annoreen · 4 years
Day 18 (3/19/21)
A sunny day! I wake up late but able to join the class. Today we discuss the last topic for this 4th grading. The teacher gave us quiz and last activity. Afternoon we make the pt in P.E, it was fun to do some recreational activity. It feels that I go back to my childhood games that I use to play. Then I go to sport center to have some exercise. It's been a while since the last we exercise and it so good even if my body aches. PEACE!
"Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity." - Healthyplace.com
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 17 (3/18/21)
Good morning! I woke up early to pass the requirements so I could finish early but it was lacking and I still have to come back tomorrow to pass completely for this city scholarship. I hurried to get enter to the class but maam said she won't be in class because she doesn't have an internet connection. I'm was happy because I thought I couldn't get in. It was so tiring and I was so sleepy. Suddenly my stomach hurts and I don't know why, I hope it goes away because I don't like it. PEACE!
"It does not matter how slowly you go, as long you do not stop." - Confucius
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 16 (3/17/21)
Good afternoon! Today we just continue our lesson yesterday so that we can proceed other lesson. In quipper test today it's kinda difficult but still made high score, only one test I have low score. The lesson today is heart touching because it is all about relationship with family. Not everyone has a complete family, I have some friends that is not complete family but I envy them for being brave in life, even if it's difficult. Always cherish the moment with your love one's. PEACE!
" Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have look little harder. " - Marshall Morris
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 15 (3/16/21)
Good morning! A beautiful day welcoming you. We have homeroom today, our adviser discuss some things and reminding us. This day we have only one subject that is Personal Development because in P.E we don't need to meet just need to comply the major pt. In afternoon I went to the malls to buy some staff that I need and it was so tired but I enjoy it. Even if I almost wet because it just suddenly rain and I didn't expect. That how my day tiring but amazing. PEACE!
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S Lewis
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 14 (3/15/21)
A sunny morning! Today we join a webinar that talks about an adolescent sexuality and reproductive health insights. They educates and aware us of such things. In afternoon we have gmeet about our chapter 4 & 5 in FS, so that we can start and maximize the time. I feel so lazy because so much things to do but keep on fighting. That how my day happen. PEACE!
"Believe you can, and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 13 (3/14/21)
Good morning! I wake up very early and it's my grandmother's 80th birthday. The province feels good and relaxing as always. With good food to accompany us and a good weather, it's a perfect way to get out of the usual city hassle. Visiting the nearby sea gives you a sense of comfort that like how the waves come and go, our daily struggles doesn't just come to stay but it also goes away. The age of my grandmother just proves that one could live for such a long time, and I may not know the problems she encountered all those years, but right now? I could tell that she's very contented with how the way her life turned out. PEACE!
"There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn't." - John Green
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 12 (3/13/21)
I wake up very late. The cold weather makes me lazy. I ate branch and continuing the unfinished comics strip yesterday. I'm so proud of myself that I made a comics strip, especial thanks to the canva, and the person who teach me where to make. Then I took a shower when it rained and it felt so good. That how I spend my afternoon. PEACE!
"You were born to be real, not to be perfect." - Unknown
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 11 (3/12/21)
A nice weather for today. It's so relaxing cloudy day. We don't have a class today both two subjects and it's so amazing but we have an activity by pair. This afternoon, we went to school for the payment required in FS. After paying we went to Ayala mall and it's my first time to enter during this pandemic. Nothing change but the people are few. Then we went home. That ends my day. PEACE!
"Everyone of us needs to show how much we care for each other and in the process, care for ourselves." - Diana, Princess of Wales
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 10 (3/11/21)
Good afternoon! The weather is a cloudy day because I heard that there is a typhoon coming I hope everyone is safe. On the first day of class for 4th grading in Personal Development, we already start our lesson it is all about building and establishing a relationship with others. This beautiful lesson taught about feelings you have in loving someone. One fascinating topic in this was the five love language because you can think about what do you want in your relationship, even your single you think what would your relationship giving or receiving would be like words of affirmation, gifts, acts of service, quality time, and physical touches for me I don't know what I want in my future relationship, it's hard to think as of now. That ends my beautiful morning. Have a good day! PEACE!
"Be gentle with yourself, learn to love yourself, to forgive yourself, for only as we have the right attitude toward ourselves can we have the right attitude toward others." -Wilfred Peterson
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 9 Daily Blog
Good day! Today is the last day of our class in Personal Development and P.E. These two subjects taught us lessons about ourselves knowing them. In Personal Development, we improve how to handle the stress we encounter daily, the changes in our body, and then taking care of ourselves. In P.E, the outdoor recreational activities that good for our body, health, mind, and people around us. These help us to be mentally fit and healthy. That end of my daily blog, see you soon! Have a wonderfully magical day.
“The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow.” - Robert Tew (writer)
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 8 Daily Blog
I wake up early with the beautiful sunny weather.  Today is the last day of the discussion lesson in Personal Development. Our teacher discusses focusing on psychological health, how to taking good care of yourself, and keep doing things that make you relax. P.E, we continue our lesson in outdoor recreational activities in the aquatic. Tomorrow will be the examination and the last day of class. Have a wonderfully magical day.
“ Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weights you down.” - Roy Bennett
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 7 Daily Blog
I started my day going to church with my family. Thankful for what he gave to me and super blessed with my family and me. My friends and I, doing some skincare and pedicure that's our bonding in this afternoon. After we do some exercise like playing badminton until the sky dark. There's something I would have to share with you while playing badminton, we have a neighbor join like he was drunk, and he wants to be sober, so he joins, but even so, he is very skilled despite being drunk, and it was amazing. That ends my whole afternoon of having fun. Have a wonderful, magical day.
“Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.” - Michael Jordan
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 6 Daily Blog
Today is just an ordinary day for me. I woke up late and eating brunch. In the afternoon I start my day playing badminton. First-ever went out with my sister and friends in the year 2021. We spend our day chitchat,  eating and laughing like we use to do. And that ends my day having fun with them. Have a wonderfully magical day.
“Things Work Out Best For Those Who Make The Best Of How Things Work Out.” –  John Wooden
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 5 Daily Blog
Today is hard to wake up because of the cold weather that I want to sleep in all day. Personal Development, it will continue the lesson yesterday. The activity given to our teacher was challenging because I'm shy to give the letter to her, but this way I can give back to her kindness, and all there for me whatever happens. P.E class was going to have a long quiz today. And that ends my morning class. Have a wonderfully magical day.
"Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else." -Margaret Mead
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 4 Daily Blog
Good morning, eating breakfast in the beautiful sunny weather. In Personal Development, the topic today is interesting because it talks about dealing with the challenges of the adolescence stage. It helps how you handle the problems you are facing now and learns from your situations. In P.E,  I felt relaxed because of the music that our teacher plays before we start our class for today.  The lesson today about the nature of the world that you want to explore and the steps that you need to follow before you travel around. And that ends my morning. Have a wonderfully magical day.
“It’s Not Whether You Get Knocked Down, It’s Whether You Get Up.” -  Vince Lombardi
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 3 Daily Blog
Today started with hot milk and sleepy eyes. In Personal Development class, we have a quiz in quipper. Our teacher discusses entering the phase of middle and late adolescence, how our body changes through the years past, as your reach the proper age. The quiz goes well, and thankful I answer all the questions. In P.E class, we have no class, but our teacher leaves an activity to answer. And that's the end of my online class for today. Have a wonderfully magical day. 
“Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.” — Marilyn Monroe 
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annoreen · 4 years
Day 2 Daily Blog
My day started with beautiful sunny weather. For personal development class, we recap the lesson that discuss yesterday, and I didn't expect I will be called for the recap. The lesson today is about being mindful with the self that talked, how you will take care of your health, body, and relationship the five areas of personal development. In P.E class I thought someone plays a radio but when I see, it was our teacher talking and I can't stop laughing. Oh My God! I think I'm an evil person, sorry. The day goes well. And have a wonderfully magical day. 
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”– Babe Ruth
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