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msomnyasaleh · 1 year ago
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∞ 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙜𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪. 🥹🖤✨
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tomdarryecs · 2 years ago
Klaine fanfic trope
AU anderberry siblings(rachel friendly ofc) in which Blaine is older than Rachel and very protective to her, so when Kurt do the fake makeover(s.1) he goes to defend her sister. Since this, they hate each other, even when Rachel become some kind of friends with Kurt in college.
#Anderberrysiblings #enemiestolovers #rachelberryfriendly
#fanfiction #klainefanfiction #BlaineAnderson #KurtHummel #RachelBerry #Glee
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tomdarryecs · 2 months ago
Acabo de confirmar esto!
This is a slow fandom zone
None of that "Oh no they bomb-dropped all the episodes in a week 1 month ago, I'm late!" "The tag hasn't been active all week is the fandom dead?" "I only got a hundred shares the first hour no one cares about my art"
Slow down
Take a deep breath and slow down
Fandom is YOU. And me and everyone. If we doodle stick figures for a show that ended 30 years ago we aren't "late" or "doing too little", we're playing dolls in our own time and having fun with works of art that mean a lot to us
You can literally watch and engage with something that aired in 2004 as if it aired yesterday
If the tag hasn't been active for 14 months guess what? If YOU post there, it isn't dead. Literally you can talk about anything you want whenever you want there is no weird law against watching things that people aren't actively talk about
Let's be deranged about stories together
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msomnyasaleh · 1 year ago
Not over @darrencriss as Bobby yet. 🖤🔥✨
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tomdarryecs · 2 months ago
this is the new year
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wemajormanafemaleuniverse · 2 years ago
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Blaine age 6 first grade school picture. He hated how tiny he was compared to his classmates him being small his mother had homeschooled him for k. He begged to go to school.
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tomdarryecs · 3 months ago
Need two or more people to talk about so if you are a blainechl/anderberry or sebchel/smytheberry shipper in 2025,please talk to me and let me know that Im not alone
"oh wow i thought this fandom was dead" you ignorant slut no fandom is ever truly dead. there will always always always be at least three mentally unwell freaks on the internet irrelevant-posting about their little blorbo(s) who have not been relevant for fifty years. this is the way of the world and they are stronger than you will ever be you FOOL
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msomnyasaleh · 10 months ago
☆ᥫ᭡☽ 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗖𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘀' ☆ᥫ᭡☽
Congratulations, lovesss!!! 🥹🤗💛🩵🌍
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unblogparaloschicos · 2 years ago
TV: Personajes LGTBQ en “Glee”
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Qué duda cabe que “Glee” (”Alegría”) fue una de las más maravillosas sorpresas de la televisión estadounidense. Creada por el incansable Ryan Murphy (junto a Brad Falchuk e Ian Brennan), esta serie aunó humor, drama, romanticismo, celebración y mucha, pero mucha buena música. Un soplo de aire fresco que fascinó tanto a espectadores adolescentes como a adultos y fue un verdadero fenómeno de masas. Exitazo de la cadena Fox, cuyas seis temporadas fueron emitidas entre 2009 y 2015, la historia se centraba en la lucha del Club Glee, establecido en el colegio McKinley de Lima (Ohio) por salir del estigma de perdedores que padecían en el instituto. 
Un profesor bienintencionado, Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison) se pone al mando de la cruzada y recibe a un grupo variopinto de estudiantes con gran talento vocal, a quienes entrenará para competir en las diversas instancias que los enfrentará por la gloria con otros grupos corales escolares a nivel regional, estatal y nacional.
Entre los temas que la serie trata (embarazo adolescente, sexualidad, bullying), la temática LGBTQ tiene un lugar muy destacado con varios exponentes adolescentes y adultos (como la entrenadora Beiste, interpretado por Dot-Marie Jones, que surge como una mujer robusta y acaba adoptando una identidad masculina bajo el nombre de Sheldon, o los padres de Rachel Berry, otra estrella de New Directions).
He aquí un leve repaso de los memorables adolescentes gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales que la serie nos dejó. Omitiremos al más que importante dúo Brittana, compuesto por Brittany Pierce (Heather Morris) y Santana Lopez (Naya Rivera), por cuanto ya ha sido incluido en este blog: 
Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer)
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Tuvo la suerte que no disfrutaron muchos jóvenes: la de ser aceptado por sus padres debido a su sexualidad. Y es que hasta su difunta madre supo siempre que fue especial: carismático y atento a sus sensibilidades artísticas. Ya desde el primer episodio le toca sufrir humillaciones de los patanes a cargo, entre los cuales están Finn Hudson (Corey Monteith), Noah Puckerman (Mark Salling) y, en especial, el peor de todos: el salvaje de David Karofsky. Desde luego, su talento como cantante no pasa desapercibido e ingresa al Club Glee, adonde se convierte en un miembro esencial, no solo del equipo coral sino también de la serie. Aquí vemos al actor que lo encarna junto al pequeño Adam Kolkin, que asombró por la impresionante similitud con su versión adolescente (rasgo aprovechado por el propio Colfer en la película “Struck By Lightning”, de 2012), Su romance con Blaine Anderson fue una de las fortalezas del show.  
Blaine Anderson (Darren Criss)
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Fue amor a primera vista. Una de las parejas más amadas de la serie surgió bajo los acordes de “Teenage Dream”, y eso fue: un sueño adolescente que, miembro de los Dalton Warblers (club rival de los chicos del McKinley), pasa a formar parte del Club Glee cuando cambia de escuela para estar junto a Kurt. No fue su primer chico (anduvo, por ejemplo, nada menos que con David Karofsky) e inclusive llegó a engañarle, pero la relación tuvo final feliz. A diferencia de Kurt, no hay divismo alguno en Blaine, que padeció la incomprensión de su padre y su hermano mayor, Cooper.
David Karofsky (Max Adler)
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Acosador de la peor especie, la primera vez que lo vemos es lanzando a Kurt al basurero y lanzando improperios homofóbicos. Una constante en un personaje que, de verdad, se hace odiar: siempre violento, siempre prepotente, siempre homófobo. Hasta que, de forma sorpresiva, en la segunda temporada le roba un beso a su habitual víctima, que queda entre aturdida y aterrada. Casi tanto como el propio David, que intenta suicidarse, aterrado por la certeza de que es eso que tanto detesta: ser gay. La tragedia que no ocurrió despierta en Kurt tal compasión que acaba perdonándolo.
Sebastian Smythe (Grant Gustin)
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Antes de convertirse en The Flash, el veloz superhéroe de DC Comics, Gustin interpretó al líder de The Warblers, un muchacho ambicioso e hiriente en completa guerra con New Directions. Chico malo y obviamente talentoso, no tiene ningún problema con su sexualidad: ni bien advierte la presencia de Blaine, decide coquetear con su compañero de grupo, a pesar de la presencia de Kurt.
Unique Adams (Alex Newell)
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Newell tiene muchos puntos en común con Unique. Su rol es consecuencia de su desempeño en el reality show “The Glee Project” (2011-2012), en donde Murphy buscaba talentos para, claro, “Glee”. Su impacto aquí reside en ser el primer adolescente transexual de la serie además, desde luego, de formar parte del Club Glee del McKinley High School. En la serie, además, se contacta vía internet con el sobrenombre de Katie., y no será el único: Unique es el apodo recibido desde su paso por “Vocal Adrenaline”, antes de pasar a New Directions en la cuarta temporada.
Spencer Porter (Marshall Williams)
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¿Quién dijo que un varón homosexual debía ser un chico afeminado, devoto de las chick flicks y los programas estilo “American´s Next Top Model” o “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”? Spencer no es así, en absoluto. Jugador del equipo de fútbol americano del McKinley, es un muchacho rudo, quizás antipático, que termina uniéndose a New Directions y formando noviazgo con Alistair. 
Alistair (Finneas O´Connell)
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O´Connell (sí, el hermano de la cantante Billie Eilish y futuro ganador del Oscar, el Globo de Oro y el Grammy por la canción “No Time To Die”, de la película homónima de James Bond) tenía diecisiete años cuando salió su debut en “Glee”. Allí es convencido por Spencer de unirse a New Directions... y a su vida.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 1 year ago
Is there any Fanfiction where kurt or blaine are arrested? Either by innocent or guilty people? Maybe they met in prison, or maybe they are already together and one of them is arrested, even if innocent. (Not mafia style or toxic relationship stories)
#glee #klaine #kurthummel #blaineanderson
Don't forget out policeman!Blaine or Policeman!Kurt tags! ~Jen
Here are some:
You Stole My Breath Away by teilo 
Blaine is an FBI agent assigned to the Art Crime Team. He is investigating a rash of valuable works of art that have been stolen and at one point belonged to Jewish families during World War II.
Catch Me If You Can Verse by  afterthenovels
In the end, catching Kurt Hummel is definitely not what Blaine expected.
Special Agent Blaine Anderson catches con-man and art thief extraordinaire Kurt Hummel twice, and on the second time they strike a deal. They’re supposed to just solve white collar crimes together, but they might even end up solving each other in the process.
A White Collar AU.
Perfectly imperfect by @catcat-85
Golden Globe winning actor, Blaine Anderson went to prison for a murder he did not commit. After 5 long years, he has escaped from prison, and in a desperate need to get to a safe house before he can leave the country; he kidnaps Kurt, and forced him to drive him to a secluded cabin nestled in between the snowy mountains in Vermont. For Blaine, it’s his last chance for freedom. Falling in love is the last thing on Blaine’s mind. It’s not part of the plan. And for Kurt, it’s a terrifying situation that disrupts the impeccably perfect life he has created for himself. He’s outraged and angry at Blaine, and yet; he can’t help but believe Blaine is innocent.
Will the truth finally come out and Blaine be exonerated? Will the FBI catch him and put him back in prison? Will he and Kurt fall in love even in the most hopeless situation? Will love truly prevail all at the end?
Based on the novel, Perfect, by Judith McNaught. This is a story about two men who are complete opposites from one another; and yet, they complete each other in a perfectly imperfect way.
Incapacitated by Love by musiclovingbitch
AU. Police Officer!Blaine
“I’m your ex, you are a cop, and I just got arrested for being drunk and disorderly”
Cell conversation by accio_chris
Basically, they got arrested for disturbing the peace. Well, Blaine got. Kurt was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Refuge by whatstheproblembaby
anons prompted: Kurt witnesses a crime and is wrongfully accused of it and so he has to hide to escape being arrested/jail. Cue running-from-the-law!Kurt who is very paranoid that he will get caught, he is alone and terrified. Blaine finds him sleeping behind his shed on morning: meeting, fluff, falling in love etc etc
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tomdarryecs · 2 months ago
Yo y mis unpopular ships contra el mundo
mis bixbixbi
sorry that you think my fictional ship is illegal. I actually consulted a fictional lawyer about it and he had a talk with a fictional cop about the fictional laws and then they both looked at me, and very seriously said "we'll allow it because it's hot."
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tomdarryecs · 2 months ago
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@blaineanderson Love you both!
You love us, but we love you more! Deal with it!
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blainexanderson · 2 years ago
@theoneryderlynn thanks broskI!
@blaineanderson You're welcome, man! How are you? Did you survive the heatwave?
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tomdarryecs · 2 months ago
Asi se siente entrar a leer blainchel en ff.net jja pero con ultimas actualizaciones en 2012/2013
La vida del unpopular shipper es asi jaja
Me checking on one of my beloved ao3 fics that hasn't been updated since 2017
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sassbassmythe · 2 years ago
(continues from here:)
Sebastian looked down, turning his attention to the small gap which now was between them the moment Elliott moved closer to him, their legs almost brushing, and the almost phantom touch moment sensation that overcame him felt like electric sparks up his spine. After all these years, the mere brush of their bodies still had that effect on him. But he needed to keep a cool head if he wanted to come out of that encounter as unscathed as possible.
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So he looked up at him and smiled broadly, which soon turned into a warm, honest fit of laughter, and he pressed his hand on his forehead and shook his head. “Oh my god... This is just like us. Going back and forth at the same discussion.” His smiling face changed into a softer, warmer one, his green eyes still looking directly into hazel ones. “Your fault- My fault... Does that really make any difference right now? It happened, Elliott. Things happen. And maybe-” He reached out and gently held his chin between his fingertips. “- it happened because some things simply run their course at the time. It wasn’t our time, Elliott. Plain and simple. Not then.” He could feel his heart ramming inside his ribcage over the closeness between them at that moment, but he was determined to make his point across.
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