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noecoded · 2 years ago
coughs upblood what if asmo was blonde. or with blonderoots maybe and fading into pink… does anyone see.or understand. Hold on
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polished-professionals · 7 years ago
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A little poolside this summer is a definite necessity. Anyone else getting some sun today? Or are you watching the #worldcup⚽️ ?? I know my #england friends are happy! New blog post on top ways to keep your hair color looking fresh this summer - go to bio link or click https://www.polished-professionals.com/health--beauty Get this go to top (in 5 colors under $30) and the perfect summer clutch 👉 http://liketk.it/2wrGF or Shop my daily looks by following me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app @liketoknow.it #liketkit #LTKitbag #LTKswim #LTKunder50 #LTKcurves @rewardstylehq @liketoknow.it.europe @bloggerscravestyle @gucci.international @guccicommunity @gucci_community #realoutfigram #stylecollective #schouston #scstylechallenge #businessblogger #blondehair #blonderoots #haircare #gucciclutch #guccilover
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bibliobethblog · 3 years ago
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Hello everyone and hope your Monday has got off to a great start! It’s time for a book haul. 😁 Why Visit America has been on my radar for a little while. This is a short story collection where each story covers a different genre i.e. fantasy, horror, western, dystopian, rom com, erotica and a noir detective mystery. Read together, they form a portrait of the USA and a Through The Looking Glass reflection of the country. I adore Sarah Moss’ writing and am gradually making her way through her back catalogue. Ghost Wall was the next on the list. It urges us to explore just how far we have come compared to the “primitive” minds of our ancestors. Finally, Blonde Roots by Bernardine Evaristo is another author that I’ve recently discovered and am desperate to read more of. This book follows Doris from England who is playing hide and seek with her friends then a bag is put over her head and she finds herself on a slave ship on the way to the New World. The author presents an inversion of the transatlantic slave trade where the “whytes,” are enslaved by black people. I’d love to know your thoughts on any of these books or authors. Let’s have a chat in the comments! Have a great week everyone 🤗😘 #bookstagram #bookheaven #bookhaul #paperbackhaul #newbooksplease #whyvisitamerica #matthewbaker #shortstoriescollection #ghostwall #sarahmoss #novella #blonderoots #bernardineevaristo #booksicantwaittoread #womensprizeforfiction https://www.instagram.com/p/CU5ZBuqAdCX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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derstudienfreund · 7 years ago
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Analysieren mit #Osterüberbleibsel ************************************************ #handsoffmychocolate #books #reading #lesen #chocolate #blonderoots #thesis #writing #work #studygram #derstudienfreund
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capozzisalon · 5 years ago
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Color Artistry After a 6 Month “grow out” #blondehair#hair#haircolor #colorsalon#blonderoots by #michelleatcapozzi#longisland #longislandsalon#sayvillesalon #sayvillemainstreet (at Capozzi & Company Salon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCldB_mH2fC/?igshid=16iczezxuawcy
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cosswigs · 6 years ago
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Only 1pc left👆39.99USD now!!! (original price is 59.77USD) Anybody want it? DM me 🦸‍♀🦸‍♀🦸‍♀ #cosswigs #clearance #salesitem #wigsforsale #ombrewig #ombre #ombrewigs #purple #purplewigs #purplewig #purplehair #blonderoots #longwig #longhair #wavywig #wavyhairstyles https://www.instagram.com/p/BzfZ6bmH-Dh/?igshid=1l8u12zpo180c
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lunawolfewriter-blog · 7 years ago
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Blonde roots and copper ends. Not what I’d hoped for but better than before. #blonderoots #copperhair #hairdye #haircolor #haircolour #dyedhair #hair #amipretty #lookatmyhair #hairinprogress
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amberlilygirl · 7 years ago
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1. just woke up/I now have blonde roots 2. played with makeup today!! 3. there was actually a ‘buy one pair, get two free’ sale!? the mirror pair are my fav #blonderoots #patchesofteal #makeup #colourpop #dreamstpalette #nyx 💜🦋
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polished-professionals · 7 years ago
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A little poolside this summer is a definite necessity. Anyone else getting some sun today? Or are you watching the #worldcup⚽️ ?? I know my #england friends are happy! New blog post on top ways to keep your hair color looking fresh this summer - go to bio link or click https://www.polished-professionals.com/health--beauty Get this go to top (in 5 colors under $30) and the perfect summer clutch 👉 http://liketk.it/2wrGF or Shop my daily looks by following me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app @liketoknow.it #liketkit #LTKitbag #LTKswim #LTKunder50 #LTKcurves @rewardstylehq @liketoknow.it.europe @bloggerscravestyle @gucci.international @guccicommunity @gucci_community #realoutfigram #stylecollective #schouston #scstylechallenge #businessblogger #blondehair #blonderoots #haircare #gucciclutch #guccilover
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lush-wigs · 6 years ago
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This is so dreamy 💜 we are forever loving @blvckvinyl in pretty #lacefront Byzantium 😍 Blonde roots are our fave at the moment! • #lushwigs #lushhair #brighthair #purplewig #lilachair #lilacwig #purplehair #brightwig #mua #blonderoots #lacewig #lacefrontwig #wig #wigaddict #wigs #undiscoveredmuas #altstyle #altmodel #altfashion #lushwigsbyzantium http://bit.ly/2TOhKi6
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juliaannkaris · 4 years ago
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The hair Gods have delivered... for those of us with naturally light hair or gray hair, you are going to love this for touching up roots in between! If you have been searching like me, this brand is good. I received this complimentary from @influenster in exchange for my honest review! Made in Italia, gentle formula, DOUBLE applications, so it comes with nearly 2 of everything, oh and the packaging is so cute, it unfolds and you can use the center to hold your color bowl🥰 #NoGrayDays #HueCrew #complimentary @Influenster @dphue #hairproducts #nograys #hairsandstyles #blackhaircolor #permanenthair #hairtutorials #beautyinfluencer #selfcareroutine #touchup #coloringhair #beautifulhaircolor #hairtipsandtricks #dyehair #dyehaircolor #hairathome #hairdiy #beautyproduct #beautyproductreviews #productreviewer #madeinitaly🇮🇹 #madeinitalia #longlocks #cutehairstyles #darkhairdontcare #blonderoots #fastbeauty #packagedesign https://www.instagram.com/p/CMNYz0sJVsy/?igshid=1mvulfs39dafw
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fjkoloffon · 5 years ago
La mujer que se convirtió en toro.
Quién no se ha sentido león enjaulado aunque sea un instante en la pandemia. De la desesperación, el aburrimiento y los nervios crispados, todos nos hemos convertido en fiera en algún momento. Yo podría invernar como un oso y no salir de mis terruños en un año ni a la esquina, pero la vida está allá afuera (aunque más bien esté adentro).
Hemos sido mansos también, nostálgicos, reflexivos, escandalosos, efusivos, amorosos. Nadie se salva de los cambios en esta época metamórfica. Somos camaleónicos, como David Robert Jones, mejor conocido como David Bowie, quien a los quince años en una pelea con un amigo sufrió una lesión en uno de sus ojos y desde entonces pareciera tenerlos de colores distintos, como muchos perros husky y pastores ovejeros.
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I am so confused. They always say his eyes aren’t different color as one of his pupils is more dilated which gives it the illusion of another color. Well, explain this very clear difference in color. Phhhhotoshop? Bc I don’t think I’ve ever seen his eyes this ice blue but it’s a cool effect. I love the next two shots. ILYDB 💋🚀 #davidbowie #theman #davidbowieeyes #legend #ziggystardust #thethinwhiteduke #annemagnuson #thehunger #vampire #movies #1983 #goth #newwave #style #blackpompadour #themanwhofelltoearth #thin #pale #gaunt #strange #weird #alien #strangerinastrangeland #haircolor #reddishorange #blonderoots
A post shared by Eyes Wide Opal (@eyeslikeopals) on Sep 4, 2020 at 12:07am PDT
La semana pasada salí a correr a los Viveros de Coyoacán (últimamente casi solo voy ahí) y me puse un playlist con puras canciones suyas. Cuando sonaba “Life on Mars?” pasé por esa especie de solar de grava roja que está justo en el centro del terreno, y vi una escena que me atrajo: un niño torero que, con el ceño fruncido, los labios apretados y sendos derechazos, practicaba con un animal imaginario que yo mismo alcancé a ver embestir al son de su muleta.
El pequeño me recordó a Michelito, aquel niño mexicano que a los once años —por ahí del 2009— ya figuraba en carteles no sólo de México, sino en plazas de España y Francia. Traté de ser discreto para no distraerlo, así que continué mi camino hasta topar con la pista y enseguida regresé por otro sendero para contemplar aquello otra vez.
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Que arte desde niño! 🇪🇸🇪🇸 #torero #arte #españa #niñotorero #capote #muleta #toro
A post shared by Pasion Por Lo Nuestro 🇪🇸 CAZA (@pasionporlonuestro_ppln) on Jun 7, 2020 at 11:49pm PDT
Conforme me acercaba, una mujer que minutos antes observaba al chico con detenimiento desde una banca, le intercambió la muleta por un capote de tela interior azul, muy llamativo. Supuse que sería su madre, más cuando tomó los cuernos de práctica entre sus manos y los centró sobre su cabeza para encorvarse y acometer contra su pequeño diestro. La escuché mugir y expulsar el aire con fiereza antes de atacar de nuevo la capa, inmersa por completo en el ritual, transformada en un toro de lidia, en un ejemplar bravo frente a un torero.
Es difícil de explicar, pero me emocioné. “Podemos convertirnos en lo que queramos”, me dije y pensé en tantas peculiares imágenes que han saltado a nuestros ojos durante la pandemia: desde corredores convertidos en hamsters dando vueltas alrededor de sus azoteas, hasta formas de animales que nos ha dado por descubrir en las nubes.
Dicen que Bowie no fue un niño genio, pero cuentan que desde su infancia destacó por ser valiente y atrevido. En su música incorporó la actuación, donde encontró el modo de evolucionar y cambiar de piel.
Estoy en Twitter, FB e IG como @FJKoloffon.
Columna publicada hoy en El Universal Online. 
La mujer que se convirtió en toro (El Universal)
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amberlilygirl · 7 years ago
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no one else could see it but my grey hair was driving me nuts so I banished it - is it weird that I’m kinda feeling the #blonderoots #bluehair look?! 💜🦋👩🏻‍🎤🎨
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polished-professionals · 7 years ago
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New week means new blog post - Top 3 Ways I Keep My Hair Looking “NATURALLY” BLONDE 💁🏼‍♀️in the summer - even when I’m on the road! Hint my go to product is just $12 and I have several color options for all shades of hair! Link in bio or go to https://www.polished-professionals.com/health--beauty for all the details. And you can get this #workootd 👉 http://liketk.it/2wt4A or Shop my daily looks by following me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app @liketoknow.it #liketkit ☝️This #mondaymotivation is brought to you courtesy of @jesuscalling, God says, “I AM WITH YOU AND FOR YOU. When you decide on a course of action that is in line with My will, nothing in heaven or on earth can stop you. You may encounter many obstacles as you move toward your goal, but don’t be discouraged—never give up! With My help, you can overcome any obstacle. Do not expect an easy path as you journey hand in hand with Me, but do remember that I, your very-present Helper, am omnipotent. Much, much stress results from your wanting to make things happen before their times have come. One of the main ways I assert My sovereignty is in the timing of events. If you want to stay close to Me and do things My way, ask Me to show you the path forward moment by moment. Instead of dashing headlong toward your goal, let Me set the pace. Slow down, and enjoy the journey in My Presence.” What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31 Praying you feel unstoppable today with this confidence! 🙏🙏🙏 • • • • #polishedprofessionals #chicworkchick #workoutfit #gucciscarf #guccishoes #guccicommunity #houstonblogger #texasblogger #christianblogger #officeoutfit #businessblogger #blondehair #blonderoots #realoutfigram #stylecollective #scstylechallenge @bloglovin_fashion #uphtx @fohr.co @office.looks @thestyleforwork @modaexecutiva #styleforwork (at Houston, Texas)
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bloom1933 · 8 years ago
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Welp. I'm blonde rooted until next week when I put my green back in. A lot of my hair that was near my super black roots had turned almost white in the sunlight ( I'll be posting a photo of that next) #blonderoots #greenhair #itsfuckingyellowandgreen
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