#bless Claude for being the good guy he is
gamenu · 1 year
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          he notices nicole standing at the harbor, gazing at the ocean ahead of them. come to think of it, she has been more absent as of late. claude makes his way over to her, covering her eyes, ❝ guess who, ❞ as if it isn't obvious. removing his hands again he takes a seat, his feet dangling over the edge. ❝ everything alright ? ❞
                                                       -- @lumoire
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          Needless to say, ever since Leon had been back, Nicole had been more than ecstatic. She had been practically glued to his side for three days straight until he was fully acclimated with everyone and everything they had around. Then of course, he had to go do his own Prince Leon things.She was fine letting him off on his own. He was safe, and that was all she could have ever asked for.
          She thought, until he voiced what happened and why he was there to begin with. That he had been searching for her as well.
          Every kind of thought wandered as to what would have happened had he not been searching for her. Claude and the rest of the Deer would have gained a rather powerful enemy, and while she's sure of everyone's capabilities...someone who lost their home is desperate. And even then, Nicole doesn't want either of them fighting. So while it's good all three of them are here, she knows it's putting Leon in a tough spot.
          He's got to tell his siblings something. They sent him out to find and seek alliance with the Adrestian Empire. Nicole has now idea how that's going to go down when they discover he's thrown his lot in with the Leicester Alliance. If nothing more, than on the word of a girl he hasn't seen in years.
          It left Nicole with a feeling of guilt. A small feeling of like she was getting in the way of rebuilding Nohr. Just the thought caused her pain, she loved Nohr. It was her home too, and to make the feeling worse, she's actually somewhat glad she doesn't have to choose where she stays now. Nicole always wondered that when Leon would seek her out, would she have to choose between staying with him and Claude. And while she made her choice to stay with Claude...it felt like a small slap in the face to Leon.
          Or what if she had to leave anyway, because they planned to rebuild everything. Her assistance...her branch of magic could actually be extremely useful and quicken the pace by a long shot.
          All of her thoughts were swarming like an angry wasps nest, overwhelming and loud, Nicole hadn't even realized where she wandered or how long she had been there until being pulled from her thoughts.
          Those hands on her face...they were warm and familiar. Spent enough time around them to even recognize the lines in them.
          It's a soft, almost tired smile when Claude removes his hands and sits. Nicole opts to sit beside him, offering an acknowledging nod before looking back out to sea.
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         "Eh...jus' thinkin', really. Been thinkin' a lot lately. An'...I guess...I'm jus' sad. Like, I'm happy Leon is here...bu' tha news he brough' gives me more questions an' uncertainty than before. So I guess I'm overthinkin' things like I do. Like how I used ta do when I first joined ya'll back at tha academy, ya know?"
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linilou-von-hevring · 8 months
Read it here on ao3!
“Whatcha doing there?”
It takes a moment for Byleth to look up from the lake. Ripples break her reflection as she pulls her soaked cloak onto her lap. Red stains the fabric, stains that bleed onto the girl’s hands and knees. And she almost seems frazzled as her eyes find Claude’s; or at least, she seems as frazzled as an emotionless Ashen Demon can be.
“I’m trying to get these stains out before it’s too late.”
“Why not just use another one instead? If you want, we can get you a new one as soon as we’re back in the capital.”
Claude must have been blessed by the goddess, or perhaps it’s just a stroke of luck. Regardless, it’s nice not being chased away as he takes a seat next to Byleth on the grass. The summer air is almost choking, dry heat pounding down onto the heads that have the misfortune of being exposed, but by the water, it’s a little more bearable. It’s a little fresher, the cool breeze brushing Claude’s cheeks. Or maybe it’s the sparkle in those green eyes that makes it worth being outside under the blazing sun.
“Jeralt said the same thing.”
He waits for more to come, but the wait is in vain. Byleth simply goes back to scrubbing her cloak, her green eyes glistening like the still lake under the sun. She seems determined to get her cloak back into its original state, but the blood is stubborn, clinging to the fabric. It clings like the memories of the last battle, one that had been far more brutal than the rest. It clings like the pit that forms at the bottom of Claude’s stomach; he couldn’t ignore the casualties that had come with his lack of preparation. He can’t ignore the wave of nausea that hits him, the smell of bloodshed leaving him sick all over again.
“You were good in the last battle.” Claude’s eyes leave the bloody garment only to fall back onto Byleth. She doesn’t look away from her work, but he knows she’s addressing him. He knows the words are for him, an attempt at comfort; he knows she had seen him detach himself from his celebrating troops to be sick on his own. “You did what you had to do to win, even if it wasn’t the victory you had wanted.” Green eyes find each other; they’re dusted with sunlight, a flicker of warmth he’s never seen in Byleth. “You’re a good leader. You’re a smart one.”
The blush that heats his face catches him by surprise. Claude’s heard it a million times before, heard the whispers and the praises for how smart he is, how cunning he is, how he plans for everything, but none of those compliments had left him swelling with pride. Every pat on the back he had gotten had felt like a stepping stone leading him to his next scheme, approval for him to keep going, but coming from Byleth, it feels different. From Byleth, he believes it; Claude doesn’t feel the need to be humble or deny his intelligence. With Byleth, he doesn’t need to put up this perfect political leader persona he has perfected for everyone else; Claude can just be himself, this kid that’s just trying his best to survive a worthless war.
“You’re pretty smart yourself, you know. And you’re crazy strong, taking those guys out like it was nothing to you.” Maybe the wink and bumping of shoulders was unnecessary, but Byleth doesn’t seem to mind. She doesn’t back away or leave; she simply shakes her head as she continues scrubbing her cloak. “I mean it, though. You’re an incredible mercenary. And I kinda wish we had met sooner, been on the same team from the start. Kinda wish I had gotten to know you sooner.”
Byleth hums, a sound Claude has grown accustomed to hearing. He still hasn’t figured out the meaning of the sound, but he knows it’s better than silence. He knows that if she’s humming, it means she’s not chasing him away. If she’s humming, it means he gets to stay by her side, even if just for a moment longer.
It’s peaceful by the lake. Everything is still besides the weak ripples of water Byleth produces from plunging her cloak into the water. Everything is calm; birds chirp from the treetops and Claude even spots a pair of ducks diving for fish. Everything is so serene; if it weren’t for the camps set up a little further away, if it weren’t for the bloodshed that stains the soles of their shoes, if it weren’t for the dark circles that stain Claude’s face, it would have been impossible to know they were plunged in the midst of a war. If it weren’t for the weight on his heart, everything would have almost felt normal.
“Here.” Byleth furrows her brows as Claude pulls her cloak out of her hands. “Let help.”
“I’ve never seen a king be so adamant about doing laundry before.”
Laughter bubbles out of Claude as he plunges the fabric into the water. He’s never had to wash anything on his own before, he’s always had someone do it for him, but it’s never too late to learn. And maybe he’s not as methodical as Byleth had been, maybe his fingers are not yet familiar with the weight of wet cottons or the proper way of scrubbing stains out, but it’s not so terrible. It’s almost pleasant, the little mundane tasks Claude never got to do, having been raised in silks and perfumes. He almost feels normal, just a little more like everyone else. Maybe once this wretched war settles down, he’ll take up doing more chores instead of delegating them. Or maybe he’ll content himself with this one time, enjoying the freshness of the water against his skin.
“We’re friends, aren’t we?” He doesn’t wait for an answer; Claude knows waiting is useless. “Friends help each other out.”
It’s so easy to smile around Byleth. Around Byleth, there’s an ease to every one of Claude’s grins, an ease he hadn’t known possible for him. Every smile he’s sported before, be it for his friends or for his troops, they’ve always weighed him down. They’ve always been an obligation to Claude, a duty he owes his people, especially during wartimes. Smiling has always been a tool for Claude, a way to instill confidence in the people he faces, but here, with Byleth, it almost feels like none of that matters. He doesn’t need to convince her of his abilities as a leader. He doesn’t need to convince her of anything, really. With Byleth, it almost feels like everything will simply be alright.
“You’re kind.” Byleth purses her lips as she tilts her head at Claude, her eyes running over his body before settling on his face. “You’re a lot kinder than most nobles I’ve come across.”
The statement begs for questions. It’s right there, an invitation for Claude to pry, but he doesn’t dare. Every question that forms at the tip of his tongue is swallowed back; he knows better than to try to break Byleth open. If she wants to tell him about her days before being hired by Leicester, if she wants to tell him about all her wandering, all the people she has met before him, then she will. She will tell him on her own terms. She’ll open up, little by little, whenever she feels like it. And as much as Claude hates waiting, his impatience and curiosity getting the better of him most of the time, he knows when to back down. He knows he has to content himself with the bits of information that are slowly handed to him.
A smile pulls at the corners of his mouth as he pushes himself up from the grass. Byleth’s eyes flicker between the boy standing before her and the cloak he’s left laying at his feet, left to soak in more stains than what Claude had gotten out. Her eyes flicker, but she doesn’t move. She makes no move to take back what is rightfully hers, nor does she follow Claude’s lead. She simply sits there, her expression unreadable as always.
Maybe Claude should have let her be. Maybe he should have sat back down and gone back to the little task he had imposed upon himself. Maybe he should have been thinking more rationally, but whatever brains he’s known for has since been left at the conference table. Here, under the blazing sun, under that green gaze, he’s letting his heart lead. Here, now, he’s following where fate leads him.
“I don’t know if kind is the best way to describe me, but,” he holds his hand out to Byleth, a hand she contemplates for a moment, “I promise you I’ll never be like any of the nobles of this place. Not Lorenz, not Hilda, not any of them. I’m just not one of them, no matter how hard I try. So please,” finally, fingers curl around the hand that touches his, “think of me as your friend instead of your leader, your king. Please?”
Pretty eyes roll back as Claude pulls Byleth to her feet. It’s the first time he’s ever seen her this relaxed; it’s the first time he doesn’t panic at their proximity, afraid she might take his life. It’s the first time he feels they’re equals; it’s the first time they feel like just people rather than soldiers striving to survive a war.
Byleth’s hand quickly falls away from Claude’s, but not as quickly as her eyes. They fall onto the horizon, onto the sun that’s still high, still plummeting down onto their heads. They shimmer like the lake reflecting the leaves in the trees, they’re captivating as always, always filled with a mystery that draws Claude in, but they’re not alone in holding his gaze. He can’t help but trace the lines of reddening skin, skin he knows is normally so pale. He can’t help but want to touch the splotches of burns that have started to sprinkle Byleth’s skin. And maybe that’s why she always has something to cover herself; maybe she, unlike Claude, burns under the scorching summer sun. Maybe Byleth, unlike Claude, didn’t spend her entire childhood playing under blazing rays.
“Not to pry or anything, but,” green finds green once more, “when’s the last time you just had fun?”
Claude almost laughs at the way Byleth tilts her head, her eyebrows furrowed. It’s almost as if she’d never heard the word; it’s almost as if it had no meaning to her.
“Let loose, had fun. Didn’t think about the shitty state of the world. Just thought of yourself for a moment, been a little impulsive maybe. Not been all serious all the time.” Claude shrugs, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Y’know, just had fun.”
Byleth furrows her brows once more, concentration staining her delicate features. She’s searching for a time she had done something other than work; by the looks of it, maybe the answer to Claude’s question is “never.” Had the Ashen Demon ever had a moment where she just got to have fun? Or had she been born a fighter, born with a sword weighing down her little hands? Did a mercenary, no matter how young, ever have the opportunity to just kick back and have fun in their life?
Claude doesn’t wait for an answer. If Byleth has never had the chance to let loose before, then it’s become Claude’s personal mission to change that here and now. Now matter how dire their circumstances, they’re allowed a moment of indulgence. No matter how deadly the outside world is, they’re entitled to a moment of peace, a moment of their own. No matter what, they’re allowed to take back a moment of their idle childhood and make the world their own. They’re allowed to reclaim the childhood they lost to war.
Green eyes fall back onto Claude, eyes that follow the lines of his body as he spins on his heel, his arms thrown back behind his head. He knows Byleth can’t look away; ever since she’s been hired to be a part of the Leicester army, her eyes have rarely left him. She’s followed his every movement as if it had become her personal mission to ensure his safety. She’s never been far; she’s always known his exact whereabouts. And it makes sense: the death of her employer would mean the end of her income. It makes sense that she has to ensure her own survival; money is just as vital to life as not being cut down by a sword, not that Byleth would ever be careless enough to be ambushed. It makes sense that her eyes are drawn towards Claude, but this time, she’s not looking at him as if he were this fragile little thing that needed protecting. This time, she’s looking at him, all of him, all of Claude. This time, she doesn’t seem as guarded as she watches him. Perfect.
The sound that breaks from Claude’s lips is far pitchier than he had expected from himself. It’s far from that deep battle cry, that powerful voice he uses as he sends his troops forwards. This scream is one far more natural, a yelp one would expect from a child rather than from a man leading an army. This shriek as he trips back towards the water is one that pulls Byleth’s complete attention to him, her eyes suddenly huge as she reaches out to grab him. And she’s right where Claude wants her; his fingers curl around the hand extended towards him and yank the girl forward, both bodies plunging into the lake.
Cool water surrounds them as Claude pulls Byleth into his chest. It’s almost as if time slows as they sink into the lake, glistening freshness enveloping them like a blanket. Down here, the blazing hot sun can’t reach them. Down here, the world seems to disappear. At least, until Byleth is pushing Claude away and rising to the surface. Or maybe the world vanishes even more as he watches her glide against the water. Everything goes away, everything but Byleth’s elegance as she pierces through the surface, her fanned out hair now clinging to her cheeks. Nothing matters when Byleth’s looking that pretty as she catches her breath, coughing out the water she’s accidentally swallowed. Everything is Byleth, Byleth who has never seemed more human than in this moment.
Laughter bubbles out of Claude as he joins her at the surface. It’s uncontrolled, rolling out in snorts and choked breaths, but it’s by far the most genuine laugh he’s let out in a long time. It’s a laugh he’s forgotten himself capable of, but as Byleth glares at him, her soaked hair a mess, how is he supposed to not laugh? How can he help the fits of laughter as he sees her face twist upon realizing she fell for another of his dirty little tricks? How can he not laugh or sport a grin so wide it hurts his cheeks? It’s not every day he gets to trick the Ashen Demon, the girl who’s always so on guard, so ready to read through every one of his schemes. Claude’s not as predictable as she had made it seem; Byleth hadn’t planned for this outcome.
More laughter spills as a wave slaps Claude across the face. He can’t see the face Byleth is pulling, too busy rubbing the water out of his eyes, but he can imagine it. He can perfectly picture her half-hearted frown, that near pout that perfectly encapsulates her disappointment in herself for falling for something so obvious. She should have known better than to be fooled by Claude’s scream. She should have known that he isn’t one to trip over his own two feet. She should have known that he was as steady as any archer needs to be in order to survive. She should have known so much, expected so much, and yet she had been fooled by his cunning. She had expected the best of him, which had been her biggest mistake.
“You tricked me.”
“Told you I wasn’t kind.”
Another grin breaks across Claude’s face as water washes over him, a wave he gladly returns. He won’t be the only one engulfed by the cool water sent his way; Byleth disappears into the lake, though only for a split second. It’s only a second before she’s bobbing back up, having pushed herself back to the surface. It’s only a second before she’s back on the offensive, blinding Claude through the means of splashes and sunlight.
He shouldn’t have expected any less from the Ashen Demon. Why wouldn’t she be just as competitive as she is fearless? It’s anything but a surprise that she wants nothing more than to win the battles she’s engaged in, even if those battles are silly little games played out in the middle of a lake. She’ll force Claude to surrender if she must, just as she had once tried on the battlefield. She’ll do anything to hear his gasping breaths declaring her the victor. She’ll force him into a corner, trap him just as he had once trapped her, but such a feat doesn’t come as easily as she might have hoped. If she’s stubborn enough to fight until the very end, then Claude is three times stubborner than her. He has to lead her to her demise. He has to lead her to surrender rather than to victory.
“Is that really the best you can do?” War-hardened eyes narrow onto him as he grins, trying his best to not sound winded despite the exhaustion starting to weigh him down. “Guess the rumors about how strong the unbeatable, the unshakable Ashen Demon is are all wrong. Because I swear I’ve fought stronger practice dummies.” Claude shakes his head as he let out another laugh. “And here I was expecting a bit of a challenge. Guess you’re just too predictable.”
Something flashes in Byleth’s eyes. It’s a glint Claude’s only seen a handful of times, a twinkle he had once feared when he opposed the Ashen Demon on the battlefield. It’s a shine that had once shaken him to his core, leaving him sleepless from the paralyzing fear of her power. But here, under the blazing summer sun, fear is left to the shadows; now, as heat flushes Byleth’s cheeks, he knows the shimmer can only mean he’s in for a good time. Who would have guessed that all it took was a little taunt for Byleth to take the bait? Who would have thought that a little taunt would be enough for her to rise to the challenge, ready to display her true strength to Claude, though this time without the worry of his life being taken? He’d finally get an up-close glimpse of the tactics of the fabled Ashen Demon but without the anxiety that had accompanied him the last time he had challenged her on a battlefield.
Byleth’s a lot faster now, disappearing underwater before reappearing behind him. She’s a lot more silent, a lot more unpredictable. The splashes she had once directed at Claude, the waves that had washed over him, they’ve become more precise, as if magic is controlling the bursts that catch him off guard. And every ambush has Claude’s mind racing, trying desperately to predict and counter Byleth’s next move. Every attack pushes him further from his goal; maybe this is the time he finally loses to her.
Another yelp breaks from his lips as he’s dragged down into the lake. Arms wrap around his neck as water engulfs him. The sun seems to be growing farther away as Claude reaches out to the surface. The light seems to disappear as he tries his best to wiggle out of his opponent’s iron grip. Everything seems to fade away when he finally breaks free, finally able to push himself to the surface, which seems so far away.
Everything seems to vanish. Maybe the water had gotten to his head, hazing his mind. Maybe he had sunk too deep. Maybe he had been deprived of oxygen for too long, even if he knows he’s stayed underwater far longer in the past. But what other explanation can there be for his gasps as he reaches the surface, gasps that sound like he hasn’t had a chance to breathe for hours? Why else would his eyes feel so wide, the sunlight blinding him completely? Why else would he think he met his siren at the bottom of the lake?
Everything had happened so fast, from the plunge to the resurfacing. Everything had happened in the blink of an eye, fragments Claude is only now starting to put together as he catches his breath. Everything had felt unreal; maybe none of it happened, or maybe everything really did happen.
Byleth’s arms had been iron-tight around Claude’s neck as she pulled him down into the water with her. She had been a lot stronger than he had anticipated, immobilizing him in a way he hadn’t known possible. She had been a lot swifter as well, her arms falling away from him before she circled him. And she had been stunning in that moment, despite the blur of water. Byleth had appeared before him like one of the paintings that had adorned the walls of the Riegan estate, those paintings of worship he had once spent hours observing, those gorgeous painting which depicted beauty incarnate. Right there, she had seemed almost divine under the filtered sunlight.
Byleth had been the only thing Claude could see despite his burning and blurring eyesight. Byleth, she had been so breathtaking with her hair suspended around her as if forming a halo around her face. Byleth, how could something so deadly be so pretty?
Maybe it’s the loss of oxygen playing tricks on Claude’s hazy mind. Maybe the burning lake water had been the reason he had squeezed his eyes shut. Maybe everything that supposedly happened is nothing more than the replay of a fantasy Claude has dreamt up. Maybe he’s making everything up, convincing himself that his desires are reciprocated. Maybe he’s nothing more than a dreamer; but then again, everything had felt too real to be a figment of his imagination.
He couldn’t have conjured up the feeling of hands on his cheeks. He couldn’t have made up the way he had been pulled closer. He couldn’t have imagined the light touch of lips to his. It couldn’t be a fantasy playing over in his mind; he knows the feeling of Byleth haunting his dreams, always three steps too far for him to catch her. Claude knows the difference between dreams and reality; he knows he didn’t imagine grabbing Byleth’s arm as he tried his best to press a kiss back to her lips. He knows he’s not that delusional; he can’t be that delusional. If this had all been delusion, why had Byleth broken away from him, leaving him with nothing but his gasps, air bubbles rushing from his mouth to the surface?
Everything had happened so fast; everything had felt so real, yet so uncertain as Claude raises a finger to his lips. Who would believe him if he told them the story of what had just happened? No one would; no one had witnessed the scene, not even the sun. And as Claude remains alone at the center of the lake, drenched and heaving, he knows he’d have been called a liar. Byleth is nowhere near him; she didn’t resurface alongside him, coughing out water as she had earlier. No, she’s far from him, already sitting on the shore and ringing out water from her hair. If it weren’t for the fact that she, too, was soaked down to her core, Claude might have even believed he had made up the plunge they had taken together.
But he didn’t make anything up. His sleepless nights had not caught up to him, leaving him with fabricated memories. The sun had not been too much for him. He’s not going crazy from some cold that washed over him from the bit of time he spent in the lake. It’s impossible, even if he knows nature is more unpredictable than he’ll ever be. It’s impossible for the sun to have pounded such delusions into his head, even if he’s been warned that it has the power to daze and confuse those who stayed under it for too long. Claude knows he hasn’t gone crazy. Not yet, at least. He hasn’t yet lost all his senses to the one sitting there, all pretty under the harsh sunlight.
Byleth’s eyes rise towards Claude, but they quickly dart away as she kicks the water her feet are soaking in. And something pulls on Claude’s heartstrings as he watches her fidget with her hair. He’s never seen her like this; he’s only known her to be the fearless Ashen Demon, the girl who had glared daggers at him, the girl who had narrowed her twinkling eyes onto him. He’s never seen Byleth look shy, glancing away as he draws closers to her. He’s never seen a blush stain her cheeks. And she looks so beautiful like that, the color creeping into her face, leaving her looking bashful. She looks beautiful and human; maybe she’s not as untouchable and mysterious as Claude had thought.
“I shouldn’t have…”
Byleth purses her lips. Her eyes flicker all around before falling back to her hands now resting against her lap. The thoughts are racing through her mind; Claude can see them bounce all around. He can easily imagine her trying to grab onto a few of them, trying her best to find the right words, but nothing comes of it. She remains silent, biting the insides of her cheeks.
Claude can’t fault her for her silence. He knows what it’s like trying to explain a decision that has no explanation. He knows what it’s like to act impulsively, act rashly. He knows what it’s like to do something only to realize too later there were other ways. He knows the feeling all too well.
“But you did.”
Green eyes flicker towards Claude as he pushes himself out of the water. He’s heavy from the lake-soaked cottons clinging to his skin, and he feels gross, sinking into the now flooded muddy grass, but neither say anything about it. Neither seem ready to acknowledge what has happened. They don’t mention the plunge they took, nor do they mention the moment they shared. At least, they don’t mention it outright; putting it into words, addressing it, that would make it too real. They know it happened, but talking about it, it’s scarier than the battles they lead. The only thing more terrifying that talking is the prospect of losing the moment to foggy memories.
“I don’t know what I was thinking.” A pause. The longest pause Claude has ever had to endure. “I wasn’t thinking. It was impulsive.”
“Do you often go around disarming your opponents with kisses?”
Something swells inside of Claude as Byleth shakes her head. The smallest sliver of a smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as she lets her head hang forward. The tiniest hint of a laugh drips from her lips as she straightens out, leaving Claude to fall for her smile. It’s the first time he’s ever seen one on her, and it lights up her face. It leaves her glowing, leaves her with a radiance he has never witnessed before.
“No. Only you.”
Claude’s heart flips as slender fingers find his against the grass. They curl over each other, locking together as a perfect fit. It’s almost as if they had been fated for this moment, this exchange of shy smiles and glances. It’s as if Claude had been destined to fall for that smile, that smile that is all for him, caused by him. That smile he had only dreamt of witnessing, what ever had he done to be deserving of such beauty?
“I think—” Byleth purses her lips once more before shaking her head and turning to Claude. She sucks in a breath, her exhale a little shakier than usual. “I’d like to do it again. Without catching you off guard. Not impulsively, but on purpose this time.”
It’s so easy to smile around Byleth. Nothing’s ever been easier than the grin that tugs at the corners of Claude’s mouth. Nothing’s ever felt better than the butterflies that erupt in his stomach as he brushes a strand of hair out of Byleth’s eyes before closing the distance between them. Nothing has ever felt as good as the smile pressed to his, a smile he never even dared dream of tasting. Nothing can compare to this. Absolutely nothing.
Claude knows no one will believe him if he spills the secret behind his pounding heart. He knows no one would believe that the Ashen Demon had smiled at him or that Byleth had let him thread his fingers through her damp hair. He knows he’d be called a liar or a dreamer if he dared insinuate that he has gotten a taste of those soft lips. He knows it all sounds too good to be true, but even so, he knows he didn’t make it up.
No one will believe Claude’s tales, no one but the sun that has borne witness to the tender hearts learning to beat for one another. No one would know if this moment, no one but the ducks that cheer as laughter fills the little space separating the two. No one has witnessed Claude’s compliance as he’s pulled closer once more, no one but the birds that sing of love. No one could imagine the beauty that has bloom under the summer sun, no one but the trees that had swayed as another kiss seals the promise of care and devotion.
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raspberryranpo · 3 years
Hi! I've never made a request before, and I can't find a post that says if requests are open or not so I hope this is okay. BUT. If they are open, would I be able to request some fluffy headcanons with Felix, Sylvain, and the three head of houses (Dimi, Claude and Edie) if possible? If you don't write for characters separately like that then maybe just black eagles fluffy headcanons? I love your writing and I hope you have an amazing day/night 🥰❤️
general fluff headcanons
fire emblem three houses: dimitri, claude, edelgard, felix & sylvain
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requests are still open by the way!! please just bear with me because i’m trying my hardest to get through a bunch of them this week after not doing anything for a while
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prefers to link arms with you rather than hold your hand because he’s scared that he’ll end up hurting you
loves to have you brush his hair when you’re getting ready for bed. on more than one occasion, he’s managed to pass out on your lap
going back to what i said before about cottagecore dimitri….. during your school days, he liked to talk about how, in the future, you & he would have a small house in the faerghus countryside, surrounded by nothing but nature
will gently tuck your hair behind your ear or pick an eyelash off of your face without worrying about embarrassing you because that never occurs to him
talks about you to his friends and the nobles he has to deal with as king too - they hear about you nonstop and it drives them absolutely crazy, but it’s still heartwarming to see the previously silent prince now blab on about the person he loves
sometimes you can feel claude’s prickly beard when you both wake up in the morning & he always makes it a point to wake you up by rubbing it into your neck
blows raspberries into your skin whenever he sees an opportunity to. of course, he doesn’t do this around just anyone - mostly in front of lorenz just to make him uncomfortable though
whenever he comes home, he runs straight to wherever you are & scoops you up effortlessly, swinging you back and forth and kissing you all over
knows how to style your hair and will play with it at any given opportunity, meaning that whenever he’s bored and you’re bored and you’re both in a meeting, he’s reaching over to twirl a strand in his fingers
plays with the orphans in the monastery whenever he passes them by - for example, if they’re playing football, he’ll kick the ball around with them for five minutes and praise them, even if he’s needed immediately at an important meeting. it always makes them smile & he’s a favourite among them
you’ve seen her talking to the cats and dogs dotted around the monastery on more than one occasion. she won’t admit it, but you both know that she does it
is 100% hiding a cat in her room and you can hear it on occasion through the window. the cat sometimes finds its way into the room next door (hubert’s) and you can also hear him fawning over it too
whenever she’s bored in a meeting, she’ll just lean over and rest her head on your shoulder, shutting her eyes once she’s sure that nobody’ll notice
has an exceptional singing voice. dorothea has asked her to join mittelfrank multiple times but she’s refused - however, she does enjoy singing you to sleep whenever you’re both together at night
you guys always have tea parties every sunday with zero exceptions. all you do is drink tea and talk trash about the blue lions with the hopes that one of them will walk past and hear. sometimes hubert joins, and those days are always the harshest yet funniest.
reads a book before bed every night, otherwise he can’t sleep. he has little reading glasses too & it’s the most old man thing he’s ever done. he’s also probably afraid of the dark too bless
every time he walks past you & you’re sitting down, he’ll either a) ruffle your hair and then kiss the top of your head, or b) push down on your head so that you hit the table or the thing you’re holding just to get on your nerves
will talk about the most random topics for hours on end - you could ask him about giant squids and he’d know everything there is to know, and then some. he’s incredibly nerdy & whenever he’s around you, his mouth just starts running, half out of nervousness and half out of the need to impress you
saying that, he probably knows everything about everyone, much like gretchen from mean girls. whenever there’s someone being mean to you, he’ll come out and say their darkest secret just to get revenge
genuinely listens to all you have to say without zoning out or talking over you. and he remembers the smallest things, too - you could mention how you saw a really cute necklace the other day, and the next thing you know, he’s holding it up in front of you
is incredibly soft behind closed doors. i know i say this every time i do something fluffy for felix, but it’s true. he can’t bring himself to even hold your hand otherwise because he’s too busy worrying about whether his hands are too sweaty or if he’ll crush your hands
instead of holding hands, though, he’ll gladly hold your pinky. every so often he squeezes it just to let you know that he’s still there and that he still cares about you
everything you look at in shops, he buys, zero hesitation. even if you protest, he tries to reason that you deserve it and that money is of no relevance to him whatsoever. he purely just wants to see you happy
he (very reluctantly) took you to meet his father once. rodrigue loved you, saying that you’re a good influence on felix, and that he hopes that felix is treating you right. baby pictures are shown, and felix is fuming by the time you leave
felix also has reading glasses and no i do not accept criticism. he doesn’t even read that often, but he knows that you think he looks cute with his dinky glasses on, so he puts them on more often. they slide down his face sometimes & he blushes when you push them back up for him
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iamdarkness · 3 years
To Feed a Tiger. Forces of Will.3
Chapter 3
Alfonse x Summoner, Alfonse X Summoner X Lif
And one sided (as of now) Dimitri X Summoner X Alfonse X Lif
Triggers for talk about mental health. It is Feral Dimitri after all. Mentions of death and depressive thoughts.
Sexual Harassment and maybe more than that.
Incest. (Freyr and mentions of Freya). Rater R for a little graphic scenes of battle and character death. Nothing we have not seen in the game itself.
-Hrid…- You hear Sharena say under her breath and it feels like all the happiness has been drained from her voice. Of course she would feel sad. Her big brother meant so much to her and seeing him suffer would make her suffer as well. They were so close. He was her best friend, confidant, protector and hero. Watching him so defeated had been a shock and more so that she herself had not reacted fast enough to prevent this. In a way she felt responsible as well.
-Summoner _______. Princess Sharena. Heroes. It is a pleasure to be your guest again.- Hrid says when he is close enough to take your hand and Sharena’s. His hand lingers on yours and you take it back to take Princess Laegjan’s.
- It is indeed as King Hrid has said, a pleasure to be here again.- Laegjarn says as she takes your hand and Sharena’s, her piercing red eyes watch you searchingly.
You greet them equally and introduce your heroes by name and title. You will not have them be nameless heroes to no one. They deserve to be treated, like the heroes that they are. As if sensing your unrest and because he has dreamed of your pain Freyr comes and stand by your side . He blocks Hrid from getting too close to you. You hear young Claude snicker behind you.
-How was your trip to the beach Summoner? I would have liked to come sooner so we could meet you there, but we had a little delay.
- It was great! We even had a sand castle contest and a nice nap.
-They even got a great tan!- Said King Claude nodding to Freyr in particular and you turn to give him a fake angry look. You notice he is watching Alfonse and he winks at him. Alfonse looks like he understands something unspoken.
- I will cherish mine. It was a wonderful and invigorating nap.- Says Lord Freyr to bring attention to his chest and he “looks” sideways to smile at you.
- I can’t say the same about mine my Lord! It stings a lot!- You tell him smiling.
- Yeah we got the wrong lotion, so now we need to go to the infirmary to get fixed up.- Said Sharena sheepishly. You notice Alfonse and Hrid are looking at Freyr’s bare chest. They can clearly see the white mark of your arm on it. Hrid looked a little scandalized and Alfonse… he looked amused. He looks sideways at Hrid.
-Is that…?
-Oh it’s my hand. I kind of hugged him while I was sleeping. Now if you all don’t mind. We need to get to the infirmary. I’ll see you all at the meeting.- You say and leave with the rest of your group to the infirmary. You hear Alfonse talking to Hrid.
-Everyone loves our Summoner. Some more than others and in different ways.- And there is a hint of humor in his words. <<At least he is having fun.>>
The meeting lasted three hours. Besides the heroes Anna had asked to attend, you had asked Hero King Marth, who was the oldest of the Marths and with more experience, Micaiah, King Claude and Lord Freyr. You were sitting between the former two. They had sat themselves with you in between before Hrid had claimed the chair next to you. You had seen Claude talking to Alfonse and thought they had a plan to distract Hrid or may be just make him re think his life. There was no announcement about the engagement, but Hrid said the royal ball that was supposed to take place in two wees was pushed back for two months. This would give them all time to prepare and gather more information.
- I also hope that by then it will be two good news to announce and not just one.- He tells you and Fjorm when the meeting was over. You feel Fjorm’s cold hand take yours and give it a squeeze.- Dear summoner, would you be so kind to sit by my side at dinner? I would very much like to talk about some important things with you.
-Sure.- You agree to it because, you want him to give you a reason to tell him you are not interested. Alfonse and Fjorm did not sacrificed themselves, for this man to think you are going to fall at his feet after a dinner. Besides, you were sure Claude and Alfonse were planing something and you trusted them. You turned to Fjorm and winked to let her know you got this. She blushed at this.
Once at dinner you do sit by his side. Commander Anna is sitting at the head of the table.Alfonse is sitting about three chairs from you, between Fjorm and Sharena. The chair next to you is the other head of the table and it is still empty. Suddenly, you see F Dimitri come inside the dinning hall. He seldom comes in here and you signal for him to come and sit by your side. He complies. Claude and Freyr sit on the chairs in front of you and Hrid.
Dimitri was dressed in a dressy black suit with blue cape that Forest had designed for you to give him. His hair was up in a ponytail.
-Dimitri. You look so handsome! Did you like the clothes?
-Thank you _______. I…they feel comfortable.- He says and his face is crimson red.
All through dinner Freyr and Claude kept on talking to you and taking your attention from Hrid. Claude was blatantly flirting and Freyr...you were looking at a different side of him, to be sure. It must have been because as someone who could be in your dreams, had the ability to see things others didn’t and know things about you that no one else understood, but he got your sense of humor. Something even Alfonse had, had trouble to adjust to, not understanding your references and knowledge. You had to read his same books to be able to make new references and jokes. After years of being together he had taken your humor and understood what you meant and some of the heroes even used your slang. Freyr was different. He knew stuff and he used the obscure references to make you laugh and it gave the conversation a more intimate feel.
Still you were giving Dimitri all the attention you could because he was important to you and wanted to make him feel that he was cared for.
-We should go to the beach tomorrow and make it a drink contest.- Says Claude smiling at you.
-Oh my Lord give me patience! I am not taking you to get drunk Claude. I have never seen you drunk, but let me tell you; you do not need it.
-I can not give you patience child. Only good dreams and many children.- Lord Freyr says smiling at you. Hrid stops eating to look at him. You notice Claude and Dimitri are doing the same. You laugh at it. You keep forgetting he is the god of fertility as well. Freyr turns to them and says amused.
-I am the god of dreams and fertility. Do you want my blessing?- He turned his closed eyes at Claude who laughed out laud and bring his hands off in a guarding motion.
Everyone seemed to breath again.
-Wait have you given ______ your blessing?- Claude asks and winks at you. You feel your cheeks heat up.
-I would give her, as many children as she desires.- He answers Claude. The wording is very on purpose and it seems it is not lost on the people sitting at the table. You hear Hrid chock on his food.<< Oh God! What are these guys doing!?>> You spy a look at Alfonse and he looks amused if not a little red faced and concerned, but amused non the less. You give Hrid your glass of water to drink and wait to see if he needs you to perform the whatever maneuver. He drinks the water and start breathing right. He thanks you with a blush to his cheeks. He looks mortified about the incident.
-Yes Claude. I’ll be having thirteen children.- You say the first number that comes to your mind.
- I’m going to need a bigger table at home then.- His eyes twinkle with mischief.
-You better. My whole soccer team and I will be visiting you often.- You hear sounds of laughter coming from various sides of the table.
-Hey! I meant children with my beautiful green eyes.- He wiggles his brows.
-Well you better start looking for a wife then, because those are a lot of kids to have. You better start soon.
-That is so mean!- He says fake hurt, dramatically touching his heart.
-You gave Dimitri your blessing.- Dimitri says suddenly, breaking the conversation and looking at Claude in a cold and annoyed manner. He is asking Freyr about baby Dimitri.
-May he never lack good dreams. They are the rest of the mind and the refuge of the soul.
-God, that is so true. I’m tired of dreaming of going to battle and finding my self back in school butt naked - You hear a noise like someone almost spit their drink. Hrid by your side actually laughs.- or zombies in the battlefield eating my heroes. The living dead. - You elaborate after you see Hrid’s confused expression.
-Are you afraid of school and the risen?- Asks Hrid trying to catch your attention away from Freyr and specially Claude.
-Heck no! Zombies are rotten corpses that eat the living like wild rabid animals. I used to watch a lot of moving pictures about them before coming to live here. I’m cool with risen. I even like the red eyes. I like red eyes. They’re kind of sexy, depending of whoever has them.- Of course you are talking about Lif.- And school…I mean…the bad part is finding yourself butt naked in a public place.
-I wonder what that dream means if it is a recurring dream.
-I think it means…- You get cut short by the conversation in the table next to yours.
-Oh You heard that Lord Corrin? The summoner finds red eyes sexy!- You hear Nile’s voice loudly tell Corrin.
-What the hell Niles! Why are you listening to my conversation?- You throw him your balled up napkin. He only laughs. Corrin who is sitting by his side, hits him with his elbow. You hear an “Ouch” followed by Niles laughing.
-Summoner you were talking loud enough for the whole kingdom. This makes you laugh too.
You look sideways at Alfonse who is talking to Fjorm. She seems to disagree with something he said, sighs and nods.
After a while when some of the heroes start to get up from the tables you hear Alfonse clear his throat. Claude is looking at him and you turn just in time to see Fjorm say something to Hrid.
-_______. Would you care to sing something for us?- Asks Hrid.
-Right now?- <<Are this guys trying to kill me of embarrassment?>>
-Yes _____! Sing that song you sing with the guys on campaigns! - That was Claude.- Make it to Freya like last time! You don’t mind, do you?- He asks Freyr. Freyr shakes his dead.
<<WTH is he talking about?>> there are many songs you like singing with the heroes when in campaigns by the fire light so you are kind of confused. He makes a gesture and you get it.
-Oh…Fine.- You agree mostly because that song does not need the best of voices. You lean in to talk softly to Dimitri.- Dimitri. It is going to get loud.- He nods at you like he is ready.- You look around and catch Shigure’s eye and signal to him. He goes pink but nods.
-When a humble bard…-There was a choir of whistles, “Yeah!”s and shouts.
Graced a ride along
With Geralt of Rivia
Along came this song.
From when the White Wolf fought
A silver-tongued devil
Her army of elves
At her hooves did they revel . - Freyr does look entertained.
They came after me- Shigure stands and sings alongside you.
With masterful deceit
Broke down my lute
And they kicked in my teeth
While the devil's horns
Minced our tender meat
And so cried the Witcher
She can't be bleat
Toss a coin to your Witcher -Everyone starts singing. Hrid’s brows are knitted and he is looking around to see everyone singing. Even some of the heroes like Tibarn who had gone out had come back to sing.
O' Valley of Plenty
O' Valley of Plenty, oh
Toss a coin to your Witcher
O' Valley of Plenty
(Rest of the verses here)
Toss a coin to your Witcher
O' Valley of Plenty
O' Valley of Plenty, oh
Toss a coin to your Witcher
A friend of humanity X3 - You leave the last choir to Claude who has the perfect voice for the part. ( 1)
By the time you finish the song everyone starts screaming. You have no idea why they like that song so much but every time you all sing it; it feels like you are all pirates or something.
-Goddess! I love that song. For a minute I felt I was in a tavern somewhere in a town far away riddled with monsters and villains.- Says Claude.
-You mean Fodlan taverns anywhere?- Asks Dimitri. He sounds serious, but the gruffness of his voice is gone and it makes you happy to see him put the effort to joke around. Claude laughs out loud and can only nod to agree.
All around you could hear the heroes talking excitedly about one thing or another. Some where inviting others to the town tavern. Others like Lady Camilla is heard telling someone something like “We should dress like pirates next Pirate Festival dear!”.
-That was something, you don’t see every day.- Says Hrid smiling and he looks entertained.- You are something else summoner. Who is the Witcher?
-Freyr.- Says Claude at the same time that Freyr says your name.
- It is a story about a monster hunter called Geralt of Rivia, that is sent to fight a half goat or ram and half man who was helping some elves, who were the “terror” of the nearby towns. I changed it for Lady Freya and her dark elves, who we had to fight in our dreams some time ago, with the help of Lord Freyr. I say the Witcher would be Lord Freyr. He was the one who gave up his life to save us. I summoned him some time ago.- You raise your cup to him in a toast. He smiles at you.- Besides he has the long white hair and beautiful golden eyes.- Hrid looks at Freyr and Freyr opens his eyes to reveal his beautiful eyes. They are a liquid, luminous gold color. They glow as if with the light of liquid fire but not quite lava.
-I thought he was blind.- He says in wonder. You could understand him. Lord Freyr was a beauty to behold. Even in his animal form he was the most beautiful being you had ever seen. Even the ethereal beauty of Lady Freya was nothing compared to him. Everyone was either a little jealous of him, felt intimidated by him, or had a crush on him.
-Just sleeping. - Freyr says calmly.
-Talking about sleeping. I need to get the younglings to bed. Dimitri what are you going to do?
-Whatever you ask of me.- He says readily eyeing Hrid. He has noticed how clingy he seemed to be with you and he does not trust him.
-I would like you to come with me on my patrols tonight; if that is alright with you. -His brows furrow and he gives Alfonse a long look. Alfonse seems to be listening but avoids looking at you.
-I will come with you.
-Hey I thought I was coming with you my dear!- Says Claude.
-You can come to get the kids to bed if you want to. I am going to need a handsome prince for tonight’s fairy tale and Marth is busy.- You tell him teasingly. Hero King Marth who is walking by looks your way and blushes.
-That is so cruel.- He says and pouts.
-Summoner. I was wondering if you would like to take a walk with me in the gardens or I could take the watch with you.- Says Hrid.
-Omm, I really need to take Dimitri. There are things I would like to talk about with him, but if you do not mind you can come to story time and then take a walk. Since my prince charming is sulking right now. It looks like he does not want to cooperate.- You notice Claude is looking at Alfonse and you have this distinct feeling that surprises will keep happening before the night was out.
<<Seriously guys? Like my heroes need to be told to do weird crap.>>
Dimitri went to prepare for your watch together, but before he left, you saw him frown at Hrid who returned it with a cold look. This of course annoyed you to no end because no one treats your babies that way. You go to the living area where the children gather every night for a hero to tell them a tale. You do this twice a week, usually with Alfonse by your side. You really wanted to be petty and reenact Frozen with Hrid as the prince, but you remember Anna and Alfonse said to treat him right.
When you are done with the kids you and Hrid go take that walk in the garden and decide that if he starts coming on to you; you will have to nicely let him down. You are even waiting for the chance. You are sitting on a bench around the entrance that lead to the Eastern stables. Hrid has like the spot to take a rest and sit as close to you as possible. Lucky for you the hour was still early enough that many heroes are still around and you do not feel uncomfortable.
- The heroes are very fond of you _____. It is very impressive to see. I have been told so many things about you and I thought it would be impossible for someone to posses so many qualities like you; but I can see that not only are all of those rumors true…they do not make you justice . I can see what you do for the heroes and for the people. I was told you aided in a birthing yesterday.-You nod but say nothing when he keeps talking.- I remember the first time I saw you. You came to help heal me and ask if I needed anything. My sister Gunnthra was so fond of you. She believes you are destined to be part of our family. I can only agree with her good judgement.
- I feel very humbled by her favor towards me. I…- Just thinking about her, and her horrible demise brought tears to your eyes.- I wish I had, had more time to know her better. Sometimes… I wish I could see her in a dream and see her happy again. I also wish I could save Fjorm…from everything. -He looks moved by your statement but he has no idea that he is the one you want to save her from.
-It may do her good to spend a weekend at home. You could come and visit with her. It would bring us happiness if you did. It would make me very happy.- He says and takes your hand in his cold one.
-I think it would be good for her to do so, but I am afraid that as long as there is a war; my place is here and I can’t take more than a day off every week. You see…I…-There is a pause since you were distracted by someone walking on your far left, as if trying to not be seen.- Hey!! Valter? You are back!. What do you have there?- You get up and walk towards the tall man.
-A shake…- He says . He has heard you say that to other people jokingly. He is not turning around to face you and has something big on his shoulder.
- Valter?- He finally turns around and you see he is all bloody from a wound on his arm and leg. There are gashes as if from big paws.- Oh god Valter! You are hurt! Let me see! You’ve been gone for three days! I know you came early but look at you!
-I am fine summoner. I will go to the healers in a while. Here.- He lowers the thing he has been holding on his shoulder.- I gift you the man eater,that has been plaguing the villagers in the Western villages.- He places the mountain lion at your feet. His tall figure kneeling on one knee to better show his prey.
- A fine prey Valter. I could not have chosen a better hunter. -He smiles with pride. At first you and Valter had not see eye to eye, with his way of trying to make you be afraid of him and calling you prey.  Alter he had a lot of talking to by Alfonse and Leon/ Fomortiis, you had come to an understanding and now It was a better relationship. You may not trust him as a person but you trusted him to be himself and now you had a better understanding of his motivations and personality. You also valued and respect his skills.- I thank you for an excellent job.- You take our your handkerchief and clean his mouth. It is dripping with blood and it is not his.
-Will you partake of it Summoner?- He asks lifting it up to his shoulder again.
-Of course, but only after it is cooked if you don’t mind. Are you going to skin it in the kitchen? -He nods- I’ll go take a look during my watch. Valter don’t eat it raw! Those cats have worms in their meat. - He nods and smears your cheek with blood. - Valter…- you whine at his retreating back. He gives a loud laugh.
- Was he drinking its blood?
- Yeah, probably.- You say whipping the blood off of your face.- I’ve told him not to eat it raw. I am afraid he is going to get sick in the long run, but he told me he was not going to live that long. Now I am seriously thinking of not returning him to his world… I’m gonna have to adopt him or something. - You notice now Hrid is looking at you a little open mouthed.
<<What did I do?>>
-Summoner!- You hear the shout of a familiar voice. You see a mop of white hair shinning bright in the light of the torches. His red eyes burning with annoyance.- Naga’s brat changed his patrol to be my partner. Did you allowed this?
-No Mr. Grima. I didn’t know about this. Which of them?
-The first one…the one from the river.- <<Oh Marth>> He says it pouting. You take his hand.
- Grima, dear. You have to understand that sometimes people may want to be your friend. Has he ask you about Robin?
-No. Never.
-See? He is not interested in returning Robin like Chrom wanted to, not only because he has never been friends with Robin before, but because he knows quite well there is only you in that body. What he wants is to be your friend. You see, like you; Hero King Marth was summoned after death. He will be staying here after the war, like you. I have talked to him already Grima dear. He has no evil intention towards you. He just wants to be your friend.- He looks to his side and thinks for a moment.
-Fine worm; but if he so much as thinks about “bringing back” Robin, I’ll eat him.- He is still kind of pouting and kind of bashful about it. You ruffle his hair playfully. He growls but lowers his head to rest on your shoulder.
-Come here you grumpy dragon. -You give him a hug.- Give the man the chance you gave me and Alfonse. And if he so much as hurt a single hair of my -You whisper so only he can hear- Baby dragon ( 2 )…I will personally behead him or something.
-Don’t call me that worm!- then he adds in a softer tone-…eat him…- He sounds angry to other people but you know him well. He does not move his head. You don’t know it, but he sends Hrid a venomous look.
-I’ll eat him whole Grima. He’ll make some great tacos or burgers, sausages…Ug! I grossed my self out now.-  You say laughing. He gives you a low laugh as well.- I didn’t see you at dinner Grima.
-I was busy training.
-I know. Here if you go to the kitchen and get something to eat’ I’ll give you this candy…but don’t tell Gaius about it.- He lets go.- Oh Valter is there with this mountain lion he killed. We ate roasted beef.- He makes a face. He dislikes Valter and mountain lion.
-I don’t like mountain lion. Fine. I’ll eat him instead.- He says smirking and turning to leave.
-No Grima! You’ll get sick!- You say laughing hard. You know he is kidding.
-That…That is the Fell Dragon Grima?- Asks Hrid when Grima is gone. You nod smiling.- The terror and destroyer of the world?- He looked at your face and can almost see pride in them, like a mother showing off his child who has done something great. And of course you feel pride. Grima was loved and happy. He no longer wanted to avenge himself, he wanted to be loved and be accepted. This was a big win for you.
The rest of the walk is spend like this. You walk for a while and then a hero shows up and take your attention away from Hrid. He seems a little frustrated but at the same time, that look he gives you, like you are something precious does not fade from his eyes. It is the time for you to go and you are about to say good night when he asks something of you.
-This night has been wonderful. I have seen you work your magic and the more I see, the more I think you would be a great queen.
<<Oh crap!>>- I am just a regular person who wants what’s best for her people and home. -<<Yeah sound more patriotic why don’t you?>>
- I know. That is the reason. I - He makes along pause and seems to change his mind on what he wanted to say.- I know, I asked this of you before but, I really would like to hear you sing. Only this time. Would you sing a love song? What would you sing to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with?
-I really am not that great a singer. I just like music a lot and since I came here I lost my… music so I sing it, to not for get it… besides I…that is very personal.- You say uncomfortable. This was going sideways fast and you knew it.
-I understand. I also understand you do not know me enough to fall in love with me. You must know by now I wanted ask for your hand in marriage, but I will not push it. I just want to hear what Fjorm has heard. It would make me really happy.
You think about it and realize that how worst could it really get? It was not like you were going to accept him any way. -OK, let’s walk this way.- You tell him and start singing when you are almost under Alfonse’s balcony.
I say I'll move the mountains
And I'll move the mountains
If he wants them out of the way. -- It did feel like you had to move a mountain to reach Alfonse, when you had just met. Now
look at you now. You could barely part from each other.
Crazy he calls me
Sure, I'm crazy
Crazy in love, I say.
I say I'll go through fire
And I'll go through fire -- There are flashes of you fighting alongside Alfonse to beat Surtr.
As he wants it, so shall it be
Crazy he calls me
Sure, I'm crazy
Crazy in love, you see.
Like the wind that shakes the bough
He moves me with a smile -- Yo see him in your mind’s eye smiling that rare sweet smile he has only for a few precious people and you.
The difficult I'll do right now --Well you did gave him an army of heroes and manage it well.
The impossible will take a little while -- And you will end the war and win it for him.
I say I'll wait forever --You look up to his window. Up till now you had been looking at the starry sky but the light in his room had gone out. He was surely looking out the window.
And I mean forever-- That was your promise. You will wait for ever for him.
If I have to hold up the sky
Crazy he calls me
Sure, I'm crazy
Crazy in love am I
Crazy in love am I. ( 3)
Luckily Hrid had not been here long enough to know where your room or Alfonse’s room lay. He did not know he had witnessed your promise to him.
-That was beautiful. That song… I could imagine you fighting against Surtr…Saving my land and my people.
<< Oh Lord! You have to be kidding me. This is what he got from this?>>
-You have to remember your highness, that I was not alone and I did the least of the fighting. You have Alfonse to thank for that and The Order. -<<And your sister’s sacrifice…>>
- I was lost in the song I have to confess. You look so beautiful right now. It is easy to forget everything else.- He steps closer to you. You are hit with the urge t to step back, but you have to stand your ground.- _____ I want to get to know you better. I want to be more than just acquaintances. I want to be..
<<God I hope he says best friends! Why can’t someone just come and save me?>>
-...more than just your ally. I want to be there when you need me and be the one you can count on.
<< Sir you are describing Alfonse…>>
-Hrid. I appreciate the sentiment. It is always a good thing to get to know the people that are important in our lives. I do agree with that, yet I need to tell you; that with the war and all the work I need to do; I can not offer you more than friendship. My priorities..
-She tells us all the same thing. Can you believe that? So very cruel Summoner.- Says King Claude from behind you.- I apologize for the intrusion, but princess Sharena has need of your help. Delthea drunk a kettle of coffee and is now running around playing pranks on unsuspecting heroes. I think she hid in the tower. Also Dimitri said he will be waiting for you in the library in half an hour.
-Oh Lord! Hrid, please forgive me for leaving you. Delthea is a very powerful and very imaginative witch, I can’t have her do this at this hour.
-I understand completely ______. In fact I would like to be of assistance.-  Hrid said eyeing Claude.
-That would be amazing. I just need to warn you about the consequences; but if you are alright with cat ears, be our guest. -Claude points to his head. Sure enough there lays a set of black velvety cat ears.
-Oh for God’s sake Claude! Wait. Is there a tail to match?…Oh what am I saying. I’m sorry Hrid. You better sit this one out. There are just so many guys with cat ears and tails I can manage in one night. I will see you tomorrow. Have a good night.
-As you wish. Good night and pleasant dreams.- You thank him and go away with Claude.
- You look so cute Claude.- You say and laugh.
-Mm interested in petting my ears  _____?
When you two are far enough, Claude takes his fake cat ears off and meet up with Freyr and Delthea who is not really playing tricks on anyone.
- I almost didn’t make it. I apologize ______ . I did hear you tell him you are not interested. That is good. I don’t think it will stop him though. It feels like no matter what we do, he can’t seem to mind that the heroes flirt with you. I mean I understand. I see you do this every day. You care for everyone and they can’t help but adore you and I understand it quite well and it only makes me love you more.- He says it matter of fact like he is not baring his feelings in front of other people.
-I know ____. I should have considered it. He just looks so stiff, controlling, possessive and well cold, I thought he would find it uncomfortable. Make him re think his choice. I’m thinking even you telling him you are not interested in a relationship may be making him more persistent. Like whenever you tell Valter not to eat mountain lion raw…He already ate the liver by the way. I saw him a couple of minutes ago.
-What?- Face palm <<OMG Valter. I feel like I’m dealing with toddles!>>
-Well. It is done. We will see what we can do tomorrow.
-I suppose. - You start walking towards the library where Dimitri would be waiting for you, but make some space to talk to Delthea quietly. -Oh Delthea. Did you ever find out what the book was about?
-Oh…I did ask Alfonse but he could not open it. He asked me where I had found it and I showed him. He had never seen it or heard about it before. He did not tel me the exact translation, but said it was about the first King of Askr. I asked him if I could help him find out how to open it and he said it was fine by him, so as soon as the Ice King takes off we get to work. I also told him I wanted to help him with his project and I managed to convince him to let me help. Like you say: “ Two heads are better than one.” he just told me not to tell you. ______ he is very upset. I am worried about him. I mean if he asked Claude to help him it means he is very desperate. That man better leave tomorrow or I will bewitch his underpants to be itchy for a month! What?! I can guarantee you he will never know it was us. Just like the time I turned Lord Virion’s undergarments pink. -she giggles.
- Was that you? Oh my God. -Virion was still looking for the culprit.- Please don’t do that. I don’t need more trouble for the Order or Askr. We can leave it as last resort though; in case we can’t find a way to break the deal.- You tell her to settle her down. When you finally meet up with Dimitri, you notice he is talking to Freyr and offering him something. On a closer inspection you see it is one of the key pendants to the tree house.
- I can not guarantee you she will not follow in a way, but no one will be getting in there but you, _____ and I, so there will be less chance of someone spiking your drinks. I am taking dreamless sleep pills and can’t dream. She will not tempt me.
- I feel touched by your gesture. I will take you up on your offer if you are sure of it.
-I am. I thought about it. I figure it would be hard to return to your room.
-Then I will stay with you. Thank you. I will wait for you reading in the library until you are done with your patrol.
- You can join us, if that is your wish.- Says Dimitri. Freyr seems to be thinking about it.
-I thin it is better for me to wait here. There are books here I have never read before.
Claude says his goodnights and leaves. Delthea stays to tell Freyr about the awesome book she found and where she found it. You are crossing the door to the outer grounds to talk to the inner wall guards. It is half past midnight.
-Dimitri. What you did back there for Lord Freyr. I am really touched and thankful for it. I thought about changing his room, but you know how all the rooms are the same except for Alfonse’s and mine, so it would be all the same. I was thinking to take him to my room and sleeping on the study. I was sure he would not agree to that. Then I thought to let him stay in one of the rooms at the infirmary.
-I thought about it when you told me what had happened to him. I am sure it was much more serious than what you mentioned.
- It is. It is much more serious.
-He seems to feel safe around you.- <<As do I>> He thinks.
- I wish I could save him from her.- << I already watched him die once…I could not take it if he were to die again because I failed.>> You do not voice your fears with Dimitri. It is better for him not to trouble himself with your fears.- I could have offered to sleep with him, but even voicing this sounds bad. Askr is so very conservative. - <<Although…We could camp out in the tree house with Dimitri! Wait…that sounds like a threesome or better yet a “treesome”…Damn!>>- we could…- You get cut short by your messaging pendant getting too warm. Something is wrong. Then you hear someone shouting your name. It is Gordin.
-______!!! Lord Freyr told me to tell you the Elmblan Empire is crossing our borders! They are about to attack the keeps in the Northern towns. He saw it some moments ago and sent Delthea to tell Commander Anna.
-Thank you Gordin! Dimitri. I need to tell Alfonse and Sharena.
-I can tell the princess!- Says Gordin seriously.
-Thank you! Let’s go Dimitri.- You feel the pendant again. It was Anna. The message was to get ready.
You are running down the hall to Alfonse’s room when his door opens up. You see Hrid and Fjorm getting out of her room down the hall.
-Lord Freyr saw Embla crossing the Northern border and attacking the keeps.
-Let’s get ready. Inform the heroes on rotation. We will wait for you in the War room.- You nod and walk yo your room to get to the list in the study, but you get waylaid by Hrid and Fjorm who tries to persuade him to wait until they are called.
-Are we being attacked?
-Not ourselves. The keeps in the Northern border are about to be attacked. We will probably march in a while. I’ll keep you posted. I need to call my heroes on rotation.
You enter your room and then the study. You hear Dimitri say something and then shut the door.
-_______. I am not in rotation, but I want to fight. Is Lord Freyr fighting too?
-Let’s see. He is in rotation…but…
- Let him go. It will keep his mind off of his troubles. I will fight too and keep my eye on him.
-If you are sure; I’ll add you to the rooster.- You start sending the magic signals to the heroes in rotation and once you are done you take the list with you to the War Room. On your way out you see Fjorm and Hrid are meeting after preparing themselves to fight. They follow behind you to the War Room.
-Fjorm, you are not in rotation. You are part of the base defence today. You want to come with?
- Yes. I already changed my turn with Mathilda. Oh and I found Valter on the way. He said he will be ready when you are.
-He is not on rotation. In fact he was supposed to still be off today, but returned early…well I guess. He can come.
- What is this about rotation?- Asks Hrid. He is dressed in full armor and ready to go.
-It is the way to manage the heroes. One part fights, another part is left as reserves and the defence stays to defend the castle and the people of town in case there is an attack while we march off. The heroes change every battle. Right now we are about to see where we are about go and what we are about to do and decide if we need to do some changes in the groups. Just like the Royal army.
-You manage it all by yourself? Impressive.
-Well it is my job to get to know the heroes abilities and weaknesses . Then decide who works better in what situation and what they should be doing and who to send them with. You know, tactician’s planing. I make the suggestions and then Alfonse, who is the brain decides if the draft is right for what he thinks the enemy is doing and stuff. He’s a genius. Then Anna makes the final decision… but I mean I also like to have other opinions. Like Robin’s and Soren’s for example. It is all simple and regular army managing.
- Well. Not really. Remember when we fist met and you had suggested this to Commander Anna, because you were afraid someone would try attacking the castle when you were away, just like the time Embla had tried to destroy the Summoning Ruins? I also remember Anna apologized to you for not taking your suggestion of having a fire brigade before Surtr attacked into consideration. It was also your idea to make the Heroes their Order Cloaks to blend in with the surroundings and re designed the Regular Army’s new camouflage uniforms. The Royal Army even changed theirs as well! (4)
<< God Fjorm! Don’t help me look good now!>> Hrid looked impressed. Fjorm looks sorry.
-I saw the changes. I like the new uniforms and their usefulness. Amazing!
-Well none of those ideas are mine. I just took them from what the armies use in The World of Steel. I mean, sometimes Alfonse lends me his brain cells and I do come up with some good ideas, but mostly it is him doing the job. I just help along.- Fjorm laughs at this. She knows what you mean, but the two men look at you with different levels of confusion. You finally arrive to the War Room and after asking if you wanted him to wait outside, you let Dimitri stand by your side during the briefing. Fjorm had stood on your other side and signaled Alfonse to stand by her. After a moment she whispers a quiet “sorry” in your ear. She moves from between you two to go talk to Laegjarn. You can feel Alfonse’s hand lightly touch yours when she leaves. God! How you wanted to touch him. Hold his hand and disappear from the world.
Since Lord Freyr’s dream was a forewarning you had time to get to the site and wait for the enemy to attack. It would be an ambush. You fear you will have to spend the trip avoiding Hrid and stealing moments to talk to Alfonse. During the first part of the night when you were walking besides F Dimitri, you remember he had wanted to talk to you about something important.
-So Dimitri. What was it that you wanted to talk to me about?- Dimitri looked taken aback for a moment and then he looked around to see if anyone was hearing you.
- I…I have been watching Lif when he comes to watch you…- He says and suddenly you are attacked by the memories of your last encounter.- I apologize for not telling you directly…I did not know if he was real or not.
-Lif…-<< My Alfonse>> the thought passes your mind faster that lightning and you had no time to question it.- I… I can see why you would think that. He is… He looks so …-<<Beautiful>>- different. My regret. -You had know he had seen Lif. Of course you did, but you wanted to let him tell you in his own time after that one time he avoided the subject.
-I saw him go inside your window…I am sorry. I was not thinking strait. I let him in, not sure of who he was until you mentioned him. I just knew he loved you and he wanted to be near you… so I let him. I wanted to know what he would do. Understand him.
You lower your head before someone notices your watery eyes as they fill up with tears. Those words were breaking your heart… and now he was gone.
-Don’t worry about it Dimitri. I practically invited him. I also understand you… and I can see your instincts are working just fine. I trust them and I trust you. Besides. I wanted to see him so badly. I was not sure if he had survived and now I know he is…still fighting.
- You love them both…
- I… I do…Do you think me wicked?
- At first. When I did not know who he was. I understand now. Would you tell me how it went? All of it? I want to know about him.
- I don’t blame you for wanting to know. He is an interesting person. I mean, he is Alfonse but…They are the same, but different. Alfonse plays the violin you know. He plays like the angels in heaven…They are both violin music, but different pieces you see? Both highly intelligent and both seriously passionate in everything they believe and do…but like music Alfonse is intense but contained, controlled, like Vivaldi’s Winter And Lif is just as intense but unbound like Devil’s Thrill…Both beautiful to behold but …Oh crap I forgot you don’t know what I’m talking about. The music sound kind of like - You hum the music and explain the differences in rhythm and tempo. You look at him to see if he gets it and you see him smiling. You have never seen him smile.- Heh… I got a little carried away didn’t I?- He nodded.- Were you there when he left?
- Yes.
-I still have to tell Alfonse. I forgot to do so with the…arrival of our guests and everything else.-You backpedal to not tell him about the engagement.
-You will tell him? Everything?
- Of course. I don’t want to keep secrets from him. He knew what I was doing. That was the reason he was not home. We wanted to help him. We even had a plan on how to do so and…you saw. It all went sideways. Alfonse knew Lif would decline our offer, but I wanted to believe. I could not even tell him the plan… I felt so selfish asking him to stay.
- It would be painful to be around you and not be near…
- (sigh) yeah…and let’s not forget Sharena.- You start telling him how everything had started. How you all had thought he was the first king of Askr and then found out the truth. You tell him about Sharena’s flowers he had placed in that shine he had made. You tell him about your Summoner’s coat folded neatly among your favorite flowers. His parent’s crowns. How he had built the shrine because there was no bodies to bury and no tombs to take flowers to. You explained his plans and how he had changed his mind to help you. How he had been used like a marionette by Hell to kill you and how you had finished her with the his most precious possession. His Summoner’s Breidablik…you omit it was your own weapon or so you thought.
After a while there is a pause in the trek for rest and meals. By this time the sun was already coming up. While you are talking to the men,you are interrupted by Hrid who wants to be your guard during the battle.
- King Dimitri is her guard today. He is her support.- Says F Dimitri in his gruff voice. Hrid looks coldly back at him, and you sense he is about to retort. There is tension in the air and you have to intervene.
- I appreciate it and you are welcome to stay, but he is right, Dimitri is my baby sitter this time.
- I understand you already have your support, but it would ease my mind if I could stay by your side. This way I can protect you and observe the way you lead your men. If needed I will assist in battle of course and like I said before in the meeting; you can use my men as if they are your own. As I wish you will see them one day.
-I… Thank you your Highness…- Dimitri was scowling and you could tell he was beginning to get angry.
-Were we not on first name terms _____?
-I apologize for interrupting, but I was wondering if his Highness would help me out.- The voice came from behind Hrid. It was Charlotte. Her huge soulful eyes were fixed on Hrid.Her voice was all sweetness and her demeanor bashful and coy. To her side Groom Marth stood looking at Dimitri.- Your sister said you could help me.
<<Oh Thanks GOD! I could kiss Fjorm right now!>>
-Oh Hrid this is Lady Charlotte of Nohr. She is a trusted friend and ally.- It had taken a while to warm up to her after the incident with Alfonse. He had to explain to her, in the coldest of voices that he was not interested in her in any sort of way and that, what she was doing was harassment and it was punishable in Askr. Prince Xander had been called as well and he had been even less lenient. After working with her you found out she was actually pretty cool when she was not obsession with someone. You even gave her pointers on what she was doing wrong with guys. Everyone knows guys do not like desperate women and she radiated desperation.
-I would help her, but I am afraid I am not tall enough.- Says Marth. Hrid excuses himself and goes to help Charlotte. You can tell he is very annoyed by the redness on his cheeks and ears. Charlotte turns to you and winks. Marth gives you a small smirk and asks if he can talk to Dimitri. They both leave to where King Dimitri is waiting for them. As soon as they leave, you feel someone tap you in the back. You turn around and King Claude takes a finger to his closed mouth and signals for you to follow him.
- Please tell me I am not as persistent and annoying as that man!- He says in a quiet hiss. You walk a little into the wooded area by the road and see a figure dressed in white waiting for you.
-Thank you Claude. I owe you. And for the record. You are not annoying at all and I enjoy spending time with you.
-Then minutes Alfonse. Make the best of it.- Claude says and winks. You turn around and Alfonse is blushing.
He walks up to you and takes your hand. He says nothing but his eyes speak volumes. His other hand comes up to your face and caresses your cheek. You lean into his touch and close your eyes. He kisses your forehead and then embrace you. You circle his waist as he cradles your back and head.
Meanwhile King Dimitri, Savior King Dimitri and Marth are talking to Fallen Dimitri. F Dimitri had gone to ask them what was happening to you and what was the deal with the king of Nifl. K Dimitri and G Marth had weighted the options of telling F Dimitri what they knew. They decided to tell him about the treaty and that he should be patient and threat the King with respect so that Askr could gain the aid they will need if they were to be attacked by another kingdom. They will tell him about the engagement after Hrid leaves.
-Yes. Apparently he is interested in building a relationship ending in marriage with her, but we all know she is not interested in anyone but Prince Alfonse. Still, we have to be careful and polite with him.- Explains Marth.
-Fine ,but if he so much as breathes wrong, her way I will cut his head off.- He is about to go when he is stopped by his other self.
-It is not wise to project your feelings towards her. She will not return them. Better men than us have tried and failed. She wants only to help you and it will only hurt you both.- Says King Dimitri.
-I understand who her heart belongs to and I would not come between them.- He wondered if any of them had seen the way you looked at Lif, or had seen how much you love each other, or if they only knew about Alfonse. The way he saw it; he knew better than any of them who your heart belonged to. Divided as it was.
Dimitri found you talking to Alfonse just at the edge of the forest by the road you were taking; but he did not approached you. You were looking at a map, but seemed to be talking about something else. He spied Hrid talking to the blonde girl who wanted to marry a rich man. Her charms were being neglected by the prince who kept scowling and sending you furtive looks. Dimitri could hear you talking thanks to his finer sense of hearing.
-Can we talk about that after the battle?- You ask Alfonse. He scowls.
- What did he do? Did he hurt you?
-What? No! He refused our help, just like you said he would. He left…for good this time.
- There is more.
-We should focus on the battle ahead. I don’t want to mess up something important because our head is in another matter.- Alfonse closes his eyes. He is loosing his patience and probably thinking there was something worst than what actually happened. You sigh.- I wanted to wait until later to tell you. The truth is just that, he refused our help, said he could never be my friend and that even if he agreed to be helped, he doesn’t believe we can help him. He showed me his face…then kissed me. - Alfonse palled and rubbed his face. He looked annoyed but at the same time relieved.- I did not tell him about my “memories”. I don’t know what he would do, if what we think happened to me, is real.- Alfonse looked even more relieved by that. Dimitri wondered what that meant.
-We will talk about this when we get home. Hrid will be your guard today. He asked Commander Anna. -His jaw muscles were moving with tension.
- Goddammit! Well so will Dimitri. I am not changing my plan. He is lucky I did not choose Grima. I’m being nice here Alfonse…a good girl Alfonse.- You smile coyly at him and at first he is confused, but you see him redden. He has no idea of your real meaning, but just looking at you giving him that look is enough to make him melt. He knows you are flirting, but he does not know the context. He is about to say something when you both hear Anna give the command to start the march.
After a meal brake, Fjorm comes to talk to you.
-_____. I heard my brother has asked to be your body guard. You have to deny him.- You look at her confused.- _____ remember our traditions. If he saves your life or Alfonse’s; you will owe him a life debt. I…do not understand him. I would not have thought him capable of using something like this or even demanding it of you, but he seems so different. I am not sure if it is because he has been alone without mother and Gunthra to guide him or something, but he looks different. I am just doing this as a precaution. I swear to you he is a good man and a honorable one, but I also know that he is stubborn and will fight for what he wants and what he thinks is best.
-I believe you Fjorm. I actually like him as a person. I just can’t help be angry at his ideas and the outcome of his requirements for the treaty. I will appeal to his warrior pride and make him be in the battlefield, just not close to Alfonse or Sharena. Deal?- She smiles and blushes when you take her hand in yours.
That night there is no time to put tents up. You put your roll up by Sharena and Fae who sleeps between you and Grima. You have noticed Grima had given the small dragon some of the candy you had given him. Fae is slowly becoming a younger sister of sorts to him. She started following him around and he let her after he was told she was alone in the world and had been isolated for a long time. She had been well taken care of, but had no living family. Although she had people who loved her and knew some half dragons, she was immediately drawn to Grima after she had heard of how he had been treated and how he had been isolated and alone. She had told you she wanted to help him. They were both alone.
You were awaken by a soft voice.
-The family has grown.- Alfonse’s smiling face is looking down at you from his sitting position by your head. You look around to find Fae had moved to Grima’s side and some time in the night, young Tiki had laid down on his other side.
<<OMG! What do I do?!>> You did not want Grima to wake up to find her there and get angry. You look at Grima and see that his eyes are open. He moves his hand from under Tiki’s head just a bit and signals you to not make a noise. <<Oh OK then..>> He closes his eyes again.
-Care to patrol with me?- Alfonse asks and you get up to join him. Hrid had, had the last watch and was sleeping now. You would be leaving in a few hours and arrive at the keeps before twilight.
-I guess it has grown. I wonder why the dragons just leave their kids so young wander around in the world, all alone like that.
-They probably have their reasons to do it.- He says quietly. You were thinking of arguing your point but remember that he himself was not as close to his parents and had had a more or less lonely childhood. If it wasn’t for Sharena he would have been much more of a loner. You decide to change the subject.
-Free for some hours then?- You ask. He looks back to where Hrid is laying asleep by his sisters.
-At last. Care for a tea after the patrol?- He asks you smiling. You take his hand and look him in the eyes.
-I’ll be happy to.
You do the patrol and drink some hot water since you could not find the tea. You talk for a while and fall asleep together sitting by the fire. This is where F Dimitri finds you to wake you up to re start the journey.
The second day goes on just like the first. Hrid comes often to talk to you and more often than not some heroes come to take you away for one reason or another. You walked alongside K Claude mostly and Grima who was followed by young Tiki and Fae. At some point Hero King Marth came to walk alongside and carried a sleepy Tiki who had placed a flower on his tiara. Fae pouted until Grima carried her as well. You looked back one time to find Chrome watching longingly at them.
You arrived past midday to the Keeps and after you help them all to settle and then seek Hrid out. You did not notice Alfonse had followed you and stayed in the shadows to wait for you.
-Hrid. I wanted to talk to you.
-You see… I don’t know how to say this… It is just, I wanted to ask you something. -He he looks at you expectantly with a small smile adorning his face. You also try not to sound flirty but keep it as interested.- I was thinking back at the time we found you in Muspell and remembering how you were fighting. Well the reason I was reluctant for you to be my guard was that I was curious about your style and I wanted to see more of it.
- Oh! I see. I was desperate and not at my best.
-Being desperate to save a loved one is probably when people are at their best in my opinion. Maybe not technique wise but at least morally.- He reddens and bites his lower lip a little.
-I would love to show you my style. Where do you want me?
<<Is he…?>>
-Umm. I was thinking of placing you, if you are alright with it of course; on the right flank, by Lord Seliph. That way you are in the fray and still close enough.
-It sounds good to me.- He says.
- We can talk about it after the battle. - You say because you knew he would want to hog the time again and because now at least you had something to talk about that does not sound awkward to you.
You attended the meeting with the Royal Army Officers. Alfonse had sent a messenger before hand to warn them. They had arrived some two hours before you.The plan was laid out for the officers and and after some debate it was approved. The Royal Army was very set in their ways and your suggestion on an ambush by militia attacks was taken with skepticism. You had met this kind of drawback before and it was always smoothed over by the heroes and Alfonse. The later had avoided your gaze every time you had asked for his opinion and you notice he looked angry. He had stood as far away as possible from you. Meanwhile Hrid had stood next to Claude which was as close to you as he could get.
As soon as the meeting was over, you sent out the mages and scouts to set up confusion wards in case enemy scouts came and saw you already there. Then mines were placed by the mages for when the enemy arrived. Not explosive mines but paint. The paint was magic and it help to immobilize , by temporally blind and confuse the enemy warriors; giving you precious time to attack them or retreat as needed. They also had the side effect of giving people hives. You seek out Alfonse to talk to him. You find him in the armory.
-Alfonse. I need to talk to you.- He does not turn to you and keeps on checking his gear and weapons. He looks like he wants to ignore you.
- I have no time. We can do this after the battle…unless you have someone to talk to later instead?
-Yeah… I promised Hrid we would talk about his sword style and technique…and that is what I need to talk to you about.
-I need to go check on the men.
-It will be just a minute…why are you so angry any way?
-What do you mean angry? Why would I be angry? Did you do something to anger me?
-I don’t think so…Look any way; Fjorm came and told me not let Hrid be my guard…- He looked at you now.- because she did not want him to save me or something and then I would owe him a life debt.
-What? He wouldn’t dare...- Now he looks even angrier.
-Yeah she doesn’t believe that either, but she says he looked different in a way and it is a “just in case” kind of thing, so I went to talk to him and ask him to fight. I was afraid for you as well as Sharena. It is better neither of us owe him something. - He nods. He still looked annoyed but at least he did not radiated that miasma of doom he does when he is really angry.
- I.. heard you talking to him.
-Oh! So that is why…Oh Alfonse!- You look around to see if someone is watching and take his hand. He leads you a little away until he finds a small door that he opens and you find yourself in a small closet full of weapon polishing products.
-I’m sorry I should have told you I was going to do that, but I didn’t found the time with so much stuff to do.
-No…I should not be jumping to conclusions. It is just…- He suddenly hugs you and kisses you on the forehead.- I…I love you so much…- He lowers his face and is about to kiss you. You feel like the butterflies in your stomach are having a party in there.
(Knock, knock)
-You two. It’s time to go!- Alfonse jumps back at the sound of Niles’ always suggestive words. You open the door and frown at him. Niles looks around inside the closet and smirks.- So…how was the sword polishing?
<<Oh I wish Niles!>> You roll your eyes at him.- We were only talking. You look back at Alfonse but he is looking down at his feet. You have never seen him look so guilty before. <<Adorable!>>
-Just talking huh…I love “just talking” with people inside closets too.
-Oh I wish Niles, but you went ahead an ruined it by knocking at the door. Besides we were in there for only like thirty seconds! Oh wait…Is that how long you “talk to people in closets”?
-______!!- Comes Alfonse’s voice behind you.
-.…Oh you got me good Summoner!- He says and starts laughing out loud.- I forget you are not afraid to use that tongue.
<<Oh Niles if only you knew… That’s exactly what I was trying to do.>> He looks at your face sees that little smirk and he just knows and laughs harder.
-Don’t worry your Highness. I am an expert at keeping secrets. I would give you fifteen minutes but we really need to go.- Alfonse comes out after you and his face is redder than a tomato.
-Wait. Let me fix your cloak.- He stops and lets you fix his scarf part of the cloak. You linger around his neck and then pass your fingers through the locks of hair loose from his crown. He is looking at you and you see his lips part and look at your lips for a second. His tongue comes out slowly to lick at his lower lip. The moment is so intimate Niles turns around to give you privacy and for once keeps quiet.
-You look good.- You tell him and his cheeks redden a little more.- Let’s go.- You say and both of you follow Niles out of the armory to Anna who is waiting for you.
The Emblian Empire attacked at midnight. The Askrn forces had let them get close to the bait, which was the keep where the the town people were hiding. Then the militia attacks were started in the enemy rear. Your surprise attack was successful and when they tried to retreat the mines enclosed them in where the men were not stationed. The battlefield was alight with fires suddenly burning, this way you could see where the heroes were and what they were doing.
From your position on one of the highest hills outside of town you could send the signals to the men and not be reached by enemy fire. King Savior Dimitri was by your left side monitoring the danger and the rear. Waiting for the moment he had to act.
Although you had smoother over the problem with Alfonse, he seemed still to be in a bad mood. He fights with the same skill as ever, but you could see there was something else in there. The same quality to his strikes that Lif had in his…like he really wanted to hurt something.
-Beruka tell Innes there’s an enemy sniper hiding far to his right flank over the tallest tree. - You mouthed over to Beruka who could read your lips. She nodded and before taking of to warn Innes.
Once in a while you look over to Hrid to check on his team and actually evaluating him so you would have something to talk about later on.
Next is Valter whom you had told to stay and rest after being on that hunt he went on. He seemed just as efficient, but there was a slowness to his strikes that if not corrected could end in a bad situation. You touch your medallion and say his name. It would let him know you are watching him or have something to tell him. He turns to you after making sure there is no danger.
- Are we the prey or are we the hunter?- That did it for him. No one would call him prey. He seemed to regain vigor, speed and strength.- Good. That’s my hunter boy.- You could hear Azura and Shigure singing over the noise. You turn to watch the others. Michaelis, Minerva, Seliph, Olivia,Eliwood and Roy, Hector, Rath , Eirika, Lyon and Ephraim…
You take your spyglass to watch the farther part of the field and spy on Xander, who is the leader of the Emblan army. He is watching you it seems, so you wave at him. He lowers the spyglass and for a second it looks like he is about to wave back but thinks better of it. This makes you chuckle. That man is actually a good man and you could understand his position. He not only kept Veronica company and keeps the vultures that try to make her their puppet away from them, but he had smoothed out some problems that could have escalated without his help. Without him the war would be worst and who knows where Veronica would be or what she would be doing. He kept her human.
Then from the North Eastern side of the Keep the flank breaks and reinforcements pour in. You knew about them and were prepared for them, that was what the mines were for. What you were not prepare for, was one of the heroes in the enemy lines. Adrestian Emperor Edelgard, dressed in her Reds and golds armor lead the reinforcements. You hear a hiss from S K Dimitri at the same time you feel your medallion warn you. It was Alfonse. You turn to watch him but you know full well what he meant. He points to F Dimitri. He has isolated himself as he always does. His backup Marth, is blocked form getting to him by a couple of lancers. Alfonse made his way to him, but before he reached him Dimitri looked up. It seemed like he could hear orders being given and recognized the voice.
Dimitri saw Edelgard and he froze for a second. Then he started to walk her way and he looked like he was not paying attention to his surroundings. Alfonse started to make his way towards him and so did Marth. You signal King Claude who is near by covering Alfonse, but he had already seen the scene unfolding. He started felling the enemies that were about to hit Dimitri. You signal Dimitri himself. At last he seems to react, but instead of returning your call, he started to relentlessly and brutally kill the enemies on his way.
You hear SK Dimitri growl in anger. You reach for his hand and squeeze it gently.
You can see with the spyglass that Edelgard has taken notice of Dimitri. She stands for a minute watching him and you see her close her eyes. The face she makes is almost one of regret. She turns around, then signals something to her men and she starts attacking the opposite flank. On her stead another hero is sent. Death Knight.
-Oh FUCK… Death Knight.- You had seen him before. That man was insane and brutal. He did not listen to orders and actively has tried to kill your heroes any chance he has. You see him make a bee line to where F Dimitri is trying to follow Edelgard.
You see it as if in slow motion. Ferdinand came down on Dimitri even before Death Knight arrived. You had not even seen him coming. He drove his lance with enough force to behead someone and the speed to not miss. He had the advantage of surprise. Dimitri could not deflect or evade; but before Ferdinand’s lance hit its mark; a golden shield came up to protect a falling Dimitri. Alfonse had reached Dimitri just in time to jump on the way of the strike and effectively striking the blond out of the way. Alfonse almost fell down with the force of the strike and the effort not to step on the fallen blonde. He stood with his legs on either side of Dimitri’s upper body. Then the second strike came just as he was trying to gain his footing. The force of the second strike almost made him stumble and had him straddling the blonde. Alfonse could do nothing but shield himself and Dimitri. He turned to see if Dimitri was alright and his faces were inches apart.
He was about to tell him to get up when they heard a yell. Ferdinand was falling down his horse and an arrow was stuck on the horse’s flank. Claude was covering him while trying to keep from getting hit by enemy arrows. This gave Alfonse the time he needed to get up. Alfonse was standing up when Death Knight’s scythe came sideways and hit his shield on the side enough to fling it and his arm away form his body. He deflected the rest with the sword.
Sparks like fireworks flew from Folkvangr. Death Knight was poised to strike again. Watching from the ground Dimitri was struggling to get up. He was backing away so he could get up and not be on the way.
You watch it all from your post. Unable to do anything about it. You feel like the life is draining from you with every beat of the heart. Hel’s scythe; coming down slowly and yet so fast. Just like it had done for Anna and Sharena before. It strikes Alfonse to behead , but the angle and motion playing their part have another idea. The scythe misses badly. He is falling down…
…..He is falling….he is …. outside the Order's castle in a training arena. You followed him to see him train. He is doing something you had not seen him do before. He jumps and twirls his sword to gather power and at the point of the strike there is a beam of power coming out. The attack is one of the most powerful you had ever seen. It may even rival Aether.
-Incredible…- You say behind him. He turns and smiles at you. His naked torso glistening with sweat. In another time he would he dying of shame from being found with so little clothes.
-Do you like it? I am trying to create something powerful to kill her.
-Alfonse that is amazing! How do you call it?
-I don’t know yet…I want to make a future for us with it. Maybe then we can end this absurd war and get married,- He gets close to you and touches your cheek with his fingers. - My beloved _______. He kisses you slowly on your lips and then kisses your forehead.-…I might call it…
-DOOR TO THE FUTURE!!!!- Your yell resonates over the cacophony of voices and yells of the battlefield. Breidablik lights up…
This program is messing up my grammar instead of helping, especially names. I have no idea how many times I have gone and fixed them. When I transfer it to the page it gets messed up again. I think it gets confused because I write in different languages XD
As a side note, I am trying not to make Hrid sound like he is an asshole at all. I like him a lot, but the guy is in love and is very possessive and jealous of Alfonse who he believes belongs with his sister and passes most of his time with you so…He just wants a chance for you to get to know him and fall in love maybe…and maybe…and maybe…
I have this head canon that if Valter ever hears Guren no Yumiya from Attack on Titan it would become his National Anthem XD. Bless Natewantstobattle and his covers.
Have you ever wonder why Lif’s face and original skin only covers his nose and his mouth seems to be lost and to have no bone inside?….yeah…I do.
1. The song I am referencing here is the metal cover by Dan Vasc:
2. It is said that Grima is 2000+ years but I seriously think that he can’t be that much older than Tiki was around the time of Shadow Dragon. So to me he is still a kid. A very neglected and abused kid who is lashing out in the worst way, because he is so powerful. I am doing this because I think that a gown up Grima would be more a love interest and I don’t want that in this story. Also I ship him with Evostrashbin’s Summoner. BTW I’m so happy Evo got Halloween Mr. Grima! I love it!
3. Crazy He Calls Me. Natalie Cole’s version. I love this song all thanks to my father. I choose it because I could see the co-relation with the story line and situation.
4. I mean. I get that the order is supposed to be the good guys but dressing in white all the time in battle? That works well in winter and Nifl, but that’s it. That Lord of the Rings cloak, the Lorien Elves gave The Fellowship would be awesome to have for the Heroes on more stealthy missions. Camo uniforms would also work wonders on the Order’s favor.
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atarahderek · 4 years
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Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell - a Wolfwalkers analysis
To follow up on my review of Wolfwalkers, I would like to discuss the villain in depth. This analysis will contain spoilers, so if you haven’t seen the movie and don’t want to be spoiled, click or scroll away now. You have been warned.
The first thing one needs to understand about Oliver Cromwell is that he is a historical domain character. Cromwell was an English statesman, born in 1599, who held the official title of Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1653 until his death in 1658. Some creative license is taken in Wolfwalkers, as while Cromwell did take over much of Ireland, including Kilkenny, by force of arms in 1650, when the film is set, it would be another three years before he attained the title and duties of Lord Protector. Cromwell was Anglican, and had been raised to hate Catholics (a bitter grudge held over from when Protestants were severely persecuted under the Catholic queen Bloody Mary). This led him to act with extreme brutality toward the mostly Catholic Irish, and to this day, the Irish see Cromwell as nothing but a monster. The remaining countries in Britain give him mixed reviews, though he’s generally perceived as a pretty good guy in England.
Cromwell being so hated in Ireland led to his character being given something of a historical villain upgrade in Wolfwalkers--depending on who you ask, of course. Undoubtedly, some Irish would say he wasn’t portrayed as evil enough. His character design is fairly true to life, though it does evoke images of Pocahontas’ main villain John Ratcliffe. His personality is reminiscent of Judge Claude Frollo from Disney’s adaptation of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. He sees his path as the only righteous one. It’s been done before, but with Cromwell, it’s taken to a new extreme. Cromwell deifies himself. It’s kind of brilliant, actually.
In the film, Cromwell’s name is never given. He goes strictly by Lord Protector. His insistence on being addressed only by his title reflects his real life actions, where he began to insist on being addressed as “his highness,” and signed his letters “Oliver P,” in the fashion of kings who would sign their names as “George R,” or the like, with ‘P’ standing for ‘Protector’ the way ‘R’ stood for ‘Rex.’ Cromwell habitually ends his orders and decrees with, “That is the Lord’s will.” Between this habit and his exclusive title, he begins to seem a bit blasphemous. And that appears to be the intention. When he proclaims “the Lord’s will,” he’s not talking about the will of the Lord God, Creator of heaven and earth. He’s talking about the will of the Lord Protector; himself. He equates Lord Protector of the Commonwealths with Lord God, Almighty Protector, and elevates himself to that status. This results in a very cold, cruel, distant man who is baffled by the idea that a man would rather mourn for his seemingly dead daughter than follow his orders to the letter. Which is, honestly, very standard behavior for any man who thinks himself a god.
So does Cromwell give any indication of acknowledging a God higher than himself? Yes; all of twice in the movie. He’s seen praying once, but this too could be interpreted as talking to himself, as he again says only “Lord” and not “Lord God,” and he ends his prayer insisting that what he wants to do must be “the Lord’s will.” His prayer was likely to assure himself that he was still a humble man, so he could go out and continue to deify himself without guilt. At the climax of the movie, when Bill, who was bitten by Moll while she was trying to defend Mebh, takes on his new wolf form for the first time, Cromwell becomes genuinely terrified by the enormous wolf in front of him and cries out for the Lord God Almighty to protect him. It is the only time in the entire movie when Cromwell actually turns to a higher power than himself for help--and after everything else he’s done up to this point, it’s too late to curry any favor with God.
The climax ends with Cromwell’s death, as he allows himself to fall off a cliff rather than be turned into a Wolfwalker by Bill’s bite. The false god plunges to his demise, purportedly surrendering his soul to the God of heaven. This is more historical license, as the real Cromwell died of natural causes eight years after the movie is set.
Some viewers of the film have interpreted Cromwell vs. the Wolfwalkers as Christianity vs. paganism, conveniently forgetting that the Goodfellowes are Christians and gave no indication of converting at the end of the film. A look into Wolfwalker lore reveals the legend behind them; they were either blessed or cursed by St. Patrick (and one’s opinion on which it was depends on one’s opinion of wolves in general), who made a bargain with them. He did not want to force their conversion (this is true to the character of the real St. Patrick, who believed faith in God must be a personal choice and not coerced), but allowed them to roam free, albeit as wolves while they slept. Since Wolfwalkers are created not by choice, but by the bite of another Wolfwalker, it is well established that Wolfwalkers can be any religion. In the case of this film, exactly half of the Wolfwalkers are Protestants living in Catholic Ireland, with no indication that they’re going to change faiths, because they see no conflict between their faith and turning into wolves whenever they sleep. The presumably Catholic side character Sean Og even says that St. Patrick made peace with the pagans who became the original Wolfwalkers, and himself sees no problem with a Christian living as a wolf at night. He encourages Robyn’s friendship with Mebh, and cheers her on when she helps Moll escape. Cromwell alone sees conflict in the idea of a Christian Wolfwalker because he hates wolves and he hates anything that doesn’t basically worship him. Cromwell is the god of his realm, and if he says there will be no wolves or Wolfwalkers, then so be it. He will destroy every one of them, down to the last child. This is a story of a man who has deified himself going up against people who understand the difference between true faith and forced compliance. I think it’s safe to say St. Patrick would probably be on the Wolfwalkers’ side.
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
[11] in the back of my mind
Fandom: WMMAP Rating: G Ship: Eventual Lucathy, Felily, Calena, and more Note: the Twin Sibling AU that i tried so hard not to write, but i DID, so naturally i have to call myself out for writing it. will be cross-posted on ao3 and wattpad under the same title
note: i have confirmed multiple times already -- verena is not athan’s endgame
Arc 1: Beginning of the End 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Arc 2: Of Princes and Villainesses 9 | 10 | [11] | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
He was pretty sure he transmigrated into a fanfic of [The Lovely Princess] — after all, he would’ve remembered if Princess Athanasia had a younger twin who died.
// A retelling of WMMAP with a vital difference — Athanasia has a younger twin brother.
11. an introduction of Verena Durk
‘So this is the minor villainess of Toska,’ Athanase thought, maintaining a neutral expression as he stared at the young girl. ‘She’s nothing like I expected.’
He also didn’t expect to recognize her so easily, either.
While Starshine-Dreaming was an author, they were capable of drawing. Often, they made sketches of characters, and would occasionally draw out character profiles, but they would also sketch scenes from their fanfics. Sure, it was generally for RP purposes, more often than not, but they did draw the first meeting between Verena and Athanasios.
In fact, they even wrote a small little excerpt in the description detailing the prince’s point of view when he first meets Verena.
How did it go again?
Something like…
[ Athanasios had stared at the young lady standing before him, dressed elegantly in a simple burgundy coloured dress with stitched silver flowers. She curtsied, and he thinks that he wouldn’t mind it if she were to stay at his side.
They will surely get along, the prince thinks. ]
The scene was certainly more detailed than that, but it was the best Athanase could remember for the time being.
Based on reading that small scene, it seemed like they would actually get along, even without the context of why they ended up meeting each other. However, it was important to remember that Toska was written from Princess Athanasia’s perspective, and Athanasia had been there when Athanasios first met his fiancée.
Lady Verena was the daughter of a reputable noble, and therefore made sure that she wouldn’t do anything to tarnish her reputation. At least, until she meets Ijekiel Alpheus and essentially goes bonkers trying to earn his love and affection, but that only happens in later years. She has a silver tongue, and only acts polite and sweet in the presence of others — she even acted like a clingy fiancée by latching onto Athanasios’ arm and would dig her nails into his skin to try and control him. Athanasia was completely taken aback at Verena’s sudden change, but Starshine made it obvious that Athanasios hadn’t been surprised.
In Toska, it was clear that she was trying to become Princess Athanasia’s close confidant, and tried to sever the close relationship that the twins shared. Even if the twins were unloved by Emperor Claude, Athanasia was still the Crown Princess, so it was only natural for the original Verena to try and gain his sister’s favour.
The original Verena was successful in doing so for a long while, too, when Athanasia and Athanasios both fell in love with Ijekiel. It was only when she went missing that Athanasios finally came clean about what Verena was actually like.
Heavens above, it was starting to sound like Ijekiel’s fault for everything. How good-looking was this guy to end up causing this much trouble between two siblings? Well, at least Athy wouldn’t allow herself to be easily swayed by a friendship with a manipulator and a romance with a handsome guy.
“Blessings and glory upon the sun of the Obelian Empire,” Verena spoke as she remained in a proper curtsy befitting of a young girl from a noble family speaking to someone from the imperial family. “My name is Verena Durk, and I have been granted the honour of being chosen as the playmate of Your Imperial Highness, Prince Athanasios, until Her Imperial Highness, Crown Princess Athanasia, is no longer bedridden.”
A playmate, huh? That explains why Claude asked him if he was lonely. Still, even though he was expecting this, wasn’t it too soon? His father only gave his approval a few days ago. Maybe his father got tired of hanging out with him without Athanasia around?
‘Guess the world really is trying to correct the storyline,’ Athanase thought. ‘Even though I’m not meeting my marriage candidate, I’m still being pushed to meet my future fiancée.’
Verena Pompidou didn’t have any ambitions to become Empress at the start of Toska until she met Princess Athanasia, but she originally wanted to become a Royal Court Magician like her father before her mother swept him off his feet and proposed. She was adamant in never being a knight like her mother, but if she were to become a court magician, then maybe she could become a valuable asset.
The question is, would Verena reveal her true colours when his sister wakes up, and she realizes that he won’t end up becoming the Imperial Crown Prince? It would be easier to have an ally than an enemy in his life.
“Verena Durk, was it?” he questioned with a frown.
“Yes, Your Highness,” she calmly replied, her eyes remained closed as she remains in a curtsy. “I am the second child of Countess Durk, the niece of Marchioness Pompidou, my maternal aunt.”
Durk, she said — shouldn’t it be Pompidou? He knew that Verena was Madame Pompidou’s niece, but she was her adopted daughter in Toska! Was it because something happens to her family? Right now, she’s seven, soon to be eight, and they were meeting two years before the meeting in Toska. Maybe something drastically happens to the Durk Family which caused Verena to become a villainess — most likely something that has to do with the death of her family to cause her to be adopted by Marquess and Marchioness Pompidou.
Athanase would have to re-evaluate his assumptions regarding this world. In the first place, it was a fanfiction that was never finished, one that was undergoing a rewrite. Who knows what changed — he needed to be more careful. Verena’s character profile also wasn’t very detailed, either…
Still, this meant he was allowed to have some hope, right? Verena isn’t the same manipulative brat as she would be in the future.
“This is my flower garden,” Athanase stated, observing every twitch and movement of Verena as he asks, “Who gave you permission to be here?”
“Forgive me for the intrusion, Your Highness,” Verena softly spoke. “Your Highness has such a lovely garden that I couldn’t resist the urge to take a stroll.”
He stares at her for a long moment, noticing how her legs wobbled.
“Very well,” he eventually says. “As a playmate chosen by father, you’re forgiven. I was just about to have some cake and tea, if you would like to join me.”
“I would love to,” Verena softly says, finally looking up at him with glimmering eyes.
It was awkward, and Verena is awkward but well-mannered, as expected of Madame Pompidou’s niece. Until she saw the cake appear on the table.
She waited for him to take the first bite before taking a bite of her own cake, and her eyes had widened and brightened after taking that first bite. Felix, who was standing guard nearby, had smiled at his new playmate’s honest reaction to the delicious cake. It was obvious that his guard was happy that he had someone to talk to.
Nevertheless, that opened up a lively conversation about cake, one that Verena was especially enthusiastic about.
Yes, he’s glad to have given Verena a chance.
His sister wakes up at one point, and he finds himself holding onto her hand tightly. She’s in tears, and he can feel her burning pain as she looks up at Felix with wide and watery eyes. And within seconds, she’s squealing and crying out about how much pain she’s in. He believes it, assuming that he’s feeling the same pain she feels. It’s enough to make him whimper and cry alongside her.
“What should we do, Your Majesty?” Felix asked, turning to his father.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Claude had asked the magician on the floor. “I told you to heal her.”
It’s a familiar scene to Athan — watching magician after magician fail, and watching his father send them all to the dungeons, where they will most likely await their deaths.
And like all the other times, Claude will place his hand on Athanasia’s head, only this time, it’s to have Athanasia go back to sleep.
Athanase sniffs, watching his father send Athanasia back into her rest — magic, from what he could tell. And Athanase takes out his handkerchief, wiping the tears off his sister’s face as he stares at her. He can still feel the faint burning pain that came from holding her hand.
“Daddy, will Athy be okay?” he asked, looking at his father with teary eyes as he tugs on his father’s robe.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Claude coldly says, staring at Athanasia with a blank stare, his hand remaining atop her head. “Your sister won’t die so easily.”
He’s not sure who he’s trying to convince.
Everything feels unrealistic, it feels like nothing has changed when he goes on with his routine.
He regularly meets Verena once every few days now, because she’s his new playmate now. It’s meant to be temporary, his sister just needed to wake up any day now, and he won’t have to constantly get up to entertain a guest. It’s temporary… until it starts to look like this is going to be the new normal as another month passes.
And when his sister falls back into a magic-induced coma, with no signs of recovery, hope starts looking damn bleak.
Sometimes it’s strange to see Verena acting like the little girl that she is. He knows that she’s just a kid, and that she wouldn’t have woken up one day just to decide that she wanted to manipulate the imperial family, but… it’s still strange.
She’s so easily impressed by the flower gardens, and she gets shy around him when she realizes that she hasn’t been acting like the noble girl that she needed to be.
“You have an older brother?” he asks, when she smiles at the lemon squares on the table.
“Huh?” she blinked, taken aback by the question.
“You said lemon squares are your brother’s favourite,” he noted.
“Ah, yes, they are,” she stated, nodding as she seemed a bit flustered over mentioning her brother in front of him. Then again, everyone gets a little flustered out of obvious worry in potentially making him remember his sister. “My elder brother is the heir of Count Durk, and presently, he’s studying abroad in Arlanta.”
“I’ve been to Arlanta every year in the later months of the year. Mother has a lovely vacation home that we often visit — Arlanta has four different seasons, it’s quite fascinating. The season for Obelia is only spring, and though spring is lovely, the colours of the tree leaves can be orange and yellow in Arlanta, and it can be quite a breathtaking sight, thus I find myself very partial to autumn.”
Funny. In Toska, she claimed that her favourite was spring. Maybe it was because Athanasia was more partial to spring’s typical colour theme. Was Verena being genuine, or was she assuming that he preferred autumn colours? Maybe he was just overthinking things — the fact that everyone believes that he’ll become the heir to the throne is making him paranoid about who was being genuine or not.
Also… Athanase was more concerned about this brother he’s never heard of before. He wasn’t mentioned in Toska, at least not outright. Maybe there were hints about it that Athanase ended up overlooking? Verena in the fanfic loathed Arlanta, and hearing her sound enthused about the kingdom was giving him whiplash.
Something must’ve happened to Verena’s brother. Maybe if he saved him, then she wouldn’t become so jaded, but… he had less than two years, didn’t he?
And it’s not like he was old enough to study abroad. He would need to be at least ten!
“I’ve seen pictures of Arlanta,” he nods in agreement as he smiles at her. “Autumn looks quite lovely. I’d love to visit Arlanta one day.”
Upon hearing that, she blinks, staring at him with wide eyes and pink cheeks. Abruptly, her gaze falls down to her lap, clearly flustered upon hearing his statement.
Shyly, she glances back at Athanase with a small smile, “I’m glad that you agree with me, Your Highness.”
(Athanase isn’t as oblivious as Bakarina from My Next Life as a Villainess — he knows what budding infatuation looks like. It’s just that… he was hoping that he’d be wrong. If Verena falls in love with him, then would she try to attack anyone that approaches him?
He doesn’t know. He doesn’t want to find out.)
“Why do you look like you’re getting smaller?” he frowns, staring at Ori whose tail waves back and forth. Ori meows at him, and eventually, he sighs and looks away. “Maybe I’m just imagining things…”
It might just be stress, he thinks, laying down in his bed. Between his sister collapsing, dealing with Verena, and finding out that there were more secrets hidden in Toska than he realized, everything was bound to come around and rear its ugly head.
But that’s life. Ugly and beautiful, and filled with so many contradictions. It’s fun and painful, and he wishes it would just get better…
A wave of exhaustion washed over him, a burning pain deep down inside.
He… feels really tired.
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astrovian · 3 years
the official ranking of RA photoshoot outfits (pt. 1)
as @dykethorin​ said when I first proposed doing this particular ranking,  “Some real Decisions™️ were made” with these shoots y’all
all photoshoot outfits (for part one) under the cut
the official ranking of Daniel Miller outfits here
the official ranking of Adam Price outfits here
the official ranking of Claude Becker outfits here
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guys, I’m crying with laughter
hey quick question: what the fuck was this photoshoot??? (and also I need current RA in these poses)
it’s real nice to see a fun, loosey-goosey RA (before he established himself in the broody-character archetype) but there are so many questionable fashion choices here
when I started this list I had two options:
1)     allow some leeway to the older photoshoots because, let’s be real, the early 2000s were an atrocious time for fashion that a lot of us would most rather forget we participated in
2)     judge them by today’s standards, which is harsh but some of these outfits deserve it
naturally, I chose option #2
It’s so hard to even pick where to start. the too-loose pants? the ill-fitting suit jacket? The untucked dress shirt that is for some god-forsaken reason undone in two separate directions??
I have chosen one thing that sums the outfit up as a whole: what monster decided to put the shirt collar over the suit jacket????
the jazz hands scream “hey I’m a FUN guy” but the suit screams “I’m the yo-pro asshole at the office who is so unreliable you’re pretty sure some nepotism must surely have had an influence during the hiring process”
I originally said ‘I guess we should be glad there’s no surfer necklace’ but then I had the horrifying realisation that it’s a 50/50 shot as to whether that would improve this outfit or make it worse. and you know when there’s even slimmest chance a surfer necklace could improve an outfit somehow that it’s time to take a good hard look at yourself
1/10 just because this photoshoot made me genuinely laugh out loud
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wait I’m sorry, what-
how on god’s green earth is this the same photoshoot (?) as guys, I’m crying with laughter????
the great thing about these lists is that you are getting my genuine reactions as I progress down the images. I had no idea this was the same photoshoot (?) until approximately 10 seconds after writing guys, I’m crying with laughter
this perfectly encapsulates the duality of man – one moment it’s all goofy jazz hands and the next it’s a hunk-of-the-week moment
this man and guys, I’m crying with laughter are the equivalent of looking at pictures of yourself in high school vs. in your 20s/30s/at your prime. the whiplash is insane
and why is he in front of barred windows?? it appears they were afraid of what would happen if this hunk escaped into the general population
I still can’t believe they kept the collar over the suit jacket though
I’m so conflicted guys, the urge to numerically rank this terrible outfit is strong but uh… as per usual shirtless ones aren’t fair/10
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revenge of the killer surfer necklace
do you ever look back at a specific moment in time and are so thankful that someone took one tiny action? one small thing they did in the heat of the moment that probably seemed innocuous at the time but had far-reaching consequences? for example, it might something as simple as deciding to take a umbrella on a bright sunny day only for it to be extremely useful on the way home when the weather turns
this is how I feel about the person who decided RA could leave that top button closed for this shoot
if you squint, you can see the surfer necklace under that top button. and thank god you have to squint
this is such an early 2000s look though. that shirt by itself is fine and would actually look killer with a properly fitted suit nowadays. it’s the shirt dress and loose denim look with makes no sense to me
2/10 for a pretty uninspiring early 2000s outfit
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revenge of the uh… 
from the same shoot as revenge of the killer surfer necklace this loses .1 of a mark for adding a jacket, while pretty innocuous, to an already busy outfit
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were we really that afraid of legs?
why were we, as a society, so obsessed with loose, ill-fitting pants? why were we so desperate to conceal legs from the general population? what secrets were we trying to hide? I understand the comfort factor on the hand, but on the other did anyone actually have eyes
the sneakers/suit combo I can definitely live with. but those pants (that I’m convinced must be pyjama pants in another life) turns it all into a sloppy, blurry mess
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is it a bird? is it a plane? no, it’s… a floating RA?
what is it about photoshoots in the early 2000s where they just make no damn sense. it’s my opinion that the theme/concept of a shoot should not overshadow the subject, and that’s the correct opinion (as well as being the exact opposite as to what’s happening here)
maybe there was a hint or reason as to why floating wizard RA exists in the article that this shoot presumably came with, but I don’t get it. clearly I’m far too literal of a person and need to embrace my inner artist
looks pretty, still weird
moving on the entire point of this post, the outfit, I uh,… oh god
I’m pretty sure this the same (and similar, if not) outfit RA wore in the North & South behind-the-scenes, and how we as a society went from John Thornton’s stiff collar and top hat to this is amazing
maybe we were so obsessed with period dramas back then because it was a nice alternative to indulge our eyes in when we had to face the harsh, cold reality of modern fashion at the time
anyway – trust me, while I am all for a man in a necklace, let’s pray surfer necklaces never come back 2.9/10
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I genuinely was looking up “pinstriped jacket jokes” because I couldn’t think of anything off the top of my head but then I realised I don’t need a joke here because pinstriped jackets are a joke all by themselves
I feel like there may be a situation where pinstriped suit jackets might grow on me, but this is not that situation
also I don’t really know where I stand on the belt, but I certainly think I’m leaning towards the ‘why’ part of the scale. if you’re gonna make a belt that prominent in a photoshoot, at least make it a fun belt
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I’m noticing a trend in these photoshoots and it’s these horrific backgrounds
I will admit that the non-patterned suit jacket is going with the jeans a lot better here. but now that my attention isn’t focused on that, all I can see are the dress shoes. WHY DID YOU PUT DRESS SHOES WITH STRAIGHT-LEGGED JEANS???
please someone I am begging you, can we as a society get to tapered jeans already
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did RA genuinely ever get put into any clothes that actually fitted him properly at this point in time?
look, I know I’ve been picking on the bootcut jeans & loose attire that plagued us in the early 2000s (or 2006, to be specific to this photoshoot). what can I say, it’s the low-hanging fruit. or loose-hanging, as the case may be
I do appreciate that rich brown leather jacket and that smile. but that’s where it stops. someone take dress shirts and dress shoes away from bootcut denim PLEASE
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this is the bad-boy from your hometown in every rom-com ever
as with well this in an interesting development that I can’t say I disapprove of below, the lower rating is simply because from what we can see, it’s just a plain shirt. however, that dipped v-neck? mm-mmm
look at that smirk. this man knows what he’s doing to us, dammit.
why do you persist in hurting us this way 4/10 
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well this in an interesting development that I can’t say I disapprove of
god bless the person who said we need this shirt wet and clinging and only half-soaked
I’m so sad that I have to give this such a low ranking because uh… we’ve established I have a weakness for those biceps
this does also get bonus points for the creativity of “only this portion of your shirt needs to be wet for your close-up” but at the end of the day it is a solitary grey t-shirt even if it is floating in an attractive sea of muscles
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the photographer really said ‘who gives a crap about the clothes’, huh?
an interesting shirt! but as much as I love RA’s face, we should be able to see more of the shirt (and the outfit) because uh… it’s hard to make a judgement call on a photoshoot outfit without that
also, it’s just so hard to concentrate on some of these with RA staring into my soul like that
*sigh* 4.6/10
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hello sir, are you as kinky as your shirt?
this is one of the few occasions on which I will give the bootleg baggy jeans a pass. interesting choice to go shoeless for all outfits in this shoot – but the way the shirt is all crumpled is annoying me an incessant amount. I am begging you, someone pass this stylist an ironing board PLEASE
4.7/10 for a crinkle-cut RA
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all that’s missing is the beer cans
I’m not sure of the short sleeves here. I think with the shirt open as well my brain doesn’t know where to look
HOWEVER, this is an RA from the early 2000s that I can get behind – largely because he’s not drowning in his denim
the nice, plain belt which matches with the shirt? excellent
interesting choice to go with the bare feet – this entire look (and the quality of that concrete floor) screams ‘we’re chilling at a summer party in your parent’s basement in the early 2000s’ if not for one thing – that couch is way too nice looking. am I being too pedantic about this? no. If you’re gonna go for the whole basement party look, you need a couch that’s falling apart and has at least one questionable stain on it
that being said, I would hang out in this man’s basement
it’s a shirtless one so once again, I cannot give a numerical answer/10
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I’m not sure if this man is dangerous or is just an idiot
they may have been wanting RA to embrace his inner Daniel Miller here but that is NOT a jacket that should have its collar popped or if it is, it definitely should not be popped that much. just turn the intensity of that pop down by… at least 35%
this look is telling me to embrace my inner lacy, ruffled collar that men in England used to wear around the 1500 - 1600s. I hate it and refute it with every part of my soul
this is what happens when you embrace your inner Daniel a little bit too much 5.6/10
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the return of the leg monster
not much to say about this except once again we are terrified to put RA’s legs into well-fitted pants. what secrets are hiding underneath those voluminous billows? will we ever know?
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the one that crushed my hopes and dreams and then spat on my corpse
so I admit it, I got really excited because I thought that this was a leopard print shirt and I was like “this is something I did NOT know that I needed until right now”, even if I would argue that it could have been nice in a little bit of a brighter colour. no matter, I thought it was a nice subtle addition to this plain suit and was just very excited at the prospect of RA rocking leopard print even though I almost always hate leopard print in single every form it comes in
and then. upon zooming. a disappointing paisley. sorry, paisley lovers. I hate it
I would also argue here that the pocket square would have been nice in a plain, bright colour rather than another patterned item thrown into the mix. come on stylists, stop letting me down with your pocket squares
also if there is a point where a suit can be too shiny, I think we’ve found it. I could wax floors with that fabric and I’d rather be thinking about RA’s talent & good looks rather than imagining him being used as a human mop
the hand porn is uh… strong with this one 6/10
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the hand porn one
the ring is a nice subtle touch but I can’t decide where I stand on this tie. for me, the checks are just a *wee* tad too small. so small that it I’m scared it will turn into one of those optical illusions with a number in it if I stare at it the tie for too long
the pocket square could also have not tried so hard to blend in with the rest of the suit jacket. give me some colour, baby!
Richard really needs to put his hand down so I can actually concentrate on the clothes 6.5/10
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 I’m just dotty for this one (I’m so sorry y’all)
so suave. so shiny. I wanna stroke that fabric so bad, it looks so soft
the dots bring a nice yet understated touch to a monotone outfit and GOOD LORD those thighs
they just had to pose him like this to torture us, I’m convinced. also they call him a “commanding gentleman” in the subtitle which is really just unnecessary to verbalise when he’s sitting like this
Someone put me in a rom-com with this man 7.2/10
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the modern magician (at least he ain’t floating this time)
I know that the hat should be the focus of this shoot but I can’t get over those shoes
tangentially related, I have never understood why they make men’s dress shoes so excessively long and pointed. these certainly aren’t a good example of this but uh… I don’t understand why men’s dress shoes are clown shoes
I think part of what’s throwing me off is the sockless look. normally I can handle (and even love) it with some shoes but there’s something about the hem of those jeans and those shoes that turn them into slippers when worn sockless
I love the two-tone scarf but what really excites me is the plaid shirt that we can barely see. I’m eternally sad that they had RA hid it in this pose. and also, come one. you could’ve at least gotten a chair with an actual back to it. that can’t be good for his back at all
the one bonus of this outfit is the hat because when do we ever get RA in hats?? and hats that aren’t baseball caps?? a nice, rare touch. but also one which hides most of that face so…
can we talk about the fact that my gut tells me those jean cuffs have been deliberately turned up at the front and all I want in life is to reach into this image and flip them down 7.5/10
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*pterodactyl noises*
holy macaroni. that demin shirt. and this shirt’s even a nice lighter denim colour??? and the v-neck?? SIR
I know he’s worn some faux-denim shirts in the last few years (see: Uncle Vanya rehearsal pics) but as outerwear? knocked it out of the park in this one
also I know this is a shirt not a jacket, but this shirt made me think about how I never realised how much I needed RA in jean jackets until today
It could be argued that a nice crew neck cut would work slightly better than the v-neck but that’s really a personal choice
a lovely respite for my weary eyes 7.7/10
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a truly, truly blessed image. the sort of image that would bring you endless good luck
I know I’ve given a lot of pants crap on this list but these. these are the ones. these are doing the lord’s work for sure. and god bless the person who decided to shoot from this particular side angle.
and then the shirt?? I’m honestly afraid it may rip if he moves. I could leave or take the tie though. it’s not adding a whole lot to this outfit and I would much rather that shirt be uh… open at the top for a glimpse of uh… well. you know.
this RA outfit laughs in the face of all those early 2000s RA outfits 8.1/10
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me running to open my phone every time an RA-related notification pops up
my only sadness is that this shoot was in black & white. we need more action-shot RA shoots!
also the subtle plaid?? *chef’s kiss*
well, I said ‘my only sadness’ but is it also me or are both ends of that tie strangely square? that is throwing me off from an otherwise spectacular photoshoot outfit, I won’t lie
8.5/10 for a man of action
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this is what we all like to think we look on the way to work. hate to break it to ya - we don’t
god, that wind-ruffled hair. the rustic look provided by both the suit material & the photo editing. that stare over the top of that coffee mug. the casual ‘I just picked up the paper on my way out this morning’
words fail me
would it be weird if I said I would pay money to be able to run my hands through anyone’s hair that looks as soft and wind-swept as that 8.9/10
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the comfiest RA
I love. love. love this outfit, especially the sweater. the pant colour goes extremely well with this one and I’m so glad they didn’t just stick him in jeans. the is the softest, comfiest RA and I love it. this is an RA who you can simultaneously share a beer and takeaway with at home, cuddling up on the sofa while you watch a film, as well as an RA who will take you out to eat fancy pasta at an upscale restaurant.
the choice of sitting on a stool is also great. my only real gripe here is the watch (and even that’s a minor one, really). the watch isn’t THAT bad, but it’s chunky face reminds me slightly of the watches boys in my class would wear in middle school. the watch could be a *wee wee tad* slicker, but really, I’m nitpicking here (and this is the only time I will admit to it)
the more I look at it, the more this becomes one of my fav RA pics. the slight smile. the relaxed pose. the hint of hand porn
weirdly, for some reason this picture gives me the exact same comfy and ‘just chilling out’ feeling as when I hear the song “Kiss Me” by Sixpence None the Richer 9.5/10
34 notes · View notes
starrybethany · 4 years
I’m Sure - Adam Boqvist Imagine Part 2
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Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Word count: 3.5K
I shut the front door quietly behind me. I step out of my heels, sighing in relief as my feet can finally breathe. My eyes land on the twelve-year-old on the couch and I can’t help but grin despite his cold behavior towards me lately.
I know he’s an adolescent so he’s going to go through mood swings and say hurtful things-but that doesn’t make it hurt less. It also doesn’t make me love him less. I walk up behind him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders slowly and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Mom,” he rips the headphones off of his ears, setting the controller and the headphones down on the coffee table. “You’re home.”
“Are you playing Call of Duty with the boys?” I ask.
“Yeah,” he mumbles, eyes still avoiding my own. I know he’s ashamed of how he treated me this morning before leaving for school, but he won’t admit it. I raised him to admit it when he’s made a mistake, but he’s a boy, and they naturally refuse to do so. He’s still young, too, so he feels like he’s somehow always right.
“What do you want for dinner?” I make my way towards the small kitchen, opening the fridge to look inside.
“Didn’t you get food with Winston?” Holden questions, giving me a confused look.
“Yeah,” I shrug. “But I’m assuming you didn’t eat.”
I pull out the supplies to make a grilled cheese, looking up at him expectantly. “Grilled cheese, then?”
The fading sun catches the blonde locks in his hair as he looks over at me from time to time, trying to focus on his game but a thought obviously occupying him.
“Mom, is um, is Winston going to be moving in with us?” He questions.
“What?” I laugh. “No, honey, we’ve only been dating a few months. Why would you think that?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know.  You guys hang out a lot.”
“Well, I hope you know that I would have a conversation with you before doing anything that serious,” I reassure him, bringing over a Coke and the plate with chips and a grilled cheese.
“Thanks, mom,” he cracks a smile at me. A sign that it’s all better now.
“So, tell me about school today. How was art? Did you finally compliment Cierra’s painting?” I tease.
“Mom,” his voice cracks with the warning.
“I’m just teasing,” I giggle. “But seriously, Holden, girls love compliments.”
“I know,” he grumbles, returning to his game.
“How is Holden?” My sister asks.
I balance the phone between my shoulder and my ear, glancing up the stairs to make sure his door is closed so that he doesn’t hear the conversation. I lower my voice just in case. “I’m still worried about him.  He doesn’t have a lot of friends, he doesn’t hang out with the friends that he does have, he doesn’t want to join any sports or extracurricular activities- his grades aren’t the best. I’ve asked him so many times if he wants to go to therapy and he says no every time.”
“Well, maybe it’s time for you and Winston to get serious. That boy needs a father figure.”
I feel the annoyance rise in my blood and I roll my eyes, grateful that she can’t see me and scold me about the action. “I don’t want to push Holden to accept Winston. Holden will make his own decision of how to perceive him. Look, I have to go, I’m working late tomorrow.”
“Alright. Love you.”
“Love you too.” I quickly hang up, turning off the downstairs lights and making my way upstairs. I peak under my son’s door, seeing a soft light emerging, before doing my nighttime routine and laying down in bed. I scroll through my social media for a while- a habit I’ve been trying to break since Holden was born- seeing that all of my friends who are Flyer fans are getting excited for the game against the Blackhawks tomorrow.
Colorado was not a hockey place. They were all about their Denver Broncos and lived and breathed football. Holden and I moved to Philadelphia with my ex-boyfriend when he was a toddler, and we broke up when he started kindergarten, but we’ve stayed in Philadelphia ever since.
Philadelphia, however, is a hockey place. I understand why- Gritty is the embodiment of the city- but it was odd to be immersed back into the hockey life. Everyone here worships Claude Giroux and flashes of orange are worn everywhere we go.
I asked Holden when he was younger if he wanted to play hockey, since a lot of his friends do, but he quickly rejected the idea- something I was guiltily relieved about. He doesn’t know that his dad is a hockey player, in fact, he’s surprisingly never asked about his dad.
I thought he would want to learn more as he grew older and saw all of the kids at school with both of their parents, but he’s never said a thing to me.
I don’t know if he’s said something to someone else, though.
I set my phone down on the nightstand, exhausted from the long workday and the worry that constantly fills my body about my son. I know I need to do something to encourage him to increase his grades, make some friends, join some clubs- hell, even if it’s to spend more time with me, I wouldn’t mind that.
But right now, I just feel like a shitty mother.
I sigh, setting down the papers on my desk and rubbing my eyes. I hate ordering inventory, but someone needs to do it and since the owner of this coffee shop is never here, it lays on my shoulders.
I stand up, making my way to the front of the shop. “Do you guys know if Lia needs any more shirts?”
“I think she does,” Rachel’s voice falls on deaf ears as I notice the person waiting to order. The blood rushes to my head and my limbs run cold. All I can focus on is him. He’s standing in the coffee shop that I manage, a familiar, yet older Alex DeBrincat by his side, just like old times.
My eyes meet Alex’s first. He smiles at me, then I watch as it slowly transfers into a look of confusion.
“Do I- do I know you?”  He asks carefully.
“Y/N,” another voice breathes out. I turn my head, eyes meeting Adam’s. His face is frozen in disbelief, like he can’t believe it’s actually me.
But it’s me. And I’m standing in front of my child’s father, seeing him for the first time in about thirteen years. I hadn’t spoken to him since the day I left, Holden still a little bean in my stomach.
Staying true to my word, I did it on my own- with the help from some ex-boyfriends. But still, I was the one hugging him when he got vaccines at six months old, I was the one rubbing his back when he had the stomach flu at six years old, I’m the one kissing him on the cheek after parent-teacher conferences.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N, it’s been a while!” Alex chuckles, snapping my attention back to him. “I thought you were in Colorado, what are you doing in Philly?”
I force a smile. “Needed a change in scenery.”
It’s not a complete lie.
“How have you been? Is there a husband, any kids?”
Rachel, God bless Rachel, calls out Alex’s name and hands him his coffee before I can respond.
“How are you doing?” I inquire, keeping my eyes on the shorter man.
“Oh, I’m good, Lyndsey and I just had our second, our first boy,” he smiles proudly. He always used to talk about how much he wanted a family with her.
“Congratulations,” I smile.
“Thanks. Boqy here,” he slaps Adam’s chest, bringing him into the conversation. I reluctantly drag my eyes over to him, seeing that he’s already watching me. “Hasn’t changed a bit since you left.”
I nod, biting back the snarky remark that wants to escape. He’s what, thirty now? And he hasn’t changed a bit?
“Well, I have to get back to work,” I respond, wanting nothing more than to escape this conversation. I wouldn’t mind chatting with Alex for a whil- I’m sure he’d love Holden, but I don’t want Adam to know anything about my son.
I can’t help but feel guilty at that.
“Hey, let’s exchange numbers and hang out soon. We’re playing the Flyers and Penguins for the next couple of days, so we’ll be around for a while,” Alex offers.
I nod, pulling out my phone to exchange numbers with him. Somehow Adam thinks it’s his right to add his number into my phone, too.
“Well, it was great seeing you, Y/N,” Alex smiles before leaving, holding the door open for his companion. Adam spares me one last glance before leaving.
I cry in my office.
I can feel his eyes sliding between me and his plate. He pushes the corn with his fork, causing a scrapping noise to echo throughout the small room. He’s used to dinner being filled with questions about his day- what did he learn in science? Did he play dodgeball in gym class? But I’m not in the mood tonight.
The last thing that I wanted to do was make dinner and sit down and eat it instead of ordering pizza and crawling into bed, but I know I need to put on a brave face for Holden. He doesn’t need to know that anything’s wrong.
He coughs awkwardly. “I don’t like corn.”
I can’t hold back the rolling of my eyes. He looks shocked at that, like he’s not expecting it, but I’m not in the mood for his snarky attitude tonight.
“Then don’t eat it.”
He studies me before I can’t handle it anymore, shoving my chair back. I quickly throw the rest of my food away and throw my dishes into the sink before practically sprinting upstairs, locking my bedroom door behind me like a teenage girl.
I’m wiping the tears in my eyes furiously, my chest heaving with every breathe. I’m hoping that if I stop the tears from coming now, it’ll seem like they’ve never come at all.
And if they never fall, I’ve never cried over Adam Boqvist.
My phone buzzes angrily in my back pocket and I pull it out, practically groaning when I read Winston’s name. It shouldn’t be like that when I see that it’s my boyfriend calling, I know that, but really? Right now?
“Hey, how are you?” Winston coos through the phone.
I furrow my eyebrows at the tone. “Uh, alright.”
“It’s just- Holden texted me and told me that you’re feeling kind of, um, off, tonight,” he struggles to explain.
I hold back my scoff. Sure, now Holden likes Winston.
“It’s nothing.”
“Come on, Y/N, how are we supposed to have a healthy relationship if you can’t talk to me?” He persists.
“I just don’t want to talk about it, Winston.”
“Fine. Be that way. But just so you know, if you can’t bother talking to me about this, then don’t bother talking to me ever again.”
I raise my eyebrows at that. “You’re going to break up with me because I don’t want to tell you what’s wrong?”
“It’s the principle of it, Y/N! If you aren’t willing to share your emotions with me four months into this relationship, where are we going?” He rants.
I’m dumbfounded. I know I should be willing to tell him what’s wrong- he’s supposed to be my partner, my confidant, the one I tell everything to.
But to be honest, I don’t really care. I’ve never felt an immense attraction to him. Really, when he asked me out the only reason I said yes was because I like his appearance. But we’ve never clicked, we’ve never had that fire, that passion- like, like what Adam and I had.
“Exactly,” he scoffs, reminding me that I’m still on the phone with my boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend.
He hangs up the phone and I sigh, gently resting the device back on my bedside table. I get ready for bed before climbing back under my cozy covers, scrolling through social media one last time before I decide to sleep.
My notification tab lights up, so I click on it, seeing that I have a new follow request.
adamboqvistt Confirm Delete
I stare at that in disbelief. After more than a decade of knowing my Instagram handle, and the fact that I’m the mother of his child, now he decides he wants to follow me?
Now he wants to get and stay in contact, just because he happened to see me at my job?
He took one look at me and decided he should be involved now. I told him when I told him that I was pregnant, it’s all in or all out.  And he decided all out, so now he has to live with his decision.
I close the app in fury, setting my phone down and turning over in bed, tugging the blanket harder than I intend to. Hopefully tomorrow is better than today. Hopefully Adam forgets about me and our child, just like he’s done for the past thirteen years.
Holden is slipping down the stairs just as I set his plate of scrambled eggs down on the table, giving me a hesitant look, like he’s unsure of what kind of mood I’m in and why I took the time to make him breakfast instead of hurrying out the door like I usually am with a reluctant kiss and hug.
“I start later today, I’m on the closing shift tonight,” I half-explain, placing the bowl of cut-up strawberries in the middle of the table.
He nods, taking a seat across from me at the table. I clear my throat as we begin to eat and he looks up at me, blue eyes wide like he got caught doing something wrong.
“Winston and I broke up last night,” I state emotionlessly.
“Oh, uh, sorry.”
I shrug my shoulders.
“Can I ask why?”
“I didn’t want to talk about my bad day and apparently that makes me emotionally unavailable,” I respond.
He pauses. “Well, do you want to talk about your bad day with me?”
This time it’s my turn to pause. I could do three things right now.  I could tell him that his father’s going to be in town for the next couple of days, giving him the opportunity to meet him if he really wanted to. Although he’s never expressed wanting to meet Adam, I’m sure there’s some kind of yearning in him to meet the man who gave him half of his genes.
Or I could lie. I hate lying to the kid- it’s not a value I want to raise him with. Plus, if he finds out that I lied, he would be pissed.
Finally, I could shut him out. I don’t want to do that, though. If I shut him out, when will he want to come talking to me? If I’m not willing to talk to him, it’s not fair to expect him to talk to me about things that bother him.
“I saw… an old friend, yesterday,” I say slowly, deciding to leave it at that. It’s vague but specific enough.
“My father?”
I practically choke at the words.
“It’s okay, mom,” he shrugs awkwardly. “I get it. That must’ve been hard for you.”
The deep blush on his cheeks shows me that he doesn’t want to continue this conversation much longer. I don’t know if it’s because of who it’s about, or because we’re talking about our feelings, but I don’t want to pressure him.
“Yeah. So, I’ll be home around eight o’clock tonight, I’ll pick up some McDonalds on the way home. Text me your order,” I inform him.
He nods, and that’s that.
I don’t know why a café is open until eight o’clock at night. Usually no one comes in past six o’clock, so the owner is paying someone to sit there for two hours on their phone. Around seven fifty-five, when I’m in the middle of turning off the lights to lock up and go home to see my son, the doorbell rings.
I curse in my head- what asshole comes in five minutes before closing time?
“Hello,” I plaster a fake smile onto my face, turning around to greet the customer. My feet stop moving.
His short curls peak out of the gray beanie, black jacket hanging loosely off of his body. His hands are shoved into his coat pockets and he stands at the door unsurely, deciding to take a confident step forward.
I compose myself, taking a step forward. “What can I get for you today?”
“Y/N-“”My recommendation is our house’s hot chocolate, it’s my favorite,” I give him a sugar sweet smile, relishing in the way that he winces.
“Look, I know that-“”Either order something or get out, Adam,” I break out of my customer service persona.
“If I order something will you talk to me?” He snaps.
I raise my eyebrows at him. “Are you really in the position to be making demands here?”
He sighs. “Get me that- what was it, a hot chocolate?”
“What size?” I snarl.
I grab the cup, reluctantly beginning the process of making it as he begins to speak.
“I requested to follow you on Instagram.”
I don’t respond.
“Look, I know that I messed up, okay?”
“That’s one way of putting it,” I mumble.
“I realize that,” he continues like I never interrupted him. “And I regret it every day, letting you and him- or her, I don’t even know what you ended up having, go, just so easily. I spent thirteen years missing all of the birthdays and Christmases and hockey games and focusing on getting drunk and my own hockey world. But don’t you feel like it’s fate, meeting again after all of these years?”
“Your total is $4.32,” I retort, setting the cup down on the counter.
“Come on, just let me meet him. Or her, you haven’t told me what you ended up having yet,” he pleads, chuckling dryly at the end.
“That’s because you don’t deserve to know. $4.32 please, and cash transactions are closed at this time,” I stare pointedly at him.
He swipes his card silently.
“Thank you, come again,” I state as I hand him his receipt. His fingers brush my own. The softness of them sooth the rage in my body, something I curse at internally.
I, so badly, want to be mad at Adam. I want to scream at him for missing all of our son’s childhood and my whole pregnancy.
But the worst part is that I can’t really blame him. He was a young guy, barely surviving in a league that sucks the players dry of everything they can give.
He knew he couldn’t give everything to raise the child- he knew better than to promise that he could do that.
I know he probably beats himself up for letting this go on so long- as he should- but I know that he’s probably ashamed of what he’s done and how much he’s missed.
There was never a right time for him to reenter Holden’s life. When Holden was a toddler, Adam still barely knew himself, as a kid Adam was teaching the younger players, and well, now- now Holden wants nothing to do with him.
Adam’s fingers glide gently up my arm, eyes double-checking to make sure the action is alright. It is.
It slides down to my waist and the other hand lifts up slowly, softly brushing my jaw. His face moves closer and closer to mine before our lips meet.
It’s like they’ve never left each other. They start out slowly, then move faster, more passionately. I tighten my eyes, cherishing this moment. Who knows when it will come next? The hand on my jaw moves down to my other hip and he tugs me across the counter, moving so that he’s standing in between my open legs.
“This is so unhygienic,” I breathe out as he begins to kiss down my neck. He chuckles, the hot air making me grow more and more needy for him.
“Are there cameras in here?” He questions, looking around- looking out for me to keep my job.
“No,” I respond, pulling his lips back to mine. “But we have to go into the office. I don’t want anyone walking past to see.”
He nods, grabbing onto the back of my thighs to pick me up. The office door shuts behind us.
When I see the, now cold, hot chocolate still sitting on the counter the next morning, I can’t help but wince, regretting everything that happened the night prior.
I just can’t resist when it comes to Adam Boqvist.
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laurenairay · 4 years
Congrats on 400! How awesome is that? And please, number 3, "you're an idiot." "But I'm your idiot." kinda has Teeks written all over it! Have fun! 💙
Hi anon! Thank you, that’s so sweet! I hope you enjoy this one, I had a lot of fun with it!
“You’re an idiot” “But I’m your idiot”
Coffee. You needed coffee. And toast with butter and something greasy. Bacon? Hash browns? Ugh, literally anything. Good god last night’s party with Travis and his team had been a wild one. Frosty had turned 21, and Kevin had offered to host a big team celebration at his house, so naturally it had been absolute chaos.
You had drunk enough last night to give yourself that wonderful groggy feeling with a mild headache, having had a fair few shots with the birthday boy himself and a steady flow of rum and coke after that , but other than Carter (who hadn’t drank at all), most of the guys had gotten absolutely trashed - including Travis.
True to form he’d been the life of the party, hyping up the team to celebrate Frosty in the best way, but he had gone so far off the drunken cliff that he kept telling everyone how great you were and how lucky he is to be dating you. Over and over and over again, in the most sloppy endearing way, like an overgrown clumsy puppy. Not that you didn’t appreciate how sweet and affectionate he had been, but wow was he going to regret all the chirping material he’d given his teammates.
What had all started so well quickly turned a couple of hours in when you were getting a fresh drink. Travis had clearly decided you were taking too long and had come to find you...
“Baby where have you been?!”
Travis stumbled over your little group, making you smile fondly at him as you shook your head. What a lush. But as soon as he reached you and you turned your head back to look at Ryanne, Travis brought his hand down sharply on your ass, a loud smack sounding as well as your yelp of surprise.
“Teeks!” you laughed, whacking a hand at his chest as you blushed furiously. Claude, Ryanne, Coots and Laurence were all sniggering, even more so at the pleased look on your boyfriend’s face.
“Oh you are going to be in so much trouble tomorrow,” Claude smirked.
But Travis just grinned. “Nah, I’m the luckiest guy in the world, getting to touch that amazing ass,”
Oh jeez. That just made everyone laugh harder as your jaw dropped.
“Luckiest guy in the world, huh?” Ryanne teased, winking at you.
“So lucky. Lucky lucky lucky me,” Travis slurred, sliding an arm around your waist, looking down at you with a smile.
You rolled your eyes, blush still lightly on your cheeks, but lifted your head up and pressed your lips to his in a quick kiss. He may be as subtle as a brick wall but he meant well, and you couldn’t be mad at him for that.
“Luckiest boyfriend ever,” Travis murmured in your ear, lips stretched in a smile against your skin.
You still remembered the feeling of the sting of his ass slap, a smile spreading across your lips at the memory. What could easily have been a super embarrassing moment, Travis had somehow managed to charm his way into making it a sappy endearing moment.
And that had only been the start.
Between grinding on your ass on the make-shift dancefloor, reminding the rookies at how smart & beautiful you were, pulling you into constant kisses and beaming at you afterwards, bringing you fresh drinks & the occasional water and sighing happily whenever you thanked him...it had been so sweet. You knew that both Carter and Nolan had taken video evidence of him being an absolute mess, especially when he bragged to Ryanne about how wonderful he thought you were (Carter had promised to send you a copy), and you knew that his phone would be full of messages of chirps and teasing - and to be honest it was probably all well deserved, bless him.
But your favourite moment had to be as you were by the front door saying your goodbyes to Kevin, and Travis had finally joined you...
Travis hummed happily as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, making you giggle as Kevin grinned widely, even more so as Travis buried his face in your neck.
“Are you okay there babe?” you asked, squeezing your hands over his.
“Mmhmm! You smell so good,” Travis sighed happily, “I’m so lucky I get to smell you all the time,”
Oh my god. You couldn’t help but burst into laughter, Kevin joining you loudly, and Travis whined at your reaction.
“That was weird, wasn’t it,” Travis huffed, standing upright with a pout.
“Yeah just a bit,” Kevin snickered. Oh yeah there was no way Kevin was going to forget this, and there was no way he wasn’t teasing Travis tomorrow.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” you said fondly, linking your hand with his.
Travis’s face lit up in a grin. “You think I’m cute?” he said happily, “oh boy!”
An unhappy groan broke you out of your thoughts, and you hid your laughter in your coffee as Travis shuffled into the kitchen. He looked like hell, hair limp and greasy, eyes bleary, skin pale with nausea...not his best.
“I feel like death,” he moaned.
“Look like it too,” you teased.
Travis just groaned again, slumping into the seat next to you, making you laugh as he stole your coffee.
“So why did I do this time?” he sighed, looking blearily at you.
You smirked. Travis looked more and more embarrassed as you filled him in on the evening, his face flaring in a fierce blush at his antics, until he buried his face in his hands.
“I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?” he sighed, although his eyes were sparkling with laughter.
“Nope! There’s definitely video and Kevin wasn’t that drunk as we said goodbye. You might not want to check your phone,” you grinned.
Travis whined, throwing his head back, making you laugh. “You’re an idiot,” you snickered.
“But I’m your idiot,” Travis shrugged, batting his eyelashes at you.
“Yeah you are,” you grinned, making Travis beam at you.
He leant over towards you, looping a hand around the back of your head to pull you into a kiss. You smiled against his lips, brushing your tongue against his, earning a sigh from your boyfriend. As his thumb brushed against your hair, your stomach filled with butterflies, and you broke the kiss with a happy smile. Travis looked a little less bleary now at least.
“I need to shower this hangover away - do you want to join me?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I think I could manage that,” he grinned.
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agent-cupcake · 4 years
So, what do you think the femblem cast would do for jobs irl? Appreciate your stories by the way, beasty and the bard is my favorite so far
I’m trying to work through older asks more like I used to with HxH, shorter form stuff, you know? Anyway, this is silly so a good starting point (also thank you! I love writing that story and going through my inbox I saw so many kind messages. I didn’t reply to them, but know that everyone’s words mean more than I can say)
Dimitri - There’s fanart of him as a firefighter and I like that. However, I guess it’d make more sense if he had a net worth we could only dream of and inherited a company of some sort from his father so that’s what I’m going with. Aside from running that, I think Dimitri would be someone who uses his fortune to engage in a lot of philanthropic work. Also, bless modern mental health care. 
Dedue - If we’re going aesthetics, Dedue would also be a Firefighter. Or a famous chef, famous for his intimidating appearance contrasted with his world-famous dishes. Although, hear me out. Dedue was someone whose city or w/e was destroyed by negligence or conflict of some kind and he works with Dimitri to protect his people and built his home back up.
Felix - Raised in a wealthy military family, Felix enlisted and served in the Army as soon as he was able but became disillusioned with the military after the death of his brother and returned home. After that, he became super involved with martial arts and wound up opening a gym, inadvertently taking in other young and disillusioned kids and giving them a healthy method of self-expression.
Sylvain - Rich boy. Bad reputation. E-Celeb. He lends his skills to the social media inept Dimitri to promote and help with all of his philanthropic work. He does a lot of good things but keeps it under wraps to maintain his superficial image. 
Ingrid - She runs Dimitri’s personal security force with a side gig of anonymous restaurant reviewing.
Annette - Chemistry professor at a university and rabid overachiever who makes consistent strides in the science world and inspires her students. She knows the Faerghus crew because she’s gone to them to make a case for funding scholarship programs.
Mercedes - Mercedes went to school to became a nurse, which is where she met Annette, and then she met Felix through Annette. Since many of the kids at his gym aren’t likely to go to get actual medical help, he calls her if there are any incidents. At the same time, she is an active participant in her local church and charity drives.  
Ashe - Okay I think he’d have a really idealistic sense of justice as a kid, but that slowly became warped as he grew up. He met Ingrid through Felix’s gym and wound up getting a position on Dimitri’s security team, seeing the work that Dimitri does as a sort of justice.
Edelgard - I wanna say like a politician or lawyer, but the fictional kind where they have solid values and beliefs and do good things in the name of justice. Edelgard would be more vocal about her desire to change things entirely rather than follow the system as it is.  
Hubert - Obviously he works with Edelgard. Sharing her ideals of justice, he acts as a behind the scenes confidant of sorts. Irl he’d be a bit less simp-y, working with her because he believes in her ability to make a change rather than some blood-intrinsic duty.
Ferdinand -  Similar to Edeglard, but more invested in the idea of working within the system to make a change. Despite that conflict, they do work together quite often, respecting the ideals of the other and acknowledging that ultimately they do want the same thing.
Dorothea - Musical theater STAR who is very passionate about social issues, namely the treatment of younger and less famous people in the industry. She uses her platform to promote up and coming actors and all of the backstage production crews that are so often ignored and abused.
Caspar - Head of Edelgard’s security for sure. Grew up a rich kid but separated from his family pretty much completely, deciding to make his own way in the world.
Linhardt - Tech guy. Cybersecurity maybe? At some point, he got hired by Edelgard and works with Caspar bc ofc he does. He makes it clear that it’s not an issue of morality that makes him loyal, but because it’s a fun challenge. 
Petra - An ambassador from a smaller country trying to establish more friendly relations for her people. People underestimate her because of her language skills, which actually works out for her sometimes because they don’t expect her political maneuvering. 
Bernadetta - An extreme introvert who inherited her father’s company but manages most of it remotely, also focusing on her artistic endeavors. Probably has a super popular webcomic appealing to comically exaggerated introverts everywhere.  
Claude - He attended a prestigious university and quickly fell into a career in journalism. Not like, trashy tabloid style, but actual journalism that is well researched and meant to hold people in power accountable. His background and source of wealth are mysterious, leading people to spend an inordinate amount of time speculating about his race online. Claude also uses memes and snappy editing as misdirection. 
Hilda - She’s famous for being famous and rich. However, in the midst of all of that fame, she befriended Claude and actually came to stand for a cause. But on the lowest of keys, most of what she posts is makeup reviews and glamorous photos. Gamer girl.
Lorenz - His father's Thomas Wayne, but like... The bad Thomas Wayne from Joker. Weapon production and everything. Lorenz changes that, though, focusing more on those Bruce Wayne endeavors. Except he’s not Batman, but Batman’s flamboyant, eggplant-headed brother. I love Lorenz I’m sorry boo
Ignatz - An artist, of course. Works in animation, maybe? He’s drawn all of Hilda’s graphics and sprites and stuff. She even paid him!  
Raphael - He does a lot of manual labor, taking on odd jobs or anything in the name of supporting his sister. 
Lysithea - After graduating top of her class, she began working in the medical field, researching cures and other helpful medicine. Claude keeps her discoveries from going unacknowledged, and Edelgard has actually had a donation drive to fund Lysithea’s work. 
Marianne - She owns and runs an organization that focuses on taking on animal cruelty and taking care of mistreated animals. She’s incredibly organized and efficient in the way she handles things and sees results through her various charities and request for funding. 
Leonie - She works in a private security organization once run by Jeralt, taking on whatever job she gets hired for. Leonie is more interested in the work than the jobs. Drinking, too. 
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mommymooze · 4 years
Big Girls Have More Fun
You were always a very big girl. Your mother had complained when giving birth to your brothers that their shoulders were so wide it was a miracle that they ever made it out. When the midwife had problems getting you to leave the warm comfy space known as your mother’s womb, Mommah cried because it was going to be another boy. She and Father were so happily surprised that after all these years they finally had a girl. Weighing in at almost 10 pounds, you were also the biggest of her children. Everyone who saw you when you were little thought you were a big boy. It didn’t help that you had plenty of hand-me-downs from your brothers so your clothes were always masculine. You were bald headed until you were two, until your (h/c) hair finally started to grow in. Mother always styled your hair so cutely with lots of ribbons and bows. Being the girl and the baby of the family, you did have a few beautiful dresses that you wore on special occasions, but you preferred the tough pants that were from your older brothers. Girls clothes never fit very well in the shoulders, so your dresses were custom made. Having 6 children’s feet under the table did not call for a lot of extra money for clothing, and you preferred your older brothers castoffs anyway.
Always chasing after your brothers and their friends, you were as much of a boy as they were. Instead of dolls and dress up, you preferred wrestling and play fighting. If someone said you couldn’t do something because you were a girl, you had to push yourself until you could climb higher, run faster or swim farther than any of those silly boys. Mother tried to get you to wear makeup when you turned 13, hoping that some feminine influence would stick. They found out all to quickly that most of the powders and eyeshadows made your face break out until you looked like a chipmunk. Since you would not wear dresses, when you were older your mother convinced you to wear loose-fitting long-sleeved blouses that had a bit of frill around the neck or cuffs. This was to make you look more feminine because…well because you had muscles. No tea parties for you. It was much more fun to hang out with one of your brothers. Your oldest brother was a carpenter so helping lift stacks of wood, hammering nails and learning to build things was fascinating. Your next brother was a bricklayer. Helping him move pallets of bricks, stir the bonding material to go between the stones and hand him bricks as quickly as he could lay them was always fascinating. It was so satisfying seeing a line of bricks suddenly become an entire wall by the end of the day. The middle brother was apprenticed to the blacksmith. This was your favorite brother to work with. He would let you pump the bellows and work on basic metal pieces and he would finish them. Your fingers were a bit smaller and more nimble than his, so he had you assembling pieces together he would hammer in the rivets to join them into the finished work. He taught you how to make shoes for horses, some in different lengths and widths. You really loved hammering on a piece of metal, molding it into something new and useful.
Shortly before you turned 18 your parents were killed in a tragic fire. Having nothing left to keep you home you had heard of the Academy at Garreg Mach. With the blessings of your brothers you headed out to become enrolled and most importantly, to see what you could make of yourself. The atmosphere at the school was exciting. You had been homeschooled by your parents. Taught the basics reading and writing, a bit of etiquette (though your brothers still attacked every dinner like a pack of ravenous wolverines.) You were invited to join the Golden Deer, a mostly wild and boisterous bunch except for Marianne and Ignatz. It was a perfect fit for you. Raphael was just like one of your big brothers and loved to spar and wrestle with you. You found Leonie to be a great friend, easy to hang out with because neither of you were extremely ‘girly’.  That word was more for Hilda and Marianne, who would dress up and fix their hair for hours, complain about getting dirty. Still, they were still sweet and became good friends. Even Lorenz could behave himself and tolerated in small doses.
Claude was the ‘leader-man’ for the deer. He certainly was mischievous, playing pranks or generally annoying at times. Much of the time he follows their Professor, Byleth, always asking questions and trying to get more information than Byleth probably wants to supply. You arm wrestled him once. He’s an archer, great upper body strength, you thought he would be a challenge. But he lost pretty quickly, telling you that you should stick to someone more of Raphael’s or Caspar’s build.  It was really strange when one day Claude and Byleth are called away on a special mission. A few of the other students, the heads of the other two houses and Hilda are not seen for a couple weeks. Some of the knights filled in for teaching when they are available. Otherwise the Deer are thrown in with Professors Manuela and Hanneman for most of the classes.
You are thrilled to get extra training on brawling from Catherine and Alois. Alois is okay, great at brawling, but his jokes are something hard to stomach. Being a brawler meant you were always well armed. Ugh. Catherine is a ton of fun, she is built a lot like you. Broad shouldered and incredible upper body strength. She is a plethora of knowledge. She’s constantly giving tips on the best holds, the best way to take someone down. Knowing that you would come across a lot of male opponents as there were few female brawlers such as you two, she gives tips on distractions, specific grabs and holds that were very effective against men. Some of it feels like cheating, especially the sudden fake flirts and the like, but any weapon in a battle for your life. The other students may not have enjoyed the few weeks without Professor Byleth, Claude, and Hilda, however you are having a blast.
Byleth and all of the missing students return without a word as to what happened while they are gone. You decide to trail Claude today because he’s acting extra suspicious. He stops at an area close to the sauna, not far from where Byleth’s room is located. He is talking to that shifty merchant guy that hangs out over there at times. Your curiosity gets the best of you and you approach greeting Claude loudly.
“Hey (y/n) talk about timing! I can use a strong pair of arms if you have a few minutes.”
Instinctively you point to yourself. “Me? Sure, I’ve got a few.”
Claude grabs your arm and pulls you behind the merchant showing that there is a hidden entrance to somewhere underground. The air is cooler down here, but a bit stuffy. After a couple turns down the corridors you are met by a tall guy with a deep voice and purple hair. The two are speaking in low voices, you can’t make out what they are talking about. The new guy looks as you so you give a little wave of your fingers. The two men lead you down several more corridors, you feel like you are going in circles now. Finally, they stop and the new guy pulls out a key and opens the door, ushering everyone inside.
“Glad you brought Muscles here, Balty is a bit busy at the moment.” Says new guy.
“I want a look see before I hand over the payment. I’m sure you understand.” Claude says with a grin.
Yuri grabs a dagger and works on a board, loosening it to reveal the contents of the box is a large cache of lances.
Claude pulls one out and invites you to take one in hand.
“Dagdan construction.” You spin it, twirl it and look it over carefully. “Decently made.”
“Who made you the judge, friend?” Purple hair snips.
“Apologies. Worked as a blacksmith for a time. Repaired lots of stuff from lots of places.” You place the weapon back in the box. “I’m (y/n)” you give a bit of a smile introducing yourself. You really get a good look at purple hair. Is he…wearing makeup? It looks good on him. Your face grows into a bigger smile.
“Yuri.” He says. At least he grips your hand firmly.
Claude puts the weapon back in the box, so you grab the board that was pulled off, put it back on and hammer it into place with the butt of your dagger from your belt. You pick up the box (use your legs not your back) and hoist it onto your shoulder. Yuri silently escorts you and Claude back to where you first met him.
“Glad to do business, friend.” Claude gives Yuri a tap on the shoulder.
“Always.” Yuri turns to you, “Come visit sometime. I’ve got a friend who would probably be interested in a spar or two.”
“No prob!” You wave with your free hand and follow Claude back to the surface.
A few weeks later, after the Golden Deer have returned from a successful mission, Claude pulls you aside.
“Can you spare some time, friend? I have a special sparring match you might be interested in.” Claude’s eyebrows waggle a bit, a half smile on his face.
“Spar? I’m always up for a challenge. So what’s up?” You answer, it’s been a while since you’ve been in a good match, and the Professor has been teaching you some cool moves and holds that you want to try out.
“Remember Yuri? He’s got a friend that just loves to fight and grapple. Thought you two should be introduced. Maybe teach each other a thing or two?” Claude informs you as he leads you down into Abyss. He leads you to their tavern and you see Yuri seated there with a big dark haired guy wearing chains across his chest. His chest is very muscular and well developed, certainly a brawler like yourself. Claude introduces you to Balthus. The both of you reach out for a handshake, you grasp each others hands and it immediately turns into an arm wrestling type of match to see who can squeeze the others hand the hardest. After a minute you both stop and laugh at each other.
“Way to go, Pal!” Balthus laughs, slamming his large hand down on the table making everything on it rock and wobble.
“Good to meet you too.” You say back to the big guy, a shy smile coming across your face.
Yuri is the next to speak. “So friend, we thought it was time to introduce the two of you. Are you interested in a friendly competition to perhaps determine who is the better brawler?” The half smile on his face lets you know there is some sort of mischief behind this invitation, making it all more enticing to accept the invitation.
You agree to the match. Yuri slaps you on the back. “You won’t regret this, come on.” He says as he leads you off to who knows where in Abyss. You’ve turned left and right and gone through enough doors you do your best to simply keep up and stay with him until he’s led you to a small room. Hanging on a hook is a soft gold tunic and short pants.
“You weren’t exactly dressed for this, hope you don’t mind we’ve provided clothing for you. I’ll leave you to get yourself ready. Be back in a minute.” He says as he closes the door behind him.
Just what kind of a setup have you gotten yourself into?  You wonder as you put on the clothes. You do a few squats, throw a few punches and hooks. They are easy enough to move around in you suppose.  Just before your mind starts to spiral wondering what the heck is going on, Yuri appears again, grabbing you by the hand. He’s leading you to a door that he pulls you through then slams the door shut behind you.
You find yourself in a well lit but small auditorium. There are rows of benches filled with people of the Abyss. On the opposite side of the dirt floor area you are in is Balthus, wearing pants like yours, but in a shimmery gray color. He looks like someone spread oil all over him, his muscles are shining in the light. He’s waving and blowing kisses to the audience.
A voice booms loudly into the room and the crowd quiets, “And now for the main event, our own Balthus vs. (y/n)!”
WTF? This was going to just be a wrestling match. What is this horse and pony show?
“Brawlers, meet in the center and shake hands. Start at the ring of the bell.“ the voice booms in the room, bouncing off the walls with a slight echo. Balthus wiggles his fingers in a “come here” sort of gesture.
As soon as your hands touch, the bells go off and he’s grabbing you trying to throw you to the ground. You grab his wrist, twisting it behind him, kicking at his knee to get him off balance. He tries to use his free elbow to jab you in the side as you pull him back towards you shoving your knee in his ribs. The crowd surrounding you is yelling and jeering, throwing garbage at you for trying to hurt their champion. For good measure you grab the back of his head with both hands, smashing his face to your knee.
The grappling goes back and forth for a while. You’re able to grab him and throw him against the ground, then he grabs your foot, pulling you off balance and you land face first in the dirt.  Next he’s got an arm pinned behind you, so you pull him quickly over your back to flip him down into the dirt. Most of it is arms flailing, smashing into the other to get a good grip and really pull the other into a good position for a finishing move. You’re still confused as to how all of this is happening. Claude and Yuri have some explaining to do.
Balthus is smiling. Smiling! As he grabs you around your waist and flips you upside down dropping to a seated position forcing you into receiving one hell of a piledriver to your skull. You were able to brace a bit on his thighs, so your neck wasn’t broken, but you were going to have a hell of a headache after this match.
The crowd is now screaming “Bal-tie! Bal-tie!” and stomping their feet so hard the ground feels like it is shaking.
He flings your legs to the ground and leaps up to give you a hard elbow drop, but your instincts kick in and you’ve rolled out of range. Once he hits the ground you’re behind him, knees in his back, your right arm grabbing him under the chin pulling it straight back. Balthus’ neck is straining against the pull. He’s stuck in your powerful chinlock.
“Tap out or I break it!” You scream.
You feel the slaps on your calf as you let him go and fall back on the ground. The crowd is booing and screaming and throwing rotten food at you. You struggle to your feet, raising your fists in the air. Your head is screaming at you, bruises in places you haven’t had in a while as you limp back to the door that let you into this goddessforsaken place. You bang on the door once, “Let me in before I bash it down.”
The door opens a little as you smash it open into the wall behind it.
“Great going there kid! I knew you could do it!” Claude is beaming at you until you grab his shirt and pull it tight around his throat and shove him against the wall and as far off the ground as you can get him. “Gah!” he screams as he’s holding on to your hand, trying to take some of the pressure off of his throat.
“What. The. Hell. Was. THAT!” You are seething with rage. Your teeth are grinding so hard he can hear the crunching as your eyes are fixed on his, burning with hellfire.
“Calm. Calm d-down (y/n).” He stutters, patting your fist still holding him up on the wall. “Let’s talk. C’mon. You had a great fight, just like I promised.”
You let go and he drops to the ground sitting against the wall. You move to a nearby bench, taking a seat you close your eyes and shake your head. The Claudster had manipulated you into this. You should have known.
Claude gathers himself back together. Standing he brushes himself off, straightening his collar as best he can considering most of it around his throat is now shredded material.
Yuri pokes his head in the door. He looks at Claude. “You’re still alive? I’m surprised.” The violet haired man takes a small step into the room. “Catch, Tiny!” he laughs as he throws a bag at you, coins jingle inside as you catch it. Before you can look back he’s closed the door.
“Tiny?” you ask.
“That’s what everyone said when you walked into the arena. She’s so tiny compared to Balthus. Your head doesn’t even come close to his shoulder. Now they’re calling you the Tiny Terror.
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raspberryranpo · 4 years
when they have a crush on you
fire emblem three houses: golden deer boys
i dedicate this one to my favourite house lolol
Tumblr media
if claude has a crush on you, that would mean that you’ve definitely been his good friend for a long time. he’d definitely want someone he knows is a funny person to be around and isn’t boring one bit
he first noticed that he liked you when you were both running away from a very angry & soggy seteth - he found himself thinking that your laugh was like music to his ears, and that he wanted to hear it more
claude definitely flirted with you before, but now? multiply that by ten
and the jokes get a bit more bolder too
not that they weren’t bold before, it’s just now... it’s very obviously flirting
but let’s pretend you can’t pick up on that
claude doesn’t get frustrated or angry, nor does he give in, because to him, you being oblivious just makes this whole ordeal so much more fun
he’d give you really cheesy pick up lines just to make you laugh (and just to make lorenz cry)
the stuff like, “do i know you? you look just like my next s/o” or “are you religious? because you are the answer to all of my prayers”
he said the latter in the middle of a class mass & seteth squawked
if you don’t manage to pick up on any of his flirting, he’ll move on to actually touching you (not in a weird way though, he’s respectful)
gentle touches to the shoulder, offering you his arm walking around the monastery, tapping your foot with his under the dining room table
playing footsie while lorenz is on the same table so it shakes his plate & knocks his drink over
but if it really took too long for you to notice, claude would give in & just outright tell you
he’d take your hand & lead you to the little balcony coming off of the cafeteria looking out to the pond where barely anyone is
& with the tiniest little blush on his face, much hesitation and a cheeky grin, he’d finally tell you exactly how he felt
with words or with a kiss, i’ll leave that up to you to decide
i think we all have an idea of how lorenz would go about this
first of all, he’d invite you to tea every other day, or whenever he’s available (which is most of the time)
most of his questions would be asked with a slightly more flirtatious tone than before
he’d make time out of his day every day to speak to you at least, or even take you somewhere nice
whether it be something as small as asking about your day, or perhaps taking you to sit in the gazebo to have tea, or even taking you on a walk outside the monastery
he’d tell one or two flirtatious lines but he’d seriosuly struggle to get them out
his face would be bright red, his hands would clench and his entire body would shake
he’s nervous on the inside when it comes to someone he actually likes ok
to have lorenz have a crush on you would mean that not only does he think you’d be a good spouse (“pedigree” aside), but he thinks that you perfectly compliment him personality wise, and intelligence wise, but you also prove a good competition to him when it comes to debates about things
lorenz’s end goal with any crush he has is always marriage, so obviously he thinks of you and him as a married couple a lot
he first realised he liked you when you opposed one of his views in a politics class you were both in - he didn’t realise until then that people who give him competition in intelligence and politics are attractive
if you didn’t pick up on his advances, obviously he’d come out and say it outright
but he’d also do it somewhere private, or at least somewhere where claude isn’t around
it wouldn’t be a big public show, contrary to popular belief
he keeps things formal - in a park in town, he’d take your hand and go down on one knee (as though he was proposing) and gingerly tell you that he liked you a lot
lorenz wouldn’t kiss you or go any further than hand holding, but he’d definitely spill his heart through a cheesy poem or just from the top of his head
it probably wouldn’t even occur to raphael that he has a crush on you. the word crush probably wasn’t even in his vocabulary until claude brought it up
yes, claude would have to point it out to him
he’s not stupid, just a bit oblivious
anyone could be able to tell that raphael liked you - his eyes were constantly on you, admiring everything you did
whenever he’d see you in the dining hall, he’d very loudly announce that he’s going to sit by you and then do just that
he’d chat away to you, talking to you about the new meals the cafeteria are putting out, the cool looking fruits he found in town the other day, or even just the funny conversation he had with ignatz the other day
he’s very happy to share his day with you & he likes hearing about yours just as much
if you’re a loud person, it brightens his day to hear you laugh as loud as he does and return his jokes with just as much fervour
if you’re more quiet, he’ll try his hardest to lower his volume to accustom you, just so that he can bring out the best from you
he’s all for eating competitions with you in the cafeteria but he also likes sitting quietly with you, just talking about what’s happening right now
if you don’t pick up on how eager he is, he resolves to being a bit more forward
being flirtatious isn’t in him, so he just hugs you when he first sees you, and hugs you again when you leave him (but that one has much more sadness in it)
he’s very reluctant to let you go
but if you still don’t say anything about it then, he’ll just tell you exactly how he feels
but he’d have the WORST timing - he’d say it straight after he’s answered one of the professor’s questions in class, like:
“uh, yeah, i think you’d probably have to move around the troops instead,” (he’d turn to you), “oh, also, i’m really in love with you”
raphael would say it so nonchalantly and wouldn’t quite realise the reason why you were bright red & why claude and hilda are absolutely losing it at the front of the class
bless his little cotton socks
ignatz felt love at first sight, probably (he is a bit of a hopeless romantic)
he knew he liked you when he realised that all of his paintings of his interpretations of the goddess started to look like you
he was incredibly nervous to talk to you, but eventually raphael gently pushed him into you & he near burst into tears, but luckily you knew what he was supposed to say, and thus began your friendship with ignatz
although he constantly wished you were more than just that
ignatz’s love language is definitely not romantic words nor is it body language, but i think he’d try to woo you by painting lots of paintings of you in various places
he’d often ask you to come with him to the more scenic places in garreg mach, like the pond, the graveyard, the cathedral or even just his room so that he can paint you (although for the latter it would take him five or six tries to even invite you)
i feel like it wouldn’t actually be him who says that he likes you - it’d probably be said accidentally by hilda, or raphael would say it thinking it’s ok to
“this group definitely wouldn’t be this awkward if the little guy didn’t like you so much!” - raphael
“ignatz looks at you ALL the time. jeez, his crush on you is SO obvious!- oh, oops, wasn’t supposed to say that.” - hilda, on “accident”
even if you found out through those loudmouths, ignatz probably wouldn’t have said anything. he’d be too embarrassed
it would have to be you who’d tell him
when you told him, he’d be so overjoyed, and would smile & laugh and all sorts of other cute things
then he’d spontaneously hug you but apologise straight after (but he’s not really sorry)
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mytastessuck · 3 years
Ween: Quebec
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LAh, Quebec. Hated upon its release, nowadays considered Ween's best album. Listening to this album, modern-day listeners may wonder why this album received such a chilly reception when it came out. Well, in between Gener's divorce, Claude's near-fatal car accident and just a general shitty time to be members of the band, the mood of this album felt drearier and noticeably more cynical than their other records. In some respects, this album is heavier than The Oneness and sloggier than The Pod. But its rawness works to its advantage in that this is one of the realest examples of art I've ever listened to and the fact that Ween could get this out while going through the wringer says a lot about their talent, determination and how blessed they are by the Boognish.
Let's get started.
1. It's Gonna Be A Long Night
As far as Motorhead tributes go, this is most likely the best. Try to find a better parody of Lemmy's voice. Don't try. You'll be embarrassing us both. This track goes hard as fuck while still being something you blast out your window while you pick your niece up from school. Bonus points for the scream at the end.
2. Zoloft
Best tribute to a drug I've ever heard. Only pussies sing about cocaine and heroin. Real musicians give tributes to behavioral-modifying over-the-counter pills that let you deal with jackasses all day. Ween knows their drugs and they know who the real hero is.
3. Transdermal Celebration
Ladies and Gentleman, my second favorite song of all time.
When I heard this song for the first time, I broke down in tears. The guitar work (thanks to Carlos Santana's stolen guitar, oddly enough), the beautifully sung lyrics, the sheer mental imagery...I can't put it into words which makes me a really shitty reviewer now that I think of it but that's what you guys came for. I have three different versions of this song on my playlist and really, nothing makes me feel closer to understanding what it's all about besides this song and another one. This song...is universe.
4. Among His Tribe
A peaceful song about a day in the life of a man in a tribe. Pretty chill fare. Very cool to mellow out to while imagining how people from you might leave. Always a nice venture.
5. So Many People In The Neighborhood
A nice paranoid ditty about your neighbors. Bizarre instrumentation but it asks an important question about your neighbors: are they good people?
...They aren't.
6. Tried And True
A nice song to sing along with when you're around other people. If some brave soul asks where the song's from, say it's from the 60s. Hell, tell them it was by Harry Nilsson. That'll put an old dog toy in their craw.
7. Happy Colored Marbles
Here we get to the meat of the album, where one side of a man wonders about people's mental state why the other side just thinks about playing with marbles. Well, we don't have to pay any attention to the first part. It's not like it foreshadows anything about where the tone is going with the son---WOAH, THAT'S FUCKING LOUD! Jesus, is this what they play to get the guys on Twitch to scream like that?
8. Hey There Fancypants
Ah, finally after all that horrid nonsense, we finally get to listen to proper music! Yes, this is a delightful tune that one can play in front of beloved Queen Victoria before we are taken into the Royal Loo in order to perform the Sacred Cunnlingus, as one is wont to do. Yes, if those Ween folks focused more on making music like this instead of all that other dreck, we might actually be able to do something about this Indian problem once and for all!
9. Captain
A song to be played at night while you're sailing back to shore as you see a storm gathering overhead. No other situation is appropriate.
10. Chocolate Town
Time to head down to Chocolate Town where all the folks look at you like you don't belong there, whether you were born and raised there or not. That's the vibe I get from this song or not. Seriously though, nice of Ween to creep a bit of darkness into such a pleasant sounding song. Always a sucker for that shit.
11. I Don't Want It
Love how this song manages to capture the feeling of how it feels to watch a relationship crumble before your eyes without being able to stop it. The divorce really shows it swinging dick in the latter half of the album and its super apparent on this track. I don't want to wish this situation on any of you but for those that have experience this...remember to hold onto the memories.
12. The Fucked Jam
Ugh, this song always makes me uncomfortable. I don't know if it's the voices or the instrumentation or chiptune-like mumbling but...yeah, this song just weirds me out in the wrong way. Nothing offensive here though.
13. Alcan Road
Ah, finally back on solid ground. Nice tune to trip out to while imagining yourself levitating up a mountain. Nice shit and a real step up.
14. The Argus
One of Ween's more downcast songs and it earns its tune by being one of their darker works. May the Argus cast his compassion upon us indeed.
15. If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All)
Gene really airs it all out on this track and fuck, it's some of the rawest shit I've heard in music. He lets out all of the frustration he had about the marriage in one song and he kills it in a way that Taylor Swift, Eminem, or Carly fucking Simon could only aspire to. Great way to vent about divorce and great way to end an album.
Album Score: ℵ0+4605/10
Next time, we review White Pepper, probably Ween's second most underrated album. See you then.
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benisasoftboi · 4 years
Unorganised thoughts on Trails of Cold Steel II:
they still haven’t told me why it’s Class VII
So I liked this WAY more than CS1, thumbs up
I am annoyed that the only new location was Ymir (WHAT A COINCIDENCE that all the important places in the war were specifically ones Rean had been to already)
I just really wanna go to Parm idk
Bless Anton for showing up right at the end and giving me just enough AP to make A0
(fav Anton and Ricky subplot yet, god I love those guys)
I LOVED how tactile all the reunions were! I love it when fictional characters hug it makes me happy
I found it extremely funny that the final boss straight up tells the characters ‘hey, there’s literally no point to fighting me, you’ll gain nothing except closure I guess’ like that’s VERY on the nose and meta for a final boss
The game does have some real ending fatigue though, I don’t think we needed the epilogue
I did like the final boss though - up until that point, I had become so good at using my Dream Team of Rean, Elliot, Machias and Jusis (or Nuke-sis, as I call him, for his insane levels of arts damage output) that everything had got kinda dull for me. But final boss was actually a challenge, I had to think rather than just using the strategy that had worked on everything else
Which was Rean delays, Elliot heals/deals arts damage, Jusis drops arts nukes, and Machias does miscellaneous support/uses his link ability to keep Jusis’s EP topped up
Oh yeah I had them linked through pretty much the whole game and they hated it and it was super funny
So OH MAN, in their linked victory battle ending screen thing, Jusis goes ‘not bad, you actually held your own for once’
And it’s a little muffled, so the first time I heard it I swear I thought Machias responded with ‘you know what you can hold? Your damn top!’ and I dropped my controller. Had to go out of my way to win another battle with a link attack because no, no way-
He said ‘tongue’
Anyway, characters!
Rean: Immediately upon starting up the game I found Ride Along Estelle in my DLC inventory and equipped it in the hopes that it would inspire Rean to be a better protagonist. It... kinda worked? I don’t hate him anymore, and I was pretty hyped to learn he was Osbourne’s son
And then Lloyd showed up immediately afterwards and I was like ‘oh wait here’s a protagonist I actually LOVE, nvm bye Rean lol’
Alisa: I literally never use Alisa unless the game makes me lol she was there and I don’t hate her but also I cannot remember a single interesting thing she did. Even during her one bit of plot relevance she was overshadowed by Angelica it’s hilarious that the marketing makes her out to be the deteuragonist 
Elliot: A GOOD BOY who served me incredibly well with his off the charts healing crafts, I can’t believe I started CS1 not liking him much and thinking him useless. I love the little dance he does in his idle animation
Laura: I still like Laura, I wish she was more plot relevant. I don’t feel strongly about her, but she’s always a welcome addition to any scene
Machias: Unpopular opinion probably but I really like him, even if his outfit in this game was awful. So are his alt outfits. Fashion disaster. I bought him contact lenses from a shady highway business man because he looks better without glasses. I made him ludicrously bulky, if he’d just had some kind of taunt craft to protect Jusis (squishy mage) with he’d be a perfect tank
I’m a fan of him in a ‘this is my trash son’ kind of way lol
Emma: Uhhh kinda boring which is impressive since she’s actually important and pseudo-related to Vita and all. Btw I guessed she was a witch in chapter goddamn three of CS1 after reading the folklore book, and I find it extremely wild that it’s either a dragged out, foregone conclusion if you have read the book, OR witches even existing is completely out of nowhere if you haven’t
Jusis: My favourite, because I’m basic. But like, he’s seriously the most interesting of the guys, and I made him Rean’s best friend (only one I got to rank 7 with lol). And his bonding event in Bareahard was so gooood!
I find it incredibly funny that he insists he and Machias aren’t friends because 1. Yes you are and 2. Do you even have any other non-Rean friends, guy? You literally never hang out with anyone else unless it’s plot related
Still low key ship it. Enjoy that Rean does too, apparently. Still reeling over their Trial Chest’s quote
His second S-Craft is ridiculous looking
Fie: Most interesting girl, love how she just doesn’t get flustered ever, funniest character, best girl in the game, what the HELL was that outfit
Gaius: I keep forgetting Gaius exists lol. I don’t dislike him, but he’s not very interesting to me. He’s Zin, or Noel
Millium: Man do I want to know more about Millium. Her whole thing about learning to cry... so sad and SO fascinating. What is the deal with her and Altina?!?
Sara: I hated Sara at the start of CS1. Now I adore her. God she’s just the best. Please let her interact with Schera please please please Falcom
Towa: Cutest! She’s so cute and I still love her and I did her final event even though she is TOO GOOD for Rean! She got to be a captain! I love her!
As for more minor characters - still think Angie’s great, just wish she wasn’t kinda creepy about her love of girls, deeply dislike that the game ship teases her and GEORGE, who I still otherwise find inoffensive but also, you know, male, Alfin is great, Toval is great too and I still can’t get over him being Toby, stop teasing Claire with Rean let there be one woman who isn’t into him please, oh good Sharon’s here and they don’t do that with her and she’s awesome also can’t believe I used to not like her, more Olivier always please, same with Mueller, Celine is Morgana from P5 except better in every conceivable way, Crow :(, all the Ouroboros lot are great as always, and Elise is easily my least favourite character in this franchise and can get in the sun for all I care 
I read a transcript of the drama CD and hey Rean’s dad can also get in the sun for saying that his adopted son isn’t good enough to marry his biological daughter like where do you even start-
I love that I’ve gone from reacting to Ouroboros appearances like ‘oh shit oh no’ to going ‘oh shit it’s these fucking clowns (affectionate) again’
Still love Beryl. Also love Lambert
When they mentioned ‘Mueller’s friend’ I thought it would be Julia and I was so excited and then so disappointed that it was Neithardt who I still don’t like
Elliot’s dad looks ridiculous riding on top of that tank
I loved riding the bike around SO MUCH, even if it took me a while to get a hang of the controls  
Aurelia Le Guin is just Edelgard Fire Emblem, right? And Bardias is Claude? Except I guess this game came first, so like, other way around
Man I loved flying around on the Courageous. Also I FINALLY got a map, all I wanted in CS1 was to see a map of the country 
However, Act 1 was definitely my favourite part - the sequence where the kids have to sneak through the railway lines under the bridge to get to Garrelia is one of my favourite parts of this entire series. I kind of wanted the whole game to just be this group of teenagers trying to lay low and survive a civil war while also travelling and helping out from place to place
I uh... I want JRPG Life is Strange 2
Why is there a snowboarding minigame. I mean, I loved it, but... why is it there?
I still really miss the old battle orbment designs from Sky. The ARCUSs just aren’t as cool :(
I watched the secret Black Records scene on YouTube and I am so happy to finally have an explanation for Rosine, it was really bothering me that she seemed so out of place at a military academy
I’m very very hype to play CS3 based on the spoilers I have for who will be making appearances...
Seriously why is everything in these games azure though just say blue-
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msbluebell · 5 years
I would honestly love to see some Dimileth AUs where Byleth just recruited all of the Black Eagle/Golden Deer students into the blue lions (and maybe Claude too because why not lmao).
You want it? You got it.
Everyone expected the new professor to be popular after how impressive they were on the battlefield and rescuing the three high lords. But, honestly, they didn’t think it’d be so dramatic. Byleth is blank faced, almost emotionless, and impressive but not enough to jump through hoops to join their class. 
No one is prepared for what’s coming.
Dimitri didn’t think much of it when Lorenz throws open the doors, declares that he’ll learn more here than his own class, and sits right down without asking. It’s…odd…but more allies can never be a bad thing.
The next day Linhart walks right in the room, says he’ll learn more for less work here, pulls a chair inside, sits right next to Mercedes, and falls right asleep. Felix makes the most disgusted face Dimitri has ever seen, and he’s Dimitri.
Dorathea walks in right behind Linhart, grins at them, says that she heard a little birdy say that the professor specializes in everything she needs, and sits right now next to Ingrid, who is pleasantly surprised her friend just decided to waltz in their class without asking. 
Lysithea is next, marching right in, saying she doesn’t have the time to waste, the professor is clearly the most competent teacher here, and sits right down.
(Sylvain has never been so happy, all these beautiful and power ladies in one room)
Leonie shows up next, right behind Lysithea, saying that she wants to learn more about Captain Jeralt’s techniques while she’s here and that Byleth, as his child, is obviously the best possible teacher. Besides, the other two homeroom teachers are magic users.
Ferdinand marches right in, loudly declares who he is, says that he heard through a good friend (Lorenz) that Byleth was the best of the best, declares his intent to improve enough to defeat his rival Edelgard, and takes a seat. Felix is glaring so hard that his eyes are ready to fall out.
Bernadetta is next, though unlike the others, she approaches Byleth quietly before class, saying that her friend Ashe (why do they not have supports? I was robbed) said Byleth could help her a lot with anxiety and archery. She asks to join the class, expecting Byleth to say no, but the professor just nods and welcomes her.
Ignatz and Raphael show up together. They both decided that their professor, while knowledgeable, wasn’t for them. Ignatz came for archery help and tactical training, and Raphael wanted something more physical than their teacher assigned them. They don’t make a scene, they just show up, introduce themselves to Dimitri just in case, and sit down quietly.
Casper bursts in half way through a lessons, declares that all the strongest guys are here, walks over to poor Raphael, glares at him, says, “You, me, after class!” and sits down for the lesson. He does this every day.
Petra shows up next because…well…it’s only her, Edelgard, and Hubert left in Black Eagles. That’s intimidating. She was hesitant to leave, thinking Brigid would get in trouble, but was assured her country wouldn’t be punished if she transferred over to a better suited teacher. She is polite enough to introduce herself to Byleth and Dimitri first.
Felix thinks this is getting out of hand. He’ll never get to duel the teacher at this rate. Sylvain thinks it’s great. Linhart has never had so many naps.
Marianne shows up next, quietly taking a seat next to Mercedes, who greets her warmly. She’s heard how wonderful Byleth is, and she’s hoping that they’ll be able to help with her curse. Plus, Byleth is clearly blessed by the Goddess, so she must be able to help her.
Hilda shows up next, a grinning Claude next to her. Hilda loudly claims she’s tired of being the only one left with Claude, and her workload has increased ten fold, and it’s so awful. She dramatically walks over towards a random desk and makes a big show of being exhausted. Claude just grins, says there’s no point in being alone, and really, it’s Byleth’s own fault, before sitting right down and putting his feet on the desk. He winks at Dimitri.
Dimitri despairs, but not as much as Felix.
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hiii :) I’m wondering if you could do dog owner headcanons for sylvain, Dimitri, Felix and Claude?? Like how would they love and treat and their dog, how would the dog give affection back and what kind of dog would each of them have 👀 I hope you are doing well too
[This is wholesome and i’m 100% here for it. I know that it is a bit short, but I hope you like it all the same! Also, i’m doing pretty good. I hope that your days are easy as well. Thank you for the wishes and the ask :3 ] 
Can you guys tell that i’m a proud doggo momma from this? Sharing your life with a pet honestly boosts the quality by like 400%
Dimitri is great, but just imagine him with a Samoyed
They’re not too big but not small enough that he could accidentally kick them 
They’re also really fluffy and warm. There is no better dog to have by your side during a freezing Fargeus winter 
While the sight of Dima cuddling a puppy warms the cackles of my heart, it isn’t practical for him. He does not like things that are fragile
Hence, why when it is a puppy the Samoyed is Dedue’s problem. Dimitri will help raise it but the grunt work will all fall onto his best friend. He really does not want to handle it when it is tiny 
He treats his dog like his best mate. He doesn’t pamper it in fear of it becoming spoiled, but Dimitri can’t help himself from saving some table scraps as a daily treat 
I genuinely believe owning a dog is a blessing in disguise for Dimitri. It’s always nice to see your furry friend look at you like you are their world. That kind of love is something that might keep Dima grounded, and having something to care for could lessen his fear of failure 
His favorite pastime is to take his dog for a walk. They just look so happy while exploring the world, and he in turn gets a moment of peace 
Once he gets used to having one around he is unable to live without one. He becomes a die hard doggo papa and no one can tell me otherwise 
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Do not come between this man and his feisty shobe. Ever
Felix never thought himself an animal person until the task was forced onto him 
Then he liked the idea of a canine companion. You know, a spare set of eyes at his side for when his guard is down 
What better dog to have for that than a shobe? These dogs are honestly  Felix’s spirit animal
They look harmless on the outside, but can snap back faster than a bear. When trained properly their instincts and loyalty rival a German Shepard 
Felix is a strict dog owner, but don’t let that fool you. His dog is like his child. They’re fed a healthy balance of meat and veggies, and every day Felix takes them for two half-hour jogs. 
He’s also the type of owner to teach them many tricks and use sign language to communicate 
On the outside it looks as if he’s trained them to be a war machine, but he’s actually trained a partner. Doggo is Felix’s best friend, and no matter how much Sylvain complains nothing will change that
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it’s his little hot dog baby
He carries his dachshound around to all of his meetings, and while he takes care of paperwork they’re normally a puddle at his feet 
You know when you’re too lazy to bend down and pet your doggo? So you just nudge them with your foot and they roll over tor tummy rubs? That happens a lot 
People always comment on how there are two kings of Almyra. The one who does all the work, and the one who’s the eye candy 
What do you mean ‘Claude’ is the eye-candy? I don’t see a paw print sealing important documents, do you? 
They’re his mini prince/princess. Sometimes life gets rough and all he wants to do is relax with his doggo. Is that too much to ask? 
Claude 100% spoils them rotten. They know that with one look there will be a treat in their mouth within seconds
He also shares his bed with them, and despite it being king sized they always manage to push him to the edge. 
Has definitely canceled a meeting because his dog was sleeping on him 
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He’s not home often so a dog that can take care of themself is a must 
What’s more independent and loyal than a husky? 
They’re also quite the lookers. Sylvain definitely isn’t complaining if the ladies swoon over his companion
He totally baby talks his dog when no one else is looking
When out for walks he is also the kind of owner that freaks out when their dog takes a pee every five seconds 
No, it is not a bladder infection. They are just marking their territory/too excited to let it all out in one go 
He pushes them onto Ingrid often. Not because he wants to be alone, but because these dogs are energetic af and he can’t keep up 
After one walk his arm is wrung out from all the yanking. While they are loyal, Sylvain isn’t very good at training them 
They listen to Felix more than they do to him and it’s upsetting 
He still loves them though. Sylvain doesn’t have many companions that he can completely rely on, and knowing that his buddy is always there for him helps 
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