megaphonemonday · 5 years
42 for a snoopy Evelyn and blip ??
Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead.
In Blip’s mind, there's nothing better than getting to spend a day at home after a long stint on the road. More than baseball, his family is his life. Helping his boys with their homework and listening to the gossip from the fourth grade and tucking them into bed is better than sweeping the Dodgers or robbing that hotshot Guardero of a home run or beating out a throw to the plate. 
And then there’s his wife... 
Well, there’s a reason he thanked his lucky stars the day Evelyn Carr agreed to marry him and has done the same every day since.
The clean, fresh smell of her lotion wafts by him as she heads for the closet, breath minty and sweet. Her fingers wiggle under the hem of his shirt and trail absently across his back as she slips by, and Blip revels in the contact. God, it’s good to be home. 
“Oh!“ she pops her head back through the door, hair tousled around her bare shoulders and the lacy straps of her bra just on display. Blip admires the view with an eyebrow waggle, only keeping silent because of his mouthful of toothpaste. Ev just rolls her eyes, but her grin only makes him all the more eager to get her in bed. “Did I tell you about the latest volley in the volley against Mrs. Green’s garden gnomes?”
He shakes his head and listens as Ev fills him in on the latest neighborhood intrigues. Her voice fills their bathroom and the attached closet, rising and falling and descending into giggles as she segues into some story Ginny’d sent her from their stint in Denver. Blip had seen the incident—Ginny having to get very creative to head off the interest of one of the FO guys from the Rockies—unfold firsthand, but he didn’t tell her that as he finished washing his face and headed into the closet to change for bed. 
Evelyn’s perched on the ottoman in there, clearly waiting on him, already dressed. Though, he’s not sure why she bothered. That silky slip of nothing’s gonna be on the floor in about two minutes. She flicks him a sultry look, like she knows this, planned for it, even. The way she watches him as he pulls off his shirt and shimmies out of his jeans, seals it. 
Nonetheless, she’s not done talking. 
“Anyway, it sounds like she really dodged a bullet there,” she says, pouting just a little as he leaves his boxers on. 
“Based on what Martín and Knudson have said,” he replies with a grimace, not wanting to go into the details of what the two Rockies outfielders had shared, “yeah.”
“Still,” Ev says, rising and gesturing for him to turn; her fingers make quick work of the clasp on his chain as he takes off his watch, “it’s probably time for her to get back on the wagon, right? It’s been a while since she broke up with that guy from the Chargers.”
Blip makes a noncommittal sound as he flicks off the lights and heads into their bedroom. 
Evelyn follows along, spinning out her train of thought. “I mean, I think there might be a guy that she’s interested in, but she’s keeping it very hush-hush. Won’t tell me anything no matter how many bloody marys I pour.” She huffs as she turns down the covers and slides into the bed. On the other side of the mattress, Blip starts to frown. It’s not often that Ginny keeps, well, anything from his wife. Ev catches his expression and she nods enthusiastically. “Right? Who wouldn’t she want me to know about?”
Blip, unfortunately, has a pretty good idea. A pretty good idea that he’s done his utmost not to think about at all over the past three seasons to avoid exactly this conversation. 
Because Evy’s even quicker on the uptake than he is, he reaches across the bed for her. Her mouth’s open, ready to keep speculating, when Blip gives it something better to do. His hand cups around the back of her head giving her a kiss that’s scorching mostly because he’s had to go nearly two weeks without. 
That he also gets to head off her train of thought is just a bonus. 
And it becomes a very distant bonus when Evelyn purrs into his mouth and rolls him onto his back. And when she settles her weight on top of him, getting rid of that scrap of silk all on her own, it flies out of his mind entirely.
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pitchsecretadmirers · 8 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day to @ginnysmikes!
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youngerdrgrey · 8 years
anything Blip can do, Mike can do (teammates) // a pitch fic, part four
or, how Ginny and Mike find a loophole to slow-burn their way into a different sort of teammates [also on ao3, read part one, two, or three] -- (written for day 6 of 30 x 31, prompt: decades)
part four
Ginny tends to check out a bit during dinner. It's not a comment on the meal or anything; she just gets lost sometimes in how stuff makes her feel. Like, being able to sit down with her best friends and eat something home cooked after days of being trapped in the hospital? That's... that's like the rush inside once everyone stopped saying what she was pitching, once everyone scooted forward in their seats and the guys wouldn't sit next to her, and it started to feel real. Like, something amazing's right here, almost out of reach, but everyone can see it coming. Everyone can feel it.
So, maybe she checks out a bit and tries to put it into other words. She sips at her third and final beer and lets her eyes follow Gabe and Marcus as they dart off upstairs. Lets herself tune out of the conversation around her and starts to prep how she'll explain this to her therapist. What it's like to be a part of something bigger than herself that doesn't feel ridiculously overwhelming.
"I'm just saying, Evie, back me up. Black people don't do that." Blip laughs when he says it, and Ginny breaks out of her head long enough to turn back towards him for this one. Her eyebrows pitch up a little higher. He grins her way. "See, Ginny gets it. If anything, I'm going to the future.”
Ginny sips at her beer again. "Going to the future for what?"
Evelyn rolls her eyes, which isn't a drinking rule but it might happen enough to become one. "Pay attention, Ginny. Time travel. You can go to any decade. I was thinking the sixties, nothing too bad, and I get to see some really amazing people in their primes."
Blip nods. "Right, right, civil rights and the moon landing."
Evelyn stays focused on Ginny. "I want to see some of the work that went into changing this country, first hand. And maybe hear some stories from family members who won't tell them to me now."
Ginny gets that. "Experiencing history rather than just hoping someone will share it with you."
"Exactly! But Blip's over here saying that black people don't time travel." Evelyn sips her drink. "As if we don't want to experience good parts of our history."
Blip shakes his head. "I'm just not trying to get beat up, killed, imprisoned, or anything else. I just want to play ball and come home to you and the boys."
"Suck up." But she has that pink to her cheeks that only a lot of alcohol, or a good line, can do to a girl. "Ginny, what do you do?"
"Me?" Ginny glances around for help, but Blip and Mike don't seem to have any answers for her. Actually, Mike's been pretty quiet while he drinks for now. What's up with him? "What about him?" She points to Mike, who quirks a brow at her. "What'd you choose, Lawson?"
He tips his beer away from him. "Haven't picked yet. We're doing everything else before beauty." Then, to Evelyn, he adds, "No offense."
"None taken." She knows she's cute. Everyone's cute here. It's an epidemic, honestly.
Cute and petty and wholly unhelpful when Ginny needs to make a hypothetical decision on time travel. Because, yeah, bad things could happen in another time period, but also great things did happen and she could witness them. But there's also the fact that this decade has been really good to her. She's playing for the Padres, has great friends, and she's kind of living the dream that she and her dad set out for.
"Fine, I choose now."
Blip snorts. "See, no time travel."
Mike shakes his head though. "That doesn't prove anything. It's an easy choice for her. She's only lived through two decades."
Again with this? She corrects him, "Three. I'm--"
"Twenty-four, I know." He drinks.
She rolls her eyes. "You sound so bitter."
"I'm always bitter," he says. But not always, not with her. Maybe Ginny's eyes say that because his eyes crinkle in the edges the longer they hold this new stare, and her chest gets all warm even if it's covered by her shirt and her sling, and when she does look away from Mike, it's straight into Evelyn's beaming face.
Ginny gulps down her emotion with the last of her drink. "Whatever." Maybe she should've followed the boys upstairs instead of sticking around for grown folk talks. She could kick their asses in Mario Kart instead of debating the strengths of different decades. "It's not like it matters anyway. But, now is a good time. Now, we have a lot of opportunities and more happening every day as people fight for their rights and a chance to live their dreams. A woman is playing in the Majors."
Evelyn hums. "A black woman."
Ginny nods. "Exactly. So our biggest limitations are the ones we put on ourselves."
Mike sighs. It's not even a big one, but the empty bottle magnifies it. Draws them all over to his face as it freezes. He clears his throat a bit at their stares. "Just, yeah, you know. Our own expectations tend to hold us back. Sometimes they help, and other times..."
He meets her eyes again, and there are a few limitations that she's set for them, aren't there? The insistence that they're teammates, but that they have to be the same type of teammates that she and Blip are rather than the sort of partners that she and Mike were beginning to be. That's something holding them back. But it has a purpose. It keeps her safe, keeps her career grounded and her heart firmly in her chest instead of flying at him like a curveball. He might be a great catcher, but even the greats mess up sometimes.
Then Mike blinks, and his gaze goes to Evelyn and Blip rather than just Ginny. He says, "Now's pretty good, but maybe the future wouldn't be a bad place to be either. Got a lot of hopes for it. Big dreams."
"I want another house." Evelyn smiles down into her glass. "Not just because of the space, but one that has something for everyone. An extra guest room would be nice too. Since Ginny never seems to want her own place, and it wouldn't be the worst to have another girl around."
That comment does something to Blip. Sends him somewhere in his mind that brings out a gruffness. He pushes up from his seat with his empty bottle. "I'm getting a refill." His shoulders stay tense on his march to the fridge, and Evelyn's eyes go skyward before she blinks her own emotion away.
Ginny gives her a look -- a raised brow and a head tilt to ask what's wrong. Ev shakes her head. Not the time then. Ginny glances to her phone, flipped over on the table as per house rules. Ev shakes her head again. No texting about it either. Fine. She could wait.
Mike must pick up on something since he offers his own dreams out to the table. "I really want that ring. With the right team. Our team."
Blip shuts the fridge. "Not the Cubs?"
Mike stares over. He probably has some smart response stored, but he just sighs and says, "I didn't put in sixteen years here for nothing. After I get that ring, they'll be begging me to be mayor. Couldn't deny the fans that."
Blip mulls it over, then reaches back into the fridge to grab another beer. He holds it out to Mike once he has it, and Mike nods. It's not much, but it's something. Blip pops the lids and brings both drinks back to the table.
"Yeah, what would they do without you, man?"
A week ago, that was the question, wasn't it? What would they do without Mike? Now that's the one they've got to wonder about with Ginny. What'll they do if she can't play the way she used to? What will she do? All she's ever known is this game. All of her friends come from this game. So if she can't play, what does she have to look forward to in the future?
She can watch her friends get championship rings. She can run around with Gabe and Marcus hanging off of her arms. She can drink with Evelyn over whatever little problem of the week has popped up in an otherwise perfect marriage. But what will she do?
Mike sips from his new drink. "Eh, they'd figure it out."
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:23pm // Back. Mom's hovering but we're in, safe and sound
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:24pm // Glad to hear it. Sleep tight xx
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:25pm // hey, what was that tonight? with Blip?
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:26pm // ???? // + surprised you noticed anything with your little drinking game
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:28pm // You saw that? // of course you saw it // I thought it'd help keep him calm
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:30pm // It calmed him down alright // They actually talked, Ginny. Finally. // I mean it's no kiss and make up moment but it's something, right? no more constant awkwardness?
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:32pm // Nope, we fixed it // yeswecan.gif
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:33pm // What thing with Blip?
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:34pm // Oh. He got weird when you mentioned having another girl around // Everything okay?
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:37pm // You know Blip, he wants us to do what he wants us to do and anything outside of that is just... totally unheard of. He wants his perfect wife and his perfect sons and a perfect third kid, and I just want this. I want more than just this. I want my restaurant. I want a future of my own that's not just a house to decorate or a mini-me to go to the spa with. I can go to the spa with you
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:39pm // whoa. And you told him that?
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:42pm // Along with telling him that I need the same level of support I've been giving him since we met. We're not at Lawson level freeze outs, but he's not happy with it. dk when he will be. dk if he can be. // but at least we fixed him and Mike. they can bitch about me together
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:43pm // I should've stayed
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:45pm // No, he'd know something was up then // I'm fine. Me and Blip are fine. He needs time, and then we'll be right back to strong as ever // but thank you for the offer // get some sleep okay
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:48pm // okay // love you, Ev
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:49pm // love you too // tell your mom night for me
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:51pm // She says night
// Ev?
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:52pm // ?
From Ginny Baker to Evelyn Sanders, 11:53pm // I can't wait to see your restaurant // #TeamFuture
From Evelyn Sanders to Ginny Baker, 11:53pm // lol #TeamFuture
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, [DRAFT] // I wanted now as my decade because this is the happiest I’ve ever been and I don’t really care about seeing something new, or experiencing something I haven’t felt before
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, [DRAFT] // Who’s to say the future’s gonna be great anyway? What if it’s awful? What do we do then?
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, 12:00am // You better not have driven yourself home. You didn’t have your glasses and you had too much to be sober
From Mike Lawson to Ginny Baker, 12:01am // Got an Uber // Go to sleep, rookie
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, 12:02am // I’m going. I’m going // Night old man
From Mike Lawson to Ginny Baker, 12:03am // I’m really not that old
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, 12:04am // Fine. Night cap
From Mike Lawson to Ginny Baker, 12:05am // You sure good night texts are okay?
From Ginny Baker to Mike Lawson, 12:06am // Me and Blip swap bedtime stories all the time // cross my heart
From Mike Lawson to Ginny Baker, 12:07am // Night, Baker
[more can be found here, written four months and one cancellation announcement later]
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maxevvans · 8 years
M, N 😙
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
10000001% Evelyn, she’s the embodiment of perfection
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
More love for Evelyn and Blip (I know that everyone loves them a lot but I’d like to see more fics and edits of them)
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bawsonweek · 8 years
Hey, this is your Pitchsecretadmirer! I just wanted to check in with you and see if there was anything specific you would like? I was told that you like Bawson, Bliplyn as a side pairing, fluff and/or smut, meetcutes, family, and humor. Is there any specific prompts that you would like for me to fill for you? I've never written smut before, but I'm willing to try! I cannot wait to create something for you and I hope you have a great rest of the week!!!
Yaaaaaay! Thanks Love, I’m so excited! All of the above is true! I know humor can be hard to write, so don’t feel like you need to put it in there. The same goes for smut. If it makes you uncomfortable, don’t feel obligated at all. A fluffy Bawson meet cute with some side Bliplyn and I will be a happy camper! ❤❤❤
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sharoncarterly · 8 years
Hello, it's your SA! I really hope you liked your gift. I just want to apologise because it was supposed to be longer and cover the actual vow renewal since you said you'd like to see a Bliplyn wedding (I had this whole thing planned out where all the decisions Mike and Ginny made on Evelyn's behalf were changed for the actual ceremony and party because there's no way Evelyn would ever actually let them pick anything for her) but my best friend lost her grandmother and grandfather within three
weeks and so I just couldn’t find the time to write everything that I had planned. I tried to make this intro to my would-be fic everything that I wanted out of it and have it so that it still fit the things that you mentioned and I hope that I still succeeded. It’s been really fun writing this for you, you’ve been so great. Oh but for all of my editing there’s still a typo, at some point it says Mars instead of Marcus when I talk about the Sanders boys… Typical. Would love to hear from you
IT WAS TOTALLY AMAZING. Planning/wedding tropes are my absolute favorite, like you have no freaking idea. And yeah, I got my Bliplyn fill, but the whole time with Ginny and Mike going to the florist and trying out cake, I was like ‘WAIT, is this actually a Bliplyn vow renewal or Evelyn being MVP and planning a Bawson wedding?!’ I didn’t even miss the baseball interactions here because this was the sweetest Bawson relationship ever. And Mike being there for Evelyn is the best! He doesn’t mind swinging his name around for her, YES! Don’t worry about any mistakes because it was brilliant, and I loved it! ❤️❤️❤️
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reinamycloud · 8 years
Blip really, really pissed me off. Evelyn has supported him from the beginning, has sacrificed her own dreams so that he could follow his, and he couldn’t even offer her a fraction of that support? And don’t even get me started on the ‘woe-is-me’ act he pulled when she said didn’t want to have any more children. Who is the one raising their kids while the other is off pursuing their career? Evelyn, that’s who. And now that she decides she wants something different for herself, wants to follow the dreams she’d put to rest so she could be a supportive wife and a dedicated mother, Blip throws a hissy fit and accuses her of being selfish. Gods. I’m praying that there’ll be a second season so Blip can redeem himself, because my love and respect for him has just dropped several notches. Evelyn Sanders deserves better. 
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megaphonemonday · 7 years
#PickUpPitch prompt fills - a matchless match
Huge shout out to @hermiginnyharvelle for sending in a pile of mail for #PickUpPitch! Let’s follow her example and put our show on Netflix and Hulu’s radar!!
The prompt: Maybe something with Blip and/or Evelyn serving as matchmakers after Mike goes on his "these are things about Ginny" rant?
(If you’d like me to write a 1K word fic for a prompt of your own, follow the directions at the end of this post)
read on ao3
Blip sighed, content, as his wife settled more firmly into his side. His arm curled around her shoulders and she nestled her cheek against his chest. They’d just sent the boys to get ready for bed and were enjoying some quality time before they followed.
He pressed a kiss to Evie’s temple, murmuring, “I’m so happy, babe. Are you?”
“Yes,” she replied, instant and unwavering. The fact that not even a few months ago that answer might not have been so sure made something tug in Blip’s stomach. But that was then. Now, he and Ev had worked through so much, and even if it was an ongoing process, they were in a better place than they’d been at the beginning of September.
Blip grinned and went to kiss his wife again when she continued, “But...”
Evelyn shifted on the couch so she could face him. “Wouldn’t it be better if our friends were as happy as we are?”
“Ev, if the world were as happy as we are, there’d be a lot fewer problems.”
“Exactly! So, if it were in our power to spread a little happiness, we should, right?” She grinned, innocent and wide-eyed.
Blip wasn’t buying it.
Long past suspicious, he asked, “What are you planning?”
“Nothing!” she replied, like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. “Just, some of our friends are going through a tough time right now, and we—”
“Which friends?” he demanded. Evelyn suddenly clammed up. “Ginny?” His wife shifted, but clearly there was more. Judging by the patient, expectant look on her face, that could only mean: “Mike.”
“You said it,” she all but confirmed, like she hadn’t led him by the nose. “Ginny’s still having a hard time with her rehab and Mike shouldn’t be left alone in that house of his now that Rachel’s gone. Again.”
It wasn’t like she was wrong. But Blip was having a much harder time working through his issues with Mike than he had with Evelyn. He still didn’t like how easily Mike had almost left the team.
Still, he’d hear Evie out.
“And you think we can do something to help them?”
“Or maybe we can help them help each other?”
Nine years Blip had known his wife and the one thing she’d proved over and over again was that she did not do things without reason. There had to be a reason behind this. Maybe a reason that trumped Blip’s vague uneasiness about throwing Mike and Ginny together, built up over a season of witnessing moments and looks and one memorable warning to Omar.
But Evelyn didn’t know that. 
What did she know?
“Evie, have you been keeping secrets?” 
She grinned and shrugged, sheepishly apologetic. “Not on purpose,” his wife defended. “There was a lot going on!”
“Right before Ginny got hurt! She went on that date with the billionaire?”
“Yeah,” he said, unsure of what Noah Casey had to do with anything. 
“Well,” she drawled, clearly relishing the chance to gossip, “she left early. To go meet Mike.”
Blip managed to keep his fists from clenching. He’d told him to invite the guys out for a drink, and Mike had to go and use the opportunity to try something with Ginny?
“Nothing happened,” Evelyn soothed, though he could tell she thought he was being ridiculous. That was probably fair. 
“But you think something should.”
“Don’t you? They’re our best friends! And clearly there’s something between them.”
There were about a million reasons for Mike and Ginny not to act on whatever it was between them, but honestly? 
Blip loved his wife and being on her team. 
He could let her have this.
“Old man, you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about!” Ginny cried, nearly sloshing her wine out of the glass. 
He hooted with laughter, cheeks pink and looking far happier than Blip had seen him in weeks. “Right. Because you’re the expert on this.”
“More than you are!”
Blip and Evelyn might as well not be there, for all it was happening in their house, at their patio table, while eating their food and drinking their wine.
Evelyn jerked her head towards the house, rising and clearing plates. Blip followed suit, much as part of him would rather stay and play chaperone. The fact that Ginny was looking brighter and lighter than she had in weeks, even deep in an argument with their captain, made it less of a hardship. 
He cleared both their plates without either of them skipping a beat in their debate—something about Star Wars that Blip immediately tuned out when Mike brought it up, and went to join Ev in the kitchen. 
In spite of the stack of dirty dishes on the counter, his wife wiped down the counter, attention fixed on the pair they’d left outside.
Under the dim glow of the patio lights, Mike and Ginny leaned closer to each other. There wasn’t anything inherently romantic about it—Ginny looked indignant and Mike had a shit eating grin—but Blip still understood it when Evelyn sighed a little dreamily. There was something right about the two of them. The way Ginny clearly cut Mike off and he didn’t get all pissy the way he would with anyone else. Or maybe the way Mike didn’t pull his punches with Ginny. He still made her laugh, loud and brassy, looking delighted every time he did.
Blip still wasn’t convinced that this was a thing that needed to be happening now—not while Mike was still captain and Ginny was still carving out her place in the league—but he could admit it wouldn’t be such a bad thing in the future.
“We’re really good at this, aren’t we?”
Blip just laughed and pulled Evelyn around to face him. He dropped a sweet, affectionate kiss on her mouth, loving the way she stretched up so he wouldn’t have to bend so far. 
“Whatever you say babe,” he replied once he could bring himself to pull away. “Whatever you say.”
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theshipsfirstmate · 8 years
Hey! I'm your Pitch Secret Admirer checking in to say hi! Anything special on your Pitch Fic Wishlist?
HI FRIEND!!! (idek how you’ll see this, unless you’re checking every day, in which case I”M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG). I’m down for whatever as long as it’s bawson or bliplyn, love me some fluff. can’t wait!! thanks :)
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pitchsecretadmirers · 7 years
So dreams come true after all
Much Valentine’s Day love to @ourstartingpoints!
Summary: Ginny's not the girl who will leave you broken on the bathroom floor at 3am. She’s not the girl who will ignore your calls or play hard to get or make you question your worth. She’s not the girl who will be reckless with your heart and cause you pain because it’s familiar either. She is breakfast in bed and holding your hand while you drive and a thoughtful surprise just to see you smile. She is soft and she is careful and she will make you feel safe. If it’s carelessness you want then you will be in the wrong place, because she is not the girl who will hurt you just for the sake of it.
Rating: General Word Count: 2658 Relationships: Ginny Baker/Mike Lawson, Blip Sanders/Evelyn Sanders Characters: Ginny Baker, Mike Lawson, Evelyn Sanders, Blip Sanders, Livan Duarte, Salvamini Additional Tags: Getting Together, Canon Compliant, Mike Lawson is getting his act together, And he's getting his girl too, What season 3 should have been about
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gosselaars · 8 years
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1.03 | 1.04
requested by anonymous
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megaphonemonday · 7 years
WIP guessing game: breath
@dortheyjac​ asked for “breath,” which is basically always a safe bet when I’m writing. 
I had to contain myself to ones that are exact matches because otherwise this would be ridiculous. I mean, it’s already ridiculous—11 WIPS!—but even more so.
draft: the party will come He snorts. “Ah, shit, don’t pretend. You know exactly how how good you look.”
She rolls her eyes in response. “I’ve been told one or two times.”
“Well, this is me telling you,” Mike says, not bothering to keep the rough edge off his words. Now he’s the one making sure to look Ginny in the eyes. She stares back, waiting on bated breath. “And it’s not like I haven’t noticed. It’s impossible not to fucking notice. Especially now.”
draft: where the loyalty lies Mike’s so annoyed that he misses Ginny’s quick blink as she takes in his battered face: split lip, scuff along the arch of his cheek bone, steadily darkening ring around his right eye.
He does hear the sharp intake of breath, though. Mike does his best not to wince. If only because it would really fucking hurt. 
draft: gotta do what you’ve gotta do “I’m fine,” he replied, gruff. “Be better when this is all behind us. You sure you’ve got something planned? Something good enough to make up for this circus?”
A wicked grin took root and blossomed on Ginny’s face, nearly knocking the breath straight from Mike’s lungs. Backing away and still grinning, she assured, “Oh, I’ve got something planned, all right.”
draft: the fire went wild Oh, was this another one of her girl power trips? Ignoring the rest of her complaint and whatever role he might play in it, Mike tucked an arm behind his head and asked, “What's wrong with the request?”
“What isn’t?” Baker muttered under her breath. Mike waited her out until she sighed and offered, “They led off with what they wanted the photo spread to look like.”
draft: no me vayas dichabar Then, softer and only for Ginny, “This isn’t worth it, right? You can teach the guys a lesson some way that won’t end with me decking Duarte.”
“Pinche cabrón,” he muttered under his breath, prompting an elbow to the ribs from Ginny.
draft: untitled bed sharing fic “Are you trying to build a pillow barricade?”
Ginny paused. That was exactly what she was doing. But Mike sounded so fucking amused by her, like he wasn’t worried about sharing a bed with her. About what he might do in his sleep, when his defenses were lowered.
Like it didn’t matter the last time they did this, they woke up twined around one another, breath mingling.
draft: untitled fic #... God only knows “Geez, you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend,” the guy complains.
“Not like you asked,” Ginny mutters under her breath.
But he just plows on, talking to Mike, now. “Buddy, you gotta get your woman in line. She flirted with me for twenty goddamn minutes! Who knows what she would have done if you hadn’t shown up.”
+ some smutty ones under the cut
draft: mirror, mirror Ginny shook her head, turning to bury her face into Mike’s neck. He nuzzled against her cheek.
“You do, Gin. So fucking beautiful,” he mumbled, a hand coming up to tweak her nipples. Her breath hitched and Mike caught her peeking at their reflections out of the corner of her eye. He hid a smile in the curve of her shoulder.
draft: anything you can do Her toes curled hard enough to send spasms shooting through her legs, a rolling counterpoint to the pulses emanating from her center. Her elbows gave out and she fell to the mattress to ride out the waves of her climax. There was an odd ringing in her ears, spots and sparks dancing through her vision, too. Her breath shuddered as Mike gentled his onslaught, just enough to keep her from being overwhelmed. Not enough to keep the aftershocks from setting off their own sets of shivers, though. 
draft: men of action Ginny looked back at him, smirking as she guided his cock to her lips. “Wake up,” she repeated, the warm blast of breath making his hips buck. “Mike, wake up.”
With a start, Mike opened his eyes.
draft: untitled smut fic Her free hand trails up his stomach, sending shivers in her wake. She splays her palm wide on his skin, and Mike releases his hold on one of her hips to hold it in place. “You look so good fucking me.”
Mike grins recklessly, snapping his hips and enjoying the little catch in Ginny’s breath. “You like watching? You gonna watch me make you come?”
leave a word in my inbox and I’ll tell you if it’s in one of my WIPs!
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megaphonemonday · 6 years
How about ‘husband’
ooh, my gut instinct is there aren’t gonna be any, but let’s see. Oh, and look at that; I was wrong. Take 4 fics for my hubris.
draft: periods suck and, yes, i’m writing a fic about themShe smiled, only a little watery. “Sorry. I’m sure you’re a great husband or whatever.”
“Or whatever.”
draft: my worst enemy“Besides,” Ginny continued, apparently oblivious to the rush of affection she’d just inspired in her husband, or she wouldn’t ask, “who else should I have called?”
draft: W/HAGs ClubBased on the time stamps, there were less than three hours between the proposal and Mike and Ginny walking out of the resort’s beachside chapel as husband and wife.
draft: untitled bliplyn fix-it“No. I don’t want to hear it. We can still be in this fight in the morning, but I just got back from visiting my best friend in the hospital, and I want to fall asleep holding my husband. Are you really going to tell me I can’t?”
Pushing to his feet, knees creaking—Jesus, Lawson wasn’t the only one getting old, was he?—Blip shook his head.
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megaphonemonday · 7 years
for wip: "back"
… don’t look at me. I’m not giving you a number. You can count on your own. Anyway, excellent (and embarrassing, thanks) guess. I’m hiding most of these under a cut because otherwise it would take up your entire dash.
And on this excessive note, I’m gonna call a wrap on this game, kids. 
draft: the party will comeGinny arches an eyebrow back. Well, she tries. Both of them climb up her forehead, but she squints out of one eye at him, like that’ll make up the difference. It’s what tells Mike she’s trying. And that she’s had more to drink than usual, her typically superfine control slipping just a bit. It takes a lot of effort not to laugh—fondly! God, is he fond—in her face, but Mike manages it.
draft: untitled play review ficMike groaned and tried to stretch as discreetly as possible, twisting to the side to relieve some the pressure from his back.
Apparently, though, he wasn’t quite discreet enough.
draft: where the loyalty liesBack in the sixth grade, he broke his nose when some smart aleck at recess decided Mike’s ratty clothes and spacey mom made him an excellent target. Mike ended up teaching that little asshole a pretty solid lesson, but not before earning himself a painful trip to the school nurse who reset his nose without any sympathy.
+ way too many (and some smut) under here
draft: untitled batting coach!Mike fic“Believe me, Baker,” Mike murmured, right in her ear and not doing anything to convince Ginny, “if I put the moves on you, you won’t need to ask. You’ll know.”
Ginny froze at that, bat still hovering over her back shoulder. Almost breathless, she murmured, “Yeah?”
draft: my worst enemy“Mike,” she pleaded, pressing her forehead into his shoulder, “I need to sleep. We need to sleep.” She sounded so exhausted, so close to defeat, that he immediately caved.
“I know,” he murmured, rubbing soothing circles up and down her back. 
draft: gotta do what you’ve gotta do“Nothing in kindergarten’s that random anymore,” muttered Salvi. He would know. He’d had at least one kid in kindergarten for the past four years. None of ‘em had been held back, either. There were just that many in the Salvamini brood.
draft: the fire went wildAnother perfect screwball landed squarely in Mike’s mitt. He couldn’t help but be impressed, popping the ball out of the webbing and snatching it from the air.
“Good,” he called, throwing it back to Baker. “Now show me the fastball I actually asked for.”
draft: places that you could never reach“Big day tomorrow,” Blip observed, trying not to fidget too much with the bottle in front of him. He never quite knew what would scare the man sitting next to him off.
For his part, Mike took a long pull off his own beer, arm slung over the back of his barstool, before replying. “Is it? Just another game against the Dodgers.”
draft: have I been away so long?“What’s gotten into you, Baker?”
“Nothing,” she muttered, in spite of the way she buried her nose in his collar bone, fingers tight in the back of his shirt.
draft: untitled Mike & Evelyn bonding ficMike had no such reservations. His arms crossed and he frowned around the suite. Still, there was no mistaking the twinkle in his eye when he muttered back, “C’mon, Ev. It’s not the ‘anyone’ that annoys you. It’s the ‘you.’”
draft: no me vayas a dichabarIt was a miracle the bottle in Lawson’s hand didn’t shatter. The peanut gallery had to be losing their minds by now. Good. They were no better than his abuela and her friends, gossiping about all their friends and one another whenever one had their back turned.
draft: untitled fic about hickeys because why the hell not?Ginny stared mournfully at the beautiful dress she’d chosen weeks ago, which now would have to go back to the designer. Not because of the pristine white fabric, which she’d originally worried would make her look more like she was walking down the aisle rather than the red carpet, though. 
draft: untitled bed sharing ficAfter playing nearly eight innings in the Arizona heat—the retractable roof of Chase Field on the fritz because of course it was—she was rank. It didn’t help that the Diamondbacks still didn’t have a separate bathroom facility for her. She’d had to stew in her own sweat and funk on the bus ride back to the hotel, even Blip refusing to sit next to her. 
draft: mirror, mirror“So,” she asked, coming back to stand at the foot of the bed, eyebrow and hip cocked, “what brought that on?”
Mike shrugged, leaning back against the pillows and drinking in the sight before him.
draft: untitled fic #… God only knows “You ever think about settling down again?”
Mike looks at her sidelong, but Ginny keeps her face firmly forward. It’s probably a good thing. If she were looking back at him, he might do something stupid. Like tell her the truth.
draft: Bliplyn fix it“Ev—”
“No. I don’t want to hear it. We can still be in this fight in the morning, but I just got back from visiting my best friend in the hospital, and I want to fall asleep holding my husband. Are you really going to tell me I can’t?”
draft: untitled h/c ficMike nodded, deeply skeptical, but willing as always to back her play. “Okay. What do you need?”
She swallowed, darting a quick look up at him before fixing her gaze on the door again. “Will you stay?”
draft: freebiesThe fact of the matter was this: Mike Lawson had always been on her list. Ever since Evelyn first goaded her into building one back in San Antonio, he’d been pretty much at the top of it. Other people had drifted on and off, but Lawson, captain of the San Diego Padres, was a mainstay. It wasn’t that he was hot—okay, it wasn’t just that he was hot. It had far more to do with the way he played ball. 
draft: untitled angst ficGinny just sighs and Mike’s never heard a more disappointed sound in his life.
“I did,” she replies, turning back to the bay.
draft: anything you can do“I’ll have you know I’m a Grade-A stud, Baker.”
“Maybe back in the day,” she snorted, flopping onto the mattress and sighing in contentment. Was this what getting old was? Being tired from a couple hours out with the guys?
draft: untitled Ginny/Mike/Livan ficGinny couldn’t quite bring herself to care, though. Not when she had one hand on Mike’s bearded jaw, the other buried in the short hair at the back of his head, and her mouth moving furiously against his. His own hands were settled low on her hips, edging the clinging waistband of her leggings down from her waist. The second his fingers came into contact with her bare skin, she groaned, plastering herself against his chest, wishing she had that feeling everywhere.
here be the smut. stop reading if that’s not your thing?
draft: men of actionBecause it was one thing to dream about fucking your teammate into the mattress as her nails dug into your back and she practically screamed your name. It was another to dream of laying out in the grass, your head cushioned on her lap as her fingers rubbed soothing patterns on your scalp.
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megaphonemonday · 7 years
WIP game: hospital
I was going to say that I didn’t have any, but I decided to double check and good thing! 3 hits for hospital and they’re all basically referencing the same hospital stay because I can’t stand to hurt Ginny more than canon did
draft: untitled play review fic“You superstitious?”
Before her first season, Ginny would’ve given an unequivocal no. It wasn’t lost on her, though, that she’d broken one of the cardinal taboos of baseball and within an inning, she was being carted off to the hospital.
draft: untitled babysitting fic“Ginny?” he asked, heart already beginning to pound. She never sounded this scared. Not even when she’d been in the hospital, her career hanging from the strength of her overworked tendons. “What happened? What do you need?”
draft: untitled Bliplyn fix it“No. I don’t want to hear it. We can still be in this fight in the morning, but I just got back from visiting my best friend in the hospital, and I want to fall asleep holding my husband. Are you really going to tell me I can’t?”
Pushing to his feet, knees creaking—Jesus, Lawson wasn’t the only one getting old, was he?—Blip shook his head.
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megaphonemonday · 7 years
for wip: bed
8! It feels like there should be more (or way, way less), but I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss any.
draft: gotta do what you’ve gotta doIt didn’t matter how many dangerous looks and almost-moments had passed between them in Peoria. It didn’t matter that Mike still found himself staring at her longer than he should or itching to call her before he went to bed. It didn’t matter that every inning he played with her, every day that passed, he was more and more sure he didn’t want a life without Ginny Baker in it.
draft: the fire went wildThey were all the way across town from one another, Baker presumably in her suite at the Omni and Mike stretched out on one of the recliners around his pool, trying to convince himself to go inside. But if he went inside, started getting ready for bed, he’d have to end this phone call. Because while it wasn’t weird to talk to his rookie most nights—about anything from tomorrow’s start to the meager offerings of late night TV in hotel cable packages—Mike stayed out of his bedroom while doing it. Specifically, he stayed out of bed.
draft: places that you could never reachWhat he didn’t ignore, the churning swell of attraction settling low in his gut or just what he planned to do with it.
What could he say? He had a feeling she’d look right at home in his bed.
draft: untitled bed sharing ficNow that she wasn’t concentrating on the conversation, there was nothing else for Ginny to focus on other than how fucking cold she was. She looked back over to the nest of blankets she’d constructed on the bed. Unfortunately, blanket nests were more effective at trapping heat than generating it. And given the way she could barely feel her toes, Ginny didn’t have a lot of hope of doing that on her own.
draft: mirror, mirrorHe’d had inklings when they shared a clubhouse: she never came out of her changing room less than fully dressed.
(Aside from one memorable incident when Blip stole her clothes as payback for letting the twins watch some godawful horror flick that had the two sleeping in their parents’ bed for weeks.)
draft: Bliplyn fix itEvelyn’s lips pursed and she didn’t look at all like someone who really wanted to share his bed, but Blip learned back at USC not to dig in when her jaw was set like that.
“Blip Sanders, I have spent too many nights sleeping without you in my bed. Don’t think I’m gonna start doing it when you’re actually in this house.”
draft: anything you can do“Back in the day? How old do you think I am?”
Ginny couldn’t help but laugh at the affront in his tone. She wriggled on the bed, sinking into the downy covers contentedly. She was so comfortable, no thought went into filtering her words.
“Ancient,” she decreed dreamily. “You played with DiMaggio, right?”
+1 smutty bit behind the cut
draft: men of actionTaking a step forward, her knees knocked against his. Mike shuddered at the contact, his thighs falling apart. His hand came down to squeeze his cock, relieve some of the pressure. Ginny’s eyes darkened, and she stepped into the space between his legs. She planted one knee on the bed. Mike practically quaked with her proximity.
leave a word in my inbox and I’ll tell you if it’s in one of my WIPs!
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