#block b smut reaction
reiderwriter · 8 months
♡ Forever Only ♡
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Week 3 of my Playlist series
Summary: You thought you wouldn't see him again, at least for a while, but Spencer Reid finds you, and he has questions.
Warnings: smut, 18+ minors dni. Penetrative sex, voyeurism, fingering, multiple orgasms, semi-protected sex, creampie, almost breeding kink, like if you squint, slight angst, dom!Spencer Reid.
A/N: First smut of the series! This one is based on one of my top songs of 2023, everyone say thank you, Jaehyun, for releasing the closest K-pop is ever going to get to 00s R&B. I hope you all enjoy it 🥰
Masterlist || Spotify Playlist
Of all the places you'd been where you thought of Spencer Reid and your paths crossing again, you never expected it to actually happen here.
The club was lit so low, so you didn't really expect it to be him, your ex-something, not quite boyfriend, far from nothing, situationship maybe? But there he was.
Not just him, but all of them. The BAU, minus their bosses, were all dancing and drinking at various points around the club, having fun but still being vigilant.
You're surprised you notice him before he notices you, but you're not surprised that it doesn't take him much longer.
You're not exactly here to blend in with the crowd.
The low-cut dress with the lower-cut bust line is already getting as much attention as you'd expected it would, and that doesn't go unnoticed by Spencer as he finally drags his eyes over to the commotion you've made in the corner.
“I don't know you,” you tried to politely explain to the creep who'd blocked you in with one arm. “I'm just waiting for my friend, please leave me alone.”
“Let's have some fun, baby, you, me, that body you're hiding under those scraps of fabric. I'll make you scream, I promise.”
You'd scoffed the first few times he'd made similar remarks, but he was tenacious, and he didn't understand the word “no,” and was vaguely unfamiliar with “leave,” “me,” and “alone” too.
You'd scanned the room for a friendly face and had locked eyes with the man you'd been waiting six months to meet again. Perfect timing.
Of course, he'd picked up on your discomfort and walked your way, and of course, he'd bought back-up.
“Y/N, you should've sent me a text when you got here!” Emily Prentiss expertly grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a hug, as the man was forced to let you move.
“Sorry, I got a bit sidetracked,” you mumbled, still feeling the weight of the creeps gaze on you despite your newly inherited guard dogs.
“Come on over to the table, baby girl, we got bottle service. I'm going big tonight.” You tried to thank Morgan as well, but the smile you sent him didn't reach your eyes as you consciously avoided Spencer's gaze.
“You know these people, babe?” The stranger from behind you put a hand on your waist as he pulled you back a step, leaving you stumbling wide eyed until your back was to his chest, shoulders unconsciously rounding into a protective stance as you tried to shrug hum off.
“For the last time, let go of me. I don't know you, and I don't want to know you. This is your last warning.” You rounded on the man, turned your back to the other three agents, and tried to calm your thoughts to see his next reaction.
“Stuck-up bitch, I said you're coming home with me tonight.”
You made sure his last attempt to grab you was his last attempt to grab any woman as you flipped him onto his back, your fellow agents behind you pulling their guns and handcuffs to helpfully lead him out of his hunting grounds.
You'd hadn't wanted to see Spencer Reid again so soon, and you certainly hadn't wanted to enlist the entire teams help on a serial rape case, but it wasn't your final decision to make.
And honestly, you'd been glad for the help in the take down, with your office so understaffed.
After reading the creep his rights, seizing the date rape drug he'd planned to slip into your drink later that night, and the knives and rope in his card that he was planning to also use on you, you were just thankful that you had all the help you could get.
Now that you were back at the station at 4am, with nothing but aching muscles from handing the nearly 200 lbs man his ass to him on a platters and aching feet from doing it in heels, you wanted nothing else than for the last week to erase itself.
Six months absence from the BAU wasn't long enough to fall out of love with Spencer Reid, and you never thought it would be.
A year was all the time it had taken to fall head over heels for the man, and you'd assumed you could reverse that in the same time, so you'd left.
It wasn't a leave of absence but a strategic departure to a task force in Rapid City, where rape numbers were spiking. You were still doing your job, that was the important part.
You changed into your comfortable clothes in the locker room and grabbed your bag, ready to head out for the night, picking up your keys to head home. You only got two steps out of the room when you ran into him.
“Early start?” He joked, looking at you again with that hesitant half-smile he'd worn the entire week he'd been here.
“Late night.” You replied. It had been a joke you'd developed after so many unusual shifts, so many 3am run-ins where neither of you could find the effort to make actual polite conversation so you'd said the two sentences and sat in amicable silence, often rested against each other as you let exhaustion carry you through the night.
“Can we talk? We're leaving in the morning, and I…” he struggled to find the words, jaw clenching and releasing the way it always did when he couldn't put his emotions into words just yet.
“Sure. But not here. My apartment is a five minute drive.” He nodded and followed you out of the building as you primed your heart to shatter into pieces again.
The drive home was quiet and peaceful, too late for natural traffic, and too early for the morning commute to begin. You made it home in record time and led him inside the apartment you'd chosen.
You flipped the light switch and kept you back to him while you completed your daily routine, trying your best to ignore that he was standing in your doorway. You tried not to be curious about what he could tell about you from the doorway, what the lack of decoration meant, how different it was from that cosy box room three blocks from his apartment, how cold it seemed instead.
So you kept your eyes off him to not have to answer the questions he'd likely have.
“So what did you want to talk about, Spence?” You almost cursed yourself for how easily the nickname slipped from your tongue. You'd heard JJ call him that a few times your first week in the office and assumed it was something everyone used for him. The way he flushed red when you said it the first time was engraved in your head, those first heavy beats of your heart alerting you to oncoming danger.
You grabbed two bottles of water from your fridge and walked back to your living room, where he was still stood taking things in.
“Spencer?” You asked again, holding out the bottle.
He took it with a small smile of thanks, and you led him over to the sofa, urging him to talk again.
“What did you want to talk about?”
“You… you didn't say goodbye.”
You knew this was coming, but you hoped he wouldn't have the courage to ask you the questions you knew were about to arrive at your door.
“I'm coming back in six months, Spencer. I didn't say goodbye because it wasn't going to be goodbye.” You'd turned this excuse over in your brain enough to know it was a weak argument, but you hoped your friendly smile would reassure him.
“You didn't tell anyone you were leaving until you were gone. That hurt a lot.”
“I didn't want to hurt you. Everything was just so fast. I had to take the offer immediately, or they would've moved onto someone else. You understand, right, Spencer?” He sat back, resigned, and nodded again slightly.
But a silence built up as he stared at you, and your hands got all sweaty the way they always did when he paid attention to you. You couldn't just stare everywhere else until he broke the silence again.
“How is Rachel? I haven't heard from her in a while.” You blurted the words under the weight of his gaze.
And you knew you'd said too much in those two sentences.
You'd first introduced Spencer to your college roommate after you realised you were in love with him. You'd spent a year at the BAU, and you thought he felt the same way, too.
You hadn't said anything, but you ate together at his apartment weekly, and you went on outings - dates, you'd thought they were dates - to museums and movies. He'd slept over at your house once, and you'd never felt happier than waking up with his arms wrapped around you.
So, of course, you'd taken him along to a party your friend from college was throwing. You'd nearly introduced him as your boyfriend, and looking back, you were glad Rachel had cut you off before you could.
“Is this the famous Spencer Reid? You're cuter than I thought you'd be.” You saw the flirtatious spark in her eyes, heard her tone, and felt uncomfortable.
You felt even worse when she took his hand and led him off to introduce him to more of your friends without a glance back at you.
For the first hour, you were worried about him, knowing that he never did great in social settings. You contented yourself by catching up with old friends, nursing a glass of wine, and trying not to follow him around the room with your eyes.
You'd given up and sat miserably in the corner for the next hour before you'd decided you wanted to leave. This time you'd had to track him down.
It wasn't that you'd found him in any compromising situation. He was just sat on the couch, smiling and talking to her. But when you said you wanted to go home, and he'd agreed to drive you back, she'd grabbed his hand.
“So Tuesday, 8 pm, right? It's a date." He nodded and said his goodbyes, and you wiped all of the emotion off your face so you didn't break down right there.
He talked to you as he drove back, but you could only nod and hum in response.
You shrugged off his concern as you walked into your apartment alone and let your heart break.
You were in Rapid City the next week.
“Your friend from college? I'm….I'm not sure.” He looked genuinely confused down at you as your lungs capsized in on themselves.
“Oh, right.” You nodded again and forced out a yawn, desperate to get rid of him before he could climb back into your heart again and roost there.
“You didn't keep in touch with her after you moved?”
“We had… a disagreement.” It was a kind way to put what had happened. You'd sent her one text asking her what all of that was at her party, and she'd sent you a paragraph back the day of her date with Spencer calling you pathetic and lonely and jealous. And then she'd blocked your number.
“That sucks. She seemed nice.” You couldn't help but scoff at his words, completely forgetting your plan to ask him to leave. Of course, he thought Rachel was nice. He'd been half in love with her by the end of that party.
“What was that for?” He asked, the words spilling out quickly as his eyes narrowed, eyebrows furrowed.
“Nothing. It's late, Spencer.”
“I don't think it was nothing. Why are you asking me about your friend? Why would I know?” He was on the edge of his seat now, and you needed desperately to put some space between you. You stood up and stretched, moving to clean up a pile of papers you'd left on your coffee table that morning.
“You certainly seemed interested six months ago, Spence. I just assumed there was a second date after that first one. My bad.”
You moved to your kitchen, bit he followed you.
“What do you mean? Y/N?” You weren't listening though, instead organising and cleaning things at a quick pace so your brain didn't have to focus on his question.
“Y/N, look at me. Please.” He stepped closer his chest nearly against your back as his hand found your wrist.
It was involuntary, but you relaxed into his familiar grip, your body finally content, and now it was back in his arms.
“Or don't look at me and just listen to me. I don't know what you're talking about, but I never went on any date with Rachel. I wasn't interested in her like that, I was interested in-” He stopped short, frustration ebbing his voice off as the silent words hung between the two of you.
You finally turned around to look at him, and you could see the hurt in his eyes.
He whispered his question again.
“Why didn't you say goodbye?”
“Because my heart was broken, Spencer. Because I took you to meet my friends and I thought I was going to introduce you as my boyfriend, but instead I got ignored the whole night and then you arranged to meet with her and she called it a date. I loved you, I love you and I couldn't say goodbye because then I'd have to hear about it. About how you were happy without me, when I was lonely and broken without you.”
You didn't know you were crying until the tears his your lips. He wiped then away, but they still tasted salty as you licked your lips.
“I didn't come to work for a month,” he confessed. “After you left, I tried to give Hotch my resignation letter. He wouldn't tell me where you went. I came back but it wasn't the same without you.” His forehead rested against yours, noses touching as his words came out barely above a whisper.
“I can't come back, Spencer. Not until I don't feel this way anymore.”
He didn't miss a beat before pressing his lips against yours.
“Don't.” He said between kisses, pinning you against your kitchen counter as he gripped your waist in one hand. You didn't pull away, even as you felt your hot tears flow freely.
“Don't stop loving me. Please.” His voice broke as he pulled you in for a hug, wrapping his arms tight around your back, pinning your hands to his chest as sobs wracked through your body.
You'd held onto this pain for a year and it was all spilling out now.
He looked at you again and started kissing each tear away, lifting you up until your legs were wrapped around him, and he was as close you you as he could possibly be.
“Love me forever. Please.”
You pulled his head away to look at him again, searching for reassurance again that this wasn't going to be one-sided.
“What about you? If I love you forever, which I don't think I have a choice in, how-”
“I love you. I loved you then, I love you now, I will always love you. I don't know how it wasn't clear when I followed you around every second of the day.” He kissed you with each confession, looking angry at himself that he'd never said the words before.
“I asked your friend how I should ask you to be my girlfriend. She had a lot of ideas and said we should meet up and talk about it. I didn't know…” He cursed, not quite as quietly as he'd attempted to. The strangeness of it shocked a laugh out of you, the rumble of it vibrating through your chest. He still held you tightly, but he looked at you again, getting out of his head.
“What's funny?”
“You tried to quit your job to look for me.”
“You moved to South Dakota instead of asking what we were.”
“You kissed me before you told me how you felt.”
“You kissed me back and then you laughed at me.”
“You swore!” You laughed again, and you were sure that he was going to have to put you down this time. You were laughing so much.
Instead he pulled you tighter into his arms and walked out of the kitchen.
“Is this the bedroom?” He asked nodding towards the closed door.
Your laugh quieted at the charged question, until your eyes found his lips as you nodded.
You let him lay you down on the bed before you pulled him in for another kiss, this one more fiery than any you'd shared in the kitchen as he hovered over you on the bed.
“Spencer!” You gasped as his hands trailed under your shirt. You regretted changing out of that small dress now, regretting the amount of fabric between you and him as his hands glided up to your breasts, mouth pressing kiss after kiss into your neck and collarbone.
He nestled his knee between yours and climbed fully over you, pushing your legs open as he showed you where you were going next. You moaned as your back arched into his touch, rubbing yourself against him but still needing him closer.
“I love every sound you make.’ He whispered as his other hand worked its way under the sweatpants you'd thrown on earlier, silently pushing them down your legs as you lifted your hips to help him once again.
His mouth connected with yours again after he got them to your knees, hand pressing flat against your stomach as you finished off the job.
He laid next to you, pulling his lips off your own as you trailed after him. But his eyes weren't on you anymore. You followed his gaze to his hand and watched him slip his fingers under your panties as he began to tease your sensitive parts.
You whimpered slightly as the contact, as he gathered some of your wetness and ran his fingers up and down your sensitive parts.
His lips found your ears. “Just like that. I want to hear you just like that. Whimper for me, Y/N. Beg for me. Let me know how much you want this.”
You gasped as he started rubbing slow even circles around your clit, his body still rolled to the side so he could watch intently the pleasure on your face.
It was near voyeuristic, his eyes focused on your face, the pants of air escaping your lips, the way your nipples had hardened, and had become visible through your shirt.
You hadn't been able to wear a bra with your dress earlier, you wanted to explain, but you couldn't find the words.
“Look at your body reacting to me. You need me to make you feel like this.” He whispered, lowering his head to press a chaste kiss over your clothed nipple. “Right?”
“Yes, fuck, yes Spencer. I need you.”
“Here. Can you feel how much I need you, too?” He grabbed your hand in his free one and pulled it over his erection, instructing you silently on how to hold it and rub it.
“I can feel it, Spencer. Please, please fuck me.” Your voice felt alien to yourself. You'd never had that high of a sex drive before, so you'd never thought you'd ever have to beg for it. But there was something in the tender touch of Spencer's fingers that has you desperate to feel him inside you.
“Do you have condoms?”
“Birth control?”
“Yes, yes, please, Spencer. Please, I don't care.” His pace had picked up, his fingers moving slightly rougher than before, but you knew you were close as he kept massaging your sensitive clit.
You knew you were going to cum before you felt him inside you, you knew you'd want to cum again. You were going to be forever insatiable because of this man.
He kissed his way across your skin as he peeled your shirt and his clothes off, leaving your panties for last as he watched you grind your cunt into his fingers.
“I love you,” he whispered In your ear as he stroked his cock, watching your body convulse as you came just at his touch.
He kept his lips close to your ear as he entered you during the throes of your first orgasm, whispering again when he had slid his entire length into you. “And you're mine.”
You were intoxicated by his touch, cum drunk as he began thrusting and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
He nipped and sucked at your neck, listening to you moan and whimper as he pulled out and entered you again and again, head thrown back into the sheets of the bed you'd been too eager to climb underneath.
A few minutes of thrusting and he gripped your waist and sat you up on his cock, moving his hands to your thighs as you wrapped your arms around his neck as he bounced you steadily on his cock.
“Shit, Spencer, you're…so…deep,” you pulled him in closer, burying your head in his neck as you deafened as embarrassing squeal.
You came again on his cock as he used you like a flashlight, his own pants and groans soundtracking your breathless orgasm.
“That's it, good job, Y/N,” he cooed at you, lowering you back onto your back and thrusting shallowly through your convulsions. When you'd recovered slightly again, he gently pushed your legs up, stretching you so your knees were as far back as they could go, splayed open so they were almost touching the bed.
His forehead rested against yours again as he held you in place, keeping his eyes locked on yours as he snapped his hips into you with long, quick thrusts that had you gasping again for the breath he was forcing out of your lungs.
“I love you. And you are mine.” He said. “I love you, and you are mine.” The words were a mantra to him as he worked himself to the edge.
“Yes, yes, I'm yours. I love you, I'm yours, Spencer.” He came with a whimper, releasing inside of you and collapsing gently into your arms as you readied yourself to hold one another for the rest of eternity.
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We’re Still Not Friends // JJ Maybank*
request: none!
prompts: none!
summary: after successfully forcing kie and sarah to make up, john b and pope decide to strand you and jj on a boat together in the hopes that you’ll finally get along. things don’t really go the way they expected.
warnings: smut, mean!jj, dom!jj, language, oral (m receiving), slight dub con, hair pulling, p in v, unprotected sex, degradation (reader gets called slut once), choking, creampie, very slight mention of blood
word count: 2.6k
a/n: gn!reader, reader has female anatomy
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“What exactly am I supposed to do here? The entire engine is gone, what do you want me to do? Is this a joke or something?” JJ asked, lifting his head to see that John B and Pope were no longer standing behind him.
“What the-?” he said, standing up and walking over to the edge of the boat, only to see John B and Pope climbing back onto the boat that Kie and Sarah had used to bring him here.
A sudden banging from below deck caught JJ’s attention, along with your voice angrily yelling, “Let me out! I swear to god Pope, let me out now!”
JJ reached down and pulled the hatch open, his eyes narrowing in annoyance when he saw you. Similarly, you rolled your eyes and shoved his hands aside, climbing out of the small crawl space you had been tricked into. 
“What the fuck guys?” JJ asked, turning back to his friends.
John B shrugged. “It worked for Sarah and Kie. And you guys fight even more than them. If we wanna actually have a chance at finding the gold, you two need to grow up and work out your issues.”
“You’re not seriously leaving me here with him!” you yelled, crossing your arms in frustration.
However, your friends had already started up their boat and turned around, heading off in the direction they had come from, ignoring yours and JJ’s protests. You huffed and pulled off your shirt and shorts, stripping down into your bikini in a desperate attempt to catch up with them. In your haste to jump off the boat, you hadn’t noticed JJ’s eyes. More specifically, how they raked over your now nearly exposed body.
“You’re not gonna catch up with them, y’know. Probably gonna drown before you even make it that far. On second thought, keep going,” JJ said, that same irritating smirk present on his face.
You huffed in annoyance and reluctantly turned around, climbing back onto the boat. You shivered slightly at the breeze, the water on your skin chilling you. 
“Dramatic much?” JJ asked, leaning against the wall of the engine room. 
“God, could you just shut up for once?!”
He grinned, pushing off the wall and walking over to you. “Well, I could. But then how else would I be able to see the cute little scowl on your face?”
You rolled your eyes and walked past him, your shoulder bumping into him, as you reached for a towel resting on the small bench. You patted down your damp skin and squeezed your hair with the towel, before dropping it back in its spot. You reached down and grabbed your shorts, slipping them back on.
JJ groaned. “Now what’re you doing that for? You’re blocking the view!”
You felt your cheeks heat up at his words, and he smiled cockily at the reaction he managed to pull out of you. 
“Perv!” you said, shoving his shoulder back. 
He simply smirked in response, stepping closer to you and placing his hands on your shoulders. “Don’t be like that. You know you love it.”
You looked up at him, your breath catching in your throat when you realized just how close he was to you. You might’ve hated him, but there was no denying that he was beautiful. You’ve caught yourself staring at him more than a few times, and you knew that he’d been doing the same to you. There was an undeniable attraction between the two of you, and if things had been different, he probably would’ve been your boyfriend by now. But there was just something between your personality and his that clashed, and prevented anything more from happening with him.
JJ looked down at you, and as if he suddenly realized how close he had gotten, he pushed you away from him, causing you to stumble back. You scowled at him, your eyes narrow and trained on his.
“What the hell was that for?!” you grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest and taking a tentative step towards him.
JJ opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Almost as if he couldn’t figure out what he was supposed to say, or if he didn’t even know why he had just shoved you. You waited impatiently, your fingers tapping against your arm. He seemed to be debating something, but what, you had no clue. 
“What now? Did you forget how to speak?” you snarked, a harsh bite to your tone.
JJ shook his head in exasperation and walked over to you again, placing his hands against your upper arms. “Just shut the fuck up.”
You opened your mouth to retaliate, but before you could even get a sound out, his lips were on yours. Your eyes widened in shock and you froze, not entirely understanding what was happening or why, but also not disliking it either. 
JJ pulled away a few moments later, realizing that you hadn’t kissed him back. He almost looked embarrassed by his actions, and you had to bite back a smirk at the expression.
“Fuck. I don’t know why I did that. I’m sorry,” he said, looking genuinely apologetic, which was very unlike him. Especially towards you.
You shook your head and smirked, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him back down, echoing his words from earlier. “Just shut the fuck up.”
This time, you kissed him, pulling him closer to you as you felt his hands rest on your waist. This was the first gentle and sweet moment shared between you two, but it didn’t last long. 
JJ’s movements grew more aggressive as his lips moved against yours. You tried to match his pace, but ultimately were unable to catch up, allowing JJ to dominate the kiss. His hands moved from your waist to your ass, harshly squeezing the flesh beneath his hands. You gasped at the feeling, and JJ took advantage of your lips parting by forcing his tongue into your mouth.
You fell victim to his touch and his charm, allowing him to touch you wherever he wanted and to use you however he pleased. Your hands slid from his neck and down his chest, landing on his belt as you desperately tried to undo it.
JJ smirked against your lips. “Someone’s needy.”
You simply brushed your hand over his growing bulge in response, smirking at the soft noise that fell from his lips. “I could say the same about you.”
He groaned in annoyance and pulled away from the kiss, placing his hands on your shoulders and forcing you down to your knees. He looked down at you, grinning wickedly at the dazed expression on your face.
“Think I finally found a way to shut you up.”
You were about to question what he meant when you saw him undo the fly on his shorts and push them down to his ankles, his boxers following soon after. Your eyes widened when you came face to face with his painfully hard cock. He was big. Bigger than any of the guys you had been with before. He was girthy and long, but not so long that you had to worry about being split in half. There was a prominent vein running along the underside of his length, and his tip was already leaking precum. Your mouth watered at the sight. 
He wrapped his hand around the base of his cock, slapping the tip of it against your cheek before running it across your lips. 
“Open your mouth before I force it open.”
You shivered slightly at his words, his commanding tone going straight to your core and worsening the condition of your already soaked through panties. And so, you complied. Tilting your head towards him, your mouth fell open and your tongue lolled out. Your eyes were trained on him, waiting for his next movement. 
The second your lips parted, JJ shoved his entire length down your throat and gripped your hair to keep you in place, ignoring your protests as you gagged around him. For a while, he didn’t even move, relishing in watching you struggle to breathe beneath him, choking on his cock.
JJ pulled your head back, giving you the chance to breathe again. But before you could even catch your breath, JJ pulled you back down and start fucking your throat. Your eyes watered as you gagged around his length. Your hands pushed at his thighs to try and get away, but he only tightened his grip in your hair in response. 
“Fuck…” JJ groaned out. “Always knew you had a mouth on you.” A cocky grin overtook his face and he looked down at you. 
You felt his cock twitch in your throat, and JJ pulled your mouth off of him with a huff. You gulped in air, coughing and sputtering as you tried to catch your breath. 
“As much as I’d love to see that pretty little mouth of yours dripping with my cum, I’d much rather fill you up instead,” JJ said, pulling you up by your hair and leading you over to the bench, pushing you down onto it.
You winced at the impact, and brought your hand up to rub at your scalp, which was still stinging from his grip on your hair. 
“Do you have to be so aggressive?” you grumbled, glaring up at him. 
“What? You don’t like it?” JJ tutted, placing his hands on either side of your head and leaning down, effectively caging you in with his broad form. “I think you’re lying.”
You shook your head, your tough exterior slowly cracking the longer his piercing blue eyes stayed locked on yours. “I’m not lying.”
“I guess we’ll just have to see about that, won’t we?” JJ said, smirking down at you as he trailed a hand down your torso, slipping his hand past the waistband of your shorts and the bikini bottoms you were wearing underneath them. 
Your breath hitched at the contact and your face grew hot from the shit eating grin on JJ’s face as his fingers came in contact with your aching core. 
“What was that about not liking it? You’re soaked, princess. Absolutely dripping.”
Your breath shuddered as he trailed his fingers back up your cunt, effectively brushing against your clit in the process. 
“That sensitive already? You really are desperate for me, huh?”
You fought the urge to bite back at him, your overwhelming arousal smothering any sense of pride you had. You hated letting him win, but right now, all you wanted was for him to touch you. 
“Please…” you whispered, your face growing even hotter. 
“Such a needy little thing. Don’t worry, I’ll give you what you want. I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you'll forget your own name.”
You whimpered at his words, your need growing with every passing second. He knew what he was doing, drawing this out, making you wait. He was savoring his power over you, something that he’d never had before. Seeing you so weak beneath him, so desperate for his touch, for his cock, that was a power trip that he never wanted to come down from. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist, trying to pull him closer, as you dug your fingers into his shoulders. You whined pitifully, desperately trying to get JJ to dull the ache between your legs, but he just smiled down at you.
“Y’know, I think I like you better like this. All desperate and pathetic. You’re hardly even a brat anymore. Think I might wanna take my time, savor you being like this.”
You whined louder, your back arching slightly as you tried to pull JJ forward. “Fuck… please!”
“Please, what? Gotta use your words, ‘m not a mind reader,” JJ said, grinning down at you, his hands holding your hips in a bruising grip.
“Please, fuck me. Please, fuck me, JJ,” you mewled, any ounce of embarrassment thrown out the window by your growing desperation. 
JJ smirked and leaned down to press a sloppy kiss against your lips. “Since you asked so nicely…”
JJ started to push in, and you half expected him to give you time to adjust, hoping that his hatred for you wouldn’t completely overshadow any potential concern about your wellbeing. But unfortunately for you, that wasn’t the case. Almost immediately after sheathing himself completely inside of you, JJ began to fuck you mercilessly. 
You didn’t have a chance to catch your breath, let alone adjust to the stretch, before his cock started abusing your walls. You cried out, both in pain and pleasure, and your nails dug deeper into the flesh of his shoulders, breaking the skin under your relentless grip. JJ groaned at the feeling, the sting from your nails only enhancing the pleasure he was already experiencing. 
“JJ, slow down! Please, ‘s too much!” you said, your words punctuated by the continuous whimpers falling from your lips. 
“Not a chance, princess. You feel too fucking good. I don’t think I could slow down even if I wanted to,” JJ replied, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple, the odd intimacy from the act being a stark contrast to the brutalness of his thrusts. “But you can take it, can’t you? Little slut like you can handle almost anything.”
You whined at his words, the cruelness behind them making your cheeks burn in embarrassment and simultaneously heightening the throbbing between your legs. 
“Want you to cum first. Wanna feel you cum around me,” JJ mumbled, removing one of his hands from your hips and bringing his thumb down onto your clit, harshly rubbing circles onto the sensitive nub.
Your back arched as you felt yourself growing closer and closer to release. The brutal pace JJ was fucking you at still burned, but somehow that pain only heightened your pleasure, and now with the stimulation on your clit, you felt that knot in your stomach tightening, getting closer and closer to snapping. 
“Fuck! F-fuck! I’m- I’m gonna cum!” you babbled out, nails clawing at JJ’s back and leaving angry red scratched in their wake.
“That’s it, that’s it. Cum all over my fucking cock,” JJ grunted, wrapping his free hand around your throat and squeezing, a dizzy blissfulness overtaking your being.
You moaned again, louder than before, as you came undone underneath him. His grip on your neck had you seeing stars, and his unrelenting abuse on your cunt prolonged the euphoric feeling as you came around his cock. 
Your body went limp beneath him, still catching your breath from one of the best orgasms you had ever had, but JJ didn’t let up. The feeling of your walls spasming around him pushing him over the edge, and you gasped softly when you felt him finish inside of you, warm spurts of cum painting your walls. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” JJ grunted as he rode out his high, his grip on your throat disappearing and his movements finally ceasing as he collapsed on top of you.
After a few moments of silence between the two of you, you finally spoke up. “So… I guess their plan worked, huh?”
JJ scoffed, propping himself up on his elbows to look down at you. “You’re kidding me, right? I still can’t fucking stand you.”
You looked up at him incredulously. “Really? After all that?”
JJ huffed and pulled out, causing you to wince at the oversensitivity. You felt his spend begin to drip out of you, and you caught JJ staring at your leaking cunt with a cocky smirk on his face.
“It’s called sexual tension, princess. We’re still not friends. But… that doesn’t mean we can’t fuck again.”
You felt a smile grow on your face. “I can live with that.”
tags: none
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luvyeni · 1 year
HEYYYY It's the anon that requested the cheating ex with bsf Felix. I wanted to thank you for taking my request and I was beyond blown away by your writing. I was wondering if I could request a prt 2. where we find out the exes reaction. Possible plot could go out as ex calls the reader and starts telling her how sorry he is and felix is just blowing her back out while she attempts to be quiet👏
❛PHONE CALL❜ ( l. felix )
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p. lee felix x fem!reader w. 0.6k
warnings? smut, doggystyle , unprotected sex , dirty talk , your ex listens
— 𖦹 ( your ex didn't seem to get it the first time and tries to contact you ) !
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"oh fuck !" you screamed , face planted against the bed as felix fucked you. "so fucking deep." ever since that day , felix had made it duty to fuck you until you were nothing but a pile of mush.
"fuck baby , fuck yourself on my cock." he grunted , slapping your ass. "fuck you look so fucking good like this." he praised. "your pussy is so fucking good."
you were so out of it , so fucked out that you hadn't realized your phone was ringing , but felix had , noticing the name right away — this pissed him off , had your ex not gotten the hint? why hadn't you blocked him? he felt jealousy bubbling up in his system , he stopped , making you whine.
"why-why'd you stop?" he reached over , grabbing the phone. "why is he still contacting you?" he squeezed your ass. "i -i don't know." he smiled evilly. "here baby." he handed you the phone. "answer it." your eyes widened.
"b-but— fucking answer the phone." you shakinly grabbed the phone , answering the phone. "h-hello , hmph." he forced your face back against the bed. "(name) , is that you?" your ex's voice spoke through the phone , just as felix started to move his hips again.
"wh-what do you want." you weren't even paying attention really , too busy trying to cover your moans while he went on a rant. "i-i'm so sorry , i didn't mean what i did , you know how much i love you."
felix wanted to hear what he was saying. "put it on -fuck- put it on speaker." he cursed , you knew he'd notice the slapping sound. "he'll hear." felix didn't care. "fuck princess , i don't care , put it on speaker now." he delivered another smack to your ass.
you sat the phone near your head , clicking the speaker. "(name) , please take me back , i love you, i don't know what to do without you." felix rolled his eyes delivering one thrust that had you whining. "(name)?"
you were so far gone , biting your lip. "(name) , please answer me , you know felix can't treat you better than i can baby." felix's eye brow quirked up. "i saw the video (name) , we both know those aren't your real moans , only i could get those moans out of you." he didn't have clue in the world.
felix had enough , grabbing the your hair , whispering your ear. "don't hold back those moans , i want that dick head to hear how well i fuck you." he thrusted deep inside you , a scream emitting from your mouth. "fuck felix!"
he plowed into you , your ass bouncing against him. "fuck , such a pretty ass , should i fuck it too?" he moaned. "your pussy can barely take me , i bet you your ass would choke my cock." he growled , you moaned , nodding your head. "maybe next time , i want this tight cunt tonight."
you were a moaning mess , long forgotten about the phone , but felix didn't , he noticed your ex still hadn't hung up the phone. "look at that baby , we still have an audience." he grabbed your jaw , forcing you to look. "you think he finally got that these are you real moans , and that he just wasn't fucking you right, hm? that he never made you cum." he darkly chuckled.
"felix , deeper please." you whined. "deeper? aren't i deep enough?" he said still obliging , thrusting into you as deep as he could , your orgasm sneaking up on you . "oh my god." your mouth hung open as you came.
"oh fuck , you made such a mess , i wish i could show him this is how you make a girl cum." he kept fucking into you. "gonna cum inside you , fill you with my cum." he moaned. "fuck , he's still on the line , i bet you he's seething that you never let him cum inside you — fuck im cumming , take my cum." he stilled his hips , his cum pooling into your cunt. "good girl."
he pulled out of you , watching the cum leak out of you. "fuck baby your little hole took all of my cum." he pushed it back into you , you whined. "i'm done baby , i let rest." he kissed your sore body. "i'll go get you something to clean you up." he got up , taking your phone with him.
"don't contact her anymore." he said. "i should've known she'd leave me for you , what were you two always fucking on the side? she'll come running back , she always does." felix chuckled. "she left because you're a cheating asshole , and now im gonna go take care of my girlfriend."
"and as you just heard the way she was begging for my cock , we both know she won't be back."
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leiswxrld · 1 year
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𝐒𝐘𝐏𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒… “you like fucking my shit hmm?”
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Tom Kaulitz x black fem reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: smut, p in v sex, drunk Tom, somnophilia (reader does wake up at some point, sleepy reader, non-con sex.
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 666 Words
𝐀/𝐍: has been a while but I have missed you all 🫶🏾, having the worst case of writer block it’s bad 😭. Anyway listen to Tokio hotel.
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You knew Tom would come home at odd hours during the night since he’d normally go out drinking to celebrate which was every other evening.
Every night, you would constantly hear the thudding steps of the band walking back into the dorms. Tom would always come back drunk, switching on the light with a hiccup as he got changed.
Today was no different, you were in a deep sleep. The sounds of Tom’s boots echoed throughout the room as he stood in front of the bed.
“B-baby you awake” he slurred, waiting for an answer but all he got in response was a furrow of your brows at the calling of your name and a groan as you turned over, breathing slowly.
He hiccuped, stripping into his boxers and walking over to the foot of the bed. You snored, fingers twitching as Tom climbed onto the bed and hovered over your limp body.
He pulled off the covers and you still had no reaction, you were only in a tank top and panties since it was hot but you barley noticed the extra layer of warmth being pulled off your body.
He smirked to himself, easy access.
He slowly, dragged down your panties till they reached your knees and pulled out his cock, pressing it against the wet slik your pussy created and slowly pushed himself inside you, letting out a low sigh. You move a little, your face twitching a bit. He waited a bit, before moving into you at a slow pace.
You let out a moan in your sleep, face contorting and body moving but you didn’t fully wake up. He made small grunts at the tightness, feeling it compress around him.
He wanted more…he wasn’t satisfied with the small strokes and with that his tempo increased, the long strokes of his dick had you ferociously moaning.
Your eyes open, making eye contact with Tom. “F-fuck Tom what are you doing” you say, back arching as your hands flew to his back. “What d-does it look like I’m doing” he replied, pointing the obvious. You let out a breathless sigh, as he grabbed a hold of your legs propping them onto his shoulders.
This allowed him to go in deeper, pounding into your aching hole as you screamed. He places a cold hand onto your mouth, silencing your moans. “SSSshhh- you’ll wake the others…you don’t want them h-hearing how good I’m making you feel hmm” he whispers, plummeting deep inside you.
You could smell the whiskey tainting his breath as he licked his lips, his breath hitting your face.
The cold sweat oozed off your neck, as the room became hot and humid, it was impossible to keep the loud screams of pure pleasure from spilling out, pushing your head into the crack of his neck.
Each stroke was rougher than the last feeling as if you were on cloud nine, the intense eye contact with Tom made you closer than you already were. He stroked the flying hairs from your face, sucking love bites onto your neck and bringing you into a anguished kiss. “Fuck- your still t-tight, you like fucking my shit hmm”
You moan at his words, the pupils of your eyes spinning back and your nails scratching at anything in your way. He knew you were close watching as your back arched and your lips whispered incoherent words, “Such a fucking slut” he degraded, gripping your hair.
His words sent you over the edge and you let out a silent scream, feeling the high of your orgasm at its peak as you released. he continued his violent plunges, whispering incomprehensibly to himself. “Shittttt…” he groaned, releasing his load into you as his movements slowed.
He gave you one last kiss on the lips, before passing out next to you. You took a moment to catch your breath, going to clean yourself up and coming back to the bedroom.
You kiss his cheek, before going back to sleep.
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nightdncer · 4 months
“ 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝 , 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐞 ”
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✦ synopsis : coming back home from a restaurant , and your horny boyfriend just wants some head on the road
✦ warnings : smut , oral sex , deep throat , pet names , hair pulling , overstimulated , teasing , fem!reader , fem!reader x Satoru Gojo , married , minors + ageless blogs do not interact or you’ll be blocked !
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* *.·:·.✧ ✦
“come on, get in.” he commands softly while opening the door for you as you sit and he shuts the door right after you. he then walks to the driver seats and starts driving.
you couldn’t help but to leans against him and rest your head on his shoulder, not excepting much of a reaction from him. after all, you’ve done this multiple times before. rest your head on his shoulder or maybe sometimes lap.
you watched the busy city streets get more and more bigger, causing traffic to start. “we’re gonna be here for a while, dear.” he says, with a slight teasing tone as he ruffles your hair gently. “hmm….” he huma, thinking about something deeply.
and just before you know it, his eyes widen and he starts blushing. “why are you blushing, Toru?” you asks, looking at his face. he sighs softly and shakes his head to the side. “I…” he mutters out, “I wanna feel it again.” he finally spits out his sentence.
you seemed confused until it clicked in your head. he wants head! “seriously, Toru?” you tease, giggling softly. “yes, wifey….” he says, seemingly to be ashamed of him wanting head on the road.
“you’re lucky our windows are pretty tinted.” you commented, before unzipping his pants and pulling down his boxers enough to show his length. “don’t get so distracted…” you tease once again before leaning down and letting your lips suckle on his tip.
“f- fucckk….” he pants out, gasping while petting your hair, looking at the unmoving roads. you look up at him to see how he looks like.
such a fucking pathetic man who’s trying to focus on the road while getting sucked on by his dear wife. you continued to suck of his tip, just before he forces you to take all of him, while pulling your hair.
he was guiding you on how to suck him off, most likely because he wants so much pleasure. you seems to already giving him a lot even though you just started, him panting and gasping for air. “hah…. ahhh, b- babe…!” he softly whines, already having tears in his eyes.
you slightly gag on him, but continue to deep throat him while continuing to watch his reactions. “f- fuckk…” he says as he gasps for air, “can’t fuckin’, agh…..” he whines again, tears of pleasures coming out of his eyes already.
he lets go of your hair as he stays still in the car, letting you take a breathe as well. you let his length slide out of your mouth, his length brushing against your cheek as his pre-cum slobbers against your cheek.
“oh, aren’t you so horny? just wanting to feel my-” before you could even finish your sentence, he tugs on your hair roughly and forces you to take all of him, causing you to let out a soft yet loud gagging oise.
“yeah, fucckk….” he says, trembling from pleasure as he tries to focus on the roads, even though it wasn’t moving.
he was definitely overstimulated.
“t- too good….” he pants out, as his come flows through your mouth. it was so much and was pretty hot. it obviously tasted sweet.
after all, he eats a ton of sweets and if it’s doesn’t give him a cavity or anything bad, it’ll just create the flavor of his come.
you slid his length out of your mouth, his length having your saliva and his come all over it as you try to swallow it all, but some drips out of your mouth and onto him length. “hah….” he pants out as he’s able to gain composure and he starts driving again.
you suckle on his tip to swallow every bit of him. “we’re…. home…” he says, still panting softly as he zips back up his pant and grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“we’re finishing this at home…” he coos in your ear, causing your eyes to widen in surprise, knowing what’s gonna happen next.
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toriisasimp · 5 months
Chapter 4 of ?: Don't Get Caught
An Egon Spengler x fem!reader mini-series!
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Prompt: Your suit has arrived! Everyone is so thrilled to see you as an official member of the team, especially Egon. He is anxious to show you how he feels.. and later formulates the perfect plan to get you alone.
Warnings: SMUT AHEAD! Other than that, nothing!
A/N: Egon in this chapter got me blushiiiiin. Y'all are not ready. Or maybe, if you're a sexually frustrated young adult like me, you are! Minors DNI. Enjoy!
That evening, Janine decided to surprise you with your suit- a smaller khaki jumpsuit, and your embroidered name tag. The sight of it hanging up made you grin, giggle, and jump around for a few seconds before you got ahold of yourself.
You now stood inside the sleeping quarters, with the door shut. You zipped up the suit and stared at yourself in the bathroom mirror for a moment, letting out a sharp exhale as you smoothed the fabric over your legs. 
Your boots clambered on the wood floor as you approached the bedroom door, giving it a gentle knock.
“You guys ready?”
Peter, Ray, Winston, Janine and Egon were all seated outside of the room- awaiting the reveal of your suit. Janine wanted to see it on to make sure it fit, and thought the guys might want to see it as well.  
“Come on out, potato sack!” Peter whooped.
“It does not look like a potato sack, Pete.” Winston nudged him. “..On her, at least. Now, on you..”
“Oh, shut it, Zeddemo-“ Peter was quickly cut off by the door opening and you stepping out. In your combat boots, belt, and jumpsuit- you truly looked the part. You nervously smiled and smoothed out the fabric again.
“Does it look okay?” It was then that you assessed everyone’s reactions.
Winston and Ray were smiling proudly, both nodding in agreement.
Peter whistled, looking you up and down.
And Egon.. well, Egon was bright red, his hands clasped in front of him. 
Before you could say much else, Janine walked over, adjusting the collar. “It’s not too big here, is it hun?” She tugged on the sleeves.
“Oh, no no. It fits like a glove.” You say with a smile, and she raises her hand to pat your cheek. “Good. You look great.” She then steps off to head back downstairs.
Winston gave you a polite and approving nod before stepping away, Ray coming up to pat your shoulder and compliment how well you looked.
“Got anything on under there, princess..?” Peter chuckles and approaches you, and you put a hand up, blocking him. 
“Shut up, Peter. You’re gross.”
“I’m just being honest!”
You roll your eyes and he blows you a kiss before moving around you to step into the bedroom.
Your eyes fall to Egon, who is staring back at you. Hungrier, this time. Less bashful. 
A small smirk plays on your lips as he begins to B-line towards you, and you take a few steps back, before he grabs ahold of your wrist and tugs you into a storage closet behind you.
The door shuts and its pitch black, but you feel his hands run over your waist, down your thighs, his face finding its place in the crook of your neck, leaving kisses and marks there.
You breathily giggle, your head falling back as your fingers run through his curls, messing them up. 
“Egon-“ You breathe out.
“Look at you.” He murmurs, muffled by his face being buried, and you lift his head, holding both sides of his face and looking him in the eyes.
“I know.” You whisper, before he smashes his lips against yours, hands wandering desperately- soft pants and whines leaving you as he feels you up, your hands find their spot on the collar of his shirt.
“Not here, we-“ You giggle. “Could get caught..” He kisses you consistently, and you only have moments to speak when you pull away to breathe.
He pulls away, your noses brushing as he speaks lowly. “Does it look like I care?”
His sentences makes your heart flutter and you feel like your skin is buzzing. 
“They could walk in.”
Egon huffs. He doesn’t lean back in, but keeps his hands on you.
“We..” One of his hands lowers, resting on your inner thigh. You hold your breath. His lips are right at your ear. “..Are not done here.”
You playfully shove him off and laugh, re-zipping up your suit after he somehow managed to get it halfway undone. “You're so gross.” You laugh.
“I simply want to please my woman.” He says with a wink, before gripping the handle of the door and swinging it open to step out, leaving you breathless.
The sentence he left you with makes you blush, and you look down, shuffling in your boots for a moment before stepping out after him. Thankfully, nobody was nearby.
The rest of the day, the two of you are eyeing each other, trying to remain casual around the others. You were just wondering when he was going to pounce.
That night, you’re laying in bed, and he’s in his- you can tell by the breathing you hear behind you. The tension could be cut with a knife. But eventually, you both doze off.. dreaming of.. things.
The next day was a normal work day, taking a few calls around town with Ray. You returned back to Egon that evening with a sample of some more slime, and you took note at how swiftly the other guys left.
Holding the small tub of slime, you watch as Ray and Peter swiftly pack up their things for the night and head for the stairs.
“Hey, where are you guys heading off to so quickly? I was thinking we could order in-“
“Ah, I promised Dana I’d stay home with Oscar while she went out with some friends-“ Peter excused himself.
“.. And I’ve got.. things.” Ray waved a hand around, making you furrow your brows. “Goodnight, kid!” Ray said as the sound of the front door shutting could be heard.
“What the hell?” You murmured, turning around slowly and seeing Egon at the workbench next to the microscope.
“Bring that over here, please.” Egon spoke up, engrossed in tending to one of his many spores. 
You huffed and walked over, doing the procedure of putting some of the slime on a slide and putting it under the microscope. “Any clue what that was all about?” You ask, before leaning over to look into the microscope.
Egon shrugged, eyes flickering over to you looking at the slime. He wrapped up his work on the spore, before moving to stand behind you, arms coming around on either side of you to adjust the knobs to make the picture more clear.
“Better?” He asks softly, and you reply with a silent nod.
As you’re examining the slime, mumbling some random observations and information about it and how you got it, you feel Egon’s presence remain behind you, and his hands move from the knobs to rest gently on your waist.
Your talking slows for a brief moment, perhaps he’s just moving around you, you think. But no, his touch doesn’t falter.
“Keep talking.” He speaks slowly, giving your waist a gentle squeeze. Your breath catches in your throat as he pressed his front flush against your backside, making one of your hands brace against the edge of the workbench. 
You obey his direction, continuing your explanation of the slime. You hear the tub of slime next to you gurgle, but you can’t see it because you’re still focused on the microscope.
You shiver as his fingers tease the skin right under the hem of your shirt, and you finally raise your head from the microscope.
“Egon-“ You whisper, straightening up enough for your back to be pressed against his chest. He takes the opportunity to walk you both forward a few steps, caging you in between him and the workbench. 
The slime reacts, gurgling and bubbling again.
You then notice his lab coat has been abandoned, and his button up sleeves have been rolled up as his arms move to wrap around you, his face burying in your neck.
“Was this your plan all along? Get the boys out so you could-“ You breathe out a laugh, one of your hands lifting to tangle in his curls.
“You said you didn’t want to get caught, right?” He asks, voice muffled slightly as he pressed kisses to your neck and jawline. “Now, I can finally touch you..” His voice trails off as his hands move to lift your shirt slightly, running over the skin of your stomach. Your knuckles turn white against the workbench, and you swallow hard to keep down a whine.
As his hands trace over the waistband of your jeans, your hips buck accidentally, and a barely audible whine forms at the back of your throat, and you can hear him chuckle lowly behind you. The slime bubbles.
“You’ve been thinking the same thing too, haven’t you?”
All you can do is take a heavy breath, and you feel your senses heighten as he unbuttons your jeans, and smoothly slides a hand in.. lowering down to tease a hand between your folds.
Your jaw drops, head dropping forward and hand flying to hold his wrist. He follows your movements, keeping his chest flush against your back, lips by your ear. “There she is..” He murmurs.
A soft moan finally escapes you, as he begins to circle your clit- and you swear you can hear him moan along with you.. feeling something pressing against your backside. Christ.
The slime bubbles so much it begins to overflow, onto the workbench surface.
Your head tilts back, resting against his shoulder as your fingers keep hold on his curls, the other on his wrist. “Right there-“ You bite your lip.
“There?” He intentionally moves away from the spot that had you shaking.
“No-“ You whine, and it brings a chuckle out of him. He finally moves his fingers back to the spot and slips them in, beginning to pump them in and out. 
“Egon-!” You moan out his name, and it’s like music to his ears. His cheeks are flushed, and he can feel himself harden against you as he gets you off.
“You’re close, I can feel it.” He whispers against your ear; and it makes you shiver, hand tightening around his wrist. After a few more pumps of his fingers and kisses on your neck, your climax washed over you, making your head fall forward again, hand slipping away from his wrist to brace against the counter. The slime container had tipped over, spilled all over the workbench. You whisper out his name a final time, chest rising and falling quickly as you catch your breath.
“Good, very good..” He murmurs, removing his hand from your pants and fixing them back up. “Very good results..” 
What you don’t see is him licking your juices clean off his fingers, and adjusting his own pants before his arms wrap around you from behind, more gentle this time.
“Conducted another experiment there, Doctor Spengler..?” You ask hazily. 
“Mm.. or perhaps I just wanted to finish what I started.”
You snort. “Yeah- that’s for sure.” Your eyes flutter shut, turning in his arms to wrap yours around his neck, and rest your head on his chest.
He laughs along with you, you can feel the vibration of his chest. “You should go lay down. I’ll order us food.” He says softly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head and swaying gently.
“Mm.. Chinese?”
“I was thinking Thai.”
“Or maybe Mexican?” You glance up at him, and see him smiling down at you.
“Mexican it is.” 
You nod at your agreement, and step away to shuffle off to the bedroom, to change into something more comfortable.
The evening concluded with a feast of Mexican between the two of you, winding down with some sudoku (that Egon aced, and took you half an hour to finish one page), and both of you eventually went to bed.. sharing the bed for the night since the other occupants had went home.
He curled up behind you, falling fast asleep. You made sure to take off his glasses for him and set them on the bedside table, since he always forgot.
You felt sleep tug you under, as you felt safe in the arms of your favorite scientist. 
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goayeos · 3 months
:♡.•♬✧⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾*+:•*∴↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ↻ ◁ II ▷
Anyone's allowed to join, this is just for fun! ♡
scroll to end for results!
1: how long have you been on tumblr?
a: -5 months(10 pts)
b: 5+ months (25 pts)
c: 1-2 years (50 pts)
d: 3-5+ years (100 pts)
e: 10+ years (150 pts)
2: when did you become a writer?
a: -5 months(150 pts)
b: 5+ months (100 pts)
c: 1-2 years (50 pts)
d: 3+ years (25 pts)
e: 5+ years (10 pts)
3: what's your main genre?
a: fluff (10 pts)
b: angst (25 pts)
c: smut (50 pts)
d: other (100 pts)
e: all (150 pts)
4: who do you write for?
a: boy groups (10 pts)
b: girl groups (25 pts)
c: both (50 pts)
d: soloists (100 pts)
e: all (150 pts)
f: (bonus) other fandoms (250 pts)
5: any specifics?
a: I stick with one group/soloist (10 pts)
b: mainly my bias (25 pts)
c: I try others occasionally (50 pts)
d: I do only three-five groups (100 pts)
e: I write everyone (150 pts)
6: how many works have been published?
a: -5 (10 pts)
b: 5+ (25 pts)
c: 15+ (50 pts)
d: 50+ (100 pts)
e: 100+ (150 pts)
f: (bonus) 150+ (250 pts)
7: what are the wips looking like?
a: empty (10 pts)
b: could be worse (25 pts)
c: starting to get a bit packed (50 pts)
d: I'm starting to stress out (100 pts)
e: writer's block my greatest enemy (150 pts)
8: have you ever collabed?
a: I'm a lone wolf (10 pts)
b: I want to! (25 pts)
c: thought about it but don't have the patience/time (50 pts)
d: yes! (100 pts)
e: multiple times (250 pts)
9: are you ethnic diverse friendly?
a: I stick to korean y/n. (10 pts)
b: I stick to my race (25 pts)
c: too nervous to try other groups (50 pts)
d: I'm open to write for other groups! (100 pts)
e: I write for more than my group (150 pts)
10: are you LGBTQIA+ friendly?
a: only writing hetero! (10 pts)
b: only writing BL (25 pts)
c: only writing GL (50 pts)
d: other (100 pts)
e: I write for all identities! (150 pts)
f: (bonus) I write poly! (250 pts)
11: do you create ocs?
a: no, just Y/N (10 pts)
b: I only do memberxmember (25 pts)
c: thought about it 50 pts)
d: have them don't use them (100 pts)
e: yes I use ocs! (150 pts)
12: what is your content made up of?
a: just writing (10 pts)
b: audios+links (25 pts)
c: edits+trailers (50 pts)
d: mood boards (100 pts)
e: all (150 pts)
13: how do you feel about band crossovers?
a: um, I rather just stick to my group (10 pts)
b: hm, sounds interesting (25 pts)
c: I've thought about crossing groups (50 pts)
d: I've written crossovers! (100 pts)
e: I've written groupxgroup (150 pts)
14: where are you located?
a: north america (10 pts)
b: south america (25 pts)
c: asia (50 pts)
d: europe (100 pts)
e: africa (150 pts)
f: oceania (200 pts)
g: (bonus) central america (250 pts)
15: do you work outside of tumblr?
a: nope, tumblr girlie 4L (10 pts)
b: I use wattpad too (25 pts)
c: ao3 girlie (50 pts)
d: multiple (100 pts)
e: no, but I do other stuff on insta/tiktok! (150 pts)
f: (bonus) all socials (250 pts)
16: how are the moots looking?
a: we only follow (10 pts)
b: we reblog and like (25 pts)
c: we're friendly :) (50 pts)
d: I talk to them occasionally! (100 pts)
e: they're my marital spouse(s) atp (150 pts)
17: is there any other fandoms aside from kpop?
a: nope! (10 pts)
b: yes, but I don't write for them (25 pts)
c: yes! I've been thinking of writing for them (50 pts)
d: I've done kpopx(-) crossover (100 pts)
e: yes! I write for them separately (150 pts)
18: what was the first work like?
a: a FLOP, fish out of water (10 pts)
b: it did okay, I was just starting (25 pts)
c: better than I thought, but wasn't astronomical (50 pts)
d: woke up surprised (100 pts)
e: wow, I wrote that!? (150 pts)
19: what layout is your main?
a: drabbles/timestamps (10 pts)
b: oneshots (25 pts)
c: series (50 pts)
d: headcannon (100 pts)
e: reactions (150 pts)
f: (bonus) all/other (250 pts)
20: do you have a specific theme for your blog?
a: no, everything's uncoordinated, yolo (10 pts)
b: yes, but I eventually switch aesthetics (25 pts)
c: it changes like every month (50 pts)
d: yes! same aesthetic for everything (100 pts)
e: I make themes for others! (150 pts)
21: how seriously do you take your work?
a: it's just for funsies! (10 pts)
b: I take it somewhat serious (25 pts)
c: I would like to be a novelist in the future (50 pts)
d: I want my work to be put into movies/TV shows (100 pts)
e: I'm a fanfic writer and future tumblr icon (150 pts)
22: do you do idol aus?
a: I only do non-idol aus (10 pts)
b: I only do idol-aus (25 pts)
c: I've thought about it (50 pts)
d: I do a mix of the two! (100 pts)
e: I do idol aus in my own way (150 pts)
23: have you met your bias(es) irl?
a: nope! (10 pts)
b: I've met other idols (25 pts)
c: I've seen my favs! (50 pts)
d: I've met my favs! (100 pts)
e: I've met them multiple times! (150 pts)
f: (bonus) I'm going to see them soon! (250 pts)
24: have you met that author?
a: no, they don't know I exist (10 pts)
b: we've interacted, but aren't moots (25 pts)
c: we're moots! (50 pts)
d: we talk occasionally! (100 pts)
e: my pookiewookieschmuckmsbear (150 pts)
25: how do you feel about the kpop community on tumblr?
a: ugh! toxic! (10 pts)
b: could be better (25 pts)
c: I stick with my fandom! (50 pts)
d: I visit other fandoms sometimes (100 pts)
e: lol I live here y'all ain't getting rid of me (150 pts)
f: (bonus) I'm actually an OG (300 pts)
˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ ꒰ ⌨ ✰ RESULTS ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱⁿᵍ··· ꒱ | ೃ࿔₊•
250-350 pts, staff member
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You're a staff member! Which means you range from being a stylist to even a bodyguard! The range you have my, my.. which will you choose? Your only task is to keep out of controversy and scandals!
350-500 pts, trainee
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You passed your audition! Which company are you under? What position do you think you'll have if you debut in a group? Whatever's your forte, you must be rlly good at it ♡
500-625 pts, rookie
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Congratulations on debuting! You're already off to a fresh start and the world can't wait to see more of you. You were already awarded rookie of the year!
625-700 pts, soloist
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Soloist, you're icon material. You're a one (wo)man show but you got the power of a band. Your fans constantly ask for a collab with another soloist or idol that they ship you with, it's kind of amusing. Maybe you'll give them that couples stage one day.
700-900 pts, girl group / boy group
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You landed in a boy/girl group! What's your fixed position in the group? Main vocal? You must sound like heaven! Or main dancer? Visual? You got it all. Maybe you're the most biased or popular too! Just make sure to share the spotlight with your fellow bandmates, you don't want them to look like backup or your entourage.
900-1150 pts, 5th gen it girl/boy
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The generation JUST started and you're already declared it girl/boy!? How much influence did you have? Damn, you're an icon in the making. Just be prepared for the oncoming onslaught of bullshit that may transpire.
1150-1250 pts, 4th gen it girl/boy
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Right where K-Pop is reaching peak with the younger generation, all eyes are on you globally! Be a role model for the teens and young adults, show them what "it girl/boy" really means.
1250-2000 pts, 3rd gen it girl/boy
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Ah, you're either over loved or over hated. There's no in between. Lucky thing about you though is your influence that you bring into the industry, and the fourth/fifth gen idols look up to you as a mentor.
2000-2500 pts, 2nd gen it girl/boy
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What a time, when K-Pop was peak experimenting. the KBS was switching and changing back to back, and being the it girl/boy, your face was modeled after when it came to cosmetic procedures. You're seen as a K-Pop icon for the older generations.
2500-3000 pts, 1st gen it girl/boy
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Just when everything was starting out. Your face was everywhere on TV and the girls and boys alike always tried to dress like you everywhere they went. Your song was on constant repeat as people shopped in the mall, and even though you weren't big globally, you were that bitch in Korea. (Even if the parents weren't fond of you.)
If you got more than 3500...
Congratulations you're a fucking icon
JYPAPI bitch, uh huh.
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Do I even have to put it into words? I-CON— nah-
peak cunty peak everything you're just a fucking legend. and my oppar. love ya!
ミミ◦❧◦°˚°◦.¸¸◦°´*•.¸♡ ★ ♡¸.•*´°◦¸¸.◦°˚°◦☙◦彡彡
So... I hope this was fun 😭😭, it took me I kid you not seven hours to make. I've been working on it since 17:40sum, and it's 00:22... lmk if I should make more games like this one or if it was ass. Honestly it's for shits and giggles. 😭🫶
- 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑠 ♡
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ro-is-struggling · 2 years
hello lovely!! i hope you are having a wonderful day. i was hoping for your 600 follower celebration if i could request prompt 17 from the part 1 list with james potter? where james is character B and has had feelings for the reader for a while? reader has always had some level of feelings for james but always repressed them and then the event happens and a lot of repressed feelings come to the surface with smut?
Hi beautiful💜 Thank you so much for participating! I really enjoyed working on this request even though I had a bit of a writer's block in the middle of it and I struggled with the ending a little :( I'm sorry if it's not as smutty as you wanted :( but I hope you like it!!
More Than Friends || James Potter x Reader
Summary: Looking to get back at your ex-boyfriend, you ask James to help you make him jealous. You thought he was the best choice for the job since he was your best friend —what could go wrong? However, things get out of control and old feelings come to the surface.
Warnings: friends to lovers, mutual pining, make out session, love confessions, fluff, implied smut
English is not my first language
Word count: 3400
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You couldn't believe Mason had the audacity to do what he was doing. You guys had only been broken up for a few weeks and he was already walking the halls of Hogwarts with his new girlfriend by his side. You hated him. You hated him for moving on so fast. You hated him for the way he ignored you and acted like you never mattered to him, like you never existed. You hated him for replacing you with her so fast, taking her everywhere you used to go. You hated him for walking past you holding her, making you feel like you were worthless. His apathy made you feel like an idiot for being sad. Apparently you had been the only one who felt anything in that relationship, the only one who cared about the other.
"We can take care of him for you," James' voice next to you snapped you out of your thoughts, reluctantly looking away from your ex-boyfriend to look at your friends. "Just say the word and we'll make his life a living hell, right guys?" The rest of the marauders nodded enthusiastically, eagerly awaiting your approval so they could get revenge on the bastard who had hurt their friend. Sometimes you thought they wanted revenge more than you did.
It was sweet that they cared so much about you, but you didn't want any more trouble, and you knew that if you gave them permission to take care of the situation that would be all you'd end up getting. "Nah, it's fine. He is not worth your time" you said, even though part of you really wanted to see your ex-boyfriend suffer at the hands of your friends. But you didn't want to stoop down to his level, you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of letting him know that his indifference affected you, so you swallowed all your emotions and hid them under an expression of disdain.
However, by the time the weekend came around you were tired of being the bigger person. You wanted Mason to feel at least a quarter of what you felt watching him walk around the school with another girl as if you didn't exist. You wanted to provoke some reaction in him that would show you that you had meant something to him too, that you had been more than a pastime. You just didn't know how to do it, he seemed to have forgotten about your existence completely.
Then a crazy idea popped into your head. It was risky and a little silly, but at that moment you didn't care. All you wanted was to get back at your ex-boyfriend and there was nothing you weren't willing to do to get it. 
"I need your help to get back at Mason," was the first thing you said to James when you opened his bedroom door without even knocking first —there was no time for formalities.
"I thought you'd never ask!" he said with a smile. He always thought Mason was a jerk who didn't deserve you and the only reason he hadn't let him know that yet was because you wouldn't let him. "Let's go find the guys so we can start planning." 
James got up from his spot on the bed, but you motioned for him to sit back down, settling in next to him. "I only need you for what I have in mind."
"And what is it that you have in mind?" he asked both curious and confused.
"I-I want to make him jealous," you muttered nervously. You were about to ask too much of your best friend and you didn't quite know how to put it into words so as not to sound like a complete nut job. "I thought you could help me with that."
"How so?" James was intrigued, but part of him was sad. If you wanted to make Mason jealous it meant you still had feelings for him. You wanted his attention back and that crushed James' hopes completely. He was planning to confess how he really felt about you one of these days, but now he would have to keep his big secret to himself once again. 
"So... you know there's this party tomorrow, right?" you said trying to find the right words to explain your plan. James nodded slightly, noticing the way your fingers fiddled nervously with the hem of your skirt. "I thought we could go together and... umm... and act like we were into each other to make him jealous, you know."
It took James a few seconds to process your words. He was honestly surprised at your idea and he wondered how desperate you were to get Mason's attention. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" 
He couldn't help but ask you that question. His brain and heart were involved in an interesting debate about it and he needed to know your perspective before reaching a verdict. His brain was convinced it was a terrible idea that would only lead to confusion and awkward moments. The voice of reason in his head was screaming at him to refuse your request, to not let himself be persuaded by your sweet smile and tell you to find someone else to help you —he was pretty sure Sirius would have no problem with that.
But his heart that was stupidly and completely in love with you kept telling him to take advantage of the situation. Holding you close and kissing you for one night was better than never doing it, even if it was all an act to get another guy to pay attention to you. Maybe that would be the only chance to call you his that he would ever get so he couldn't say no to it, right?
"I thought about it and I wouldn't be asking you if I didn't think it could work," you assured him with a warm smile, hoping to inspire some sort of reassurance in him. 
"Don't you think it could be weird?" James insisted, wanting to make sure you had really thought things through. 
"No, I mean, I trust you. You're my best friend, Jamie." The use of the affectionate nickname made James' heart melt in his chest, leaving him a little stupid for a few seconds. He loved it when you called him that. "It has to be you. There's no one I trust more… Besides, Mason was always a little jealous of you, so it's perfect."
James wasn't as convinced as you were that it was a good idea. He was afraid of the feelings that might surface in him when he held you against his body, when he felt your lips on his skin. If you were to kiss him he wasn't sure he would be able to control his heart. But at the same time the idea of finally having the chance to know how your lips would feel against his was tempting him. Maybe spending a lifetime of agony and suffering missing the soft caresses of your mouth was better than spending a lifetime of doubts and regrets, wondering every day what it would feel like to kiss you.
"C'mon, James! Pleaseee" you begged him with a pout, your eyes full of anticipation. "You said you'd do anything, please."
He couldn't resist your charms and ended up agreeing without even knowing the details of your plan. Something he would regret in the not too distant future.
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The plan was simple. You would arrive at the party together, spend the night dancing and "flirting" with each other and at some point disappear to the dorms, always making sure Mason saw everything. You hoped that the implication of what would happen would be enough to spark some sort of reaction in him, but in case it wasn't you had an ace up your sleeve. 
It had taken a bit of convincing to get James to agree to the final part of your plan: you needed him to give you hickeys all over your neck, a visible mark that you hoped would make Mason's blood boil.
The party started early in the Gryffindor common room, filling the tower with students from all houses looking to unwind from the stress and pressure of the week. You didn't come down from the dorms until your best friend and roommate confirmed that Mason was already there. Then you made your grand entrance, taking just a couple of seconds to search the crowd for your ex-boyfriend before running into James' arms, who was hanging out with his friends standing directly in front of Mason. 
"Thank you for doing this," you thanked him again, whispering in his ear after giving him a kiss on the cheek.
James smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you close against him, holding you tight against his chest as his nose got lost in the scent of your hair. "Don't mention it," he murmured, his breath colliding against your ear awakening a shiver that ran down your spine. You had to admit that his proximity left you feeling a little stupid, your brain struggling to comprehend what the tingling that slowly spread throughout your body meant. 
Things only got worse from that point on. Your thirst for revenge was completely forgotten as you danced with James on the makeshift dance floor. Your eyes met Mason's a couple of times, but you weren't able to pay attention to him for more than two seconds, losing yourself completely in the explosive combination that turned out to be the sensual rhythm of the music and the warmth of James' body pressed against yours. He was all that occupied your mind.
James' hands on your body aroused a strange but pleasurable sensation. You weren't doing anything new, as the best friends you two were, you had danced together many times, but this time it felt different. There was a strange tension in the air that hung over you and grew more and more overwhelming with each passing second. You didn't know if James could feel it too, but you could and it was making it hard to breathe. You wanted to run out of there, to get away from James until you could catch your breath —and regain your sanity—, but you hated the idea of being separated from his warmth, of no longer feeling his hands on your hips, so you stayed close to him. You had no idea what it was that had awakened such a reaction in you, but you didn't want James to leave your side ever again. 
"He's looking right at us, if we go now he'll definitely know about us." James' voice snapped you out of your thoughts, forcing you back to reality. You remembered then why you were doing what you were doing, feeling a bit embarrassed for letting yourself get carried away like that. 
But you were there to put on a show, so you stood on your tiptoes to reach James' ear, grabbing his shoulders to keep your balance. "Let's go then," you whispered in his ear, your lips lingering over the area longer than necessary as you fought the urge to playfully bite his earlobe. What was happening to you?
You disappeared down the stairs amidst playful giggles, heading towards James' bedroom to hide for a while. The further away from the music and the warmth of the people dancing around you two you got, the more you questioned what had happened —and what you were about to do. When this idea occurred to you, you didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but now you weren't so sure. The feelings he had awakened in you with a simple touch were not normal, not for a pair of friends at least. Was it possible that you still had feelings for him? You'd had a little crush on James the first two years at Hogwarts, but after years of watching him run after Lily you thought you'd gotten over it. You had accepted that you were just friends and that was all you would be for a long time, or so you thought.
“You still want to do this?” James asked you when you got to his room. He noticed the change in your demeanor right away —he knew you too well not to. You were distracted and he even dared to say a little tense, so he wanted to make sure you were both on the same page. He was dying to feel the soft skin of your neck under his lips, but he wouldn't do anything you didn't want him to. "I don't think it's necessary, I mean have you seen his face? I think he got the message."
"I want to do it," you were quick to reply —maybe a little too quick. You still wanted to go through with your plan, though perhaps not for the same reasons as before. "Just to make sure this works, you know," you added, a little embarrassed by the determination in your voice. The last thing you needed at that moment was James finding out that you were desperate to feel his lips on your neck.
"Fine," he said, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to you. "So, how do you want to do this?"
It was awkward at first as you settled into a position that would allow you to be comfortable. Part of you wanted to jump on his lap and let James do whatever he wanted with you, but you knew that wasn't appropriate so you settled for getting as close as you could to him, throwing your head back to grant him better access to your neck. Your whole body tingled with anticipation as James prepared himself, his fingers lightly tracing your skin as he brushed your hair away from your shoulder. You stopped breathing for a moment, your muscles tensing with nerves. 
When James' warm breath hit the sensitive skin of your neck you instinctively closed your eyes. Your fingers tightened around the fabric of the comforter that covered the bed as you struggled to stay still, fearing that any reaction would expose the feelings that were bubbling up inside of you. The anticipation was killing you. Time seemed to slow down, trapping you in the torture that was feeling the warmth of James' body next to yours but not his lips. When the tip of his nose brushed against your skin you had to bite your tongue to keep from letting out a desperate sigh, tightening your grip on the comforter to contain the urge you had to take his face in your hands and close the distance between you.
And then you felt it. 
His soft lips made contact with the skin of your neck, placing a quick, experimental kiss. It was nothing special, just a simple kiss to test the waters, but that alone had you biting your tongue to keep from letting out a sigh. When he saw that you didn't back away he doubled down, sucking lightly on your skin to start creating the first marks.
You forgot about the world around you after that —your ex-boyfriend, the party, the weird feelings that had plagued your mind all night. The only thing that mattered to you at that moment were James' lips and the delicate but passionate way in which they caressed your skin. His nose tickled your neck as he trailed his wet kisses down your skin, kissing and sucking until he left reddish marks that would only get worse with time. Every movement of his tongue on your skin awakened a wave of arousal inside you that went straight to your core. Pleasure quickly clouded your mind, keeping you from doing anything but enjoying the moment, surrendering under James' lips as you pressed your legs together in search of some friction that would ease the throbbing between your legs.
James also stopped caring about the world around him, letting himself get lost in the fantasy that you were his and he was yours. Your perfume attacked his nostrils, filling his thoughts with inappropriate images of you moaning his name as he trailed his kisses all over your body. He could feel your pulse quicken with every kiss he gave you, the veins in your neck throbbing against his curious lips. That only egged him on, fueling his fantasy that you wanted this as much as he did. So he gave you more, completely forgetting that this was supposed to be just a favor between friends and not some kind of confession of love. He no longer cared if you found out how he felt about you, all he wanted was to hold you in his arms and kiss you until he couldn't feel his lips. 
When James nibbled on your neck, sucking hard on your pulse point, you couldn't help but let out a moan. You didn't even realize you did it until it was too late. James stopped for a moment, surprised and excited by the sweet sound that had just escaped your lips. He wondered if maybe it was a good time to stop, but then you whined in protest, your hand traveling to his head to push him further against your skin. He got the message immediately, continuing his assault on your neck without allowing himself to think about the morality of what you were doing.
It wasn't long before you were lying back on the bed, pulling James down on top of you as you began your attack on his lips. Your hands roamed his body desperately, tugging at his clothes until you had contact with the warm skin of his torso. He helped you remove his shirt, pulling away from you for a moment so he could toss the piece of fabric to the other side of the room before kissing you again. His hands caressed your body with a shy gentleness, his fingers slipping under your tank top and arousing a tingling sensation along the way. 
You felt like you were on fire, your heart was beating rapidly against your chest and your lungs were struggling to catch a breath. You were desperate to feel James' skin against yours. You wanted to feel every inch of him and let him do with you what he wanted. You were completely lost in the moment, enjoying the way James trailed his wet kisses down your lips to your jaw, sliding down your neck until he reached your collarbone.
You opened your eyes to admire the scene in front of you and when your eyes made contact with James' you realized what you were doing. Reality hit you like a train, common sense replacing the desire that had clouded your mind. You were friends, best friends in fact, and friends weren't supposed to kiss like that. You weren't supposed to want to feel the warmth of his hands running down your body or the caress of his lips on your skin. 
"Wait, wait," you muttered with ragged breaths, sitting up in bed to put some distance between you and James. "This is wrong... we're friends, we shouldn't..."
"I know, I know," James said, closing his eyes for a moment as he collected his thoughts. "But you can't look me in the eyes and tell me that didn't feel right. "
You fell silent for a moment. He was right, you couldn't. That intimate moment you shared had felt so good, so right, as if it was what you were meant to do from the moment you met. It was natural, something you should have done a long time ago.  It was clear you both liked each other, so what was stopping you?
"If you really want to stop, we'll stop." James spoke, snapping you out of your thoughts. "I just want you to know that I really like you. I've waited a long time to tell you, looking for the right time, you know... I don't know if this is it, I just know that I can't keep hiding what I feel." 
His confession took you by surprise for some reason —as if it was something weird after having his tongue down your throat as you kissed— so you responded with a kiss, not trusting your ability to formulate coherent sentences. This kiss was different from the previous ones, it was full of love and tenderness. Your lips caressed James' with the passion of years of repressed feelings. You clung to his body, sitting on his lap to keep his body as close to yours as possible. And as you melted into one in a swirl of love and passion you assured him that he was the only man you wanted to wake up next to for the rest of your life.
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chans-room · 27 days
Spookyfest 2024
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🎃It’s that time of year again!👻
Requests are open for headcanons, rankings, moodboards, fake texts, reactions, and drabbles. I will take sfw and nsfw requests and I’m willing to do multiple groups for the same concept. You just have to tell me who you want to see 🖤
Rules for requesting: Anything goes! Dead dove, dark content, yandere, murder, smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, AUs, etc! I’ll try to do as many as I can. I don’t have many hard limits as to what I’ll write; my only hard no's are parent fics and pregnancy fics. Otherwise, feel free to send in whatever you desire!
Groups you can request for: Stray Kids, Ateez, Seventeen, SHINee, KARD, Block B, BTOB, Got7, EXO, Monsta X, and NCT/WayV!
Last year's Spookyfest entries can be found on my masterlist 👻 here 👻
Important note: I already have 10 spookyfest wips I'm working on, most from last year that I didn't complete in time! If you sent a request last year, please be aware I have every intention of completing it.
🎃 Happy haunting!
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beaker1636 · 1 year
The Alphabet Game - Intro and Masterlist
A/N: Here is the intro to the 26 part story I have been challenged to make! 18+ as every chapter will be full of smut. Warnings include pretty much everything, there will be sex, toys, impact play, bdsm elements, etc. All parts will be linked at the bottom as they get written so here is the intro and lets get this party started!
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“So Mia has been reading a lot again right? Well the plot of the book she is currently reading sounds like it could be a fun game…” Chris trails off, looking around the lounge of the bus to gauge his friends' reactions.  He notices the confused looks on all of their faces.
“Is it another one of her books that's basically porn?” Rick asks, raising an eyebrow as he asks Chris.
“Well, yeah, obviously if we made it into a game we would need the girls in on it,” Chris says, his tone now sounding a bit annoyed, like he was asked the most obvious question in the world. 
“So what is it? Can’t exactly get us to agree when we don’t even know what you are asking?” Ryan asks, glancing over from the game that he and Vin are playing only for a brief second.
“In the book the couple is going through the alphabet with different sex things.  So like A could be Anal, B blindfold, etc.  So I figured it could be a fun challenge we could do if we made it a game, like we could rotate letters and have to complete our letter on our day.  We’re all pretty open about the shit we do, and even if we weren’t our girls definitely are so it wouldn't be that odd to do shit like this.” Chris smirks, he knows all of them would  agree… except maybe Vinny who is pretty private about his private life to everyone except for Rick, who he is the closest to.
“How  would we know if someone actually did their letter, couldn’t we lie and say we completed our challenge when we didn’t?” Just asks, feeling like he shouldn’t be as interested in this as he currently is.
“The girls talk about literally everything, so if we  had them tell each other the next morning how it went then the problem would be solved,” Rick suggests. “I know they wouldn’t lie to each other, have you heard some of the shit they’ve shared with one another? But the real question is are there any consequences if we don’t complete our letter? I feel like the game would be useless without any punishments for not finishing it.”
“You get cock blocked until your next turn?” Ryan suggests. “In some cases that could be quite awhile depending what our performance schedule is before we finish the game.” He is mostly joking about the cock blocking thing but that changes when he realizes that they all seem on board with this,
“What are you thinking Vin? You are silent over there,” Justin asks the drummer who looks conflicted about all of this.
“I-I mean I guess I’m in, might be weird but if you are all doing it I’d feel left out. Just don’t think you’d get a very down and dirty play by play about whatever,” he says with a shrug, still not totally on board with the game but he doesn’t want to be let out.
“But wait, shouldn’t we make it a rule that the person who gives you your task has to make sure you have what you need to complete it? Like we can’t guarantee that the person has a blindfold or whatever on hand ready to use?” Ryan says, looking around the room.
“Good point, okay so why don’t we go youngest to oldest, and whoever just completed a letter can decide what the next person has to do.  So Vinny would go first and then would give Ryan his task and onwards.  We could start next week one we are home for a while, all we have are a few festivals here and there to go to,” Chris says, taking a sip of his water.
“Why do I have to be the first, asshole,” Vinny groans, making the others all chuckle from their spots.
“Well, let the games begin,” Ricky says with a smirk.
Links below as uploaded:
A is For Altoid - Vinny
B is For Body Oil - Ryan
C is For Cyber Sex - Justin
D is For Dianism - Ricky
E is For Exhibitionism - Chris
F is For Face Sitting - Vinny
G is for 'Guy'brator - Ryan
H is for Only Hands - Justin
I is for Impact Play - Ricky
J for JOI - Chris
K is For Kitchen Table - Vinny
L is For Lap Dance - Ryan
M is for Martymachlia - Justin
N is for Ninja Sex - Ricky
O - is for Orgasm Denial - Chris
P- is for Pearl Necklace - Vinny
Q is for Quickie - Ryan
R is for Remote Control Vibrator - Justin
S is for She’s in Charge - Rick
T is for Threesome - Chris ft. ??
U is for Uniform (dress up) - Vinny
V is for Vibrators - Ryan
W is for Worship - Justin
X is for X-rated - Ricky
Y is for Yoni Massage - Chris
Bonus - Christmas Celebration
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sitp-recs · 9 months
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HP Rec Fest, Day 19
@hprecfest couldn’t come up with a better prompt on my birthday if they wanted 😂 my moment to be the horny on main has finally come (pun intended) and I had so much fun planning this rec post - it’s been a long time coming too, as naturally this was the very first prompt I checked when the fest started! You can probably guess just by looking at this rec list that I’m a big smut fan and champion. I love reading it, talking about it and reccing it. The fics I reread the most are PWPs and I’m even more obsessed when they offer hot dirty talk (am actually picky about it!) and exceptional character development. In fact, some of the most insightful, sensitive and sophisticated character studies I’ve seen come from deeply underrated smutty fics and I’ll die on this hill!
Today I’m breaking my own rule of only reccing two fics and avoiding stories I’ve recced before because a) this is too good an opportunity to scream about my faves again b) it’s my birthday and I can do whatever I want 😌 the Drarry rec was actually bit more challenging as my usual smutty favorites involve rare pairs. I’ve been working hard to highlight lesser known fics but this time I’m staying true to the request - which of course it’s completely subjective - and chose my favourite even if it’s a widely known and popular fic. I feel so privileged to be reading and reccing these masterpieces as a birthday celebration! You’ll find some of my favourite quotes below, as a treat 🔥
Day 19) fic with the hottest smut
Tales from the Special Branch by Femme (E, WIP)
“You slag," he says, but there's no sharpness to the words. They're warm and soft, and he stills, looking up at Potter, his heart stuttering. "Whore," Potter whispers. It comes out like an endearment, gentle against Draco's jaw.
Draco's eyes flutter shut. His whole body feels heated, flushed, every nerve ending aware of Potter pressed against him. The phial of lube is still clenched tight in his fingers; he lets it slide free, dropping to the coverlet beside them. "I want you," he says. "It's madness, I know. We've lost our bloody minds." He opens his eyes, and Potter's watching him, hair mussed, cheeks pink.
"I can't keep away," Potter says. He strokes a knuckle along Draco's face. "I don't want to keep away."
I considered going for a hidden gem but it was no use, I just had to celebrate this epic classic and stay true to my heart! when it comes to ust and smut imo this is hands down the hottest thing I’ve ever read. there are so many iconic and breathtaking sex scenes it’s impossible to pick just one; I’ve reread most of them more times than I care to admit and they all have carved their way inside my brain. I love how desperately wanton Harry and Draco are for each other in this fic! I keep replaying every dirty word, every slutty kiss, every chaotic and intense af sexual encounter they have over the course of this superb and deliciously long case fic/secret relationship series. at this point everyone and their dog has heard of, and read, this series but if you haven’t yet you’re in for a treat! block your schedule this holiday season and go grab some popcorn for this brilliant masterclass in writing, flangst and smut - so much top notch smut to feast on you’ll want to live in this universe forever. you’re welcome!
Rare pair:
Euphoria by birdsofshore (Albus/Scorpius + Albus/Draco, E, 37k)
"Please." I can see Al's legs quivering. They must be getting tired, hooked over Father's shoulders like that for so long. "Please, Draco. Fuck me. Fuck me some more."
Bloody hell. His words go straight to my prick. Father's arse cheeks clench, and he thrusts forward a little deeper into Al, as if he can't help himself. Al moans, and I don't know what's better, hearing it, or seeing my father's reaction to it.
"Very well." Father pulls back to a kneeling position, his hands gripping Al's thighs. I can see Al's hole stretched around the head of my father's cock. "Watch. You might learn something."
I double dare you to find anything hotter than this fic and believe me, I’ve read TONS of smut across many ships and fandoms. Am I biased due to my particular fondness for age gap and sharing/cuckolding kink? Maybe so 🌝 but I promise you this is unlike any other smut you’ve read before - it’s not only smoking hot with the kind of self-indulgent, relentless athletic sex that leaves you sweating (and horny), it’s also pov multiple written in the first person and how brilliant is that??? birds sells herself short in the AN saying this is just 30k of pure unadulterated porn but I’d argue this is actually a masterpiece, an extremely clever, nuanced and perfectly executed character study, mainly of Scorpius. I am impressed beyond words by what birds was able to deliver in 30k of yes, unapologetic kinky smut. DILF Draco, wanton Albus and sweet conflicted Scorp are a sight to behold and will live rent free in your mind after you read this 🪦
Utter Cockslut (A Worthy Cause) by Lokifan (Drarry, Draco/others, E, 7.5k)
Harry grinned darkly. “All right, Draco, get ready for the last few. Make sure you’re good for them; I’m a man who keeps my promises.”
Draco went up on his toes, craning round to see the next wizard. He strained to make out faces in the murky light; after being fucked by Weasley, he knew it could be almost anyone waiting for their chance to have him.
He felt anxiety shiver through him deliciously. Harry went and spoke to the wizards there, his voice low and businesslike. Giving them instructions on how to use him, maybe? Draco hurt from desire.
gangbang galore!!!! this fic has been one of my favourite PWPs to revisit for some years now. I’ll never get over Lokifan’s smut tbh, every fic was obviously written to check my personal boxes and the pacing, characterization and dialogue are so masterfully done I’m always gutted when it’s over. they’ve written smut for some of my favorite ships and they’re all equally delicious but nothing beats (hehe) this one: downright sinful and decadent as the summary suggests but also surprisingly very sweet! established drarry doing the nasty together is my comfort food and here you can feel how much trust and love they have for each other. Harry & Draco are 100% connected throughout the whole fic and the bits of playful teasing, desperate affection and tender aftercare in-between fucks made me swoon! this is a must read for anyone who loves to see Draco getting some diq and loving it, but also to my fellow Dron fans out there! their smutty times are deliciously hot and so funny too, with a lovable horny Ron being egged on by the devils. HBD me! 😂🎉
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altrodent · 1 year
coop x reader x remer (nswf) 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Just For You
Pairing: Coop x Reader X Remer
Genre/Warnings: SMUT, women genitals given to the reader, PIV, reader receiving, giving head, praising reader, (no protection mentioned)
Summary: After moving in with Coop and Remer, they want to thank you (their hot new roomie) in the best way they know how~
(A/N): I’m sorry I was gone for so long… I don’t usually write for smut but after a really long writers block this is like the only thing I have… but I hope you enjoy!
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“Welcome to our casa!” Remer excitedly throws his arms in the air as if revealing the house you’ve already seen. You giggle softly as coop slides his arm over your shoulders “You won’t have to pay any of the rent, either… it’s our treat” You look up to coop “Are you sure…? I mean, I can afford it.” He shakes his head “no, gosh no…” When you pout, he ruffles your hair, you look between the both of them “I wish there was a way I could thank you guys for this…” They both pause, Remer makes a motion for them to talk in private
“Just- just one second, sweetheart” coops brows furrow as he whispers “Sweetheart?” Remer shakes his head “Not the point, Coop… I think this is our free pass out of the Virgin zone is right in front of us…” he offers, coop shakes his head “I don’t know dude… isn’t that kinda taking advantage of them?” Remer shakes his head and pats his shoulder “Just think about this dude, they’re hot as shit, and they just asked if there was anyway they could thank us… it’s a win all around. Plus, they totally think we’re hot” Coop thinks “yeah but isn’t it gonna be kinda gay if we do them at the same time?” Remer shakes his head “It’s not gay if we’re in them, and not each other” Coop thinks for a second “Fair point… but how do we even get to that point? You can just go up to them and be like “Hey, you can thank me by letting us hit”…” Remer stands up tall, “watch and learn buddy”
They walk back over to you “Well, I’d figure we’d give you a little bit of a house tour, before you get all settled in, right coop?” Remer slings his arm around your waist as Cooper nods. “Oh, okay!” You smile as he leads you into the house, almost immediately B-Lining for your room “Well, this is where you’ll be staying. You like it?” You smile, and turn back to him “It’s perfect… I still just don’t know how to repay you” you pout as you ironically sit on the empty bed. They look at each other, and back to you… you immediately catch wind of what they’re thinking “O-oh?” Coop smiles shyly before slightly asking “…can we?” Your face turns a bright shade at the mention of his comment, before muttering “You… want to have sex with me?” Coop pouts, whispering “I told you it wouldn’t work dude…” Remer doesn’t move, and simply answers “Yes, we want to have sex with you.” Your hand gently grasps the bare mattress “Well then… what are you waiting for?” They both look up in shock, and saying in unison “really?!” You nod, the blush remaining on your face. They look at each other and back to you, then quickly start taking off their clothes. You laugh at their strong reactions and start doing the same. Once you’re all undressed, this brings the next argument… “Which one of us is going where…?” Remer asks. Cooper shrugs before they both look at you “Oh… I uhm… I don’t really care, what do you prefer?” Remer looks at you, and crudely says “Pussy.” You look to Coop and he says “I’m okay with head if you are…” You nod, “Alright, I’m cool with that” they smile. Coop sits in front of you, his legs spread as Remer kneels behind you. You’re currently in a crawl position, making the three of you look like a centipede. Soon enough, you go down, taking Coopers cock in your mouth. Cooper softly groans as he feels the warmth of your mouth around him. Once Remer hears this he gently grasps his hands on your asscheeks before slowly inserting every inch of his penis into you, making your pussy quiver. You moan as they’re both just brewing inside of you. “God- you feel so good…” Remer says, moving his hands from your ass to your waist as he slowly thrusts himself into faster. You continue to suck on Coopers cock, earning soft whimpers from him “O-oh- god, that’s good…” the constant movement of your hips assists you in sucking off Coop. Remer somehow is able to slide even further into you “God, you’re doing so good baby…” he says thrusting you harder. You whimper as you continue to suck off Cooper “Good- good god… you’re gonna make me cum too soon…” hearing this you eagerly put your tongue into play, licking the end of his tip and then some. Cooper leans his head back with pleasure as he puts his hands on the sides of your chest, slowly moving you further to fully envelope his cock in your mouth. As his mouth reaches the back of your throat, your pussy tingles around Remer’s cock, in response his hands grip you harder as the thrusts himself deeper into you. “You feel so good baby, you’re gonna you’re gonna make me cum…” Once his smooth voice reaches your ears, you take one of your hands that was supporting you, and start massaging your clit. Your pussy inflames around Remer’s cock, earning a loud moan from him “Oh… god, im almost there…” You suck coop slowly to tease him, making him whimper “Oh- oh don’t stop…” as soon as you pick up speed again, and reach a new one. Remer thrusts into faster, deeper, he’s going animalistic as he grunts. They both cum in unison, filling you to the brim with their white and creamy pleasure.
You all lay down next to each other in sticky, tired, and heavy glory… Cooper is the first to speak “That was…” “…amazing” Remer finishes. You all lay there for a little while longer until they hear the very very faint sound of your sweet and beautiful snoring… they really wore you out. They smile and put their clothes back on “I told you it’d work dude…” remer whispers, coop rolls his eyes “That was… god, that was really good.” Remer nods in agreement, leaving you to rest in your well broken in mattress~
Squeak hears a lot of noise coming from a room he hadn’t seen yet “why are they making me sleep in a box if there’s an extra room…?” He mumbles to himself. He opens the door, only seeing Remer’s bare ass trusting. Remer turns around giving him a death glare that says ‘Squeak, if you don’t get out, I’ll send the dog after you again.’ Squeak immediately closes the door and scrambles away “I don’t need this!! I didn’t need to see that!!”
(A/N): again I don’t write smut, ever, like literally. But I hope you enjoyed my first attempt! 😭🩵❤️
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shuhwaa · 2 years
Sheon | Sweet [M]
Billlie Sheon x gn!reader words: ~900 genre: smut (dom!reader eating her out, a tiny bit of teasing) warnings: none inspired by: this ask at this point thank you for allowing me to break my writer's block for a short while to make this 😭
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A whimper escapes your girlfriend as her fingers clench around the edge of the dinner table she’s sitting on. Legs spread apart, she’s glancing down at you, teeth sunk into her puffy bottom lip and her face flushed from the position she’s in. You think she looks cute like this, and the image mixed with her taste on your tongue makes heat rush through your whole body. You’re kneeling in front of her, whose clothes you’ve hastily pushed out of the way - her shirt is hugging her body messily because of how you had run your fingertips up her stomach underneath it before ending up with your hands on her thighs, and her skirt has ridden all the way up, her panties having long been discarded onto the floor. 
Suyeon whines when you bury your head between her thighs, pressing kisses up towards her core. You take a peek at her face and you find her frowning but still blushing, and you can’t help the soft chuckle that escapes you at the sight. 
“So impatient,” you coo over her.
“Y-you were the one who started kissing me like crazy and wouldn’t let me go earlier…” she tries to argue back, and you have no choice but to admit to it.
“Well, you’re right about that.” Then you extend your tongue to lick up a stripe between her folds, moaning at the taste and feeling her legs shiver in your grip. “But you like it, right?” you whisper and stare right into her eyes as you repeat your motion. The mewl she lets you hear as she throws her head back sounds like music to your ears, and it inevitably makes you want more of it. “You’re driving me crazy, baby,” you mutter as you lift her legs up onto your shoulders for better access. Once again you feel her shiver as your lips hover over her pussy, your hot breath making her tremble. 
“Y/N…” she weakly calls out your name, and the pleading gaze she gives you makes you smirk. You can feel how much power you have over her in this very moment, and there’s nothing you want to use it on more than bringing your girlfriend pleasure. And so you dive in, tip of your tongue dipping into her.
“You taste so sweet, darling,” you mumble as you dig your nails into her thighs and drag your tongue up to her clit. The moans keep falling from her mouth as you tend to her most sensitive spot, until eventually you wrap your lips around it, alternating between gently sucking on it and letting your teeth graze it from time to time. You know what she likes, and the way her moans are gradually getting louder only assures you that you’re doing everything just right. Looking up at her so as not to miss a single reaction showing on her face, you slip your tongue inside again, deeper this time, and the way her dripping wet walls taste like honey to you makes you moan, sending the vibrations of your voice up her core. 
“B-baby…” she whimpers, her knuckles turning white as she’s still holding onto the edge of the table. You feel yourself getting more excited, wondering how much longer she’d last, but judging from her reactions and from how wet she is, you’re giving her a couple of minutes at most.
“Hm?” you hum, pulling out of her and licking your way up to tend to her clit again.
“D-don’t stop…!” Her voice is shaking and she’s pressing her thighs together, trapping your head in the middle.
“So needy…” you mutter, letting your tongue slip back inside and then dragging it up again, repeating the process a few times. You feel her clench around your wet muscle when you’re inside her, and the mewls she lets out with every single one of your movements make you go crazy. You want nothing more than to feel her cum on your tongue and so you resort to pumping it in and out of her, relishing the taste, as you use your fingers to rub circles on her clit to push her over the edge faster.
“B-babe! Y/N!” she cries out in between shaky moans. “G-gonna cum…” You hum in appreciation at her words, until mere seconds later her orgasm hits her. Bliss overcomes you as you can feel her walls contract, as her thighs press against the sides of your head just a little harder. And then eventually you feel her relax, and you pull out to get up, wrapping your arms around her to steady her and you can’t keep yourself from pressing a kiss to her mouth. You part her plump lips and slip your tongue inside to have her taste herself on you as she weakly returns the embrace, and when you part from her and you get a close look at her flushed face and her fucked out expression, you feel the need for more.
“Suyeon… baby,” you breathe, bringing your hand up to caress her cheek with your thumb. And then you wordlessly lean in for another kiss that starts out soft and slow, but eventually you lead over to a more passionate kiss and she responds by not letting you go until you’re both in dire need for air.
“I want you more,” you mutter eventually. “Let’s take this to the bedroom and I’ll make you feel good, yeah?” It takes merely a nod from her for you to grab her by the hand and to pull her off the table, impatiently guiding you towards your bed. 
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markersmadness · 6 months
If you're brainrotting, here are some situations & scenarios that can help with writer's block, or just are fun to imagine!
A = Typically the character struggling in angsty prompts, perhaps the stubborn person in the relationship. Usually the main focus in a 3rd person POV!
B = Typically a stoic character. May be better at hiding their feelings, or have a complex psyche especially. Usually the perspective in a 1st person POV!
[ Whatever characters you envision never have to fit these tropes, they're just a general outline as to what these prompts work best for! The roles reverse occasionally for ships with other dynamics or dynamics where both characters share the descriptors listed. You're more than welcome to use a prompt here without credit, but I'd love to see anything made based off these prompts! ]
A comes out as [identity/sexuality]. This idea can be elaborated upon in many ways! Perhaps it makes B realize they actually have a chance, or that they don't know A as well as A knows them. Did A not have a choice? Perhaps B could be comforting A after being distraught that they had been outed. Was it a drunk confession? One that only happened after a series of very 🌈 things, and/or is very overdue? The possibilities are endless! If you're more of a hurt/no comfort person, consider if B didn't like them that way or was discriminative. Or A was murdered or hate crimed for it, bullied, etc. Think about how A would handle it, and how would B react to A's reaction?
The gold ol' sickfic in which A falls ill. A great fluff, angst, hurt/comfort or even a hurt/no comfort. Fuck it, a smut fic in some cases! Consider what reasons your character probably got sick; Overworking, laziness (not being hygienic), staying out in the rain too long, just getting sick during that time of the year, having a weak immune system, mental problems that had/have physical symptoms, was unlucky and got a chronic illness, eating habits, family genetics, perhaps even faking being sick for B's attention! Consider how B would react to this information- or if they'd even know this information about the other, and if A would tell them. Would B pick up on the clues, or be oblivious to the other's sickness? How would B care for them? Would B be more soft, or be angry with them for getting sick? What stage of their relationship are they in? If you struggle to write a sick character, I suggest scrolling through the sickfic tag!
Note: While most sickfics show a dynamic where B is a caretaker and only listening and tending to A, there are lots of other possibilities! B could get into an argument with A because A refuses to rest, or argue because B doesn't know how to explain that they're in love with A and that's why it's important to them that A is happy and healthy without confessing. A could feel burdensome and force themself to get better (which could backfire), or B could be absolute dogshit at caretaking (babe I made you soup but I burnt the everything) (shit this ice pack is warm as fuck) (I'm sorry dude I fucked up your assignments while you were resting), etc.
Jealousy. While it's a overused trope, it is still a good one! Typically portrayed as B being protective over A, I find it is more fun to write when both are jealous for each other. Or when the jealous character hasn't come to terms with their feelings ("I'm not in love but when my "friend" flirts with someone else I feel really mad for no reason at all hahaha what"). Did A make B jealous on purpose, or by mistake? Maybe A is the emotional hotheaded one, or the jokester, whilst B is more reclusive and gentle, making their uncharacteristic anger (read; jealous) that much more evident. Or it could be A whose jealous, as B is simply chilling and talking to someone, and now it isn't a joke when A comments that "don't get too friendly I might get jealous!" They could also be rivals if you like ETL, making their jealousy even more confusing for them because why would I ever feel jealous about them..?! That's so weird whattt...
Jealousy is used a lot in every aspect of fanfiction. I find it best enjoyed as angst, but wholesome reassurance fluff is also a huge fan favorite of a lot of people I know- ("I only like you, so don't worry", etc.) Smut, of course, plays on jealousy as well. But make sure to keep in mind jealousy isn't the same as possessiveness! Protective characters can be more prone to jealousy, using B as an example, who wants to protect their loved ones, but then why does it hurt when someone is protecting A, and it isn't them? Humor is also used in jealousy, as watching a character slowly get hotheaded or act stupidly or comedically from their jealousy is also fun to read. Do consider when writing (if you want to!) if B comes off as overbearing or jealous, or both? Write them the way you want them to come off, as readers can feel uncomfortable if possessiveness or other toxic traits are passed off as jealousy. And it's also interesting to read about a character who thinks it's just jealousy! However, make sure to properly tag your works if on ao3, or add TWs on other platforms so they know what they're reading :)
That's all I have right now! If this gets a lot of likes or if anyone wants more tropes / ideas like this I'd be happy to make a part 2. I've been brainrotting so much I've run through these scenarios like 30 times over, so I'm making this guide for myself as well so I can stop repeating the same fanfic in my head (>_<)
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itsagoodluckkiss · 3 months
Hello There!
Rules and Masterlist
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About Me
Hello! The name's Aria, I'm 24, she/her from Greece and I've been in fandoms for as long as I can remember. Currently obsessed with One Piece and that's what I'm writing for right now. Feel free to message me whenever, I love talking to people about anything really, I'm just shy and may now reach out first. I started writing again after almost 8 years, one piece made me want to write again and I'm itching for it. I am a sociology student as well as a full time employee so please bare with me, life is pretty hectic and it might take a bit for me to complete requests or answer but be sure I will! English is not my first language so please be kind for any mistakes. And in general, please be kind!!!
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Requests are currently open! I write with female reader in mind but I can try gn!reader as well if you ask me for it. Currently writing for Zoro, Ace, Luffy, Law, Sabo and Sanji. I can write platonic pieces with all the strawhats.
This blog is 17+ so if you're a minor, I'd prefer if you don't interact. Although I can't really stop you, if I catch you, you'll have to be blocked, sorry. So please do not request smut in anon. I can always keep it anonymous, you can just message me your request.
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I will write:
Hurt / Comfort
Angst (preferably with happy ending)
Suggestive themes / Smut
Most AU
Fics based on songs
One Shots / Reactions / Headcanons
Some specific scenarios you have in mind (but you have to describe them to me)
I will not write:
Minors (except platonic)
Ship fics
Daddy/Mommy kink
Age Play
Pet Play
A/B/O, vampires, furry, hybrid, monsters in general
I may not write something if it makes me feel uncomfortable or trigger me in some way or I'm not in the right headspace to write.
I may add more yes and no's, but this is it for now.
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Fascists, zionists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes etc dni in any way, shape or form.
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jessybarnes · 2 years
Seven Minutes In Heaven
Title: Seven Minutes In Heaven
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Rating: 18+ Only! Minors DNI!
Word Count: 936
Tags: Smut, fluff, mutual pining, idiots in love, friends to lovers, Natasha and Tony are plotting, kissing, oral sex (male receiving), implied voyeurism. Exhibitionism, forced proximity, explicit language, and I think that's it.
Written For: @comfortember, @stuckybingo, and @thebo3bingo
Square(s) Filled: O1 - Friends to Lovers for Stucky Bingo // B1 - Forced Proximity for BO3 Bingo
Day 5: Game Night
Beta(s): None
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"You can't be serious, Natasha. Do you really think this is going to work?"
Tony leans against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyebrow raised quizzically.
"Well, we've tried everything else, Tony. They've been pining after each other for a hundred years so it's obvious neither one of them have the balls to make a move. I say we try it. I mean, what do we have to lose?"
He shrugs, "alright, but I'm not going in the closet with anyone. This is strictly meant for those two bone heads to finally...well...bone."
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. have everyone meet in the main common area in ten minutes please. And tell them I said no exceptions."
"Okay, I'm sure you're all wondering why I've gathered you here." Tony gazes at all the curious faces and clears his throat, "we're gonna play a game. And yes, everyone has to participate, including you, Barnes."
Bucky grumbles and rolls his eyes, "whatever. Let's just get this over with so I can go back to my workout."
Natasha motions to the sitting area and grabs a bottle of water. "Everyone have a seat and we'll go over the rules."
She waits until everyone is sitting down and then sits cross-legged on the floor around them.
"Alright, so the way this is going to work is everyone is going to close their eyes. If I tap your shoulder, then you have to go into the coat closet for seven minutes together. And we all know how small that closet is, so you're gonna be close." She smirks, "and whatever happens...happens."
Steve shakes his head, "seriously, Natasha? What are we, fifteen?"
She waves him off, "okay, everyone close your eyes!"
Reluctantly, they do and she grins micheviously before walking around the circle of her friends. Tony, Clint, Bruce, Wanda, Steve, Bucky, and Vision all sat with their eyes shut as she carefully makes her way over to Bucky.
She taps his shoulder and he opens his eyes, glaring daggers at her as he stands. She puts a finger to her lips to shush him and he rolls his eyes before trudging over to the closet.
Natasha waits until he closes the door behind him and then goes over to tap Steve. He peeks up at her and she pushes him toward the closet, blocking him from seeing that his best friend isn't sitting where he was moments ago.
"In you go, Steve! See you in seven minutes," she sing songs and locks the door behind him.
Steve huffs and feels around in the dark before practically falling forward into a hard chest. "Sorry," he mutters, "wait, Buck? Is that you?"
Bucky chuckles, "yeah, it looks like our friends have jokes."
Steve's eyes finally adjust to the dark and he realizes how close he is to his best friend. There's barely a few inches between them, and it makes his whole body heat up.
"Steve? Are you okay?"
He swallows thickly, his mouth suddenly very dry. "B-Buck I-..." He can't even form words, and they haven't even been in here for a minute. His eyes flick between Bucky's concerned ones and his lips and he isn't sure if it's their close proximity or if he's finally had enough of hiding his feelings, but whatever it is he just decides to go for it. "Fuck it."
He slams his mouth to his and kisses him like it's the last time he'll ever be able to, and to his surprise, Bucky kisses back. They finally break apart and Steve doesn't waste time gauging his reaction. There'll be time for that later. After all, they only have seven minutes.
Steve drops to his knees and looks up at him as he hooks his fingers in the hem of his sweats, "wanna taste you, Buck."
Bucky let's out a shaky breath, "...Steve."
He pulls them down far enough to free his cock and immediately takes him into his mouth. Bucky braces himself on the wall and groans, his knees wobbling when Steve takes him into his throat.
"Oh, fuck! Steve!"
He runs his tongue underneath his flared head and Bucky swears he's going to pass out.
"Oh, god...right there! Steve...baby, right there!"
He looks up at him again, taking him to the hilt and moaning at how beautiful and desperate his best friend sounds.
He pulls off of him and licks his lips, "Fuck my mouth, baby. Want you to cum before they come and get us."
Bucky’s eyes flutter closed as Steve closes his lips around him again, his hips thrusting forward over and over as he chases his high.
"Steve! Fuckfuckfuck!"
The combination of Steve's warm, wet mouth and the fact that he's sure everyone can hear them is enough for his orgasm to hit him quicker than he anticipated. Bucky's whole body shakes as he cums down his throat.
Steve takes everything he's given and stands up, tucking Bucky back into his sweats. He smiles and kisses him softly.
He chuckles, "been wanting to do that since the forties."
"What um...what took you so long?"
Steve opens his mouth to answer, but the lock clicks before he can. Natasha opens the door and smirks knowingly.
"Sounds like you two had a good time."
Bucky snorts and reaches for the door knob, "yeah, and if you guys don't want another free show then you should leave."
"Yeah? You two finally done being love sick for each other?"
Steve laughs and Bucky looks over at him, biting his lip.
"I don't know. I'm gonna need another seven minutes just to be sure."
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