#blaser group
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attackcopterblog · 11 months ago
Blaser Group has gone live with the new F16 Pro Series Shotgun. Blaser Group states “Blaser is pleased to announce its new F16 Pro Series over-and-under competition shotgun is now shipping. Designed by Blaser Pro Staff and World Champion shooter Cory Kruse, and available in right-handed and left-handed models, the 12-gauge F16 Pro Series is a tricked-out version of the standard F16 Sporting…
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howlsofbloodhounds · 7 months ago
Stupid Bad guys questions, that are as thought provoking as they are idiotic:
1 - Who’s the most likely to vandalize the minecraft bases of the others?
2 - Who’d be the best at Dance Dance Revolution?
3 - Who’s the most likely to accidentally start a new religion?
4 - In the case of a zombie apocalypse, who’s getting thrown to the zombies as a sacrifice?
5 - In a fight, who’d be the most easily distracted with the use of online slime scooping videos?
1. They all will. Killer does it because he’s a bitch and he thought it was funny—he comes with increasingly creative ways and even manages to mimic specific types of vandalism to pin it on Horror or Dust, thus causing arguments between the two.
Horror hates them both, but was minding his own damn business until Dust (Killer) bothered him first. He blew up Dust’s place and left a sign insulting his non existent mother.
Dust probably blew a place up accidentally and then started doing it on purpose because he likes the sound of TNT exploding. He specifically only really targets Killer but Killer never bothers to fix any vandalism, instead finds a way to memorialize all the damage.
After Horror blew up Dust’s place, Killer blew up Horror’s and somehow managed to frame it as Dust getting revenge. Horror now refuses to make another house or base and instead roams around, mining and making armor and weapons.
Killer suspects he is planning a little ambush on Dust and watches Horror skitter around the game world like a bug with increasing amusement. Dust has no idea what is going on because he is planting a garden now.
2. Probably Killer. Dust would prefer to sleep and Horror claims to have better things to do. If Horror does attempt to try a round, if only to try and push Killer down a peg, he wins just by doing the bare minimum because I think that’s funny. It doesn’t help that any time Dust sits and watches the two of them play, he always attempts to trip Killer up.
3. If we’re talking accidentally, then probably Horror. If only because he knew the exact words to say to a group of desperate, starving people to convince them to resort to eating humans.
Killer would start a religion on purpose if it serves his or Nightmare’s goals. He probably already has in a way, whispering in in-code AUs’ ears about myths and legends of the dreadful, evil, powerful God of Negativity. Wielding both fear and reverence.
And given his cryptic occasional comments about Players and no one really having free will, I’m sure if certain conditions were met, a new religion based around Players could even crop up. That one would probably be accidentally for Killer.
4. Killer is the first to ask a similar question in a zombie apocalypse. Horror and Dust answer by throwing him out to the herd.
5. Probably none of them. Dust would probably be too lazy and tired to fight anyway, not interested in anything outside his own timeline, so he’d probably just take the device the video is playing and put on whatever he wants to watch.
Horror might get momentarily distracted, if only because of the absurdity or because the light/noise coming from the screen caught him off guard.
I doubt much of anything can stop Killer from trying to fight or kill you if he’s decided he’s going to fight or kill you, especially if that’s amongst what he’s been ordered to do. Maybe if he already finds the fight to be unbelievably boring, he’d probably get distracted.
But in that case he’d probably just pull out his Gaster Blaser and end the fight quickly rather than waste his time, then he’ll pick up the device and watch some slime scooping videos while standing over someone’s corpse.
( @jay-justjay ).
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nyxrevengers · 2 years ago
• Tu romps avec lui •
Part 1 Haitani Brothers
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Mention : Pleure - Angoisse - Crise - Separation
Personnage : Rindou - Ran
Rindou :
Faisant des tours entier dans le salon te mordant les doigts tu était entrain de réfléchir à ta relation actuelle avec Rindou. Ta famille a réussi à faire quelques recherche sur lui.
Ta famille te mes une énorme pression sur les épaules afin de le larguer et de repartir vers eux. Tu n'avais pas le choix, pour toi la famille reste la famille.
La porte d'entrée s'ouvra laissant apparaitre ton copain et son frère derrière lui, les 2 te remarque stresser.
Rindou ne perd pas de temps pour s'approcher de toi, Ran lui monte dans sa chambre avec le même regard blaser que d'habitude.
"Bébé ça va pas ?" dit-il touchant ta joue.
Tu t'éloigne de lui retirant son contact sur ta peau. Il te regarde avec de l'incompréhension dans les yeux. Tu devais lui dire alors tu ouvre la bouche une bonne fois pour toute.
"Je veux qu'on rompe." Dis-tu commençant à prendre ton sac de cours pour allée vers la porte d'entrée.
Il ce lève du canapé pour te prendre sauvagement le bras pour te tirer vers lui. Contre sa poitrine tu senti des gouttes tomber sur le haut de ta tête comprenant qu'il pleurais.
"Je ne veux pas... de ça" dit-il entre ses pleures.
Tu essaye de le repousser afin que la rupture ne sois pas plus difficile qu'elle ne les déjà.
"Rindou je... Ne peux pas, s'il te plait.." dis-tu tapant sur sa poitrine les larmes au yeux.
Il prend soudainement ton visage entre ses mains pour t'embrasser de force, tu fond entre ses lèvres humide suite au larmes glissant dessus. Tu recula jusqu'à toucher la porte derrière toi.
Ses baisées mouiller descendent jusqu'à ton cou le mordant furieusement te surprenant, tu ferma les yeux de douleurs.
"Aie ! Rindou tu fais mal.. Stop" dis-tu dans la douleur.
C'est la première fois qu'il ce comportait de cette manière envers toi, d'une manière agressive... Des larmes de peur viennent ce réfugié dans le creux de t'es yeux.
Tu arriva à le repousser en arrière, tu t'écroula contre la porte mettant t'es bras en croix devant ton visage par réflexe faisant réalisé à Rindou ce qu'il venais de te faire.
"Bé-Bébe... Je.. je suis désolé..! Pardonne moi je t'en pris.." dit-il s'accroupissant devant toi.
Tu le savais qu'il avais réagis excessivement à cause de ta décision. Tu te relève prenant ton sac le laissant là au sol.
"Ma famille sais maintenant qui tu es... Il me mettent la pression pour te larguer et revenir... Je-... Je ne peux pas me permettre de me mettre ma famille à dos Rin, je suis désolé." dis-tu les larmes glissant sur t'es joues.
"S'il te plait.. Me fais pas ça Y/N..." dit-il attrapant ton poignet avec une fine pression a peine
Tu te retourne prenant délicatement son visage entre t'es doigts embrassant son front tendrement une dernière fois avant de retourner auprès de ta famille.
"Je t'aimerais toujours, sache le" dis-tu avant de partir.
Après avoir fermé la porte tu pouvais entendre les sanglots déchirant de Rindou, tu voulais vraiment revenir vers lui et le serrer dans t'es bras. Mais tu ne pouvais pas... Tu souhaitais le protéger de ta famille, et c'est ce que tu compte faire.
Parce que tu l'aime.
Ran :
Dans la rue marchant avec 2 sac en plastique remplis de course la nuit déjà tomber, tu respiras l'air frais de la soirée.
Lorsque que un groupe d'homme avec des vestes similaire entres-elles. Tu compris malheureusement très vite qu'ils faisaient partie d'un gang.
Sans chercher plus loin tu essaya de contourné le groupe, cela étant dit, eux ne voulais pas te laisser tranquille t'appelant, te sifflant essayant d'avoir ton attention.
Ton cœur bat super fort tu hésita pas à prendre ton téléphone pendant qu'il était encore temps pour appeler ton petit ami.
"Ran... S'il te plait aide moi..." dis-tu la voix tremblante avec les appels des garçons derrière toi, tout ceci avais suffit à Ran prenant ta position pour débarqué.
"Coupe pas l'appel" dit-il avec une voix inquiète afin d'entendre tout en qu'a de problème le temps qu'il arrive.
Les hommes s'approchaient de toi a grande vitesse l'un d'eux prend la parole ce plaçant devant toi prenant ton menton entre ses doigts sale.
"Tien, je crois qu'on a trouver ça meuf" dit l'homme avec une heleine puant la clope.
"Ouais, elle est sacrément bonne !" Lance un autre homme ce plaçant derrière moi, sentant sa main remontant sur ta fesse. Des larmes ce loge dans tes yeux, ta gorge nouée tu n'arrivais à rien dire, ni réagir.
Cette sensation était la pire sur terre.. Des attouchement ce font plus insistantes sur ton corps paralysé de peur. Tu prias en boucle dans ta tête pour que Ran arrive le plus vite possible.
"Alors par ou commen- ARGH !" Cria l'homme finissant au sol sanglant.
Tu regarda vers la perosnne qui venais d'infliger la blessure, c'est lui...Ran !
Ses yeux emplis de haine ses points sanglant après le choc, les autres hommes finissent à terre à leurs tour. Tu vis Ran frappant l'homme qui t'avais toucher sans retenu comme un fou, son expression montrait clairement qu'il souhaitait sa mort.
Tu cours vers lui arrêtant ce qu'il faisais, il tourne légèrement la tête vers toi, te voyant en larmes et tremblante encore sous le choc
Vous éloignant de la scène sanglante il te prend soudainement dans ses bras te rassurant, s'excusant pour tout ça.
"Je suis tellement désolé princesse." dit-il caressant ta tête jouant avec quelques mèches au passage.
Tu ne savais plus quoi pensé... Ce n'était pas la première fois que cela arrivais ce genre de situation et cette fois ci c'était de trop. Tu ne pouvais même plus sortir sans te faire accoster par des personne d'autres gang ou insulter par ses fan-girl.
"Ran, j'en peux plus..." dis-tu coller à ça poitrine.
Il ce recula te regardant enlevant t'es larmes avec son pouce.
"Comment ça Y/N ? Que veux tu dire ?" dit-il inquiet par t'es mots.
Tu prends une grande inspiration avant de prendre la parole, cette décision allais vous détruire tout les deux et tu le savais. Mais tu avais pas envie de vivre dangereusement, tu ne voulais pas non plus qu'il ce mette en danger pour toi. Pour toi cette décision était la meilleure pour vous deux.
"Séparons-nous" dis-tu.
Ran reste la assimilant t'es mots, ses yeux transperçant les tiens. Ses mains redescendent vers t'es épaules les serrant fermement.
"Quoi ? Qu'est ce que... Tu raconte quoi là ?" dit-il ne comprenant pas ta décision.
"Je ne veux pas de ça...Non.." dit-il souriant bêtement
"Je suis désolé.. Mais" dis-tu avant que Ran t'enlace subitement.
Sa pression ce ressert autour de toi t'empêchant presque de respiré.
"NON ! Non... Ne m'abandonne pas !" dit-il sa tête dans ton cou.
Sa voix tremblai tout comme tout son corps. Une réaction comme ça venant de Ran était vraiment inattendu.
"Ran, je suis harceler en permanence, je ne peux plus." dis-tu retenant t'es larmes.
Tu l'éloigne de toi, tu le regarde une dernière fois en souriant avec les yeux rouges et joues humide. Les yeux de ton ex s'écarquille voyant ton visage complètement bousiller par les larmes.
"Je t'aime, vraiment... Mais je peux plus supporter ça." dis-tu avant de l'embrasser une dernière fois te mettant sur la pointe des pieds atteignant ses lèvres.
Ses mains encerclant ta taille une dernière fois sentant ton corps contre le sien.
"Je t'aime tellement... Tellement si tu savais." Répond-il posant son front contre le tien.
Tu lui souris avant de prendre ton chemin vers chez toi reprenant t'es courses qui se trouvais au sol. Ran monta sur sa moto avant de partir a toute vitesse les mains serrer contre les poignets.
Vous deux êtes fait l'un pour l'autres mais par moment la meilleure décisions est d'en finir pour le bien de l'autres. C'est ça l'amour.
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psychicsheeparcade · 1 month ago
Industrial Lubricants Market Report by Type, and Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2024-2034
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Industrial lubricants are essential for the smooth functioning of machinery and equipment across various industries. These lubricants help in reducing friction, wear and tear, and overheating, thereby extending the lifespan of equipment. The market for industrial lubricants has been growing steadily, driven by the increasing demand for efficiency and sustainability in industrial operations.
The industrial lubricants market is anticipated to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.8% from 2024 to 2033, reaching a value of USD 75.68 billion by that time. In 2023, the market is anticipated to be worth USD 55.34 billion. 
Get a Sample Copy of Report, Click Here@ https://wemarketresearch.com/reports/request-free-sample-pdf/industrial-lubricants-market/1356
Industrial Lubricants Market Drivers
Increasing Industrialization: Growing industries in emerging economies are boosting the demand for high-performance lubricants.
Focus on Efficiency: Industries are increasingly adopting lubricants that enhance machine efficiency and reduce operational costs.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in synthetic and bio-based lubricants are creating new opportunities in the market.
Sustainability Trends: Rising awareness and regulations are pushing for eco-friendly and biodegradable lubricants.
Industrial Lubricants Market Challenges
Volatility in Raw Material Prices: Fluctuations in the prices of crude oil, the primary raw material for synthetic lubricants, pose a challenge.
Environmental Regulations: Strict guidelines for emissions and waste management require significant investment in R&D.
Competition from Alternatives: Emerging alternatives such as solid and dry lubricants may impact the market.
Industrial Lubricants Market Opportunities
Bio-Based Lubricants: Increasing demand for sustainable and biodegradable products is creating growth opportunities.
IoT and Smart Lubricants: Development of intelligent lubrication systems integrated with IoT is gaining traction.
Expansion in Emerging Economies: Untapped markets in developing regions offer potential for growth.
Industrial Lubricants  Market Trends 
Adoption of Synthetic Lubricants: Higher performance and longer life are driving the preference for synthetic options.
Digitalization in Maintenance: Predictive maintenance supported by data analytics is influencing lubricant requirements.
Rising Awareness of Bio-Lubricants: An increasing push for green industrial solutions is shaping product development.
Top companies in the Industrial Lubricants Market are,
Exxonmobil Corp; Fuchs Group; The Lubrizol Corporation; Royal Dutch Shell; Phillips 66; Lucas Oil Products, Inc.; Amsoil, Inc.; Bel-Ray Co., Inc.; Total S.A.; Kluber Lubrication; Valvoline International, Inc.; Chevron Corp.; Clariant; Quaker Chemical Corp.; Houghton International, Inc.; Castrol; Blaser Swisslube, Inc.; Calumet Specialty Products Partners, L.P.; Petronas Lubricant International; Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd.; Yushiro Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
Market Segments
By Type 
Mineral oils 
Synthetic oils 
 Bio-based oils
By Application
 Mining and construction 
 Food and beverage 
By Product 
 General industrial oils 
 Process oils 
Metalworking fluids 
 Industrial engine oils 
Industrial greases
Regional Analysis of the Industrial Lubricants Market
Asia-Pacific: The largest and fastest-growing region due to rapid industrialization in countries like China and India.
North America: A mature market driven by technological advancements in manufacturing.
Europe: Growth driven by stringent regulations and the adoption of sustainable lubricants.
Latin America and Middle East & Africa: Moderate growth due to emerging industrialization.
The industrial lubricants market is on a steady growth trajectory, driven by the rising demand for efficient, high-performance, and sustainable solutions across diverse industries. Innovations in synthetic and bio-based lubricants, coupled with the push for eco-friendly practices, are reshaping the market landscape. Despite challenges such as fluctuating raw material prices and stringent environmental regulations, the sector continues to thrive, especially in emerging economies with rapid industrialization. Companies that prioritize sustainability, technological advancements, and strategic market expansion are well-positioned to capitalize on the evolving opportunities in this dynamic market.
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spookysaladchaos · 7 months ago
Global Top 14 Companies Accounted for 31% of total Thermal Clip-On Systems market (QYResearch, 2021)
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According to the new market research report “Global Thermal Clip-On Systems Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Thermal Clip-On Systems market size is projected to reach USD 0.15 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 3.7% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Thermal Clip-On Systems Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Thermal Clip-On Systems Top 14 Players Ranking and Market Share (Ranking is based on the revenue of 2022, continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of Thermal Clip-On Systems include Yukon Advanced Optics, Burris, Guide sensmart, InfiRay, Liemke (Blaser Group), ATN, HIKMICRO, Trijicon, EOTECH (American Holoptics), Nitehog, etc.
In 2022, the global top five players had a share approximately 31.0% in terms of revenue.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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elarafritzenwalden · 6 years ago
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Three detached houses at Langgartenstrasse Biel-Benken, Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland; 1972-73
Werner Blaser
see map
via "Bauen + Wohnen" 28 (1974)
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fatehbaz · 4 years ago
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hope these might be interesting. round 1. round 2:
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Titles and short descriptions below:
-- The Platypus and The Mermaid: And Other Figments of the Classifying Imagination (Harriet Ritvo -- 1998 -- The Victorian-era craze for taxonomic classification, dichotomies, human-animal separations, monsters, and hierarchization of animals among formal institutions, naturalists, Euro-American scientists, etc. Showmen, media, scientific professionals, and folk cultures vying to establish hierarchies and definitions of life through language and animal-naming systems.)
-- An Ecology of Knowledges: Fear, Love, and Technoscience in Guatemalan Forest Conservation (Micha Rahder -- 2020 -- Human and other-than-human relationships, multitude of knowledge systems vs. monoculture of knowledge, the tension and negotiation between multiple coexisting “ways of knowing the world,” and conflicts involving dispossession, extractivism, state violence, Euro-American conservation groups, and local Indigenous people in the Maya Biosphere region of Guatemala.)
-- Tropical Freedom: Climate, Settler Colonialism, and Black Exclusion in the Age of Emancipation (Ikuko Asaka -- 2017.)
-- Radical Botany: Plants and Speculative Fiction (Natania Meeker and Antonia Szabari -- 2019 -- “Imagining new worlds” in contrast to modernity, dualism, and rigid distinctions and hierarchies between human and other-than-human by engaging with plant lifeforms.)
-- Trash Animals: How We Live with Nature’s Filthy, Feral, Invasive, and Unwanted Species (Edited by Kelsi Nagy and Phillip David Johnson  -- 2013 -- Uncomfortable or unsettling interspecies relationships; includes writing on wolves, carp, rattlesnakes, pigeons, etc.)
-- Singing the Turtles to Sea: The Comcaac (Seri) Art and Science of Reptiles (Gary Paul Nabhan -- Comcaac relationship with reptiles of the Sonoran Desert and Gulf of California.)
-- Colonial Botany: Science, Commerce, and Politics in the Early Modern World (Edited by Londa Schiebinger and Claudia Swan -- Anthology of articles/essays about the central role of plantations in imperialism and the role of botanists as “agents of empire”, edited by one of the field’s most respected scholars, Schiebinger.)
-- Zoontologies: The Question of the Animal (Edited by Cary Wolfe -- 2003 -- Collection of a few essays about the boundaries and borderlands between the animal and the human.)
-- No Species Is An Island: Bats, Cacti and Secrets of the Sonoran Desert (Theodore Fleming -- 2017 -- Text and illustrations exploring the decade-long research into nighttime lives of bats, moths, and cacti in the Sonoran Desert. With info about the relationship between moths and senita cactus, and the essential role of long-nosed bats in pollinating cacti.)
-- A World of Many Worlds (Edited by Marisol de la Cadena and Mario Blaser -- 2018 -- Anthology from multiple scholars about different conceptions of ecology/the cosmos and the tension between Indigenous and Euro-American scientific ways of knowing, with extra focus on multispecies worlding/ways of knowing from Latin America.)
-- Images of Animals: Anthropomorphism and Animal Mind (Eileen Crist -- 1999 -- How language and animal-naming conventions are not innocent or neutral; how language used to describe animals and their experience can deny the sentience of, autonomy of, or compassion for other-than-human creatures.)
-- The Earth on Show: Fossils and the Poetics of Popular Science, 1802-1856 (Ralph O’Connor -- 2007 -- Fun look at how the storytelling, showmanship, and display of dinosaur and Pleistocene fossils in Europe and the US reinforced existing colonial/hierarchical narratives about “progress” and had a heavy influence on how media and pop-sci disc0urses have framed science, deep time, climate change, and natural history ever since.)
-- Centering Animals in Latin American History (Edited by Martha Few and Zeb Tortorici -- 2013 -- Collection of articles/essays from multiple scholars “seeking to include” other-than-human creatures as “social actors in the histories” of “colonial and postcolonial Latin America” including writing on dog funerals, use of animal in colonization campaigns, the commodification of animals, and animals in political symbolism.
-- Unfreezing the Arctic: Science, Colonialism, and the Transformation of Inuit Lands (Andrew Stuhl -- 2016.)
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amorevolousfaith · 3 years ago
Chapter 24 : Home To The Gods
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Pairing: Din (Mando) Djarin X Reader
Rating: 18+ (MINORS BEGONE!)
Word Count: 2.3K
Warnings: Cannon violence, decapitation, adult language, mentions of kidnapping, Proselytism, Chaotic energy, lots of sexual tension, smut, sexism, consumption of alcohol, talks of polyamory, talks of drugging, fucked traditions, allusions to smut.
Summary: You and the Mandalorian have a complicated history and your future just seems to get more complicated as you go along. No thanks to the strange alien baby you both ended up co-parenting.
Taglist: @ranger-treaty
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The group of us had no issues getting down to the lava flats. The problems only started when we arrive to find the droid ferry designated from going un-used in the hot conditions. I watch from the side as Kagra and Din struggle to push the boat off, the cooled molten lava attaching the boat to the dock. “Cara, would you mind?” I sigh out hoisting the child further up in my arms. “Mind getting out of the way!” She calls to the men, said men turn and go wide eyed and scramble to get out of the way as she lifts her heavy-duty blaster gun. I shield the child’s eyes from dust as she open fires on the side of the boat, small rubble and dust flying off before it finally breaks about from the dock.
“Watch your feet, it’s molten lava.” The droid warns as I step into the boat, “You don’t say,” I muse with an eye roll. I step into the boat and Din’s hand automatically comes out to help me in. When we’re all in by the time the boat catches the steady flow of the river, but it's a few seconds in when there is a russell behind us. Everyone including myself pulls a blaster and points. Only to see the supposed broken ferry droid rise up from, it beeps a few times and I glance over to Din. “Any idea what he just said?” I question, “Why are you asking me?” He grunts, “You're the bilingual one.” I scoff.
“I believe he is asking us where we would like to go.” IG takes a guess, “Down river. To the Lava flats.” Kagra requests. The droid deeps again before using his long pole to row the boat, I let out a sigh and run a hand over my face. The child in my arm pats my cheek in an attempt to to copy me, I send the child a small smile and brush my fingers over his wrinkly head. “Not to worry, my littlest beast, we'll be out of here in no time.” I whisper softly.
A little while later I spot rodents along the riverbed, a sign that there should be an exit coming up soon. I’m proved correct when a light came into view at the end of the tunnel. “That’s it. We’re free.” Kagra calls pointing out the blinding light up ahead, I look over to Din, waiting for the confirmation that we’re in the clear. “No, we’re not.” He counters, I with hold a groan, “Stormtroopers. They’re flanking the mouth of the tunnel.” He continues to inform. My eyes go wide and the familiar sense of panic starts to rise in my chest. “Looks like an entire platoon. They must know we’re coming.” Mando guesses, “Stop the boat.” Cara calls. I glance back to see panic forming on her face, “Hey droid stop the boat!” She calls again. Uh oh this isn’t going to end well.
When the droid doesn’t stop Cara turns sharply, “Hey! I’m talking to you!” She growls marching over. “I said stop!” she snaps before using a blaser to shoot off it’s head, I let out an exasperated sigh and sooth the child in my arms when he squeaks at the loud blast. “Well, now we really can’t stop.” I mutter, “Looks like we fight.” Cara suggests, “They’re too many.” Din chides. “Then what do you suggest we do? Cause I can’t surrender.” Cara scoffs, “They will not be satisfied with anything less than the child.” Ig buts in. “The child will be safe.” I mumble, “How so?” he questions. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, I feel the tingle of the shimmer take over and soon enough I hear the gasps of surprises as I disappear.
“You can do it now?” Din questions, “Yeah. I can focus better with the kid in my arms.” I call out. “Where did she go?” Kagra questions reaching forward and swiping at me, “Watch your hands! I’m still here!” I huff turning my body, so he didn’t accidentally hit the child. Kagra jumps at the sound of my voice, “Okay, so what about the rest of us?” Cara questions, “Can you do that for the rest of us?” She continues. “It takes a lot of focus to pull off masking an entire group and I don’t have that type of training.” I inform. “This is unacceptable. I will eliminate the enemy so you all can escape.” IG decides, “You don’t have that kind of firepower pal. You wouldn’t make it to sunrise.” Din huffs. “That is not my objective.” The droid responds, “We’re getting close. (y/n) stay down, everyone else sattle up.” Cara butts in. I shuffle and lower myself to the bottom of the boat.
“I still have the security protocols from my manufacturer. If my designs have been compromised, I must self-destruct.” IG informs, my eyes widen as I recall the time we first met, “But you don’t have to, just like last time we’ll find a way out.” I call, “I am not permitted to be captured. I must be destroyed.” he argues. “Are we going to keep talking or are going to get out of here?” Karga snaps, “I can no longer carry this for you.” IG spoke, handing the jetpack to Din. “You can’t self-destruct, your base command is to watch over the child. That supersedes your manufacturer protocol right?” Din argues, “Right?” He challenges when he doesn't get an answer. “This is correct.” The droid agrees, “Good, now grab a blaster and help us shoot our way out.” Din nods.
“Victory through combat is impossible. We will be captured, the child will be lost. Sadly, there is no scenario where the child is saved, in which I survive. You and your wife have said many times that should one of you should fail the other cannot. Surely you understand the nature of our circumstances.” The droid continues to persuade. I pause at his logic, using our own words against us, our own creed. Din continues to argue, but I let my shimmer fade as I rise to my feet. “If you do so I can default to my secondary command.” The droid instructs, “But then you’ll be destroyed.” Din spoke weakly. I slide my free hand into his, I see his helmet tilt over to me before doing a quick double take to make sure I’m actually there.
“But you will live and I will have served my purpose.” IG comforts, “No. We need you.” Din all but begs. I feel my chest sink a little but I look up at the droid knowing this is will, whether he scientifically has one or not. “There is nothing to be sad about, I was never alive.” the droid informs. “Your wrong, you are alive, Kuiil gave you new life, gave you will. He is your father and you are his son. This is the way.” I smile softly. “I’m not sad.” Din challenges, “Yes you are, I’m a nurse droid. I’ve analyzed your voice.” IG corrects. A smile breaks across my face, “Told off by a nurse droid, you’ve reached a new low.” I laugh weakly as the droid reaches forward and strokes a finger against the child’s ear. “IG,” I call, “May the gods welcome you home.” I breathe out. Nothing more is said as the robot steps over the boat and into the lava.
I let shimmer take over my body again, this time it's a bit more of a struggle as I watch IG walk to the mouth of the tunnel where he will meet the gods. Ever so slowly he slides deeper into the lava, the lava eating away the metal making up his legs. However, he makes it to the mouth. I hold my breath as he pauses, only for a tear to drop from my eyes as I watch IG unit explode. “May the gods welcome you home.” I whisper.
I glance to what remains around us when the boat finally floats through the mouth of the tunnel. Stormtroopers lay everywhere as small fires litter every other place, however my sight is pulled away from them by soring air. I duck down when I see a ship fly overhead, shots being fired down, “Moff Gideon!” Cara calls as she shoots at the ship. Mando and Kagra fire along with her until the ship disappears over the closest mountain range. “He missed.” Kagra breathes, “He won’t next time.” I mumble softly releasing the mask over my body. “Our blasters are useless against him,” Cara huffs, “Let’s make the baby use the magic hand thing.” Kagra suggest.
I quirk my eyebrow at the older man, “Really? Magic hand thing?” I scoff with a head tilt. “Come on baby, do the magic hand thing.” Karga prompts the child as he waves his hand out, I let out a snort as the child raises his hand and waves back. “I’m out of ideas.” Kagra grunts, “I’m not.” Din grunts pulling on his jet pack. “Don’t you dare.” I hiss, “Here he comes!” Cara calls. “Din Djarin!” I warn, but it’s slightly muffled as Cara starts shooting. “Dibu e Debu!” I screech when Din takes off, I watch as Din shoots up high into the sky and just over Gideon’s ship when he flys over the top of us. My eyes go wide when I see Din shoot his grapple into the ship before he proceeds to be dragged by it. “That fucking dumbass!” I snarl, “You married that dumbass.” Cara shot back, “I almost regret it.” I huff watching my fucking Riduur be dragged through the air by a gunship. Typical Mandalorian.
I hold my breath as I see the shimmer of his Beskar tumble across the ship, only for him to let go. Seconds after he does the wing of the ship explodes but eyes are set on Din as he free falls. Catch yourself, fucking catch yourself. I exhale sharply when his jetpack ignites and softens his landing when he’s closer to the ground allowing him to land on two feet. I hurriedly step out of the ship and speed walk over to him, only to draw my blade and knock him in the helmet with the dull side. The Beskar on Beskar makes a much prettier sound than the sight of Din getting his head rung for the second time today. “You're crazy!” I seeth, “Not as crazy as you, Riduur.” He chuckles. Warmth bursts in my chest as he uses the soft term, “I’m not going to let you charm your way out of this.” I glare.
“Very impressive Mando, very impressive. It just looked like your guild rates just went up.” He chuckles, “I'd fucking hope so?” I huff with a smirk. “Anymore stormtroopers?” Din questions, “I think we cleared out the town.” Karga hums. “If not I’m sure I can clear it out for you.” I grin savagely, “No need, I’ll take care of it.” Cara smirks. I let out a dramatic sigh, “Rebels get all the fun.” I grumble teasingly, an action that makes a grin beam across Cara’s face. “You're staying here?” Din questions, “Why not? Navarro is a very fine planet.” Karga scoffs gesturing to the world around us. “Yeah and I’m the Alor of the Mandalorians.” I tease with an eye roll. “Now that the scum and villany has been washed away, its respectable.” Karga continues despite my sarcastic commentary.
“As a bounty hunter hive?” Din questions, “Some of my favorite people are bounty hunters.” Kagra shrugs, “And perhaps this specimen of a soldier might consider joining our ranks.” He suggests not so subtly to Cara as he places a hand on her shoulder. “Yeah. I got some clerical concerns regarding my chain code.” Cara draws out. My attention is drawn away from the two when I feel the child shift in my arms, he leans over to place his hands on Din’s engraved poudrin causing said man to point his helmet in our direction. “But you two, you are welcome back into the guild with open arms.” Karga offers with wide arms, “So, go off, enjoy yourself. Have a honeymoon newlywed and when you return you will have your pick of all the quarries.” He chuckles.
Din turns over to me and gently takes the child from my arms, “I’m afraid we have more pressing matters at hand.” Din replies. I sent the two a small smile with a shrug, “Take care of the little one.” Cara mumbles reaching forward and rubbing the child’s large ear. “Take care of it, or maybe it’ll take care of you.” Kagra chuckles softly, “May the gods be your favor.” I smile before taking the child back into my arms and facing Din. Din nods before wrapping my arms around my midsection, I hold my breath when he takes off into the air. His grip on me is tight, but I tuck the child close between us.
We didn’t even land before I spot Kuiil’s body, together we buried the ugnaught under a pile of stones with his hat on top. “May the gods welcome you home, and your child meet you at the gates.” I whisper looking down at the pile, I let Din usher me into the ship where I collapse into the passenger seat with the child in my lap. I lean back and close my eyes as I hear Din start the ship, “(y/n), what does he have in mouth?” He calls. I open one eye and glance down, “Your necklace.” I hum, “Huh, didn’t think I’d see that again.” He mumbles. “There’s a lot of things I didn’t think I’d see again,” I snort, I heard a chuckle crackle through his modulator. “Why don’t you hold onto that, maybe you’ll stop trying to eat your buir’s.” He muses, “Doubtful.” I scoff playfully. “And (y/n).” He calls again, “Yes Din?” I sigh softly, “Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum.” He answers. A smile beams across my lips, "The stars will go out before I forget you.” I laugh wistfully.
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defultuser · 4 years ago
britverse masterpost aka julie and the mandem
lowkey talented but some undiagnosed adhd plus lack of care for anything thats not music means no one notices.
canon style but the cut off hoodie make many frequent appearances. aways trying to take his blaser off even though teachers don’t let him 
spent some time working at maccies and subway but keeps applying to new places try new things 
came out when reg hit him with a saucepan and he called it “pan on pan crime”
a roadman
could be smart but not really trying, just at school to see friends
enemies to lovers with bobby. 
works at pets at home
accidentally came out by posting a bbc news article about something lgbt on his public insta rather than his anonymous one
irish and/or chav
 gifted burnout kid already even though its only year ten. 
starts kinda chav style slowly evolves into whatever the hell he wants - slightly dark academia/ canon style.
works at toys r us / an off brand toys r us. he’s the giraffe 
came out by correcting a museum’s lgbt exhibit forgetting he was on a school trip and not out
parents are rich tory aholes but hes mid rebellion at the moment so hanging out with all the kinds of people they hate, not so subtle crush on willie.
 style is a mishmash of those around him, it takes him a while to get comfortable to wear pink but when he does he loves it. 
was made to apply for leadership by his parents, does not do his job (i don’t know what i’m doing how am i meant to help the year 7′s)
works at waitrose 
came out during his gcse drama cause he forgot his lines and made a joke about liking Willie (person and Brit meaning)
they all have a complicated relationship with the school uniform. [x] [x] 
enemies to lovers with carrie, plays sport to compete (read flirt) with carrie 
applyed for leadership to compete with carrie is now responsible for charity events of something like that.
(did we agree birmingham) 
art kid
runs a tuck shop from his bag to compete with caleb
is aware of alex’s crush (and if he starts helping in the drama department no says anything about it)  
always covered in paint, volunteers at primary school to teach crafts after school
trying his best to set up a GSA at the school (mixed results so far)
american (it does not matter that this takes place in the uk we don’t replace madison) 
luke pisses her off in every class thats not music - she actually likes him in those classes
in on all the drama, gossips with willie during their shared art class about it, 
teachers favorite, although they wish she’d find better friends than the phantoms. 
prefect, head of house.
volunteers at charity shops 
lowkey essex girl  
netball girl, centre and head of the team
always competing with flynn
is going to make the most out of high school. 
skirt rolled as high as she can get it, always in her netball hoodie.
 student leadership sports role (like sports captain or whatever you’d called it)
helps at her dad cricket club and is passive agressive to the rude customers 
west country
kinda popular but nice
plays a sport and is good (either cricket, badminton or football) 
super smart so all the teachers love him. 
was a prefect maybe even head boy.
art student buddy with willie but she doesn’t care for the rest of the gossip, but she finds flynn and carries flirting rather entertaining. 
southern coastal town/city cornwall/dorset way (personal headcanon but no one has said otherwise yet)
works at a care home/ teaching workouts to old people 
popular singer
always away for work so never sees his kids (bobby and carrie)
has a hot tub and lets the kids host parties at theirs. 
(did we agree scottish)
runs the corner store from which hes banned the whole group
also works at the hgc (now a spoons), and plays accordion
 (hes somehow everywhere always annoyed at the phantoms)
shops at waitrose and bullies the staff while he does 
the phantoms busk on the local high street, definitely get in trouble more than once.  
julie flynns and alex’s drama teacher is definitely queer and everyones favorite teacher, 
the bright lighting guy is a tech drama student, while the kid from the orpheum is an alevel drama student that helps in their class,
they all did dofe.  
all help at open evening to various degrees of success. 
these are the classes they took.  
non-uniform  day is about as successful as you’d expect and is always for the same few charities. 
They meet as following : 
As kids - Julie meets carrie and bobby  primary school - bobby meets Luke, Julie and carrie at a different school meet Flynn  Year 6 (camping trip) - Julie/flynn fall out with carrie, all meet Luke  Year 7 - carrie meets Kayla, Luke meets reggie  Year 8- reggie falls in with the wrong crowd but Luke saves him - he still acts like a roadman though from his time with them  Year 9 - bobby joins (after going to a different school for two years) Alex joins and instantly gets accepted by the guys  Year 10 - willie joins the school, carrie and Julie share a music class and reform friendship, willex pining for the whole year after meeting in town.  Year 11 - one big friend group
roadman reggie artwork
boggie bi flag
stupid deaths
britverse boggie pride icons
@queenmolina ‘s smau + sequel
@latinposeidon ‘s character profiles 
the performance part 1 and 2
accidental coming outs
the aftermath part 1 and 2
netball captains are assholes 
julie vs british slang
@defultuser’s open day part 1 2 3 
the investigation of caleb part 1 2 3 
@defultuser and @thegirlfulloffandoms ‘s charity event 
britgate boggie init? 
bobby’s a vampire
britgate fic init
I've Got Friends on the Other Side (The Other Side Being The UK)
St Cuthbert's charity chaos
britgate boggie fic
britgate team: @queenmolina @apples-bees @sapphicflynn @lesducks @latinposeidon @faetalflaw @thegirlfulloffandoms @defultuser @spaceacekid
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compneuropapers · 3 years ago
Interesting Papers for Week 34, 2021
Severe violations of independence in response inhibition tasks. Bissett, P. G., Jones, H. M., Poldrack, R. A., & Logan, G. D. (2021). Science Advances, 7(12), eabf4355.
Perceptual history propagates down to early levels of sensory analysis. Cicchini, G. M., Benedetto, A., & Burr, D. C. (2021). Current Biology, 31(6), 1245-1250.e2.
Learning precise spatiotemporal sequences via biophysically realistic learning rules in a modular, spiking network. Cone, I., & Shouval, H. Z. (2021). eLife, 10, e63751.
Measuring vergence and fixation disparity in 3D space. Duchesne, J., & Coubard, O. A. (2021). European Journal of Neuroscience, 53(5), 1473–1486.
Hippocampal place cells encode global location but not connectivity in a complex space. Duvelle, É., Grieves, R. M., Liu, A., Jedidi-Ayoub, S., Holeniewska, J., Harris, A., … Spiers, H. J. (2021). Current Biology, 31(6), 1221-1233.e9.
Contribution of the hippocampus to performance on the traveling salesperson problem in rats. Hales, J. B., Petty, E. A., Collins, G., & Blaser, R. E. (2021). Behavioural Brain Research, 405, 113177.
Cholinergic modulation of Up–Down states in the mouse medial entorhinal cortex in vitro. Hay, Y. A., Jarzebowski, P., Zhang, Y., Digby, R., Brendel, V., Paulsen, O., & Magloire, V. (2021). European Journal of Neuroscience, 53(5), 1378–1393.
Mushroom body output differentiates memory processes and distinct memory-guided behaviors. Ichinose, T., Kanno, M., Wu, H., Yamagata, N., Sun, H., Abe, A., & Tanimoto, H. (2021). Current Biology, 31(6), 1294-1302.e4.
High responsiveness of auditory neurons to specific combination of acoustic features in female songbirds. Inda, M., Hotta, K., & Oka, K. (2021). European Journal of Neuroscience, 53(5), 1412–1427.
Prefrontal cortex represents heuristics that shape choice bias and its integration into future behavior. Mochol, G., Kiani, R., & Moreno-Bote, R. (2021). Current Biology, 31(6), 1234-1244.e6.
Latent Dynamical Variables Produce Signatures of Spatiotemporal Criticality in Large Biological Systems. Morrell, M. C., Sederberg, A. J., & Nemenman, I. (2021). Physical Review Letters, 126(11), 118302.
Mutual anticipation can contribute to self-organization in human crowds. Murakami, H., Feliciani, C., Nishiyama, Y., & Nishinari, K. (2021). Science Advances, 7(12), eabe7758.
Binocular integration of retinal motion information underlies optic flow processing by the cortex. Rasmussen, R. N., Matsumoto, A., Arvin, S., & Yonehara, K. (2021). Current Biology, 31(6), 1165-1174.e6.
Spatial tuning of electrophysiological responses to multisensory stimuli reveals a primitive coding of the body boundaries in newborns. Ronga, I., Galigani, M., Bruno, V., Noel, J.-P., Gazzin, A., Perathoner, C., … Garbarini, F. (2021). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(12).
Effects of active exploration on novelty-related declarative memory enhancement. Schomaker, J., & Wittmann, B. C. (2021). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 179, 107403.
Optimized spiking neurons can classify images with high accuracy through temporal coding with two spikes. Stöckl, C., & Maass, W. (2021). Nature Machine Intelligence, 3(3), 230–238.
Spontaneous grouping of saccade timing in the presence of task-irrelevant objects. Takeya, R., Nakamura, S., & Tanaka, M. (2021). PLOS ONE, 16(3), e0248530.
The Readiness Potential reflects the internal source of action, rather than decision uncertainty. Travers, E., & Haggard, P. (2021). European Journal of Neuroscience, 53(5), 1533–1544.
Clock neurons gate memory extinction in Drosophila. Zhang, Y., Zhou, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, L., & Zhong, Y. (2021). Current Biology, 31(6), 1337-1343.e4.
Hippocampus and cortex are involved in the retrieval of a spatial memory under full and partial cue availability. Zorzo, C., Arias, J. L., & Méndez, M. (2021). Behavioural Brain Research, 405, 113204.
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attackcopterblog · 2 months ago
Unmatched Elegance and Accuracy: Sauer 505 Rifle Overview
Blaser Group‘s bolt-action rifle from J.P. Sauer and Sohn is a sophisticated firearm known for its elegance, accuracy, and versatility. It offers various stock options, smooth bolt cycling, interchangeable barrels, and customizable trigger weights. The rifle features a unique optics mounting system and a detachable magazine, with multiple caliber options available in the U.S. Blaser Group states…
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jessiebanethedragon · 5 years ago
Scuttle (11/?)
Short-ish piece just because i wanted the next one to be longer (sorry)
Everything seems to be put on pause for a second as your brain spirals out of control. Almost like your mind swims away from your physical body, and watches what happens next. 
“Me.” You say firmly. “It was my mistake, I am the snitch. I get to die.”Your voice is confident. So much so that you think Krexx might be impressed. 
“Then which of them gets to die?” He asks you, willing, wanting you to continue. 
“Neither, you get me, that’s it. That's the deal.” You do your best to remain as confident as possible but it’s slipping away quickly. 
“And why would I agree to that?” Krexx questions, wondering what plan you've concocted. 
“Because killing them wasn't a part of your orders. You kill an entire force of Troopers and the republic will demand your head on a pike. Kill civilians of a neutral planet and the republic gains yet another supporter. You have orders. So did I, I followed them, it got me here. You follow yours and this stops today.” You’re hoping the dramatic rhetoric is enough. It seems to be enough to make Krexx pause and think for a moment. 
“You say that like if i shoot you in here, your band of freaks won't tear my head off.” Krexx comments after a long period  of time. And you let out the breath you’d been holding. 
“Outside then.” You fire back. 
“Wren.” Crosshair says, and you can’t even meet his eyes. The crack in his voice is enough. 
“Outside then.” Krexx agrees. Motintiong for you to walk onwards the door as he picks up his blaser. “One more thing.” he adds, pausing as the two of you are almost to the door. 
You scream as the bolt hits Crosshair in the left leg. All plans forgotten as you turn towards him. He hits the ground on his good knee as Tech and Hunter crowd him desperate to save what's left of the burning flesh. Wrecker turns on Krexx who promptly grasps your bicep and points the gun to your head. 
“Just needed a little insurance that we wouldn't be followed. And he seemed to be a trouble maker.” He gives a nod to the scene in front of him, like an artist finally content with their work he pulls you from the house. 
Crosshair feels like his leg is being swallowed by Magma, it’s pain that burns bright all up his body. Tech does his best to get the ruined fabric away from the wound, but other than wrap it in non-ruined shirt material and put pressure on it there's not much that can be done. 
“Roof.” Crosshair gasps out, trying to move for his sniper rifle. 
“Crosshair, you put pressure on a wound like that and you might not be keeping that leg.” Tech tells him, trying to find anything resembling bacta. He feels a hand on his shoulder, the Twi’lek, Leeya he thinks her name is, presses a stim shot into his hand. 
“Stairs lead all the way up, on the right.” She deadpans, turning away from the group clutching onto her child. With a grunt, Crosshair stabs the stim shot into his leg, tying the material as tight as he can before the pain becomes overwhelming.  His hand goes for the gun again, and Hunter’s beats him to it. He opens his mouth to argue. 
“All due respect sarge,” Wrecker interrupts, taking the rifle from Hunter, and hoisting Crosshair to his feet. Wrecker goes to add something, but he doesn't, opting for a curt nod to his sergeant before dragging his half conscious brother towards the stairs.
tags: @mangoberry43 @imalovernotahater @professionaltrashcompactor @vesperstalksclones @haloangel391 
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peashooter85 · 6 years ago
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My Baikal Bounty Hunter Coach Gun and .38 Special chamber adapters
Did some updating to my coach gun which I bought about a year ago on the second hand market for $200. Its a 12 gauge double barrel made by Baikal, which is a Russian company so like, no more of these are coming into the country because of the trade embargo. It’s become my go to gun for just about everything, hunting, wilderness adventures, fun on the range, fending off stagecoach robbers, combating Thanos’ minions, etc. I recent bought a leather shotgun shell holder/recoil pad that was handmade by Magnolia Leather Works on etsy. Shoutout to them.
So as some of you know I have been experimenting with shotgun chamber adapters, which is basically a barrel you insert into the chamber of your shotgun to shoot other caliber cartridges from it. There are a wide variety of calibers including 9mm Luger, .380 ACP, .45 ACP, 38 special, .357 magnum, .44 magnum, .40 S&W, .22 LR, etc. These are marketed to survivalists, sportsmen and women, and wilderness adventurers as a way to increase the versatility of a shotgun. The chamber adapter I’m testing is the Shortlane Bugout in .38 special, which is a five inch (12.7 cm) long rifled adapter. 
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It’s recommended that best accuracy is at only 10 to 15 yards. I did some plinking at 20-25 yards and found it was reasonably suitable for this purpose. So I set up some targets at 50 yards. 50 yards would be a reasonable range for hunting medium game (such as white tail deer) in the North American woodlands. This does not make your shotgun into a sniper rifle. In the plains of the Midwest or deserts of the West where longer range shooting is required these probably would be much less practical. Anyway once I figured out how this setup was shooting, I fired a six shot grouping at 50 yards offhand using the front bead as a sight. I aimed low to account for the gap between my eye and front sight (there is no rear sight) and aimed to the left because I was firing from the right barrel only. I was using Blaser 158 grain ammo, the cheapo aluminum cased stuff. Here were my results.
Note: The bullseye is roughly the size of a quarter.
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So for the most part the accuracy isn’t bad, but I wouldn’t say it’s good. Five of my shots are grouped somewhat reasonably close to the bull and I had a one off shot. Problem is, I can get similar accuracy using 12 gauge slugs at twice the range. I was tempted to do more tests at 75 and 100 yards, but I figure this is probably the extent of it’s effective accuracy.
I would never take something like this out for regular hunting season. The accuracy is OK, but the velocity from .38 special out of a five inch barrel is not enough to ethically take medium game, thus I would never recommend it for that purpose. However, if I was in some kind of hard times desperation scenario, say Great Depression 2 Electric Bugaloo, ammunition choices are limited, and my hungry family and I need fed while “Winter is Coming”, this would be a practical option. 
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tactical-weapons · 5 years ago
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   Blaser R93 Tactical
 The Blaser R93 Tactical is a German sniper rifle, based on the Blaser R93 design. It has as variants the Blaser LRS 2 and Tactical 2. It is used by German and Dutch police forces as well as the Australian military and special police units. The rifles were manufactured by the German firearms manufacturer Blaser.
- Design
The LRT (Long Range Tactical), LRS 2 (Long Range Sporter 2) and Tactical 2 rifles are straight-pull bolt-action take down sniper rifles. The straight-pull action design was introduced in the Blaser R93 hunting rifle line. These actions allows for faster follow-up shots compared to traditional turn bolt actions. The rifles are designed to fire small groups (sub 0.25 MOA) with factory match ammunition. The LRS 2 version, comes chambered in .223 Remington, 6mm Norma BR, 6.5×55mm, .308 Winchester and .300 Winchester Magnum.
An uncommon part of its design is that it is a straight-pull bolt-action rather than a turn-bolt, which allows for much faster follow-up shots. The 14-lug radial collet ensures the centering of the cartridge when fed into the chamber assisting in its accuracy. Barrel changes by an experienced person can take place in under 60 seconds.
The Tactical 1 (very low production) or 2 version is available in .223 Remington, .308 Winchester, .300 Winchester Magnum and .338 Lapua Magnum and has a larger action and barrel to accommodate the use of the .338 Lapua Magnum chambering. The sight is mounted directly to the barrel as normal, however, the design allows the barrel and sight to be removed from the body of the rifle by undoing the two hex bolts, accessed from under the body. This allows the rifle to be carried in a more compact fashion and can be reassembled easily in less than 30 seconds. The safety catch is mounted on the rear of the bolt and reveals a large red dot when pushed forward and up to the "fire" position. One feature of the bolt is that when unloaded and no magazine inserted, the safety has to be pushed forward slightly in order to pull the bolt back. The 5 round magazines in .308 calibre sit flush with the underside of the body when inserted.
  - Variants
R93     Tactical (1st gen) (1993-1997): Detachable box magazine, Double Stack,     Double Feed (10 round). Chassis and barrel compatible with the regular     R93. Diopter sight UIT and CISM versions available.
R93     Tactical LRS2 (1997-2005): Detachable box magazine, Single Stack (5     round). The 2nd gen is a ruggeriezed version, also known as Long Range     Supporter 2 (LRS-2). New magazine design. Some of the different calibers     may require different magazines.
R93     Tactical LRS2 .338LM: Large chassis version to facilitate .338 Lapua     Magnum.
Blaser     R93 Tactical 2 (2005-): Large chassis version, available in .223 Rem, .308     Win, .300 WinMag, .338LM.
 - Users
 Argentina: Used by the Law enforcement     in Argentina.
 Australia: Used by the Australian     Defence Force and various Police Tactical Groups
 Bulgaria: Used by the Bulgarian Armed Forces Special     Forces.
 Denmark: Used by the Danish AKS [Special     police force]
 France: Used by special unit of     Prefecture de Police de Paris named "Brigade d'Intervention"
 Germany: Used by German Police.
 Iceland: Used by Icelandic Police.
 Malaysia: Used by the Pasukan Khas     Udara (PASKAU) Counter-Terrorism Forces of the Royal Malaysian Air     Force
 Netherlands: Used by Dutch Police.
 Poland: Used by Polish Border Guard
 Slovenia: Used by Slovenian Police     Special Forces.
 Ukraine: Used by special unit of Security     Service of Ukraine named "A Group".
 UK: Used by at least one UK Police Force     - notably Avon and Somerset Police
 USA: Used by New Jersey State Police
 Russia: Used by Federal Protective     Service and FSB
 Brazil: Used by Comando de Operações     Táticas (COT) Counter-Terrorism Forces of the Federal Police.
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weaponland · 2 years ago
Liemke Keiler-35 Pro - лучший дизайн тепловизора-монокуляра
По сообщению компании Blaser Group, один из её оптических приборов - тепловизионный монокуляр Liemke Keiler 35 Pro завоевал премию Gray’s Sporting Journal.... Читать дальше »
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fatehbaz · 5 years ago
Some nice material on bioregional autonomy and Afro-Colombian anti-colonial activist movements along the Pacific Coast of Colombia, including discussion of how the pluriverse and the “multitude of lifeworlds” confront Eurocentric thinking; and how “modern” nation-states attempt to manipulate and recuperate ecological thought and radical movements.
The community council is an ambiguous organizational figure. On the one hand, it constitutes a legally recognized new territorial authority in the Pacific region that for the first time officially acknowledges the notion of collective land ownership as traditional practice among black communities, which protects their territorial rights against outside interventions (at least on paper). On the other hand, however, the community councils form part of a wider state strategy of ordenamiento territorial (territorial ordering) since the late 1980s, which was the state’s response to the perceived fragmentation of its sovereign authority and national territory, as state institutions have been characterized by weakness and unequal spatial reach, with alternative authority regimes thriving in the face of the state’s failure to control large areas of the country (Mason 2005; Agnew and Oslender 2013). From this viewpoint one could argue that the constitution of community councils in the Pacific Coast region forms part of the state’s strategy to extend its institutions, norms, juridical practices, and authority into spaces hitherto beyond its de facto control. In other words, although black communities have gained some degree of territorial autonomy, they have also become subject to the state’s institutionalizing reach. Rather than providing a radical departure from the modern territorial state model, the community councils could be seen as complementing it and enhancing its legitimacy [...].
It is important to bear in mind these interests of the state in the collective land titling processes beyond a mere recognition of the nation’s newly found official multiculturalism. In particular, I want to argue that the technocratic focus on the territorial aspects of Law 70 around land demarcation might blind us to underlying fundamental differences in the ways in which the modern territorial nation-state perceives collective land rights and how Afro-Colombian activists imagine their communal territorial aspirations as part of a wider claim to an autonomous life project that contests the very definitions that the territorial nation-state imposes on their world. In other words, activists defend their rights and ways of being in the world that differ from the expectations of development-driven modernity. Theirs is a claim for a “space for being” and for pluriversality.
Throughout the Pacific region the negotiation process around Law 70 led to considerable black mobilization. One of the politically most articulated groups has been the PCN, a network coordinating more than 120 local organizations that had its initial base in the Pacific port city of Buenaventura. PCN sees itself as an “ethnic-territorial” movement based on five principles (Grueso et al. 1998):
1. The reaffirmation of identity and the right to be black: Regarded as a cultural logic that permeates the lifeworld in all its social, economic, and political dimensions, countering the logic of domination and opposing a model of society that requires uniformity for its continued dominance.
2. The right to territory and a space for being: A necessary condition for the re-creation and development of an Afro-Colombian cultural vision.
3. Autonomy as the right to the exercise of identity: Arising out of an Afro-Colombian cultural logic in relation to dominant society and other ethnic groups.
4. The construction of an autonomous perspective for the future: Based on traditional forms of production and social organization.
5. Declaration of solidarity: With the struggle of black people around the world.
The movement has stuck to these principles over time. They address two related themes: on the one hand, an ideological and political reflection on the part of the movement that entails a rearticulation of the notions of territory, development, and society from an Afro-Colombian perspective and, on the other, an expression of their rights, aspirations, and dreams based on and developed through the perspective of daily life and traditional practices of black communities.
The carefully crafted language also points to a crucial difference in the state’s understanding of collective land rights. PCN talks of a “right to territory,” a notion that is nowhere to be found in Law 70, where reference is only made to “lands” (tierras), not “territory” (territorio). To PCN, “territory” equals “land plus culture.” This much-amplified understanding refers to culturally specific ways of how these lands are to be understood, inhabited, and made use of. PCN did not manage to have this understanding of territory included in the legislation. I would argue that this difference, as subtle as it might appear on first sight, lies at the heart of subsequently developing conflicts between politically organizing rural black communities, the state, and capitalist development.
I also want to sound a note of caution. Clearly one should not romanticize PCN’s claims as expressing an essentialized binary in radical opposition to all forms of Euro-American modernity and development -- there are, of course, multiple experiences of difference at play in the region. Yet, their principles clearly point toward a political vision that is at odds with what is regarded as a dominant model of society imposing itself on local lifeworlds. References to an “Afro-Colombian cultural logic and vision” speak of ways of being in the world that are seen as differing from “a model of society that requires uniformity.” In other words, what is at stake, according to PCN, is the defense of an Afro-Colombian ontology in the Pacific lowlands that is seen as under threat by dominant and dominating society. The politicization of this vision could be seen as constituting a political ontology (Escobar 2008; Blaser 2009; de la Cadena 2015; de la Cadena and Blaser 2018), a challenge to universalizing structural recommendations and prescriptions implicit in the Eurocentric project of modernity.
Ulrich Oslender. “Geographies of the Pluriverse: Decolonial Thinking and Ontological Conflict on Colombia’s Pacific Coast.”
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