#blip x evelyn
Marvel Masterlist
Last Updated: 10/28/2022
OC Guide
MCU!Peter x Rosemary
None yet!
Bruce x Andrea
None yet!
Pietro x Alina
Each Other’s Saviors
Sibling Bond
Keeping Distance
Sam x Amy
Steve x Georgia
None yet!
Stephen x Ingrid
None yet!
TASM!Peter x Maeve
In Another Life Part 1
In Another Life Part 2
Multiverses Part 2
Natasha x Minna
Loki x Skadi
New Home
Not Their Thing
New Toy
A God
Thor x Hecate
None yet!
Bucky x Evelyn
Anti-Trigger Part 1
Anti-Trigger Part 2
Tony x Hannah
The Blip
Tom (Hiddleston) x Daisy
None yet!
Jake x Rosalie
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shaloved30 · 7 years
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[Pitch: Pitch+] Evelyn and Blip Sanders
∟ “ Look at me, Sanders. The only all-star team that matters is mine, and you're already the leading vote-getter there.”
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blip: -shouting from the door- mike and i are going out, evelyn! if we don't come back, avenge our deaths!
evelyn: -off screen- all right!!
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youngerdrgrey · 8 years
anything Blip can do, Mike can do (teammates) // a pitch fic, part four
or, how Ginny and Mike find a loophole to slow-burn their way into a different sort of teammates [also on ao3, read part one, two, or three] -- (written for day 6 of 30 x 31, prompt: decades)
part four
Ginny tends to check out a bit during dinner. It's not a comment on the meal or anything; she just gets lost sometimes in how stuff makes her feel. Like, being able to sit down with her best friends and eat something home cooked after days of being trapped in the hospital? That's... that's like the rush inside once everyone stopped saying what she was pitching, once everyone scooted forward in their seats and the guys wouldn't sit next to her, and it started to feel real. Like, something amazing's right here, almost out of reach, but everyone can see it coming. Everyone can feel it.
So, maybe she checks out a bit and tries to put it into other words. She sips at her third and final beer and lets her eyes follow Gabe and Marcus as they dart off upstairs. Lets herself tune out of the conversation around her and starts to prep how she'll explain this to her therapist. What it's like to be a part of something bigger than herself that doesn't feel ridiculously overwhelming.
"I'm just saying, Evie, back me up. Black people don't do that." Blip laughs when he says it, and Ginny breaks out of her head long enough to turn back towards him for this one. Her eyebrows pitch up a little higher. He grins her way. "See, Ginny gets it. If anything, I'm going to the future.”
Ginny sips at her beer again. "Going to the future for what?"
Evelyn rolls her eyes, which isn't a drinking rule but it might happen enough to become one. "Pay attention, Ginny. Time travel. You can go to any decade. I was thinking the sixties, nothing too bad, and I get to see some really amazing people in their primes."
Blip nods. "Right, right, civil rights and the moon landing."
Evelyn stays focused on Ginny. "I want to see some of the work that went into changing this country, first hand. And maybe hear some stories from family members who won't tell them to me now."
Ginny gets that. "Experiencing history rather than just hoping someone will share it with you."
"Exactly! But Blip's over here saying that black people don't time travel." Evelyn sips her drink. "As if we don't want to experience good parts of our history."
Blip shakes his head. "I'm just not trying to get beat up, killed, imprisoned, or anything else. I just want to play ball and come home to you and the boys."
"Suck up." But she has that pink to her cheeks that only a lot of alcohol, or a good line, can do to a girl. "Ginny, what do you do?"
"Me?" Ginny glances around for help, but Blip and Mike don't seem to have any answers for her. Actually, Mike's been pretty quiet while he drinks for now. What's up with him? "What about him?" She points to Mike, who quirks a brow at her. "What'd you choose, Lawson?"
He tips his beer away from him. "Haven't picked yet. We're doing everything else before beauty." Then, to Evelyn, he adds, "No offense."
"None taken." She knows she's cute. Everyone's cute here. It's an epidemic, honestly.
Cute and petty and wholly unhelpful when Ginny needs to make a hypothetical decision on time travel. Because, yeah, bad things could happen in another time period, but also great things did happen and she could witness them. But there's also the fact that this decade has been really good to her. She's playing for the Padres, has great friends, and she's kind of living the dream that she and her dad set out for.
"Fine, I choose now."
Blip snorts. "See, no time travel."
Mike shakes his head though. "That doesn't prove anything. It's an easy choice for her. She's only lived through two decades."
Again with this? She corrects him, "Three. I'm--"
"Twenty-four, I know." He drinks.
She rolls her eyes. "You sound so bitter."
"I'm always bitter," he says. But not always, not with her. Maybe Ginny's eyes say that because his eyes crinkle in the edges the longer they hold this new stare, and her chest gets all warm even if it's covered by her shirt and her sling, and when she does look away from Mike, it's straight into Evelyn's beaming face.
Ginny gulps down her emotion with the last of her drink. "Whatever." Maybe she should've followed the boys upstairs instead of sticking around for grown folk talks. She could kick their asses in Mario Kart instead of debating the strengths of different decades. "It's not like it matters anyway. But, now is a good time. Now, we have a lot of opportunities and more happening every day as people fight for their rights and a chance to live their dreams. A woman is playing in the Majors."
Evelyn hums. "A black woman."
Ginny nods. "Exactly. So our biggest limitations are the ones we put on ourselves."
Mike sighs. It's not even a big one, but the empty bottle magnifies it. Draws them all over to his face as it freezes. He clears his throat a bit at their stares. "Just, yeah, you know. Our own expectations tend to hold us back. Sometimes they help, and other times..."
He meets her eyes again, and there are a few limitations that she's set for them, aren't there? The insistence that they're teammates, but that they have to be the same type of teammates that she and Blip are rather than the sort of partners that she and Mike were beginning to be. That's something holding them back. But it has a purpose. It keeps her safe, keeps her career grounded and her heart firmly in her chest instead of flying at him like a curveball. He might be a great catcher, but even the greats mess up sometimes.
Then Mike blinks, and his gaze goes to Evelyn and Blip rather than just Ginny. He says, "Now's pretty good, but maybe the future wouldn't be a bad place to be either. Got a lot of hopes for it. Big dreams."
"I want another house." Evelyn smiles down into her glass. "Not just because of the space, but one that has something for everyone. An extra guest room would be nice too. Since Ginny never seems to want her own place, and it wouldn't be the worst to have another girl around."
That comment does something to Blip. Sends him somewhere in his mind that brings out a gruffness. He pushes up from his seat with his empty bottle. "I'm getting a refill." His shoulders stay tense on his march to the fridge, and Evelyn's eyes go skyward before she blinks her own emotion away.
Ginny gives her a look -- a raised brow and a head tilt to ask what's wrong. Ev shakes her head. Not the time then. Ginny glances to her phone, flipped over on the table as per house rules. Ev shakes her head again. No texting about it either. Fine. She could wait.
Mike must pick up on something since he offers his own dreams out to the table. "I really want that ring. With the right team. Our team."
Blip shuts the fridge. "Not the Cubs?"
Mike stares over. He probably has some smart response stored, but he just sighs and says, "I didn't put in sixteen years here for nothing. After I get that ring, they'll be begging me to be mayor. Couldn't deny the fans that."
Blip mulls it over, then reaches back into the fridge to grab another beer. He holds it out to Mike once he has it, and Mike nods. It's not much, but it's something. Blip pops the lids and brings both drinks back to the table.
"Yeah, what would they do without you, man?"
A week ago, that was the question, wasn't it? What would they do without Mike? Now that's the one they've got to wonder about with Ginny. What'll they do if she can't play the way she used to? What will she do? All she's ever known is this game. All of her friends come from this game. So if she can't play, what does she have to look forward to in the future?
She can watch her friends get championship rings. She can run around with Gabe and Marcus hanging off of her arms. She can drink with Evelyn over whatever little problem of the week has popped up in an otherwise perfect marriage. But what will she do?
Mike sips from his new drink. "Eh, they'd figure it out."
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:23pm // Back. Mom's hovering but we're in, safe and sound
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:24pm // Glad to hear it. Sleep tight xx
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:25pm // hey, what was that tonight? with Blip?
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:26pm // ???? // + surprised you noticed anything with your little drinking game
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:28pm // You saw that? // of course you saw it // I thought it'd help keep him calm
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:30pm // It calmed him down alright // They actually talked, Ginny. Finally. // I mean it's no kiss and make up moment but it's something, right? no more constant awkwardness?
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:32pm // Nope, we fixed it // yeswecan.gif
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:33pm // What thing with Blip?
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:34pm // Oh. He got weird when you mentioned having another girl around // Everything okay?
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:37pm // You know Blip, he wants us to do what he wants us to do and anything outside of that is just... totally unheard of. He wants his perfect wife and his perfect sons and a perfect third kid, and I just want this. I want more than just this. I want my restaurant. I want a future of my own that's not just a house to decorate or a mini-me to go to the spa with. I can go to the spa with you
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:39pm // whoa. And you told him that?
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:42pm // Along with telling him that I need the same level of support I've been giving him since we met. We're not at Lawson level freeze outs, but he's not happy with it. dk when he will be. dk if he can be. // but at least we fixed him and Mike. they can bitch about me together
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:43pm // I should've stayed
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:45pm // No, he'd know something was up then // I'm fine. Me and Blip are fine. He needs time, and then we'll be right back to strong as ever // but thank you for the offer // get some sleep okay
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:48pm // okay // love you, Ev
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:49pm // love you too // tell your mom night for me
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:51pm // She says night
// Ev?
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:52pm // ?
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:53pm // I can't wait to see your restaurant // #TeamFuture
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:53pm // lol #TeamFuture
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, [DRAFT] // I wanted now as my decade because this is the happiest I’ve ever been and I don’t really care about seeing something new, or experiencing something I haven’t felt before
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, [DRAFT] // Who’s to say the future’s gonna be great anyway? What if it’s awful? What do we do then?
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, 12:00am // You better not have driven yourself home. You didn’t have your glasses and you had too much to be sober
From Mike Lawson to Ginny Baker, 12:01am // Got an Uber // Go to sleep, rookie
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, 12:02am // I’m going. I’m going // Night old man
From Mike Lawson to Ginny Baker, 12:03am // I’m really not that old
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, 12:04am // Fine. Night cap
From Mike Lawson to Ginny Baker, 12:05am // You sure good night texts are okay?
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, 12:06am // Me and Blip swap bedtime stories all the time // cross my heart
From Mike Lawson to Ginny Baker, 12:07am // Night, Baker
[more can be found here, written four months and one cancellation announcement later]
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chardwic · 7 years
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New Couples that I Ship from the 2016-2017 TV Season Part 2/2
*I know that Tip was struggling with gender identity, but I started shipping Tip with Jack as a boy so I shipped it either way. *I think Amelia and Oscar from Pitch would have made a cute couple too.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch23: Full Circle
Chapter Summary: Mary takes a trip to Boston, but it doesn’t go exactly according to plan and both Frank and Fliss find themselves making a return to the place they both ran from.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Nothing major in this, except please bear with me…I’m a Brit so don’t have a wonderful knowledge of the US Health service… thanks to those of you who helped me with this one, you know who you are… ;-)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 22
In the eye of the storm, you remain in control, and in the middle of the war, you guard my soul, you alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn, your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm.
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 "You got everything?" Frank looked at Mary as she shrugged her pink backpack over her shoulder and nodded at him, grinning. "All set..." "Have a good time sweetie!" Fliss grinned as she bent to give her a hug. "I'll make sure Monty is ok, and Fred gets his ping pong ball." Mary wrapped her arms around Fliss, squeezing her before she turned to Frank and did the same. "Call or message me when you land." Frank straightened up as Mary turned to climb in the car as Evelyn held the door open. It was in instruction, not a request and that didn’t pass Evelyn by. She looked at him, smiled and nodded. "Of course. Our flight is due into Boston at 10pm so I'll let you know straight away." Frank nodded and Fliss slipped an arm around his waist as Evelyn settled into the car, the door closing behind them. "She'll be fine..." Fliss gave his hip a gentle squeeze as they both waved the car off, Thor playfully bounding after it for 2 or 3 strides, barking. "It’s only 2 nights sailor...she'll be back Sunday evening" "I know..." he sighed, turning to face her. "And I know it’s different to the last time she went..."
“But that won’t stop you worrying, I get it.” Fliss said, as she gently slid her arms round his neck.
“Stupid, huh?” Frank sighed, his hands falling to her hips.
“No, not at all. You’re behaving like any dad would…” “I’m not her dad.” Frank shook his head.
“And Bill isn’t mine, biologically.” Fliss looked at him, her head tilting to one side. “I’ve told you before, don’t sell yourself short.”
Frank took a deep breath and looked down at Fliss, her large brown eyes studying his.
“What you wanna do tonight?” He asked, changing the subject. It always made him feel slightly uncomfortable being referred to as Mary’s Father, it was almost like he was betraying Diane’s memory in a way. It was stupid, illogical, he knew, as he was her father, in every way but biologically…but still.
"How about you take me for a ride in the new truck?" Fliss smiled. “I’ve not sat in it yet!” Frank looked over her shoulder for a moment at the sleek, shiny new silver Mitsubishi Triton he’d taken delivery of that morning. He smiled a little, before he looked at Fliss, his hands flexing on her waist as he had an idea. "Why don't we see what's on at the Drive In up at Tampa? Good trip to give it a test and we can take the blankets and cool box up, sit on the back?" "Ooooh, sounds great!" Fliss grinned "grab some munchies too!" Frank nodded, giving her a peck on the lips before they headed back up to the apartment. The evening film turned out to be Bohemian Rhapsody which Fliss was eager to see and after checking the time they packed up the truck with what they needed before hitting the road. Fliss was taken with the modern interior of the new vehicle, fiddling about with the dials and the screen on the centre console, tuning the radio in and programming the rest of the stuff which Frank couldn't give a crap out. The only thing useful on there in his opinion was the built in GPS. "Did Greg call you today?" Frank asked Fliss as she sat in the seat beside him. She turned to face him, frowning. "I thought I told you?" Frank school his head, glancing at her. "Oh God, Frank, I’m sorry!" She slapped her palm to her forehead and groaned, shaking her head. Frank chuckled and reached out to squeeze her knee. "Honey, its okay" he assured her, giving her a smile which she returned. He knew why she had been quick to apologise. As part of their moving forward since their little 'blip' as Frank referred to it a few weeks back, Fliss had agreed one hundred percent disclosure on anything and everything to do with her ass hat ex and she didn't want him thinking she was holding out. Another part of the deal was they went to the police. After seeing the evidence and taking statements they had questioned John, who of course had denied it. Given that the evidence was circumstantial the prosecution had told Fliss that they wouldn't be pursuing it further however, upon learning this Greg, had taken matters into his own hands and was pushing for further action. Given that the weight of probability with John's history, swayed towards him being responsible Greg was actively yet unofficially harassing the Assistant District Attorney in Suffolk County (who he knew from Law School) to at least consider holding a Grand Jury Hearing. "He hasn't heard back from his pal at the DAs office yet." Fliss shrugged, her eyes moving back to the road "Mind you, John's been quiet though for the last month now since the photo. Part of me wonders if pushing for this is just gonna kick the Hornets nest so to speak." "Maybe." Frank mused. "But Greg seems confident if we can get him up in front of a Grand Jury, they'd without a doubt decide there was a case to answer." "He just wants to second chair the Prosecution" Fliss grinned and Frank snorted. "Yeah he has taken it kinda personally." Frank nodded, before he sighed and reached out for her left hand which was now nervously twisting the fingers of her right. He pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles before he linked his fingers with his and dropped his hand to the arm rest between them. He didn't mention it again. Instead they concentrated on enjoying themselves and once at the Drive In, Frank reversed the truck so the flat bed was facing the lager screen. They sat in the back, cool box of beer and snacks at their disposal, huddled together and enjoyed their film, sharing the odd lingering, deep kiss that left the pair of them smiling and grinning like a couple of teenagers on the back row. Once the film was finished they headed home via one of the All Night Diners on the for a shake and some pie, at which point Frank received a photo message from Evelyn that showed Mary asleep in the back of her car, accompanied by the words "Safe and Sound" and a promise that Mary would call in the morning. He passed the phone to Fliss who grinned at the image. "See, nothing to worry about." She said gently, passing him the phone back. "I'm not worried..." he began to protest but Fliss simply arched an eyebrow and he let out a soft sigh. "Okay, maybe a little..." "It’s gonna be fine. She's going to come back full of tales about what a great time she had and that's the most important thing here Frank. You said you wanted her to be happy. Clearly, having Evelyn in her life is what she wants." "I know, I know...you're right." He nodded, before his attention flicked to the waitress who was bringing them their food. Once finished they made their way back home and decided to take Thor for a quick walk down to the Marina. It was dark, and getting a little bit chilly (well, as chilly as it ever got in South Pas) but it was nice none the less, just taking the time to themselves in the moonlight. As they walked and talked, Frank felt the veil of anxiety he had been feeling about Mary’s trip lift slightly and he started to relax properly. It was hard not to, he loved spending time with Fliss like this, just doing simple things alone and it didn’t escape him how if you had asked him eighteen months ago if he would be spending his Friday Nights walking down the Marina with his girlfriend of a year he would have laughed.
At that he stopped.
A year.
“Lissy…” he pulled her back to him. “It’s our anniversary tomorrow.”
“I know.” she smiled “I take it you just remembered?”
“No…” he started to protest, and then gave a laugh as she arched an eyebrow at him, calling him out.
“You’re so full of shit.”
“Maybe I did just remember but that’s only because every day with you feels as special as our first date.” “Oh fuck you Adler!” she snorted and he laughed, tilting his head back, his right hand flying to his chest. “That’s is such a shit line.” “Okay, okay, sorry!” he chuckled, tilting his head to look at her. “I’ve never been in this position before so cut me some slack huh!”
“Well, I’m not expecting a card or flowers or any crap like that.” she smiled “It’s not like it’s a wedding anniversary, which, for the record, when we get married, you forget one of those I would smother you to death in your sleep…” “When…” Frank looked at her, a soft smile on his face.
“I mean if.” She flushed, biting her lip.
“Nope, you said when…”
“Piss off.”
“So you don’t wanna marry me?”
“I didn’t say that?”
“So you do then…” “Frank, seriously, shut up!” She laughed, hitting him on his chest. With a chuckle, he dropped his arm round her shoulder. They continued their walk, looping around the marina to start the head home, when after a few moment she spoke again.
“But, hypothetically speaking, if I was to ask…” Fliss took a deep breath as they continued to walk, before she stopped and looked up at him. “Hypothetically?” “Of course…” She smiled, and looked down slightly, before she grinned up at him “Then it would totally depend on what ring you got me.”
“Materialistic…” Frank nodded, “Noted.” She shoved him again and he looked at her, “What?” he asked through his chuckle.
“I wonder why I love you at times.” “No you don’t.” He said gently and it was her turn to laugh as she shook her head.
“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t”
“You’ve still not answered my question…” He said, looking at her.
“Ask it properly and maybe I will.” she sassed back.
Frank felt his face split into a grin because that was all the damned answer he needed. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips before he pulled her close and they headed home, Thor running in front of them barking at the lights that were reflecting on the dark water.
Frank blinked. It took him a while to realise what had woken him, but his phone was ringing. Reaching for it with a yawn he looked at it, and as soon as the caller ID registered he sat bolt upright and answered. "Mother?" He frowned, his voice thick from sleep "What's happened?" "Don't panic..." she spoke immediately, and he felt his chest contract straight away in worry as she continued "but we're on the way to hospital..." "Why, what's going on?" He asked, as Fliss stirred next to him as he began to push the covers down, before swinging his legs so he was sat on the edge if his bed. "Mary started complaining of pains in her stomach just before bed. She seemed to settle after some pain relief but woke about half an hour ago screaming. So I decided call an ambulance." Evelyn's voice was calm but Frank could sense the underlying current of anxiety "they're here now and they want to take her in, they think its appendicitis..." There was a pause as someone said something to her on the other side and then Frank could hear Mary's soft crying and he felt a lump in his throat. "Ok, where are they taking her?" He asked "Cambridge?" "Yes." Evelyn spoke "Frank, I need to go but I'll call you as soon as I have news." "Ok." Frank nodded, standing up "I'll be there as soon as I can" Evelyn didn't argue, she simply promised once more to call as soon as there was an update and he hit cancel. "Frank?" Fliss asked softly, clicking on the lamp as he turned to face her. "What...."
"It's Mary." Frank looked at Fliss as he moved the wardrobe and pulled out a bag "She's been taken ill, they're err...taking her to hospital. I need to go..."
"Hospital?" Fliss threw the covers off the bed "What for?" "Suspected appendicitis..." Frank said, as he tossed the kit bag onto the bed "I don't know much more but..."
He took a deep breath as Fliss reached out for him, and he fell into her arms as she gently gave him a hug. He pulled away and ran a hand over his face.
"Ok, first thing's first." Fliss spoke. "We need flights..."
"Flights?" "Yeah, you can't drive there Frank." Fliss looked at him, "It will take you a day." "Yeah, yeah." he nodded, realising that his plan to simply jump in his truck and floor it was a ridiculous one, before he frowned. “Hang on, we?"
"Yes, we. You're not going on your own." "I don't want you back in Boston." Frank shook his head. "Not whilst..."
"Frank, I'm not having this argument with you." Fliss said sternly "Fuck John. This is Mary. I'm coming, end of discussion." Frank looked at her for a moment, her face was stern leaving him absolutely no doubt she was being serious. If he was 100% honest with himself, he didn't want to go without her either, so with a deep breath he nodded.
"I’ll sort the flights and then I'll call my mum and dad, they can come get Thor and Fred. Where's your ID?" "Kitchen drawer." he said, as he began pulling a few items of clothing and stuffing them in the bag. She nodded and headed out of the room, the lights in the hallway flicking on as she went. He shoved what he had pulled from his drawers into his bag. He hated this, he'd always been there when Mary was sick, and the fact he was a damned 3 hour flight away was killing him.
"Dad's on his way over, and the first flight I could get us on is at six-fifteen which gets us in at nine-twenty.” Fliss said, coming back, her phone in her hand "So that gives us just under three hours." she said.
Frank nodded and that was the confirmation she needed, and she tapped a button nodding. "That's done. So you're gonna need your paperwork, insurance etc..." "Yeah, that's..." he frowned, "erm..." "Filed with everything else." she looked at him, "It's in the drawer in the bureau."
"Right." "And we should probably take some more stuff for Mary." Fliss looked at him, "She's gonna be there a little longer than anticipated so she'll need more clothes, pyjamas...maybe a few books...want me to sort it?" "Please." he smiled softly at her, thankful that she seemed to have taken control.
She nodded and headed into Mary's room and began to pull a selection of things for her together, returning with them moments later. They spent the next 15 minutes gathering what they needed before they both dressed, and then there was a soft knock on the door. Frank made his way to answer when his phone rang again.
"I'll get the door honey." Fliss spoke softly as he answered the call.
"Mr Adler?" "Speaking." "This is Ava Fields calling from Cambridge Hospital...I just need to collect some details from you regarding Mary...I believe you're the Minor's official guardian?"
Frank took a deep breath and confirmed the status with the woman, and then headed into the living room, nodding slightly to Bill as he went to the file which Fliss had placed on the dining room table. Flicking through he found his policy details, number and proceeded to recite the information over the phone.
"Listen..." he spoke to the woman once he had finished "I'm in Florida at the moment, but I'll be flying up as soon as I can...in the meantime, could it be possible to delegate responsibility when I'm not reachable to Evelyn Adler, she's Mary's grandmother, my mother...she came in with her. I don't want anything to be held up whilst I'm in the air..." "No, of course Mr Adler." The woman spoke kindly, "I'll make a note that you're happy for Mrs Adler to be the point of contact until you arrive...now have a safe trip and try not to worry." Yeah, right.
With a thanks he cut the call and immediately dialled his mother.
"Any news?" he demanded.
"The doctor has just arrived." Evelyn spoke quietly "He's doing a quick physical then I suspect she'll be taken up for some tests or..." "Ok, well our flight leaves at 6:15." he said, walking back into the bedroom "Arrives in Mass at 9:20."
"I'll send a car for you." Evelyn said.
"Thanks." Frank said "Oh, and I've told the hospital that if they can't reach me to defer to you. I hope that's ok." "Of course it's ok Frank." Evelyn replied softly "She is my granddaughter." "Just call me the minute there's any news." he said, ignoring her sudden softness. "Sure." Evelyn said "And keep me posted as to where you are." With a goodbye Frank slid the phone into his pocket and unplugged the charger before he threw that into the bag along with his documents before he zipped it up and lifted it, along with the smaller one which contained Mary's stuff and headed into the hall.
"Hey Bill..." he said with a sigh, dropping the bags to the floor "Sorry, I wasn't being rude..." "Stop." Bill shook his head, cutting Frank’s apology off "How is she?" "Still being examined. I should know more shortly." he took a deep breath, looking at Fliss "Mother's sending a car for us once we land."
"Ok." Fliss said "I couldn't get two seats together but we're a row behind one another..." Frank nodded, it wasn't important. What was important was that they simply got there.
"Deep breath..." Fliss said softly, her hands resting on his arms "Have we packed everything?"
He nodded, running over the list in his head and Bill reached for one of the bags. "Ok, let's get going..."
"Dad's gonna drop us at the airport." Fliss said, "Save us having to sort out Car parking..." "Thanks." Frank looked at Bill, who waved his gratitude away.
"No problems...all set?" "Jacket." Fliss looked at Frank and he cursed, heading back into the bedroom. Grabbing the warmest one he owned, which was a dark grey Super-Dry zip up he carried it back into the hall and the three of them headed down to Bill's Range Rover.
15 minutes into the trip he had another call from Evelyn to say Mary was being taken up for scans as soon as possible.
"The initial examination seems to confirm it's appendicitis..." she said "They've given her a sedative for the pain and once the scans are done, if its confirmed they're going to need to operate. The good news is it doesn't appear to have ruptured so it can be done via a laparoscopy..." "Yeah, that's wonderful..." Frank said sarcastically before he sighed "Sorry, I'm just worried..." "I know." Evelyn said "But she's in the best place Frank." "Yeah..." he sighed, looking out of the window. "Thanks...keep in touch." He explained to Fliss and Bill who were both looking at him questioningly before they fell silent again, no one speaking for the rest of the journey, which took them just over 35 minutes in total. After giving Bill quick instructions for Thor and Fred, and the man promising to call Alan and Joanne for them, as it was unlikely they would be back on Monday, they both gave him a hug and Bill gently slapped Frank's back slightly, in as Fatherly a manner as he could have done.
Check in and security took them about 40 minutes to clear, meaning by the time the hit the lounge they had roughly an hour before they could start boarding. Fliss suggested they grabbed a coffee and Frank agreed, even though he didn't particularly want one, he knew it was a way of passing the time. He was also getting antsy as there hadn't been any more news from his mother or the hospital. Fliss directed him to sit on the tan, leather sofas in the Coffee Bar area of the lounge and headed to the counter to place their order. Whilst she waited she turned to glance at Frank, to see he had crossed one long leg over the other and was rubbing at his forehead with his hand. She knew he was worried, hell, they both were, but Frank was normally the level-headed one out of the pair of them, more often than not being the one bringing Fliss down from a rage when Mary came home and told about something a kid at school had said to her, even when Mary didn’t actually give a shit herself. But now the tables had turned and Fliss knew she had to be the calm one despite the fact she herself felt anything but.
Taking the coffees with a smile she turned and headed over to where he was sat, placing the mugs on the small table in front of them and then dropping gently into the seat besides him.
“Thanks.” he murmured, before he pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked it again.
"She’ll be ok Frank." Fliss said gently, her hand dropping to his knee.
"She's gonna be so scared Fliss" Frank sighed, his hand sliding into hers "A strange place, in pain, and ...I'm not there..." "No, but you will be as soon as we can." Fliss soothed.
"What if they operate, and then she wakes up and..."Frank's voice croaked "I promised I'd look after her and..."
"Hey..." Fliss said softly, her fingers tightening around his "You do look after her. No one could have predicted she would fall ill, that isn't something you can control, ok? I know it’s easier said than done but try and concentrate, keep a clear head. So when you do get news you can digest it rationally ok?"
"I know going back can't be easy for you." he looked at her, "But I'm glad you're here...I don't know what I'd have done without you before..."
"Probably jumped in your truck in nothing but your boxers." She said and he gave a soft chuckle.
"Probably" he agreed.
They made small talk for the rest of the time before their flight called and they headed to the gate. He called Evelyn to inform her they were boarding and she told him that they were still waiting for a doctor to come by with the scans results. That frustrated him, as it had been almost 2 hours since they had said they were referring her for one but there was nothing he could do about it.
They found their seats, Frank shoving their bags into any space in the overhead locker he could find and thankfully, the man next to Frank was happy to swap seats when Fliss explained the situation to him, meaning they could sit together. Whilst Frank had earlier stated it wasn't important he was glad he was by his side. He could take her hand, feel her presence which itself was calming.
The flight itself felt like the longest 3 hours of Frank's life. He tried to concentrate on a film, but that didn't work. Nor did the paper from the flight attendant, or trying to talk to Fliss. After 40 minutes he just settled into a contemplative silence, his mind working overtime, simply taking Fliss' hand in his as he willed away the minutes. Eventually, their descent into Logan was announced and after Fliss spoke to the flight attendant again, they were allowed to exit the aircraft first. Frank was back on his phone as soon as they walked off, and Evelyn answered immediately saying Mary had been taken down to surgery approximately 50 minutes ago. She assured Frank that Mary had been ok, knew he was on his way, and Evelyn had been with her whilst she fell asleep, which was something at least.
As they were travelling with their bags in the cabin, once they cleared security they didn’t have to wait for luggage reclaiming, and they strode quickly into the arrivals lounge where they were met by their driver who Frank greeted with a nod. They followed him outside to the sleek grey Mercedes and both climbed into the rear once Frank had tossed their bags into the trunk.  Fliss gently placed her hand on Frank's knee as his leg was shaking and he shot her a small smile as he looked out of the window at the sights of the city he had left behind almost 8 years ago.
Nothing had changed, nothing of notice anyway. A few new housing developments here and there but as they made their way through to Cambridge it appeared to be the same leafy suburb he had once called home. Although he knew Fliss had lived in Concorde, this had to be jolting memories for her and it seemed he was right as he glanced sideways at her and noticed a look of contemplation on her face.
"You ok?" he asked, and she smiled, nodding.
“Was just thinking about how beautiful it all looks this time of year." He smiled softly and they fell into silence again, and less than 20 minutes after leaving the airport they pulled up outside the hospital. The driver hopped out and opened the trunk so they could grab their bags before they thanked the man and headed inside straight to reception. The woman greeted him, gave him the relevant floor and Ward name along with a room number, informing him Mary had her own private area which he was glad about.
"Come on..." Frank urged the elevator as it ascended to the floor they needed, tapping his foot on the floor. After what felt like hours, the doors opened and he strode out, his hand round Fliss' as they checked the signs on the wall.
"This way." Fliss tugged on his arm. She gently led him to the right and they checked the numbers on the doors before they reached Mary's. Without knocking Frank opened the door and Evelyn's head snapped up.
"Where's Mary?" Frank demanded as he spotted the bed was missing from the room. "Not back from theatre." Evelyn said, standing up and Fliss smiled at her, taking in her appearance. She was as casually dressed as Fliss had ever seen her, in a pair of jeans and a sweater, her hair pulled back into a pony tail and she noted how soft and almost maternal it actually made her look in contrast to her usual School Mistress appearance. "It shouldn't be long now...as soon as she's out they'll be taking her to the post anaesthetic care unit and come down to get us."
Frank dropped the bag he was carrying to the floor and walked to the window, taking a glance out, chewing the inside of his lip. Fliss watched him for a moment before she turned to Evelyn as she spoke.
"Good flight?" the woman asked, clearly trying to make conversation.
"Yeah." Fliss nodded "Felt like it took an age but..."
At that moment there was a knock on the door before it opened and they all turned to see a doctor step into the room.
"How is she?" Frank asked immediately.
"Mr Adler I presume?" The light haired man smiled at him. "I'm Dr Jeffords. Mary is fine, the operation went without hitch. If you come with me I'll take you up to PACU...but I'm afraid only 2 of you can come..." Frank took a deep breath and immediately looked to Fliss, who turned to Evelyn. "Evelyn, you can..." "No." she shook her head, "You go..."
"You can take turns if you wish." The doctor said gently "She shouldn't be in there for too long, once she's come round and her vitals are stable she'll be brought back down so..." Evelyn nodded and Fliss turned to Frank as he took her hand. With a final nod to his mother they followed the Doctor to the elevator.
"Just to prepare you, she does have an IV line in and could be a little groggy at first..." The doctor spoke as they followed him down a corridor. "That's all perfectly normal..."
Frank nodded as the Doctor opened a door to their right and Frank saw Mary for the first time in the middle of the bed at the far side.  She looked so small and there was a nurse stood by her, checking something on a screen.
"Oh, Jesus.” Frank's voice caught in his throat and Fliss gently rubbed at his back.
"It looks worse than it is." Doctor Jeffords assured him "Like I said, there were no complications we just need to monitor her for a while until she comes round fully. Now if you need anything or have any worries, please just grab one of the nurses, and I'll be back in about half an hour to check on her. By the she should be with it enough to take back to her room."
Fliss thanked the Doctor as Frank walked over to Mary's bed, bending down gently to kiss the top of her head, his hand brushing her hair back off her face. She gently placed her hand between Frank's shoulder blades as the two of them stood looking down at Mary, Fliss' hand rubbing soft circles over Frank's grey t-shirt as he took a deep breath. "She looks so small." Frank said softly "I never considered how little she was really" "She's not." Fliss chuckled. "She is to you because you're big." "Big?" Frank looked at her and she shrugged, smiling. "Yeah you're tall...broad shouldered..." she mused, her eyes flicking back to Mary, her hand falling from his shoulders to the base of his back. "I'm just over six-foot, it's not that tall." Frank's lips curled into a smile "Your Steve is taller than me, your dad is the same size..." "Steve is an animal." Fliss said, shaking her head "he was your height at the age of 16. Ridiculous." At that Mary made a little noise, and her face creased up, eyes closed. "Hey." Frank smiled softly, his hand reaching out again, gently brushing her cheek. "Hey Stack."
Mary made a noise, and then her face screwed up and she began to try and sit up.
“Shhhh.”  Frank moved further up the bed, gently bending over so his hands fell either side of her. “Just…stay calm, its okay…”
But even as he spoke she became even more visibly distressed, and no matter what he said she didn’t respond. He looked up at Fliss, helplessly, his eyes filling with tears and Fliss took a deep breath, swallowing as she called over for a nurse.
“I know this looks horrible,” the Nurse said softly as she strode over, “but she’s experiencing something we call Emergence Delirium, very common in children.” “What, what do I do?” Frank asked, shaking his head, his eyes still fixed on Mary as she yelled out, her arms flailing “I can’t…”
“There’s nothing you can do really other than gently talk to her, stay calm, be reassuring…” the Nurse said gently. “I promise you, she won't remember any of this when she comes round fully Mr Adler, it’s worse for you than her…”
Frank gently placed his hand on Mary’s forehead and at his touch she seemed to relax a little, so encouraged slightly he began to hum the melody to God Only Knows by the Beach Boys, something he had always sung to her as a small child, a song she’d grown up with and they now sang along to in the car on occasions. Fliss moved to his side, her arm curling round his waist as she simply stood with him, lending him comfort and eventually, Mary blinked, her eyes opening and when they focussed on Frank she gave him a small smile.
Frank let out the breath he had been holding and wiped his eyes hastily before she realised he’d been crying.
"Hey Stack." he said gently, looking at her, his hand softly stroking her cheek. "Welcome back."
She blinked again, and then looked to Fliss, her face cracking into an even bigger smile and Fliss reached down and gently placed a kiss on her head.
“Hey baby.” Fliss smiled.
“Evelyn…” Mary coughed slightly, her voice croaky and she looked at Frank “She said you were on your way…” “I got on a plane as soon as I could.” he said, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here earlier.” “Where is she?”
“She’s in your room.” Frank said “Only 2 of us were allowed in here at once.” “Do you want me to go get her?” Fliss said.
“But then you would have to go.” Mary frowned.
“Yeah, but if you want Evelyn that’s fine…” “No.” Mary shook her head and Frank gently curled his hand around Fliss’. Mary closed her eyes again before she opened them and looked at Frank “Where’s Fred.” Frank let out a snort “I couldn’t bring a cat in here with me, Stack. Bill and Verity have him.” “And his ping pong balls?” “And his ping pong balls.” Fliss assured her.
“Oh, ok.” Mary looked at them both “That’s fine. Hey, did you bring me any snacks?”
Frank looked at Fliss, the pair of them sharing a grin before Frank shook his head “No, but when the doctor says it’s ok I’ll go get you whatever you want.” “Good, Evelyn wouldn’t let me have any chips last night.” she said, wrinkling her face “I know I’ve said this before but she really is bossy…” *******
When the Doctor returned he began his examination to make sure Mary was ok to move back to her room, and Fliss had to snort at the way Mary started demanding an in depth report on what exactly the Operation had done. Doctor Jeffords looked at Frank, who merely rolled his eyes with a smirk and gestured for him to answer so, with an amused expression he did just that. Mary quizzed him for a good 15 minutes until Frank stepped in and told her that the poor man had other people to go and see, not just her.
Little over 20 minutes after the Doctor was left they were back in Mary’s room, and she seemed fairly bright. Frank had been momentarily dumbfounded when he had seen his mother reach over to hug Mary, tears in her eyes when she had returned to her room. But Mary didn’t act like it was a big issue, so he could only assume that his mother must have hugged her before, and it struck him as being a little sad how surprised he was by this realisation.
The three of them sat with her, the TV on the wall playing something in the background. Frank made sure her laptop was charged so she had something to do as well in case she decided she was getting bored. They Face-timed Bill and Verity who were both over the moon to see Mary ok, and they talked to them for a good forty minutes, Mary demanding to see Fred and Thor as well, Bill making good natured grumblings about how he was offended she didn’t really want to see him. All in all, the day passed fairly quickly all in all, and at about 4pm the Nurse popped in to ask if Mary wanted something to eat. She nodded eagerly and when they returned with a list of what she could have, Frank sat next to her and they began to decide. Fliss smiled softly at the sight of him, sat up on the bed, arm looped round the headboard as they both pulled a face at something on the menu, shaking their heads.
“String beans by any chance?” Evelyn asked, clocking the exchange and Frank looked up at her.
“How did you guess?”
“You always hated them as a child and do does she….” Evelyn said, a little distractedly as her phone began to ring. She glanced at the number and then looked at Frank “Sorry, do you…” “No, go for it.” He said, nodding. She answered the call as she left the room, Fliss watching her go before she turned to Frank as Mary looked at him.
“Are you staying here with me tonight?” “Course I am.” he assured her “I’m not leaving until you can come home.” “And that’s tomorrow?” “If they’re happy you’re ok, yeah, tomorrow. Although you won’t’ be able to fly back to Florida for a while.” “Does that mean we’re gonna be at Evelyn’s for Thanksgiving?” Frank paused for a moment, he hadn’t even thought about that, or in fact where they were going to stay whilst Mary recovered. His mother’s was the logical option, despite how he had no desire to step foot in her house ever again, but that wasn’t important. What was important was Mary, and being at his mother’s was going to be a damned sight better for her than a hotel.
“Looks like it.” he nodded.
“Will we still get our dinner?” Mary frowned “Like, we said we would do a beef roast this year.” “I’ll still make you a roast.” Fliss smiled,  “As long as Evelyn is ok with it.” “Ok with what?” Evelyn asked, walking back into the room.
“With us staying until Mary is well enough to fly home.”  Frank looked at her.
“And Thanksgiving dinner.” Mary added.
“And dinner.” Frank nodded.
Evelyn looked at him “Well I assumed you would be staying with me until she was well enough to fly home, Francis…” Frank arched his eyebrow at the fact she’d dropped his full name and besides him Mary sniggered.
“Francis…that’s so lame…” “Hush.” he looked at her before he turned to his mother. “Are you sure?” “Of course, there’s plenty of room.” she said.
“Thanks. Who was on the phone?” Frank asked.
“Oh, just someone from the University asking how Mary was.” Evelyn shook her head, “No one important.”
“That all they wanted?” Frank asked, and Evelyn sighed
“I should have been on a call this afternoon.” “On a Saturday?” Frank looked at her.
“Research doesn’t stop at a weekend…” Evelyn glared at him. “But like I said, no important. I’ll catch up on what they wanted another time.” with that she rubbed at her eyes . Frank studied her for a moment and gave a sigh, she looked exhausted. They all did to be fair, but his mother was almost 65, she was bound to be feeling it a little more than he or Fliss.
“Why don’t you head off?” he asked. “Go catch up on whatever they wanted, get some sleep and come back in the morning…you too.” he turned to Fliss. Immediately she began to protest but Frank looked at her, shaking his head “Look, all that’s gonna happen is I’m gonna eat half of Mary’s dinner-“ “-hey!”
“-and fall asleep.” he finished, grinning as Mary glared at him over the threat regarding her food. “It’s 5 pm now…I guarantee by 8 I’ll be flat out.”
“Well then I’ll go at 8.” Fliss pouted.
Frank looked at her, about to argue but Evelyn stood up.
“I’ll call for my driver.” Evelyn said, “I’m not going to lie, I am dying for a hot bath and a bottle of Malbec.”
“I don’t want to go yet.” Fliss pouted.
Frank took a deep breath, “Really, we’re going to have this argument about you being a stubborn brat?” “No argument. I’m not going yet.” “I’ll go ahead.” Evelyn said, stepping in as she saw Frank glaring at Fliss “I could do with making sure the guest room is ready anyway and making a few calls. I’ll send the driver back for you in an hour or so?” Fiss took a deep breath and then sighed “Ok, fine.” Domestic argument averted, Evelyn bid Mary a good night, gently pecking her head before she turned to Frank who was sat next to Mary and surprisingly did the same to him. He swallowed and looked at her, frowning a bit. She looked like she was about to say something but didn’t, instead she stood up and told Fliss she would send her a set of keys back with the driver.
Frank watched her go before he turned to Fliss who looked at him, shrugging her shoulders.
“She clearly found her inner mom.” Mary said, and Frank looked down at her, “Something underneath the Mother.” “She’s always been mother.” Frank said “I’ve never once called her mom, not without her protesting anyway.”
“Her loss.” Mary shrugged and Frank frowned again, looking at Fliss.
“Why do you say that?”
“Coz Verity told me that being a mom and a nanna was the best thing ever.” she shrugged “If Evelyn’s only ever been a mother, well that sucks…” Frank stared down at her, utterly dumbfounded at her comment as she handed him the menu card “I’ll have the chicken, but no string beans…”
***** Little over an hour or so Fliss received a call telling her that the driver was waiting outside. Once they finished removing what Frank needed from the bag, Fliss turned to Mary and gave her a hug and kiss goodnight before Frank followed her out of the door.
“Call me when you’re home.” he said, and she nodded, stepping into his arms before she gave him a soft kiss.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can in the morning.” she said gently. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” he smiled, kissing her again “So much baby girl.” Smiling at the nickname she picked up the bag, and with a last peck to his lips she headed out.
The drive to Evelyn’s was reasonably quick, and Fliss soon found the car pulling off the main road onto a sweeping driveway and into a large, open courtyard. The house was big, bigger than her parents so it looked but it was hard to see much it was dark. She thanked the driver as he walked her up to the door with her bag, before handing her the keys. Once inside she found herself in an immaculate terracotta tiled hallway, illuminated by a very expensive looking floor lamp in the corner under the huge stair case. Fliss turned and gave the door a soft pull before she began to walk deeper into the house, bag deposited by the foot of the stairs. She headed into a large sitting area, which contained a pristine leather couch and matching arm chairs, large TV and followed that through to another area which contained a grand piano, a large table and numerous bookshelves. That led into a large kitchen with hanging, brushed copper lampshades, and the room looked as though it spanned the entire width of the house. She stepped inside and then through another door which led back into a hall, passing another two doors to her right, which were both closed.
Frowning, Fliss saw the front door was open slightly, she must not have shut it correctly, it was quite a heavy wooden one after all in comparison to their PVC one at the apartment and probably needed a little more than a quick tug. Making sure it was snapped shut and the lock had clicked she grabbed her back and made her way upstairs. She reached the top and then stood, looking round. The hallway circled back round the stairs, rooms on all four sides. With a shrug she headed down towards the first door an opened it. It was a spare room, but clearly where Mary had been staying. It was decorated in soft shades of dusky pinks and golds, and there was a small bookcase with a few children’s books, some puzzles and TV with a DVD player sat on top of it. Fliss smiled before she headed to the next one. This was a larger room with a huge double bed, and on top of it sat two sets of clean towels. Deciding this was likely to be the one Evelyn was prepping for them, Fliss dropped her back down, and shrugged off her jacket, glancing at the door that led to the en-suite. Taking a quick look inside she knew she really should find Evelyn before she did anything else so she continued down past the next room which was empty, then the huge bathroom with a roll top bath, until she reached the final one which was on the opposite side of the landing. She gave a soft knock, before she entered, glancing around at the opulent master bedroom as soft music hit her ears, along with the sounds of water sloshing in a tub.
“Fliss?” the woman called back and Fliss headed over to the door of the en-suite.
“Yeah…sorry, I didn’t want to disturb you…”
“It’s quite alright, I won’t be too long. Have you found your room?”
“Yes, thank you.” “Ok, well, go and help yourself to a bottle of wine and run your own bath in the main bathroom. Fuck knows you can probably do with unwinding a little too.”
Although she knew Evelyn swore, the sound of the words from her mouth still made Fliss chuckle so after thanking her she headed back down the stairs to grab herself a bottle, as directed. She headed into the kitchen, and as she was passing the open door to her left which she assumed led into some kind of utility room, a movement caught her eye. She stopped, but before she could investigate further she saw a figure emerging from the shadows moving towards her. Automatically Fliss began to back away and she felt her eyes widen and her chest constrict in utter fear as the man’s features became clear as he strode into the soft light of the kitchen.  It was a face she hadn’t seen, other than in her worst memories and nightmares for years, not since she’d seen the court bailiffs lead him down from the dock after the jury had delivered their verdict. His cold grey eyes locked on to hers and he gave her a sinister smile.
“Long time no see Felicity.” John said, arching an eyebrow.  “You changed your hair.”
**** Chapter 24
74 notes · View notes
Riding High Ch23: Full Circle
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Chapter Summary: Mary takes a trip to Boston, but it doesn’t go exactly according to plan and both Frank and Fliss find themselves making a return to the very place they both ran from.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Nothing major in this, except please bear with me…I’m a Brit so don’t have a wonderful knowledge of the US Health service… thanks to those of you who helped me with this one, you know who you are… ;-)
Chapter Song:  Eye Of The Storm by Ryan Stevenson
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist 
In the eye of the storm, you remain in control, and in the middle of the war, you guard my soul, you alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn, your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm.
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"You got everything?" Frank looked at Mary as she shrugged her pink backpack over her shoulder and nodded at him, grinning. "All set..." "Have a good time sweetie!" Fliss grinned as she bent to give her a hug. "I'll make sure Monty is ok, and Fred gets his ping pong ball." Mary wrapped her arms around Fliss, squeezing her before she turned to Frank and did the same. "Call or message me when you land." Frank straightened up as Mary turned to climb in the car as Evelyn held the door open. It was in instruction, not a request and that didn’t pass Evelyn by. She looked at him, smiled and nodded. "Of course. Our flight is due into Boston at 10pm so I'll let you know straight away." Frank nodded and Fliss slipped an arm around his waist as Evelyn settled into the car, the door closing behind them. "She'll be fine..." Fliss gave his hip a gentle squeeze as they both waved the car off, Thor playfully bounding after it for 2 or 3 strides, barking. "It’s only 2 nights sailor...she'll be back Sunday evening" "I know..." he sighed, turning to face her. "And I know it’s different to the last time she went..."
“But that won’t stop you worrying, I know.” Fliss said, as she gently slid her arms round his neck.
“Stupid, huh?” Frank sighed, his hands falling to her hips.
“No, not at all. You’re behaving like any dad would…” “I’m not her dad.” Frank shook his head.
“And Bill isn’t mine, biologically.” Fliss looked at him, her head tilting to one side. “I’ve told you before, don’t sell yourself short.”
Frank took a deep breath and looked down at Fliss, her large brown eyes studying his.
“What you wanna do tonight?” he asked, changing the subject. It always made him feel slightly uncomfortable being referred to as Mary’s Father, it was almost like he was betraying Diane’s memory in a way. It was stupid, illogical, he knew, as he was her father, in every way but biologically…but still.
"How about you take me for a ride in the new truck?" Fliss smiled. “I’ve not sat in it yet!”
Frank looked over her shoulder for a moment at the sleek, shiny new silver Mitsubishi Triton he’d taken delivery of that morning. He smiled a little, before he looked at Fliss, his hands flexing on her waist as he had an idea. "Why don't we see what's on at the Drive In up at Tampa? Good trip to give it a test and we can take the blankets and cool box up, sit on the back?" "Ooooh, sounds great!" Fliss grinned "grab some munchies too!" Frank nodded, giving her a peck on the lips before they headed back up to the apartment. The evening film turned out to be Bohemian Rhapsody which Fliss was eager to see and after checking the time they packed up the truck with what they needed before hitting the road. Fliss was taken with the modern interior of the new vehicle, fiddling about with the dials and the screen on the centre console, tuning the radio in and programming the rest of the stuff which Frank couldn't give a crap out. The only thing useful on there in his opinion was the built in GPS. "Did Greg call you today?" Frank asked Fliss as she sat in the seat beside him. She turned to face him, frowning. "I thought I told you?" Frank shook his head, glancing at her. "Oh God, Frank, I’m sorry!" She slapped her palm to her forehead and groaned, shaking her head. Frank chuckled and reached out to squeeze her knee. "Honey, its ok" he assured her, giving her a smile which she returned. He knew why she had been quick to apologise. As part of their moving forward since their little 'blip' as Frank referred to it a few weeks back, Fliss had agreed one hundred percent disclosure on anything and everything to do with her ass hat ex and she didn't want him thinking she was holding out. Another part of the deal was they went to the police. After seeing the evidence and taking statements they had questioned John, who of course had denied it. Given that the evidence was circumstantial the prosecution had told Fliss that they wouldn't be pursuing it further however, upon learning this Greg, had taken matters into his own hands and was pushing for further action. Given that the weight of probability with John's history, swayed towards him being responsible Greg was actively yet unofficially harassing the Assistant District Attorney in Suffolk County (who he knew from Law School) to at least consider holding a Grand Jury Hearing. "He hasn't heard back from his pal at the DAs office yet." Fliss shrugged, her eyes moving back to the road "Mind you, John's been quiet though for the last month now since the photo. Part of me wonders if pushing for this is just gonna kick the Hornets nest so to speak." "Maybe." Frank mused. "But Greg seems confident if we can get him up in front of a Grand Jury, they'd without a doubt decide there was a case to answer." "Greg just wants to second chair the Prosecution" Fliss grinned and Frank snorted. "Yeah he has taken it kinda personally..." he nodded, before he sighed and reached out for her left hand which was now nervously twisting the fingers of her right. He pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles before he linked his fingers with his and dropped his hand to the arm rest between them. He didn't mention it again. Instead they concentrated on enjoying themselves and once at the Drive In, Frank reversed the truck so the flat bed was facing the lager screen. They sat in the back, cool box of beer and snacks at their disposal, huddled together and enjoyed their film, sharing the odd lingering, deep kiss that left the pair of them smiling and grinning like a couple of teenagers on the back row. Once the film was finished they headed home via one of the All Night Diners on the for a shake and some pie, at which point Frank received a photo message from Evelyn that showed Mary asleep in the back of her car, accompanied by the words "Safe and Sound" and a promise that Mary would call in the morning. He passed the phone to Fliss who grinned at the image. "See, nothing to worry about." She said gently, passing him the phone back. "I'm not worried..." he began to protest but Fliss simply arched an eyebrow and he let out a soft sigh "ok, maybe a little..." "It;s gonna be fine. She's going to come back full of tales about what a great time she had and that's the most important thing here Frank. You said you wanted her to be happy. Clearly, having Evelyn in her life is what she wants." "I know, I know...you're right." He nodded, before his attention flicked to the waitress who was bringing them their food. Once finished they made their way back home and decided to take Thor for a quick walk down to the Marina. It was dark, and getting a little bit chilly (well, as chilly as it ever got in South Pas) but it was nice none the less, just taking the time to themselves in the moonlight. As they walked and talked, Frank felt the veil of anxiety he had been feeling about Mary’s trip lift slightly and he started to relax properly. It was hard not to, he loved spending time with Fliss like this, just doing simple things alone and it didn’t escape him how if you had asked him 18 months ago if he would be spending his Friday Nights walking down the Marina with his girlfriend of a year he would have laughed.
At that he stopped.
A year.
“Lissy…” he pulled her back to him. “It’s our anniversary tomorrow.”
“I know.” she smiled “I take it you just remembered?”
“No…” he started to protest, and then gave a laugh as she arched an eyebrow at him, calling him out.
“You’re so full of shit.”
“Ok, so…maybe I did just remember but that’s only because every day with you feels as special as our first date.” “Oh fuck you Adler!” she snorted and he laughed, tilting his head back, his right hand flying to his chest. “That’s is such a shit line.” “Ok, ok, sorry!” he chuckled, tilting his head to look at her. “I’ve never been in this position before so cut me some slack huh!”
“Well, I’m not expecting a card or flowers or any crap like that.” she smiled “It’s not like it’s a wedding anniversary, which, for the record, when we get married, you forget one of those I would smother you to death in your sleep…” “When…” Frank looked at her, a soft smile on his face.
“I mean if…” she flushed, biting her lip.
“Nope, you said when…”
“Piss off.”
“So you don’t wanna marry me?”
“I didn’t say that?”
“So you do then…” “Frank, seriously, shut up!” she said, laughing hitting him on his chest.
“Ok, ok…” he laughed, his hand dropping round her shoulder. They continued their walk, looping around the marina to start the head home, when after a few moment she spoke again “But, hypothetically speaking, if I was to ask…” Fliss took a deep breath as they continued to walk, before she stopped and looked up at him. “Hypothetically?” “Of course…”
She smiled, and looked down slightly, before she grinned up at him “Then it would totally depend on what ring you got me.”
“Materialistic…” Frank nodded, “Noted.”
She shoved him again and he looked at her, “What?” he asked through his chuckle.
“I wonder why I love you at times.” “No you don’t” he said gently and it was her turn to laugh as she shook her head.
“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t”
“You’ve still not answered my question…” he said, looking at her.
“Ask it properly and maybe I will.” she sassed back.
Frank felt his face split into a grin because that was all the damned answer he needed. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips before he pulled her close and they headed home, Thor running in front of them barking at the lights that were reflecting on the dark water.
Frank blinked. It took him a while to realise what had woken him, but his phone was ringing. Reaching for it with a yawn he looked at it, and as soon as the called ID registered he sat bolt upright and answered. "Mother?" He frowned, his voice thick from sleep "What's happened?" "Don't panic..." she spoke immediately, and he felt his chest contract straight away in worry as she continued "but we're on the way to hospital..." "Why, what's going on?" He asked, as Fliss stirred next to him as he began to push the covers down, before swinging his legs so he was sat on the edge if his bed. "Mary started complaining of pains in her stomach just before bed. She seemed to settle after some pain relief but woke about half an hour ago screaming. So I decided call an ambulance." Evelyn's voice was calm but Frank could sense the underlying current of anxiety "they're here now and they want to take her in, they think its appendicitis..." There was a pause as someone said something to her on the other side and then Frank could hear Mary's soft crying and he felt a lump in his throat. "Ok, where are they taking her?" He asked "Cambridge?" "Yes." Evelyn spoke "Frank, I need to go but I'll call you as soon as I have news." "Ok." Frank nodded, standing up "I'll be there as soon as I can" Evelyn didn't argue, she simply promised once more to call as soon as there was an update and he hit cancel. "Frank?" Fliss asked softly, clicking on the lamp as he turned to face her. "What...."
"It's Mary." Frank looked at Fliss as he moved the wardrobe and pulled out a bag "She's been taken ill, they're err...taking her to hospital. I need to go..."
"Hospital?" Fliss threw the covers off the bed "What for?" "Suspected appendicitis..." Frank said, as he tossed the kit bag onto the bed "I don't know much more but..."
He took a deep breath as Fliss reached out for him, and he fell into her arms as she gently gave him a hug. He pulled away and ran a hand over his face.
"Ok, first thing's first..." Fliss said, looking at him "We need flights..."
"Flights?" "Yeah, you can't drive there Frank." Fliss looked at him, "It will take you a day..." "Yeah, yeah..." he nodded, realising that his plan to simply jump in his truck and floor it was a ridiculous one, before he frowned "hang on, we?"
"Yes, we. You're not going on your own." "I don't want you back in Boston." Frank shook his head. "Not whilst..."
"Frank, I'm not having this argument with you." Fliss said sternly "Fuck John. This is Mary. I'm coming, end of discussion." Frank looked at her for a moment, her face was stern leaving him absolutely no doubt she was being serious. If he was 100% honest with himself, he didn't want to go without her either, so with a deep breath he nodded.
"I’ll sort the flights..." she said, nodding ."And then I'll call my mum and dad...they can come get Thor and Fred. Where's your ID?" "Kitchen drawer." he said, as he began pulling a few items of clothing and stuffing them in the bag. She nodded and headed out of the room, the lights in the hallway flicking on as she went. He shoved what he had pulled from his drawers into his bag. He hated this, he'd always been there when Mary was sick, and the fact he was a damned 3 hour flight away was killing him.
"Ok, so Dad's on his way over, and the first flight out is 6.15 which gets us in at 9.20." Fliss said, coming back, her phone in her hand "So that gives us...just under 3 hours." she said.
Frank nodded and that was the confirmation she needed, and she tapped a button nodding. "Ok, that's done. So you're gonna need your paperwork, insurance etc..." "Yeah, that's..." he frowned, "erm..." "Filed with everything else." she looked at him, "It's in the drawer in the bureau."
"Ok..." "And we should probably take some more stuff for Mary." Fliss looked at him, "She's gonna be there a little longer than anticipated so she'll need more clothes, pyjamas...maybe a few books...want me to sort it?" "Please..." he smiled softly at her, thankful that she seemed to have taken control.
She nodded and headed into Mary's room and began to pull a selection of things for her together, returning with them moments later. They spent the next 15 minutes gathering what they needed before they both dressed, and then there was a soft knock on the door. Frank made his way to answer when his phone rang again.
"I'll get the door honey." Fliss spoke softly as he answered the call.
"Mr Adler?" "Speaking." "This is Ava Fields calling from Cambridge Hospital...I just need to collect some details from you regarding Mary...I believe you're the Minor's official guardian?"
Frank took a deep breath and confirmed the status with the woman, and then headed into the living room, nodding slightly to Bill as he went to the file which Fliss had placed on the dining room table. Flicking through he found his policy details, number and proceeded to recite the information over the phone.
"Listen..." he spoke to the woman once he had finished "I'm in Florida at the moment, but I'll be flying up as soon as I can...in the meantime, could it be possible to delegate responsibility when I'm not reachable to Evelyn Adler, she's Mary's grandmother, my mother...she came in with her. I don't want anything to be held up whilst I'm in the air..." "No, of course Mr Adler." The woman spoke kindly, "I'll make a note that you're happy for Mrs Adler to be the point of contact until you arrive...now have a safe trip and try not to worry." Yeah, right.
With a thanks he cut the call and immediately dialled his mother.
"Any news?" he demanded.
"The doctor has just arrived." Evelyn spoke quietly "He's doing a quick physical then I suspect she'll be taken up for some tests or..." "Ok, well our flight leaves at 6:15." he said, walking back into the bedroom "Arrives in Mass at 9:20."
"I'll send a car for you." Evelyn said.
"Thanks." Frank said "Oh, and I've told the hospital that if they can't reach me to defer to you. I hope that's ok." "Of course it's ok Frank." Evelyn replied softly "She is my granddaughter." "Just call me the minute there's any news." he said, ignoring her sudden softness. "Sure." Evelyn said "And keep me posted as to where you are." With a goodbye Frank slid the phone into his pocket and unplugged the charger before he threw that into the bag along with his documents before he zipped it up and lifted it, along with the smaller one which contained Mary's stuff and headed into the hall.
"Hey Bill..." he said with a sigh, dropping the bags to the floor "Sorry, I wasn't being rude..." "Stop." Bill shook his head, cutting Frank’s apology off "How is she?" "Still being examined. I should know more shortly." he took a deep breath, looking at Fliss "Mother's sending a car for us once we land."
"Ok." Fliss said "I couldn't get two seats together but we're a row behind one another..." Frank nodded, it wasn't important. What was important was that they simply got there.
"Deep breath..." Fliss said softly, her hands resting on his arms "Have we packed everything?"
He nodded, running over the list in his head and Bill reached for one of the bags. "Ok, let's get going..."
"Dad's gonna drop us at the airport." Fliss said, "Save us having to sort out Car parking..." "Thanks." Frank looked at Bill, who waved his gratitude away.
"No problems...all set?" "Jacket." Fliss looked at Frank and he cursed, heading back into the bedroom. Grabbing the warmest one he owned, which was a dark grey Super-Dry zip up he carried it back into the hall and the three of them headed down to Bill's Range Rover.
15 minutes into the trip he had another call from Evelyn to say Mary was being taken up for scans as soon as possible.
"The initial examination seems to confirm it's appendicitis..." she said "They've given her a sedative for the pain and once the scans are done, if its confirmed they're going to need to operate. The good news is it doesn't appear to have ruptured so it can be done via a laparoscopy..." "Yeah, that's wonderful..." Frank said sarcastically before he sighed "Sorry, I'm just worried..." "I know." Evelyn said "But she's in the best place Frank." "Yeah..." he sighed, looking out of the window. "Thanks...keep in touch." He explained to Fliss and Bill who were both looking at him questioningly before they fell silent again, no one speaking for the rest of the journey, which took them just over 35 minutes in total. After giving Bill quick instructions for Thor and Fred, and the man promising to call Alan and Joanne for them, as it was unlikely they would be back on Monday, they both gave him a hug and Bill gently slapped Frank's back slightly, in as Fatherly a manner as he could have done.
Check in and security took them about 40 minutes to clear, meaning by the time the hit the lounge they had roughly an hour before they could start boarding. Fliss suggested they grabbed a coffee and Frank agreed, even though he didn't particularly want one, he knew it was a way of passing the time. He was also getting antsy as there hadn't been any more news from his mother or the hospital. Fliss directed him to sit on the tan, leather sofas in the Coffee Bar area of the lounge and headed to the counter to place their order. Whilst she waited she turned to glance at Frank, to see he had crossed one long leg over the other and was rubbing at his forehead with his hand. She knew he was worried, hell, they both were, but Frank was normally the level-headed one out of the pair of them, more often than not being the one bringing Fliss down from a rage when Mary came home and told about something a kid at school had said to her, even when Mary didn’t actually give a shit herself. But now the tables had turned and Fliss knew she had to be the calm one despite the fact she herself felt anything but.
Taking the coffees with a smile she turned and headed over to where he was sat, placing the mugs on the small table in front of them and then dropping gently into the seat besides him.
“Thanks.” he murmured, before he pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked it again.
"She’ll be ok Frank." Fliss said gently, her hand dropping to his knee.
"She's gonna be so scared Fliss" Frank sighed, his hand sliding into hers "A strange place, in pain, and ...I'm not there..." "No, but you will be as soon as we can." Fliss soothed.
"What if they operate, and then she wakes up and..."Frank's voice croaked "I promised I'd look after her and..."
"Hey..." Fliss said softly, her fingers tightening around his "You do look after her. No one could have predicted she would fall ill, that isn't something you can control, ok? I know it’s easier said than done but try and concentrate, keep a clear head. So when you do get news you can digest it rationally ok?"
"I know going back can't be easy for you." he looked at her, "But I'm glad you're here...I don't know what I'd have done without you before..."
"Probably jumped in your truck in nothing but your boxers." She said and he gave a soft chuckle.
"Probably" he agreed, reaching out for his up of coffee. Fliss watched him for a second before she cocked her head to one side.
“Your hairs getting kinda long, well, long for you anyway...” she mused. ”Beard too...”
“I know...it all needs a cut.” he said, running his hands through it. He’d noticed the other day that it was far longer than he normally wore it and had taken to parting it slightly at the side. She was right, his beard was also a little thicker too, instead of being a slightly thick layer of stubble it was now a fairly substantial covering of hair, although that wasn’t intentional, his trimmers had broken about 3 weeks back and he’d yet to get himself a new pair.
“I like it.” Fliss mused 
She nodded.  “Makes you look...I dunno, like older maybe...but good older. I can’t explain...”
“Hmm, well maybe I’ll keep it for a while...just get the sides trimmed...”
Fliss smiled, having diverted his attention for a little while and they made small talk for the rest of the time before their flight called and they headed to the gate. He called Evelyn to inform her they were boarding and she told him that they were still waiting for a doctor to come by with the scans results. That frustrated him, as it had been almost 2 hours since they had said they were referring her for one but there was nothing he could do about it.
They found their seats, Frank shoving their bags into any space in the overhead locker he could find and thankfully, the man next to Frank was happy to swap seats when Fliss explained the situation to him, meaning they could sit together. Whilst Frank had earlier stated it wasn't important he was glad he was by his side. He could take her hand, feel her presence which itself was calming.
The flight itself felt like the longest 3 hours of Frank's life. He tried to concentrate on a film, but that didn't work. Nor did the paper from the flight attendant, or trying to talk to Fliss. After 40 minutes he just settled into a contemplative silence, his mind working overtime, simply taking Fliss' hand in his as he willed away the minutes. Eventually, their descent into Logan was announced and after Fliss spoke to the flight attendant again, they were allowed to exit the aircraft first. Frank was back on his phone as soon as they walked off, and Evelyn answered immediately saying Mary had been taken down to surgery approximately 50 minutes ago. She assured Frank that Mary had been ok, knew he was on his way, and Evelyn had been with her whilst she fell asleep, which was something at least.
As they were travelling with their bags in the cabin, once they cleared security they didn’t have to wait for luggage reclaiming, and they strode quickly into the arrivals lounge where they were met by their driver who Frank greeted with a nod. They followed him outside to the sleek grey Mercedes and both climbed into the rear once Frank had tossed their bags into the trunk.  Fliss gently placed her hand on Frank's knee as his leg was shaking and he shot her a small smile as he looked out of the window at the sights of the city he had left behind almost 8 years ago.
Nothing had changed, nothing of notice anyway. A few new housing developments here and there but as they made their way through to Cambridge it appeared to be the same leafy suburb he had once called home. Although he knew Fliss had lived in Concorde, this had to be jolting memories for her and it seemed he was right as he glanced sideways at her and noticed a look of contemplation on her face.
"You ok?" he asked, and she smiled, nodding.
“Was just thinking about how beautiful it all looks this time of year." He smiled softly and they fell into silence again, and less than 20 minutes after leaving the airport they pulled up outside the hospital. The driver hopped out and opened the trunk so they could grab their bags before they thanked the man and headed inside straight to reception. The woman greeted him, gave him the relevant floor and Ward name along with a room number, informing him Mary had her own private area which he was glad about.
"Come on..." Frank urged the elevator as it ascended to the floor they needed, tapping his foot on the floor. After what felt like hours, the doors opened and he strode out, his hand round Fliss' as they checked the signs on the wall.
"This way..." Fliss said, tugging on his arm. She gently led him to the right and they checked the numbers on the doors before they reached Mary's. Without knocking Frank opened the door and Evelyn's head snapped up.
"Where's Mary?" Frank demanded as he spotted the bed was missing from the room. "Not back from theatre." Evelyn said, standing up and Fliss smiled at her, taking in her appearance. She was as casually dressed as Fliss had ever seen her, in a pair of jeans and a sweater, her hair pulled back into a pony tail and she noted how soft and almost maternal it actually made her look in contrast to her usual School Mistress appearance. "It shouldn't be long now...as soon as she's out they'll be taking her to the post anaesthetic care unit and come down to get us."
Frank dropped the bag he was carrying to the floor and walked to the window, taking a glance out, chewing the inside of his lip. Fliss watched him for a moment before she turned to Evelyn as she spoke.
"Good flight?" the woman asked, clearly trying to make conversation.
"Yeah." Fliss nodded "Felt like it took an age but..."
At that moment there was a knock on the door before it opened and they all turned to see a doctor step into the room.
"How is she?" Frank asked immediately.
"Mr Adler I presume?" The light haired man smiled at him. "I'm Dr Jeffords. Mary is fine, the operation went without hitch. If you come with me I'll take you up to PACU...but I'm afraid only 2 of you can come..." Frank took a deep breath and immediately looked to Fliss, who turned to Evelyn. "Evelyn, you can..." "No." she shook her head, "You go..."
"You can take turns if you wish." The doctor said gently "She shouldn't be in there for too long, once she's come round and her vitals are stable she'll be brought back down so..." Evelyn nodded and Fliss turned to Frank as he took her hand. With a final nod to his mother they followed the Doctor to the elevator.
"Just to prepare you, she does have an IV line in and could be a little groggy at first..." The doctor spoke as they followed him down a corridor. "That's all perfectly normal..."
Frank nodded as the Doctor opened a door to their right and Frank saw Mary for the first time in the middle of the bed at the far side.  She looked so small and there was a nurse stood by her, checking something on a screen.
"Oh, Jesus… Fliss, look..." Frank's voice caught in his throat and Fliss gently rubbed at his back.
"It looks worse than it is." Doctor Jeffords assured him "Like I said, there were no complications we just need to monitor her for a while until she comes round fully. Now if you need anything or have any worries, please just grab one of the nurses, and I'll be back in about half an hour to check on her. By the she should be with it enough to take back to her room."
Fliss thanked the Doctor as Frank walked over to Mary's bed, bending down gently to kiss the top of her head, his hand brushing her hair back off her face. She gently placed her hand between Frank's shoulder blades as the two of them stood looking down at Mary, Fliss' hand rubbing soft circles over Frank's grey t-shirt as he took a deep breath. "She looks so small." Frank said softly "I never considered how little she was really" "She's not." Fliss chuckled. "She is to you because you're big." "Big?" Frank looked at her and she shrugged, smiling. "Yeah you're tall...broad shouldered..." she mused, her eyes flicking back to Mary, her hand falling from his shoulders to the base of his back. "I'm 6ft, it's not that tall..." Frank's lips curled into a smile "Your brother is taller than me, Bill is the same size..." "Steve is an animal." Fliss said, shaking her head "he was 6ft at the age of 14. Ridiculous." At that Mary made a little noise, and her face creased up, eyes closed. "Hey..." Frank said softly, his hand reaching out again, gently brushing her cheek. "Hey Stack..."
Mary made a noise, and then her face screwed up and she began to try and push herself into a sitting position.
“Hey, hey…”  Frank moved so he was stood further up the bed, gently bending over so his hands fell either side of her. “Just…stay calm, its ok…”
But even as he spoke she became even more visibly distressed, and no matter what he said she didn’t respond. He looked up at Fliss, helplessly, his eyes filling with tears and Fliss took a deep breath, swallowing as she called over for a nurse.
“I know this looks horrible…” the Nurse said softly as she strode over, “But she’s experiencing something we call Emergence Delirium, very common in children…” “What...what do I do?” Frank asked, shaking his head, his eyes still fixed on Mary as she yelled out, her arms flailing “I can’t…”
“There’s nothing you can do really other than gently talk to her, stay calm, be reassuring…” the Nurse said gently. “I promise you, she won't remember any of this when she comes round fully Mr Adler, it’s worse for you than her…”
Frank gently placed his hand on Mary’s forehead and at his touch she seemed to relax a little, so encouraged slightly he began to hum the melody to God Only Knows by the Beach Boys, something he had always sung to her as a small child, a song she’d grown up with and they now sang along to in the car on occasions. Fliss moved to his side, her arm curling round his waist as she simply stood with him, lending him comfort and eventually, Mary blinked, her eyes opening and when they focussed on Frank she gave him a small smile.
Frank let out the breath he had been holding and wiped his eyes hastily before she realised he’d been crying.
"Hey Stack." he said gently, looking at her, his hand softly stroking her cheek. "Welcome back."
She blinked again, and then looked to Fliss, her face cracking into an even bigger smile and Fliss reached down and gently placed a kiss on her head.
“Hey baby.” Fliss smiled.
“Evelyn…” Mary coughed slightly, her voice croaky and she looked at Frank “She said you were on your way…” “I got on a plane as soon as I could.” he said, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here earlier.” “Where is she?”
“She’s in your room.” Frank said “Only 2 of us were allowed in here at once.” “Do you want me to go get her?” Fliss said.
“But then you would have to go.” Mary frowned.
“Yeah, but if you want Evelyn that’s fine…” “No.” Mary shook her head and Frank gently curled his hand around Fliss’. Mary closed her eyes again before she opened them and looked at Frank “Where’s Fred.” Frank let out a snort “I couldn’t bring a cat in here with me, Stack. Bill and Verity have him.” “And his ping pong balls?” “And his ping pong balls.” Fliss assured her.
“Oh, ok.” Mary looked at them both “That’s fine. Hey, did you bring me any snacks?”
Frank looked at Fliss, the pair of them sharing a grin before Frank shook his head “No, but when the doctor says it’s ok I’ll go get you whatever you want.” “Good, Evelyn wouldn’t let me have any chips last night.” she said, wrinkling her face “I know I’ve said this before but she really is bossy…” *******
When the Doctor returned he began his examination to make sure Mary was ok to move back to her room, and Fliss had to snort at the way Mary started demanding an in depth report on what exactly the Operation had done. Doctor Jeffords looked at Frank, who merely rolled his eyes and gestured for him to answer so, with an amused expression he did just that. Mary quizzed him for a good 15 minutes until Frank stepped in and told her that the poor man had other people to go and see, not just her.
Little over 20 minutes after the Doctor left they were back in Mary’s room, and she seemed fairly bright. Frank had been momentarily dumbfounded when he had seen his mother reach over to hug Mary, tears in her eyes when she had returned to her room. But Mary didn’t act like it was a big issue, so he could only assume that his mother must have hugged her before, and it struck him as being a little sad how surprised he was by this realisation.
The three of them sat with her, the TV on the wall playing something in the background. Frank made sure her laptop was charged so she had something to do as well in case she decided she was getting bored. They Face-timed Bill and Verity who were both over the moon to see Mary ok, and they talked to them for a good forty minutes, Mary demanding to see Fred and Thor as well, Bill making good natured grumblings about how he was offended she didn’t really want to see him. All in all, the day passed fairly quickly and at about 4pm another Nurse popped in to ask if Mary wanted something to eat. She nodded eagerly and when they returned with a list of what she could have, Frank sat next to her and they began to decide. Fliss smiled softly at the sight of him, sat up on the bed, arm looped round the headboard as they both pulled a face at something on the menu, shaking their heads.
“String beans by any chance?” Evelyn asked, clocking the exchange and Frank looked up at her.
“How did you guess?”
“You always hated them as a child and do does she….” Evelyn said, a little distractedly as her phone began to ring. She glanced at the number and then looked at Frank “Sorry, do you…” “No, go ahead.” He said, nodding. She answered the call as she left the room, Fliss watching her go before she turned to Frank as Mary looked at him.
“Are you staying here with me tonight?” “Course I am.” he assured her “I’m not leaving until you can come home.” “And that’s tomorrow?” “If they’re happy you’re ok, yeah, tomorrow. Although you won’t’ be able to fly back to Florida for a while.” “Does that mean we’re gonna be at Evelyn’s for Thanksgiving?” Frank paused for a moment, he hadn’t even thought about that, or in fact where they were going to stay whilst Mary recovered. His mother’s was the logical option, despite how he had no desire to step foot in her house ever again, but that wasn’t important. What was important was Mary, and being at his mother’s was going to be a damned sight better for her than a hotel.
“Looks like it.” he nodded.
“Will we still get our dinner?” Mary frowned “Like, we said we would do a beef roast this year.” “I’ll still make you a roast.” Fliss smiled,  “As long as Evelyn is ok with it.” “Ok with what?” Evelyn asked, walking back into the room.
“With us staying until Mary is well enough to fly home.”  Frank looked at her.
“And Thanksgiving dinner.” Mary added.
“And dinner.” Frank nodded.
Evelyn looked at him “Well I assumed you would be staying with me until she was well enough to fly home, Francis…” Frank arched his eyebrow at the fact she’d dropped his full name and besides him Mary sniggered.
“Francis…that’s so lame…” “Shuddup.” he looked at her before he turned to his mother. “Are you sure?” “Of course, there’s plenty of room.” she said.
“Thanks. Who was on the phone?” Frank asked.
“Oh, just someone from the University asking how Mary was.” Evelyn shook her head, “No one important.”
“That all they wanted?” Frank asked, and Evelyn sighed
“I should have been on a call this afternoon.” “On a Saturday?” Frank looked at her.
“Research doesn’t stop at a weekend as well you know.” Evelyn glared at him. “But like I said, not important. I’ll catch up on what they wanted another time.” with that she rubbed at her eyes . Frank studied her for a moment and gave a sigh, she looked exhausted. They all did to be fair, but his mother was almost 65, she was bound to be feeling it a little more than he or Fliss.
“Why don’t you head off?” he asked. “Go catch up on whatever they wanted, get some sleep and come back in the morning…you too.” he turned to Fliss. Immediately she began to protest but Frank looked at her, shaking his head “Look, all that’s gonna happen is I’m gonna eat half of Mary’s dinner-“ “-hey!”
“-and fall asleep.” he finished, grinning as Mary glared at him over the threat regarding her food. “It’s 5 pm now…I guarantee by 8 I’ll be flat out.”
“Well then I’ll go at 8.” Fliss pouted.
Frank looked at her, about to argue but Evelyn stood up.
“I’ll call for my driver.” Evelyn said, “I’m not going to lie, I am dying for a hot bath and a bottle of Malbec.”
“I don’t want to go yet.” Fliss pouted.
Frank took a deep breath, “Really? We’re actually going to have this argument?” “No argument. I’m not going yet.” “I’ll go ahead.” Evelyn said, stepping in as she saw Frank glaring at Fliss “I could do with making sure the guest room is ready anyway and making a few calls. I’ll send the driver back for you in an hour or so, give you a little more time.” Fiss took a deep breath and then sighed “Ok, fine.” Domestic argument averted, Evelyn bid Mary a good night, gently pecking her head before she turned to Frank who was sat next to Mary and surprisingly did the same to him. He swallowed and looked at her, frowning a bit. She looked la little startled, like she hadn’t meant to do it, and to be fair she probably hadn’t, and then she made as if to speak but instead she stood up and told Fliss she would send her a set of keys back with the driver.
Frank watched her go before he turned to Fliss.
“Ok now that was weird.” he mumbled, she aint so much as hugged me in god knows how long, let alone given me a kiss...” Fliss looked at him, shrugging her shoulders.
“She clearly found her inner mom.” Mary said, and Frank looked down at her, “Something underneath Mother.”
“She’s always been mother.” Frank said “I’ve never once called her mom.”
“Her loss.” Mary shrugged and Frank frowned again, looking at Fliss.
“Why do you say that?”
“Coz Verity told me that being a mom and a nanna was the best thing ever.” she shrugged “If Evelyn’s only ever been a mother, well that sucks…” Frank stared down at her, utterly dumbfounded at her comment  as once again her little mind had managed to see something so clearly, in such an innocent way, and it made perfect and utter sense that she was most likely right.
Mary smiled at him as she handed him the menu card and simply told him “I’ll have the chicken, but no string beans…”
***** Little over an hour or so Fliss received a call telling her that the driver was waiting outside. Once they finished removing what Frank needed from the bag for an overnight stay, she turned to Mary and gave her a hug and kiss goodnight before Frank followed her out of the door.
“Let me know when you get to Mother’s” he said, and she nodded, stepping into his arms before she gave him a soft kiss.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can in the morning.” she said gently. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” he smiled, kissing her again “So much baby girl.”
Smiling at the nickname she picked up the bag, and with a last peck to his lips she headed out.
The drive to Evelyn’s was reasonably quick, and Fliss soon found the car pulling off the main road onto a sweeping driveway and into a large, open courtyard. The house was big, bigger than her parents so it looked but it was hard to see much it was dark. She thanked the driver as he walked her up to the door with her bag, before handing her the keys. Once inside she found herself in an immaculate terracotta tiled hallway, illuminated by a very expensive looking floor lamp in the corner under the huge stair case. Fliss turned and gave the door a soft pull before she began to walk deeper into the house, bag deposited by the foot of the stairs. Pulling out her message to text Frank to say she’d arrived and would call him shortly, she headed into a large sitting area, which contained a pristine leather couch and matching arm chairs, large TV and followed that through to another area which contained a grand piano, a large table and numerous bookshelves. That led into a large kitchen with hanging, brushed copper lampshades, and the room looked as though it spanned the entire width of the house. She stepped inside and then through another door which led back into a hall, passing another two doors to her right, which were both closed.
Frowning, Fliss saw the front door was open slightly, she must not have shut it correctly, it was quite a heavy wooden one after all in comparison to their PVC one at the apartment and probably needed a little more than a quick shove. This tim she made sure the lock had clicked before she grabbed her bag and made her way upstairs. She reached the top and then stood, looking round. The hallway circled back round the stairs, rooms on all 4 sides. With a shrug she headed down towards the first door an opened it. It was a spare room, but clearly where Mary had been staying. It was decorated in soft shades of dusky pinks and golds, and there was a small bookcase with a few children’s books, some puzzles and TV with a DVD player sat on top of it. Fliss smiled before she headed to the next one. This was a larger room with a huge double bed, and on top of it sat two sets of clean towels. Deciding this was likely to be the one Evelyn was prepping for them Fliss dropped her back down, and shrugged off her jacket, glancing a the door that led to the en-suite. Taking a quick look inside she knew she really should find Evelyn before she did anything else so she continued down past the next room which was empty, then the huge bathroom with a roll top bath, until she reached the final one which was on the opposite side of the landing. She gave a soft knock, before she entered, glancing around at the opulent master bedroom as soft music hit her ears, along with the sounds of water sloshing in a tub.
“Fliss?” the woman called back and Fliss headed over to the door of the en-suite.
“Yeah…sorry, I didn’t want to disturb you…” she spoke thorugh the door.
“It’s quite alright, I won’t be too long. Have you found your room?”
“Yes, thank you.” “Ok, well, go and help yourself to a bottle of wine and run your own bath in the main bathroom…fuck knows you can probably do with one too. Glasses are in the cabinet to the left of the sink.”
Although she knew Evelyn swore, the sound of the words from her mouth still made Fliss chuckle so after thanking her she headed back down the stairs to grab herself a bottle, as directed. She headed into the kitchen, and as she was passing the open door to her left which she had earlier assumed led into some kind of utility room, a movement caught her eye. She stopped, but before she could investigate further she saw a figure emerging from the shadows moving towards her. Automatically Fliss began to back away and she felt her eyes widen and her chest constrict in utter fear as the man’s features became clear when he emerged into the soft light of the kitchen. It was a face she hadn’t seen, other than in her worst memories or nightmares, since the court bailiffs had led him down from the dock after the jury had delivered their verdict. His cold grey eyes locked on to hers and he gave her a sinister smile.
“Long time no see Felicity.” John said, arching an eyebrow.  “You changed your hair.”
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abriaashley · 8 years
My New OTP List!
1. Richonne/ Rick Grimes & Michonne- The Walking Dead
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2. Westallen/ Barry Allen & Iris West- The Flash
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3. Bamon/ Bonnie Bennett & Damon Salvatore- The Vampire Diaries
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4. Sasil/ Hasil Farrell & Sally Ann Lewis- Outsiders
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5. Bawson/ Ginny Baker & Mike Lawson- Pitch
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6. Beth & Randall Pearson- This Is Us
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7. Blip & Evelyn Sanders- Pitch
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8. Japril/ April Kepner-Avery & Jackson Avery- Grey’s Anatomy
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9. Jafael/ Jane Villanueva & Rafael Solano- Jane The Virgin
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10. Amelia “Amy” Dubanowski & Jonah Simms- Superstore
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11. Michasher/ Asher Millstone & Michaela Pratt- How To Get Away With Murder
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12. PerSalle/ Christopher LaSalle & Sonja Percy- NCIS: New Orleans
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 13. Joadi/ John Silver & Madi Scott- Black Sails
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14.  Linstead/Erin Lindsay & Jay Halstead- Chicago PD
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15. Cookie & Lucious/ Loretha “Cookie” Lyon & Dwight “Lucious Lyon” Walker-Empire
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16. Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser & Jamie Fraser- Outlander
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17. Andre & Rainbow Johnson- Black-ish
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18. Booth and Brennan/Seeley Booth & Temperance Brennan- Bones
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19. Mike Ross & Rachel Zane- Suits
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20. Kev & V/ Kevin Ball & Veronica Fisher- Shameless (USA)
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21. Jasam/ Jason & Sam Morgan- General Hospital
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22. Javery/ Avery Barkley & Juliette Barnes- Nashville
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23. Jonerys/ Daenerys Targaryen & Jon Snow - Game Of Thrones 
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My Classic OTPs:
1. Dwayne Wayne & Whitley Gilbert-Wayne- A Different World
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2. Brenda Barrett & Michael “Sonny” Corinthos- General Hospital
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3. Bensler/ Elliot Stabler & Olivia Benson- Law & Order SVU
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4. Cory Matthews & Topanga Lawrence Matthews- Boy Meets World
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5. Angela Moore & Shawn Hunter- Boy Meets World
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6. Fran Fine & Maxwell Sheffield- The Nanny
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7. Mulder & Scully/ Fox Mulder & Dana Scully- The X-Files
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8. Jason Morgan & Robin Scorpio- General Hospital
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wildchildalr · 8 years
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Bawson Historical/Venetian Renascence/Courtesan AU
Ginny knows just how lucky she is. Her life is one of grand parties and glittering jewelry, but it is a gilded cage. At a young age she was taken from her family and educated beyond many women of the nobility but her position in society is precarious, at least that’s what her patroness Amelia Slater tells her. But Ginny is under no illusions. Men lavish her with gowns, furs and art but their attentions come with a price. Many simply wish to be looked upon jealously by their “friends” when Ginny’s ‘exotic’ beauty is draped on their arm or her witty remarks are the highlight of their party. Others wish for more ‘intimate’ reciprocation for their favors. Despite knowing how fortunate she is Ginny absolutely hates curbing who she really is in favor of the doll everyone sees; smiling when she doesn’t want to smile, laughing when she doesn’t want to laugh, always being told where to go and how to dress.
Mike Lawson has never been a lucky man, at least until he met Rachel. Or so he thought. Born the bastard of a shipping merchant, life was never easy and one day while picking pockets he stole from a young red-haired woman. Seeing her distraught state after realizing her money was missing Mike was moved by her tears and her beauty and returned the silken purse to her. Profusely thanking her ‘rescuer’ Rachel invites him to dinner at her family's mansion. After seeing the grandeur and generosity shown by her family Mike eventually confesses to the theft but also that he loves Rachel and wishes to marry her once he is able to secure a position that provides the income needed to supply the type of living she is used to. Rachel assures him that she loves and forgives him and that she would rather marry him now, penniless than be forced to wait. Mike however is insists and leaves Venice determined to build a shipping empire to rival that of any who came before, especially his father.
Five years later he returns having amassed a great fortune. However, shortly after his return he discovers Rachel is engaged to a wealthy doctor named David and their wedding is mere months away. Blip Sanders, a captain of one of Mike’s many ships, as well as his best friend talks Mike out of challenging David to a duel. After all the practice is illegal and the outcome would likely not gain Rachel’s affections. So Mike comes up with a craftier solution. A Masquerade Ball is going to be held in his honor at the home of his benefactor Alphonso Luongo and Mike ensures Rachel receives an invitation. After receiving her acceptance notice he sends Blip’s wife Evelyn to stubbly enquire the colors of Rachel’s mask and gown so that he could match her. Evelyn reports that she will be wearing a gold and scarlet mask so Mike commissions a replica of white with red and gold accents.
At the ball Mike easily spots the striking figure in gold and scarlet that Evelyn told him about, but his plan is to avoid her until the unmasking at midnight. At that time he will swoop in and kiss her like she has never been kissed before, thus reigniting the love and passion she felt for him. However as the clock strikes the final hour Mike positions himself next to the enchanting lady and as she removes her mask he quickly and eagerly presses his lips to hers. As he pulls away he’s shocked to discover the woman he has kissed isn’t Rachel but an unknown female with dark brown eyes and velvety soft mocha skin. Confused and humiliated Mike makes a hasty exit.
Ginny for her part watches the mysterious man disappear into the crowd. In all her years as a courtesan no one had ever kissed her like that, like a cherished yet impassioned lover. After a few enquiries she discovers that he is none other than Michael Lawson, head of the richest shipping empire to-date and the adopted son of Signore Luongo. According to Amelia, adding Mike to her reputare would cement her reputation as the finest courtesan in all of Venice. And so along with Evelyn she arranges for Ginny to “happen” upon Mike at certain parts of the city.
Mike isn’t sure what kind of game the courtesan and her patroness are playing but their attempts at integrating Ginny into his life are at best distracting and at worst a nuisance. It doesn't help that Al, along with many of his ship’s captains think he should return the pretty woman’s attentions. But Mike’s heart belongs to Rachel, even if his thoughts and dreams are plagued by Ginny and her soft dark eyes.
It’s during an unguarded moment where Ginny believes herself to be alone on a balcony that Mike sees her, truly sees her for the first time. It was at a feast held by Oscar Arguella, a dignitary from Spain. She becomes drenched in sweat and her breathing becomes labored an erratic. When she begins clawing at her chest and gown Mike steps from the shadows and escorts her through the servants entrance to the quiet ally behind the mansion. Mike holds her as she spills out half nonsense but he gathers enough to realize that she views her life as a prison of which there is little hope of escape. Moved, he tells her of his own struggles. His mother’s thievery and how he was forced to do the same, about Rachel and the many setbacks and hardships faced while attempting to become worthy of her. As she calms a look of understanding passes between them. The next day Mike calls of Ginny the pair telling Amelia that they plan on strolling along the more fashionable canals. In reality they board one of Mike’s schooners and circle the city all afternoon, Ginny charming the crew with the slightly vulgar shanties she sings.
When their day ends the pair part reluctantly, both eager to see the other again. 
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megaphonemonday · 7 years
Au - Mike Lawson, Assistant Director of the FBI needs the help of world famous anthropologist Dr. Ginny Baker go catch a serial killer.
listen. Listen. I love Bones. I love Bones. I love every single second of that show (even though it went on about three seasons too long). I am actually, literally watching Bones right now. So yeah, I am 100% behind whatever fusion of these two universes that anyone cooks up.
Mike Lawson is not at all convinced that some poindexter from some hoity-toity lab is going to help boost his ability to close cases, but the higher ups won’t sign off on his theory without an “expert opinion.” So he’s got to kill half a day cozying up to some scientist, flash a few x-rays, get her approval, and finally catch the bad guy. 
Of course, that was before he met Dr. Ginny Baker. Dr. Ginny Baker who is even smarter than she is beautiful. Dr. Ginny Baker who will only offer an opinion if he lets her out into the field with him. 
Somehow, it’s the start of a beautiful friendship. 
Bonus: Evelyn and Blip as squints on Ginny’s team and Al as Mike’s supervisor. Amelia shows up as the Assistant US Attorney and the rest of the Padres make appearances as necessary. 
(While I’m all for a slow burn, let’s maybe kick up the pace just a smidge, though. Six seasons is too long to wait.)
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ao3feed-mikeginny · 7 years
stolen bases
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2r8lX53
by flutter_bi
A collection of one shots for Pitch featuring, predominantly, Ginny x Mike.
Words: 2630, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Pitch (TV 2016)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ginny Baker, Mike Lawson, Blip Sanders, Evelyn Sanders, Amelia Slater
Relationships: Ginny Baker/Mike Lawson
Additional Tags: One Shot Collection
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2r8lX53
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youngerdrgrey · 8 years
for the fanfic tropes: it was just a dream, i met you online and in person and didn't know the two were the same, annnd enemies to lovers?
Tropes! Tropes! Tropes!
it was just a dream 
Now I hate these to the depths of my soul because people rely on them too much, but if I had to write a Dream fic, at this point, I’d probably use it to get Ginny out of her injury but it’d be, like, after her going through some of the recovery process and actively being a person instead of Ginny Baker ™. So when she wakes up, she’s like, fck I gotta use my off season. I gotta spend more time with the people that matter to me. & I really gotta get rid of this millionaire
(3/10 not likely to write)
i met you online and in person and didn’t know the two were the same
Why does this make me think of Blip and Ginny? Like they’re in fucking chatrooms or they have blogs or whatever, and they work together all the time, and they might get a little flirty, but he’s like “Whoa, I have a wife.” And she’s like, cool, cool, not getting flirty then. It’s chill.
But she wants to get flirty, wants to have this as a possibility, and she shuts down the online communication even if this is the only person who will nerd out with her about (whatever) and his grasp of situations made her happy.
But then she’s at the Sanders house one day, and Ev asks about his little nerd friend and he says it wasn’t good for either of them, and it’s not like he’s trying to open up their home to some stranger, but Ginny hears this and it clicks, and she starts rattling off stuff about their conversations, and Blip’s like !!?!?!?!?!?!? and Evelyn squeals because this is the best case scenario, and it’s just a good thing it didn’t turn out to be Mike or something
(6/10 would write)
enemies to lovers
my friend, my good friend, this trope is everything to my heart and soul, and I rarely write them tbh.
but what ship for this one? I don’t knoooooow. my brain just jumped into another ot3 situation with Zeke, Mylene, and Shao, but I don’t know if I’d write anything for TGD pre-part two coming out and giving more material to play around with. but Shao and Mylene are already at one stage so them coming together eventually and Zeke being able to have both of these messy, demanding people would be pretty damn chill
(10/10 would love to write)
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chardwic · 7 years
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Favorite Canceled/Ended TV Shows: PITCH
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oranges8hands · 8 years
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Relationships are scary and complicated ONLY when you start thinking of your partner as some kind of adversary. You know how to stop being scared of relationships? Remember that it’s got a goddamn buddy system *built in*. That’s all a relationship IS: “Let’s approach life with the buddy system.” [x]
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ttheseuscamander · 8 years
Hey! Can you do a story with Tina x Queenie (like sisterly love) for "please, you can't die now." ?
I debated long and hard whether or not to do this angsty or not but then i realized that it’s probably intended to be angsty so i’d didn’t wanna screw y’all over so yeah enjoy some angsty sisters oops
(not too angsty tho oops just not how it turned out)
(let me know if you wanna see more of Ott and Lowen tho)
Title: Pukwudgie Favors Healers
Summary: pre-film, Tina gets injured pretty bad while on a solo mission, and none of the other aurors know, so she has to rely on her sister -- but hey, at least she stopped the bad guy
Tina yelped, swiftly jumping out of the way as the warlock she was chasing shot a nasty spell over his shoulder -- probably a knockback jinx, judging by the pockmark left on the cobblestones it hit. 
“I really should have called for backup,” muttered Tina as she continued running, rounding the corner and dashing after him. His robes billowed behind him, making him stand out, and all in all, quite easy to find.
“Hey!” Tina bellowed, thanking Mary Warren that the street was mostly deserted. There was some big fancy parade happening for the no-maj senator, so any no-maj that was a no-maj wanted to be present.
The warlock sent another neat hex over his shoulder, and Tina easily ducked. The warlock stopped suddenly, looking left and right before trying to lunge down an alleyway to his right.
It gave Tina just enough time to shout, “Offendimus!”
The warlock’s feet caught on her trip jinx, and he went down. Tina rounded the alley corner, preparing to bind him, but he was a tricky bloke. Just as she rounded the corner, she was greeted with a flash of light and she screamed in pain as the hex hit her in the side. 
She began to bleed, pressing her hand to the wound and glancing down briefly. A ragged hole had been torn in her shirt -- and her abdomen. She winced, watching as the warlock scrambled to the end of the alley, realizing it was a dead end. He spun, his wand raised to hex her again, but she was too quick.
Despite her wound and the pain in her side, as soon as he lifted his wand she raised her own, flicking it and casting a silent jinx. There was a flash and the warlock yelped, dropping his wand as her stinging jinx left an angry welt on his wrist.
He made to dive for it, for Tina called, “Accio!” and it flew towards her. She stopped it with her foot, not feeling a need to pick it up.
“Well, arrest me, then,” the warlock sneered. He sounded cockney. Odd.
“Incarcerous,” Tina said weakly, waving her wand as she stooped, wincing, and picking up his wand before walking towards him down the alley. Ropes appeared from the end of her wand, instantly binding him.
“Don’t make me body-bind you,” Tina panted, glancing down at her blood-stained shirt. “It really is such a hassle. Just sit tight while we wait for the B team.”
“Right,” the warlock scoffed. “I’m supposed to believe you’re the A team... a single, crummy witch.”
“You’d think he’d do enough damage with his wand to be satisfied,” Tina muttered, half to herself, as she pocketed his wand and slid slowly the down the alley wall, clutching her side. The wound wasn’t getting any better.
“What now, surely you’ve got some magic healing spell to make yourself all better,” said the warlock obnoxiously.
Tina shot him an annoyed glare, muttering under her breath as she pulled her bloody fingers away from the ragged gash, swearing softly. She hissed in pain as she pointed her wand at the wound and muttered, “Episkey.”
Nothing happened. Tina quickly placed her hand back on the wound, setting her wand on the ground, away from the criminal, and said loudly, “Mercy Lewis, what sorta hex was that?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” chuckled the warlock unpleasantly, seemingly enjoying Tina’s discomfort.
“Yeah, yeah I would...” Tina whispered, realizing how foolish she’d been. She was in an empty part of town, down a dark alleyway, with no means to get help. She couldn’t walk, and she didn’t think she was strong enough to cast a patronus message. She couldn’t remember the fancy healing spell she needed, and besides, she’d never been good at those in the first place.
“Well, this is gonna be a long night for you and me, mister,” Tina sighed, shifting so the alley wall supported her. Then she screwed her eyes shut in concentration and poured her whole will into one super-charged thought, hoping it could be picked up from the Woolworth Building basement.
Queenie, I need help.
Laughing, Queenie packed up her bag, talking to Evelyn.
“Trust me, you’re better off,” Evelyn assured Queenie. “He’s a nightmare, honestly! Watch, I’m gonna get home and he’s still gonna be in bed!”
Her tone was light and her eyes twinkled with fondness, so Queenie laughed with her. She knew that Evelyn secretly adored her fiance. Just as Queenie made to follow Evelyn towards the exit, seeing as both their shifts were over, she froze.
What on earth was that?
Queenie brushed past her friend, ignoring Evelyn’s confused question. She had felt something, a signal of some sort. Only Tina gave off that kind of thought -- less of a coherent thought and more of a blip on a map.
The blonde girl quickly rushed to the elevator, jamming the buttons to try and get to the ground floor. Just as Evelyn approached, the doors slid shut.
“Queenie, what is it?” Evelyn shouted as they closed. “Oh, come on!”
Soon Queenie was bursting out into the falling evening. The blip was still there, a location. There weren’t specific directions, so she had to trust her instincts. Walking quickly, she followed the blip, almost walking in a daze.
Left. Three blocks. Right. Four blocks. Right. Left. Two blocks. Left. One block. She was walking in Tina’s footsteps, following the chase her sister had embarked on almost three hours ago.
Finally, she entered a street where the blip seemed to be coming from. Queenie walked strongly down the middle of the street, confused. Was it a trap? No, it had to be Tina. But where was she?
Tina sat slumped against the wall. The warlock was still watching her, a seemingly impressed look on his face.
“What?” Tina grumbled suddenly. “Pictures last longer, you know.”
“Excuse me?”
“My name. It’s Ott. I came to New York hoping to get my brother out of trouble with the MACUSA, but I found out you imprisoned him already. So I, uh, was supposed to distract the top aurors while he escaped. Now I suppose I’ve just got us both trapped, seeing I wasn’t a big enough problem to draw more than one.”
Tina digested this for a moment before asking, “Last name?”
Tina couldn’t help but laugh as she turned her head to look at Ott. “Your brother’s Lowen Penhale?”
“That’s him,” Ott said with a weak smile. “I really am sorry, you know... I figured you’d know how to... to heal yourself.”
“It’s not your fault you hit the one auror who has a horrible memory for healing spells,” chuckled Tina. “And besides, Lowen barely did anything. Why in the name of Deliverance Dane would you come all the way to New York to get him out?”
Ott smiled at the ground before saying flatly, “Family values.” Tina laughed, thinking that she’d probably do the same for Queenie.
“Mercy Lewis!” cried Tina at the same time Ott muttered, “Merlin’s Beard....”
Queenie came rushing down the alley towards them, panic written across her features.
“Oh, Teenie, I was so worried, if you hadn’t sent out that blip for help -- eek!” She had seen Ott. He grinned shyly as she took a trembling step back. Queenie looked at Tina. “Is this him, Teenie? Why didn’t you stupefy him?”
“Yeah, that’s him,” Tina said woozily. “And I wasn’t gonna sit here without company while I waited for you -- ooof...”
Her head dipped forward, her hand slipping from the wound on her abdomen. Queenie gave a fresh scream when she saw the wound. She turned on Ott, slapping him full across the face.
“You did this!?” she shouted at him.
“Ouch... yeah, yeah I did -- it was an accident, honest!” He tried to protest, but Queenie had already knelt at Tina’s side.
“Tina, why didn’t you heal it?” Queenie breathed.
“Couldn’t... remember... the spell....” Tina smiled goofily, her eyes half shut. Suddenly she fell sideways, barely missing Ott, who tried desperately to free himself.
“Oh, no, you are not dying on me, Teen!” Queenie said firmly. When Tina didn’t answer, she cupped her sister’s face and said, gentler, “Please, you can't die now.... Tina!”
“Stupid,” slurred Tina. “Ain’t dead... jus’ sleeping....”
“Okay, okay,” Queenie said in a panic, drawing her wand and easing Tina onto her back. Softly she crooned, “Vulnera Sanentur...” and drew her wand across the gash. Fresh blood stopped oozing from the wound.
Ott watched, eyes wide.
“Vulnera Sanentur...” Queenie repeated, pulling the fabric back with her free hand. The blood around the wood seemed to disappear, leaving the clean hole when Ott had struck Tina.
“Vulnera Sanentur...” Queenie said the final time, and Ott watched as the wound closed slowly and Tina exhaled softly.
“Wow,” Ott breathed, and Queenie shot him a murderous look.
“Queenie?” Tina sighed softly, blinking her eyes open and smiling. “Queenie, hey! I knew you’d come for me. This my friend, Ott!”
Queenie sighed in exasperation, smiling down at her sister.
“Y-you’re not gonna arrest me?”
“’course not, i couldn’t after that nice conversation we had about your brother,” grinned Tina as the three made their way back towards town. She turned to Ott, smiling. “There’s a hotel not too far away, they take anyone and they’re real cheap. You’ve already got some scrapes, I’ll say you fought me off and got away, and I’ll work on getting your brother outta there.”
She held his wand out to him.
“You’re letting me go?” Ott asked, still in disbelief. “After I almost killed you?”
“Like you said, it was an accident,” Tina grinned. Ott smiled back, taking his wand.
“We’ll send Lowen you’re way in a few weeks’ time,” Tina said.
“The hotel’s three blocks that way,” Queenie told him, pointing. “Hoover Street, can’t miss it.”
���Thanks,” Ott said. “Hope to see you again sometime, yeah?”
“You should hope not!” Tina said sternly, and they all laughed.
Queenie and Tina said their goodbyes and watched Ott make his way down the street. Then the girls turned, Tina leaning heavily on Queenie as they made their way back home.
“Surprised at you, Teenie,” Queenie mused. “Lettin’ a criminal go.”
“Yeah, I’m afraid I’m gettin’ soft,” Tina said with a sly smile, looking down at her sister. Queenie smiled back before tickling her sister gently in the stomach.
“About damn time too,” she said with a laugh.
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lightblindingme · 6 years
What the Future Holds - a Bawson ficlet
Pairing: Ginny x Mike aka Bawson
TV Show: Pitch (2016)
Ficlet based on a tumblr post by @lawson-bawson-baker from about two years ago that goes like this:
Picture Mike and Ginny on a date. Ok now picture the hand holding, or them linking arms and walking down the street talking and laughing. Right ok? Now picture that but also them on a double date with Blip and Evelyn.
Reposting my reply from tumblr because I like what I wrote back then, plus I added some things just to make this ficlet more cohesive.
Summary: Evelyn and Blip exchange knowing glances and smirks as Mike shakes his head and tries to get back into their conversation, which is hard with Ginny’s lithe frame pressed so close to his and the feel of her soft lips pressing against his cheek.
She makes him feel whole, unbent. Her kisses mend even the deepest wounds on his heart.
Read it on AO3
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