The Trip - Side Blog
38 posts
A side blog focused on a robot who tries to find a home.Asks are open! Feel free to ask questions and have them answered.A secret lies here somewhere..
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 2 months ago
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Here he is y'all one of the best bois. Cobalt is a bit of an oddity. He doesn't have abilities like Comet he just vibes and helps out around the place. Some other things but that's defined later on. One more to go!
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 2 months ago
Follower Thing
So I really want to do something for when I hit certain milestones for followers. For example 10, 25, 50, 100, etc. If I was to do this I'd plan on doing small mini-comics to give more depth to a lot of characters and overall messing around. Some of it will be light other parts will be heavy it's still a work in progress for thinking. But here's a light overview of what I plan to do possibly (these may change in the future)
10 Followers - A bit of Trixie backstory oooo
25 Followers - A short thing of Ben and Drake messing around (have yet to fully flesh it out)
50 Followers - One of Comet's lost memories currently being held captive by Corruption
100 Followers - A bit of Fun Trap's backstory (if you saw the post you know who she will be important later but wayyyyyyyyy later on)
150 Followers - A bit more about the cave that's currently the background for the blog. That will change too I need to get that done.
So that's what I got planned right now. Tomorrow Cobalt's reference will be going up so look forward to it yay! Now time to procrastinate for another month to get Rubert's done... the sad thing is it's probably gonna be the case :,)
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 2 months ago
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Okay before you say anything one reference is almost done! I'm gonna try and finish it then post it. But I got sidetracked with this drawing. This is another one of my characters, Catalyst. She has no significance to this story whatsoever but she's cool. She controls lightning. I also did shading practice with her. So yeah I'll try (emphasis on try) to get the two refs out soon. I really need more drive for them xD.
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 2 months ago
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So shading! I tried to do some cel shading but it looks like normal shading xD. Anyways have some art of Comet vibing in a tree. What's she looking at? Something that's for sure! Is it plot relevant? .......maybe it is maybe it isn't who knows?
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 2 months ago
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I swear I'm going to get things done.... this is just a second outline I have no idea how I'm going to do her chitin and whatnot. My style is cartoony and simplified while hers is realistic and complex. I'll figure it out. The second part is coming out I need to finish the two boys new refs and then it'll be out. Hopefully in the coming days.
TLDR: Savathûn is my favorite character in Destiny 2 and I want to draw her sometime and some headcannons. And I'll probably post more doodles.
Alright here's another rant. Savathûn. Where do I start? Imagine mostly everyone playing 3D chess in Destiny 2. Some people like Eris and Ikora think about 4D chess level. The Witness is kinda dumb I'm not even gonna try to guess the dimension of chess they play. Savathûn though? She's playing like, 8D chess. Oh yeah Mara too but she's at 6D chess for me. Savathûn has everything planned out when it comes to a scheme. Look at Season of the Witch for example. She knows the Vanguard have no choice but to accept Immaru's deal (Savathûn's Ghost and he's an egotistical jerk) of reviving her. In the Dusk and Dawn lore tabs in game it's mentioned how she has ideas for who might take the offer. Caiatl, Ikora, but her main one being Eris Morn. She knows Eris is capable of things but restrains herself. And in that season we see Eris slowly lose herself but come back. She understands what's at stake. And she specifically wanted to be revived because of the pattern on her wing (Although she mentions Eris could find another way to defeat Xivu. Without reviving her which she remarks would be interesting. But there'd be no real way to get into the Pale Heart without the 15th wish so plot device). Which obviously leads into Season of the Wish. She planned that. A LONG TIME AGO. My guess is around the time she got revived by the Traveller. We know after Season of the Lost it happened and there's a time gap. Between that and Witch Queen. Also she has Imbaru Logic to counter the Sword Logic. Basically she gains power by tricking people and making moves no one expects. When she's revived (in Dusk and Dawn lore tabs) she says how they're having a fun game. She's basically toying with everyone. But she's not a bad guy. That's actually why I asked @phlurrii about if they had an anti-hero in AM (Check them out their story is really cool). She basically hid the Veil (magical mcguffin Witness needs to go into the Traveller) on Neptune because she realized what the Witness was planning. To me that's her turning point and when she becomes an anti-hero. She loves doing things on her own. But she can see when she needs help and where. She's not evil. But she's not good because she's working toward her own selfish goals. She's neutral. And she'll align with good or evil if it benefits her and her alone. Which is why she teams up with the Vanguard in the first place. She knows we're loot hungry goblins who want anything and everything in the Sol system that can be obtained. And now that The Witness is dead, there's no one to oppose her. Xivu? Nah she's mortal and if Eris says we can turn her worm into a rocket launcher like Savathûn's or another weapon we'd be hunting her down. Maya? She's kinda, vibing in her own way on Nessus and does plan on going to other planets as we see in Echoes. Yes the Echo of Command gives Maya a lot more power. But Savathûn still has the oversoul spell. So even if she dies outside her throne world she doesn't need Immaru to revive her there. She'd just spawn back in her Throne World and Immaru can revive her from there. She always thinks three steps ahead. Except for when we kill her in Witch Queen. She says she "miscalculated" thinking the Guardian couldn't kill her. Either way it still plays to her goals. If we didn't kill her we'd need her still to get into the Pale Heart. We did kill her and still needed her. She's just a really cool character I can't not gush about. I know Bungie can be really bad at writing sometimes. But how they've written Savathûn is just... amazing. So rant over there'll probably be another one down the line when we get Heresy. Hooo boy that'll be a doozy going back to the Dreadnaught. I want the next Echo to have the soul of Oryx in it.
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 3 months ago
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Merry Christmas everyone! As a gift have a new reference of Ray! The goals for the upcoming year be to ideally get through half of the story I want to tell, and the year after finish it up with a lil' surprise at the end of it all. You get more of his personality here so pieces may start falling in place with later events :D.
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 4 months ago
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Whoop found a grass brush! Gonna be having a lot of fun with this! The second part is coming soon I have to finish the last panel.
(The reason why the art looks slightly weird is because it's glazed. Check out Glaze it's really cool)
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 4 months ago
Why do you care so much about a random robot you met not that long ago?
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Part 1/2! You'll go two references once the second part comes out!
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 4 months ago
You mentioned them before. Who's Smith?
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Hey been a bit huh? Yeah hopefully he can.
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 5 months ago
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Had a blast with this one. I imagine using her plasma beam would form in front of her mouth and slowly build up power before she releases it.
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 6 months ago
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So this was back in 2023 and me messing around with expressions. Good reference for her expressions and a lot of these will be used later on. I should do an updated one though not much will be different.
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 6 months ago
Comet where do you sleep?
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'Tis fall! Also yeah huh wonder how those got there...
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 6 months ago
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It's done yes! Putting this up now. Maybe I'll make an updated one in a year or so. We'll see where we are by then. Still open for asks before I start the next part of the comic so send em'!
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 7 months ago
So Trixie do you have a job?
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Huh those don't seem to be too important.....
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 7 months ago
Comet do you have teeth?
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Actual text? It's amazing right?!
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 7 months ago
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Tldr: Pink one is original version of character from different franchise. Comet different universe equivalent.
Yes yes YES! Ok so you are probably VERY confused. "Who is this other rabbit?" Well, that is Fun Trap, the original version! As implied from her name she is related to FNaF, however her story is similar in a few ways. Comet is another version of her in a completely different universe where the FNaF events didn't take place and never existed. Arguably Fun Trap is more mature and traumatized than Comet. Comet's just a child compared to this old rabbit. You can see the main difference between them being Fun Trap does not have blades like Comet. This is because she was built for a different purpose. May get into that later. This is plot relevant because it comes into play later too. I have thought very far ahead.... anyways answering an ask soon so get excited for that! On another note "Bite Me" by AJ DiSpirito (Nightcore) was living rent free in my mind drawing this. Go check out that song it's a bop.
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the-trip-katiew1215 · 7 months ago
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I uhhh... got distracted. Woops. So I'd imagine using her plasma abilities like this her back scales and horns would glow with the plasma being charged up, like Godzilla in a way. Actually one of my first dragon drawings with my new style, of slightly less bulky let me know how it looks!
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