#blee dreams
bleekay · 3 months
sometimes i don't post things because i think im gonna do something with it someday but then i never do. anyway like 2 or 3 weeks ago i had a zukka dream wherein zuko told sokka he was in love with him and sokka was like "oh whoa. can i like. think about it for a bit." and zuko was like "?? yeah. idc if you think about it." and cut to like a few days later sokka had decided he was willing to try things out and went to zuko like "ok so do you wanna go out?" and zuko was like "?!!?! NO??? LMAO???" and it absolutely killed me like when i woke up i was like T_T why did he say that and why did he say it LIKE THAT. absolutely devastatingly mean and funny. imagine. dude confesses to you so you ask them out and they fucking laugh in your face and reject you. im not over it
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yumeyleo · 1 year
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readerstories · 17 days
In Rain and Mud - Wolverine x male reader x Deadpool 2/4
Saw the movie in theaters finally, brainworm ofc came in strong. (Part 1) (Part 3) (AO3)
Warnings/tags: male reader, canon-typical violence, blood, gore, eventual smut
Wordcount: 2023
Summary: Your cabin lays far away from anything and everything. And with the rainstorm currently battering the woods this night you don’t expect to see or hear another human being until you leave for town. So when there’s banging on your door, you switch your book with your shotgun from its place on a sidetable, loading it as you approach your door.
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You are not sure what woke you up, a sound, a smell, or something stupid like a weird dream, but you are wide awake you don’t even know how many hours after you fell asleep. It’s been long enough though that there is some semblance of light bleeing through the clouds not currently filled with rain, and the wind has slowed down, though far from died.
Then you hear it.
A branch snapping.
It’s not an animal.
They stay clear of your cabin.
The mix of human and wolf smell keeps them away.
So whatever or whoever it is, it’s not good news.
You get out of bed, padding on silent feet as you step out into your living room, as it sounded like the noise had come from the front of your cabin.
You feel the hair on your neck thicken, transforming into grey and brown fur, then raising as a low growl threatens to escape your mouth.
It does come out when there’s movement to your left, but it’s only Logan sitting up from the couch, blanket slipping down from his torso to pool in his lap, your eyes following the motion, as quick as it is. You had completely forgotten that there was two other people in the cabin.
“What-“ He starts, but stops when you put a finger to your lips and tilt your head to listen more closely to what’s happening outside.
He frowns, but mirrors you, listening.
Multiple sets of footsteps, cocking of guns, hard to decipher how many.
“Grab Wade and go out the front as distraction, I’ll go out back and don’t do anything until I show myself.” You keep your voice low, a whisper to make sure those outside can’t hear you, but you know Logan can with the way he focuses on you. His voice is just as low when he answers.
“Why the fuck would we-“
“Just shut the fuck up, grab him, and get him talking, I imagine that won’t be difficult.” Logan squints at you and scowls, but gets up to walk on surprisingly quiet feet to your guest room where Wade is snoring.
You set your sights on the back door, stripping out of your clothes as you go, not wanting them to get ripped and ruined as you transform. You slip out into the cold and just windy morning, praising yourself for oiling that old squeaky door last time you were here. 
Shivers shake your body in a mix of excitement and bite from the cold, but they mostly stop as the hair all over your body starts to transform into fur. You stand still to listen more, trying to figure out how many people are around, but it’s difficult with how the wind howls and whisks away any smells other than those of the woods.
You hear Wade and Logan inside, Wade getting up with minimal complaining and no jokes.
Doesn’t last long though, as he opens the front door and steps out.
“Oh look peanut, we got company! And here I thought we were going to have this romantic getaway for ourselves.” After that you don’t pay attention to his words or anyone else’s, your slowly shifting form taking precedence. 
You fall forward on all fours, legs and arms growing longer, twisting and transforming, making you grow taller and larger with every passing second. A deep growl grows in your throat as your snout appears, but you hold it back to not alert anybody of your presence.
Slowly, ever so slowly, you inch forward so you can peer towards the front of the cabin, looking through the small gaps of the shed attached to one wall that stores your firewood.
You can see at least 20 people, all dressed in tactical gear, guns trained towards the front of your cabin where Deadpool is still blabbering, somehow not yet stopped. A guy in the front yells something back, perhaps a boss or leader of some sort. 
Not that you care. 
Your eyes are on someone else. 
A single person standing on the edge of the group, gun aimed like everyone else, just far enough away from another person they will be easy picking.
Weak link.
Without much more thought, you crouch down slighly, finding steady footing on the wet ground, and push off. You run around the corner with a snarl, catching everyones attention, though too late for anyone to react before you have the lone persons torso in your teeth, their gun landing in a mud puddle with a splash.
They scream and wriggle in your mouth, you bite down hard, hearing bones breaking and crunching.
There’s silence, a stunned one, before it’s broken by a laughing and clapping Wade.
“Oh my fucking god, that’s a big secret sweetcheeks!” You look at him and growl, blood dripping out from between your teeth and the by now barely moving body inbetween them. All he does in response is gasp and clap some more, joy somehow shining through his mask. Logan is standing next to him still, scowling, fists clenched, metal knives(?) shining from between them, his eyes flicking between the two of you.
Wade opens his mouth, but whatever stupid thing he was about to say is cutoff by a shot ringing out, and pain shooting through your left shoulder. 
You throw the person still in your mouth to the side with a flick of your head, their body landing with a thud as you turn towards where the gunshot came from.
All the guns are now trained on you, but you can tell it’s the person closest to you that shot, their gun reaking of gunpowder more than the others. The bullet is already being pushed out from your healing skin, fall to the ground slowed by your thick fur, but it hits a puddle with a plop.
You growl, crouching down, eyes trained on the person who’s gun is starting to shake, ever so minutly.
“Oh you guys are so fucked !” Wade yells, your answer to that is a snarl, and in seconds you have your jaws around a new person. 
There are gunshots, some of them hit, but the pain of them barely registers as you attack person after person.
Ripping of limb after limb.
Crushing skulls.
Chasing down screaming runners that don’t get very far before your paws push them into mud and sharp teeth rip their head off.
You drag one man is circles, his body bouncing around as he tries to get a hold of the slippery ground to no avail, not even his companions shooting you giving a reprive from his situation before his heart gives out on him.
One guy swings at you with his knife in a desperate attempt to stop his own death, and though he manges to stab you in your front leg, all he gets for his troubles is his stomach ripped out. You pull the knife out with your teeth, dropping it to pounce on the next person in your eyes sight.
You get an arm in your mouth, the fear reeking from the man as you bite down, the scream he lets out grating on your ears, so you let go of his arm to rip his throat out instead.
Another person you throw up into the air like a ragdoll, catching him with your teeth on his way down, shaking him like a chewtoy.
“Oh that is fucked!” You hear someone laugh and drop the body. For more than a few moments you had forgotten there was other people here than the ones that you were killing. You look over to the cabin, Logan is sitting on your porch, while Wade is still standing, watching you with hands on his hips, leaned slightly forward.
“Sorry about this reader, but I gotta.” Wade shifts, standing a little more straight as he spreads his arms wide, yelling “PUPPY!” at you.
If you could laugh in this form you would at least have chuckled, instead your answer to the clearly crazy man is to pad over to the porch, then giving him one long lick from head to toe, covering him in a mix of spit and blood.
“Oh, that is SO gross!” Wade sounds absolutely delighted, at least you can still scoff at him as a wolf. You glance down at Wolverine.
“Don’t you fucking dare bub.” You’re tempted, even as he holds up a closed fist, the knives that turns out to be more like claws appearing from between his knuckles.
It would be funny.
You would get stabbed for your fun. 
You don’t feel like being stabbed by those sharp and shining things.
So you don’t lick him.
For now.
Instead you bark at him once and turn around, looking over the scene you’ve made.
Bodies and body parts strewn all over the clearing in front of your house, guns discarded, bullet casings littering the dirt and mud. Tracks in the ground where your claws dug in, or desperate feet tried to get away.
What a mess.
With a sigh you pick up a torn off leg and start walking away from the cabin.
“Please don’t tell me you’re going to start gnawing on that like a bone.” You stop, sending Wade as an incredulous look you can manage over your shoulder before you keep walking. 
You don’t go far, still visible from the cabin as you drop the leg you had been carrying and start digging in a spot that haven’t been completely transformed into a mud puddle by the rain or the fight.
You dig and dig, the blood in your fur being mostly replaced with mud and dirt, the occasional bullet falling down into the hole as you dig and heal. 
Wade and Logan starts to gather up bodies as you dig, at least helping with the cleanup after letting you take the fight alone. Not that help was needed or really wanted, you were just protecting yourself and your things from whoever the mystery people were. 
You have a sneaking suspicion that they weren’t even here for you, but instead for Logan, who is picking up bullets and guns, and Wade, who is dragging what is left of a torso while complaining how heavy it is. 
You finish digging, hole now deep enough to hide everything and everyone, so with a few pushes and some throws, the hole is filled with bodies, guns, and bullets.
“Most people skip over this part when writing you know.” You ignore Wade, you don’t have an idea what nonsense he is talking about. 
You cover the hole with dirt, spreading the leftovers around where the hole once was, stamping it down, blending it in so it looks like there was never anything dug down here. It mostly successful, the water and more rain that you can smell is coming will do the rest of the blending.
“Job well done champ!” Wade reaches up and heavily pats your shoulder, seconds later leaning into you fully to get a full face of fur. “So soft….” You shake him off you with a huff, turning to walk over to the cabin, quickly catching up with Logan who reaches the porch just before you. 
As your front paw touches the wood, you let yourself transform back into you fully human form, back on two legs instead of four. You are still covered in blood and mud, though less with your smaller form. You hear a sharp wolf whistle behind you.
“Nudity! God damn, I love fanfiction.” You growl at him, Wade winks, as he get within reach you push at him, making him land on his ass in the mud.
“Deserved.” Is all you say, glancing at Logan, catching an ever so slight uptick of his lips as you all head inside, you first, Logan and Wade following, closing the door to the rain that seemed to start up as soon as Wade got up off his ass.
“I’m taking a shower, you can have it later of you ask nicely.”
“I can even beg handsome.” You don’t gratify Wade with an answer to that.
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why-i-love-comics · 11 months
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Avengers #7 - "Twilight Dreaming" (2023)
written by Jed MacKay art by C.F. Villa & Federico Blee
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lazyalani · 1 year
| Mikage Reo × [GN!Reader]
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| Love is
| Angst, No Happy Ending, Acceptance, Understanding, Not Proofread
| Summary: When your boyfriend's ex suddenly comes back running to his life, what becomes of your relationship?
| Blue Lock Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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"And there's one more boy, he's from my past."
To you, Mikage Reo is a gentle, lively, and caring person. A lovely boyfriend who tends to your needs all the time. He spends time with you and takes off something in his schedule when it clashes with your plans. He takes care of you when your sick, you have cramps, or just small headaches. He buys you the things you need and want, eventhough you don't ask for it. He brags about you to other people. He talks to you about his daily life. He asks for your day. He comforts you. He gives you advices. Sounds perfect, huh?
To other people, your relationship is perfect. You were known as the perfect couple. Small arguments and disagreements here and there, right amount of affection every single time.
To you, it's what makes your relationship imperfect.
Something about Reo's smile whenever people compliment your relationship irks you to the bone. Whenever he smiles when people ask how long have you been together. The way he looks at you when you lie down in bed together. The way he smiles at you when you watch movies, play games, and hold hands. Something inside you cracks little by little. The way he stares at you..
like you're somebody else.
When you look into his eyes, you see someone else.
"We fell in love but it didn't last."
Yukimiya stares at your dazed figure from across the table.
"Hey, you okay?" He worriedly snaps you out of your trance.
You blink once. "Oh, yeah, sure, I'm fine."
He nods his head disapprovingly. "You don't honestly expect me to believe that, do you?"
"Well, I sure hoped you did." You exhaled heavily.
"Let me rephrase my question, Are you and Reo okay?"
You chuckled bitterly. "I'd say yes and lie again but that'd make this conversation longer."
Your friend sighed and leaned back to his chair. "Is it about..."
"His ex, yes."
Yukimiya grimaced at your fast answer.
You stared at him blankly. "I'm not as naive and clueless as you all think I am, Yukki. I may be acting like the usual lovey partner of Reo, but I'm not dumb."
"Nobody said you are..."
"But I know you all want me to be."
Yukimiya stayed silent.
"You all want me to stay clueless, naive, unknowing. Just so what? Just so I don't get hurt? So we can keep the act of being the perfect couple? So I can remain the same person who thinks Reo only has eyes for me? The same person who thinks they have Reo's heart." You held the tears prickling on your eyes. You don't want to cry in public.
"'Cause the second I figure it out he pushes me away."
"I know you didn't have bad intentions, Yukki. But I'm tired. Tired of being the person who doesn't know anything. Tired of being the person who's kept out of reality. The person who's stuck at a Fairy Tale Fantasy."
"And I won't fight for love if you won't meet me half way."
You come inside your shared apartment with Reo, taking of your outdoor shoes and preparing to greet him when you heard him talking to someone in his phone. He seemes so immersed in the conversation that he didn't hear you opening and closing the door.
"You have guts to call me even after everything, you asshole."
Your eyebrow raised. Who was he talking to? Does Reo have an enemy or something?
"You're coming back where?"
Your blood ran cold.
"And why the hell are you telling me this?"
"You... you can't just call me and tell me that after... after what you did!"
You felt your heart racing. Could it be?
"You left me! You left me to chase that dream of yours! You left me for England!"
You took a deep sigh and tried to steady your breathing.
"You could've stayed with me and played for england at the same time, Nagi! But what did you do? You called me a burden, a hassle, you walked away like it was nothing and left me."
You could feel your heart bleeding.
"I still love you, you bastard."
"And I say that I'm through but this song's still for you."
Your heart broke with him. You couldn't stop the tears from falling this time.
"You need a place to stay when you land? No, you can't stay in my apartment, I..... I'll just find you a hotel or something." And he quickly hang up.
You steadied yourself on the wall. You didn't know if the pain you're feeling is from the headache or your heart. But maybe it's both.
You wiped your tears and forced yourself to stand up and face him. You walked inside and called out to him.
His head quickly turned to you, and you watched as his face turn horrified when he saw your tear stained face.
You smiled bitterly. Ah, I thought I could have a little bit more time with him.
As you stare at his messed up hair and equally tear stained face, you decided you couldn't do it afterall. You couldn't bear to be with him even for just a little bit more time.
"[Name]... I--" He knew you heard just from your face. He didn't know what to say either, should he say sorry first? Should he explain and try to fix whatever is broken?
He didn't know what to do, so you decided for him.
"Reo, let's talk calmly, hm?"
The guilt that settled on his stomach came up faster. He sat across from where you are standing.
You took a deep breath. "I.... I had wondered before when it went wrong, where it went wrong, but as time passed by, I realized something, it nothing went wrong, it was always wrong."
Reo closed his eyes hard and held his tears.
"I always knew something wasn't right. With our relationship, with us. I guess I just chose to ignore out of... love. I chose to be ignorant. I got upset when I realized that our friends wanted me to stay clueless, but I ignored the fact that at one point, I myself wanted to remain naive. I wanted to be still and keep on living at the same daydream I had created in my mind. The daydream completely opposite from the harsh reality. The harsh reality where you don't actually love me. The same daydream in where you love me, and only me." You kept yourself from stuttering and sobbing.
Reo shooked his head and stood up. He went up to you, cupped your cheeks with both of his hands and held your foreheads together.
"Don't say that, I love you, okay? I love you, [Name], so don't say I don't, hm?" His voice was shaking.
"But I'm not the only one, right?"
His tears fell down as he kissed your forehead.
"All I want is love that last, is all I want too much to ask?"
This time, you didn't stop your tears from falling.
"It was him. It was always him, right? When we lay down for cuddles, when you hold my hand, when you brag to our friends, when we watch movies, when we play games, when we eat, when you take care of me." He kept shaking his head as you say everything.
"When you tell me 'I love you'. It was always him, wasn't it?"
"Is it something wrong with me?"
He runs his fingers through his hair and brings you to the couch, sitting you on his lap and keeping your foreheads touching. "No, no, you're wrong. You're wrong, [Name]. It wasn't him. It wasn't..."
You sobbed harder. "But sometimes it was, right?"
Both of you are a mess. Physically and Emotionally.
"All I want is a good guy,"
"Reo, it's time."
He shook his head harder. "No, it's not."
"It's not." He sobbed and hid his face on your neck. "Please, don't leave me, too."
You close your eyes and bit your lip to stop yourself from screaming your heart out. It breaks you even further to see him like this. You were mad at Nagi for breaking Reo like this.
But you were going to stand your ground and you were not going to change your mind. You weren't going to destroy yourself for someone, not even Reo.
"Reo." You cupped his cheeks and turned his face to yours. "Listen to me, we can't go on like this." You cried.
"I'll-- I'll work hard to move on from him. I won't talk to him, I won't reply, I won't... I'll be better. It will only be you."
"Are my expectations far too high?"
"And won't be able to live with the guilt knowing I made you do something you don't want. Reo, we both know you don't want to stop loving him, and we both know you can't."
He doesn't say anything and just cries. You both just sit there in silence for minutes. And he thinks during those minutes. About everything.
He makes up his mind and decides not to be selfish. He takes your face and brings your lips to his, kissing you as if it's the last time. When your lips part, he cups your face once again and tells you from the bottom of his heart,
"I love you, [Name]. I love you, I love you so much. I never want you to think that I never loved you during our relationship. I want you to remember that even in all this pain I've caused you, I love you. I'm sorry, darling. If-- if you could just promise me one thing, to never forget these, okay? Hm?" He looks for your answer and you're too busy wiping your tears so you nod furiously.
"I forgive you, Reo."
He shooks his head. "You don't have to--"
"I forgive you because I understand. I understand what it feels like to be in so inlove. I don't hold a grudge against you, I'm disappointed that you pursued me while still loving Nagi, but I don't hold a grudge. I know what it feels like to be greedy, to just want to be happy, to be selfish. Yes, I'm hurting, yes, you hurt me, but you're hurting too. And me, knowing that feeling and being inlove with you, is enough for me to understand and forgive."
He had his eyes closed during your speech, cherishing the way you gently soeak to him, relishing in the way your thumb brushes his cheeks--your touch brings him peace.
"So Reo, thank you, for making me happy."
"No, thank you, for everything, [Name]."
"Will you stay with me just until morning, darling?" You agreed, marking this as your last night and morning together.
You both lay down in bed, sticking your last moments toegther in your memories.
You packed your bags and left in the morning, refusing to wake up Reo.
As you were passing through the bedroom door, you saw Reo's phone in the living room, lighting up from the side of your eye, vibrating, but no sound.
My Treasure..... Calling...
A tear fell down and you left.
"Try my best, but what can I say,
All I have is myself at the end of the day."
Oh my fucking God, it hurts.
Love is..
Selfish, and Selfless, at the same time.
"But shouldn't that be enough, for me?"
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spideysbruh · 1 year
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liked by tchalamet and 886,287 others
y/n i ❤️ kitty cats
view all 54,282 comments
ynstan- we know girl we know
y/n replied- yall are so mean to me 😔... i love it do it more
kyleslaurie- tim do be liking her posts a lot lately... 🤨🤨 🔎
@timmyupdates tweeted- timothee liked this post from @y/n on Instagram!
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liked by tchalamet, sabrinacarpenter and 738,298 others
y/n bleh blah blee !!!
view all 45,298 comments
ynsbed- ILL BE HONEST 🗣🗣
timmyatreides- ISTG THATS TIMMY IM-
timotheeschalamets replied- it's been months thoughhh
@celebnews tweeted- Actor Timothée Chalamet was recently spotted out multiple times with actress Y/n L/n, the two seem to be getting very comfortable with each other!!
Sources close to the new couple say they have been together for longer than you may think!
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@y/n tweeted- 🙃
@timswonka replied- I literally don't know who I wanna be more
@queenyn replied- oh she's maddddd
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liked by y/n, florencepugh and 2,873,762
tchalamet absolutely gorgeous. weather that we're having!
view all 102,366 comments
y/n and who is this whore?
tchalamet liked
tchalamet I can't with you.
sabrinacarpenter so this is how I find out me and y/n aren't together ??? wowww💔💔 omw to write another album !!!
y/n you're still my number one he's just the side dish fr 🙏
sabrinacarpenter and tchalamet liked
tchalamet ...i can see this btw
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liked by tchalamet, haileesteinfeld and 1,236,287 others
y/n just wanna be alone and watch as you all just disappear
view all 54,938 comments
ynstan the caption... @celebnews yall are going to hell fr.
ynsleftringfinger no literally just airing their shit out like that!!! happy for them though 💕
laurieslaurence it's a song lyric !! but still holds up unfortunately
tchalamet my girl
y/n liked
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muchmoreclever · 8 months
so... this is my first time writing smut. I'm very nervous about it so, apologies if it absolutely sucks. also, there is such a lack of marauders ladies smut so obviously i had to remedy this.
words: 4194
warnings: knives, blood, oral (f. rec), marking, biting, hair pulling, aftercare.
It's late. Far later than she should be awake, and yet here she is. She had been sleeping peacefully, dreams of something warm and bright, the smell of chestnut and vanilla still lingering in her nose, when something had startled her awake.
Her first thought is someone is breaking in. She doesn't exactly live in the best part of town, and it wouldn't be the first time someone around her was robbed. Her second thought is if she should call the police, it seems the logical thing to do when one’s home is being burgled. Just as she's reaching for her phone she hears something that sounds familiar to her flatmate's voice–no, yeah that is definitely Lily. She’s humming something. So… they're not getting robbed then? Surely if Lily is out there humming about, nothing out of the ordinary can be happening.
Mary pushes back the blankets on her bed, sliding her legs over the side and walking tentatively to her locked bedroom door. With bated breath, she unlocks the door. In the silence of the room, the click sounds far too loud. She stands there for a moment with her hand on the doorknob, her heartbeat hammering away at her chest despite the fact she knows nothing can be wrong, there's just something in the air making the hair on the back of her neck stand up. In the purely animal part of her brain, she almost feels like prey.
When she pushes through the ridiculous fear, and steps into the hallway she can see a light on in the kitchen. The small little nightlight they had plugged in directly after Lily moved in, complaining of a fear of the dark. It's a warm sort of lighting that only casts over half the room, and barely makes things recognisable.
Mary walks slowly toward the light, her bare feet freezing on the cold hardwood. When she makes it to the kitchen she can just see the outline of Lily by the sink, her eyes still adjusting to the darkness. Lily has something in her hands, and her humming has become louder now, the song recognisable, it's a song she never even heard Lily listen to before, who’d of thought she was a fan of Nelly Furtado?
“Lily?” Mary hesitantly asks, Lily's humming cuts off and her body straightens, but she keeps her back to Mary.
“Did I wake you?” Lily asks, “I didn't mean to, was just… Getting a snack.”
There’s something in the way Lily says the last word, it has weight to it, but Mary couldn't think of a single reason as to why. She steps further into their tiny kitchen, barely a few steps away from Lily, and reaches into one of the cupboards, pulling down a bowl.
"Do you want me to make you something?” Mary asks, and it's silent for a beat too long, “Lily?”
Something is dripping, in the silence Mary can now hear it. For a moment she thinks it's the sink, that Lily left it on or maybe it has a leak but as her eyes travel to it, it's dry as a desert. Her eyes search for the source of the sound, travelling down from the sink to the countertops, and from the countertops to Lily's hands, which are, in fact, dripping . At first, she isn't really sure what it is, only that the parts of Lily she can see are covered in it. 
“Oh my god–Lily?” She breathes, “Are you alright? You're blee–?”
“Are you scared?” 
Yes. Especially now.
Because Lily has turned around, all innocently doe-eyed and covered in blood. And Mary is no stranger to blood, she's been an ER nurse for nearly three years now, and she sees blood every fucking day of her life. Pints of the stuff, all poured out onto herself and other people, she knows inhumane amounts of blood–but somehow this is more. It's everywhere–in her hair, arms, her mouth. Yes, her mouth thats where it's the worst. It’s caked around her lips and her chin, and neck, as if she had been–
As if she had been eating it.
Mary is a logical girl, there has to be a logical answer to this. She just can't think of one.
“I didn't mean to scare you,” Lily says, and she brings her hands up, for a moment Mary tenses, as if Lily is going to reach for her, but no. She simply is holding an apple and a knife, she continues talking as she casually cuts the apple, as if she and it aren't slathered in blood. “I thought you were working, or I would've been quieter.”
Mary can't say a word, her mouth has gone completely dry and her heart is once again working double time. She watches as Lily cuts into her apple, her crimson hands a stark contrast to the slick silver of the blade, she watches as those same hands take the apple slice and slowly pop it onto her tongue, she seems to almost hesitate for a moment, her mouth hanging open before her teeth sink into the skin, liquid slipping between her lips and falling down her chin, mixing with the blood.
Lily lets it fall for a moment, before darting her tongue out and licking her lips. And really, there must be something horribly, awfully wrong with Mary because she is… she is finding it difficult to breathe for an entirely different reason than fear. Lily must know it too, because she is staring intently at Mary, her pupils blown and her lip between two sharp teeth. 
Carelessly, Lily lets her hand fall limp, the knife falling from it onto the floor with a clatter.
“Oh.” She sighs as if completely shocked by the turn of events, “Do you mind?”
Mary should know better. Mary should say no. Instead, she keeps her eyes on Lily’s and sinks to her knees, just for the thrill of seeing Lily's reaction and it does not disappoint. Lily's eyes widen slightly, a small proud smirk on her lips and she gives an encouraging nod to Mary. Mary lets her hand feel around blindly for the knife, not caring if she gets cut, Lily would probably like that anyway.
When she does finally find the knife, she lets her eyes leave Lily’s for a split second, just to watch herself wrap her palm around the handle, to see the way the blood stains her skin. When she looks back up at Lily her gaze has darkened, the smile is gone, and she is just observing Mary. As if waiting for the wrong move.
With the knife in hand and eye contact reinstated, she makes a move to stand back up but quickly stops when Lily gives a small shake of the head. Standing as tall as she can from her knees she hands Lily the knife and watches intently as Lily takes it back and gives it a once-over. Lily looks down at her with hooded eyelids as something akin to hunger overtakes her features, and without sparing Mary another look she sticks out her tongue and licks over the length of the knife, from the handle to the tip of her blade that she lets snag her tongue, cutting into it so very gently. Lily continues to lick the blade, letting her own blood mingle with the blood already on the blade, a sick union that Mary is so sure is born of murder of some sort.
When Lily finishes, she leaves the knife spotless. Mary is completely hypnotised. Lily, sweet, kind, fucking teacher Lily, is standing in front of her with a knife in her hand and a completely feral look on her face. She looks as if she wants to rip Mary apart, and for some reason, Mary is willing to let her. God, she never pegged herself to have a blood kink–
Lily is breathing heavily now, and twisting the knife around her fingers carelessly as if she wants to be cut. When she has a solid hold on it again, she decides the best thing to do is to stick it to Mary's throat, tilting her head up. The blade is warm on her skin, Lily is pushing with just enough pressure that she can feel the threat of skin breaking, one wrong move and she's bleeding.
“Are you still scared?” Lily asks in a whisper.
“Yes,” Mary answers honestly.
“Do you want me to stop?” 
“No .” She all but pleads.
Lily smiles at her, and trails the knife up her face, to the tips of her cheekbones and back down to her cupids bow. Lily holds it to her lips for a moment as she slowly sinks down, crouching until she’s at eye level with Mary. Lily brings the knife down, pulling Mary’s bottom lip into a pout.
“God, you're just so fucking appetizing,” Lily whispered leaning in closer and closer until the only thing that separates them is the blade of her knife. Mary expects her to move it, maybe hold it under her throat again in a way so intoxicating, but Lily chooses to kiss her over the knife. She isn't careful about it, nor gentle, and Mary feels panic flare up when she tastes the first bit of blood fall onto her tongue, but it only seems to encourage Lily.
Lily does eventually remove the knife, once again licking it before she throws it carelessly over her shoulder so she can deepen the kiss. It's nothing like the kisses Mary has ever had before, it's heavy and violent. Lily’s tongue licking at her teeth and biting her lip where it split so blood will spill over, every time Lily tastes it she groans. The sound enough makes Mary willing to give up every ounce of her blood as long as Lily keeps making those noises.
Lily's hands are everywhere, travelling slowly from the small of Mary’s back up to her shoulders and then into her hair where she grabs a handful of Mary's curls and pulls . Mary can’t help but gasp as her eyes roll back, a moan falling from her lips as Lily takes advantage of the new territory, mouthing up and down Mary’s neck. Lily licks the heated skin, nipping at it gently at first and then more violently. Mary isn't completely sure, but it is almost as if Lily's teeth get longer, sharper . The more into it Lily gets, the more aggressive until she pulls back with a groan, wiping violently at her own face and smearing the old blood away, making a clean canvas for her newest project. Lily is hovering around Mary's neck, just under the soft spot where she can feel Mary's pulse. Mary can feel her haggard breath on her skin, she can feel Lily lick the skin and drag her teeth along it, but just before she can get on with it, Mary has a revelation.
“Wait–Wait, stop.” Mary gasps, and God, she knows she’s the one that stops it all but when Lily leans away she can't help but whine, “We can't. It's wrong, Lily.”
“Doesn't feel wrong to me,” Lily says, leaning closer and running her hands up and down Mary’s thighs.
And in all honesty, it doesn't, maybe it's the fact that she's never been more turned on in her life thats clouding her judgement, but she has never felt so sure about something. Even as she feels the blood from Lily's hands drying on the skin of her thighs, she's sure she’s never wanted anything. And really, she would just go ahead and fuck her if wasn't for the fact that her boyfriend would not at all appreciate it.
“I can't.” Mary shook her head desperately, “Nash would be so upset.”
Lily let out a sweet laugh, her hands tightening their grip around Mary’s thighs, leaning back into Mary’s neck, “Nash isn't a problem anymore, dont worry your pretty little head .” She punctuated the last three words with gentle bites up Mary’s throat.
Mary used every ounce of her self-control to pull back away from Lily, heavy-lidded eyes staring into hers, “What do you mean?”
Lily smiled something sinister, her pretty white smile stained red. Mary was starting to think she knew whose blood it was, and found herself… relieved, in a sick sense. God, she was so fucked up. So fucked up for this girl.
“You trust me, don't you Mare?” Lily asked, “You would've run if you didn't.”
Mary nods.
Lily leans in close to Mary’s ear, “Then stop thinking and let me help you.” Lily pulled back with a tender smile, “Thats easy enough isn't it? Just to sit there and look pretty?”
“Mhm.” Mary hummed as she watched Lily search for the knife she had disposed of earlier, her eyes brightening when she saw it.
Lily crowds back into Mary's space, pushing the knife flush with her thigh, “Just sitting there, trying not to get hurt? Sit so very still and careful for me?” Mary nods, “Letting me just… do what I want?”
“Yes.” Mary breathes.
Lily hums, something deep in the back of her throat and smacks harshly at Mary's leg. She pulls herself up in a way that should not be so seductive in their dingy little kitchen and lets her hands cradle Mary’s face.
“Stand up.”
Mary does.
Lily's hands wrap around her waist, pulling Mary to where she wants her, and with a strength you wouldn't expect from such a person she lifts Mary up, pushing her back onto the counter and stepping in between her legs. Her hands travel up from her ass to the hem of her shirt, and agonizingly slowly Lily's hands slip under, cold skin meeting warm and shivers erupting for both parties. Her hands go farther and farther until she’s caressing Mary’s breasts.
“No bra?”
“What?” Mary's mind has ceased to work, the words taking far longer than they should to sink in, “No I was–I was uhm, sleeping.”
“You never wear one to sleep?” Lily asks, but Mary hardly hears her, she’s gone ahead and let her eyes slip shut just enjoying the sensations that come with every move of Lily's hands. “If it's too distracting I’m going to stop.”
“ No! No, it's... No, I don't.” Mary grits out, “It's restricting. Bad for you.”
Lily's hands fall and Mary can't help but throw her head back into the cabinets out of frustration, “What the fuck? I answered–”
“Oh hush,” Lily chastises with a sharp pinch on the soft skin of Mary’s stomach, “stop being so fucking needy. Good girls are patient.”.
When Mary has finally pried her eyes open she sees Lily in a new position, the knife held snugly between her lips as examines her her hands. Most of the blood was gone by now, at least the bits that covered her arms, leaving just patches of pale skin and freckles. Mary wants to lick it, bite it, just as Lily had done to her. She wants to be just as violent. 
With a sigh Lily pops the knife out of her mouth, tossing it to the side once again and refusing on her hands–or more specifically her nails. Lily is a pretty girl, which was only amplified by the fact she kept herself somehow perfectly groomed at all times, including always having a fresh manicure. This week her nails are white, dotted with little pink roses. Innocent, and sweet. Everything she isn't. 
At first, Mary doesn't really get the problem. Yes, you have beautiful fucking nails, awesome! Get on with it and put your hand to use– oh. Yeah, she's starting to realize what's wrong. The woes of lesbianism. And honestly, she is fine with skipping that bit. Wouldnt bother her a bit as long as Lily just fucking does something, but Lily seems to have other plans as she brings her hand up to her face and all but rips the acrylic off with her teeth, spitting out the fake nails onto the floor. 
“Ow.” Mary hisses, cringing a bit, “Did that not hurt?”
Lily looks at her incredulously, “I'm a literal maneater. No, it did not hurt.”
“Oh,” Mary nods, “Right, sorry. Wait, are we gonna talk about that because–”
“Later .” Lily groans as she grabs Mary’s cheeks roughly and all but inhales her.
The kiss deepens quickly, hands in hair and nails clawing at skin hard enough to break. Lily is gripping everywhere, her shoulders, her waist, her breasts… Her mouth follows everywhere her hand bruises, kissing the pain away until she's grasping at her thighs and pushing them further apart.
She nips her way down Mary’s legs, taking her sweet time and ignoring every single beg. She only comes up to suck a bruise on her inner thighs, so close to where Mary wants her but dutifully neglecting it. Mary isn't even sure she’s alive anymore, her brain has become completely mush, she is only sensation. Lily has hardly even touched her and yet she feels like a single breath on just the right place could push her over the edge. 
Lily pulls away and wipes the spit from her chin, without a word she grips the bottom of Mary’s shirt and pulls it up and over, throwing it somewhere away in the abyss. Her mouth takes quick advantage of all the free skin now, biting at the sensitive skin before letting her tongue soothe the ache that came with being denied for so long.
Mary tangles her fingers in the soft strands of Lily's hair as she continues to mouth at her breasts, her back arching seeking the warmth of Lily's mouth. Lily continues to just bite, looking up at Mary with wide eyes and stained teeth, Mary’s dark skin so contrast to the white of Lily's teeth.
“Lily, Please– Please .” Mary gasps, “Please, please, please–”
Lily pulls away with a pop, “What? Tell me what you want and you can have it.”
“I, uh... Fuck..” Lily has slid her hands down to the waistband of Mary’s shorts, just the tips of her fingers venturing in.
“Keep talking.” Lily orders, “I want to hear what you want.”
And so Mary does. Babbling every incoherent thought as Lily drags her shorts, and then her panties. Even when Lily finally gives her what she's been begging for she talks, fighting through each moan and gasp as Lily puts her tongue to use, because if Mary stops talking…
There’s a harsh slap that brings Mary back to reality, Lily's glare sobering her as she realises the pleasure has stopped. Mary gasps and pants as she scrambles to get it back, willing to say or do anything.
“I'm sorry, sorry. Please, I'm sorry–Fucking christ ..”
“It's like you want me to stop,” Lily chastises as she lets her finger drag across Mary, “You just want me to get upset with you.”
“No, I don't, I'm trying I swear–” Marys cut off with a moan as Lily lets a single finger slip inside, pumping antagonizingly slow, her other hand rubbing comfortingly on her thigh,
“I think you want me to be mean to you.” Lily continues, “Don't you? You want me to deny you? Call you a fucking slut?”
“Lily, more, please–Please, I was–”
“Or do you want to be good?” Lily asks, “Take everything I give you? Like a good girl?”
“I can be good–I am.” Mary shakes her head, if she just moves her finger just there then Mary can… “I can be so good, swear.”
“Then stop fucking begging.” Lily whispers, “And take it.”
Mary has to bite her lip to stop the pleas from falling past, and as Lily slips in another finger Mary swears she's done for. The pace is slow at first, really drawing it all, but then Lily uses her tongue and she's starting to see stars. Lily can obviously feel it too, sucking Mary’s clit between her lips and humming as her finger goes deeper, curling up deliciously. 
Mary is choking, biting down on her lip so much that the split reopens and she can taste herself. She's trying her hardest not to beg, not to touch, to be good but when Lily groans around her clit she can't help but grab a handful of her hair and grind upwards. It doesn't take much after that to send her over the edge, her thighs shaking on either side of Lily's head and her eyes rolling back inside her head as waves of pleasure consume her.
When Mary is conscious of herself once again she can feel Lily pressing a soft kiss on her lower stomach, and massaging her thighs from where they have unclenched from around her head and fallen limp. Mary's face is burning and she’s sticky with sweat, her heartbeat is beginning to fall back to normal and her head is clearing up. She feels… well, kinda gross but in a really, really good way. Because nothing Lily could ever do, especially to her, could ever be bad.
“Alright, love, you're alright.” Lily is whispering as she pulls Mary flush against her own body, her hands hooking under Mary's thighs, “Come on, now.”.
Mary lets herself be pulled up, wrapping her arms around Lily's shoulders and letting her head rest upon them as she feels Lily walking them away from the kitchen. The air is cold and practically freezing on Mary’s bare skin, the only thing she can hear is the hum of the refrigerator and the pat of Lily's bare feet on the hardwood.
“Mare, open your eyes for a mo’, yeah?” Lily encourages, “Gotta put you down for a second.”
Mary hums in dissatisfaction but does open her eyes and unravel her arms from Lily's neck, allowing her to be put down on the bathroom counter. For a moment she’s confused about why they're in here, having assumed Lily was just bringing her to bed, but her questions are quickly answered when Lily flips the shower on and starts to undress herself. Mary watches intently as Lily pulls the stiff, blood-soaked clothing from her skin, it's stained her. Lily is careful with her discarded clothing, folding the garments the best she can and placing them atop the laundry hamper. Lily pulls her underwear off next, letting it fall down her legs and rest on the floor, in only her bra she comes toward Mary and turns.
“Little help?” She asks, pulling her hair over her shoulder.
Mary’s hands make quick work of the strap, unclipping the back of the bra and gently shrugging it off Lily’s shoulders, pressing soft kisses to her shoulder blades as she goes. Lily hums appreciatively, her head slipping back a little bit to give Mary room to kiss her way up her neck. Eventually, Lily's hand comes up to Mary's cheek and pulls her into a kiss, honesty it's hardly a kiss, just a brush of lips, the best part is how Lily rests her forehead on Mary's.
Lily offers her hand to Mary, helping her down off the counters as the bathroom steams up, pulling her into the soft spray of the hot water in their shower. Mary relishes in it, dipping her head back and letting her curls get wet. Lily’s hands are caressing her hips, soothing over dark bruises, she only pulls away to squirt soap on her hands and then begins to clean Mary’s skin. She massages away the sweat, blood and tears, whispering sweet things the whole time.
When it's Lily’s turn, Mary is exceedingly gentle. The water and previous activities have rid of most of the blood, but there's still enough to be noticeable. Mary and Lily switch positions, Lily now under the spray of water and Mary's hands lathered in sweet-smelling soap. Mary starts at her legs, working her way up until Lily is lying back against the hard wall of their shower and completely relaxed. In all honesty, it could turn sexual very fast, if thats what either one wanted, but the intimate nature of just taking care of one another is just as satisfying as sex would be at the moment. So Mary works her way up, taking careful consideration of every inch of Lily, until the water is stained pink and her skin is clean.
After, they wrap each other in towels, trading soft murmurs and even softer kisses. Lily eventually leads Mary to her bedroom, and without a second thought, they curl around each other under the warmth of the duvet. Mary's hands have found their way to Lliy’s hair, and Lily's arms have wrapped around Mary’s waist, her head resting on her chest. It's domestic in a way you expect from someone thats apparently.. so violent. It's something Mary wants for the rest of her life.
“What are you?”
Lily pushes herself up from Mary's chest, looking down at her with an expression so soft it makes her want to melt, “I haven't a clue what you mean.” Lily tucks a wet damp curl behind Mary's ear, “Maybe you should go to sleep, hm?”.
And so they do.
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comicwaren · 8 months
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From Avengers Vol. 9 #010, “Twilight Dreaming: Part Four”
Art by C.F. Villa and Federico Blee
Written by Jed MacKay
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mykpopwire · 2 months
exclusive interview: MY K-POP WIRE x BLITZERS
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BLITZERS returned with a brand new album [LUNCH-BOX] on June 19th.
BLITZERS members share more about their music, daily life, appearance on Britain's Got Talent, and more while answering the questions from BLEE.
✨From CHRIS✨
[@blitzersGAY] Has any specific song inspired you lately?
"Love" by Keyshia Cole. The song is really good. It's a great song to listen to when you're excited!
[@blitzersfiIes] How do you manage your energy and stamina during tours?
I make sure to eat well and exercise regularly to maintain my energy and stamina!
[@e_e__am] Do you have any favourite lyrics in any one of the new songs?
From our latest song “SUPERPOWER,” my favourite lyrics is the one that says, “There’s power in small things (작은 것들에 힘이 있어)”!
[@itzyblitz] Is there a music genre you haven’t tried yet that you really want to?
I usually like and enjoy listening to hip-hop, so I'd like to try hip-hop if possible! Or I'd like to try EDM too!
[@starblitzers] What was the experience of performing on Britain’s Got Talent like?
I was worried at first, but I was confident, so I practiced hard and had a lot of fun on the show!
[@jjongpie] If you could relive any concert you have done, which one would you relive?
I remember all our concerts, but I want to go to America where my parents are and have another concert!
[@prettyboysya] Which member sleeps in the funniest position?
I think it’s WOOJU! We’re roommates, so I sometimes see him sleeping, and he does Muay Thai in his sleep!
[@blitzersGAY] What’s your favourite thing about this new album?
Among all the things from this album, I like the outfit for BOX's version the most!
[@e_e__am] What would you put into your lunchbox?
I want to put LA galbi!
[@blitzersfiIes] How do you feel when BLEE tell you how much you’ve inspired and helped them?
I don't know how to express it, but the fact that our fans say they were influenced by us is the whole reason why I continue promoting as BLITZERS.
[@marcusina_] How do you deal with negative comments and how do you motivate yourself to keep getting better?
I think that if you ignore the nuances of the things that you’re criticized for no reason and just focus on the helpful content, negative comments are also good feedbacks.
[@chiwoodle] How would you rate your experience on Britain’s Got Talent?
It was an experience that gave me a sense of accomplishment in challenges.
[@hoonyversee] What would you like to achieve by 2024 as BLITZERS?
I want to go on concert tours at various places!
[@Lunarsolar_cute] A concert on the moon or a concert at the bottom of the ocean?
Concert on the moon! I think it’d be less difficult to perform on the moon, haha.
✨From JUHAN✨
[@jjongpie] Is there anywhere in the world where you dream of performing a concert in?
I love every stage because they are all precious, but I personally dream of performing at the Super Bowl! I watched The Weeknd, an artist I respect, perform there, and it was so cool.
[@tannietooz] What song do you never get tired of performing?
Among our songs, the most exciting one, “Macarena”!
[@thicccamisul] What has been your happiest moment as an idol?
Performing with fans is what makes me happy.
[@Manar669] How do you prepare mentally and physically for a comeback?
As for this album, since it has been quite a long time since we met our fans, we tried to communicate a lot, and we workout to have strength to show those who are watching our performance.
[@Bleeverse_] What is the hardest choreography out of all your songs?
I think “BOBBIN (끄덕끄덕끄덕)” is a really hard song to do both sing and performance together.
[@withyunsik] What would it be like for you to be the maknae for a day?
If I were to become the maknae, I’d like to speak informally to the older members and pretend I didn’t.
[@vishythefishy_] If you were a piece of furniture, what would you be and why?
Umm.. I'll be the curtain! Feel free to use me whenever needed.
✨From SYA✨
[@jinbeomiee] What was your favourite part of the production of the songs?
I especially liked the lyric “Life is beautiful (인생은 아름다워)” in SUPERPOWER.
[@minhlvrs] What inspires you to be an idol?
I think being able to keep releasing albums and have the opportunities to meet with our fans are what motivates me.
[@SeptemberP1H] Are there any projects outside of music that you would like to try in the future?
I haven't thought of any other paths or projects other than music yet!
[@glamhoon] How would you like your music to influence your fans?
I hope that the messages we want to convey through each of our music are well conveyed to the fans as well.
[@sya_mpoo] If you could meet your younger self what is one thing you really want to tell them?
I want to tell me, "Don't doubt yourself, trust yourself and move forward."
[@blitzersfiIes] What’s the most important message you want to convey through your music and career?
I want to continue to deliver positive energy and various messages to our fans.
[@tannietooz] If BLEE was an emoji, what emoji would we be and why?
‘🥳’. Because just the presence of BLEE makes me feel motivated and happy!
✨From LUTAN✨
[@ana_guerrero10] What is your favourite moment when it comes to recording music videos?
This wasn't included in this music video, so it came out in our behind-the-scenes video. The most fun moment was when we went back to our childhood and played with water guns.
[@Lunarsolar_cute] If you could swap positions with one member, who would it be and why?
I'd like to swap position with JUHAN. I'm currently in the maknae line, but I'd like to be looked up to as the oldest member of the hyung line.
[@ilovyoumin] How has becoming an idol changed your life?
First of all, I think I started my social life earlier than my normal peers, so my sense of responsibility grew and matured faster. And since I’m doing what I like as a job, I often have fun and happy times.
[@starblitzers] What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you talk about BLEE?
The first thing that comes to mind is my gratitude.
[@irt497] What personal achievement are you most proud of?
When I was in high school, I became interested in physics and focused only on that subject even though I knew nothing about it, and I’m still proud of the fact that I got good grades.
[@joongswifee] What’s a song you could listen to all day and not get tired of?
[@daidaiskee] If you could have an exotic animal as a pet, which one would you choose?
I’ll pick monkey!
✨From WOOJU✨
[@blitzersfiIes] What’s an iconic moment in your career that you’ll never forget?
Doing shows with BLEE.
[@LvLyACE] What song do you think represent BLITZERS the best?
Our comeback song, “SUPERPOWER.” It's because we're brimming with exciting energy after “Macarena.”
[@Bleeverse_] If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I’ll choose meat! I think I can eat meat without getting tired of it.
[@blitzersfiIes] How do you feel when BLEE tell you how much you’ve inspired and helped them?
I want to express how thankful I am because I feel BLEE is the reason I’m here.
[@starblitzers] What do you usually do on a stressful day?
Going out for a walk helps me to organize my thoughts and relieve stress.
[@tannietooz] What’s a concept you’ve never tried but would like to?
Honestly! I'm still thinking about it.
[@saythenaim_17] Which of you fights more often, and who wins?
There is no win or lose. We fight because we just want to play around with each other!
*photo courtesy of WUZO ENTERTAINMENT
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Punch-a Yo Buns
First sung by: Finn in "Memory of a Memory"
I'm a buff baby that can dance like a man! I can shake-a my fanny, I can shake-a my can! I'm a tough-tootin' baby, I can punch-a yo buns! Punch-a yo buns, I can punch-a yo buns!
Hobo Dreams
First sung by: Jake in "No One Can Hear You"
I got everything I need Livin' free on trash booty No, I don't suspect a thing Bla-bloo bla-bloo-blee, hobo dreams!
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ladymunson · 2 years
In My Dreams- Chapter One
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Fic Summary: Your parents have an issue with you dating the town “freak” Eddie Munson, so they force you apart but you and Eddie can’t stop thinking about each other. You’re invading each others dreams so maybe it’s not just a “silly crush” like your parents think.
A/N: It’s finally here! Sorry it’s been so long. Okay this one is a little different to my other fics, I hope you enjoy it. Inspired by the song by Dokken.
Word count: 2631
Warnings: angst, lots of smut, very mean parents concerned with image, mentions of the supernatural, nightmares.
I do NOT give permission for my work to be copied, translated or posted to any other platform. Available on my ao3.
Support content creators by reblogging!
You sit in the secret spot, the one just for you and Eddie. Tears are streaming down your face as you think about the awful situation you’ve found yourself in. You’ve been dating Eddie Munson for eight months, most of it in secret but in the few weeks it’s been public knowledge, it’s been hell.
You don’t really care what other people think about you guys being together, you’re not exactly one of the popular crowd so it’s not been as bad as it could be. The problem has been mainly your parents, you think back to last night and the conversation that you’re about to have. Your heart breaking…
“You want me to what?!” You ask incredulously.
“You are going to break up with that boy!” Your father bellows.
“Why would I do that? I love him.” You reply, your head lowers.
“You’re too young to know what love is!” Your father says.
“How do you think that makes us look? Our daughter and that… freak!” Your mother screams.
“How it… Jesus! Do you think about anything but image mother?! You shouldn’t care what people think, I don’t!” You scream back.
“You will break it off with him, or we will cut you off and you will be no longer welcome here!” Your father says.
You let out a scream and run to your bedroom, diving on your bed and screaming into your pillow. You don’t know what you’re gonna do, you love Eddie with your entire heart but being homeless isn’t something you wanna deal with.
You’re not a religious person but in this moment, you pray for a solution. Will the universe be on your side?
You hear the sound of snapping twigs which brings you out of your memory and you look up, to see a mass of brown curls approaching. Then you see the goofy grin of your boyfriend Eddie Munson as he notices you sitting on the bench.
“There she is!” Eddie says with a smile, which fades as he sees the puffy redness of your eyes. He rushes over to you and puts his arm around you. “What’s wrong baby?” Eddie says which opens the floodgates completely, and you start sobbing uncontrollably. “It’s gonna be alright baby, whatever it is we’ll figure it out together.”
What you try to say is, ‘I can’t be with you anymore’ but what comes out is, “Eyyyt cloy blee fooo ba moooo!” Because you’re hysterically crying.
Eddie tries not to laugh at your cry talk and just says, “Deep breaths sweetheart, then try again.” You sniffle and take a couple of deep breaths.
“I c-can’t be with you anymore.”
Eddie’s face falls, you can actually see the moment his heart breaks. “What did I do?” His eyes glaze over with unshed tears. “I thought we were good.”
“I’m sorry.” You say with a sob and you get up, running through the trees and away. Leaving Eddie sitting at the bench, his tears beginning to flow.
“I don’t understand, what did I do wrong?” Eddie is sitting on the couch in the trailer with Wayne, crying, his heart in a million pieces. “I love her and I thought she loved me. What am I meant to do Dad?”
Wayne’s heart swelled at hearing his nephew call him Dad but at the same time it hurt, he thought Eddie and y/n were such a good couple. She saw the real Eddie, not the façade he put on for everyone else. Wayne thought they’d go the distance, seems like he was wrong.
“Son, I can’t pretend that I understand what happened but I’m here for you no matter what.” Eddie sniffles and Wayne’s heart begins to ache, so he moves to sit next to Eddie. “Give her a day or two and then try talking to her, see what happened. You guys were solid, so something must have shaken her faith.”
Eddie throws his arms around Wayne and sobs into his shoulder, Wayne’s arms wrap around Eddie and he just holds him while he cries. “I don’t know if I can live without her.” Eddie confesses.
“We’ll get to the bottom of this, I promise.”
You’re sitting on your bed staring into space, your parents called you for dinner but you don’t want to see them. You can’t even tell if you’re hungry or not, you feel… numb. You don’t know if you’ll ever feel anything again.
The phone rings, startling you. You want to ignore it, want the world to disappear and just leave you and Eddie. But you broke his heart, and you don’t know if he’ll ever forgive you.
You hesitantly pick up the phone, “Hello?”
“Oh thank god!” Dustin’s voice comes through the speaker. “What the hell is going on y/n?”
“What are you talking about?”
Dustin sighs. “Eddie cancelled Hellfire tonight, for the first time ever. Something happened and I thought you’d know since you’re, you know, Eddie’s girlfriend.”
You try and hold back a sob. “No I’m not.”
“Not what?”
“Eddie’s girlfriend.”
“I have to go.” You hang up the phone before Dustin can reply and burst into tears. Screaming and cursing as you bury your face in your pillow. You didn’t think you had anymore tears left to cry, but you manage to soak your pillow before exhaustion takes over and you fall asleep.
You look up at the blood red sky, lightning zig zagging across turning it vermillion. You’re all alone, standing in the middle of a field. A cold wind sweeps around your body, you pull the denim jacket you’re wearing tighter, trying to keep the chill away.
You turn yourself around to assess where you are, the field goes on endlessly in all directions except one. There’s a trailer, Eddie’s trailer. You think about heading out into the openness when you hear a blood curdling screech. In the distance you can see a figure, hunched over backwards as it lets out it’s battle cry.
The sound of the screech is suddenly drowned out by the unmistakable opening riff of Master of Puppets. You look over to the trailer and see Eddie, standing on the steps, guitar in hand as he shreds. You freeze, not knowing what to do.
“Sweetheart, get your ass over here!” He bellows over the wailing guitar. You waste no time running over to him, jumping all six steps and through the open door of his trailer. He runs in behind you and locks the door, you run into each others arms and share an embrace.
“What the hell is going on?!” You ask as you pull back, your entire body shaking.
“You tell me sweetheart, I have no idea.” Eddie replies as he pulls you into his arms again. He holds you, inhaling your scent, committing it to memory. “I woke up here!”
Just as you both pull back to share a kiss, you turn into smoke. Eddie screams, “No no no! Come back y/n!”
You sit bolt upright in bed, your heart pounding, covered in sweat. You try and calm your breathing, telling yourself. “It was just a dream. Everything is okay.” Then you remember, that it’s not. You no longer had Eddie. A sob escapes your lips as you clasp your hands over your mouth, the pain is so unbearable that your chest actually hurts. Your chest tightens again and you struggle to breathe, what have you done?
“Nooooo, come back y/n!” Eddie screams, waking Wayne who runs into Eddie’s room and shakes him awake. “Wha…?” Eddie blinks the sleep away and sits up and grabs a hold of Wayne. “I lost her again!” His arms are wrapped around Wayne so tight he almost cuts off the circulation.
“You were dreaming Kid, everything is okay.” Wayne tries to comfort Eddie but his nephews sobs let him know that it’s not.
“She’s gone dad… I lost her and I don’t know what I’m gonna do.” Eddie feels like he can’t breathe.
“Tell me what you dreamt son.” Wayne asks, rubbing soothing circles on Eddie’s back.
Eddie takes a deep breath. “I woke up in bed but things felt wrong, I looked out the window and the sky was red. I saw y/n standing in the open field outside and heard like a howling and had to make sure she was safe. Next thing I know I’m outside with my guitar and she’s diving in the door, we hugged and she turned to smoke in my arms.”
It’s impossible for you to fall back asleep, so you lay awake and plan how you’re going to get Eddie to forgive you and take you back. You don’t come out of your room while your parents are home, you wait until they’ve both left for work before emerging for your shower.
The hot water doesn’t stop you feeling terrible but it does make you feel fresher. Twenty minutes later you’re brushing out your wet hair before heading to the kitchen to pour yourself a cup of coffee. You watch the news but your mind is elsewhere.
Your eyes begin to feel heavy so you decide to head back into your bedroom and lay down. Eddie is the only thing on your mind as you descend into sleep.
Eddie tried to go back to sleep after his nightmare but he can’t manage to, he knows he’s going to be tired all day but sleep evades him.
He ended up leaving his room around 5am and sitting outside his trailer with his guitar, just strumming without any actual tune in mind. He loses track of the amount of time he spends outside playing but the Sun is high in the sky.
“Hey Eddie.” A voice says and he looks up, eyes all puffy due to lack of sleep.
“Hey Red.” Eddie says as he realises that it’s Max who has spoken to him.
“Are you okay? You look like shit.” Max says as she takes a seat on the steps beside him.
“Nope.” Eddie replies, laying down his guitar.
“Yeah Dustin told us, what happened? We all know that you love each other, why’d you break up?”
Eddie tries to hold it together but his resolve fails him and he pulls his knees to his chest, letting out a small sob as he replies. “I don’t know!”
Max puts her arm around Eddie as he cries. “Do you want me to talk to y/n? Find out what’s going on?” Exhaustion begins to take ahold of Eddie.
“I need to go to bed.” He sniffles. “You can talk to her if you want.”
Max nods and gives him a hug before jumping on her bike and pedalling out of the trailer park.
Eddie heads back inside and into his bedroom, flopping down on the bed and closing his eyes.
You’re sitting on a blanket, by Lover’s Lake. A picnic basket beside you. You’re wearing a yellow sundress, not your usual attire but it’s pretty. You look around and realise you’re alone. You open the basket to find sandwiches, chips, various fruits and two cans of soda.
The sound of rustling leaves makes you suddenly aware that you’re no longer alone. Your body stiffens, you turn your head slowly and see Eddie coming out of the trees to your left, a big grin on his face.
“Baby…” Eddie says as you get up and run towards him, arms instantly going around each other. You both pull back slightly to look in each others eyes, then your lips meet. The kiss is desperate, passionate and sloppy. Teeth and tongues clashing as you taste each other.
Eddie walks you back to the blanket, laying you down as his body covers yours. The kiss continuing, your hands on the back of his neck, his exploring your body.
“Need you Eds… I want you.” He grins and slides his hand up your dress, finding you bare and soaked. His fingers finding your bud and rubbing light circles around it, coaxing a moan from your lips. “Eddie…”
His hand fumbles with his belt and the button of his jeans, almost ripping them open. The moment his rock hard cock is released it’s buried to the hilt inside you. The stretch of his cock is amazing, exactly what you need. You’re so desperate for each other that there’s no waiting and no hesitation. Eddie brushes his lips on yours lightly, then moves his hips slowly.
Eddie groans as his cock slides in and out of your wetness, your lips meet again and the kiss is even more frenzied than before. The snap of his hips against yours eliciting moans from each of you. “You feel so good princess, squeezing me just right.” Eddie moans.
The feeling of his cock dragging in and out of your velvety walls edges you closer and closer to your peak. Eddie changes the angle slightly making you keen, driving in and out of you deliciously. You approach your climax, your hands at the nape of Eddie’s neck, playing with his baby hair.
Your orgasm hits you, hard. Your back arches off the blanket and you let out a slight scream. “That’s it baby, I feel it. I can’t hold back any more.” Eddie throws his head back as his climax hits. Growling with ferocity as he unleashes his seed inside you, marking you as his forever.
Eddie collapses on top of you, his breathing heavy. You stroke his back with one hand, the other playing with his hair. “I love you y/n. I always have and I always will.”
“I love you too Eds, I will until the end of time.” You reply. Eddie lifts his head and brushes his lips against yours. You kiss him back, it’s slow and passionate. Eddie looks you in the eye and smiles before he disappears before your very eyes.
You sit bolt upright in bed, tears in your eyes but you feel odd. It’s almost as if you’ve actually just made love with your (ex) boyfriend. You squirm and feel something between your legs, you pull back the blankets and see what looks like male cum mixed with your arousal.
What the hell?
The phone ringing wakes Eddie up, he curses whoever is on the phone as he had to leave that wonderful dream he had about you.
“What?!” Eddie huffs, not wanting to entertain whoever it is.
“Eddie? It’s Max, I’m with Steve and Robin. We’re heading over to see y/n when their shift is over. Do you need anything? I can grab you some yoohoo or something on my way back.”
The reality of the situation hits Eddie hard, he takes a deep breath. “No I’m good. I gotta go.” He doesn’t wait for Max to say anything before he’s hanging up the phone. And heads back to his bedroom.
He sighs and pulls back the covers, ready to change the sheets after that dream but finds the bed clean. He knows he came, he could feel it when he woke up. So where the hell is his stuff…?
End of part one
Hope you all enjoyed this so far. Please reblog if you did.
Taglist: @eddiesprincess86, @sweetpeapod, @nycbaby21, @grungegrrrl, @fuzzymelanie, @eddiemunsonlives, @punxunited01-blog
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bleekay · 11 months
dreamt i watched an atla sequel that gave us barely there zukka crumbs and my dash was nothing but screenshots and gifsets of like them side glancing at each other during some conversation with aang, in some fight sokka lost his sword and zuko tossed him one of his (the crowd went wild i am the crowd), and one scene where zuko put his hand on sokka’s shoulder and it stayed there for like 10 seconds and they smiled at each other, which was broken down frame by frame on tumblr. truly the most realistic dream i’ve had in a while
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heckcareoxytwit · 10 months
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A preview of X-Men Red #18
FINAL BATTLE! Their armies have clashed—and torn a world apart. Now, finally, the two war leaders meet. Storm versus Genesis for the fate of the Red Planet—as the planet itself fights alongside them! Will Planet Arakko survive? And more—is the secret dream of En Sabah Nur about to come true…? FINAL ISSUE Written by: Al Ewing Art by: Yıldıray Çınar, Federico Blee Cover by: Stefano Caselli, Jesus Aburtov Page Count: 28 Pages Release Date: December 13, 2023
I am so sad that this is the final issue of this great X-Men Red comic by Al Ewing... And we'll never see the more promising friendly match between New Mutants VS New Warriors in a soccer game! *sob*
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why-i-love-comics · 8 months
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Avengers #9 - "Twilight Dreaming III" (2023)
written by Jed MacKay art by Francisco Mortarino & Federico Blee
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helsex-moved · 1 year
crystai-queer -> offbrand-helsknight -> helsex
[ Carrd | Names and Pronouns | Comm Info | Ko-Fi ]
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#Doc Says Stuff - Textposts
#Kirby Kreates - Art
#Axl Writes - Writing
#Asks? Answered. Hotel? Trivago. - Asks
I post and write a some hermitshipping always tagged, mostly exhels. Dream/dteam fans not welcome. All images I post will be described. Don't send me discourse or drama asks I'm not interested xox peace and love on planet earth ♡
[ Exhels Server ]
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(pride flag stamps by @/futurefishy - butch worms by @/hee-blee-art)
(teeny disclaimer: currently I'm a little ia for personal reasons but I'm trying to still post art and such)
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Aradia Megido, Rose Lalonde
Act 5, page 2808
-- apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling tentacleTherapist [TT] --
AA: what d0 y0u think y0ure d0ing!
AA: just st0p
AA: st0p st0p st0p st0p st0p st0p
AA: maybe if i say st0p en0ugh s0mething else will happen instead 0f the thing that d0es
TT: Hi.
AA: y0u arent g0ing t0 st0p are y0u
TT: Do you want me to stop using magic too?
AA: n0 i d0nt care ab0ut that
AA: its y0ur quest t0 tear y0ur sessi0n apart
AA: i kn0w its exciting
AA: breaking stuff
AA: and n0t w0rrying ab0ut it
AA: but there are c0nsequences t0 hum0ring y0ur destructive impulses
AA: and c0nsequences t0 f0ll0wing
TT: ?
AA: what they say
TT: Who?
AA: y0u kn0w wh0
TT: You sound frustrated.
TT: Like you know you can't change my mind.
TT: I presume your future footage of me has already verified this?
AA: i d0nt even need t0 watch y0ur future acti0ns t0 kn0w this
AA: the kn0wing is the same as this elusive feeling 0f sickness thats been with me f0r years
a: pr0bably since bef0re i died c0me t0 think 0f it
AA: it was always a big setup
TT: You died?
TT: Revived via dream self, I take it?
AA: n0
AA: i never had 0ne
AA: s0rt 0f a special case here
TT: Hmm.
AA: i just wish
AA: back when i was behaving recklessly
AA: i had s0me0ne t0 tell me t0 st0p listening
AA: even if i ended up ign0ring their advice
AA: it w0uld have been nice
TT: What did they tell you?
AA: i was assured i w0uld be saving my race
AA: which is maybe still true i d0nt kn0w
AA: but if it is then it will be the punchline t0 the vast j0ke
TT: Is that anything like the ultimate riddle?
AA: y0u really d0nt understand anything yet d0 y0u
AA: and yet y0u bug and fuss and meddle
AA: with things m0re danger0us than y0u can imagine
AA: what d0 y0u want with the s0urce 0f the first guardians
AA: what g00d d0 y0u really think c0uld c0me 0f it
TT: Do you know about it?
TT: The sun?
AA: y0u cant p0ssibly wield its energy 0r put it t0 c0nstructive use
TT: That isn't exactly my plan.
AA: y0u w0nt find it either
AA: its imp0ssible
TT: How do you know that?
TT: Could you please share your information with me?
AA: n0!
AA: y0u still havent gathered that y0ure the pr0blem
AA: im thr0ugh with c0nsci0usly c0ntributing t0 inevitable 0utc0mes
TT: Well,
TT: Aren't you doing that regardless? Right now?
AA: 0bvi0usly
AA: but im just talking
AA: maybe the things i say will indirectly trigger y0ur critical acti0ns
AA: maybe n0t wh0 kn0ws
AA: maybe!!!
AA: maybe if i behave in a manner s0 rand0m
AA: parad0x space w0nt kn0w h0w t0 handle it!
AA: blah BL00P blee BLUH!@#$%^&*()_+
AA: didnt see that 0ne c0ming did y0u pspace??? + ?*rand(413^612)
AA: oh look and now i suddenly refuse to type zeroes in my sentences
AA: isnt that crazy! who thought that was even a possibility
AA: bslick never would have imagined THAT little vestibule of probability was tucked somewhere in his huge glistening blow sack
AA: ribbit ribbit ribbit
AA: hahaha!
AA: 0h w0w im sure y0u were just being faceti0us with that but y0u have n0 idea h0w funny that is right n0w
AA: y0u had n0 way 0f kn0wing thats a thing i d0 all the time but with zer0es
AA: this is great
AA: i think im 0n t0 s0mething here
AA: maybe if i dig deep en0ugh int0 my circuitry and rer0ute all 0f my reserve p0wer thr0ugh my quantum based rand0m number generat0r i can pr0duce behavi0r s0 c0mpletely 0ff the wall that parad0x space will have n0 ch0ice but t0 change everything!
TT: You have circuitry?
AA: maybe i will also rig my p0wer s0urce t0 the 0utc0me 0f the functi0n and rand0mly bl0w myself up!
AA: that w0uld be just
AA: really
AA: really
AA: really*rand(rand(rand(rand(rand(0M)*0M)*0M)*0M)*0M) where 0M = s0me number drawn quite at rand0m fr0m 0ne 0f y0ur absurd human hats
AA: !~M~0~D~N~A~R
AA: g00dbye r0se
AA: enj0y y0ur rampant indiscreti0ns
AA: talk t0 y0u later assuming i havent rand0mly bl0wn myself up!
TT: Wait, don't go!
TT: You were actually interesting.
--- apocalypseArisen [AA] ceased trolling tentacleTherapist [TT] --
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