g12stem3group9 · 4 years
“The Good and the Bad: How Social Media Affected Me as a Gen Z Individual”
Generation Z or Gen Z for short, are those individuals who are born in 1997 until present. In Generation Z, social media made a great impact in their life and they use social media often for different purposes. Their purpose of using the media is either good or bad. Let's start with the good things about using social media. In social media we are able to express ourselves and enjoy so many things by just posting and watching videos. We are also able to share our talents and be creative for doing new contents. Social media also helps us find what we are really good at in life. An example of a situation where social media made a good thing in our life is when we need to connect to our loved ones in an easy way to know what their situation is right now and to greet them. 
 Even though social media benefited the Gen Z in a lot of ways, there are also downsides that we experienced. One of the downsides of social media to the Gen Z generation is addiction, the use of social media really affected the Gen Z because of their addiction to it and it resulted teenagers to depend on social media as if they can’t live without it. The usage of social media isn’t wrong as long as we know to control ourselves and to always remind ourselves not to use it more than we should because addiction to social media can lead to a lot of things. While surfing through social media sites we might encounter users who hate us and leave hate comments and that might lead to anxiety and depression which isn’t good. A lot of things can happen to us when we’re addicted to social media so it is better to use it appropriately to avoid unnecessary events. 
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g12stem3group9 · 4 years
“Digital Divide: Bridging the Gap as a Student”
Technology nowadays has made our world smaller, connecting people from opposite sides of the world in a single tap of a finger. However, it cannot be denied that not everyone is as technologically up to date as the others as not everyone can afford it. An example that shows a digital divide is the online class, because of the situation of the world right now the only way to resume the classes is through online class, but a lot of students can't afford online class because they don't have the right devices to do so. They don't have phones, laptops and any devices that will allow them to effectively join the online class and that left them with no other choice but to go with the module and learn by themselves. While there are students who are lucky enough to have the devices and a stable internet connection to join the online class and learn.
 The Internet became a necessity to our education, it also creates a gap in the ability of access and use between the students with high-income families and students with low-income families; the gap between these groups is called digital divide. As a student, we can help in bridging the gap of digital divide by giving digital support to students with low-income families, and direct information about school works that requires less or no usage of internet connection and technology to them. Giving digital support to students with low-income families can be done by donating equipment necessary for online class or selling the equipment at a lower price that can be affordable for the students with low-income families. Directing information about school works that require less or no usage of internet connection and technology can be a great help in bridging the gap of digital divide since it can still make students with low-income families to acquire information that does not cost a lot of money.
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g12stem3group9 · 4 years
“The Setbacks of Piracy”
Piracy, from the word itself brings chaos to the people. One of the biggest drawbacks that the virtual community has to face. It is the act of stealing; and disturbing copyrighted content digitally without permission, such as music, video games, software; and other content that is made by hardworking people, it's popularity grew alongside with the internet. Piracy and it's significant negative correlation between profit and free content disturbs the equilibrium of peace within the virtual community. Less profits means less money to invest in software, music, movies etc, reducing sales, because of piracy and stolen profits many people lost their jobs and struggles to support their family, unethical actions must not be put into practice in order for us civilization to advance, having reduce the amount of money means reducing the amount of investment to developing new products which is why it's considered a disadvantage to the virtual society. 
Piracy is considered a crime which is very relevant among people who're into the media. Piracy is one of the things that other countries really give attention to but compared to the Philippines, this issue has less attention. Piracy is an act that each one of us must not commit because consider the hard work of the original owner of that certain music, movie, or video. In many ways, piracy is carried on, like video piracy, cable piracy, and DVD / CD piracy. Video piracy takes place when, without proper permission from the right holder. The ability and appeal to pirate music and video will increase as more people move from analog modems to broadband internet connections. To ensure that if the majority of the population is uploaded, the concept of intellectual property protection does not disappear. It appears to be a promising field for future research to investigate the role of piracy in demand dynamics and the distribution of product success.
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g12stem3group9 · 4 years
“Print, Broadcast, and New Media: It’s Importance Over the Years”
Even the people before can’t deny the fact that media greatly helped a lot of people especially in terms of collecting and gathering information. Starting from the print media that shares information through newspapers, magazines and any other forms of print media, this media had a great impact on people especially those times when broadcast media wasn’t yet invented. When broadcast media was invented people was amazed because of the advanced way of knowing some information, the radio which was first invented before the television was impressive because we just need to listen some news to the radio and also get some entertainment. After that, television was then invented as a new form of broadcast media, this time we can’t only hear the voice of the reporter but also can see a glimpse of the current situation. As years pass by and a lot of inventions was made we finally arrived to the era where there’s a very advanced technology and that is the New Media.
The era where internet connection was invented and also mobile phones and even laptops, these inventions made it easy for people to gather some information. Social media is one of the widest forms of presenting information through posting, announcing, and etc. Years may pass but media will not. Media is everywhere just give us the right information that we need. The technology is growing faster and bigger now so as the media. Media is not just spreading news to all of us but also to give hope. But even if it is much more easier to use social medias, phones internet and etc. There are also lot of people who preferred to use the old one such as reading newspapers, listening to radios than scrolling through internet. Even if the media are in different forms as we prefer, media content will be the same and media will always be media.
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g12stem3group9 · 4 years
“The Next Chapter of Old Media in the Society”
In the next five years the rising of new media will become inevitable, and the disappearance of print and broadcast media will occur. As technology continuously modernizes, the advancement of technology will make the human population more lazy. The new media can be addictive and useful at the same time, people will no longer be going to the printing press to print news papers and books and everything that can be seen or heard in broadcast media will be in different platforms of social media. All credible and factual information will eventually be transferred and will become digital. Books will no longer be on paper but rather on a platform of a virtual library where people can read all the books. The old form of media will eventually be redundant, but will never be forgotten, and will be remembered as the media that shaped the new form.
Print media is created in the industrial age, while the broadcast media is created in the electronic age. These media’s are part of old media and have been helping a lot of people especially in the previous generation by providing reliable sources of information for their daily life. Print media and broadcast is still being use in our current generation but as our technology is developing and increasing rapidly in present times and in different countries, it gives birth to the new media and is now slowly replacing the old media. New media started in the information age where it is highly influenced with internet. In using new media, the people can easily share and gather information. It is likely possible for old media to converge to new media to share information in a more convenient way to audiences since, a lot of people are now using new media like social media for gathering information.
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g12stem3group9 · 4 years
“Understanding the Relevance of Information and News Literacy in the Midst of Social Era”
We are all now experiencing and facing the reality in globalization to our world that is clearly becoming compact and attached to social media to get information. As we grew up we all tend to think and question ourselves as we read information. Especially now in the midst of social media people spent a lot of time surfing, reading articles, news, blogs, and a lot more information. Little did we know that instant information is available everywhere and there is a lot of news that is becoming much harder to tell what is real and what is not. It’s very easy to get mesmerized by the amount of information that we get, it is not just because we read the news or watch news but instead as citizens, we have a responsibility to critically think to get and recognize the right information about what is real and false information.
Having the ability to recognize; and to judge the credibility of the information that we are provided with is a must, predominantly in the social era where a network of connected people, share interest, express; and create ideas in a virtual community with various different platforms to share knowledge. With this, people have begun using it as a tool that spawned a ton of manipulated content that can easily attract an individual and spread from person to person. The ability to critically think or judge; the trustworthiness of the information that is shared globally, is a skill that must be put into practice. In order for us to stop falling for these misleading content, one must take a step back; and evaluate facts, and not immediately jump into conclusions. We have to be aware that information can be abused, people can say anything they want and people can manipulate people.
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g12stem3group9 · 4 years
“Media and Government: A Love-Hate Relationship”
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In our country, the media and the government has the ability to manipulate people and change their perspectives about the issues that's been happening not only in our country but all over the world. The government and the media have a love and hate relationship, because some governors are against the media while some governors are thirsty for the spotlight that they will get from the media and there are also governors that want to control the media. The governors who want to control the media are the reason why some of the information that the media releases is biased or the article is simply lacking in source of information. When there's an issue or a problem that's happening in our country and the government isn't fast enough to solve the problem, the media will immediately create an article against the government causing the people to misunderstand the whole situation.
The drawing above portrays the people who are against the will and law of our current President Duterte. This shows how the people protest to express their opinions. Most likely they are against the law of our President regarding the extra judicial killing, corruption, abs-cbn, and Marcos burial at the National Heroes Cemetery. In conclusion, this picture talks about the people who don't like our current President or the antagonist of President Duterte. Even though there is hate between the media and government, they also show love for each other. The government also appreciates the works that the media has shown for the society, since the media gathers and shares the information from a lot of people to let them know the current events. The government can't single-handedly govern the people to the right path, they need help, and that would be the media who would share and gather the information.
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g12stem3group9 · 4 years
“The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual”
In this time of pandemic where people from all walks of life are tested, Facebook and other forms of social media platforms have undeniably become the main source of information. With the advances in today's technology, people now have different ways of getting the information they need in just a few clicks either through their smart phones, smart TVs, computers, laptops, and other mediums for information. This will give us an advantage with regards to reading, giving and gathering information to perceive the accurate and false information. Although no one is keeping track of who is updated and who is not, it is a great lead for everyone to always be up to date especially with the pieces of information that are being shared by other countries. As we learn from everyone’s mistakes, experiences and observations that are shared via the internet of each individual is improving their own learning.
The value of being a media and information literate individual is a vital nowadays since this pandemic bring forth a wave of misinformation that is rapidly and excessively spreading in our social media without verifying its sources. A lot of people are immersed in using social media to gather information thus, people are more vulnerable to misinformation and should result in making decisions that could harm their health. Media and Information Literacy (MIL) provides us individuals the essential skills in our life, especially in time of pandemic where individuals are expected to equip themselves with the power to use media and information effectively through critical thinking and develop lifelong learning skill to influence other individuals to create wise decisions and become an active individual. Becoming a media and information literate, we are expected to identify and correct misinformation by understanding things that we see and experience around us during pandemic then share our knowledge to other individuals with evidences in reliable sources to support it. 
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