#first time i got to do that with an su boss ngl! i never got to kill em fast enough but i managed now! yippee!!! maybe losing that
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aria0fgold · 11 months ago
So that's... the power of Luocha e1... I get it now. I am now a lil less salty from losing my 75/25.
#aria rants#was doing the new world 9 of su without geppie (very nervously too cuz im not used to not having a shielder)#but am like. well i have luocha e2 so maaaaaybe itll be fine? still nervous cuz the last boss of world 9 is the smth unto death#and i just KNOW im gonna have a hard time with that thing. well... turns out i didnt... luocha e1 is so good actually#i had ratio. himeko. bronya (oh yea and her lc i got FROM THE 75/25 LOST. i think that contributed too actually). and luocha#my ratio is decently built but still weaker than my argenti thats so far my strongest in su (esp g&g with the erudition path)#took elation path. got to the last boss with pretty okay blessings. it didnt stand a chance... it didnt actually get much of a turn...#first time i got to do that with an su boss ngl! i never got to kill em fast enough but i managed now! yippee!!! maybe losing that#75/25 wasnt so bad after all. my bronya is stronger with her buffs (i dont... i dont have any other buffer than her...) and my#luocha can finally give buffs AND shield! my team is looking pretty good. (yea since my luck is bad i couldnt get ruan mei and sparkle)#i think ratio's banner was during ruan mei's banner? and i had to get his lc (i needed him to be strong for imaginary dps)#and i couldnt try for sparkle much cuz i was planning on going for aven (which as you can see. my plans went terribly with luocha rerun)#im still gonna try for aven cuz i need another shielder than geppie and aven's kit seems to be the right fit for my ratio#back to the saving board...... hsr rng i hate you but also i cant hate you enough cuz tbf my team DID get stronger a bit...
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amu-azu · 8 months ago
What do you think about the recent chapter and both Amuro and Azusa denying dating ? Lol. I’ve seen antis saying so far Amuro has never denied and acted ambiguous, but now he firmly denied lol. But tbh , imo and many Japanese fans kinda saw it on how it’s the first time Amuro got a realization of his sus behavior he was expressive&that he cares . He used to be passive & ambiguous, but now he kinda realized , Azusa wasn’t overreacting cuz a temporary boss suspected them to be dating as well lol.
they denied it because... they are not dating (yet)
But why do people think they are? ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ What are they doing? How are they interacting for people to think that? (we see them flirting in the last case =) )
also, why did Gosho bring this up? He's exploring their relationship and teasing something more. the rom-com is rom-coming. In amuazu fanart, we've seen this scenario of someone assuming they're an item many times, and it did happen in canon. ngl I was surprised.
about the denying, Gosho did that with other couples. make them be teased about their relationships as a form to highlight to the public that there is something there, especially with shinran and heizuha.
Amuro will now be more conscious of his relationship/interactions with Azusa. Can't wait to see what'll happen next.
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castle-dominion · 2 years ago
c1x8 ghosts I've watched a good amount of these!
Why was she submerged & then let out air & then she floated? Makes no sense.
Castle poker night; Espt dealing; Martha wanting to continue; "the working stiff" & then all the real cops laugh; Espt calling her "mrs R" <3; "Well, frankly, I prefer strip because even when you lose, you win." MARTHA (their faces XD); this entire scene is good. I love all their faces & the music playing & just everything here. KB: Man up, "bro" Martha! Shut up! The music I love the interactions between all of them. I think this is why I liked this scene, we get to see them as People. KR: Murder never sleeps, Ms. R. JE: Yeah, and neither do we. watching this entire scene again bc it's so adorable.
Motor oil is clear before it is used tho... in one-gallon jugs??? That sucks, lots of work.
KB: What about tonight? Anyone strange coming in or going out? Clerk: *shakes head* Jasmine, a deep voiced, bearded individual with long blonde hair, high heels, & a short skirt: Hey, Bill. Clerk/Bill: Jasmine. How's it hanging? RC: I think you just described half their clientele. lol I love the transcript, it calls Jasmine "tranny hooker" & tbh I wouldn't have it any other way. (Tho at the time the livejournal was written I don't think it was meant in a positive way.)
Castle, you move past the girlfriend no later than page 50. Love a good notebook.
Or so u think. Having seen this I know she had a LOT of secrets.
Ryan just making castle a coffee uwu, point for the rystle fans. There was an easier way of saying that espt. KR: Maybe Castle was right. Maybe this is about sex. JE: The lady was a soccer mom. RC: Come by my daughter's school at about 3:30. The place is like happy hour. (Ryan & castle share a look & ryan points at his nose) Their physicality, The nodding, the hands, the head shaking, the cocking & tilting, the turning, all of it.
Ah yes, grab a dead baby's ssn. Just like the first lesbian who got married in ireland. She was straight but legally married the man's dead sister.
MR: Kate Beckett is not some bimbo who needs big, strong you to look out for her. She's a real woman. And a real woman does not want to be patronized. AC: She's right, Dad. I love how he has these two beautiful women with him.
Ooh true crime. Neat.
Lol death over easy & the diner in the background. Did u want those yolks murdered? XD I'm (not) funny
RC: Yeah. Captain, the mayor, and Judge Markway. You know. Your boss. Your boss's boss, and the guy that signs your warrants.
Whose house is this? Lee Wax? the door is just open? sus. ngl I HATE stripes on a screen. Lol the shock at her being a woman. "I am the cops" Your publisher is so right. Murdered??? RC: Well, given your unhealthy obsession for her, I'm going to take a wild stab at you.
Oh yeah, Not a bad idea. RC: But you did anyway. LW: RC: Any true crime writer worth their salt is gonna check her story with other sources. KB: What for? LW: My book. RC: Whoa. You're gonna go through with it? But Cynthia's dead. LW: Correction. Cynthia was murdered. Which means her memoir just became a true crime story, Which is kind of my forte. You'd be doing me a huge favor. KB: You know, I-- I would love to, but I have a whole list of writers who are hanging around, looking for favors. So, thank you very much, though, for cooperating. And, um, catch you on the dark side. These two could totally have a fun night together & as another writer castle def feels for her.
Poor pike, talking to the family & prying up the past, for a book? for HER? I like adam. I like him a lot. Poor boy.
RC: It is a good story. It's a great story. Personally, I would just write a happier ending for that family.
At least he has a job. So you KNEW cynthia was writing the book? I like Swanstorm.
Ooh stories not matching up. She WAS writing for sympathy. Creativity is doing stuff, art is knowing what to keep.
KB: You talked to the publisher? RC: I am somewhat known in those circles????
Noooo not adam pike! AP: Because I wanted to look her in the eye. I wanted to tell her none of it mattered. Her blood money wouldn't buy our forgiveness.
Ah, they knew cynthia was alive, the money was coming.
Oh a random stranger. Pointing the finger to some rando. Wow castle lmao thru the glass.
Writer battle huh. If she was trying to get sympathy she would have told wax abt the money.
RC: Remind me if I ever decide to write a memoir, to never write a memoir.
They have a corkboard today not a whiteboard...?
Love the poker night. Castle is just... friends with these guys. Ooh it's their rematch. Judge: Oh, do us a favor, Detective. Beat his pants off. RC: Yes, please. Beat my pants off, if you dare. RM: Beckett, do me proud. Judge: To hell with "proud." Make him cry like a little girl. He said to call him bob. Castle is so... obnoxious. "Who's a good little boy? Who's a good little boy? You are. And you are. And you are." Judge: Don't you ever get tired of winning, Castle? Castle: Yeah, you'd think so, right? But no.
Yay all of them getting fancy coffees. Esposito has his coffee, & ryan made coffee for himself & castle, & beckett is getting her own coffee. It makes me think that ryan actually knows castle's coffee order. He's made esposito's before (or he does later in the series) & there was that time castle & beckett had their coffees but espt & ryan stole them & took a sip & then switched bc someone likes their coffee like the other. Castle gave beckett's coffee to ryan I think so beckett & ryan like the same coffee, but castle has also drank beckett's coffee before so maybe his order & beckett's are similar enough... idk bro. Do I care? Not actually that much. I just wish someone would watch thru the entire show, take note of all the coffee, & then present me with the facts & conclusion.
Wow they have houses? Thought they were living in NY. You did what you had to do to survive & that's ok! I have a friend from pennsylvania.
Didn't recognize her until castle said 20 years later & possibly scarred. Mail order to new york. I love the audio. I first watched this while recovering from a bad sunburn lol. I like her! She really is confessing everything. Tho Mary/Susan could be lying too ig. Suicide in the oil thing? really? Who is that dramatic? Audio <3 Part manslaughter, part self defense, part murder.
No rick, cynthia was the one who contacted wax. Altho ig you're theorizing well. r u two flirting or hating? Oh it is hate nvm. RC: Oh, and one more thing. One day, and one day not far from now, I'm gonna use this in a book. Weird vest she has there.
RC: Next time, I guess I'll just try that massage parlor on 2nd Avenue. BRUH
Just has a deck with him (was probs planning it tbh). I remember sneaking over to sit at the wrong lunchtable & playing cards with the 9th graders. I remember a story from my english teacher, she ran a poker ring gambling for who got to sit at the table. Lol mano a mujer hand to hand, (like head to head,) not man to man bro. Her gummy bears <3 it's probs what she has in the bowl on her desk. RC: Aside from my muscular arms? XD not funny (I say, having found it funny)
Aight that's it for now. TBH I'll probably watch an audio commentary version tonight instead of liveblogging bc I want to work out & it's hard to work out while you're trying constantly
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masterswrd · 4 years ago
Hannibal Fashion Meta Pt. 5
This is my second post about Will’s clothes here’s the first one [ here ].
You can find my other Hannibal clothing posts (and cool ones not written by me) by looking in this tag [ here ].
Despite knowing a lot about the logistics of formal menswear, Will Graham’s style is one I find a lot easier to get into. He’s not like Hannibal where he follows specific fashion rules and has tons of costume changes and flair. Some of us are closeted and need to tone it down. Some of us are autistic and enjoy wearing things within our comfort zone. By us, I mean Will Graham and maybe me.
He wears a lot of easily found brands like Van Huesen, J. Crew, and Gap. Very typical for an American who needs semi-formal or formal work clothes. Dad brands. FBI salary is nice, Will has money, he just thinks spending more than $60 on a button up makes you an idiot. He’s correct in case you were wondering. He canonically reads Marx, what do you expect.
He isn’t a sloppy dresser at anytime in the show. Any time you look at him and don’t like what he’s wearing, it’s probably because he’s not rolling up his sleeves. It makes a difference. That difference is the whole “season two glow up.”
Season 2 Will’s glow-up was entirely reliant on him figuring out how to style his hair and buying 1 (one) nice sweater, 1 (one) new sportcoat, and and a 1 (one) very good overcoat, which by the way is a Hugo Boss wool blend overcoat that ran him $700.
Will’s new sweater he got in S2 is a Club Monaco 100% wool sweater that was probably around $200. He wears this sweater when he told Hannibal that it was a dick move to not let him murder the guy who voices Mickey Mouse (look it up). He also wears this when he tells Hannibal is was dick move to murder their surrogate daughter.
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The one he wears when he makes Clark Ingram shit his pants and cry is a J Crew Wallance & Barnes. He already had this season one and he wears it when he tries to shoot Hannibal. This has nothing to do with fashion but he’s also teacupping the gun in both scenes which is probably why he’s such a bad shot. Maybe they wouldn’t be “attempted” murders if you actually took a gun safety class, Will.
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The sweater he wears under his coat in Su-zakana is the same beige H&M sweater he wears in S1E5 Coquilles. It’s a nice sweater. The man clearly owns a washing machine unlike Hannibal who probably just gets rid of his clothes once he wears then once. (Wash your sweaters on a cold setting and let them air dry and they will stay softer longer and won’t shrink as bad).
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The blazer is funny because he never wears the one from season one and instead wears a new herringbone John Varvatos one. Which he wears four different times, all paired with a denim shirt. He knows what he looks good in.
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Will loves what he wears. His style is very locked down and what he’s wearing is never going to shock anyone’s pants off. That green military jacket of his? That you saw what I wrote and said ‘Didn’t he wear that in that in the pilot? No actually Will Graham has two green jackets that look almost exactly the same. The first one is a lighter field jacket for fall, after episode 7, he starts exclusively wearing his winter American Eagle jacket.
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You know what’s funnier than having two green jackets that you thought were one green jacket? Having four blue jackets that look like almost the same.
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I don’t know what this one is really about other than I’m sick of people saying Will can’t dress or doesn’t have nice clothes. I mean if anything it’s pretty basic and you can literally put together his wardrobe by compiling pics i found from searching “man stock photos.”
He just dresses exactly how you’d expect an 30/40 something professor to dress. He dresses like a dad or like a depressed high school biology teacher.
He’s pretty cute thought ngl. Me and Hannibal can agree on that at least.
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thesacredtwink · 4 years ago
Hey so uhhh I just finished sksw HD and. I'm having a lot of emotions, mind if I just.
I get back to meet Zelda and I'm crying and there's happy and then BOOM
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Back to the past and I'm trying to take things seriously and stay angry but the twink is doing a silly dance and he's making it Very Hard
Fucker actually kills me for the first time, that pissed me off bc get away from my Zelda you bastard
Groose! My bro! Literally hurls himself across a deadly drop to save Zelda!! This man had the best redemption arc ever and I love him!
Second shot killed the fucker
Okay Demise is a lot sexier in person ngl
And then the fucker kill steals! Bastard I never got to kill Girahim!
Shield breaks a little into phase 2 so that was terrifying
Just spent the rest of the fight running around him in circles and darting in when he blasts me
This ain't over, ik how final bosses work
Wait, where's the third phase? There's only two phases?
I don't wanna let her go cmon don't make me
And if that wasn't bad enough, leaving Impa in the past fucking sucked
Fuck that post credits was adorable they're so happy together they deserve the world
So basically I'm suing Nintendo for breaking my heart. Also when I killed Demise all I had left was a fairy and one (1) heart, but I still killed him first go
GROOSE MY BELOVED. His redemption arc really is just the BEST and it's so very Groose too.
I do wish we could have gotten a chance to properly beat Ghirahim but oh well.
Yet when I consider that his fursona is a giant scaled avacado with a giant mouth and waterbaloon toes, I find myself agreeing with that statement.
One fairy and one heart (holy crap I would have been hyperventilating) but you beat him and that's what counts (first go too!!! that's fantastic!!!)
Yeah, Demise not having a third phase kinda catches you off guard don't it? XD honestly I think Nintendo did that specifically so that we the players would be more unprepared for everything that comes RIGHT AFTER THAT
And but all of these are such BIG moods. May join you in suing Nintendo for a broken heart once I get to the end skdndkdjdn. I'm just thinking about Fi and Impa and it's just AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH WHY NINTENDO.
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koutawoo · 4 years ago
ahhh this is a super late response!! i'm sorry ><
we actually did use aleks!! that's cool that you know it :0
i'm gonna be honest and say that i also stick to the flavors of things i like already 😅 matcha is def my fav (if it wasn't obvious by my emoji choice for an anon)
and thank you so much !! 🤧 my friends have said similar things about being burnt out, so i really appreciate your concern >< luckily all of my summer courses have ended (tho tennis is starting up for me soon & i have a couple stu gov events to help out with). i'll try to take a break !!
have you been keeping up w the olympics? i've been watching them basically every day but it's so frustrating since the channel i watch basically only broadcasts things that have team usa competing in them (please,, i just wanna see japan's vb team,,)
and finally !! i got genshin (technically for the second time; the first time i got to the tutorial slime, freaked out, and deleted the game) my friends have been pushing me to play but open world fighting games stress me out SO badly. so far ive been faring decently in the game! ik you post a lot about genshin, so do you have any tips for a newbie like me?
- 🍵
dw about it LOL
omg aleks… i only ever used it in middle school. idk why but everyone considered aleks a nightmare, i think it’s bc for hw, our teacher wanted us to master at least 5-7 topics each night
twinsies ✋ i remember i went out of my comfort zone once and i bought a strawberry (i don’t remember if it was just strawberry or a mixed drink) milk tea drink, and it tasted… terrible. BUT UES MATCHA IS MY FAVE TOO >:000 can never go wrong with matcha. however, i bought the matcha latte from starbucks before and it was sooooo sweet and my disappointment was immeasurable
ah geez, so ur mentality can take a rest but mostly ur physical body gotta do some work now. and ofc, school is almost back in session so u gotta do those things 😔 but at least it’s smth u enjoy, right? conditioning sounds like a nightmare from what i’ve heard, so don’t literally break a leg out there either
i don’t watch the olympics but i do when my dad is LOL like he’ll be watching it and it’s in my peripheral view so i turn my head whenever it’s interesting. i’ve only seen the womens’ vb match, haven’t seen a lick of mens’ vb. it’s rlly so interesting whenever the athletes set records though omf, i’m so proud of them and i don’t even know what they did HAJSAHSJ watching olympics vb is season six/seven of haikyuu!! watching olympics swimming is final season of free! gagahahah speaking of swimming, the 17 (?) year old alaskan swimmer who won in a huge upset omg, shes so cool
OMG U FREAKED OUT OVER THE SLIME 😭😭😭 ur just like my friend 😭😭 yall so cute! ngl sometimes open world mobs stress me out too, like when u suddenly hear the battle music and some mob runs at u, like, bye! aint got time for this 🏃‍♀️
ngl genshin is like, one of the first games of these type, that i played yknow?? like i didn’t know shit at all, so i just did stuff randomly and i was such a noob and didn’t do basic stuff so i remember, i was fighting a world boss (the big boys; stormterror) and it took me like twenty minutes just to beat it up :/ anyways, to avoid wasting time as a noob and to avoid doing 5 dmg per hit again a 100000 hp mob LOL
u should def work on leveling up ur characters, weapons, and artifacts. if u have any 4* weapons, u should def level those up! and 3* are the next go to. this is assuming u don’t have 5* weapons. u can always use the 3* weapons as enhancement materials once u get better weapons; same goes for artifacts. there’s not much options for artifacts when ur new, so u can pretty much level up whatever, but pay attention to the set bonus for a little boost! u can read up on ur character’s kit (talents n all that), and see if they receive any bonuses from scaling on certain stats. example: i believe noelle’s sweeping time does more dmg based on her defense, so i’ll find artifacts that have defense sub stats
also, resin is VERY precious, and it refreshes every eight minutes, so while you can, try to use all ur resin so u can have more resources that can be sued in the long run. i think at the moment, the only thing u can do with resin as a noob is do the mora/xp leylines
also, don’t give into peer pressure when it comes to characters. just get the characters u like and don’t pay attention to the meta :// it ruins things. ALSO, everyone says the weapon banner is a waste for “f2p” and whatever, but at one point, ur gonna have enough characters that u like to use and some upcoming characters just don’t appeal to u.. so if u like a weapon and u want it, don’t be afraid to roll on the banner. i feel like in terms of long term investment, a 5* weapon is much better than being a “character collector.” but that also depends on the person LOL i don’t mind skipping characters so that’s why i have room to wish on weapon banner :’>
i don’t feel like i have much general advice but if u have specific questions, don’t be afraid to hmu!
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