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sabedilemon · 4 months ago
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Level: Child (Rookie) / Hybrid
Attribute: Variable
Type: Cyborg
A Digimon that was transformed into a half-beast, half-man form when Blitzmon's power was halved. Its body is capable of generating copious amounts of electricity, allowing it to function as a power source for large electrical systems. Because of the scale of this power and the sturdiness of its exoskeleton, its strength and defense are equally matched, though it is not very fast. Its Special Move is firing an electric beam from the lightbulb on its back ("Eureka Charge").
Suggested pre-evolved forms:Mochimon, Puroromon, Bibimon, Minomon
Suggested evolved forms: Blitzmon, Bolgmon, Ballistamon, Forgebeemon, Searchmon, Flybeemon
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digimonarchive · 5 months ago
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Digimon Frontier Rental DVD Box Art Volumes 1-12
Vol 1 = Tomoki Himi/Tommy, Izumi Orimoto/Zoe, Takuya Kanbara, Kouji Minamoto and Junpei Shibayama/JP, Chakmon/Kumamon, Fairymon/Kazemon, Agnimon/Agunimon, Wolfmon/Lobomon, Blitzmon/Beetlemon and Trailmon
Vol 2 = Takuya Kanbara, Kouji Minamoto, Tomoki/Tommy Himi, Warumonzaemon, Pandamon and ToyAgumon (Black)
Vol 3 = Kouji Minamoto, Garmmon/KendoGarurumon, Gotsumon, Bokomon, Neemon, Tomoki/Tommy, Takuya, Junpei/JP, Izumi/Zoe and Grottemon/Grumblemon
Vol 4 = Junpei Shibayama/JP, Takuya Kanbara, Kouji Minamoto, Izumi Orimoto/Zoe, Tomoki Himi/Tommy, Seraphimon, Sorcerymon, Mercuremon/Mercurymon, Grottemon/Grumblemon, Ranamon and Arbormon
Vol 5 = Junpei Shibayama/JP, Izumi Orimoto/Zoe, Tomoki Himi/Tommy, Shutumon/Zephyrmon, Blizzarmon/Korikakumon, Bolgmon/MetalKabuterimon, Petaldramon, Burgamon/Burgermon, TorikaraBallmon and Chamelemon
Vol 6 = Takuya Kanbara, Kouji Minamoto, Flamon, Duskmon, Blitzmon/Beetlemon, Shutumon/Zephyrmon, Bokomon and Neemon
Vol 7 = Izumi Orimoto/Zoe, Tomoki Himi/Tommy, Junpei Shibayama/JP, Calamaramon, Shutumon/Zephyrmon and Honeybeemon
Vol 8 = Kouji Minamoto, Kouichi Kimura, Duskmon and Cherubimon (Vice)/Kerpymon
Vol 9 = Kouji Minamoto, Junpei Shibayama/JP, Kouichi Kimura, Izumi Orimoto/Zoe, Tomoki Himi/Tommy, Takuya Kanbara, MagnaGarurumon, KaiserGreymon/EmperorGreymon, Cherubimon (Virtue)/Kerpymon and Ofanimon/Orphanimon
Vol 10 = Takuya Kanbara, Kouji Minamoto, Izumi Orimoto/Zoe, Junpei Shibayama/JP, Tomoki Himi/Tommy, Kouichi Kimura, Bokomon, Neemon, Patamon, Starmon and Superstarmon
Vol 11 = Tomoki Himi/Tommy, Izumi Orimoto/Zoe, Kouichi Kimura, Junpei Shibayama/JP, Arbormon, Blitzmon/Beetlemon, Lowemon, Agnimon/Agunimon, Wolfmon/Lobomon, Fairymon/Kazemon, Chakmon/Kumamon, Mercuremon/Mercurymon, Ranamon, Grottemon/Grumblemon, Dynasmon and Lordknightmon/Crusadermon
Vol 12 = Takuya Kanbara, Izumi Orimoto/Zoe, Tomoki Himi/Tommy, Junpei Shibayama/JP, Kouji Minamoto, Kouichi Kimura, Susanoomon and Lucemon Fallen Mode
Released on 2003
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digi-lov · 5 months ago
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J.P. Shibayama BT18-091, KoKabuterimon BT18-057 by Ryodan, and Beetlemon BT18-063, MetalKabuterimon BT18-067, RhinoKabuterimon BT18-070, and AncientBeetlemon BT18-072 by Kazumasa Yasukuni from BT-18 Booster Elemental Successor (BT18-19: Special Booster Ver.2.0)
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tezuze · 2 months ago
Could you draw a Thunder Rookie?
Hahahaha I wondered if I'd get asked to do Thunder
Here's my idea!
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I exclusively addressed this one as Junior because idk I struggled making it look like a rookie imo, it just looks like Beetlemon and MetalKabuterimon's son, but oh well I tried. Say hi to Junior.
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mandiips · 11 months ago
Beetlemon: “Back in 19-aught-7 when I first graduated from Princeton University I remember learning-“ Kumamon: “Ok, boomer, shut the fuck up!”
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"who taught you that word."
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ladylichhangar · 5 months ago
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Ulforceveedramon! Blue king 💙
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and just A YEAR LATER, I actually went back and inked the Blitzmon drawing. I feel so proud for both of em.
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teclajellymon · 15 days ago
Digimon Battle Spirits 2, Blitzmon and Fairymon 's silly interaction. I love when Fairymon calls him back.
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wsdigi · 9 months ago
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ran-orimoto · 5 months ago
I admit I hope we will get more Fairyblitz content from you. I'm thirsty of that couple and I didn't know I could like them. I listened to the Train of Hope and I like he protects her from danger like a bodyguard or knight. So yeahh, keep on going with the wind x thunder content in evrry direction. I would kill to read a Fajryblitz fic, but fanarts are wgat the eye loves the most.
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Fairyblitz drawings take all my time and focus and heart, so if I waited a bit before replying it was just because I had nothing to show you XD. I’m drawing a minuscule project I want to be proud of once it is finished, but for now I’m just at sketch phase!
Addicted to the fact Kokabuterimon is full of spikes, has got pointed claws, is stocky, has got big bug eyes🤣🤣, IS A BUG. And also to the fact Tinkermon deals with bugs (wasps) and though a bit SKEPTICAL about his appearance and ways, she would tease him but also be affectionate to him wwww💕💕💕.
I wonder if Junpei would have been so destroyed about turning into such a thing if they had let the other kids revert to rookies as well. It would have been too interesting to me. Izumi a sweet fairy, he a BUG🤣🤣.
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allat0u · 9 months ago
My Digimon Frontier AU
TW: Mention of intense Pain & Violence
After spending a horrendous amount of time in the Digital world, the group of kids start turning into the Digimon. They’re not exactly human anymore. But they are aware that they were human once, and know their human names, however they don’t usually use them. Yes they remember each others’ and their names, but barely use them.
The transformation was painful. When they were in their digimon forms, they felt the pain of their element.
Agunimon, his body feeling as if he was being burned alive.
Lobomon, the light burns his eyes and his skin sizzles
Kumamon, experiencing frostbite and iceburns
Kazemon, the wind feeling so powerful it stings and burns her flesh
Beetlemon, feeling like he’s getting electrocuted continuously
Loweemon, the dark causing him to hyperventilate and get a migraine from the intense paranoia
It lasts for 10 minutes, everything gets better when the transformation is finished. They just need a moment of composure.
They even have their own base. On the outside, it seems like a normal cave, but it’s a whole headquarters inside. And of course, they have their own rooms dedicated/designed to match with their physical appearance. Oh yeah, and Bokomon and Neemon are still around, they live in the cave too.
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ahfucknuggets567 · 6 months ago
Hey Kid, you want a Digimon Frontier theory?
You know how different Digimon Frontier was with its evolution. Unified/Hyper Spirit evolution being of them. Consisting of ten spirits or five sets of spirits combining together into one body known as a unified/hyper spirit. The two unified/hyper spirits: EmperorGreymon/KaiserGreymon and MagnaGarurumon are clearly only made for a single set of spirits, fire and light. That means that there are eight other combinations resulting from the eight other sets of spirits.
Now the question is how do you figure out what combinations are used for a spirit’s unified/hyper form and what design qualities are made to be a part of the spirit? This leads me to my theory known as Unified Partners Theory. The theory states that each element has another one that they partner up with during their unified/hyper spirit evolution. This is a shoddy explanation but it's the best I’ve come up with. Looking at how unified/hyper spirits are formed, Takuya and Kouji use half of the spirits in order to achieve the evolution. That is noteworthy and I know what the simplest answer is. It's Digimon Frontier, the show with the most protag and lancer favoritism and they didn't want the others to factor anymore in the fights with their beloved Bois. But in lore is what is truly interesting. What is needed for the two hyper spirits is odd, at first. Ice is used for Fire, and Darkness is for Light. Of course, the two wielders for each pair are like brothers. But there’s also Earth in Fire and Water in Iight. Earth, I get. But water in the light unified evolution?? There's also the fact that Junpei and Kouji barely interact with one another before the whole unified/hyper spirits evolution thingy. So that leads to folks smarter than I am to the idea that the hyper spirit consists of two sets of spirits that keep it in check and two other sets that do boost the spirit. That makes sense as a hyper spirit with four sets of boosters sounds rather hard to make and would be probably better a bit uncontrollable.In the show, the last evolution is the fusion of all twenty spirits, Susanoomon. A digimon that doesn't really resemble any other spirits but light and fire. More specifically a fusion of their hyper forms. Meta wise, they wanted Omnimon/Omegamon 2.0. But also why??? It's the result of twenty spirits coming together and should honestly reflect the other eight more. It's like there other versions of Susanoomon or Susanoomon-adjacent mega fusions that correlate with the other spirits which obviously implies pairing the spirits up. Now here's the kicker and a tid bit that I have seen nobody discuss at all… and that's the theming of the two unified spirits cuz baby, they do have it!
Starting with EmperorGreymon. EmperorGreymon is named after Grey which in some contexts means old and Emperor which is the title of a male ruler over an empire. Kaiser from the sub is a German/Austrian/Holy empire emperor. This naming convention is resimcisnt of the olden times of history. EmperorGreymon resembles a knight or paladin from history and even harkens folklore with its Reference book talking about Gaia and the nine dragons inside of its armor and itself being the ninth dragon. This works well for the dragonic line of fire and references how fire was used all the way back in the ancient times to light our world.
Now for MagnaGarurumon. You might get an idea on what I am saying but I would still explain it. MagnaGarurumon is very toy-like but also very sleek. It has cannons and guns and has an airplane as a chest piece. MagnaGarurumon reminds me of ScFi fantasy androids. There's also the fact light is more modern like light bulbs and the speed of light being a staple of science.
All this evidence makes the two digimon interconnected with their theming and lore. Which in a way makes them partners as they are a pair. That’s where I got the name. But what about the others? Well, they obviously don't have canon unified spirits. So no more evidence. But we can apply it to the others! The second part of this theory document is to apply it to the other eight elements and figure out which pair is the most fitting for each element. Here my friends are the requirements:
Have some thematic ideas and coscension between the two pairs. i.e: similar elements, similar design choices, good thematic ideas between the pair.
Do I like the idea of them being unified Partners? Based purely off vibes and dynamics.
Can you actually make the other four sets of spirits work with the partnership? As in I can make the leftover spirits work for both base spirits be in line with the rules set up with Unified/Hyper Spirit Evolutions.(This will barely be a factor because I am not thinking that hard.)
Likeliness? Will the digimon designers and writers actually think this is a viable idea at all?
And users! Do this pair have a good connection when it comes to the users or just the spirits itself?
Now we have 24 pairs to review and rate. I will all rank them on scale from one to five. One is I don't like this at all/how is this possible? and five is amazing! I want this badly!/Very possibly canon!
Tomoki/Chakmon + Izumi/Kazemon: ⅗. Not bad, they meant to be the “weakest” of the group as Digimon Frontier states them as. But there's a bit of elemental coscension with ice and wind making snowstorms and blizzards. When things are cold, they move slower, and wind is heavily associated with speed. A slow and steady vs fast and furious type of deal. Likely a possibility as if you wanted to keep the kids spirits together. But there's better options.
Tomoki/Chakmon + Junpei/Blitzmon: ⅗. Just like Ice and Wind, not a bad choice. Junpei and Tomoki have a nice dynamic of being brother-like, especially in episode 2. The elements don't have good element mixing or similarities. It could do some themes with speed and defense. Lightning is very fast and the ice spirit line is noticeably bulky. But so is the thunder line, so ehh?
Tomoki/Chakmon + Kouichi/Loweemon: 5/5. Two brothers or brother figures to the official pair. Their elements are the opposite of the official pair. There's also the good thematic ideas of physical and spiritual elements. Along with both elements being associated with death. The chill of ghosts and the cold touch of death. Darkness is obvious. This is a very good pair!
Tomoki/Chakmon + Grumblemon: ⅕. Uh… They're both small. A more modern element paired with a classical element… That's all I got.
Tomoki/Chakmon + Ranamon: ⅖. We have more similarities in the elements. A lot you can do with solid ice and liquid water. The same reason from Izumi and Tomoki about the whole girl and younger kids thing. And also, Ranamon is weirdly child-like in her design. So uh… there's that. Not much here though especially in the likeliness compartment but small? I guess?
Tomoki/Chakmon + Arbormon: ⅘. We got a lot here. Despite the fan consensus of them being like rivals, the two didn't interact a lot. It was really only when Tomoki got his beast spirit and the fight at Petaldramon’s mansion. But it's still a good pair. We have some connections with the seasons(Winter and Summer/Spring) in the elements and the idea of life and death. We got some of the less humanoid spirits and very less armored beast spirits. This is a very good pair I dare say.
Tomoki/Chakmon + Mercuremon: ⅕. The fuck do you want me to say. There's nothing between them.
Izumi/Kazemon + Junpei/Blitzmon: 5/5. Oh boy, this is one of my favorites. We have similar elements and a great relationship between the users. Kazemon and Blitzmon reflect each other in the insect theme. Zephyrmon being very speedy and light, and Bolgmon being, well, a tank. The likeliness is high in this, these two have been paired up like it's nothing! Plus I am a Junzumi shipper.
Izumi/Kazemon + Kouichi/Loweemon: ⅖. Better speed and defense theme. Wind generates darkness as the weather gets worse, the skies get darker. Izumi did help Kouichi a bit with the whole twin brother situation. Otherwise not a lot here.
Izumi/Kazemon + Grumblemon: ⅗. Another opposite attract!(Not romantically! Not romantically!). Earth is land and Wind is sky, very obvious. You can do a lot of themes with that. Heaven and Earth, Love and Hate(By general personalities), and other stuff. We got a fairy and a troll as a pair! Likelihood is… eehhh. Which unfortunately knocks it down a point.
Izumi/Kazemon + Ranamon: 5/5. These two had a fierce(and unfortunate) rivalry in the anime. Their elements are like opposites to each other. They're the only girls in the entirety of the spirits. Plus who doesn't want girl power? Who doesn't want to see Ranamon and Izumi become friends and finally kick some ass! Plus the Digimon company who like to pair the two girls and have two new waifus in their belt(ugh).
Izumi/Kazemon + Arbormon: ⅖. I like the idea of them interacting but we don't see them actually interact one on one. We got some opposition between the sturdy Arbormon and a very armorless Kazemon. So there's that. Otherwise not a lot here.
Izumi/Kazemon + Mercuremon: ⅕. I got nothing here, man. Mercuremon has literally almost nothing with most of the kids.
Junpei/Blitzmon + Kouichi/Loweemon: ⅖. Another popular combination, mostly to also pair with Fire/Light, and Ice/Wind. We can't have a light and dark pair as Kouji is already paired with Takuya. So we have this pair. And you can tell that this is the lesser version of a light/dark pair. We can go with a very Egyptian theme as Loweemon, obviously, and Blitzmon, you can make him a scarab. Junpei and Kouichi, as I know of, have little to no interaction. This is a pair up I don't like.
Junpei/Blitzmon + Grumblemon: ⅗. Junpei and Grumblemon had a rivalry between each other. Mostly on Junpei’s part with him wanting to defeat Grumblemon for Izumi. Direct differences between the two like the big, softie Junpei vs short, gremliny Grumblemon. A traditional and more stable element of earth and thunder's flashy, once there and now gone modern element. There's good dynamics here but I'm not the biggest fan of this.
Junpei/Blitzmon + Ranamon: ⅖. Worse Wind/Thunder pairing here! I mean, we got real good destructive power here with thunderstorms and tsunamis. I did read a fanfic with these two interacting, it's amazing and I do like their dynamic in that. But the likelihood here is very slim and I have better ideas for them.
Junpei/Blitzmon + Arbormon: ⅖. We got two very robot-like human spirits. Very bulky and big beast spirits. There's an interesting dynamic here but it barely scratches the ⅖.
Junpei/Blitzmon + Mercuremon: ⅖. Same reason as above plus a very machinery theme between the two and you got a modern element plus a classical element! Still ⅖.
Kouichi/Loweemon + Grumblemon: ⅖. Something, something, caverns and caves associated with darkness. There's an odd fossil and undead idea here as darkness in Digimon is associated with the undead and the earth is what fossils are made of. But by yggdrasil, there’s no good dynamic here and the idea of it happening is slim to none.
Kouichi/Loweemon + Ranamon: ⅘. Like Ice/Darkness, there's an opposition to the Fire/Light. Water is much better suited as fire’s opposite but loses the brother dynamic Ice and Fire wielders have. Little less likely than Water and Ice because I feel like Digimon would want the kids to be Unified Partners together. Expect for more Waifus!!!
Kouichi/Loweemon + Arbormon: ⅕. Duskmon killing Arbormon kills any idea of this NGL.. Getting betrayed by your coworkers ruins your viewpoint of that person/mon unlike getting killed by someone because you deserve it and are evil. But this is Arbormon we're talking about. He’ll probably forgive Kouichi because of brainwashing. That's an amazing dynamic. There's nothing else here though
Kouichi/Loweemon + Mercuremon: ⅘. A very, very popular pair. These two reflect the leader and lancer dynamic with Takuya and Kouji. This pair fought against their respective counterparts. These two are seemingly the strongest spirits we have in the group. Kouichi even used the spirits of steel in a D-Tector toy! This pair is going to be the closest thing we can get to a warrior and magician pair we have. So we all have this evidence, so why only ⅘? I don't like the idea of this pairing to be honest. The dynamic here isn't all that interesting and as I said before, I prefer the kids to be with each other. Plus I have better ideas for a Mercuremon.
Grumblemon + Ranamon: ⅗. I like to call Grumblemon, Ranamon, and Kazemon the regional trio. Grumblemon is the land and mountains and Ranamon is the ocean and the water we drink. More opposites! Woohee! They have little screen time together but the fun dynamic is there. Similar human and beast spirits. But this is my least favorite pair of only the “evil” legendary warriors.
Grumblemon + Arbormon: ⅘. We got similar elements, opposite personalities and body types. These two dynamics are fun and great. They got a lot of themes applied with the elements of earth and wood. A very high possibility. It's also getting this high because God damn it, it's cute.
Grumblemon + Mercuremon: 5/5. I can and will explain why this one has a fucking 5/5 rating. First of all, we have similar elements like Grumblemon and Arbormon. Yet despite that, the way they use their elements is vastly different. Grumblemon is very physical with him only using physical attacks like the ground and his hammer. Gigasmon only really has only one “special” attack with Quagmire Twister/Hurricane Bomber. Mercuremon is, however, being magical and ✨special✨. Mercuremon is based off a magic mirror and uses mirrors to reflect attacks, mostly ones of the magic kind. Beast Spirit of Steel is literally a motherfucking Sephiroth. Associated with God’s ten forces to create the world we line in Jewish mythology. All these associates are because of the steel spirit having an alchemy theme behind it like how metals are prevalent in alchemy. Kinda like how Grumblemon uses potions and earth is also used in alchemy. Also due to Sephirothmon being based after Jewish’s God will and creation and Mercuremon taking Seraphimon’s data to become ShadowSeraphimon, Mercuremon also has an angel association. Which isn't much to say if it weren’t for the fact that Grumblemon kinda also has a devil association. It's a stretch but I do want to talk about it. Grumblemon in the Japanese sub is an oni type. Oni in Japanese folklore are considered trolls, orges, orcs, and Demons! Plus AncientVolcamon is demon-like with the horns. As this to say we got a really good theme here and we have MagnaGarurumon, so Demon Earth Unified Spirit and Angel Steel Unified Spirit doesn't seem too far fetched.
Ranamon + Arbormon: ⅘. These two are a pair that shouldn't work but it does! Arbormon and Ranamon are pure opposites! Ranamon is feminine, squishy as in less defensive, uses more special attacks, her element is very obviously liquidity, and her personality is explosive and more moody. Arbormon on the other hand, is masculine, very armored and even in Petaldramon, it takes all five beast spirits to take him down, a physical attacker, a solid element, and he’s more calm and put together so to speak. What I am trying to say here is that there's an odd Yin and Yang to them. Which is a very interesting theme to have and explore. Nice ⅘!
Ranamon + Mercuremon: ⅘. These two out of everyone in “evil” legendary warriors have the strongest official dynamic. You could say some of the same reasons above in Water/Wood can be applied here.(not the masculine and feminine at all, have you seen Mercuremon?). This pair is solely based on their dynamic and possibility. I do like this pair however.
Arbormon + Mercuremon: ⅘. We have relatively the same appearances. More robot-like in their human forms, then their beast forms are more organic you could say. Mercuremon is the brains, Arbormon is the brawn. Nature vs Machine. It all works here. Plus if Karn’s idea of Teppei having the spirits of steel and Katsuharu having the spirits of wood, then yeah, have the bullies be unified Partners. Plus you can have a knight and his noble steed! That's great.
Conclusion: We have highs and lows in this list which is good for when you're trying to figure out what is the most likely pairs to happen. Still, the top choices I decided are still numerous. So here's all the top choices for the kids.
Izumi/Kazemon: Junpei/Blitzmon and Ranamon.
Tomoki/Chakmon: Kouichi/Loweemon and Arbormon.
Junpei/Blitzmon: Izumi/Kazemon and Grumblemon.
Kouichi/Loweemon: Tomoki/Chakmon, Mercuremon, and Ranamon.
Grumblemon: Arbormon and Mercuremon.
Ranamon: Kouichi/Loweemon, Mercuremon, and Arbormon.
Arbormon: Grumblemon, Tomoki/Chakmon, and Mercuremon.
Mercuremon: Grumblemon, Arbormon, Ranamon, and Kouichi/Loweemon.
All of these choices are great and I could see happening. This is great for artists and people to have different ideas and explore them. But we as a community also want a hard answer. So what's my cold, hard answer? I got two. One based on what I think the Digimon company would do and what I want to do.
Digimon would probably want to do Izumi and Ranamon obviously. Kouichi and Mercuremon is a no-brainer to rival Fire and Light. From there, Tomoki and Arbormon are way too good a pair to not give up on and Junpei and Grumblemon is all that is left.
I would do either Kouichi with Tomoki or Ranamon to rival his brother because that's all he has. Izumi and Junpei are the only excellent pair for Junpei and the constant pairing will continue. Arbormon can also go with Tomoki and Ranamon whichever feels the best. Lastly, we have Mercuremon and Grumblemon because holy hell, I made the longest paragraph here for them. I will confidently land on Ice/Darkness and Water/Wood.
That's it! Anyone can make comments or suggestions on any pairs I may have overlooked. You can even draw for any of the paired unified spirits ideas. This was fun
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digimon-smashorpass · 4 months ago
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digimonarchive · 1 year ago
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The Eyecatch images of the Children, Legendary Warrior Spirits, Bokomon and Neemon
1st pic = Neemon, Bokomon and the children
2nd pic = Takura Kanbara and Agnimon/Agunimon
3rd pic = Kouji Minamoto and Wolfmon/Lobomon
4th pic = Tomoki Himi/Tommy and Chakmon/Kumamon
5th pic = Izumi Orimoto/Zoe and Fairymon/Kazemon
6th pic = Junpei Shibayama/JP and Blitzmon/Beetlemon
7th pic = Kouichi Kimura and Lowemon
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laxmon · 7 months ago
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Digimon Evolution Lines 59/∞
Digimon that possess the Spirits of Thunder, derived from the power of AncientBeatmon. They are featured in Digimon Frontier, wielded by Shibayama Junpei. Note: Kokabuterimon was used as Child-level in the Vital Bracelet Blitzmon Dim-card.
Stages: LV3: Kokabuterimon Human/LV4: Blitzmon — Beast/LV4: Bolgmon Fusion/LV5: RhinoKabuterimon — LV6: AncientBeatmon
Artwork by Bandai from the Digimon Reference Book.
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patamon · 2 years ago
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Digimon Frontier Episode 5 | Thunder Power Shaking the Ground, Blitzmon!
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mandiips · 2 years ago
That chackmon would get very exasperating very quickly
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Kazemon Kicks It (Lobomon) Read: In the ballz
..I've no idea what you're on about, Chackmon's perfectly well mannered. Looking out for everyone. A feminist even.
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