#blessings from another world
knightphobeus · 1 year
"We chafed under the idleness of 'peace',"
Genn Greymane looks at Varian as he lets out a deep sigh. On the board, the White Pawn has been removed.
"If there is a chance to fight, why not take it?"
At the bank of the river, a blue-skinned troll lays, the Pandarians racing over as the Brewmaster quickly rushes to his side.
"Still, I will not seek out unnecessary battles..."
Nathanos takes and opens the box for Sylvannas, the black stone and strange crystal with a black moon symbol in the packaging.
"Quiet as a Candle."
"Genn, do you remember Adariall?"
"Your sister...didn't she die?"
"...there's been a sign...she's alive."
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sunderwight · 2 months
Bingqiu AU where Luo Binghe's the chosen village sacrifice to the evil deity who lives up the mountain.
Normally the village sends maidens, but they've more or less run out of expendable girls of the right age and, ahem, "virtues". So of course Luo Binghe's early life bad luck kicks in. In the wake of his mother's death there's no one to really care about what happens to him, he's fairly pretty, and the village leaders decide that if they dress him up like a girl the teenaged homeless kid should pass well enough. And hey, y'know, he's probably got a hard life ahead for him anyway -- dying in a brothel of some venereal disease or on the streets of exposure or starvation. At least as a sacrifice, everyone else gets to benefit from his loss! And the kid will get added to a shrine and be remembered as a hero! If anything, he should be happy about this!
Binghe is not happy about this.
But he's also a skinny underfed nobody who is easily overpowered, dressed up like a bride, and tied to a post. So. Not much he can do but wait for the evil deity to come and do whatever horrible thing he's gonna do to him.
Meanwhile, Shen Yuan is pretty sure he's been isekai'd into the over-powered hero of some kind of supernatural adventure story? He's not totally sure because he doesn't recognize the setting, but the signs are there. He's got a shrine-like base of operations (though it seems to have become corrupted/ruined, probably he has to restore it somehow), he has a very resilient and handsome new body with spiritual energy of some kind flowing through him, and a very clearly magical sword. Plus lots of neat starter powers! Though it feels like he has other abilities that have been blocked somehow? Probably he has to level up in order to access them.
When he treks out of his "base" and finds what seems to be a distressed maiden, he takes it for his beginner hero mission. The girl claims that she's been doomed to be sacrificed to an evil god. That sounds a little above Shen Yuan's pay grade for dealing with, so he unties her and decides that they had better just get out of the whole region altogether. He already packed up anything useful from his base, anticipating he might get caught up in an adventure once he left, so they follow the river away from the settlement until they reach another one.
While they travel, Luo Binghe tells Shen Yuan about the cursed deity, Shen Qingqiu, who was cast out of the heavens for slaughtering one of his brethren and has apparently being do-who-knows what to maidens from the local village in exchange for his "protection" ever since. Sounds like a real asshole! And also mid-level boss type bad guy at least. Shen Yuan hopes he doesn't have to fight him, but he probably will.
Thank goodness he found Binghe, though! Clearly the helpful little sister type! He's definitely going to require her assistance if he's going to figure out how to navigate this world and level up his skills enough to take on a god.
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wyvernquill · 2 years
Today I offer you the following headcanon/scenario: Hob dislikes Shakespeare and criticises him, but not because he's jealous of Dream walking off with him in 1589... no, it's because he genuinely thinks the man was a talentless hack.
Let me elaborate.
Hob does like Shakespeare's plays, and grudgingly admits they're the work of a "half-decent playwright", judging from the 1789 scene. He does appreciate the craftsmanship.
The only trouble: Hob is of the opinion that it's not technically Will's work at all. It's His Stranger who had... well, some hand, at least, in the creation of those masterpieces, and Hob hates that Shakespeare gets the sole credit.
(Now, to be clear, I do think that all Dream did was lend Shakespeare support and inspiration and the power to put his own dreams and imaginations into words. It's absolutely still William Shakespeare's work at the core, and Dream's involvement is hardly much more than in any other story ever written - but Hob doesn't know exactly how this works, does he?)
Imagine his frustration. Imagine people praising Shakespeare as a genius in front of him, and Hob bursting to say "actually, he was total shite until he sold his soul or something to the maybe-devil in exchange for talent". He thinks he's the only human in the world who knows The Truth About Will Shaxberd, and it drives him mad that any attempt to explain it would make him sound like some conspiracy nut.
It's the sort of thing that could drive a man to irrationally hate a playwright and his ill-gotten gains, it really could.
(Which is highly hypocritical of him, seeing as he himself enjoys the boon of that very same maybe-devil - well, his sister’s, actually, not that Hob knows that - but it's aBOUT THE PRINCIPLE OF THE THING-)
And that's how Hob ends up as his university's #1 Shakespeare Hater.
And perhaps, Dream eventually explains to him who he is and how his boons work, and Hob suddenly realises he has to revise his entire spiteful opinion of William Shakespeare, who may have had a certain spark of talent of his own, after all...
And then, groping desperately for some reason to cling on to his increasingly irrational dislike of the man, Hob recalls how Will stole his date back in 1589, and breathes a sigh of relief at the realisation that he can carry on hating Shakespeare just as much as before, only now for a different reason.
(Not that saying "I hate Shakespeare because he stole my boyfriend" will make him sound any less like a nutter than insisting his talent came from magical intervention... but, well, it's a step in the right direction, isn’t it.)
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polyamorousmood · 11 months
Lighting a bowl to wish you luck on your date 🌿☮️
I am truly prosperous to have someone perform rituals for me, especially rituals I will never partake in myself. You have granted me a luck I would have otherwise never come into, and that's... pretty neat, I think 🙂
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driftingballoons · 2 months
I hope you don't mind me asking two thing back to back, but for the reverse unpopular opinion ask game.
What piece of PMD lore/story just doesn't sit right / doesn't make sense with you?
Not at all! Love getting asks, thank you! :3
The one piece of lore that’s always bothered me a bit is how they handle humans in the series. Imo it’s just a little confusing and odd. Now for the positive! By leaving it vague, it really hands over the lore to the fans—how do humans live in this world? Are they common, or are you one of/the only one left? Do they tend to live side by side with pokemon, or are they more separate than in the main series? Where did Hero come from? What happened to their family? Etc etc. Plus, in Explorers, the idea of there being humans around, but you not seeing ANY in the Dark Future really adds to the oppressive and heavy nature. It helps show it’s such a harsh world that only the most feral of pokemon can truly thrive. 
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torgawl · 1 year
lyney's character story about his vision revealing arlecchino didn't allow him to use a delusion and was genuinely angry that he would do something lynette wouldn't want for him, encouraging him to find other solutions... the way she was also sad lyney didn't feel comfortable relying on her during the quest... she really cares about the kids. her smile while speaking to furina also looked sincere. even though one can debate if this is all an act to make them trust and be loyal to her (as said by her, "good actors hone their craft to mesmerise the whole crowd") or acknowledge the fact she's using the kids by making them part of the fatui, she genuinely seems to cherish them. at least she goes through lengths that aren't really necessary for her not to care. the way she reformed the orphanage, the way she helped freminet get closure on his mother's fate... i just think it goes to show and confirm once more how biased everything/everyone in the game is. sometimes bordering unreliable, really. scara and childe's lines about her paint her in a certain light, which i'm not saying isn't true quite the opposite, but that persona seems to coexists with the version the kids from the house of the hearth know.
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nicoscheer · 1 year
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Oh my fuckin god please be real please be real 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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What the fuck is going on call the doctor I’m dead
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Oh my lord I just realized Miles posting the tlsp one means that him and Alex talked about it they discussed what songs to play together and and 😭😭😭🤯like they sat down together during the time they both had off and Alex invited Miles to open for them and then they talked bout playing together on stage again and planned their week together in Ireland
The two of them miss performing together just as much as we miss seeing them together and it’s always nice to know that the feeling’s mutual
Also Miles probably telling Alex that he enjoys singing their songs but that it just isn’t the same as knowing Alex is right there beside him barely an inch between them shouting the words together into one mic out into the awaiting audience to hear them reflected back thousandfold
The way he’s vibing while filming 🫶🏽🥹🐢 also that mean that he surely also was there yesterday with Rosie watching the Strokes; imagine just casually standing next to the Miles Kane during a festival like sorry to whoever’s onstage (unless it’s AM) but there a new main act now
#miles kane#alex turner#please don’t fuck with us Miles#arctic monkeys#Dublin#Ireland#26/08/2023#oh god imma official say rip to my wallet cause I’m gonna get there one way or another#don’t dare play with my heart like that#Miles just casually causing heart attacks and bankruptcy#the world is yours and then something clearly Milex cause that’s all that ig account is 😭😭😭😭💅#🐢 🐒#he used both emojis 😭😭#bless this day#also bout that puppetsspace repost either he regularly checks up on their page or Tom brown (who follow that creator) sent him this#Okay let’s summarize “used to be my girl” with Irish flags then that fuckin “the world is yours” ring#and then reposting from a Milex account#he’s sick for posting these in succession especially on rock en seine day#which he’s certainly aware of cause he got tagged in dozen of pics#he just left us with THIS and now radio silence 🥲#also why heartbreaks (the new sensation) Miles ?!#IMAGINE THEM PLAYING LITTLE ILLUSION MACHINE#can we please get a full documentary on all these shows#MANIFESTING STANDING NEXT TO ME#they really bloody want to sell all four shows out 🤣#I didn’t realize that with the jungle :buzzing for this tonight; he meant quite literally seeing them 🫠#the ring pic gives showing off my engagement ring vibes#I can almost see Alex doing squats to prepare#what if hear me out Miles sings Shavambacu in Ireland with Alex watching on side stage (cause he said he might bring that song back)#the way the lil fucker just embedded that goddamn ring inbetween those two Milex posts
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aria0fgold · 6 months
So that's... the power of Luocha e1... I get it now. I am now a lil less salty from losing my 75/25.
#aria rants#was doing the new world 9 of su without geppie (very nervously too cuz im not used to not having a shielder)#but am like. well i have luocha e2 so maaaaaybe itll be fine? still nervous cuz the last boss of world 9 is the smth unto death#and i just KNOW im gonna have a hard time with that thing. well... turns out i didnt... luocha e1 is so good actually#i had ratio. himeko. bronya (oh yea and her lc i got FROM THE 75/25 LOST. i think that contributed too actually). and luocha#my ratio is decently built but still weaker than my argenti thats so far my strongest in su (esp g&g with the erudition path)#took elation path. got to the last boss with pretty okay blessings. it didnt stand a chance... it didnt actually get much of a turn...#first time i got to do that with an su boss ngl! i never got to kill em fast enough but i managed now! yippee!!! maybe losing that#75/25 wasnt so bad after all. my bronya is stronger with her buffs (i dont... i dont have any other buffer than her...) and my#luocha can finally give buffs AND shield! my team is looking pretty good. (yea since my luck is bad i couldnt get ruan mei and sparkle)#i think ratio's banner was during ruan mei's banner? and i had to get his lc (i needed him to be strong for imaginary dps)#and i couldnt try for sparkle much cuz i was planning on going for aven (which as you can see. my plans went terribly with luocha rerun)#im still gonna try for aven cuz i need another shielder than geppie and aven's kit seems to be the right fit for my ratio#back to the saving board...... hsr rng i hate you but also i cant hate you enough cuz tbf my team DID get stronger a bit...
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 11 months
I’m gonna need some elaboration on like. All of that
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diathadevil · 1 year
Listen I’ll be back to my regularly scheduled programs with shoujo fan arts and (hopefully) some art fight art this month.
But for now, the green Finnish rapper man from Vantaa has taken over my hamster wheel of a brain.
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knightphobeus · 2 years
Three buildings dwarf Mugen Academy as Anduin and the others walk into one of them with boxes for moving.
The time has come.
Anduin looks down at the map of the area, frowning as his eyes trace the way it's set up and the writing to one side - the informational brochure making him worry.
Chibiusa looks in shock and awe as a pale girl with dark hair and a black suit holds her hand out, a soft light healing her wound while Knight Phoebus looks at her in surprise. He smiles, and holds out a hand to show off his own power.
Let the destruction begin.
The dark-haired girl smiles softly at the two.
"Another Miracle will Happen."
"In the name of the Moon and Stars, we'll punish you!"
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aloysarrow · 8 months
Yeah, the the incoming 2024 genshin players (because that's been a question on YouTube), I don't even play towards the meta and I think you're gonna have a shit time if that's your play style.
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mymp3 · 2 years
i love love love reading your takes on minato and p3 in general ... like minato gets mischaracterized and flanderized by people sooooo much but you really truly get him i think
This is genuinely such a high honor of an ask to get, thank you very much anon.
I love talking about my playthrough and experience with P3 as i move along. it's a very hard hitting and impactful story. this story could not work if minato wasn't the character he was and i think that's brilliant.
I haven't seen too many takes on him yet honestly, but it's sad that he apparently gets so frequently misunderstood. understanding the vessel in which the story is told through is key in understanding the full picture i feel, and its nice of you to think i get him. :)
#compendiumnotebook#thank you for the ask anon!#raining tag#god bless your heart so much oh this anon makes me smile#minato's uncaring exterior is something a lot of people take at face value i think#they equate niceties with kindness#minato is so incredibly kind though he is not 'nice'#and i think thats what people may be missing?#he was someone failed by the world in every circumstance and instance#though instead of lashing out he kept going#despite how chronically/mentally tired he became#he still helped those around him and tried to help in everyway he could#even if he was transferring the next year or put in another one of his relatives homes or just never saw the person again#because he WANTS to#he is kind.#very incredibly kind and optimistic. though these things take understanding from those around him to see.#how are you going to be viewed as kind and optimistic when youre constantly being treated as other by those around you?#constantly being put into the least hopeful situations?#the worst part about all of it is that it was 'fated' to happen.#and minato kind of gets this takeaway#when he starts recieving encouragement by fighting in Tartarus#that his life is disposable as long as it helps those around him#he already felt this way most likely because of his upbringing#but fighting through tartarus is a good way to hurt yourself without yourself or others really noticing#because youre fighting! its for a good cause! youre the leader!#i also feel like all of this (and stuff i said earlier) would make him feel more connected to concepts rather than things#like 'music' and 'death'#but who's to say#just some thoughts#thanks again anon!
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daemoncracy · 2 years
sometimes a literal angel calls customer service to pretend to be in trouble, hype you up, and call you a genius for interpreting a manual. the numbers prove it!
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chaosdisowned · 2 years
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🥚 A friend of mine on discord sent me this!! Az Real-Real!!! I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!
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badheart · 2 years
How did your first kill feel like? Would Uryū have been your first human victim if he died in that attack? (I'm more curious about other killings than hollows)
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“Please, it’s not like I wield a sword since yesterday. It wasn’t supposed to be a fatal wound.”  Just a means to make things a little bit more interesting, leaving Kurosaki one additional hint to solve the puzzle. A game without any risks would not be any fun now. Odd was just how that girl, who could heal did not fix him, considering how long it took him to appear again. But Kurosaki’s group sure had communication issues during that time. 
“The first one was the Shinigami, who murdered all of my past friends.”  Who had been all Fullbringer, from various age groups. The picture of the massacre was burned into his mind. How exactly the killing went, he barely recalls, mentally he was completely overwhelmed, the tears came later but for that was barely time. The place was full of corpses and he was the only one alive. For such case, existed no justice system. The police would not understand, powerless anyway, and the Shinigami wanted his death from now on. 
“Not sure what I felt, or what one is supposed to feel in such moment, I mean that guy sure as hell deserved it, even if just following orders - you have a choice. Kill a bunch of teenagers and adults, or flee.”  Enough time had passed that he could talk about it, with a mix of dark humor to make it more bearable for himself, considering how absurd it was - till this day, he does not know why it had to happen.  “Well, ... obviously I had a choice too, and I made my decision.”  And he could live with it, anything after that event was nothing. It did not matter to him, he felt nothing to all those strangers, ... Shinigami, they were just a means to get closer to his goal. Over the years, he only became more desensitized to the crimes he did himself. 
“Also I guess, I don’t recall killing a human yet.”  Hurting on the other hand happened quite a few times, if necessary and that might be bit of a stretch, considering what he saw as necessary. There was no regret from his side, no matter how he had planned some things out. There was no particular attachment towards Kurosaki’s friends. What they went through during their time with him was nothing, and even forgotten by those who had been cut.  “But quite a few of Shinigami, not that it changed anything but I guess it was somewhat satisfying for a few seconds.”  He could not even properly recall their faces, they meant nothing to him and yet they defined everything he hated. In this life, he would never accept the Shinigami again. 
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