#bless him he’s like yeah tell her off she can’t think it’s acceptable but it’s dealt with so vday time 🥰
zibah-ho · 8 months
One of the dads told me he’d got his two year her first valentines present so he hopes she’s had a good day bc he’s got flowers and chocolates waiting for her and I had to be like uh yeah so she’s not listened to a word I’ve said all day haha but how cute please still give her the presents haha
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aakeysmash · 7 months
Roommate or boss?
part 2, part 3, part 4
Pairing: f!reader x Katsuki Bakugou.
Context: 3k words. Reader is a barista and she only meets Bakugo at the end of this </3. He’s her boss but she doesn’t know. I don’t delve into this tho, just so you know. They’re both 22.
A/N: never thought I’d write a slow burn but I HATE not giving context. This is just me yapping with zero grammar context whatsoever. The reader is super oc in this one, but all the girl names I thought about were UGLY. Let me know what you think about it!
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“Come onnnn it’s gonna be just this one time” pleads your best friend from the other end of the phone.
“Ochaco, you know I hate when you pull this shit” you reply, while putting your jacket on.
“I knowww, but listen, me and the cute guy have had NO time for ourselves lately and-“
“And you’re leaving me doing this assignment with who knows who? We’re always partners for physics, you know I can’t do it all alone and you can’t phrase your deductions to save your life. We complete each other. You’re my soulmate. Why are you leaving me for a guy?” you whine, while closing the door of your apartment and walking towards your car.
“It’s gonna be just this one time, I promise! It’s not like we’re gonna fail. I think. I hope…” she mumbles.
You sigh. “If we do fail, you’re getting your ass beaten, I am so for real” you concede after thinking about it. You start your car and put your phone on speaker.
“BABEEE I love youuuu! You know you’re the only one for me! I promise to finally tell you all the details on Saturday” she squeals.
You wince. “Nah, I can’t this Saturday. I have to work, manager is on vacay. Maybe Sunday?” you said, knowing she will start rambling.
“Y/N just leave that place, they don’t even value you as a person, let alone as a worker. Plus, your manager is a bitch” Ochaco says sternly. “I still haven’t got over the fact she makes you work double shifts just because she wants to be in Bali with her new stupid tomboy. Who, by the way, cheats on her. You said so yourself, and I heard him and your colleague going at it that one time I came to visit you last week -not Momo, bless her heart, how is she by the way?- oh and he steals her money. And-“
“I need the money, and I do love to make coffees for the nice old ladies that tip me” you interrupt your more-than-protective best friend, knowing that she could go on complaining for hours if you didn’t stop her. “Also, I just got to the cafe and I’m already running late. I’ll text you when I get off, okay? Love you”.
“Yeah yeah. Don’t overwork yourself too much, love you” and you hang up.
You and Ochaco have been friends since you were babies. Your parents were neighbours back in your hometown, and your moms coincidentally got pregnant in a span of 2 months apart from each other. You have been attached to the hip all of your school years, and fortunately you have been accepted at the same campus at university. You moved to different apartments because you wanted to be independent, but you are still living pretty near each other. You are enrolled in literature, while Ochaco has a passion for astronomy; you had chosen physics as a bonus class for some extra credits since Ochaco said it would be easy and you trusted her, but she didn’t take into consideration that you failed math throughout all of high school, and she had to save your ass multiple times in the past. You’ll never forget her face when she got an 86% on one of the graded tests she did for you: she was so disappointed she made you ask the professor to redo the test, which you barely knew the basics of. She got 100%, and the professor congratulated you (her) for being such an overachiever. You never felt more ashamed of yourself and proud of your best friend at the same time. On the other hand, she made you do her English essays on a monthly basis, so she really wasn’t in the place to complain about doing all the dirty work for you.
You had partnered up with her since she was a genius, but she met this “cute guy” a month ago and was head over heels for him. She still hasn’t said his name to you, all you know is that he is a part of the physics course and he apparently just stole your assignment partner.
You sigh inwardly. Sometimes you wished love could come to you as easily as it comes to Ochaco. She is a lover girl at heart, nicer than anybody could ever hope to be, but she sure could bite if she had to. She has been there for some of the worst moments of your life, and you have done the same for her. You really didn’t know what you would do without her. Maybe you should get her an apology pastry from the cafe’s leftovers to make up for the last two missed Saturdays (“they’re for the girls!” she said, and you meticulously met up every week up until you had gotten a job).
You’re a bit distracted by thinking about her when you get into the place you work at. It’s a cute cafe, a little bit too orange for your taste, but it’s cozy enough to make work pleasurable. Plus, it’s 5 minutes from your apartment (15 if you walk, but you are lazy). They pay on time, the coffee is good and the clientele isn’t too bad. If it wasn’t for-
“You’re 32 seconds late. You’re getting a formal complaint this time” says your manager, waiting for you with her arms crossed.
“Put that on the note that says I worked 8 extra hours a week for the last 5 months. Hello to you too, weren’t you supposed to be in the Philippines or whatever by now?” you say sickening sweet, with the fakest smile you can muster, while you pass next to her to get to the room behind the register.
“Shut your smart mouth up before I get you fired!” she almost screams. Some of the people at the table near her look at her like she’s crazy before going back to their cappuccino.
“My oh my miss Utsushimi, it’s not nice to use that tone before the rush hour” you reply, giving an apologetic look at your regulars next to her.
“Mpfh, whatever. Close up this place when you’re done, the boss will probably be in to ask you for the keys at the end of your shift. I’ll be MIA for the next two weeks, bye” she says to you. Then she turns around and smiles sweetly at the clients who previously looked at her with distaste and lies “pregnancy hormones I hope, me and my man are trying for a baby, I’m sorry for scaring you!”. You know damn well she had an IUD appointment last week, because she made you work instead of working herself. Fake bitch.
Without saying anything else, she leaves the place.
“I hate her ass so much”, says someone next to you.
You snicker. “Who doesn’t, Momo?” you face her with a genuine smile.
“Never leave me alone with her ever again, you know I can’t survive this place without you, work wifey” she kisses your cheek fast, before going back to making coffee for a client at the register.
“Ochaco will be hearing about this and she’ll slap you” you laugh heartily.
“I love her too, she’s my work wifey’s wifey, so she’s basically my wifey” she winks at you.
After a few more laughs here and there, you both go back to work like usual.
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A couple of hours pass and it’s closing time. Momo waves you goodbye, clocking out. “I’m so tired I could sleep on the floor right now” she whines.
“Yeah, how about no. Let’s go, babe. We don’t want to drag Y/N’s time” says her boyfriend, Shoto, who shoots you a nod of acknowledgement before placing a hand on her lower back and escorting her out of the cafe. “I remember suffering at closing times, let’s leave her be and go home” he nudges your colleague, smiling down at her. He has been inside the cafe a lot in the years you’ve worked here, sometimes picking Momo up. Momo says he was one of the best bartenders the cafe ever had, but he found a job that payed him more and he decided to leave. You couldn’t blame him.
“See you soon, you two lovebirds!” you reply, waving a hand of your own.
Now all alone since even the waiters have gone home, you clean up the counter before packing up the pastry for Ochaco.
“Damn, I have to wait for the boss to give him the keys” you remember, rubbing your face.
You wait 45 minutes before a redhead makes his way into the cafe. He seems busy on the phone with someone.
“I’m here, let me just get- fuck no I don’t wanna talk to Camie about it, Baku- no, wait- fire? Are you going to take her place and finally come down here like the boss you are? Yes, I know- what? And where would we- what do I have to do with all of this? No, I’m going home- fuck, he hung up” the man sighs, before turning his body towards you.
“Sorry to have kept you waiting, not really manly from me” he smiles, looking sorry.
“Oh don’t worry about it!” your smile was really stretched, and you think he notices, because he says “sorry” again. “The manager said to give you the keys. So you’re the boss?” you say politely, stretching your hand with the keys towards him.
You’ve seen him multiple times, he’s a regular. He always gets the same order (one black coffee and one hot chocolate with extra cinnamon), and he always tips you and Momo well. Today he seems distressed.
“I wouldn’t wish to be the boss, to be fair. You could say I’m his right hand. Where’s Camie? Boss needs to talk to her in private before next week comes” he sighs.
“She said she’ll be gone for two weeks” you reply, confused.
“And who said she could do that?” Kirishima, you think that’s his name since you’ve written it on his order just yesterday, looks at you in disbelief. You shrug. “I don’t ask. The less I know about her, the better I feel about working here”. You start to pack your things up, before going towards the door with the man following behind you closely.
“This is nuts. I hate doing job interviews” he mumbles fast, turning the key in the lock. You raise an eyebrow, what is he even talking about?
“Do you live near? If not, I could give you a ride. I’d hate losing the only barista who makes boss man’s drink good enough to not make him pissy” he says, while pointing to his car.
You laugh. “It’s just a hot chocolate. Tell him he should try it with a few drops of hot sauce in it. Sounds disgusting but it’s actually pretty good. Also don’t worry, I live just down the street”. He nods and you wave each other goodbye.
“It does sound horrible. Thanks again for waiting, see you tomorrow for the same exact order I always make” he grins, then gets in his car and drives away, not after seeing you get in your car as well.
Once at home you call Ochaco, who’s “been worried sick, you never get home this late”.
“Y/N you seriously need a roommate. Did you even eat?” she reprimands.
You sigh. “I have to meet someone tomorrow. But you know, girls tend to look at you weirdly when you say you need them to know how to cook. They feel like you’re looking for a maid. Like, I can’t eat sandwiches every day like I did with the last roommate I had” you explain while opening your fridge. Sausages and smashed potatoes from yesterday will do the job for today.
“The psycho who thought vegetables made her look weak? Freak” you hear your best friend snicker. “At what time are they coming over?”
You groan and say “8 am. It’s a guy this time. Who wakes up before 8 am at uni? He’s already lost 2 points for this” while gulping down your food.
Ochaco’s snicker is now a full laugh. “People who have their lives together, maybe? But pay attention, males scare me” she replies quieting down.
“Yeah yeah. I’m gonna sleep now, text me the deets for Sunday, okay?” you clean your plate and go to the bathroom to wash your teeth.
“Will doooo. Good night, babe” she smooches on the mic before hanging up.
After making sure you locked your apartment door, you go to your bed, where you manage to fall asleep in thirty seconds.
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The next morning you’re brutally awakened by the sound of your doorbell. You look at your phone screen: 7:42 am.
“Who the fuck is it now?” you grumble, before going down the stairs and looking through your peephole.
“Shitty hair I swear if this takes me more than 10 minutes… she hasn’t even opened the door. Yeah, she said 8 am, who cares if I’m early? I AM NOT the only one awake on a Saturday morning. Y’all are just lazy fucks” a blonde rudely says into his phone. You can hear him talking loudly from behind the door. You widen your eyes, before screaming “coming! Give me 5 minutes!” and rushing towards your bathroom to make yourself presentable. “Fuck, I forgot about the roommate appointment” you whine, while putting on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. At least they are clean.
You open the door to find a broad man staring at you menacingly. He’s kinda tall, kinda (really) fit, kinda underdressed for the winter. Kinda hot, too.
“Hi, how can I help you?” you offer him the nicest smile your still sleepy mind can muster.
He looks you up and down, before focusing on your face and levelling you with an indifferent look.
“You must be Y/N. I’m Katsuki Bakugo, we had to meet at 8 am for the spare room offer. I've been here for 15 minutes” he gruffly declares.
You add “rude” to your list of “kinda”. You don’t like his tone. -1 point.
“Yeah, and it’s 7:48” you bite back, your smile faltering while shaking his outstretched hand. He’s definitely going to the gym with the callouses he has.
“Come in, I’ll let you see what you’re getting yourself into”, you say, opening your door more.
You live in a nice apartment, you think. There’s a nice kitchen with a nice island that also serves as a table in front of it, a blueish couch in front of the tv, and a couple of steps that bring you to a corridor with three doors: your room, the spare one and the bathroom.
You describe everything while he stays in absolute silence next to you. It makes you feel uneasy. -1 point.
You just finished showing him the bathroom and are ready to tell him you don’t think he’s a good suitor when he finally speaks up.
“And how much do you pay for this shit?” he asks. Nice voice, you think. Gravelly and rough enough to not sound annoyingly forced. +1 point.
“500 a month” you reply, while returning to the kitchen.
“Your shower needs some work done, it leaks. Also, mold is starting to show on the bathroom ceiling, might wanna check on that. Your oven looks unusable in the condition it’s in. Small tv. At least you’re clean from what I've seen” he begins to say.
You frown and turn to look at him. Did this bitch talk for the first time in 15 minutes only to complain?
“Do you even know how to cook with said oven?” you say, ignoring everything else he just said, and giving him a nasty look.
He tsks. “Yes. Is this your way of asking me to cook you fucking breakfast? I don’t eat with lazy people who get out of bed at 11 am” he makes sure to say.
You scoff. Men really do find the audacity to say stuff like this nowadays? It seems like you've been out of the loop for too much.
“You showed up early. It’s a sign of disrespect, you know? Also no, I know how to fix myself something. I just don’t want you to burn my kitchen down to a crisp and smell takeout whenever I get home” you say in the rudest way you find possible.
He smirks before saying “might wanna check on that fucking attitude of yours too before I poison your food”, tapping your shoulder to get you out of the way and take out some pans. You showed him where to find them earlier on.
“What the fuck are you doing?” you say in disbelief. “This is still my kitchen. Get out”.
He rolls his eyes. “I’m making you fucking breakfast to say sorry for interrupting your princess sleep. Just make coffee while I come up with something. If you know how to make it, that is” he doesn’t even look at you while getting eggs, milk and bread out of the fridge.
You’re baffled. He’s making himself at home when you didn’t even say he was accepted.
“Wait, you’re still not-“
“I'll give you the money at the start of every month. I’ll paint the walls of the room, I hate that fucking green, but painters are scammers so I’m doing it myself. I’m clean, I’ll just need a spare key in a matter of days to take my shit here. I’ll keep myself in my room if you keep yourself in yours. Any further requests?” he interrupts you, assembling his french toasts on the pan.
You’re even more stunned. But you’ve always been quick with your thoughts, so you come up with something.
“I’ll say yes if those french toasts are good. If they’re not, your ass is out” you say, still not looking at him, while making coffee.
“Might say yes if you know how to make a hot chocolate from scratch instead of the poor coffee that machine will make” he watches you from the corner of his eye. You scoff, you’re a barista nonetheless: who does he think he’s talking to? Meanwhile, he could swear he knew you from somewhere.
Neither to say, the french toasts were “not that bad” and your hot chocolate was “barely fucking acceptable”.
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viridianevergarden · 7 months
Another rant:
“Rhysand is a Gw*nriel shipper” this, “Rhysand is a El*cien shipper” that- when Rhys only sees Elain and Lucien’s bond as a mere political asset and nothing more. 😐
Sure, he might also want to see them try to resolve the issue by either accepting or rejecting the bond but even then, he’s using the bond as leverage for political gain/assertiveness.
If Az got into the middle of it and evoked negative feelings on Lucien’s part, that could cause issues for everyone (risking alliances with 3rd parties and the Autumn Court itself). Thats it. Thats reason one as to why Az was ordered to stay away.
Reason two being the fact that Azriel, the brother who never opens up about his feelings or thoughts, is being completely misinterpreted. Of course that’s not entirely Rhys’ fault. It’s on Azriel too.
I do think it was short sighted of Rhys to blatantly assume that Azriel -the eldest, most respectful and well mannered of the 3 brothers- would target Elain, a mated female, purely for sexual distraction.
Like where’s the sense Rhysand? Sir, look at Azriel. He can’t possibly think that Az would prey on Elain like that. And even then, I think it was obvious that Elain wanted his touch just as much as he wanted hers. Otherwise she most definitely would’ve said something. And knowing Azriel, he would’ve backed off instantly. He’s not stupid.
(I love Rhys but good lord man)
So uh- no, Rhys is not a cut and cleaved El*cien or Gw*nriel shipper. However Nesta and Feyre sure as hell are Elriel shippers.
“Why not make them mates?” - Feyre (referring to Az)
“What if that is what she needs?” - Feyre (referring to Az again)
I think Nesta nonverbally gave Az her blessing too. He knew that she was aware of how he felt just from the way he looked at Elain (with longing). Then she gave him comfort in response and coined this line immediately after:
“His secret to tell, never hers.” - Nesta pov
So let’s not assume things that aren’t obvious, yeah?
I mean- I think it’s pretty obvious.
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For the baker boys, what if reader tried out a new recipe one day and just absolutely butchered it. Destroyed. Came out awful. And this isn’t the first time. She’s tried to get this right so many times and simply can’t seem to get the hang of it. I can see sans “teaching” her how but really just flexing, red teasing, and skull eating it and straight up lying to her face that it’s good.
Funnily enough, it's not unusual for Mc to try a recipe and completely fuck it up. She just isn't blessed with the gift of baking.
Sans: He's generally more accepting of the fact that baking just isn't her strong suit. She appreciates his honest approach, he doesn't try to turn her into something she's not. He can always tell how she's feeling about her attempt at cooking ending so terribly, and he responds appropriately- when she's not bothered about it and clearly finds it all funny, he cracks jokes and pretends to die from eating it, making her laugh until she's crying. But when she's genuinely upset that yet another cake came out underbaked, cracked or burnt, flat or misshapen, generally inedible... he's calm. He doesn't quip or push.
... Usually, he asks her to make him a complicated coffee. Pulling it off flawlessly makes her feel a lot better.
Red: He's one of those bakers who can look at her failed creation and instantly know what she did wrong. She has no idea how he tells so quickly. A single glance, and he's got her all figured out. "you opened the oven while it was cooking, didn't you?" "... Y-yeah. Just once..." "doll. that takes all the air outta it." Unlike Sans' more 'live and let live' approach, Red does his best to teach her some tips and tricks if he can tell she's open to it at that moment. Don't open the oven while it's baking, wait until your ingredients are room temperature, put a lil' drop of lemon in your eggs to make the meringue whip faster... Red's got the magic touch of someone who knows exactly what he's doing. When they cook together, she's much less flustered and confused, and everything winds up great. Plus, baking is a perfect time to flirt.... though if he says 'nice buns' again he might get a spatula to the jaw.
Skull: It's a real effort to get Skull to not eat what she bakes. When she makes something crap, she has to either hide it or literally run for it, because Skull will have some. She doesn't understand why he'll turn down nice store sandwiches to eat whatever hot garbage she pulled out of the oven.
... There's a few reasons. A big one is not wanting to waste food. But honestly, it's mostly because he really does like what she makes. Her cakes, though not exactly a visual treat, are full of her emotions and labour. He loves her so much, and her food is like an extension of her. It doesn't matter how bad it tastes because as soon as he chews it he feels warm knowing it's hers.
... He also wants to show her that no matter how bad she thinks it is, just because it's imperfect doesn't mean it's impalatable.
Someone will always like it.
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Thinking smutty thots about Draken that only you can articulate into the most perfect drabble imaginable, babe.
Needy reader keeps sending suggestive texts/nudes to him during one of his meetings, driving him crazy. Draken tells her to be a good girl and be patient, that he’ll be home soon, but she says fuck that noise, drives herself to his location and waits for him to walk out. They fuck in the car. She needed that dick ASAP.😏
Need you now!
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Pairing: Draken x Fem! Reader
WARNINGS: teasing, car sex, rough sex 💁‍♀️, cussing, a little grinding, choking, hair pulling, not proof read
A/N: babesss, you’re always blessing me with the best prompts 😩 ♥️
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Your fingers tremble as you write out a text to Draken, shifting uncomfortably in your seat at you try to hold out on this excruciating heat between your legs.
<(Baby. When will you get home?)
(I’m almost done, be patient a little longer yeah?)>
You frown at the text; he had said that half an hour ago. You hated bugging him because you understood that the meetings were important, but you wouldn’t be able to hold off much longer.
<(attachment: 2 images, 1 video.)
<(i can’t be patient much longer..)
Draken almost chokes on his drink, coughing awkwardly as mikey eyes him suspiciously, putting his phone back in his pocket with a small ‘excuse me’ as he gets up and walks to the bathroom.
Your phone screen lights up, his name popping up with a phone call as you curiously accept.
“Are you seriously that needy? What has gotten into you, darl’?”
Though he sounded a bit pissed, you could tell he was also just as needy for you as you were for him as he sighed on the other end of the line.
“Mikey has one other topic, might be a bit longer. J’st wait for a tad longer, alright? Just be a good girl and I’ll reward you for it, promise.” he says finally.
“But you said that almost an hour ago!” you sighed, groaning as you rolled your eyes.
“I’m trying my hardest to get out as quick as I can.”
“Yeah yeah.” you say, ending the call with a frustrated groan. Your bottom lip quivering as tears formed in your eyes. The feeling was overwhelming, your libido overtaking all of your senses as you whined to yourself.
“It can’t take that long right?” you ask yourself, grabbing your car keys with a small smile as you burst out the door, rushing to your car. You had a simple plan; if Draken couldn’t get to you, you would get to him first.
You pulled up outfront of the building, your car standing out like a sore thumb to all of the bikes around. You shuffled uncomfortably, again, as you checked the time, sighing. It had only been 20 minutes since you had had the conversation, but it felt like an eternity ago.
The more you looked, the more you realized that there were actually only one other bike there besides Drakens, the others being torn down as if they were either trashed or a project in the making. Mitsuya came out of the doors, followed by Draken as they conversed, probably complaining about how long the meeting had been. Mitsuya’s eyebrows quirked as he nodded to your car, draken’s eyes following his to meet your annoyed ones with a sheepish smile.
Mitsuya waves goodbye as he hops on his bike and drives away, draken’s heavy footsteps being heard as he leaned down and over into the open window.
“Did you have fun talking with your ‘bros’ as you left me at homr alone?” you huffed, looking the other way as he brushed his hair behind his ear.
“Erm.. no, not really. But I was about to head home to see you anyways-“
“Save it.” you interrupt, shifting your thighs as he glanced down, his eyes flickering back up to meet yours with a grin.
“Needy much?” he asks, slipping in behind you as you slid into the backseat, giggling as he slid off your shorts and panties in one swoop, meanwhile his lips capturing yours in a heated kiss.
You moaned into the kiss, his leg grinding into your cunt as he smiled. His hair ticked your face, prompting you to giggle yourself as you swatted him away.
“You needy enough you already prepped y’rself?” he asks, glancing down at his leg to catch a glimpse of the sheen of your arousal now sticking to it. Your face flushed as you sheepishly turned around, propping yourself up on all fours as you looked back shyly.
“M’ ready I think.” you say, your voice barely above a whisper as he slips off his pants.
“Sure?” he confirms, his tip tracing the outside of your hole as you nodded with a small whine.
He takes it with a toothy grin as he slips into your heat, his face contorting into pleasure as your eyes rolled back. It made a total difference when you were out of practice, the feelings becoming almost overwhelming as he continued to push further in.
Once he bottoms out, he gives a small breather as he shakingly wraps a hand around your neck, lifting you up to make your back flush to his chest as his tip kisses your cervix, tears pricking the corner of your eyes.
“S’good.” you mumble, grinding down slightly on his dick as you let out a small whine. His grip tightens on your neck as his other hand shields your heads from hitting the car roof, bouncing you up and down ruthlessly.
You bent over as your legs gave out, his hand around your neck moving to your hair as he grabbed a handful. He didn’t pull your hair, ever, but he also liked to have the authority. Normally it was simply to keep you down so that he could continue to drill into you doggy style like now.
Out of the blue, your walls clamped down on him as his tip continuously bullied your g-spot, pulling him over the edge quicker than he could have imagined as he threw his head back, spilling his thick seed into your pretty cunt. You followed in suite, creaming around his cock as your nails bent creases into the seat, shaking below the man like a leaf in the wind.
“Ah- shittt princess, where did you learn a move like that?” he chuckles, letting go of your hair as he let out a sigh. You whined when he pulled out, grimacing as you viewed the outline of sweat on the seats as well as the fog on the windows.
“Ready for round two?”
“Not in a car I’m not.”
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seaside-writings · 1 year
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Hello, again all you wonderfully, wicked people!
As we know black cats are an essential part of the spooky season as well as an essential part of everyday life! So in honor of that, I made a prompt list dedicated to one of my favorite black cats Salem Saberhagen, who in my opinion had some of the most iconic dialogue in TV history!
I hope you all like this prompt list, and I hope it helps you create! And if you do use it, please credit/tag me so I can check out what you've made!
I hope you all stay blessed and safe throughout your day.
Lots of Love & Wishes: Celia 🖤🎃🕸🔮
P.s. I did change some of the dialogue so it would flow easier when it came to writing for different types of characters.
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“You’re the only one who understands me,” “Yeah, but it doesn’t mean I care,” - “What are you doing?” “Nothing!” “You’re in a chatroom again pretending to be a woman, aren’t you?” “I like the attention.” - “I have lighted the fuse. Now I just have to wait for the kapowie! Muahahaha!” - “I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you; I just wanted to rule you,” - “You’ll be able to look back on all of this and get revenge,” - “Show me the tuna!” - "I never cared for the name Mildred," - “And let’s give a big warm welcome to sadness,” - “Someone’s gonna end up crying. Probably me,” - “Finally, someone whose life is more pathetic than mine!” - “You don't have to order me a pizza, but make it half sausage, half clam,” - “I need a little fresh air and a latte,”
“As long as you drop everything and stay focused on me, I should be fine,” - “Dogs guard. Cats watch and judge,” - “When I’m happy, I eat! When I’m upset, I eat!” - “Hooray, the toast is stuck! Danger, here I come!” - “They left behind. Be strong. Don’t cry,” - “Still want to take over the world?" - "Cheetos should be served at room temperature, you know,” - “Curse my sarcastic nature!” - “If you misbehave for just one instant, I’ll cut you, man,” - “Dear lord, you picked up a guy at the bus station,” - “It's the 90s, no one eats mortals anymore,” - “I’m rich! Rich, I tell you!” It’s only a few hundred dollars,” “I’m well-off! Well-off, I tell you!” - “Let's destroy everything that's dear to him. Let's indoctrinate him into the cathedral of agony,” “I'm going to write him a very stern letter,” “You're a regular Mad Max, aren't you?” - “A tassel! Don’t you toy with me, you saucy minx!” - “Wow, you must feel like a huge loser,” - “Would you be terribly upset if I threw up in one of your shoes?” - “You laugh, you die,” - “I will not be ignored!” - “All I’ve done all day is eat, sleep, and stare off into space. What an awful existence,” “Hey! I don’t dump on your lifestyle," - “Could you either remove the bandages or kill me?” - “Sorry, thirty waffles is my limit,” - “You think a mirrored ceiling would be too much?” - “Why didn’t you stop them!?” “I was busy,” “Doing what!?” “Playing with my scrunchie,” - “We need a plan,” “How about we weep uncontrollably,” - “I urge you to accept me as your ruler!” - “I’ll be having a quiet weekend, curled up with Memoirs Of A Geisha,” - “Delivery. I want a pizza as fast as possible! And don’t forget the crazy bread!” - “And your face is a bit of a trainwreck too,” - “Tell Elton John he can’t start singing now,” - “I wasn’t always the stud muffin I am today,”
“You owe her an apology. Now! “I’m thinking of how to word it,” “Try 'I’m sorry,'” “Somehow, that just doesn’t feel right…” - “I’d rather be locked in the dishwasher again,” - “Does she know who you are?” “Why does everyone think that’s a necessary part of love,” - “I’m the ultimate bad example,” - “Don’t ask me, I was an English major,” - “Hey, leave the sarcasm to the professionals,” - “Get a real job. And some pants,” - “I’m a cat, I’m curious, so kill me,” - “Still want to take over the world?” “Yes! Wait, no! I meant no!” - “I’d be more nervous if I weren’t so good-looking,” - “Hey chicks, what’s the haps?” - “I’m trying to set the world record for grooving,” - “Sometimes I just like to hear myself talk,” - “You know me any excuse to wear taffeta,” - “Oh, right, I forgot. I’m an animal, I have no self-control,” - “Why am I finding it hard to summon sympathy?” - “Wow, I love a woman who can take charge!” - “I’ll be downstairs creating a distraction,” - “I’m trying to concentrate on expanding my intellectual horizons,” - “Wake up, woman! You’re not a princess, you’re a dragon!” - “Her new obsession is doing wonders for my wardrobe!” - “Please hurry! I’ve been in here for over an hour!” “Why didn’t you call us sooner?” “It wasn’t a problem until I ran out of peanut brittle!” - “So it's true. Taste does skip a generation,” - “I want to say something wise and wonderful right now, but I can't think of anything. Except I love you, and I hope the band knows some Ohio Player,” - “BOO!” “You look ridiculous,” “You were terrified, and you know it,” - “Halloween. Is it just another date on the calendar, or is a state of mind, or is a state of… being?”
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Hello. Hi. I have an issue. That’s maybe not a full issue.
So I’m getting married soon-ish (yayyyyyy me) and it’s a queer marriage. Me, she/her, and my partner, she/they. 
My parents are pretty catholic, and aren’t the happiest about my identity, but they’ve not been loud about it. And they’ve gotten to know my partner and they like them. 
Anyway, my mum really wants us to marry in my childhood church. Despite its prejudices, I got lucky there, and I actually met two of my closets friends there. 
It’s in a nice place and hosts a lot of weddings and my partners said she doesn’t mind where we marry as long as they can plan the wedding (apparently I suck at planning things, totally not true… totally).
So I asked. And initially the Reverend was all for it. Until I remembered to tell him it was a queer wedding. Then he was not. 
So we can’t get married there. The laws are lost on me a bit in the UK, but I’ll explain that sort of, in a sec. 
So my parents have made an effort with me and my partner and both of us thought that neither of us give a shit where we marry as long as my fiancé can wear their suit and I can wear my lilac dress (it’s stupid pretty, i’m so excited). 
But this experience put me off. I would rather not get married in a church simply because I want all the people around me on my special day to be totally accepting of me (of course excluding the vaguely homo and trans phobic relatives we both have but we’ve agreed to invite, what can you do?)  
So yeah, I told my mum what happened. And she got so mad. But erm- not at the church. At us. At me… more specifically. She said she’d dreamed of me getting married there my whole life. And I tried to say that maybe this isn’t about her but god forbid anything isn’t about her for more than one fucking minute. 
Long story short i told her i was putting my foot down and not marrying in a church and she freaked out and is now refusing to come unless we do get married in a church. 
So I did some research. The Church of England and Catholic Church (separate things) do not allow same-sex couples to marry in churches at all… I think.
The Church of England will give a blessing inside a church after the marriage (like what is this?) But it’s illegal for an actual wedding by Church of England (so fucking complicated I swear). 
Oh and in general i think if you want a civil marriage (marriage without religious or christian words involved, simply for law, and you know celebrating) you have to find a church no longer registered as a church or something….
But we’re Catholic. And I don’t think they even really have a blessing system yet let alone marriage allowed INSIDE a church. But it’s not about any church, it’s about a Catholic church, for my mum. 
It’s been a while since we got on this well (before everything I just explained that is). We have a rocky relationship but we’ve both had tough lives and I value her. I want her at my wedding. Where I get the incredible privilege of marrying my future partner (privilege because she’s awesome and not because we’re queer since everyone should be able to marry, that’s just equal rights). 
But this is such a mess. Me and my partner haven’t even discussed whether or not it’ll be a civil marriage yet. Since we’re both raised religious and I would say connected to God in our own ways, it might feel bizarre not to have God in our wedding even if it’s just a few lines.
But I also know neither of us wants religion to overpower us. Cause we aren’t doing this marriage to be in front of God, not really, we’re doing it for each other. 
But my mum is a women of her word and she probably won’t come to this wedding if we don’t marry at a big Catholic Church. Which we LITERALLY CAN’T.
And I hate putting this stress on myself. Wedding planning wasn’t going to be stressful (for me anyways since i’m banned from planning cause apparently Im terrible at it). 
So if I were to cave, we’d have to come to some compromise about marrying in an unregistered church or a church that isn’t a part of Church of England or Catholic (so like Methodist, Anglican and a few more). 
And obviously it couldn’t be a civil marriage. 
But there’s just something about having to comprise AGAIN with my own mum just for her to come to my wedding that’s bothering me. 
It doesn’t feel like this is fair. Like I should have to build my plans around her. But I know i’ll regret it if she isn’t there. 
(And in case you’re wondering, my partners been very sweet about all of this and has already started making multiple, different plans and styles for if it’s inside or outside or in a church or in some other building. They find organising fun.) 
Hi hon!
So two years ago I (they/them, but at the time I was she/her) married my wife (she/her) and we dealt with some VERY opinionated family members. Like…my mom threw a fit bc she wanted to WEAR HER WEDDING DRESS TO MY WEDDING.
I can’t tell you what to do. But I can tell you that this day is about and your partner. My wife and I chose to prioritize our wants and needs on our day, and some people were pissed. Some people didn’t go. But in the end, the day was perfect, because it was about us. I have no regrets about prioritizing us because it was our day and (ideally) you only get married once. But I’m gonna guess the people who threw fits have regrets because they didn’t get to be involved.
Your day is about you, whether people like it or not. Don’t start your married life by compromising your relationship for others. you deserve to be surrounded by only people who support you wholeheartedly. If your mom wants a church wedding, tell her to have her own damn ceremony.
Naming you wedding anon
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Shin Maniac [Prologue]
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ー Shin enters the guest room at the Tsukinami manor
Shin: ...
( She’s...not around, it seems. )
( Not sure why I feel relievedーー )
I better report back to Nii-san asap... ーー Oi.
ー His Familiar appears
Shin: Make sure to update Nii-san on everything, okay?
Shin: ...Off they go.
( I mean, I can’t imagine Nii-san will accept such an outrageous offer. )
Haah...I’m kind of tired.
( I’ll lie down for a bit... )
Shin: ...
ー Shin dozes off
( I am shrouded...in darkness. )
( Am I dreaming? )
...Coff, coff, haah...Haah...!
What...is happening!? ...Coff, coff, coff...!
( Has Endzeit broke out...? )
Shin: ( It’s no use...I can’t...move... )
( Is this how I meet my end? )
( ーー I’m scared. )
( Only once in my whole life, did I feel ready to accept my demise. )
( When I was dragged out in front of Nii-san after being captured by the Vibora Clan...That was the only time. )
( However, back then I wasn’t particularly terrified or anything. )
( I have never...experienced fear like this before. )
ーー Immortals celebrate death as a blessing.
( That’s just an excuse. I doubt I’d be able to feel about it as such. )
I’m sure I’ll feel as if ーー There are still things left I want to do. 
( ...Yui. )
ーー I can’t leave her behind alone.
( Deep down...I want to be by her side forever, and watch over her. )
( If I have to die...I want to be put to rest next to her. )
Hah...To think I’ve come to think this way. 
( But, that just proves how special he is to meーー )
Yui: ーー Shin-kun!
Shin: ...!?
ー Shin opens his eyes
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Shin-kun...Are you alright!?
Shin: Ah...I’m fine...really.
Yui: I’m sorry, I headed out for a bit...So I didn’t notice right away.
Shin: Heeh, I seeーー 
*Sniff sniff*
Shin: ...You smell of Vampires.
Did you go to those Sakamaki’s place? 
Yui: Y-Yeah...There was something I wanted to know.
Yui: Thisーー I want you to read it as well.
Shin: What’s this old-looking book...?
Yui: I know it might be somewhat uncomfortable for the two of you but...
It’s a study which was found at Karlheinz-san’s pharmaceutical department.
There’s information on Endzeit written in there.
Shin: ...!! Don’t tell me, does it say how to cure it as wellーー!?
Yui: No, I’m sorry. It doesn’t go that far...
Shin: ...Why?
Yui: But it might be able to give us some clues which could lead to finding a cure...
In short, I hope it’ll be useful in one way or another...
Shin: ...
Yui: ...Shin-kun?
Shin: ーー Hey, are you aware...perhaps?
Yui: Eh...?
( Aware...? He’s talking about Carla-san, right? )
Yui: Yeah, I am...more of less aware of it.
Shin: ...I see.
Yui: ( Shin-kun...He looks kind of conflicted. )
( I wonder if I should have pretended not to have realized...? )
ー Shin embraces her
Yui: ...!
Shin: ーー The cat’s out of the bag, huh? Guess it can’t be helped.
I’m sorry things turned out like this. I...made you worry as well.
But I just can’t seem to get it out of my head...
When I think about what could happen in the future, I grow anxious.
Yui: ( Makes sense. The two of them have been together ever since they were children... )
( It only makes sense to become anxious when you imagine the loss of a family member. )
( I can’t blame him...for wanting to take out his frustrations on someone. )
...You don’t need to apologize.
Shin: I said a bunch of harsh stuff to you, didn’t I? ...That must have hurt.
Yui: It’s been forgiven.
Shin: ...You really are too good for this world, aren’t you?
Yui: ( All that mattered for me was that I realized he wasn’t speaking the truth when he claimed that it had been an act. )
Shin-kun...I love you, you know.
Shin: ...Thanks.
Shin: ...I’ve gotta report to Nii-san, so see you later, okay?
Yui: Sure...
ー Shin leaves the room
Shin: ...
( I want to treasure her. )
( But to do so...I have no other choice but to take my distance. )
( ーー Time to write a letter. )
ー The scene shifts to Carla’s room at Banmaden
Carla: ...I suppose this is plenty to leave behind.
Carla: I suppose I shall entrust this notebook to him as well...as a memento.
Coff...Coff, guh...Gahah...!
Carla: Is this it...for me? That was quicker...than expected...
ー Carla collapses right as the Familiar arrives
Carla: A Familiar...from...Shin...?
One second...Please...Right now, I’llーー 
ー The Familiar whines
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dreamsgazer · 2 years
Day 9 - Wrapping & ribbons
12 Days of Christmas | Masterlist    
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  “This was a fuckingly stupid idea!” Tangerine roars, slamming the scissors on the table and pressing his hand on his face.
Lemon knows it’s not the best time to tell him that in doing so he has covered his face in golden and pink glitter.
“You could have it wrapped at the store, you know” he says instead, peering at his brother with a smirk. Tangerine grumbles something about them not offering that service during peak times like Christmas and having no more paper bags to sell. Lemon shrugs tapping on the box his short-tempered Twin has tried to wrap into a colorful Christmas themed paper. The paper is ripped on one side. Some ribbons are precariously holding on it, half-tangled between themselves. It’s kind of a huge mess.
Lemon is sure she is going to love it anyway.
When he tells him as much, Tangerine scoffs, taking a cigarette from his pocket “Yeah, she is going to feel really fucking blessed when I’ll give her this crap.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Oh, piss off, Lemon!”
Lemon sighs “Really, why are you so worried? Isn’t the present that counts and all that shit?”
He is right, of course, and they both know that Tangerine’s partner will be delighted in receiving a rare edition of her favourite book.
“I just wanted to do something normal for her, for once. Ya know, something that all her friends have, stupid partners wrapping their gifts and shit.”
Lemon nods, as understanding as always, but he can’t avoid speaking his mind “She knows you two have a different situation. You gave her the chance to find someone less fucked up than you, but she has picked you.”
Tangerine is looking outside the open window, smoking, and apparently lost in thought, but his brother knows he’s listening and very carefully, so he goes on “She knows you love her, she loves you and all that romantic stuff you are so fond of under your bratty façade. So, stop pretending you are someone you are not just because you think you are going to lose her otherwise.”
He knows his words sting and that if someone else said that they would be dead in an instant, a bullet between their eyes.
From his Twin, though, Tangerine will always accept the truth, no matter how harsh and uncomfortable.
He smashes his cigarette in the ashtray “Let’s find a nice paper bag.”
“Right behind you, bro!”
That’s a cheer and a promise.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 103
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Gowasu.  That’s the joke.
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Last time, Android 17 eliminated two of Ribrianne’s team, so she wants payback.  Unfortunately, she can’t defeat the guy, and he finds her outrage ironic.  How is he supposed to be a villain when he’s fighting for his universe’s existence, the same as her? 
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Meanwhile, Rosie seems to have Goku cornered in... the Hellzone Grenade.  She’s just using the Hellzone Grenade.  Which is fine, it’s a good technique, and it’s impressive how she boxed in a guy like Goku, but we saw Piccolo do it in DBZ, and we just saw a jobber from Universe 11 do it recently.
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But 17 jumps in at the last instant and throws up a barrier to protect Goku.  This... this is literally how 17 foiled the original Hellzone Grenade in DBZ.  I mean, again, that’s not a bad thing.  It made sense then and it makes sense now, but... What was the point of introducing seventy new characters if they’re just gonna repeat old spots?
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Anyway, they split up again, and Goku seems to have Rosie scouted by now.  This time he surrounds her with ki energy and blows her up real good, but he manages to make it look different from the Hellzone Grenade, so bless that man.
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See what I mean?  I couldn’t follow it well, but I think the idea was that since Rosie can steer her ki blasts as she fires them, Goku got in really close to catch them before she could do anything fancy.  Then he positioned them around her, so it’s like a Hellzone Grenade, but in really close quarters. 
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17 and Goku seem to have the gals cornered, but then their teammate Jimmiz teleports in and teleports them to safety.  Goku and 17 part ways, since it’s not worth the risk of chasing them, and there’s plenty of other opponents to fight. 
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Goku happens across Piccolo and Gohan, and stops for a bit to watch Gohan take on Botamo.  I guess he and Auta Magetta got separated, but Botamo’s pretty dangerous by himself, since he’s impervious to strikes or blasts.  Goku only beat him by throwing him out of bounds in their last encounter, but the Tournament of Power stage is huge, so good luck dragging Botamo all the way to the edge without one of his teammates coming in to rescue him. 
Gohan starts throwing punches, which have no effect at all.  At first it seems like Gohan has no idea what Botamo’s all about, but Goku says he told him about Botamo before, so he’s not worried about Gohan.  Still, why would he was time on a useless strategy?
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The answer is that Gohan isn’t attacking Botamo at all.  He’s juggling the poor dope.  By angling his strikes, he can lift Botamo’s body up off the ground, and essentially suspend him a few inches off the ground.  Botamo can’t reach Gohan from that angle, and he can’t jump to safety because his feet can’t touch the ground.  I don’t know if Botamo can fly normally, but it’s not an option in this situation either way.  So he’s helpless to stop Gohan from knocking him out of the ring.
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Botamo does try to fire a parting shot on his way out, but Gohan sees it coming.  Everyone was worried that he might drop his guard, like we saw him do in his training sessions with Piccolo, but nope.  He’s on top of things.
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Goku’s like “Great job, son.  Welp, gotta go!”
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Then two more guys happen along and challenge Gohan and Piccolo to a fight. These are Obni and Rubalt, from the Universe 10 team.  Now you might be wondering, why would the U10 team be so aggressive, considering how many fighters they’ve lost already?  Well, it’s not that bad.  They still have one other teammate, Zircor...
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Oh, he just got taken out...
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Jimmiz strikes again. 
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So yeah, the U10 team is down to its last two members, and both of them have challenged A-Listers from U7.  Gowasu begins to despair, and suggests they all accept their impending nonexistence.
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But Obni still has a trick up his sleeve, as he stymies Gohan with a technique that allows him to project his ki and his appearance.  Gohan can’t tell where he is until the moment Obni strikes.
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And now Gowasu thinks they might have a chance after all.  Geez, this guy can’t make up his mind about anything!
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Meanwhile, Rubalt takes on Piccolo, and he’s doing pretty well.  None of Piccolo’s ki blasts can touch him.  Wait... that sounds familiar.
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Oh yeah, the Hellzone Grenade.  Bold of Dragon Ball Super to have Piccolo bust this move out after two other characters just used it in the same arc. 
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Piccolo tosses Rubalt out and Gowasu is uncertain how to feel about this.  Should he be worried?  Sad?  Frustrated?  If only he had a cup of tea to sip while contemplating this dilemma.  Sadly, Gowasu has not been able to drink tea, ever since the guy who makes all his tea flipped the fuck out and tried to destroy the multiverse.
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So it’s all down to Obni, except by this point Gohan’s figured out how to defeat him.  If he can’t locate Obni until the moment he strikes, then Gohan’s only chance is to let himself get hit, then counterattack before Obni can move away.   In other words, he just has to slug it out with the guy until one of them drops.  My money’s on the guy who got fought Frieza as a kid. 
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Eventually, Obni weakens to the point where he can’t even maintain his illusion technique, and then Gohan can put him away with ease. 
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And that’s it for Universe 10.  The Zenos erase them all without hesitation. Good riddance, I say. 
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Before he fell out, Obni dropped a locket which contains a photo of himself with his wife and kid.  That’s a cute baby, but the locket vanishes along with the rest of Universe 10, and soon enough, it’s gone. 
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Gohan is haunted by this moment, which kind of says it all about Universe 10.  Their biggest contribution to this thing was to someone else’s character arc.  Their team sucked, and that should come as no surprise, since Rumsshi recruited a bunch of jocks without a shred of tactical thinking between them.  And Gowasu’s only contribution to the team was to film them in their black bathrobes.  
I was thinking about it the other day, and it occurred to me that I sort of understand what Zamasu was going through.  Without realizing it, he had the same frustrations as Zeno, who has “long believed that there are too many universes”.  What’s the point of having twelve universes if so many of them are stagnant or hopelessly corrupt?  But from Zamasu’s perspective, he only really knows the one universe he lives in, and so he projected all its faults onto the mortals.  Why don’t the gods do something about the mortals?  Because Universe 10 is run by an ineffectual do-nothing, that’s why.  So it didn’t take long for Zamasu to conclude that mortals and gods need to be wiped out altogether, because he knew of no other possible solution to the problem.  The major flaw in Zamasu’s logic seems to be that he thought he was too arrogant to realize that he was part of the problem, and not the solution. 
Universe 10 was a sinking ship, and Zamasu could see the water pooling on the deck, and the captain won’t take action because wants to “see how this plays out”.  Is it any wonder he went mad and lashed out in his blind panic?
Anyway, Gowasu sucks, and now he’s gone, and the only solace I have is that the Universe 10 fighters were all named after chemical elements, which is the only mildly interesting thing about them.
This episode is probably best known for the poignant scene with the locket, so we should wrap this up with a really emotional song.  A tearjerker, and I think the band the Grand Minister hired knows just what to play.  That’s right--
“Let’s Put the ‘X’ in Sex?”  What the fuck?  Well, it’s got an “X” in it, and that’s like the Roman Numeral ten.  So it kind of works...?
I got nothing.  Jimmiz, teleport me out of here.
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calypso-finale · 1 year
Sixty Five. Part 3
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I have realised since having Emi that she is really just Robyn’ daughter, I just donated my sperm. I mean she looks like me but Emi is so close to Robyn, she is just her mother’s daughter and I think Robyn wanted that, she missed out on her daughters that she wanted a child, well a daughter to have that bond with but I think Emi is going to get the best of her, and it’s a shame because all the mistakes we are doing is what the three elder ones are getting, Emi is going to think life is a breeze, she really just loves her mom and I am not mad at that, I think it gives me space to spend time with the boys. The three younger kids are Robyn’ kids, it’s just weird to think that but it is, it’s like Robyn restarted motherhood because she couldn’t do it then, so she is doing it now and these kids are getting the best mother, they really are. They have best of both worlds, and we are both home, Imani was around for that, so she sees it and side eyes and walks off, but you know I think my daughters, they don’t appreciate it but we move on, I guess. I don’t forget but we move on. Today is Emi birthday and I have had about enough of Taylan being in my house, this was Robyn’ idea and I am sure she said it would have been just a day because they are tired, I feel disrespected at this point, some man in my house and I don’t like it but I am trying to keep peace, the old Chris would have thrown him out of the window but I have had enough, I don’t want it anymore “Robyn” I said “yes?” she is too busy for me now, it’s all about Emi and this party “yes poppa?” looking up from my phone “I want Taylan and Ti to stay in a hotel or stay with Rylee, I don’t know, I don’t care. I don’t want him in the house, walking around topless. No” I pulled a face “Chris” Robyn said “I said enough, don’t make me ask again Robyn, you said one night now he walking around topless, I have been kind Robyn, enough is enough. I don’t like it” I pointed, she can’t just Chris me and think I am going to accept it “so kick them out?” she questioned “are they broke? Tell her to grow up and ask her sister, my god. We didn’t have Rylee here with him, I don’t care. It’s my house and I do not want him in the house, are they married? No! So please, I don’t want to argue on Emi birthday, thank you” I smiled “fine, ok. I will talk to them but please, can it be tomorrow? I am so busy” nodding my head “thank you” I was about to snap there but I didn’t, I kept my composure. I think I have been doing so well with keeping my composure with these men in my kids life.
“my nigga!” Herb spat as he made his way over to me “out here looking like someone grandpa, you got the cookout shoes on” I laughed out, nearly choking on my blunt “shut the fuck up, and actually I am someone’s grandparent now, my little guy Aziel” Herb sat next to me “oh shit, yeah. I just thought he’s one of the Brown gang damn. I be forgetting you old as shit you know” I would hit him, but I am too relaxed for that “blunt before the party? That means it about to be lit as shit” I shrugged “I meditate in the morning, just silence, my blunt, the back yard, just happiness. Care free living my guy” he nodded his head “you ready for the party” nodding my head “it’s bittersweet, it’s the last one and she getting it all really, she is blessed if I was to be born I would be her because she got the gang” Herb agreed “whole gang man, she got it all. Little Emi first birthday, I posted actually, and you ignored it, it was when I held her when she came home. The delicate uncle I am” it just hit me when he held Raihan “like when you was about to drop Raihan?” he laughed “reminding people of their bad, man you are not nice. I just got nervous, he was moving around like he got ADHD” shaking my head “he was just born, ADHD just shut up” I can’t believe he is someone’s dad “the fuck is this dude? Titan?” looking at Herb “don’t even start me off bro, I just complained to Rih, like you know one day they said because they came and whatever. I was ok with it and then now we in deep and this guy walking around topless and Monica looking like Ti got a Greek god” I need to shut up, I am talking too much “Rih mom ain’t ever looked at you like that? You jealous bro?” side eyeing Herb “a little” we both laughed out together “man, you sat here like Monica ain’t ever tell me I am beautiful, I wouldn’t either, you just skinny, light skinned with freckles” punching his arm “this is like history repeating you know, it just hit me now” it’s literally just come to me “huh?” Herb said “Monica don’t think much of me, she tolerates me. Robyn tolerates Oakley, a little better then Monica but like Rorrey and Rajad partners she adores, and Robyn adores Taylan” Herb let out an oh “shit, you right bro” nodding my head “I am right, you said skinny, and light skinned, and it hit me, or this weed is hitting” looking at my blunt smiling.
It is nice to see Taina and Herb getting along, they are talking, it’s nice that majority of us do get along but I still think Majesty is shady because she hasn’t said sorry but who am I to start something off “little Emi party today, you excited” I am currently feeding her because Robyn has gone to check the venue or whatever “dad, do we have to go to a girls party?” Raihan asked “mhmm what do you impose we do? Since you don’t want to go to your sisters party huh?” Raihan smiled “exactly you sound dumb, I told you that you can be with Junior at Rylee house” Raihan is miserable, well missing his brother “mhmmm” he leaned on me “what is wrong with you?” looking at him “Junior thinks I am a joke, and he keeps texting me fat joke because I want to be a rapper” I laughed “fat joke? Tell him you’re just big boned” Raihan is not amused with me “son, don’t let him for one annoy you” Raihan is chubby, like it’s cute but he doesn’t like it but still eats “I am hungry” he grumbled “you want some of Emi’ food?” I asked “dad!” he laughed “dad can you tell Rylee to let Cenctral Cee talk to me” this child “talk to him Raihan, you don’t need permission” he is so silly “but like I want to be a rapper and I can rap dad and I can show him, can I be on stage with him, at his show” I pulled a face “ask him your damn self, you can do it. Rappers aren’t shy” he needs to learn, these kids really love Central Cee, it’s more their music and with him having the thing, that one night thing I know it’s going to be busy “alright Raihan, I will ask. Now let me feed her” he smiled at me, I really don’t think he is really wanting to be a rapper, he is bored.
Robyn’ theme is everyone wears light colours, so we wearing white, both of us and Emi but nobody else can wear white but it has to be light colours, she literally said people will be escorted out which to me is funny, she is so dramatic “Aziel look so cute” turning my phone to Robyn “he looks so smart, I love that lime green cardigan, I wonder how long it will last until he ruins his clothes” Robyn has a point “I hope not, he looks so handsome, oh and she posted them” sliding across and showing Robyn “she really got that boy wearing something other then sweatpants and tees” turning the phone “don’t they look good, oh Rylee really put thought in that, I like they she stuck with the lime green theme too, I thought she would have worn white, I won’t lie. I love that picture of them” Robyn complimented, liking the picture. I am laughing, she really got him in a lime green shirt, it’s Gucci but still, everyone knows he doesn’t do anything but himself. Adding a comment ‘Blink twice if you are being held hostage @CentralCee when has this guy ever worn a shirt with added colour?’ he will be teased to the very end, I do not care “I love that everyone is wearing everything but white” looking over at Ti and Taylan “see, that is nice. It’s like an Ivory colour?” I said, “yeah it is, we was looking and staring at it, I said if this hits white we are out” I like that “I like the shade, it’s nice you know” I complimented “thank you” Ti said, “what a beautiful couple” Monica said, “Taylan is punching really, my daughter is the beautiful one” Ti pulled a face “stop it dad” she blushed “I am serious, he is lucky to have you, always” I smiled lightly.
I always find that walk inside awkward, like just everyone staring at us with Emi, but this party is big like she got that Gracie Corner person here “who is that?” I pointed, Emi is in her own world talking “I think she is shocked; she is so used to seeing you on YouTube, and I was like I need to have them here. So thank you for doing this”  Robyn said “oh it’s our pleasure, when we got the call I said we would do it for free” I chuckled “that is nice, thank you bro” shaking the dad hand, seeing Rorrey is here “I will catch up with you after but Emi, she is happy seeing this, I think this is the main part for her” making my way over to Rorrey “don’t speak about it” dapping “I thought you wasn’t coming here, flights being delayed” he huffed out “I ain’t slept, like I wish I went on the Jet now, I said it to Nadia and she laughed. I am so mad” he shook his head “you better hide though, white? Robyn about to kick you out” Rorrey groaned out “I am saying she needs to be happy I am here, but this is a nice set up, it’s amazing. I think it’s the fanciest party I have been too for a child” Rorrey pointed, and I looked behind me “Aziel looks very handsome” he said “right, I said the same. Look how he is stood there innocent, that child isn’t but yeah, I said to Robyn. Us adults need to turn up so these kids need to go” Rorrey laughed out “I want Popcaan on that stage by the end of the night” he pointed at the stage, he is right though but I know Robyn, we always turn up after the party is done for the kids, I can’t wait to have a little bump and grind after.
I think Okaley has had enough of me and Herb “you know what I was thinking, he look a little Latin too, who put the curls in your hair son?” Herb asked, “my daughter?” I said smiling “maybe, like I do this anyways, but she enhanced it” I laughed “enhanced it, nah you good. Just difference to see you dressed like you belong somewhere and not on the streets” Oakley is just side eying us “enhanced it, you two are annoying” he pointed, I think he is right when me and Herb are together we are annoying “you good though” Herb nudged him “you wanted to kill me? I ain’t forget that” I cleared my throat “I wanted to kill you too, I still do” I smiled at him “alright look that is my niece, I was having to do the uncle thing, but I know you cool if Chris likes you and Chris isn’t a guy to like everyone, what you like about him?” Herb looked at him “good question” I laughed “I think he reminds me of me, but he is a calmer guy then me, but I think he has that same mentality as me and I feel his life and dynamics is like me” it’s true “impressive, what about me?” Herb asked, “you’re there for my entertainment, so I can smile” Herb is stupid every time “yeah he is funny” Oakley agreed “see, I don’t make the rules. But you a good guy, you just need to relax on some shit and we good” he touched his stomach “like this gut man, I need to get rid of it. Taina then can you know, get back with me” he rubbed his stomach like a pregnant lady “sure” I pulled a face “you want to see my ex, Cench. This is my ex” Herb pointed her out “and you played that?” even he agrees “nigga!?” Herb spat “I know what I done; I got it. I know I have” shaking my head “he is an idiot; she is too classy but this idiot” placing my arm around him.
I am making my rounds, I am meeting and greeting everyone, besides Momo. I tried to not see her much, but she is here before the cake candle blowing. She is here with Taylan, the Barbados family really love him “you have been busy” Monica said “I am sorry, I have to greet everyone” I apologised “your mother in law, you see this. Everyone but his mother in law but I don’t blame you. The guests needed that” nodding my head “yeah of course, you enjoying yourself?” looking at Ti “it’s very mom” Ti said which made me laugh “bougie and big, it’s a big price tag for Emi, the party could have rehoused a few people” I sighed out “she is doing it because it’s her last” Ti is right “I know, it’s cute through. Emi is loving Gracie; I am sick of hearing it but to see her happy it’s alright. I will take that” I usually put it on YouTube and run out of the room because I am sick of hearing it “did you want this many kids?” Taylan asked, I had to laugh “erm” I paused “I need to word this without sounding rude but, I couldn’t stop. My wife is beautiful, she is the most amazing woman and things happen, a lot of times” Monica hit my shoulder “he is a pest, he wouldn’t leave my poor daughter alone” I sniggered “but yeah” rubbing my chin “Chris!” Robyn shouted me “duty calls now” walking off, I think I have been so good today. I have spoken and spent time with everyone, I am just waiting on the second part of the party. The drinks will be set out, and weed out for the masses, I need that right now, but we will act like this for the kids. I don’t even think we can smoke weed in here, I think Robyn did a section outside, but the booze will be flowing better by then, no sneaky drinks on the low, which sucks for me.
Raihan punched my leg stood with Emi “excuse me little nigga?” I looked down at him “you not do it” he said to me “oh yeah, let this be over first” he huffed out “Ti, Rylee” Robyn waved them over, they stood there like they didn’t come out of her vagina, them girls of mine “bring Aziel with you!” Robyn said, she is leaving her son, I sighed out “we can literally take a family picture while we are here” shuffling down a little “my dress” Imani spat “oh my bad, there is too many dresses around” I don’t know here to go “dad” Rylee said, looking over at her “you can hold your son” I said, she is passing off her child “I really like his outfit, I can’t lie. I get why Dior wanted him and not you” Rylee gasped “you are so mean! Oh my god!” I sniggered “ok, can you all just look at me” Dennis spat “I am joking” nudging her “mom said no boyfriends in this picture” I chuckled “rightly so, they ugly as shit too” smiling as Dennis took the picture “actually! Dennis. Boys come here” taking Aziel “take a picture of my wife and the girls. I think that will be perfect” Robyn looked at me “oh god, it makes me feel so old with my daughters” she huffed out “you are old” moving back, I think it’s the sweetest thing “Chris, you’re right. Look how sweet the picture is” Monica complimented, Ti and Rylee not wanting to kill each other is sweet, I like that they can just be cordial “beautiful picture” Dennis said “can I take one with my eldest three” Robyn looked at me, making my way over to her to take Emi from her “I got arm strength, don’t I Aziel” he isn’t letting me go, I think it’s just a weird gap in ages, I feel for the boys sometimes. Emi is has the worst one, Robyn got emotional “Aziel, why are you touching my daughter’ hair?” I asked him, he isn’t pulling it he is stroking her like a dog “stop it” looking back at Robyn “sorry, I am sorry!” she laughed “just yeah, don’t mind me. Wow” Robyn is really crying “you know I do love you girls, ok. Enough” everyone cooed out, I think it’s sweet and I know the pictures are going to be sweet.
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I want to reuse this cardigan, so I folded this up before he does anything nasty to it, it really complimented Aziel a lot and he has had so many compliments. Looking over at Aziel, he is good at harassing my sister a lot, she is trying to not fall while walking and he is there to make sure she does fall, smiling at him. He is very caring to other kids, but I think he doesn’t get that he is too much with the touching, Emi fell down which I knew she would because his big self just there. Getting up from the chair, picking her up onto her feet “mommy look” Aziel showed me his chain “I know, dad got you that” picking her up, pulling her dress down “Aziel, leave her alone” moving him away, Emi held onto my hand. She is so happy, her little face just storming around. She looked at me smiling, I don’t know why but it just hit me that she reminds me of Imani, when she was a baby. Smiling at her, I felt emotion hit me “I am here!” Amerie came “I needed the bathroom” I laughed “it’s ok, Aziel kept her company and dropped her a few times, Amerie picked her up “of course he did, were you being a babysitter?” Amerie asked him, Aziel got all shy “hey, don’t be shy with my second mother now” I laughed “oh you know what, I was thinking when I went to sleep last night. How much I miss you girls at home, you all bought the drama” I laughed “we did” I mumbled “I remember when Ti said Rylee has gone out with North that night, I said she hasn’t because it’s night and there is cameras. I woke up next day and I nearly fainted, you gave me heart pains Rylee” I chuckled “erm, sorry. Well I wanted to be with North then”  I was bad “Ti and you both just making sure you both snitched on each other, you sisters were just something” I cringed, we weren’t good really and never will be.
Pressing a kiss to the top of Raihan’ head “Rylee, nobody takes me seriously, and dad is not asking but can I come to Cench concert? I really want to go, and he can help me be a rapper” I chuckled “you serious about this?” he groaned out “I am! Can I go? Will he have me there” I cooed out “of course he will” that reminds me where is Oakley, I haven’t see him in a while actually “Raihan, do me a favour. Find him for me, please” Raihan jumped off the seat “I will” he really means it, I will take him of course if mom and dad say yes, he got to have permission first. Grabbing my phone and looking at the group chat, I sent them the picture of us together with my mom, I love the picture. Smiling at them complimenting it ‘Auntie spat you out! We know why you’re her fave’ Lillian said in the chat ‘sometimes!’ I replied, my mom sometimes wants to beat my ass, they on crack “Rylee!” looking up from my phone, my ears perked up, I can hear my son’s cry in any setting “I found him and it’s not good” dropping my phone and getting up, I just felt it in my heart something wasn’t right. Looking around and the music is slowly being drowned out, people starting to stop talking. Hearing Aziel crying, pushing by “calm!” I heard Herb shout, I picked up my speed pushing by everyone “he’s sensitive, come on now” Taylan said, seeing Aziel on the floor crying. Picking him up “just calm down the both of you” what is even happening here, looking at Taylan again and he got a busted lip and then seeing Oakley “get off me, I ain’t going to do anything” Herb has him held “get off him uncle, it’s ok. Oakley, what happened” I can’t even hear a thing with Aziel crying “your nose” I said, “I just don’t want them to fight” Herb said “it’s ok I got it, Oakley come with me” looking at Taylan, I knew he would have done some shit, I am blaming him, and I don’t care.
Aziel won’t let me put him down now, Oakley is holding his side “what happened, are you in pain? Speak to me” he shook his head “what happened to your side” he is in pain “he sucker punched me” he mumbled “Aziel, please. It’s ok, stop crying in my ear” crouching down “what happened, tell me?” I asked him “he started talking to me, and I don’t mind it. Aziel was with me, and he started saying erm” he cringed “I need painkillers I can’t lie erm, he said that I like young girls, he said lucky Aziel is a boy, he called me a groomer and that I popped your cherry, he said these things and I got mad. I threw the first punch” I just froze, he won’t know any of that shit. That bitch Ti told “you stay here, I am coming back, and we are going, just don’t move” I said, I am so angry that now I am going to cry “Aziel, I am going to need you to stop crying” I am so angry at her and him, they have no right, and she should have known better to not say a thing when that was a secret. Seeing Ti being all concerned of Taylan so is Momo, of course she is. My mom and dad have just come all confused “he hit me” Taylan said “no he fucking didn’t, nobody attacks anyone over anything” who is he kidding “your man hit mine Rylee, he has no fucking right” I know she isn’t speaking to me “you and I are fucking done, you thought we was done before but this is over. Dead, done. I don’t want to know anything in regards to you, I don’t care. What you told this motherfucker was a secret between us, I have fallen out with North and not even she told anyone! And she is always fucking high and has a big mouth, you had no right! This was a secret between us” I shouted “I did nothing” she defended “you might as well say it, as long as you blacken my name, I am the disappointment anyways Ti so say it. Go on! Fucking say it bitch! You had no right, I get it you didn’t like him or even me, and you want Oakley dead, but I don’t like Taylan, and never will but I don’t say I want him dead; you know what you are fucking done, and no dad! Fuck it, I am done. You couldn’t keep one thing to yourself, how could you” Ti is quiet and for what “he attacked my man” she mumbled “and that’s all you care about, ok” smiling at her “and you know what, I don’t care anymore. I won’t have some bastard like him thinking he got one over us, I slept with Oakley at seventeen, there. Now fuck you, I slept with him! I wanted to have sex with him but did this bitch say that!? No, sorry dad but your precious cunt there couldn’t keep a sister secret, ok Aziel!” I spat; I am over it all.
I wish Aziel let me just gather my stuff “we are going, can you get up?” I asked Oakley, he got up which is good “don’t go” Mel said, she came out of nowhere “no, we are going” I said “yeah well I won’t have everyone hating him, I can’t stay here. I am not going to stay here with someone like that, I am not upset. My life isn’t here anyways, it’s just another rollercoaster of hate drawn out because she couldn’t keep a secret” I said to Mel “I have secrets from your mom that I would hold to the grave, one of those. Well, we all do things” she said “he is not a groomer, he didn’t look for me. I won’t have people saying that to him, he isn’t that” my voice broke “leave us, thank you auntie” I said to her “I love you niece” I nodded my head, walking off with Oakley “I want to go” Oakley is rushing out now, not even allowed me to get my stuff so I just ran behind him “you going?” Noella said but I didn’t answer, clearly she missed it all so it’s fine “you got the car key?” I asked him, I don’t have it “I got it” he mumbled, I am sure he said he was in pain.
Placing Aziel on the couch, he fell asleep as soon as he got in the car seat “I have left my phone there, I don’t have it on me” I said out loud, I left half of my stuff there. Will I ever get that back now, I don’t even know. Turning around, and Oakley is just there staring off “Oakley?” I said “it’s over, I am done out here” he said “fuck” he paced away “everything is over, I will be done out here” my heart dropped “I am sorry” I mumbled, he fell forward holding onto the side of the couch “I am done out there Rylee” he looked at me “this is it” he stared at me and then a sob left his lips “everything in life has consequences, oh my god” he placed his hands over his face, I feel so bad “I am so sorry” I don’t even know if he wants me to touch him “I wish I wasn’t so selfish, I am sorry” wiping my tears that fell “I don’t know what to do” he walked by me, I have fucked up his life, his career and really I am to blame because I pushed for everything “I am so sorry” he walked off and went upstairs, my selfish ways would one way or another catch up with me and I feel so bad, I ruined his career, I sobbed out.
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tarydarrington · 3 years
Veth doesn’t know who she’d expected to be waiting on the other side of the knock at the door, but if she’d had to guess, Essek Thelyss wringing his hands like a worried grandmother would have been near the bottom of her list.
“Oh,” she says. “Hi?”
He bobs his head, almost more a quick bow than a nod, tenting his fingers in front of his chest. “Good afternoon,” he says, with the distinct cadence of someone who has repeated the words to himself in the mirror all morning. “I hope you are well?”
“I’m all right,” Veth answers haltingly.
The two of them stand there for a moment, awkward silence hanging between them. Then, finally, Essek gives her a nervous smile.
“I do not wish to impose, but, ah…” He gestures past her. “May I enter?”
“Yeah. Sure.” She steps aside, and Essek gives her a grateful nod before walking - walking? - past her into the living room. “Take a seat, if you like.”
He takes the invitation, perching gingerly onto the very edge of the armchair they keep for their larger-sized guests. Veth follows him in, shutting the door behind her and wondering if this isn’t all a very strange dream. Essek barely meets her gaze as she circles around to stand before him. She leans forward, narrowing her eyes.
"What is this? Why are you being weird? Did something happen? Did Caleb die?"
"No!" Essek reins in his volume, pressing his palms together in apology. "No, certainly not. It is simply…"
Veth raises her eyebrows to prompt him.
"Well, I, ah…" His fingers draw little circles in the air, as though he can pull the words out like a spell. "I have read that it is custom in the Empire to request the blessing of a guardian if one wishes to…" The pained look on his face stretches even further. "Court."
Veth blinks at him. He’s serious. He has to be. That face, all pinched up towards the middle, reminds her of the way the neighbor boy looked when he admitted to breaking her dining room window. It looks absolutely absurd on the former Shadowhand.
"Well, I'm sure he would be flattered, but even with the slower aging, Luc's a little young for you."
She can practically see the joke fly over his head. "No," Essek blurts hurriedly, eyes blown wide with mortification. Veth might have laughed if she didn't feel a bit guilty. "No, I…" He brings one hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, eyes squeezing shut, and she suspects he's rooted out the sarcasm.
"If you're talking about Caleb," she says as a peace offering, "I'm certainly not his mother."
"No." Essek presses his palms together again, this time in his lap. "I have considered ways to make a meaningful gesture regarding his parents, but…"
He shakes his head. Veth can fill in the blanks. She wouldn't want the beginning of a new relationship to be tangled up in past trauma, either.
"So," he continues. "I had thought, perhaps, that as his closest friend, you might be a suitable alternative."
Well, that’s… She isn’t sure if it’s flattering, exactly, but she’ll accept the show of respect. She takes a moment to scrutinize him as he watches her apprehensively. Essek and Caleb. Caleb and Essek. It makes a certain kind of sense. Once, years ago, she might have railed against it; despite his growth, it’s still difficult sometimes to look at Essek and see anything other than her husband’s former jailer.
But lately, these last few years, Veth has been at home. She’s been with her family, the most important people in the world to her, and Caleb… well, he’s been off on his own adventures. And without Veth there to look after him, it’s been on Essek’s shoulders to make sure he comes back from said adventures alive and whole. Which he has, so far, without fail.
And that look Essek is giving her, as though if she says no, it might actually dissuade him?
"First of all," she begins with a sigh, "you’re not at court. You’re not courting. You're dating."
At the look of confusion on Essek's face, she takes a deep breath.
"You'll take him to have a meal together, or to see a play, or to watch a lecture. Don't do the lecture thing, that's a bad idea. That would be a terrible date." She pauses. "Although, with you two, maybe."
She can tell from the look on his face that she's losing him, so she waves her hands. "Nevermind that. Disregard all of that. The point is, you'll take him to nice places and do enjoyable things together."
Essek shifts uncomfortably. “I… don’t know if I can do that,” he admits. “I cannot be seen outside of the confines of his home or areas outside of the Empire.”
Veth frowns. “Well, you’re going to have to take him somewhere. You have disguises, right?”
Essek seems to consider it. “I do,” he says. “I suppose it would be worth a small risk, from time to time.”
“You’re darn right,” Veth agrees. “And don’t skimp, either. Caleb deserves the best.”
Essek nods entirely too seriously, as though he’s filing all this away in his mind. Veth makes a mental note to pester him with a progress report in about six months’ time.
Not one too rigorous, though. It’s hard to imagine prodding at him for entertainment’s sake when he looks so pathetic.
“Is there anything else?” he asks tentatively, when the silence persists.
“Well, let’s see.” She runs a finger over her chin, theatrically deep in thought. She already knows her answer. “Do you care for him?”
“Of course.” The sincerity on his face almost makes her feel bad about this. “More deeply than I have ever cared for anyone.”
She shouldn’t ask. It’s probably not something he’s discussed with Caleb himself, yet, if they’re only just now getting together. It would be prying, even for her. “Do you love him?” she asks, anyway.
A little, lost smile turns up one corner of Essek’s lips, and it’s almost a whisper when he replies, “How could I not?”
A pang of something that has never quite left Veth’s heart smarts for the first time in years, and she looks away with a matching smile.
When she and Caleb had been traveling with the others, people tended to hem and haw when she brought up how amazing Caleb was. They thought he was talented, sure, but it sometimes felt like none of the others could see the unquenchable light in him. But looking at Essek’s face, at the way his eyes are shining, Veth can’t help but think that maybe, finally, somebody gets it.
"Alright." She reaches out, and before he can flinch away, pats his hand. "You've convinced me. You have earned my permission to have regular sex with my adult, human son."
“I…” His brow furrows. “Truly?”
“Yeah, go nuts.” She waves a hand dismissively. “Caleb’s a grown adult. He can make his own choices, and if he’s choosing you, then good for both of you.”
Essek blinks at her like she’s just handed him a full pardon from the Bright Queen.
“I mean, obviously, if you hurt him, you will have all of us to answer to,” she says. “But you’re the guilt guy, so I think you’ll probably have yourself to answer to, first.”
"I…" He clasps his hands together. "I expected more… what is the word? Pushback.”
Veth braces her hands on her hips. “You know what? Fjord and Jester didn’t even tell me they were dating until I literally saw them kissing, and Beau and Yasha were barely better.” She jabs a finger towards Essek’s chest, ignoring the way he startles at the movement. “So you have just made it to the top of the Winter’s Crest card list.”
Essek presses his steepled fingers against his mouth, but not before Veth catches the bashful smile spreading there.
“Thank you,” he says. “Truly, I… This means a great deal.”
“Heck yeah, my blessing’s worth a lot,” she replies with a grin. “You know what? Tell Fjord that. He doesn’t have my blessing. I’m gonna make him work for it.”
This time the joke doesn’t pass him by, and she can read in his small smile that he’s grateful for the show of familiarity.
“I should hope he will rise to the occasion,” he says, and Veth gets the feeling he isn’t just talking about Fjord.
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atlabeth · 3 years
everything happens for a reason part one - zuko x fem!reader
I am not your concern 
masterlist | part 2 
summary: as a servant in the fire nation, you’ve learned that life is often unfair. but as you venture through a tumultuous relationship with a certain prince, you come to learn a very tricky lesson: everything happens for a reason.
a/n: im so excited about this guys you dont even know. i have so much planned and i hope you all love it as much as i do - just for reference, in this first chapter y/n is 9 and zuko is 10
wc: 2.3k
warning(s): mentions of a raid, reader and zuko both being little shits lmao
chapter title comes from not your concern by the hush sound! 
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Y/N sprawled out on the grass and sighed contentedly as the sun shined down on her and her mother. Today was easier than most as they had been given the day off, an occasion that was rare in the royal palace. She closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh scent aerating their surroundings. Her senses were blessed with a mix of sea salt and fire lilies, an ever present reminder of the two worlds she walked in.
“Y/N,” her mother chided as she glanced down at her daughter from her sewing. “You shouldn’t lay in the grass like that. You know how hard those stains are to get out; I don’t need even more work on my plate.”
“Yes, mother,” she sighed as she sat up with mock exasperation. “I just feel like I should take advantage of this! We spend all day inside, and now that we’re out here you’re worried about things like stained clothes.” Y/N pushed herself to her feet and spread her arms out as she spun in a small circle. “Life is short, and I already spend all of it sewing and healing. Don’t you think I deserve some grass stains?”
“Did you find your way into the poetry books again?” she joked. “Of course I think you should have fun, but you know how things are here. I’m just trying to keep you safe.”
She continued to twirl, the soft breeze a welcome sensation on her skin. “I know, I know, but you don’t need to worry! I can—”
“Dear, watch where you’re going!”
Her mother’s warning didn’t reach her in time, a fact that became known to Y/N as she collided into the boy in front of her. A small gasp escaped her as recognition filled her now wide eyes.
“Prince Zuko!” she exclaimed, nervous hands finding their positions as she bowed. “Please forgive me for the accident, I didn’t realize you were there.”
Y/N had never spoken to the young prince directly — she mainly shadowed her mother while she did her work around the palace or honed her healing abilities under the watchful eye of Rika, their most skilled healer — but she knew enough to understand that she was to never disrespect the royal family in any way.
“Don’t worry,” he said with a small smile, alleviating the tension that had built up in her shoulders. “I’m sorry too, I wasn’t paying attention either. I actually came here for some help.” As she straightened her back, she noticed the bundle of fabric he was holding. “Are you Kura?”
“Oh, no. That’s my mother.” She pointed behind her where her mother greeted the prince with a respectful nod and smile of her own. “Did you come to get something fixed? She’s the best seamstress in all of the Four Nations.”
“My daughter flatters me,” Kura chucked. “What is it that you require, Prince Zuko?”
“She’s right, actually.” He held up the bundle of cloth which Y/N now recognized as one of the many outfits he owned. She didn’t consider herself a jealous person, but the prince’s extensive wardrobe was an exception to that rule. She had one set uniform for her work supplied by the Fire Nation, and a threadbare set for everything else that her mother had bought for her after saving up what little copper they had to spare. Y/N didn’t mind it too much as she was able to practice her sewing whenever the seams broke, but she was sure that her handiwork made up more of the outfit than the original by now.
“I tore one of the sleeves while I was training with Azula,” Zuko expressed with a frown. “I showed it to my mother, and she said that Kura would be able to fix it. I had to go through every single servant to find you, so I really hope you can. ”
Kura set her current project down and took the cloth from the prince, examining it with the skillful eye of a seamstress before meeting his eyes with another smile. “Of course, dear. I should have it ready for you by tomorrow; my daughter will deliver it to your quarters around midday.”
“Do it well,” he demanded. “I can’t focus on my training if my clothes are falling apart.”
“Hey!” she spoke up, scowling as she crossed her arms. It was like every shred of sense Y/N had disappeared the moment he talked down to her mother. “This is our day off, so you should be thankful that my mother is taking time out of her day to do this for you. Be nicer to her.”
“Y/N!” her mother scolded, her tone frantically apologetic as she turned back to the prince. “Please, forgive my daughter. She speaks her mind far too often, she doesn’t mean any disrespect.”
“No, you’re right.” A thoughtful expression found its way onto the young boy’s features, his eyes trained on her own displeasure. “My father always talks that way to the servants and I guess it came off on me. I’m sorry. It’s not nice.”
“Apology accepted,” Y/N said reluctantly.
“Thank you for your help. I’ll make sure to tell all my friends about your work.” The young prince smiled and walked off, though not without a curious second glance at the girl who righted his wrong.
As soon as the prince was out of range, Kura began to berate her daughter. “Y/N, by now you have to understand that under no circumstances may you ever speak to a member of the royal family like that! Do you know what kind of punishment you could’ve gotten if anyone else was around to hear that?”
She sighed and settled back on the ground, plucking a blade of grass from the ground. “I know, mother, but he needs to learn manners, prince or not!”
“That’s not how it works here. Our job is to serve the royal family without question. Sometimes they say mean things, but we can’t do anything about it. Apologies are not yours to demand or accept.”
“That’s not fair,” she mumbled as she wrapped the strand of grass around her finger. “Back home I could say whatever I wanted.”
“I know, honey, I know. But we’re not at home anymore, so the rules there don’t apply. We have to follow the rules that are put in place here. Can you promise that you’ll do that for me?”
“Yes, mother.” It was a phrase that seemed to always be at the tip of her tongue now that constant apologies were littered throughout her days, usually accompanied by a sigh.
“I miss home,” The murmured sentiment was almost too soft for Kura to hear and her heart sank. Her daughter’s gaze was trained on the ground, idle fingers tapping against her legs, and she put a momentary pause to her sewing with a sigh.
“Dear, don’t you have a healing session today with Rika?”
“You know I don’t,” she grumbled. “It’s my day off, which no one seems to remember.”
“Y/N.” Kura’s voice was more firm and she now understood that it wasn’t so much a suggestion as a demand. “I think you should pay Rika a visit.”
She heaved an exasperated sigh and stood up in a far more exaggerated gesture than necessary. “Alright. I’ll see you later tonight, mother.” And as Y/N began her walk back to the palace, a sour feeling brewed in her chest.
Kura watched on, unable to prevent the fear that permeated her thoughts. They were fortunate that the young prince was generous, but along with his mother they might’ve been the only two who shared those views in the royal family. She hated having to constantly admonish her daughter — the girl was too young to constantly live in fear, especially having already been through so much — but in the Fire Nation they couldn’t afford to do anything less. A spitfire girl like her daughter was constantly treading on thin ice, and it was all she could do to keep her safe.
Kura feared the day when she wasn’t there to protect her.
After a short walk that consisted of muttering things to herself and taking her anger out on the pebbles unfortunate enough to be in her path, Y/N found herself back at the palace. She let herself into a side entrance meant only for servants and set on her way to the infirmary when she collided with someone else — an apology was already on the tip of her tongue when she recognized it was Prince Zuko once more. She truly had rotten luck.
Y/N shot quick glances around to ensure that they were alone, then lowered her voice just for extra security. “My mom says I’m not supposed to talk to you like this, but I don’t care. Just because you’re the prince doesn’t mean you can just go around bumping into people!” she whispered angrily.
“But— you were the one who bumped into me the first time!”
She could feel her face heat up from embarrassment and she crossed her arms. “Just— whatever! Do you want something or do you just like popping up in places you're not supposed to be?”
“I guess I just wanted to talk to you,” Zuko shrugged. “I’ve never really seen you around before, and you’re interesting.”
Y/N scrutinized him trying to find out if he was tricking her somehow, but after staring at him for a solid ten seconds she finally caved. “Fine,” she said, already beginning to walk. “But you’d better make it fast. I have to get to a healing session.”
He took a few quick steps to catch up to her and frowned. “I’m the prince. Technically I could order you to stop and you would have to listen.”
“Yeah, well when it’s just the two of us, you’re just another boy. I don’t have time to talk to boys for hours.”
His brows creased for a moment as he thought about it, then ultimately shrugged once more. “Okay. You said you were going to a healing session- does that mean you’re a waterbender?”
She nodded, and Zuko waited for her to explain further. He heaved a sigh, realizing that he was going to have to carry this conversation. “Well.. what’s a waterbender doing in the Fire Nation?”
She fixed him with a puzzled look. “I’m a servant. That’s why I’m here.”
“I know that,” he frowned. “But most of the servants here are from the Fire Nation, and there are hardly any around your age. I’m just trying to get to know you better.”
Y/N sighed heavily — she now knew that the child prince of the Fire Nation had zero sense of boundaries, and if she wanted to get him off her back she had to answer to his satisfaction. “My mother is a waterbender from the Northern Tribe. She left home when she was young to travel the world and help who she could with her healing, and eventually she fell in love with an earthbender. That was my father — they ended up marrying and settling down in his village where they had me a few years later. Last month, my village was raided by the Fire Nation, and my mother and I were captured after they discovered we were waterbenders. And now I’m here, being annoyed by a prince.”
Zuko frowned once more — it seemed if he continued hanging out with this girl the expression would be stuck permanently on his face — and he suddenly felt ashamed for pushing. “I’m really sorry,” he muttered. “I had no idea.”
She heaved another sigh and shook her head. “Yeah, well they probably keep a lot of the bad things they do from you. It’s easier to send raids to destroy families when your children don’t know.”
“What happened to your father?” he questioned.
Y/N’s body stiffened, and she had never been more thankful to see the infirmary door. “Save your questions for next time,” she grumbled.
Zuko’s eyes lit up, her earlier stumble going unnoticed, and a small smile found its way across his lips. “There’s gonna be a next time?”
She managed to cover up her own growing smile with an ambivalent shrug. “As long as you don’t bump into me again.” Y/N opened the door and gave him a polite parting nod before disappearing inside.
“Good afternoon, Master Rika,” she said with a small bow. “I know this is unexpected, but my mother insisted that I come here to—”
“Let me guess,” the older woman interrupted with a raised brow. “Kura got tired of you and sent you here to annoy me instead?”
Y/N chuckled and rolled her eyes good-naturedly as she pushed the sleeves of her tunic up to her elbows. “When have I ever annoyed you?”
“That’s a question you don’t want me to answer,” she joked as she rummaged through the closet to get supplies. “Besides, what was that smile for? Meet a boy on your day off? A girl?”
Her eyes widened momentarily and she felt the heat rush to her cheeks intensely. “I don’t ask you about your life while we heal, you shouldn’t ask about mine!”
Zuko, who had been eavesdropping by the door in an extremely un-covert fashion, felt an even bigger smile. The girl was prickly as a cactus, but he found himself strangely drawn to her — not in spite of it, but because of it. He was so used to anyone he talked to outside of his immediate family and friends bending at the knee to fulfill his every will, and it was exhausting at times. But this girl — Y/N, as he had learned — was the complete opposite.
He started to walk away, sure that he was late for some kind of session of his own. Zuko found himself thinking of the glimpse of a smile he got, already finding himself scheming up ways to make it return.
And despite her request, he was almost certain he would try to bump into her again.
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Sing to me: JJK x Reader 🔞
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Mermaid AU, Siren!Jungkook, Prince!Jungkook, homeless!Reader, Romance,  Smut duh
Wordcount: 5k (medium)
Tags/Warnings: okay so, spoiled kook, possessive kook, Theres literally an attempted murder lol, drowning? whoops, blood oh no, reader is hella fucking dense ok, biting, courting lol, fish boy is in love, whoops, anyways we got sexy times too, because in this AU fishboy got legs n all of that hah, unprotected sex because, guys pls this ain't supposed to he realistic, wrap it before you tap it folks, its also not all that filthy lol, blink and you'll miss the scene, honestly I didn't include much smut because yall nasty so you will ask for dirty drabbles anyways, not that I mind lol, k I'm done I think, wow mom I've sinned less than usual..
Summary: Help me love myself, and I might learn to love you as well.
Or alternatively: you save Jungkook from being killed, and he totally gets the wrong signals. But he's cute, so its fine. Probably.
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Jungkook is floating.
He thinks about what lies above the waves, and cant think of anything he really finds interesting. The surface is littered in junk, in things humans leave behind without thinking twice about it. It's air is thick and stuffy, hard to breathe and never clear at all. It's crowded, with creatures who at the end of the day all look the same in his eyes. There's nothing exciting about the world people walk on.
Its boring, and dirty.
His own home is, compared to that, a kingdom radiating like the moon itself. It shines and sparkles, and harbors some of the most beautiful creatures ever to be found. He and his family, as well as everyone else, live in peace with nature down underneath the waves, existing side by side instead of trying to gain the upper hand all the time.
And he's reminded of the cruelty of man, when he finds himself caught in a net.
He's somehow made the fishermen drop it instead of pulling him up on their boat. But that doesn't mean he's free- he's still struggling with it, fighting it, but he cant rip it apart. All he does really, is tie the knots tighter, have them dig into his skin until spots are rubbed raw. He can't really swim anywhere at this point, gives up as he can see the last lights of his distant home fade into the distance.
Jungkook is floating.
He's slowly being led by the waves, by the love of wind and waters, as he closes his eyes. Its a pity, really; for a prince held so high to die by the mere hands of the poor, he thinks. It's upsetting him, very much so, but he takes it as it is. There's nothing he can do anyways, as he slowly comes into contact with the sand below. It washes him up onto short, the dry sand sticking to his body, waves pushing him higher and higher onto the ground.
He shivers, the cold outside air biting at his skin now unsheltered and defenseless.
He doesn't know how long he lays there.
But at some point, steps are heard on the sand. He keeps his eyes closed, doesn't care about what will happen next- he really just wants to have it be over by now, the ropes already painfully burning his skin at certain spots. He's sure theres sand in his wounds as something touches him- warm fingers, hesitant, and almost shy.
He keeps his eyes closed.
"My god, I hate humans.." You mutter under your breath, your voice hitting his ears, making him notice the way it sounds. He thinks it sounds very similar to some of his kind; sirens being blessed with voices sweet and enchanting. Maybe you were one of the strays who had decided to live on the surface for some reason? But your smell was entirely human, although much sweeter and pleasant than anyone he'd met before. And then, after a small short moment of pain-
He's free.
His arms flop to his side, and he breathes in deeply- finally able to fully move again. His eyes open, and adjust to the night for a moment, before they meet yours.
How interesting.
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"Jungkook?" Jimin asks him, curious to what has gotten the young Siren so occupied. Typically, Jungkook would be watching the annual kingdom dances with at least some form of interest; even if it was just a glimpse of it, just to make his parents worry less about him misbehaving. But today, as the graceful dancers move around to the orchestra playing, the young prince is absolutely not there. At least not mentally. "Jungkook." The older one scolds, getting Jungkooks attention- his gaze hard and annoyed. "Please, young prince- at least try to pretend you're interested. This is after all part of our culture." He strategically uses his title as teasing- something which makes Jungkook snort without any fun.
"I really don't want to be here." He explains, and Jimin sighs. "I'd rather be at the surface.." He mumbles, being careful not to be too loud- but Jimin does pick it up, and so does his partner, Taehyung, next to him- now leaning a bit forward to hear better.
"Oh?" Jimin asks. "What could be of interest there, I wonder?" He teases, and Jungkook grows even more irritated.
"Nothing that should interest a whore like you." He says harshly, though Jimin knows he means no harm with it. Jimin is, after all, a man who enjoys the simple pleasures in life- which is why he can't quite grasp why Jungkook, a young man in his prime like himself, doesn't seem to care about whats going on around him.
"Hm, but I think she must be absolutely divine if you're willing to risk the wrath of your own mother just to see her." He says, and Taehyung snickers next to him, clearly amused.
But to both of their surprise, Jungkook grows.. calm. Theres even a glimpse of a smile on his lip as he rests his head on his head, elbow on the armrest of his throne. "That she is." He says, quietly, as he watches the young woman in front of him. He has to imagine you there instead, moving oh so gracefully to the sounds of his Kingdom's greatest musicians- dressed in the most beautiful gown he'd gift you. "That she is.." He repeats, a dreaming look on his face that Jimin has not seen before.
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Jungkook watches you.
He enjoys watching you on your daily trips to the beach, picking up cans and bottles, and other things people throw away without care. You're cleaning up the beach, and he thinks its a very good behavior- he likes the way you always carefully scan the ground and sides for any garbage. He swims a little closer as he spots you squatting down; eyes lighting up as you pick up a shell he'd personally not care much for. It's slightly pink- but nothing he hasn't seen in his life. They're so common, and he suddenly thinks that if this already makes you happy, what if he was to bring you something else? Something better, something more worth your attention?
He feels a rush of excitement.
Dashing into the opposite direction, he makes his way towards the ground below, eyes scanning the ground as he searches for something. He spots it after a few minutes of searching, but when he holds the pearl, he hesitates.
Its not enough.
No, that's not what you should get. He's only paying back his dept, yeah, that's what he's doing. But what if he was overdoing it by bringing you something too expensive or rare? No, he should be smart about it, yeah. Start small, and work your way up he thinks, as he takes the pearls he's collected while deep in thought, and pushes himself back to the top, swimming easily. He hopes you're still there-
And there you are, dipping your feet into the water.
He looks at what he can see; only able to see clearly underneath the waves rather than above. There's a bracelet hanging around your ankle, and it looks cheap, he thinks. It only helps him by giving him ideas for his next gifts- if you would accept his first, that is. He's never been rejected before, but then again, has always rejected instead. Nothing had interested him to the extend you did. Maybe you really were of his kind, secretly.
When he slowly brings his head up the waves, you don't get scared, or flinch. You simply look, spot him, and smile.
He likes that expression.
He comes closer, free hand helping him onto the stone you sit on, his hand holding your gift eagerly pushing against yours. You understand quickly, and open them, and he smiles. You're smart, he notes, and it only adds to your qualities, he thinks. Dropping the pearls, your eyes sparkle again- as they should, he thinks with pride. You inspect them with big eyes, as if you've never seen something alike. He enjoys your reaction- and you nod at him. "Thank you- are they for me to keep?" You ask, pointing to them, and then at your chest. He's not fully fluent in human language, but has picked up on some words and phrases, since Seokjin had recently strayed- teaching him some stuff whenever he got bored and visited his younger brother.
So Jungkook nods. "You." He says, and you like the sound of his voice; fittingly just as handsome as the rest of him, you think. But then again- his kind is known for its beauty and enchanting voices. "Keep." He tells you, pushing your closed palm a bit closer to your body as if to underline his statement. You think its cute, in a way.
"Okay." You say. "I'll keep them-?" You ask, and he doesn't understand, until you point to yourself, and say a name- yours, he supposes.
"Ah-" He starts, pointing to himself. "Jungkook. Jeon, Jungkook." He tells you, and you nod, smiling.
"It's nice to meet you, Jeon Jungkook." You smile, and he grins back, slightly sharpened canines in stark contrast with his bunny-like smile.
He thinks its nice to meet you too.
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"But you're a witch, aren't you?" Jungkook argues, staring at Taehyung. "I thought you were all so capable." He challenges, and Taehyungs eyes darken- quite literally, since sea witches do technically have black eyes- but conceal them, as to not scare off people. He regains his composure however when Jimins hand lays on his shoulder.
"Now now, no need to become huffy." He says. "He didn't say he can't do it- he simply told you that its not that easy." He explains, and Jungkook sighs, rolling his eyes. Ever the spoiled prince, they think to themselves.
"I don't care about that." He states. "Can you do it, or can you not?" He asks, and Taehyung thinks for a moment.
"I.." He begins, before he sighs. "I can. But, there's a catch, Jungkook." He tells him, and this time, the youngest of the group seems just as serious as he listens. "I can't promise that.. the result will be what you will expect." He says.
"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks.
"There's a chance she won't survive it."
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He doesn't think much about why you're so often sitting on that rocky structure close to the deep- he likes not having to get out of the water to be close to you. And you think, Jungkook is quite the interesting being.
He’s curious; that much you can tell. His hands rest on your knees, your toes sometimes brushing against his abdomen as he swims closer- face coming forward to properly look at you. His vision must be bad outside of the waters you assume, his brown eyes squinting in concentration until he huffs and let’s himself back into the waters. You chuckle, and simply take off your jacket, slipping into the water as well as you control your breath- his entire face brightening at your body now underwater in his world, finally clear to see for his eyes.
You’re pretty, he thinks, definitely prettier than any other human he’d encountered before. The clothes covering your breasts and private parts a bit dull and boring for his taste- but he’d change that soon. He smiles, happy, before holding up his finger as if to signal for you to wait before he swims away, elegantly and fast. You swim up to breath some air, catch your breath, until there’s a hand around your calf, holding, fingers running over the skin, signaling you to come down again. You follow his question, taking a deep breath to meet him underneath the surface; his excited hands wrapping something around your neck, before he swims in circles as if he’s suddenly got too much energy. You point to yourself, as if to ask if you can keep it- and he nods, wide eyes watching you with a smile that you can’t help but mirror.
You don't quite realize what he's doing.
He however thinks you know. You know that he's courting you, and you're interested in him. You know that he's just given you more than a simple gift. He only believes you're letting him work for it- something he happily does, taking on the challenge as always. He swims closer, holds your shoulders, as his eyes look into yours, his gaze happy and child-like almost. He's close to finally showing you affection- but you suddenly swim to the surface instead.
And even though he knows you only wanted to breathe, he can't help but feel slightly sour at the ruined moment.
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"You're awfully happy these days." His mother says, watching her son in the gardens of the palace. "May I ask what has gotten you in such a bright mood?" She asks, and Jungkook doesn't quite know how to break it to her. He knows its not forbidden, knows it has, and does, happen each and every day it seems- but there's still fear inside of him. Theres still hesitation, even though he is not ashamed of what has happened- of what he has done. His mother however notices. "You know you can trust me, right?" She says, and he nods.
Its now or never.
"I've found a mate." He says, and his mother smiles warmly, holding his cheek as she kisses it in congratulation. "Its a human." He says, quietly, hurried- but his mother continues to smile.
"I have suspected as much." She states. "Your friend- Park Jimin- is not very good at talking quietly." She snickers, and Jungkook curses under his breath about how he wants to strangle him. Theres a huge weight lifted off of him however; finally having said it, made it very real to him, in a way- even though it was already.
Because, after all; you were wearing his kingdom's sigil around your neck already. He had claimed you.
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He's restless the next time he swims to the shore to meet you again- eager to see you to give you the news of his family's acceptance.
You're late- later than usual, and his brows are furrowed, mood upset at your mannerism. You're usually always on time, always just as eager to see him he thinks- but this time, you're not there. After his anger however, he grows increasingly worried instead. What if something had happened to you instead? Oh what a bad person he would be to be mad at you for getting into an unfortunate situation. As guilt slowly makes his way into his body, claims his muscles, he moves to sit on the stone he usually finds you on. He tries to look around- rain on his skin making it possible to be out way more comfortably.
He spots movement above.
Theres a person he can't make out- throwing something off the cliff down into the sea, and Jungkook clicks his tongue in anger, already upset- but still curious on what it was the person had been so eager to discard. Typically, its tiny things or plastic he finds- but this is something else, he knows.
Underwater, he smells blood.
His pupils contract, eyes widening, as he spots the black bag slowly making its way to the bottom of the sea- red trail leading from it. Its not the blood however that makes him frantic- its the smell of it, of you, that stops his heart.
He gets you out the bag, his anger over the entire situation diminishing into nothing as he holds you close, eyes spotting the deep cut on your side, and the scratches on your face. Unsure where to bring you, he holds you close, brings you onto his back as one of his hands hold yours, your arms around his neck. He swims quickly to the only place he knows you can breathe.
The underwater cave is big enough for now, he thinks, as he brings your body onto the ground, out the water. He doesn't notice he's crying, doesn't quite speak, his native language of clicking sounds and little noises escaping him as he whines out for your attention, waiting for you to wake up somehow. He's been so invested in making you like him and accept him that he's got no idea what to do with a human. Are you cold? How can he warm you up? How does he stop bleeding wounds? How much can you bleed before you die? Are you already dying?
Jungkook doesn't know what to do. So he simply lays by your side, holding you close, in hopes his slightly higher body temperature can keep you warm.
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"He's doing the best he can-" Jimin says, Seokjin next to Taehyung as they both lean over your body. Both witches are concentrated, already exhausted, but there's no way they're giving up on you now. Not only because you're important to Jungkook- but because no one deserves to simply die like this.
"I know, I know!" Jungkook huffs out, pupils turned into cat like slits- a clear sign of the absolute terror and chaos inside of him. "What if they're best isn't good enough? Jimin, I can't loose her, you don't understand-" He starts, but Jimin holds the younger one's shoulders, for the first time serious with him.
"I do." He glances at Taehyung. Jimin had saved Taehyung before as well- the young sea witch having been hit by a fisherman's harpoon years ago. Ever since then, Jimin had been attached to the witch like glue. "Trust me, I really do. And they're doing all they can to make sure she's going to be fine." He promises, and Jungkook nods.
All he can do is pray.
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When you wake up, there's several things you notice.
First, you're alive. Having a raging headache, and your limbs and muscles feel horribly tender, but you're alive. There's also strings of rope tied to two rock formations acting like a clothing line, several blankets and clothes hanging from it. They don't look human-made to you- the fabrics and designs not something you would think of as regular. There's a bucket and several stained rags- now copper-brown with old blood. Its then that you look down, seeing your cut sewed shut.
You also notice its rather soft underneath you.
Its sheepskin laid over seaweed you notice- the whool soft and fluffy, and warm. Everything seems to be so thoughtfully placed, even some decorative items- you can spot fireflies casually sitting in a jar close by, and burned wood, probably to . Probably to make light during the night. You're tired however, so you simply lay down again. Quite honestly, surely you should fee worried about the situation- but then again, there was no one to miss you, no place you called your home anyways. No use in worrying- because deep down, you had your suspicion.
A Jungkook swims to the surface with the plastic box in his arms, he's careful not to throw it too hard onto the ground. As he steps out the water, he's sure to at least try and his his hands of most the water before he goes to check on the blankets he had brought this early morning. They've dried enough, he notices, and is glad about that, as he picks one up.
You don't have to be cold anymore, he thinks.
He's unnaturally careful for his typical character- his usual behavior quite the opposite as it was now. Now, he's making sure you're properly tucked in, as he notices your eyes watching him.
He freezes, for a moment.
Jungkook hasn't really thought much about what would happen if you were to wake up- after all, Seokjin had told him he was unsure if you were to wake up this early in the first place, and Taehyung didn't even know if you would wake up at all. He'd told his younger brother to be prepared for any reaction really; fear, confusion, maybe even anger. But you seem calm, curious even, and Jungkook decides to sit down in front of your face, waiting.
"You brought me here, right?" You ask, and he nods, eyes not leaving your form.
"You-.. hurt." He points to the spot where your wound had been. "Also hurt." His hand points to your head. "Brothers, helped." He informs you, and you smile, nodding at his words. He suddenly looks at the ground, mumbling. "I.. worried. Thought... you, dying." He tells you, and you sit up slowly again, keeping the blanket around your shoulders.
"I'm not dead though." You say, and he nods. "Thank you, Jungkook. Now we're even." You say, and he tilts his head in confusion- a mannerism you could only think of as cute. "I saved you- you saved me." You say, and he smiles, nodding.
"I-" He starts, leaning forward a bit, now way more energetic and lighthearted as before. "I- we-" He growls a little in frustration, and you cant help but giggle at his troubles- the chirps and clicks escaping him foreign- but somehow, they feel hazy, as if your mind knows the language, but has forgotten what it meant. He's trying so hard you notice, and appreciate. "You like here?" He asks, and points around. You nod, and he beams at you. "I made." He tells you, proudly so.
"I guessed as much. Its very thoughtful of you, thank you." You say, and he nods, happy you like what he did for you. Its not a permanent solution, obviously, but as soon as you're healed well enough, he already planned a new spot for you to come with him.
You just don't know it yet.
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There's a weird feeling inside of you.
It's like homesickness, you think. Every time you look at the waters, you feel- sad? It's making you uneasy, and with every day passing by, it just gets worse and worse. But it's today, that you cant take it.
When you dip your legs into the water, it soothes an ache you can't recognize ever having. It helps your skin, it somehow feels as if you're breathing again. But It's not enough, you think- before you let yourself fall into the deep end.
You're floating.
It's like leaving a stuffy and crowded mall, just to stand in a park, fresh air after it had rained, and light breeze clearing your head. Everything is silent, but not at the same time- the water around you feeling as if you're being hugged, held. It makes you relax, makes you let go, makes you only exist for a moment.
You're floating.
And there's a sudden wave of realization that you're also breathing. There's no water in your lungs- or maybe there is, and you just don't feel it being there. Darkness surrounds you as you don't know where you are exactly- theres no telling where is where, no way to know if you're upright or not. Maybe you've died?
Did you drown?
If you did, it would explain Jungkook being there. He's swimming towards you with a face full of worry, as he grabs your wrist and holds you close. "I can't even let you out of my sight for a mere day it seems, my love." He sighs, and your eyes widen. Its almost comedic how his own do the same, focusing on your neck, as he touches.
You're sensitive, and shift away from his touch.
"It-" He starts, now holding your shoulders, as he begins to smile. "It worked! It really did- by the dragon kind, you look absolutely divine!" He laughs, and can't help but hold your hands, eyes roaming your appearance, as you don't quite get it- until you follow his gaze.
Just like him, there's fins now on the sides of your calfs, smaller ones on your ankles as well. Theres also ones decorating your outer forearms- they look like the ones you'd always see on goldfish as a kid. There's something alike to scales as well, but barely noticable. "I- what happened to me?" You ask, and Junkook smiles.
"You.. almost died." He admits, taking your hand and swimming to what you assume is back towards the cave. "You had been robbed during the day, and when I found you.. well, you know what happened." He says. "While you were asleep, we were thinking about what to do. There was no way you would survive as a human- so, a friend of mine- Taehyung- performed a ritual, together with Seokjin, my brother." He says. You finally spot light, glad to be able to have at least some form of orientation. "I'm glad you're adjusting so quickly, my love." He states, smiling at you.
You notice the petname again.
"Jungkook-" You start, as you both reach the cave again, sitting on the edge of where the ground of the cave meets the water. "Why are you.. calling me that?" You ask, and Jungkook seems confused.
"Why do you ask?" He questions. And you don't quite follow, until he continues. "You're my mate- I am only addressing you as such."
Your eyes widen. "Wait- we're-" You start, and its only then that it clicks in Jungkooks head.
"Oh." He says- the dissapointment bitter and evident in his voice. "You.. didn't know?" He asks, and you shake your head, unsure what he means. "I see.." He tells you, suddenly distant. "I.. will bring you breakfast tomorrow.. sleep well." He abruptly says, and before you can say anything, he's already gone.
What just happened?
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"There you are!" A voice says, deeper than Jungkooks, but not unfamiliar. Taehyung had been visiting and bringing you food and nescessities ever since that talk with Jungkook. This time, however, Taehyung seems like he wants to say something. You look at him, silently urging him, and he sits down next to you, sighing.
"Does he hate me?" You ask, quietly, and Taehyung looks sad.
"He could never." He says. "He just.. didn't take the rejection well. He'll need time to come around. It won't take that much time- his mother is already trying to get a new partner for him." He explains, and your head whips around towards him. "I- you.. did reject him, right?" He asks, slowly. "You do.. not love him, right?" He urges again, and you groan suddenly, throwing your face into your hands.
"Oh my god I'm so stupid.." You say. "It all.. everything was so overwhelming, I didn't even notice what he was doing." You cry into your hands, as Taehyungs hand places itself onto your back, trying to soothe you. "I though.. especially after I found out about his status.." You mumble. "How could he want me?" You ask, and Taehyung sighs.
"Head up, little siren." He says. "He's still able to hear you sing, if you want to." He says, and you look at him.
"But how?" You say. "I have no idea where the kingdom, or anything really is. And he won't come see me until its too late." You say.
"Well-" Taehyung says, standing up, and holding out his hand. "-allow me to escort the future princess to her lover."
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"How did you find me?" He simply asks, not turning around, as you float closer. "I'm sorry, but I still need time to.. get over-" He starts, but you don't let him finish, instead leaning into his back, your arms around his middle.
"I'm stupid." You say. "I'm really, really stupid." He shakes his head, but you continue. "Just because I didn't realize- doesn't mean that I don't feel anything for you." You say. "I just.. felt unworthy, I guess. Insignificant." You admit, and he turns around, holding your face in his hands.
"You really are not gifted with the mind of the dragons king, my love." He states teasingly, the glimmer in his eyes returning. "My status means nothing to me, if that meant I could not have you." He says, and you lean forward, capturing his lips. "I hope you know what this meant, at least." He teases, and your eyes widen, scared you might've done something wrong. "It means you love me." He says, and you chuckle.
"Good." You say. "Because I do."
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Even though he thinks you looked like a goddess reborn in your white and pearl decorated gown from the wedding, he enjoys you without it, close to him, just as much. He's alive, he's feeling, he's in love, as his hands move over your skin, his senses filled with you and nothing else.
The sounds you make for him are sweeter than any siren's song he's ever heard or could ever sing himself. No member of his kind is as enchanting as you, he decides, as he bites and kisses the sensitive skin of your neck. Jimin had teased him relentlessly the entire evening and night by trying to send you sweet words, to which you didn't react- but that didn't mean that it didn't piss him off.
You were his.
His princess- and soon to be queen, one day.
And he's planning on making that very evident, as he marks up your skin with little bites, visible for everyone to see. He wants everyone to know, even though by tomorrow, the entire Kingdom will celebrate the marriage of its prince anyways. He's more than ready to show you off, to hold you close, to have people see the divine being at his side that's you.
It's only natural for his hands to roam your skin, for his lips to worhip every inch it seems, as you reach out for his hand every second it leaves you. It's painfully endearing he thinks, how you can be so innocent and pure, while he's between your legs, performing the sinful act of pleasuring you with his mouth.
You pull him towards you, as you straddle his waist, leaning down to kiss him. He's in god's divine lands he thinks, as he suddenly feels you sinking down on his awaiting length. You fit around him perfectly, more so than he could've ever imagined. And as you both move, he holds you close, happy that here, in his world, he doesn't need to breathe.
He can kiss you as long as he wants.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. I spilled strawberry milk on my poor laptop while writing this.
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vampiregirl1797 · 3 years
The Starlight Stone
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GIF not mine.
Rhysand x Reader
Word Count: 4,898
Summary: Y/N comes from a different reality, where the characters and world she’s now living in, exist in a series of books. Rhysand takes her in, and she learns how to do something she’s never managed before… live.
Warnings: Can’t think of any? If I’ve missed anything, let me know.
Masterlist Here :)
Falling in love with new characters was as easy as breathing for me. In fact it was so easy, that before I realised it, I was only falling for them. Reading became an escape for me, a teenage girl without a shred of self-confidence, used to being the overlooked one in a group of friends, used to not attracting any kind of male attention. It was perfect, because the men I fell in love with always loved me back, never hurt me with the crushing pain of rejection, never thought I wasn’t pretty enough, or skinny enough. They loved me for me.  
I just never imagined I’d wake up in one of the fictional world’s I’d read about, and come face to face with the High Lord I’d most recently falling for. I’d arrived several months ago, and of course hadn’t been able to keep a thing from the High Lord of the Night Court who’d found me trespassing on his lands. He’d gone into my head, not too far, but far enough to assess whether I was a threat to him or his people. He discovered pretty quickly that I had absolutely no skill set to be a threat, and that I absolutely was not from his world.  
He’d found the concept of Prynthian being presented in a series of books both interesting and amusing, as well as him and his friends existing as characters within the novels. I was just glad he hadn’t gone far enough to find how invested I got in each of the books I read, and those who existed within them, him being one of those people. It would have been mortifying and I had wondered on more than one occasion what his reaction would be. But coming face to face with a man who had been fictional to me, and then become real overnight… it had thrown me into my insecurities. Into taking my feelings for the High Lord and shoving them down as far as I could.  
‘Y/N?’ I was snapped out of my thoughts by Cassian popping his head into my room. Rhys had offered me a room at his town house when I first got here, and I’d never left. He’d offered the money to buy my own place, but I hadn’t been comfortable with the idea of that at the time, and now I had a place on his court, along with a wage of my own, but this had become my home.  
‘Hey Cass, what’s up?’ I smiled, patting the empty space beside me on the enormous bed; in my world I’d never had bigger than a single, and this was about three singles put together.  
‘Not much, I was gonna go into town for a little while, do you want to come with?’ His hazel eyes studied me with warmth and kindness, which was probably what had made me comfortable around him so quickly. He’d never looked at me with the disinterest I was used to being on the receiving end of from men; he saw me as a person and I appreciated him for it.
‘Sure. Anything in particular you’re after?’ I wondered letting my hair down from the messy bun I’d pulled it up onto when I’d come to relax in my room.  
He shrugged, trying and failing to be nonchalant, ‘not really. Just felt like getting out.’
I sighed, shuffling to the edge of the bed to slip on my boots, ‘Rhys sent you to check up on me didn’t he? Let me guess, he thinks I’m becoming a depressed recluse?’  
Cass gave me a look that was a mixture of concern and exasperation, ‘Rhys worries about you because you never leave the house. He doesn’t think you’re depressed, but he worries you’re not living either. You lose yourself in books, and you barely speak to anyone, even me.’  
I turned away, pretending to busy myself with lacing up my shoes to hide the tear that slid down my cheek. Rhys was more observant than I gave him credit for. The truth was, since I’d gotten here, I’d basically been living the same as I had before; reading, sleeping, eating and more reading. I ate meals with everyone sometimes, but more often than not, I allowed the new fictional worlds offered to me here to consume me. I’d never been called out on it before. No one had ever cared enough to notice that I wasn’t just reading because I loved it, I was reading to escape the life I didn’t know how to live.  
‘I-I’ I stuttered, forcing myself to stop and take a breath.
‘Hey,’ Cassian’s voice softened and he shuffled beside me on the bed to sling a muscular arm over my shoulder. My head went to his chest, not even trying to hold back my tears anymore, it seemed pointless when he could probably scent them anyway, ‘I didn’t say this to upset you, just to let you know that you’re family to us now, Y/N, and we care about you. We want you to live and enjoy life, not to fall solely in love with fictional places.’  
‘This place was just a fictional place to me once.’ I murmured quietly.
‘And now you get to be here, and still choose to read yourself to death.’ He teased, chuckling softly.  
I smiled, wiping away the moisture from my cheeks, because he was right. Rhys was right. I had been blessed with the opportunity to live in a reality I’d once yearned for with all my heart, and I’d been wasting it. Why? Because I was afraid to face the feelings I had for a certain High Lord, feelings that had only blossomed since coming here, despite my best efforts to avoid him. I’d been throwing myself into reading because I wanted to live in the fantasy that he would return my feelings for a little longer. But that had to stop. I wasn’t immortal here—at least I didn’t think so, I didn’t have Fae characteristics and I didn’t have any powers—and it was time to stop squandering my life being a scaredy cat.  
‘You’re right. Rhys is right.’ I moved away from Cassian’s chest, wiping all evidence of my tears away, ‘lets go into Velaris. I’ve always wanted to stroll through the City and take everything in. It looks so beautiful from up here.’  
Cassian grinned, and allowed me to pull him from the bed, and just like that we left the town house and were swallowed by the life of Velaris.  
Six Months Later
‘I don’t think so.’ I shook my head, levelling the Shadowsinger with a no-nonsense glare, ‘it’s the Winter Solstice, which is the first one I’m spending here, it’s basically Christmas, and it’s a family holiday. You’re not flying off to wherever the heck you’re planning to go, with only your shadows for company.’  
His hazel eyes were blank but he visibly stiffened. I sighed, realising that telling Azriel what he could and couldn’t do was not my place, and it definitely wasn’t the best approach.  
‘I’m sorry, I don’t mean to act like I’m your keeper or anything.’ I stood from the couch where I’d been sitting, to move to where he stood in front of the fire. I placed a hand on his shoulder, and relaxed a little when he didn’t shrug me off, ‘it’s just… this means something to me. Back in my old reality, we had Christmas, which was something similar. We’d all gather, exchange presents, decorate a tree, hang decorations… but what made it special to me was the time spent with the people I loved. With the people I considered family. You’re my family now, Azriel. You, Cass, Ameren, Mor… and Rhys. Obviously it’s your choice, but if you could afford to, please don’t leave until after the holiday.’  
I thought his eyes had softened at my words, but honestly it was hard to tell with the Shadowsinger. I left him alone to think over my words, kissing his cheek as I made my way outside; I still had some things left to buy for everyone. I’d gone a little overboard, but I couldn’t help it. I’d pretty much finished Mor and Ameren, I had a few last things to pick up for Cassian and Azriel, and the majority I’d left to buy were for Rhys. I already knew what I was going to get him, and most were already purchased and wrapped at each store, I’d just waited until now to get them, because while Rhys was trusted with everyone else’s presents… well giving him his own gifts just didn’t seem right. It might just have been me, but I felt like it took away the surprise, at least a little bit.  
I smiled as I walked through the city, nodding in greeting to a few friendly people. Since that talk Cassian had with me six months ago, I’d started venturing out of the townhouse more and more. I still read, but it was for the fun of it now, rather than the escape from reality. I’d fallen in love with Velaris. The city was beautiful, and teeming with life and acceptance and peace… seeing it first hand really made me appreciate the efforts Rhys and everyone had gone through to protect this place, to make it a home.  
‘Hey girl!’ Ameren’s voice had me looking to my right, to see her running across the cobblestone street to catch up to me, ‘you wouldn’t be out to purchase my Winter Solstice presents now would you?’ she grinned, her silver eyes sparkling with more life than usual.
I playfully rolled my eyes, ‘even if I was, I wouldn’t tell you. Your otherworld intimidation doesn’t work on me, Ren.’  
She huffed, but I could see the amusement swirling in her silver irises, ‘fine. It amazes me sometimes though,’ she mused, going on to explain, ‘Cassian cracked like an egg in two seconds, told me what he’d got me straight away. But you’re immune to what makes me scary to people around here.’  
I chuckled, being able to picture Cassian folding perfectly, ‘I wouldn’t say I’m the only one. And Cassian doesn’t prove anything, he’s like a big kid with this stuff. I’ve had to actually shush him to keep him from telling me about my presents, I think the excitement just gets to him. Now if you told me you’d broken Azriel, I’d be impressed.’  
She huffed a laugh and tilted her head in acknowledgement of my words, ‘yeah, you might be right. He didn’t only tell me what he’d gotten me, he told me about everyone else’s too.’  
I rolled my eyes affectionately, ‘that boy.’  
‘Indeed.’ She shook her head, but when she met my eyes again the wicked glint in them made me brace myself slightly, ‘so what are you getting our High Lord?’  
‘I’m on my way to pick up Rhys’ presents now. You can come with me if you want, so long as you don’t spoil anything.’ I gave her a pointed look and grinned at her offended look.  
‘I’m not the gossip Cassian is, thank you very much, girl,’ she waved her hand dismissively, ‘anyway, I was just wondering if you were finally going to gift him with the truth.’
‘Who?’ I frowned, pulling open the door to the blacksmith’s—I’d requested a few specific weapons for Azriel, Cassian and Rhys, each custom made and fit to them specifically, ‘what truth?’
She opened her mouth to reply, but was had to wait until the blacksmith had handed over the three weapons he’d perfectly made for me. Azriel and Cassian had plenty of swords and knives and daggers, but their abundance in bows and arrows was clear. I’d seen them practice with the same one, and I doubted they had any specific for battle, which seemed a waste when they could both fly. So I’d asked the blacksmith to create some custom for them, and both now had their own bow, plenty of arrows and a quiver. Their names were engraved inside the buttery leather of their quivers, and each were made to be lightweight and able to be worn whilst flying without losing any arrows.
For Rhys I’d asked for a pair of daggers to be crafted. I’d seen him with a couple of swords, and I was sure he already had daggers too, but picking this particular weapon had just felt right, even if I knew it was likely he possessed some already. Each was pure silver, one held an amethyst stone at the hilt, while the other held an onyx stone. One for his eyes, the other for his court.  
It was when we exited the shop that Ameren decided to resume her train of thought that I’d almost forgotten about, ‘the truth that you are in love with Rhys.’
It took a lot of effort not to stumble from shock, ‘what?’
‘Don’t play dumb. It’s obvious. Has been for months,’ she smirked, ‘we have bets on when you’re going to tell him. I have over the Solstice, so if you could do a girl a favour and tell him already, the winnings will be mine.’
‘Not to put a damper on your betting habits,’ I pulled her hand towards another shop I needed to go into, ‘but I’ve not got any “truth” to reveal to Rhys.’  
She swore under her breath, ‘I knew I should have had spring, but there’s me being the optimist thinking you would have grown some balls and realised what we’ve all already seen by now.’
I frowned, ‘what the hell are you talking about Ameren?’
‘Rhys loves you just as much as you love him. Actually knowing him, he probably loves you even more, but he’s as much of a coward as you.’ She rolled her eyes, tucking her onyx hair behind her ear as I accepted another bag full of pre-wrapped presents for Rhys.
‘You can’t be serious.’ I didn’t know what else to say… the idea of him feeling a fraction of the love I had for him made my heart pound in my chest. I couldn’t fathom it.
‘Honestly, you’re both blind.’ She shook her head, but let the subject drop, and I was glad. Talking any more might have launched me into a full-blown panic attack.
I’d admitted to myself that fallen in love with the High Lord three months ago—for a long time I’d fought it, convincing myself I was just in love with the fictional version of him. But that theory had gone down the toilet when he’d laughed—really laughed—at a joke Cassian made, and I’d been powerless to stop myself from being overwhelmed with happiness at his happiness. It was then I accepted I was an idiot in love with a man I’d never have. But Ameren saying he did feel the same, well it made me panic because I’d never considered it a possibility before—I’d never had a man interested in me before, and the idea of it, the unfamiliarity, made me panic. So I forced it down and made myself focus on collecting the rest of my gifts.  
The morning of Winter Solstice saw me rising bright and early, eager as a kid on Christmas morning. I realised that we wouldn’t be exchanging presents until the evening, after we’d all eaten, but I couldn’t tamper my excitement. So after I’d showered and dressed in leggings and a white woolly jumper, I headed to the living room to put the finishing touches on the decorations. Everything was basically done, but Rhys had found an eight-foot pine tree; I’d been telling him about the traditions of Christmas in my old reality, and he’d surprised me yesterday with a real tree. I’d hugged him tightly for it, unable to hold back my tears of gratitude at his thoughtfulness, and declared we’d have to decorate it tomorrow, after it had time to settle in the room overnight. A part of me wondered if he’d remember, but my doubt floated away upon the sight of him standing in the living room, observing the tree like he was sizing up an opponent on the battlefield. The thought made me chuckle, and he looked up to me with a smile.  
‘Good morning.’ I murmured, coming over to join him, ‘is there a reason you seem to be sizing up this poor, defenceless tree?’  
He grinned, his violet eyes sparkling with mirth, ‘well, other than the fact that it’s bigger than me and has an unfair advantage size-wise,’ I missed his soft smile as I laughed again, ‘I was simply wondering exactly how we’re going to decorate it.’
I softened with understanding, ‘well, lucky for you, I’m ridiculously prepared.’ I moved to pull out the box I’d stored behind the tree last night, after retrieving it from one of the shops in the art district. Magic was such a blessing here, and after I’d explained what I’d needed, and demonstrated with some awful drawings, they’d had everything made within a few hours. I pulled a few ornaments out, marvelling at the craftsmen’s ship for a moment before hanging them on the tree; there was a mixture of circular shapes and stars, in amethyst, silver, blue and black. They’d also crafted a silver star to go on top of the tree, fashioned after the star that always shone the brightest in the night sky of Velaris on the first night of Winter Solstice. It was so well made, I’d been struck speechless by how realistic it looked; as if they had plucked the star straight from the sky.  
I nudged the box closer to Rhys with my foot, ‘just hang them however you want, like this.’ I gestured to the few I’d put on and smiled when he reached in and immediately followed instructions.  
‘You know, if I used my magic I could have this done in under a minute.’ He commented, looking at me from the corner of his eye as if he knew my reaction before I voiced it.
‘Absolutely not! Decorating by hand is part of the fun, and the tradition.’ I protested, flicking his shoulder when I noticed his smirk, ‘if you use a flicker of magic, then there will be no presents for you.’
I frowned at the look of surprise in his eyes and he must have noticed my confusion because he said, his voice soft, ‘I didn’t think you’d gotten me anything. I didn’t mind, of course, I’m just surprised.’  
‘Why would you think that?’ I turned to face him fully, ignoring the task of decorating for the moment.
‘Because you didn’t give them to me to hide.’ He shrugged, carefully placing another ornament onto the tree, ‘and I never expect gifts, from anyone regardless. I went a long time being consumed by disappointment after my mother and sister died, because my father never cared for the holiday before. But after their deaths, it bore a reminder of another year of them being gone. Then he and I enacted our revenge, and it was a while before Morrigan, Cassian and I were able to spend the Solstice together.’  
I pulled him into a hug, winding my arms around his neck and not flinching at the appearance of his wings. They didn’t often appear without purpose unless he was feeling a strong emotion, but I didn’t question it when they cocooned us, his warmth radiating all around me.  
‘I didn’t give you any to hide because I felt like it took away from the surprise of the holiday if I was asking you to keep your own presents.’ I murmured into his neck, missing the small shiver that passed through him, ‘I’m sorry, that you had to spend so many Solstice’s alone, Rhys. But you have a family now, one that would sooner die than leave you.’
He held me a little tighter, and I returned the gesture, burrowing further into his neck and wondering if I was imagining the increased heartbeat I could feel against my chest, or if I were perhaps mistaking it for my own.
I smiled from my seat in the armchair, enjoying the warmth emanating from the fire, and from the mug of hot chocolate I held in my hands. We had just had Winter Solstice dinner, and were taking it in turns to open our presents.  
Ameren had gone first, and was grinning so wide it was almost scary at all of the jewels everyone had bought for her. Cassian had mostly been gifted weapons from everyone but Mor and me—she’d given him a sweater in the brightest green I’d ever seen, and I’d also gifted him some of his favourite liquor, a box of chocolates that Rhys had mentioned his mother got the General every year for solstice, some new books on war strategy, a new set of Illyrian leathers, and the bow and arrows I’d gotten him.
Azriel had also gained an abundance of weapons, along with a startlingly bright pair of purple socks from Mor, and some of his favourite liquor, a series of books on adventure and war I had a feeling he would enjoy, and a new set of Illyrian leathers and his new bow and arrows, from me. Mor had been given high quality clothing from everyone, and some of her favourite chocolates, wine, bath foams and salts from me. Rhys had been given a set of old leather bound books from Ameren, a Hawaiian themed shirt from Mor—mother knew where she found that—, what looked like a six-pack of beer from Cassian that had Rhys shaking his head with a reluctant smile, and a new set of Illyrian leathers from Azriel. I’d given him his new set of daggers, some of the chocolates Cassian had mentioned his mother and sister gifted him every Solstice, a painting that captured the beauty of Velaris perfectly, and something else I hadn’t yet presented to him.  
I’d actually left the other gift in his room, on his pillow; it was a pendant that had caught my eye when I was buying Ameren’s Solstice gifts. The shop attendant had noticed my stare and pulled it out from beneath the glass—it wasn’t overly huge; about the size of a bottle cap. It was antique silver, with a stone at the centre that was so beautiful I’d been unable to look away from it. It reminded me of the night sky, to put it plainly. It was so blue I thought it was sapphire, but the flashes of pure light that I saw when I turned it reminded me of shooting stars. The attendant had explained it was a pendant often presented to a perspective partner as a way of showing your intentions—as a way of showing your love for them. It was often the step before the mating bond sparked, to acknowledge what you already felt for them. She mentioned that it was an out dated tradition, and many only bought the Starlight stone now purely because it was beautiful.  
I didn’t know what possessed me to buy it. Maybe it was the possibility that he wouldn’t even know what it meant, maybe it was because a part of me wanted to tell him, and this was the only way I could muster the courage to do it. Either way, I’d left the small wrapped present on his black silk pillow before I’d joined the party tonight. And I’d had knots in my stomach about it since. A part of me wanted to excuse myself and take it back, but I forced that anxious part of my brain to shut up, because as much as it terrified me… I had to tell Rhys how I felt somehow, even if it meant that he didn’t feel the same way.
After the events of the evening, I decided to have a bath before I went to bed; Cassian and Azriel had passed out in the living room, one on the floor, the other on the sofa, but both were snoring loudly. Mor had made it to her room on the first floor, and Ameren had returned to her apartment. Rhys had said something about flying over the city before he turned in, and I was too awake with nerves to just slip straight into bed. So I ran some warm water into the gigantic tub that looked as if it would overflow onto the mountain below, and added some of my favourite bath foams that scented of lavender and honey—a gift from Az. I forced myself to breathe and just not think, and when my eyes started to droop I climbed out of the cooling water to dry off. I changed into the new silk gown Mor had gifted me for Solstice, and entered my bedroom only to stop short.  
My heart stopped at the sight of Rhys sitting on the edge of my bed… and then picked up triple speed. He was wearing loose pyjama pants, and no shirt… and he was holding the gift box I’d left on his pillow. The lid was missing and he was staring at the pendant inside. I took a deep breath and crossed my arms over my chest to hide how my hands shook.
‘Hey.’ I bit my lip, unsure about what to do. Should I sit next to him? Stay standing in front of the fire about three feet away from him? Ask him if he liked the gift? Ask him if he knew what it meant?  
His violet eyes lifted to meet mine, and I felt a wave of uncertainty wash over me at the guarded look in them, ‘do you know what this stone means?’ he asked, his voice quiet as he carefully held up the box, as if its contents were precious to him, ‘are you aware of the tradition that exists in Velaris? About what it means when someone presents this stone to another person?’
I took a deep breath, my heart pounding even faster now, and I was pretty sure I was starting to sweat. I wished I could read him better, wished I could know if he was hoping I knew, or hoping I didn’t. But he was a master of hiding his emotions, so I decided to go with the truth.
‘Yes, I know what it means.’ I admitted quietly, and knew if he didn’t have advanced hearing he wouldn’t have been able to make out the words; I could barely hear myself say them.
‘No, tell me. Tell me why you gave this to me.’ His eyes were still guarded, but his voice held a tinge of desperation, a tone I couldn’t resist from him.
‘I gave you that stone because the attendant at the jewellery store told me that the Starlight stone is what you give to a perspective partner, to acknowledge what you already feel for them, before the mating bond has sparked.’ I could feel the wariness on my face as he stood from the edge of the bed, stopping right in front of me.  
He tilted my chin up to meet his eyes with his index finger and whispered, ‘and what is it you feel for me, Y/N?’
‘I love you Rhys.’ I admitted softly, missing the way his eyes softened as my gaze fell to his lips.
His hand caressed my cheek, his thumb moving back and forth across my cheekbone. I was powerless to stop myself melting into his touch, and felt my eyes sheen with tears when I saw the affectionate look in his eyes. I watched as the dark mist of his magic swirled around the pendant, and lifted it from the box to secure it around his neck. My hand went to rest against his chest, where the pendant lay against his skin.
‘I love you too, Y/N darling.’ He murmured, wiping away the tears that fell silently down my cheeks.  
I vaguely heard the gift box fall to the floor, his free hand now landing on my hip and pulling me flush against his body. My arms wound around his neck, my fingers going to his silky soft hair as his mouth covered mine.
One Year Later
‘I’m just saying, Cassian is a great name for a tiny warrior.’ Cass grinned from the sofa, across from where Rhys and I sat in the love seat he’d bought for us about a year ago.  
‘Absolutely not.’ Rhys drawled, his hand gently moving back and forth across my swollen belly.
‘Do you have names picked out?’ Mor asked, her face holding the beaming expression that was always present when we were talking about the baby.
‘We do,’ I murmured, Rhys and I shared a secret smile at Mor’s squeal of excitement.  
‘We’re not revealing anything until the baby is born.’ Rhys grinned at the sounds of disapproval from his cousin and Cassian.  
‘You’re boring.’ The war General grumbled.
We all chuckled at his childish behaviour and I felt my expression soften with affection when Rhys leaned over to kiss my baby bump, murmuring words about how his uncle Cassian would always be the biggest baby in the family. Cassian grumbled louder, much to our amusement. My hand fell to Rhys hair, idly playing with the strands. He kissed my forehead and my eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of contentment that washed over me.  
Home. This was home.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 12) - Not So Sweet Home
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Summary: Jensen is fed up with his parents ignoring Y/N all day and when he gets a moment alone, blows up on them like never before. The reader sees how upset Jensen is over what’s happening and does her best to defend him while still trying to salvage a relationship with them...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 6,200ish
Warnings: language, major family angst, mention of a dead parent
A/N: Eek! If you like angst this part is for you! Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
It was late, the kids asleep in the guest bedroom, Jensen’s siblings and their families gone home for the evening aside from his brother. He made some half ass excuse about wanting to hang out with Jensen more but you knew he could sense what you did. Jensen was getting close to popping after a whole day of politeness on his part and his parents ignoring you on theirs.
Jensen was bouncing his knee like crazy as he sipped on his beer around a gas fire pit, suddenly stopping when you shifted in your seat.
“Maybe you ought to cool it with the alcohol tonight,” said his dad. Jensen set his empty bottle down on the grass and breathed deeply through his nose. “Your legs been-”
“Y/N, would you get me another beer please?” asked Jensen. You took the opportunity to get out of there, surprised when the back door opened quickly after you, his brother closing it behind him.
“I don’t think your parents like me very much,” you said, going to the fridge and pulling out a drink. 
“I know,” he said, glancing out the dark window. “Jensen asked me to make sure you don’t come back out there.”
“He’s gonna go off on them.”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m guessing,” he said with a sigh. “I have a feeling this isn’t going to go well. You guys can crash at my place if you want. We don’t have a guest room but we have an air mattress we can put in the family room.”
“You think it’ll be that bad?”
“Yeah,” he said quietly.
“Then why are we in here talking about this when we should be out there making sure he doesn’t say something he regrets in the morning.”
“You might hear things you can’t unhear,” he said. 
“Right now my concern isn’t if my feelings get hurt. He’s really upset and I need him to be okay.”
“You know that’s why the rest of us like you, don’t you? You care about him, the kids. You’re in love with him.”
“Yes I am,” you said as he nodded.
“You call me if either of you ever need anything,” he said, going back to the door. You nodded and took a deep breath, following him outside and already hearing raised voices.
“She’s half your age, Jensen,” said his mom. “She was your nanny. Sweetie you have to know what’s going on here.”
“You’re getting played,” said his father, catching you walking out with Josh.
“She is not half my age. She’s thirty fucking years old! She’s a goddamn adult and been through more shit then both of you put together! She’s not after fucking money,” snapped Jensen who was already out of his seat.
“You’re engaged to the girl after five months!” said his father. “It took you years to propose the first time around!”
“Because I was a nervous kid that was away working constantly. I didn’t want to make Dee stay if it was gonna make her unhappy. I’m not afraid of how I feel anymore because I feel the same about her as I do Dee and I’m not wasting my time so I can stick to your socially acceptable schedule,” said Jensen. “I love her and she’s gonna be part of this family whether you like it or not. Deal with it.”
“You need a prenup,” said his dad.
“No I don’t!”
“Yes you do! You’ve known the girl for not even six months!”
“She’s not up to anything!” shouted Jensen.
“Have you ever lost your wife? Have you ever been in the car and almost die yourself while you watch her breathe for the last time? Where she’s hurt and you can’t do a thing to fix it? Have you ever had to tell your children their mother is dead and she’s not coming back? You have no idea, no idea, what that does to you, how much it hurts and how much it hurts when you’re still so fucked up and your parents start making comments behind closed doors about you and you have to pretend you’re better when you’re really not. When you don’t even care about yourself anymore, when you pretend for everyone’s sake so they stop treating you like a child, when you don’t know how to tell your kids it’s okay because it’s not. It’s not. Until you go through that, until you know how bad it hurts, don’t assume a damn thing about her. She’s my best friend and she makes me feel like my old self again. I laugh and smile and have fun and when I get scared or feel guilty or freak out she makes me feel better. I don’t give a fuck how old she is or what her job was. She’s kind and good and she deserves better than you two. Danneel’s parents like her. Jared’s parents like her. Her old foster dad’s family likes her. Our family likes her except for you two. Get your heads out of your asses or you can not even bother letting me know you exist anymore. I’m done with things hurting the women I care about. I couldn’t stop what happened to Dee but I can sure as hell keep Y/N away from the two of you,” said Jensen. He huffed and walked off, Josh running off after him. 
“Well congratulations. You got your hooks in him deep, don’t you,” said his father. You rolled your eyes and his mother scoffed.
“You can take care of someone without treating them like a child you know. He’s an incredibly strong person. If you don’t like me fine. But don’t call him stupid or easily manipulated or imply that it’s wrong to know you love someone after only a certain amount of time. I love your son.”
“You love his money,” said his mom.
“I do just fine on my own,” you said, narrowing your eyes. “He’s staying at Josh’s house tonight. We’ll pick up the kids in the morning.”
“He’s overreacting. He’ll be fine in the morning,” said his dad. You crossed your arms and leaned your head back. “He’ll be fine.”
“You two don’t know a thing about me and you assume I want money because of my age and my former career. Don’t assume your son will be fine and get over it.”
“We’ve known him a lot longer than you have. He’ll get over it after a night’s rest.”
“You may have known him longer and I’m sure in some regards you do know him better but not the ones that matter. If you did, you would have seen how much he would have loved for the two of you to like me. I would have taken some respect and been happy because trust me, I get how this looks to everyone else. I understand you have fears and I’m not mad you have them. I’m mad you assume those are facts when all they are is a story you made up in your head you don’t want to change. He’s right, I’m not going anywhere. The difference between him and me though is that I’ll stay out here all damn night with the two of you until you get it through your heads that I’m not here to fuck him over. I love him. I don’t have family, not really. Things have always been screwed up for me pretty much until I met him and he didn’t have to say it for me to know that he was hoping he could share the two of you with me. Maybe I was hoping for that too. But right now I’ll take some goddamn respect and an apology to your son to start and we can go from there.”
“You’re gonna curse at us and expect an apology?” said his mom. “We know you took him when he was at his low and tricked him into trusting you so you could get exactly what you wanted.”
“You know what I want? What I’ve always wanted and somehow always seems to get ripped away? A family. A stupid fucking family. Being a nanny? That let me feel like part of the family. I could pretend I was like all of those people I worked for. Nice and normal and like people gave a shit. Some kindness and a family is all I’ve ever wanted. You two...you wouldn’t have survived a day in my childhood. In my adulthood with the shitty ex boyfriend and the crappy friends and I picked myself over all of them because my mom told me to stand up for myself. Even when she couldn’t be there and I wanted her to. So I stand up for myself and now I stand up for him and those three kids to anyone and I mean anyone, that hurts them. He’s my family and those kids are my family. I don’t know what you think I’m gonna do but I guarantee the only thing I will do is tell you two where to shove it and to leave him the hell alone.”
“Why would we believe anything you say? At all?” his dad asked. “It’s probably the same sad story you told him to get him on the line. I don’t buy it.”
“I have a million dollar book deal. I’ve worked rent free for a lot of rich people since I was eighteen years old. Do I sound like someone who needs his money?” you said. You put your hands on your hips and shook your head. “What is it? You want me to sign a prenup? I would but he doesn’t want one. He trusts me and for a guy that lost his wife and had to work through falling in love with another person, I respect that. He knows what he wants and he’s not wasting time. This is scary for him. It’s scary for me. But when Dee’s parents gave me open arms and kindness and their blessing, the last people I ever expected to disapprove were you two. If you’re going to stand there and keeping calling me a liar, I’m going to find your sons and I’m going take care of Jensen instead of wasting my time here.”
“We don’t disapprove of him moving on and marrying again,” said his mom as you turned to walk away.
“Could have fooled me,” you said. 
“He’s going too fast and he doesn’t know you either, not well enough to make a decision like that,” said his dad. You turned around and smiled.
“He knows my favorite color. He knows what my favorite flavor of ice cream is. He knows why I have nightmares and he knows how to make me forget them in the first place. I’m sorry we aren’t doing things on your schedule but it’s his life. He can do whatever the fuck he wants with it, whether that’s me or somebody else. For the record, he knows me just fine. Oh and if this is how you plan on speaking to him again in the morning, I’ll pick up the kids myself.”
“We’re looking out for his best interest,” said his dad.
“No, you think you’re looking at his wallet for him. See money? People think that’s important and it is but best interest? It ain’t that shit,” you said as you started to leave.
“Well what do you assume his best interest is then?” said his mom. 
“Treating him like an adult. He is smart and strong and the most emotionally healthy man I’ve ever met which considering all the fucked up shit he’s been through and felt the past year is really saying something. He’s your child but he’s not a child. He found someone he loves and all he wanted to do was share me with you. This was his worst nightmare and I couldn’t stop it. So if you’re not gonna even try with me, then I’m gonna protect him from you.”
“He doesn’t need protecting from us,” he said.
“You call him stupid and that he can’t take care of himself, that he can be fooled and that the person he thinks is his best friend really only wants him for his money. He knows none of those things are true but it’s what you said to him when you said that about me. For a man who went through what he did, it wasn’t mean. It was cruel. I’m gonna go fix what I can of your relationship with him because despite all that, I know you guys love each other and I’m not letting that get fucked up because you think whatever the hell you think about me.”
You stormed off around the house and found Josh’s truck still there but neither man in sight. You looked around and heard a sniffle, your head going up to the roof. You saw the lattice work on the side and climbed up, peeking your head up to spot the two of them sat on the roof.
“Hey,” you said quietly. Jensen wouldn’t look at you, Josh rubbing his back. 
“Careful,” he said as you climbed up and slowly walked over. You took a seat on your bottom, spotting the window behind them. “That was my room. Jensen used to sneak out this way. I was always too nervous of getting caught to try myself. You landed the bad boy of the family.”
“Oh yeah, such a bad boy,” you said. You scooted closer on your butt to him, Jensen resting his head on his knees. “Hey. Before you even think about it don’t say you’re sorry.”
“I know,” he said. He took a deep breath but looked up, looking fairly normal aside from a slightly pink nose. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Nobody was,” said Josh. “I’ll give you guys a minute. I’ll be in my car when you’re ready.”
“You should go home,” said Jensen. “Staying in a different house won’t change anything.”
“That was kinda fucked up what they said.” Jensen raised an eyebrow and he shrugged. “I don’t always agree with them. If you guys want to stay, that’s your choice but I’m not going home without telling them what a mistake they’re making.”
“You don’t have to-”
“You’re my little brother and I like her. Even if I didn’t, they’re being assholes and she doesn’t deserve that. You don’t. Alright?”
Jensen nodded and Josh walked off to the lattice and climbed down while you scooted next to Jensen. 
“You thought your siblings weren’t gonna like me,” you said.
“He’s a good person. He’s never told off our parents before so...I don’t know if I’m happy about that or not.”
“He’s a good big brother,” you said, wrapping your arms around him. “I don’t love you for your family though. I don’t care if your parents don’t like me. I’ll deal with it.”
“I wish you didn’t have to,” he said.
“I still like your dad so much better than mine,” you said.
“Yours is a monster to be fair.”
“Yeah, he is. Yours love you and I don’t agree with them but in their minds, they’re protecting you and I don’t have a problem with anyone trying to do that.”
“How are you so fucking kind to them after they basically said you’re with their dumbass son because of money?”
“Like you said, I know monsters. I know toxic and bad. They aren’t it. They raised you and I really, really like you. Good people can be stupid and still be good. In the morning we’ll try again.”
“What if I can’t get them to change their minds?” he said quietly. 
“Jensen,” you said, moving to squat down in front of him. You grabbed his cheeks and he stared at you. “You don’t have to pick anybody over anybody. Maybe I won’t be close with them but that’s okay. It’s so okay. We’ll respect each other or just won’t talk to each other and we’ll figure it out but we don’t have to do it all tonight.”
“I think what bothers me the most is they’ve already made up their minds about you based on your age when they don’t even realize who you are. They don’t see that this is the kind of person you are, kind and supportive and I heard you not taking their bullshit. You’re a stronger person than I am and I wish they could see that the reason I’m not freaking out over this is cause I know you’re my partner and you got my back like I got yours. I’m just having a hard time understanding why they won’t even listen to us.”
“I don’t know,” you said, eyes darting to the window when you caught some movement inside. You narrowed them and glanced down, spotting the crack between the windowsill and frame. “I’m a little cool. I’m gonna get my sweatshirt if that’s okay.”
“Careful climbing in,” he said, turning on his bottom and pushing the window up. You kissed his cheek and climbed inside, the room empty as far as you could tell. You stepped out to the hall and into his old room, getting your hoodie, his old hoodie. You pulled it on but went downstairs, catching his parents in the kitchen with Josh.
“Josh may I speak to your parents in private,” you said.
“Yeah. I’m done here. I’ll be over for brunch, okay?” he said. He walked past you and caught your arm. “Call me if you need me back.” You nodded and he kissed your temple before he went out. 
“Were you eavesdropping on us?” you asked, crossing your arms.
“We went to tell him to get off the roof. We could see him from the backyard up there,” said his mom, putting her back to you as she mixed up something in a mug. “But we heard the three of you talking and then the two of you. We didn’t mean-”
“We are all on the same side. His side. We should get along. It shouldn’t be this difficult and I don’t appreciate private conversations being listened in on. But I hope you understand that you hurt your son. I know you didn’t mean to and it’s the last thing you’d ever want to do to him. But you did. So please try to help me fix this. This isn’t easy for me to accept that you don’t like me either but you’re gonna respect me. If we can respect each other, then he’s not going to worry as much at least. Please promise that we can agree to that,” you said. His parents looked at each other and you sighed. “You have to be kidding me. What do you want me to do? Go away? I can’t do that. I won’t do that.”
“That’s not...Jensen called your father a monster up there,” he said. 
“I thought it was a sob story according to you ten minutes ago.”
“You said you don’t have parents. He said your father is alive.”
“What’s your point, Mr. Ackles,” you said. “Please enlighten me.”
“It doesn’t make much sense to tell different stories,” he said. 
“You can’t even give me the benefit of the doubt that I love your son. Why the fuck would I tell you things only he knows, things so few people know about. Why would I trust you with the worst parts of my life when you don’t accept the best ones. For your information, my birth mother is dead. My adoptive mother is dead. I wish my son of a bitch father was dead. The only glimmer of a parent I have maybe, maybe was my foster father. That was until last weekend. I met some parents. I met Dee’s. I met Jared’s. I got the same message from all of them. Let us know if you ever need anything. Oh the way he looks at you. You must be pretty special. Anything at all, you give us a call. People that don’t even have an obligation to look in my direction treated me like I was their kid. So maybe he and I both got our hopes up with you two and that was on us. If you want to pick apart what I’ve said and call me a liar…” you said, putting your hands on your hips. Your shut your eyes and breathed deeply, turning around. “I don’t care if you have to pretend to respect me. Just do it for his sake and the kids sakes, alright?”
A tissue appeared over your shoulder and you took it, blowing your nose and stepping away. 
“When did your mother’s pass?” you heard behind you. You threw your head back and took a deep breath.
“When I was born and when I was sixteen,” you said, turning around and swallowing. “Why does that matter?”
“When were you adopted?” he asked.
“Why do you care?”
“I was eight,” you said.
“So you only had your mother for eight years then,” he said. 
“Yeah. She got sick when I was fourteen. I stayed with her boyfriend until I moved out for my first nanny job at eighteen. It was all very sad and angsty,” you said.
“Who made the first move?” 
“I’m done with this interrogation,” you said. You started to leave but he stepped in front of you. “What do you want from me?”
“I just want to know who made the first move, you or Jensen.”
“I don’t…” you trailed off. “We had a fight. I told him I didn’t want him to be my friend anymore, he was just my boss and that was it. We couldn’t hang out at night and stuff anymore.”
“I didn’t want him to hurt me,” you said quietly. “I didn’t fit with his life. I’m not a pretty actress. I’m not smart. I’m the younger nanny and that’s all I was gonna be until I became an older nanny and that was supposed to be my life. I didn’t ask for…”
“For what?” asked his mother, carrying over her mug and setting it down on the end table.
“I didn’t ask for him to love me. But he did and I don’t know why but I trusted him not to hurt me. It’s not fairytales and roses all day every day but I like having a best friend and I never would have submitted those books to a publisher without him encouraging me and I need him to feel better. He can’t catch a break lately and I hate seeing him upset. It makes me sick to my stomach and I really, really need him to be okay so please stop doing this. Just stop. Please. I don’t care if we have to pretend the rest of our lives but please, I can’t keep seeing him take hit after hit anymore and not being able to stop it.”
You weren’t expecting the hug from his father or to bury your face in his chest for a brief moment. His mom guided you to sit on the couch, pulling a blanket around you. She handed you the mug and you saw it was hot chocolate, your eyes darting back and forth between them.
“This isn’t about to be like a lifetime movie where you murder me, right?” you said. 
“No,” said his mom as she sat next to you. “We hurt you quite deeply today, didn’t we.”
You stared at the mug, holding it in your hands. 
“You were looking forward to meeting us,” said his dad as he sat down on your other side.
“It doesn’t matter. All I care about is him.”
“I don’t think he’d be very happy with you laying down for a semblance of normalcy for him,” he said.
“Just spit out whatever the fuck you want,” you said. You gripped the mug and shut your eyes.
“I’d like you to stop swearing please,” he said. “In exchange, maybe we can have a second chance.”
“Second chance at what?” you said dryly.
“At meeting our son’s fiance.” You lifted your head and stared at him, catching a bashful look you saw in Jensen every so often. “We understand, as well as we can, he was hurt after Danneel. We can’t fix those problems like when he would scrape his knees. We knew he was in a vulnerable position and things between the two of you seemed so fast for how in pain he was. We thought of the worst of you before knowing you and that wasn’t right of us. We were trying to protect him. But like you said, we all try to do that. So if you’ll let us, give us a second chance.”
“For him, I will give you both a second chance,” you said. “I’m sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but this sort of thing isn’t going to go away just like that, for him or for me.”
“Is there anything…” said his mom as you shook your head. “We are sorry for before. Truly.”
“I know. Trust is difficult for me on a normal day. You guys kinda tore through the safety nets I thought I had with you. I need to build them up again is all.”
“That was you that said that, people have safety nets,” she said. You raised and eyebrow and she sighed. “Jensen, months back, he told us his therapist told him that, put things in perspective.”
“I guess couple’s are kinda each other’s therapists,” you said. “Sometimes they just need to vent to each other too.”
“Before you said...has he ever been to one?” asked his dad.
“Last weekend was...intense. I went to one as a child and he talked to him for a little while, helped him put things in perspective,” you said.
“Intense? Did you fight?” she asked.
“He and JJ got stung by a scorpion. It was a little serious. We went out the next night and I made a comment and he took it a different way and he got upset thinking I thought of myself as being less in his eyes than Dee was. I know it’s not true, it’s just different. He’s been having a really great week aside from today.”
You took a sip of the hot chocolate and went back for more, drinking half the mug down. 
“We screwed up,” said his dad with a sigh, sitting back against the couch. 
“Yeah but he’ll forgive you,” you said. “This is really good Mrs. Ackles.”
“Thank you sweetie and call me Donna. I made it for Jensen. He’s always liked it when he was living here and having a bad day.”
“Why do you think he’ll forgive us?” asked his dad as Donna got up.
“Because he’s Jensen. He’s not an angry man. Angry in moments but he doesn’t hold onto anger. I wouldn’t expect anything less from him. So I know he’ll forgive you. When I’m not sure of but it won’t be forever.”
“Have you two ever fought badly?” he asked.
“We’ve had a few fights. Mostly small and when we’re both tired or hungry. We had a big one a few weeks ago when he got home but we talked about why it happened and how to make sure it doesn’t again,” you said. Donna carried over a kettle and poured more hot chocolate in your mug. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Don't ask about fights Alan. It’s not our business. We should let them tell us what they want,” she said as she walked back to the kitchen.
“They probably should have had a big fight at least once to know if they can work through those things and it sounds like they have,” he said when he turned to you. “I know you’re probably love struck but marriage? That’s a lifetime of putting in the work.”
“Alan if I didn’t care about putting in the work I wouldn’t be down here right now. I know I don’t know everything I’m signing up for and no one really does but I know him and the kids and that’s worth the parts I have to work at.”
“You sound older than you look.”
“Age doesn’t always equal life experience,” you said.
“I suppose not,” he said. He stood and took a deep breath. “I do apologize for thinking the worst of you and not giving you a fair chance upfront.”
“Thank you,” you said. “I’m going to bring this up and check on him.”
“Can I ask one last thing?” asked his dad. You nodded and he looked over to Donna who gave him a short nod. “Josh said you really love him.”
“I do.”
“Do you think he loves you the same way?”
“I know he does,” you said.
“How are you so sure?”
“How are you so sure your wife loves you?” you said. “Goodnight Alan.”
“Goodnight,” he said, his mom catching up with you in the foyer where the stairs were. You gave her a tired smile and she nodded.
“If I told you something, would you keep it a secret from Jensen?” she asked.
“No,” you said with a smile. 
“I had to try,” she said. “We’re not like this by nature. Something happened he doesn’t know about when he was recovering that put us off to you. A woman. A young woman at his physical therapy.”
“What happened?” you asked quietly. She took a seat on a step and you sat beside her. “If someone tried to take advantage of him, you should have told me and him. He thinks you guys have gone nuts, no offense.”
“You’ll find with time you’d rather have your child safe and upset at you than the other way around,” she said. 
“What happened?”
“We moved down to the house for a few months to help Jensen. He went to physical therapy. A very good place. A family friend works there and got him in and he regained a lot of strength in his leg quickly because of it. There were nurses that often helped and he worked with a few regularly and they develop a relationship and all that. It’s good for morale and healing we were told. One of these girls was about your age and our family friend overheard her gossiping to a friend on the phone during a lunch break.”
“Gossiping about…” you said. “Jensen?”
“They saw an opportunity to manipulate him. He is smart, smarter than the both of us together, but he was going through the motions that first month. She made him smile a bit. She flirted with him. Our friend told us what she’d said and we realized, he could be hurt again. Taken advantage of for what he has, what he can offer. His sudden shift in mood this year, introducing you as a fiance, made us think we’d failed to protect him this time.”
“Why not tell him that?” you asked.
“And tell him he was being manipulated back then? He’s so adamant that it can’t happen to him but we know different.”
“I think you should tell him, Donna. It makes your reaction today seem not so…” you said, her head shaking.
“Ma,” you both heard. You looked over your shoulders, Jensen sat against the wall at the top of the landing. “Mom. Jerry told me why I got a new nurse when it happened. She was nice, or was pretending to be, I don’t know. But I didn’t like her. I never got manipulated and I was never going to.”
“How long-” you said, Jensen rubbing the back of his neck. “You heard everything.”
“Yup,” he said, popping his p, his dad coming over to the bottom of the stairs and staring up. “I don’t want to talk to either of you right now. Y/N, I’d like to go to bed, please.”
“Accept their apology Jensen. You can hash out the rest of this in the morning but accept that they know they were in the wrong,” you said. 
“Why should I?” he asked, cocking his head.
“We both got hurt out of their love for you. They are not monsters and I know the difference,” you said. “You know too.”
“Will you two ever look at me the same again,” said Jensen, staring at the landing. 
“Honey it was a fight. It’ll be alright,” said his mom, his head shaking.
“Ever since I woke up in the hospital, you two look at me like I’m a kid. Like I’m weak and defenseless. But I’m not. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been and this whole day could have been avoided if you treated me like your adult son, not the kid who fell off his bike and cries over a cut. I needed you two to take over, I did, I honestly did after the accident. I couldn’t take care of myself let alone the kids. But you haven’t stopped thinking I can take care of me again. I can. I do. I know I’m your kid but let me be an adult again. Trust me. Please.”
“Come here,” you said, holding out your hand. He slid down the steps and you stood up and aside, letting him get a hug from his mom and then dad. 
“We’re sorry,” said his dad.
“I know,” said Jensen quietly. “Never do something like that again. Ever.”
“We won’t,” he said. You leaned against the wall and sipped on the hot chocolate, Jensen’s nose twitching.
“That’s my cocoa,” he said, turning his head up at you.
“I just Jerry Springer’ed ya’ll. I get the cocoa. Get your own,” you said. He smiled and you gave it right back, his parents pulling off and bringing him to his feet. 
“Come here,” said his dad as his mom dragged him off towards the kitchen with the promise of hot chocolate. You stepped down until you were about his height and took a drink, licking your lips when you finished. “How do you just let that go? You were so angry before.”
“I’ve been to therapy. I have good diffusing skills,” you said. 
“Is that a joke?”
“Not really,” you said with a smile. “You made a mistake because you love him. I’m gonna make mistakes because I love him. So when I screw up, now you owe me one, deal?”
“I know it’s getting late but would you be willing to stay up a while longer, maybe find out that favorite color?” he asked. You smiled and nodded, stepping down.
“Depends on the day,” said Jensen, stepping out with a mug of his own.
“He’s right,” you said. “You okay to stay up a bit?”
He nodded and walked back to the family room, taking your hand. 
“Better?” you whispered to him.
“Yeah. Not all the way but definitely better honey.”
It was warm when you woke up the next morning. You peeled open an eye and caught Jensen laying awake, staring at his ceiling. You kicked off the blankets and he reached an arm out, pulling you to lay on his chest.
“It’s hot in here,” you mumbled, eyes shutting again.
“There’s a box covering the vent,” he said, dancing his fingers lazily over your bare arm. “It’s almost noon.”
“Seriously?” you said into his chest, nuzzling against his soft skin.
“Yeah. Sounds like they’re out back with the kids,” he said. You nodded and felt him move his fingers all over you, soft and light, absentmindedly tracing patterns every so often.
“Still upset?” you asked, his head nodding. “They’re human. They fuck up.”
“Are you angry?”
“I was. Not anymore. I kinda like ‘em actually.”
“Why would you give them a second chance?” he asked. 
“When I got adopted I didn’t like, instantly love my mom. I was scared of her at first. I don’t know, I get that you can not like someone at first and then love them unconditionally, you know? It’s weird but your opinions can change once you get to know someone.”
“I don’t do a very good job of protecting you from things,” he said, tilting his head, moving a few hairs behind your ear. You looked up at him, his fingers playing in your hair behind you. 
“Honey you went off on your parents last night. I bet you’ve never done that to them. You were trying to protect me and you did. No one has ever protected me the way you do,” you said. “Today is a new day and I’d like to get to know my new family some more.”
“Okay,” he said softly. “I’ll follow your lead.”
A/N: Read Part 13 here!
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