anonicus · 2 years
[Update] New Art portal redesign
I decided today that I will be doing an Art portal redesign. You can read it in my post here! https://anonicus.neocities.org/Blog/BlogEntry2/11-9-22.html
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g12stem2group4 · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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Media and Government have a Love-Hate Relationship for the reason that the government and media have a role to play for each other. Both media and government are influential; they can manipulate or control individuals. In order for the government to convey their message or platforms to people they need the help of media, and without our government who will be there to guide us and lead us in the right direction? People are complaining that some news is biased; however, the government insists that it is not. They contradict each other and because of this, the government issues claim that the media would then criticize. The views and opinions of people would then be divided, which causes conflict. Media and government can both have a good agenda or just pure devilishness. Media can manipulate people by means of making their reports misleading or reports that attack the government, while the government manipulates their countrymen by making them think that their intentions are pure.
Our drawing speaks for the treatment of government and media to individuals. We can see a man which is a politician with a flower in his mouth that represents the flowery words that he is saying, and at his back, there is another authoritarian with a long nose that represents his lies. We cannot deny the fact that a lot of politicians or the people in our government are vicious.  In the front, there is a media that will be the one to report and spread the message of the government to the people. Behind them are the people who are struggling in life. It shows the outcome of the corruption and lies of the government.  The media serves as our watchdog; they inform us of what is happening to our country and our world. However, media can also be the cause of why people get confused due to some of the biased and misleading reports.
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g12stem2group3 · 4 years
Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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by: Sheen Clark Cabañero
Media and government have a complicated relationship with each other because this is due to the some public servant that has a nonstop criticizing on social-media companies for failing to take action against fake news or tackle abuse. Through decades the media and the government always have a trouble when the media manifest information about the everyday circumstance in the government. Some politicians love talking control with reporters, and other governor’s crave for their spotlight of being show in commercial ads or biased ads. Mostly in the elections, governors want to control what voters read and hear about them which is not right because we Filipinos deserve true advocacy and service by the media and government. According to Daniel Magdangan (2016) The Media, and the government. These are the two most powerful institutions in the world. The media and the government has the power to manipulate people and to change how people think on certain topics going around our world today. The statement of Daniel is true which still in this day the media and the government operate peoples mind but in positive way without media, we wouldn’t be able to be notified or alerted about what’s happening today in our world media is the only one that give information to the people, and without our government who would be able to control and discipline people to the good path. Ever since this powerful institutions start, government have had a love-hate relationships with the media.
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by:  Ralph Vincent Viña
This represents the media covering the real happenings in the government by creating false information to the citizens. The board represents the barrier of the truth in government, the media in front is recording  information from the board and presenting it to the viewers and the viewers believe that everything is alright. The text in the board is "We got you covered", people will believe that it is good but in reality it means "We are covered" and also the truth was covered by lies. The camera man in the middle is example of good media   because he is recording the real happenings in the government but sadly to say not everyone believes on them.
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by: John Kyle Cuadra
From the Normative Theories of The Press, Social Responsibility is what Philippines have. The Relationship of the Philippine Media and Government is quite intimate , but somehow we doubt and questioned it's relationship. With the power of the government and every secrets the media holds, both of them hold each other's neck. The Philippine media has its own power in censoring every information they will release, it keeps confidential and unsafe information of the government in order to protect the people. The government then has enough power to keep a certain media down when caught misbehaving. The relationship of the Philippine Media and Government is like the image above, with the  power they have, they tend to have guns aimed to each other while pretending to  have intimate actions. Both are waiting who pulls the trigger first, but somehow realized that it won't happen because of the consequences it might do to the country. But if ever someone pulled, we knew what happened.
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g12stem3group6 · 4 years
Media and Government : A Love and Hate Relationship
Media and government are considered as the two most influential institution in the world. Without media we won't be able to notified of what's happening around the world and without goverment, who would discipline and lead us to the right path?
But these two tends to find conflict with each other. They're saying that some news reported are biased. Some journalists oppose what the government is saying which will then give the government the reason to oppose to medias. Its a cycle though.As a result people become manipulated and divided. They have the power to change the views and opinions of people. Come to think of it, without media there is no transparency in the government. It help us to become more aware of what is happening in the government. There is no love and hate relationship towards media and goverment if they will perform their job according to its function. They can't perform well without the help of the other.
Getting people’s attention is not so easy if we are not attracting their interests. Specially now, more are on the side of electronic media. Just like news papers, people who read the newspaper gets fewer because there’s internet that is more convenient but the importance is no less than before. Better we may make use of reading them when we can. Although we can use those people who still love the feel of turning pages or those booklovers, they’ll be the ones who will likely help spread and gather attention from other people. Plus you can make use of things that will make the audience keep coming back and hold the readers attention.
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Companies and firms from different sectors submitted to this fact and are now handling social media with full power just as they handle customer service for instance.When people need a recommendation, they post their questions on their social media profiles. When they want to complain about a product or a service, they do the same thing and mention the concerned company or authority. Governmental bodies should have an effective presence on different social media platforms in a way that makes people comfortable to address and raise issues to them. On the other hand, governmental social accounts should also be very interactive and form a strategy to handle social media in a diplomatic, yet efficient, way.It doesn't need to be engaged in any such information regarding to the censorship in Philippine media because Censorship have controversial information it also causes by the government or any private companies. They also give good information that may can help you. Just like Social Responsibility every individual has the obligation duty to be responsible for providing information.
The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil , but because of the people who dont know anything about it.
(Albert Einstein)
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g12abm1group2 · 4 years
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Nowadays, people tend to surf more in the social media to find and read articles about the government related news. In the media where we can distinguish whether the news are legit or false because as we all know spreading false information in the media is very common and we need to be more thorough of what we read in this platform. Media and the Government are so powerful that they can control us citizens. They can manipulate us and change the way we think. Media and Government are also there to help and assist people. Media is the one who informs us and keeps us up-to-date in knowing information, issues and happenings. While the Government is the one who leads and governs us. There are 2 sides on a particular government; the one who loves and cares for the community and the other one who doesn't care and hates everyone (probably corrupt also). Almost every country has one of those.
As what the title says “Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship” is true. There are times that they are one and is a complement to each other, there is also times that they differ in preferences, decisions and then fight. The latter can cause misinformation to people and is not good. But even though they can mislead, confuse and brainwash us, both are still very important to the Country and its people. The media and government has a love-hate relationship where the people in the government loves the attention they get from people in the media but also afraid to be exposed if they did something wrong that could affect the government or the community/lies because it could ruin their reputation by just one article or news and that's why some of them bribe the witnesses or reporters just to cover up their wrongdoings and preventing from exposing in the media.
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baldonojazynooor · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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          In a democratic country, media holds its big purpose in public service by engaging passive citizens into active participants that favors diversity of voices and opinions. The role of media in a country is crucial as it broadcasts stories thereby influencing beliefs, thinking, and behavior in promoting democratic ideals. The use of media is pivotal as it educates citizens to make rational political decisions to ensure the transparency of a responsible government. To attain fairness and neutrality the media limit its range of views and opinions that it distributes to call for an equal social, cultural, and economic capital among citizens. Media and politics are dependent to each other in fostering democratic culture. Government make use of media in transmitting messages nationwide. Conversely media seeks for plurality of sources from the government and of expressed opinions under permissible condition to strengthen public service by broadcasting this information and makes the citizens enlightened.       
          In the Philippines, media independence is considered one of the difficult social issues it faces despite its democracy of freedom of expression. Clearly, the media has its limits to where it can reach and accomplish. This is a clear manifestation that even a democratic country still finds it hard to enjoy its liberty due to lack of independence and autonomy of media. On the other side of the story, the faulty distortion of information of media became rampant that fake news has been a top issue in the society. The factors fake new are due to dictations from other people with high power, news companies are no longer the only source of information because social media has evolved a citizen journalism. The active engagement of the citizens online has built their power to disseminate information regardless of its credentials. The role of media in the Philippines has been acting as a watchdog to the government by collecting the views, demands and ambition of every citizen to attain an ideal democratic country.
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g12stem3group9 · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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In our country, the media and the government has the ability to manipulate people and change their perspectives about the issues that's been happening not only in our country but all over the world. The government and the media have a love and hate relationship, because some governors are against the media while some governors are thirsty for the spotlight that they will get from the media and there are also governors that want to control the media. The governors who want to control the media are the reason why some of the information that the media releases is biased or the article is simply lacking in source of information. When there's an issue or a problem that's happening in our country and the government isn't fast enough to solve the problem, the media will immediately create an article against the government causing the people to misunderstand the whole situation.
The drawing above portrays the people who are against the will and law of our current President Duterte. This shows how the people protest to express their opinions. Most likely they are against the law of our President regarding the extra judicial killing, corruption, abs-cbn, and Marcos burial at the National Heroes Cemetery. In conclusion, this picture talks about the people who don't like our current President or the antagonist of President Duterte. Even though there is hate between the media and government, they also show love for each other. The government also appreciates the works that the media has shown for the society, since the media gathers and shares the information from a lot of people to let them know the current events. The government can't single-handedly govern the people to the right path, they need help, and that would be the media who would share and gather the information.
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g12stem3group2 · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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Politics has been the central topic that media has been covering. The Media and the Government has the power and authority to manipulate certain topics and  issues around the world  by giving falls accusations and fake statements. Media has been our watchdogs to notify the important and the latest news happening  in our country. Without media it would be hard for us to be updated, informed and notified about the issues and conflicts happening in our country and without the government no one will lead, discipline and lead our country and people to the right path. The government relies on media to communicate, with citizens, officials and stakeholders all around the world so they can ensure and receive the information that will elaborate and shape their day to day decisions to our country. Media and Government has love and hate relationship, Nowadays some media has been criticizing the government because of their way and system of running the country. According to some news, politicians are very sensitive in terms of running in elections because some media officials will disseminate other party officials using their power and creativity.  We people tend to believe that some news are biased, some people also tend to believe that the government is unfair and corrupt. Unfortunately the reason why we instantly believe  fake-news because it has been spread from other social media apps without verification. A country needs a strong relationship between Media and Government so that we can build a strong and develop our cooperation for a  better and successful country.
Philippines is a democratic country which filipinos express their statements and their own opinions, thus they hold more responsibility for what they post or do in their accounts. Social media is prone on disseminating, bullying on other people. The government always reminds the citizens to be active and vigilant  when using social media. This is for the sake of every citizen to protect themselves from disseminating information and fake news. Therefore In order to do this, citizens must be careful of their decision, and their daily actions on using social media. Also to us students we must be wise and elaborate our minds on which is the precise and legit information so that we can avoid harm to ourselves, the society and also in our country. Every post and share of news is very important especially it needs verification to know if the information we’ve been reading is precise and legit. We filipinos must be fair on siding the government and media, we must understand them and carefully listen on them for the better future and for the benefit of our country
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“Media and Government : Love - Hate Relationship”
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In this picture, it shows the two most powerful institutions in the world. The media and the government has the power to manipulate people and to change how people think on certain topics going around our world today. Both of these institutions are made for us and for the people. Without media, we wouldn’t be able to be updated on daily news, what’s happening in our some parts of our country and the whole world. Without the government, who will help us when it comes to economy, disaster and heath response, justice and the needs of the people? Media and Government are separated to each other. People are stating that some news that are accounted for are one-sided, yet the administration is stating that it's definitely not.  Therefore, people are controlled. Numerous netizens post their own announcements and conclusions on what's going on around them. In light of these individuals become partitioned. They have the ability to change people's points of view. However, not with standing that, let us always remember without media, there would be no straightforwardness in the legislature. The media fills in as our guide and our guard dogs to tell us anything that's occurring now in our reality. Regardless of whether they struggle on occasion, without them, life would get more enthusiastically for us. The administration can't without any assistance lead the individuals to the correct way, for they need some assistance, and that assistance is the media. 
 The relationship between the media and government has a profound impact on the information to which the public has access. Governments have relied on the media to communicate with netizens and stakeholders around the world, ensuring that they receive the information, from what to buy, where to live, which school to attend to issues surrounding their health, safety, and political views. These are the most powerful institutions in the world, to power that to manipulate people, and to change how people think on certain topics going around our world today.  Both of these institutions are made for us of the people. Without the media and government, we wouldn't be notified or alerted about what’s happening, to update and read the information, also they wouldn't be there to discipline us and lead us to the right path, the media and government tends to conflict with each other.
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g12stem3group4 · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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Each side has the audacity to dominate every individual through various information that brought them to be more skeptical on choosing what side to rely on. Everything has a complication in every situation, especially when media interconnects with government as it investigates it’s manifestation. The government is an independent factor for it has the advocacy to protect the population but when the media eventually sprouted, it depicted every phenomenon the government has. The relationship between the both sides has been affiliated with love and hate liaison that leads to confusion of the population where they would choose what side to be on. As a student, I confess the connection between both sides with its love portion and hate portion that brought me perplexed on where to believe. The government has been corrupted as well as the media and because of this reason, it led me to frustration which made others as well. Furthermore, the government were in good terms with media as it took care of it on giving information towards the population, but there is one thing that made us realize when media technically achieved higher demands on the government. This is how our artist contemplated her judgement, the way she made it with conviction on how she comprehended the situation and testified what the government has been doing to our media. Everything revolves in money, that even media could guarantee information whether it’s relevant or irrelevant with deceitful sincerity. We know that our Government has been treating our mass media in an abashed manner even though the media was functioning only for their money which portrays the toxicity of the Philippine government forgetting the word FIDELITY.
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miyusato · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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Media and Government have connections. Media and Government are both powerful because they can both manipulate people’s mind. Government uses media to advertise, persuade and to give information about their agenda, plan and advocacy for the country. The advantage of the government in using media is that they can efficiently inform the people about the good deeds and their plan and promises for the country. Since we also belong in a democracy country, media plays an important role. It helps the people to decide who are the politicians or potential leaders that are worthy of their votes and worthy to lead the country and the people. People can also use media to help the government assess the country’s issues. Though media helps the government in disseminating and communicating to the people, it also has disadvantages for the government. Media and Government also have conflicts. In media, government have no privacy. Though it is an advantage to us people for us to be aware of the whereabouts of the government but it is a disadvantage on the government side. Media expose the doings of the public officials. It has no transparency.
As what have said above government can be quite manipulative towards their people. In using the media, it is much easier and convenient for them to let people know about the good deeds and future plans. In this sense it is safe to say that not everything our government have said is true and accurate. A media's purpose is to serve and report the truth but what if even the one we trust the most have always been manipulating us without us knowing. Fake news has been a big issue since the rise of social media and internet. In today’s issue the pandemic, the media has been keeping the government in check and maybe at some point it deprived them from their privacy. Accurate and true information is truly significant in these times because we are in a world of fake news, it is quite dangerous especially because we are in a pandemic.
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g12abm2group6 · 4 years
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                         “Media and Government:Love-Hate Relationship”
              Media and Government don’t have the same role in this world, but in contrary, like a dove they have the freedom to express what is right, media revealed everything that is happening in every area, while the government takes charge of what is happening in a certain place, so they have the same weight what they have carried but they don’t have the same duty to fulfill in a country. But they to freewill to fly high in their field as they nurture their capabilities by serving the people and sometimes it is not always going positively along the way, because it always has a conflict, like media, releasing either propaganda against the government or revealing bad deeds of an administration, moreover, the government also trying to shut down the media just to make them silent on their revealed issues against them. That is why I am showing the dove as the representation of each party because they carry the same weight of service but they don’t carry the same role, that they can fly on their own.
           As of today's age which is the information age of media, we are attacked with a ton of information from different media forms. Today’s generation everybody has an opportunity to will. Media spread pieces of information to residents to know about the state for their everyday life surroundings. Media announce everyday conditions in a specific spot. It fills residents' thoughts on what is befalling their locale. Government is a gathering or framework overseeing a composed network keeping up its peaceful situation. The government runs the network in answering a specific issue that a network faces. In a specific nation, the government should be associated with the residents for overseeing to benefit their locale. The media and government need to coordinate for good for the residents as well as for the economy. The government depends on media to speak with residents, and partners far and wide, guaranteeing that they get the information.
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g12abm2group3 · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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             The Media, and the government. These are the two most powerful institutions in the world. The media and the government has the power to manipulate people and to change how people think on certain topics going around our world today. Without media we wont know the happening or information about our society. The media has a big impact of our country this are the one’s who spread and publish information through different social media platforms form but, our media sometimes misinterpret the government and this would cause hatred and chaos. The media sometimes misinterpret our presidents opinion the would cause a fuss to the audiences, and we people could hear different kinds of opinion and rants towards to our president because the media could easily manipulate people in terms in publishing false information. The media should take responsible in terms of publishing articles that would destroy the image of the government.
         Without the media, we wouldn't be able to be informed or warned of what's going on in our world today, and who would be there to monitor us and lead us down the right direction without our government? At many stages, the press and the government appear to disagree with one another. People say some of the news that is published is biased, but the government insists it's not. What the government is saying is criticized by some journalists. Because of this, the state issues claims that the media would then oppose. Once one opposes another, it is a cycle. As a result, they exploit people. Several netizens share their own statements and perspectives about what's going on around them. They are divided because of these people. They have the ability to alter the views of people. But despite that, without the media, let's never forget, there will be no accountability in the country. The media acts as our guide and our watchdogs to alert us of what is going on in our world right now. Even if at times, without them, they clash, life will become harder for us. The government can't guide people to the right direction alone, so they need a helping hand, and the media is the helping hand.
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g12abm2group7 · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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Government and media. This two are most powerful institutions in the world now a lot of issues are happening in goverment and media. goverment is having a problem like now we have a pandemic government is responsible for this pandemic in our country they should provide what will help for those who need help or affect so much in this pandemic they should give money, goods, or water or a money or called "ayuda" because now people are having a problem financially especially those who lose their job because of pandemic. Government and media has a power to manipulate us to change how people think on certain topics going around today. Because of this goverment as a result the people are manipulated many netiziens post their own statements and opinions on what happening around them.
The media serves as our guide and our watchdog to notify us whatever happening now in our world. Even if they conflict somtimes without them our life become harder for us. and goverment releases statement that will oppose the media. And the government can't single-handley lead the people to the right path. For they need a help and that is media. like they have a power and media is like they don't want in like the have also rights to inform or report to the people on what's happening, government is necessary to the existence of civiliazed sociaty. Media is inform to us like news, magazine, newspaper or thru television or social medias.
The media and the government has the power to manipulate people and to change how people think on certain topics going around our world today. Both of these institutions are made for us, of the people. Without this media update, about the plan of our government is we can't be alerted of what happening to our world in debating we can also know about them what are they planning to us especially when they debating we can listen to them. through media so that we can assure our future to them for our situation of our daily lives. People are saying that some news that are reported are biased, yet the government is saying that it’s not. Some journalists oppose what the government do.
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g12abm2group1 · 4 years
Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship
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The government used media for keeping in touch with the citizens, but somehow the government controls the media because of some political, military, and other kinds of privacy that doesn’t need to be informed by anyone. A commission is a group formed by the government for the responsibility of censoring the information that is publicized by the media. The media also plays as a watchdog to the government for monitoring the good and bad actions they have done to the community. Sometimes government purposely excise some information to keep their plans unexposed and unaware of the media. Due to this act of interference of the government, the media forms contradict for this kind of restricted dissemination of information. The government purposely monitor the flow of spreading information in the social media for the sake of the citizen and importantly for the community. Media and government collaborating for the good and peaceful distribute of information to the residents.
 The Media-Politics relationship is somehow mutual and yet a little private. The political governments are using the media as a channel or medium to express or spread news of the political or government status. Sometimes journalists wants more information about the government and thus, wants to go beyond the limit and that’s one of the many reason why government doesn’t want to open up certain issues to the media because there are some cases that media or journalists might be exposing or spreading the wrong information because of their misinterpretation of the said issue. When this happens, people that are reading, listening and watching the news might be alarmed and thus result into chaos. For instances, if there is an economic depression in the country journalists and media would like to spread this kind of information but since the government wants the people to stay calm until economy is back again in their control, they will share this piece of information to nobody.
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annoreen · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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These days people are more aggressive and more focused on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and etc. especially that everyone is in their houses. They have a lot of concerns and problems of what's happening in our society right now specifically the issue of this pandemic, academic freeze, the white sand in manila bay, Mass testing and the vaccine to fight this pandemic and they even rant the government specifically our president. In our drawing it shows that people nowadays are suffering and they suffocate because of something called “Fake News” We can’t deny that there are people who have this habit which is spreading false information that makes people panic especially that it is about this pandemic who is the number problem of the world. A simple false information you shared will become a big conflict in one blink because the moment you shared an information especially that it is false information it will spread in an instant and you can’t take it back since a lot of people already saw it and because of the false information you shared everyone now are having a problem. Let me give a example when President Duterte had his speech about his plan on how to fight this pandemic and crisis and then here you are disseminating a false formation said that president duterte don’t have a plan on how to deal our challenges and that false information will be the reason why people will hate our president and the government itself saying that our president should step down because he is incompetent etc. without realizing that even our president are having a difficulties since he is also just a human who felt sad, pain etc. see how a simple false information will change everything. Second example and this is the common problem in our society right now and that is when you know someone who have a sore throat   And then you are disseminating false information saying that, that person is positive in covid 19 and because of that it will give panic to those people who have a bond to that person. Your irresponsible actions will change everything that  will affect others negatively as well as yourself it just like you are bringing a bad luck to your life because when you are spreading fake news there will be a consequences for that.
Let us be responsible for our actions and be media and information literate so that we can avoid a conflict that will make us suffer.  Social media now is very toxic so let us be part of the solution let us not let our emotions control us but instead us control our emotions because the moment that you can't control yourself that is the moment that you can make actions that you will regret in the end. Let us not put ourselves into situations that we are suffering because of ourselves and worse people suffer because of your actions. Let's use social media as a platform that will encourage everybody to do better and be better. Let us use social media as giving legit information that will help others, aware others, update others, especially on what is happening to our society specifically this pandemic. Though we can’t easily remove those people who are spreading false information but let’s just trust the process and pray that may God enlighten them all so that we can have a society where fake news doesn’t exist. In what is happening in our society right now what we need is unity, help each other, cheer up others especially those frontliners, the DOH, and our government our president who tried their best to fight these challenges that we are facing right now. Be the responsible one who deal social media in a good ways if you share a information make it sure that it is legit so that it won’t give conflict to you and to others especially that there’s a lot people who trusted you and believe in you so always be careful and always positive and be optimistic in everything you are in. If you receive information, make it sure that it is not false information so that when you want to disseminate it to others then there won’t be a conflict. Be a media and information literate for the better.
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