#blinker headcanons
anghraine · 1 year
In P&P, Elizabeth asks Colonel Fitzwilliam about what sort of ward Georgiana makes, with the comment, "if she has the true Darcy spirit, she may like to have her own way."
I always find this pretty funny, though it's understandable (all things considered) that Colonel Fitzwilliam doesn't, and is alarmed for Georgiana's sake. And Elizabeth definitely makes inaccurate assumptions about Georgiana, so it's not even ill-founded alarm.
But. By all accounts, Darcy and Georgiana's father was a perfectly amiable and good-natured man who got along with everyone without stepping on toes. The extreme of Darcy's autocratic tendencies isn't his father, it's very obviously Lady Catherine, who is not a Darcy at all, but a Fitzwilliam. IMO, the supposed Darcy spirit is really the Fitzwilliam spirit.
And Colonel Fitzwilliam said just a few lines earlier that he would like to get his own way as much as Darcy and simply lacks the means, and that he assumes this is true of everyone.
I think it's clear enough that this is not true of everyone, actually. I feel like, personable though he is, he's also got a pretty recognizable Fitzwilliam strain in some ways. So there's just something kind of bizarrely comical to me about this whole "Darcy spirit" exchange happening with him.
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I understand that the state's inmortality is very probably the "can't age, can't be killed by injuries, can't be killed by age, will only die if they just stop existing" kind. And i get that. I do.
I present to y'all "They can't age, they can't be killed by aging, but they can be killed by injuries and sickness."
This can add a whole new layer of "surviving against all odds" to the state's existance since there's been moments and events where they've felt like Death was about to take them down and yet– They still survive. They hold on and they survive. But something inside them always tells them that one more tragedy and they might collapse.
Of course this can also make Florida's "I AM the stressful situation" comment and just Florida's existance way more frightening because that man is still fucking around despite all the shit he pulls off every time.
Florida jokes all the time that Death is afraid of him at this point and Louisiana only sips from his daquiri to avoid answer him.
Was this post made just to say that about Florida? Yes. Will i apologize? No. No I will not.
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hazbinwhoree · 8 months
So I’ve noticed that you’ve been baked while writing like every other fic you’ve posted, soooo like could you write a one shot of what it would be like to get stoned with Adam??😗 (take a blinker 4 me)
420 with Adam
A/N: I did indeed take a blinker for you and wrote this high cause it was only right. Was going to be a Oneshot but I kept falling short so I did headcanons. I hope you like it! I’ll try a Oneshot again later
Every night before bed, you smoke up
You bundle up to face the cold outside and grab your bong and grinder
You blaze up, spend a few minutes staring at your ceiling, and promptly go to sleep
This routine did not change when Adam showed up as your guardian angel
You have to start buying more weed, cause you’re smoking with Adam now
You go through your stash faster
You laugh at each other for coughing
Adam thinks that you’re adorable, finding everything funny, laughing at his every word and boosting his ego when you’re high
You think Adam is your stereotypical stoner when he’s high
Together, you both vibe, and the staring at your ceiling part of the high is more interesting
You have nonsensical conversations, with one of you going “Wait, what were we talking about?” every two minutes
“I think that the sky is…” “Is what?” “What?”
Adam’s fuckboy persona drops when he’s high and he’s actually very affectionate
Falling asleep high was never better than it was when you were wrapped up in his wings
He’s always gone in the morning, and never acknowledges the previous night
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Fenris and Anders dynamic is best when it's not taken too seriously. It wasn't thought through well at all (something the devs have admitted to) and so building it into an all defining characterization for either of them engenders mischaracterizations. In my headcanon Fenris and Anders use each other as a whipping post to lance their wounds and it's something they'll eventually grow past. I personally like how honest they are with each other sometimes, neither feel like they need to sand down their edges with the other and it can lead to these hauntingly sincere moments.
A romantic relationship between them during DA2's timeline, though, has only two extremes from my interpretation. I could see them sleeping together with no forethought, a release of tension (as Fenris does do with a rival mage Hawke), and then that spiralling into a very tumultuous romance. If I'm remembering right these are characters who say things like 'there's no place you could go where I wouldn't follow' and 'I'll drown the world in blood to keep you safe'. All that intensity turned on each other... They're two sides of the same coin and both sides are blinkered and passionate. At their best they'd join forces and work through their issues to become this badass force of nature with a singular purpose— tearing down systems of oppression together. At their worst they could destroy Thedas and each other. I can appreciate how epic that potential story would be but I can also understand wanting both characters to find more peace than they're likely to find in each other.
No, my DA2 enemies-to-lovers ship is Aveline and Isabela. It wouldn't work and it's not epic but it is hot.
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dmercer91 · 1 year
hiiii, could you write something for protective matthew knies :))
protective!matty headcanons, mk23
matt knies is the boyfriend, actually
maybe you’re a little accident prone (this is incredibly self indulgent)
so he isn’t just protective in the sense that he’s dealing with other people or PR, but he’s physically protective over you too
he realized very early on that you seemingly didn’t care to pay attention to what you were doing, ever.
you walked straight into a patio door and then stood back, chuckled and then opened and walked through the door, just completely unfazed
so he’s started trailing behind you to be your eyes and protect you from random things
he doesn’t even realize it sometimes.
you’ll drop something under the table and he’s covering the corner of it with his hand while you go under to get whatever fell
he only realizes he even did it when you actually end up knocking your head on his knuckles on your way up
he’ll pull you back into his chest by your collar like a cat when you’re about to trip over something
if he’s walking in front of you he’ll kick stuff out of your way and keep his head down so your feet are in his peripherals
you’ve fallen off the bed, so now he just has you on the side by the wall (though you were originally very stubborn about which side of the bed you got) or he just lays directly on top of you
if you’re ever spending the night with the tavares’ since he moved up to toronto, he’s trying to inconspicuously always be the one to take your shirt off cause the basement ceiling is low and he knows you’ll go too fast and punch it so hard your hand swells
when he takes you skating the first time he watches you extremely closely
he’s consistently reminding you that you cannot take things out of the oven without the oven mitts on
if you’re making pasta or something he always lurks until it’s done boiling so he can strain it for you (and make sure you remember to turn off the stove)
if you go for a walk together he’ll always hold your hands or put his arm around your shoulders or keep his hand on your lower back or neck so you don’t stray away
he’s told you before that you need blinkers and break lights (he’s right, however you slap his arm for saying it)
if he’s talking you to the mall (especially somewhere like the eaton centre) he never strays from you
that’s one of the only things you noticed, because very early into your relationship he came into a lingerie store with you and you told him maybe six times that he could wait outside if he wanted
he was so obviously flustered but he just kept shaking his head cause he knew that you’d forget that he was sitting on his phone and go to the next store without him
you honestly thought he just wanted to partake in dressing room endeavours until he did the same thing at a kitchen supply store in which he looked so bored he might’ve actually shed a tear (dressing room endeavours he got regardless, he wasn’t gonna complain about it)
it finally clicks for you that he does all these things when someone on the team sees him pull you away from a curb before you can trip over it and comments about how grossly in love you are and how well he knows you
“you two are disgustingly cute,” “what’s that supposed to mean?” “he didn’t even look up from his phone! just grabbed you like it was an instinct. happens all the time, too. it’s like you’ve been engraved into each others brains or something,” “… huh,”
matt blushes harder than he ever has “don’t read too far into that,”
on top of this, he’s also protective of you when it comes to media, especially when he gets to the nhl
the leafs media is pretty brutal, and he was actually forewarned by multiple teammates to ignore any and all press releases or reporters on twitter so he knew the two of you would have to stay more or less private
he has an instagram story full of sweet pictures of the two of you but all of which include less than half of your face and no @
your account is kept private, but the photos there are more relationship confirming, obviously (some of them he is heavily teased for. cooley has your notifs on just so he can comments ludicrous shit)
if you’re in any wag group photos you ask not to be tagged and his number / last name is always covered
he actually goes to aryne to ask for advice if ever you do want to be more public (he leaves it entirely up to you) and she thinks it’s the sweetest thing ever that he wants to make sure nobody makes an issue for you
if ever you do get found out against your will, he’s probably more nervous than you are and he’s making you promise not to hide it from him if someone ever says something
if someone asks about you in a scrum he’s always so excited to talk about you but he keeps it very short and sweet in case he’s accidentally giving you away
the best way to put it is private, not hidden
cause in another life he’d be boasting to everyone about how amazing his girl is, so he doesn’t want to hide you completely but he prioritizes your personal life and protection over his need to brag
he’s also very protective of you in the conventional way, meaning about other people in person
the first fight he gets into in the nhl is because someone chirped him about you
you were by the glass during warmups and he basically spent half of his allotted time parked in the corner flirting with you like a complete idiot
obviously someone will notice, that’s a little strange behaviour
unfortunately that someone isn’t well known for keeping their mouth shut
it’s his first fight, so he absolutely got his ass handed to him, and you were in the press box just aggressively rolling your eyes
if ever you’re out for drinks together or even with the team he’s like your shadow
downtown toronto is not the place for someone unfamiliar with the area to be left, so you’re kinda glad for it
that’s until he’s a little past tipsy and he’s glaring at every man from ages 19-40 in the bar the second they come near
he sends poor mitch a cold stare after he asked you if you liked being at the game and you were like matthew it’s mitch??? mitch marner??? toronto maple leaf mitch marner, your alternate captain??
he does the same to a middle aged man who comes beside you to order a drink and mind you, the guy hardly even notices you’re there
“i don’t trust him,” “he’s fifty!”
you don’t really get it until it comes in handy and then you never complain again
if he actually feels like he needs to be protecting you he sobers up extremely quickly and suddenly your sweet, usually angel boyfriend actually seems his size
the only time he’s had to step in he was promptly laughed at cause of his age, only for the guy to look behind you, and be met with a table full of the maple leafs staring at the commotion
you quickly learn that the unspoken rule where players protect their rookies certainly extends to the rookie’s girlfriend
one time he had to go to the bathroom at an mlse event and rather than leave you for what ended up being a minute and a half at best, you were given a body guard out of jake mccabe
easily the most awkward experience of your life, but hey! now you’re best friends with jake mccabe
if you’re on a walk or something and there’s commotion in front of you or someone strange looking is walking behind you, matty is suddenly very hungry and you’re taking the nearest right into the door of a diner until things calm down
“do you want dinner? im hungry,” “matty it’s one in the afternoon we just ate,”
that’s actually how you found your favourite spot for date nights, cause he bought a slice of pie and you swore he could’ve eaten the whole thing if it was put in front of him
he’s always calling you on roadies to ask how your day is going, and then he’ll immediately ask if anyone’s been giving you trouble
“anyone giving you a hard time? guys in your dms i get to fight off?” “well, jacer [tavares’ son] is becoming quite the flirt. he drew me a flower n’ said it was pretty like me” “oh, so i’ve got some competition?”
he’s never weird or jealous about it, but he knows you’re very non confrontational so he tries his best to make sure you’re not uncomfortable without sounding like he doesn’t trust you
he’s never been angry with you about it, so you eventually realize that he’s just incredibly and fiercely protective of you and you come think it’s sweet over time
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undeadcannibal · 1 year
(Don’t know if this is considered sfw or not so slight warning?)
141 + Rudy with a gn!reader who’s an excessively heavy smoker. Constantly has some sort of cigarette or vape in their hand cause they go through really bad withdrawal - like shaking, headaches, cold sweats, insomnia that type of thing.
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Summary: How Task Force 141 and Rudy would help a Reader who smokes heavily and sometimes deals with heavy withdrawal symptoms.
Genre: Headcanons, request(s) Characters featured: Soap, Gaz, Ghost, Price, and Rudy
Warnings: Mention(s) of smoking and withdrawal symptoms!
A/N:  Hopefully you enjoy this, Anon! Apologies if this one’s rough, I’m posting it while I’m fresh out of work because I’m exhausted. OTL ( Gif credit: xxx )
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My personal headcanon is Rudy wouldn't mind one bit being with someone who is a heavy smoker. I like to think he knows plenty of family members and friends who are heavy smokers as well, so he's well adjusted to second hand smoke, the smell, and pretty much anything else most would complain about.
Personally can't stand the smell of menthol and clove cigarettes though.
While he isn't a smoker himself, he finds himself keeping a pack of whatever you'd prefer to smoke just in case you forget or run out of your own.
He'll never admit it aloud, but he enjoys watching you smoke. Something about the sight of you exhaling big clouds of smoke allures him like nothing else.
Even if he doesn't smoke, he likes to join you whenever you go out to. He simply enjoys your presence.
Also will gladly help you through withdrawal if you begin to suffer from any symptoms since he realizes quitting isn't so easy.
My personal headcanon is he's not huge on cigarettes or cigars, but will sneak a few hits of a vape, whoops.
Hates the taste of regular tobacco based flavors, strongly prefers the fruit-based or sweet-based types since they're the most pleasant for him. And probably the easiest for him to hit.
Personally believe that this man cannot hit blinkers, his hits are small and precise because he absolutely hates taking in too much and hacking up a lung as a result of coughing. Go easy on the guy, alright?
Is the type to hate the scent smoking leaves on clothes so probably won't tag along on a smoke break with you.
Although, I also like to picture him as a fresh newbie who gets invited along for a smoke and doesn't say no, even though he doesn't care for smoking. So, he ends up going along with it, smoking a cigarette with the others. Internally wants to toss it onto the floor and snub it out with his boot but decides to power through so he's not mocked for it.
Even if he doesn't smoke, if you've a decent vape he thinks he might enjoy, will ask for a hit or two.
Also will try and help as best he could if you end up dealing with terrible withdrawal symptoms. Tries anything and everything to help you out.
Isn't a smoker himself but is used to it from being around Price often, so when you're constantly toking on something you've in your hands, it doesn't bother him in the slightest.
Whatever it is you prefer, it doesn't bother him. If anything, he probably considers it less harsher than some of the cigars Price has smoked around him before.
Won't ask for hits of whatever you have but will tag along with you on a smoke break. Enjoys the company and likes the downtime to catch up or joke around together.
Eventually knows what you prefer and often keeps it on hand whenever he's around you just in case you ever need it.
Doesn't really know how to help with withdrawal symptoms, but he ends up researching plenty of things that may help you. Likes to discuss what you think might be the best method before forcing anything onto you.
If you end up having to deal with the symptoms, he's right there by your side, doing his best to comfort and help you in any way that he can.
He's right there with you. Personally, he struggles with quitting because dealing with withdrawal in the worst of places has made him secretly hate dealing with it. Often keeping both his and your favorites on hand at all times.
Will also happily tag along with you for smoke breaks.
He probably won't ask to take a drag of whatever you like but will happily allow you to take a drag of his cigar, if you'd like. Don't even get me started on his secret fascination of watching you smoke.
He knows he shouldn't be such a pervert about it, but he can't help but want to grab you by your jaw and shotgun smoke into your mouth with his own every time he sees you smoke. Hell, it's even gotten to the point he thinks about it more often than not whenever he's smoking alone too.
If you ever have to deal with the symptoms of withdrawal for whatever reason, he'll also do his best to help you through it however you see fit. Although, if you can't smoke for medical reasons - or you're trying to quit - he'll remain firm and refuse to give in and allow you to smoke for your own good.
Oh, and if you vape, I'm so sorry honey, he'll give you grief over it. Is one of those that sees vapes as some sort of ridiculous device.
IMO, he doesn't consider himself a heavy smoker, but does keep a pack on hand for you and him to share. Sometimes when the stress gets to be too much for him, he finds himself lighting up.
Even if he doesn't want to smoke, he'll happily keep you company during one of your smoke breaks.
However, much like Price, if you ever need to stop for medical or personal reasons, he's one of the best to keep you from breaking down. Will absolutely find any hidden stashes and get rid of them when you least expect it.
Often finds he enjoys the scent of your personal favorite brand, and over time, comes to associate it with solely you.
Does his best to help you deal with any withdrawal symptoms since he understands how they can be hard to deal with. He's seen Price struggle before and has some experience with helping him. He'll try and give some small tips here and there that may help you.
Also like Price, loves to give you shit for vaping, if that ends up being your preference. While he doesn't care all that much, he'll roll his eyes if you've a ridiculous flavor or type.
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tadpoleatemybrain · 6 months
Seeing driving/road trip headcanons floating around and I wanna add my two cents
They let Astarion drive ONCE and then never again
Everyone thought they were gonna die
His actual vehicle handling is fine he's just overconfident
This man will do 90 on the highway as a rule, he's not concerned he'll flirt his way out of a ticket. And they best hope he does, because you know Halsin has weed and they will definitely get pulled over in a place where that's not ok because obviously
Constant lane changes. Wtf is a blinker? Turns too sharp
Worst road rage you've ever seen in your life, big fan of the horn, gods help you if he gets caught in traffic or construction
Will miss a turn and blame the co-pilot or GPS
"I know a shortcut." Was in fact not a shortcut
Will order a single black coffee and leave
Somehow the only one that can parallel park
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sun-stricken · 1 year
Wendy has a little obsession with zipping and unzipping things, she will do it over and over to her hearts content
Grays internal temperature is actually higher than an average persons bc it has to combat his magic making his skin so cold
In a modern au, Lucy would ride a motor bike, i will not explain
Erza has a violent case of black thumb
She makes up for it by knowing how to make flower crowns
they’re the prettiest you’ll ever see
You know that joke where ppl say “the kidnapper would give you back bc you annoyed them”? yeah, That happened to Natsu
Grays favorite colors are red and purple
hes also had multiple ‘fuck it ill become a stripper’ moments
Wendy is a slow blinker. like a cat. she’ll look at you all wide eyes then do a little slow blink and turn away
Lucy is a worse cook than Natsu
it was so humbling
also, Natsu has collection of rocks
one fell at some point and he found out it was a geode
he has so many geodes you would think he gets them on purpose
They started a guild wide brawl over pancakes vs waffles
Erza has the biggest guilt complex when it comes to her bakery
They find it funny to play on it
“Wow Erza, i cant believe you. how could you cheat on your bakery?”
“you two timed bakeries?? Erza you should be ashamed.”
Wendy gets bad stomach aches so she carries around a bottle with a cocktail of different tylenols in it
shes also really good at rock, paper, scissors
dont know how bc its mostly a game of chance but she always wins
Gray is the giddiest drunk
he gets so touchy and affectionate and giggly
the people love it
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snowelles · 5 months
🍃 getting high w/ tord larsson ఌ︎
a/n: small little headcanons i have bouncing around in my head… thought y’all might like it!?!? anywho i think he’s def a stoner… i mean just look at him. he can rip mad bongs and hit mad blinkers. idcc idccc.
warnings: slightly suggestive, drug use durr, porn mention, not really sure what else lololol
notes: gn reader
Tord is by FAR the most frequent smoker in the house— NOT including those tacky cigars. Hell when he used to live at the shared house his room stank of weed 24/7. Much to everyone else’s dismay. And if it wasn’t for the stench, it was the loud coughing that “comes out of nowhere” (as Tord puts it). Tom made sure to make fun of him each and every time he erupted into coughing fits from biting off more than he could chew
So, smoking with him? Every experience is unique and different. Sometimes all Tord wants to do is chill on his bed and watch anime. Other times he wants to bang… Ruthlessly. For hours. It’s a gamble where you’re absolutely content with either outcome. If you’re not there he just watches porn, honestly
Tord’s got a bunch of weird weed paraphernalia laying around his room. Funky pipes, oddly shaped bongs, disgusting vape flavors, he’s got anything you could possibly name ever. It’s only a little freaky but really convenient if you can’t find a pipe or bong
If you’re prone to coughing or have low tolerance he’s gonna tease you. Even if you’re normally resistant and just had a “bad” hit, he’s on your ASS about it. It can get a little annoying but going back to point one he’s not very different from you, he just likes to feel superior…
The KING of Doordashing food from strange restaurants you’ve never heard of in your life. It’s always fun seeing the next new thing Tord brings in. What the hell is a Mr. Beast burger? It didn’t even taste that good but being high certainly made you think it did
If you ever green while smoking with him, he’s actually quite considerate and quick to act. While he can be a little mean and sometimes cruel… he feels guilty watching you tweak on his floor, so he’s gonna lend a hand. Will happily get you water or any sustenance you need
Tord’s down to do whatever you want. Walk to the arcade? Take a bubble bath? Operate firear— watch anime? He’s doing it. There’s really not a worse OR better person to smoke with than Tord
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lt-taylor7 · 1 month
i have a headcanon about Javi Rivera
He knows NOTHING about the actual car aspect of the storm par truck. (The Lion) if anything goes wrong with the actual tech part? Nah he’s fine he has no problem. But god forbid it goes unbalanced, or the oil change light comes on? He’s got no idea what to do.
(not proofread, bad grammar, GN reader, just a blurb that got too long)
that’s where you come in, a small local shop owner, one of the only in Oklahoma with a four post hoist. He had no idea what that means but he knows you specializes in heavy weight vehicles, and at a good price for its quality. So here he was, pulling the rig into the front of your shop, rushing in with a hand through his hair.
“can I help you?” You ask with a small laugh at his frantic state, washing some oil off your hands with an already dirty rag. He looks up at you, unsure as to what to say frantically searching for his words. “My truck- it’s custom- the tires.” You put a hand up and cut him off, “Javi Rivera, The big ram right?” You ask, remembering the booked consultation. He let out a relieved sigh, “yeah.” He said, his shoulders visibly dropping. A nervous hand through his hair again, “it needs an oil change and I was thinking of putting it on all season tires but I wasn’t sure if it would fit the truck well, or if I can even change them without rotations-“ he rambled, this time you let him go until he let out a large sigh and looked at you, “sorry it’s just, I’m not good with the actual truck aspect of the rig.” You smiled, “people come in here alot worse then you don’t worry. So your trucks just on summer tires? Oil change is no problem but those might cost you a pretty penny depending what your looking for.” You explained, picking up a sales book from behind your counter, flipping through until you found tires in stock, finding a few larger tires.
it took a while but the rig was finally up on the hoist, you could see Javi looking through the reception window into the shop as you walked past, you opened it, “wanna come in? I can tell the rig means a lot. She’s in safe hands.” You say, holding the door for him as he nervously steps in, unsure of where to sit or stare. You worked quickly as you mounted the tires into new rims, before tossing each tire into the balancer, he watched your work in awe. “How did you do that so quickly?” He asked as you lifted a tire under each arm. “Been doin’ it since high school, pretty much muscle memory.” You say with a shrug as you drop the tires under the truck, bringing the other two over.
There wasn’t any talking as you quickly pulled off the old tires, quickly labeling them with chalk, before lifting the new ones on. Waiting to torque them until it was on the ground. “That’s all it takes to change a tire?” Javi asks as you walk over to a large cabinet, searching for the oil you needed. “Yeah, then I torque them once it’s on the ground.” You said as you got under the truck again, sliding a catch pan under the rig, Pulling off the cap, letting it drain.
it wasn’t long before the rig was back on the ground, You torqued the tires before jumping into the drivers seat, just barely turning the key. “What are you doing?” Javi asked as he came over to the side of the door. “Gotta run through the safety checklist after every oil change, just to make sure everything is in working order.” You explained as you looked at the reflection to make sure all the back lights were working as well, and the wipers. You checked off everything before signing off and putting on a new oil change sticker. “So your gonna need some blinker fluid but other then that she’s good to go.” You said as you pulled the keys from the ignition. “Blinker fluid?” He asked, “I’ve never had to replace that, Is there any kind?” His response made you laugh, “Javi, Blinker fluid doesn’t exist.” You said still laughing as a hand laid on his shoulder, Shooting warmth through his bloodstream. “Oh- yeah yeah right I knew that.” He said nervously.
(I miss my mechanic job so much)
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boydepartment · 1 year
Enhypen Headcanons- Road-trip!
HELLLO MY DEAR IT HAS BEEN A CRAZY COUPLE OF DAYS BUT I AM ON IN RN!!!! IM GONNA DO THESE AS LIKE HEADCANONS <3 edit- IM SO sorry this took awhile. i had a ton of birthday stuff and then my friends stayed like the entire weekend. I LITERALLY FINISHED THIS WHILE THEYRE SLEEPING EVEN THO WE HAVE CHURCH TOMORROW ITS LIKE 2:30 AM!
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JUNGWON- Jay def put him in charge of music mainly because Riki kept playing something INSANE LIKE ASMR ON THE AUX. Jungwon probably plays really nice classical music that makes everyone fall asleep but then will randomly play screamo too so he scares everyone. He lets everyone choose a song though! DEF ASKS TO GO PEE EVERY 20 MILES HE SITS RIGHT BEHIND JAY! His song choice is No More Dream by bts
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HEESEUNG- I think be brings up like "lets play ispy!!!" then looked at like Jay like "i spy a grumpy pants!" Just to mess with him while he's driving. Other than that he is the snack keeper. He is in the passengers seat and the snacks are by his feet so no one hogs snacks. One time though Heeseung wanted to mess with Jake by playing tug of war with the bag of chips and you can imagine how that ended. Heeseung's song choice is You got a friend in me by Randy Newman
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JAY- HE IS DRIVING. He gives driving vibes yaknow?? He is def a safe driver too, like he isn't driving like a maniac. He always has his blinker on too early and he is driving the speed limit. Can you imagine Jay backing up the car.... ANYWAYS- He has def turned the music off to focus when the car gets tense too Jay's song choice is Mr. Brightside by the Killers or he will just turn on like the oldies radio.
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JAKE- He is somewhere in the middle of the van, I also think he gets carsick so bad. Whenever Riki wants him to look at something on his phone if its longer than a quick glance Jake NEEDS to look out the window, otherwise those chips he ate off the floor bc of Heeseung are coming up to land on the floor again. Other than that he loves to sing a long to songs <3 He would probably play the anything off the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack!
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SUNGHOON- HE HAS THE COOLER W THE DRINKS ALL THE WAY IN THE BACK! They have tea, soda, water, everything. He wanted the seat all the way in the back for this reason. And because Sunoo is just on his phone the entire time. Sunghoon has def accidentally smacked Jake in the head with those sodas that are encased in glass. BY ACCIDENT. He also eats the ice from the cooler.... Sunghoon would play like old songs from I-Land and then be like "remember when so and so did this??" Just to add drama in the car.
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SUNOO- On his phone the entire time!!! Next to Sunghoon in the back. He has his headphones in and he is playing a game. Sunoo is very quiet and just does his own thing! Only looks up when he gets a tincy motion sick or when he sleeps <3 He brought his own snacks. SUNOO DOESNT TRUST ANYONE NOT TO EAT THE FOOD W HIS NAME ON IT. "Riki just pick my song for me I am not listening."
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NI-KI- "Dude if you throw up, puke on Jungwon..." VOMIT INSTIGATOR He also ended up right in the middle of the car which is really dumb because of how tall he is. mf is literally blocking the rear-view mirror. Riki also purposely will take longer to use the bathroom because before he left he sprayed a TON of axe in the car just to mess w people more. He likes when the windows are rolled down so it works out for him. He probably plays the MOST insane shit ever, like cbat or like REALLY old meme songs JUST to get on everyones nerves. LIKE THE RAINING TACOS SONG "Um I get two songs... Sunoo gave me his choice <3" THIS WHOLE CAR IS JUST A MESS!
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angelaofwhite800 · 1 year
Dating Dean Winchestrer headcanons!
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Just some of my cute little headcanons
• Will for sure tease you about silly things that are cute, like if he's taller then you or has bigger hands then you, etc. But he's actually really sensitive to things that actually bother you and doesn't make jokes about them
• Movie night dates are his favorite, even more then food dates
• The best person to play those pranks on that are like "The mechanic charged me $500 for an oil change" Or like " They charged me $300 to replace my blinker fluid" Because his reaction is priceless
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Probably something like this, lol
• No matter ur gender you are 100% his passenger princess, and he does let you pick the music
• On that note, I imagine that you'd probably catch him humming along to/lip syncing to songs that he says he hates, like something by Fleetwood Mac or Taylor Swift or something, but he will deny deny deny that it ever happened, lmao
• Also along with the passenger Princess thing, he would totally be the kind to put his hand on ur thigh while driving or hold ur hand while driving, and if you like moved his hand away he would look at you offended and put it back
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Like that, lmao
Anyways, these are just a few of the cute little ones I have floating around in my head <3
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espresso-ships · 5 months
Welcome to my account 💜
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Welcome to my self-ship account!
Nice to have you here :)
My (nick)name is Espresso!
[Genderfluid, they/them-she/her pronouns]
Intro can be found here ☕💜
More about me and my ship can be found on Carrd!
I'll be posting s/i art, fictions and other self-ship content!
Keep in mind this is NOT a fandom blog.
If you're interested - I have an writing blog too (mostly fanfictions)
Ask in Messages for @ if you'd like to follow 💜
I'm always happy to get to know new people!
Feel free to inbox or message me!
My fav shows/movies are: Breaking Bad/Better call Saul, La casa de Papel, Twin Peaks and The hunger games (+ TBOSAS)
I'd love to discuss it with someone!
Or just tell me about your fav author or singer :)
That's all for now!
Here's a masterlist for my account and it's content <3
🦋💕 🦋💕 🦋💕
DNI list
Homophobes/transphobes & misogynistic people
If you make fun of selfships (if you feel called out - wtf are you even doing on my acc in the first place?? 💀
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espresso-ships Masterlist
FANART!!! <33
Varganardi by @lisasbasket 🥹 <3
Varganardi by @hanamisofficialspouse <33
Varganardi by @laloverboyy :') <3
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Imagines & comforts
Only you
Mental health ❤️
They're fine
Their first choice.
Thunderstorms ⛈💕
Pets 🐾💕 - Part 2!
Drawing each other ✏🎨💕
Double dates!!! 🙏
Selfshippers with ADHD!
Amusement park dates 🎢💕
Comforting your f/o 🌧🫂
They LOVE you (meme pt 1)
Meme pt 2
Canon? EW
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Understand my ship
Laura intro
4 quick questions
Sims 4
Understand my ship
Just them being chaotic
Sims 4 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Who's most likely?
Random questions
Who's "the"?
About us
Gushing <3
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Just them being cute
Short king 🫅
Picnic 🧺💕
Screencap redraw
Lake date 🌊💕
Night routine 💤❤
My love
Teen AU
Laura in BCS
Movie night 🎥🍿💕
Sky full of stars 🌠💞
Matching earrings <3
Muscles 🙏😌✨ - ...Again - And... Again
Angst 💔🌧
Little guys!!
Beach date 🏖💜
Nacho and Val <33
Sleepy time 💤🫂
Lookin' good
Pride 🌈💞
Make-up 💄💕
Funko pop <3
Pride 🌈💞
Clemmie in LCDP
Cottage core 💐🏡💕
James Bond era
Little guy!! <3
Gay panic
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Who's most likely?
Who's most likely pt 2
Who's most likely pt 3
Random questions
Who's "the"?
Get to know my ship!
Poly-ship versions - Part 2
4 quick questions
Memes & drabbles
Pov Laura's office
Heist 🤤
Me <3
Clemmie being... Clemmie
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[Blinkers by: @gay-selfships! <3]
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expanding on my driving headcanons for absolutely no reason. this has no basis in canon its literally just vibes
as I said before, Daniel can't drive. at all. maybe a dune buggy to get around dig sites but an actual car on an actual road? absolutely not
Sam is either an extremely cautious driver or has a terrifying level of road rage
Jack is a decent driver and is usually the one to drive everyone around
and (this one does have basis in canon) Teal'c is a rigid rule follower and drives to the letter of the law - always uses his blinker, never U-turns in a no-U-turn zone, doesn't speed or run red lights, refuses to even start the car if someone isn't buckled.
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sometimesanalice · 10 months
😳: a confessing headcanon
Bradley didn’t mean to tell you he loved you for the first time when he was rocking a fever of 101. But he couldn’t help himself when you looked so pretty with the glow of the TV behind you as you replaced the cool cloth on his forehead.
When you laughed at him softly, he got the sense you were taking him seriously enough. So he told you how he liked your laugh and the way you rearranged your sandwiches before eating them and the way you remembered the names of Amelia’s friends at school and the way you always used your blinker.
He told you how gone he was for you when you first smiled at him, and not that tense half smile you’d given him the first time you’d met him when you thought he’d been the asshole who had asked you to get him a coffee. No, that real smile you’d given him after he’d told off that guy for being an idiot with bad vision because if that asshole had been paying attention he’d have seen that clearly you outranked him.
And when you gave him that smile right before pressing a kiss his cheek and said it to him back, he was already feeling better (he wasn’t, it took him 3 more days to get better but I didn’t matter when you loved him back)
emoji prompt ask game
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In the Future version of CC, who hates driving the most? My headcanon is Izuku is the one who hates driving most. Most villains don't even get him riled up, but if someone cuts him off or doesn't use a turn signal, he begins to make Katsuki look calm and collected.
I think anyone of the class who has some kind of Quirk that helps their movement finds car rides to be Fucking Awful™. So yeah Izuku, who knows he could just Blackwhip is ass across town in the time it takes him to drive a car to the grocery store, is frustrated by how slow it is! And so are others who can Go Fast with their Quirks. Ofc everyone has varying levels of road rage, but the speedy ones are the worst.
But you know who I think would be the absolute fucking worst?
Not only does he have the whole 'my Quirk can get me there so much faster' frustration, but he's a stickler for fucking rules and has an undercurrent of rage. Every time some fucker cuts him off or doesn't use their blinker he is SO CLOSE to just parking the car and sprinting after them to give them a traffic citation somehow. (I don't think Heroes can technically do that, which is the only thing that keeps him from doing it, but he can argue that he is eliminating a danger from the roads which is the job of a Hero.)
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