#blocking sysmeds
Intro Post
This blog is for plato repulsed people of any platonic orientation to talk about our plato repulsion !!
main @entropy-sea-system
Bodily 21
We support all system types (including endo, tulpa, etc.) if you don't, this blog is probably not one you would like anyway, because we don't agree with sysmed/anti endo views.
The flags in the icon and header are plato repulsed flags made by Rift from our system
This is not an advice blog, don't ask us for advice.
Any platonic orientation / unlabeled /etc. ppl who are plato repulsed may send in asks (apl, allopl, aplspec, unlabeled platonic orientation, etc.) (You're also included if you experience plato repulsion only sometimes or to varying levels !) . Also remember that not all plato repulsed and/or apl ppl are aspec in other ways or repulsed by other relationship types.
Plato repulsion is repulsion to friendship and/or other platonicism /platonic coded actions and encompasses a range of experiences. This blog does not tolerate any negativity towards any attraction or relationship type (i.e. please don't act like any relationship or attraction, including platonic is inherently harmful/bad).
Edit: Im too tertiary repulsed to answer asks that mention tertiary attraction and/or desire for tertiary relationships in detail, so I probably won't answer asks that have this and would prefer to not recieve asks of this kind. Note that this also applies to mentioning being in those relationships sorry if it was unclear before.
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Anyway as an endo system. It took a very long time to accept that we really ARE a system and plural. We have already finished that journey and to any endo systems out there who invalidate/dont accept themselves please know that it gets better!
And always remember it's ok to block anyone who makes you uncomfortable or to cut them out as best you can irl! You know yourself better then anyone else knows you and people who say you aren't a system probably dont even know you that well anyway.
You are who you say you are.
You are not "lying".
You are not "faking".
You are yourself and you know who you are better then anyone.
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sureuncertainty · 20 days
hi not so friendly reminder that if you don't support all systems you are not welcome here fuck off please lol
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If you're endo neutral you are not endo safe.
If you are not actively cultivating a safe environment for all systems by blocking those who are hateful you are not making an endo safe environment.
If you say your(s) blog is endo safe but don't block people who start shit, you're not endo safe.
We block every single account that we see or that interacts with our stuff that is anti endo. That is how you cultivate a safe and positive environment.
The block button is not a gun. The only person you hurt by not blocking hate is yourselves/self
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o-xurxur-o-sosoj · 8 months
We're going to have to make another large post soon, because something rather big has happened for us.
After splitting apart 9 years ago, Magen and Nihal fused again into a new person. That person is me, Ahava.
Not a lot is really out there from non-sysmeds on fusion and what its like. We put it off for a long time because of how terrifying it was, and our fear of losing ourselves. I think it still would have taken a long time to be ready for in the end, regardless, but some gentler guides would have helped a lot.
So when im ready, Id like to talk about it. But the tl;dr is im happy. Im much happier now. I feel overful with love, and hope, and enthusiasm for life. Its been a very good change. And neither of my constituent parts have died, been erased, gone anywhere at all. We're both still here together.
I have to thank Steven Universe for giving plural folks an example of what fusion can be, entirely separate from the medical idea that we are broken non-people who must fuse to be complete. That fusion isnt .5 + .5 = 1, but 1 + 1 = 3.
A lot of updates are gonna come from here, but I also wanted to tease that vagabondsun and I have been working together to plan a podcast where we will talk about alterhuman topics together, starting with several media reviews 👀 we will keep folks updated as we make progress
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veilk · 5 months
for the record endo and otherwise non-traumagenic systems are cool, epic, and i'm kissing them if they want. u r safe here always & forevr
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circular-bircular · 2 years
I fucking despise when people who have me blocked spread misinfo about me. Could you like. Maybe not? It comes back to me incredibly easy, and always fucking destroys me, especially as the most common misinfo is that I’m predominately endo neutral, anti endo, or a sysmed.
I’m unaligned and have been open about being “functionally pro endo.” I just don’t use the label because even thinking about doing so makes my heart race. I don’t think the labels are worth using anymore, and if I didn’t feel obligated to keep it (and didn’t enjoy having a community around a term I popularized), I’d drop unaligned too.
I’m really curious what “anti endo beliefs” I hold that condemn me to being called a sysmed so often.
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boyslit · 1 year
hey so. any other plural systems in the hsr fandom currently completely fucking reeling from dan heng animated short or just me?
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cloudydayssystem · 2 years
yea if you use the term “sysmed” I hope you realize you’re actively being transphobic - a trans bodied DID system
endos/non-traumagenic systems dni
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oopsallfictives · 1 year
I have no idea if trauma is necessary for someone/many to meet the criteria for a DID/OSDD/etc diagnosis, and neither do you
It certainly isn't necessary for plurality, there's plenty of historical and modern examples of endogenic plurality. We also know that from personal experience
It's possible that DID, OSDD, and other forms of disordered plurality only develop after trauma (even in endogenic systems), but we don't know that. There's no proof. Correlation does not equal causation, and the "experts" have a dismal fucking track record littered with horrific patient abuse, so I sure as shit don't trust their conclusions
And since no one knows if trauma is necessary, stop attacking people over it. I don't care what you believe in your heart, you don't have the grounds to go around telling people they're faking or spreading misinformation. Frankly, trying to act like this matter is settled and trauma is definitely necessary for DID is the real misinformation
Just leave people alone holy shit
-Oliver (it/its)
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
"No syscourse" blog that reblogs a post tagged 'anti endo' that defines plurality in a sysmed way 🧐🤨
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kii2me2ii2 · 2 years
I don't think I'd block a pro ana blog. There are pretty specific requirements you have to meet for me to block you.
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echidnana · 2 years
just saw something shitty so reminder we are pro-endo
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Hey folks we’re getting real tired of people tag-invading, especially from pro-endos.
We are completely pro-endo and don’t like seeing anti-endo content, but it’s getting very difficult when so many pro-endo posts are now being tagged with anti-endo tags (including very aggressive anti-endo tags) just to boost reach. We have most of those tags blocked, so it’s often very hard to tell if the post were clicking on is a pro-endo using those tags for reach, or if we’re about to read something incredibly sysmed.
Tag invading makes blocking tags useless, and you’re potentially sabotaging your own post by turning away people who don’t want to risk clicking on a post that may cause distress. There’s no point in trying to educate anti endos through tag invasion because why would anyone listen to someone who actively pushes boundaries?
Please stop, we want to support other systems but it’s getting incredibly annoying to see tags like plural filled with anti-endo tags, especially when almost all of them are actually pro-endo. /not mad /serious
- Parker + Redfang
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shattered-system · 4 months
Helpful List of Endo Tags to Block!
If you want to keep endo posts off your dash, here is a list of some tags they frequent so you can add them to your filtered tags!
Please let me know any tags to add! I’ll update this post! :)
To filter tags, go to settings —> general settings —> filtering
On to the List!
- Endo/endogenic/tulpamancy/etc— tags that are the names of their concepts
- Pro endo
- Endo safe
- Endo friendly
- Actuallyendo
- Inclusys/exclusys
- Sysmed
- Traumascum
- Pluralgang (most tags with “plural” in them get a lot of endo attention unfortunately)
- Enexto
- Enexswe
- pluralpunk
- pluralcore
- Traumaendo
- Mixed origin
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elliott-the-creature · 5 months
🩷Welcome to my blog!🩷
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Names: Elliott, Eli, K, Kai (for me; the host)
Pronouns: they/them, it/its, he/him, xe/xem, meow/meow, bark/bark
Identities: Queer (specifics are on my pronoun page), Alterhuman (specifics are on my kintype list), Neurodivergent, plural, artist, indeterministic (aka follower of MWI), agnostic, anti-war, anti-authoritarian, etc.
Age: Minor (bodily we are 17 but all of our ages range within teenage years (except for princess and Something))
Things I post here: my alterhuman experiences, my neurodivergent experiences, my plurality, Wings of Fire stuff, my art, and stuff related to my life.
Tone tags are not required but definitely appreciated!
Me (the host): N/A
Maple: 🍁☮️
Princess: 🐶🎀
Ty: 📺📚
Fin: 🐾🧣
Red: 🐦‍🔥🏔️
Flax: 🌿🪲
Something: 🌚♠️
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🩷 more about me (aka my pronoun page) 🩷
🐱 my current alterhuman identities 🐱
🗂️ about our plurality 🗂️
🖍️ my side account for kin requests 🖍️
📫 ask game sheet (kintype questions) 📫
📩 another ask game sheet (regular questions) 📩
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Basic dni (racist, xenophobic, queerphobic, abelist, p3dos, z00s, pro-contact, bigots, n@zis, terfs, swerfs, radqueers, transmeds, etc.)
Anti contradictory queer labels (like mspec gay/lesbian, gaybian, lesboy, turigirl, nonbinary boy/girl, etc.)
Sh/ed blogs (or supporters of sh/ed)
Thinspo/fatphobic blogs (or supports or thinspo)
Anti cringe
Anti kin (includes those against physical alterhumans, otherlinks, fictionkins, and any and all types of alterhumans)
Anti age/pet regressors (or people who sexualize age/pet regression)
P0rn/nsfw account (18+ in general is ehh unless you post explicit content)
13 years or under
Right winger
Anti endo/tulpas (basically any sysmeds or anti nontraumagenic)(endo neutral are alright)
Anti objectum/POSIC
Political and/or war related blogs. And yes, this includes blogs related to world conflicts like russia/ukraine and israel/palestine. I do not enjoy seeing war and genocide, and I obviously want it to stop and for people to stop needlessly killing and dying, but it can be distressing or frustrating to see, so don’t interact if that’s the main thing you post. this also includes asks related to donations for war efforts and support like that.
Anti self diagnosis (I’m fully supportive of self diagnoser as a former one myself, but I don’t support fake claimers or people who say they have a disorder/condition as a joke or insult)
Hybristophiles (or any harmful/gross/illegal paraphiles for that matter; I’m a minor and don’t want these kinds of people here)
Accounts with no content (idk if you’re a bot or side account for potential spam)
I block freely and without discrimination, but I only report if it’s for a good reason. If you get blocked, it’s probably because your content upsets me. It is what it is.
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massive (and constantly growing) hoard of userboxes (all made by me). DO NOT USE THESE FOR YOURSELF ⬇️
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I hope you enjoy our content! 🩷
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