#blood drawer believed me about my veins being shit and took from my hand so she only had to stick me once
dustsculptures · 3 days
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blood draw chic
in @kintsugi-tigerstripes earrings
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citrinesparkles · 3 years
doctor todd.
jason todd x gender neutral vigilante!reader. 1,875 words. notes: requested by @jason-redhood as part of my hundred followers celebration! this got a lot longer than i intended, oopsies. thanks for requesting- hope you enjoy! warnings: tending wounds, mentions of food.
"y'know, lurking outside somebody's window is a good way to get yourself shot," jason called over his shoulder.
"i'll keep that in mind," you said, voice strained enough to shoot dread into his veins and draw his attention completely away from his work.
he set the gun he had been cleaning on the table and twisted around to find you gingerly sliding through the open window.
"hey," you mumbled, giving him a weak wave after your boots hit the floor. "sorry for not calling, i just..."
you were backlit, the glow of the city making it impossible to see your features from the dining area- but your posture alone was enough to have him shoving his chair back and crossing his apartment.
"how bad?" he asked, stopping a few steps back, now able to make out the tears in your suit and the bruises around your mask.
"pretty sure i sprained my wrist, and there's a poorly-bandaged gash on my leg, but otherwise i'm peachy."
"how bad's the leg?"
"i'm... not sure. bad enough that i think i need your help." you patted the windowsill with a gloved hand. "obviously."
he nodded and slid to your good side, gently resting a hand on your shoulder. "okay. c'mon, my stuff's in the bathroom."
"here." he handed you a pair of shorts and a large tank top. "change into this so i can get to the wounds, okay? i'll be right out here if you need anything."
"you're good!" you called.
he nudged the bathroom door back open and scooped your uniform up from the floor, carefully putting it in a canvas bag and tying the handles together before setting it in the tub to deal with later. "alright," he sighed, turning back to face you.
his clothes looked way too right on you, he realized, a wave of emotion he would vehemently deny surging through his chest and pushing heat to his neck and cheeks.
"okay. alright. uh-" he jerked a thumb at the counter- "up here, i guess, so i can see your leg."
you propped one foot on the toilet lid and braced your good hand against his shoulder, his hands instinctively coming up to hover around your waist as you pushed yourself up and settled next to the sink.
the grateful smile you gave him was enough to tug his lips into a smile of his own.
"you're up, doctor todd," you teased.
he stepped forward with a halfhearted eyeroll, fingers brushing the cloth tied hastily around your leg. "can i take this off?"
"go ahead."
he tugged gently at the knot, wincing when you inhaled sharply. "sorry."
the scrap fell away, revealing dried blood and an open wound on the outside of your thigh.
"yeesh, that is nasty," he said.
you scoffed lightly. "gee, thanks."
"hey, if you wanted a nice doctor, you probably should have gone somewhere else." he shifted to the side, grabbing a clean cloth and bottle of alcohol. "fair warning, you're really not gonna like me here in a minute."
your quick "i seriously doubt that." was greeted with a grin that felt a little too fond for his liking.
he told himself it was for your benefit.
...yeah, that sounded good.
he could live with that.
he made quick work of cleaning the gash, doing his best to distract you by making stupid small talk about the horrible movie he'd sat through that morning because the tv remote had been out of reach and the mediocre new coffee shop with dry blueberry muffins.
"was the coffee okay, at least?"
"okay, yeah, but not 'five-dollars-fifty' okay. if i hadn't been falling asleep in line i probably would have left when i saw the price."
"there's a nice one up by my place, they make the best blueberry muffins ever."
he hummed. "i'll keep that in mind, next time i'm over that way." he leaned back, studying your cut. "i think stitches would probably be smart."
you groaned. "of course they would."
"i'm okay to do them- i do them on myself- but if you want i can give you a lift to a hospital or something."
"no. if you can, i want you to do them. i trust you."
he sat with that for a minute, searching your face for any hesitation. when he found none, he nodded. "okay."
as you both expected, it sucked.
to make things worse, he was rapidly running out of mindless things to talk about.
how many times could two people really argue about pizza toppings before it got old?
"alright, done."
"holy shit, finally." you slumped back, leaning on your good hand for a moment before your head snapped back up. "no, not like- i meant thank you, you did great, i'm not being an ingrate-"
"i know, relax." he nudged your knee with a goofy smile. "here, gimme your wrist."
you pouted (which, yes, that was also adorable, much to his dismay), carefully stretching your bad arm out.
he took your hand gently, scooping it up in one of his and bracing your forearm up with his other. "it's actually not too bad, considering you hit hard enough to tear your glove. i'm gonna clean the scrapes here up, though, okay?"
"do i really get a choice?"
"it's your body, so, yeah."
you sighed dramatically. "fine, if you insist. go ahead, clean my wounds for me."
he was quiet this time, focusing intently on removing bits of dirt and stuff from your raw palm with a set of tweezers.
trying to ignore the way your eyes seemed to linger on him now that he was looking down.
he set the tweezers aside, glancing up at you to find you smiling at him thoughtfully, and dropped his gaze just as quickly as he had lifted it. "what, you enjoying making me do all the work?"
"you could say that, yeah."
he scoffed. "well, you're going to enjoy it a lot less in a second. time for the alcohol again."
he managed to dig up an old wrist brace in the back of his sock drawer. a little big for you, but it would work for now, he figured.
"may i?"
you nodded and held your arm back out for him to loop the brace over your thumb and tuck the velcro strap under and around, pulling it snug against your skin before sticking it to itself.
"last one, tough stuff." he pointed at your cheek, where a small patch of dried blood stained your skin. "ready?'
you nodded tiredly. "let's just get this over with. this counter isn't as comfortable as it looks."
he chuckled, dampening the softest cloth he had and wringing it out. "sorry, i didn't think i needed to get an apartment with counter cushions." he raised his left hand up, hovering an inch or so below your chin. "uh, can i..?"
your eyes widened, glancing at his hand. "oh, uh, sure. yeah."
he moved slowly, raising it to cup your chin softly with his middle and forefinger on one side and thumb on the other. "this okay?"
"mhm." your eyes slid shut and he could almost believe that you sank into his touch.
if it wasn't absolutely insane, anyway. his touch wasn't exactly the kind people sank into- much less people like you. people that good, that caring, that stunning? yeah, no.
he tilted your head to the side slightly, rubbing gentle circles across your cheekbone with the cloth and watching as the blood faded.
"so, who did this?" he asked softly, casually.
apparently not casually enough, though, because you snorted at him. "why, you think you need to go avenge me? defend my honor or something?"
"no! i'm just curious. just... making conversation."
your eyes opened, amusement dancing in them and threatening to hypnotize him. "good. i shouldn't have to tell you who won that fight, jay."
"well, i mean, you are missing a chunk of your thigh."
"aw, is the big bad vigilante worried about lil old me?"
he squeezed your face gently, pushing your cheeks up and forward into a goofy fish face. "it's rude to tease the guy tending to your wounds, babe."
he definitely didn't imagine your breath hitching. "babe, huh?" you asked playfully.
"shut up," he grumbled. "don't make me regret helping."
"alright, looks like that's the last scrape. you're all cleaned up."
"thanks, jason." you smiled up at him, soft and warm and genuine. "i really appreciate this."
"yeah, yeah." he squeezed your jaw again. "try not to make it a habit."
"mhm." a moment passed quietly before you spoke quietly. "so, you gonna do something here, or can i have my face back?"
he froze.
your mouth- which he was really trying not to look at- shifted into a confident smirk, a challenge written clearly in the angle of your lips.
your eyes, bright under the harsh lighting, told a different story. one of vulnerability, and want, and something close to fear.
"do you want me to?" his voice was hoarser than he'd intended, and he swore you could hear his heartbeat echoing in it.
your gaze dipped to his lips. "would it make everything super weird?"
"you just came crawling through my window in the middle of the night in a mask and kevlar. i think things are already weird."
he felt your hum under his fingers. "then why not?"
"do you really want me to answer that?"
"jason, will you please just kiss me already?"
"well, you did say please." he leaned in slowly, giving you every opportunity to slip away or yell 'sike!'
all you did was bring your good hand up to his collar and pull him towards you.
your lips were soft and gentle, and the way they pulled upwards slightly when his hand slid from your jaw to cup your cheek was something he'd be thinking about for weeks.
when he eventually pulled back, it took him a moment to open his eyes. he was half convinced that if he did, it would be to his bedroom ceiling, the past half an hour all a dream.
instead, he found your fond gaze.
he let out a huff of laughter, thumb running over your cheek. "you should stay here tonight."
"not like that," he clarified quickly. "you have stitches, you shouldn't go leaping across rooftops tonight. i can take the couch."
"hm." you smoothed out his shirt collar, the barely-there brush of your fingers against his shoulder almost tugging a whine out of him. "or i can take the couch, and then you can take me home in the morning and let me treat you to an actual blueberry muffin."
"are you asking me out?" it was a teasing comment, paired with a tiny smirk meant to fluster you.
but it was also a reality check.
you seemed to catch the second meaning. "yeah, i am. would you, please, let me take you out on a date?"
"i'll have to check my calenda-"
"you're so full of it."
"yeah, probably."
"is that a yes?"
he laughed, bringing his other hand up to squeeze your knee. "yeah, i can let you take me on a date. i could use a good muffin."
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yellowsuitcase · 4 years
Detention // Draco Malfoy
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A/N: This is a request for @youknowiloveyou-so I hope you like it! The prompts you choose got me super excited. The beginning is rough because we have limited knowledge of what really went on inside Hogwarts during the Deathly Hallows, but I did my best. 
Summary: During Y/n and Draco’s 7th year at Hogwarts some of the Professors aren’t very forgiving, and Y/N gets punished by one of them. Angst and fluff follow.
Warning(s): SPOILERS!!! Graphic descriptions of violence(tw: knives are used to cut character’s arms), mentions of blood, swearing
Word Count: 3.4k
Prompts: #2 #10 #19 #29 #58 #96
{Prompt list}
This is not what Y/N imagined her final year at Hogwarts to be. To be fair, it wasn’t what anyone imagined it to be. Now with Snape as headmaster, things weren’t exactly pleasant. Not to mention the fact some of their professors had been replaced with Death Eaters. 
Y/N was lucky to even be attending Hogwarts. Her muggle-born friends had not been allowed back into the castle. But perhaps that was better for them. That way, they wouldn’t be forced to cast the unforgivable curses onto other students. 
The only thing bringing Y/N joy during these times was her boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. He was higher up on the totem pole than most students, due to his status as a Death Eater. Y/N thought at first that being his girlfriend might prevent her from being bullied by the professors. She was wrong. This seemed to make her stand out more to her professors. They loved calling on her for almost every question. They would sneer at her when they called her name, and when she didn’t know the answer to their inquiry, they would say demeaning things like, “Would you look at that, Malfoy’s toy isn’t very smart is she?” The class would then be forced to laugh at the professor’s joke. 
Somehow, Y/N had managed to make it through the first of three terms without getting in trouble. But that changed when she walked into her Muggle Studies class with Professor Alecto Carrow.
“Sit down. Hands out in front of you on top of your desk, you know the drill,” Professor Carrow said. 
Y/N dreaded Muggle Studies. The class consisted of Carrow spewing complete lies about muggles and the muggle world. Almost every lesson would begin with calling on a pureblood student and then asking them to pick a half-blood student to practice hexes and jinxes on. Y/N had avoided being chosen to do this because many of the students selected by Carrow would refuse. This resulted in them receiving detention, not to mention continuously being called on every class until they caved and did what Carrow had demanded of them.
Y/N could only imagine what was done to those students in detention. When they’d come back to class the next day, they’d have numerous cuts all over their faces. Or sometimes they’d be limping around. On a few occasions, they’d come back without a finger. Poor Madam Pomfrey could only heal so many students. 
But today, when Y/N sat down at her desk and placed her palms face down on the cold wooden desk, she knew something was up. She watched as Professor Carrow scanned each student's face before her eyes stopped on Y/N’s.
 “Ms. Y/L/N. Why don’t you do the honors of picking a half-blood? You haven’t got to choose anyone yet, and I believe it’s about time you did.”
All eyes turned to her. Y/N begrudgingly rose to her feet, but she stayed silent. 
“Pick someone before I pick for you,” Carrow commanded.
Y/N remained silent. There was no way in hell she was going to hex anyone simply for the amusement of a Death Eater.
“Pavarti Patil. Stand up.”
Y/N’s heart stopped. Parvati was one of her closest friends. They’d grown up in the same neighborhood, they used to play gobstones every Sunday. Y/N thought of Parvati as a sister. There was no way she’d ever be able to hurt her.
Y/N heard Pavarti rise from her chair. She couldn’t bring herself to even look at her friend. It would’ve made the situation that much more real. But Carrow didn’t like this. With a flick of her wand, she forced Y/N’s head to turn. Pavarti looked utterly terrified. The pit in Y/N’s stomach grew. 
Carrow smirked as she said, “Cast the stinging jinx.”
“No,” Y/n said firmly. A few gasps could be heard. Nobody had explicitly told Professor Carrow no.
“The sea urchin jinx, perhaps?”
“I’ll suggest one more, Densaugeo.”
Densaugeo was a hex that elongated a person’s teeth. It was an awful experience for the unlucky victim, and Y/N was not about to cast it on Pavarti. So once again, she said, 
It was like a switch flipped, and suddenly Carrow raised her wand and shouted. “Imperio!”
An eerie sense of calm overtook Y/N. Without thinking, she raised her wand towards Pavarti and said, “Densaugeo!”
Pavarti squeezed her eyes tight as the spell was cast. Then she began to shriek. Her teeth began to grow and grow. Students gasped as they watched the horrific sight in front of them. Some of the Slytherins laughed when Parvati started to cry. Her two front teeth were now past her chin. 
Y/N lowered her arm, still feeling calm. Once the laughter died down, and Pavarti was able to catch her breath and stop her tears, Y/N cast another spell; the sea urchin jinx. Little spikes began to burst out from underneath the Gryffindor’s skin, her screams once again filled the air. Spikes burst underneath her eyes, in between her fingers, and even around her neck. One wrong move and she could seriously injure herself. She stood with her arms outstretched, tears once again falling while students covered their eyes to avoid looking at her.
Y/N only watched as Pavarti cried. She felt no inclination to help her friend.
“Let’s do one more, shall we class?” Professor Carrow asked. This time, she gave her command to Y/N out loud.
“Crucio her.”
Y/N once again raised her wand. Parvati was in hysterics now, pleading for Y/N not to do it. But it was to no avail. 
Parvati’s body spasmed as jolts of agonizing pain coursed through her veins. Nobody made a peep. The only thing that could be heard was her anguished screams. The spikes on her body pierced her skin every time her body convulsed. Her blood quickly gathered into a puddle on the floor. Y/N didn’t feel anything as she watched the girl howl and writhe. She felt numb almost.
Until Carrow lifted the curse. Parvati collapsed onto the ground, her teeth, and the spikes slowly shrunk in size. Y/N stumbled backward, nearly tripping over her chair as she came to her senses. “I just cast an unforgivable curse,” she thought to herself. 
Her heart began to pound as the reality of the situation set in. She looked up at Carrow, who was smiling at her. 
“Detention, tonight at eight in my office. Don’t be late.”
Y/N looked at the clock. It was seven forty. Twenty minutes until she was expected in Alecto Carrow’s office to receive her punishment. Her stomach churned at the thought.
She purposefully avoided Draco for the rest of that day. Whenever he saw her in the hallway, Y/N would turn the other way. She knew Draco would be able to tell something was wrong, and she didn’t think she’d be able to speak the words out loud to him when he asked.
She decided that she ought to arrive early for her detention. Maybe that way it could end sooner. She shifted her bag onto her shoulder and started the walk to Carrow’s office. As she was walking, she heard footsteps behind her. 
“Y/N, wait up,” Draco called.
“Fuck,” Y/N muttered as she came to a halt, allowing Draco to catch up to her.
“Where are you off to?” he asked.
“My dorms,” she answered curtly.
“Are you alright, darling?” Draco asked, his voice laced with concern.
“Yes, Draco.”
“No offense but that wasn’t very convincing.I know you’ve been crying. Are you okay?”
“Fuck off, Draco. Leave me alone.”
Draco looked as if he’d been slapped across the face. His eyes flashed with hurt. Y/N instantly regretted her words. 
“Shit, I’m sorry. You’re right, I’m not okay. But I can’t talk to you about it. Not right now.”
Draco pursed his lips. He nodded without saying a word, obviously still reeling from her outburst. 
Y/N took this as her cue to leave. She didn’t want to cause any more damage. “I’m sorry. I’ll see you later,” she said as she rushed off towards Carrow’s office; she only had a few minutes left to get there.
Draco stood in the hallway, watching her run away. He took note that she took a left turn instead of a right turn. Meaning she was lying about where she was going. His eyebrows knit together. What was she hiding from him?
Inside Carrow’s office, there was only a desk and a chair. The walls were bare. Carrow paced on the other side of the desk.
“Ah, Malfoy’s toy, you’ve finally arrived.” Carrow walked over to Y/N and promptly gave her a jarring slap across the face.
“That’s for almost being late.”
Y/N kept her expression blank, not wanting to give her any sort of reaction.
“Sit. Hands on top of the desk.”
Y/N obeyed, fear started to settle in her gut. Carrow walked around the desk, running the tip of her wand up Y/N’s jawline as she circled her. She did her best not to tremble, but she couldn’t help it.
“Aww, look at you. Are you scared of me?” Carrow taunted. “You should be.”
Carrow returned to the opposite side of the desk, where she reached inside a drawer and pulled out a bottle of dark purple liquid. 
“Drink up,” she said with a smirk.
Y/N knew she didn’t have a choice. She picked up the bottle with shaky hands, pulled the cork off the top, and downed the potion. It tasted like Bertie Bott’s rotten egg flavored jelly beans. She lowered the bottle back onto the desk and wiped her mouth with her sleeve. 
Her body began to feel cold. Her skin started to turn purple. With every second that passed, she grew more and more chilly until her skin felt as though it had turned to ice. Her teeth chattered, and she began to bring her hands to her chest, but they were abruptly slapped by Carrow.
Her body was shaking uncontrollably, desperately trying to create warmth, but to no avail. Carrow observed Y/N with an evil glint in her eye.
With each minute that passed, her body grew tighter and tighter. First, she lost mobility in her toes, then her legs, then each of her fingers one by one. The panic in her chest rose as the burning cold spread throughout her body. Soon enough, she was unable to move from the neck down. Y/N felt as though she was suffocating, her chest barely rose with her shallow breaths, and her body felt like it was frozen from the inside out.
But before her head froze, Carrow dissolved the effects of the potion with a simple wave of her wand. Y/N let out a huge breath as she began to regain feeling in her body. 
“How was that? This potion was banned back in 1954, but I thought it would be nice to brew it just for you. You’re lucky I didn’t let you experience its full effect. Legend has it there are people currently buried underground, presumed to be dead. However, in reality, they’re just frozen solid, but still alive, still conscious.”
Y/N pushed the mental image of being buried alive away. Instead, she began to prepare herself since she knew this wasn’t all Carrow had planned for her. Her suspicions were confirmed when she tapped her wand to Y/N’s arms, sticking them to the desk. 
When Carrow pulled a knife from her desk drawer, Y/N really began to panic. She desperately tried to yank her arms off the desk. Carrow seemed to get a real kick from the sight of her struggle. 
Slowly and steadily, she pressed the blade of the knife into her outer forearm. Y/N felt the knife break her skin, and she could only watch as blood flowed from the fresh gash. Carrow lifted the knife and once again made another cut on her arm. She did this again and again until Y/N let a sob fall from her lips. The desk was now covered in her blood.
Carrow laughed maniacally as she flipped the knife around, the butt end of the handle facing Y/N’s arms. Without warning, she raised it up and slammed it into the first cut she’d made. Then into the second, the third, the fourth, and so on until she’d dug the handle into every wound on her arms. 
Y/N could no longer hold back any of her screams. The sensation of the heavy metal handle being driven and twisted into her cuts was more than she could take. Every time Carrow slammed it onto her forearms, white-hot flashes of pain would jolt through her body.
“What a pathetic excuse for a witch, you are. I mean, really, what does he see in you? You can’t truly mean anything to Draco. I bet he keeps you around just to play with you and use you. You’re just a toy to him. And one day, he’ll grow tired of you, won’t want to play with you anymore. Then he’ll throw you out. You’ll be nothing without him. Won’t you?”
Y/N bit her lip to stop a cry from escaping her throat. Carrow’s words cut deeper than she cared to admit. 
“How about we make sure you always know your place, hmm? Let’s give you a permanent reminder of what you are,” Carrow said as she picked up the knife once again and flipped Y/N’s right arm over so that her inner forearm was showing. She dipped the blade of the knife into a jar containing a black, jellylike substance. Then she dug the tip of the knife into Y/N’s flesh and dragged downwards. “This will be good for you. I wonder what Draco will think when he sees it.”
Y/N nearly fainted from the pain of the blade gliding through her. Her arm tensed viciously in reaction to the dark magic being embedded into her skin. At that moment, all she knew was pain. When Carrow had finished, she smiled, “Done. Take a look.”
Curiosity got the best of her, and Y/N let her eyes drift over to her arm. There on her arm, carved into her bruised skin, was the word ‘Toy.’
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Carrow asked.
All Y/N could do was cry. She cried and cried until suddenly, everything went dark.
Y/N awoke to the sounds of someone weeping. She gradually opened her eyes. There sat Draco, his head in his hands. 
He sensed eyes on him and lifted his face. 
“You’re awake! Oh, thank Merlin,” Draco said while he wiped away his tears. 
Y/N’s first instinct was to look at her arms, they were covered in bandages. She rushed to lift the one around her right arm. She needed to see it, see if it was really there.
Sure enough, the word was still carved into her flesh. The other cuts Carrow had slashed onto her skin were nearly gone, the effects of dittany preventing them from scarring. But it seems ‘Toy’ really would be permanent. 
“What’s wrong?” Draco asked, reaching for Y/N’s arm. She pulled it to her chest, not wanting Draco to see. He looked at her with a perplexed expression and reached for her arm again.
“Don’t touch me,” She said firmly. Draco put his hands up in the air, trying to show his girlfriend that he meant no harm. But she wasn’t in her right mind. Whatever happened to her had gravely impacted her. She had never refused Draco’s touch before. He felt his anger grow, his chest began to heave the more he looked at Y/N’s trembling shoulders as she wept silent tears.
Before he could say anything more, Madam Pomfrey came to Y/N’s bedside. She looked at her pitifully and then turned to Draco. “Give her this if she’s unable to calm down. You can escort her back to her dorms now,” she said as she handed Draco a draught of the living peace potion. 
The sight of this seemed to frighten Y/N even more. “What is that? What will it do to me? Don’t make me drink it, I don’t want it!” she exclaimed, her panic-stricken eyes shifting back and forth from Draco to Madam Pomfrey.
“Ms. Y/L/N, this is the draught of the living peace potion. It’ll soothe your anxiety and put your mind at ease. It will cause you no harm, I promise.”
Y/N nodded and began to relax, but her shoulders were still rising and falling at a worryingly fast pace. 
“Let’s get you out of here. Come on,” Draco said gently, his volume barely over a whisper. Y/N complied and pulled back the covers on the medical bed. She allowed Draco to take her hand as she slid off the cot. He grasped it, softly, wanting his grip to be grounding for her but not aggressive.
He led her through the halls, shielding her from the gaze of onlooking students. All he had to do was look at them, and they’d immediately avert their eyes. 
Soon enough, they arrived at Y/N’s dorms. But to her surprise, Draco took her right past the entrance.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“My prefect room. We can talk freely there.”
And so they took a few more turns and headed up the stairs to Draco’s room. His bed was big enough for both of them to sit across from each other, legs crossed. They did so in silence for a few moments before Draco asked,
“Who did this to you?”
Y/N looked at her lap. “Professor Carrow. She gave me detention for refusing to hex Pavarti.”
Draco sighed angrily. He knew there was nothing he could do about Carrow. Quite frankly, she and the rest of the Death Eaters didn’t like him and his family. They thought the Malfoys to be cowards. Confronting Carrow would only result in more taunting of his family, and likely more detentions for Y/N.
“I’m sorry, love. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.”
“There was nothing you could’ve done. I knew what I was getting into when I refused. And it didn’t matter anyway, she imperioed me. I had no choice but to hurt Pavarti. I’m sure she hates me now,” Y/N said solemnly.
“Don’t talk that way, Parvati would have to be thick not to forgive you. You were under the imperius curse. She can’t blame you for anything you did to her while under that spell.”
“I suppose you’re right. I still feel bad about it, though. Carrow made me crucio her, Draco. And did you not see her in the hospital wing? She’s got marks all over her body. I did that to her.”
“Stop that right now, you don’t get to blame yourself for this. You said it yourself, you had no choice. You’ve got to forgive yourself, or you’ll never be able to move on.”
Y/N looked up at Draco. He was staring at her intently. He needed her to believe the words he was saying were true. 
She nodded and ran her hands through her hair. This seemed to put Draco at ease until he caught sight of her arm. He reached out his hand, silently asking her if he could see her wound. Y/N hesitated but turned her inner wrist outward so he could see. He gently held her arm in his calloused hands. A deep frown settled on his face when he read the word. “She did this because of me, didn’t she?” he asked.
Y/N only nodded, but the confirmation of his question lit a fire in Draco’s eyes. “I’ll kill her,” he said while getting to his feet. “One of these days I’ll kill her,” he was pacing now. “How dare she do this to you.” His voice was laced with venom as he spat his words.
“Draco, you know you can’t do that. And it’s not your fault. I knew what I signed up for when I asked you to be with me. It’s okay. I’m here now.”
“I know I just thought… fuck I’m so angry I —” He stopped mid-sentence and sighed. 
“Can I hold you? I need to hold you.”
Y/n smiled softly at him. She held out her arms, and Draco didn’t skip a beat before rushing into them. He lifted her up, putting his hand beneath her for support. Y/N rested her head on his shoulder, finally feeling a sense of calm. 
Draco swayed side to side, soothing the girl in his arms. “You’re safe,” he whispered into her ear before placing a tender kiss on her nape. He felt her relax in his hold. They stayed this way for quite some time, swaying. Draco made sure to remind her she was safe and gave her many kisses. He then began to hum, hoping it would lull his girlfriend to sleep. It eventually did, but just before she drifted into dreamland, Draco heard her whisper a soft “I love you.”
“I love you more.”
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iron-mum · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where Tony and kid Peter are being adorable father and son as retribution for the angst you’ve made me suffer through in the past hah! (JK I love you and your angst! 💛)
Well, well, well. What do we have here, eh? A request for adorable? I'm not sure, I'm very good at that 😌
Here's SIMTony who would stop at nothing to help his unwell son, Peter get better. Even if it meant using Extremis.
P.S. ILY3000 💕
In the final throes of the graveyard shift at the hospital floor, the elevator pinged for its frequent lone visitor. The front desk staff, whilst tense and sitting up suddenly straighter, knew not to actually engage. No ID was needed for their boss, one of them barely suppressing a gulp as his determined strides headed for the private room that had been deliberately placed near to the room equipped for every possible kind of emergency. Once inside, he carefully shut the door silently and took a seat at the bedside.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Sharp blue eyes shifted from the persistent buzzing of the most technologically advanced medical equipment anyone, anywhere could offer before looking back down to something far more invaluable and precious. Tony’s entire world. His purpose in life. The little boy on the bed lay motionless, breathing slowly and evenly, nose occasionally scrunching up at the discomfort of the oxygen mask upon him. He should have been cocooned in a hug from his father but instead his son, Peter, was littered with wires attaching him to the very best modern medicine had to offer.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Pale, soft skin with the daintiest of freckles stood out against the dark curls spread across the far too big pillow. The small fingers of his left hand had loosely closed around the calloused thumb of his father, letting him know that whilst he had been rendered weak from illness, he was still aware of his comforting presence. Tony’s index finger gently glided across the small knuckles, willing himself to see a tiny curve of the lips on his son’s face.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
This had been the Avengers fault. Peter’s current critical condition. The young boy had been on a school trip when a battle had broken out and the wannabe heroes managed to cause more destruction than lives saved. A chemical explosion had landed most of the class in hospital and many of them had ended up becoming very unwell. Unfortunately for Peter, he already suffered many ailments so even under the wing of Stark’s finest medical personnel, the struggle had taken a toll. The genius shook his head as thoughts of revenge started to sprout from the many seeds that had been planted since the catastrophic incident. He shelved the many ideas he had that would lead to the demise of the reckless group once his kid was better.
It had been hours when the sound of a nurse's footsteps acted as the catalyst that would remove Tony from the room so he could head back to his lab. As he reluctantly moved his hand away, there was no reaction. Not even a twitch from the slender child. Bending down, he tentatively stroked a small amount of the exposed skin that was available on the boy’s face before planting a light kiss on his forehead. By the time the nurse was opening the door to the room to complete the routine checks, any sign of a visitor would be long gone.
The moment Tony was back in his workshop, he strode towards his desk. Music started to reverberate from the ceiling, the sound greatly appreciated compared to the low hum and incessant beeping from the emotionless devices that were currently keeping his son alive.
Tony didn’t believe in a higher power other than himself. So in no way, shape or form was he ever going to accept that he couldn’t save Peter from the incurable illness now ravaging his frail body. Feeling powerless was simply not an option.
Rolling up the sleeve to his top, the genius opened a drawer and pulled out a device meant for extracting blood as painlessly as possible. Not that pain meant much to him these days. No pain would ever compete with a parent having to watch their child deteriorate every single second of every single day.
Satisfied with the draw, Tony placed it into a diagnostic machine of his own making. He caught a glimpse of his reflection in the glass of his workshop, eyeing it like he was in the most intense staring contest of his life. Jaw clenching, his arm shot out allowing liquid metal to glide across his skin before firing a repulsor at the glass and shattering it. There was an element of irony to everyone loving his face except himself in the minimal but intrusive “what if” moments that surrounded his current situation. With a crack of his neck, his arm remained outstretched so the Endo-Sym armour could return to it’s housing tank.
“Boss, the results are back,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. informed as the music lessened in volume. “No adverse reactions detected still. The chemical composition indicates that the Extremis is unchanged in it’s integration with you on a genetic level and continues to remain stable.”
“And the sample from Peter?” Tony asked, confident that he knew what the answer would be.
“Also remaining stable.”
“Alert the staff intending to see Peter following tonight's shift that their presence will not be needed,” the genius demanded as he mentally reiterated the next steps of his plan in his head. Lips curled into devilishly handsome grin at his victory, eyes crinkling at the sides. The smile only softened when his eyes drifted to a framed picture Peter had drawn of the both of them. He’d done it.
“Certainly, boss,” the AI had responded without any acknowledgement. Tony was too busy in thought. Not only was the Extremis flowing through his own veins, leaving him feeling at perfect health. But soon, it would be doing the same for Peter too. Pain free, peak performance and at complete and optimal health.
“Have there been any sightings of the Avengers in the last hour? I feel a splash of revenge is in order for this special occasion?” The holo-screens in front of him started to flicker as social media sites were searched and hashtags refreshed repeatedly. Hulk had been trending within the hour and Hawkeye in the last eleven minutes.
"Well, how about that?" he grinned gleefully. "I really am being spoiled for choice."
Whilst the genius had been certain F.R.I.D.A.Y. had relayed the message to the morning staff, Tony still found himself exhaling sharply at the sight of someone sat by Peter’s side reading his file. The thin bag of Extremis in his hand was shifted into his back pocket as quickly as humanly possible. The good feeling from beating the shit out of one of the Avengers, plus the buzz of providing Peter with a cure that no meagre doctor had been able to, shifted into a tension as tried to work out who it was.
Their face was narrow with sharp features and glasz eyes remarkably penetrating when they met his perusing stare. His black hair had been combed back neatly, the sides of his temples a distinct light grey. The well fitted suit looked designer even for Tony’s impeccable standards.
“Your services are no longer required,” he affirmed with a dismissive flourish of the hands before the man could even introduce himself.
“I’m sorry?” the other man replied without hesitation, closing the file and rising from the chair. Tony’s chair. If he’d been expecting any pleasantries or introductions, he was thoroughly mistaken. Tony was already locked onto Peter, the gentle rise of his chest a welcoming sight as always. He refused to allow his attention to be divided, ignoring the piercing stare boring into him now. “I have an oath to this patient. He critically needs help from the best in all fields. He needs my help.”
The genius turned at that, an eyebrow raised as he looked the doctor up and down. He certainly held himself strongly for someone who had that much audacity in addressing the owner of everything within his current vicinity.
“Are you new around here… Doctor Strange?” He asked disingenuously, eyes narrowing as he scrutinised the name badge. The letters ‘VISITOR - Dr Stephen Strange’ jotted on the bottom, likely the reason he hadn’t got his AI’s memo. The receptionist who let him in would be fired whether it was her fault or not.
“Unlike everyone else in this building, no, I don’t work for you” the doctor shot back tersely. “However, you were so insistent on my consultation that, somehow, I found my diary completely cleared of all surgeries that were booked in.”
“Well, you can now stick them back in your diary. We’re done here.”
“I know this is difficult,” the doctor started, tone suddenly softer as if he were hoping a change of tact would get through. “You brought me in for my expertise, so use them.”
“I’m the most intelligent, capable person on the planet. I don’t need you. I don’t need anyone.”
“Your arrogance surpasses all the rumours and expectations I had of you,” Strange snapped back incredulously. Apparently nothing was going to get through. “Your child is-”
“You know, it would be a real shame if you were to lose your medical licence, wouldn't it, doctor?” Tony sneered dangerously low. This ungrateful little shit was going to get it for not only wasting his time and energy, but also his son’s. An insignificant speck like the rest of the world.
“Are you threatening me?” the doctor replied doing his best to keep his tone cool and unflinching when the other man removed all personal space between them. The lack of intimidation he was feeling only pissed Tony off more.
“Let’s not test my resolve, doctor.” Despite feeling completely wrong about leaving considering Peter’s condition, Dr Stephen Strange tucked the file he’d been reading under his arm and left the room in just a few strides. Tony had spotted the hand diving for a phone as the door shut behind him and clenched his fists in disdain.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., be a darling and ensure Doctor Douchebag doesn’t make it back home,” Tony demanded followed by a nonchalant sniff.
“Yes, boss. His phone has also unexpectedly lost all signal so will not be usable anytime soon.”
Satisfied with the course of action his AI had taken, Tony locked the door to his son’s room for good measure. He eyed the current equipment before making his move. One of the drips currently providing Peter with much needed medicine was switched to make way for a sample of the Extremis that Tony had meticulously created and tested on himself. He peered at his son, swallowing thickly that this would all be worth it.
Bag secured, the first few drops started instantly, the older man watching as they flowed along the thin tubes before entering the cannula imposed on Peter’s hand. The skin began to glow orange, the lava looking trail gliding all the way up the arm’s before entering the chest. Daring a glance at the monitors, Tony noted an instant improvement in the readouts. A smile spread across his face as sheet-white, sickly skin started to immediately brighten.
Peter’s big, brown doe eyes suddenly shot open as he took a huge gulp of air, eyes landing on his father who was remarkably in focus for the first time in his life without the aid of glasses. Tony removed the oxygen mask so he could take his son’s face in fully for the first time in well over a month.
“Dad?” the young boy croaked, clearly a little disoriented from the abrupt wake up.
“Hey, buddy,” Tony whispered, voice cracking with emotion as he closed the distance between them.
Peter lunged at his father, his small arms wrapping tightly around the genius’ neck and face burying into his chest. It had been far too long since either had been able to enjoy the tender, heart-bursting feeling of overwhelming, unconditional love from one another.
“I love you, kiddo.” Tony gushed as one of his hand’s lovingly cupped the back of Peter's head holding him as close as possible. The other enveloped around his back, his thumb slowly stroking up and down. When the older man's hand started to trail through Peter's hair, the boy somehow managed to burrow even closer. Tony soothingly lifted curls between his fingers and then let them ping back as new life continued to circle through his son’s body.
“I love you too, dad,” Peter whispered, a strain evident in his voice that Tony hadn’t been expecting. When he leant back, he saw the likely cause. Now unnecessary wires were tugging at his child’s skin.
“Let’s get these off you, bud. You don’t need them anymore,” he promised softly as he carefully went to work at removing the monitoring equipment clips and stickers. Peter’s curious eyes followed every step of the way, surprisingly not wincing even when some of the tougher stickers were peeled away. Although he was too young to even begin comprehending what had happened, he knew from vague memories he’d been hurt and that he’d slept a lot. Often he had been unsure if he was dreaming or awake when he’d hear his father read him stories, express his love and let him know how brave he was being. A slight tug on his hand drew him from his recollection as he looked down.
"I’m scared," Peter timidly admitted as he eyed up the last piece of medical equipment attached to him. The cannula in his hand.
“Here’s what we're gonna do, bud. We’re going to put on our brave faces and before you know it, it’ll be all done and over with. Can you show me your bravest, fiercest face?” Tony gently challenged, as part of his upper lip curled and he playfully growled.
The child’s dinky nose scrunched up and his lips pushed out into the biggest pout he could form. He shook his head a little and hummed in a way that likely felt fierce to him but could only be described as adorable to his dad.
"Wowzer. That was super mean, you nearly scared me!” Tony gasped dramatically, as he gestured for the boy to look down and see that the only thing on the top of his hand was a small cotton wool ball and a light pressure from his dad. Using his free hand to fish into his pocket, Tony revealed a green Paw Patrol sticker with Peter’s favourite character, Rocky, on it.
It had been a distant memory since the young boy had handed it to him, having spotted the numerous nicks and cuts that littered his hard working hands after a long day in the workshop. Extremis meant Peter wouldn’t even need it, but the placebo effect would make it worth it.
“Am I all better, daddy?” Peter asked as Tony eyed him up once more. The overwhelmed father cupped his kid’s face and planted another kiss on his forehead, relief washing over him that he was now free from the concatenation of medical instrumentation.
“You most certainly are. And that means we get to skedaddle out of here.”
Before his son could anticipate his next move, his father had scooped him up into his arms and they were making their way not only out of the room, but off of the floor for good.
They’d had a chance to change into matching casual wear and feasted on a huge breakfast before snuggling up on the sofa. Peter had selected an Octonauts movie to watch as he tucked into his father’s side and enjoyed the sound of his steady heartbeat.
It would be a couple of hours when Tony’s phone pinged with a notification he knew was F.R.I.D.A.Y. when she was being discreet. His son huffed at the movement as he shuffled to get the phone out of his pocket, muttering an apology to his kid before opening the message.
[Unfortunate accident on the Hawk’s Nest, Route 97. Vehicle crossed the barrier and rolled multiple times down the cliff’s edge before landing in the Delaware River. Initial scan from one of the Iron Sight Bot #364 shows one survivor.]
Tony’s smirk widened into a full blown smile. Peter’s heart-of-gold eyes suddenly on him, looking up from his position. It was likely a silent protest at the lack of head strokes he was suddenly receiving so the genius replied swiftly.
[Call off any emergency services and get him med-evaced here.]
“You know what I think we need. Celebratory cheeseburgers for lunch,” he announced as Peter let out a squee of joy.
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firefly464 · 4 years
The Gilded Cage - Chapter 2
aoweijfda ok im just gonna put it out there, posts are probably gonna be a bit slower for tgc, since me, rivy, and pami are all dealing with school shit. Anyways, have chapter :D
Written in collaboration with @i-have-this-now :D
Thank you @rivys for beta reading, editing, and writing :D
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Cries surrounded him, the voices of people he had thought were his friends piercing his mind. It was unfortunate that they hadn’t thought the same of him.
You need to get away from them.
The cold wind flew past him in streaks of haze. He couldn't tell where he was running to, only that he was running away. A gust of wind blew the hat off of his head, but between the pounding of his heart in his chest and his frantic planning, he barely noticed. 
You'll live if you run far enough.
The light dusting of snow brushed against his shoes as he shot past. One of his shoes fell off a while back, leaving one of his feet numb, but he couldn't concentrate on that now.
Run. They aren't your friends anymore. You can't trust them.
Dodging trees and logs and leaves, running to who knows where at this point. 
This wasn’t real, this couldn’t be real.
Something flew past his head, only narrowly missing his ear. He let out a curse. 
They’re trying to kill you
A sharp pain exploded in his right arm. He only forced himself to run faster. 
Ignore the pain. Just keep running. You’ll find safety eventually. 
He could feel adrenaline coursing through his veins, numbing his arm. 
Keep moving. Just keep moving.
The throbbing in his head was growing worse. His vision was blurring. He forced himself to keep going.
Don’t stop, don’t you fucking stop. 
He could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears, the sound of blood rushing past, drowning out any other sounds. His breathing was quick, and shallow. 
Just focus on running. Don’t think of anything else.
How long had he been running for? He didn’t know. It didn’t matter, just so long as he kept moving. Right now, all that mattered was getting away. 
Get as far away as possible. 
He was slowing down. Why was he slowing down? He couldn’t slow down, he needed to keep moving. He would be killed if he slowed down. He couldn’t afford to slow down. 
Why the fuck are you stopping? You can’t fucking stop.
His legs burned with adrenaline, pins and needles shooting up his thighs. He could feel the warmth of blood running down his arm and the stinging pain that came with it.
His pace continued to slow down. No, no he can’t. He can’t slow down. If he slows down he’ll-
His vision started to blur. Colors and shapes were formed into an arrangement of fuzzy mush. Greens, blues and reds were stirring in his vision. The edges of his eyesight started to fade into black.
Whatever you do, don’t stop. Stop and you’re dead. Stop and you’ll-
The darkness consumed his vision.
“Eret? Can you hear me? Are you awake?”
The voice was muffled, distant. 
“Eret, are you okay?”
He tried to push himself up, but his arms violently shook under him. He bit his tongue, doing his best not to cry out in pain. He watched as blood stained the snow under him underneath him, the deep crimson slowly spreading. He watched as it seeped into the ground, only to freeze over a moment later. 
“Woah, hey!” The person grabbed his arm. A jolt of pain coursed through him, but it was dull, and barely noticeable. He couldn’t feel the person grabbing his arm, much less the resulting pain. “You’re still hurt. Careful. God, what did you do…?” 
Eret grit his teeth. “I got fuckin’ shot,” he muttered, his words slurred, barely understandable. His eyes blurred, the corners of his vision going dark.
“Language,” The person sighed. “Come on, let’s get you inside.”
Pins and needles shot through him. He was going numb. He could barely see. He could feel himself drifting off, slipping in and out of consciousness. Every logical thought in his mind was telling him to run, run far away, get as far as you can, but he was too exhausted to move.
He could barely hear the voice murmuring to him as they carried him to safety. “You’re gonna be okay.”
When he finally awoke, he was laying on a soft bed, warmth surrounding him. It was completely different to when he had woken up in the cold van. Instead of being surrounded by hostility, there was a feeling of kindness in the air. 
He glanced around, trying to figure out where he was, only to once more find himself unable to see. The blinding white light had returned, making him squint. 
As he pushed himself up to a sitting position, he saw the outline of a small bedside table. On top of the table, he was pretty sure he could see a small, dark object. With a wince, he reached over and grabbed the dark glasses. 
Instantly, the world around him darkened, letting him actually see his surroundings. He was in what appeared to be a large, open room, split off into different sections. The section he was in seemed to be a makeshift bedroom of sorts, with curtains strung across the ceiling to provide privacy. 
From the small opening in the curtains, Eret could just barely make out the center of the room. In the middle stood a large pillar that reached to the ceiling, with stairs leading downwards. On the other side of the pillar was a crackling fireplace that filled the large room with warmth and light. A large couch was sat in front of it, giving a spot to rest and relax. 
In one corner, he could just barely make out the corner of what looked to be a kitchen. Eret could hear someone humming to themselves as they moved around the area. The voice sounded familiar, but it was difficult to place from only the humming. 
“Hello?” He called out, trying to figure out who the mysterious person was. He couldn’t remember much after he had blacked out, but he did remember someone helping him. Perhaps this was the same person. 
The sounds of shuffling came to an abrupt halt. They had stopped.
“Who’s there?” he called out, his voice trembling. “Please, I just want to know what's going on”
With the screech of metal on metal, the curtain in the doorway parted to reveal a tall, shadowy creature. They were an inky black, as though they were a silhouette, and their eyes glowed a haunting white. A dark hood covered their head, making the creature look even more intimidating. Eret was forced to swallow a scream of surprise at the sight. 
“Oh good, you’re awake! How are you feeling?” the creature spoke.
Eret couldn’t believe it. This… thing had the exact same voice as his friend back home, and had a striking resemblance to the man’s Minecraft skin. He had to be dreaming.
“Pinch me.”
“You need to pinch me. This can’t be real.”
“What? I’m not going to--”
“Pinch me!”
Bad frowned slightly as he sat down at Eret’s bedside. “I’m not going to pinch you, you’re still really hurt. How does your arm feel?” 
Eret ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t exactly care about my arm right now, this just… it has to be a dream. None of this can be happening, it’s not real.”
“Oh.” Bad looked down and let out a sigh. “Well, Eret, let me tell you what. You and I are here right now, and I love you, and my love is real. So don’t be a little muffin, alright?”
His friend’s reassuring words couldn’t calm Eret’s fear. “No, this isn’t real! I-I’m in some sort of fucked up dream or coma or something,” His words were filled with desperation, as though he were trying to convince himself of the lie. 
“Hey! Watch your language,” Bad said, before giving his friend a sympathetic glance. He looked towards the open curtain and called out, “Hey, George? Do you know what happened to Eret? He seems really upset.”
“Yeah, he got shot.” a calm voice called from beyond the doorway. As George stepped into view, he lifted his sunglasses from his eyes and rested them on his head. “Getting shot can do that to a person.” 
“No, I know that, George! I’m just worried!” 
The man sighed. “Setting up the control room took a lot of work, not to mention he just nearly froze to death. He’s been through a lot, Bad.”
Eret couldn’t help but stare in dumbfounded shock. It felt too real now. He was here, of course, but he was really here -- in the middle of a war against his best friends, and he didn’t know how to feel about it. He had only been conscious for less than an hour since his arrival, and he had already been injured several times.
On the one hand, at least he wasn’t alone. A single glance at his surroundings proved that he had people to help support him. People to help him, people that he knew he could trust.
 But on the other, the SMP’s lore was a hellstorm. There was death, pain, true and terrible suffering. They were in the middle of a war. He didn’t know much about how combat affected someone, but he knew that it could cause long-lasting trauma. That wasn’t something that could be ignored. 
“I know, George.” Bad’s gentle voice snapped Eret out of his spiraling thoughts. “But there has to be something we can do to help him, you know?”
“I’m right here…” he muttered under his breath. 
George sighed and leaned against the wall. “Alright then, Eret. Talk to me.”
“What the fuck was all that about?! What just happened?!” Tommy cried out, barging into the small van. His face was red from both the biting cold outside, and the anger that ran through him. He and Tubbo had just returned from chasing Eret out of the L’manberg walls, though Tommy wished they had been able to do more. 
He wanted Eret dead. Just thinking about the man brought a mixture of anger and fear to the surface. No, he needed Eret dead. He needed to make that son of a bitch pay for what he did to them. 
The inside of the van looked like a warzone, with papers and documents cluttering every available surface. The drawers that were pushed up against the wall were all thrown open, their contents spilled across the floor. Inkwells and quills lay scattered across the table in the center, the dark ink seeping into the wood below. 
Wilbur was hastily digging through one of the drawers, throwing vials and potion ingredients all over the floor. It was almost like he was looking for something, but that didn’t make sense. 
“What did he take? Why was he here?!” Wil cried out, Tommy’s voice falling on deaf ears. 
He jumped at the sound of knocking and turned to face his son standing in the doorway. Fundy looked at his father anxiously, ears pinned back against his head and tail swishing as he side-stepped past Tommy.
“I’m busy,” Wilbur spat. “Now isn’t the time.”
“Well, Dad, I was wondering what we should do about Eret.”
“What, why?! Didn’t you stop him?” 
Fundy’s shoulders shot up to his ears and his whole body tensed, his body language giving away his response “Well, we didn’t manage to catch him, but--”
“Then find him!”
Tommy stepped forward. “I understand you’re upset, but I think you’re being a bit harsh with Fundy, sir.”
The General scoffed. “Upset? Really? I’m not upset, I’m fucking pissed! The man that just betrayed our entire nation just ran off and you all let him!”
“Well, to be fair, he ran pretty fast,” Tubbo offered, trying to be helpful.
“I don’t give a shit how fast he ran, you will find him and you will...” Wilbur sputtered and gesticulated wildly. “...you’ll bring him to me, and I can watch the light fade from his stupid fucking glowing eyes, and--”
“Wilbur, please!” Tommy yelled. “You’re getting ahead of yourself.” Wilbur opened his mouth to interrupt, but Tommy stopped him. “Look, we all hate him for what he did, but if we don’t know where he is, we can’t do shit.”
Wilbur stared at his right hand man and sighed. He was jumping ahead, he needed to stay calm and rational. “Fine. Alright. Sure. We can hold off on that for now.”
Fundy let out a shaky sigh of relief. He had seen Wilbur lose his temper before, and it was never fun, but he had gotten used to it. This, though, was something different, and he wasn’t sure how long it was going to last.
He needed to leave, to get out before his adoptive father grew angry again. Fundy could tell from the furrow in Wilbur’s brow that the anger was not yet gone, and it was only a matter of time before it exploded out again.
“I uh, I’m going to go patrol the walls. I want to make sure he’s actually gone,” Fundy said, desperate for a chance to escape. 
Will glared at him, a spark in his eye unlike any Fundy had seen before. “No, Fundy, you don’t understand the gravity of the situation. You may have been there with us in the control room, but you will never understand what his betrayal truly meant.”
“Wilbur, I--”
“He was there at the founding of our nation, Fundy, he helped build L’Manburg from the ground up, and he left us all behind. And it hurt, and I know it hurt you too, but here’s the thing. Eret has to pay, but you can’t be the one to collect.”
Fundy felt a growl deep in his chest. “I can do this, Wilbur, just trust me--”
“Fundy.” The General stared directly into his eyes, the emotion in his words seemingly gone. “You. Are. Incompetent. You cannot do this, and I mean that literally. This is not for you.”
Fundy felt his ears flatten on the top of his head and he stepped back in shock. He understood what Wilbur meant, he really did. It made sense. After all, he wasn’t the strongest fighter, or the best tactician, or the best anything, really. This wasn’t a job meant for him, it just wasn’t, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. He needed to prove himself, to show that he could at least do something to help.
His shoulders slumped. “I understand. I… I would still like to go on patrol, sir. If I find anything, I will report to you immediately.” He turned on his heel, not giving Wilbur the chance to respond. Pushing past both Tubbo and Tommy, he left the van, trying to escape his shame.
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sound-of-the-cosmos · 4 years
The Rain can hide anything. RK800 (Connor) X Reader (3)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, anxiety, violence, cursing
Summary: Hank takes you to his place to keep you safe while they investigate. Your mother finds you. Connor becomes more protective than before.
“I don’t think humans are supposed to have these kinds of marks, Y/n.”
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Pulling up to the small house, you allow yourself to glance over at Hank. The shadows under his eyes and the semi-glassy look in his eyes was proof he’d seen some things, and your thoughts wandered to your own predicament. 
“Alright; Sumo will look after ya until Connor and I get back. Make yourself at home but don’t make the place more of a mess, capiche?” Hank looks over at you, before opening his door and stepping out into the rain.
Nodding to yourself, you follow his suit, wrapping your arms around yourself. He leads you to the front door, and unlocks it, before opening it. “It ain’t much, but it oughta be enough until we can find ya a better place.” Mumbling, he reaches over into the little side table in the entryway.
Opening the drawer, he pulls out a gun. “Know how to use one of these?” You nod a little, your mouth going dry. “It’s just in case, kid. You should be safe here, so don’t worry too much. We’ll be back soon.” He glances outside, before patting your shoulder twice. “You’re gonna be ok.” 
That was two hours ago, and your nerves were starting to climb the walls. Sumo had laid at your feet at some point, but you weren’t entirely sure when. Your body had begun to ache and burn, so you’d sat down. 
A small knock jolts you out of your thoughts, and you grab the gun, biting your lip harshly. Sumo growls, and confusion filled your veins, before ice followed. 
Had you locked the door?
Your question was answered moments after, the door violently swinging open. Your mother stood in the doorway, completely drenched and seething. A small cry rips through your lips, and Sumo barks.
“Dear, what are you doing at this man’s house?” She steps inside, Sumo standing between you both as if to protect you. “So you’re sleeping with the drunken, suicidal cop then, eh? Fucking whore, I should’ve known.” Her words stung, even if they weren’t true.
“I-” You begin, and she laughs humorlessly. 
“God, where did I go wrong? Come on. Samuel is waiting to see you, he misses his little girl.” Her voice held faux sympathy, and your vision blurs a little. “Rather, he misses his bitch. You thought you could run away from us, huh?” she’s inches away from your face, and Sumo barks again.
She pushes you, and you fall back onto the couch with a hiss of pain. Your mother sees the gun, and her smile widens. “Oh, would you look at that? You gonna shoot me, whore?” Your face burned, and she grabs it before you can. 
“One bullet... I know! Let’s play a game! Russian Roulette, but you go first.” She shoves it into your hand, forcing it to your head. You were too weak to put up too much of a fight, and she knew it. 
Sumo bites her arm, and she yells out in pain, turning to shoot the gun at him. It fires, but it was a black. Cursing, she threw it to the side and kicks the poor dog. It yelps, but doesn’t let go.
You grab the gun with shaky hands, and she grabs it from you, before shooting. It fires, and this time, it hits its mark. Your shoulder explodes in pain, and you let out a twisted screech of agony. 
“Does it hurt, bitch?” She finally gets Sumo to let go, and immediately steps on the wound, and you cry out once again. Blood pooled on the carpet under you, and you knew you were crying. You were scared; were you going to die this time?
Your vision began to swim, going white at the edges. Her grin only widened. The grumble of an engine grows outside, and she curses, before jumping out the window by Hank’s desk. 
Laying on the floor, tears began to blur your vision further. A car door slams, and you can hear footsteps approaching. Hank’s voice echos through the house. “Shit-” 
“I believe we barely missed her.” Connor’s voice is concerned, before his eyes meet your body. “Y/n?” He runs over, and sees the bullet wound on your shoulder. Something flashes over his face- Panic? Fear? 
Biologically, androids weren’t alive, but emotions were the main factor. in what made humans humane. 
This made your heart ache a little. The first emotions he felt were because of you. And they were emotions you hated people to feel.
A soft apology escapes your lips, along with a choked sob. Why were they trying to help you? Why do they care? It doesn’t make sense.
“Why are you apologizing, y/n? I should be the one to apologize; I said we would keep you safe, and yet you’re more injured than when we found you..” His voice trailed off a little, and you felt guilt settle in your gut. 
“I should’ve been here to keep you safe! I-” He paces, and Hank takes his shoulder. 
“Let’s get her cleaned up, then we can ask what happened. Maybe we can find out a little more from this.” 
Your shoulder throbbed, but you knew the bleeding had stopped. You took in a shaky breath before your began. 
You began to tell them about how you had been waiting for them, when you mother broke down the door. Hank glances at his door, and nods a little. You don’t tell them what your mother had said, but just that she’d shot you with the gun you’d been given, and that she made it worse by stepping on it.
You weren’t sure how she escaped. 
Connor’s LED was flashing red and yellow, and you let out a defeated, shaky laugh. “Maybe this was a dumb idea- Maybe I should’ve just stayed and kept my mouth shut. Maybe-” Hank cuts you off.
“That’s the dumbest fucking things I’ve heard. Y/n, this is just one time. How much worse would this have been at home?” You were quiet. He was right and you knew it- you just hated that they had been dragged into this.
“Y/n... I believe I should stay with you for the night. This way, you aren’t alone and I can protect you if your mother comes back.” You nod a little, keeping your gaze fixed on the ground. 
How would you repay them for this..?
//This is no longer the end! After careful consideration, I decided to change this part and end it differently, so it can go on. A a a  Connor being a protective boio is a great thing-
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rosierocks30 · 4 years
Hidden: Ch.9
Chapter 9: Love, Passion, and Desire
Somewhere in Paradis Isle, Eren had been writing a letter to his older brother, Zeke since they both decided to be separate so neither of them got caught. 
For many months, the Titan shifter couldn’t get over the rejection of Queen Historia. At first, he thought; what does she see in Captain Levi? Eren had a lot of respect for his former captain, but it confused him how these two end up being together? They have so many differences. He can guess, Historia was probably into older men. After all, didn’t she tell him that her mother was around her age when she was seeing Lord Reiss? Historia’s father was twice older than her mother yet they had Historia. 
The younger Jaeger finished his letter then tucked it into an envelope to be ready to send soon. They were preparing for the war coming soon. Eren was ready to unleash The Rumbling that Ymir Fritz showed him through the Path. 
He had been thinking about what his brother said before they split up into different directions. 
“What’s your backing up plan if we can’t access The Rumbling?” Zeke sat on a tree trunk while drinking a canteen of water. 
Eren was already contemplating the question. “If we can’t do it soon then we’ll wait, until it’s the right time.” He sighed and glanced at his brother. “I had a dream last night. There were people screaming and running from some weird light destroying their city. It looked too advanced. Then it shifted to two figures running and jumping on some glass-like surface to climb up in a strange building to see a group of humans working on metals and fire wielding tools to melt the metals into shapes. A woman appeared to explain to me this was what humans were before the collapse of an ancient civilization used to exist.” 
Zeke was concerned about what Eren had dreamt. “What ancient civilization do you refer to? This dream of yours is getting bizarre. Maybe we need to get rid of that strange sphere object that you found in the ruins of Reiss’s chapel. All it does is make you crazy and I need you to be focused.” he scolded Eren. 
“No! We can’t get rid of it. This object holds the key to humanity and our freedom.” Eren glared at his brother while holding the sphere possessively. 
Zeke rubbed his temple spots from frustration of his little brother’s behavior. “Eren, that thing is causing you nothing but trouble. You kept mumbling in your sleep about finding your Eve. Who is this Eve?” He asked. 
Eren keeps thinking about what he dreamt last night. All he can think of is the woman with a strange dress. She said her name was Minerva. So what does Minerva want him to find this Eve? He had contacted Ymir through the Path, but she doesn’t know anything what his dream meant. All she said was that Minerva is ancient. The origin of humanity is not what it seems. 
“I don’t know. I just know I need to find her.” Eren said with determination. 
(End of Flashback) 
The green-eyed man stared down at the sphere. The Apple of Eden. This object had given him other dreams or should he say visions. These visions were the past that humanity had forgotten through thousands of years.
Eren puts the object back into the drawer of the night stand next to the bed. He walked out of his room that was checked in from an inn. As the titan shifter keeps walking on the streets, he accidentally bumps into a stranger. 
“Oh sorry for bumping you.” He looks up at the stranger to see they’re steel grey. 
“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t see where I was going.” This stranger is a woman. Her accent is not from here nor Marleyan. The way she spoke Eldian was not obviously her first language. She does seem foreigner. Where is she from? This woman does look cute. 
Eren rubbed his brown hair shyly. Why was he blushing over some stranger he just literally met. She is very attractive, don’t get him wrong, but he still has strong feelings for Historia. Well, he wants to believe his feelings are real. Zeke told him it was his craziness from the object that made him think they were real. Eren doesn’t know anymore what’s real or not. 
“It’s fine. It was an accident. You don’t seem like you're here? Are you a foreigner?” He said. 
The woman was caught off guard. Maybe she’s some spy? The unknown woman stepped back. “Yeah...what of it? Can this foreigner enjoy her vacation.” She said in a defensive tone. 
He uses his hands to make a surrender gesture to her. “No no you can enjoy your vacation. Sorry, it’s just...your accent gave away.” He resumes observing the woman in the front of him. Her brown hair flows as the light breeze passes by between them. Her skin tone was a bit tan with yellow undertone. As his eyes lower further down, he likes what he sees. Her body toned well, probably from working out. Her clothes were unique but it looked good on her. The trouser pants were tight and the blouse was black with two thin straps on her shoulders. Is this woman trying to get men’s attention or she’s not aware her choice of clothing can get her in serious trouble. 
“Hey buddy, I know I’m hot, but my eyes are up here.” Her voice snapped his trance back to reality. Well shit, he’s embarrassed. 
“You know what your wearing can give a man the wrong message.” He warned her. 
Her brow raised up. Seriously this woman kind of reminds him of someone he used to idolize as a kid during his Scouts years. 
“And what message do I seem to give? You are a man, so what is that message I am giving to you?” Her lips form into a smirk. Eren doesn’t know how to respond to that. This woman is bold but mysterious too. 
“Well um...I-I…” Eren’s face was flushed from still struggling to respond. He took off his trench coat and put it on the woman. “Just be careful ok. You’re lucky, you bumped into me and not some creep.” 
The brown haired woman was a bit startled by his gentlemanly actions. She let him put her on his coat. “Thanks.” 
Eren nodded then walked away. Before he vanished from the woman’s view, she stopped him. “Wait! Where do you live so I can give it back to you?” She asked. 
His head turned around to glance at her. “You can drop it off at the inn in front of you. Just say you’re looking for Eren.” He thought about giving away his full name, but since he is a wanted man, it’s smart not to give away his true identity. 
“So your name is Eren? Nice to meet you. You can call me...Eve.” She said. 
This caught his attention. Eve? He took a glimpse one more time to see her already gone through the crowds. He remembered what Minerva in his dreams said. Find your Eve. He resumed walking to his destination thinking about the bold woman he just met. 
(Somewhere in the capitol) 
The sunlight hits through the balcony to warm up the skins of two figures enjoying their afternoon activity. The sound of the bed squeaking loud along the moans. 
“Oh my Lord! Nathaniel.” Gilbert moans from the ecstasy of the orgasm he received.  
“My beautiful Gilly, your moans are heaven to me.” He showered his lover with praises. 
“As long I pleased you, I am satisfied.” Gilbert blushed. 
“You always have pleased me especially the assassination of Premier Zackely that you succeed.” The templar smiled. 
“But now Dot Pixis is the new Premier. It should have been one of our men.” Gilly frowned from the result of his mission. 
“Don’t be upset. Darius Zackely was a dangerous man. He was so closed to figure out my connections with The Templars and planning to dethrone that Whore. Who would ever thought, both the queen and the captain are expecting soon.” He growled in anger from all his hard work that was about to be revealed. Luckily, silencing Zackely made it possible to continue his work. 
“Will you still try to marry her?” The thought of his lover marrying someone else still hurts him. 
“In order to be King, yes I must.” Nathaniel cups his hands on Gilbert’s cheek. “Listen Gilbert, she’s just going to be my queen for temporary until she gives me a proper heir.” 
“What about the current unborn child she is carrying?” Gilbert said. 
“With Ackerman blood running in its veins, the unborn baby will be just a personal bodyguard or will be groomed to be a templar.” Nathan was not cruel enough to end a child’s life whether they were threatening to be on the throne. 
“Soon our plan is about to be executed and this island will be ours.” Nathan smiled while kissing Gilbert’s neck softly. The both lovers continue their lovemaking which they pre-celebrated their plan will be achieved soon. 
(Military base in Marley)
Reiner was heading to visit his family before leaving for the coastline where you can see The Devil’s Island or Paradise Isle. 
He missed his mother’s cooking. Already his cousin, Gabi arrived at his mother’s home probably helping out making dinner. 
A shadow passed by him to get into a dark alley. This caught his eye as he turned to the left. Reiner couldn’t see who it was, but the figure was covered in an odd thick white sweater with a hood attached to it. The figure was a bit smaller than him. So the Armored Titan runs after this figure. If he caught this spy, Reiner would get more praised as a Warrior and they won’t keep doubting him of his loyalty to his country. 
The figure began to climb up the wooden storage boxes to get on the rooftop without an effort. 
“Hey, stop there spy!” He shouted while getting up to the rooftop. 
The figure stopped but it was several feet away from him. Reiner could see a glimpse of black long hair stick out as the breeze made the locks float along. The face was still hidden half way, but Reiner could see the person’s pink lips and creamy skin tone. 
This spy would be a female. The blond man started to run after her. The “spy” quickly paced away. When she reaches the edge of the roof, Reiner grins as he is so close to capture. 
“You can’t escape.” He said. 
The figure glanced across to estimate the other rooftop building was enough for her to make a jump. Then she ran to leap on the other roof. Her body rolls smoothly to the surface. Reiner frowned that she managed to make it. He decided to also make a leap to catch up to the woman. He will not let this spy escape. 
Once he gained enough speed to make a jump from the edge of the rooftop, he landed and rolled down with minor scratches. He gets up to resume his chase. 
As the mysterious figure reaches another “deadend”, she stops to calculate where to escape next. Shit, remember what one of the Assassin Masters said in her training. When she was about to make another leap, Reiner tackled her down which they fell off the roof to a pile of empty carton boxes in another alley. 
“I got you, spy.” Reiner glared down as he removed the hood. 
He was shocked to see those dark eyes. “Mikasa Ackerman? What are your intentions here in Marley?” 
Mikasa growls at him while kneeling him to the diaphragm hard. He lost his breathing pattern as he began to cough. Mikasa rolls to get up, but Reiner reaches quick of her ankle to make her trip. 
“Oh no, you’re not escaping.” He pinned her to make sure she does try to wiggle her way out. 
“Oh fuck you traitor! Like I would tell you why I’m here.” She gives off her infamous Ackerman glare. 
“If you answered my questions maybe I will let you go.” He said. A part of him wants to let her go since she was a former comrade of his. He held so much respect for the raven haired woman. The Eldian-Marleyan soldier had an inter battle with himself. 
“Like you would keep your promise?” She chuckled sarcastically. 
“You are an enemy. I’m just a fellow who follows the rules.” He said. 
Mikasa was thinking of a way to escape. Well, fuck she’s screw. He knows she’s here in Marley. There’s a chance Reiner will report to his superiors and will send a group of soldiers after her. Her mission is about to be ruined. 
“Aren’t you a good little soldier.” Her eyes roll at him. 
“I see you still haven’t answered any of my questions, Ackerman.” He grinned down his teeth in annoyance. 
“And I see you’re still pinning me down but we both can’t get what we want right now.” She said. 
She thought about to headbutt him then stab him with her hidden blade, but Mikasa doesn’t have the guts to seriously harm a former friend. Her memories with Reiner in Cadet years were good enough not wanting to kill him. Yes, he done stupid shit like kidnaping Eren in the past along with Bertholdt and Ymir. The newly assassin noticed that Reiner had grown well into a fine man. That was a disturbing thought. 
“You were never the type with sarcasm.” He pointed out. 
“Things had changed since you and Bertholdt had betrayed us.” Mikasa said. 
She had a crazy idea that could help her get out of his grasp. Mikasa stared into him. Before Reiner continues talking, she leans towards him to catch him off guard to press her lips on his. Of course, like she predicted, Reiner was shocked by Mikasa’s bold action. What the raven haired beauty didn’t predict is the way she is kissing him. His lips were soft but firm.
Reiner becomes lost in the way her pink soft lips move so well adjusted against his own. He deepens the kiss to win by dominating the kiss. Of course, she won’t let that happen easily. Mikasa licks his bottom lip to have them open enough to stick her tongue and explore. 
Oh fuck, he taste so good and forbidden-wait what? What is she saying?! Being lost from the tasting Reiner, the newly assassin snapped back into reality. Mikasa surprised Reiner by kneeing him with force into his gut with her knee then knocked him off of her with a high kick to the head. The titan shifter rolled a few feet away from her. The dark haired beauty Ackerman gets up to finally escape before he regains that hard kick to his head. 
While she vanished from his view, Reiner was overwhelmed with mixed emotions of what just had happened right now. Did she and him just kiss? Reiner Braun was not the ladies man as his comrades like to think. His mind was always about the missions and duties for his motherland country. Distraction was out of the question. The blonde bulky man touched his lips that’s still warm and tingling from the spontaneous kiss with Mikasa Ackerman, his supposed enemy. 
(Survey Corps Headquarter in Mitras)
William Miles was in the court yard where Scouts soldiers spar or work out. Since he had been residing here, his assassins also reside here to plan and spar each other or with other soldiers. His grandson’s squad are quick to pick up moves during their training as new recruits. With the deal he and Levi made, this gives the team the opportunity to head on into battle when war comes. Bill had finally met the queen one on one in the months early. He was pleased his granddaughter in law was the perfect image of what most assassin's want in a spouse. She encouraged Levi to train under him. Levi was too stubborn, but he will listen to his wife or Hange or his comrades. Since yesterday, both family members finally had that closure they needed. His son, Jacob wanted his girlfriend and son to live in a better place. Of course, it was too late when he died to be able to fulfill that promise to Kuchel. She died without knowing what had happened to his son. The poor girl. He had helped dig up her grave with Levi to take her remains to at least buried her along with his son. Maybe this will bring peace for the mother of his first grandchild. 
The mentor assassin had another shocking news. One his assassins residing in New Your City found out his younger son, Desmond had a child too. Seriously, what the fuck were his sons were thinking? Didn’t they ever carry a damn condom ever? Don’t get him wrong. He is happy finding out he has another grandson, but the poor boy isn’t lucky from being hostage under Abstergo, the templars main corporation to try to dominate the world. 
This made the elder man furious that these scums dared to make this baby another of their “subjects”. For fuck’s sake, it’s a god damn infant. They are taking way too far for collecting his bloodline’s data. What are they exactly looking for? Adam and Eve? He chuckled sarcastically at that thought. 
For months, he was getting updates on his infant grandson, Elijah. He put the same assassin undercover as a staff in that company to make sure nothing dangerous happened to his other grandchild. He needs time to make a risky plan to get the baby out of the templars’ grasp. Levi was in rage when he also found out about his infant cousin. He was ready to go there and wipe out anyone there. 
“Are you fucking shitty me?! I don’t know who’s the worst, the sickos in Underground City or the Templars? ‘Cause to me both are at the same level in harming little babies.” Levi ranted while his blood boiled in rage for finding out about his little cousin. This world is a cruel place even without Titans involved. 
“Levi, I am enraged as much as you are, but we need to be level headed. We’ll make a careful calculated plan to rescue the baby. He deserves to be here with us, his family. I already sent one of my assassins to keep an eye on him. I just want to tell you because he’s your baby cousin.” Miles said with a calm tone. Levi has every right to be furious, but to get into blood rage won’t end well for anyone. 
“But after the war, we’ll get him or I’ll go myself.” Levi said. 
“We’ll save him together...don’t worry, I promise.” Bill was already behind Levi as his hand placed on his grandson’s shoulder to comfort him. 
(Flashback ends)
William Miles was in front of Commander Hange’s office door then knocked softly to let her know it’s him. 
“Come in.” Her tone seemed to be distracted when a knock was heard. 
He opened the door to see Hange absorb into her own side projects. Bill closed the door then sat on the chair in front of the desk. “Did I come in at a bad time?”
“Hm? Oh no, you’re fine. I was just doing light reading before I called it a day. So what can I do for you, Bill?” Hange closed her book on Astro-Phycis Theories. Bill raised his eyebrow to notice that her book doesn’t seem light to him. 
“You are a very strange woman if you consider that light reading.” He said.
Hange laughed at his comment. She adjusts her glasses. “I hope that’s a good thing.” 
“Oh trust me. It’s definitely a good thing, Zoe.” Bill grinned and got up to go towards where she’s sitting. The commander was confused when she felt his warm lips on hers. This is a surprising turn for Zoe. Both Miles and Hange had been flirting but never had the made. Some of the Scout soldiers and assassins laid a bet on who would make the move or how long will happen? This finally made Levi confront his grandfather about Hange in the morning. 
“Oi old man. When will you have the balls to make a move on Four Eyes? Because I don’t need a distracting Commander every time you two get flirty but don’t do shit. And trust me, she rarely gets distracted unless it’s a new science like Titan related or something.” Levi barged into his old room since he let his grandfather have it. 
“Well good morning you to my dear grandson.” He sat up from the bed and yawned.
“Tch. Why are you still in bed anyways? Do you know what time it is?” Levi scolded at Bill. 
The mentor glanced at his cellphone to see the time. “Damn it Levi, it’s 6 am. Why do you have to wake me up that early?” He rubbed his eyes. 
“What the hell do you mean early? Everyone had been awake since 4 am.” The raven haired soldier rolled his eyes. 
“I stood up most of the night to help Zoe on the security measures on the coastline close to Marley.” He yawned again. 
“And yet I’m surprised both of you didn’t jump on each other. You and Four Eyes are like shy teenagers that are too afraid to make a move.” Levi mumbled while running his finger on the hard surface of the furniture. His fingers gather dust which his expression becomes disguised and annoyed. “You should clean this room. It’s filthy.” 
The older man flopped on the mattress and groaned in annoyance. Seriously, this boy has OCD or something. “Levi, can we talk about this later when I’m fully awake.”
On Levi’s other hand, he holds his cup of tea as he sips. “Tch, just giving you advice, Hange is not the type to make the first move since she loves to analyze anything including then men she starts to have feelings with. So don’t take long to do or you’ll miss your chance.”
Bill was silent but absorbed what his grandson had said. He has also been distracted too whenever he secretly ogles at messy brown haired beauty. Maybe he should consider what Levi said. Bill can’t believe he’s being given advice  by his own grandson on making a move. 
(Flashback end)
Bill moans from the kiss as he can feel Zoe’s arms wrapped around his neck and pressed against each other. The mentor assassin already had the commander on her desk sitting while he slowly made her laid on the hard surface. Most of the stuff was on the floor since Hange quickly swept off to clear the desk after the first surprise kiss from Bill. 
She blushed from the way his eyes were clouded with lust. It’s been a long time since she has been with a man. The first time meeting William was filled with curiosity. As a few months had passed they flirted here and there, but neither one didn’t make a move. It could be a culture boundary or age gap issue, but Commander Zoe Hange never had attempted to make a move in her life. She may not be shy in general but when it comes to her love life, she becomes lost that not even science can’t help her. 
For an old man, he looks younger than his age. He could pass in his 50s, but then again Levi looks younger than what he is. Must be in the family. 
All her thoughts were gone when Bill kissed down her neck to the valley of her breasts. Huh? She didn’t feel his hands undo her white blouse. Her ponytail was undone too. 
Hange moaning softly from his tongue running on top of her breasts. She quickly let the  blouse slide off of her and her bra is now on display for him to see. 
Bill stopped to admire how flushed her face was and her hair was spread out on her desk. Her chest rose up and down from breathing heavily. To him, she already looks magnificently beautiful.  
“Well, this is not what I expect but I’m not complaining.” She chuckled while playfully undoing his shirt. 
“Good, I wanted you ever since we met.” He took off his shirt when she undo his buttons. William begins to grind on her. Zoe aggressively kisses his neck while pulling his hair. 
“I wanted you as well. It had been frustrating getting off from thinking of you instead feeling your touch.” Hange mumbling as Miles takes off her pants. His warm hand caressing from her ankle to her inner thigh. Her breath panting harder. Her panties start to get soak from the wetness she has been producing from his kisses and touches. 
“Ah, you have been thinking of me? Show me when you do when you think of me.” Bill leans to her ear to whisper. 
The commander slowly let her fingers travel down her body then stopped to rub the hem of her panties. She can tell how William’s eyes become darker while following the movement of her fingers going further below. Zoe smirks as her finger hooks on the hem to carefully pull down the fabric garment to teasingly reveal her dark small pubic hairs. The way Bill’s tongue licks on his lips made her moan erotically. Oh fuck, how hot he looks the way he stares at her like a starve animal.
She continues to pull down until it's off from her legs. Her finger presses on her clit to start rotating gently as a wave of pleasure spreads out on her body. Hange moaning low his name which he stops her to resume by him instead. 
“You’re beautiful, Zoe. Don’t forget that.” His lips kissed her neck again. 
“Am I?” She has mixed feelings of being called beautiful. Most of her life, she never considers herself to try to be pretty. What’s the point when she has a brain to make her standout from everyone? The first time someone looked at her as a woman and called her beautiful was her former lover. He died an honorable hero for leading the retake of Shiganshina. That was long ago. Erwin would tell her everyday so she would one day accept that she always has beauty too in her unique way.  
“Yes.” Bill glanced at her with a soft but determined look. He was still fingering her deep which arched her back of the ecstasy of pleasure. 
Her eyes get watery then growls with desire to have him pounding her. Her hands make way to his pants to undo them roughly. “Fuck me now please..”
He chuckled and let her undo his pants. “Someone is eager.” He teased her. 
“Of course, for months I have to use my imagination of your dick pounding me, unless with your old age; you’re impotent to keep up my stamina.” Her tone was playfully as she looked into his eyes. 
“Oh my genius Zoe. I may be old, but I can still fuck your brains out. You forget that I’m an assassin. My stamina will not be an issue.” He smirks wickedly. Hange couldn’t help feel the excitement of what Bill will do to her. 
“Guess you have to remind me.” The Commander of the Survey Corps grins while whispering. A loud gasp came out from her lips when she felt his manhood entering her.
“I certainly will.” He moans while adjusting himself inside her. His dark eyes stared into her honey brown eyes. 
As the rhythmic of their bodies move as one, the new lovers keep embracing the passion that ignites from the months of pining for each other. 
Meanwhile on the other side of the Commander’s door, three figures walking pass by until they heard moans. 
“Connie, do you hear that?” Jean stops to listen where that noise is coming from. 
“Yeah, probably it’s a ghost or something.” Connie shrugs. 
Then a louder noise was heard. “Oh harder! Harder, harder!” A feminine voice made erotic noise.
“That’s one horny ghost all right.” Mario, one of William’s assassins grin as he has an idea where the noise came from. Both Survey Corps soldiers finally get what their new friend was saying and blushes while all three walk away from the noise. 
A/N: Hello guys! Sorry this chapter took so long. It’s been another busy week for me and I tried to get it done before Christmas. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! Also, Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than the last one. I hope this chapter will do for you all until the next one. See you guys later until next time with Ch.10. Love you all!
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platypanthewriter · 4 years
Billy Hargrove: Possessed Trash Bandit
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For @awickedplacethisis​
Steve was always aware of the motion lights around the swimming pool, after Barb.  He’d stood at the ready menacing maple leaves that had fluttered in front of the sensor, inflicted mutual terror on at least five deer, and the evening a Canada goose landed clumsily on his roof, thudding and scraping as it rolled the entire way down, he nearly batted it into Christmas dinner.  
He was immediately aware when the lurching human being crept from the door to the Upside-Down in the tree by his pool.  
At first he just grabbed his bat, wondering why he didn’t screw a piece of plywood over the hole, or at least wrap the whole tree in duct tape, but he registered a human head, and hair, and—and it wasn’t like the figure was menacing anyone, stumbling around Steve’s pool, finishing off the leftover beers and a half-box of Cheez-its.  He waited until it had shaken the box three times, and pulled out the bag, scraping long broken fingernails inside the Cheez-it box looking for more.  
“Got some cold pizza inside,” he said, from the shadows, and the figure stumbled back, shielding its face.  
“What,” it asked hoarsely, and Steve recognized the voice.  The bat nearly slid from his fingers.
“Hargrove?!”  It—Billy Hargrove, who was supposed to be dead—flinched, and Steve lowered the bat.  “Billy,” Steve tried.  “Let—lemme call someone.  Hopper.  Your sister Max, she thinks you’re dead—”
Billy shook his head violently, holding his hands up, and Steve dropped the bat.  
“Come here,” he said, trying to keep his voice level.  “...come inside,” he whispered, thinking of Max, sitting alone on Billy’s bed in his empty room, and Eleven, who Billy had sacrified himself to save.  “Come get some food.”
Billy lowered his hands, so Steve finally stepped closer, grabbing a thin, dirty hand, cold in his grip.  
“Jesus, Billy, are you even alive?”
Billy lowered his head.  He looked alive, as Steve squinted into the darkness.  His skin was scarred everywhere with dark lines, and his lips and nails were blue, but he was breathing, and he shivered as Steve pressed his fingers under the dangling earring, checking for a pulse.
“Come on, Billy,” Steve tugged him forward.  “Come inside.”
He’d lost weight, but Billy Hargrove was still the guy who’d spent his free time lifting weights, so Steve’s pulling at his wrist wasn’t getting them any closer to the house.  
“I’m going to pick you up if you don’t walk,” he said, finally, and Billy stumbled a couple of steps forward before nearly losing his balance again.  He was barefoot, Steve registered, and pinched the bridge of his nose before bending to sling an arm around Billy’s waist, and haul him over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold.  
He plonked him in the kitchen—pushing him into a chair when he swayed alarmingly—and handed over the pizza box to watch Billy fall upon it like a dog that finds something disgusting in the yard and wants to eat as much as possible before you tell it no.  Four slices in, he started to slow down, cold-sweating, pressing his fingers to his mouth, and hunching his shoulders, so Steve slid the pizza box away, pulling the half-eaten piece from Billy’s hand.  He didn’t resist.  
“Jesus,” Steve told him, softening his voice as Billy twitched.  “Don’t make yourself puke.”
 Billy didn’t want hot water—as a shower or bath—and nearly dropped the cider Steve made him, from the instant packets Steve’s boss had tucked in everyone’s locker with one stingy wrap of curling ribbon and no bow.  He turned back from the microwave to see Billy fiddling with the ribbon, frowning vaguely.  
Steve pressed Billy’s bluish fingers around the mug, turning away to frown out the window at the pool, then swung back around at Billy’s hiss as he spilled the cider.  Steve steadied his hands.  “Jesus,” he whispered.  “I’m gonna get you a blanket, at least—” he made it two steps towards the living room, when his shirt slid down over his shoulder, its cuff in Billy’s fist.  
Billy let go, closing his eyes, and Steve stared at him, then rubbed his face, and crouched next to Billy’s chair.  
“I’m not going anywhere,” he said.  “You get that?”
Billy didn’t react, but when Steve grabbed the down comforter he’d drug downstairs for when he was too lazy to go to bed, he turned away from the couch and smacked into Billy, standing inches away.  
“Holy shit,” Steve shouted, and Billy flinched again, stumbling away, so Steve grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around him, pulling him back towards the couch.  He shoved his new—roommate?! down onto the couch, tucked the comforter around him, and held up a finger.  “Stay,” he said firmly.  “Stay there.  Gonna get the nail clippers.  Okay?”
The blanket crumpled as Billy clutched at it, but he didn’t reply.  
“Stay,” Steve repeated, running to the bathroom.  When he walked back in the front room, Billy’d slid off the couch.  He was in a pile of comforter between the couch and the coffee table, his eyes darting.
“...Harrington,” he whispered hoarsely.  “Why are you here.  We—we have to go, they—they’ll come back—”
“Jesus,” Steve said, for what felt like the seventieth time.  “You’re back.  You’re in my house, you’re safe.”  He knelt in front of the pile of blanket.
“What do you mean, I’m back,” Billy hissed, reaching out to grab his hand.  “We can’t—we can’t stay here.  I can take you somewhere safer—”
“You’re safe already,” Steve argued, squeezing Billy’s hand, and clipping the nails that were most torn.  
“It’s not safe where there are lights,” Billy tried to stand without letting go of Steve’s hand to push himself up, and didn’t get very far.  “Harrington, you fucking moron, what are you doing here, you have to listen, I know I’m gonna sound crazy—there are monsters here, Harrington,” he shook Steve’s arm, swallowing.  “Monsters worse than me.  They’ll come for you—”
“Okay, okay, I believe you,” Steve gathered him up again, half carrying the Billy-burrito to the wall to switch off the lights.  
“...how did you make the lights go off,” Billy asked, wide-eyed, and almost fell, and Steve put both arms around him.  
“I have magic monster fighting powers,” he told him, trying not to laugh, but Billy’s eyes teared up, and he swallowed hard, grabbing at Steve’s shirt again.  
“Help,” he whispered.  “Please.  I know I’m—I know I’m another monster—”
“I’ll use my magic to protect you,” Steve told him, pushing him back onto the couch.  “You’re safe, Billy.”
“You’re gonna get tired,” Billy whispered, settling in a fluffy lump against him.  “Wake me up before you go, don’t just—don’t fucking leave me here—”
Steve could feel him shaking through the comforter, and he leaned closer.  “I magicked this space safe,” he told Billy, who nodded, taking in a shaky sigh.  He smelled like rusted metal, or possibly blood, and rot.  The dark veins across his cheek and neck didn’t look as dark as they had, out in the snow.
“...I’m not even hungry here,” Billy mumbled, and Steve put an arm around him, squeezing, and wrinkling his nose, as Billy’s voice rumbled under his chin.  “How long can I stay?”
“Oh,” Steve stared at the tangled hair leaning against his shoulder.  “Uh, I need you.  I’m gonna pull you back through a magic doorway while you’re asleep, okay, buddy?”
Billy nodded, closing his eyes again, but grabbed Steve’s hand through the blanket.  “O-okay.  I’ll—whatever you—what do you want me to do?  Can I—” he swallowed.  “How long can you keep me out of here?”
“No,” Steve shook his head, pulling Billy Hargrove, surreally, into a two-armed tight hug.  “No, you’re mine now, okay?  You stay with me, and I’ll use my magic to keep you safe.”
“I can’t use magic,” Billy whispered against Steve’s chest, his eyes fixed on the window, and Steve squeezed him tighter.  
“All you need to do is trust me,” he told him.  “Just trust me,” he whispered against Billy’s nodding head.  
 Steve snuck off to pee either late that night or early the next morning, and returned to find Billy sitting up, looking around.  “You did it,” he laughed shakily.  “You came and got me.  What—what do I need to do?”
“Jesus,” Steve muttered to himself, again.  “How much do you remember?”
“You saved me, because you need me for something,” Billy said, shivering.  He pulled the blanket back up around him, rubbing his arms.  His eyes were clear, and looking around curiously, and Steve bit his lips, uncertain whether to drop the lie yet.  
“Yeah, um...you want a shower?” he asked, cautiously, and Billy groaned.  
“If there’s time, yeah, holy shit.  Can I—can I take one?”
“I’ll get you a towel and sweatsuit,” Steve said, dodging the issue of Billy’s view of reality.  “It’s through there.  You need me to help you walk?”
Billy shook his head, biting his lips.  “If I open that door and you vanish, I’m gonna cry,” he said matter-of-factly.  “You won’t care, if you’re not real, though, will you?”
“I’m real,” Steve told him, pulling him up by one hand.  “Want me to call your sister while you’re in the shower?”
“Shit,” Billy said, and snorted.  “I—” he swallowed, rubbing his face.  “Am—am I going to jail?  I killed those people.  God, I’m not even—they can’t put a monster on trial, they’ll shoot me in the head—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Steve interrupted Billy’s weirdly calm theorizing.  “I won’t call anybody, we can talk about it later.  Shower first.  Here you go, through here.”  Billy nodded, then made a high noise in his throat as Steve shut the bathroom door between them.
Steve blinked at it, then wrinkled his nose, and asked, “You, uh, you need me in there while you piss, or—”
“No,” Billy laughed.  “No, I’m fine.”  He was still laughing a little, against the door, as Steve walked away, but halfway through rummaging through his drawers, Steve heard him yelling “Harrington!  Steve Harrington!” and ran down to smack the flat of his hand a few times against the door.  
“I’m here, you’re in my house, you’re safe!” he shouted back, and didn’t hear a reply, so he took a deep breath and opened the door on Billy wedged in the corner of the shower, staring at him with wide-dilated eyes.
“Billy,” Steve whispered, and he inhaled sharply.  
“Water’s cold,” he whispered.  “Did you put me back?  Am—am I—” he looked around, his thinner, scarred chest panting with shallow breaths.
“No!  I can’t.  And you’re fine, it just takes forever to heat up.” Steve took a deep breath and shoveled more bullshit onto the lie pile, reaching in to turn off the shower.  “I used most of my magic to bring you out,” he told Billy solemnly, and received a tight nod.  “I—can’t put you back, no matter what you do.  And I, uh, I made a bunch of spells.  Here.  On my house, so that can’t happen.  And me.  And my, uh, Hawkins.  You’re safe.  Super safe.”
“Th-thank you,” Billy let his head lean back against the wall, closing his eyes.
“I’m gonna order us some food,” Steve told him, having checked the time, and found it later than he thought, and Billy started giggling.
“Can’t order takeout in there,” he was mumbling to himself as Steve left.  
 Steve ordered about four extra things to stuff Billy with, then looked around his house.  Billy yelled his name every few minutes, and Steve answered, feeling like he was playing Marco Polo.  The thought of bringing Billy to bed was...weird, so he hauled the air mattress in, and made it up next to his bed, then scrabbled at his hair, and hauled his homework downstairs.  
When Billy came out, his scars and skin pink and healthy, he followed Steve’s gaze and smirked, flexing his biceps.  Steve rolled his eyes and waved at his spread textbooks.  “What I need from you is help with the homework,” he told Billy.  “Max said you were smart.”  
She hadn’t, but Steve didn’t want to imagine what kind of tasks he’d need Billy Hargrove enough to summon him like an evil genie, so they’d just have to stumble through Steve’s calculus.  
“What,” Billy stared at the books and papers.
“Nancy dumped me and it’s weird now,” Steve told him, truthfully enough.  “You can do whatever you want as long as you try to help me, uh, edit this essay.”
“...why would you—”
“It was hard work bringing you back,” Steve just let the bullshit train take him, the feeling familiar from talking to girlfriend’s parents about why his own were always busy.  Handily, waving a magic wand to rescue a dead guy sounded about as likely as finding him half-naked outside, rooting through the trash like a raccoon.  “I fell behind on schoolwork.  Got you out as fast as I could.  So, uh, will you help me?”
“How can you be magic and that shitty at essays,” Billy squinted at him, allowing himself to be pushed into a chair.
“...you were trying to bring me back?” Billy wandered closer.  “...why would you…”
Steve tried to imagine having magic powers, and also derail this from looking too generous.  “You did most of it yourself.  Stayed alive, found the door.”
 When the Chinese food arrived, Billy was standing waaay too close again, and Steve returned to the table and just sat against him, feeling him relax.  “You’re safe,” he said.  It was becoming a habit.  “You’re with me, I’ll keep you safe.  Want an eggroll?”
Billy nodded, watching him, and Steve put his arm around Billy’s waist, rather than squish it between them.  
“...I don’t remember all of this,” Billy said after a while, his tone bleak, and Steve reached up automatically to squeeze his shoulders.  
“We got time,” he said, noticing Billy’s ears and cheeks turning red, and wondering whether it was the heat from the shower, finally circulating everywhere.  “I’ve got you, remember?”
“Yeah,” Billy laughed, quirking his mouth.  “You’ll keep me safe.”
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yehet-me-up · 5 years
Frozen North ~ Night Five (final)
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PAIRING: Chanyeol x reader
GENRE: Horror/Suspense/SPOOP in general/light romance (because who else would I be?)
RATING: PG13 (nothing gruesome, but knowing me there will be swearing)
SUMMARY: You run a late night radio show dedicated to telling scary stories and urban legends, the creepier the better. Listeners call in and share their own, creating a small but loyal community of folks like you who love this sort of thing. One night, a man calls in with what sounds like an all-too-real story and before you know it, you’ll do anything to make sure he’s safe.
Frozen North Masterlist
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You all sit in silence, staring at Jimmy. The clock on the wall hits midnight but no one makes a move. Faintly, though your headphones, you hear the ad reel kick in. 
Daniel comes into the booth a moment later. He folds his arms, looking haunted but ready for action. 'So, what the fuck do we do now?'
Jimmy spins the laptop so you can see the readout. ‘It was right here, I’m telling you. I’ve got it.’ He points to a large building on the outskirts of campus. ‘When the phone smashed, the signal died. But I’m certain.’ He opens up a new tab and overlays the UW map next to the program. ‘I got it.’
‘Albert Hall,’ you read over his shoulder. 'Why does that sound so familiar?'
Suse and Jimmy exchange a look. 'Let's go find him,' she says, as though it's as simple as that.
Logic wars with your desire to sprint out of the building and decimate anyone standing in your way to save Chanyeol. 'There were bars on whatever he's being held in, guys. And at least two people sick enough to do this. If we charge in there and get hurt, or worse, we won't be much help to him,' you say, chewing on your lower lip anxiously. 'Maybe we could call the police? Report a break in or something and they'd have to go investigate.'
'You're right,' Suse sighs, running a jittery hand through her hair. 'But, also. You know...' She gestures with her hands out the window and then back to the four of you.
'Fuck it.’ You stand up and pull on your jacket, heart racing. 'You're right. We can't wait.' Pulling out your phone, you dial 911.
Without even grabbing your bag you stride out into the hallway, pressing the phone to your ear. Shuffling follows you as Suse, Jimmy, and Daniel grab their coats and turn off the lights.
A female voice comes on the line. '911, what's your emergency?'
You stop in the kitchen and pull open the drawers, grabbing the only weapon you can think of - the long knife amongst the various utensils you all keep there for the odd lunch or dinner you eat at the station. The blade gleams in the moonlight coming through the hall window.
The distress and fear are all too real as they color your tone. 'Please, help me,' you say into the phone in a high voice. 
The dispatcher carries on with business-like efficiency. 'How can I help you, miss?'
Jimmy holds up the screen beside you as you carry on out the front doors into the night. The address flashes in thick red. You head down the hallway and push out the doors into the freezing night. 
'Some guys just took my friend into this building. We were just - we were just walking back from Schultzy's! They came out of nowhere.'
'Are you safe?' she asks. You can hear the clack of her typing in the background.
You feel the wooden handle of the knife in your hand and look at Suse, Jimmy, and Daniel beside you. 'I'm safe. But please, please, hurry.’ You pause to take a dramatic inhale of breath. ‘I think they had a gun.'
Suse smiles and nods at you. You hardly need Jimmy's whispered directions as you all move silently through the sleeping streets to the address listed. Something within you is pulling you towards Chanyeol and you swallow your fear down and keep walking as fast as your legs can carry you.
'I'm putting your address as 800 NE 42nd st, is that correct?'
Silently, you curse and hurry around parked cars. 'No, no I - I ran before they could grab me. It was 4120 11th Ave NE that they took him into. Please, hurry.'
If she thinks it’s strange you have the exact address ready, she doesn’t show it. 'Got it. I'm dispatching units now, please stay on the line while -'
You hang up and shove your phone in your pocket. Picking up the pace, you sprint over sidewalks until you stand outside the abandoned building. While it's clearly part of the row of stone and brick classrooms on the far end of campus, this one looks as though it in particular has fallen into disrepair. The trees lining the street behind you are dwarfed by the three-story rise of the building above.
The sign out front is warped with age. Albert Hall - Psychology Research Center
'Does it say precisely where in the building he is?' You whisper to Jimmy, as though the slightest sound will give you away.
He shakes his head. 'No. But I'm willing to bet it's through a back entrance.' He nods up at the boarded up front doors.
Your group moves around to the right side, closer to the University proper. Just a street away the city pulses with life and lights and noise, students enjoying the start of the weekend. But in this isolated corner, near the freeway. it's unnervingly quiet. The perfect place to lock someone up where no one would find them. In your mind you make a promise to Chanyeol and to yourself that this ends tonight. No matter what you have to do, by morning he'll be free.
The outside of the building is dark, sloping gently down the hill behind it. A gust of wind comes through the trees and you wrap your arms around yourself, careful to keep the knife's edge away. Holding your breath you wait for any sign of life or movement inside, praying you’re not too late. 
'There!' Suse whispers loudly a minute later, pointing to a flash of light in one of the lower windows.
You start moving towards it, blood pounding in your ears. 
Daniel holds your arm gently. 'The police are on their way, shouldn't we wait?'
The fear in your veins is strong, but something pushes you to keep going. 'It's Friday night in the U District, Daniel. I think it might be a while. I can't explain it but, we can't wait.'
He nods grimly and you all carefully pick your way down the slick grass hillside to reach the decidedly not boarded-up back door. Cautiously, you peek inside the darkened glass. Far down the hallway you see another flash of light, followed by a loud crash.
Suse uses the moment to pull open the creaking old door and she heads inside, leading the way. Daniel at the back gently braces it open with a doorstop and motions you all forward. If adrenaline wasn't coursing through your veins you'd take time to be horrified by the shadows in this place.
Your mind runs away with you in the darkness. Though you now believe that the people responsible for Chanyeol's predicament are in fact human and not supernatural, you can't help but wonder. About women in the night with terrifying eyes and wolves that move faster than they should. 
You reach the room where the noise is coming from and lean in to catch snippets of conversation.
'So what are we going to do with him, then?' a female voice says. It's oddly familiar.
The sound of pacing in the background increases. A male voice speaks, muffled at first and then louder. 'You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to this. There was never any other option.'
The woman counters in a contained scream - 'I didn't think you planned on killing him!'
Chanyeol. You clutch the knife tighter in your hand, readying for a fight. Peeking around the edge you see two figures circling each other in the faint light coming from a generator in the corner of the room.
The man turns and your stomach drops. 'Professor Langford?' you whisper to yourself.
He hardly looks like himself. His jacket is discarded on the floor and he holds a shaking, shadowed object in his hand. 'This was the deal. You help me get someone down here. Your silly little radio station gets a story worthy of national attention. And then we reach the end -' 
He walks closer to the light, pressing her against the wall. When his hand raises you see a gun, the barrel going to her forehead. 'I kill him and get my first-hand, up-close, look at what panic does to a community. I’ll finally have a case study worthy of tenure.’
You're so distracted by the fact that your goddamn professor is the one behind all this, you don't even pay attention to who the woman is.
‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ Suse asks loudly, incredulous, startling you. When you turn you see she's beside you, staring into the room. Arms crossed, ready for war. Suse isn't looking at the man, but at the woman. 'Jennifer?'
'Holy shit,' Daniel says, coming to peek between the two of you. 'Boss, what have you done?'
And holy shit indeed, they're right. The anguish on her face meets the harsh light and it’s aged her several years. Her normally loose blonde hair is braided back and a dark knit cap is pulled over it, but it's absolutely her.
In the startled silence you hear a banging sound against metal. Muted groans come from further into the room and you can just make out a cage in the corner - like a prison cell with thick bars, but slightly bigger. 
He hunches in the shadows, but you'd know him anywhere. For the last week your thoughts have been filled with nothing but him. You want to run to Chanyeol and get him the hell out of here, but the unstable look in the professor's eyes makes you hold your position.
Professor Langord uses the moment to pull Jennifer into his arms, pressing the gun to her forehead once more. The four of you move into the room, surrounding them, blocking the exit. 'Don't come any closer.'
As you stare each other down, other objects in the room come into focus. Noise machines you recognize from the station. Costumes, masks. A large poster is taped to the wall beside you - ice and a frozen lake as far as you can see. 
Disbelief makes you laugh, the sound hollow in the empty room. 'You made it all up?'
Daniel scoffs in disgust. 'You crazy bastard. The cops are on their way. It's over.'
Jennifer sags, shame coloring her features. She raises her hands defensively. 'Paul, stop this. It's over.' She looks at you and your friends. 'I'm so sorry, it - it wasn't supposed to be like this. We're losing our funding this year and we needed the money. I had no idea it would be... this -' she gestures back at Chanyeol and up at the building before lowing her eyes to the floor.
Suse hunkers down for a stand off. 'Let's wait for the cops and then we can resolve all of this.'
The professor makes a noise of distress and points the gun at you instead, shoving Jennifer to the floor. 'No! I'm not going down for this. There's plenty of bullets in here to keep it all quiet.'
He's deranged enough to do it; his hair in wild disarray and a feral hunger in his eyes you've never noticed before. You hold the knife in front of you, stepping around Suse. It’s your fault they all came along and, even if it’s pointless, you’re going to defend them.
With your free hand you shove them all back, behind you. The professor lifts it to be level with your head and terror surges in your veins as you hope to God you can dodge at the right time.
All of a sudden a thunderous bang comes from the corner and the professor turns at the sound. You use the moment, moving without thinking or hesitating. Rushing forward, you reach for his wrist, driving it back against the stone wall. He jerks, nearly losing the gun but maintaining his grip.
He attempts to aim it again, but you're faster. Teeth bared, you lift the knife and hold it to his throat. 'Move and I'll kill you, professor.'
The fight goes out of him, raising his free hand in surrender. You incline your head and call behind you, 'Daniel, grab the gun.'
He does, coming forward and relieving the professor of the weapon. Jimmy appears on your other side, pinning the man's other arm to the wall as well. 'Go get your man, we've got this,' he tells you.
Together they hold him against the wall. Suse flips the light switch and miraculously it still works. She stands guard at the door and watches Jennifer with disgust. Still on the floor, your boss’ knees draw to her chest as she sits upright with her back against the wall. She drops her head into her hands with a groan.
Noise and light spill the hallway, voices calling out. Suse sticks her head out and waves. 'Down here!'
You finally turn to the cage, now fully visible in the light. Chanyeol sits in the corner, his wrists bound in front of him with a length of rope. His wide eyes meet yours emphatically. He tries to speak around the length of fabric in his mouth and you want to sob.
'You're okay, thank God.'
You easily find the key to the enclosure and unlock the door. Dropping to your knees in front of him, you use the knife and cut off his bindings carefully. He reaches up and pulls the material out so he can speak. He's even more ethereal in person - with deep brown eyes, ears that stick out, and a full, pink mouth, he resembles a hero from a fairy tale, even with exhaustion clear on his face.
You can’t help it - you grin and reach for him, instinctually, automatically, before checking the motion. 
Your hands hang in the air and he watches them for a beat before meeting your eyes once more. Faster than you can process he sits up and pulls you against him in a slightly off-center hug. Gripping his arms you steady yourself, face pressing against his neck. The spell is broken and suddenly you accept that he's very real and tangible and here and alive. He smells like the ocean, even down here amongst the old tables and chairs. 
'Thank you,' he says, lips moving against your hair.
For a long moment you hold each other, in this strange and terrifying place, feeling against all odds as though you've finally come home. You want to cry with relief that he's whole. He was so close to you this whole time. You want to hug him tighter and keep him with you, to protect him from the world. Even if it's ridiculous, and though you've never met him before in your life.
But if telling myths and stories of the unknown for so long has taught you anything, it's that nothing is impossible. 'I can't believe you're here,' you say against him.
His hands find your shoulders and he eases you back to look at you, one hand moving into your hair. For a beat he simply drinks you in, amongst the noise and the sound of police in the room he watches you like you're the only person who exists. And then he surprises you completely by pulling you closer and pressing his lips to yours.
For long seconds his cold mouth meets your warm one, tasting and teasing and familiarizing himself with you while you hold onto him, believing abruptly that this must all be a dream. But then you join him, reaching for his face and tracing his skin while you sink into the kiss.
He pulls back and rests his forehead against yours. 'Your voice kept me sane in the darkness.' His eyes open and you know exactly what he means. He tilts his head and motions to a small radio on a ledge in the corner 'I'm so glad you finally found me.'
You blush, unable to help yourself as you push his messy hair out of his eyes so you can see him clearly. 'Any time. For now, how about we get out of here?'
He smiles and laughs, the weak sound finding a home in the hollows of your body. Together you stand, gently helping him off the floor. With him leaning heavily against you, still weak from his days of being in this place, you pull out your cell and dial the recent number.
She answers a beat later. 'Have you heard anything?' Yoora asks, voice tight with sadness.
Instead of answering you press the speaker phone button. Chanyeol bends, reading the name you called and smiling at you. Awe lingers in his eyes at the fact that you knew what he needed before he did. 'Sis?'
'Oh my god,' she starts. You hear the sound of things moving in the background. 'Chan? Are you okay?'
He grins, then winces and presses the hand not around your shoulders to his side. 'Not all the way, but I will be.'
Six months later - June
The station is still hot by the time you arrive in the evening; the summer sun clinging to Seattle well on into the evening. You know how the city feels and you want to hold onto the warmth, too.
Jennifer's office is still dark and you pass by it without looking in. Eventually, someone else will take her place. But for now, Daniel says the management is all filling in. Like so many things after a trauma, life carries on as it always has, and some wounds take longer to heal than others.
You hear his voice when you're in the hallway and grin. No matter how quickly you get out of your class or internship or TA duties Chanyeol still manages to beat you here. His exuberant, deep voice jokes with Daniel and when you peek in the door they're both looking at the computer. They’ve been thick as thieves since he helped you walk Chanyeol out of that godawful place and into the ambulance.
He notices you standing in the doorway and grins, the familiar crinkles coming to the corner of his eyes. 'There she is!'
You never know who does it first. If he reaches for you or if you reach for him. Or perhaps you're both drawn to each other like magnets, always reaching. He wraps his arms around you and you sigh, pressing a kiss to his chest.
Daniel makes a dramatic gagging noise and mutters 'get a room' that all three of you know he doesn't mean. Since the incident he's taken on even more of a protective vibe that now extends to Chanyeol as well.
When it’s finally time to start the show you swap out for Suse, hugging her like always. If anything, this has all brought you and her closer and the four of you are inseparable. 
‘Don’t have too much fun tonight,’ she teases, winking as she shuts the door behind her. 
With a laugh you assume your place on the far side of the desk, settling in where you’ve always sat. The headphones are the same. The switchboard of sixteen lines, waiting for people to call in, is the same. But what isn’t the same is the man who settles himself into a mirroring desk opposite you. 
He gives you a lopsided grin that makes is way into your voice as you start the show. 'Hello and welcome back to The Long Night on 107.9 KJWZ Seattle, where the dial might stop, but we don’t. I’m Y/N...'
After the story broke and everyone learned who you are it seemed silly to keep the nickname. The diehard listeners and people who called into the show know you on a deeper level now, and the show doesn't seem to be slowing down in the least. 
When everyone learned about the financial distress of the station, that Jennifer was hiding from everyone, the donations poured in. The thought of having this program, now shared by your boyfriend, gives you a sense of peace amongst all the change in your life.
'And I'm Chanyeol,’ he says. ‘We’ll be your host for the evening. Let’s get weird.' He winks and squeezes your hand beneath the booth.
Tag list: @yeoldontknow​ @enthusiastt​ @itskindofafairything​ @gogh-suck-it​ @nshitae​ @jeons-moonchild​
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ariannnawinchester · 5 years
A Hell of a ride
Characters: Reader, Dean, Bobby, Sam, Lisa & Ben.
Pairings: Dean x Reader & Dean x Lisa.
Warnings: Angst, language and some fighting.
Summary: Part 1 of a new series. Set in Season 6, Sam and the Reader have been living questionable lives after they crawled out of hell. Dean gets dragged right back into the life with his new family. The stakes get way to high, can they win? Will Dean’s love for the Reader fix everything?
A/N: Yes, I know I have been gone for way too long and I am deeply sorry. However, I am back, with stories that with tantalise your mind and leave you wanting more. Hahah. Thank you for reading. Constructive criticism and feedback is highly appreciated as always.
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Your name tumbled out of his mouth in stunned whisper. He was frozen for almost three heartbeats, just standing there with his haw slack as he blinked slowly. He was in shock and you couldn't blame him. You could see the gears, whirring behind his eyes, the information seeping in. The realisation finally crashing into him like a tsunami.
He whipped around, the deadly accusatory glare directed at Bobby, who could look everywhere except at Dean.
“You know they were alive this whole time?” he spat, “this whole goddamn time?” his jaw clenched shut and his temple throbbing from the fury brewing in the pit of his stomach.
Bobby cleared his throat and rose from his chair to walk towards Dean. He lifted his hand to lay it onto Dean’s shoulder. But Dean, he just dodged Bobby’s touch. The betrayal evident on his face, “Of course you knew Bobby. You just failed to inform me. How long?” His voice growing louder as he demanded answers, “How goddamn long have they been back?”
The guilt was bubbling it’s way to the surface of your skin but all you did was stay standing next to Sam, with your arms folded across your chest and watched Dean pace up and down the study and lose his mind.
“A year.”
Dean cast his eyes to you and Sam, his lips curled into an angry scowl as he smudged away on lone tear that fell down his cheek, “You’re kidding right?” he shook his head, refusing to believe what he was hearing. He resumed his pacing just for the sake of movement.
A brief looked passed between you and Sam before you stalked up to Dean and grabbed him by his collar, forcing him to stop moving so he could finally look at you for more than two seconds.
“Don’t you dare blame this on Bobby.” you growled, “he did what he thought was best for you.” you stabbed a finger into his solid chest, the frown of his face ebbing away and the softness returning to his eyes at your words but that didn't stop you, “You finally had a life. A good life that you deserve, so sue us for wanting to keep you out. Now, do yourself a goddamn favor and stay out.” You release his collar from your grip and shove him back.
Before your own tears threatened to fall, you stormed out, slamming the door behind you as your tried to block out their raised voices. Once again, blaming each other for the shit show that was the last couple of months.
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The nippy air bit at your exposed skin as you sat at the work bench in the scrap yard, twirling your bronze knife between your fingers and watching the metal reflect the light. There’s no handbook to help when you come back to life, it ain’t no walk in the park either. When you woke up, you were all alone in the cemetery, the rain falling in sheets but you could feel anything. There’s this massive void inside your ribs that you cant seemed to fill. You tried, god knows you tried to feel even the slightest bit normal again but nothing worked. Not alcohol, not sex, not even the thrill that came from the hunt but blood..
One thing hadn't changed though, you felt it in your bones. One specific detail was sewn into your very being. That Dean was still the love of your life. You didn't have the courage to tell him that the first thing you did when you rose from the ground was to try and find your way back to him. You had walked miles to him, covered in dirt and grime, your sheer determination fuelling you. But you couldn't will yourself to walk up to the door, you just stood at the opposite side of the street and watched them being a family through the slits in the curtains as the sun began to set. He deserved her and the boy, he looked happy and he deserved to be. Regardless of the gnawing jealousy the crawled into the pit of your stomach, you walked away. You had to, because you knew it was for the best.
“I knew I’d find you here.” his voice jolting you to the present, his smile throwing you off balance as he sat down in front of you. His fingers settled on the carving in the wood, tracing the pattern of a heart and your initials with his.
A scowled found it’s way across your lips, “Where else could I be? Not like I could go to Hell twice in a row. Or is that just jinxing it?” you added with a sarcastic smile.
Dean was stunned, like you had just slapped him across the face and wreaked baby all in one go. His eyes glossed over as he sucked in a breath, using the moment of silence to figure out the right words to say.
“I could think about what I want to say for days but nothing would be enough. Nothing will amount to the sacrifice you made.” his voice cracked, “I’m sorry. I am so sorry. I went to her because Sam made me promise, you made me promise. If I had known you were alive, Jesus, I would have dropped everything, anything for you and Sammy. For my brother and my girl.” He was shaking as he spoke, his lip trembling as his tears fell freely.
Like a spring, you shot to your feet, “Whoa!” the shock evident in your voice, “It doesn't work like that okay? We can’t just pick up were we left off.” your chest was heaving, ‘I died, okay? I died. Like dead as a fucking door knob dead. I’m not the same girl anymore. The girl you knew and loved died in that cemetery. And, she’ll never come back.”
Dean just stared at you, like a wounded puppy with his green eyes big and teary. He looked like he was barely holding himself together, the anguish busting his seams. But what could you do? Nothing. You had to let him be and let him go.
You sighed, tucking your stray strands of hair behind your ears, “If you’re thinking of leaving Lisa for blood covered machetes and a dead girl, you’re making a big mistake. A fucking colossal mistake. You have something with her, so don't throw it away. She obviously loves you and was there in ways I could never have been. So, just go live your life. You can repay me for my sacrifice by doing that.”
You pocketed your dagger, sparing one last look at Dean, you walked back towards the house.
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You were on your knees, ruffling through the kitchen drawer in search of a bottle opener when you felt a hand graze your shoulder.
“Y/N right?” Lisa questioned, a thin smile on her bare lips.
As you straightened up, you dusted your dark jeans at the knees before you reached out to shake her hand.
“The one and only.” you answered, trying your hardest to be polite, “It’s nice to finally meet you and to put a name to a face.” you lied, walking to the fridge just for the sake of something to do, “Beer?” you offered, “Canned beer because the bottle opener is lost to the world.”
Barely any reaction crossed her features, she just nodded and leaned against the table whilst opened and handed her the beer.
The air was thick, the silence suffocating you. Something felt off about the whole situation but your just couldn't figure out what. Your blood began racing in your veins, burning hot like it was laced with acid and all you wanted to do was run. But you didn't. You stayed put and rose your gaze to face her.
“Sorry about not introducing myself properly earlier. I’m not exactly big on reunions or a people’s person.” you scoffed and leaned against the counter. You opened your beer, the satisfying ‘tshhh’ sound filling your ears before you took a huge gulp and spoke again, “I’m also sorry that your boy got dragged into this. But I’m sure you knew. That everything and everyone in this life is messy and every single thing comes with terms and conditions or a consequence.”
She let out a gust of air, her lips pulled in a tight line as she set the untouched beer down and shook the condensation of her fingers.
“Oh you mean like you? Your noble sacrifice? You left him and he was so broken. I had to try and put him back together and still he used to talk about you.” utter heartbreak lacing her voice, causing your eyes to dart to her face, “Only in his sleep. He’d never speak about what happened when he was awake. He didn't wanna speak to me.” she shrugged, her shoulders sagging.
“Lisa, you don't have to wor-” you began to say before she interrupted.
“I pieced two and two together. Now, it finally makes sense to me. Of why he chose you, why he’ll always choose you. I want to hate you, I want to hate you so bad, for his heart belonging to you. But I can’t. You died to save the world. You’re great, more than I’ll ever be.” she choked back a sob, “He might have physically been there with me but you were the only thing mattered to him. You and Sam. I love him. And it hurts so much because he’ll never love me back. He will never love me back.” She clutched onto the table for support, the grief and agony washing over her as her tears began to fall.
You were awful in situations like this. You never knew what to say or what to do.
“Lisa.” you started, trying to bring some comfort, “he cares about you and your son deeply.” you smiled gently, pointing towards the kitchen window to show her Dean and Ben sitting on the hood of a scrap car, just talking.
“No!” she yelled, the shrill of her voice startling you as she shoved you back hard enough to make you land on your ass, “You don't understand. It hurts. It hurts so much.” she was trembling, her eyes bloodshot and her tears running black down her face as she walked towards you, “You don't know how much it hurts to give someone the best of you and watch him choose someone else. You’re the dead girl and he’ll still choose you.”
She bared her teeth and leaped at you.
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mrs-pedro-pascal · 5 years
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 ❤️
Sally X reader
Warning: mention of cutting
I walked down the hallways of the hotel Cortez. This hotel was what I called home. After I had committed suicide I thought I was finally free from the awfully place we know as earth, but then I woke up and I was in the same spot I had shot myself in. The hotel was pretty lonely. I cried every night until my body was numb. I also had sex with many different residents of the hotel. Not gonna lie they were all really good, but the best one was a broken hearted beauty named Sally McKenna.
Sally was the first person to be nice to me in the hotel. One night I was just crying in one of the booths of the hotel bar, my knees tucked under my pink flowery skirt that I had put on that morning and my tears fell onto my black off the shoulder top. Mid mental breakdown, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to face to the figure and was met with pure beauty.
"You ok, baby love?" She asked moving a strand of hair out of my face. I wanted to lie but I couldn't.
"N-no." I replied in a mere whisper. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in close. I laid my head on her chest and cried into her soft Leopard print coat.
"I'm Sally." I didn't respond.
"Whatever it is you'll get through it Y/n."
"How do you know my name.?" I asked.
"Your names been going around here. But I won't let that happen anymore." She kissed the top of my head and rocked me back and forth. It felt so good to be held again.
ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕪 𝕞𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕔 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖
That same night Sally and I were in her room, drinking and listening to old school music. Put your head on my shoulder started to play when Sally stood up from laying on the floor next to me.
"Dance with me." I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up from the ground. She put my arms around her neck and put hers around my waist.
"This is my favorite slow dance song." I said looking into her eyes.
"Mine too." She replied in a dream like voice.
She stopped us from moving and started to pull my skirt down until it fell to the floor and pooled at my ankles.
"What are yo-"
"Shhh. Let me fix that broken heart." She whispered in my ear and started to kiss my neck. Her hands started moving down my body until her fingers were running over my folds in my panties.
"Ah, S-Sally. That f-feels so g-good." I moaned throwing my head back. Sally picked me up and set me down on the bed of her hotel room, with her hand never leaving my panties.
"Come on, baby love. Scream for me. Moan as loud as you can." Sally was desperate to hear me shout her name to the roof tops and I was ready to shout.
"Oh, I l-love it when y-you call me b-baby love." I tried to hold back to scream that wanted to come from my throat but to no avail.
"OH, FUCK!! SALLY FUCKING MAKENNA!!! OH DONT STOP!!" I screamed and bit my lip after to hide the smile that was planted on my face. I was so goddamn touch starved that finally being touched made me the happiest person on earth.
"You like that? You like it when I call you that name?"
"Mmh, yes. GOD YES!!" Another scream came from my throat as I felt my orgasm rising to its surface.
"Oh that's it. Cum for mommy." I was slightly shocked that she had a mommy kink but I liked it.
"Mmmm, mommy please let me cum?" I begged for mercy as I tried to be a good girl and wait for her to give me permission to have release.
"Go ahead and let it go sweet girl." With her permission I didn't wait another second.
My orgasm ripped through me like it had somewhere important to be. I screamed for Sally as I slowly fell back onto the bed. God what a night that was.
Now it had been about three months and I was happier than ever with Sally. We made each other happy in a sad atmosphere where darkness surrounded us and tried to envelop us. But we wouldn't let it.
I walked down to Sally's room for our weekly movie night. We always would pick a movie that Irish had hidden behind the front desk, cuddle, eat snacks, kiss, some times kissing would lead to sex, and just over all enjoy the night. I was about to open the door when I heard moaning. It sounded like a man but it also sounded like Sally. I thought I was going crazy. Sally would never cheat on me. Though we weren't officially a couple, we were more like friends with benefits. But Sally had promised herself to me and I had done the same.
I opened the door and immediately burst. Sally was in bed with John. JOHN GODDAMN LOWE!!! What the hell was she doing with him? I shouldn't even be asking. THERE ARE FUCKING!!
"What the fuck!" I yelled as tears sprung from my eyes. Sally and John were stunned and grabbed the sheets as quick as possible to cover there bodies.
"Y/n I can explain." Sally tried to speak but I didn't want to hear some half ass excuse with some half ass apology.
"Save it. I knew something was wrong with you today but I just brushed it off. I'm done! This is bull shit and you are a liar!" I slammed the door and stomped down the hall to the elevator, going straight to the bar. Liz wasn't there so I helped myself to a bottle of tequila. Sally's favorite tequila. I took a quick swig then screamed to the top of my lungs in anger and started to cry again.
"Why so upset?" I heard a voice say, I looked up and there stood the Countess.
"I don't really wanna talk about it Elizabeth."
The countess was very nice to me. She treated me like a fragile porcelain baby doll that could shatter at any moment and time.
"Oh, come on Y/n. Talk to me. Talk to county." County was the nickname I gave her when we first became friends. She seemed to like it so it stuck.
"Sally cheated on me with John." I wept harder at the thought of the sight I saw. The countess pulled me out from behind the bar and brought me over to a booth then sat me on her lap, rocking me back and forth just like Sally did.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart. But you never know. Maybe she had a reason. And you technically aren't a couple. You two never made it official."
"I get it county. But if she wasn't happy anymore why wouldn't she just tell me?" I wondered out loud hoping the countess had an answer.
"If I knew I would tell you honey."
For the rest of the day I avoided Sally. I stayed in my room curled up under the sheets, still crying into the pillow. I felt like my heart had been pulled out of my chest. I didn't know what else to do and I had razor blades just a few steps away in the bathroom. I stood from my bed and had to catch myself on the night stand from my weak knees. I went straight to the sink and pulled out the drawer that contained my blades. Pulling out a fresh, unused one, I sat on the floor against the bathtub and a lined the blade with my wrist. I dragged it across and immediately started to see the crimson, thick liquid spill from my veins. It felt so good so I kept going. More tears sprung from my eyes.
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝑰 𝒅𝒐 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏g? 𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆? 𝑰𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒆? 𝑫𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒏𝒆𝒘? 𝑶𝒓 𝒂𝒎 𝑰 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆?
After a while of lying on the floor and letting the blood flow out of my wrist, I cleaned up the mess I had made, bandaged up my wrist, and went right back to bed. I few moments later, there was a knock at my door.
"GO AWAY!!" I yelled thinking it was Sally.
"It's county, sweetheart. May I come in?"
"Sure." She opened the door and knew what went down.
"I smell blood. Y/n, what have you been do-" that's when she looked at my wrist.
"Oh sweetheart, I thought you swore never to do that again."
"I swore to Sally I would never do it again. Now I can do whatever the fuck I want." Then out of the blue I broke down all over again.
"I love her so much and yet she can't seem to stay committed to one person. I wanted to live in this hotel for forever and have a real relationship. I want to fall asleep in her arms and wake up the same way in the morning. I just want her back." I bawled into the countess' arms as she held me.
"It's will get better my darling." She stroked my hair and rubbed my back.
"Will you cuddle me?" I asked look at her  with pleading eyes.
"Of course honey."
𝓢𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥
I can't believe I did this to her. I just couldn't help it. I used to love John but I want Y/n now. I should have just told her how I felt a long time ago. No matter where I looked I couldn't find her. I decided to try her room again.
I knocked on the door, readying myself for rejection, but instead of that I got a quiet 'come in'. I opened the door to find the Countess holding Y/n while she slept.
"Hey. How is she?"
"She's hurt very badly, mentally and physically." She said and that confused me.
"What do you mean physically?" I walked I bit closer to them. The Countess gently picked up Y/n's wrist.
"She started cutting again."
I couldn't believe it. I did this to her. I made her do this to herself. I softly grabbed her wrist and kissed it gently over the bandages as tears fell from my eyes.
"I'm so sorry, baby love." I whispered.
𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻
𝓨/𝓷 𝓟𝓞𝓥:
I hadn't talk to Sally in weeks I had never been so sad in my life. I hadn't cut myself, mostly because the Countess told me to stop or else, and I don't want to know what the or else is so I stopped. Sally and I made a few glances at each other in the halls or at the bar so I guess that a little bit of progress. I hadn't seen John so I feel good about that. He was probably working with James P. March on more crimes that they would never get caught for.
I woke up one morning and decided to go hang out with Liz to make me feel better. I put on mom jeans, a black tank, and a brown fluffy jacket.
I put my hair up in a high ponytail and put some pink socks on. When I opened my door a jacket was laying in the hall. Sally's jacket. I picked it up and held it for a little while. I couldn't help but stuff my face in it and get her sent in my nose. It smelt of sweetness and smoke. I heard foot steps start to come down the hall but I didn't think anything of it, until the smell of smoke filled my nostrils. And it wasn't the coat.
I looked down the hall and there she stood. Sally. Just standing there, cigarette in hand, staring into my eyes with a smug look on her face. She walked down to me slowly with her head down and the smug look gone. I kept my head down, still holding her coat.
"Hey." She said softly.
"Hi." I felt so awkward.
"You can keep my jacket if you want. I really don't-"
"No it's ok. I don't need it." I shoved the coat into her hands and sprinted down the hall to the elevator as quickly as I could.
"Liz, I just don't know what to do. I want her back so badly, but she hurt me so badly. I don't wanna be hurt." Tears started to form in my eyes as I nocked back another shot of tequila.
"The way I see it darlin', she wants you back right?" I nodded.
"And you want her back..." I nodded again.
"Give her another chance. People make mistakes, and I can tell you honey that I've made plenty in my life time. But you forgive and forget. Not every fight has to last a life time." I giggled as she winked at me.
"Sally wants you she just doesn't know how to say it. Ya know, every night after you two met she came down her and told me how much she loved you already. I thought it was just like any other person that caught her eye, but there was something different there. There was true, absolute, addictive love in her eyes that I had never seen before. Now, I want you to go get your girl and tell her how much you love her."
I came behind the bar and hugged Liz as tight as I could.
"Thank you." I mumbled into her chest, then ran to Sally's room.
I sort of  forgot how big the hotel was as I was looking for Sally's room, room 55. How the hell did I get lost when I've been down this hall like a million times?
Once I finally found her room I hesitated to knock at first. It scared me a little to see her again. What if she still wanted John? What if she needs more time? What if she doesn't love me anymore? I had to calm myself down and get all of the negative things out of my head. I hesitated to knock once again until my wrist went against my whole body. I heard shuffling and the sound of the springs in the bed squeaking. I waited impatiently for the door to open, not know what to expect. Soon enough the door swung open and there stood that beautiful goddess I had fallen in love with all that time ago.
"Y/n? What are you-" She cut off by shock as I hugged her tightly around her waist and weep into her chest.
"I'm sorry. If I had just let you explain this whole thing wouldn't have happened in the first place." She put her arms around me and stroked my hair.
"I never want to fight with you ever again."
"Shhh, baby, none of this is your fault. It's mine. I went and slept with John, I didn't think about your feelings. You shouldn't blame yourself for my actions." She held me closer, if that was even possible. She kissed my head multiple times trying to calm me down from my crying fit.
"I just want you to love me like you love him." I mumbled into her chest hoping she wouldn't hear me, but she did. Sally held my face in her hands.
"Babygirl, I love you so much more than I love him. You are my number one, my first priority, my princess," She said with a smile.
"and no one is gonna change that. Ever." Sally looked at my eyes then my lip. She slowly leaned in and our foreheads touched. I felt her lip brush against mine.
"Can I kiss you?" Sally Begged with pleading eyes. I leaned into her and our lips interlocked. Her lips are so soft and plump. I missed the feeling of them so much. She tasted like cigarette smoke and red velvet. She always added something to a kiss. Something sensual that made the kiss more heated. She slipped her tongue in my mouth and I started to suck on it.
"𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵."
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invaderdoom78 · 5 years
Fright Twilight (the dumbest title) part 4
Part 4 of @julielilac gif set
A few days had passed since Charley sent Peter a text asking if he could come over, which the hunter had no problem with, not really thinking about how Aro would feel about it as over the last few days he hadn’t given any indication that he was still upset about the kiss. However, once Charley did get to his house he could instantly pick up on the disdain Aro was harboring for the young man and was immediately worried that he’d made a terrible mistake and put Charlie’s life in real immediate danger. Thankfully, Aro seemed to have some form of control over his jealousy as instead of attacking Charley he chose to grab hold of Peters waist, pulling him into a hard kiss before walking away, casting a cold piercing look at the young man as he left. “So” Charley started from his seat by the fireplace “what’s going on with you and that guy with long black hair?” “What?” Peter asked, turning around, glass of alcohol in hand, walking back over to his chair from the bar “Is he your boyfriend?” Charley asked, sounding somewhat hopeful “Are you high or have you finally lost your fucking mind?” “He grabbed you by the waist and kissed you!” Charley pointed out bluntly “He’s got a really shitty sense of humor” Peter said, taking a drink from his glass “Really, because it didn’t look like a joke to me. It looked more like a possessive gesture... kinda like he was marking his territory” “Alright!” Peter exclaimed, slightly frustrated “do I fuck him? Yes, but I’d hardly call him my, boyfriend” “Look it doesn’t matter who he is or what your relationship is like, I’m not gonna judge you” “Oh, but you really should” Peter sighed, slouching further into his seat “Why?” Charley asked cocking an eyebrow “Because he’s a vampire, Charlie, a goddamned bloodsucker” Peter said as Charley buried his face in his hands “and I know what you’re gonna say but I can’t kill him or the twins. I just can’t” “What twins?” Charley asked, his head shooting up out of his hands so he could look at Peter “...Nevermind” Peter said quickly, turning away from the young man “No! No never mind, Peter” Charley said, sitting up straight, gripping the armrest with both hands “what twins? Are, are you talking about those two that were at Jerry’s lair!? They were vampires too?” “They were twelve when they were turned, Charlie! Still technically babies” “Twelve makes them almost teenagers not babies, Peter!” Charley said making jabbing motions towards Peter with his hand to emphasize his point “Will you stop saying my name like that!” “Like what, Peter!” Charley exclaimed, his voice raising a few octaves “Like I’m some kind of, of irrational corpse humping, anemic vein munching sympathising lunatic!” “Maybe it’s because that’s exactly what you’re being right now!” “Well I’m sorry that I don’t want to kill some kids whose only crime was growing up in a village that tried to murder them, Charlie!” “I’m sorry what now?” Charley asked, his voice squeaking a bit, all of the annoyance and anger vanishing from his expression, replaced with shock and confusion “Their village tried to burn them at the stake because they thought Jane and Alec were witches and Aro didn’t have any other choice but to change them in order to save their lives” There was a long moment of silence as Charley sat dumbfounded in his seat digesting the sudden attempted child murder information that he’d just had thrown at him as Peter took the opportunity to down the entirety of his drink in one gulp before getting up to refill his glass. “Can we” Charley started, staring up at the ceiling, looking like he was desperately trying to rid himslef of the notion of child murder from his memory “can we please turn the conversation back to the dark haired guy?” “Yeah” Peter sighed heavily, plopping back down in his chair “So how did this... thing start?” “We met a few years ago when I was hunting a pair of brother vampires up in Virginia and right after I killed one of them Aro, Jane, Alec, and I think four others showed up, but I was able to escape before they spotted me, or so I thought. Aro did see me and he later managed to track me down at the hotel I was staying at” “Did he try to kill you?” Charley asked “No” Peter said, shaking his head “I wasn’t sure what he wanted, but I don’t think it was to kill me; he might have wanted to turn me but he hasn’t really made any attempt to do that” “Why?” Charley asked, just looking more confused “I’m not sure” Peter said, taking another drink from his glass “but my best guess is that he’s tired of his day to day life and he wants to shake things up a bit, like being with a human makes him feel alive or somethin’” “I still can’t believe you’re sleeping with a vampire! What if he falls for you and wants to keep you with him forever?” “Don’t be dramatic. Everything’s gonna be fine. It’s just sex” “So what, whenever you two meet up you fuck and then he leaves?” “Eh, not exactly” “So he is your boyfriend?” “No! He lives in Italy, it’s not practical for him to show up, stick around for a few hours just to leave right after. Why are you so insistent on me being in a relationship?” “Because you’re an alcoholic” “And how exactly are those two things connected?” “Because if you do get a partner then you’ll have someone to keep an eye on you 24/7” “I’m an adult, I know how to take care of myself” “Do you?” “Fuck off” “Alright, I’m sorry” Charley said, holding up his hands in a sign of surrender, letting a bit of a pause linger before speaking again “so I’ve heard reports of the bodies of decapitated women showing with all their blood drained up in Iowa” “Are you sure you’re up for another hunt this soon?” “Yeah” Charley said, waving him off “I’ll be fine” “If you say so” Peter shrugged “let’s meet up in a few days to strategize and then go from there” “Sure” Charley said, getting up to leave the house Peter let out a groaning sigh before muttering under his breath “I still need to go out and buy groceries” “Have fun with that” Charley said, grabbing his jacket “see ya later” “Yeah, bye” Peter said as he heard the front door close “shit” Getting out of his chair Peter walked over to the bar, refreshing his drink and grabbing a notebook so he could write himself out a grocery list. Digging through his drawers he tried to find a usable pen he could write with when he saw that Aro was now back in the room with him not looking happy at all. “Christ” Peter said, jumping a bit at Aro’s sudden appearance in the room along with the icy expression on his face “what’s wrong this time?” “Are you sure it’s wise going out on a hunt with him?” Aro said, venom dripping from his voice “after all his is still quite young and inexperienced. I doubt he would be of much help if something were to go wrong” “Oh for the love of, are you still going on about that kiss?” Peter asked, slamming his glass onto the bar counter “I told you that meant nothing, it was just a knee jerk reaction ‘cause I thought he was dead” “So was he your Snow White waiting to be awoken by a kiss then?” “Go to hell!” Peter almost shouted “Oh, I’ve been there, thank you. I found it quite lovely” Aro said, surprisingly calmly “Did you go there with your wife?” “I’ve already told you, Vincent, she and I are no longer together” “And why the hell should I believe that? After all you do spend most of your time in that castle with her!” “And you spend all of your time in the same city as Charlie” “You know what, if you have such a fuckin’ problem with it the. why don’t you just leave!” “...Fine” Aro stated coldly As he started to slowly make his way out of the house, Aro kept his icy gaze focused solely on Peter as the hunter held his ground, not taking the step back his mind was screaming at him to take. Despite the attempt to steal his nerves the hunter still flinched when he heard the front door slam shut with what sounded like enough force to crack something, either in the frame or the door itself. Letting out the breath he’d been holding in Peter grabbed the glass he’d been drinking from and threw it as hard as he could against the far wall, not caring about the broken glass that now littered his floor, before pulling out an unopened bottle of Midori from the shelf behind the bar and broke open it’s seal, downing a third of it in one go as he went in search of something, anything, stronger.
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lily-blue · 5 years
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characters: BTS & Red Velvet genre: thriller, futuristic au warning: none summary: The twelve most ambitious and promising university students are welcomed in Choego, the world’s first entirely artificial intelligence-driven city, to compete for five job contracts that could change their life. But what if something goes wrong? What if they get trapped? What if the city suddenly turns against them? Can they find a way out before the countdown reaches zero? words: 4,3K tagged: @philosopher-of-fandoms​
➼ Chapter Index
Bae Joohyun looked in the mirror in the common bathroom with pure desperation in her eyes while she was trying to arrange the messy locks atop her head in a presentable manner in vain.
‘Come on! You can do this…’ she whispered under her nose out of anger when her shaky hands found the edge of the metal sink along with the support that she needed. As her long fingers clenched around the stern material, her knuckles became white from one minute to another and the girl majoring in Psychology failed to calm her ever so jittery heart. Joohyun’s chest was bouncing like crazy which meant no good as her breathing became heavy. And the fact that the first drops of sweat ran down her temple didn’t help either. She was on the verge of throwing up.
As her right shoulder crashed into the cool wall, she closed her eyes counting to three, four and five. It took all her willpower to overcome her past that seemed to haunt her ever since she’d crossed the threshold of their temporary accommodation. Just like her annoying roommates, she was willing to do anything to get one out of the five contracts the company in charge promised them, yet with every passing moment she became less and less confident that she actually had a chance. With that genius brat who had all the background knowledge this place could have ever needed and the one with bunny teeth who had been aware of the hidden cameras before that powerful woman could even mention them…
Joohyun took a breath trembling like those withered leaves that couldn’t resist the will of the storm then slid along the wall with faint sobs as she tried to whisper a little courage into the void. After all, she was a grown-up woman now and nothing like the street trash, her ex classmates had used to call her. Considering all those years when they had bullied her, it wasn’t a surprise that she felt uncomfortable sharing her bedroom with her rivals. What truly amazed her was the fact that she’d almost fallen asleep before that stupid kiddo next room had shut that damn door a bit louder than she’d supposed to.
Speaking of noises, Joohyun lifted her head up as soon as she noticed the slight change in the atmosphere. Something was off outside of the bathroom’s protecting shelter but the unmistaken sound of someone’s firm order was quiet as if it came from under heavy layers of water. She couldn’t really put her finger on the upcoming problem nor the possible solution of it that indeed was quite troublesome. 
Joohyun pinched her arm multiple times so that she could gather enough power to stand up without falling onto her knees. Dizziness still lingered in hear body when she leaned over the sink to wash her face.
The psychology student left the bathroom with fierce eyes following the noises that came from the common area perfectly halfway between the girls’ and the boys’ dorm.
‘What the heck is going on?’ she asked as her feet bumped into the threshold yet no one listened or gave her a detailed explanation of the messy situation. So lack of any better idea, Joohyun chose to head back to her room staying out of Jimin’s way who seemed quite lost with a sleepy Hoseok at his heels. The Sociology student from Seoul National clenched his jaw in fear when the girl accidentally pushed his bag out of his hand.
The Gangnam girl in her room, Sooyoung or whatever she was called, was still asleep when Joohyun’s hand reached the handle absentmindedly playing with the lock before she would have stepped inside. The girl with the cool, American name, the one that didn’t freak her out, sent her a relieved smile then rolled her eyes turning towards the nuisance drooling all over the sheets. Joohyun felt sorry for her but didn’t lift a finger to help her nor the sleepyhead.
‘Wake up! We have to leave,’ Wendy prodded Sooyoung in the ribs chewing her own lips out of frustration. She couldn’t just walk away leaving the girl behind whether or not Seokjin and his sister were right about the simulation that was supposed to start after a hearty breakfast or at least a relaxing nap. This whole situation was so out of the blue just as she expected from a competition. After all, only a handful of them would be able to sign these dream contracts of wealth and acknowledgement. It was only fair to get their chances to prove their worth.
According to Seokjin’s explanation, their first task was simple. They had to get out of the third area of the town or at least the building before the clock would hit three and the electrical grid would be turned off by the scientists watching them from afar. In a real life situation, if they hadn’t gotten out of the dorm or any other building in Choego in time, they would have stuck inside without a functional air exchange system doomed to die in suffocation. They were testing their abilities in emergency. 
‘It’s still dark outside, so please do me a favor and fuck off!’ Sooyoung murmured under her nose before she pushed the redhead further away with one of her hands. Then she turned her back on the chaos and pulled the pillow onto her face as a lame attempt of shutting out all the noises coming from the corridor. She couldn’t care less, seriously, since she was absolutely sure that there was already a contract waiting for her classy signature in the upper drawer of that smarty woman’s desk. ‘I need my beauty sleep because this face looks hella gorgeous for a reason. You should try it too instead of those cheap products you use.’
Joohyun almost burst into giggles at Gangnam girl’s sassy reply while she was packing her stuff paying extra attention to her energy bars and water bottles just in case the simulation turned out to be more tiring than they’d thought. Not to mention that there was always a slight chance of them not being able to come back to the closed area until this whole thing was over. She couldn’t be careless even though she was finally satisfied and full of confidence now that she found someone who wasn’t a real match for her. 
‘Come on! We’re teammates, don’t you remember?’ Wendy tried to reason as she pulled the blanket off of daddy’s princess throwing the soft textile onto the carpet. She put her hands onto her waist, flames dancing in her eyes, then kicked the wooden frame of the bed three times to got Sooyoung’s attention. She was scary in her own, warm-hearted way. ‘I won’t leave you here, so get your shit together and get up before I stop asking you nicely.’
After a few more grumpy moans, Sooyoung finally realized that she had no other choice left but to follow Wendy’s orders and the fact only made her already irritating personality worse as if it was possible. She changed her clothes with utter care regardless of the pressure that her roommates failed to put on her shoulders then made a high ponytail and also applied some dark blue eyeshadow just to get on their nerves. If Wendy hadn’t insisted on cooperation so badly, Joohyun would have left the room by then without regret washing over her. She had to admit, the redhead seemed to be a strong ally against the others. She needed Wendy’s fearless attitude - at least, until she didn’t find someone better.
When Sooyoung finally finished wasting their precious time with unnecessary things like searching for the world’s sweetest perfume in her flower patterned dressing case or putting a bedside lamp on the threshold to hold up the door that had constantly closed itself while she’d tried to take her bags out, she burst out of the room acting as their leader that boiled both of the girls’ blood. While the redhead’s face became a light shade of crimson, Joohyun’s nails dug crescents deep into her palms.
‘How dares she! That little piece of s…,’ she started with clenched teeth, a wide vein pulsing on her neck. She was more than furious but then she noticed a familiar object on Sooyoung’s bedside table and it cut the air out of her lungs. It was the same, neutral bracelet she had on her left wrist, the one that could open most of the doors in their accomodation along with some others outside of the building. It was more than a nice accessory which made it hard to believe that anyone - including daddy’s little princess too - would actually leave something as important as their master key behind. Yet, it was laying on the bedside table therefore Joohyun chose to take advantage of Sooyoung’s dense personality and put the accessory into her pocket with a satisfied smile playing on her lips. For the first time since they crossed the dorm’s threshold, she was happy to be in the same team as the Gangnam girl.
It took the Psychology major a whole minute to catch up with her roommates but eventually, her shoulder crashed into Wendy’s who greeted her with the same smile she had done barely twenty minutes ago. She didn’t care why the other girl was late, the only thing that mattered was Joohyun finding them in the middle of the mess. For the rest of the way, they stuck together as if they were indeed each other’s best chance although a part of Joohyun knew that without Wendy’s maternal instincts, the redhead would have never stayed by their side. As sad as it sounded, they were both useless - while Joohyun couldn’t help her win, Sooyoung was a real pain in the ass.
‘Holy Versace! Where is it? Aish. It’s supposed to be here!’ the Gangnam girl in her perfect leather jacket, ripped jeans and high heels combo cried out, lips trembling in agony. She looked devastated as if she was fighting with tears and for an ephemeral moment Joohyun almost felt sorry for her. ‘I must left it in my room. It has to be there!’ she came to a conclusion as her left fist crashed into her right palm.
Sooyoung gave her bag to Wendy paying no attention to the number of those bags the girl had already carried then turned her back on them and rushed back to her room regardless of the redhead’s opposition. If one could kill with a single glance, Miss Better Than Everyone Else would have been dead by now.
Wendy’s struggle was obvious, Joohyun could see it in her eyes. She couldn’t decide whether she should have run after her roommate or wait in one place completely clueless therefore she put her weight from one leg to another everytime she made up her mind.
‘Come on! We have to hurry,’ Joohyun cried out wrapping her fingers around the girl’s wrist at the same time as a pastel haired guy grabbed Wendy’s backpack. 
‘Thank God, I’ve found you,’ Namjoon said pulling his dumbfounded girlfriend close to his chest. He was still in his pyjamas as if he had come looking for Wendy as soon as he had gotten out of his bed and a part of Joohyun felt bitter being unable to tear her gaze away from the lovebirds. She was twenty-six, three years older than Wendy, yet she’d never had anyone who would have looked at her the way Namjoon looked at his girl.
Chewing on her lips, Joohyun couldn’t help but to consider herself as the unwanted third wheel in a cheesy relationship therefore she felt truly relieved when Namjoon took two bags out of Wendy’s hands then pulled her towards the exit. Being left behind, the Psychology major’s breathing became heavy that didn’t take her by surprise. Whenever anxiety took control over her body, the symptoms appeared. Yet, as she recognized Seokjin’s calm voice from somewhere behind her back, she had the presence of mind to go after Sooyoung. She had to tell her that she’d found her bracelet. Wendy would have been furious if she had found out that she had taken it on purpose. 
She arrived at their room’s threshold when Gangnam girl threw her blanket onto the ground finding the limited edition lipstick she’d been looking for and the fact only that she had noticed its absence before the bracelet’s pushed Joohyun to her limits. When the corridor seemed completely empty, she closed their room’s door, getting the lamp out of the way. For a few more seconds, she watched Sooyoung who smiled with satisfaction then ran out of the accommodation. 
Jeon Jungkook was one of the last candidates who reached the common area that also meant that he got the ungrateful task to check every single room looking for abandoned fellows. It sucked and was most likely a waste of time but he couldn’t have come up with a proper excuse - as Seulgi did - when Seokjin had asked him to do this little favor for him while he helped the said girl with her belongings. He had to check the girls’ dormitory since the boys’ was already empty. All this trouble for a weak girl and her weak arms.
Fixing both straps of his backpack, Jungkook turned his back on the others with an annoyed face pouting like a child who didn’t get what he wanted. If that idiot roommate of his with his lilac hair and bad attitude hadn’t left his stuff in the way making it impossible for the younger to pack his things, Jungkook would have been the first who made it outside. It was something the engineer would bet his life on unlike on Taehyung’s intentions. That guy was a mystery.
‘You better see that I’m doing this for the team,’ he cursed under his nose reminding himself of all those hidden cameras the company had installed to observe every tiny step they made. He hoped that his cooperative skill was rather an advantage than a negative point written right under his name.
He stood in front of the bathroom’s door knocking on its cool surface when one of the girls ran across the corridor without even noticing his presence. Truth to tell, Jungkook wasn’t any better either since he couldn’t put his finger on the girl’s identity. They were all the same to him with their dark eyes, slim lips and long hairs. They were his rivals, his enemies and those who couldn’t accept the cruel reality were all fools destined to lose. Like Seokjin and his little sister who warned every candidate instead of leaving them behind. If he had been in their shoes, he wouldn’t have bothered with such things.
When he didn’t get any response from the bathroom, Jungkook walked down the corridor kicking an imaginary rock as if he had been on the street near to his family’s home. They lived in the suburbs in a small rooftop house, a flickering lamp pose guiding their way after a rough day at work. Because if there was something Sooyoung was actually right about, it was this place being everything his parents couldn’t afford but Jungkook was ready to change their fate.
As his steps died in front of the double room, the boy found it amusing that its owners had spent a couple of minutes to make the beds arranging the sheets and the blankets that he’d left alone as messy as it’d become while he was sleeping.
‘What a waste of time,’ he said tilting his head to right as he swallowed an inappropriate laughter and let his hand fall back to his side. One room was down and another had left to go.
Scratching his nape out of boredom, it took him six tiny steps and two annoyed sighs to reach the next room on the opposite side of the hallway. Unlike the other, this one wasn’t exactly clean nor empty - creasy sheets on the floor, bedside lamp broken and a girl with her back leaning against the wall - but the fact that Park Sooyoung was the one playing with the handle as if she’d had all the time in the world didn’t get the boy in the mood to play the selfless teammate. He stopped only for a mere minute to check the place behind her figure through the transparent door before he continued his way back to the common area.
Sooyoung didn’t understand what was happening but one thing was for sure, she couldn’t open the damn door without her bracelet. Fucking high-tech security. And that idiot, ugly, little accessory was nowhere to be found.
‘Hello! As you can see, I’m still here! Open the stupid door!’ she screamed into the void addressing her disrespectful words to no one in particular. She was mad at the company, their programme and the simulation that had started way too early for her liking. She prefered long naps and lazy mornings over hectic tasks out of nowhere and also liked her hot americano served with cold milk and sugar before she got out of bed. If only her father hadn’t insisted on putting her onto the list of the candidates! She would have been one of their employees by now.
She snorted when a dark shadow came across her view forcing her gaze to stick on the young boy whom she had called a charity case not so long ago. His features were kind of cute although tiredness dug itself into his appearance not to mention his clothes that were too cheap for Sooyoung’s taste. She hated the idea of begging for a poor guy’s help yet she tugged on the handle with all her might to got Jungkook’s attention. As awful as it sounded, she needed him. Well, his help to get her a girl who could have opened the door to be precise.
‘Hey, you! Help me!’ she screamed over and over again until her throat went dry and the saliva started to taste like iron in her mouth. A part of her - to the Gangnam girl’s honest surprise - was eager to prove her father wrong showing him that she was capable of passing the tests yet it would have been so easy to give up, throwing a tantrum as she always did. Last summer, she’d gotten a new car after she’d cried her eyes out in public. Getting the coolest job on Earth should have been as easy as pie.
When the girl’s hand flinched, Jungkook’s sank into his pockets, his brows knitted to each other with a strange mixture of confusion and annoyance. After all those things the Gangnam girl had said, he would have rather burnt his hands than carrying her designer bags full of unnecessary items like her expensive perfumes and golden accessories. He rolled his eyes then turned his back on the girl, walking back to the common area. By the time his sneakers crossed the dining room, everyone else was outside.
Sooyoung screamed when the boy disappeared and her knees turned into jelly as she fell onto the ground. She was trembling with rage meanwhile her hands slid down the glass leaving some dirty lines behind. She couldn’t believe that no one came back to rescue her when she was everything a guy could look for. She was beautiful and wealthy. Everyone desired a piece of her time. 
‘Screw you! Screw you all!’ she whispered under her nose as the first teardrop fell onto her light blue jeans. Her knuckles became white when she clenched both of her shaking palms. The glass felt cold against her skin although Sooyoung’s forehead was burning as if desperation could have literally set her on fire.
But as it was bound to be, eventually the flames of her rage and sorrow died off followed by a couple of salty tears, tiredness sucking out all of the Gangnam girl’s energy. By the time she quitted playing with the handle, her eyes became heavy walking on the edge of falling asleep. Yet, her entire body twitched when the clock finally hit the next hour and the super modern building ran out of juice. As the silence melted into the darkness, Sooyoung felt nothing but loneliness.
Jungkook on the other hand was surrounded with people as his arm leaned against the door that had shut behind his back. He was panting although he couldn’t have been happier as he wiped the sweat off his forehead, smiling like an idiot. After all, he had done it! Regardless of Seokjin’s tiresome orders, he’d indeed completed the first phase and had gotten out of the dorm within their limited period of time. Thus unlike daddy’s little princess who had made a mockery out of his financial state in front of everyone, Jungkook was still in the game.
‘Hah! Who’s the pitiful now?’ he asked in a voice so faint that his question was barely above a whisper. He didn’t mean to be rude since that kind of behaviour wasn’t exactly his cup of tea but he hated when someone looked down on him simply because he couldn’t afford expensive clothes and fancy dinners and Sooyoung’s failure truly pleased his soul. It felt as if the universe had been in balance once again giving a little piece of bread back to those who worked hard enough to earn its kindness.
He sat down on the stairs far away from the others who were busy to find out what was this situation all about and what could have been the next task on the company’s list. If he had heard correctly, the guy in the fullcap insisted on staying in one place while the young heir of the Park family wanted to keep going. Considering the disfuncional public lighting, he personally was on Jimin’s side although Hoseok was right about the risks of an unknown area. If the scientists were measuring their abilities in emergency, sooner or later they had to make some tough decisions or else they would lose.
‘Is everybody here?’ Seokjin asked after he tousled his sister’s hair, sending her an encouraging smile. He stood up from the base of the nearest lamp pose then looked around in the dark, observing the groups that had been formed during the mess.  Other than Jungkook, Yoongi was the only one who didn’t look for unnecessary company as he was sitting on his own a few metres from the wall. He stared back at the younger with his characteristic, emotionless gaze although when their eyes finally met, he was the one who turned away.
Jungkook snorted before he leaned his head against the concrete facing the bottom of the first floor’s balcony. What could he say, even a blind person could have told that he tried to avoid Seokjin’s question on purpose.
‘Sooyoung’s still missing,’ one of the girls declared out of the blue and to Jungkook’s honest surprise, there was concern in the smooth velvet of her voice as if she had been truly worried about the gossip girl with her unbearable attitude. Putting his weight onto both of his elbows, Jungkook looked at the redhead ever so confused, brows knitted to each other with disbelief. ‘She left something in our room so she ran back and…’ she rambled and her hands were living their own lives as they fidgeted with the hem of her tee.
It didn’t take long, the boy lost his interest in no time even though his gaze stuck on the scene when Seokjin shot a disappointed glance at him. Jungkook gulped when the older managed to decipher the details and caught him red-handed. Both of his ears became tomato red the moment Seokjin’s shoulders tensed up, nails digging into his own flesh.
‘You’re right,’ Jungkook agreed on the fact that Sooyoung had gone back to her room in order to find something really precious although he truly doubted that anything in that damn place could have been more valuable than the contracts they were all fighting for. He rolled his eyes at the thought then stood up and walked towards the biggest group including Wendy and Seokjin. ‘She seemed pretty busy even asking for my help to carry her stuff.’
He stopped right in front of the girl after all it was her whom he was talking to. Then he took a deep breath as if he could have sucked some confidence out of the cool air.
‘And as you can see, she ran out of time,’ he replied as he crossed his arms in front of his chest that was bouncing like crazy. He couldn’t let a girl make him unsure of himself, he couldn’t let her put all the blame on him when Sooyoung was the one who had chosen an object over their task. Jungkook lifted his chin up with a loud snort before he continued. ‘I’m not her puppet, it’s not my problem.’
And not my fault either, a tiny voice added whispering in his head.
‘You selfish little…’ Wendy screamed pointing at the boy’s back when he was ready to leave. If Namjoon hadn’t wrapped his arms around her petite figure, she would have surely gone after Jungkook to punch him in the face.
‘He’s right,’ a deep voice said on the boy’s right and Jungkook didn’t really know how to feel about Taehyung’s statement. It was true that he felt grateful for him for taking his side but it didn’t change the fact that something was off with him. A person like the guy with the lilac hair, a person who acted all mysterious meant no good. In Jungkook’s opinion, he could have been more dangerous than the guy with his Computer Science degree and gaze as cold as ice. ‘It’s a competition. We’re better off without her.’
Taehyung’s claim was followed by dead silence. No one could find the right words to say hence no one dared to speak. And it was worse than any lecture Jungkook had ever gotten.
➼  chapter III. 
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akitokihojo · 6 years
It’s About Time -Epilogue
Listen, this was requested ages ago and I’m so sorry it took me so long but like my soul left my body when I’d initially finished It’s About Time back in September or October, and it took a while for it to find its way back to me.
Requests (that I can actually remember) by: @littlemissinukag @cstorm86
I mean, it’s cool that I have a soul again and shit.
“Kagome, would ya slow down for a second?” Inuyasha groaned, throwing the door shut behind him as they entered Kagome's apartment.
“Nope!” She answered, stomping over to the kitchen and dropping her keys on the cheap material of the countertop. She pulled the fridge door open, snatching a water bottle from within and slamming it shut.
“You’ve got nothing to be upset about!” The half demon rolled his amber eyes, dropping his own keys along the small dining room table, sticking his hand in his pocket and pulling out his wallet to accompany them.
“Y’know, you can keep saying that, but it won’t stop me from being mad.” Kagome twisted the plastic cap off her drink, taking a quick swig of the water and shooting a scowl at her boyfriend, her tone sharp enough to pierce him through. Inuyasha groaned, the tail end of the noise growing louder with his built frustration. 
“You’re blowing this way out of proportion! She’s my study partner!”
“Last I checked, you weren’t taking any anatomy classes!” She slammed the butt of the bottle on the counter, water splashing out of the top from the force and soaking her fingers. Kagome wiped her hand on her hip and pushed passed Inuyasha as she exited the kitchen area.
“Kagome, she touched my arm! That doesn’t mean she wants to have my child!”
“Okay, first of all,” She whipped around on her heels, her long, dark hair spinning with the force and settling over her shoulder. “You think I’d be this mad if all she touched was your freaking arm?!”
 “It d-“
“Second, she doesn’t need to be touching you at all if you’re just study partners! There are plenty of other things to fill her grimy, little fingers with! For instance, pen and paper!”
“Would y-“
“Third, you should be a little more understanding of my discomfort considering you can hardly stand when Hojo even looks in my general direction!”
“That’s because the creep wants to get in your pants!” Inuyasha fired, flailing his arms at his side, a growl appearing in the underside of his deep voice.
“Oh, please.” Kagome rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest and popping her hip out as she leaned more weight over to one side. “Hojo hasn’t tried a thing since you entered the picture, especially since I took the liberty of introducing you as my boyfriend. Yet you still blow a fuse when the guy’s around! Did I get the same courtesy tonight, though? No! I wasn’t introduced at all! As far as whats-her-face knew, I was just another study partner!”
“You’re being fucking ridiculous!” Inuyasha barked, feeling his face grow heated from his flaring temper. “What does it even matter? She was just saying hi!”
Kagome stared at him a moment, mouth slightly agape as she processed his careless response. What does it even matter? The question was like kindling to the fire, bringing her blood to boil in her veins. She tried to find the right rebuttal, a hundred different options flowing through her head, but all that came out of her mouth was laughter fueled by incredulity.
Inuyasha stood up straighter, growing weary of his girlfriend’s new-found amusement. He knew she was pissed when she laughed like that. How did this situation get so fucking out of hand? They were on a date tonight, their first night alone in ages, which was also the start of their first weekend alone in even longer. It was nice, and even a little romantic, and then went down in a shitty ball of flames the moment his classmate walked over. Sure, she touched his bicep a little. She was the touchy-feely type, and Inuyasha never really thought much of it. Some chicks were just like that. The girl was also smart as hell, and he figured the assignment would be an easy A with their brains combined. So she liked to touch a little. Big deal. That didn't mean she was flirting like Kagome insisted. 
“I can’t believe I have to spell everything out to you, Inuyasha! It matters because saying hello doesn’t usually entail fondling! It matters because I was clearly uncomfortable and no one seemed to give a shit! It matters because it’s the respectful thing to do in that sort of situation!” Kagome yelled, tearing her sweater off her body and tossing it over the head of the couch.
“Jesus, calm down! It's nothing to get so worked up over! Are you seriously jealous of her?”
“Excuse me?”
“That’s it, isn’t it? You’re jealous!” Inuyasha accused, crossing his own arms over his chest and standing his ground. “Are you kidding me? We’re fucking soulmates, Kagome! Or do you not recall finding that shit out the hard way all those months ago?”
“That’s irrelevant! That doesn’t mean I'm fine with any girl rubbing herself all over you! And that definitely doesn’t mean I’m jealous!”
“Then what does it mean?” The half demon cocked an eyebrow in her direction, waiting for her inevitable rebuttal.
“It means I’m mad!”
He’s heard better.
“Fuck this.” Inuyasha scoffed, snatching his wallet and keys back up from the wooden table. “I’m not gonna deal with your attitude.”
“We haven’t settled this!” Kagome said, stepping closer as he threw the door open.
“I noticed!”
“Fine! Now that your plans have freed up, why don’t you take up the cleavage queen on her offer for a study date?”
“At least that way my night would be peaceful!” Inuyasha stomped out of the doorway, heading down the hall without so much as looking back at his enraged girlfriend. 
Kagome sucked in a strangled breath, fighting the urge to shout something offensive at him, opting to slam her apartment door and aggressively twist the bolt locked. She stared at the stained wood for a long moment, standing in place silently as her temper had her pulse pounding in her ears, hoping at any point the beating noise would fade away and become familiar footsteps coming back to her.
She swallowed thickly, taking a shaky inhale to steady herself, biting at the small quiver that took her bottom lip. Kagome turned around on her heel and headed down the hall to her bedroom, thankful that Sango wasn’t home to hear their blowout. It wasn’t often that Inuyasha and she fought like this. In fact, this was their biggest fight to date. Usually, they bickered and annoyed each other like ordinary couples. Occasionally, they found themselves in heated arguments. Never once, though, had it been so bad for one of them to storm out.
Kagome pulled her shirt over her head, throwing it into the laundry basket in the corner of the room, reaching behind her and unhooking her bra. She tossed it in the general direction of her dresser, hardly paying any mind to where it landed as she grabbed her pajamas from the bottom of her comforter. Her shirt was one of Inuyasha’s, his smell still fresh on it, and she scowled at it as if the tee were her boyfriend, himself, tossing the garment into her hamper to join the rest of her dirty clothes. She yanked the second drawer of her dresser open, the small items decorating the top of the painted wood jostling slightly from her force, settling for the first tank top she saw and pulling it over her shoulders, mindlessly adjusting the straps so they weren't twisted and lifting the bottom parts of her layered waves out of the inside of the black top. The moment her jeans were removed and her flannel pajama bottoms were snug on her hips, she couldn't seem to further swallow the emotion that began to overwhelm the barricade she'd put up in an attempt to ward them off. It was meager at best, really. Changing could only keep you so occupied.
She sat on the edge of her bed, her anger slowly shifting into a deep guilt, hiding her face behind her cupped hands. So what if she was jealous? It’s not everyday some chick walks on over to Inuyasha, treats him like a tasty piece of meat, and drags her ratchety nails from his chest to his ear right in front of her. The motion had completely set Kagome off. What if this happened every time they worked on their assignment together? What if this no-named study partner thought she had the liberty to touch her boyfriend whenever and wherever she wanted? Inuyasha clearly wasn’t stopping her, nor did he seem to have an inkling of a problem with it. If the roles were reversed, the half demon would have tossed a table right there in the restaurant in a wild fit, so why was it so unjustified for Kagome to get upset?
Because Kagome didn’t throw tantrums like that. Sure, she had a dangerous temper, but she really tried not to let it muddle her thought process. It wasn't like her to fight without reason, and act territorial, and refuse to hear Inuyasha out. Tonight, her emotions clearly got the better of her, and Inuyasha leaving like this scared her. And what makes this all so much worse is she didn't even try to stop him. She hated fighting with him. She hated any tense silence between them. She hated the gaping hole in her chest, and the burning behind her eyelids as the tears threatened to spill over, and the way a painful lump swelled in the center of her throat.
“Fuck!” Inuyasha wanted to toss his phone out the window of his parked car, staring at the text message he’d received about forty-five minutes ago but hadn’t noticed until now.
Offer stands, Inu. Pizza, beer, and homework at my place tomorrow... is it a date?
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Every single accusation Kagome threw his way started to make sense, and he hated every bit of it. An unsettling feeling bubbled up in his stomach from a combination of the sudden realization, the cliche, romcom, motherfucking message, and the plausible thought of what sort of hell would break loose if he’d returned it. They were assigned this project two weeks ago, and his partner was definitely just as bold from the get-go, so how he hadn't noticed until now was beyond even him. She usually had a hand on his forearm at all times, giving little strokes, glides, or squeezes when she giggled. Sure, it was weird considering he wasn't even that funny, nor did he necessarily care for it all, but he also didn't think it was all that significant to stop her. Had he put two-and-two together, or even thought about it the same way Kagome had, he would have never let it happen. Had he known his girlfriend would have been affected like this, he definitely wouldn't have allowed her to carry on with her touchy-feely tendencies.
The thing was, he didn't think like Kagome. He wasn’t one to worry about female advances, because Kagome had his undivided attention since the moment they'd met; the soulmate thing kind of made sure of that. It was natural for him to dismiss the notion that anyone would be flirting with him, because he legitimately never noticed that shit. In comparison, It wasn't important. So, now that he was sitting alone in his car still parked outside of Kagome’s apartment, the proof sitting in his goddamn hand, grimacing at his shortened name, he felt like the fucking ass he made himself out to be.
Inuyasha grunted through his sigh, locking his phone and dropping it in the passenger seat, no longer wanting to see the ill-timed notification. The half demon couldn’t bring himself to put his car in drive, the soothing rumble of the engine hardly heard over the music playing on the stereo. He needed to fix this. Kagome had every right to be pissed; he should have never let that girl touch him in the first place. 
A familiar tickle on his left hand caught his attention, and on instinct, he glanced down at it. There was no writing, of course. That effect had disappeared the moment Kagome and he joined hands, but the sensations, though dulled, still lingered. Still, he turned on the light overhead, waiting to see if anything would show up. Nothing. Inuyasha could feel large letters being traced out, the tingle making it hard for him to figure out what was being written. He waited a moment after the sensations stopped, hoping the ink she used would bleed through his skin like a sharpie on paper, and even though his hand remained clean, he could practically feel the desperate pull dragging him back to her. Without another thought, he grabbed his cell phone, punched the overhead light off, twisted the keys out of the ignition, and headed back to Kagome.
He quickly climbed the staircase, his shoes smacking against the floor and echoing throughout the chamber, coming out on her floor and making his way back up the hall, his eyes glued to the mahogany-colored door. Without hesitation, Inuyasha knocked lightly, his stomach fluttering uncomfortably as soft footsteps approached from inside. The bolt loudly clicked from the socket, the frame creaking as Kagome opened up her entry, the dim light from the lamp in the distance illuminating the area. She peered at him from around the edge of the wood, only a small part of her body curving around as she pulled the door back further for him to step through, her cheeks flushed and eyes noticeably puffy.
Inuyasha stood near the dining table once more, setting his keys down and never tearing his eyes from Kagome as she closed and locked the door, slowly turning to face him. Her head was hung, almost ashamedly, as she chewed her bottom lip between her teeth, her big, brown eyes locking with his gaze and causing his gut to churn painfully. Inuyasha hated a lot of shit in this world; curry, his brother, shopping, traffic, conflict, the post office, but above all that was seeing the girl he loved so goddamn much with every aching bone in his body cry.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered, the feeble sound causing his shoulders to sag. Did she really think he was still mad? There was no fucking way he could ever stay mad when seeing her like this; every ill feeling flew out the window when he felt her scratching at his palm to get his attention. Kagome only did that when she was feeling playful or sad. More often the latter. It was her way of talking without actually having to talk. She didn't even have to pick up her phone and type anything out. They had a permanent connection, and when she wanted to get his attention without being too obvious, she took advantage of it. Which ironically, was more obvious to him than anything else she could possibly do because Inuyasha had become so attuned to the sensations.
"Don't say it's okay. It's never okay for me to act like I don't trust you, Inuyasha." Kagome reached out for him, her right hand empty for only a small moment before Inuyasha held it with his own, easily using it to pull her into his arms. She immediately hid her face in his chest, and he caught a strong whiff of fresh tears, his arms reflexively tightening their hold around her as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
"Would you quit crying?” He whispered into her ear, feeling her shake her head against his sternum in response. He bit back his chuckle as her small arms squeezed around his waist. "No?"
Kagome shook her head again, this time with a muffled nuh uh to go along.
"You won't?"
She shook her head, trying to burrow her face further.
"Are you getting your makeup on my shirt?"
She nodded.
"Alright, bedroom. Now." Inuyasha led her down the hall, forcing Kagome to walk backwards as she clung to him, her feet only stumbling a little until she adjusted to his stride. He shut the door behind him, a gesture he was used to taking even though they had the apartment to themselves for the weekend, and sat her down on the side of her bed. The half demon stepped back and peeled his shirt off, noticing there was only a small smudge of makeup. "You've done worse."
"I took most of it off, already." Kagome said, giving a little shrug and wiping at the drying tears on her cheeks. She watched as he dropped the shirt to the floor, leaning over to turn her desk lamp on and headed across the room to switch off the harsh, over-head light. Her bedroom now swam in a mellow, calming color, most of the nooks and curves shadowed from the small lamp's disadvantage. Inuyasha sat on the bed next to her, his arms resting on his thighs, her body tilting toward him from the small dip his weight provided in the mattress.
"So... you were right." He admitted, voice gruff. His amber eyes stared down at her carpet, still partially able to reflect the sullen, yellow light.
"She was, uh... she was flirting."
"Oh?" It wasn't often the half demon would admit someone else was right, especially after an argument. It was no secret that he was prideful, and she made sure to keep her tone as steady as possible, showing level interest so that Inuyasha wouldn't feel like there was any chance she would rub it in his face.
"She invited me over."
"Yeah, I was there." Kagome remarked flatly.
"No, I mean again. And the texts I had suddenly made perfect sense. I guess I never paid any mind to her advances before because I had you, Kagome. No other girl could ever match up, so why bother acknowledging them? I should have caught on and told her to knock it off or something, but to me Yura was just a very attentive study partner. I never meant for any of this to happen."
She tried not to react to the persistency of the girl, or even that fact that she seemed to have a name, honing in only on his explanation. If there was ever a right thing to say, it was that. Kagome felt like a complete and total jerk, and she took her bottom lip between her teeth, worrying it as she repeated his words over and over in her head.
"If you're about to apologize again, don't. I just said you were right -stop chewing on your lip, you're gonna make it bleed again." Inuyasha gently dragged the pad of his thumb along the underside of her lip, willing her teeth to release their hold. She had a bad habit of doing that when she was anxious or stressed, and if it happened around him, he made sure to stop her before she incidentally hurt herself.
"It's not that I wanted to be right. In fact, I wish I weren't. I wish it never happened in the first place and the lurker kept her hands to herself. I just got so mad when she -ugh... and when she winked -don't even get me started! Like, who does that?! It was obvious you were there with me! I mean, we're clearly a couple! If she's made it this far in university, chances are she's smart enough to piece that puzzle together! It's not even one of those tricky, hundred-piece puzzles! It's a preschool-level, eight-piece, large, foam puzzle! What, do I have to sit in your lap to properly stake my claim? Figure it out and back off, lady!"
"Ah, so you were jealous." Inuyasha smirked, cocking an eyebrow in response to her enthusiastic rant.
"Yeah, what of it?" Kagome huffed, rolling her eyes as the nerve of his classmate still crawled under her skin, crossing her arms over her chest and looking away from her overly-amused boyfriend.
"So, what about this whole thing made you jealous? Tell me so I can make sure it never happens again."
"No way! You're too happy about all this!"
"I'm serious! I've never seen you like this before! I need to know what tipped the scale!" Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to fill the minor gap between them, his hand gliding down the material of her pajama bottoms that covered her thigh. "It's for science."
"Well in that case, Bill Nye, you know exactly what it was! She did the whole touching thing!" Kagome groaned, mindlessly following his direction and turning herself around, leaning a knee over his leg to straddle him.
"Miroku touches me all the time, and you aren't jealous of him." He said, rubbing his thumb over the small, smooth portion of skin showing at her midriff, the tight tank top riding up her sides.
"Miroku only touches you sexually when he's drunk, and usually when that happens I, myself, am drunk enough to find it amusing."
"Oh, so is it just sober people?"
"I've only encountered one stupid enough to try anything, so it's just her."
"Ah, okay. Noted." Inuyasha lengthened his back, leaning up to press a scant kiss to her soft lips. "Tell me in as much detail as possible what she did that you didn't like."
"She came over.” Kagome said plainly, cocking a brow at the half demon. He merely copied her expression, leaning a hand back against the mattress to better hold himself up.
"You're gonna have to give me a little more than that. I can't stop every girl from coming over to talk."
"Alright, fine." She dropped her fingers to the back of the hand he held to her hip, raking her nails up his forearm so slowly and gently, small bumps began raising on his skin beneath her touch. "You see, I was completely disregarded when she came over, and it only took her about fifteen seconds to put her hands on you." Kagome leaned in just a smidge closer, Inuyasha's gaze glued to her own, keeping her voice hushed. Her fingers continued their trek along his arms, curving over his bicep to give a meager massage.
"That was incredibly rude of her." His tone matched her own as he pushed himself up just a little straighter, regretting the distance he'd created by leaning back.
"I think so, too." She agreed, nodding as if she were giving a lesson and confirming his answer. "I also thought it was rude that she just... kept going. Clearly, she's awful at minding a person's personal space." Kagome trailed her fingers over to his pec, drawing little patterns into his bare skin with the tips of her nails over and over until a light, red line appeared.
"You're right. I'm definitely gonna have to set her straight." Inuyasha gave a barely-audible grunt, watching as she took her bottom lip between her teeth once more, this time without an ounce of worry. Still, on instinct, he placed his thumb to her chin, just below where her teeth bit along the plump, pink skin, willing her to let go. She grabbed his hand, guiding his palm back to her thigh and leaving it there, giving a gentle grind as she pressed herself even closer, her hot breath dancing along his skin.
"But you know, what I hated most of all..."
Inuyasha clutched the thickness of her leg, his free hand curving around her ass in hopes she'd roll her hips again.
"Was when she grabbed your ear..." Kagome rubbed the appendage in between her forefinger and thumb, giving a teasing and gentle tug, her other hand holding him at the crook of his jaw as her voice died off to a whisper. "Like she owned you."
Inuyasha tightened his grip on her butt, practically begging her to grind against him. Kagome tensed her inner thighs, holding herself still, hovering just above his erection that continued to grow harder and harder. "Looks like it wouldn't have hurt to sit on my lap, and what was it? Stake your claim?"
"Mhm." She hummed, moving further away from his hips as she rose to her knees. She placed her hands flat against his chest, pushing him to lay back, her own body never more than a few inches away from his own. Kagome dipped her head down to hover her mouth over his own, her hips still propped above him as his hands glided up and down the length of her thighs. “I’ve realized the best part about this is, I'll never have to. She could touch, and grope, and stroke, and flirt to her little heart's content, and it wouldn’t make a difference. See, you didn’t bat an eye at her, and..."
She brushed her lips to his, kissing him slowly, softly, tantalizingly, her teeth scraping against his bottom lip to draw out that helpless sigh from him she'd been waiting for.
"You're weak for me."
A deep rumble emitted from Inuyasha's chest as he braced his feet on the edge of the mattress, propping his knees up behind Kagome's bottom. He hugged an arm around her waist, swiftly rolling her over to lay beneath him. “You got that right.”
She giggled, spreading her legs further apart to welcome him in. His body radiated a heat she craved, her hands immediately grazing his naked chest as he peppered lingering kisses down her neck. She could feel his arm reach down, his pelvis only inches away from hers as he unbuttoned his jeans and adjusted himself, allowing him to grind against her with pleasured ease. Kagome swallowed her moan as she arched her back, trying to feel his chest pressed against her thin shirt.
One at a time, Inuyasha grabbed her wrists, arresting them above her head like he knew she loved more than she'd ever admit, sitting up to watch her breath hitch in her chest right on queue. Black scribbles caught his peripherals, his attention shifting to her left hand. He splayed out his fingers, pushing his hand into hers, her own fingers flattening with the pressure before he pulled away.
Come back.
A dull ache spread throughout the cavity of Inuyasha’s chest. He swallowed thickly, his amber eyes meeting her deep browns, releasing one of her wrists to better opt for cradling her neck, crushing her lips in a passionate and heated kiss. He'd forgotten all about the message, caught up in each little moment with Kagome since he'd reentered her home. She moaned into his mouth and he happily swallowed the soft sound, his tongue diving in to taste her own, everything moving so slowly and wonderfully, and he swore he would show Kagome right then and there that, when it came to him, there would never be a reason to feel jealous again.
There wasn’t another woman alive that could make Inuyasha feel even an inkling of what she did to him.
Kagome lifted her hips, trying desperately to meet his, his jeans chaffing roughly along her thighs even through her flannel bottoms. Inuyasha pushed her back to the mattress, breaking their kiss, and traveling down her panting abdomen as he hooked his fingers in the waistband of her pajamas, pushing them down as he kissed further and further. She took over as he rose, kicking off her bottoms from the knee down while he hurriedly removed his jeans, throwing them to the ground without looking at where they landed. 
He pressed his body to hers once more, absent-mindedly rolling his pelvis as soon as the heat that soaked through her panties washed over him, a guttural grunt leaving his throat of its own volition. Again, he grabbed her wrists, pinning them above her head, a weak gasp leaving Kagome’s mouth as he ground into her once more. He spread her fingers wide, putting more pressure on her left side, dragging his hand back and forth over the offending palm that matched pace with his bucking hips.
Inuyasha wanted the message gone. The fight was over. Done with. Easily forgotten in the midst of their heated passion and playful teasing. There was no need for either of them to see the reminder, bringing him to increase the amount of friction he applied, Kagome never once protesting or closing her hand until he was properly satisfied with her blotched and dirtied, illegible palm. He dipped down, giving a heavy thrust that she met with her own, hovering his mouth just above hers and backing out of reach as she pursed hers for a kiss, their lips grazing ever so lightly.
She hated when he did that.
“I thought I was supposed to be doing the teasing.” Kagome stated, pouting up at him. He smiled, unable to help it, and placed a kiss to her forehead, slowing his hips as she tensed her thighs against him.
“Oh, is that what you were doing?”
“Shut up! I want top!” She bucked upward, tensing her thighs even further and pushing against his grip on her wrists, hardly budging her boyfriend who smirked amusedly at her. “Inuyasha! Move!”
“Yeah, keep going, this is romantic.”
“I’m not trying to woo you, I’m trying to fuck you.”
“Excuse me, did you just curse?” Inuyasha asked, his expression beaming of both delight and shock.
“I will fight you, Inuyasha, I swear. There’s one night of every month where I can take you, and I will take full advantage of it in a couple of weeks, so help me-”
“Say it again.” He teased, dropping to the crook in her neck, dragging his tongue along the dip in an attempt to find the spot that made her weak.
Kagome gasped, unconsciously opening her neck to his ministrations, her chest arching into him once he found it, sucking and nipping at the spot until her fingers clenched shut and a whimper left her mouth.
“I want…”
“Say it.” His hushed breath against her wet skin sent a ripple of chills down her body, and he gave a slow and steady grind against her, biting back a hiss of his own as the deliciously heady scent of her reached his nose. Inuyasha gave a powerful suck with intentions to leave a mark, keeping his firm grip against Kagome’s wrists as she writhed against him.
“F-fuck…” It was drawn out and hoarse, and it made Inuyasha’s cock throb painfully. Quickly, he flipped Kagome over so she laid on her belly, gripping her hips to prop her bottom up until her knees supported her weight for him. Kagome pushed her upper body up, leveling her position, peaking at him over her shoulder as she waited patiently for his next move. Without haste, Inuyasha stood off the bed and removed his boxers, enjoying her stare before he kneeled back behind her, letting his cock rub against her silky panties.
Kagome sucked in a breath, the heat from his member searing her skin, causing her head to hang down. She heard him whisper something along the lines of be careful, noticing that she’d come dangerously close to the wall her bed rested against, but she didn’t care. She’d learned on more than one occasion that bumping your head against the wall or bed frame, be it once or multiple times, was well worth it when it came to this. Inuyasha pulled his hips back, but before she could protest in any way, she felt the pads of his fingers stroke over the thin material that covered her, bringing out a moan that she couldn’t manage to swallow in time.
Inuyasha dragged his middle and index back and forth, the heat soaking through her panties, wanting so badly to caress her wet folds as her bottom wriggled to feel more. Once more, he pressed himself against her, reaching up and grabbing a handful of dark hair, her tank top riding up her back to follow the curve of her spine. He stopped grinding, knowing that if he continued to stroke himself with her heat he’d be done for too quickly, instead opting to distract himself with the beautiful sight of her toned back muscles peaking out from the black top she still wore. Inuyasha pushed her shirt up to show more and more, watching as she arched a little further at his tickling touch, curving his fingers around her waist and leaning over her.
“You still want top?” He whispered huskily into her ear, his fingers still entwined in her black strands.
“Y-yes.” Kagome managed to say, relishing in the feel of Inuyasha pushed up against her, hovering over her, holding her, gripping her, breathing on her. She didn’t necessarily care what position they were in anymore, her mind fogging over, her core beginning to ache as he continued to make her wait. At this point, she would agree to anything.
“I’ll tell you what…” Inuyasha released her hair and reached down, pushing the blue, cheeky panties to the side while he adjusting himself. She whimpered at the small touches he granted her, and it sent a wild and flaming thrill through his veins. “You come, we switch. Fair?”
It was all Kagome could do just to nod. She gripped the blankets beneath her palms as he slid inside of her, biting her lip to stifle the whine, leaning back to welcome more of him in. Inuyasha grunted, the sound causing her to shudder against him, the hand on her waist tightening its hold as he thrusted. His pace evened out, gently grazing his free hand down her sides until curving around her ass, squeezing the thick, fleshy area, a low rumble reaching her ears. She swore she could feel the vibrations course through her.
Inuyasha leaned over her once more, his fingers curving around the bone of her hip, nails scraping the tender skin, his pace quickening as he began to slam into her. His arm wrapped around her waist, holding her to him as his fingers trailed to the apex of her thighs, pushing the underwear aside further as he searched for the sensitive bud that would throw her over the edge in no time. Kagome whimpered as he slowly got closer, taking his time as he carefully rubbed her folds, her grip on the comforter slipping as he continued to fuck her hard.
She gasped as he grazed her clit, almost sliding forward into the wall but his hand shot to the bed, stopping her collision. Her hips bucked back against him as he continued to tease the bundle of nerves, the pad of his calloused finger sliding over it, each time harder and harder until she was writhing and moaning beneath him, ducking down to hide her face in the thick covers beneath them.
“Take over.” He ordered, and she did as she was told, reaching down with one hand to rub her clit, his fingers only moving away when he felt her push them aside. Inuyasha straightened upright, his hands anchoring at her waist as he fucked Kagome into the comforter, skin slapping skin, her whines growing to cries which evolved into broken versions of his name as she wriggled and tensed and came closer and closer to climax.
Kagome gasped, the high pitched sound stopping midway through her throat as an overwhelming fire took over her body, her thighs quivering as they fought to hold even a little of her own weight. Inuyasha slowed to a stop, bending over her to press light kisses in between her shoulder blades, stroking her sides until her breathing steadied and her body seemed to stop shaking.
She pressed herself up, the half demon following her lead as she rose to stand on her knees, pulling out of her and curving around to the front of her body. He kissed her shoulder, pushing the strap of her tank top down her arm, her head lolling to the side to welcome his warm and wet ministrations. The tips of his fingers traveled down her arms, feeling the small bumps that rose in response to his gentle touch as he grazed back up just to trail over her breasts, his hands lingering for a small moment to kneed and massage. He licked up the length of her neck, sighing out as he reached her jaw, his fingers curling around the hem at the bottom of her shirt and pulling it up to remove. Their chests pressed to one another’s just as quickly as they had pulled away, the warmth of her naked skin burning his own in the most wonderful fashion, bringing him to pull her closer as they kissed softly, slowly. Her hands curved around the crook of his jaw, holding him to her, and he sighed out raggedly, knowing full and well he could kiss her for hours on end and be perfectly content with the time spent.
Kagome had to be the one to break away, pushing him to lay back along the pillows at the top of the bed, following his path as he propped himself up to a seated position. His amber eyes traveled down her body, drinking the sight of her in, his gaze stopping at the blue panties she donned, then flicking back up to her, cocking an eyebrow inquisitively.
“No, you may not rip these! I like this pair!” Kagome said, quickly pulling the silky garment down to her knees so she could wiggle them off.
“You say that about every pair.” Inuyasha droned, rolling his eyes.
“That’s because I paid for them.”
He huffed as he gave in, welcoming her thighs along each side of his body as she straddled him, running his hands over every inch of soft skin he could possibly touch until reaching her neck. Inuyasha pulled her down for another kiss, their lips dancing perfectly with one another’s as she alined their bodies and sat back onto his cock, taking all of him in.
He groaned as she splayed her fingers out on his abdomen, raking her nails along the way, feeling his muscles tense in response to her touch and her hips that moved against him agonizingly slowly. Kagome took her time, rolling in a grinding motion, sitting up to watch the half demon watch her. He had a habit, she noticed, of staring while she worked. His hands would find her waist, or the place where her thighs and ass met, and grip firmly, while he studied her every move with heated eyes. He would respectively start at her face, usually watching her mouth and the way she stifled her noises by biting her lip, and at this point in the game, he was too distracted to stop her. Then, he would travel down to her breasts, undoubtedly bouncing with her motions that she would intentionally speed up the tiniest amount. He tended to linger when he reached her tummy, and Kagome never knew why, but loved it nonetheless, his sultry stare doing things to her that his hands and mouth couldn’t.
Inuyasha’s grip on her tightened as she gave a deep roll of her hips, her entire body going into the movement. Fuck, he loved when she did that. He loved when she rode him, period. She was so fucking beautiful, it almost wasn’t fair, and what made it even worse was that she took her damn time with him. Kagome took the reins and she held them with care, making sure to handle the ropes with practiced ease, and good lord did she know what she was doing. The grunt that left his lips was deep, raspy, and low, almost a growl, and he gripped the fleshy parts of her hips, guiding her into a faster motion as he pushed his own up to meet her.
Kagome’s hands fumbled along his chest, gripping at his shoulders the moment her fingers reached them, following his demands and speeding up her pace, unable to stop the whine she gave in response to his cock thrusting inside to match stroke-for-stroke. She watched his jaw drop, heard his heavy breath hitch in her chest, felt his body tense beneath her. Inuyasha was getting close, a curse word laced into each gasp and groan, his hands clumsily running along her skin with no intention other than to touch and cling to any part of her that he could. Kagome braced a hand on the bed frame behind his head, gripping the top of the wooden board as she used the sturdy material to push herself down in an angled glide, her clit rubbing against him perfectly. 
He grabbed her neck and closed the scant distance, crushing their lips together in a messy kiss, unwilling to allow their bodies to separate as he felt her walls begin to constrict harder and harder. Their moans clashed as their bodies pressed together in synced and unchoreographed movements, the bed frame banging against the wall behind them until Kagome’s body went taut. Inuyasha swallowed her drawn out and broken cry, taking over, thrusting upward just a few more times until he met the tail end of her climax with his own. His fingers threaded into her hair, entangling in the thick strands at the back of her head as he rode out his orgasm.
Their bodies went slack, Kagome’s head falling to his shoulder as her arm went limp along the pillows. She gave a deep sigh of approval. Whenever they laid like this, pressed to one another, she could feel his heart beating against her chest, a sensation that could so easily soothe every worry her body harbored. They stayed like that as long as they could until the night air brought a chill, Kagome finally shifting off Inuyasha so they could crawl beneath the blanket. Still, they huddled close, the two of them gently drawing designs into each other’s skin with their fingers, some spots tickling more than others.
“Still think you have a reason to be jealous?” Inuyasha asked jokingly, his voice soft and breathy. He pushed hair out of her face, following the length of the dark strands over the side of her cheek and around her neck.
“Shut up.” Kagome rolled her eyes, flicking his chest in warning.
“Just making sure.” He laughed, pressing a kiss to her forehead when she didn’t push him away as he’d expected. “I love you.”
It wasn’t something he said often. Kagome was well aware that he would prefer to speak with his body language when it came to anything sentimental, and luckily she picked up on what he was conveying just as easily as if he’d screamed the words to an audience. If he never once said it aloud, or chose to never say it again, she’d still perfectly understand how he felt. Inuyasha was wonderful and kind, fiery and passionate, guarded and protective. He was her heart. She never had anything to worry about with him. “I love you.” She smiled.
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wilhelmjfink · 6 years
“was” pt. 13 (final)
2holy shit we made it! sorry i know i said i’d post this like 2 days ago buttttt i’m a lazy piece of shit what can i say?? here it is hope it’s lived up to it’s hype 
It must’ve been a mistake. He must’ve just misunderstood.
But regardless, he wasn’t able to focus on what was happening around him because his mind was whirling a hundred miles per hour as he tried to convince himself that Y/N wouldn’t have done that to herself. Wouldn’t have done that to him.
Y/N hadn’t found too many things in this new world that bothered her too much: she’d be exposed to a lot of it beforehand, aside from the constant killing of the walkers that tried to eat her flesh. But the violence, the death, it was all just another day for her. And thankfully, too, or she might not have been as cut out for his world as she needed to be to survive. But the corpses that littered the small ranch that they’d taken shelter in told a story of such pain and misery and hopelessness, and it hit home for her — hard.
“My step-dad shot himself in the head with a twenty gauge when I was eighteen,” she told him, standing motionless in the doorway and observing the decaying bodies before her, a child laying face down on the throw rug with what she assumed used to be mom next to him and dear old dad propped up on the recliner, rifle still in between his legs and blood pouring from where his head should’ve been. “I found him.”
“Christ,” Daryl muttered, looking over at Y/N to try and decipher her feelings at that moment. Usually he could read her like a book, but she was different right then, potential scenarios playing out in her head as she stood still and just looked at the bodies. He wondered if it was as obvious to her as it was to him. He was sure it was — she was just as intuitive. 
“I guess he wasn’t my stepdad when I found him -- they’d been fighting for awhile, him and mom. He just moved it. He lived in a small apartment — like, small. So there was just blood fuckin’ everywhere, dude. All over the walls. It made it into the bathroom, into his bedroom...” She meandered toward the dusty oak dresser, rifling through drawers for anything useful. “Pieces of his skull were stuck in the carpet... blew the gold cross he wore on his neck everyday clean off.”
Daryl’s stomach churned — and not at the thought of the scene she was describing to him. He was no stranger to death either, even before the world went to shit. His uneasiness lay within the fact that Y/N had to witness that before when she still withheld some of her innocence. Shit, she was so young right now, he couldn’t imagine how she’d be before it all, far before they’d met. 
“I liked him,” she shrugged. “Even when they were fighting. I felt bad for him, so I would go over and say hi to him because... well, it was sad, I guess. I saw his truck outside, decided to stop and say hi, he didn’t answer the door, I pulled myself up to look in the window, and...” 
She trailed off. 
“Shouldn’a had to see somethin’ like that. Ever.” Daryl said angrily, as if he could get so mad that he would be able to change anything about it. 
“Yeah, well...” again, she shrugging nonchalantly. “That’s life, I guess. Help me move these two.”
Daryl eyed her warily as she walked up to the child’s corpse and grabbed its ankles as if nothing was wrong. Fuck, he knew she was strong, but there was a difference between strength and apathy. She had just shut herself off; a long time ago, too, he was always sure. But for some reason, that time had left him unsettled. She was always telling him to feel, to try and accept his emotions.
Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak and try and break the silence, she spoke up first: “Promise me you won’t ever do that to us,” she said flatly. As he crouched down to help her move the body, he paused to look up at her. She was avoiding his gaze. “Promise me you won’t ever leave me that way, like a... fucking selfish coward.”
The way her voice cracked at the broke his heart. He stared at her and waited for her eyes to meet his and when they did, they both found neither one of them could turn away. “I promise,” he said, feeling rather silly at the juvenile agreement. But he hadn’t found something yet that she couldn’t make him do with just one bat of her eyelashes. “S’long as ya promise me ya won’t do the same.”
She hesitated and it sparked a little bit of bitterness in him. He did his best to extinguish it right then, trying hard to understand what she’d experienced, where her mind was at that moment.
Finally, she spoke up, the words not what he was hoping to hear but caught him so off guard that he could hardly remember what they’d been talking about before she’d muttered them: “I love you, Daryl Dixon.”
So, there was that, he realized. She’d never promised to begin with. 
Was she really that destroyed without him?
“Alright, listen up you sorry shits!” Negan’s voice tore him from his whirling thoughts and he flinched. Though he was able to tune him out quickly the sight of the door in front of him opening back up, catching his attention instantly. Y/N stepped out onto the porch, squinting at the sunlight. Rick followed behind her.
If he hadn’t believed Negan’s words before, he had believed them then.
She looked frail, even more so than before, and he felt his heart sink with worry. Was she recovering from the injuries okay? Was she even recovering at all? She was pale, paler than usual, and her hair fell loosely down her back, snarled and tangled and free of the pigtail braids she usually had them in. He felt his heart pounding, worried that she might just fucking drop dead at any second.
She hadn’t spotted him yet and he considered slinking backwards into the crowd, hiding from her sight, not wanting to get her hopes up only to hurt her even more when Negan took him away again. It would literally kill her. God, when did their lives become a constant fight to just try and be with one another?
He deserved it — he knew he did. But she didn’t. She didn’t deserve a damn thing that she’d gotten. And he definitely didn’t deserve her. He watched as she stood closely to Rick, shoulder to shoulder, hugging herself tightly for comfort. It should’ve been him hugging her, wrapping his arms tightly around her and shielding her from the cruelness of life now, if even just for a little while. But instead he was held hostage and forced to just watch her from afar, and simply hope that no harm would reach her anymore. She couldn’t take it -- he couldn’t take watching her fall apart right before his eyes. 
Negan’s ramblings meant nothing to either one of them anymore. Daryl could tell by the vacant look in Y/N’s eyes that she was hardly paying attention, backing herself against the door like she could melt into the wall and disappear. Each second he thought his heart truly couldn’t break any further, Negan had found a way to prove him incredibly wrong.
“Y/N!” His voice echoed through the megaphone he was using to talk as if his voice wasn’t loud enough by itself. She flinched at the sound of him calling her name, almost like his words had hit her forcefully right in the chest. He also noticed Rick stiffen at her side, though, which did manage to bring him a feeling of relief, no matter how minuscule it was. It was better than feeling nothing but bleak bitterness for however long it’d been. Rick was there for her -- he had always counted on him for that. 
“There you are. I was worried I was gonna have to come up there and drag you down here myself!”
Daryl inadvertently snarled which earned him a harsh shove in the back by the Savior that had been holding him still where he stood. 
“Come over here, doll. I got some shit I wanna show ya.” 
When she didn’t move, Daryl silently cursed, more concerned about what Negan’s reaction might be to her lack of obedience to him. He vaguely remembered the scene back at Hilltop when they’d brawled and how after Y/N had held onto him and begged him to do whatever Negan asked — it was the only way to assure that he wouldn’t lash out or hurt somebody else, though lately he’d been even more unstable than usual and just seemed to be a bubbling volcano just waiting for a reason to erupt and rain down havoc on everything around him. 
He grew even more apprehensive when Negan’s voice dropped dangerously low, even sending a child down his spine. 
“Y/N, don’t make me ask you again.”
She shuffled meekly to the frontlines toward Negan, eyes cast downward, avoiding the stares of everybody around her. It took absolutely everything in him, every single shred of will power he had left inside of him to not just break in a sprint toward her. All he wanted to do was sweep her up and take her far away from here — far away from all of the bad guys and all the terror and pain they’d brought her.It wasn’t fucking fair. 
She wasn’t herself. Daryl was concerned she might not be healing well; like she was so miserable that it physically inhibited her healing. “There we go,” Negan murmured to her as she made her way to his side, leaving an open distance between them that he closed by throwing his arm around her and yanking her toward him. Daryl was livid. Beyond any measure of the word, any limit of his imagination, he was fucking furious.
His hand balled into tight, shaking fists at his side. 
Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.
 Though he could hardly see Y/N, he knew that tears were pouring down her cheeks that she hid, her chin tucked into her chest allowing her tasseled hair locks to fall in front of her face. His blood was boiling, a million degrees coursing through his veins. His teeth were grinding together so hard he was half expecting them to crack under the pressure. 
“Alright, babydoll. I know you’ve been going through some shit, so.... I brought you a gift.” Y/N immediately perked up at his words and Daryl just frowned, his stomach dropping, knowing that she was automatically going to anticipate it being him, regardless of how well she knew Negan’s mind worked. And there were two ways that could end: she would be right and get to see him beaten, bruised, and broken, which would destroy her, and then he’d get torn away from her yet again. And she couldn’t do that. Or, if she was wrong, she would be forlorn at not being able to see him -- regardless of how he looked.
“I know — I know. How can I find it in me to be so fucking nice to you people when all you’ve manage to do is bend me over the table and fuck me in the ass repeatedly? I’m just that kinda guy, I guess.” Negan grasped her hand in his own gloved one and sauntered over to the trailer bed where the coffin they’d brought over was hoisted upright, shifting and bumping slightly. Throwing a slick grin over his shoulder at her, he hoisted himself up onto the platform before reaching down for her. She stated at his outstretched arm warily before hesitantly taking it, allowing him to pull her upward next to him.He laughed to himself before turning toward the casket and rapping on it rhythmically with Lucille. “Hey, Sash — you are not going to believe this shit!”
With the flip of a latch the door swung open and Sasha stumbled out. Her eyes were yellow and cloudy, and her jaw snapped with snarls and growls and she immediately lunged at Negan. The sick fuck had killed her and brought her here to show it off. 
“Holy god damn!” Negan screamed, falling backwards off of the platform with what used to be Sasha crawling on top of him. There was a millisecond of still silence before a single gunshot rung out and then it was followed by more rapid gunfire, screaming and shouting. Y/N stood motionless, hands tightly covering his mouth in shock, frozen in time. Her eyes were trained on her old friend as it tried to take a bite out of Negan while he struggled underneath her, muttering to her as if she could hear him and laugh at his pleads and miserable jokes. 
Daryl was shoved harshly down to the concrete by an unseen stranger and then, nothing. Everyone scurried around him and suddenly, nobody was worried about him escaping. He was left alone to die; but that was fucking fantastic, and as long as Y/N was in his sight, he absolutely refused to let that be it for him. His hands were still tied and his mouth still gagged but it didn’t deter him from pushing back up and breaking into a run toward her, dodging bullets that exploded around him and corpses that already littered his path. And when an unseen force grabbed onto his ankles it sent him flying forward, landing harshly with a grunt as his incapacitated hands just barely managed to catch his fall. Sasha — or what used to be Sasha — had discarded a Savior after she’d torn his flesh from the bone and left him a gruesome mess and she had changed her target from him, directlyt o Daryl. 
He kicked out to shake her off as she snarled at him, her teeth and skin around her lips and mouth stained a deep red. It didn’t even look like her, he thought... but it wasn’t her. No -- he had to remind himself that it really was not her as he dug the heel of his foot into her nose, crunching the cartilage underneath it, and finally prying her backwards and she released the grip she had on his ankles.
Finally he scrambled to his feet, straightened back up just to find that Y/N was no longer in the spot she stood in just a moment prior. 
“Fuck!” He didn’t mean to shout and cursed himself for risking drawing any attention to himself, but luckily the hysteria that completely surrounded him had diverted any of the focus away from him as his friends and enemies fought to the death...
A sudden pang of guilt struck him as he searched wildly for Y/N and was faced with nothing but smoke and fire and carnage and he realized he should be fighting alongside his family, but when he finally spotted her running the opposite way of the action, nothing else mattered as he took off after her. 
She was weaving around Saviors, dodging them as they seemed to blatantly ignore her, her hand clutching her side the whole way. He was tired, weak, malnourished; everything was against him, but he refused to fall back, keeping his eyes trained on her like she was a doe he was tracking in the woods.
She reached the main gate of Alexandria and slid right through it. His heart jumped in his throat and he followed at her heels. 
“Y/N!” He shouted her name and that was all it took to have her slide to a halt, stumbling as she spun around in search of the source of his voice. “Y/N!”
He didn’t stop, however, and kept running to her until she finally spotted him, her eyes widening and jaw dropping open in shock, almost as if she didn’t believe it was really him.
She met him halfway and jumped into his arms, locking them around him like an anchor and subsequently burst into tears. He stumbled slightly at her impact, even more worn out from chasing her, but didn’t let it stop him from indulging himself in her; in her scent, the feeling of being locked in her embrace with her arms wrapped tightly around him, the sound of her whimpers as she wept with joy into his shoulders... it was all exactly what he needed it to be — and he briefly found himself also wondering if it was real or some sort of sick dream. But when she pulled away and grasped he sides of his face, pulling him in for a passionate and needy kiss, he tangled his hands in her hair and knew that it was really fucking her. 
Y/N had separated herself from Daryl, leaving her hands ghosting the skin on his face, the rough stubble and dirt that caked his face and his sunken eyes and the all of the fear had returned in the blink of an eye. “We can’t go back there,” she whispered to him. And he stared back at her, more or less dumbstruck by her beauty as found he was every single time he looked at her, but her words set off his own apprehension. He opened his mouth to speak but wasn’t too sure what to say. Was he really supposed to bring her back there; where so many bad memories haunted her and certain death awaited him? It was that thought that sparked panic inside of him and he grabbed her, dragging her off of the main road and down into the ditches on the side of the road where they crouched down behind some brush to keep out of sight. The gunfire was still close, and it was still loud. And if he didn’t get his head in the game and figure out where to take her, they would get caught by Saviors or a ton of walkers very soon and he wasn’t sure which one was worse. “
We can’t go back, Daryl,” she pleaded again, her clammy hands finding his blindly. “I can’t.... if they see you — “
“You can’t jus’ leave,” he replied, more stern than he had intended. “You can’t jus’ run from yer problems when yer scared, Y/N. You can’t jus’ hide from ‘em till they disappear...” He was rambling and he knew it, trying to find a way to keep her safe and protect her and keep her happy at the same time and he couldn’t formulate a plan. A combination of the adrenaline fading and the last few weeks of torture he’d endured had him feeling completely drained, both physically and mentally. Was he really failing her already?
Right then, having Y/N back, right in front of him, living and breathing could’ve convinced him to walk to the ends of the earth if she’d asked him to.
That might’ve been why it hurt him so much when she narrowed her tired eyes at him: “Why not? Isn’t that what you did?”
If it were anybody else — anybody at all — he would’ve flown off the handle at that comment. Called them out, spit at them, hit them. But he just couldn’t find it in him to argue with her; partially because, as much as he hated to admit it, she was right — that was exactly what he’d done, and fuck, she still had no idea why. 
But he couldn’t think of that right now; he knew that his leaving had hurt her and he hadn’t yet had time to try and explain himself. He would have to eventually, and it was constantly lingering in the back of his mind like a fucking disease.
He averted his eyes, trying to avoid her harsh stare. With a deep sigh he gave in, settled with that as a valid response, and decided that they could find some shelter for the night somewhere else — perhaps in the cabin he’d camped in during the long hunting trips. Negan and his men would be too disheveled, probably too injured to search for him tonight — if any of them were still alive.
 “Fine,” he caved. “Fine. We’ll... we can stay in the huntin’ cabin south ‘a here. We’ll figure out what to do in the mornin’.”
It was against his better judgement — hell, it was against everything that every fiber of his being was warning him not to do, but if it was what she wanted, he would make it work. 
Besides... he would never say no to a night alone with his girl. Especially after the last few weeks.  
The sound of gunfire had died down and they only noticed when it was replaced with the squeal of tires peeling out, crunching over gravel and spinning out on loose dirt. Daryl covered Y/N with his body the best he could, burying them with the loose leaves and dead brush on the ground around them, both holding their breath as the infamous herd of blacked out trucks and vans sped by. When they faded out, they could both hear the shuffling and snarling of the dead as they made their way toward the community. They were unarmed and both in no condition to fight. It was going to be dark soon, and they needed to move. Fast. 
“Les’ go,” Daryl whispered and she nodded, not letting go of his hand as he pulled them up and started to lead them in the direction of the cabin. The trek wasn’t long, but being exhausted and hurt didn’t make it any easier on them. Neither one of them spoke, either, not needing words as they just enjoyed finally being together, finally being reunited after weeks of painful separation that followed long, miserable days where they were both alone and confused and afraid for different reasons. It was almost intangible. Like a fever dream. She held onto his hand tightly, refusing to let go the entire trip, and he didn’t complain.
However, he couldn’t seem to shake the nagging reminder still had to tell her why he’d left her in the first place. She’d mentioned something that reminded him of that day, those few words that Jenner had spoken to him that sent his world absolutely spinning out of control and flipped his life upside down, having never expected to have to deal with something even remotely close to it. He would have to tell her. She deserved to know. How would she react? Would it be the final straw; the last piece of the puzzle that figured out just how to break her completely? Would she be angry, like him, and storm out on a careless rampage, subtly trying to just get herself killed so she wouldn’t have to deal with it? Or self medicate, just as he’d done, to avoid having to deal with it and just hope that it would go away? He had no idea.
Either way, telling her himself would undoubtedly be the hardest thing he’d ever have to do. 
“You okay?” Her soft voice tore him away from the inside of his head where he was drowning in unanswered questions. She could deliver the worst news to him, spit angrily at him or tell him she hated him and he would still just be overjoyed to hear her voice. He always knew that he’d gone far too soft for her, but being with her as she was lying unconscious in front of him... that week had engraved his need for her deep into his brain and his heart, and he knew he would probably never get over that. 
“Gotta be,” He replied. She didn’t speak but rather squeezed his hand comfortingly, and it was almost like everything bad had melted away for just for a few seconds. The cabin rose over the horizon just as the sun was setting behind it, giving it an eerie and gloomy glow, but still brought them the relief they were looking for. 
Daryl went in first, even after Y/N had argued with him about it, insisting that he was already too beat up and weak, and naturally he ignored her, making his way into the cabin to clear it out before letting her in after him. It was untouched since his last visit — he wasn’t sure how long it had been but it sure felt like fucking decades. He’d always made an effort to make sure he left no trail, no hint that anybody had occupied it, and it remained exactly how he’d left it last time. Empty and dark. 
As Y/N settled in, assembling a small fire in the wood stove, Daryl slipped out the back to take advantage of the narrow crick that bubbled through the back yard. He tore the tattered crew neck off of his body, the instant gratification it brought him almost too much, and he sloshed it around in the light current before ringing it out and using it to scrub the days worth of dirt and grime and blood that had settled into his skin.
Being dirty had never really bothered him, but there was something different about the filth that stained his body that almost hurt him; he would take advantage of any way he could to remove the constant feeling of Negan and his men lingering over him, to wash away the prints of their boots leaving muddy prints on his forearms and the dried blood from the beatings caked to his lips. In the back of his mind, he also knew that he needed to clean up for Y/N, and that any reminder of the torture he’d endured would be sure to break her down even more.
He cupped the water in his hands and splashed his face, rubbed some of the grease from his hair, basking in the feeling it would give him for just a few sweet minutes. When there was a shuffle behind him he spun around, poised and ready to either fight or run — whichever one the threat called for — but he softened when he noticed it was just Y/N peering cautiously at him. 
Somehow she looked even more beautiful in the glow of dusk, the orange light tinting her pale skin, kissing her eyes like fire. He couldn’t help it as his breath caught in his throat — what the fuck does she want with me? 
“I couldn’t find you,” she said softly, those few words mixed with the obvious concern in her voice resuscitating his heartbeat back to life and allowing him to breathe again. “I was worried.”
Daryl hadn’t even realized he’d been daydreaming, enjoying the feeling of the cool water rushing over his tired feet and through his callused fingers and dripping from his bangs in front of his eyes. “Sorry,” he shook the sopping strands from his face, if for any reason, just to get a better look at her. He tried to ignore the constant feeling of being exposed that being shirtless would always give him, regardless of who was standing in front of him, and automatically stiffened when she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him. 
“I’m so tired,” she whispered, her warm breath against his cooled skin sending a chill down his spine. “I’m so tired of you being taken away from me. Please don’t ever give up on me and leave me again. Promise me you’ll stay here with me now. Please.”
“I didn’t give up on ya,” he almost bit back at her, upset that whoever had told her what happened let her believe that was the case — that he’d just abandoned her, thinking she was dead and that he would never be able to see her again, hold her again or hear her laugh again. No, in fact, it had been a reason much worse than that that had driven him away, and once again the familiar anxiety knotted inside of his stomach at the reminder that he would have to tell her. “Then why did you leave, Dartk?”
Fuck, she was literally setting it up for him. She was too smart for her own good sometimes, and she was no longer going to accept his silence as an answer. “Something happened that nobody is telling me about, and I deserve to know.”
“I know,” he uttered quickly and wrapped his own arms around her tightly, relishing the last few moments of her blissful ignorance before he dropped the news on her that might potentially ruin her. “It’s jus’...”
Y/N pulled away, looking up at him dismally. “You know, I get Maggie and Rick lying to me, but I really thought I could count on you, D.”
His heart literally cracked inside of his chest and he could feel it. 
“C’mon,” after a moment of silence where he let her words sink in, he gently prodded her back toward the cabin and out of the cool night air. And Y/N stayed pressed at his side, refusing to leave him and the feeling his proximity always gave her: safety, warmth, love. She’d waited so long to get him back, and she vowed to not let him out of her sight again as long as she could help it. Even when they settled back into the cabin by the small fire she’d started, Y/N sat down on his lap after he’d situated himself in front of the couch, taking advantage of the heat that the stove emitted before they’d have to extinguish it for the night. He was relieved that she seemed content in the silence, at least then, and wanted to let it go on for as long as he could without her growing more anxious. How was he supposed to tell her? 
She was sick of people beating around the bush. Tired of being dragged through the mud — especially because she knew it involved her entirely. That was fair. She had every right to be upset with him for withholding the answers from her this long. It was probably best to just come out and say it. 
With a deep sigh Daryl’s breath wavered, and he’d hoped that Y/N hadn’t noticed as she spoke up again. “Daryl, you’re scaring me.”
You ain’t even know it, girl. “Look — there ain’t no easy way for me to tell ya this, alright?” The agitation was eating him alive. “So, I’m jus’ gonna come out n’ say it.”
She simply stared at him in anticipation, her own uneasiness getting the best of her — he could tell, despite her trying her best to remain calm. God, he couldn’t even fucking look at her; her big round doe eyes bore into him impatiently, waiting for him to just man up and spit it the fuck out. 
“‘Fore all this — ‘fore you were shot,” he trailed off, the last one lingering bitterly on his tongue, reigniting the fury he’d tried so hard to suppress for her sake. This was it. No more holding back anything. “Ya... you — “
“Was pregnant.”
All of the wind got knocked out of Daryl’s sails after she’d finished that sentence for him. Did he imagine she’d said those words? Did he just hear her correctly? 
He was afraid to look at her for fear of what her expression might show — shock, bitterness, anger, devastation, heartbreak, all of them — and for fear of letting her see how he felt: which was all of those emotions and more. He was sure it was written all over his face. He could hardly get the next words out of his mouth. 
“Ya knew?”
“Well, no, but...” she tilted her head back down away from him and shrugged. He squeezed her comfortingly, the only thing he could think of doing at that moment. “I don’t know. Woman’s intuition, I guess.”
He nodded in understanding. It made sense — he’d never been around too many women in his life, but he could only assume that they would at least feel differently. Right? God, he felt as bad as he did the day he’d first heard it from Carson. “‘M so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to leave, I jus’... I jus’ didn’t...” Daryl hadn’t meant to allow his voice to catch the way it did or let his breathing stagger as the emotions he’d been fighting so hard to bury the last week alone came flooding to the surface, the comfortability he’d been longing for wrapping him like a blanket and allowing him to finally feel, much to his distaste. He knew she didn’t care, but he was supposed to be strong for her. What good was he if he couldn’t even offer her that? 
“Hey,” she whispered, her soft hands cupping the sides of his face and turning it to look at her. Her eyes too were welled with tears, and he admired how she managed to keep her composure while he sat there and broke down like a toddler. “Hey. It’s okay. I’m okay... We’ll be okay.”
He blinked at her, unsure of whether or not to believe her. Shouldn’t he being the one convincing her of that? But she stared back at him, confident and strong despite the hurricane winds all around them that were constantly threatening to knock her to the ground. “But — “
“No,” she cut him off. “No ‘but’s’, D. What’s done is done. It’s over with, and we can’t change it now. And I’m so fucking sick of letting Negan and his men destroy me — destroy us. They have taken so fucking much from us already. I’m done giving them the satisfaction of knowing they can break me... that they already did break me.”
Daryl wasn’t sure he’d ever loved her more than he did in that moment. 
“You and I — we’ve been through some shit, D. And we always make it out okay. We’re together now and we’re stronger together.”
She finished her speech by confidently pressing her lips and he pulled away, then planting light kisses up her nose and to her forehead before resting his lips against the top of her head. He could stay like this forever, and not have a single complaint. 
“Besides, I wouldn’t want to raise a kid in this world.” She sighed. “At least not how it is now.”
“Yeah, yer right.”
When he looked over at her, his heart leapt in his throat at the smile she was giving him. If only he’d known this was how she’d react the whole time, he wouldn’t have had to stress over it so god damn much.
He still remembered the feeling he got when Maggie had told him something had happened to her; the feeling he got when he showed up to the infirmary only to find her ghostly pale and covered in her own blood. Four days she’d laid there, dead to the world. Then Carson came with to him with that, and she was right: he had basically given up on her. 
But no fucking more. 
He would never leave her again, no matter what. The past month had tested his patience, not to mention his sanity and his loyalty. It had been a long, long month, the constant distance between them feeling like an enormous, deep, dark ocean. But she’d said it perfectly: they were together now, and they were stronger together. Y/N pulled his head back toward her, stealing another kiss and tearing him from his distracted thoughts — whatever they might’ve been, she knew that they still probably weren’t great. 
“I can handle anything this life throws at me as long as you’re here with me, Daryl Dixon.”
but there you go... there’s a happy ending for you all. whee! i hope you’ve enjoyed the ride. thanks for tunin’ in and until next time.... i’m wilhelm j fink
i need to thank a few people for being here the whole time and always giving feedback.... ya’ll rule so hard D:
@crossbowking @jodiereedus22 @apossiblegentleman @mtngirlforever @sourwolf-sterek32 @qrangr @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @twdeadfanfic @deliciousassafrasssandwich  @96ssi i think i’m forgetting some but whatever..... love you guys so much!!!!
@crossbowking @jodiereedus22 @apossiblegentleman@mtngirlforever @sourwolf-sterek32 @winchester-angel  @qrangr @cole-winchester @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @twdeadfanfic @crazyaboutnorman @deliciousassafrasssandwich @bunnymother93 @96ssi @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @ima-mther-fckn-starboy @thatsoragan@lonewolf471
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kidneysquid · 7 years
Freak (preview of part 3)
Hello my lovelies! 
So sorry for the delay. I am currently in the Quebec providence of Canada on vacation with my family. 
I still have my lap top with me but there are a few challenges.
One: I am with my family, and it’s awkward writing into the smutty details with them around (quite the mood killer).
Two: I am skiing and hiking on a daily basis so I don’t have as much time as I’d like to write even though it’s my drug at this point.
Three: Part 1 and 2 were already written when I first posted them, hence why they were so long. While I have over 30 pages worth of drafts and notes on the story, I spend extensive amounts of time editing and rewriting (I have a strange writing process).
I am SO SORRY for how short this is. But I’m honestly debating on just doing posts that are 1,000 to 2,000 words a post to give you guys satisfaction and to give me more time to perfect my chapters.  
I know my character (played by Harry) in this is kinda OOC but NOT TO WORRY. He is still his dark demon self. This story will always be dark despite it’s moments of seeming light. 
I AM ALWAYS EDITING AND ADDING TO MY CHAPTERS and while have the dates of additions on each post, so I suggest re-reading them if you want :)
Warning: Language and explicit content and triggers
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“Mm…” Soft sheets tickle my cheek.
I know where I am.
I’m home. In my apartment. Jax is purring in his corner of the bed. The white, ‘half dick’ mark splattered on his cute little otherwise black face. Leaning against his white sock paw.
The redolence of honeysuckle incense fills my nostrils.
I forgot that cozy feeling I always get in my bedroom. Filled with all the tapestries and black and white photographs I took in college. My deep purple drapes and light purple sheets.
I open my eyes, and for the first time I’m not upset to see how messy it is. Clothes scattering the floor. The oriental rug tilted to the side. Not an empty space of surface on my desks and drawers.  
I always told myself each time I’d manage to get my room clean that I would keep it that way.
It never happens.
I lean up on my right elbow lifting to get up, but something long and heavy keeps me pinned to the bed.
Wait, where did that come from?
 I shuffled lightly against comforting sheets. The honeysuckle scent was gone to my chagrin. Just clean, must. Masculine. Light spice.
I twisted my neck hearing it crack. It was laying on something hard. I was on my right side, as always. Thanks to the car accident I was in that destroyed my left shoulder when I was eighteen.
My lids were too heavy when I tried opening them.  
The steady hum of Baby Cat’s purrs was replaced by the unmistakable tapping of rain. On the roof and windows.
My favorite sound in the world.
Car rain in particular. 
Even after arriving at my destination, I’d sit in the driver’s seat with my engine turned off and remain engulfed in the comforting pitter-pattering beats bouncing on the roof in steady rhythms.
There was a stale decaying taste in my mouth. When I parted my lips I realized it was the distinct flavor of morning breath.
Really bad morning breath.
I swallowed hearing the familiar pop in my eardrums, unmistakably from clenching my jaw throughout the night. 
Ever since I was a little girl I’d always had problems with grinding my teeth in my sleep. The dentists told me if I didn’t wear a mouth guard at night I would ware them down to my gums.
Mom always told me it was from the night terror’s I’d experienced at a young age.
She never believed me when I told her dad was the one who started them. Not intentionally.
They say night terrors mostly occur in those who’ve experienced sexual trauma at a young age.
Dad never meant it though. He didn’t realize that his mistake would fuck me up for life.
But I don’t want to think about that now though.
I groaned wincing at the usual ache of a filled bladder upon waking.
Human bodily functions can be such a bitch sometimes.
Something warm and heavy was circled around my waist. Whatever it was, the fabric of my shirt was damp with a starting layer of sweat under its weight.
Dear Hyperhidrosis: Fuck you.
I finally opened my eyes and my heart stopped. There was a chest with facing swallows beneath the collar bones.
I trailed my eyes. There was something that looked like a cursive lowercase “g” on the front of his shoulder. Then the date “1957” above the end of his right collar bone.
My pulse throbbed in my veins. Frozen sweat trickled my forehead and the back of my neck. I was the fawn that unknowingly fell asleep in the bear’s den. And any movement to sneak out of the cave would surely wake him up.
But in this case, I was in his claws.
I finally lifted my gaze to his face.
He was truly pleasing to look at.
When he wasn’t t talking that is.
When he wasn’t doing anything for that matter.
But when the devil sleeps, he’s peaceful. Unaware of the world of pain and destruction he created.
How can something so horrible be beautiful at the same time? We are taught as children that beauty represents good. But as we grow older we realize it’s often used to mask the evil.
My left arm was folded and squished between our chests. I tried to move away but to my horror realized I was attached to him. My right arm was losing circulation with his weight on top of it. To make it worse, our legs were tangled beneath the sheets.
I always preferred sleeping with a pillow between my legs. It felt great for my lower back. Also a light pool of sweat would tend to form between my thighs when I sleep with my legs together.
No not like that.
Another fuck you to hyperhidrosis.
I tried to move but my arm, numb at this point, wouldn’t budge beneath him.
This is why I’ve never been a good sleeping partner. (Sleep in the literal sense that is.) I always got complaints about how much I move around in my sleep. I was a restless sleeper. My family would even wake up from the resounding hits on the walls.Thanks to my vivid dreams and I would always always always wake up in a position where any non-subtle movement would wake the poor victim sharing the bed with me. Leaving me lying in discomfort. Against heat.
I laid there. Frozen. Watching the steady in and out movements of his chest. His breaths were smooth and tickling my face.
The tensing in my shoulders ached.
I trailed my eyes down the arm snaked around me, biceps lightly budging. Maybe if I could somehow ease it off me then I’d be able to scoot away.
But that would be ignoring the fact my other arm’s still anchored to the bed.
I let out a breath and rested my head back down. Fading scratches trailed down his chest, his shoulders and his upper arm
He’s not the only one who gets to leave marks.
That’s when I caught the design beneath his sternum on his upper belly. I’d only had a quick glimpse of it, when he took off his shirt before pouncing on me.
I shivered at the memory.
I studied it and to my surprise realized it was an anatomical design of a butterfly.
I’d already known his tattoos were lame, but this one definitely took the cake.
I’ve never seen a dude with a butterfly tattoo before. Not until now. Why the hell would a guy get one?
Breaking gender conventions is always good though.
I always supported it.
It truly wasn’t a bad design though. Finely detailed, actually.I studied the shadings and the intricate lines as it lightly flapped its wings with the inhales and exhales of his breaths.
“Enjoying the view?”
The blood in my veins froze and I looked up. His eyes were open. And they were focused on me to my horror. Observing me drinking him in. The corner of his lip tugged up in a smirk.
Ignoring the pain of my swollen fingers, I pushed my free arm against his chest, moving to get away from him. He tightened his grip and pinned me to him. Easily caging me in his arms.  
“Don’t ruin the moment,” he whispered, nuzzling his face in my hair. 
At this point I didn’t give a shit if he could smell my putrid breath.
He was the definition of a space invader.
A minute passed.
“I have to go to the bathroom.”
“Mmm..” Something rubbed against my hair. “You can hold it.”
“I’m serious. I really have to go.”
“Just a few more minutes.”
My cheeks began to burn. “I can’t feel my arm.” I tried moving it out from under him.
A light chuckle rumbled against me. “I guess you shouldn’t have wrapped it around me then.”
Oh you fucker-
I wanted to dig my nails and slash into the swallow. But my fucking fingers. Instead, I kept trying to straighten my arm and wiggle my body against him trying to untangle out leg.
His teeth sunk into his lip and he closed his eyes. “Mm… Keep that up baby.” His hand on my waist lowered and tightly gripped my ass before lifting my leg higher on his hip as he grinded himself against my thigh resting between his legs.
Fucking pervert!
“No!” I somehow yanked my arm out from under him and shoved him back with all my might digging the fingers of my right hand in that fucking swallow, kicking my legs out of his and rolling away.
There was a crash and a wail of pain.
Laughter filled the room. “Well good morning to you too, beautiful.”
I stood up from the floor, he was curled up on his side shaking with laughter. Hair extremely disheveled, his fist in front of his face, eyes squeezed shut with wrinkles in their corners and white teeth laughing.
It was reminiscent of a little boy being caught after his prank.
Not knowing what else to do, I gripped a pillow and slammed it on him as screeched:
“Oh FUCK!” Hit! “YOU!” Hit!
He kept laughing harder, nearly cackling as he caught it on the last hit. His body shaking uncontrollably.
Rage burned my eyes and the blood scorching beneath my skin making my face red. How the fact can he be like this?! So nonchalant and carefree after what he did to me?!
Ignoring him, I stomped to the bathroom in the corner slamming the door. I could still hear his laughter in the other room.
I took down my pants, sat on the toilet and had one of the most relieving pisses in my life.
Thank. God.
I reached between my legs and observed my parts. I was significantly less swollen down there, and the ache was beginning to slowly dull.
Good. He hasn’t raped me in my sleep. Not yet at least. 
After flushing the toilet, I went to the sink and washed my hands before I brushed my teeth.
How long have I been out for?
I ran my face through cold water. Washing the grogginess out of my eyes before sipping on some water. God I was thirsty.
I looked up in the mirror. The healing of the marks on my face had progressed nicely. Including the bruises on my neck.
But something was missing.
I could see my nipples poking through the grey fabric.
I gripped the hem of my shirt, yanked it up and shrieked.
To my horror, I was not wearing my sports bra. And I distinctly remembered putting it on before succumbing to unconsciousness.
Holding the shirt to my neck, I inspected the condition of my breasts. They were still tender and sore, of course. And were pocketed with yellow fading marks. I wasn’t sure if any of them were new.
Swallowing, I unlocked the door and turned the knob.
He was lying on the bed, torso still bare and tattoos proudly on display. His hands behind his head with his legs crossed (wearing pants thank god) and an infuriating grin on his face.
I looked at the lamp next to the bed, clenching my good fist. “How long have I been asleep?”
“A couple of days now. I kept checking to make sure you were breathing. You were right to only take half of the oxy, otherwise you would probably be dead.”
I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply through my nose. I looked up and straightened my shoulders. “Why is my bra off?”
“I removed it.” 
My eyes lit up and my nostrils flared. “You what?!”
“You were wheezing a little and coughing in your sleep. I figured it was suffocating you.” His gaze lowered. “Besides I can see how it would be... confining for you.”
Oh. No. He. Did. Not.
“You saw my tits while I was unconscious!?”
He rolled his eyes. “I’ve seen them before-”
“That’s no excuse to be a pervert!”
“It was to make you more comfortable. I was thinking of your wellbeing. You began breathing fine right after. It was constraining your chest.”
I inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my pursed lips. This was very true. Having a DD cup doesn’t exactly go well with sleeping with bras on. Especially sports bras. I’d already read about how bad it is for you to do that on the internet. So in a sense, he did do me a favor.
“I swear to god,” I snarled, curling my upper lip. “If you molested me in anyway-”
“Believe me, darling, you would have woken up.”
I clenched my jaw along with my good fist.
“Don’t worry, it’s right there.” His dimple popped as he pointed to the chair. Sure enough the fabric was neatly folded on it.
My face grew red. I stomped over, snatched it and disappeared in the bathroom slamming the door harder than before.
I reappeared when I was all adjusted.
“I’m hungry.”
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