#travis konecny blurb
toasttt11 · 3 months
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April 8, 2024
“Jay?” Phoenix softly called out as he shut their front door behind him, Phoenix walked through the apartment seeing Jamie sitting on their couch with the balcony door open and enjoying the nice weather.
“Jay.” Phoenix soflty said as he stepped in the living and made Jamie open his eyes and smile softly realizing Phoenix is back home already.
Jamie happily smiled and reached his hands out towards his boyfriend making Phoenix smiled fondly and set the coffee and pasties on the coffee table that he went to grab for them and quickly grabbed on Jamie’s hands and sat down right next to Jamie and set his head on Jamie’s shoulder.
Jamie happily hummed and reached forward grabbing their coffee and handing Phoenix his and holding his own and using his free hand to wrap around Phoenix and play with Phoenix’s blonde curls.
“Thank you.” Jamie softly spoke pressing a gentle kiss to his boyfriend’s head.
They had a free morning only busy later in the afternoon so they spent a good while just cuddling in Jamie’s bed before Phoenix got up and left to pick them up some breakfast.
There was only a few games left of the season and they did not make playoffs so their off season will start soon.
Phoenix had gotten an offer to join team USA in worlds but he hasn’t accepted or denied yet nor has he told Jamie yet, he knew Jamie was getting surgery done once the season was over and he didn’t want to be gone for that and wanted to be there for his boyfriend but he also knew he needed to tell Jamie about the offer because they need to communicate.
Phoenix took a deep breath and set his coffee back on the table and gentle took Jamie’s too setting it on the table as well.
Jamie frowned slightly confused watching as Phoenix toon a few deep breaths before Phoenix gently grabbed his hands, “I got an offer for worlds.”
“Darling! This is incredible!” Jamie beamed proudly quickly pressing a few kisses to Phoenix’s face but pulled back not seeing Phoenix looking that happy, “Or is it not?” Jamie questioned confused but squeezed Phoenix’s hands encouraging.
“It is. Of course it’s an honor but what about your surgery i might not be able to be there for all of it.” Phoenix looked extremely worried at the idea of not being there for Jamie.
Jamie’s face softened completely in complete adoration for Phoenix, “Phoenix my darling, while i’m very grateful you want to be there for everything it is okay if you aren’t, i am more than okay with it.” Jamie was so extremely fond of this boy.
“Are you sure?” Phoenix looked slighty hopeful because while he wanted to be with Jamie for absolutely everything he did know Trevor accepted to playing at Worlds and Phoenix has barely played with his brother ands it’s something he enjoys.
“Of course.” Jamie smiled softly and gently rubbed the back of Phoenix’s head, “Besides by the time you’re at Worlds i’ll be pretty much healed up and can join you.” Jamie suggested smiling at the exicted look on Phoenix’s face.
“Okay.” Phoenix nodded let out a sigh, “I’ll go.”
Jamie smiled pressed a long kiss to his lips before pulling back and resting their foreheads together, “I’m not wearing anything US though.” Jamie playfully teased making Phoenix chuckle.
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hockeyboysimagines · 10 months
A very Merry NHL Christmas
Warnings: Mild cursing, some sexual humor, talks of Christmas, Jesus and the holidays.
This was originally planned for last Christmas but ya girl had writers block. So enjoy this now. Let me know what you think!
Note: this is a small group of blurbs about all the couples currently in process on my Masterlist. This won’t include anyone who’s not currently being written about. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and happy holidays to the rest🤍
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‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, the kids were asleep, and Matthew and Brady were trying to get Keith into a Santa costume without laughing too loud.
Chantal had one hand over her mouth as she watched them struggle with the zipper before finally closing the suit, and adjusting Keith’s beard. Brady was red faced, and coughing to cover his laughter as Keith whipped around and glared at him, while Matthew had one hand braced on his knee, the other holding his side laughing openly.
“I’m never doing this again.” He grumbled as he stepped into the boots and straightened up looking for the sack of presents. The kids had set up a hidden camera earlier in hopes of catching a picture of Santa putting presents under the tree. Taryn was outside picking up the reindeer food they had left in the front yard and making hoof marks on the front walkway, the milk and cookies had been disposed of and Emma, who would be spending her first Christmas with them since they got married, was sprinkling sand by the front door because south Florida Santa had no snow to work with. Noticeably pregnant Hallie rubbed her hands together and smiled excitedly. Keith placed the presents under the tree, keeping his back to the camera.
“They’re going to love this.” Chantal said giving her hand a squeeze.
Matthew was smiling at her from the doorway as he watched his dad carefully set out gifts and made his way over. He glanced down at her baby bump and rested a hand on it.
“Merry Christmas in there.” He said softly rubbing it “Can’t wait to celebrate with you next year. And by that time someone else will be taking up your space.”
“Uh I don’t think so.” Hallie said shaking her head “This mama is done….for a little while.”
“How many fucking-freaking kids are you guys gonna have Jesus.” Brady said around a mouth full of Christmas cookie. They were all looking at them mildly interested and Hallie wasn’t really sure how to answer.
Matthew shrugged “I guess until I don’t get it done on the first try.”
Her face burned in embarrassment, and she couldn’t believe she had let him answer, but the others were laughing. He threw an arm around her shoulders “But who am I kidding, that won’t happen. I’m 3 for 3. A triple champ.”
“Yeah kind of like an ugly, skinny, Conor McGregor.” Brady said elbowing him.
That started a scuffle and Hallie crossed her arms shaking her head, eyes moving over their house. Over the pictures on the walls they’d amassed over their years together. The ones that started with just them, and then their family, and then their children. Over the decorations, and lights, and ornaments the kids made for them at school that hung on the tree. Her life was so full, so wonderful.
Taryn bumped her shoulder and smiled, eyes moving around before coming back to meet hers “So? Is it everything you hoped for?” She looped an arm around her waist.
She nodded, reaching an arm around her “It’s more than I hoped for.” And then she laughed when Matthew and Brady’s scuffle dissolved and he came over and grinned at her.
“If you don’t stop fighting with Brady you’ll end up on the naughty list, and you won’t get any presents.” She said, reaching forward to wrap her arms around him, as much as possible, with the baby bump in between them.
“The naughty list is more fun anyways. It’s how I became 3 for 3.”
Music played softly in the background of Pierre’s apartment as snow fell outside. It was warm and cozy, the house smelled of cinnamon, and Mila and Pierre were snuggled on the sofa watching the snow fall.
“It’s so pretty.” Mila said off handedly, eyes following the flakes as they blanketed the ground below them, creating a fluffy white blanket on the ground.
“Not as pretty as you.”
She rolled her eyes and tilted her head up to look at him “Your so cheesy.”
“It’s all part of my appeal babe…which speaking of. I have something for you.” He nudged her so he could stand and disappeared around the corner and came back with a box.
“Here.” Pierre said handing it to her. It was long and rectangular shaped and she took it before looking at him.
“Didn’t I tell-“
“Oh shutup.” He said waving her off “Stop trying to police my spending habits on Christmas.”
She giggled and rolled her eyes “Okay Jesus.”
He held a hand up to his chest “Did you just take the lords name in vain…on his birthday?”
“Okay now you shutup.”
“Open it.” He said nudging his chin impatiently at her.
She pulled off the paper, which was no easy feet as it was wrapped like a car ran over it, and pulled out a long blue velvet box. Inside of it was a shining, glittery diamond bracelet.
“Pierre!” She said mouth falling open “This is-“
“Nope!” He held up a hand “It’s not too much. You are worth every single dollar I spent on that, which is none of your business before you ask.”
Mila bit her lip. It was gorgeous, platinum with what looked like a hundred tiny diamonds, held together by a small clasp with her initials on it.
“Well?” He was smiling widely “Do you like it?”
“Of course I like it.” she held it out to him so he could put it on. She turned her wrist so the light caught the diamonds and smiled a little before looking at him.
“Merry Christmas Mila.”
“Wake up! It’s Christmas Eve!”
Vince felt a weight bounce across his bed, rip the covers off of him, and a body wriggle under the blankets, kicking him out of his warm spot.
Josie had come barreling in the room, smiling so wide it could light up a city’s worth of Christmas lights.
“Noooooo.” He groaned eyes closing again. He reached down and pulled the blankets up over his head, and then pulled her closer, leaning down to kiss her deeply but she pushed away from him and tapped him on the lips.
“Uh uh. Santa says no funny business on Christmas Eve until we do something fun!”
“Well Santa can-“
“Ah! None of that or you won’t get any presents!”
She jumped out of bed and pulled the covers off of him, pointing at a neatly folded pile of clothing, “Get dressed. We’re going somewhere.”
He sighed and rolled over with a groan, but when he saw the look on her face he sat up. She looked so excited, hands clasped under her chin as she stood in the doorway of his bedroom.
“Okay, okay I’m awake.”
She squeaked excitedly and bounced from the room, leaving him to get dressed and brush his teeth. She was bundled by the front door as he came around the corner.
“So where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
10 minutes later, he was chuckling as they stood in front of an outdoor ice rink, and he knelt down to tie her skates. He finally got them tied, even though her legs were shaking in excitement and looked up at her.
“Do you even know how to skate?” He asked as he adjusted her leg warmer over the top of her skate and then did the same on the other one.
“Nope!” She said brightly, tapping him on the nose and standing, hands resting on her hips “That’s why you’re going to teach me.”
He helped her out on to the ice and stood facing her, gripping both of her hands in his. He skated backwards pulling her along. It was slow going and he was laughing as she went split legged a few times.
“Hang on. I have a better idea.” He skated around her and pressed himself against her back, arms coming to rest around her waist.
“Hang on.” He said lowly in her ear.
Josie smiled with excitement as he started moving, allowing her to just let her skates sit on the ice without having to do anything else. She closed her eyes and breathed in, the winter air stinging her skin.
“Having a good time?” he asked from behind her.
“Always when I’m with you. Are you having a good time?”
“Of course.” He slowed down a little and walked over her shoulder to kiss her cold cheek “Even though I’m doing all the work. Santa had better reward me with a great gift.”
Josie giggled to herself thankful for Christmas with Vince.
And thankful that he didn’t know, she really did know how to ice skate.
Mat snapped the picture of Leighton and Lucy in front of the tree and smiled.
His first Christmas with his girls had been perfect. The entire month of December had been like something from a dream. Lucy had been to every possible Christmas event they could find on Long Island, often accompanied by her godparents, who were across town celebrating their first Christmas together. Snow angels, Christmas decorating, and even the first time she’d been in an ice rink had all happened in the part month and Mat’s heart felt so full it might burst.
“Let me see.” She squinted at the picture and smiled down at Lucy, who was looking more and more like her as she got older.
“Who’s that beautiful girl?”
He smiled down at them and stood up, setting his phone on the couch and picked up a box and went to hand it to Leighton.
“From Santa. I guess I’m not the only one who thinks you’re beautiful.”
She rolled her eyes and blushed, but pulled out a box and handed it to him. “Here open this first. I think you’re gonna love it.”
He sat on the sofa and pulled at the paper. It was small, enough to fit in his hand. The box was flat, with a cardboard lid and when he pulled it off he saw a blank sheet of paper that said “Pick me up.”
He glanced at her, to find her smiling brightly and she nodded “Go ahead.”
He gripped the paper and pulled, and from it another long sheet of paper fell like an accordion. He pulled it up to look at it and saw that it was t a sheet of paper.
It was a sonogram.
He whipped up his head to find that Leighton was now crying, cheeks red.
“Are you-Oh my god.” He reached forward to hug her, chin resting on her head.
“Are you happy?”
“More happy than I’ve ever been.”
She closed her eyes and breathed him in as he spoke again “This is the best Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten, and I love you.”
“Is this dress to short?” Ginny asked turning in front of the mirror. Beau leaned out of the bathroom and grinned in a way that was not appropriate on any level, but especially not on Christmas.
“Yes. You should definitely wear it. Can’t wait to take it off later.” He leaned back in the bathroom.
She smiled and looked at her closet for shoes. The Islanders Christmas party was in a half and hour and they were running a little behind.
She’d been on time until he came into the bathroom and cracked a joke about opening a present, which turned out to be his jeans and the rest of it was a Christmas story for another time. But not the kind you read before bed.
He walked out of the bathroom looking better than he needed to in a pair of grey pants and a black button up. Ginny paused while she slipped a shoe on, eyes moving from his face to his feet and then back up. He winked and smiled at her.
“Not bad huh? But you’ve got me beat. WOW.” He said as he took in her red dress, and heels. It had been a little over six months and she continued to surprise him by outdoing herself. This was the first big holiday they were spending together and tomorrow she’d be meeting his parents.
He stood staring at her “You look beautiful.”
She smiled and blushed a little. Though she was used to a slew of compliments from him, and she knew he was always being genuine when he said them. But it still made her blush.
“Thank you.” She said softly, slipping into her shoes and turning back to the mirror.
“Are Mat and Leighton coming?”
She nodded and sat at her vanity to find earrings “Yes. She said she has something for me.”
“Like a gift?”
Ginny shrugged “I’m not sure. She just said it was something I would love.” She smiled a little as she poked an earring in her ear.
“You know what I love? That dress. Gosh.”
She rolled her eyes and shook her hair over her shoulder to put in her other earring “Why are you being so nice to me? Keep being too good and I won’t let you unwrap my present later on.”
His mouth fell open “I think it’s supposed to be the other way around. Only people on the nice list get to unwrap presents.”
Ginny smiled at him over her shoulder “I much prefer my present openers to be on the naughty side.”
Beau leaned on the doorway, smile as wide as it could possibly get “Best Christmas ever.”
“Stop laughing.”
“I’m not!” Nash giggled from the ground.
Travis was up on a ladder hanging lights from the archway inside the living room of their new house. She’d insisted for weeks that she didn’t want any there, until she announced she was throwing a Christmas party, and then decided the house wasn’t festive enough, which meant she’d shoved a bunch of lights into his hands and told him to hang them.
“Oh come on!” He yelled as he turned the bulb on one of the strings and the rest went out. He’d been fighting with them for 10 minutes “One goes out, they all stay on. One goes on they all go out!”
“Well at least we know that if hockey doesn’t work out, you won’t have a career as an electrician.” She said from the bottom of the ladder with a shrug.
He glanced over his shoulder “Ha Ha. I’m glad you’re having fun down there.”
“Of course I am. The view is fantastic.” She said with a wink.
Travis chuckled and went back to hanging lights, finally getting them all lit “Finally.” He turned to find her smiling at the bottom of the ladder, hands on her waist “How does that look?”
She nodded and pursed her lips “Perfect. Thank you.”
He shrugged “Don’t thank me. It’s the least I could do. And it makes you happy so it’s a win in my book.”
He made his way down the ladder and pulled her into his arms “Besides. A good deed on Christmas always gets rewarded and I-“
But he was cut short when there was an electrical pop and every light in the house went dark.
“It’s not funny.”
“I’m not laughing. You can’t even see me.”
He grinned “I don’t need to.”
She sighed and he felt her arms slide around his waist “We could just stay here…in the dark I guess.”
“But then how would Santa find our house?” As he said that the lights all lit up at once just in time for him to see her smiled widely at him.
“Who cares? Nothing he could bring me would ever be a better gift that the one I have right here.”
“Merry Christmas!” Sawyer yelled as she pulled open the door to find Nolan’s parents on the other side. She pulled them inside and out of the cold Winnipeg winter and into their cozy house that was full of friends and family.
Nolan was parked on a barstool at the counter watching Sawyer. She was having the absolute time of her life and just looking at her made him want to smile.
It had been a hard year. A hard few years actually but this one in particular had been rough. They’d had so much hope for Vegas and it had only been more of the same, and no one was sure that he’d ever be able to play hockey again. It was sad and scary and she held his hand every minute, but he’d come to terms with it now.
But he didn’t have time to think about it because Sawyer herself came bounding over, hanging mistletoe over his head and kissing him on the cheek with a loud “smack”
“Come on you Grinch! At least smile a little.”
He smiled and she made a face “I mean a real one. Santa is watching.” She pointed upwards.
“I thought that was Jesus who lived up there.”
“Yeah well then he’s watching too. So you won’t get any presents and you might get struck by lightning and that will ruin the whole holiday.” She grinned “And I’ll have to take all these decorations down by myself.”
He chuckled and reached forward, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.
“Thank you.” She said against his chest, quietly enough that only he could hear.
“This.” She pulled back and gestured around “I know this isn’t your thing, but it means a lot to me that you let me throw this party.”
“It’s not that bad. I’d do anything to make you happy, you know that. My Christmas gift to you.”
She looked up at him and smiled the most beautiful smile “Your the gift that keeps on giving Nolan Patrick, and no gift could ever be better than spending my life with you.”
Nolan rested his chin on her head “Merry Christmas Sawyer.”
“Merry Christmas Nols.”
“Cash will you sit still!” Tyler grumbled as he tried for the third time to stick reindeer antlers on his head. Marshall, Molly and even Gerry were all sitting obediently, but Cash had shaken them off twice. Even though he was as uncooperative as possible, Ava was having so much fun. There was a magic in the air that only lasted one month out of the year that you couldn’t find any other time. The feeling of Christmas was unlike any other and it was the first one she was spending with Tyler, and the first one she could remember being excited for.
She was knelt down, phone in one hand, tennis ball in the other which had the attention of the other three dogs, waiting for Tyler to quit wrestling with their most unruly child.
“Freakin dog.” He said with a huff as he finally got them fastened and made him sit.
“Just like his dad.” She said smiling at him “Okay ready, hey guys!” She waved the ball so they all looked and quickly snapped several pictures before they all started moving with excitement.
“Got it!” she said tossing the ball.
All four took off running after it, skidding through the house and falling over each other like Bambi on ice, and Ava and Tyler both yelled “No!” as Gerry went flying right into the tree.
It swayed for a second before it fell in slow motion as Tyler raced forward to catch it, which he did, but not before it rained ornaments that hit the floor and rolled in all directions.
Ava covered her mouth the keep from laughing and hurried forward as Tyler tipped the tree back up on to its stand, and made a loud noise of annoyance.
“What’s so funny?” He asked when he saw her laughing.
“What’s funny is now you have to help me redecorate it. Since you conveniently seemed to be missing last time.”
“I was at practice.” He said eyeing her with a small smile.
“Sure. That’s why Jamie called looking for you.”
“That douche. Busted I guess. Okay I wasn’t at practice I was out-“ he reached into his pocket and pulled out a box “Buying this.”
She smiled and glanced up as she took it “That’s funny cuz I wasn’t here waiting for you, I was out picking up this.” She pulled a bigger rectangular box from under the sofa.
As they opened their respective gifts she heard Tyler make a noise like a gasp and an exclamation and she smiled. She’d had blown up and framed the first picture they’d ever taken together, them and all four of the dogs. It had been the first time Ava had let anyone take a photo of her in years, and Tyler was so proud of her for it. But she’d kept it hidden, telling him it didn’t take for months. This was the first time he’d seen it, and his eyes softened as he looked at it and then at her.
“I love this. Thank you it’s amazing. We gotta hang this.” He glanced around and picked a spot right by the front door “There. So people see it right when they get here.”
He turned as she pulled her own gift out, a silver locket with a tiny photo of the dogs on one side, and them on the other, and a date a time inscribed on the back.
“This is beautiful, but what’s this?” She asked pointing at the date and time that was engraved at the bottom.
“The day and time I saw you for the first time.”
“Oh my gosh.” She was blushing but he continued “That day and time changed my life. The only thing that could would have made it better was if you wanted to join the mile high club or something.”
She laughed and swatted his arm “Tyler!” She turned holding up her hair so he could put it on and then smiled “Thank you for this and for making every other day better than the one before.” She placed a hand on his heart.
“Thank you.” He said placing his hand over hers “For letting me.”
He squeezed her hand and then pulled her into a hug. He was warm, and she could feel his heart beating through his chest. Tyler smiled and squeezed her tighter. “Best Christmas ever. Don’t you think?” He asked glancing down. She nodded with a small smile.
“Better than all your others?”
“Everything with you in my life is better, Christmas included.” She closed her eyes and squeezed him tightly.
There really was something magical about Christmas.
“Ho Ho Ho!” Joel rumbled as he made his way inside of the Connolly’s house. He and Libby had gone home for Christmas and though they wouldn’t be able to stay long, there was no way they were missing her parent’s Christmas party.
“AH!” Heather screamed rushing forward to pull them both into a hug, as she had also voyaged home just for the holidays “Happy kissaversary lovebirds.”
Th house was packed with guests and family and friends, and Libby couldn’t stop smiling. It felt so good to be here in her parents house, on Christmas Eve, with Joel where their story had started. She’d kissed him for the first time right upstairs in her room, and at that moment their lives together began.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked from beside her, arm around her shoulders.
“Oh just about that Christmas Eve when I kissed you upstairs.”
“Uhm no.” He scoffed “It was me who kissed you actually.”
“Im thinking about-“ they turned to find Heather, standing with her sweater half open to conceal a bottle of wine under it. Discreetly they all made their way up to Libby’s room and out on to the roof, bundled in jackets as they each took sips from the bottle.
“Last time we did this we were teenagers.” Joel said from his spot next to Libby.
“The last time your mom had a party was when I was in Florida and you guys were in there making out, thinking we all had no idea.”
“Well you might, but my parents didn’t.”
Heather rolled her eyes “Yes they did Libby. They just didn’t think Joel had it in him so they didn’t care.”
Joel gave her a dirty look and an eye roll, and stared off into space for a second before he asked them “Do you guys ever think about what things would be like if you hadn’t moved here in 8th grade?”
“I don’t like to.” Heather said rubbing her arms “You moving here was the best thing that could have happened to us.” She said smiling at Libby “Because I gained a best friend and Joel finally found someone who would go out with him.”
Libby started laughing, breath turning into fog and Joel’s mouth fell open “On Christmas? Really Heather? Aren’t you already pretty low on the naughty list?”
“I live on the naughty list. Alright I’m not 15 anymore. It’s too cold for this, you guys coming?” She said as she climbed back in.
“In a minute.” She disappeared out Libby’s bedroom door leaving her with Joel on the roof. She reached forward grabbing his hand to hold it in her mittened one.
“If I hadn’t moved here in 8th grade, we still would have found each other some way.”
“You think?”
She nodded and looked out across town, at the black sky, white snow and twinkling stars above their heads “I do. Just would have needed some magic. Some Christmas magic.” She pointed at a star that streaked across the sky and disappeared before she rested her head on his shoulder.
“Can you think of a better way to spend Christmas Eve?” He asked.
She shook her head “No. I want to spend every Christmas Eve here, and every other day of the year with you until we’re old and grey. Promise me that?” She looked up at him, eyes wide under her glasses.
“Promise. Merry Christmas Libby.”
“Merry Christmas Joel.”
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konecnyy · 1 year
🍊 sweet things
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─── just another blurb party
so sorry, i definitely did not mean to neglect this blog. but hi, lets have a blurb party! this will be open indefinitely, so just keep on dropping by!
tag: 🍊 blurb party
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rules & regulations
-> prompts! i've provided prompts, but feel free to send in whatever ideas you might have, and i will do my best to bring your vision to life.
-> use the roster! i only write for certain players at the moment, so if you send in a player not on the roster below, i will delete your request.
-> smut is allowed, but... you must be 18+ to request. so any anons that request smut will be deleted. if you don't want your ask to be attached to the smut, then lmk and i will post your request separately!
what to request
-> instagram edits: send in a player & a scenario! i'll do the rest! [ i.e. can i get a hard launch post with carter hart? ]
-> blurbs: send in a player & a scenario! keep it simple, keep it sweet! [i.e. morgan frost comforting reader after she had a bad day at work]
angst / fluff / comfort
the roster
travis konecny carter hart morgan frost mat barzal anthony beauvillier sebastian aho (canes) andrei svechnikov jack hughes tyson jost sidney crosby
thanks for joining !
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kolsmikaelson · 3 years
maybe a blurb with bee or bestie!teeks comforting reader after nightmare ? (im sorry ugh</3)
a/n- decided to have them both in it so hope you enjoy!! didn’t proofread this !
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not my gif ; creds to owner
joel was lounging around travis’ place when he got the call from you, not long after eleven. your favorite song starts blaring through the speakers of his phone. “y/n? what’s up?” he says accepting the call with a look of confusion on his face and putting the call on speakerphone. “joel?” you say with a sniffle causing travis to turn his head towards him furrowing his brows, not used to hearing his closest friend sound so sad.
“baby whats wrong? what happened? do i need to come over? i can bring teeks?” he rushes out looking at travis for confirmation to which he nods. “please come. both of you.” your scratchy voice comes through his phone. although you couldn’t see him, joel nods his head and hands the phone to travis asking him to talk to you while he gathers his things quickly.
a quick, short drive later the pair are rushing to your front door, key in hand joel swiftly unlocks the door letting himself inside. “y/n? where are you?” he calls into your home at the same time travis does. all the men get in response is a muffled “in here.“ coming from your bedroom. when the enter the room they see you crumbled into yourself under your blanket, the only light in the room coming from the hall light travis turned on when walking to your room.
the men walk up to opposite sides of your bed and slowly climb into it, not thinking anything of it as it was something the three of you did often when having movie nights, joel on your left and travis on your right side. you curl into joel and grab a hold of travis’ hand. “thank you guys for coming,” you say quietly “i had such a horrible nightmare and i couldn’t be alone. ‘m sorry if i ruined y’alls night.” this tugs at their heartstrings hearing the hurt in your voice.
“d’you wanna talk about it?” joel asks. “ ‘f not we can put on a movie and you can try to sleep again?” travis says next. “can we just put something on and talk later?” you ask staring up at the men on either side of you. your shoulders slump in relief when they both nod, travis reaching for the remote sitting on your bedside table. the pair spend the rest of the night doing whatever they can to keep your mind of of what happened hours before. “ night baby, night teeks.” joel says slumping down into the bed and closing his eyes.
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nugnthopkns · 4 years
Tk and play wrestling from the physical affection prompts 👉👈 please
ah thanks for stopping by 🥰 i love one yeehaw gremlin
14. play wrestling 
There’s never a dull moment with Travis. 
He’s always the life of the party, so by extension you are too. It doesn’t bother you the way you thought it would when the two of first got together, and now that it’s been nearly four years you’re used to it. The two of you are often the first to arrive at a function and the last to leave it. Travis just likes to have fun, and with how hard he works he deserves it. 
It’s early September and everyone is arriving back in Philadelphia. Training camp starts in a few weeks – from what you gather the boys are amped up and are really going to try for a cup run. You’re just enjoying the late summer in Philadelphia with the other partners, and you don’t mind having to fight for a spot in line to babysit the young ones. 
The Giroux’s were nice enough to host a team barbeque before life gets too crazy, and it’s where you currently find yourself. Upon arriving you ditched Travis to swoon over the newest generation of Flyers fans but you know he’s probably raising hell and failing at convincing Claude to let him man the grill. You’re so involved with the babies that you don’t notice he’s organized something akin to a pay-per-view game of chicken. There are shouts from the other corner of the yard but you pay them no mind, assuming one of the rookies isn’t shotgunning his drink up to standard. 
“Hey baby,” Travis says as he sneaks up behind you and wraps his arms securely around your waist.
You smile at the contact and lean into him. “Hi.” 
“There’s, uh, currently a bet running that I can beat you in chicken in under a minute.”
“Is that so?” you hum. “May I ask you started this bet?”
Travis laughs. “It was obviously me.” His comment has you turning to face him and quirking a brow in his direction. “We’re at nearly $200. Everyone has put in something. What do you say?”
“Who gets the money if I win?” you ask, seriously considering partaking. 
His answer is enough to convince you, so you leave your group and head towards the swarm of cheering men. It takes a minute to calm them down but eventually they settle. You get the rundown on rules and the safety speech Claude insisted on giving, which you find endearing. It’s you versus Travis, and if he doesn’t knock you into the water within a minute you win. The people holding the two of you aren’t allowed to have their own battle. They’re simply just there to facilitate the bet. When all the bases are covered you’re allowed to pick your partners. 
“I want Nolan,” you say, pointing your finger at him for good measure. He gives you an intense hi-five and laughs when Travis gets upset. Obviously, he wanted to use his best friend. 
“Fine,” he grumbles, “I get Kevin.” The Bostonian is ecstatic to be involved in the festivities. 
The four of you are in the pool seconds later, getting situated and ready to face off. Nolan asks if you have a plan, but you shrug and let him know that all you have to do to win is strike before Travis gets comfortable. It’s a good enough plan for him and you slip onto his shoulders while Travis climbs on top of Kevin’s. 
On the pool deck, Claude is standing with a whistle and a stopwatch, trying his best to make it as official as possible. “Alright,” he says. “The clock starts now!”
With that, you blow Travis a quick kiss and immediately lunge to make contact with his stomach. Your shot is blocked, but Travis can’t get a strong enough grip on your shoulders to throw you off his friend. Thinking on your feet, you adjust your approach. You signal for Nolan to pull back and he does so carefully, trying to keep your balance. Travis yells at Kevin to follow you and leans into the attack. His centre of gravity is just misplaced enough that it only takes placing both of your hands on his right shoulder and shoving lightly to make him topple into the water. It’s a miraculously large splash, and you shout in victory.
“Fuck,” Travis groans as he resurfaces. You giggle at his reaction to losing and hop off Nolan’s shoulders. Making your way over to where he’s standing, you splash him gently before pressing a kiss to his lips. 
“Think of it as a consolation prize,” you grin. 
Travis rolls his eyes but pulls you in for another one anyways.
it’s blurb weekend :))
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ghstandpucks · 4 years
72 with tk if you write for him and if not can you do patty 🤓
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Hope you like it! I’m still working on a few in my inbox but feel free to keep requesting blurbs! 
72. “I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting to learn things about you.”
~ ~ ~
           You had known Kevin Hayes since you were a kid. Your older brother used to play hockey with him throughout high school, and Kevin sort of adopted you as his own little sister. So when he caught wind that you were moving to Philly for grad school, Kevin immediately reached out to you and tried to be your piece of home in a new city. After two months getting to know your surroundings and making a few new friends in your program, Kevin decided it was time to introduce you to a few of the guys on his team as everyone was back in town for the new season.
           Your stomach was in knots as you entered the dimly lit bar Kevin had text you to meet him at after your late-night class on Friday. Why would grad school even schedule late classes on a Friday you may ask. It’s because they want you to hate your life. Exhausted from the long week and just hoping for a nice drink to relax with, you spotted your old friend easily. More like you heard him first. The laughing group caught your attention and you made your way over, hoping to catch Kevin’s attention before randomly walking up to a group of people you didn’t know. Luck was on your side. “Y/N!” Kevin yelled cheerfully, getting up and wrapping you in a hug.
“Hey Kev,” you said as he ushered you over to his teammates. Introductions were made and you would be lying if you said you remembered all of their names. You were shoved into the booth though next to someone he called Teeks, but you had learned his name was Travis as he jokingly reintroduced himself to you upon noticing your overwhelmed look. As time went by you started to enjoy yourself in his presence, and you both found yourself leaning more into each other and forgetting the shared conversations happening around you. The later it got though, the more tired you became; and even though you were enjoying your time with Travis, you couldn’t help but want to go home after the long day you had.
           “We’re going to another bar, come on,” Kevin interrupted your conversation with Travis and you noticed everyone else had already gathered outside.
           “Kevin, I think I’m going to go home, I’m tired,” you said, following the taller man.
           “Tell me one good reason why you need to go home,” he asked you, and you knew saying that you were tired was not a good enough excuse. Your brain seemed to short circuit as the next words flying out of your mouth were not ones you wanted this new forming crush of yours to hear.
           “I have to feed my goldfish,” you said causing the group of rowdy hockey players to laugh. Your face turned bright red, but Travis smiled at you adoringly. The whole time you were talking he couldn’t help but think of what a smart woman you seemed to be, and then this was your excuse?
           “You don’t have a goldfish,” Kevin deadpanned.
           “I need to go buy a goldfish?” Kevin rolled his eyes and was about to say something when Travis spoke up.
           “I can walk you home,” he offered. If you were going to leave, he wanted to at least spend a bit more time with you. You smiled gratefully at his offer and said your goodbyes; not before Kevin could whisper ‘use protection’ as you smacked his arm.
           “So a goldfish? Couldn’t thinking of a better excuse to leave?” Travis asked you as you both started walking in the direction of your apartment which was only a few blocks away. Your cheeks blushed as you shook your head.
           “I’m not that quick on my feet,” you mumbled and he let out a chuckle that you wanted to hear more of.
           “I thought it was cute,” he admitted. You looked up at him and rolled your eyes. “Seriously, you sound so smart and from everything Hayes has been saying about you, you are. So the goldfish comment was, I don’t know, adorable,” he explained, reaching for your hand. You let him intertwine your fingers with his and looked up at him.
           “Forget anything that he’s every told you please. I’m probably not that interesting,” you admitted, knowing Kevin was probably hyping you up to make sure you made some more friends. You were stopped at a crosswalk, waiting for the walking signal when Travis leaned into you slightly.
           “If that’s what you want. But honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting to learn things about you.” He said, and the sincerity in his voice made butterflies erupt in your stomach. You smiled up at him and as he grinned back, all you could think was how this could be the start of something new.
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storiesbymads · 4 years
she used to be mine by sara bareilles
she is gone but she used to be mine @barzysthighs
Travis didn’t know where he’d gone wrong. He thought you’d been great together. He thought you’d been happy.
Course, he’d also had no idea about most of the things that went on in your life there at the end.
Travis took another swig of the warm beer in his hand before tilting his head back enough to stare at his living room ceiling. The TV was blasting some sit-com he’d had half a mind to turn on when he walked into the room but it honestly just sounded like static to him.
He was too busy running over the frayed ends of your relationship to care.
He still remembered all the tiny quirks he’d fallen in love with over the years. The way you’d have all of your work projects layed out on his dining room table when he came home from practice, something that’d bothered him at the time but that he’d give up just about anything to get back. The tiny spark that would always light behind your eyes whenever you got into a discussion with him. Travis knew not to get into a lengthy discussion with you unless he was ready to hear you accidentally shouting loud enough for his neighbors to hear.
He remembered the way you’d stay at his apartment while he was on roadies. His sheets looked a lot more comfortable over facetime when he was in a hotel with you curled up in them than they ever did when he was alone.
A lot of the things that had made you you had disappeared, he realized, by the time you’d broken up. He couldn’t remember the last time you’d really told him you loved him and meant it. And really told him, too, not just a flimsy “love you” when you crawled under the sheets at night only to sleep on polar opposite ends of the bed.
He remembered what he’d told you when you decided to end things. That he didn’t blame you for losing that fire in your eyes.
And it’s not what he asked for, but sometimes life just slips through the cracks. The two of you had grown apart. It happens. You were gone but you used to be his. And he’d have to live with that.
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stardusttkachuk · 4 years
29&30 from list one with tk?
29. “Oh no…he’s/she’s/they’re cute.”
30. “I can’t talk to cute people, okay? I don’t know how to flirt!”
“Okay... what about... her?” Nolan said, scanning the bar for TK’s future wife. As two single guys they played this game often. It never resulted in one of them leaving with that person but for some reason they kept playing with every trip to the bar.
Travis followed Nolan’s finger, unsure of which one he was pointing to. Nolan must’ve noticed because he pointed harder and started describing what you were wearing and what you looked like.
“Oh no... She’s cute. There’s no way,” Travis said quickly and took a rather large gulp from his drink.
“Yeah... isn’t that the point?” Nolan questioned.
“I mean, yeah, but she’s like really cute and I can’t talk to cute people okay? I don’t know who to flirt!”
“Just go offer to buy her a drink. Ask her if she’s from around here.”
“No. Pick someone else.”
“Why won’t you talk to her but you’ve talked to every other girl Ive pointed out when we’ve played this game? Were those girls not cute?” Nolan accused.
“No they were! But they weren’t her.”
Nolan narrowed his eyes at his best friend, confusion written all over his face. “Wait a second, do you know her?”
“Yes. I mean no not really but kind of? She comes to a lot of the games. She’s almost always by the boards on the right blockers side of the net. During warmups I skate by her a lot and she always smiles and waves and giggles at me. and last week she caught a puck and I was going to sign it and never did. So pick someone else.”
Nolan jaw dropped. “You’re ridiculous,” he said, pushing his chair back and before Travis could even stop him he was walking over to you.
b’s valentine’s day blurbs (closed)
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yourfavewriteress · 4 years
smiling at strangers | travis konecny
Teaser: “Following me, Travis?”
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As I left my apartment, my phone began ringing in my hand. I cursed to myself, quickly answering and holding it between my ear and shoulder. 
“Hello?” I locked my door before turning towards the elevator.
“Hi, do I have Y/N Y/L/N?”
“Yes, this is she. Can I ask who’s calling?”  
“Hi, Y/N, it’s Jessie from Pennsylvania Hospital,” I heard on the other line.
“Oh, Jessie, yes, how are you?” I breathed. 
“I’m great, and yourself?”
“I’m well, thanks.”
“I was just calling to give you a big congratulations! You got the job here at the hospital!”
“Really?” I exclaimed, looking around to make sure I was alone.
“Yes, really,” She laughed. “None of the other applicants were able to connect with patients as quickly as you did and your grades have always been stellar. You’re a perfect fit!”
I stepped onto the elevator as it arrived, pressing the lobby button. “Thank you so much, this means everything to me.”
“Well, I’m excited to work with you. I’ll be emailing you the next steps.”
“Okay, thanks again.”
“Bye, bye.” I hung up the call, smiling widely to myself. The elevator came to a stop on a floor, opening. I lifted my head, my eyes landing on the man that was standing there on his phone. He was wearing a long coat, with a white button up on and black slacks. His hair was put down under a beanie.
He looked up as he stepped on, smiling as soon as we locked eyes. “That’s a hell of a smile.”
“I just got my dream job,” I responded, immediately regretting it. “And, you did not need to know that. Sorry.”
He chuckled, leaning against the wall. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks,” I flushed, brushing my hair behind my ear before looking at the floors. I noticed we still had over fifteen floors to go down. And, that the man was still looking at me. 
“You live in this building?” He asked after a few moments.
I looked over him, nodding. “You?”
“Yeah, 20th floor.”
“23rd,” I responded. 
“I’ve never seen you before,” He said.
“Well, there’s a lot of people in the building, right?”
“Fair,” He laughed, just as we reached the lobby. I moved to step off.
“Nice to meet you.”
“You, too,” He smiled as I got off. I quickly made my way out of the building, finally breathing. 
**** “I can’t believe you guys dragged me out,” I huffed, getting out of the car. I smoothed my outfit down as my friends Taylor and Annie left the Uber.
“Are you kidding? You just got your fancy job, I got a 98 on my exam,” Annie cheered, placing her hands on my shoulders and shaking me gently.
“And, I have nothing that special going on but I had amazing sex right before this!” Taylor laughed.
I rolled my eyes, “You guys are a mess.”
“Come on, lighten up,” Annie wrapped her arm around my shoulder. “We’re gonna get you laid tonight.”
“No, you’re not,” I laughed. “Get me drunk but do not let me sleep with anyone.”
“We’ll see,” They both grabbed arms, pulling me inside the local bar. It was more packed than usual but we had no problem finding a table for the three of us. 
“Okay, on the agenda for tonight,” I said to them, smirking. “Drink, dance, drink more, drink even more, maybe makeout with someone, drink, dance, then go home.”
“I told you tonight was the night to play,” Annie laughed. 
“I’m gonna get our first three rounds,” Taylor said before leaving the table.
I settled beside Annie, looking around the bar. “There are some cute guys for you.”
“Shut up,” She rolled her eyes. “If anyone needs anything, it’s you.”
“Hey, I take very good care of myself,” I responded. “If anyone wants to do anything about that, they can. I’m waiting.”
As if on cue, I looked to the entrance to see the elevator guy walk in with a couple of guys that looked exactly like the typical athletes. Fit, well-dressed, and hot. 
“Who’s that?” Annie asked, following my gaze.
“No one,” I shook my head. “I awkwardly smiled at him in the elevator in my building earlier today.”
“Sounds like you.” I nudged her arm, rolling my eyes. Taylor appeared again with the shots, taking her place at the table.
“These freaking hot ass guys just walked in and I almost forgot I was seeing someone,” She laughed.
“I met one of them in the elevator today,” I said, grabbing my shots.
“Thank god, you need it,” She responded. “Little Fifty Shades action?”
“Can you guys stop?” I blushed. “I’m happily single.”
“Whatever.” We took our shots before making our way to the dance floor. Within a few songs, the buzz took over and I could hardly feel anything besides the beat of the music and the smile on my face. 
“I need to get a mixed drink, those shots killed me,” I said to both of them before making my way to the bar. I found an empty stool and I sat, waiting for the bartender’s attention. 
I was looking ahead as I felt someone sit on the stool next to me. Turning my body to the side I blushed brightly, “Hi.”
The man from the elevator smiled over at me, “Hey.”
“Fancy seeing you here,” I said.
“I could say the same for you,” He laughed, holding his hand out to me. “I never said, but I’m Travis.”
“Y/N,” I shook his hand. “Following me, Travis?”
“You wish,” He smirked, making me laugh.
“Now, you wish.”
“Well, Y/N, what can I get you in celebration of that dream job of yours?”
I laughed, “I’m surprised you remember that. That was weird.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, “I didn’t think it was weird.”
“Really? The elevator opens and I’m standing there smiling?”
“Like I said before, it was quite the smile,” He responded. I searched his face as he smiled softly at me.
“Thank you.” I was sure my cheeks were bright red at that point under his stare, but the bartender appeared, nodding at me.
“What can I get you?”
“Moscow mule, please.”
“Another beer, thanks.” The bartender nodded before disappearing again.
“So, where are you from?” I asked.
“Canada, actually,” He said. “But, I play hockey for the Flyers.”
“Ah, you’re a hockey player,” I nodded. “That must be exciting every night.”
“Yeah, I can’t complain,” He shrugged. “Tell me about this dream job.”
“It’s kind of a complicated thing,” I said. “I’m basically like a psychologist for Pennsylvania Hospital and I’m going to be working mostly in the E.R.”
“Shit,” He raised his eyebrows. “You have to be smart to do that, eh?”
“Uh, I guess so?” I shrugged. “But, it’s the perfect job for me. I have a little boring office work, but most of it in the E.R. with patients, non stop moving. If I was stuck behind a desk like the other jobs I applied for, I would be miserable.”
He laughed, “So, you have a lot of energy, then?”
“You could say that,” I blushed. “I finally feel like I know what I’m doing with my life.”
“That’s a good thing,” He smiled.
“What about you?”
“What? I just play hockey,” He laughed.
“Yeah, but is it your dream job?”
“I would say so,” He responded. “Haven’t really dreamed about anything else. How long have you been in Philly?”
“A couple of years, I moved here for grad school and never really left,” I shrugged. “Have you always been with the Flyers?”
“Yeah, they drafted me,” He nodded. The bartender came with our drinks and we thanked him.
“Well, to your new job,” He smirked, raising his beer. “And, me finally getting your name because I wanted to die when you walked off the elevator without me asking.”
I laughed, rolling my eyes but returning his toast. I took a sip of my drink, “Why didn’t you ask on the elevator?”
He shrugged, but I watched as he blushed slightly. “I don’t know, I’m pretty sure I was shitting myself.”
“Why?” I furrowed my eyebrows.
“You were smiling as soon as the doors opened,” He chuckled. “It was hard to focus after that.”
“Hey,” I heard from beside me before Annie came into my view. “I’m really sorry to interrupt, but Taylor is on the phone with Blake and I’m lonely.”
I laughed, “Two seconds.”
She nodded, before disappearing in the crowd.
“My friends are requesting my presence,” I said to Travis.
“Understood,” He smiled. 
“I’ll definitely see you around, right?”
He looked surprised as he responded, “Yeah, definitely.”
I grabbed my drink before making my way back to our table.
“Okay, tell me everything,” Annie smirked as I relaxed in my seat.
**** “Everyone’s sure they have everything?” I asked, pulling Annie with me outside. She giggled, squeezing my hand.
“I hope.”
“Okay, Taylor, the Uber,” I instructed. 
“My phone’s dead.”
I groaned, moving Annie so that I could reach my phone. 
“I’m so excited to get in my bed,” Taylor laughed, making Annie laugh in response. “Wait, Y/N, are you drunk?”
“Yes, but not as much as you guys,” I mumbled, trying to understand the words on my phone as they were slightly spinning.
I could faintly hear my name being called as I opened the Uber app. It wasn’t until I felt Taylor pinch me from behind that I looked up. I hiccuped in shock, seeing Travis standing in front of me, smiling.
“Sorry, I thought you could hear me,” He said, sheepishly.
“Oh, no, sorry, what happened?” I turned around to make sure the girls were good before I stepped closer to him.
“I asked if you wanted a ride, back to the building? I’m leaving now, too.”
“Oh, ugh, I have to get them and myself home. So, I wouldn’t want to put that on you,” I responded. He looked back at Taylor and Annie.
“I don’t mind,” He shrugged. “Are you guys all going back to the building or do you need to make stops?”
“Stops, but they live on the way back to the building. I really don’t want to bother you, though,” I mumbled.
“It’s not a bother, it’s on the way,” He smiled. “Are you guys ready?”
“Yeah, hold on.” He nodded as I turned back to the girls.
“Guys, Travis is gonna take us home,” I mumbled to them. “The guy I met in the elevator today.”
“Thank god,” Taylor said, moving past me.
“Hi, Travis, I’m Taylor,” She said.
“Hey,” He responded, shaking her extended hand. 
“And, this is Annie,” I said, wrapping my arm around her waist.
“Nice to meet you, Annie,” Travis responded. “Do you need help? My car is right here.”
He led us to his car, opening the back door. I helped Taylor and Annie get in and before I could get in, too, Annie pushed me back.
“Ah, ah, ah, shotgun. You’re not slick,” She whispered to me so that Travis couldn’t hear. I rolled my eyes, backing away and closing the door.
“Good?” Travis asked, opening the passenger door for me.
“Yes, thank you again. You really don’t have to do this,” He smiled in response, motioning towards the car. I got in before he closed it.
“If nothing happens, at least get his number,” Taylor said from the back as Travis walked over to the driver’s side.
“Guys, shut up.” I huffed, as he opened the door. I watched as he got in and I did my best not to drool over him. Turning to face forward, I blushed.
“Alright, you guys gotta tell me where to go,” He said, starting the car. Since the girls were more drunk than myself, I was Travis’ GPS, directing him to make turns when necessary. We dropped Taylor off first, who could make it inside alone, but when we pulled up to Annie’s, I unbuckled my seatbelt.
“She’s had the most out of all of us, so I should probably make sure she gets inside,” I said to Travis.
“I’ll wait here,” He nodded. I got out, helping Annie out as well.
“You good?” I asked her as we approached her door.
“Mhm, you didn’t have to get out,” She mumbled, looking for her keys. “He’s cute up close, though.”
I laughed, “Yeah, he is pretty cute.”
“You should ask him out,” She said. “I haven’t seen you blush around a guy in awhile.”
“I know, which is why I’m trying not to. But it’s kind of hard,” I blushed again.
She chuckled as she opened her door and turned her hallway light on. “The fact that you’re blushing to me about him already tells me what I need to know. Hopefully, you’ll be seeing a lot more of him. Now go, I’m fine.”
“I’ll text when I get home.” I closed her door, before quickly walking back to Travis’ car.
“And, then there were two,” I breathed, closing the door and reaching to buckle my seatbelt again.
He laughed. “You’re a good friend.”
“They’re good friends,” I corrected. “Where did all your friends go, by the way?”
“Most of them carpooled or went to some girls’ place,” He shrugged.
“Hm,” I hummed. We rode back to our building in a comfortable silence, the light buzz of the radio sounding throughout the car. Within a few minutes, Travis was pulling into the parking garage.
“So, tell me,” Travis said as we both exited his car. “Should I be worried about a boyfriend, husband, or anything?”
I blushed, crossing my arms over my chest as we walked side-by-side. 
He looked over at me, grinning, “Good.”
“Do you have a wife or something?” I asked, hearing the thud of my heart in my chest.
He pulled open the door, looking down at me. “Not at all.” I walked ahead of him, stepping inside. 
“Y/N, Travis, I didn't know you two knew each other,” Allen, our doorkeeper smiled up at us.
“Hi, Allen,” I waved.
“What’s up, Allen?” Travis smiled, greeting him. “And, I’m very happy to say we met today.”
“Ah, I see,” Allen nodded, turning to me. “Hope it was a good meeting.”
“It was,” I said, narrowing my eyes at his smirk. In the years that I've been living in the building, I made sure to always stop and chat with Allen since he would probably be seeing me every day. Through this, we had built quite the friendship that he knows I’m very much desperately single.
“Well, goodnight guys.”
“Night, man,” Travis said, before hitting the elevator button. When the doors opened, we stepped on.
“23, right?” I nodded, leaning against the wall. “Is it okay if I walk you to your door?”
“Travis, you just gave me a ride home,” I blushed. “You don’t have to.”
“But, if I want to?”
I nodded, “Yeah, you can.”
We waited as the elevator brought us up to my floor. 
“Thank you again for getting my friends and I home, you’re a lifesaver,” I said as we walked towards my door.
“It’s no biggie,” He shrugged. “I’m kind of happy I ran into you at the bar, though.”
“Yeah, same,” I admitted.
“So,” We stopped as we reached my door. “Would it be too forward if I asked you for a date?”
“I’m not sure, you might just have to try it out and see,” I smiled at him.
"You’re something else,” He laughed. “Would you like to go out with me sometime?”
“Hmm,” I hummed, making him roll his eyes. I watched as he fought back a smile, leaning against the wall. “That would be fun, I think.”
“Yes, Travis,” I responded. 
“Tomorrow at 8?” He offered. “If you’re not busy.”
“Okay, that sounds good,” I nodded.
“I’ll pick you up, here, then,” He stood up straight off the wall.
“Goodnight, Travis,” I smiled.
“Goodnight,” He grinned. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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toasttt11 · 5 months
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March 17, 2024
Jamie walked into the apartment seeing most of the lights all off and just a glow coming from the dinning room, “Nix?” Jamie called out as he knew Phoenix would be home as Jamie had the car. Jamie sniffed slightly and could smell something good cooking.
“In here.” Phoenix called back nervously wiping his hands on his pants as he waited for what felt like forever for Jamie to walk into the dinning room.
Jamie furrowed his brows in confusion but walked down the hallways and into the dinning room and gasped slightly seeing the dinning room.
There were lots candles around the whole room, the dining room table was decorated very fancy like a restaurant, there was sushi on the plates and Phoenix was holding a bouquet of orange tulips.
“What is all of this?” Jamie soflty asked as he looked all around and he noticed how the sushi was his favorite kind.
“Jamie, I would love if you would be my date for tonight.” Phoenix nervously asked as he stepped closer to Jamie holding the flowers in one hand.
Jamie smiled softly his cheeks flushing bright pink, “Just tonight?” Jamie teased slightly letting out a small chuckle.
“As long as you will have me.” Phoenix told Jamie and gently grabbing Jamie’s hand.
“Did you talk to Z?” Jamie titled his head curiously.
“I uh was telling him about my feelings and he may of told me that you felt the same for me.” Phoenix sheepishly explained he was glad Trevor told him that so he had enough confidence to ask Jamie out.
“And how do you feel?” Jamie soflty asked stepping closer and looking up at Phoenix.
Phoenix swallowed nervously with Jamie being so close, “I like you and i would really like for you to be my boyfriend.” Phoenix soflty spoke maintaining eye contact with Jamie.
“Yes. Yeah i would really like that.” Jamie beamed and nodded quickly.
Phoenix let out a laugh of relief, “Good.” He gently pressed a kiss to Jamie’s cheek before stepping back and pulling Jamie to the table, Phoenix pulled out the chair and Jamie sat down. Phoenix handed the flowers to Jamie before he walked around the table to sit across from Jamie.
“This is my favorite sushi.” Jamie stated as Phoenix opened the bottle of wine that’s also Jamie’s favorite.
“I know.” Phoenix simply replied and smirked slightly at Jamie making him shake his head fondly.
Jamie and Phoenix ate their sushi talking about random things before Phoenix excused himself and walked out of the room.
Jamie gently brushed his fingers over his flowers and smiled softly, he’s never gotten flowers before.
Jamie looked up and saw Phoenix walking back in with a plate, with something that smelled really good.
Jamie perked up happily when Phoenix put a steak on his plate and he beamed. Steak is already Jamie’s favorite but when Phoenix’s makes it it’s even better.
“Thank you.” Jamie smiled softly and reached over the table gently grabbing Phoenix’s once they both finished their steaks, “No one has ever done something like this for me.” Jamie sadly added, he’s never been very lucky in relationships and a lot of people in LA just wanted to try to get with him for money and no one ever has treated as kindly as Phoenix does.
“Of course Jay.” Phoenix smiled softly squeezing Jamie’s hand, he was sad no one ever treated this sweet boy the way he should he, “I wanted to do something for you because i care for you.” Phoenix’s words made him smile brighter and blush more.
“Got room for dessert?” Phoenix playfully questioned and Jamie chuckled but nodded.
Phoenix lifted Jamie’s hand pressing a soft kiss to it before he gently set it back on the table and let go of it getting up.
Jamie flushed even brighter at Phoenix’s actions and watched him walk out of the room.
Jamie stared at the door until Phoenix walked in with a round tin in his hands. Phoenix set it down in front of Jamie and Jamie beamed as he realized it was his favorite dessert, cheesecake.
“Did you make this?” Jamie asked noticing how it was a reusable pan.
Phoenix sheepishly nodded and his cheeks turned pink, “If it’s not good then-“ He was cut off by Jamie leaning up and pressing his lips to his.
Phoenix stopped talking and cupped Jamie’s face bringing him closer as he desperately kissed him back.
“It’s going to be great.” Jamie whispered against Phoenix’s lips. Phoenix smiled softly back.
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hockeyboysimagines · 11 months
The girl with the broken smile
Chapter 3
Warnings: angst, some language
Final Chapter, and the next part would be when Sawyer arrives in Philly in Chapter 1 of Say it to me softly. I’ve been wanting to get this out of the drafts for a bit here so I can focus on some other things. Enjoy! Keep an eye out for updates to Carter this weekend🤍
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Nash woke with a start and turned to check the clock. It was 2:36 AM and she sighed and laid back down. It was raining, buckets pouring out of the sky and staining her windows. She sat up, and padded across her bedroom and out into the hall.
She sleepily wondered if Travis was awake but as she turned the corner she realized that she wasn’t at his apartment.
She was in hers.
It had been only a week since she’d moved abruptly out of Travis’s apartment and into her own in a different building. Moving boxes were still stacked here and there and she felt a little bit worse each time the silence set in.
She missed seeing him every day. Missed his dumb jokes, big smile and overall warmth she’d become accustomed to. She felt isolated again, like she’d backpedaled on all her progress she’d made since she moved out of her home and into Travis’s. She felt like a failure to herself and him.
She poured a glass of water and sat on her couch staring out the window. At first she’d loved living here, mostly because she now had the privacy to cry in peace without burdening Travis with her breakdowns. But she hated it now. Moving out had been a mistake. She missed him.
She hadn’t seen him, and he’d been “busy” when she asked if he wanted to come see her new place leaving her with only Carter and Kevin that afternoon.
“Is he okay?” She asked as she glancing up from where she was folding laundry.
Kevin glanced up from his place in the kitchen where he was unpacking silverware “Not at all. What gave it away?”
“Seriously? All of a sudden he’s busy? For the last few weeks I couldn’t even be home alone and now he magically has plans.”
“ I think he’s just a little sad that’s all.”
“About what?”
“About this.” He said gesturing around the room “He wanted you to stay.”
Nash felt guilty. She knew he didn’t want her to leave, but she was a little afraid of what might happen if she didn’t.
She was almost positive that Travis was intending to kiss her when that horn beeped, and the only reason he didn’t was because of it. And that was her worst fear.
To think that he was going to kiss her for whatever reason, most likely pity because she was such a train wreck, would break her heart, and she wouldn’t do anything that might cause her friendship with him to die. She just couldn’t take the risk. He was too important to her now more than ever.
She looked at Carter “Am I wrong for leaving?”
He pursed his lips “Uhm…no I don’t think so. But is there a reason you were so quick about it?”
She looked between them. They were both staring at her like they knew something but she wouldn’t tell them.
“No. Just wanted to give him his space. I mean who wants to live with a girl when it comes time to bring girls home?” She chuckled.
“Travis isn’t bringing any girls home.”
“So I’ve noticed.” She mumbled.
“Pat isn’t bringing any girls home either. So what does that tell you?” Kevin said bluntly still staring at her as he stuffed things in drawers.
“What do you mean?”
“Neither of them have any interest in fucking around with anyone, and Pat is in love with his best friend. So I’ll ask you again. What does that tell you?” Kevin was getting a little huffy with her, which was something she wasn’t used to. For the most part, everyone has been especially gentle with Nash the last few weeks. The only true reality heck she’d gotten about the way things had come wrong in her life, was the random run in with Justin, and Libby consistently reinforcing the fact that she could never have anything to do with him again. Other than that, she’d been handled with care.
“I understand what your saying but what does Nolan and Sawyer have to do with me?”
“Nash don’t be fucking dense okay?” Kevin scoffed closing a drawer “If you can’t see what’s happening here then your either being purposely ignorant or your just not paying enough attention.”
Nash frowned “Kevin i-“
“Kev don’t.”
She turned to see Carter shaking his head “You should talk about this with Travis. It’s none of our business.”
“What are you guys talking about?”
“Travis likes you okay?” Kevin snapped.
Carter rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling “Way to be subtle Kev.”
“No.” She shook her head “He doesn’t.”
“Whatever.” Kevin dropped the rest of the stuff in his hands and grabbed his keys “I gotta go.” He left without another word and Nash turned to Carter, head down, lip trembling.
“Please don’t cry. If you start crying, I’m gonna start crying and if the guys can’t find out that I cry they’ll make fun of me for the rest of my life.” Carter stood and pulled her into a hug “It’s all going to be okay Nash. Travis will work out his issues, your going to get back on your feet, Sawyer will be here for Nolan in a few weeks, the seasons gonna start and everything will be peachy okay?”
“Pinky promise.” He hooked his pinky in hers and shook it, before he reached over and handed her a tissue “Now stop crying. Let’s finish unpacking.”
Travis was across town, blissfully unaware of the pinky promise Carter had just made about him working out his issues, because he was doing the exact opposite.
“Okay I think you’ve had enough.” Nolan said pulling the glass out of Travis’s hand and pushing it away from him. Travis scowled and reached for it.
“I’m not a baby Pat.”
“Then stop acting like one. What is going on with you? Is this about Nash moving out?”
“No. I don’t care about that. I don’t care about her.”
“That’s not true-“
“It is. She obviously doesn’t give a shit about me so why should I?”
“Don’t say things like that. Your mad she moved out, and I get it but that doesn’t give you a free pass to hate her for it.” Nolan was frowning at him, which wasn’t uncommon but this wasn’t the usual “Don’t act like a dumbass” frown. This was more of a “I’m disappointed in you dumbass” frown. He hated it.
“Whatever.” He turned and looked around, eyes landing on a brunette that had been trying to get his attention for the last hour.
“Travis.” Nolan warned in a low voice “That’s not a good idea.”
“Why? Worked for you didn’t it?”
Nolan’s face got red and he looked angry for a second “That was different.”
“Yeah okay. So you can fuck some girl to get over your ‘best friend’ and I can’t? What the hell is that about? You wanna keep lying and say you don’t like her fine you do that. But don’t be a hypocrite okay?”
“You know what? Fine. You do whatever you have to but I won’t be have any part of this.” Nolan stood and left without another word but Travis really didn’t care.
He couldn’t believe Nolan didn’t understand, or maybe didn’t want to, how he was feeling. He’d never outright admitted how he felt about Sawyer but of course Travis knew. Just a month or so prior Nolan could get drunk and take someone home and now he was advising against Travis doing the same thing. What a dick.
Travis turned back to glance at the brunette again and sighed.
He did not of course end up leaving with her, but rather left by himself and went home to his empty apartment.
He hated it.
It was too quiet, too empty. He hadn’t seen her since she left and he didn’t know if he could. He had promised her just a few days ago that he was back in her life for good, and now he was here too afraid to face her.
He huffed and sat down on his sofa. The room was spinning, his head hurt, and his heart was sad. He tipped over sideways and fell asleep on his sofa.
“Hey.” Nolan said with a smile.
“Hi.” Sawyer was smiling at him on the other end of the screen, seated presumably on her bed at home. He could see rain hitting the window behind her.
“How are you?”
“I’m good. Getting excited. How about you?”
“Same. Are you all packed and ready?”
“Mostly. Just a few small things left to do. I can’t wait to see you.” She said smiling. She had her glasses on and he could faintly hear the tv in the background.
“Me too. it’ll be nice to see each other everyday again. Like old times.”
“Hopefully better than some of the old times. I’m really looking forward to meeting your teammates and watching you play.”
“Yeah they’re excited to meet you. Especially now that they know your actually real and not my imaginary friend.” Nolan smiled.
She laughed and shook her head “How do you know I’m not?”
“Shutup.” He leaned back on his bed and for a minute his mind drifted back to Travis.
“Are you okay?” He glanced at the phone. Sawyer was frowning a little bit, eyebrows knotted together “Seems like something is bothering you.”
“I’m alright. Travis is going through some things and I’m trying to help him but it seems like he doesn’t want it.”
She pursed her lips “I think he probably wants your help, but maybe doesn’t realize he needs it yet.”
Nolan nodded. He wasn’t about to tell her about the conversation with Travis at the bar. He’d sworn him to secrecy about it because he didn’t want Sawyer to know. He hoped Travis wasn’t out making the same mistake he had. Nolan had been keeping his secret for a long time, but he’d never had to compete with a boyfriend either. He was able to keep his composure where Travis couldn’t because Nolan never had to worry about another guy coming into Sawyers life. While it was selfish, he couldn’t just admit out loud that he’d been harboring elephant sized feelings for his best friend.
And when he’d taken that girl home, he regretted it so deeply it made him sick. To think he’d done that to try and put a bandaid on something so serious made him wanna punch himself in his own face. And that’s exactly why he didn’t deserve her.
He sighed and cleared his throat, averting the conversation to something else, still thinking vaguely about Travis.
Travis stood and stretched, feeling a wave of nausea as he did and immediately sat back down.
He was thankful that he was in his own apartment and not someone else’s, and then panicked a minute hoping he hadn’t brought anyone home, but the silence told him that he was alone.
Thank god.
He blew out a breath and closed his eyes, rolling to his side to face the back of the couch. While the evening before was fuzzy, he had some recollection of what had happened.
He had to make an apology to Pat at some point, for bringing up something he promised he’d never talk about again, and for acting like a colossal dick when he was only trying to help. He knew what it was like to be Nolan, and he shouldn’t have mocked that. It was wrong.
Everything was wrong. It was his own fault really. He was just on such a high from finally having unlimited access to his best friend again he forgot how long they hadn’t been 100% in each others lives. He wasn’t sure why he expected her to just bounce back from everything that had happened to her, but it was wrong. It would take time, and he should have realized that she need more time. And that the last thing she was thinking about was jumping into anything with him when she’d just come out of hell. It hurt, but it was no one’s hurt but his own.
He felt a sharp pain in his chest and winced, wondering if he would feel this way forever about Nash leaving.
And then he realized that it wasn’t the pain of her leaving, but rather the pain of the vomit that was bubbling up his throat.
“She really didn’t know?” Libby asked Carter as he sat on their sofa and told her and Joel all about the events of the afternoon previously.
“I don’t think she had any idea honestly. She seemed pretty clueless as to why Haysey yelled at her.”
Libby frowned so deep, her lips might fall off her face and her eyes narrowed, eyebrows coming together low over her eyes “He yelled at her?” She said slowly, leaning forward unblinking.
Carter coughed “Uh it wasn’t a yell I guess, more of a stern talking to-“ but Libby wasn’t buying it.
Joel rolled his eyes “You dumbass.”
“He better not be yelling at her in front of me. No one better yell at her after what she’s been through.”
“I agree. He didn’t really yell though, I think he’s just trying to back TK up is all.”
“I know and that’s great for Kevin, but he needs to remember what she’s been going through. Of course she’s not thinking about Travis liking her. I mean really. She only just finished antibiotics, the last thing she’s thinking about is anyone having any romantic feelings about her. So Kevin can shut up and stay out of it.” Libby crossed her arms. Joel put a hand on her knee and gave it a squeeze.
“It’s all going to be-“
But at that moment the door opened and Kevin himself walked in completely unannounced.
Libby jumped from her seat and crossed the room like lighting, cornering Kevin before Joel could say or do anything. Kevin backed up, bumping into the wall as he did. Carter remained seated, not wanting to be involved.
“I heard you yelled at Nash.” She said arms folded across her chest.
“I didn’t yell at her. But she-“
“I don’t wanna hear it. You have no idea what she’s going through and you don’t have any right to push her into anything.”
Libby was right. Kevin should have stayed out of it. He was really only coming at it out of his friendship for Travis but it was selfish of him to think that Nash would be ready for anything after what just happened to her.
“I know I just-I just feel like-“ he fumbled over his words, but Libby continued to frown.
“We’d all love to see Travis make her happy. But she’s not ready and he and everyone else needs to accept that and let her be.” Libby added the last part very sternly, looking at Carter who looked at his hands. The whole thing was such a mess, and he didn’t like thinking or talking about it.
In the back of her mind though she hoped Nash would be ready to soon, because she didn’t know how much more Travis’s heart would be able to take.
Nash answered the knock on her door and was more than surprised to find Travis on the other side. He looked a little awkward but smiled when he saw her.
“Can we talk?”
Nash stepped aside and allowed him to pass her. She closed the door and turned to find him looking around.
“This place is really nice.” He said quietly, hands stuffed in his pockets.
“Yeah it is. Starting to feel like home I guess.” She said with a shrug. She was so happy to see him, and a little relieved. After the second day of his absence she was starting to get worried she may never see him again.
He nodded “Yeah. That’s good.” She gestured for him to sit, and sat down tentatively next to him.
It was quiet for a few seconds before he cleared his throat “I know how hard this has been for you.” He said quietly, meeting her eye for the first time “Believe me I do. And I’ve tried to be there for you, and I think I’ve done a pretty good job? Which is why I’m confused about why you left. Was it me?” He turned to look at her, eyes clouded with hurt. It made her want to cry.
“Oh Travis.” She scooted closer and grabbed his hand “It wasn’t you. I loved living with you at the apartment. I did. But I needed to be able to stand on my own two feet. I spent the last year and a half relying on Justin for everything, including my happiness. And it wasn’t fair to myself or you to do that. It wasn’t you I promise.”
“You can always lean on me. I just wanna be there for you is all. And I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you this week, I was just confused and a little hurt by your sudden move to be honest.” He sighed and looked at his hands.
“I know. And I’m sorry it was so sudden. I knew that if I didn’t do it now I wouldn’t ever.”
“You could have stayed forever. I wouldn’t have minded.” He said softly.
Nash swallowed thickly and cleared her throat “I’m still here Trav. I’m not going anywhere.”
“You did though. I just want you to be happy. Are you? Happy?”
Nash bit her lip and shrugged, eyes moving to look out the window “I’m surviving, but I’m not happy.”
“What would make you happy Nash? Good friends? A great support system? Someone to lean on? Because I can be all those things for you. I want to be those things.” He was looking at her desperately, and it made her heart hurt so bad it felt like she couldn’t breathe.
“You have been. You are. You will always be”. Her voice cracked at the end “I just need to learn to stand on my own two feet for a change. I promise, I’m here to stay.” He was still looking at her sadly so she smiled at him.
For the first time in a while he saw a very faint glimmer of a real smile from her. It filled him with what could only be described as hope, that someday she might come back to him. He reached forward to grip her hand and gave it a squeeze “I’ll be here. However long it takes you. You know that right? No matter what?”
She squeezed his hand back “That’s good. Because I’m going to need you.”
He smiled and then leaned back on her couch “What I need is food. I’m starving can we please go eat I-“
She laughed and nodded “Okay Trav.”
It would take a while, and there would be tears and trouble and long days ahead of her. Her journey to recovery wouldn’t be easy, and it wouldn’t always feel good to rediscover who she was without Justin. Some days would be high, others low but she was so thankful that she had him. She smiled a little as she watched him stand still jabbering about food.
Travis Konecny was a beautiful soul.
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konecnyy · 2 years
🍹 blog-warming party
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[ closed ]
this might flop but thats okay. gotta start somewhere right?
gonna keep this open for a while i think... have no end date in sight atm. so go ahead and request some stuff while you can!
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social media aus ───
instagram edits: send in a player & a scenario! i'll do the rest! [ i.e. can i get a hard launch post with carter hart? ]
bereal edits: send in a player and a time (a scenario if you want too!), and you'll get a bereal from both perspective! [ i.e. 12:38pm, lunch date with sidney crosby ] sample of a bereal edit
blurbs & co. ─── angst // fluff // hurt + comfort
using the links above, send me a driver + prompt! [ i.e. andrei svechnikov + “just, sit down! please. god.” ]
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the player roster ───
travis konecny carter hart noah cates mat barzal anthony beauvillier sebastian aho (canes) andrei svechnikov jack hughes tyson jost sidney crosby
thank you in advanced for requesting !
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laurenairay · 4 years
Congrats on 400! How awesome is that? And please, number 3, "you're an idiot." "But I'm your idiot." kinda has Teeks written all over it! Have fun! 💙
Hi anon! Thank you, that’s so sweet! I hope you enjoy this one, I had a lot of fun with it!
“You’re an idiot” “But I’m your idiot”
Coffee. You needed coffee. And toast with butter and something greasy. Bacon? Hash browns? Ugh, literally anything. Good god last night’s party with Travis and his team had been a wild one. Frosty had turned 21, and Kevin had offered to host a big team celebration at his house, so naturally it had been absolute chaos.
You had drunk enough last night to give yourself that wonderful groggy feeling with a mild headache, having had a fair few shots with the birthday boy himself and a steady flow of rum and coke after that , but other than Carter (who hadn’t drank at all), most of the guys had gotten absolutely trashed - including Travis.
True to form he’d been the life of the party, hyping up the team to celebrate Frosty in the best way, but he had gone so far off the drunken cliff that he kept telling everyone how great you were and how lucky he is to be dating you. Over and over and over again, in the most sloppy endearing way, like an overgrown clumsy puppy. Not that you didn’t appreciate how sweet and affectionate he had been, but wow was he going to regret all the chirping material he’d given his teammates.
What had all started so well quickly turned a couple of hours in when you were getting a fresh drink. Travis had clearly decided you were taking too long and had come to find you...
“Baby where have you been?!”
Travis stumbled over your little group, making you smile fondly at him as you shook your head. What a lush. But as soon as he reached you and you turned your head back to look at Ryanne, Travis brought his hand down sharply on your ass, a loud smack sounding as well as your yelp of surprise.
“Teeks!” you laughed, whacking a hand at his chest as you blushed furiously. Claude, Ryanne, Coots and Laurence were all sniggering, even more so at the pleased look on your boyfriend’s face.
“Oh you are going to be in so much trouble tomorrow,” Claude smirked.
But Travis just grinned. “Nah, I’m the luckiest guy in the world, getting to touch that amazing ass,”
Oh jeez. That just made everyone laugh harder as your jaw dropped.
“Luckiest guy in the world, huh?” Ryanne teased, winking at you.
“So lucky. Lucky lucky lucky me,” Travis slurred, sliding an arm around your waist, looking down at you with a smile.
You rolled your eyes, blush still lightly on your cheeks, but lifted your head up and pressed your lips to his in a quick kiss. He may be as subtle as a brick wall but he meant well, and you couldn’t be mad at him for that.
“Luckiest boyfriend ever,” Travis murmured in your ear, lips stretched in a smile against your skin.
You still remembered the feeling of the sting of his ass slap, a smile spreading across your lips at the memory. What could easily have been a super embarrassing moment, Travis had somehow managed to charm his way into making it a sappy endearing moment.
And that had only been the start.
Between grinding on your ass on the make-shift dancefloor, reminding the rookies at how smart & beautiful you were, pulling you into constant kisses and beaming at you afterwards, bringing you fresh drinks & the occasional water and sighing happily whenever you thanked him...it had been so sweet. You knew that both Carter and Nolan had taken video evidence of him being an absolute mess, especially when he bragged to Ryanne about how wonderful he thought you were (Carter had promised to send you a copy), and you knew that his phone would be full of messages of chirps and teasing - and to be honest it was probably all well deserved, bless him.
But your favourite moment had to be as you were by the front door saying your goodbyes to Kevin, and Travis had finally joined you...
Travis hummed happily as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, making you giggle as Kevin grinned widely, even more so as Travis buried his face in your neck.
“Are you okay there babe?” you asked, squeezing your hands over his.
“Mmhmm! You smell so good,” Travis sighed happily, “I’m so lucky I get to smell you all the time,”
Oh my god. You couldn’t help but burst into laughter, Kevin joining you loudly, and Travis whined at your reaction.
“That was weird, wasn’t it,” Travis huffed, standing upright with a pout.
“Yeah just a bit,” Kevin snickered. Oh yeah there was no way Kevin was going to forget this, and there was no way he wasn’t teasing Travis tomorrow.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” you said fondly, linking your hand with his.
Travis’s face lit up in a grin. “You think I’m cute?” he said happily, “oh boy!”
An unhappy groan broke you out of your thoughts, and you hid your laughter in your coffee as Travis shuffled into the kitchen. He looked like hell, hair limp and greasy, eyes bleary, skin pale with nausea...not his best.
“I feel like death,” he moaned.
“Look like it too,” you teased.
Travis just groaned again, slumping into the seat next to you, making you laugh as he stole your coffee.
“So why did I do this time?” he sighed, looking blearily at you.
You smirked. Travis looked more and more embarrassed as you filled him in on the evening, his face flaring in a fierce blush at his antics, until he buried his face in his hands.
“I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?” he sighed, although his eyes were sparkling with laughter.
“Nope! There’s definitely video and Kevin wasn’t that drunk as we said goodbye. You might not want to check your phone,” you grinned.
Travis whined, throwing his head back, making you laugh. “You’re an idiot,” you snickered.
“But I’m your idiot,” Travis shrugged, batting his eyelashes at you.
“Yeah you are,” you grinned, making Travis beam at you.
He leant over towards you, looping a hand around the back of your head to pull you into a kiss. You smiled against his lips, brushing your tongue against his, earning a sigh from your boyfriend. As his thumb brushed against your hair, your stomach filled with butterflies, and you broke the kiss with a happy smile. Travis looked a little less bleary now at least.
“I need to shower this hangover away - do you want to join me?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I think I could manage that,” he grinned.
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puckbunniiee · 4 years
Illicit Affairs II : Nolan Patrick
Nolan let a little smirk grow on his lips as you followed him to his car.
It was a satisfactory feeling to him that you never told him no. But guilt shortly set in. Travis was his best friend, teammate, and roommate; Nolan couldn’t even imagine hurting him, until you came around. He found you irresistible, and he hated it.
The car ride was mostly silent, Nolan’s music playing softly. You expected your head to be racing but the mix of sleep deprivation and alcohol had your brain in a funk; no way you could make it to brunch in a few hours.
You lived right outside the city so the almost 40 minute car drive lulled you to sleep quickly. You woke up to a callused hand tucking hair behind your ear.
“You’re home, sleepy.” Nolan chimed.
You wanted to smile at his raspy voice, full of sleep. You felt awful knowing he had to drive 40 minutes back alone, the sun now coming up.
You sighed as his hand left the side of your face; his touch was always so warm to you.
“Snap out of it. You can’t do this anymore. Why the fuck do you think this is okay...?” You thought to yourself, looking out of the window.
“Thanks for bringing me home. I’ll probably be over in a day or two to grab my things and give Trav his key back.” You trailed off as your words started to sting. You grabbed your bag and jacket and opened the car door, stepping out and closing it quickly before Nolan had the chance to say anything to suck you back in.
You heard his window roll down as you walked in front of the car and it made your pace quicken.
“Let me walk you up?” You heard him call from his car.
“Not tonight Nol.” You never turned back to look at him, just continuing towards the steps, dread coming over you as you looked at the three flights of stairs you had to climb before you were at your door.
You heard a car door slam behind you and you prayed the source of sound was from anywhere other than Nolan’s car. You can’t tell him no; it felt like an impossible task. And this proved to show that even when you did tell him no, he pursued you anyway.
You knew from the slow but sauntering stride approaching behind you that it was him and you just wanted to collapse. You were more frustrated at yourself for knowing the sound of his steps and the scent of his presence than you were at him for not listening to you.
You started up the stairs quickly, his feet pittering close behind you. A part of you felt like if you ignored him, he would just disappear. But three flights of stairs later and his breath was coming down on your shoulder as you unlocked your apartment door.
“Okay. I’m home safe. Thanks again.” You sighed and turned around, looking up at him, annoyance all over your face.
“Please let me stay with you.”
His words and tone caught you off guard and even though he said please, it sounded a lot more like a demand rather than a question.
“Hands to myself. I’ll sleep on the couch. I’ll even be gone before you wake up in the morning if you want.”
“Yeah Nolan of course! Why didn’t I think to ask sooner? I’m sure Travis won’t care literally at all that his girlfriend and best friend who clearly have some shit to settle stay together for a night. I mean honestly what could go wrong?” Your tone was so sarcastic and harsh but Nolan kept a straight face, per usual.
You hadn’t realized how close you two were until you stopped talking and your eyes locked. Your eyes darted down to his lips as he quickly licked them.
His arm lifted beside you and butterflies shot through your core.
“STOP HIM!” Your mind was racing. But you were so eager to see what happened next.
You heard your door unlatch and open and looked down to your side. Nolan had leaned forward and turned the nob.
“I offered my time and my passenger seat. Be fair here and offer your couch.” His voice was so heavy. His eyes were staring a hole through you. God you didn’t want him to sleep on the couch. You wanted him curled beside you in bed. You wanted to steal the hoodie he was wearing and be engulfed by his arms and his scent. You wanted him so bad but you had denied yourself of him for this long; what was one more night?
You let out easily the largest sigh of your life. “Sleep in Sydney’s bed. She’s staying with the girls tonight. Just make it before you go.” You broke eye contact and stumbled into your home; the fresh air and familiar scent bringing you so much comfort.
You slid your shoes off and placed your purse and jacket on the island of the kitchen. Walking towards your bedroom, you looked down the hall and saw Nolan pulling his hoodie over his head as he walked through the door way into your roommates room. Jealousy sparked and you let out a tiny groan.
You walked into your room, cracking the door slightly. You pulled your clothes off, your eyes barley able to stay open. You slid on a hoodie and a pair of shorts. You never slept in clothes; something Travis adored about you. But you felt cold and vulnerable and just wanted to be wrapped up. You could still feel Nolan’s hand on your face and you hadn’t realized it, but the thought was making you smile. His breath on your shoulder as he stood over you as you unlocked your door, and his eyes making you weak as he swayed you into letting him stay. Travis never walked you up to your apartment anymore.
“They aren’t comparable.” You thought to yourself. You felt dirty. You felt like your friends and family would be ashamed if they knew how you were feeling right now. They loved Travis, all of them. You loved him too, but they never got to see the gritty parts of your relationship. The guilt was deeply set in your stomach and you were exhausted but you questioned if you would be able to sleep.
You laid on your bed, lazily pulling your blanket up to your shoulder. You plugged your phone in and when your screen lit up, you saw Travis had texted you.
Teeks🧡 4:48am
“I’m sure tonight was my last chance. I should have chosen a better time for us to sit down and talk about this. I hope we can talk soon baby. Please get home safe. Goodnight. I love you.”
Your heart started to race. You felt the panic and guilt build up as the lump in your throat did the same. What you did tonight was awful and you blamed it all on yourself. Not only did you just put a major dent in your relationship with Travis, but potentially just ruined his and Nolan’s friendship. What was he going to think if you didn’t text back AND Nolan wasn’t home soon?
After letting some tears out, you sat up and caught your breath; determined to sort some of your thoughts out right in that moment.
Thought 1:
This isn’t a one man game. Yes, you need to gain more control of your thoughts and emotions BUT Nolan is just as guilty as you are. He plays into everything and a majority of the time he starts it.
Thought 2:
You wouldn’t crave Nolan’s attention so much if Travis treated you correctly. After a year together, Travis acted completely different with your relationship. He never flirted with you, opened your door, took you on dates, or called you after games. He became distant and stiff and that’s when Nolan became dominate in your mind.
Thought 3:
You and Travis weren’t officially over. Neither of you had called it quits and he said he still wanted to talk about this. So was Nolan spending the night considered cheating? Were you doing the one thing you swore to yourself you would never do?
The thought made your stomach turn. If there was anything in this world you despised, it was a cheater, and the situation occurring in your life right now suddenly became extremely unsettling.
There was only one solution for right now.
You hopped out of bed and wiped your face quickly, brushing the hair out of your eyes and glancing at yourself in the mirror; you looked a mess.
You opened your door and scurried through the apartment towards Sydney’s room. The door was cracked and you knew Nolan probably wasn’t asleep.
You creeped the door open and peep inside.
“Nol?” You whispered. No response was given.
“Nolan.” You said a little louder, walking over to the light switch and flicking it on.
The light absorbed the room to reveal an empty made up bed; a note and Nolan’s hoodie sitting on top of it.
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62 with tk please ty 😌💖
You knew you were up late when Travis came through the front door and you were still typing at your laptop.
Travis was surprised to see you, too, if the way he dropped his suitcase by the door and looked at you with confusion. Usually, you didn’t stay up late to greet him after roadtrips, and he was accustomed to coming home to asleep already.
“Hey, what are you up to?” He greeted, his voice uncharacteristically quiet for him. He crossed the room to where you were seated on the couch, standing before you and leaning forward. You smiled tiredly at him, tilting your head up to catch his lips in a kiss.
“A project for work, I’m nearly done.” You explained as he goofily looked at your screen from above, his head hanging upside down.
“It can wait until tomorrow.” He assured you, tilting his head right side up only to be met with your frown. “C’mon, come to bed with me.”
“Only if you promise that you won’t bug me when I’m finishing this tomorrow.” You relented, shutting your laptop with a dramatic sigh. Travis grinned, extending one of his hands out for you to take so he could haul you to your feet.
“Okay, but I’d be lying.”
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storiesbymads · 4 years
11 and tk ;) (pucksnsticksnhockeyboys)
also for @sunnypogue bc you req the same thing 😌👊💓
Blinding Lights by the weeknd
no i can’t sleep until i feel your touch // i said, ooh, i’m drowning in the night
Your phone started buzzing the second you felt yourself starting to drift off, it seemed. Forcing one of your eyes open, you opened your phone to the lock screen to see who could possibly be bothering you at... 1:32 in the morning.
TK ( 4 unread messages )
Rather than try to read and coherently respond to the boy through text, you unlocked your phone and dialed his number. He picked up on the second ring.
“Can I come over?” he asked softly. You could tell from the strain in his voice that he probably hadn’t slept since he got off the plane home.
“Teeks...” you sighed. “It’s 1:30.”
“I know but I can’t sleep without you,” he said. The sentence stunned you slightly. It wasn’t like the two of you were exclusive. Hell, just the other week you’d brought up the concept of being exclusive and he pretty much shot you down point-blank.
“Please,” he said after a few moments without a response from you.
“Yeah, okay. You can come over,” you said as you ran a hand through your hair. Some rustling sounded from the other end of the line from what you could assume was him getting out of bed before he thanked you and hung up quickly.
It wasn’t even another twenty minutes before you heard a knock on your apartment door, an incredibly disheveled Travis standing on the other side of the chipped white oak.
“Hey,” the two of you said at the same time, earning a muted giggle from TK as you opened the door wider to let him through. Not that you’d tell him, but he was oozing sleep deprivation.
“You know where the bedroom is. I’ll be there in a sec,” you said. He responded with a hum, kicking open the door and flopping face first onto the full sized mattress. He was practically purring as he shoved his face further into your pillow—it smelled so much like you.
send me a number (1-33) and someone i simp for for a blurb based off the song you pick
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