#the quicksilvers say
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oopsallfictives · 2 years ago
I am still a person even when I'm experiencing symptoms! The fact that I experience symptoms isn't dehumanizing! If I tell you about my symptoms and you decide I need to "humanize" myself that's you dehumanizing me
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mybrotherinkarkat · 1 year ago
Dirk: I made an AI
Roxy: you ruined a perfectly good pair of sunglasses is what you did. look at them they have anxiety
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transmanmonoma · 2 years ago
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[Image description: the Calvin and Hobbes "change my mind" meme edited to read: tododeku is high empathy autistic/low empathy autistic solidarity you can't change my mind. End ID]
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transrobins · 2 years ago
🪴hello....! Just wanted to message you all to tell you that your plural tim fics on AO3 are excellent to read...! We thought it was interesting how you chose Tim specifically, as we've been examining him in a plural light lately as well (being a fictive of BTAS Annie and examing my own source's plurality will do that, heheh). But again, fantastic job on those and we simply adored your portrayal. Judging by the comments it felt like it was very informative for people not too familiar with the terminology gaining traction. Have a lovely day, and thank you for existing...!
Thank you so much!!! 💗
I'm gonna be honest, we didn't put a whole lot of thought into picking Tim lmao, we kinda started it on a whim. We wanted some positive rep in the fandom, so we figured we'd provide it ourselves. We're really happy with the response we've gotten from both other plurals and singlet allies. It really feels like we made a positive impact, even if it's a fairly small one, and that's all we wanted
At this point our DC hyperfixation has passed, so it's unlikely there'll be any more of this series, but we hope it can continue to be a source of positivity and education for folks. It means a lot to see that people are still coming across it and getting something out of it
Anyway thank you so much for the ask, it made me really happy :D
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oopsallfictives · 1 year ago
[Image description: screenshot of a tweet by user AhBiola, with the display name A. Tweet reads: This therapist just said "it's not that you're attracting toxic people, toxic people aren't picky, they go to everyone, you letting them stay is the issue that needs to be worked on" and this makes so much sense than that "you're broken that's why you're attracting broken people". End ID]
I don't disagree with this, but I wanna elaborate a little. Toxic and abusive people usually push the boundaries of everyone around them, and if you're really good at setting and sticking to your boundaries, they'll usually move on to someone else once they realize you're not going to give them what they want. If you struggle with boundaries, they keep pushing little by little until they get whatever it is they want. And if you've been abused in the past, boundaries are probably something you struggle with. That's not your fault, abusers fuck with your boundaries to make it easier to control you, but it can make you vulnerable.
The issue isn't that you're "letting them stay", it's that they're taking advantage of a vulnerability you have. The good news is that setting and sticking to boundaries is a skill you can learn, with or without the help of a therapist. So if this has happened to you, or you're worried about it happening in the future, developing those skills is a good way to protect yourself. But if it does happen, that doesn't mean it's your fault. I mean you wouldn't blame someone for getting stabbed just because they weren't wearing armor, right?
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An interesting perspective to consider
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stinkrat-aleks · 2 months ago
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saw this on pinterest. immediately thought of the soccer au
HAHAHA I’m so glad im not the only one who sees him as a pokemon kid omg
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he’s sounding shit out the best he can ….. it’s just a little easier with Pokémon for him …..
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
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crusty evolution redraw. in theory.
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oopsallfictives · 1 year ago
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Every system has:
Responsible one: Dave (he/him)
Chaotic bisexual: Sollux (he/she/they)
Pure cinnamon roll: Eleanor (she/her)
Sass machine: Dean (he/him)
Shit stirrer: Neito (he/him)
Sweet but will fuck you up in Mario Kart: Lily Rose (it/she)
Looks human but isn't: Oliver (it/its)
Has died at least five times: Cat (she/her)
Has absolutely 0 chill: Karkat (he/they)
Here, have another "every system has" meme!
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secretsideofbree · 3 months ago
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he’s so yummy I fear
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oopsallfictives · 9 months ago
The social class that is privileged under patriarchy is cisgender perisex men. Trans, nonbinary, and intersex men threaten the gender/sex binary and will therefore never be tolerated under a system that forces people to conform to that binary or face discrimination, abuse, and potentially death.
That's why the idea that trans men have male privilege is so ridiculous. No one is truly privileged by a system that wants them gone, no matter how well they can hide the target on their back
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mybrotherinkarkat · 2 years ago
Neil can bang out all the tunes he likes, 4/13 will always be Homestuck Day to me
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oopsallfictives · 2 years ago
1. I have two answers for this. The first is having a ton of headmates and/or not being able to know all of them. I feel like a lot of system stuff, especially fun stuff like ask games, has an underlying assumption that you know all your headmates well enough to have general answers, or few enough headmates for everyone who wants to answer to be able to do that. I saw one of those ask games going around recently and wanted to RB it, but the answer to 90% of the questions would've been "I honestly have no idea" or "there are way too many of us to start listing answers"
The second is being a front anchor/shell/permanently frontstuck/etc. I've been fronting for nine years and can't figure out how to stop, which has caused a lot of problems for the system as a whole, and for me specifically. It's probably one of our biggest sources of conflict (or I'm biased bc it's the conflict I'm most involved in). We've talked a little with other systems with similar experiences, so we know we're not alone in this, but it's still kinda isolating bc this is the whole context in which I exist and it's barely talked about
2. Being a psychiatric survivor, hands down. Not gonna get into details, but we were dxed with DID and abused in the guise of treatment. Because of that experience, we don't identify with disordered labels even though we've been dxed with both DID and OSDD. We also don't use medical terms like alter or part for ourselves, and get distressed if anyone else does. We don't go into disordered spaces, not just bc they're hostile to systems like us, but also because the way people tend to talk in those spaces is extremely triggering. So we're cut off from some resources because of that
It's also the reason it's so important to us to have our personhood recognized. We know what can happen when someone refuses to see headmates as people, the things they can feel justified in doing. A lot of our opinions that could be considered syscoursey are shaped by our experiences as psych survivors, and tbh a lot of stuff we see online sounds like stuff that abusive psych said to us. So the way we interact in the plural community is shaped by our psych survivorship
Also it literally reshaped our system and how it functions. What I said above, about fronting for nine years? That's because of this. I (and the other Mercurys) was created to stay in front and eliminate amnesia (didn't work, don't try it) to keep it from being used against us again. Because I significantly reduced our ability to keep memories hidden from each other, almost the entire system had to retreat into the inner world or go dormant. We call it the system reset because an almost entirely new group of headmates (none of whom knew we were plural) came into existence and were the only ones fronting for like five years. We also became heavily co-consicous and blendy, and couldn't tell we were different people even while experiencing the same thing from different perspectives. Trying to avoid future psych abuse literally reshaped our entire system
-Oliver (it/its)
System Stuff Weeklies #2
Hello and happy [insert timezone here]!
What's something about your experience of multiplicity/being a system that you don't feel like you see represented very much, or wish you got to connect about more often? (yes there is an ulterior motive to this question, which is to see if anyone answering this actually has that thing in common with another reader :P )
What's another aspect of your experience and/or identity that you feel like has a significant impact on how you experience multiplicity? (There's probably a lot, so feel free to pick just one or two this time around--I'll probably bring this question back more than once, haha)
Running on Low Brain Battery rn so we'll add our own answers in a reblog later!
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transmanmonoma · 1 year ago
Okay but honestly I really want Bakugou to be the one who takes down AFO. It would be so fucking poetic. AFO has built himself up as this supreme villain who can only be defeated by this one very special hero, so for him to be defeated by someone he sees as a pebble in the road? The same thing Bakugou used to see Midoriya as? Poetic justice.
And also, AFO isn't Midoriya's villain. Midoriya's character arc has been intertwined with Shigaraki's, not his. They didn't even interact until AFO was possessing Shigaraki. That old man is not his problem. Plus he just had like a whole arc about how thinking of himself as the one and only person who can defeat AFO was dangerous and damaging, and how he needs to let his friends support him and take some of the burden.
Also also! It would be so narratively satisfying for Bakugou's character arc. Like, he's at this complete role reversal where now he's the one having to push through the pain of his quirk to even stand on the same battlefield. Now he's the one being seen as a pebble in the road. And he's accepting it. So now, and only now, can he be the one to take this burden off Midoriya's shoulders. And when All Might hands him the arm brace, a piece of the gear he used to stand on that battlefield without a quirk, and says "I'm sorry I can't give you more". I'm screaming. He could never have given Bakugou OFA, but he can give him AFO's ass to kick.
I'm being so normal about this, I promise.
-Oliver (it/its)
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nightsilver · 6 months ago
peter and kurt
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stinkrat-aleks · 4 months ago
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rewatching arrested development and projecting magnet family on that garbage fire
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xxplastic-cubexx · 2 days ago
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top five worst people to be around when theyre experiencing road rage
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