g12abm2group6 · 4 years
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
      In this, we would know and learn how social media affected every individual, especially in this generation. It enables us to understand how media has been part of daily life, how it affects our daily living. It enables us to think, analyze, and realize how it impacts us through these years and the effects of media platforms. With this, we would able to determine and identify the bad and good effects of media platforms in our society, community, environment, and many more to mention. We would able to expand our knowledge and our critical skills in terms of how it has affected us what are the pros and cons, in socializing in certain media platforms we would able to identify where we could determine how helpful and how bad media platforms had, so meaning to say that there’s a possibility that we are affected on this its either positively or negatively.
     In terms of recent years until today the internet and social media have been helpful and a big impact on our generation especially it helps us in our daily living in terms of communication, as entertainment, and gathering information. It made the life of people easier to access to talk and communicate with others. It also helps in school purposes, news, etc. It delivers a good impact on our lives, yet it doesn't mean it has no negative impacts. It affected a lot of people in their health, mentally and emotionally.It harms people such as the rate increases the depression and isolation or lack of communication with others physically. It also had an issue wherein some people died increases death rate because of cyber bullying in social media, affects mental health, addiction, manipulation, etc. Tho as a part of this generation education has expanded our knowledge about social media platforms, it enables us to think critically and being aware of any platforms.
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g12abm2group6 · 4 years
“Bridging the Digital Divide in Education”
         Bridging the digital divide in education allows an individual to be skillful towards technology, especially that we are now in the generation where technology is evolving and is used by many. This will help an individual to be more active and adapts to technology. This individual will eventually learn how the technology works and how it runs, wherein it enables them to be professional in the future. The learning management system is improving and evolving also, school nowadays are trying and making students access through various technologies such as mobile phones, laptops, computers, etc. Where in the learning system is evolving from traditional to technological. As they require internet-connectivity among students. This will help every individual to bridge the gaps able to access to various media in the learning system, it will help to enhance and mastery the technological tools and through technology. It also enables an individual to be an independent exploration in terms of school activities they can require real-time access to such sites as google, youtube, etc. More likely it has benefited us in various ways.
        Especially in the midst of a pandemic, students aren't able to go to school require its requirements but they able to continue the education they encourage the student to engage in the use of digital technology, should access to the internet to learn or to pass the requirements needed and continue the education of students with the use of digital technology as the new normal learning system It is important to put a bridge in the gap in our education. We cannot achieve excellence if we don't have access to the resources that we use in our education. The digital divide prevents people from getting an education because they don't have access to the right technology. By closing the digital divide we will be able to have an equal opportunity. There will be a positive impact on people and countries. People and countries will be developed. And we will be able to create a significant difference.  
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g12abm2group6 · 4 years
The Setbacks of Piracy
              Nowadays we are much more drawn in on watching films on the web likewise in DVD's to fulfill our inclinations, particularly here in the Philippines, a large portion of the Filipinos are into watching films in various sorts, it could be shows, activities, instructive motion pictures, traditional films, and comedy. Which in reality is an earning salary for a film/producer. So above all else, we will acquaint robbery with you. Piracy refers to unauthorized duplication of copyrighted content that is then being sold at a lower cost. Therefore, it is a demonstration of exploiting replicating somebody’s idea or content. That is greatly equal to committing a crime.Individuals who are engaged in piracy are considered as criminals because they are just like taking someone’s job or activity. Also because that person is receiving a benefit without even working for it. Pirating has a huge impact not just on the creators of the idea of art, yet also in addition to the life of the individual who was responsible for the acts of piracy. 
         Thanks to our Government because they implemented copyright laws, The Anti-Cam cording Act of 2010 seeks to eradicate one of the rampant problems of the Philippine film industry - film piracy. This law penalizes illegal video recording, distribution, selling, and possession of unlicensed films. According to the dictionary meaning, piracy is the act of illegally copying someone’s product or invention without proper permission. This is similar to plagiarism but piracy is geared more toward the redistribution and profiteering, piracy today is an off-limit because some of the piracy makers got caught and go to prison, so basically, this is the advantage of the original filmmaker to his/her works of the film towards the piracy maker, the government is their ally in terms of illegal piracy that would help for their right as an original, because of this law The Anti-Cam cording Act of 2010 the Setback piracy towards the original works is enlightened, it gives justice and fairness of the filmmaker.
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g12abm2group6 · 4 years
“The Significance of Print, Broadcast and New Media”
         The significance of print, broadcast, and new media is crucial, as it made our daily lives more convenient. It helps us to learn more, to know about our world. It made us develop and enhance our daily activities, assignments, and many more. In many circumstances, it has been useful in many ways including the problems and news in different countries or any places, in terms of communication also. It has made a big impact, especially in our everyday daily living. It is just important to know something in print, broadcasting, and new media. Especially our world is evolving and developing in terms of technology, The significance in this is part will influence every people, it may be in the community or different country. It gives us the benefit to communicate, and use it in anyways. It wakes us up to expand or fatten our capacity of understanding and being aware of everything. It enhances our intelligence and helps to deepen our knowledge or our understanding, enable us to think critically and logically.
        up to this day print, broadcast, and new media are consequential. It provides valuable information that educates and informs people. It gives us knowledge and idea that we could apply in the future days. It allowed us to express our feelings and thoughts. And some people use this new media as a tool so that they could earn money. People use this media to help others. Print media is significant because it creates credibility. Through print media, you can gain knowledge, get information, and promote your business, if you have one. Broadcasting was not only given us information and education, it is also entertaining. It helps us in building a healthy national awareness; inspiring a positive sense of common national purpose and generate the requisite ethical sensibilities. All in all Nowadays print, broadcast, and new media are very important. It provides valuable information that educates and informs people. It gives us knowledge and idea that we could apply in the future days.
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g12abm2group6 · 4 years
“Understanding of New Media Theory”
          Most technologies described as “new media” that means using digital technologies o platform such as the internet, websites, computer multimedia, video games, etc., that often having characteristics of being manipulated, compressive and interactive. According to Marshall Luhan’s media theory that “The medium is a message” which means that the form of a message to new media determines how that message will be perceived. So meaning to say understanding New Media gives students the tools and the knowledge they need to make sense of the relationship between technologies, media, and society. therefore understanding new media theory gives us more efficient and contributes to understanding what happened in our current situation and also understanding New Media remains the perfect guide to the past, present, and future of the new media world. It is a vital resource for students across media and communication studies and sociology, and anyone exploring new media, social media, or digital media.
           New media helps to have easy access to Understanding of new media theory is important especially we as a student, as a person, as a human being living in this modern world where technologies expand and outgrew, it is just important to understand what new media theory is because this will generally develop, enhance and expand our knowledge about media information literacy. This will eventually benefit us in terms of information gathering, issues, and more. It determine to think critically especially when choosing and reading particular information from the internet, it will help individuals to determine to analyze pieces of information if it is accurate or just false information. It enables every individual to think effectively and logically, it also improves individuals living. This era brings everybody physically connected, and it helps people regardless of age, gender, or even in business, and understanding New Media gives students the tools and the knowledge they need to make sense of the relationship between technologies, media, and society.understanding.
https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/understanding-new-media/book243307?fbclid=IwAR0e0SqihHA85fGdTm-86RpGKV4YbQqL0o9uouIwJSp-Um3gePfqLmfRlDc- this link gave us a lot of idea♥
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g12abm2group6 · 4 years
“Understanding the Relevance of Information and News Literacy in the Midst of Social Era”
             From the word midst of social era, it is a huge fundamental of all communication, so that it’s very important to us to understand the relevance of the information literacy and news literacy because nowadays we are the midst of a social era we seek for any kind information that has reliability and credibility of news report this would be great to help us to learn not only how to find and read the news, but also how to think about it and evaluate it. By understanding it we will be able to know how important this literacy is. We are able able to use this understanding in our daily livings. Especially in the social era is all about connecting things, people, and ideas. Through information literacy, we can learn new things that are helpful in this generation. It will enhance our thinking skills like asking questions and seeking the answer, finding information, and making decisions. Being information and news literate in the middle of the social era is very helpful and being aware if its relevancy will help us not to deceived and not to believe easily.
            Understanding the relevance of information and news literacy in the midst of the social era will eventually help us to understand or enables every individual to think critically and logically when gathering and organizing information. In this we can enhance critical thinking and understanding of different situational experience, we can use this and give us benefit in our daily lives. It enables every individual to enhance its skills and develop more in a way that could help us understand in the future especially when collecting, gathering, and evaluating data. In understanding the relevance of the information it seeks to find right and accurate data and information that will basically give us or learn the value and importance of information. It helps people to identify or determine if the information is legitimate/accurate or not. It is also important to understand the new literacy in the social era because this will give us knowledge or understanding especially since this generation has been part of it. We can apply or use this in our daily living, it is more likely to discover and understand the transformation development of the new media of education. It allows individuals to be more creative digitally and enhance their intellectual independence.
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g12abm2group6 · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
                         “Media and Government:Love-Hate Relationship”
              Media and Government don’t have the same role in this world, but in contrary, like a dove they have the freedom to express what is right, media revealed everything that is happening in every area, while the government takes charge of what is happening in a certain place, so they have the same weight what they have carried but they don’t have the same duty to fulfill in a country. But they to freewill to fly high in their field as they nurture their capabilities by serving the people and sometimes it is not always going positively along the way, because it always has a conflict, like media, releasing either propaganda against the government or revealing bad deeds of an administration, moreover, the government also trying to shut down the media just to make them silent on their revealed issues against them. That is why I am showing the dove as the representation of each party because they carry the same weight of service but they don’t carry the same role, that they can fly on their own.
           As of today's age which is the information age of media, we are attacked with a ton of information from different media forms. Today’s generation everybody has an opportunity to will. Media spread pieces of information to residents to know about the state for their everyday life surroundings. Media announce everyday conditions in a specific spot. It fills residents' thoughts on what is befalling their locale. Government is a gathering or framework overseeing a composed network keeping up its peaceful situation. The government runs the network in answering a specific issue that a network faces. In a specific nation, the government should be associated with the residents for overseeing to benefit their locale. The media and government need to coordinate for good for the residents as well as for the economy. The government depends on media to speak with residents, and partners far and wide, guaranteeing that they get the information.
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g12abm2group6 · 4 years
"The value of being Media and Information Literate individuals"
Being a media and information literate individual requires respect and self-control. We should be cautious about all that we state and post on social media. We should be capable enough in every act that we are doing. Many media or social media users are actually illiterate and not responsible. Numerous media or online media clients are really unskilled and not capable. Due to the opportunity that we have, we will in general overlook the correct direct and basic decorum that we should see personally. Most of the time, we are being abusive in the freedom that we have and sadly, we are not aware of it. As a digital user communicate and spread awareness is a must nowadays for everybody, through sharing credible information can lead to better communication and build a good relationship with each other by spreading awareness that can help other people to know that a media and information literates individuals have a great role in social media.
Technology is advancing and evolving quickly. Technology is now part of our day by day life. Its progression is consistently parallel in media. Through the use of media and the internet, Information can be delivered easily. These days, most people have computers, tablets, laptops, and even smartphones. These devices had made communication easier. These devices had made life more enjoyable. There are numerous ways through which technology has made life simpler however being a media user, we should be cautious about utilizing it. We should not simply just deal with our devices or gadgets since we should know and be cautious about how we use media and the internet simultaneously. Being literate gives us an advantage in terms of gathering information. Being literate to this will also gain an advantage to others. But being a media and information literate individual was not easy you have to be careful and responsible in every action you take especially that we are in the 21st century where we are exposed to social media.
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