I'm about to pop off!"
"I want your body."
"I want your mind."
"You know you like the way it feels."
"You cannot hide."
"Keep on thrillin' me."
"You're drillin' me hard."
"Keep me up all night."
"This conversation gets me high."
"Let's go."
"Turn me on."
"Can't stop feelin' me up all night, yeah?"
"Are you feelin' me?"
"I'm on a mission."
"Wanna keep you high."
"Too many kisses for alibi."
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originemesis · 25 days
[continued - xxx]
Maybe this wasn't exactly the Paimon he'd encountered before during the dismantlement of the fallen star vein of the universe from which he'd been selected as a muse for little more than an extended extermination on the targets deemed stubborn enough to scare into compliance or smite into a muse slot in which they too would stagnate until summoned for the same dizzying service. But even if this was just another font of Paimon, that didn't matter much, because in the end, there was one inescapable fact that would always hold true for the other-
Paimon was a bitch.
Like for real- fire breath... in hell? The most mid fucking thing he'd ever witnessed. And the fact that it stung like as much of a bitch Paimon was, it was going to have to cook him more to wrest that title from the leader of the owl whores.
Despite his extra crispy feather tips and the molten bits of metal dripping from the spiked studs that lined the angel's high cone of a collar, Adam holds little qualms over taking the burning patches along his silhouette and spreading them like a scalding disease to those gathered below. Even if the embers he discards upon impact along with a batch of molted feathers serve little more than to illuminate the destruction he brings to the manor's walkway as it lambastes the group that had lingered there.
Of course he doesn't get much of a chance to chide them for their squabbling since their leader in loose canons decides to pop off another round of ouchie breaths. Three times the ouchies this round. He doesn't miss a beat once fully grounded, using the impact of the hit along with a swift beating of wings to propel back up into the blood moon lit sky just as the hacked up hairballs of elements merge at the center of where he'd been, clipping at and battering the few that didn't find time to dodge the friendly fire.
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"Y'know, fuckpie ~ I'm getting some mixed messages on if you think these gooners are even worth saving." That's what the hell owls go by, right? Goetia sure was a weird way to spell gooner-
Stolas's outrage at the mishap draws the crooked flash of his grin, and he bobs in place just before the steady swirl of the anchored tornado with its growing collection of manor pieces and ripped up flower beds whilst the birds squabbled below. How fun! The more they berated one another and kept trained on each other's throats only for Paimon to cartoonishly bowl them over and start the process up again, the more time he had to keep ticking down. A talon wrenches briefly into the singed folds of robe where streaks of golden blood from his shoulder seemed to bubble and evaporate the closer they dripped inwards towards the scuffed A symbol at its center.
"Ladies- ladies! Please ~ feel free to open up my schedule and off yourselves down there. I'd recommend starting with the blue one. Bro fucking sucks-" Well that got the dark feathered one's attention. When she springs up to swat at him, he's already a wing beat away, laughing as he twists mid air around the backs of her elbows as if she were an aerial dance partner. "You though? You're starting to piss me off!"
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Time to face the music.
With a line of light following his pick as he winds up an arm, a heated orange flash trapped within the red of gore of a bone cage flickers through the tears in his robe before a slam of strings emits a ear-splitting screech of a soundwave that makes short work of any remaining glass on the manor and its immediate surroundings, followed soon by a second blast that seems to ignite from the light in his chest and bubble outward in a dazzling display that distracts from the pummeling power of its sound trail. A third wave is notably less lethal across the field, but annoying all the same- an introduction of yet another restless round of thunderous noise he directs towards the swirling pillar of destruction, feeding it with the echoes of every raucous riff as he drifted and swirled about its outskirts as if tasked with overseeing a construction project...rather a deconstruction project given how the whipped winds continued their feast of the goetia manor piece by piece.
@avispatr , @mages-pandoras-box , @a-hell-of-a-time
hit counter - 4+1 from burned/20 the music has resumed. 🎶
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pursuitseternal · 1 year
You will “Beg” me to post this update soon for “Touch the Darkness”
At least I hope! And while I promise some more saurondriel smut, I cannot wait to share some juicy Shelob from this chapter…
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From chapter 40: “Beg”
CW: minor violence, bad bitch energy
“It won’t happen ag…” the orc’s words ceased midbreath, Shelob’s hand flying faster than sight could catch as her unnaturally long nails sliced through the soldier’s neck. As they began to shrink back into her fingers, she licked them clean of the black-spurted blood that soiled them. Serves them right for not grabbing the puny She-elf when she was vulnerable.
Shelob gave a weighted sigh as she stepped over the nearly-decapitated body to return to her favorite perch in the cavern wall. Those vile lesser creatures should all be thus punished for their failure. They must learn who is truly in command now, no longer a father, a sire of their line, but a ruthless and fearless being of power that could suck the very breath from their bodies on sight. Alas, she continued to muse as she wiped the rest of the blood on her dress. She tired of the taste of orc now. Only that Moriondor remotely came close to sating her.
As if summoned, Adar’s footfalls sounded from the entrance, quick and measured steps to match the precise and critical stare he leveled at her. “What is this?” He demanded, pressed and hushed in voice as he stopped short of his fallen child.
“A bit of a mess I haven’t had the time to clean properly, dear,” she called from aloft, savoring the way he squirmed when she used such terms of affection. Such pet names. And she certainly fed on such discomfort. “Now, I take it you did not come to see me in such a state…”
Her preternatural speed launched her to the floor beside him. A hand reached out to caress his shoulder, but even as he withdrew from her touch, her pointed teeth peeked barely from the bottom of her plump upper lip as she smiled her greeting. Undeterred.
“We require more power, more resources for breeding,” he stated. Still distant and cold, even as he retained her dark and alluring gaze.
“A shame to hear you speak of breeding so…” she paused to pass behind him, pressing her lips against the back of his mottled and pointed ear “… so dispassionately.”
“It is a matter of growing more soldiers, more warriors as we see the masses Sauron has called to muster for him.”
“Masses?” She demanded quietly, rounding to face him again more swiftly than before.
“Nearly ten thousand, an alliance of Men and Elves now camps between his tower and the mountain,” Adar’s smirk widened to see her perturbation twisting her pale face. “And you promised us aid, protecting, until we unlock the secret to Morgoth’s return.”
Her eyes rolled all the way back in her head, a toss of her long, ebony hair as she spun away from him. Her bare feet silent on the floor. “It matters not,” she hissed. “Let them come, we need but one thing to hold away over Sauron, and then he will feel truly Abhorred. To make him fall lower than ever before, to debase him worse than Melkor ever did, we must capture his mate.”
She rounded slowly, already feeling the rage flowing from the Moriondor, his ire like coals behind the black of his eyes. “We are not merely provoking Sauron,” he commented quietly. Always quietly. “This is about regaining a land for Darkness to thrive, a way of returning to Morgoth’s plan for a land of our own, for my children. And if his Chief Servant abandons loyalty, we must remove him or remind him of just whom he serves. We must reach the Dark One in the void.”
“You fool,” she chided, her tongue tutting the roof of her mouth. “You are in such denial, Adar. For you no longer serve your children now.” Eyes glinting like starlight in blackest night, she reached for him, feeling his shoulder twitch beneath her fingertips. “You belonged to me the moment you crossed into my domain, into Cirith Ungol,” she paused to lean up into his face. His own dark eyes stared down his nose at her, unyielding. “You are mine, Moriondor. You should have learned that by now for all the times you’ve had to please me just to keep your children here, safe… and alive.”
“You wish to put yourself on the throne of Middle Earth? In place of a Dark Lord, all shall bow to the Webbed Queen on her throne of corpses sucked dry and lifeless?” Adar taunted, almost leaning in as his barbs hit home. But he saved the best for last. “Even your own kind, another Maia, has chosen a She-elf for a mate,” his eyes flickered as he quirked a single brow. “And not just any of the Eldar, a most powerful warrior, brimming with boundless light now that he has gifted her with his own power. They will be nigh unstoppable.”
Shelob’s whole frame drew rigged, spindly power threatened to burst through her skin, fangs grinding in blinding wrath. It was meant to be you. It should have been you, the hiss of ages of jealousy wound tight over her heart. Always in the shadows as she was, the great Lieutenant had never stopped to gift her with more than a glance, but it was enough to whet her appetite for his power. For the depths of his smoke-scented magic And for more enticing form he now embodied, for all that he had to offer. For all that the blonde She-elf enjoyed. It should have been hers…
Only as Adar attempted to turn away did the visions of her green-eyed past cease. Her hand gripped hard into the flesh in her grasp, nails drawing black blood that began to darken his faded black tunic. “Where are you going?” Shelob hissed, pulling his body tight against the curves of her own.
“To breed you an army,” his mouth refuses to turn in displeasure, revealing no hints of pain. Pain he could no longer feel. “We can see to the details of power, of dominion later.” She felt a hand slink down her back, tracing around the fullness of her ass before gripping it tightly himself. “You should not forget I am just like you, Lady Shelob. Neglected, overshadowed, but not just lying in wait. We wait for the right prey.”
A cold smile of pleasure turned the fullness of her mouth into a beguiling smile. “Time to earn the resources you have requested,” Shelob’s free hand drew up her skirts as the other, still piercing his shoulder, pushed him to the ground. “Now get on your knees and use that tongue of yours for more than just words to beg me for my favor.”
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taggedmemes · 1 year
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH / 1.3 always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
'so he's a fancy man with a fancy ship, and he travels with a brigade of imbeciles.'
'he bested you at swordplay.'
'it was an ambush. completely unprofessional.'
'would you rather we just attack them, kill them, throw them out to the sharks?'
'i want to handle this personally.'
'we want to make a good impression.'
'instead of killing with weapons, he kills with... kindness.'
'polite menace. that'll be my brand.'
'as i said before, i'm not the strongest writer.'
'since we're on the subject of bad vibes...'
'he's kind of bringin' everyone down, bit of a pirate pooper.'
'nah, i was just gonna say kill him.'
'oh, cut off all his limbs and turn his back into a table.'
'what ya need... is a fence.'
'it's become quite touristy, i've heard, and just not as cool anymore.'
'you mean for the thing with her husband?'
'the thi... yes, the thing where you killed him.'
'she's got, like, twenty husbands.'
'that's different. ese bastardito caught me unawares.'
'maybe in your next life, you'll be a little less nosey, huh?'
'i don't think that's a good idea, us being on the same team and all.'
'you made a wise decision today, and i feel really good about this.'
'you don't know what it's like in there!'
'oh god, why're you so sweaty?'
'we have been exercising together because we want our bodies to be smaller.'
'i'm glad you're making friends, but tighten up, mate.'
'i need your help getting me dressed for the big day.'
'i remember when this place was gritty.'
'quite the hellish cesspool.'
'make people feel underdressed, and suddenly you're the one in charge.'
'no, no, no, no, no! oh god, this isn't happening!'
'aww, come on! you couldn't have sidestepped?'
'man for sale! man for sale! healthy, sturdy, obedient man for sale!'
'i think you might wanna adjust the pitch because it's quite unclear what you're selling.'
'check out this fabulous booty i'm hawkin'!'
'someone, buy my booty!'
'he thinks you're a prostitute.'
'i'm no prostitute, mate!'
'we could've made magic.'
'it's a shithole. there's a lot of crime, and, uh, diseases, and, uh, poorly mixed drinks.'
'does look a bit scary in there.'
'i'm gonna need you to hold it together.'
'look tortured.'
'this is not keeping a low profile.'
'you have got some world-class, rock-hard absolutely titanic balls coming in here.'
'you know, i actually thought you'd be dead by now.'
'i actually thought you were kind of mad at me, if i'm honest.'
'well, i kind of recommended you hire a waitress who stabbed your favourite husband up, so.'
'the bitch who stole my life. the bitch who stole my joy.'
'thought it were kind of gauche if i'm honest.'
'what about your sexy little friend over there?'
'i mean, we serve that. do you want blood?'
'it's juice from the nose jar.'
'for some inexplicable reason, my boss would like a word with you.'
'tell him he's got terrible taste in flunkies, and he can go suck eggs in hell.'
'to my dead hubby!'
'i keep an altar to him in the back with a couple of his mementos.'
'now give me back my dagger.'
'i loves me a thief.'
'you're stiff in all the wrong places.'
'i got bad news for you, genital pirate.'
'none of my other husbands have a problem with it.'
'don't be too hard on yourself. anyone could break a nose jar.'
'you and i, we shouldn't have this kind of rapport.'
'are you the fancy man selling the british bloke?'
'i guess you could say i'm a bit of a pickpocket from back in the day.'
'i made an assortment of tapas. tapas means 'little plates'.'
'they're like catnip to spaniards.'
'loving your ladder setup, by the way. very stable.'
'oh, thank god it's out. i'm so bad at keeping secrets.'
'is that it? were those your last words?'
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rozcdust · 2 years
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Pairing: Ran Haitani x f!reader x Kakucho Hitto
Genre: Crack, SMAU
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Canon divergent, ooc, profanity, substance abuse, kind of locker room talk
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It wasn’t always, but since throwing himself in the world of Bonten and near constant threats of death, it got to be in Kakucho’s nature to investigate people before engaging for a prolonged period of time, to gather enough blackmail and dirty secrets to be a threat.
Yet, there was hardly anything dirty to be found on you.
And not because you didn’t have plenty of filthy, nasty little secrets, no, it was because you were so goddamn open about them.
It was one of those lazy afternoons, where after the meeting, everyone stuck around for a little longer, lounging on sofas and just existing in each other’s presence, some chatting, some doing their own thing, but together nonetheless.
He suspected Kokonoi was the only one actually working, though, as Mikey was probably just watching Netflix on his phone, snacking, Ran engaging in idle chat with Mochi, absentmindedly petting Rindou’s hair as the younger tried to sleep, head placed on Haruchiyo’s lap and legs over Kakucho’s.
Kakucho sighed, scrolling on his laptop, through the archive of files he dug up on you, and they told him everything and nothing.
There were no police records, you didn’t have a file, although he found a report on your mother’s car accident. She died when you were a little over 3 years old, and you were an only child, your father never married afterwards, passing two years ago due to complications during a liver transplant.
Your love for games of luck was a well-known fact, as was your engagement to Naoto fucking Tachibana out of all people, but the two of you seemingly broke it off out of nowhere, mere few weeks before the wedding.
You also inherited your father’s IT firm, and seemed to run it well.
Kakucho couldn’t find anything else.
Sanzu peeked over his shoulders, reading along, cockily smirking before Kakucho even had a chance to slam his laptop shut.
“Searching up our y/n? My, my, Kakucho, are you interested in her?”
Kakucho scoffed, throwing the man a nasty look, but refused to relent into Sanzu’s teasing.
“I’d suggest you go for it, she liked you, and she’s not the type to be on the market for long, never was. Plenty of men and women interested in warming her bed.”
“Plenty of douchebags interested in a bitch.” Kokonoi muttered from the side, gaze still fixed on his work, “If you want someone to fuck you up, go ahead, sign up for the circus.”
Sanzu laughed.
The conversation seemingly caught Mikey’s attention, and he threw a look between Kakucho and Kokonoi, seemingly pondering about something.
“She is a blood-sucking fiend, correct, but she has her good qualities too.” Mikey mused, shutting everyone up in a second as everyone fixated their gaze on him, “She’ll never leave you high and dry, at least. Kinda reminds me of Ran over here.”
“Excuse me, I’d be an excellent boyfriend.” Ran grumbled, turning his nose up in offence when Rindou, Sanzu and Kokonoi started cackling.
“With your commitment issues, the tendency to ghost people and 24-hour napping? Doubtful.”
His face turning serious now, Ran looked at Kakucho, seemingly deep in thought.
Deep in trying to pretend he wasn’t a sad and lonely loser with a desperate crush.
“Go for it Kaku, why not? You’ve been alone in a while, a few months of having fun won’t kill you.”
Kakucho opened his mouth to at least try and defend himself, but Kokonoi cut him off firmly.
“Don’t. Go for anyone else, hell, you’d be better off going for fucking Sanzu-“
“Hey! I am very happily taken!”
“Than her. You deserve at least some joy in your misery of a life, and you won’t get it with her.”
Kakucho wasn’t sure if he should be complimented or insulted.
Mikey and Sanzu rolled their eyes simultaneously.
“Put it to rest, Kokonoi.”
“Hey, Kakucho.” Sanzu smirked suddenly, and Kakucho wasn’t sure he liked it when the older man put his hand on his shoulder, “I know y/n’s going out tonight, to Ran’s and Rin’s club, actually. Why not stop by?”
Kakucho pondered over it.
The day of the car accident was coming up, and he could use a little harmless fun to get it off his mind.
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“I hate it already!” Draken yelled into your ear, face sour as one of his arms was wrapped around Inui’s waist, the other occupied with his drink.
“C’mon, Kenny boy, live a little! It’s fun!” You yelled back, the smile echoed into your cheeks, containing the urge to laugh at your friend’s miserable state.
At least the rest knew how to have some fun.
Mitsuya and Hakkai were dancing together, fingers interlaced, way too slow for the rushed beat of the song, but they’ve always been like that, way too lovey-dovey and cute and borderline making everyone else gag.
At least the pet shop bitches knew how to have fun, shaking their hips to the beat and grinding all over each other, borderline fucking on the dance floor, as God always intended.
Flicking your eyes up to Draken and Inui, you could already tell they’d be good for nothing in that department, if anything, they’ll probably have a lazy makeout session in the booth, and you didn’t want to be anywhere near for when that happened.
Downing your drink, you went ahead to sway to the beat alone, close enough so Draken could see you, but far enough away that you could pretend he didn’t.
He has been fussing over you since the two of you were 9, and it doesn’t seem to be improving with age, no matter how many times you tell him you’re all grown up now.
Soft idiot.
An arm sneaks it’s way around your waist, interrupting your train of thought, and you don’t even have time to turn and glance at the person responsible.
“Hi, pretty girl.” A familiar, husky voice fills your ears, sending a pleasant shiver up your spine.
“Hello.” You reply back softly, allowing him to turn you around, his hands still locked firmly around your waist, “Long time no see. Assumed you’d never call back.”
Kakucho smiled, too softly for a man like him.
“Got busy, sorry.”
“Wow, I’m not a priority after the two times we’ve spoken? How horrible!“
He rolled his eyes, but there was no malice behind the act, no insult at all.
You found he looked just as handsome under the dim, flashing lights of the club as he did in the bright light of the wedding hall, a graceful sort of beauty adorning his face, his eyes clear and warm and his smile pleasant, even if his face betrays his real emotions, his real intentions.
You were staring into the eyes of a man in depths of misery, just trying to find a way to forget.
People often assumed you didn’t care about others’ feelings, or merely didn’t notice them at all, considering you to be a spoiled brat with no kindness or consideration for others.
You merely considered one’s private feelings their own business, and it wasn’t something you felt the need to pry into.
“Wanna get out of here?” You ask, your hands making their way onto Kakucho’s shoulders and around his neck, your fingertips lightly caressing his nape.
He smirked, and your suspicions got confirmed.
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. . . next
🔖Taglist (open):
@dilf-city @wakasa-wifey @rinsie @kisekihany @bajifairyy @cryszus @r-xochitl @7rkx @graythecoffeebean @mukounisuru-gashadokuro @sunahyejin @yamaguccitadashi @minoozi @trashmemebitch @frogtits1 @sup-zfam @whydohumansss @shiyuumisaki @xashiui @bontens-whore @chronic-claire-universe @nqctre @crybabylisa @adeptiixiao @denkis-sluttyboy @yukimaniac @toobsessedsstuff @yuushs @sh4nn @lumi-does-some-stuff @hana-patata @hxked @erza-uzumaki @syddisheep @satsuri3su @soushswag @wisteria-aa @bontensbabygirl @qualitygiantshoepsychic @levii-s @astropheia @galactict3a @a-toxic-person @inurmom00 @eriislost @phoenixflames498 @luvjiro
a/n: just to let you guys know, updates will be delayed for all fics bc a bitch got ✨ e x a m s ✨
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kyglow · 15 days
starter for @sarawritesx muse: professor denver van helsing for: inez, kaiya, maragaret or any younger muse. plot: found here ( the last point. ) van helsing vampire hunter.
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getting revenge on a group of vampires he was certain was responsible for the death of his ex-wife, her partner and her partner's son. it should have been him though as whoever had come to his ex-wife's house must've surely wanted him targeting him since he had a name for himself in the hunter community however he hadn't been hunting for over ten years now. yet the incident and gruesome scene had forced him to take his revenge on vampires tracking them down and hunting despite not knowing if it was them or not however he was intent on getting answers on who their master was since he wasn't going to stop. van helsing had found their den, an abandoned lot with a house and a church. making his way and killing each vampire he came across with his shotgun and various weaponry. having no regrets they were all young. it wasn't until van helsing would be hunting the last of the vampire clan's members as this individual was tough and quick.
following them into the church as he steadied his shotgun and blasted shells firing from the barrel at movement at the ceiling. the older male moved deeper into the church stepping over mattresses, candles and jars/bottles of dark red blood. his skin feverishly hot sweating due to the humidity. breath intake was sharp and tense as he was on high alert. " thought you bloodsuckers were all supposed to be tough. clearl,y you're all weak as shit. " he called out with a small grin taunting her. " you know i used to keep getting the same shit from people back in the day that my grandfather was the one who fought and died trying to kill dracula and his wife uma only for my grandaddy to fail. " he shared with disdain. " they blamed his failure for the reason why there are more of you now. " providing insight into his life about how his family were blamed for the reason of vampire outbreak which spawned from the curse of dracula. bullied and looked down upon by the other hunters as it deeply bothered him. the male heard a faint whisper from behind as he turned quickly only to be faced by her. immediately he would aim the barrel of the shotgun at the young woman's chest only to grin and utter. " wow you're cute. hate to say goodbye but you are a blood-sucking bitch so goodbye. " winking at her he squeezed the trigger and - - click - - nothing fired. confused he squeezed the trigger again and still no shot. the gun was empty. his grin faltered only to take a step back. " you bite me you're dead like your friends. i'll tie you up with silver. " he warned her although he knew he was now prey.
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frostbounddevotion · 8 months
Share at least 5 songs that you associate with or remind you of your muse!
Uraume —
Ghostbox by Away x Crywolf I want this to hurt I want you to tear me open I want you to feel me underneath your fingernails Rabbit Hole by Qveen Herby You can suck my rabbit hole (okay) Yeah, lately that's my vibe (okay, okay) Whoa, don't do that shit for anyone (anyone) But me, myself and I (me and I) Command by Rustage (Its about another character but to me its the best one) Life is war, there's villains in our houses Bloody floors, you cannot stain the outfit They can put their morals where their mouth is Who needs love when pain is so nostalgic? When we're up, the view is dark and clouded Taste of blood, the mood is so arousing Forging peace with what our evil salvaged
Crazy by Doechii Then I ball like Spalding Can't call my bluff when the shit is my callin' Won't duck, bitch I'm all in It's a brand new day, new pace, light joggin' Straight facts, no jargon It's a whole lot of big blue checks, no login Low stress, no stallin' See a whole lot of big Bugattis when I walk in
Playing with the Big Boys - Prince of Egypt (metal) You're playing with the big boys now You're playing with the big boys now Stop this foolish mission Watch a true magician Give an exhibition how Pick up your silly twig, boy You're playing with the big boys now!
((This was fun and a challenge as I don't listen to music that really makes me think of them. At least not perfectly))
Tagged by — @ashestxashes and @drippingheart super thanksto both of you!!!
Tagging — @ofrosegold @ofxcrimsonxedge (both Choso and Sukuna) @ofstygiaan @praeteritus-memories (Gojo and Ei) @astarablaze (Any of them) @elysian-noctuary (Inumaki or Adrian)
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gcldfanged · 6 months
send 🛑 to clean blood off of my muse after they protected yours. [NOT ACCEPTING]
Tsviets were the strongest.
If one wanted to become the strongest, wasn't facing a Tsviet inevitable?
They were underground, yet palm leaves cast jagged shadows over his prone body. Maybe he'd wanted this. The End- Huge red fangs glistening upon his throat, yet his opponent didn't have the decency to consume his soul and leave nothing else. There was only gloom, fog-blue mist rolling in and stretching beyond the horizon.
There were no wolves here, no foxes- But the former Turk was still a fox. No different than the wolves he once ran with except sleeker, leaner- the teeth not as big but the smile still bristling cold ivory.
He was a hunter, as his grandfather was a hunter. The old man's voice cut like a whetted blade through the mire of his thoughts:
You and me- We will never be any different than what we are.
In the jungle, death is life. Life is death. Deeper and deeper and the roots cut hungry into the mud while the spiders and snakes crept through tangled furls- Hungry tendrils sucking the nutrients from the tar-like bracken of ten million years of nothing but shrill, screaming animal death and rot.
Death fueled everything.
And then Death stepped out in the jungle. Slowly, quietly. A wraith in the half-darkness. Strange wings flexed like skeletal fingers.
Jae saw his eyes reflected in it's face. The pain- But the relief, too.
"You know her?" he asked, half-delirious from blood loss, dark vulpine eyes shifting the retreating slow stalk of movement through the undergrowth. A cape of red fur dragging across the creepers and black-green loam.
"No offense, but she's kind of a bitch."
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rphelperblog · 2 years
City of Lost Souls Book Quote RP Meme
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a part of the TMI series by Cassandra Clare- Feel free to edit the quotes or change pronouns
"He'd burn the whole world down till he could dig you out of the ashes. I know,"
“You can't raise a child to believe the opposite of what you do.” 
"It's my special magical power. I can read your mind when you're thinking dirty thoughts."
“You have ruthlessness in your bones and ice in your heart. Don't tell me any differently.” 
“Pain made you strong. Loss made you powerful.” 
“Doubtless the lunatic asylums of the world are filled with unfortunate women who have failed to see my charms.” 
“From what I experienced from vampires, you mostly suck. No pun intended.” 
“All I know is that I love you. And for the first time, that's good enough.” 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you smell like him.”
"Cracked...my...nail polish slapping your... worthless face. See?
“Blood isn’t love,”
"Have you been watching The Bodyguard? Because I am not going to fall in love with you and carry you around in my burly arms.” 
“You are the central point about which his world spins.” 
“Is this some manly bonding thing I can't be a part of? Are you getting matching haircuts?” 
“To destroy the enemy it can be necessary to understand him.” 
“And spare me the jokes about scoring."
"Dammit, woman, you read my mind,Is there no filthy wordplay you can't forsee?"
"Your plans are suicidal. At best.” 
"It means I love you. Not that that changes anything.” 
“That never matters when you blame yourself.”
“Watching me play Scrabble is enough to make most women swoon. Imagine if I actually put in some effort.” 
“Tell me,who it was. That my father had the affair with.” 
“What am I doing with you, you boat-stealing lunatic?” 
“If I kiss you all day every day for the rest of my life, it won’t be enough.” 
“As far as I’m concerned, this is the worst thing that’s happened since I found out why he was banned from Peru.” 
“My heart is your heart, My hands are your hands.”
"I can take the sight of your naked chest without swooning."
"Because viewing my naked chest has caused many women to seriously injure themselves stampeding to get to me.” 
“She realized that this scarred, sarcastic boy, was gentle with the things he loved.” 
“I wanted you anyway. I always wanted you.” 
"As the person being objectified, I ... object to that description of me.” 
'I think of myself as a freewheeling bisexual,'
“You may have the worst timing since Napoleon decided the dead of winter was the right moment to invade Russia.” 
"A date, Often 'a boring thing you have to memorize in history class,' but in this case, 'an offering of an evening of blisteringly white-hot romance with yours truly."
“Nerd love. It is a beautiful thing, while also being an object of mockery and hilarity for those of us who are more sophisticated.” 
“I’m pretty sure irony isn’t a deadly sin.”
“Now that I'm in your mind, want to see some naked mental pictures of him?” 
Too much darkness could kill, but too much light could blind.” 
"Too soon to joke about the happy memory thing, I take it,"
“Not to mention, that he killed him. That would put anyone off.” 
"Raging bitch, then?"
'All the boys are gay. In this truck, anyway. Well, not you,”
"It's 'Descensus Averno facilis est.' 'The descent into hell is easy,"
"I hate ducks. Don't know why. I just always have.” 
“Missing, one stunningly attractive teenage boy. Answers to '[muse name]' or 'Hot Stuff” 
'I hope you told him you were bitten by a gay spider,'
'Please never say those words in front of my parents,' 
“I will have you know I practiced that speech. In front of a mirror before you got here."
“I really wish you hadn't worn that sweater,'
"All I did was tell you the entire plot of Star Wars."
"but I know I look damn good delivering it.” 
"As far as I know, inanimate objects can accidentally kill you. So if you were planning on teaching yourself the lambada on a greased platform over a pit full of knives, I wouldn't."
“I’d die for you. You know that. But would I kill someone else, someone innocent? What about a lot of innocent lives? What about the whole world? Is it really love to tell someone that if it came down to picking between them and every other life on the planet, you’d pick them? Is that—I don’t know, is that a moral sort of love at all?” 
“I stabbed you. With a massive sword. You caught on fire."
"Definitely. He wants me to wear midriff-baring shirts and a fedora. I'm fighting it."
“I fell in love with you, because you were one of the bravest people I've ever known. So how could I ask you to stop being brave just because I loved you?” 
“I don't care what you do. As long as you know you belong to me.” 
“I know you worry about me needing you, but I shouldn't be with you because I need you. I should be with you because I love you.” 
“How could you be heartbroken and happy at the same time?” 
“Speaking of hope, did you see that shot he got off with his bow? That's my boyfriend.” 
"You don't like 'hotstuff'? You think 'sweet cheeks' might be better?
"Love crumpet'? Really? That last one's stretching it a bit. Though, technically my family is British-” 
"I see nothing wrong with 'maybe', A little modern, but the gist of the idea comes across.” 
"I think it means you crushed my spirit and beat me down. Fantastic.” 
"It's okay with me if it's okay with you."
 "Okay, so maybe our problems aren't like other couples.” 
“Otherwise, I get the feeling we’d all just lie around all the time wondering what the hell to do next. Or trying to raise the money to hire him by selling lemonade or something.”
“It was strange how your world could shift on its axis and everything you trusted could invert itself in what seemed like no time at all.” 
“Scrawny little mundane bastard.” 
"Most brother's would be delighted to see such a clean-cut gentleman as myself squiring their sister's about town.” 
"But I didn't realize you were absolutely, spectactularly out of your goddamned mind.” 
"Well, kissing, probably. But as for the rest of it..."
“But in his heart, he’s not like me. But you are.” 
You don't have to treat everything like it's a last stand.” 
“He could bring a six-foot tall pink rabbit in a bikini back home with him if he wanted to. It’s not my business. But if you’re asking me if I’ve brought any girls back here, the answer is no. I don’t want anybody but you.” 
“Anyway that other thing we almost did in Paris-that's probably off the table for a while.Unless you want that whole baby-I'm-on-fire-when-we kiss thing to become freakishly literal”
“You can’t just call the Praetor. It’s not like 1-800-WEREWOLF.” 
“No, you don’t need to help me. But if you don’t, there’s nothing stopping me from calling you up again and again, now that I know you can’t kill me. Think of it as me leaning against your Heavenly doorbell… forever.” 
“For as is often the happenstance with that which is precious and lost, when you find him again, he may well not be quite as you left him.” 
“In some ways, we've been through something no one else can ever understand but the two of us... And it made me realize. We are always and absolutely better together.” 
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‼️About mE‼️ (tagged by @bl33ditout, wasssssssssssup, you got me like always)
Nickname: Tagz (glad I finally came up with one) and my friends call me Bic (like the lighter)
Sign: Yield, lmao. No, I'm a Cancer. Lil crab bastard.
Height: 5'11" (in my chunkiest sneaks)
Last Google Search: JDevil (fr I'm writing a cyberpunk DnD campaign and I needed a muse, catch me spacing out to some Killbot)
Song Stuck In My Head: Uhhhh, GlitchGang (Remix), hands down. When I heard that Hed (P.E.), Crazy Town, and Twiztid did a collab I think I came in my pants. I've listened to it like twice a day for the past week.
Sleep: I probably need some right now, but fuck that. I took a nap today.
Dream Job: Obligatory pro wrestler or rap metal musician pipe dream, but fr I really want to go into child psychology to become a youth councilor. Or a s//ugar b//aby, lmao.
Wearing: Just my whites and some black basketball shorts.
Favorite Song(s): Right now? Literally anything ICP adjacent but I've been getting very into Crazy Town recently. Yes I am the worst person you know. Also really feeling any track off Significant Other rn.
Favorite Instrument: Bass and turntables.
Aesthetic(s): Hoo bitch, I've been waiting for this one. Carcore saved my life. Y2K will never die in my opinion. My own personal brand of post-modern-southern-gothic-redneck-white-trash-whatever. Does the general concept of trashiness count? Well it does now. Old dead memes and image macros are a vibe on their own. Glittery shit. I'm not into rave or scene myself but I think it's hot. And shiny silver plastic electronics. Oh and juggalo shit, but that's pretty much carcore. (this is like my catch all for striking color combinations, oversized clothes, murdered out cars, facepaint, 90s and 00s hip hop and rnb, -core music, sweets, etc.) Plus the generic metalheadisms.
Favorite Author(s): glitchesaintshit and slapfool on Ao3
Favorite Color(s): Neon Green 💚 Electric Blue 💙 Blood Red ❤️
Last Song: Callout by Attila (sorry but I'm going there)
Last Series: Breaking Bad (I finally started it!!)
Random: I miss watching Minecraft letsplays but they all suck now, I don't even know what the fuck an SMP is.
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royaletiquette · 2 years
-I’ve been enabled to ramble about our muses / @manxeaterx​
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I can not overstate how much I knew Hibiko was going to click with Ann. And oh my god did she so immediately fall for Antoinette, and only to fall deeper the closer they got. I think Ann knew that, and may have felt herself doing the same, but Hibiko was like "yeah but I want it so..." it was always a matter of time. These two learn so much about themselves from one another and I hate Antoinette for being so fucking selfishly motivated because they really could have had it all if she didn't always make it seem like she wanted Hibiko to stay for her own benefit. Like. Fuck. The bitch really had to be like that. Ann's nagging for Hibiko to rebel can lead to some pretty nasty disagreements between them, both sides saying stuff they don’t mean for the sake of proving a point. 
Come to being Queen and seeing Ann again, she is absolutely obsessed with the woman and realizes then how much Koko fucking loves her. Throwing herself at Ann and hardly being subtle about it, literally begging for permission to lift her skirt. Even if Ann tries to play hard to get, Hibiko knows exactly what she's doing, and again, "yeah but I want it so..." I don’t think you understand that she is the kind of bitch that will break a champagne glass to be like “oh no I’m bleeding, try ignoring me now sexy vampire I dare you.” Would happily give into and encourage Ann to suck her dry of blood, as close to death as she can gamble. 
I imagine there might form some complex power dynamics between them as well considering most of the time, Queen Hibiko is very much not looking to feel submissive towards someone. She’s pretty fixated on having the upper hand, albeit subtly. Antoinette I know feels the same, but also gives in to a lot for Hibiko so I don’t know. And as happy as the two women and her kids would be, there would definitely begin to form a line she wouldn’t want Antoinette to cross. Hibi’s very like “I love you, but you are not their parent.” 
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solardick · 3 months
You know the workds gone to
Shit when they start selling poop toys.
“When i was child in ukraine, they used to beat jews to death for fun. “
So as russia continues to strengthen ties with allies who have animosity towards america. Playing the same game they are to them. Increasing their quality of life. In contrast to the opposition.
In this fantasy script, america ismt going to survive with such ample pride. 911 on the twin tower and the moon card. 🙄 . Inhate life.
If card letter Oo(o) is rhe devil card. It would be well suited to be above that perversion on a moon card. Pointing upwards to the enslavement of “ man” as the marseille, Italiano fool. Though the image should play somethign similar the the Ë fool, id it remains as such. With an equally negative sun card. Perhaps to muse.
Lets go take a shit and see if its mucous infested. Perhaps with a tad of blood. It’ll be like a game. Got yo catch them early to enjoy what comes out the other side.
A youngin’ girl pops out of the car in front of me. As if on script. -Like mist times now adays. The unusual a stranger walkign by to get up close. Like an exhibition in a fucken zoo.- Look each other in the eyes and walk side by side into the store. She kept her periphery on me the whole time. Waiting for something, a cue, a confirmation. Ugh… hey look, another trap, that i cant be polite to. My periphery is always on. Comes with 39 years of bs and attacks. And if i so much as fart her direction it will be taken as the confirmation that i am a womanizer or some dumb shit.
So current theory on the russian script tarot. Is in the development of the letter. Functioning like degrees. A letter means one thing quite simply as they are an unusual amount of single letter words. Which hold the major arcana of power. The second letter to fallow is the modifier. Adapting the single letter power of the word with the second letter image. This may be a drastic change in manifestation. From destruction to construction for example. From love to hatred. Some letters hold both positions of primary and secondary and these words play in purity of the original form. As in the Вв(v) words belonging to the “high prietess” or young innocense, or its relegation to its treatment in the delicacy of the mind. As for now. Though arguement abounds about the nature of the feminine as thenpresence of the mind. Agaisnt to pro-active jock-ing of will to cause.
What bitch you ain’t my daughter take your vagina out of my face. Oo.
What? Calling me daddy is better?
So much for being both ways, eh.
Hum the consiqyences of dialogue of “venusian” abuse from outside forces forcing you out of your home, eh. Seems this world im in loves creating disarmony. And then crying wolf. Oh! He’s a bad man. Daddy. Save me. Oops. Too far. What do you think russia? Its coming. She needs a place in the ranks. Of the human being. Soemthign i have yet to experience.
Oh. Daughter! Your vagin is soo tight. Oh. Yes. Give to daddy? What the fuck america. Bitch go read rhe bible its full of pro daddy love. As for the men i suggest the bhagavad gita. Its full of pro masculine will. … or at least the new testament. The old testemant is more directed to the masculine. Because jesus is a woman. I though the ling hair and the dress gave it away. Thats why the bible says no homo sex. Cause its turns you into a woman. Been there done that, got abused the whole time. Suck it.
Thats why india is soo populated. All they do is eat curry and fuck.
Oh well to bad for the ass problems. Looks like ill be single to rest of my days. Not that im not used to it. Kinda robes all social will away. Along with the sex drive. There’ll be no development on that case. And its a half life for the rest of it.
Its ok. I got video games. I guess. I dotn like gaming though. Unless im high. And theres a never wnding supply of both. I was born to soend wvwry waking momentnof it suffering. Cause people suck.
And im never going to even tey to speak to anyone anymore. Proactivyl destructively the outcome is the same. I get fycked with or damaged. Ill just continue doing this and continue to have shadow cocksuckers fuck with ym life.
To such an extent of 39 straight years of being fucked with. I now have a desease.
Apparentlynim going to running my own team. Not thatni care anymor e
Now its a ling weekend of sitting in my appartemtn stairing at a wall. Eactlynhow i spent the first 20 years after adolescentce
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