#blease send us asks if you have any!!
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mossify · 1 year ago
hi! :D hi there! :3
the moss.
Moss or Manny
aroace and i guess transgender? maybe just agender. idk.
Random Interests
Chonny Jash
literally any mcyt (mostly Purpled)
Will Wood (And The Tapeworms)
Lemon Demon
Tally Hall
Should I just put indie artists?
The Amazing Digital Circus
Billie Bust Up
Ninjago (Zane my boy :])
Chikin Nuggit
Anthropology (Did you know that the man who invented the frisbee—)
I can't think of more :/
Random Shit
side blogs: @mossifier @ask-showfall-media @pixelation-of-posts @jandthf-daily
reblog tags (art only. I only add comments if it's a text post, and if I have any): #monch #moss monch
autism + adhd
emoticons. yea. I use em.
tone tags, blease, I need em. 3:
I might like art without reblogging it, mainly due to not wanting to articulate my thumbs to add the reblog tag.
(Just reblog it without the tag?)
I have a NEED to tell artists how much my stomach has claimed their art. If I see a piece of art that I haven't reblogged: I will do so later. I always have.
I will not create multiple blogs for different interests, fuck that. You can handle my autism.
I am NOT a Dream supporter. I like his silly little SMP lore, but I do not like the actual person. Please do not send hate just for me liking something/someone who's even moderately interacted with Dream.
I also don't support Wilbur.
bye! :3
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phantom-flowerbeds · 6 years ago
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phantom-flowerbeds and @netherskull present: PACIFIC HERMITS / A Hermitcraft/Pacific Rim AU!!
So!! Here’s what Paint and I have been cooking up for the past like...two days KSDFKDSFK
Turns out we both REALLY LOVE Pacific Rim, so I pitched the idea in the Remnant server the other day and now it’s blossomed into its own AU! More info under the cut :D
First and foremost, some important info:
We’ll be using the tags #ph au and #pacific hermits for any AU content, so please post any AU stuff w those tags!!
This AU is Doc and Scar-centric!! Most of the Hermits are featured in this AU, but ultimately, this is their story.
PH takes place on Earth. The “server,” in this case, acts as the base for the Jaeger Program.
Everyone is HUMAN in this AU. Yes, even Doc. I’ll be honest, drawing Human!Doc is NOT a fun experience but we’re rolling with it anyway KSDFKSDKFKSDF
You don’t have to know anything about PacRim to follow along!! But if you do have any questions/need us to clarify anything, Paint and I are happy to answer :3cc
X is not in this AU.
For those who aren’t familiar, Pacific Rim is a movie about Earth fighting against an alien threat, called Kaijus, that originated from the Pacific Ocean. Those who are a part of the effort to push the Kaijus back are part of the Jaeger Program, which is basically a division of the military dedicated to piloting giant mechs. The opening scene of the movie summarizes things pretty well, and you can find more detailed concepts/AU premise in the Masterpost :p
Speaking of which, you can find the PH Masterpost here! I’ll also post it in my bio for easier access. As far as development goes, I’m taking care of a lot of character development stuff, and Paint is handling the Jaeger designs (since she’s really the only one out of most of us who can draw mechs to begin with LMAOO). Please feel free to send us asks!! We’re super excited abt this AU and we hope y’all enjoy it as much as we do :’))
A lot of designs are still WIP, but for now here’s some doodles! (You can find Paint’s Jaeger designs at the bottom of the Masterpost!!)
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stonerzelda · 3 years ago
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hewwo & welcome 2 my blawg ! (^^)/
Im Gabi, im a white 24 yr old and u can use wotever pronouns u want for me idgaf💜
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Rules for following R:
NO minors (A. Im old and B. I dont wanna influence u negatively. If ur age isn't listed you will be softblocked so pls respect that)
NO terfs
NO racists
NO homophobes
Basically NO bigots of any kind. You will be sniped
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- If we're mutuals, BLEASE tag your nsfw for me otherwise I will have to unfollow😔 im sorry :( if you need me to tag something though, dont be afraid to ask and ill do my best to make sure i remember! (Note: nsfw text is fine, just blease dont expose me 2 p0rn lol)
- also if you dont want me following you or vice versa, dont be afraid to tell me or unfollow, even if we're mutuals- you gotta curate ur best experience for this app and i respect that so dw💜
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And finally bc APPARENTLY its gotta be said, do NOT send me details about yours or other users sex lives that myself or your partners did not consent to be shared. It's creepy at best, and if i block you for doing something to make me feel uncomfortable/unsafe, sux. Its fuckin tumblr. Move on and go away <3
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🌩☔Keep it cool keep it sexy u know how it is. Be excellent to each other n party on doodsđŸŒˆđŸŒ„
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vixen-academia · 2 years ago
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Today is brazilian election days and we are trying to take down the fucking “Tropical Trump” aka Bolsonaro from presidency. Bt I have something to ask for my Brazilian moots:
Bolsonaristas can be very violent. DO NOT go to vote locations with red clothes, Lula or any leftist’s politicians stickers and/or flags. If a stranger asks about you vote, DON’T RESPOND. Say your voting withe idk, but DON’T TELL YOUR VOTE.
After de elections, PLEASE, go straight home. If you want to celebrate, go to a friend’s house, but don’t stay in the streets.
Political violence is something REAL in Brazil since 2018, but it’s specially strong now days. Please be safe!
And foreign fellas: please pray for us. If you don’t pray, send us good energies. We need to take this genocide down!
FAZ O L #LulaLĂĄ13
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jgvfhl · 4 years ago
Number Lads! AKA me taking a hammer to canon :)
Well now we see some actual plot being affected by the character choices in this here little ol' story I'm writing. Damn this list is getting long... wonderful! (Read Part 1 - Part 2- Part 3)
Some gentle warnings for injury descriptions--specifically burns
ARC-0000 = Zero = d0nut man
CT-2222 = Do-si-do = Double Trouble
CT-3333 = Trees = Leafs
CT-4444 = Fours = Submarine
ARC-5555 = Fives = high fives
ARC-1409 = Echo = BetterDomino
CC-6666 = Sixes/Death = DEATH
ARC-7777 = Sevenset = RedBoiiiii
CT-8888 = Loops = Loopy
high fives: GUYS guys guys i think echo and i can get our hands on nines soon
d0nut man: “get our hands on nines”
d0nut man: well. I’ve heard stranger things out of one of our medics
BetterDomino: lol yeah us too
Leafs: nines? 212th yeah?
high fives: yeah echo and i just got the rundown for a mission with cmdr cody and gen kenobi and there was definitely a CT-9999 on the list
Double Trouble: oo what kinda mission??
BetterDomino: the kind you’re not allowed to know about
high fives: yeah :3
BetterDomino: and technically he shouldn’t even have mentioned it >_>
Double Trouble: oh ho ho
Leafs: do si do, gossip is not worth breaking classified information
high fives: but nines!!
high fives: MAYBE
BetterDomino: very strong maybe
DEATH: classified missions = death trap
DEATH: the new guy might not even make it out, don’t get too excited
RedBoiiiii: life of the party, as usual
Leafs: well he is the more experienced of us in these things

high fives: we’re not gonna die guys
Loopy: you better not :(
DEATH: you want some advice? if the seps point a gun at something, they’re going to shoot
DEATH: doesn’t matter how important it is to them or their cause. they will shoot it.
high fives: 
 noted sir
BetterDomino: thank you
RedBoiiiii: OYA DOMINO I LOVE YOUUUUUUU blease come back safe *bonk*
high fives: *bonk*
BetterDomino: *bonk*
Had Nines not been a member of the 212th for nearly two years, he’d probably be wondering if all of his general’s missions went this muja-shaped so fast. Well. Actually, he’d probably be dead. He rather liked not being dead, and hoped to keep it that way, despite the absolute and utter chaos happening around the Citadel’s lower airfield at the moment. The air was a haze of colors as blue, red, and green blaster bolts zipped through the air, combined with the five lightsabers whirling about the generals and commander. But right now, Nines was really trying not to die while pinned down behind this cargo crate.
The noise of a door drew his attention--ever so briefly--as yet more clankers emerged from the hellish prison. He could only take a glance before he had to duck back behind the large cargo crate he and two ARCs were using for cover. He looked over at the pair, watching one--Echo or Fives, he couldn’t quite recall at the moment--launch a charge at the new droids. Nines felt the detonation, and twisted back around to send some bolts towards the scattered droids. Kriffing hells, commando droids? Again? Stars, he really hated those buggers.
“General Skywalker!” Nines barely caught the tail end of the ARC’s warning as he returned to cover. “A droid is manning one of those turrets. They’re gonna blow up the shuttle, sir.”
Oh, hells no. Nines looked up, locating General Skywalker and General Peill on the little flying craft they’d commandeered from incoming assailants. It looked like they were heading towards the turret, then they disappeared over the edge of the cargo crate.
“This is our only chance!” Nines heard behind him from the same ARC. “We have to stop him.” He looked over just as one of the pair disappeared around the side of the crate, the other close on his heels.
“Echo no!”
Nines jogged over, hoping to cover the pair. Echo was running towards the shuttle’s ramp with a shield dropped by one of the commandos. Nines looked and saw at the same time as Fives--if that was Echo, the one still standing here was Fives--the commando droid at the turret’s controls turning the blaster barrels towards the shuttle.
Nines felt a horribly familiar cold lump sink into his gut as the seconds seemed to slow, green turret rounds creeping closer and closer to Echo and their only way out of this Maker-abandoned pit. But it seemed time hadn’t slowed for Fives, who was suddenly reaching to the ascension cable at the back of his utility belt.
He attached it to his blaster, aimed at his brother, and fired.
There was the distinct sound of the cable striking plastoid. A huge noise followed, managing to drown out the whizz of blaster fire. A wave of light and heat washed over the immediate area as the shuttle exploded. Nines’ eyes followed a chunk of the ship as it flew over the landing pad and destroyed the turret and the droid manning it, but then his attention was back on Fives. Fives, who was drawing in his ascension cable desperately as the rest of the strike team collected by the last way out of the landing pad.
“We need to go,” General Kenobi said, and no one was going to argue. “Now.”
“Fives,” Captain Rex stood next to his ARCs.
Fives was kneeling on one knee over Echo’s unmoving, singed, and smoking form, hastily detaching the cable from his brother’s chestplate. “I got him,” he said, and even for all the training he had, anyone would hear the distress underlining the urgency of his actions.
Nines cast his eyes over the fallen ARC. The plastoid of Echo’s boot had melted in the intense heat of the shuttle’s explosion. It wasn’t coming off until a medic was there to cut it off. Nines was grateful now for the filters in his bucket, keeping the smell of burning blacks and probably flesh out of his nose. Taking another look, he saw Echo’s right arm had suffered similar injuries--the side unprotected by the shield. But, judging by Fives’ concerted efforts, he was still alive.
As the team retreated, Fives finally stowed his cable and his blaster on his belt, hefting his brother across his shoulders and hauling them both up. Nines lagged between the two parties, waiting until Fives had caught up before picking up his pace.
“No man left behind, right?” Nines said, low enough to keep it between them.
“Not a kriffing chance,” Fives huffed.
In a whirlwind of sulfurous stench, near misses, anoobas, crawling over lethal lava lakes, and the unfortunate death of General Peill, the greatly reduced strike team was finally aboard General Koon’s gunship. Fives carefully lowered his brother to the floor, leaning him against the wall. Captain Rex maneuvered over to them, standing between them and the other occupants like a human privacy screen as the gunship flew far, far away from the stinking hell that was The Citadel.
It was another hour or so before Nines had the chance to find them again. Echo’s injuries were the worst to come out of the mission, mostly because of the sheer number of casualties. Nines himself only suffered some relatively superficial bumps and bruises, so he was cleared from medical quickly.
“Where are you off to, Nines?”
The commander, too, had been quickly cleared, it seemed. Nines turned and waited for Commander Cody before starting for the other medbay rooms again. “Sir, I thought I’d check on the two ARCs. Fives and Echo?”
The commander nodded, switching his helmet to under his other arm. “I was gonna check on Rex, and he’s probably with them. I’ll come with.”
“The captain’s pretty fond of them, then?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” the commander smiled, though there was something bittersweet in the expression.
As he’d predicted, they found the captain and Fives outside one of the medbay rooms. Rex was seated on the bench between doorways, his bucket on the floor between his feet, a water bottle in one hand. Fives was on his feet, pacing back and forth in front of the room, his eyes only leaving the windows briefly at every pass. His bucket was resting on the ground near the captain’s.
When the two caught sight of Nines and Cody approaching, Rex made to stand, but the commander gave him a sharp look. “Sit down, Rex.” The captain slumped back down on the bench, where the commander soon joined him. “What’s the word?”
“There hasn’t been any kriffing word,” Fives growled, still pacing.
The commander’s brows scrunched. “It’s been over an hour.”
“I know,” Fives shot back with far more force than Nines would ever use towards a commander.
But Cody took it in stride, barely reacting to the added bite in the ARC’s words. He just nodded and leaned back against the wall like Captain Rex, whom he asked, “Have you both been looked over?”
The captain nodded. “Yeah, we’ve been cleared.”
Nines watched Fives pacing back and forth. He hadn’t gotten much of a chance to talk to Echo or Fives before the whole strike team went into carbonite. But, clearly, Fives needed a distraction. Nines had been around long enough, battle after battle, to recognize that.
He took a step forward, clearing his throat. “Hey, uh
 Fives. What was it you were telling me about before we left? That
 number group?”
Fives paused in his pacing, and some of the stress on his face replaced by slight confusion, then recognition. “Right. Yeah.”
The captain raised an eyebrow at them both. “Number group? Fives, how many people are you gonna tell about those guys?”
“Well,” Nines began, “he had a good reason. I’m CT-9999. Nines, sir.”
The captain chuckled. “I see.”
“Yeah, he didn’t get much out before we had to go under. Anything else I should know about these guys?”
Fives finally stopped pacing and sighed quietly, looking over through the medbay windows. “Yeah, okay.” He rubbed his eyes, his shoulders lowering as some of the fight left his system. It appeared he’d realized Nines was only trying to take his mind off his injured brother, and was giving in to the plan.
“Why don’t you get cleaned up while you’re at it, Fives,” Captain Rex told him, and despite the wording, it wasn’t a question.
“Echo’s not going anywhere,” the captain said, cutting off Fives’ protests. “I’ll stay here, and I’ll comm you the second I hear anything.”
Fives sighed again. The captain had won, Nines knew. The ARC trudged over to collect his helmet from the floor by his captain’s boots. As he straighted up, the captain caught the back of his neck and pressed their foreheads together long enough to murmur something inaudible. Nines knew it wasn’t for him to hear anyway. But Fives nodded when he was released, and even Cody reached up to pat his chestplate. Huh.
“Food first or shower first?” Nines asked when he walked over to him. “‘Cause I’m starving.”
“Yeah, me too,” Fives admitted. “But, I think I wanna get the stink of that place out of my armor before I try eating anything.”
After a fast shower, even by GAR standards, Nines found Fives sitting on the floor outside the ‘freshers in just his blacks and boots with his kit and a wet cloth, in the middle of wiping off the worst of the grime from the mission. He had paused, however, and was now fiddling with his wrist comm. Nines sat down next to him with his own kit to do the same.
“Any news?”
“No, I just remembered something
” Fives replied, clearly occupied. Finally, his comm blinked green as it connected with someone else’s. “Loops?”
There was a hesitant answer. “Fives
? Why can you comm me while I’m in hyperspace?”
Fives smiled triumphantly. “Don’t worry about it. Are you busy right now?”
“I mean
 it can wait an hour or so. Why?”
“You wanna pop down to the mess hall for a bit?”
There was a pause. “Are you onboard?”
Loops stuttered out a few indignant syllables before demanding, “Did we just haul ass across hyperspace to pull you out of The Citadel?”
“Well, not just me, but yeah. Thanks, by the way, for whatever small part you played in getting us the hell out of there.”
“What in the nine hells were you doing in The Citadel, Fives?”
Fives rolled his eyes. “Can you just meet me in the mess and I’ll tell you?”
Another pause. “Fine, but I’m not happy about it.”
Even if Fives hadn’t filled Nines in on who Loops was on their way to the mess hall, it would have been fairly obvious by the large eight tattooed on his cheek, much the way Fives’ tattoo was obvious. Loops was CT-8888, and his face only dropped its suspicious scowl at Fives when Nines introduced himself.
“Nines? Really?”
“Hey, I said we could get our hands on him,” Fives said around a mouthful of rations. He and Nines had gotten their food and found a table before Loops had shown up.
“Yeah, and the commander said he’d be dead by the end of the mission,” Loops shot back across the table.
Nines raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’m not dead
“Which is wonderful,” Loops assured him.
 which commander?”
Loops looked at Fives, who took the opportunity to take a long drink. “You didn’t tell him about the commander?”
When he finished, Fives shrugged, wiping his mouth and smiling. “I think it’s better when you find out organically.”
“Maker, you and Sevenset are two of a kind,” Loops said, shaking his head. “Hey, where’s Echo?”
“Is he okay?”
Nines watched the shadow of worry fall across Fives’ face, but he seemed to shake it off. “I don’t know yet.”
Loops dipped his chin, looking sympathetic. “Oh. I’m sorry.”
Fives tried to give an assuring smile, but it didn’t quite land. “Yeah, well
 it’s not gonna kill him. So.” He poked the remaining cubes of food on his tray with his fork.
His friend nodded, understanding that, sometimes, injuries weren’t so straightforward to fix. Clones had been decommissioned for some pretty mundane reasons, and everyone knew it. “Well, hey,” he said, “you’re both alive, and so is Nines. You can prove the commander wrong if nothing else.”
“Well, you’ve got a point there.”
“Do you wanna do that now, or
?” Loops asked, slowly raising his wrist comm and opening a text channel.
“We’re in hyperspace,” Nines reminded him.
He frowned, putting his arm back on the table and resting his chin on it. “I hate hyperspace.”
Nines could understand. Usually, he was too busy to complain, but now he was a bit at odd ends. But before he could voice his commiseration, Fives’ comm pinged, and a second later, Fives sprang up from the table, food and tray almost forgotten.
“That was Rex, I gotta go,” he said, already hurrying away to deposit his tray before dashing out the door.
Loops had made no move to follow him, and Nines knew there would be no room in the medbay for them regardless. “Hope it’s good news,” Loops said. Nines nodded.
Fives skidded to a stop, narrowly avoiding crashing directly into Rex in front of Echo’s room in the medbay. Rex grabbed his upper arms to help him stop.
“What is it? What happened?” Fives demanded, only just noticing the Wolfpack medic standing by. He looked regulation except for a large geometric tattoo on the left side of his neck.
“Take a breath, Fives,” Rex told him. “This is Bolt, he was just about to tell us.”
Bolt gestured them into the room, allowing Fives to move past him to stand next to his twin. Echo was still unconscious, although Fives didn’t know if that was because of the extent of his injuries or because of something the medics had done. A blanket was drawn up to his chest, his arms laid out at his sides. His right arm was swathed in bandages almost to the shoulder joint, and Fives could see by the outline of his right leg that it was wrapped up similarly. He reached over to put a hand on his brother’s head, feeling some of the tension he’d still been carrying fade as he ran gentle fingers through his brother’s hair.
“So, how is he?” Rex asked.
“Why is he still unconscious?” Fives added.
Bolt folded his arms, tucking his datapad under one arm. “He’s medically sedated. The burns on his leg are extensive and severe, and it’s better for him to be unconscious for the pain. Most of the time we spent today was getting his leg out of his boots and blacks. They’d melted on in some places. There are some third-degree burns around his knees and ankles where his armor didn’t protect him, but for the most part, they’re all second- and first-degree.”
“But his--it’ll all heal, right?” Fives wanted to know. Batchmate aside, Echo was his partner on the field. He needed to know Echo could still be that, or else Jesse might be getting a bit of informal ARC training to make up for it.
The medic nodded. “It should heal. There might be some nerve damage that will take longer than the rest, but it should be a functional result. Whatever surgeries or grafts will be minor, which is good. As soon as we come out of hyperspace, I will contact your medics, Captain, and let them know to have a bacta tank ready for him when you arrive.”
Rex nodded back, and Fives could see a similar shedding of worries from his shoulders. “Thank you.”
“It’ll still be a couple months until he’s ready for action, but he should be able to return to full duties eventually.” He unfolded his arms and moved towards the door. “You can stay as long as you want.”
Fives nodded, his focus back on Echo now the medic was done. He didn’t notice the captain moving until Rex’s hand landed on his shoulder, and he looked over. “Have a seat. I know you’re gonna be here a while.”
An empty supply crate had appeared behind him. He sat, his hand moving to grasp his brother’s. “I thought I was gonna be the one getting hurt doing something stupid like that.”
Rex breathed a short laugh. “Yeah. Well. Good on you for pulling him out like that. Ascension cable--don’t think I would have thought of that one.”
A tiny smile appeared on Fives’ face. “Guess the ARC training was good for something.”
 I think that was more Domino training than ARC training.” Rex ruffled Fives’ curls. “Maybe get some sleep while you’re keeping him company, okay?”
He didn’t have any arguments for that. Once Rex was gone, however, he stood up so he could lean over Echo to put their foreheads together, resting his left hand on the side of his brother’s face. He remained like that for a short moment, where he could feel his brother’s slow, even breaths across his face, and to finally let it sink in that Echo was okay. That explosion had been terrifying to watch, and the sight of Echo’s body landing limply on the ground on the end of the cable would have debilitated Fives before ARC training. Then again, they wouldn’t be ARCs if they didn’t have the potential to be better than themselves.
Echo was okay. That was the important thing.
“You’re gonna be right as rain in a few,” he murmured before moving to kiss the spot where their heads had touched. “And I’ll be there the whole time, okay?”
He pulled the crate a bit closer to the bed before he sat back down so he could lay his arms down and rest his head on top of them. He took Echo’s hand in his own, tucked their clasped hands against his cheek, and closed his eyes. Sleep wasn’t far behind.
high fives: guess who’s not dead commander
RedBoiiiii: FIVES!!!! YOU’RE OKAY!!!
DEATH: what do you want, a medal?
high fives: already have one, thanks
Leafs: is everyone else alive too, or just you
Double Trouble: YOU LIVE!!! Now do we get all the goss about the mission??
Leafs: do si do you are a hazard to the gar
Double Trouble: why thank you trees <3
high fives: anyway nines is *also* alive
RedBoiiiii: NINES??
Loopy: and so is echo
d0nut man: oh good nox and pixel were worried about their “handprint buddy”
high fives: that’s adorable he’ll be glad to hear it
DEATH: Where is your plus one?
high fives: 
high fives: also sevenset, i sent you nines’ comm code? didn’t you get it?
RedBoiiiii: oh whoops hang on
d0nut man: what happened to echo???
Leafs: is he okay?
high fives: he got caught in an explosion, got some nasty burns. he’s still in bacta for another half-day, but the medics seem pleased with the progress so
Double Trouble: damn i’m sorry that sounds awful
RedBoiiiii: nu ;-; fives that sucks but i’m glad the medics are keeping an eye on him
Loopy: yeah that’s good to hear
Loopy: sevens did you get nines in here yet i wanna say hi to my number neighbor
Orangio: hello i’m nines
Orangio: please tell me i can change my own name here
Loopy: nines! hiiii, yeah you can change it
high fives: hey nines
Leafs: welcome to the madness
Double Trouble: we’re not *that* bad :)
d0nut man: 
 arguable, but welcome anyway
Double Trouble: >:(
DressedtotheNines: thanks guys
Submarine: sorry to hear about your batcher, fives. hi nines
RedBoiiiii: IS THAT FOURS???
Loopy: fours!!
Submarine: yeah sorry i’m not here a lot, but i read all of it
RedBoiiiii: no apologies!! only love!!
Double Trouble: yeah there’s no pressure to use the chat, don’t worry about it
DressedtotheNines: so if i happen to get good footage of cmdr cody like spin kicking grievous or smth, you guys want to see that, yeah?
RedBoiiiii: YES
high fives: pleeeaassseee rex hoards his footage the bastard >:(
d0nut man: i would like to see it
Submarine: yeah me too. general mundi is
 he doesn’t do that
DEATH: i’ll bet i could get cadet pictures of cody from some of the alphas
DressedtotheNines: commander death sir i would be honored to help blackmail him for you if you ever need it
DEATH: noted
RedBoiiiii: wait
Double Trouble: anyone else see that
DEATH: no and while you’re at it kriff off
RedBoiiiii: nines you are magical

I love these lads so much :) @darth-void @23-bears @theultimatesandwich @nintendolover13 @peacefulwizardfox @glubtheflyingfish (lmk if you don't want to be tagged anymore 👍 or if you'd like to be tagged in the future!)
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incorrect-ikevamp-quotes · 4 years ago
MINNIE SENPAI!! blease do E, I, K, L, N, O, W, Z for Leo? đŸ„ș💖 (i might have gone overboard, so feel free to choose the ones you like the most fhdgk)
Haha, welcome welcome!! I’m honored kouhai, please don’t worry! 💖💖💖 I hope you enjoy this post~ 
Under a cut for length, yet again LOL
Fluffy ABC headcanons listed here for requests!
E = Emotions (how does he express emotion around her?)
Bold of you to insinuate Leonardo has emotions that aren’t imposed against his will HAHAHA. Just kidding, but he does have a hard time not clowning and hiding what he’s feeling. Say it with me kids, repression. That being said, I think he will always have a hard time expressing himself without hesitation in his relationship. His first instinct is to soothe and protect; he doesn’t really know how to put himself first, very few people have ever cared to put him first in his life. One of the hardest things about being capable with the mental acuity of a blade is that everyone just kinda assumes you'll be fine (compounded by the fact that he feels burdensome asking for help). And while there’s no doubt he can take care of himself, everybody needs a daijoubu from time to time ;-;. I like to hope that his MC will be able to see through to the truth of his feelings over time--even if he doesn’t openly enumerate them--before he can smother his emotional needs into silence. Furthermore, I think he would be a little more open/obvious about the depth of his love over time because, at some point, those feelings would accumulate to the point of overflow.
With Leonardo, vulnerability is a slow burn; he will reveal what he’s thinking someday, but today is not that day. Have patience, be gentle with his absolute clown self-neglect, try to meet him halfway; that trust will inspire him to be everything he thought he never could be for someone else. 
In the meantime:
One of the key signals when it comes to Leonardo is to pay attention to when he’s seeking to spoil her. If he’s being extra uwu, that’s a surefire sign he’s Copingℱ by channeling those more negative feelings into making her happy. He thinks the best way to handle The Bad Feels and/or concern for her is to redirect that energy into something constructive, and what better outcome could there be than her pouting or giving him that dazzling smile of hers? 
Honestly, with Leonardo, he tends to convert emotion into action--she will know the warmth of his love long before he ever says it out loud. 
He has a hard time articulating his feelings, so asking him to say them outright might be hard on him--it might not be the best immediate go-to. Spoil him out of the blue, instead. She’ll seek him out and just sit in his lap and cuddle for a nap sessh completely without warning, hold him tight so that he knows she’s here no matter what. She’ll indulge his cute needy moments and lounge in bed all morning together, hold his hand first when they go out, take charge in the bedroom; she’ll show him he’s wanted and needed before he can even think to doubt himself. Murmur compliments to him, make him things he loves to eat, give him a back rub unprompted. It’s the simple awareness of what he enjoys and the execution of it before he can prepare that utterly decimates him into revealing the feelings he keeps under tight control. 
He is a lover that thrives on spontaneity and burning, silent consideration for the person he cherishes. The most adorable thing about this is that he is absolutely lost when the same tactic is used against him, he’s utterly defenseless to it!! (look at me. He has zero emotional object permanence. The mere prospect that somebody would worry about him first would send him into shock. And remember: the way people give love can often be the most powerful way they receive it, too.) The sacred texts!! She can use them to make him smile that smile that lets her know he’s an absolute goner for her without the need for words; the smile that says “it will always be you. It can only ever be you.”
When he’s happy, he literally just spoils her with more energy and teasing--expect a lot of wild fun and laughter when he’s in a good mood. He will have exceptionally tender moments now and again (say after a bad nightmare of losing her, for example) where he won’t say anything at all, just holds her close. He needs to know that she’s still here, that she’s okay. It is a rare and huge act of emotional trust; MC’s understanding and her easy proximity in these moments mean the world to him. When he’s distant and evasive, that is the time to give him some space before wedging her way inside. She won’t let him sit and stew in abysmal feelings; he has a bad habit of punishing himself too much or lingering on unhappy moments in his life. Despite how he seems he takes things incredibly seriously--to the point where he exhausts himself. 
When he’s jealous and feeling petulant, he will not hesitate bitch and will get surprisingly grumpy. She’ll coo at him and reassure him that he’s the only one for her, and he’ll calm in the circle of her arms. Fun bonus: he’ll be embarrassed/mortified about being out of control later and she has ENDLESS fun teasing him just a little, even better if he punishes her with a good bangarang. Anger and irritation are emotions he tends to leave be, but if someone directs any kind of threat to MC (or an innocent in general) every trace of his jovial nature dissolves in milliseconds. He is swift, decisive, and deadly when he’s belligerent; he is the last person to push too far. He will often regret it later or worry about scaring MC, but it really does only happen once in a great while. She always reassures him that she knows he only did what he felt he had to in the moment.
You can just hear the Leonardo stan in me, lord jesus
I = Injury (how would he react if she got hurt?)
I think it would depend on the injury. If it’s something like a papercut or a scratch, he’ll just be like “yare yare cara mia, be a little more careful next time, yeah?” Will bandage her up and disinfect because he knows enough about medicine to be cautious. Plenty attentive, will probably tease her about being a klutz and/or tell her to ask for help next time. Everything you would expect from Leonardo, essentially; equal parts light-hearted and responsible.
If the injury is much more intense--say a broken limb, or deep gashes, so on and so forth--I see Leonardo being very, very grim. His lips would be pursed into a firm line, blanched white from the pressure, and his first step would be to get her out of the danger at any cost to himself. Following his ability to get her to a safe place, he would begin to tend the wound as gently as possible, asking questions to gauge the severity with single-minded concentration. “Where does it hurt? Rate the pain, describe what it feels like. Can you move the injured limb?” He will use whatever he has at his disposal to minimize her suffering if he can’t get her to a doctor immediately. If she requires treatment from someone else, he will be beside himself the entire time; chain-smoking, pacing, running his hands through his hair nonstop. He has ants in his pants until he sees her with color in her face, eyes bright again.
May I offer: They are 100% that couple (in which Leonardo is the one that falls asleep at her bedside) that’s like “you look like shit.” “look who’s talking, stupid.” and they just start laughing, mutually relieved.
During her recovery, he will be incredibly gentle but also subliminally alert. Anything she needs, she gets. If she tries to return to a normal pace of life too fast, he is straight up just picking her up and putting her back in that recovery bed. He ain’t playin’--don’t test him on this. He’s usually pretty easygoing, but he will snap at anyone who isn’t careful with her in this state. He will not take any further risk to her life. (He’s not usually brittle, but under severe conditions he can be.) He’ll tease her from time to time, but it’s much more mild than usual; he’s too consumed with concern to let her get worked up. He’s never really had to deal with a prolonged state of physical helplessness personally, but he’s seen enough in his life to know it can be really taxing on a person’s mind. There will be a thin veneer of calm, only there to keep her relaxed and to ensure the stability of her mental health. He knows that if he shows too much distress, he’s only going to worry her further--and that’s the last thing he wants. He will spend the majority of his time acquiring as many distractions as humanly possible, even if he has to be the distraction; anything to get her mind off of darker things.
When she’s back to normal, he’ll still be on alert for a short while before he goes back to his usual clowning self; might be a little more protective and cautious than usual, or be a little paranoid about the specific thing that caused her harm. (No Leonardo, we need kitchen knives--how else are we going to cut the carrots?? Please relax.) He doesn’t want that kind of heart attack again anytime soon;;;;
Honestly, it’s very likely that MC will have to be the one to remind him that she’s fully recovered--and not quite so fragile--well after she’s returned to the normal pace of life.
K = Kisses (how does he like to kiss her?)
Mah heart, mah soul
When it comes to kisses, Leonardo will vary extensively. Will give her teasing pecks intended to make her grab hold of him and force him to linger, smirking into the kiss as she’s instigated to deepen it. When he’s feeling particularly overwhelmed with feeling--say when he’s jealous or frustrated--his kisses will be dizzying; sucking on her tongue and nipping at her lips, caging her against him as he unleashes all of the desire that was building inside him. The intent will be to drown her in passion. Lazy kisses before/after a nap, where he just wants to revel in the heat of her for a moment--express his affection on a whim--before dozing off. And last, but certainly not least, he will kiss her with the express intent of marking her. Due to his inability refusal to bite her, he seeks to relieve that instinct with hickeys all over her body (most frequently around the chest and neck, sometimes along her thighs and hips when he has fun downtown).
L = Love (how does he show her that he loves her?)
This man is Acts of Service through and through when it comes to showing his love. He is exceptionally observant and sensitive to the feelings of others, so the second he sees her in need he is already seeking an externalized solution. His usual modus operandi is to enact his love as covertly as possible; he doesn’t want her feeling guilty for troubling him. That being said, if he has to be direct--he will be. He won’t ever force her, but he will remind her that he is here and that he wants to help more than anything else. If she needs time on her own he’s happy to give it (even if he pouts and fidgets restlessly the whole time). His most acute expression of love is his reliability: taking care of people is the first way he knows how to express affection.
While that tends to be his primary method, it by no means insinuates that he won’t show affection in other ways. If he teases her, it’s because he wants her attention more than anything but is far too shy to say it directly (is he a middle schooler of a lover? Yes). More to the point, asking for her time and her attention is a way that he expresses love because it means he trusts her enough to know the signs, fulfill those needs, and realize that he meant no harm with his nonsense. Though it may sound odd, his desire to rely on her a little (insert is for me? meme) is his way of showing her he’s letting her in, and that’s a very real form of love considering how Herculean an effort it is for him to rely on someone else. It’s the same reason he will sometimes make his room an even bigger disaster zone than usual. He has every intention of cleaning up after himself, he just wants her to bust in and start fussing over him LMAO  (MC: WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS LEONARDO?! Meanwhile Leonardo, an idiot full of uwus at the sight of his beloved exasperated, sitting in a pile of trash: Just according to keikaku)
As odd as it may sound, it’s almost like a weird reverse damsel in distress sort of dynamic? He carefully constructs situations where she can offer him help with the express purpose (and hope) that she will care enough to bust past his enfeebled defenses. It’s so oddly demure for this enormous punk of a man, but I find it adorable ;-;
Other ways he loves to show how he feels is to take her on trips or on little adventures. One of his favorite things to do is to watch her take in places he knows like the back of his hand--or even places new to him--with all the gleeful excitement of a little kid. It just warms him down to the marrow, and makes him have so much more fun than he ever could alone to see her buzz around nonstop. If he can encourage her to relax and take some time for herself in the process, to live for herself a little (she’s all too giving) then he considers the entire endeavor a success. All the effort is worth it if she can remember their time together with a smile Must You Hurt Me Like This, Leonardo.
One form of love that he will behead me for revealing is that he also sketches her all the time in his notebook, and will look to those little moments he’s captured whenever he’s feeling down or she’s not around. 
He will have times where, if he can’t convey something properly with his actions or through making love, he will level with her. He will take the time to try to explain his feelings with accuracy, and in these moments he is both sincere and heartfelt. While it is a more rare expression of love for him, it is earth shattering when he does. Not only because his feelings run so deep, but also because these moments are unmistakably raw. Leonardo knows that vulnerability is a simultaneous boon and bane; it can inspire so much mutual joy, but it can also mean the exposure of lifelong wounds. It means acknowledging that these feelings are real. Even if she never takes advantage of the truth, he is aware of how precarious that position can be the more intense this love gets. It means facing how hollow he will feel when she's gone--something he works very, very hard to look away from.
(A related addendum because I have brainworms: The reason that people love and trust Leonardo is not primarily based in his intellect, fairly natural charisma, or good looks (though they are very compelling elements of his person). I think what people really see is how--though Leonardo sees through to the truth of peoples’ hearts in seconds--he keeps their secrets and treats them with so much respect/gentleness. It’s this odd capacity to be seen without feeling exposed that makes him such a remarkable and interesting man, and why he grows so close to everyone’s hearts. People feel understood without the need for words, feel cared for without a second thought. That being said, I think he needs someone who is similar. A person who sees all that he is on the surface, but barring that forges deeper still to find and cradle those parts of him that still need so much healing/care.
There’s a reason one of the greatest hits to his heart in his MS--one of the moments MC most powerfully gets through to him--is when she essentially says “Don’t give me that. Nobody ever gets used to loss. When something hurts, it hurts.” Whether she realized it or not, she penetrated straight to his heart with those few words. The truth is often much simpler than we might assume, and no matter how much experience one has with certain emotions--particularly grief and loneliness--no amount of experience makes them hurt any less. We only grow better at concealing or coping with age...)
N = Nightmare (what is his worst fear?)
I have a list (from Comte). I keep them alphabetized.
Jkjk, but if I’m honest I think this man has a good amount of fear inside him. I’d say the highest ones up there would absolutely be losing MC very suddenly, or being the reason--whether directly or indirectly--she gets hurt (like if his familia came after her to get back at him? he would be devastated).
If it is a timeline where he does choose to turn her, he’s beside himself at the prospect of the turning process going horribly wrong. It’s an unpredictable transition, and if she were to come back mentally broken or in constant pain (immortal wounds/aberrant) I think it would really fuck him up emotionally. He would blame himself without a doubt ;-; and that’s assuming she doesn’t hate his ass for the rest of eternity if it does go well (Leonardo I am begging you to use one brain cell)
O = Oddity (what is one quirk he has?) This one’s just a crack hc so if you were taking me seriously for any amt of this post, this is my suggestion that you stop
Leonardo is a man of many idiosyncrasies; among them an incapacity to dance and writing in a mirrored hand. 
Another one is his absolute hatred for mint. One of Comte’s favorite things to do to mess with Leonardo is to stuff the drawers in his desk with peppermint candies to ward off his old friend and make him stop sleeping under his desk (like how people will use salt for demons!). He will also drink mint tea if he’s feeling particularly irritated with Leonardo’s antics, like if he’s received a ton of letters from Leonardo’s familia. Tells him to come to his office and the place is SUFFUSED in the scent of mint. Comte is just sitting at his desk with the stack, wearing that incorrigible look like “If I must suffer, so must you.” 
One time--before MC was aware of this quirk--she had some chocolate that had mint in it after dinner. Leonardo kissed her without knowing (he came in late) and literally died where he was standing; he was biting his tongue to keep from gagging. MC just o: ???? because she’s never seen him make that grimace, especially after sharing a kiss. Comte was in fucking tears laughing at the head of the dining table while Napoleon and Sebastian were both fighting a smile--Arthur was outright wheezing. Isaac, blushing and coughing lightly into his fist, offers the explanation that Leonardo hates mint-flavored things and the scent of it makes him queasy. 
W = Warrior (how does he feel about her fighting? Would he fight for her, beside her, etc?)
Man, this one’s tough, but if I’m honest I think he would be conflicted. On the one hand, he thinks it’s badass and hot as all fuck that she knows how to hold her own in a brawl; he can’t deny it’s sexy and reassuring (he has to resist the urge to gaud her into punching him). But. That knowledge also comes with a lot of concern. Was she in a place or around people that never once looked after her? Or was it a safety precaution? He will think deeply about the implications of her capabilities, and ask about it openly if he can’t deduce the reasons from afar. He will see it as very important information in regards to how to look after her properly.
That being said, I don’t think he would let his MC fight unless there was literally no other conceivable choice (say she was attacked while he wasn’t there or before he could intercept the blow). He would literally rather fall on a sword than see her get hurt. He’s durable and used to pain; he’d rather suffer and heal fast than see her sustain a single scar or bruise. Even if it makes her angry, he’ll take a hit and ask her to stay behind him every single time without fail. He’ll accept her frustration about it and will feel that it is perfectly valid to be annoyed with him. It still won’t make him budge, though. 
Z = Zen (what makes him feel calm?)
Naps and lingering in bed well after morning with MC make this man happier and calmer than anything this world has ever seen. He loves that in those moments they aren’t thinking about anything else but each other, and he can indulge in the certainty of her presence in his life and so close to his heart. He can use the excuse of drowsiness to be tender, making love with a slow, devastating build to pleasure--hand entwined with hers against the sheets. 
Failing that, he goes to things that stimulate his senses to find calm--he can’t really relax if his hands and/or mind aren’t occupied (i.e. cigarillos lmao). It’s why he’s often in the library; he’s always seeking new information and conundrums to sort out mentally if he doesn’t have the energy to go out and about. If he’s in his room he’ll be drafting diagrams, coming up with new concepts and architectural schematics, even making trinkets for MC or fixing something in the mansion. If he needs a change of scene or has the spoons, he’ll make a trip to town to help people with any problems that need solving, or find some excuse to go looking for and tease MC HAHA (he’s a little shit, but he’s our little shit ĂșwĂč)
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salamoonder · 5 years ago
thoughts on cr episode 108 before i disappear into my writing hole:
drunk characters are so so good for character development conversations, ugh
i’m so super proud of caleb and my widobrave heart is exploding right alongside my empire-siblings-cohabitate-endgame thoughts because they are literally perfectly suited to one another
if sam leaves again i will scream
okay the big salt: the beau, cad, fjord conversation made me suuuuper uncomfortable. i have no doubt that jester would be horrified, betrayed, hurt, etc. if she knew they were talking like that. literally it was “okay so we all silently agreed that we’re going to humor jester and treat her like a child in need of a bodyguard behind her back right”. gross. gross gross. beau’s attitude in particular was...i don’t know if y’all have ever had a friend who Hates your best friend that you have known all your life and keeps saying they want to punch them despite having actually interacted with them a total of maybe three times, even if said best friend is being Gross, but it is an awful, awful feeling.
HAVING SAID THIS. i shouldn’t have to put this reminder but because some people like to indiscriminately hate on the actors instead of the characters: i support all of their character choices, really i do, and i also think laura has been deliberately encouraging the infantilization of jester (in the characters, at least) for quite some time. see how insistent she got that matt not reveal jester’s age. i’m interested to see what comes of this character arc.
also caduceus,,,number one offender in treating jester like a child but tbh it’s cause he does it with the whole rest of the nein too. caddy. blease. i love you. i get that you’re the second youngest and therefore you have to be Like This whenever you encounter new people younger than you but pleaaase
alright anyway. salt over, “i want to be wherever you are” fucking broke me
veth is a legend don’t look at me don’t touch me i fucking love veth oh my god oh my g
me during the break in my head was just a dozen different scenarios of “ok here’s how moonweaver cleric jester can still win”
the dichotomy of fjord letting go of caduceus and telling jester she had to let go? absolutely beautiful
on that note. i do not like how fjord was engaging w beau and caduceus as aforementioned but kudos to him by facilitating her making her own choice. i was sure he was going to thunder step outta there and just hope she wouldn’t resist but he surprised me. thank you fjord for letting her make that choice.
as an aside i find the moonweaver’s double standards genuinely hilarious. but also jester lavorre loves deeply enough to impress a god and idk if we can beat that tbh
to be honest it’s been hard for my brain to pay attention to anything else bc a voice in the back of my head is screaming, REXXENTRUM ARC REXXENTRUM ARC REXXENTRUM ARC
yall. listen
i want caleb to go kill trent and get astrid and wulf out So Bad
i say “get them out” bc i think it’s fair to say even at this point we still don’t know how much they’re acting of their own free will. like they’re definitely making Some Choices but even if they’re not being magically controlled anymore i assume trent has collateral on all his students, in case someone gets Ideas
i’m so torn between “super happy that they’re maybe going back to rexxentrum” and “my blumendrei epic is nowhere near done and i want more time to finish it before all my headcanons are likely entirely shattered by canon”
but also i want to see how accurate some of my predictions/guesswork is
i’m fucking stuck yall
i genuinely forgot how much i love yussa
also it’s hilarious how much yussa was supposed to be the essek but now essek is the essek like the m9 couldn’t go for the “vaguely-broody-and-prideful-but-essentially-good-mage” nah it had to be “this man literally did not care that he helped start a war”
also i miss essek
cannot fucking wait for sam to smack us all with like the third shoe dropping when veth talks to yeza again
anyway that’s about it for now feel free to send me asks on any of this apologies for the context-less salt last night i am happy to clarify any of it i will be answering all the asks sitting in my inbox now
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illfoandillfie · 5 years ago
Oh my gosh what about 40 except it’s her who texts the wrong person? With any of the boys I can’t choose lol
40. Called/texted the wrong person but she he was into it anyway.
Okay babe, this was a Very Good prompt. Originally didn’t plan to have quite so much smut but hhhhhhhh its midnight and i am worked the fuck up after a day of writing these things. Also it’s like 1500 words so I’m gonna chuck this one under a cut.
Also also, I went with Gwil because I haven’t had any gwil recs so blease be kind I don’t write him so often.
“u up? I need u” you sent the text quickly, hoping the guyyou’d had an off and on fuck buddy setup with would be around to answer.
“It’s 1am, why do you need me?”
More words than you’d expected. Normally he’d reply with athumbs up or down. But you didn’t think about it too much before replying. “myvibes out of batteries and my fingers aren’t working”
There was a long pause. Also unusual. Normally if he wasfree he’d reply within seconds. You glanced back up at the previous messages.Why was there a text in there about leaving your sweater at his place? You hadn’tbeen to his place recently. Your brain ticked over, slowly putting the piecesof the puzzle together until you realised your mistake. You took another lookat the name of the person you’d texted. GWILYM. Oh fuck. With all the speed youcould muster you began typing out a quick apology and explanation but beforeyou could hit send he’d responded.
“Poor baby girl. Can’t leave you like that, can we. Yours ormine?”
That was the last thing you’d expected him to say. Youshould let him know you’d texted him by accident though, shouldn’t you? Thatwas the polite thing to do. Your thumb hovered over the send button but youdrew it back again. The thing was, he was apparently not opposed to the idea.And if you told him you’d been thinking of someone else then he’d probably loosehis nerve or his interest. And really that would just leave you to booty call aguy who may or may not respond. But this was an almost guaranteed fuck. Sure,the potential for awkwardness was much higher but Gwil was very attractive andit wasn’t like you hadn’t considered it before. You deleted half the apologymessage and stopped again, reconsidering. Maybe he’d been joking. You retypedthe next three words of the apology. But he didn’t sound like he was joking. Sofuck it. Right? Yeah, fuck it. You’d just fuck Gwil instead of the guy younormally went to. You finished deleting the apology quickly typing back “mine?”
“I’ll be there in 10,” It came through a lot faster than theprevious messages. Okay. So he was coming over and he was eager. You lookedaround your room to make sure it was tidy enough for company, swinging yourlegs out of bed and walking towards your front door to wait. You stood, armsfolded over your chest for a couple of minutes, but the chill of the tiles creptup your bare legs, so you began pacing up and down the corridor, waiting forGwil to arrive. Around ten minutes later you heard a knock on your door, startlingyou from your reverie. You didn’t bother pretending to wait a few minutes,instead opening the front door before he’d managed to lower his fist. You weretoo worked up to worry about whether or not you looked desperate.
“Hi,” he said as soon as he saw you, “apparently you needme?”
All you could manage was to nod as you stepped out of thewalkway, letting him in.
“You that needy you can’t even talk?” He chuckled softly,dropping his overnight bag by the door and stepping in close to drag his thumbover your lips. You watched his eyes slowly creep up your body, taking in your nakedlegs and the oversized shirt you wore, “Good thing I’m here then, isn’t itdarling? Your room’s down this way, if I remember correctly?”
He laughed again as he let you go, turning to walk towardsyour room, trusting you’d follow. Which you did, of course.
“I think I know what the answer to this is but I’ve gottaask anyway, I was a wrong number right?”
“Yeah,” you said sheepishly, closing your bedroom doorbehind you.
“But you’re still okay with me being here?”
“Yes. I just really really need a good fuck,”
“Don’t worry about that, darling, you’ll get what you want.But you need to understand something. I’m not just some fuck. I don’t expect usto date after tonight or even for this to happen again. But I’m not just arandom booty call you can use and then lose. Okay? So if that’s a problem foryou, speak up now.”
“No, there’s no problem. I understand.”
“Good girl,”
You felt a shiver run through you with his praise. Or maybethat was because he was once again standing in your personal space, slippinghis hands under the hem of your shirt. You had to grab onto his arm forstability when his elegant fingers came into contact with your core.
“You poor desperate little thing. Completely soaked already.”
“Please Gwil, I want you so bad.”
“I know sweetheart. But, while you might be ready, I’m not. Youable to help me out?”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth you were droppingto your knees, making short work of his fly and pushing his pants down hislegs. He calmly told you to wait as he stepped out of them and added his shirtto the pile before finally allowing you to touch him. With a look up at him tomake sure he was okay with the morning’s events you leaned in and ran yourtongue along his half hard length. You went as slow as you could manage consideringyou were running on pure need, trailing hot open-mouthed kisses up and down hisshaft until he grew impatient enough to warningly say your name. You took thehint, switching to suck on his tip as you pumped him slowly. He tangled his fingersinto your hair, making you hum as you slowly bobbed your head over him. He hadto remind you to be patient n a few times, his voice a low growl and his gripon your hair tightening slightly. But you could hardly be blamed for want tomove things along a little faster. You were just about dripping with how badlyyou wanted him in your pussy.
Eventually he relented, praising you for being such a goodlittle cockslut, sucking him off so well.
“But you want more, don’t you darling? Want me to fuck yourneedy little pussy?”
“God yes Gwil, please.”
He held his hand out to help pull you to your feet, “How doyou want me?”
“I don’t care,”
“Alright, I suppose you’ve waited long enough. On the bed,on your back. I’m going to watch your pretty face when you cum and I expect tohear you moaning my name.”
He didn’t have to wait long to hear it, a rough, “oh fuckGwil,” falling from your lips as soon as he entered you. The slight burn fromthe stretch only made it more delicious as you finally got what you’d so badlyneeded. Another shaky moan was pulled from you as he readjusted your position,lifting your legs up over his shoulders, letting him sink even deeper. Hestarted carefully, giving you a moment or two to adjust to him before he beganrolling his hips against yours. Almost gentle at first but your pleading formore, faster, harder had him changing his pace, thrusting into you roughly,making you cry out with every one. And he kept up a string of praise, callingyou a good girl for being so vocal for him, telling you how turned on he wasbut how fucking wet you were, how good you felt. You shook when you finally came,finally got the release you’d been craving, Your voice caught in your throatand you grabbed at the sheets so tight you thought you might have ripped themwith your nails. He kept fucking you through it, even when his own release hit,his grunts puncturing the air until you were choking out his name.
Carefully he pulled out of you. You were vaguely aware thathe’d got up, left the room, half expecting to find him gone when you finallysummoned the strength to move. But he returned a minute later with a glass ofwater and a warm cloth.
“Do you mind?” He asked, holding the cloth up. You shookyour head, and he cleaned you up as carefully as he could. When he was done hegave you a hand to sit up and handed you the water.
“Drink, Y/N.”
You mumbled a small thank you and gulped down the entireglass.
“Yes, thanks. Are you staying?”
“If that’s alright. I brought an overnight bag but I wasn’tsure.”
“I’d like it if you did. Plus, you must be tired after that,can’t ask you to drive now.”
He smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m gonna go pee. I’ll grab a change of sheets on my wayback.”
“Wait, put this back on,” He handed you the shirt you’d beenwearing when he arrived and you noticed his underpants were back in place.
Together you managed to get the sheets changed, and thencollapsed onto the bed, snuggling in close to each other.
“I don’t know if I want to know but can I ask how I compareto the guy you meant to text?”
“So much better. He usually leaves as soon as we’re done.”
“Maybe you should forget his number. Call me again.”
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jensonsbuttons · 4 years ago
Directors commentary on the magnificent college au BLEASE
Stacey my dear friend........directors commentary on “The One Where They All Go To College” is under the cut please enjoy :D
and yes i am still doing commentary so if anyone wants, send in a star or the name of a fic and i will give some commentary about it!
all right. so. the college au. This is my baby. Well, one of them. I’ve got something emerging from the ashes but that is a longgggg way away. REGARDLESS. The College Au is something that, once again, took me my the hand and just will not let go (i say as i haven’t updated in a few weeks.) 
I think things like this are always fun to create and imagine and plan. There’s something that’s just pure thrill of getting to say “oh he’s this major!” or “Oh i wonder who this teacher should be or if we’ll hear from them at all!” and everything else. Planning stories is one of my favorite parts of the writing process and getting to plan out this fic (with some help from the chat) has been something just... that I’m proud of and everything cause of how it’s turned out so far.
The storyline with the Twitch Quartet attending college was pretty simple. The chat said basically something about the TV show community and I just started going from there. The Twitch Quartet seemed like the easiest group to get together in a fic, especially at a college au. They’re all relatively the same age and have such a great chemistry that its fun to show that. I think the biggest thing was saying to myself “okay who are our supporting characters?” And then the rest went from there.
I think I wanted to write a Nicky & George fic for a while. I did a quick one shot with them and that got me hooked onto some of the characterization I’d given them so using that I was able to see how that might go in a college setting. With the rest of the quartet and Lance and some other characters that aren’t there just yet, it was really just me saying “okay, do I want to try this or not?” Because while I’d written Lando and Charles before, it still is something new putting them into a different AU. So, I did a little research but I think it paid off cause the antics that everyone gets up to are some of my favorite parts.
The antics are mainly just things that, you know, would most likely happen with this group in this story. Stealing food from one another, barging into one another’s apartments. It’s all just classically them but again taken and put into a new setting.
Other than the antics, I think part of the fun of this story is that its full of cliches and tropes and as much as they can be overused, if they’re done correctly, they’re pretty fun. Having George and Nicholas run into each other so much wasn’t originally the full plan but I also wanted to show a little of each character and I thought that was the best way to do it. There were a ton of meet cute ideas I was thinking of (including the college coffee shop cause hey, Nicky does love his coffee) but eventually running into each other seemed just dumb enough and perfect enough.
The professors and instructors weren’t originally going to be added to the story but when one of my friends suggested that Toto was a history professor then that just kind of stuck with me. He isn’t in the story but I thought “okay who are some of the older people in the F1 community or team bosses or whatever that obviously have a big impact on these drivers?” You know, you see George in the Mercedes garage and whenever he was younger he was right next to Toto. It’s stuff like that where I just kind of go “okay this might work.” And when I ran with it, it seemed to fit.
Overall, even the story is filled with trope after trope and is absolutely cheesy, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m really proud of it (especially since it’s my first multi-chapter story) and it’s really fun to write. I hope it’s as fun to read as it is for me writing cause thats the aim!!! Hopefully I will have a new chapter up soon and thank you again for the ask stacey!!! I will be glad to ramble spoiler-free about the college au any day :D
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inklingofadream · 4 years ago
k ignore this prlly bc its just me listing my to do list and hoping ill b more accountable to tumblr than my whiteboard. or dont, idc. send me an ask in 3 hours asking if i did my stuff if the spirit moves you, this is your life, do what you will
clean my room o no i got hair dye everywhere and have cleaning checks next week the situation has never been more dire
clean the dye stains out of the tub
put the dirty laundry away im better than this how does it keep happening
put the craft supplies in the bin instead of the middle of the floor
find somewhere to put the spare embroidery hoops so i can use my desk again
take the trash out
clean my waterbottle and makeup brushes im going to get a disease
do my online friday stuff for medieval lit
do my online discussions for latinx lit
do my online discussion for native american studies-do my secondary source reading for my capstone so i know what kind of thesis and primary sources i need (if anyones still reading this come pester me abt what the central thesis of “quilting and human rights” is sometime around sunday lol)
catch up on the reading for latinx lit and folk art
list out and start next weeks reading,, prlly list assignments to so i stop missing em
watch the like 5 lectures i need to watch rip me
work on the next chapter of ttab blease i wanna have something to post tuesday so bad
ask my mom to acquire Quarters so i can do laundry
find a thing for that artifact paper for medieval lit
remember to tune in to Natalie (shakes fist)’s class at quarter to 3
get the locktite out and stick my schedule on the wall so i stop finding it under the bed
make a grocery list
convert my knight of the burning pestle pattern to digital somehow so i dont have 19999 pieces of paper to keep track of
watch prodigal son or the mandalorian or literally anything that isnt on youtube bc i only associate youtube with wasting time playing sudoku and copy my notes out into the notebooks in stage 2 of the battle against random sheets of paper everywhere
work on Any prompt from my inbox... tbh if u are for some reason reading this n you sent me a prompt i havent written send me an ask pestering... u can add on and hope it sparks inspiration of be like.”.. recall web!martin? blease” and it’ll prolly spark guilt... if ur supporting my to do list n giving me attention u Deserve it
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soysaurus · 4 years ago
exposing wip titles tag game (i wrote 'help' instead of 'game' the first time by accident but still...same)
i was tagged by @my-head-is-underwater !! thanks :D their wip titles are so funny yall blease skjbdfkd
ok! onto rules!
Rules: Post the file names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous the name. Send me an ask with the title that intrigues you the most and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it! Tag as many people as you have wips!
i'm not tagging as many people as i have wips bc we will be here all day and i highkey don't want to bother that many people lmao (rip to those that i am bothering tho :P)
anw @cheren-chan @lionalicelives @ohmoka @vhaenya @plagueofskeletons @gf0 (sorry if u aren't zero. i think you are zero tho. i've spent too long stupidly debating abt this in my head kJBDSKJFGBDF) @butterfly-apocalypse @hopeforyesterday
ofc, this is only if you want to! (sorry if you've been tagged before!) and anyone else who i haven't tagged feel free to do as well hehe. i'm going to put my wip titles under the cut so this post isn't a million years long lol
tumblr keeps breaking as i try to write this post so. [fingers crossed] let's start! feel free to laugh at any and all cringe wip titles—my thoughts will be in square brackets! (me after writing all the doc titles: these are more...put-together than i thought they were)
categories: bnha bsd jjk original stuff
1. nonsensical plot points 2. trip through the cracks in our wall 3. watch the stars misalign 4. a big, blue sky 5. all your love (i'm out of luck) 6. angry touya??? 7. behind the stage lights 8. but then rapunzel chaos furry gang arrived 9. Copy of in the 5am light 10. dreamers 11. ew, your music taste... 12. get loose, streetfighter (tear it up) 13. GotG: BNHA Edition [my god...this is so old...back from when i actually used capitalisation in fic titles....] 14. i wanna ruin our friendship (we should be lovers instead) [we all know which song this placeholder title was inspired by] 15. in the 5am light 16. in the bathtub, head full of lavender and ash 17. lately, you've been on my mind 18. league of getting banned from the library 19. marshmallow candle lights 20. natshig w a painful side of dabihawks pining (well, really just hawks) and togachako too apparently 21. spiderman au 22. swan feathers 23. takes a toll (my foolish pride) [this is another...really unfinished wip. also another placeholder inspired by a song] 24. that dabi, hawks, rumi idea 25. the showdown 26. the showdown attempt 2 27. traitors taking over, rip mina but fUcK mE 28. vigilante pizza, pls, with a side of salted crime 29. wanna hear a fun fact? u suck [u do not suck] 30. we try (only to say goodbye) 31. wherE iS thE cORN cronch cronch conch cornch 32. who's scarred now? 33. you can be my record (we can go spinning in the midnight discos) [i don't even remember this one...] 34. crossfire 35. it gets lonely at the top (so hold me down on the ground with you)
1. Copy of Untitled document 2. Copy of one life ends, and another begins 3. fake dating au attempt 1 4. help 5. lions in the mirror (everything's a little jaded) 6. mermaid hunter au 7. overdrive 8. red like oxblood 9. sorry, you're stuck with me forever???
1. chrysalis 2. clouds fall, we drift 3. curtainfall 4. hologram glasses 5. kissing drabbles 6. neighbours au
original stuff:
1. thundersnow 2. bad bishes club 3. carmen and nathan apparently 4. five day old fries, why you go mouldy on me? 5. glad you came 6. piss riley 7. purple dragons in our head
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ttgodhead · 5 years ago
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do you want a fancy circle? bitch i can provide
give me a word or phrase or whatever and i will turn it into fancy circles. that shit up there? those say things and have a meaning even if i forgot them five seconds after finishing
commission rules:
i wont make slurs
i wont make racist shit
basically if you want to make a hateful circle i have the right to say no
when im done with it ill send you the file and you can do literally whatever you want with it just as long as i get to post it and be like “yo look at this shit i made”
literally after that go hog wild
how prices work (all usd):
single word: $2
multiple words: $2.50 per word
multiple sentences: $2.50 per word + $0.50 per additional sentence
you can pick two colors for free but any extra colors cost an extra $0.50
so image 1 with the blue and purple one would cost $12.50 image 2 was $10 each circle in the 3rd pic was $2 the colorful bitch in the middle of image 4 was $9 ($7.50 for the words plus $1.50 for the extra colors)
blease hit me up via ask or dm or hell even my twitter if you might be interested in this cause as the banner said this bitch is broke
(credit for edit used in the banner: x)
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babbushka · 6 years ago
blease zannah i beg you tell us about young flip lol
ask and you shall receive :) 
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Flip went to work straight out of high school. Neither his father or his grandfather went to college, so it wasn’t something that Flip thought he could ever do. Instead he worked in the family lumber business from about 18-22 years old before he started considering joining the police force to become a detective. 
He liked lumber, he was good at it, but it was a very manly job, and he was only ever surrounded by big older guys -- so when he sees you for the first time he is so out of his depth that he doesn’t know what to do with himself lmao 
He sees you for the first time at the community library, you got a job there just as someone who works the front desk, stocking shelves and stamping return cards, that sort of thing. 
His mother wanted to check out some books so she sent Flip to go get them and he literally has to leave because he got himself all anxious about even approaching the check-out desk (his mom isn’t too happy about it until she learns why he came back empty-handed lol)
Thus begins the 2 years of pining where Flip will straight up walk into the library, read a ton of shit (mostly westerns) but never check any books out or ask any questions because anytime you pass him to go restock shelves he turns bright red and has to go home immediately. 
The boy is a disaster he used his budding detective skills to find out what your name is but that took like 3 weeks because he didn’t want to seem creepy
Flip literally hides behind his mother (which is hard to do when you’re 6â€Č3″ and your mom is maybe 5â€Č5″) whenever he has to go to temple because he knows you’re gonna be there and he’s really just praying you don’t notice him lmao
(but like #1 of course you notice him you’re equally as infatuated with him because he doesn’t realize but y’all were in the same goddamned home room class in high school lmao you’re both a mess and #2 you absolutely recognize him because he comes into the library like 3 times a week and he’s so cute)
Once he brought in a valentines day card to give to you but he got nervous so he just put it in the return book slot and fled lmao (Flip doesn’t know but you still have it to this day
Another time he was fully prepared to talk to you but when the time finally came he walked right up to the desk .....and you had just left for your lunch break
All his friends and his family tease him about it, so much so that they start using the threat of you as a way to get him to do things. “Philly if you don’t clean this room i will invite (Y/N) over for dinner don’t you think i won’t” 
With all these grand plans of his to finally introduce himself to you, the reality is so par for the course that looking back on it now, Flip is not surprised whatsoever that his luck would turn out Like This:
As mentioned in a previous ask, he meets you because as he’s walking down the street one snowy Colorado winter, you throw a snowball at your friend and it goes waaaay off, and smacks him straight in the head and he topples over lmao
The sidewalk was already so slick with ice that the startle from being hit sends him straight to the ground and he smacks his head on the sidewalk 
You, mortified, rush to help him up (tripping and sliding on the snow in your haste) and he straight up asks “are you an angel?” because you’re just far too pretty to be real. This makes you blush and when he realizes what he’s said, his face turns so hot that he’s sure the snow melts off lol
He gets up recovers by asking for your number, “so i can teach you how to pitch” (smooth so smooth zimmerman) 
You give it to him with a laugh, write it straight on his hand, and he pretends to be calm, cool, and collected as he walks away
The second he gets home he shouts MA GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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scummy-writes · 5 years ago
I got a buncha asks, and I'm very grateful and do indeed plan to write at least a few of them out, but I'm going to make a few specifications that I didn't think to put down (sorry! My fault completely!).
- I'm not very comfy with nobu or shakes, so unfortunately I won't write anything with those two
- Please no more than three characters max TvT
- the responses are going to be *at most* drabbles, if not just quick bulletpoints, so please keep in mind that when sending asks, these will not be full fledged fics tvt sorry
- I got a lot of cool prompts, but some were kinda intricate, please know I'm just primarily in the mood for simple request type things. (Example being like "Hey, do you think X would enjoy owning a phone? What apps would they use the most?") (Poor example but have mercy on me blease)
- I may not do every ask I get, and that it'll take me time to do any of these
I used to have a rules page years ago, but I don't think these request moments will continue indefinitely, so I don't have,,, a new one,,, if you have any qs about if I would be willing to write about a certain subject, hmu!
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in-tua-deep · 6 years ago
With the deamon a. If you wanted to make a kinda Luther angsty thing. Fives deamon is observant right? So you could potentially have a scene with the other siblings teaming up to belittle andromeda/Luther and she seems to don’t be bugged by it but after the others leave her and Luther just kinda crumple into each other while fives deamon observers and reports to five? Sorry if I’m overstepping things
not an overstep at all!! blease send me any and all things about my aus bc i adore discussing them, even if I don’t respond for a while bc of my ask backlog oops
GOD Andromeda is like,, she tries to be so strong and regal because she wants to be just like Reginald’s daemon who is the very definition of grace, but she settled as this big muscular dog and she’s trying her best to be leader?? But Val hates her, Raph has drifted away, Rowan and her have never gotten along, Pancha vanished, Tamaya pretended she was dead for literal years, and Pollux and her have never had a relationship to speak of oof
So she would never break down in front of anyone - not like Luther breaks down. I mean, when they’re drunk and mourning their perceived relationship with their father, Andromeda is probably whining the whole time but that’s different
So yeah I think if everyone was being mean to her/Luther, when they left she would just quietly go to Luther and climb into his lap (and she’s a big dog, but he’s an even bigger human) and hook her head over his shoulder and basically let him/make him cling to her. The one comfort they were allowed in the house was each other when they were alone. When Luther needs the support, he had Andromeda leaning heavy against his leg, a constant presence and comfort
and Pancha isn’t required to stay by Five’s side, and they’re both damaged, and where Five expresses their trauma by pushing the others away and insisting on doing things for himself (to protect them as much as anything else, they fought against whatever caused the apocalypse and they died - he can’t risk that happening again), Pancha expresses their trauma by basically shadowing the siblings and trying to be as close as possible without actually just burrowing into their sides and pretending everything is okay (Five is okay with this, because it means that if his siblings are attacked or something happens to them, Pancha will radiate horror and fright down the bond and Five can spatial jump right to her side - a talent they have always had that is an extension of their powers)
and when Pancha is watching she keeps to the shadows out of habit (in the commission she never spoke, and was almost always out of sight - she hates the Handler with a ferocity born in fear and nurtured in the heart of a deep and simmering fury) and so yeah it’s not unlikely that she would see the way Luther and Andromeda act when everyone isn’t around
and Pancha is all fright and fury and explosive love for her family in one neat little package and she worked way too hard to get back to these losers to risk losing any of them now. I mentioned in previous posts that even though Five still insults his siblings, Pancha is suspiciously silent on the matter
well she breaks her silence when they all start insulting one another
she stands up on her legs and shows her sharp teeth and she dares the rest of the family to breathe another negative word in her earshot (and her hearing range is very good - those ears aren’t just for show) because yes, Luther doesn’t think and Andromeda is arrogant but they’re her siblings and she won’t stand for any insult towards them even if those insults come from the rest of her siblings
she especially won’t stand for any comments about Luther and Andromeda bringing up the moon. They were up there isolated from everyone but each other for four years. And yeah, maybe that’s not as much as forty years, but Pancha knows isolation like the back of her hand. She knows trauma.
and if they don’t listen to Pancha well,, there’s always Five who is usually content to allow Pancha to be the emotional part of their duo so that he doesn’t have to be but who is ABSOLUTELY willing to back up his daemon in anything and everything and also if Five says anything mean to Luther while Pancha is feeling sympathetic to him she WILL bite his ankles and Five knows this
Honestly I don’t talk about Pancha and Five’s relationship enough because it’s decidedly a bit odd for a daemon relationship in that it’s somehow simultaneously way closer (because for forty odd years they only had each other and so the get one another on a level that most people just,, don’t understand their daemons and somewhat distant (because Pancha never settled and because they’re fairly content with splitting up - though primarily because they’re aware they can spatial jump to one another’s side in an instant if they feel the other in distress)
They’re almost always on the same page but rarely show that they are, Pancha shows a lot more symptoms of Five’s trauma than he does because her expressing it allows him to suppress it better. They argue a lot between themselves, but it’s more bickering for the sake of bickering than it is actual arguing. They frequently communicate using feelings between themselves rather than actual words, or a mix of the two which leads to bizarre conversations that’s almost like listening to someone on the phone where you only get half the context
(Pancha is very quiet - to everyone except for Five, at least at first)
i went off topic but also it’s like almost 3am so i am allowed to ramble shhh
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connor-murphy-trash · 6 years ago
hi can i blease have some modern au Race hcs? idc what i just love him
AN: Hi guys! I am so sorry this has been in my inbox for forever. I’m not sure if this is even coherent at this point because I wrote to over the course of two weeks because I couldn’t focus on it. So I don’t know how this came out. But I hope you enjoy it anyways!
TW: Being sick, talks about an orphanage
Word Count: 1,733
Genre: Fluff
You were the new kid in school
It was your first week there
You would always ride the bus
Your parents used the only car your family had so they could go to work
Of course, the bus you rode was always the last one to show up
So you would hang around just people watching or working on some homework or something
But you were stuck on a question for your bio homework
Then you spotted someone across the room who was in the same class as you
So you went to ask him for help
You walked over to him
And he was sitting with a bunch of other boys
Who you assumed were all friends because they seemed to always ride the same bus and hang out together at lunch
You introduced yourself to him
And he said his name was Elmer
He walked you back to the bench you were originally sitting on
And helped you with the question
Once it was done
You thanked him
And started talking
His bus was about to pull up so you quickly exchanged numbers so if you had any more questions about the homework he could help you
Soon after Elmer’s bus left
Yours arrived
Later that night you and Elmer started talking again
Just getting to know each other
You told him how nice it was to have someone to talk with
Considering you hadn’t made any new friends at the school yet
So Elmer invited you to sit with him and some of his other friends at lunch the next day
You agreed to do so
So the next day you met his friends
And there were a LOT of them
Luckily you got on quite well with them all
You aren’t going to lie tho
It was kinda intimidating
There were just so many of them to keep track of
Then you asked how they all had met
In the most casual way, you had ever heard
Albert said that they all lived at the same orphanage
You were slightly shocked by this
You just didn’t expect it
But you accepted it and moved on with the conversation
The boy nicknamed Finch was telling you about how good his aim with a slingshot is
When a VERY attractive blond boy sat in the only empty seat left at the table
Which just so happened to be right next to you
“Are you guys trying to replace me with some new kid?”
He gasped and made an overdramatic hurt expression
Which made you laugh a little
Hearing you laugh made the boy smile slightly
You introduced yourself and he said  he went by the name Racetrack Higgins
Race for short
“Well it’s very nice to meet you ‘Race for Short’”
It was his turn to laugh at your joke
“I like them, Jack can we keep them?”
Jack seemed like he was the main person in charge
All of the other boys seemed to look up to him and respect his decisions
So when Race asked this
Everyone’s attention turned to Jack
“I suppose if they want to stick around, they can”
The boys were very happy about this
It was surprising to have so much praise just because Jack said you could stay
You guess then that’s a big deal
They even add you to their group chat
Which you imagine is going to be constantly blowing up your phone
But it’s okay
Because you finally made some friends!
A few weeks later, you were fully part of their group
You got a chance to message and talk with each of them individually
And you loved them all
But you loved Race the most
As in
You developed a slight crush on him
But you weren’t going to act on those feelings
You just barely became friends with everyone
You weren’t going to ruin that all because you had a crush
Everything was going amazing with your new group of friends
You were super close to Elmer, Jojo, Mush, and Davey
But you loved all of the boys
And girls
Jack was officially dating Katherine Plummer
Apparently, he had been pining over her for a while
So it was kinda a big deal
Also Davey’s sister, Sarah, recently started hanging out with you guys too
It was nice to have some gal pals and not be stuck with the boys all the time
One day you had to stay home from school because you were sick
You normally would have the first period with Jojo, Specs, and Race
So when both you and Race didn’t show up
Specs asked if you were out for the day in the group chat
He said that Race was home sick too
You weren’t the closest with Race
Because you didn’t want your feelings for him to grow and ruin your chance in the whole friend group
So when he texted you privately
And asked how you were doing
It threw you off a little
But you did have to admit
It was nice knowing he cared about you
You told him about how you weren’t feeling well
You had a fever and could barely breathe and had a bad cough
Basically, you had a really bad cold
And apparently, Race had one too
Just not quite as bad as you
You couldn’t really do much but lay in bed
Whereas Race just had a stuffy nose and a bit of a cough
So he offered to come over to your house and keep you company
Also to take care of you because both of your parents were going to be at work all day
You tried to make up an excuse because you didn’t want your crush to see you when you were this gross and sick
But your foggy brain couldn’t think of any good ones
So you reluctantly agreed
Race got to your house about a half hour later
Despite it being a ten-minute drive from the orphanage to your house
When Race showed up
He had a shopping bag filled with things
Simple snacks like crackers, cheerios, Sprite, etc
And a few things to entertain you both like movies and playing cards
You were not expecting all of that
But it was sweet nonetheless
You guys played a few rounds of go fish
Because that’s all you could handle mentally at the moment
And afterward, you were exhausted
Having no energy sucks
But Race didn’t want you to push yourself
So he offered to put on a movie
He apparently brought a bunch of Disney and Pixar movies
And he had you choose which one to watch first
You chose Tangled
He put it into your computer and set it up to play on your TV
Then he sat next to you on your bed
His back up against your headboard
Sitting on top of the blankets
You were laying underneath them curled into a ball
“You can lay down with me Race, it’s okay”
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I’m okay right here.”
“Race you are sick too. I’m telling you to lay down, you don’t have a choice.”
So he scooted down so he was laying
Still on top of the blankets
“Get your ass under here Race. You are going to get cold.”
“Are you sure, Y/N?”
He was so nervous about making you feel weird
It was cute
But you told him to get under the blankets
So he did
And he stayed on his side of the bed
Eventually, you started to drift into sleep
As you were only half asleep you said you were cold
And you cuddled into Races side
You put your head onto his chest
And wrapped an arm around his middle
“Is this okay?” you mumbled
Even tho you were half asleep and didn’t really know what you were doing you still asked
That made him blush a little
He said it was okay
Then he slowly wrapped his arms around you
As if he was protecting you from the outside world
He repeated your question to make sure you were comfortable with it
All he got in response was a slight head nod and a small hum of approval
And you snuggling even closer to him
Now he was really blushing
He was glad your eyes were closed so you couldn’t see it
Or the small smile that was forming on his face
Soon you drifted off into a peaceful dreamland
Race stayed awake for a little while just watching the movie
And making sure you slept peacefully
But eventually, the wear of the day mixed with the fact that he was also ill got to him
And he too drifted off into a peaceful slumber with you in his arms
Right where you belonged
Once school ended Sarah and Davey came over to your house to check on you
They had texted you earlier in the day to make sure that was okay
They let themselves into your house
And went up to your bedroom
Their jaws dropped when they saw you and Race cuddled up sleeping
Sarah immediately took out her phone and snapped a pic of you two
They decided you looked well taken care of
So they left a note on your desk and went home
About 20 mins later both your phone and Races were blowing up and awoke you from your peaceful slumber
You both checked your phone and the group chat was freaking out
You scroll up to the top of the new messages
NEW TEXT FROM: Sar BearđŸ’–đŸ»
“Davey and I went to check on you two, but you seemed to be doing just fine without us 😉😍”
*insert picture of you and Race cuddled up with a Disney movie in the background*
All of the boys were hounding on you two in the chat
Sending heart eyes, key smashes, and “I SHIP IT"’s
Also some “I called it!” and “Use protection”’s
When you saw all this you were so embarrassed
You wanted to hide away forever
But before you could pull away from the cuddling position you were in with Race
He held you even tighter to his body
And gave you a small kiss on your forehead
Maybe getting tested wasn’t going to be too bad
As long as you had Race right by your side
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