#blessed one lia
thebaroness-art · 1 year
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🌙 Elysium Shrine🌙
It was almost at the beginning of her journey… Lia remembers fondly of the sudden journey through the Elysium, with its solemn views and otherwordly presences. It was the very beginning of when she started learning how to dance from Ashava, and it was after this that she received her beloved scarf.
While I usually don’t upload my exercises for the class on social  media as posts, I just had to share with you guys one of my biggest satisfactions so far! I was never, NEVER, able to think of a background on my own, especially a complex one that I could actually bring to life later… but this time, I did it! It’s a scene from our Pathfinder2e campaign featuring Lia! And it’s *exciting*!! 
There were also a few more of sketches behind this assignment, which also covered more types of environments and scenarios! Tell me your favourite!
Of course, there’s always so much to learn and practice and a long road ahead, but hey! Look! If a few months ago I was told I made something like this I would not believe it!
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remember-no-more · 1 year
"Lia... I... Am sorry... I am so sorry. I'm... Glad that you still managed to continue your path, are well and..." He breaths, closing his eyes.".. Found someone who loves and cares for you..." He opened them, made a small smile and pat her head..
She looked up at him as he spoke in silence. Her lips were parted, her bright eyes shining against the dark of the tears. She couldn't hide... this was still an open wound, despite it all.
"We're all doing our best... you know how much effort I put into things myself, and Echo watches over me from afar... heh," she gave an embarrassed tiny smile and she hid her mouth, almost as if in shame, "you think of us as if we were that much more already... but things are complicated, and I understand him as he understands me."
She returned to stare into his eyes.
"In a few words, my mission calls, and we're aware we may not see each other again, just like you and me."
"I just miss you, that is all... but there's no need for apologies. Make your decision worth it, and I-ll be happy."
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failteam · 1 year
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The Oracle
My entry for @thebaroness-art DTIYS which is nie officially concluded! Lia was such a pleasure to draw!
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dykeogenes · 1 year
international sports federations will look at the fact that 99% of elite male athletes are better than 99% of elite female athletes and be like oh is this an excuse to ignore the 1%? babygirl do you KNOW how many elite athletes there are in the world. yeah. yeah, hundred of thousands of them. yeah, that means that 1% is thousands of people. unfortunately you do have to reckon with the folks in the middle of your very impressive bimodal distribution. yeah i know. i know, the infinite diversity of human ability within those two categories is pretty inconvenient-- yeah.
it’s definitely a tough question to resolve, reconciling the reality of sex-based advantage with the fact that there are always going to be people with a range of natural advantages within and between those normal distributions-- for sure, it’s complicated, keeping things fair for the 99% while also finding a way to make them just and fair for the people in between. it’s hard! obviously we can’t just full-out abolish sex categories or blur them beyond coherence in most sports-- yeah, I know, the NHL and MLB are already gender neutral, and we’ve seen how that’s worked out for women trying to go pro-- absolutely-- yeah-- okay--
so are you going to come at this in a way that preserves the dignity and right to play of trans and intersex athletes & others who don’t fit your binary? oh, no? oh, you’re just going-- you’re just going to pretend that that they don’t exist. alright. wait, you’re NOT going to do that? so they do-- they do exist? oh, okay, you’re just going to say they aren’t allowed in sports. because you aren’t-- you aren’t creative enough to come up with a way of making things fair for everyone. okay. cool. this seems like a normal and really smart way of addressing this issue. i’m so glad you’re in charge. fucking wingnut dipshits.
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planetaryupscaled · 4 months
Summer Fun
Male Reader x Yeji x Yuna
Tags: 8k, cheating, oral, one-shot
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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“On my way. Almost there,” I texted Yuna as I drove my car up into the Grand Josun.
“Cool. Out back by the pool,” she replied.
It was a hot Saturday in Busan. Yuna and I had been texting each other back and forth for several weeks when she texted me this morning, inviting me to a pool party at her friend’s place. While Yuna and I had run into each other in the past, this would be the first time the two of us will have ever really hung out, and what kinda guy would turn down an opportunity to hang out with bikini clad Yuna?
I knew I was close to the house by the number of cars lining along the sides of the street. I picked a place to park and walked the rest of the way to the house. I could hear the sound of music and voices of people from a few houses away. Once at the house, the door was open and I walked right in. There were a number of people I knew, or had seen at other parties, along with a number of famous celebs. If I had not been on a mission to meet Yuna, I might have been distracted by Lia as I passed her in the kitchen, looking like she had just come from the pool in a bikini. I did say a hello to a few people as I made my way outside. Once out by the pool, it did not take me long to spot Yuna, looking like a teenage boy’s wet dream as she laid on a lounge chair in a red bikini.
“Hey Yuna,” I said as I approach her. Unsure the best way to greet her, I simply sat down on the lounge chair next to her.
“Minho, you made it,” she said sounding happy I had arrived.
“If I knew you were going to be dressed like that, I would have come sooner,” I flirted.
“What? this? It’s just a bathing suit, no big deal,” she said modestly, and then added, “plus it’s never good to come too soon.”
“Touché,” I replied, happy to see her flirt back with a double entendre.
We spoke for a little while, it was hot day, so I took off my shirt and asked to borrow her sun screen. I was left in just my bathing suit and sneakers, still sitting upright as she continued to lounge. At one point I got up and got us some drinks and some waters, before returning to talk so more. Occasionally others would come by and sit with us, but for the most part the two of us were left alone.
“I was a little surprised when you first texted me. I had been trying to get Yeji to give me your number for a while.”
“Oh really? She never mentioned that when she was trying to palm you off on me.”
“She palmed me off?” I said surprised.
“Kind of,” Yuna said.
“If it means I get to hang with you, I guess it worked out for me. But why would she do that.”
“I mean, are you that surprised?” She asked.
“What does that mean?”
“Well, she does have a boyfriend, and after what happened the last time you two hung out together…” she trailed off.
“She told you about that?” I asked and Yuna nodded with big smile.
A group of friends had rented out a house in Busan. Since most people in the group were taking a significant other or had a regular fuck buddy in the group, and I was going as a single, I had been assigned the bedroom with two beds in it. My roommate for the long weekend was going to be Yeji, whose boyfriend was back in Itaewon. Yeji and I have had a number of mutual friends for several years, but it was not until she did her time filming MV for their next album that we started becoming friends, hanging out on set between scenes. I’d never left any ambiguity in my attraction toward her. I would flirt with her from time to time which she would often laugh off, and sometimes would even flirt back a bit, but she never asked me to stop. While it was clear she was not going to cross any line while she had a boyfriend, she also seemed to enjoy the attention I gave her. Which made my room assignment both a blessing and a curse. Staying in a room with the woman in the group I most lusted after, while also knowing that nothing was going to happen.
The first night there everything went fine and without any incidents. The next day the group of us went out on a boat for the day. As the day went on, we started drinking. While Yeji came onto the boat in jean shorts and a tied-off button-up shirt, as the day got hotter, she eventually stripped down to just her bikini. After that, I could not help but be flirty with her. She was even more receptive than usual and started flirting back with me. Even some of our friends noticed the way she seemed to be flirting back with me. Still, nothing happened between us, even as some of the couples began pairing off a bit and there was some on-and-off making out around the boat.
When we all got back to the house, everyone separated to wash off the lake water and get ready for dinner. The bathroom Yeji and I had in the house was a Jack and Jill bathroom, so we let our friends take the indoor bathroom and we volunteered to take the outdoor shower. After going inside to get some soap and towels, Yeji and I went outside. I told her she could go first, but then she suggested we share the shower since we were just rinsing off, and not going to strip down. I hesitated for a moment, mainly out of surprise of her suggestion, but I agreed. The outdoor shower didn’t have a door to it, but it did have 7ft wooden walls on three sides to help offer some privacy, but it also made it so we had to stand pretty closely together. We shared the soap and rotated being under the spray of water until Yeji was under the spray with her back to the shower head. She dipped her head back and let the water rain down on her face and hair. When she raised her head back up and opened her eyes back up, the two of us found ourselves locking eyes. It was unclear who made the first move, but suddenly, I had a firm grip on Yeji’s ass and her back was pressed up against the wall, as our lips were locked and she was sliding her tongue into my mouth.
We only made out for five minutes at most before we were snapped back to reality by the sound of friends coming out the back door to get the grill started. While it was only a few minutes, our kissing was so intense that at the moment we stop, Yeji had begun wrapping one of her long legs around mine, and I had a hand on the clasp of her bikini top. Once the realization of what happened set in, Yeji quickly got out of the shower, wrapped herself in a towel, and went inside. I stayed in the shower and tried to let my arousal cool down before toweling off and heading over to the grill, giving Yeji some time and space to change before I headed to our room.
Yeji kept her distance from me the rest of the night. Sitting on the other end of the table from me as we ate. Then sitting on the other side of the room from me as we all played Cards and watched a movie. As the night went on, people began going to their bedrooms two by two until it was just Yeji and I left in the living room. We eventually figured we might as well go to be as well. Our bedroom was the bedroom at the end of the hallway upstairs. After the events in the shower, things began feeling even more awkward between us as we walked down the hallway with the echoes of sex noises from each bedroom door we passed. Yeji went into the bathroom and changes into her sleepwear, some short cotton shorts and a gray t-shirt. I quickly changed into some gym shorts and a muscle shirt. We both then climbed into our respective beds. In the quiet of the bedroom, we could hear the sounds of our friends engaging in carnal pleasure from down the hall.
“Minho, about earlier,” Yeji spoke up. “The kiss…”
“Don’t worry. It never happened,” I reassured her.
“But it did though.”
“It did, and I was great, but as far as anyone else is concerned it never happened.”
“So, you’re not going to tell anyone?” she asked.
“No, I won’t. Unless you tell him, Jihoon will never find out what happened.”
“Okay,” she said with a deep exhale. We then lay there in silence for a while. “What do you mean when you said it was great?”
I looked over at the other bed, there was enough light coming in the room through the window that I could see Yeji’s face and eyes looking back at me. “I think you know what I meant,” a proud smile came across her face at that, “but if we’re going to act like it never happened, we should probably stop talking about it.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” she agreed before rolling over in her bed. I turned and tried to close my eyes and fall asleep, but I was not tired. Between the thoughts of the kiss in my head and the sounds of sex coming from the hallway, my brain was still wide awake. Some time passed, and the harder I tried to not listen to sexual moans and tried not to think of the idol in the bed 5 feet away from me, the more my brain focused on those exact things. I was at a point where had I been laying on my back instead of my side, there would have been a large tent in the sheet I was under. I thought about sneaking into the bathroom to rub one out, but I could hear stirring coming from the bed next to mine which led me to believe Yeji was still away. I was contemplating what to do when I heard it.
“Ummff.” a soft-sounding stifled moan. However, unlike the other moans I had been hearing through the door, this one came from the other side of the room I was in. All my thoughts froze when I heard that sound. And then a minute or so later, I heard another similar moan. One that sounded like it came from someone desperately trying to not make a sound. I knew it had to come from Yeji. She must have assumed that I was asleep because unlike her, I had remained still in bed while she had been tossing and turning. I slowly, trying to not make a sound, rolled over onto my back and turned my head. I then paused for a minute, before opening my eyes slightly, just squinting as I looked to the other bed. The sheets were up to her shoulders but her knees were bent up and spread apart and the way her shoulder moved, it was obvious she was touching herself. Her eyes were shut, and was biting her lip shut. Even still, another moan escaped through her tight lips.
Watching her touch herself, had my hand moving down to my crotch and giving my hard cock a good squeeze. After another minute of watching, I soon myself stroking myself under the sheet as I watch Yeji touch herself under her bedsheet. Like Yeji, I was trying to stifle any noise coming from me. However, a groan did eventually escape my mouth. As soon as it happened, Yeji opened her eyes and looked my way, and I too was looking at her. She froze and a look of total shock came on her face, but she didn’t say anything. I saw her eyes shift, and she looked at the tent in my bedsheet with some obvious moment where I was stroking myself. Her eyes then moved back up to mine, but she didn’t say anything. Instead, I could see her arm being to move again as she looked at me.
The two of us stayed in our beds, both openly masturbating under our sheets as we looked right at each other. The sheet had moved down her body a bit because of her arm movement. I could now see her erect nipples pressing against her t-shirt. Neither one of us was trying to muffle our moans anymore. Yeji now openly moaned with her mouth wide open as she touched herself. We went for several minutes until she let out one final moan and I saw her eyes roll back, her body then began to twitch as she came all over her hand. Watching her cum, pushed me over the edge and I let out a grunt and my cock began firing into the bed sheet. When I finished blowing my load, I looked back over just in time to see the Play Dead actress pull her hand out from under the sheet. Her hand glistened in the moonlight from the slick wetness that covered it. She rubbed her hand on the bedsheet to dry it off. She then looked back over at me and saw me looking back at her.
“Goodnight,” she said with a broad, but guilty-looking smile, before rolling over to the other side of her bed and going to sleep. It took me a little longer, but I too eventually fell asleep, but it would not be for long.
I was having a very vivid dream of having sex with Yeji in the outdoor shower. We could hear all of our friends on the other side of the wooden wall that Yeji had her back against, as I held her up and was thrusting into her. Her top was off, but her bikini bottoms were just pulled to the side for my cock to enter her. I was getting ready to explode when I suddenly woke up. I was disappointed when my eyes opened, having the dream end early. I then realized why I woke up as I suddenly felt the strong need to pee. I checked my phone before getting out of bed and saw it was only a little before 6AM, I’d only been asleep for a little over three and a half hours since my masturbation session with Yeji.
I got out of the bed and took a look over to Yeji’s bed. She looked to be asleep, with the sheet now down by her waist. It was for the best since my gym shorts, sans underwear, was not doing much to hide the wood I had from my dream as I walked across the room to go to the bathroom. It took some fighting to aim my hard-on down so I could pee, but I eventually got it, and then realized just how badly I really did need to go. It seemed like the flow would almost never end. Eventually, I did finish, flush, and watched my hands. I opened up the door to head back to bed when I got startled by a person in the doorway.
“Hi,” Yeji said as she stood in front of me.
“Hi?” I replied. “Do you…?” I asked gesturing to the bathroom behind me, but she shook her head. We both stood there frozen in time, looking into each other's eyes. Just like in the shower, in an instant, we went from looking at each other to having our arms wrapped around each other as we made out. Once again, we were locking lips, and our kisses were filled with desperation and lust. I picked her up and she quickly wrapped her legs around me. I walked her over to her bed and stopped there for a minute to continue making out for a little longer before finally pushing her back so she fell onto the bed. She now lay on her back with her legs dangling off the bed.
Looking up at me, she just said, “We can’t have sex.”
“Okay,” I told her. I bent down at the waist to lean in and kiss her. As we kissed my hands moved to her hips and took hold of the waistband of her shorts. I then began dropping to my knees on the floor, and as I went down, I took her shorts down with me. She didn’t say anything until her shorts were totally off.
“We just can’t have sex,” she reiterated, but she widen her legs as said that.
“I know,” I told her, before burying my face between her cunt. Normally I like to tease and do a little bit more foreplay before going in for the main course. This time though, I had no patients for it and judging by how wet she was and the sound she made when my tongue made contact, she was not interested in being teased either. I could feel the hairs of her brunette bush brush against my nose as I ate her out. She had obviously recently trimmed down for her bathing suit. As I moved to suck on her clit, Yeji reached up and grabbed a pillow, to muffle the moans. I quickly moved, putting a finger inside of her as I moved my mouth away so I could reach up and pull the pillow away from her face.
“I don’t anyone to hear,” Yeji pleaded.
“It’s 6AM and everyone else was up late drinking and fucking, we’re the only ones awake and I really want to hear every single sound you make as I lick your pussy.” Yeji didn’t put up much of a fight. Taking the pillow back, she put it under her head so she could watch me go back to eating her out. She did not hold back from letting me hear the pleasure noises she made and the only time her sounds got muffled again was when she tightly wrapped her legs behind my neck and I had her thighs pressing against my ears. I was licking her fold and rubbing her clit when Yeji climaxed. When he did, her legs tightened around my head, smoothing my face into her drenching wet pussy. I hungrily ate her out like. There was not much in the way of skill or technique, it was just pure passion. As a result, it only took about five minutes or so before Yeji grabbed a pillow to cover her mouth and muffle the loud moans as she came. I could feel her leg that was wrapped around the back of my head shake as her pussy quivered in orgasmic bliss.
“Oh gosh, wow. That was…wow,” Yeji said as she removed the pillow and caught her breath.
“Yeah, but we’re not done yet,” I told her.
“That round was because we needed to grit it out of our system. This time it is because it feels so fucking good and we want it,” I told her. I then moved back between her legs and began licking up all of her juices that had leaked out of her while also avoiding her pussy lips and clit. I was purposely teasing and taking my time this round. I had Yeji move to the middle of the bed so I could lay down on it as well while I tongued her vulva. I started off kissing and licking up and down her thighs. Yeji put up no argument or fight to what I was doing. She just laid back and enjoyed the feeling. I took my time with her, and when I finally did move to her pussy, she all but melted for me, letting out a long moan, she relaxed to the point that her body was basically mine to do what I want with.
Yeji was bottomless, but she still had her t-shirt on. As I started licking her, my eyes looked up her body. I could see her hard nipples tenting her t-shirt, and I decided that it was time for that to go. I moved my right hand up her stomach and slid it under her shirt. My hand placed her breast and gave it a squeeze. I heard the idol suck in her breath as I have her a squeeze, followed by a soft moan. I played with her tit for another seconds before I tried pushing her shirt up to expose her breasts. She got a little frustrated with my fumbling hand and finally yanked her shirt off and threw it to the floor. I now had her naked on the bed, with my head between her legs and my hand on her tit. I tried to focus on her mound, but my eyes could not stop looking at her soft looking perky breasts. Eventually, my hand and mouth switched places. I now fingered her as I sucked on her nipple. I alternated from her right to left breast for several minutes, occasionally breaking things up by kissing her mouth.
I toyed with her a bit, working her near the brink of orgasm before pulling back a bit. I worked her for nearly 30 minutes before Yeji finally could not take it anymore. This time when she reached the bring, her hand reached down and held my hand in place and she humped my fingers as her other hand grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss. When she came her orgasmic cries were muffled by my mouth as we made out. We kissed throughout her orgasm, and as she died down, I moved my lips off hers and began kissing her neck before moving back down until I was enjoying her hard nipples once again. We laid in bed for a little while before she spoke up again.
“I guess, it’s my turn now to return the favor” she said.
“Only if you want to,” I told her. I wanted her to do it, desperately, but I didn’t want to pressure her.
“I want to,” she confirmed. I then felt her hand pet my crotch. “I really want to.”
I then sat up and Yeji got up off of the bed. Just like my first round of oral on her, Yeji got down on her knees on the floor next to the bed. I took off my shirt and moved to the edge of the bed. I thought about removing my shorts, but decided I rather watch her remove them. Once I was sitting on the edge of the bed, Yeji’s eyes moved from looking into mine, down to the obvious tenting in my shorts. Her tongue lightly grazed her lips before she gave a lip bite and reached out for the waist band of my shorts. She slowly pulled them down. More and more of my balls and shaft became exposed, and once she got the, bellow my tip my erection sprang up and slap her chin.
“Oh my god, Minho? Are you joking?” She said in shock, while removing my shorts the rest of the way down my legs.
“What?” I asked with a big smile on my face.
“Your cock, it’s…wow,” she said, as she reached out and took hold of it.
“I take it you like it?” I asked as she moved it around to see it from different angle.
“What am I even supposed to do with all of it?” She asked as moved her hands around his shaft. As she spoke, she could not hide the big excited smile from her face.
“I think you have a pretty good idea of what to do with it.”
“Maybe,” she said playfully before puckering her lips and giving the tip a kiss. “How have you been able to keep this hidden?” She asked as she added a second hand to the shaft, and began to lightly stroke it.
“This weekend it’s taken a good amount of self-discipline, breathing exercises, and some strategic holding of towels and other items, to keep it hidden. I am surprised you didn’t feel it when we kissed, it was pressing up you a good amount.”
“I think I was so in my head that we were kissing I must have missed the feeling, but wow,” she said with her eyes trained on my dick. Her eyes looked up at me as her face inched towards my cock. She opened he mouth and stuck out her tongue. Just before her tongue touched my cock, she gave me a wink. She then gave along show lick to the tip before closing her mouth around it and giving it a suck. For the first two minutes she just held the base in her hands while she sucked on and swirled her tongue around the tip. Since getting to know her, I had dreamed this moment multiple times, but the dreams didn’t compare to the reality of actually having her look up at me while she had her lips tightly wrapped around my cock head.
Yeji then started taking more and more of my manhood into her mouth. Her lips stretched out a bit around my girth. She went down until she gagged a bit and pulled off my cock a bit. Though she was undeterred. She tried going down further a few more times, but each time she got to the same spot she would start to gag. Yeji then pulled off my cock and gasped.
“I can usually take Jihoon’s whole cock in my mouth,” she said.
“I guess I’m just a little bit bigger than him,” I said with a smirk.
“Oh yes,” she replied. “Thicker too,” she added.
“Don’t worry about trying to deep throat, what you were doing felt really good,”
Hearing that what she was doing felt good seemed to give Yeji a spike of confidence as she shorted giving a more energetic blow job with zero hesitancy at all. She began moving her hand up and down my shaft while she alternated between boring her head along the top half of my shaft, and using her tongue to lick, flick and swirl around the top of my dick. While she never moved her mouth down to them, she did spend a little time playing with my balls in one of her hands.
“I’m getting close,” I warned her. She just moaned around my cock in her mouth and kept on blowing me. After another minute, I gave another warning, “Seriously, I’m gonna cum. Where should I?”
“Where do you want to?” Yeji asked.
In that half second, I thought about picking her up on, putting her on the bed, thrust my dick in her and give her just an epic creampie. However, I knew that wasn’t an option. “I want to cover your beautiful face.”
“I should have guessed,” she said, and then went back to sucking the tip as her hand worked the shaft, really pumping it hard. It was not look after that, that the urge to blow my load became overwhelming. I couldn’t barely speak, but Yeji understood what was about to happen. She pulled her mouth off my cock and salt back a bit. She aimed the tip at her face and closed her eyes just in time as the first blast hit her just above the eye brow. As I continued to cum, she began smiling and laughing a bit as her face continued to be glazed.
“Is it normally that much?” Yeji asked when I finally finished cumming.
“Not really, you just really got me going,” I told her,
“I guess so,” she said as she wiped some cum away from near her eye. She then sucked her finger clean. “I should get cleaned up,” she said before quickly getting up and walking quickly to the bathroom. My eyes followed her ass as she walked. She never shut the door behind her, and from where I sat on the bed, I could clearly see her in the bathroom. As she bent over at the sink to wash her face, I let out a groan. She looked so good, being bent over like that. My dick had deflated a bit after cumming, then I was back to full strength now as I looked over her body. I was on autopilot as I watched her and a minute later, I found myself standing in the doorway to the bathroom, looking at her. When she finished washing her face she turned to leave and saw me standing in the doorway, and yet she still approached.
She stopped herself when she was less than a foot away from her. She was close enough that my hard cock was practically touching her. She looked up at me, and I down at her.
“We can’t have sex,” she repeated, but she did so meekly. Whatever willpower she had was clearly wavering. Had I kissed her right then, I had zero doubt in my mind we would have been having wild passionate sex within minutes. But I didn’t.
“You sure?” I asked.
“Yes,” she answered.
“Okay,” I told her. While I may have been able to get with her, I knew if we did, she’d hate herself for doing it and she would have had some resentment for me. So, I decided to back down and hope that she breaks things off with her boyfriend in the near future and we could have all the guilt-free sex our bodies can handle as soon as that happens. I moved past her into the bathroom, both of us letting out a grown as our bodies accidentally brush up against one another, and then I shut the door behind me.
I took a shower and jerked off to release some of the tension. I then came up with an excuse to leave after breakfast and head back home. The temptation and desire would have been too strong had I stayed.
It was almost two weeks after that before I heard from Yeji again. And it was only via text. We texted sparingly a few times over the course of a few weeks. Then one day she texted me to let me know that she had been talking to Yuna about me, and she was going to try to set us up.
*End of flashback
“How detailed did she get,” I asked.
“She was pretty vivid with her details,” Yuna replied.
“Really? I didn’t think she’d ever talk about it.”
“Oh she talked for quite a while about it,” Yuna said. The tone of her voice was both playful and flirty. With my mind thinking about the activities of that night, and knowing Yuna knew all the details and then agreed to meet me was getting me aroused. I adjusted myself in my swim shorts, making she see my dick went down the leg of my shorts rather than have me pitch a tent in them. As I sat back down, and looked at Yuna and even through her sunglasses I could see her eyes look down at my crotch. I then moved a little to make sure I was sitting so I was sitting directly facing Yuna.
We continued to talk for a while, with the Yeji topic being dropped and we got to know each other a little more. Yuna continued to be a little flirty, and she looked so sexy in her bikini that my heart rate was elevated. I then decided to pull a Hail Mary that I had tried four or five times with success. As we sat there sitting and talking, I slowly began working the pant leg of my swimsuit up higher and higher on my thigh. I did it slowly over about 10 minutes or so, as we continued to chat.
“So, what are your plans after this,” she asked.
“I don’t know, I have not really thought that far,” I suddenly saw her jaw drop as I talked, “I didn’t really…”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” she interrupted. “But umm..”
“Ah, I don’t know how else to say this, but I can see your dick,” she said. I knew she could. I was sitting facing right at her, and I have rolled up the leg of my shorts just enough that she could clearly see my cock head is she looked down between my legs, meanwhile it was covered up from anyone who did not have a direct line-of-sight up my shorts.
“Oh, god, I’m sorry,” I said acting like it was an accident.
“It’s fine, it happens,” she said.
“Guy’s cocks poking out of the bottom of their shorts is something that happens regularly to you?”
“Well, no. Not really,” Yuna laughed.
“That better?” I asked as I rolled my short legs back down.
“I don’t know, I didn’t mind the view before.”
“I can put it back out if you’d like, I don’t mind,” I told her.
“Tempting, but probably safer for you not to be hanging out like that,” she replied.
“Safer for who?” I asked. Yuna blushed and took a sip of her drink. We were silent for a minute or so, and then Yuna spoke up.
“One more question, about what I just saw.”
“Hit me with it.”
“Were you fully hard.”
“Honestly?” I asked, and Yuna nodded, “Like steel.”
“Are you joking? Look at you,” I told her. “God, I have to control myself when I just see you smile, and now here you are in that bikini. I’m not made of stone,” I explained.
“Plus, I brought up that night with Yeji,” she added.
“Yes, that didn’t help settle me down much.”
“I’m going to take a quick dip in the pool to cool off and then get a refill,” she said showing off her empty glass. “Care to join me?”
“I’d love to, but maybe I should stay here for a minute and get things a little under control before getting up. I’ll catch up in a minute,”
“Smart,” Yuna said as she got up and touched my shoulder as she walked past me. I did not even try to hide as I turned my head and looked at her ass after she walked by. Yuna looked back over her shoulder and caught me looking. She then gave a little booty wiggle in my direction before disappearing out of view. Seeing her smiling over her shoulder as she gave that shake probably added an extra two minutes to my cool down period before I could standup without the pronounced outline of an erection in my shorts.
I sat in the chair for a few minutes, trying hard not to think about Yuna or Yeji so that the swelling in my shorts would go down. When I felt confident about enough about standing up, I did so and then make my way to the pool to find Yuna. When I exposed myself, I didn’t expect that she’d become so overcome by lust she’d jump on me right on the lounge chair. It was more just about getting the idea in her head. The most important thing was that she did not freak out or get offended, instead she continued to flirt with me before she left. And she even looked back at me when she left. So at minimum she was fine with it, and there was a chance she was more than fine with what she saw.
I walked around the pool for a little bit, then headed inside to use the bathroom before resuming my search for Yuna. Eventually I found her in the kitchen talking with a few people. She was still only dressed in her bikini and sunglasses. As soon as she saw me, she excused herself from their conversation and walked to me.
“You’re looking a little more relaxed,” she said with her eyes darting down to my crotch before looking back up at me.
“Yeah, well, who knows how long that will last now that I am back talking with you,” I flirted.
“Maybe we should get you somewhere a little less crowded so you don’t embarrass yourself,” she flirted back.
“Good idea. Any suggestions?” I asked.
“Well…” she said as she thought. “Have you ever been here before?”
“No,” I admitted. “Honestly, I’m not even sure whose house this is.”
“Oh, well, then do you want to check out the rest of it, snoop around a bit?”
“Sure, sounds fun.”
It was a really nice house, and a good size mini mansion as well. I probably would have enjoyed exploring the house if I didn’t have other thoughts clouding my brain. She led the way and we quickly found ourselves going up stairs. As soon as we got up there, I grabbed her arm to pull her to me and I moved my hand behind her head as I went in for a kiss. Even though I moved suddenly, there was zero hesitation from Yuna as she immediately kissed me back and wrapped her arms around me. We started making out passionately in the hallway, before eventually we started to move again. We continued to make out as we fumbled around trying to find a room to get into for some privacy. The first door we got to was a closet. The next door was locked. The third door Yuna had her back to and nearly fell backward as I opened the door. We were both thankful that the room appeared to be a guest bedroom. I kicked the door shut behind me and then turned to flip the lock on the door knob. Once locked I turned back to Yuna and lifted her up in my arms. We resumed kissing until I had walked us close enough to the bed that I could toss her on it. She quickly moved to the center of the bed, and I pounced on top of her. Our lips locked once again. Now on top of her, I had no doubt she could feel how hard I am as it was pressing firmly against her.
After a few more minutes, I could not take it anymore. While I was loving being there, making out with a woman I had lusted over for years from afar, I was now too horny. I pulled away from Yuna’s lips and looked down at her. I could see the same overwhelming lust in her eyes that I was feeling. I could sense she wanted the same thing I want.
“Yeah?” Was all I asked.
“Yeah,” she answered confidently. After that I didn’t even bother stripping off my clothes or taking the time to take hers off. I was eager, I simply slid up the leg of my swim trucks to my crotch to uncover my dick and ball, and then I simply hooked her bikini bottom and pulled them to the side. As I exposed her shaved pussy, my finger could feel how wet she was and also the heat emanating from between her legs.
I lined myself up, and even just feeling her soft wet lips against the tip of my cock was enough to get me to let out a slight moan. I looked her in the eye and she gave me a head nod. With that I quickly thrusted the first two third of my cock into her. Yuna let out a grunt as she felt me suddenly enter her. I pulled out some, before thrusting forward again and pushing my full cock into her. I then paused. I wanted to take stock of where I was at that moment. I wanted to save the memory of her face looking up at me, and the feeling of her warm, wet pussy tightly squeezing my manhood.
I wish I could say I rocked her world after that. That I showed of my stamina, and some moves that I had learned over the years. Instead, three minutes after entering her, I found myself announcing. “Jesus, I’m gonna cum!”
“Me too,” she said which shocked me. I kept thrusting until I could not hold back any longer. At the last possible second, I pulled out and my dick erupted all over her toned stomach. I grunted as came all over her, and Yuna let out a long loud moan as she came as well. When I finished summing, I leaned down and kissed her, and as I moved my body off of hers, I began moving my lips from hers to along her neck and collarbone. Eventually the two of were laying side by side. Yuna was the first of us to speak.
“I’m not usually that fast,” she confessed.
“Me neither,” I told her. “I just… I’ve been fantasizing about doing that with you for so long, and you’re so beautiful. I just kind of loss control.”
“That’s sweet,” she said with a laugh. ‘That’s not what I meant thought. Although, yes, that was a pretty fast climax for me as well.” She then turned onto her side and looked at me. “I meant I don’t usually hop into bed with person I just met.”
“Oh, okay. Me neither.” I told her. “Though it’s not for lack of trying.” Yuna laughed at my joke. When she finished laughing, she looked down at her stomach which was coated in cum. She grabbed a blanket that was on the bed and began cleaning herself off.
“I’m surprised you didn’t finish inside of me.”
“Me too. God knows I wanted to.”
“So why didn’t you?”
“Because I didn’t know if you wanted me to, and I didn’t want you storming off all mad. And also, because I didn’t want to cum in you yet.”
“Why’s that?” She asked as she tossed the cum stained blanket to the floor.
“Because then I wouldn’t have been able to do this,” I said a quickly got on top of her again, and then moved down her body. Her bikini bottoms were still pulled to the side, but I lifted her legs up and pulled her bottoms off. Once she was bottomless, I put her legs over my shoulders and pushed my face down between her legs. Once again, I skipped my usual teasing, and got right to the point. I might have wanted to taste her more than she even wanted me to go down on her, so I immediately tasted and attacked her pussy with my lips and tongue. Yuna gripped the sheets as I ate her out like I’d been on a hunger fast for the last week.
“Oh wow, Yeji was right,” Yuna moaned.
“Right about what?” I asked between licks.
“That you’re good with her tongue.”
“She said that?”
“She said a lot of things. But mostly it was about how she didn’t know just how good receiving oral could be until you did it to her.” Hearing that was a major confidence boost, but also made me think about how the second she and Jihoon break up, I am going to wreck that girl. Just take multiple days off of work, and do things to her that would make her forget about every guy she’d ever dated. But until then, I had Yuna to please.
“Well, I guess I have a lot to live up to then,” I said as I moved two fingers inside of the idol and began rubbing and feeling for that G-spot. While Yeji had tried to hide her pleasurable moans at first, Yuna never did. It didn’t matter that we were in a house full of guests, that for all we knew could have all been right outside listening in, she moaned and acted as though we were in an empty home. And with each sound from her lips and movement from her body, it only encouraged me to do more, which made her react even more.
I had my tongue on her clit as I fingered her when she came. When I heard her orgasmic moans, I pulled my face away to watch her reaction to climaxing. Seeing Yuna’s O-face was one of the most erotic face I’d ever seen in my life. When she recovered and opened her eyes to see me looking down at her, she sprung upright and wrapped an arm behind my head to pull me in for a kiss. My face was still sloppy wet with her pussy juices. The two of us made out, me on my knees and her sitting up. As we kissed, my hand traveled to her handful sized arrest and I could feel her hard nipple pressing through the fabric of her top. I kept feeling up Yuna as we kissed until she suddenly pulled away. She didn’t say anything, but she had a big happy smile on her face as she reached behind her back and untied her bikini and ripped her top off completely. She now laid on the bed fully nude.
“Gezz Yuna, it there any part of you that isn’t immaculate?” I asked as I studied her small breasts that were incredibly perky.
“Speaking of immaculate,” Yuna said as she reached down and took hold of my cock. “Feels like someone is ready to go again.”
“Oh, I’ve ready to go since the last round ended, I just wanted to make sure I got a chance to taste your pussy before we got too far along.”
“Well, I hope it was worth it,” she said as she stroked me.
“It was better than I dreamed it would be.”
“You’re such a sweet talker,” she said and then pulled me down to her for a kiss. After breaking the kiss, she told me, “Now roll over, I want to ride this beast.”
I pushed off my shorts and laid on my back, and Yuna quickly pounced on top of me. My hard cock desperate for attention as she straddled me with her pussy just barely hovering over me. She looked down at me, and move her dangling hair back behind her. She bit her lip for a second as we just looked at each other, then she suddenly dropped down and let out a grunting moan as her pussy was once again stretched out by my hard cock.
“Don’t move,” she told me, as she bent down to kiss me. She did not move her hips at all as we made out for the first few minutes. Instead, she just soaked while we kissed. She felt to warm, wet and tight while wrapped around my cock, and the feeling only got better as she began to move her hips. Her lips were still attached to mine while she rolled her hips along my shaft. She let out a moan as my hands went to her breasts and began playing with her sensitive hard nipples. Eventually I just pulled her forward so that I could suck on her tantalizing nipples.
She moved slowly for a while, really drawing things out as she rode me, but as time passed, she began moving faster. And as her orgasm started to build, Yuna began moving her body faster and faster. Eventually, sitting up straight and putting her hands down on my chest for leverage. Her eyes locked in on mine for the next several minutes until she was on the brink of climax. When it finally hit her eyes went wide and as did her mouth. Yuna stopped moving and let out a long loud moan as she came once again. She closed her eyes and her hands move up her breast and she squeezed her nipples a bit as orgasmed. As the sensation started to die down, she slumped down and kissed me once again. Even when she stopped kissing me, she remained on top of me, with her hands brushing against her hard nipples.
“Can we switch to doggy,” I asked between kisses.
“You tired of kissing me?” She said, pulling away sounding disappointed.
“What? No,” I replied defensively. “I’ve just spent a lot of time today admiring your ass that…”
“I’m messing with you,” she said playfully with a smile. “You’re not the first guy who's wanted to check out my ass as we have sex.”
Yuna then got off him, and got onto her hands and knees. Moving behind her, I was greeted to the immaculate site of her nude ass on full display for me, and depending on the angle I looked I could all see her wet pussy peeking out underneath, begging to be penetrated once again. I reached out and gave both her cheeks a few nice had squeezes before moving my hands to her hips. Once again, I have an initial hard deep thrust, during my cock inside of her which she seemed to love.
I knew I was not going to last too much longer as soon as we started doggy, but I Madde the most of the experience. Admiring her great ass, and taking in the site of how her ass shook with each time I thrust into her. I made sure to also reach under her and I alternate between playing with her nipple and her clit while railing her from behind. Yuna also did not help me stay under control as she moved her body as well. Rolling her hips so her whole body seemed to move in a wave with her ass pushing back to me each time to meet my cock as I pushed forward. I could only hold out for so long before I could not hold back any longer.
“If you wanted me to finish inside you before, you’re about to get your wish,” I told her.
“Umm, yes do it,” she moaned, but then suddenly she changed her mind and yell, “Wait! No! Don’t!” Yuna then quickly spun around and faced me. Or more to the point, faced my cock. “Do it on my face,” she told me.
“You sure?”
“Yes, I love it,” she replied. Hearing that Yuna loved receiving facials was mind-blowing, and I was all too willing to acquiesce to her request. I gave my shaft a few strokes, and that it was all it took before I began firing ropes of jizz all over the most beautiful face I’d ever seen. Yuna looked to be very happy when I finished with streaks of cum all across her face. She then asked, “How do I look?”
“Sexy as fuck,” I replied honestly. “Though, what caused the change of heart on where you wanted me to cum?”
“I remembered Yeji said you went down on her for over a half an hour when you two got together, and I wanted to see if I could get you to double that for me.”
“Oh, I’d be more than will,” I told her. “But we should probably go to your place or mine if we’re going to do that.”
“Good call,” she said and then gave me a kiss on the cheek. Some of my own cum pressed on my face when she did so. She then got up and made her way to the bathroom attached to the bedroom, but as she did so, she passed a mirror. She momentarily stopped in front of the mirror and looked at her cum covered face. She gave a quick kissy face pose to the mirror followed by another silly tongue out pose, before continuing on to the bathroom to get clean up.
When she came out of the bedroom I was fully dressed and just sat back and admired her naked body as she walked around the room collecting her bathing suit before putting it back on.
“Ready to go?” She asked.
“I’m ready to follow that beautiful ass wherever you want to go.”
She then reached out and took my hand and we waked towards the bedroom door together. Just before opening the door, she said, “Then come on, let’s go to my place and do some stuff that will cause Yeji to finger herself raw after I tell her about it.”
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 4 months
Cowboy!141 x Noble's Daughter!Reader (My Version of the AU)
(How you meet them)
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Synopsis: Being the daughter of a noble is a jarring task as you must be always able to keep up appearances, so what exactly happens when your family hires 4 men? Men who seem dangerous yet you know nothing about, all happening to be part of the same group of people. What happens if they take an interest in you? Someone unattainable, forbidden yet also undoubtedly tempting..
Hi lovelies! Lia here again, apologies for the delay and inactivity, I had exams, projects and the recent release of part one of Bridgerton season 3. Speaking of the series, this was inspired by that and RDR2 (none of the elements are historically accurate, I think?), I genuinely hope this does well because this account has not been doing well as of late. With my mutuals leaving Tumblr and some friends are currently ignoring me, I genuinely don't know what to do anymore. From what I know, @ghouljams was the first one who created content in the cowboy!CoD AU but mine is a lot different? So please don't kill me 😭
This will result in headcanons for the next few posts because my brain is attached to this AU so you will be seeing more Cowboy!Outlaw!141.
(Really FEM!Reader, maybe also Plus-size!(Chubby??)Reader?? I don't even know anymore)
More content: My CoD Masterlist
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Bless your noble mother's heart, although your was seen as this very respectable and intellectual man of nobility, your mother had this heart of gold having no idea that these rugged men he has newly hired were outlaws, criminals.. murderers?
Yet your father did, something about him felt sinister, well all noble money comes from not so noble cause.
Although your mother wanted you to get to know and be familiar with the newest staff members who would do all the gnarly, energy consuming and physically challenging tasks, she did not want her daughter interacting with men who would be considered improper like seemingly mysterious men who happened to be from a far town looking for a living.
Well without your father's or mother's knowledge, that rule was thrown out the window the moment you saw one of them carrying over some of the crates that contain given by some men to your father for his services and connections, particularly drawn to the one who never seemed to take off the cloth on his face.
Something about the way he stared at you, not seeing the rest of his face, depriving you of clues as to how he felt upon seeing the only lady of the house. You gave him a warm smile, for a moment you thought you saw his lips through the mask perk up, before walking off to the lounging hall for your tutoring on language.
It was odd, you observed them from afar a lot, your personal garden was your sanctuary and you can't help but do so when they talked so loudly, no sign of inside voices.
They called each other names.. Price, Gaz, Soap and Ghost. The man you encountered was named Ghost? Surely it's some alias. Well that wasn't something you should fixate on anyway so you leave for your tasks.
You find yourself feeling a little out of it after your lessons, hoping that a little stroll through the stables behind your family's estate would either help the information sink in or keep it shun out of your mind. Either way you'd find yourself in tranquil, you heard a thud behind you and turn to find so called "Ghost" behind you.
He had dropped a crate, one filled with weapons and uncharacteristically hastily picked up all of them without paying much attention. Such an action caused him to unknowingly cut his finger on one of the blades that fell out of it's sheath.
Your eyes filled with concern as you rush over to take his hand in yours before he tried to brush off the cut and get back to his duties. You knew it was dumb to be worried over something so small that the grown man doesn't even flinch and yet there you were, practically cradling his hand in yours.
A white handkerchief that was embroidered with your favorite flowers by your own mother, something you held dear and kept pristine.. using it on his finger to keep the blood from further gushing and wipe off whatever of the red residue was left on his hand.
As the blood stopped to your relief, you brought his finger and spontaneously pressed a feather-like kiss on the wound. You were so used to doing that for your little cousins, nieces and nephews that it was just a force of habit, your face flushed the very moment you looked up to meet his gaze, what possessed you to do that?
You placed the handkerchief in his hand and composed yourself, you told him to keep it and to bring the wound to the physician to get some antiseptics before running off to god knows where.
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A few days after that incident, you meet another one of them except..
You couldn't help but rush, you were late for this supposedly short promenade your family has spontaneously planned. Your favourite gloves are no where to be found and with the three sisters you have, you checked room to room, seeing who might've borrowed the lacey white fabric with the sewn in bows.
Without looking your body slams into a wall, is it a wall? You softly groan, your delicate fingers brushing on your forehead that felt like it would bruise later on. Your eyes remained closed for a few seconds as the impact caused you to feel shaken, light headed.
You open your eyes to one of the outlaws, you blink up as your vision adjusted a bit, his dark skin against the light from the window really did something..
"Are you hurt, my lady?" He asked, his deep voice was smooth and rich, almost velvety. He held you up from falling.
"N-no.. Thank you, uhh..."
"Kyle, her ladyship can call me Kyle. Although I hope it's not too informal to your status, my lady." You smiled at his words, certainly a respectful fellow despite him and his group's reputation.
You felt warmth on your sides, his palms against the fabric that separates his skin on yours, he was only being kind for steadying you after you almost fell from the earlier impact but his touch felt addicting, too much as it continued to linger.
"Kyle, it is then" You said softly, suddenly a bit more aware of your surroundings.
Fuck. He was sure he felt something just by hearing the way his name fell from your lips. Normally he'd give people, employers only and only his last name. He was so used to having been called by "Garrick", he had no idea his name would sound different, so sweet coming from a pretty maiden's lips.
He stutters for a moment, realizing that his hands are touching a lady inappropriately, something only someone she's married to would have the privilege of doing. He swiftly removed his hands from your waist and formally excused himself from your presence with the excuse of his duties.
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The next time you met one of them was through your mother's ball, she was always the first to throw one to bless the upcoming season of hopes that you, your sisters and brothers shall wed soon.
You had no taste for it after having a lord step on your feet at least 20 times and not even bother to apologize with how high of a pedestal he puts himself in, you found yourself escaping through the back of your estate to the gazebo in the center of your beloved garden.
You took your tight, restricting shoes off and felt the grass on your feet as you walked toward the gazebo, now close enough to see that you weren't alone but you still continued, your feet against the cooling marble platform. You sigh as you prop yourself to sit on the stone railing next to the stranger who was currently taking a puff of his cigar.
You turned your head away, you were thrown into a fit of coughs from the strong scent of the smoke while you swatch some of it away. You tried not to heave for actual air to breathe while the man next to you chuckles, making you feel irritable.
"M'sorry love.." his gruff voice whispers which make you turn towards him, the man offering you a comforting smile.
"Shouldn't you be in there with your family, miss?" Price asked. To which you hum, "I wanted some "fresh air" and silence" you answered. Moments of silence have passed, nothing but the sound of wind that rattled the trees a bit and each other's breaths.
You look towards the light of windows of your home, the ballroom filled with laughter and talk of celebration. You sighed, knowing you must return as your parents would come looking for you, also not wanting for them to punish you for sticking around unchaperoned with their new hires.
He knew you were about to leave, it would be rude for a gentleman to leave a lady without help, hmm? He wasn't a gentleman though, an outlaw, one of the worst titles one can ever bestow a man. He was considered to be of low honor but who cares?
He kneels down on one knee in front of you, gently taking your leg in his huge hand using his thigh as leverage so he can gently slip on you shoes. For a moment you felt his forehead on your knee before he pulls away and offers you his hand..
You took it hesitantly as he helped you off the railing, you look up at him meeting his eyes. Something about them burned, making your stomach churn but not in a manner of discomfort.
You watched his back as he walked away, his footsteps on the cold marble the only thing to be heard as the noise died down..
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The morning after, you've barely had enough sleep, was it the events of the previous night? Nevermind, at least you had a day or two for yourself after conducting a proposition to your parents. Free time was worth it for the sore feet you had to endure.
Not really in the mood to change into anything tight or itchy, you remain in your night clothes. Finally, some well deserved time alone, comfortable and flipping pages of a book was your type of thing.
Sure, socializing has it's benefits however nothing beats your time alone or so you thought you were alone..
A table and a few chairs were set up by the servants to your request at the gazebo, giving you the perfect view of the greenery that you have planted the seeds of.
You had your head comfortably leaned onto lounge as you continued reading. Buts something was just so distracting, a few minutes of the constant snipping and twigs breaking, you look up wanting to see who was there tending to the garden.
Your eyes widened a bit, it was improper for a lady to stare a man who has very less clothing. Nothing but his jeans, belt and hat keeping his face shielded from the heat is toned, muscular and tanned torso and arms exposed.
A little later, you hear a grunt coming from the man, Soap was it? You can't quite remember much from the night you eavesdropped on them. You heard his footsteps on the grass nearing the gazebo but you didn't bother to look up, not until..
"Ma'am? May I stay 'ere a moment? Afraid the heat is getting to me" You look up from your book and sit up to see the same man breathless. You nodded and watched as he sat on the stairs, hands on his knees as he caught his breath.
"Excuse me.." You said, loud enough to hear and catch his attention, he looks back from his position. You moved one of the chairs to face your lounge, "Please invite yourself here, I can only think of how uncomfortable the floor might be, especially when you are working at a weather like this one" Signaling him to take a seat on the chair you adjusted.
He gets up yet reluctantly makes himself comfortable on the seat, you pick a drinking glass on display from the silver tray and poured some of the cold lemonade into it, you place it down on the table and slide it to him, offering a warm smile. Your fingers on the base of the drinking glass slightly brushing against his as he takes it.
He thanks you for it and you both enjoyed the tranquil and peace.. yet you can't go back to your book, asking questions and being further interested by the man each minute passes.
The way he talked was something else, it was alluring, comforting and oddly lively, he's told you about his "past" and how he used to be a child.
"Was quite the troublemaker you see, though my family was poor and food was scarce, I found a way to feed the street animals I adore—"
You look at him, so invested on what he was about to say next, it was refreshing to have someone to converse with who isn't interrogating you and practically forcing their ideals of how many babies they want you to birth for them, practically wanting you to die for them.
"I used to steal bread from my neighbor, not a very nice man, selfish really. So I'd often sneak into his shack, leftovers, scraps and anything light enough for me to carry. I'd bring it to Lassie, my favorite stray dog. You remind me a lot of her Bonnie" He said.
"I remind you of a dog?" You weren't so sure if that's a compliment, then again he just called you "Bonnie", what exactly does that mean?
"Home, you remind me of home. Can't say I have felt this comfortable in years, friends and I are usually reserved yet you bring this side out of me, Bonnie. So what spell or witchcraft did you use?" He joked raising a brow at you, for a moment his attention falters as he looks down at the soft mounds of skin exposed on your chest.
"Eyes up here, Johnny."
You warned as you laugh at his question, you notice one of the servants coming out from the estate and into the garden, Johnny smiles and tips his hat to you to excuse himself so that he could get back to work.
Well this is interesting.. isn't it?
Taglist: @wishesforyou @puff0o0 @simping4konig @simp4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @snowdjinnofpalestine @09maruchan @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @connorsui @capuccino192 @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @celestialhole @the-second-sage @starryylies @everlastingmoonlightsworld @keiva1000 @iexiam @drewsmusee @konigceo
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arsenal-womens-1 · 2 months
What if I say no and I come with you
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“It’s one thing to be in love, but it’s something else entirely to be willing to sacrifice everything for it.” - Unknown
December 10th: We had just got back on the bus; we had just played Chelsea and won 4-1. The main topic throughout the bus was the transfer window. You and Jen were sitting next to each other. On the opposite side, Beth and Viv sat. You and Beth were nearest to the window with your partners next to you. Beth and Jen were talking as you and Viv just sat and listened. The topic of transfers comes up. Everyone knows that you and Jen’s contracts run out in January.
“Are you going to sign new contracts this season?” You and Jen had put a lot of thought into it. Jen had already started to get offers, a lot from the NWSL. You had received some offers as well, so you had decided that Jen was going to go to the NWSL and you somewhere in Europe. You had done this countless times, but something about this didn’t feel the same. Jen glances over at you.
“We talked, and we decided if things don’t change with the offers, I’m going to go to the NWSL and Y/N somewhere in Europe.”
You just hum. “What about you, Viv?” It was no secret in the team that Viv was unhappy. The way she was being treated was wrong, but there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
“I haven’t decided anything yet, but if I don’t, my contract runs out in July, so I guess I’ll just see what happens.” After that, the other two go back to talking.
January 2nd: Kim Little has invited the whole team around for a team bonding session. Training didn’t start for another few days, but as the transfer season is now open, this is probably the last time that this team will play together. We needed to be at her house at 5 p.m., and it’s currently 4:56. You two just pulled into her street. A few cars you recognize. Jen pulls into an open spot, turns off the car, and gets out. She always insists on opening the door for you. You walk up to the house, knocking on the door. You wait for someone to answer. Kim finally opens it.
“Hey, come in. A few of the girls are already here.” Walking into the main room, more than half of the team is there. You and Jen separate and go talk to different people. You walk over to Frida, Lia, Amanda, Stina, Katie, and Caitlin.
“Hey, Y/N.”
You stand next to Lia. “Hey.” You had not seen each other since the 21st, as everyone left for where they were spending Christmas on the 22nd.
“How was Christmas?” Everyone talks about what they did and random stuff. Once again, the transfer topic comes up.
“Y/N, have you and Jen chosen what teams you’re going to?”
You had thought about it for the last month but had yet to pick one. “Jen has; I haven’t yet, though.”
January 19th: You had just finished training. You had been thinking about it and didn’t know who to talk to, so when you bump into Kelly Smith, it feels like a blessing.
“Hey, Kelly, can I ask you something?”
She had always said that if any of you needed help, you could ask her, and now you need that help.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
You look around to make sure that nobody is near. “How did you know you were making the right choice when you retired?”
She takes a moment to think. “I knew I was making the right decision when I looked at all the things I had achieved, and when I thought about it, I felt at peace that I had done everything I could and won everything I could. I knew I was doing it for the right reasons.”
Hearing her say that really helped. Realistically, there was nothing else you could win—you won the Euros with England, came second in the World Cup, had Olympic medals, and played for Barca. You had done it all. You nod your head.
“Thank you for saying that.”
You go to the changing room and see everyone. You get changed.
January 30th: We are standing in our back garden. It was Jen’s goodbye party. A few people were talking, a few eating, and a lot playing football. You and Jen are standing on the deck at the top of the garden. Her arms are wrapped around your back as your head is on her chest.
She hums to show that she’s listening.
“What if I say no to all the teams and come with you? I don’t want to be separated anymore. I’m happy with everything I’ve achieved; there’s nothing left to do.”
She pulls back a little to look at you, her eyes searching yours for any sign that you’re lying.
“Are you serious?”
You nod your head as your voice seems to have disappeared.
Jen’s expression softens as she looks you in the eye. “Are you sure? There’s a lot to consider—what if you regret it? What if you miss out on opportunities that could have come your way?”
You squeeze her hands gently. “I know there are risks. But I think the chance to be together and not worry about when the next time we get to see each other is worth it. I want to wake up with you next to me. I’ve done everything I have ever wanted for my career; there’s nothing left to accomplish.”
She holds you in a tight hug. “If this is what you truly want, then come with me.”
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sleepinghypnos · 1 year
ITZY Lia x Male Reader x Red Velvet Wendy ft. Irene
Tags: Smut (EDITED)
Genre: Facefucking, Deepthroat, Anal, Dirty Talk, Female Idol x Male Reader
A/N: Dialogues will be color coded
Black - Reader
Pink - Lia
Red - Wendy
Violet - Irene
Green - Other people
It's been a week since you started working for ITZY. The famous idol group has also been busy because of their recent comeback.
The admiration of people truly is a wonderful source of energy, especially for the artists who just finished their song for the fans.
Being able to withstand such burden makes you adore the group more and more.
You are on your way to the ITZY's waiting room. When suddenly a familiar hand grabbed you and pulled you into the corner of the backstage. There is no one here but sound and light equipment.
"What are you doing?" You said while looking at the girl in front of you. A wide smile greets you as she put her finger on your mouth to shush it.
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"Oppa, don't make any noise they might hear us." Said the girl with a blonde hair named Lia. "I can't wait any longer, you said if we want to we can ask you right? Let me suck your cock now please?" Her pleading eyes is what gets you. How can an innocent looking person be this needy for someone's dick? You are here to do bodyguard related work but you always ended up fucking your clients.
You don't dare to say you regret it because many fans would kill just to sleep with their idols and here you are getting what they want for free and the idols are ones asking for it.
You nod your head to answer Lia. She immediately fell to her knees and helped you unbuckle your belt and pull your pants above your knees.
She whipped out your already throbbing cock. "It's bigger than the one in the video! How can you be so big?"
"Genetics i guess? Or maybe i'm blessed by the heavens." You answered while slapping your tip to her tongue.
"Well, if you're blessed then maybe that is the way of the heavens to make people kneel just like what I'm doing now."
You slid your cock in her mouth with very gentle rhythm, carefully testing whether the idol can do what the other can or not. She planted her nails into your legs and she starts throat fucking herself with your cock.
Watching the idol ruin herself because of lust, as you let her be consumed and devoured by her sexual desire. You moaned reflecting the pleasure she gives you, your length isn't even fit in her whole mouth.
A popping sound can be heard when she let your cock out off her mouth, she let it rest on her face as she realize that your member is bigger than the length of her head.
"Your throbbing hard cock really is huge, it's yummy Oppa." she said and continued to suck your rod once more. Lia looks at you with that lustful and needy eyes, you can't resist any further and you take control of everything.
Starting to thrust like no other, you held the back of her head to support your furious plunge making her gagged. Tears had formed in her eyes, the sound she makes and her tiny stature will make someone seriously think that you are doing something inappropriate with her.
"Your mouth is not only good at singing but also sucking dick, you slut!"
She tried to answer your remark but you didn't let her and fucked her mouth even more. Not thinking about the idols image any longer, using her as a mere tool for your own pleasure. She bobbed her head in-sync with your thrusts making the experience more ball draining.
Her pretty face is already ruined because of your vigorous fucking but that didn't make her less attractive it's quite the opposite.
"You're still beautiful even if your mouth is full with my dick." your compliment made her head bob up and down even more and continued to choke herself with your cock. Lia has a high possibility of having a 'Praise Kink'
"Shit! I'm fucking cumming Lia!"
With that, the idol prepared herself to received what the other girls have been addicted to lately, your cum. They all say it's sweet maybe because of your diet.
Your due approached and you grabbed her head, pushed her down to your cock, she didn't reach the base of your rod because of how big it is. You hold her there until you emptied into her mouth, coating her needy throat with your ropes of generous load. Her eyes were rolled back as if she attained enlightenment.
You rest your cock in her mouth for few more seconds till your last drop. She's looking at you while she plays your dick with her tongue. Lia let you see how much cum have been accumulated in her mouth and swallowed it.
"I now know why the two girls are addicted to you, your cum is delicious it is kinda sweet and you don't care if we are idols or not. You'll fuck us until we surrender to our sexual desire. I love it, Oppa!"
You patted her head. "It felt good Lia, your mouth is something else i must say. it's really good." you assured the idol and helped her stand up and gave her a kiss on her forehead, making her blushed and flustered.
"What did I just witnessed?"
Both of you looked at the one who spoked, Lia was shocked to see a Senior idol in front of her and you... well you do not care. She's Wendy a member of already established k-pop girl group called Red Velvet by SM Entertainment.
"He's our bodyguard, Sunbae!" Lia tries to explain to her senior what happened.
"I know who he is Lia-ssi, I've met him multiple times in the past. I just can't believe I'd see you here doing what you're good at again." She looked at me and Lia many times and attempts to leave but the younger idol stopped her.
"Sunbae it is consensual, so please don't report it. He didn't force me to do anything." she said while holding Wendy's wrist.
"Silly girl, of course i know it's consensual. I told you i've met him so many times in the past." Wendy slightly hugged Lia and patted her head.
Wendy left the spot that we're in and only Lia and you remain. you guide her to their waiting room and saw all of the ITZY members are inside. you just greeted them and stayed outside the door for security.
While waiting for the next schedule. You saw Red Velvet's Waiting room few doors away from you and reminded you of Son Seung-wan again, she is the only member of Red Velvet that you didn't have any physical connection with because the time you've spent with them doing bodyguard duties. The job only lasts for two weeks.
But you've been tirelessly messing with her other members almost every hour, especially Joy and Irene. The combination of the two made you a vegetable, it's like Yuna and Chaeryeong but sluttier. Meanwhile Seulgi is much more tamed and obedient. Yeri on the other hand had a boyfriend that time and don't want to cheat on him which is what couples must abide into.
For Wendy she didn't like the idea of you messing around with her co-members and stayed away from you, but you know that she also wanted what others was having.
She might say she don't but her actions betrayed her. Wendy and Seulgi share the same room and it's the same for Irene and Joy while Yeri is like a queen in her room because she's alone there and she can do whatever she wants.
Every time you fuck Seulgi senseless, Wendy will remain in their room while pretending to watch a movie and she really is watching but not the movie but you and Seulgi.
There's that one time when you and Seulgi is being intimate, she didn't even realize that she's been caught cause of how focus she is on how you plowed her roommate until she passed out. You even stood up and went to her side ordering her to suck your dick which she almost did, her tongue is already sticking out but she woke up from the trance and rushed out of the room.
Hours passed by and an SBS staff request all of the idols to go the stadium. ITZY decided to pick the ones in the higher floor and so we did. The managers didn't go with you and stayed at the staff rooms.
Lia invited you to sit beside her and so you did. The area is safe and no one will have the nerve to go on higher floor seats aside from other idols.
The music surrounds the whole place, this is a private party for idols and cameras are not allowed. Even the fans who owns fancafe's can't enter inside the premises.
Everyone is partying to the music when a group of girls came to your spot. it was Red Velvet.
"I told you he is here." Wendy said in a smug face, it looks like the other members didn't believe her. You stand up to greet them and so is ITZY.
"Hello seonbaes!" ITZY greets the senior girlgroup and they greeted them back.
"Oppa! I thought you'll stay abroad, i didn't expect to see you here." A woman suddenly hugged you and almost got out-of-balance because of it. Familiar scent envelops your sense of smell, her perfume is still the same. It was Joy.
You felt her chest rubbing into your own, still the same naughty woman. She let you go to for you to greet the other member, you gave each one of them a hug.
Seulgi is always the one who is quiet and waiting for her turn. Your mouth went for her neck and you marked with a hickey. Which she received well.
Yeri on the other hand became much more assertive on things. The moment you went in for a hug, the idol hugged you and she put her hand on your crotch. It's quick and impressive she whipped out your cock and started stroking it.
As far as you know she is still with her boyfriend but this is what she want so you let her.
She knelt down and put your cock in her mouth. Sucking it so passionately.
All of the girls were shocked and immediately blocked the two of you. Well, because of your height you are still visible.
"Kim Yeri what are you doing?!" Said Irene. Even she was shocked.
"I just want to taste it. All of you are addicted to this big fucking cock unnie. I want to know why, i already got my answer." Yeri continued to suck you off and stopped cause her jaw hurts.
"Seonbae you guys know Oppa too? In that extent?" Ryujin tried to pry why they didn't seem to mind that much what happened.
All of the Red Velvet members nod in unison. After Yeri had her unexpected FUN, you put your erected cock back in your pants which is not easy.
You proceed to greet the remaining people and hug them.
Your hug to Irene is much longer than the others. "Why did you let that brat do that? Pervert!" You just chuckled and act like its not your fault. "Still tall and handsome as ever huh?" Irene spoke.
"And still beautiful as ever huh noona?" as you lean back to see her face.
"I told you don't call me that, You are my Oppa. I belong only to you remember?"
"Yeah, yeah. I know baby." You gave her a kiss on her lips and proceed to hug Wendy.
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She flinch because of the unexpected hug and she also felt your boner that isn't subsided yet but she return it eventually. "Hello Gorgeous!" you said while still hugging her.
"Gorgeous my ass! You are still the same."
"Your ass? I think they are gorgeous too!" your hands travelled from her back to her bottom and the moment you found the treasure you caress it gently, she whimper trying to hide her face on your chest.
"Once a pervert, always a pervert!" her hug tighten and it looks like she won't let go.
"So, you two got very close eventually huh?" Joy's voice interrupted your most awaited physical contact with Wendy.
"Yeah! So what?" You replied and let go of the woman in front of you and lean towards her ear to say something to her. "Should we continue what should've happen that day if you didn't run away from me?"
No words came out of her mouth but she nodded as an answer. Looks like she also looking forward in meeting you one day.
The other girls already finished their own personal greetings and now we are seated here in the higher floor and a less crowded side of the stadium, it's dark but not totally.
Lia is on your right and Wendy to your left. the younger idols are enjoying the party like it's their last day on Earth.
"Wendy, can you suck it for me please?" You are bold to your request. Your boner is already hurting. she look at you for a few seconds and she stand up from her chair to kneel in front you.
"Oooh! Looks like someone is eager to try the huge snake hiding beneath the clothes." Joy got the attention of others because of her remark. they proceed to watch what's going to happen. Even the ITZY members are waiting for it.
"Just make sure not to get caught." Irene added.
Your cock is already out and it's still wet because of Yeri. Wendy is now stroking your cock, her pace is not unbearably slow nor fast. It's perfect! Then she licks your shaft up and down. The girls reacts when Wendy sucked not just your dick but also your balls. You don't know where she learnt any of these but it makes your dick even harder.
"S-shit Wendy! Where did you learn to do that?" you said while moaning because of pleasure. Wendy is not the type of person that sleeps with just anyone.
Wendy sucks your dick with more intensity, she's starting to gain a pace and confidence, her drool is covering your shaft as she vehemently bobbed her head to your cock. You grabbed her head and starts violating the poor idols mouth like giving her a punishment.
"So it begins, hehe!" Joy patiently watching as i fuck her friend's throat like i did to her and the other idols.
"gawk... gawk... gawk" is the only sound that you can hear coming from Wendy. The Stadium's music don't matter to you or any of you.
You let Wendy's hands rest on your thighs while you fuck her face, her eyes are glued to you and her make up slowly getting ruined each time the tip of your cock touches the back of her throat, making both of you moan out of pleasure.
"Baby i'm cumming!" her eyes sparkles the moment you utter those words. She grabbed your thighs tightly as you pushed her head towards your throbbing and raging cock.
She blinked multiple times when your thick cum starts gushing out of your cock into her mouth. You can feel her tongue moving and trying to taste your load but no avail because your liquid is directly flowing to her stomach. All she can do is continue gulping.
You gave her a chance to at least taste your baby batter, the final three spurts landed in her mouth. Just like the rest, she showcase your cum and swallow all of it.
Your still erected cock lies on Wendy's face and the idol is just there letting it rest and looking at you.
"That's was so hot not gonna lie!" Joy and Yeri said in unison.
While the others are busy taking photos in a low light to prevent other people to actually see what transpired in your location. They giggled because of how the photos came to be.
Lustful yet passionate.
"Your mouth felt good, baby!"
"And your dick is so big you perverted bastard. I thought i was going to die. You keep choking me!"
"We are not done, come follow me outside." the other girls reacted wildly because of what you said. holding Wendy on her wrist pulling her. You walk through number of floors and doors ended up in an isolated room with basic furniture such as couch, tables, and other chairs.
You already know the layout of the stadium because this place is your typical work field when you're doing bodyguard duties.
Irene followed you to ensure that no one else in tailing you. "This is a nice spot, Oppa!" Irene said while looking around the room.
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You didn't waste any more time and let the two of them kneel down to suck your cock once again. Wendy is kneeling to your right and in the opposite side is Irene.
Both of them were traversing your long shaft with their tongues to the top of your cock, they are moving in unison passionately kissing and licking both of your length and balls.
Wendy is now more daring in her assault. While the oldest choke herself from your big hard cock, the younger one find her way into your back entrance and started licking you there.
"Oooh, you are so daring Wendy! I like it! Irene deliberately stopping her onslaught on your cock just to compliment Wendy for her boldness.
You jolted because Wendy is performing a rimjob. "Now i-aahh, shit! i'm really curious on h-how and where did you l-learn any these." making yourself a bit more horny by the second.
"I didn't do anything with anyone, i just watch porn and learned how to do it. i barely even contain myself earlier when i saw you fucking Lia's face. I learn it for you, pervert!"
You stopped Irene from devouring your hard rod any further and carry Wendy into the couch and put her on a missionary, Irene spit on your cock again and again so that it will slid inside easily.
"I tried using dildos in our room, but i didn't order oversize ones cause i want your dick to destroy me and not those toys." Wendy confesses and it made you happy. "Please use my tight little pussy as you see fit, Daddy!"
You took Wendy's and Irene's clothes off and now of them are naked, flaunting both of their treasure. Irene's tits is much bigger than Wendy and yet both of them are reasonable in size. They are both firm and delicate. They both possess such flawless silky white skin in contrast to your slightly tanned yet firm skin.
"Daddy? I didn't expect that you had it in you Wendy, i'm so proud of you! Should i call you that too? Daddy." Irene said teasing you with her alluring voice and vexing body as she watches you preparing yourself to indulge into something so exquisite. Irene grabbed your head and pushed it against her tits making you suck her nipples.
She moaned like a total slut while caressing your head. Meanwhile Wendy is massaging her clit watching the two of you be intimate.
Irene stopped and let you devour the feast in front of you, she knows Wendy is still a virgin for a huge dick like yours.
"I'm going to put it in now, baby. bare with it." as you slowly slid your cock into her virgin cunt, her face starts showing a sign of pain when your cock is already half through.
"So fucking tight!" making sure she won't get hurt that badly.
"F-fuck, it's so big! it's all in finally!" she said.
"Oh not yet, little bitch. It's only half of it." Irene replied while hiding her laughter.
"What? There's more?! Gggh~ ahhh! FUCK!!" she gasped when you thrust suddenly and let her tight little cunt devour your rod completely.
"It hurts? Should i pull out?" you asked.
"No, please! Uh.. Let me adjust and get used to it first. I don't want to ruin this moment, ruin this for the three of us."
You're kissing Wendy and Irene one after the other, you can feel Wendy's passageway to loosen up a bit as you continue to stimulate her.
"I'm okay now D-daddy, please move!" Wendy said and you did what she asked. Few minutes of testing the waters and you started thrusting in more powerful way.
"Fuck Daddy your cock is so huge. such a big fucking cock! you are stretching me out aaah!~" Wendy began cursing and talking such vulgar words. She's getting fucked by a huge dick that even she couldn't imagine of receiving.
You changed position while your dick is still in her. You're plowing her in the back now and you are going deeper because it.
"Daddy you're so deep! Sh-shit! I think you are in my uterus. Fuck! you're going too deep! I can feel you in my stomach!" her moaning still sounds angelic like her singing voice and it's making you to fuck her more.
Her height and stature is small compare to you so it's easy for you to lift her up. You position her into full nelson, your favorite style even your clients in the past up to present still can't get over how you fuck them senseless in that vulgar position.
Irene saw through your intention and brought her phone out and ofcourse to start recording. She already knows that it's a trophy for another conquest, she has multiple videos of your past client getting plowed in that manner.
Wendy is surprise because of how easy for you to lift her, you placed each one of your arm to the back of her knees and your hands are already locked behind her neck.
You started plowing her again with more intensity, her moans become louder and louder. You are fucking her so hard that sound your body colliding as you thrust into her keeps echoing in the room.
Irene finished her little recording and dialed the girls to let them watch.
"Oooh! She's getting fucked real good there Unnie!" Joy has amazement in her voice and the other girls with her seems to be excited too. You can hear their voice cheering you to fuck Wendy more.
"Daddy! Please please please! You are so deep in me. Fuck! Use me! SHIT USE ME DAAADDDYYY!" Wendy squirting so much but you didn't stop pounding her, she's now half awake. the sound of her rich ass colliding with your body filled the room and made it look like a porn studio.
"I'm cumming you squirting slut!" you rammed her yet again waking her up.
"Yes! Breed me daddy. Fill me up! S-shit! i want your seed flowing inside me please please!" With that, your cum gushed out from your cock filling her up. You pulled out your still erected cock from her and you saw how it overflow, it's leaking.
Wendy passed out without realizing that the other girls are watching her getting railed so intensely, she changed into a different person whose instinct in to breed only.
"It's my turn now right Daddy?" Irene can't contain herself anymore. You can see how wet she is, you made her wait for so long.
"Of course come here baby, spread your legs for me in the couch!" and she did what you asked. she immediately position herself in the couch, legs spread and waiting like a total slut.
You didn't bother with the foreplay cause she's so wet and her ass is already lubricated so you straight up rail her in the ass and thrusting your whole length inside of her.
Wendy's moans were replaced by hers and it equally pleasing to the ears. You didn't hold back and showed her how much she deserved to be fuck hard because of her patience.
"Yes daddy! Fuck yes. I missed your huge cock so much! Please keep fucking me like this even if i eventually get married." She moans relentlessly saying such triggering words only makes you go even harder.
"I thought you hate men you slut!?" you're choking her neck with a normal grip of your hands, she seems to like it every time you did this to her.
"Yes i hate men, but not you. You may aaaah~ may be fucking so many women but you didn't do anything bad to us, instead yo- FUCK RIGHT THERE! RIGHT THERE!!! SHIT!! instead you protected u-us and gave us a sense of security. i'll let you fuck me everywhere even we are in public. Fuck! SO PLEASE USE ME MY ASS! DESTROY ME DADDY!" She is taking your huge cock in her ass like a champ. You've been fucking her ass ever since your first day of being their bodyguard. You basically molded her insides to the shape of your dick.
"Spit in my mouth please! Please! Daddy! I want you to violate me please! FUCK!" She kept on begging you to spit in her mouth so you did while here eyes were rolled back and her tongue is sticking out.
"I'm cumming now baby! Where do you want it?!" your hands stopped choking her to let her breathe then you proceed to slap her face to asked her again. "Where? Tell me!"
"Cum in my ass daddy please! It's your personal fleshlight, fill my ass with your thick load aaahh~"
And with that signal, you release a series of generous amount of load into the ass of one of the beautiful or the most beautiful k-pop artist of all time. Bae Joo-hyun
Both of them are were completely ruined and yet they are happy, you saw Irene's phone still in the videocall with the girls they all saw how you fucked the two them. You decided to bid them farewell and end the call.
It's time to clean up this mess before anyone came in here.
"What the fuck is this?!"
You were picking their things when you heard someone yelled in the door, you saw her figure and you were stunned to speak.
"IT'S YOU!?" Both of you shouted in unison
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a-lexia11 · 2 months
Ok guys so for everyone who is new to the woso world and would like to explore more Tumblr account to know more about it or just want to read some fics (mainly about Leah or Alexia)here are some of my fav account:
- @didalexiabreakupwitholgayet
If you are a newly Barca femini fan and would like to know more about the history of the club,the players,the little gossips and everything else then this account is made for you!
I truly appreciate the person behind this account cuz they really gave you everything you need to know and will answer you questions,no matter how « stupid » they are, with the most details possible.THANK YOU futfem historian for sharing you football knowledge with us!
- @wileys-russo
This account is TRULY a blessing,the fics are absolute masterpieces, I really enjoy reading them.They really are the highlights of my days, some of those fics are so heartwarming (This Fresa series…MASTERPIECE).This account is a safe place for everyone who want to escape reality!
- @lvnleah
Another amazing account with even more amazing fics.Most of these fics are cute/fluffy so if you like those kind of stuff or if you are a shipper of Leah and Lia,I encourage you to go read them! The person behind this account is an AMAZING and WONDERFUL writer!BTW can’t wait for « The Williamson » series!!!.
- @mead-iocre
I am obsessed with those Leah fics especially the « Our new normal » series! Another ASTOUNDING writer! They don’t post fics constantly but when they do… I’m ready!My popcorn is ready! Literally no one better bother me!
- @ceesimz
If you like Leah and Alexia fics go NOW read their fics!LEAVE this post to go read and come back later. What can I say? another stunning writer, with long amazing stories.I may or may not have cried reading « Our sun is setting » BEAUTIFUL STORY (in a painful way).
- @ellatoone7
This writer wrote MY favorite Alexia serie which is called « Alexia’s favorite girls » what an AMAZING,OUTSTANDING,HEARTWARMING series… mom Alexia is everything… and those Alessia stories…. One word: SPECTACULAR.
- @wosohavemyheart
Ok so this account is for people who understand Spanish cuz all their fics is in spanish.So if you understand it GO READ THEM.Once again amazing writer,I LIVE for those Alexia’s stories… can’t wait for the next one!!
«- @p0orbaby
This account is multitasking you can find woso story but you can also find Marvel story!!And as a WOSO and MARVEL fan I’M IN LOVE WITH THIS ACCOUNT.Once again amazing writing,if you like freaky stuff there you go!! Some good smut for you!! Seriously you can find everything smut,fluff,angst… LOVE IT!!
I would like to personally thank all those wonderful writers or « football historian » for sharing their knowledge and writing skills with us.Let’s all remember that people behind those accounts are also human with feelings so let’s ABSOLUTELY NOT pressure them with writing,or sending them hate.They are not robots… they took the time of their day to « make us happy » and write so let’s be respectful and show them some LOVE.
There’s obviously MANY more amazing accounts but I can’t put them all in here so I will probably do another part.
(Also I’m really sorry if there’s any mistakes,English is not my first language but I tried my best!!)
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7. i don't mind falling in love with you
Frankie Morales x female reader | let's get lost chapter 7 [the last one!]
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Summary: You and Frankie aren’t together anymore but you’re in a good place.However, spending a week together for your mutual friends’ wedding on a luxury resort might challenge that slightly and realising you’re still in love with your ex is a sure-fire recipe for disaster … Tropes: it was always you, getting back with the ex, beach!Frankie (you know *that* photoshoot) miscommunication, only one bed, good parent Frankie Chapter Warnings: 18+ MDNI, minor mentions of alcohol and food but reader's drink is not specified, weddings, good dad!frankie, truly terrible excel jokes. Word Count: 4.8k Notes - Oh wow, I can't believe we've made it to the end of Frankie and reader's story. Thank you so much to everyone who's commented, shared or engaged with this fic - your support means a lot. I started this fic in the midst of a stressful period of my life, and things have changed a lot since then (in a better way) but this fic has been a constant. While their journey is now over, I am excited to share my next Frankie fic soon which has many of my favourite tropes and perhaps a career move for Frankie that I cannot stop thinking about .... 🔥 For now, though, here's Let Get Lost... the chapter title is from the milk. song of the same name (this band featured a lot in my fic playlist)
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Previous | Series |
You wake up in Frankie’s arms; the pillow barrier between fully discarded. After the rehearsal dinner, after sobbing at the beach and everything that happened, you felt so drained. By the time the two of you had got back to the hotel room, you were exhausted in your bones and you needed to focus on Clara so neither of you had a chance to talk about it further.
He asked you not to give up on the two of you though. He told you he wanted to woo you.
He wants to woo you.
Woo you.
The thought sends a thrill down your spine, makes your heart race just a little more. You want that too. You really, really want that.
You can see it too; dinners out together back in Florida, hands entwined as you make your way back to the car, the picture of domesticity. There’s fire in that vision too though; heated kisses in the hallway just because, tangled together in sheets, savouring every touch, every sensation.
It feels like a future.
Sophie’s words have haunted you though. They pulled you out of slumber one too many times, floating in and out of your mind like the nagging anxiety you’ve left an iron on.
You feel more in control now though. Maybe it was a blessing after all, at least you have a plan now. A real plan.
It’s finally light outside, finally an acceptable time to get out of bed and start on with your day. It’s Lia’s wedding, it’s almost the end of your vacation.
You don’t want to go back. You want to stay here, with Frankie and all-inclusive catering and no work emails or worries about trivial things that seem larger than life - like font sizes. You want to wake up in his arms time and time again, live with travel sized bottles of shower gel and fresh white towels every day.
Exploring this though back home, back in Florida, is a little exciting. You can’t deny that you want to bring Frankie back into the mundane moments of your life; your new coffee maker, the diner that opened around the corner from your place where Clara loves the pancakes. Hell, even your bed’s new to him.
You ease Frankie’s arm from you delicately as you carefully and silently get out of bed.
Clara’s still snoring softly as you tiptoe past her, wrapping a robe around you as you open the terrace door carefully.
There’s less than forty hours left of your vacation. Soon you’ll be on a flight home, back to Florida and everything you’ve avoided thinking of since you stepped on this island.
You want this feeling, you want this peace. You want him.
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Getting ready for a wedding has always felt stressful. You don’t want to wear the wrong colour, to not match the dress code in some way or to not fit in with everybody else. In a way, Lia’s wedding is easier because you’re part of her party and so as soon as you were dressed and your presentation to Frankie finished, you had made your way over to Lia’s room.
You feel nervous about seeing Sophia. Her words from the night before still sting and have wrapped themselves around your neck like barbed wire, nicking your skin and making your heart race.
You can prove her wrong. You will prove her wrong.
His lips are against your neck, hands skimming down the side of your body, up your back where his fingers lightly meet your skin.
“You’re supposed to be zipping this dress up, Frankie.”
“Mmhmm, but it’d look even prettier on the floor, right?”
You laugh. “That is so cheesy.”
“Made you laugh though.” He kisses you again, hands on your hips and drawing you closer against him before moving his hands higher so they graze against your breasts. Almost involuntarily, you moan as he knowingly distracts you from your task.
“Careful, Clara is in the next room. We’re supposed to be getting ready.”
“Okay, but I can’t do this when we go outside, so I need to make the most of it. Besides, you’ve got to agree, this is kinda fun, right? Like being teenagers again.”
“Is it wrong if I say that I really cannot imagine teenage Frankie?”
“That’s a good thing, baby, he was a menace.”
“Oh, really?”
“Mmhmm, he would not believe this is his life right now though,” Frankie says, a slight smirk on his face.
He pauses and looks at your reflection in the mirror carefully, clearly picking up on the worried expression, the nerves you cannot hide. “It’s going to be fine.”
“Promise?” you ask, even though you know he can’t assure of that, not really.
He kisses the side of head. “Promise.”
“Oh,” you say, “I’ve just remembered, I want to show you something.”
The two of you walk out of the bathroom where Clara is sitting on her bed and ensconced with her toys. She looks up briefly and waves, a bright smile on her face that mirrors her father’s smile perfectly, before turning attention back to her toys.
“What do you -"
Frankie starts as you root through your bag and pull out your tablet.
“Right,” you say, unlocking the screen and taking a deep breath. “I’ve been thinking about how this can work, how we make it work when we get home.”
“Me too.”
“Good,” you say with a smile, “so I started building a plan.”
Frankie raises his eyebrow and looks over at the file you’ve opened as you wave the tablet in his direction. He takes the tablet and scrolls for a moment. “Baby, this is a spreadsheet.”
“I’m aware.”
“You built a spreadsheet?”
“I want us to be prepared. I built it for us.” Perhaps you should have opted for the business case template, or even powerpoint, instead. You were tempted, but you remembered after your break up the spreadsheet that had become your custody arrangements. You wanted a spreadsheet designed to rebuild instead, a response to that time, a demonstration of what’s changed. It felt right.
Now you wonder if perhaps your efforts were misguided, governed by a foolish desire to prove this was well thought through, that it made simple statistical sense.
“We’re on vacation and you built a spreadsheet?” Frankie looks astonished. “On your tablet?”
“I feel more … I think it’s better if we have a clear plan from the start.”
“Why do you have Excel on your tablet?”
“I … I thought it might come in handy. It clearly did.”
“You’ve colour coded each of our friends. Is this why you asked me when my lease ended when I woke up in the middle of the night?”
“Well, yes.” You pause, you’re never usually like this. Organisation is something you aspire to, with shining new diaries and planners each year that are always forgotten by February. You thought being a parent would help, but it turns out that Clara has just ended up fitting into your chaos, simultaneously draining any residual energy you might have had for planning. Your nerves have worked overtime this holiday though and the spreadsheet, well it seemed like a good idea at midnight.
“I - I think it’s great,” Frankie says carefully, “but did you sleep at all?”
“It really didn’t take that long.”
“There are formulas in there. Hey, are those formulas the magic ones that change?”
“Conditional formulas and formatting? Yes?”
“Fuck, if Will saw this …”
“He’d be annoyed there’s no pivot table.”
“I’m going to pretend I know what a pivot table is. Okay, okay, so walk me through the plan.”
“We’ll start with the gantt chart.”
“Right, so purely out of curiosity, how many charts are there in this thing?”
You pause and think for a moment. “Less than five.”
“Fuck me.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Well, listen to my presentation and then we’ll see.”
“At least you agree it’s a presentation.”
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Lia wraps her arms around you tightly when you walk into the suite she’s getting ready in. She’s wrapped in a fluffy robe and she looks both radiant and nervous.
“How are you feeling, babe?”
“I’m good, I’m ready. I just - what if my dress suddenly doesn’t fit?”
“It will, and if it doesn’t, we’ll adapt.”
“We’ve got you.”
Lia takes a glug of her drink and smiles. “I’m getting married.”
“Yes, you are.”
“Okay, okay. This is going to be great.”
You can’t help but look over at Sophia before you say, “It is. It’s going to be perfect.”
Minutes turn quickly into hours. There’s all too much preparation, music playing, the smell of perfume and hairspray permeating the room. You focus on Lia, on her day, on helping it be as perfect as possible.
You don’t speak to Sophia, not even when she tries to catch your eye. She overstepped, and you can understand her pain, her own difficult memories coming to the forefront in this setting, but surely you can be petty just a little longer. Surely you can harmlessly sink into the hurt for just a little longer.
It does hurt. Not because of Sophia’s words, not just because of that.
It’s the way it’s made you feel since then. It’s the reason you spent the night formulating a business case of all things to justify Frankie and you reuniting. You want to prove her wrong, you want to show her she’s wrong, but it’s not out of spite. It’s out of that desperate, clawing need for her buy-in, for her approval. It’s fucked up.
It should just be you, Frankie and Clare, you know that. You shouldn’t feel this urge to turn everything up to 110% to prove Sophia wrong. You do though.
You’ll be the best bridesmaid today.
You’ll be the very best friend today.
You’ll bottle it all up, because you need her to know she was wrong, to come to your side instead. You’ll prove to her that you and Frankie can get it right this time
Sophia will eat her words.
It’s shifted slightly into something about her in your head now, not Lia, not even Frankie. You care too much and hate it. You’re furious with yourself for caring what she thinks, for not just being your own person.
Frankie crosses your mind in a welcome distraction from your spiral. A moment with him earlier, in your hotel room, you watched him laugh softly as he helped Clara with her shoes, his eyes full of love and when he met your gaze you noticed the way he shook his head, looking down and his shoulders moving with silent laughter once more. When he looked up, he looked right at you and it wasn’t that it reminded you of how things were before, of those heady days of new love. it was something different. Changed because of how you both have changed, but there was love, there was something real behind his expression. A promise of something in the future. Of a chance.
You’re ready for that chance too.
You take a sip of your drink, smiling at Lia as she delicately eyes her dress.
You’re not thinking about wedding. You’re thinking about what comes next.
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The beach looks perfect. The sky is cloudless, radiating a comforting warmth that envelops you as you watch Lia and Benny exchanging vows.
She looks stunning. Her dress is covered in delicate embroidered flowers, in a way that’s not too fussy, that just fits her. It’s her smile though - incandescent with happiness, face glowing with a love that matches Benny’s gaze to her.
You could spend hours ruminating on the tragedy of you and Frankie falling apart. The pain it caused everyone, including yourself. For months, you wrapped yourself in the hurt, wore it like spiked armour, and rued the day you’d fallen for him. Despite all that, Benny and Lia found something, carving some hope and joy out of a time when you and Frankie couldn’t even look at one another.
Last night you were thinking about what it all meant if you fell back together with Frankie and now you realise it. It gave Benny and Lia something. It gave you and Frankie room to remould yourselves separately and know you two still have something.
It’s not about the hate or the pain, or the wedding you wrecked along the way.
It’s about love. Raw and painful but full of hope.
Frankie’s dressed in a crisp shirt, the top few buttons unbuttoned which makes you stifle a giggle when you realise. Is that man allergic to a fully buttoned shirt? He catches your eye for just a second and winks.
You feel your cheeks heat and you fixate on the bouquet you’re holding instead, on being a good bridesmaid.
Clara is next to you, holding her own mini bouquet and looking so excited to be here. She tugs no the edge of your dress, looking up at your expectantly as you shift yourself as subtly as you can so you can pick her up and let her wrap her arms around you.
The vows finish, the bride and groom kiss to cheers and everything just feels hopeful for a moment.
You notice Sophia wiping away a tear when she thinks no one is watching and as her words come back to the forefront of your mind, somehow they feel dampened.
Frankie walks over to you both.
“Hey Clara,” he says cheerfully, arms outstretched to take her.
“Daddy,” she cries happily, eagerly moving from one parent to the other.
Frankie doesn’t say anything to you. He doesn’t need to. His eyes are glowing with mischief, with the secrets between the two of you, with hope.
“It was lovely, wasn’t it?” you say idly.
“Yeah, it was,” he says softly, squeezing Clara for a second. “It really was.”
“Want to get down now,” Clara says.
Frankie laughs as he gently helps her down and the two of you watch her run through the sand toward where Santi and one of Lia’s cousins are talking.
People are starting to move away now, the hum of chatter growing quieter as people walk towards where the lunch will be served and reception held.
You both watch the ocean for just a moment, listening to the rhythmic ebb and flow of the waves reaching the shore and retreating.
Frankie slips his fingers into yours, entwining your fingers together. You lean fractionally, enough to feel the heat of his body, drink in the scent of his cologne. It’s different paired with the hotel shower gel, but it’s still Frankie.
“We should head back with the others,” he says softly, squeezing your hand slightly.
“Okay, just - just one more minute like this.”
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Clara has been spending the meal running between you and Frankie, even though her chair is next to you. Frankie’s sat on Benny’s side of the table, while you’re closer to Lia and next to her cousin, another bridesmaid, who has been so bubbly and kind to you throughout the day. You can’t help but notice how carefully planned and choreographed this has all been - the consideration, and risk avoidance, of yours and Frankie’s separation is an unspoken theme in the wedding arrangements.
Lia’s cousin is nice though - what is her name? It’s something floral you’re sure. She has an infectious energy and you feel only slightly terrible that you’re glad you’re next to her and not Sofia. From the way she keeps glancing at Santi though , you have a feeling that both of them have specific plans for the evening. Good for both of them, you think.
Clara bounds over, almost tripping on her dress as she makes her way to you. You scoop her onto your lap, letting her hug you.
“Okay, I need to eat now,” she says confidently, letting you place her in her chair and immediately reaching for leftover bread.
“You two seem to really have it sorted,” she says.
“Oh yeah?”
“If I didn’t know, I’d have thought …” she trails off.
“So you and Santi, huh”
“What?” Her voice goes up an entire octave which makes you stifle a laugh.
“Santi’s a good guy.”
“I mean, I’m not looking for anything … that’s sounds terrible, doesn’t it?”
You shake your head. “Neither is he, so go for it. For what it’s worth, he’s been looking your way?”
You nod.
“Wow. Well, that’s uh, good to know. So, do you fly back tomorrow?”
“Sadly. I wish I could just stay.”
“Do you have far to fly?”
“That is um, very different to here.”
“I know, right? It’s been so good to have some sun and all of this around me. I think I’m designed for the warm.”
“You’d love Florida then.”
“I know Lia loves it there, but it’s funny because when she was little, we always talked about moving to New York and for her to have moved to Florida instead, and to be so happy, I guess it’s just funny how things work out.”
“Tell me about it,” you say, thinking for a second of your own journey. Of the job you’re never sure if you love, but you enjoy the freedoms it gives you. You think of the man you thought would be forever and then never, only to fall back together again. You think about the life you’ve built yourself which feels so different to the one you thought you’d have.
You wouldn’t change it though.
Not here. Not right now.
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The sky is streaked with pink and yellow hues reflecting the warmth of the day and making everything feel softer. There’s still enough heat for you to kick off your heels and luxuriate in the last rays of the day.
The dancing has started early. Lia and Benny had picked a song that worked for them for their first dance. So often first dances feel too saccharine for you, your least favourite part of a wedding - you joke it’s trauma from a deluge of Ed Sheeran or too practiced harmonies. Instead, this was them to a tee: joyful, fun, alive.
You watch as Clara dances with Santi, her tiny hands reaching up and pure glee on her face. She loves dancing - you won’t be able to get her off the floor until it’s time to drop her off with the sitter.
Sophia sits next to her, placing her glass down and looking at you with a mixture of wariness and worry.
“I want to clear the air,” she says after a moment. “I was - I meant well but I didn’t think, I didn’t think about it might hurt you. I think this wedding has bought up a lot for me.”
“It’s understandable,” you say gently. “And I appreciate the gesture now.”
Sophia sighs. “I really can’t watch you both fall apart again.” She twists her hands together. “It was scary, it was so awful to watch.”
For a moment the presentation you prepared, the spreadsheets of scenario analysis and careful planning come to your mind. You’re ready to defend yourself this time though. To prove to Sophia you and Frankie are right together.
She made you cry, you have to prove her wrong.
Why? A voice in your head asks. Why does her opinion matter so much?
“I don’t think we will,” you say, looking out at the sea, “Not this time. And don’t worry, I wont bother you if we do.”
Sophia whispers your name, taken aback by your matter of fact tone.
“We’re still friends, Sophia, but too much has happened between us, right?” Some wounds take longer to heal, perhaps one day it will feel more like it used to, but after last night it became clear that neither of you have truly healed from her wedding and she seems to have only just realised that herself.
You’re trying though. You have to try.
You can’t choose a life of bitterness, you can only move forward and get lost in hope instead.
“No, I -” There’s abject horror on Sophia’s face as she meets your gaze. “We -”
“I’m right. I understand why you resent what happened at your wedding, but the blame equally lies on Frankie and it was one short moment in a beautiful day. Such a beautiful day. Perhaps - perhaps it hurt everyone so much at the time because you’d couldn’t pretend he hadn’t relapsed anymore, that things weren’t normal. I don’t know. I don’t actually fucking care any more. It’s the past. I realised something watching Benny and Lia.”
“Oh yeah?”
“I don’t want to focus on the hurt anymore.”
“I don’t either,” she admits finally.
“Okay then.” You place your empty glass down. “I’m going to check on Clara. I think she’s tiring out her Tio Santi with her dance moves.”
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The evening has set in now. Candles and warm lights illuminate paths and tables. You can hear the band still playing in the distance as you let Frankie guide you against the white washed wall and you melt into his kiss.
His hands cupping your jaw, moving down to your collarbone, your waist. His lips on yours, confident and enrapturing as you pull him tighter against you.
You can taste the sweetness of the soda he’s been drinking on his tongue, smell the hint of cigar smoke on his clothes - a tradition he assured you he decided not to partake in, not this time.
Your heart is racing, the sound of blood pumping in your ears. This is so right. So natural.
Your bodies, your minds, everything about you and Frankie feels right together, feels whole.
You don’t hear the footsteps, don’t hear the sound of anything but the moment.
“Holy fuck."
You hear that, immediately breaking apart. Frankie’s standing a little away from you, worry creasing his brow.
“Hi Benny,” he says casually.
“What are you doing here?”
Frankie looks at Benny and Lia, hand in hand and then at you. “Probably the same thing you wanted to.”
“What about - oh my god, oh wow, it’s - wow!” Lia says, noticing that Frankie is with you, that you’re loitering in the shadows, gaze transfixed to the floor.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to ruin your wedding,” you say quickly. Not another one. Not again.
You feel Frankie’s arm around your waist, gentle motions of his hand to calm you, to bring you back and ground you.
“Why do you think you’re ruining my wedding?” Lia asks, her hands on her hip.
You stumble on your words, stuttering out nonsensical syllables and stop, mouth agape and feeling lost. “Why wouldn’t I be ruining your wedding?” you ask in a small voice.
Frankie mutters under his breath, you think you catch a couple of curse words but you’re not show.
“Oh sweetie,” Lia says, moving towards you, disentangling you from Frankie and bringing you into a gentle embrace. “You’re not ruining my wedding. God, I’ve been thinking this’ll happen all week - I just had a sense you two weren’t over yet.”
“You did?”
“Benny and I have a bet on it. I win.”
“A bet?” Frankie asks, raising his eyes at Benny who holds his hands up.
“Yeah, thanks for that one, guys. Seriously, Lia and I just both picked up there was some unresolved - stuff between you two.”
“You don’t think it’s a mistake, that we’re … a storm or in a vacation bubble?” you ask nervously.
You notice how Frankie closes his eyes just for a second at your question, how the worry radiates for just a moment.
“I think we’re all in a vacation bubble, right?” Benny says. “We’re in a wedding bubble too, but it’s all -” ”Bubbles,” Lia interjects.
“it doesn’t mean it’s not real though. Doesn’t mean you two can’t work at home again. I mean, you’re going to take things slow right?”
“Right. We have a plan.”
Frankie laughs. “There’s a spreadsheet, with formulas and a pant chart.”
“Gantt chart,” you correct automatically.
“It’s terrifying actually.”
“That is … something,” Benny says with a low whistle.
“So you have a plan and you’re taking it slow and you’re happy. That’s good, that’s great. Can you just give me today for me to be a little selfish,” she adds lightly. “Please?”
“Absolutely,” you say. “Trust me, I don’t want any more attention at this wedding.”
Lia laughs, pulls you in tighter for a second and whispers, “When we get back from honeymoon, I want to hear everything.”
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The airport is crowded. This time, your flight wasn’t the one that was delayed however it’s unfortunately landed at the same time as another delayed flight and the baggage hall is heaving. Throngs of people, desperate to get home or start their own vacation swarm the hall.
Santi, Will and Sophia’s cases have already arrived. You watch as they awkwardly shift, waiting for yours and Frankie’s luggage to arrive so the group of you can start your goodbyes.
The flight was such a different experience to the journey out.
“Do you need to share our uber?” Santi asks Frankie.
“Nope, we travelled together with Clara. Split the car parking.”
“Very practical. Your idea?” Santi asks you.
“Nope, that was all Frankie.”
He shrugs, a fake modest smirk growing on his face. “Do you guys want to head on then?”
“Probably.” Santi smiles at you both. “back to reality, huh?”
It doesn’t feel with you dread though. Not at this moment.
“it had to happen sometime,” you say placidly, noticing that Clara’s now tugging at your leg. You lift her up, let her wrap her arms around Santi for a moment.
“Bye tio Santi,” she says.
“Bye sweetheart.” Santi says with a soft smile. “Good to see you too.”
You grin. “Yeah, it was. Actually, things worked pretty well.”
He looks at Frankie and then you knowingly. “I bet.” He raises his eyebrows, making no comment or judgement but his eyes are alight with mischief, with something close to happiness for you both.
You feel steadier with each moment like this.
Santi waves as he joins Sophia and Will, who you’d already exchanged goodbyes with, and the three of them head out.
You watch the suitcases whir around the conveyor belt. “Our luggage is coming, right?”
“Absolutely. It’s going to be the last bags though, pretty sure of that."
“Just our luck.”
Frankie smirks, gently moving a twisted strap around your handbag before whispering, “If Clara couldn’t see, I’d be kissing you now.”
“Oof, don’t make promises you can’t keep,” you tease, before pointing at a familiar case. “Frankie, it’s finally here."
You watch Frankie grab your suitcase as Clara rests her head on your shoulder.
“Home soon?” she asks.
There are so many conversations for you and Frankie, so many hurdles to overcome. You don’t need to worry about those now though.
You’re noticing the way Frankie’s eyes seem brighter than before, the way his smile is so broad as he joins you again.
His hand is right next to yours and your fingers brush against each other. You take his hand, letting him entwine fingers with you as Clara rests on your other side
Maybe this week wasn’t such a bad idea after all?
“Let me drive you both home,” he says gently.
“Only if you stay tonight,” you say.
“Is that in the spreadsheet?”
“Would you let that go? I just meant, it is late and the roads can be dangerous and as far as Clara knows, you can sleep on the sofa. Or in the bath.”
He shakes his head at the memory of the debate on the first night of the vacation. “Well, that does sounds enticing, doesn’t it? It seems like it would be irresponsible for me not to stay.”
“Okay, don’t want be setting a bad example for this munchkin, do we? Let’s head home then.”
Home, that sounds like a good idea right now.
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thebaroness-art · 2 years
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Glimpse of the future - Evangelia
When Lia, Hoyt and Zinnya rejected the invitation of a shared dream to rest and stop after gathering all their successes and defeating all those enemies, they all had a glimpse of the future. Love, kindness, passion. Those were the concepts that Lia radiated in her more mature form. She gazed at the other two with a smile, then they all looked ahead. "I'll find you!", Hoyt screamed. "I'll save you!", Lia cried. "I'll serve you!", Zinnya concluded. And an entity floating above them answered in kind, "I'll do my best." ~~~ With all the little details *everywhere* and the last minute touches right before uploading, here I present you the "future glimpse" of Evangelia, and a short piece of a scene in the campaign that will certainly be remembered as one of my favourites! Thanks for all the feels and inspiration that this journey gifts to my three comrades, DM above all ♥ 
  ~ Want to find me elsewhere or commission me? Click!
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remember-no-more · 1 year
'justice' for the meme?
Justice: favorite color of rose?
"I doubt I saw them all, but the white one looks very delicate and beautiful to me..."
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
hi angel !! i hope ur doing well.
what do you think sevika would be like with a witchy partner? like a partner whose always slipping crystals into her pockets or using makeup to draw protection sigils on her arm (me lol)
disclaimer! i know a bit about witchcraft, being a lesbian and all, but i'm not super familiar with rituals, or cultural practices, so this is all kinda just guessing.
men and minors dni
the thing is... she tries so hard to be a skeptic.
she scoffs every morning when you gently tuck a black crystal into her side satchel, promising it'll protect her.
she rolls her eyes when you talk about astrology or the phases of the moon... like the planets have powers.
and any time she walks in on your burying a candle or some herbs, she just shakes her head and chuckles, then kisses your head and goes about her day.
but... and she fucking hates the fact that it's true... your little potions and spells and whatever else you do... it seems to work.
she asked you one night after she got home, as she was cooking dinner and you were unpacking her satchel for her, why you don't just leave the 'little rock' in overnight, so you don't have to pack it for her every day.
you giggled and explained to her that half the protection is the way you bless it, the symbols you trace into it every morning.
"what kinda symbols?"
"well, i made a special one for you. for when you go to work. that you'll come home safe to me."
and you kinda take her breath away with that answer.
and, worst of all, it seems like it works. each day since you've moved in and started the little morning ritual, she's come home safe and sound, excited to see you.
(she convinces herself it's just the placebo effect, until she comes to terms with the truth when you're too sick one morning to pack her little satchel for her, she forgets the crystal, and gets the shit beat outta her. twice in one day.)
sometimes you anoint her forehead or pulse points with little oils: petals and herbs and other little goodies in the jars. she'll ask what it's for and you'll shrug.
"this one's for peace of mind. you look all far away." you said one night, when you caught on the couch watching tv in the middle of the night.
she was snoring on top of you within minutes.
"this one's for communication." you said on the morning before she asked silco for a raise.
which she ended up getting.
"this one's... well... you'll see." you said mischeviously, before pressing a kiss to her cheek and winking at her.
when she had your ankles by her ears, her strap balls deep inside of you, you giggled and bit her earlobe. "it was an arousal-- ah! arousal oil."
"figures." sevika grunts.
anyways... you know that despite the teasing sevika respects it. she's always bringing you 'cool rocks' for your crystal collection-- you don't have the heart to tell her most of them are just pebbles, so you just add 'em to the shelf. she'll pick up anything and everything that looks a little mystical for you: from cool black matches, to candles whose flames burn different colors, to real crystals, and bones or taxidermied critters.
(she kind of loves the witchy-gothy vibe of it all, loves that there's always candles burning, and incense by the windows-- little jars of goodies and ingredients everywhere. she thinks it's cool. she'll never admit it to you, though.)
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub
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reverieblondie · 2 months
The Dark Prince: Chapter 1, The Union
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Paring- Dark Prince Rolan x Blessed Princess F!Tav
Warnings- 18+ MDNI, will include violence and smut, and two pinning idiots.
Summary- A union bathed in the silver light of a full moon, the eyes of a the fiendish usurper and the moon-blessed princess meet for the first time...
A/N: Chapter one is finally here!! We and sweet anon have been chipping away at this for what seems like forever! (Again huge thank you to them and their brilliant mind! Full credit to them writing and including the vampire spawn parts, if your curious you will just have to read it) This chapter was meant to be longer, but we are saving some fun stuff for you with chapter two
(ゝω・´★) Side note! if anyone knows how I can get some good dark Rolan screenshots to use for aesthetics please let me know! all the ones I find tumbr makes all blurry! Anyway, ENJOY!
Lia’s footsteps echo off the dark stone walls, each step a testament to her determination. Her pace is quick, and her anger slowly builds more and more as she draws closer to his office, still debating if she wants to scream at him or punch him. The more the thought swirls in her mind, the further she crushes the parchment. She barely hears as Cal calls her name, desperately trailing after her, begging his sister to calm down and tell him what’s wrong, but it’s too late.
Lia all but rips the dark wood door open before slamming it behind her in one fluid motion, effectively earning Rolan’s attention as his golden eyes leave his papers to meet his sister’s burning gaze. Rolan’s instinct is to ask what’s wrong, but from the look on her face, he suspects he already knows. He doesn’t even flinch when Lia slams the wrinkled parchment onto his desk, her eyes still stern on his face.
Rolan looks down at his sister’s splayed hand as it crushes the paper. His gaze lingers for too long as he sees where her middle digit is missing. Cal finally opens the door with wide, alert eyes as he watches his two siblings. Rolan quickly moves his eyes from her hand as she quickly removes it, the echoes of her scolding him not to stare reverberating in his mind. The silence in the room is defining as Cal shuts the door, and Rolan grabs the note, unfolding it, already knowing what it could be. 
Prince Rolan, 
Our kingdom praises your diligence towards leading your people and kingdom to a glorious future under your powerful rule. Our court has been vastly impressed by all you have accomplished in the few years since your rise to rulership. However, this should be no surprise when a man has such power like the bards sing that you do.
Our kingdom of Sivailon is grateful that you have seen fit to continue the friendship and alliance between our great nations without letting that peace be tainted by the actions of your predecessor. We hope your graciousness will extend towards other matters, perhaps most importantly, opening discussions regarding fostering the trade that had always flourished between our great kingdoms.”
In the spirit of this hope, Sivailon has chosen to humbly accept your proposal that we reinforce this newly reaffirmed alliance by granting you Princess Tav’s hand in marriage, and his Majesty is honored by your declarations that his dearest daughter shall stand beside you, not only as your Queen but as co-ruler of Waldemar. The people and court will miss our radiant princess, but we pray that the light of Selûne, which lives within her very being, will continue to shine and that it might help guide you toward a just and noble rule.
If our couriers serve us well, you can anticipate our princess’ arrival to your kingdom of Waldemar within three days of receiving this message, alongside three others sworn to her service. May happiness and love bloom in your union.
Rolan lets out a long sigh as he tosses the paper down and begins to stand. Lia pounds her angry fist against the large desk, making Cal jump and forcing Rolan’s attention. She jabs her finger to the note, her eyes never leaving Rolan’s, “What is this?”
For a moment, he holds the gaze of his seething sister as Cal tries in vain to console her before Rolan decides it is best to be honest, “It is a bunch of noble-born cowards tripping over themselves to keep me placated with flattery and performative elation that the vile hellspawn usurper has chosen to marry their divinely blessed princess. Perhaps the latter is more genuine, seeing as they have so readily pawned her off.”
Lia glared at him as Rolan maintained his cool demeanor while anger continued to threaten to claw its way out of her, “I thought we talked about this! An arranged marriage?! What are you thinking?!”
Rolan furrows his brows at her, his own irritation building to a boiling point. Cal is quick to try to ease him as well. Still, it’s already too late by the time Rolan responds, “I am thinking how it has been three years of us struggling to establish our rule, of us fighting against those who would sooner conspire to be ruled over by a mindless ooze rather than some bastard hellspawn! I think I have finally found a way to placate the malcontents by giving them their more palatable figurehead for them to fawn over!
“There are other ways, Rolan!”
“What ways, Lia?!”
“Ways that don’t involve forcing someone into a marriage out of fear for their homeland!” Lia yelled, her voice breaking as tears of frustration began to blur the edges of her sight.
Cal delicately reached a hand out again, silently resting it on her shoulder to console his sister. Rolan stepped around his desk, intending to do the same, but he halted his approach when Lia harshly swatted his hand away and retreated a few paces from her brothers. Her head held high, as it always was. Rolan stood there and waited while Lia scrutinized his expression, searching for any sign that his mind could be swayed from this course. He watched her piercing gaze turn solemn when she found none.
Rolan turns away to slowly move back behind the desk, distancing himself from the bitter disappointment in his sister’s gaze, the weight of it continuing to press down upon his shoulders and chest. He takes a moment to justify himself further to her, “She is a princess. Unlike us, she has been raised with the understanding that this would ultimately be required of her. If it was not to me, then it would eventually be to someone else.”
Lia shakes her head before leaving, slamming the door in her wake. Cal watches the door for a moment before turning back to his older brother, who lets out another long sigh, running his hand through his hair to cope with his sudden stress. The two brothers’ eyes meet, and Cal is the first to break the silence between them. “Rolan, are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
Rolan feels the hesitation bloom in his chest, but he pushes it down before it can reach its peak and show. He needs to do this…for everyone. 
“Of course I do,” Rolan says in a harsh whisper. He quickly grabs his overcoat and letter and heads to the door, and Cal follows behind. Rolan’s eyes are set forward and unwavering. “Now, come on, there is much to prepare before we can get this over with.”
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Tav feels herself lurch forward for a second, her breath getting cut short as Shadowheart continues to tighten the laces of the silver and white gown. Tav groans softly before picking up where she had just been in her book, frantically reading as much of the text as possible before the ceremony.  
Shadowheart sighs as she straightens Tav’s back from hunching over the book. 
"Could you take a break from the books, my Lady?"
Tav hums in response as she continues reading The Devil You Know An Autobiography, “Just a few more pages…” Tav speaks slowly as she keeps her eyes glued to the text. 
Shadowheart frowns as her hands move to the waist cord, hastily trying to finish the braiding of the two kingdoms’ colors around in a dual-colored rope; Blue and yellow for Sivailon, crimson and dark blue for Waldemar. The Dark Prince’s kingdom, and soon Tav’s as well.
Growing frantic, Shadowheart looked around the tent before the cleric’s green eyes caught Lae’zel’s gaze with a silent plea for backup; the gith clicked her tongue as the knight took stock of what was left to do and how little time was left to do it before the ceremony needed to start.
Sheathing her sword, Lae’zel approached the princess and her lady-in-waiting before snatching the book from the former’s hands. Tav only made a small noise of protest and lifted her head for what had to have been the first time in hours. The two women stared at each other for a while, Tav mulling over her chances to quickly snatch the book back from her knight before the princess admitted defeat with a sigh as she finally allowed Shadowheart to sit her upright. Satisfied, Lae’zel placed the book on her now vacated stool before plucking makeup and a brush from among the various items Shadowheart had set out and began applying the pigment to their Lady’s face.
“This nervousness is beneath you, Princess.” She spoke in a tone that Tav once would have mistaken for ridicule but which she now recognized as her friend offering reassurance: “My offer to kill him still stands.”
Shadowheart stifles a laugh as Tav shakes her head at Lae’zel’s comment. Though she appreciates her fierce loyalty, she wants to avoid violence. 
“I am sure that no stabbings, maimings, or beheadings will be necessary tonight!” Wyll called in from where he stood guard outside the tent, the mirth apparent in his voice. Lae’zel mutters under her breath, disagreeing.
 “Though… if the Princess changes her mind…” Wyll casually adds, this earns a groan from Tav as Lae’zel nods in agreement with Wyll. 
Capitalizing on the gith’s moment of distraction, Tav sprung to her feet, dodging Shadowheart’s half-hearted attempt to stop her and giving her other knight a playful shove through the tent’s material.
“You were supposed to be the peaceful one, Wyll!” she chastised him without any real bite in her voice, “How else am I going to convince these two not to terrorize the people of my new court?!”
The sound of Wyll’s laughter followed her as Lae’zel firmly guided Tav back to her seat to finish getting ready.
“My duty is to you first and foremost, Princess, even if that means removing some heads with Lae’zel and Shadowheart.” Tav and her small group share a laugh, and the princess feels gratitude again that she will have them with her in Waldemar.
With one final pull, Shadowheart finished tying the waist cord before stepping back to look at her handy work. Tav’s dress, once an elaborate yet traditional Selûnite bridal gown of white and pale blue, was now married with the rich blood red and dark blues of Waldemar’s flag. Lae’zel was finished soon after, allowing the princess to properly thank her friends as she began to admire their work.
“I’m glad to see you approve.” Shadowheart chuckled. “I hope the gesture is worth all your arguing with the High Priestess.”
Tav hums, adjusting her dress’s long silk-like layers as Shadowheart and Lae’zel ready the veil. “It was a well-won victory.” Lae’zel asserted, “Our princess showed great tenacity in that fight. Like a proud warrior.”
“I just hope the gesture is appreciated.” Tav adds as they finally set the long veil over her, Tav studies herself closely till something in the mirror's reflection catches her eye. Shadowheart’s face glanced down solemnly making an ache rush through her chest, “Tav, I wouldn’t get high hopes… He is called the ‘Dark Prince’ for a reason.”
Wyll calls the cleric’s name in slight admonishment, but Tav only sighs, her face growing somber as well, “I know the stories. That’s why this needs to be a good first impression. So many people are counting on this, and I...”
The mood of the tent grows heavy as silence permeates the air. Tav knows what she has agreed to, but it still doesn’t remove the unease she feels—that they all feel.
“You won’t fail them.” Shadowheart says voice firm but kind as she reaches out to wrap her princess, her friend, in an equally firm hug, “I promise. Never forget, your very soul shines with the silver flame of our divine Lady. Her power will always be with you.”
“We all will be,” Wyll assures.
“And should all else fail,” Lae’zel adds as she resheaths her sword, “I still maintain my offer; should you desire, I will kill him.”
Tav smiled at their reassurance, perhaps The Dark Prince should be worried about impressing her.
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Rolan felt his patience wearing thin as he continued to stand, waiting for the ceremony to start, the end of his tail beginning to flick irritatedly. It was bad enough he had to be away from his kingdom for this, the ceremony being held on the neutral ground of the druid grove lead by archdruid Halsin, but Sivailon had insisted that the wedding of their precious moon-blessed princess happen at dusk. Rolan let out another sigh of frustration. He has business to attend to and important things to oversee; they need to be getting a bloody move on.
Rolan looks out over the ‘guests’ here to witness the union, some he knows and others he doesn’t care to know. They are all here for the spectacle of the hellspawn usurper marrying a divinely blessed princess. Something many friends and foes wouldn’t want to miss. The Dark Prince turns away and lifts his gaze to the sky, hiding a poorly concealed sneer the thought brought forth. 
Soon, though still not soon enough, the fading blur of orange and soft lilac of sunset had finally given way to the dark indigo of night as the shimmering silver light from the full moon peeked out from among the clouds, allowing Selûne herself to be one more silent witness to the cold matrimony. Rolan fights the urge to roll his eyes; it just seems so pointless, but Zevlor’s words to be kind ring in his ears. “Let the princess have this one ceremonial request.” the old paladin had said. Well, now the oh-so-important full moon is here, but the princess isn’t, leaving the Dark Prince to narrow his eyes at where his bride should be as he resists the urge to impatiently tap his foot with the rising frustration at the princess wasting his time.
He has half a mind to stomp over to wherever his bride’s tent is and demand she stop dragging her feet, but his attention is drawn away when the waiting Selûnite priestess is startled by an unnecessarily theatrical clearing of the throat from off to the side. Recognizing who it was almost immediately, Rolan excused himself momentarily before stepping aside to hear what news Astarion had brought.
With the hood of his cloak down on his shoulders, Astarion seemed to be making the most of Sivailon’s insistence that this be a night-time ceremony allowing the moonlight to highlight the roguish glint of mischief in his red eyes, already cluing Rolan in that the spawn probably had good news—and if the Dark Prince happens to have find a shred of bitter satisfaction at the sight of the Sivailon elite growing almost as pale as the stealthy vampire spawn, then that, of course, was just an added bonus.
“No sight of Lorroakan or Cazador,” Astarion whispered to him “No sign of any former Waldemarians, in fact. Seems our dear Sivailon allies kept their word so far and made them all stay in whatever luxurious little holes the kingdom let them flee to.”
“I will consider their word kept once our business here is concluded.” Rolan replied plainly, even as the undeniable relief at Astarion’s news washed over the Dark Prince, “That being said, I do hope I will not have to remind you and the others to still conduct yourselves with care.”
“I promise we’ll not have too much fun on your big night.” The pale elf chortled to himself, “And don’t fret; your betrothed hasn’t fled yet. Violet saw the princess and her little posy on their way here. Turns out your dear wife-to-be really does have a gith following her around. Isn’t that interesting?”
Rolan gives a humorless scoff, not in the mood for Astarion’s teasing, no matter how much he appreciated the update. Dismissing the spawn with a wave of his hand, the vampire slipped back into the shadows, though not before giving a roguish grin at the still wide-eyed priestess to show off his fangs, and Rolan returned to where he would resume waiting for his bride. The Dark Prince leveled a harsh stare at the gaping priestess, wordlessly daring her to make something of it. She didn’t, instead merely closing her mouth as she nervously began flicking her eyes about the gathered people; be it in search of another spawn or something else, Rolan couldn’t care less.
The Dark Prince once again allowed his eyes to wander, first to the sturdy trees surrounding them all, then to the white rugs laid down and sectioning out the guests in a muting divide—a few of whom quickly glanced away as his gaze passed over them. Rolan once again restrained a sneer, for Zevlor’s sake, if nothing else. 
The old paladin, standing in front of the other guests and only about a dozen or so feet away from where the Dark Prince stood, had been adamant about attending, though Rolan also suspects Cal and Lia played a part in his general’s insistence—likely wanting to ensure their brother played nice with his new wife. Rolan had made sure the majority of his court stayed in Waldemar, preparing the castle and conducting business as usual. Hopefully Gale has been taking accurate notes in his absence, especially since Cal might be too preoccupied to help and Lia... Rolan tried not to think of the scornful disappointment she looked upon him with as he had departed. Irritation started to simmer again when soft music began to play, finally heralding the arrival of his bride as all save for the guards turned to witness her small procession approach.
First was a fair half-elfin woman with silver-white hair done up in a single long braid and robes similar to those of the waiting Selûnite priestess. A silver chalice encrusted with moonstones was cupped in the half-elf’s hands and her green eyes focused past him, as if seeing through all of this. Next was the gith, also a woman from what little he could recall on them, still armored and with her hand never straying from the hilt of her sword, her yellow eyes glaring fiercely at him, scrutinizing the Dark Prince’s every move. After the two admittedly fierce women, a man, roughly around his age, perhaps younger. Unlike the other two, he looks around at the others present, giving small nods and the occasional smile. As he walks down the aisle in his splendid blue and yellow garb, he thinks that he seems familiar somehow… maybe a noble himself or a son to one? Then her…
Dressed in an elaborate, flowing gown of white and pale blue, set with diamonds and moonstones that caused her to glisten in the moonlight as she moved. Her head was angled down towards her hands, pressed together as if in prayer, and her face remained obscured by a long veil held in place by a polished silver circlet, both just as decorated as she. While nearly the whole gathering of witnesses seemed to pause and admire the sight, Rolan’s eyes caught on her waist where, even through the veil, he spied the colors of her waist cord as she drew closer.
Admittedly, he doesn’t know much about Selûnite wedding customs, but he knows that yellow, crimson, and dark blue are not colors of the Moonmaiden. The Dark Prine bit back another sneer. What did the princess think she was playing at? Did she think a marriage for alliance was the time for... whatever this was? An attempt to stand out, to impose her own spin on something as trivial as the already decadent gown she wore?
The other cleric, the armored gith, and the man all take their places across from Zevlor to stand behind their princess. She comes to stand by the Dark Prince’s side and turns to face him even as her head remains tilted down. Rolan scrutinized his bride with mild confusion. Was she refusing to meet his gaze? Was this meant to be a display of meekness before the Dark Prince or a silent protest against the infernal creature she was marrying? A warm chuckle made Rolan look up where Halsin now stood, smiling beside Zevlor. The archdruid didn’t rush to hide his amusement from the Dark Prince, instead opting to politely glance away while Zelvor, as discreetly as possible, gestures for Rolan to lift and join the princess underneath her veil.
With a sigh, Rolan lifts the obscuring veil, now understanding its ridiculous length. He inwardly grumbled at having to partake in yet more ridiculous custom he was never privy to. Still, Zevlor’s words echo in his head once again as the younger tiefling carefully sets the veil over his horns. “Let the princess have this ...”
Once her soon-to-be husband has settled with her beneath the veil, Tav finally allows her gaze to lift and meet his.
Though she had done her best to prepare herself, she still felt her breath catch in her chest. The eyes of the Dark Prince stared back at her, amber glowing against inky pools of black like the fiery light that rings the moon during a solar eclipse. Standing so close to him, Tav was able to examine the fearsome usurper of Waldemar. Her sheer veil had partially obscured her view of what seems to be a pair of well-kept horns, accentuated with gilded rings and horn caps inset with small gems. Dark chestnut hair was partially pulled back, slightly covering pointed ears and hanging in loose waves that fell just to his shoulders. Tav had known he was a tiefling, but those who had fled from him to Sivailon apparently had overlooked a few features in their descriptions of the Dark Prince. Such as how his sharp features were decorated with a smattering of freckles on pale red skin, giving slight sweetness to a rather striking face.
Fearsomely handsome her old handmaids had whispered… she just wasn't expecting it to be true.
She is only half paying attention to the words of the High Priestess, though Tav still tries her best to keep up with the ceremony’s beats even as they skip certain steps. With every small stepping stone of the ceremony they reached, the arrangement felt more and more real.
 “Now, under Selûne’s radiant light, we ask the Moonmaiden to bless this union, to guide them towards prosperity that shall never truly wane.”
With how quickly the ceremony moves, it takes Tav a moment to realize they’ve already reached the imbibing offering. She’s apparently not the only one lost for a moment, as it takes an urgent look from the High Priestess and a friendly alert from Wyll before Shadowheart hurries to the princess’s side to hand her the silver chalice. Tav catches her friend’s eye as she accepts the vessel full of milk from her lady-in-waiting, giving her a small smile, which the cleric returns. After uttering a short prayer, the princess takes a sip of the cool liquid, focusing on the refreshing chill down her throat, before holding it out to the Dark Prince in turn. His brow furrows as he silently looks down at the cup, confused as if she were holding out a toad.
After a beat, he leaned in slightly, “No, thank you.”
Tav might have found mirth in how the High Priestess balked at the Dark Prince’s rejection had it not also taken the princess herself by surprise for a moment, though she kept a grip on her own expression.
My customs are not his, she reminds herself, so she instead merely passes the still partially filled cup back to a wide-eyed Shadowheart. The princess catches a glimpse at Wyll’s equally wide-eyed expression before he subtly places a firm hand on Lae’zel’s shoulder; the githyanki’s hand had moved to clutch the hilt of her sword in a death grip as her slit eyes glare daggers toward the Dark Prince for his public insult to her princess.
After that brief hiccup and skipping over the ring exchange, it was time for the part they knew was coming: “Now to bond this union with a kiss.”
It’s as if the forest itself is watching, waiting with bated breath for the divinely touched princess and the infernally tainted usurper to proceed. They haven’t even had a conversation yet, but now they must...
The Dark Prince looks down at her, and Tav feels the weight of his scrutinizing stare as surely as she feels that of the attendees, even as his expression gives little else away. His luminous eyes flick down to her lips. With a steading inhale of the cool night air, the princess lets her eyes flutter shut and tilts her head closer. Tav feels his warm, clawed hand cup her cheek, her heart thrumming as she feels his breath calmly cascading over her flushing face. Then, the brush of soft, firm lips alight upon her cheek.
It was so chaste, so brief that Tav hardly registered it had happened at all before the tiefling was already retracting his hand. Hells, she’s sure the guests are probably as equally surprised.
The head cleric seems stumped momentarily before they wrap up the ceremony. The King and Queen of Waldemar, whose union was sealed with a kiss on the cheek…
The High Priestess also seemed stunned, stumbling over her next few words as the ceremony ended and Shadowheart removed the veil from their heads.
Though the haste of this whole affair was far from traditional, the two newlyweds still went through the motions of walking hand-in-hand down the aisle as the attendees lauded the new King and Queen of Waldemar, whose union was sealed in a rather unusual way.
Once away from prying eyes, the Dark Prince leads Tav to a pair of carriages already hitched and ready to leave. Standing by them, she sees three cloaked, rather well-dressed, rather pallid individuals standing guard. Three sets of red eyes look back at her, and suddenly, Tav feels her blood grow cold as she realizes what they are.
“Leaving your adoring public so soon?” one of them, an elf with white curly hair, coos at their approach, grinning in a manner that feels anything but friendly and which doesn’t even attempt to conceal his vampiric fangs. He wears a fancy doublet of dark maroon with silvery and gilded embroidery, which glints in the moonlight, along with the dagger he casually twirls about in his hand.
An elven woman with her own fanged and mischievous smile giggled, coyly brushing a lock of pale, wavy, and elegantly coiffed hair from her shoulder to tuck it behind her ear. She was garbed in a comparatively simpler, but no less splendid, dark red outfit.
Before the elven woman could speak, the third, a tiefling herself with black hair that had been braided and pulled back into an elaborate bun, hurriedly hushed the other two, “Violet, Astarion, enough.” Her eyes flicked from the newlyweds to the other two vampires to the ground as her clawed hand nervously adjusted the string of small medallions decorating the dark blue coat of her delicately constructed outfit; the vibrancy of the red cloth underneath only further drawing attention to the pallor of her red skin.
Tav hadn’t realized her own feet had stopped moving until the Dark Prince—Dark King—gave her hand a tug before releasing it. With his warmth gone, she lets her hand fall limply as she watches him keep his stride. 
Coming back to herself, she becomes aware of an older, armored tiefling—who she recognizes as the man standing behind her now husband during the ceremony—sharing a handshake with Halsin.
The burly elf gives her a warm smile when Tav approaches, once again offering thanks for allowing the ceremony to take place on their land and with such short notice.
“The land is not ours, your Majesty,” Halsin rumbled soothingly, “We only live among its bounties and shield it from undue harm.”
“Then we thank you for trusting us with it for this evening.”
Halsin’s kind smile grew even further before he seemed to remember something, “Before you and yours depart, I thought it only appropriate that our grove offer you both a wedding gift as I understand the others in attendance have.”
Tav didn’t have the chance to assure the archdruid that such a thing was unnecessary before the large elf presented her with a string of leaves.
“I’m afraid it is not as elaborate as the other gifts you will receive from this night, but these are from the sacred oaks at the center of our grove.” he explained, “I felt it was the only thing befitting this occasion.”
Tav felt her mouth drop open slightly at the druid’s words, and she reached out for the gift offered before hesitating. Reaching up to unclasp the heavy necklace she wore, she passed the jewelry over to Wyll, who stowed it away in one of his pockets, before accepting the string of oak leaves and having Shadowheart help her affix it around her neck. Halsin’s expression, having momentarily dimmed in confusion and worry when her hand had retreated, warmed once again upon seeing her now carefully ghost her fingers across the leaves.
Tav opened her mouth again, either to apologize for having concerned him or to thank him once again. She wasn’t sure, and she would never get the chance to know. 
“Your husband could be in more of a hurry, but then his ass would be on fire…” Shadowheart sneered, prompting Tav to look behind herself towards her friend and lady-in-waiting.
“I’m sure he has his reasons.” though her words don’t come out sounding as self-assured as she’d hoped, even to her own ears, “We-Sivailon insisted on having the ceremony so soon in order to have it done beneath Selûne’s full gaze. He- We probably have other things we need to get back to in Waldemar.”
“Well, it seems he is rather eager…” Lae’zel hissed, her eyes focused on something off to the side with undisguised contempt, “Your husband and his undead are already leaving in the carriage without you.”
Sure enough, as Tav hastily turns to follow her knight’s gaze, the newly made Queen is greeted by the sight of one carriage already departing. Neither her King nor his vampires were in sight—at least not until a dainty pale hand briefly poked out from the carriage window to give a parting wave before disappearing again.
Tav’s brow furrows, but she quickly tries to school her expression as Halsin politely goes to take his leave and return to the grove. Not sure what else to say, Tav thanks him once again and the archdruid and the older tiefling part with an exchange of well wishes that carry an air of friendliness beyond mere cordiality. As the druid departs, his large frame vanishing into the forest, the sound of metallic armor shifting and brushing against itself alerts Tav to the armored teifling’s approach.
He gives her a tight but seemingly genuine smile and bows, “Your Majesty, my name is Zevlor, General of Waldemar’s army and, tonight, your carriage’s extra guard to help lead you and your people to our palace.”
“Pleasure to meet you, General Zevlor.” Tav lowered herself in a small curtsy, nearly missing how the older tiefling’s eyes widened slightly, “I appreciate your guidance and protection, but may I ask you a question?”
“Of course, anything.”
“Isn’t it customary for the King and Queen to ride together?”
“Ah...” Zevlor’s expression pinches for a moment as if trying to restrain a grimace while his gaze briefly flicks over toward where the King’s carriage continues to draw further and further away from them, “Rolan—that is to say, the King—thought you would be more comfortable traveling this way. You will be riding together once we reach Waldemar proper, but until then, it seemed right to allow time for you to… adjust.”
Tav pressed her lips together, now holding on to a tight smile of her own as her mind screeched in frustration that such a decision had apparently been made for her. Dragging in a purposefully slow breath, she focused on the sensation of the crisp night air filling her lungs rather than the rising tide of her irritation. They had not been married for more than an hour and had hardly stood in each other’s presence for much longer; it was far too early to lose patience with her co-ruler now.
Yes, Tav reminds herself, it had been the Dark Prince’s idea that she would be ruling at his side. It certainly would not be good for her to fixate over what had to be an unintentional and ultimately minor slight from her husband.
Releasing her breath, she smiled now more sincerely at the general, “Well, we had best make haste, lest we keep the others waiting.”
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lostinforestbound · 2 months
Could I ask for your headcanons for Rolan learning that his partner was abused by their family in childhood? Especially if the said partner never liked talking about their past, and it might have caused some misunderstandings (of them being not open enough, them not wanting Rolan Lia and Cal to meet their family, etc etc). But I imagine the pain they survived would ring a bell for Rolan specifically and he'd be really supportive in the end 🤔
You know, it's actually similar to my Tav's story, Pyxis! His family are not great people so he doesn't talk about them! I used him as inspiration for this post.
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Rolan Discovering About His Partner's Abusive Family
TW: Mentions of abuse but nothing graphic
At first, it isn’t something he actively thinks about too much. His partner never brought it up, and he hasn’t thought about asking, at least not yet.
Once things settle down, he does start to wonder about it. Why have they never brought it up before? Were they an orphan like he was? He could understand, but he swears they’ve mentioned them in passing.
So he finally asks about it, and he’s never heard them be so…vague. They dodged the question as first before settling on “oh, they’re around, not sure where at this point”.
He then asks if he could meet them at some point, since he’s their partner (and probably wants to marry them and get their blessing, not that he needs one, but out of respect for them) and is shocked by their instant no.
When he tries to press for why, they immediately shut it down and change the topic, and he’s hurt. Do they think he’s inadequate? Are they embarrassed by him? He’s sure he can impress them, since he’s the Master of Ramazith’s Tower and all.
He tries again with the topic, saying that he’s more than ready to show off if needed. He’s the perfect candidate as a partner: he can protect them, he has power, he shares knowledge, and has and enough wealth to take care of them for the rest of their lives.
He’s dejected when he’s shut down again, and he truly thinks they’re embarrassed by him. He knows he can be snippy with people, but was it so bad that he’s not good enough to meet their family?
Eventually they have a small argument about it. There’s no blow up that would hurt them both, but they’re both upset with each other. Rolan won’t drop the topic, and they refuse to acknowledge they’re avoiding it altogether.
Finally, they reveal their family are not great people, awful even. They abused them, and it ruined their perspective on the world for so long until they got out and cut all contact. The guilt instantly starts eating Rolan alive. He had no idea it was this terrible.
He instantly apologizes for prying, that he didn’t mean to make them relive memories and make them think they couldn’t talk to him about this. They apologize as well for avoiding the topic and trying to dodge the issue instead of addressing it.
Rolan praises them for being strong and getting out when they could. He understands the feeling more than they thought. He went through abuse in the orphanage before Cal and Lia’s mother found him. Besides, who needs those people? They have him, Cal, and Lia now.
They agree with him, knowing that their real family is right in the tower. They couldn’t ask for anything more, and they enjoy the deep sense of love and belonging. They still have scars, but now they work through it together.
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avocado-writing · 5 months
hi!! ive.. gone and read so much of ur work in one sitting. its all so much to take in, IN A GOOD WAY, and i absolutely adore every single word
would u be so kind.. to bless my angst durge needs..
Durge Resist tav, was strong for all until the brain was finally defeated but now, with what she believed her only purpose/chance at redemption (brain), they can't help but feel utterly empty and,, unredeemed. They mourn all those they have robbed from this world, nameless, and countless numbers of people they robbed of the life that they were now being given the chance at living. Surely they don't deserve it(Is what they think..)
They are pathetically in love, and if they deserve anything, its to tell their special one just how much they are adored before casting themselves out of society (or taking their own life, if ur comfortable writing such things-)
Rolan, Dammon, Zevlor, maybe even Rugan if u write for that loser LMAO. just.. whoever u write for, its the tieflings i adore most ahegege
if this didnt make sense IM SORRY i havent slept in so long and sleep is not choosing me. i just crave angst, perhaps with a happy ending if u would indulge me so..!! thank u if u read this, so much!!
hi, I don't write fics about suicide, but here's the tiefling bachelors with a durge who's planning to disappear after the absolute is gone and giving them one final confession:
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senses something is wrong when you take him aside for a heart-to-heart.
it isn't that you avoid these sorts of moments per se, he just knows you only affirm your affections when something big is going to happen (you did it before you went off to fight the elder brain)
he holds your hand tightly, gets you to look him in the eye.
"I love you, no matter what, and I never want to be without you. tell me you'll be there when I wake up tomorrow. in our bed. swear it to me."
you can see the utter adoration he looks at you with, and you think: maybe you aren't so bad if a man like this can truly love you.
the next morning Dammon wakes up. you're not in bed next to him. he panics, getting to his feet - only to find you in the kitchen making breakfast.
he's never been so relieved. walks up behind you and wraps you in his arms. he loves you so dearly, and will keep on loving you until you believe yourself worthy of it.
Rolan doesn't quite understand why you're having this great outburst, but chalks it down to emotions running high after the final battle.
says goodnight, kisses you, and heads off to his tower - he has a lot of admin to do after all.
the next morning he comes to meet you at the elfsong, only to be met with the realisation that you aren't there. he curses himself for not understanding why you were so melancholic last night.
he tracks you down. uses all of his resources to scry on you, grease palms with the money the tower has. he's up all night for weeks. Cal and Lia worry about him but he is determined.
and find you he does. manages to locate where you're hiding out, a little hamlet in the middle of nowhere. you burst into tears when you see him, and he just pulls you into his arms.
"come home with me."
you do, moving into his tower. and you never leave him again.
immediately knows something is wrong. takes you to a quiet place where the two of you can be alone and talk things out.
discusses how he feels like being a failure for breaking his oath -- but you always saw past that. saw the goodness in his soul. he wishes you would treat yourself with that kindness.
you begin to cry, softly at first, and then with sobs which wrack your whole body. he holds you ever so tightly.
"I love you. you are not who you were. you have strived to be better every day, fought against your own family, and always chosen a righteous path. you deserve to be happy. I'd want to make you happy, if you'd let me."
eventually your tears run dry and you look up into his face. his eyes are so sincere. he means every word.
when you kiss him, it's a promise: that you're with him for good. that whatever comes next, it will be faced together.
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