g12abm1group2 · 4 years
“New media is theorized to eventually replace print and broadcast media. What do you think will happen in five years’ time?”
Print media has been our sources for our news before along with broadcast media. Print media includes Newspaper, Magazines and all the static categories of media that exist. On the other hand, broadcast media includes Television, Radio. Those are the medium for receiving messages or reports from the two media. What I think about the concept of “new media is theorized to eventually replace print and broadcast media” is something possible. We really cannot deny that new media is the most used type of media all over the world because of its advantages. But I also think that print and broadcast media will still be relevant because there are people who prefers using these types of media in getting information and news; and not all people knows how to access or use the new media. New media can be accessed if there's a presence of the stable internet connection in which we can easily access to social media, video games, and related digital platforms.
But in the present times, it is true that the introduction of new media which includes websites, blogs, email, social media networks, music and television streaming services, virtual and augmented reality has slowly hindered the use of Print and Broadcast media to a large extent and it is continuing to do so rapidly. The new media also has tons of advantages and disadvantages to the users of the said platform. In five years’ time, I think that new media will slowly replace the print and broadcast media. Especially right now that we are in the new normal where new media is really necessary and efficient. In five years’ time people will use more the new media because it is much easier than the traditional media. And then eventually new media will replace print and broadcast media. But we can’t be sure because people might continue to use and give importance to both in quite a balanced manner like today.
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hannahrogong · 4 years
Theorizing new media
New media could really replace print and broadcast media since in new media, we can see books and the other apps that have textbooks that were posted and can be access in our phones. Also, Broadcast media can be access also in our social media apps since we have radio that usually are built in already in our phones and we have applications just for us to see films. Being theorized by the new media, there will be pros and cons which can effect on how we absorb the information. As we all know we are using new media in today's generation. A social media a part of new media that has known today. The pros in using a new media are that it creates us an online communication to share our ideas, feelings, thoughts and information. The cons is that It vary on how we handle information in the social media, it causes a lot of trouble on us users because this creates a lot of false information, it does not proceed any verification, independency and accountability on publishing some details. This causes a lot of trouble or chaos.
 They would still be in great need of us since we can't just rely on our knowledge. They are a huge part in our life when it comes to gaining knowledge since every types of media has its role. They all educate and influence. If new media will be more relevant than broadcast media and print media in the future, we will be more on digitals and mobiles. New media involves the existence of digitals/ technologies and internet. The usage of new media is continuously increasing in today's time. If we are so into new media, there is a possibility that false information would become more relevant. This may be one of the outcomes when new media takes the place of broadcast and print media. This might also cause an addiction to the advanced technology and internet addiction.
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g12stem3group6 · 4 years
The Co Relations of New Media and Broadcast Media
The co-relation of broadcast media and the new media is focusing on the complementarities, dissimilarities, and replacement processes that occur between them, specifically when the material character of technology is considered and related to cultural and social contexts. Our perspective relates the material dimension of these different media (which is manifested in distinctive practices of use) with the patterns of consumption associated with those same media. We intend to explore whether we are confronted with a specific momentum in media evolution and transformation processes (Hughes, 1994) whereby mass media consumption processes are being replaced or supplemented by individualized networked media practices of use, propelled by this second type of material specificities.Between new media and broadcast is they can both distribute message and it can also use this media through communication. Although they are exposed in a different generation, people are still using this kind of media to this modern generation , even broadcasting is still visible now.
The relation of new media and broadcast media is that even though broadcast media is independent and as well as new media, broadcast media can depend on new media in reaching audience and giving a much wider audience the information they need well of course with the power of technology and internet.And for the fact that new media uses also broadcasting ways like facebook live or other media platforms that are used in online services, which can also be helpful towards people who tendt to get information in the modernly world , thus finding information in the new media is the simplest form of getting information throughout it .
image:D Pagan Communications
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g12stem3group9 · 4 years
“The Next Chapter of Old Media in the Society”
In the next five years the rising of new media will become inevitable, and the disappearance of print and broadcast media will occur. As technology continuously modernizes, the advancement of technology will make the human population more lazy. The new media can be addictive and useful at the same time, people will no longer be going to the printing press to print news papers and books and everything that can be seen or heard in broadcast media will be in different platforms of social media. All credible and factual information will eventually be transferred and will become digital. Books will no longer be on paper but rather on a platform of a virtual library where people can read all the books. The old form of media will eventually be redundant, but will never be forgotten, and will be remembered as the media that shaped the new form.
Print media is created in the industrial age, while the broadcast media is created in the electronic age. These media’s are part of old media and have been helping a lot of people especially in the previous generation by providing reliable sources of information for their daily life. Print media and broadcast is still being use in our current generation but as our technology is developing and increasing rapidly in present times and in different countries, it gives birth to the new media and is now slowly replacing the old media. New media started in the information age where it is highly influenced with internet. In using new media, the people can easily share and gather information. It is likely possible for old media to converge to new media to share information in a more convenient way to audiences since, a lot of people are now using new media like social media for gathering information.
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“New media is theorized to eventually replace print and broadcast media”
Replacing print and broadcast to the new media is not a great idea because its not all the people existing here on earth knows how to use the new media or knows what new media is. Some of us are just relying on broadcast and print media where they think its more easier to use than the new media. Those people who are born with the traditional media era are probably against about this idea because it may be old but it is still powerful and useful for oldies.  Many people decide to get the information from apps that are on their gadgets that we used for nowadays because it is convenient to read. In past years, we used newspapers, books and radio to read and listen to important information but now they don't use it anymore because it is easy to search and find some information. Witnessed the emergence of new media such as interactive computer based devices like multimedia PC’s, mobile phones, computer, and  internet. All of these are made possible through new advances in information technology that devices are now regularly used at work or at home by a majority of people, and influence has extended deeply to all sectors of society, including work, leisure, education, health care, government and the arts. Social Media has played a major impact on how we receive our daily news. Many people decide to get the news from apps that are on their phone because it is convenient to read. With this increase in the use of digital media as a news source, it is interesting to consider whether print media will become extinct. Print media has been around for a very long time. The main creation that helped dispatch this thought of printing text was the print machine by Johannes Gutenberg around 1440. Throughout the following 600 years, print media created as an essential weapon of news. In the course of recent years, increasingly more print media organizations have been stretched out from customary print and started posting news on advanced stages, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other apps that gives news and information.
New media has a big probability on replacing print and broadcast media and mainly there are three reason of this. First, we are already living in a new generation wherein all individuals are already using new technology. Second, it will probably replace print and broadcast media because with a single tap of our hand we can share the information to a broad number of individual. Lastly, it will replace print and broadcast media because information can easily be accessed using only our mobile phones so therefore we can gather data and information with no hustle. The theory about new media to eventually replace print and broadcast media would be possible. Nowadays, people make used of internet most of the time in accessing news informations instead of newspapers or watching the news in televisions. Print media like comics are now accessable online, and  the rate of selling comics in the stores decreased significantly according to https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/books/2019/apr/26/why-are-comics-shops-closing-superheroes-avengers-endgame .
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erickaclairarances · 4 years
Replacing Traditional Media with New Media
Traditional media have been with us for many years, decades to be exact. Traditional media helps organizations to promote on an expansive objective through billboards, print media, TV advertisements or commercials, and more.  Print media was one of the types of traditional media and one of the earliest form of media, it uses papers and the information are printed on it, newspapers, flyers, magazines, newsletters, scholarly journals, and books are some of the examples of print media. The first invention that helped the development of traditional media was Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press in year 1440. Broadcasting media is also one of the types of traditional media, it began in the early 1900s and uses radio transmitters that allows information to travel from one distance to another. Print and broadcasting media are popular in the old days but as technology are rapidly advancing, its popularity slowly diminished. With the advent of technologies, new media became the new hype, especially with our generation. New media relies on the Internet and technology, YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and anything that involves on the use of Internet is an example of the new media. It is accessible with the use of devices such as laptops, personal computers, cellular phones, tablets, smart televisions, and etc.   
            New media is apparently theorized to eventually replace print and broadcast media. Surely, there are outcomes if the traditional media, like print and broadcast media, are replaced by new media that can affect us. In today’s generation, technology are rapidly advancing which means that new media is constantly changing and developing too. Over the last few years, broadcasting media was limited to channels such as ABS-CBN, GMA, and Tv5 but because of the technology is advancing, we can now access those channels with the use of the Internet. One of the outcomes if the new media will replace print media and broadcast media is that the information found through the new media will be less credible because people often post trolls, false information, fabricated contents that seems legit but is not. Another outcome is the medium of information is diversified because information can be spread through various new media platforms. It is not possible in this time that the print and broadcast media will be replaced with new media because not all people have access to the internet and have devices. But who knows? We don’t know what will happen in the future. 
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baldonojazynooor · 4 years
The Reigning of New Media in Upcoming X years
                As technology advances, the media world is also changing from traditional to new media. Nowadays, new media has become prominent and influential to us in in a way that we cannot live without it. People of all ages are using new media tools such as social media, digital devices and other social networks in disseminating information all around the globe. Unlike before, our ancestors mainly depend on print and broadcast media as their primary source of news and information.  In this era that technological advancement is improving to its maximum capacity, it is now possible to spread and receive news and information within minutes or even seconds. New media has made long distances between people shorter.  Living in a world incorporated with technology, information tends to spread quickly, easily, and freely.
            The question is, would print and broadcast media work in the next generation despite the convenience that new media offers? The negative side of new media is that its reliability is not always guaranteed and worse everyone has the capacity to produce information may it be true or not. Unlike in news and broadcast media, there is an editor and publisher who ensures the information released to the public is correct. The good thing why print and broadcast media continue to function is because there are still a lot of people who rely to this.  As a young individual who lives in this developing world, we believe that just like new media, print and broadcast media will also develop and still has not put an end to its progress. Our perspective in the upcoming 5 years is that different medias will merge in servicing the public. Different medias will go hand in hand to reach every individual in every corner of the world. We believe that there would be no one wo will be left behind. Everyone would be a great individuals equipped with knowledge of what is happening around the world.
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g12stem2group4 · 4 years
Rising of New Media
New media already give a major impact on our daily lives especially as it is one of the news sources because it expedites the news updates and disseminates the information throughout the world. The new media is not just used for sharing the news but it can be used in a business advertisement, for entertainment, and many more considering it has a different form of media on which people can share their information. If the new media theory would happen to replace the print and broadcast media there are numerous possible outcomes that we could imagine including the changes in how the information be shared and disseminated since in print media it is written and physically distributed just like the newspaper and in broadcast media the information distributed over the air in which this traditional media couldn’t reach a large number of audience. While in new media it spreads the information all over the world just in a short period of time and it provides more graphics, more detailed information and has a great number of sources that people can access just only using one device.
As stated by the latest statistics that there are 4.57 billion were active internet users as of the year 2020, circumscribe 59 percent of the global population. As individuals can see, the usage of new media is occupying more than half of the global population that implementing mass communication employing the internet. Hence, there has a possibility the interactions of media will be in five years will be occupied of the most population globally. As is it may prognosticate, there will be 85 percent of the global population will be utilizing the new media. Since every year the innovation of the technologies as the internet is swiftly progressing on its specs. Individuals can foresight that there will contemporarily type of interacting within the succeeding 5 years. It will have more updates with encountering the information. There will be modernizing incoming through its literacy. Lastly, individuals will be performing towards the connectivity of people with the experience because these days people we’re so rapidly consuming the information yet within 5 years it refines as the individuals will choose what information would have properly to consume.
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g12stem3group2 · 4 years
“The Relevance of new media and its Importance”
Today Social Media has played a major impact on how we receive our daily news. Most people use social media to get news from the apps that they’re using on their daily lives. Digital media become the new source of news and there is a possibility that the print media will become extinct because most of the people are more focused on their digital media and spend their time on using it.because of the digital media, people use this to get news and information. Most of young people nowadays spend their time on social media than reading printed materials or paying attention on broadcast media.The new media gives some negative information especially for the millennials who use the digital media where they can learn bad things because not all the informations that they read or see in social media is good for them, while print media and broadcast media gives clear information and provides valuable information that can inform and educate us.
The replacement of print  and broadcast media nowadays is not normal to us because of some aspects that many people are decided to get information from the apps that are on thier phone because it is suitable to use. And also many companies reject print media advertising, because the digital age has given way to more efficient forms of marketing. I think in five years time the interactions between types of media is more innovative that before or upgraded. Print media maybe in 5 years time people wouldn't consider newspapers because they've already read news on some articles on the internet. But here in the Philippines I think it will take a lot of time to innovate it self because we're behind of inventions and developments. In five years time media interactions will be paperless in terms of interaction everything will be digital, digital media will take over  as our means of information, as it is more convenient and inexpensive it is also very acessible to everyone which make it for both parties to release information and pass it through from time to time but the relevance of such infos must be vitally checked to avoid misinformation or FAKE NEWS.
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g12stem3group4 · 4 years
The Standing of Media in the Next Five Years
Information is essential to us in many ways, either verbal or non-verbal interaction. In the past, information was delivered through print and broadcast media, where some people are fond of using it as their main way of acquiring knowledge despite the developing information age. Information age on the other hand, made other people more dependent on technology where it draws their attention in order to be entertained as well. Nowadays, print media is prominent for people who can’t attain technological devices even if they wanted one for themselves, as well as the broadcast media that became essential when mandatory information was given. Perplexity would be the outcome for some people who couldn’t adopt the information age for they always rely on the printed and broadcast media. With that, we could conclude inevitable consequences importantly for those people. As the information age acquires or attains supremacy of being an important channel of media, it would affect our mental, physical, and social interaction. Conclusions are many for those who rely on technology for it is easy for them to adopt, but it is rigorous for those who aren’t. The interaction of those channels of media could probably have complications, for this reason-- ‘’time is constant’’ in terms of developing our system, most especially on deploying information. It could be, that the information age would progress further than the print and broadcast media, which makes people become dependent on the technological system. As the years ascend, we could expect bizarre events that we can't fathom and a lack of social interaction as we rely on technology.
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g12stem2group3 · 4 years
Advancement by means in every juncture: "The development and change of media through time"
Media is known to be the most powerful way of method or process of communication from the beginning up until this present day because nowadays media contains several platforms to produce communication which is the television, the Internet, cinema, newspapers, radio, magazines, etc. The development of media through time affects the culture, the government, the society, and the people. Media plays an important role in our daily lives because we stay updated with the news and the things that happen in the world with the help of it. One can know what’s happening in our country is the media. A great Philosopher named Heraclitus once said, everything is changing and the only permanent in this world is change and the one who can't escape this change is our media, as time passes our media also changes and have different objectives and aims, it started with a simple servant announcements, to paper news being passed person to person until the industrial age start to produce of technology that develops to radio reporting, black and white Television stations, until this very day with a lot of newly developed technology which is number social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. The media way before was focused on giving news and enjoyment to sum, but with the latest media, it focuses on providing more entertainment to the next generation, and the main focus of media also changes. The development and change of media have been adapting to people from time to time. The media is a significant instrument to be used in continuous efforts to improve people's quality of life. Therefore, we must adapt to what has been developed or changed nowadays because it would be of benefit to us eventually.
The development and change of media through time or what we call evolution of media. In the past Years or decades the media is evolving, turning into different types, from the 17th century to the 21st century. From one way communication to two way communication, and right now it has entertainment we can enjoy. Even though media is evolving, the other media are also relevant because many people still like them because they are unique and they have their own styles in sending the message by media. Media itself is the medium of information to the mass of people. The need for information is increasing constantly from time to time, making media being more innovative to supply their demands. The development of media took place when the demands of information created the ideas of people to integrate media. Integrated Media is the current media form that comes from the integration of past media formats. With the Ideas of people, they managed to develop another media from the concept of the existing media. Through this, it is possible that the development of media is still on a process and is expected that media will become more advanced in the future. Hence, by using media it also evolved us humans from making and constructing information, not just the media itself improved but also us supreme beings. From the old media to the new media, it did its purpose whether it evolved or not. It is able to give various audiences understandings of past or present events during that time.
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g12abm2group3 · 4 years
The Rise of the New Media on this Modern World
In this modern generation, new media has greatly influenced people, all around the world in terms of using the internet you can have an access of information. Social media is one of the greatest tool in the new media, wherein people can easily communicate with the use of it. This shows on how the new media greatly affects this modern world that we are living right now. In the early stage of media, print and broadcasting has been used in our daily lives in order to gain information and to widen our knowledge to our world but the rapid increase of advancement to our world leads the media to evolve, then the media has born through the advancement of technology. This new leap of media helps us in our daily lives such as access of information, social platforms and social media and digital media .Whereby this will also serves as a catalyst of change on the future generation
There are several cases that the new media affects this generation, such as leading people in terms of false information, wherein people would be easily manipulated by the wrong information that the social media will published, such "click bait and fake news". In order to avoid this situation, people should evaluate, analyze and think critically in terms of reading articles and information, the study of media literacy helps us to avoid misleading information and false information and it exercise our ability to analyze and evaluate sources, whereby this would be useful in terms of our daily lives. The media in the future will most likely revolve in smartphones, in this, this would let people have an access to smartphones. This advancement of technology would most likely help the future generation to understand the essence of media and its purpose in this modern world. The new media for me is constant in changing because day by day, each and every people tends to accumulate change rather they want changes that would benefit in the world of media. This will help to improve on how we obtain and understand information and how we communicate to people in terms of media.
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g12abm2group6 · 4 years
“Understanding of New Media Theory”
          Most technologies described as “new media” that means using digital technologies o platform such as the internet, websites, computer multimedia, video games, etc., that often having characteristics of being manipulated, compressive and interactive. According to Marshall Luhan’s media theory that “The medium is a message” which means that the form of a message to new media determines how that message will be perceived. So meaning to say understanding New Media gives students the tools and the knowledge they need to make sense of the relationship between technologies, media, and society. therefore understanding new media theory gives us more efficient and contributes to understanding what happened in our current situation and also understanding New Media remains the perfect guide to the past, present, and future of the new media world. It is a vital resource for students across media and communication studies and sociology, and anyone exploring new media, social media, or digital media.
           New media helps to have easy access to Understanding of new media theory is important especially we as a student, as a person, as a human being living in this modern world where technologies expand and outgrew, it is just important to understand what new media theory is because this will generally develop, enhance and expand our knowledge about media information literacy. This will eventually benefit us in terms of information gathering, issues, and more. It determine to think critically especially when choosing and reading particular information from the internet, it will help individuals to determine to analyze pieces of information if it is accurate or just false information. It enables every individual to think effectively and logically, it also improves individuals living. This era brings everybody physically connected, and it helps people regardless of age, gender, or even in business, and understanding New Media gives students the tools and the knowledge they need to make sense of the relationship between technologies, media, and society.understanding.
https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/understanding-new-media/book243307?fbclid=IwAR0e0SqihHA85fGdTm-86RpGKV4YbQqL0o9uouIwJSp-Um3gePfqLmfRlDc- this link gave us a lot of idea♥
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g12abm2group7 · 4 years
"The New Generation of Media"
In this generation, it is really a perfect combination for having this kind of new Media because of this all the works and ways are can be done in easy amd better way to creating, sharing and exchanging information, ideas and content in online networks and communities. And highly interactive, social media is a form of new media that relies heavily on the participation of users to provide value. In this new generation of media we're not in a millennial group anymore we are generation z now as i do research for the new generation of media every gap of every teenage are already used to media and for them media is useful because everyday they want to search or exposed thier pictures they can use all kinds of media. Media us evolving everyday, This new media help us to connect people into one where people can engage with their favorite companies like social media use by generation. probably in 5 years, The new generation will grew up shaped by technology that the internet will integral aspect of their daily lives.
The face of the modern news media continues to change, in part driven by the emergence of new technology, Social media nowadays continue to improve everyday and it affect the way we communicate everyday because of the changes in human technology and because of the modern way to communicate and spread the information to the people was easier than the way to communicate in earlier days. and because of that technology helps people live easier than before. In this new media theres a lot if way on how they express or give a info, now new generations media, its a generation Z where turns to do research, with current global events, promote social causes, theres a lot of new now the technology the media's and they easily adapt it. For example a movie in a cinema is we can now see it at youtube, print media is eventually replace, because as time goes by theres is always a new technologies a new medias.
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g12abm2group4 · 4 years
“New Media has become Prominent Today”
New media has eventually replaced the usual print and broadcast media as time goes by. With the advancement of technology and the  continuously  innovation of the world, it has change our ways of communicating and also our sources of information. New media has become our new source of information wherein social media has played a major effect on how we receive our daily news. Many people decide to get the news from social media  because it is convenient to read. On social media sites, news being reported and posted has had a negative influence on the print media industry. The thing that modern media is theorized to in the long run supplant print and broadcast media, for me it’s not completely supplanting, it’s progressing. Due to the advent of technology and humanity's insatiable hunger of information. New media have emerged and plays a distinctive role in terms of giving information, targeting a large number of people. It influenced the we live our lives, it becomes a lifestyle where our life depends on it. New media is theorized to eventually replace print and broadcast media especially that in the long run it's still evolving and progressing that leads us to have an easier access to everything from business, beauty and make-up tutorials , health and fitness and more. From time to time it makes a difference to the point that all types of media has combined into one platform and that ia new media
New media can conceivably supplant print and broadcast on the off chance that we didn't utilize and we fair overlooked those media. we must have the significance of our media since that's the reason why we came up with our unused media at this point. Print and broadcast media are not be supplanted but fair progressed in sharing the information. But in the event that the hypothesis of making unused Media as the substitution of other media is genuine, it'll have a huge misfortune of free get to data since broadcast media and print media offer assistance a part conveying data particularly broadcast media that can be seen hoards at once. And in the event that the unused media gets to be more proficient, particularly presently that it is advancing it might the chance that New media will supplant the print and broadcast media. That can result that the print and broadcast media will nothing by the point of view of the individuals, they as it were depend on the web without valid and solid data, and the New media will grow that seem lead the individuals into subordinate on their social media.
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miyusato · 4 years
“Media in the Future”
There are theories and assumptions regarding the development of media. It was sad that New media can replace the old-fashioned media. The fast and quick development of new media made huge difference on the process of Information. Because of the inventions of internet and technologies, it made everything easy to access. The way of conveying a news and information has turned digital and it can reach people in a short period of time. When print and broadcast media will be replaced, it may create confusion and negative outcomes to the society particularly in the field of Journalism. If time passes by, the existence of print and broadcast media will eventually replace by the media according to the theory and if that happens the possible outcomes is, in that situation the print and broadcast media will only be part of the history or be part of the evolution from print media into new/digital media. The next generation will definitely can’t witness the artistic usage and importance of print and broadcast media. Because the new media will acknowledge the use of print and broadcast media only but in a modernization sector so the uniqueness of print and broadcast media can be applied into new media.
In this case, there are some things that the features or services of print and broadcast can’t be found in using new media. As long as there’s a need to communicate and to connect with the world, there will always be media. In 5 years, Forms of media might be replaced, some might change, and some might be improved but one thing for sure there will always be media. Media is continuously evolving. As time goes by, new inventions and improved technologies will occur and a new form of media will also occur. Though forms of media might be replaced, changed and improved but the objective of giving knowledge and information to the people will always be there. Though we cannot predict on the things that might possibly happen in the future, but one thing for sure there will always be a place for media.
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