#blaine had run into sebastian
imogenlefay · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: 10 days of Seblaine 2023, Day 10: I Want You Back, Season 6!AU, Depression, Hurt/Comfort Summary:
Season 6!AU. After being dumped, dropping out of college, and returning back to Ohio in shame, Blaine isn't sure how his life could ever take a turn for the better. Sebastian wants to change his mind.
Written for 10 Days of Seblaine, Day 10 aka final day. At this point thanks so much to @seblaineworld for organizing the megaevent! It's been a lot, but definitely worth the effort.
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XX ~ S.S.
Part Four: Rush (Final)
A/n: This is a separate request but I combined them (This prompt list). This has been sitting in my drafts for AGES so very close to completion and I got a final boost from @mmmalakai so this one’s for you bestie <3
Request: “22 for Seb? 👀”
Word Count: 3800+
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~ Kiss in a rush of adrenaline ~
The Warblers ran into a problem when competition season rolled around. They had essentially been cut in half, and that meant they were working with significantly less people than normal. Adding on top of that the rivalry he was brewing with New Directions and... well, it wasn't ideal.
Y/n got an earful every evening after glee rehearsals. Blaine was apparently up Sebastian's ass, playing some form of protective older brother for Y/n. He had made it clear time and time again that he didn't approve of Sebastian, and his boyfriend Kurt was only too happy to support this endeavor. Predictably, Kurt had been most on board for it when Blaine had told him of Sebastian's initial flirting and move making. It made Y/n wonder if Kurt was in it to protect Y/n like Blaine was, or if he was in it for his own personal revenge.
Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be where the struggles ended. They had enough people to compete and so did Noteworthies - but only one team could compete from one school. Which meant that on top of push back from Blaine and Kurt, and the dance they'd been having with all of New Directions, there needed to be a pre-competition face off to see which Dalton Glee club was going to compete.
Which was strange to talk about, when they were technically opposed team captains, but also had been spending as much time as they could together again. They'd wanted to perform together again and neither could come up with a reason to. They were busy practicing for all the face offs and performances they had coming up, which meant they didn't have much free time. With the stress increasing, the need for peace and quiet got worse until their routine became shit talking everyone else in the car and then going back to Sebastian's, cleaning up and changing, and then just doing homework in absolute silence for hours and hours, cuddled up until dinner. Dinner was the best part of the day because they would be recharged from everything else and would put the homework away and just talk. Or watch something. They didn't talk about school during dinner, or Glee. They'd talk about music or the thing they watched or anything else. Sometimes Blaine and Kurt, but never New Directions.
It was so strange to find themselves on opposing sides when school came around at the beginning of every new day, especially when their mornings were spent getting coffee where Y/n and Blaine used to and tormenting the New Directions people who were there if they happened to run into each other.
Y/n didn't even feel bad about it. He had tried to stop Sebastian at first, but then Blaine had ruined that.
The day had started cool, which was nice because the Dalton blazers were always a little warm on the body. Adding coffee to that usually meant feeling a little warmer than one was usually comfortable with. But not that morning. Instead, Y/n and Sebastian were in line to get their coffees, Sebastian going on and on about a wild encounter he'd had in Paris when he was still living there. Y/n had been sent into a fit of laughter, face turning red and wrapping his arms around his stomach. "You did not get that drunk at 11 years old," Y/n accused.
Sebastian was grinning. "I absolutely did. My parents were mad, but it wasn't as big of a deal as you'd think. The problem was that I had stolen all the cream puffs. There were three heaping plates made for everyone at that party and I had eaten them all by myself. I was sick for two whole days, and still couldn't eat chocolate without feeling sick for another week." Y/n peeled into giggles again and the room seemed to get brighter, warmer. Sebastian watched him with so much adoration on his face that the people around them all smiled.
Well, almost everyone.
"If it isn't my favorite Dalton boy." An arm looped around Y/n's shoulder, and he looked over to see Blaine. Immediately, the joy started to seep out of him and Sebastian watched in irritation as he put on the mask that he always did. The calm and the patient and the gentle. Not that Y/n wasn't all of those things, but more that he only ever allowed himself to be those things specifically when certain people - like Blaine - were around. The more time he spent around Sebastian, the more he allowed himself to express all of the different sides of him, but it was slow coming. It was easier with the Warblers and most of the Noteworthies, but harder with Lyran and anyone from McKinley. It bothered Sebastian immensely.
"Hey," Y/n greeted with a soft smile.
Blaine positioned himself to cut Sebastian off from the conversation and immediately Sebastian's jaw locked. He tried to play as nice as possible with Blaine - he meant a lot to Y/n. And even if Sebastian didn't get the appeal (he had flirted with the man once before actually getting to know Y/n, and now he just about laughed out loud at the thought. How could be have gone for stick-in-the-mud, goody two shoes Blaine when Y/n was right there?) it wasn't about him, so. Whatever. The move from Blaine was an affront though, and he barely managed.
"I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?"
Kurt shot him a look and Sebastian purposefully ignored it. His eyes were on Y/n, who suddenly seemed uncomfortable. It seemed he has picked up on Blaine's actions - and Sebastian's reaction to it as well.
"Fine," the boy eased, sliding fluidly from Blaine's hold to pick up something off of a nearby shelf, tilting it as if considering if he was going to get it. He put it down and turned back to the other three. It was a well masked attempt to include Sebastian again, and a well appreciated one. Well, appreciated by Sebastian. Blaine's smile got a little tighter.
"I heard you started a new acapella group at Dalton," Blaine picked up again. There was something very awkward about him trying to start small talk, and Y/n shutting it down with one word responses instead of expanding in the least. An awkwardness that was showing in Blaine's tone.
"Yeah," Y/n nodded, and the tension grew.
Sebastian swallowed a smile when he saw a hint of his Y/n. The hidden shade he was masking so well with innocence and softness. It wasn't cruel, more unsure. Y/n didn't know how to show Blaine that finally, he had changed too. In the way that Blaine had become more a team player, flourishing with a bunch of people who challenged him and treated him like a normal person instead of some music sex god, that Y/n had bloomed in the same way.
Under Sebastian's pressure and fire, he had grown to something infinitely more beautiful: Himself. Not filtered to be more palpable, or fit the vibe someone else was setting. He was himself - both soft and hot to the touch. Soothing at one point, and agitating the next, depending on what he had to rise to the top to meet. And there was a whole new side to him too - one that didn't just react, but set expectations and then kept them going. Who established a mood and then continued it. One who knew control and patience and could balance firm grips and gentle nudges.
Blaine missed it all. He hummed in such false amusement that it was so obviously just irritation.
"Seems you're spending a lot of time with Mr. Competition over here then." It was light and airy, easily dismissed unless you already knew he was trying to shove a wedge between Y/n and Sebastian. Which they all did know.
Y/n seemed to consider that. "Competition drama and interpersonal relationships are different things. At Dalton we try to keep it clean - nothing personal, no dirty play." He shot a pointed look at Sebastian. "These days at the very least."
Sebastian felt himself warm, flaring under Y/n's attention. "The whole point of a game is there are always rules. I set some, you set some. They must all be followed or people stop playing."
Y/n snorted. "Very good job Bas, you're learning so well."
Blaine seemed uncomfortable with the easy banter between the two, and he tended when Y/n used a nickname. "Y/n-"
"Listen," Y/n cut off. "I've tried to tell you before but you refuse to listen so I'll be very blunt with you. I'm a different person now - a better person. This is a good thing, and if you can't see that and accept that people change I don't want to be friends with you anymore. I know you have beef with Sebastian. It's a good thing you're not the one who has a relationship with him." He turned without another word and made his order, filling in Sebastian's as well without thinking. He had been correct to the T so Sebastian let it slide. He relished Y/n stepping in to stop Blaine, and he especially loved that Y/n was so easily showing how well they knew each other and how much they meant to each other. It was delicious.
Blaine stumbled over his words for a moment at the display from the boy who used to be so close to him. "What happened to you?"
Y/n's irritation slipped. "What happened to me is that I finally got a life outside of you. I'm in a glee club that isn't revolving around you. I have other friends. I developed a personality based on myself and not you and your standards and expectations, and found people who like what I have to offer. If the only way you want me is folded nicely so that you can have me at your disposable for you and your irritating ass boyfriend then you don't want me." He slapped money on the counter and grabbed the two drinks before walking away. "See you around Blaine."
As they left, Sebastian's face twisted with a smirk. Not the teasing or biting one he usually donned, but one filled with admiration and adoration.
Something bubbled under the surface of his skin and he shivered. Then decided to ignore it for now. Y/n started a conversation about how bagels sounded good for breakfast and that was the end of it.
For now.
It was decided that a face off would be held to decide who was going to competition of the Dalton glee clubs.
It wasn't a shocking conclusion, but still needed an official announcement.
When the day came, Sebastian thought the Warblers had it in the bag.
Then the Noteworthies went.
Whatever the group had accomplished in the past, they had surpassed themselves several times. They were completely in sync, switching out and weaving through each other like it was second nature. They kept a certain energy between them that truly was contagious, like before, but also tangible. An energy that flowed through the air. Not a performance, or a show of any specific person. No call to attention or vie for spotlight, but a conversation between them that became increasingly interesting to follow.
They sang songs and it seemed like words. Banter between friends, or inside jokes. Stories that weren't all the way told yet. Secrets on the cusp of being spoken into the world. It was a sleep over or a camp out, telling stories in the dark and trying to scare each other. It was a safety net that if anyone crosses a line, you could stop and it would be okay. It was a breath of relief, or the first day of Summer vacation. Full of possibilities and mischief and energy and wonderment with all the stability of not having quite lost your sense of time. Youthful. Bright. Fun. But also accepting and gentle and understanding.
Of course the Warblers lost.
Y/n had been right - a group that worked as a unit far surpassed a ring leader surrounded by people to make them look better. And after the challenge, Sebastian lost even more Warblers.
He was losing the game, and he realized he had been for a long time.
He swallowed his smile when Y/n met him at the car. Y/n rose an eyebrow. "What is it? You're not mad we won are you? And I swear I'm not trying to steal anymore of your Warblers-"
Sebastian shook his head. "Please. It's like you said - we've far surpassed taking things personally and lashing out."
Y/n rose an eyebrow. "So you're not going to be petty?" Sebastian was surprised to realize Y/n was being sarcastic when he asked the question.
Y/n knew him so well...
Sebastian's smile finally made it through as they got into the car. "Perhaps just a little." Y/n laughed and suddenly Sebastian didn't feel bad at all anymore.
"Oh I love this song!" Y/n shot to his feet, pushing homework aside for a moment to grab Sebastian's hand and force him to follow. They were dancing together before Sebastian could even complain.
He did it while they were up instead, despite the fact that he didn't sit back down even when Y/n let go of his hands. "You promised you wouldn't get distracted if we played music today. We need to study."
Y/n rolled his eyes. "We do homework all the time - my grades are better than they've been in ages. It can wait for a single song." Y/n stepped close, something mischievous in his eyes. "Or two."
Something bubbled in Sebastian's stomach, worming it's way up to his chest. Words were on the tip of his tongue but he couldn't quite pull them out or place what they were so for now he let them be.
And the two danced.
The second song was slower, and Y/n tried to do a funny bit by using choreography slowed to half speed, his facial expressions even changing at a snail's pace, which did get Sebastian to laugh. But then he reached out and pulled Y/n against him, chest to chest, and grabbed his hand and waist. "Slow dance properly or skip the song," he chided.
Y/n snorted but didn't pull away. "Of course the rich boy is particular about slow dancing," he teased. "You know how to waltz I assume?"
Sebastian's eyes shone. "Would you like me to teach you?"
Y/n grinned. "Fuck yes." So Sebastian did. It was the first time they'd danced that it wasn't competitive or teasing. There was fire here too but it was quieter, calmer - familiar. Sebastian grabbed his hand, then his waist, and stepped closer. He spoke softly, giving directions and telling him when and where he was stepping and the directions he was going.
It was easy to follow him. Sebastian was excellent at leading, both with his steps and his words. At one point he spun Y/n, slowly to allow for him learning, and Y/n giggled. When they were face to face again they were both grinning.
"This is fun," Sebastian noted. He didn't speak as loudly as he usually did, keeping that soft directional tone he'd been using up to this point.
Y/n felt his face warm up. "It is. Maybe we should make this a regular thing. You can teach me everything you know."
Sebastian's smile grew a little teasing, and seeing that peek out now only made Y/n blush worse. "Je crois que je t'aime."
Y/n's eyebrows came together when Sebastian spoke in French. "No fair! I don't know French."
"If I teach you everything I know," Sebastian reasoned. "You will one day."
Y/n narrowed his eyes. "Okay," he eased slowly. "What did you say though?"
The deviousness crescendo'd as Sebastian chuckled. "I'll tell you one day." He slowed them to a stop, spinning Y/n outward and catching his wrist. He brought the back of Y/n's hands to his lips, leaving a kiss. "You're a wonderful dance partner."
Y/n raised an eyebrow. "You need to be dubbed an official Disney Prince with all this charm you're using on me."
There seemed to be something Sebastian wanted to say, but he chose not to.
A new side to him.
Instead he cleared his throat, covering up a laugh. "Let's get back to homework." Unsure of how to get him to divulge information when he was so often readily offering it and not hiding it away as he was now, Y/n was forced to let the interaction go.
For now.
Noteworthies killed it at competition, putting Dalton in first place for the first time since Sebastian had started coming to school here. When they were announced as first, Sebastian's eyes went wide and he couldn't stop smiling. He was in the audience, but he was quickly out of his seat and rushing backstage. When Y/n was off of that stage, he was quick to close the distance. Y/n was surprised, but laughed as they met in the middle, getting caught up in the kiss immediately.
It was the first time they'd been explicitly affectionate in public, and it was wonderful. Especially as Lyran smiled to themself, watching the two.
"Finally, am I right?" they whispered to one of the other boys who laughed, all of them heading to the changing room to leave the pair alone.
When the two boys separated from their embrace, Y/n was blushing. "What was that?" he asked.
Sebastian shrugged. "Probably... adrenaline." He chuckled, finding himself a little breathless. No one had ever made him this soft before, taken him so completely. He felt a little silly and completely ridiculous and stripped entirely of his power-
And he loved it.
“Hey I have a question.” Things had changed since the kiss back stage. They weren’t playing this maybe-friends-maybe-not thing, they were definitely more than friends. Things had gotten as casual as Y/n ending up in Sebastian’s bed for no other reason than better cuddling positions as they watched Netflix all day. That was their Saturday routine. They only got out of bed to make food, and then they’d play music and dance together or tease or kiss…
It was domestic.
But they’d never made anything official.
Sebastian had waited for Y/n to give him that staple look people always did when things got a little too serious. Usually that was when he’d run away, but with Y/n he was sure he’d have drifted into a relationship blissfully. No one could keep up with him and change the game like Y/n could - who could ever even keep his attention after this boy?
But Y/n had never asked. It had never come up. And once again the rules were different than Sebastian had expected. It wasn’t Y/n asking about their relationship that day. It was Sebastian. His hair was soft, dried post shower, and he had only bothered with the bare minimum necessary to be comfortable. Y/n had lost his shirt at some point, stealing one of Sebastian’s even though there were clothes just here that were Y/n’s at this point. It felt intimate in a weird way. Different than sex, but maybe on the same level as it.
Y/n looked at the boy, smiling. “Ask away.”
“Are we together?” Sebastian asked. “Like, boyfriends.”
Y/n’s face light up. “I thought you didn’t do labels, Hot Shot.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “If you don’t want to-“
Even if Y/n could throw him off, Sebastian was good at catching up. The dynamic shifted as Y/n gently caressed his cheek, leaning in to kiss him to get him to stop. “No, it’s okay. I’d love to be your boyfriend. And to have yours as mine. Please.”
Sebastian grew warm. “Okay.” There was that thing… that thing just under the surface…. But he let it go.
Not yet. He couldn’t handle two huge leaps in character in one day. Something told him that Y/n wouldn’t want him to anyway.
It happened, ironically, after they decided to hang out because Y/n’s parents were getting a divorce. Maybe that was actually what made it perfect timing. They were tangled together on the couch, Sebastian soothingly running his hands up and down Y/n’s back. They hadn’t spoken in a while but Y/n’s mood seemed to slowly, steadily, improving. Sebastian could feel that feeling that was growing more and more impossible to ignore. The words that were getting closer and closer to slipping between his lips. They were getting less and less scary - easier to say. Easier to accept. He knew that they would escape any second now.
“I love you.” It was Y/n who’d spoken.
Immediately Sebastian sighed. “Of course you managed it before I did.” He sounded only amused.
Y/n laughed. “To be fair, you were the one who made the relationship official. You started all of this. I think I can get one thing on you. If that’s okay.”
“No. It’s not. Take it back.” At Sebastian’s words, Y/n laughed again. Sebastian left a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead. Lingering. Then his lips parted and-
“Don’t say it just because I did,” Y/n interrupted.
Sebastian sighed. “I wouldn’t say anything I didn’t mean. If I didn’t love you, I’d run. I always do.” He scoffed. “But… I do love you. And I can even say that foul word. You’ve completely ruined me. I’m so young how could you do this to me?”
Y/n shrugged, and his smugness was so gorgeous Sebastian had to kiss him. When they parted, Y/n whispered, “Can we be different than everyone else? Can we just… not deal with all the bullshit? And work together and communicate and not fall apart? Or even worse - stay together forever even though the relationship is cannabilizing itself. Can you promise me we’ll never stop talking?”
Sebastian hummed, sighing. “I can promise I’ll always try.”
Y/n nodded. “That’s enough.” And it was. Everything else could fall apart. Their family, their relationship with Blaine. School could end. The Warblers could get usurped. It was all temporary. And maybe this was too, but it was also worth it in a way. Especially because it was temporary. Even if all they had was this week, or if it was for the rest of their lives… they had each other. What more could one person ask for than that?
Story tag list: @romanthesleepylizardking @taintedmaroon @shydinosaurcandy @clawzzz
Male readers tag: @ravenpuff-oli @sortzz @fadedver
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 5 months
Hello! Could someone help me find this fic please?
Kurt and Blaine broke up and years later they see each other in the street (in New York) I kind of remember the story went from past (mostly Blaine and his ex’s and how he never was fully happy with them) and present, and how they go from talking, to having sex and finally getting back together.
I think Blaine is with his boyfriend when he runs into Kurt and they break up shortly after because the boyfriend realizes Blaine’s not over Kurt. But I’m not too sure about that part.
Thank you!
I'm not sure of the exact fic, but did look through our reunion tag. These are reunion fics that you might consider, unless someone can identify the one you ask? ~Jen
Someone Like You by @iconicklaine
Kurt and Blaine keep up their very own version of “When Harry Met Sally” for years, a friendship fraught with sexual tension and longing, until the agendas of Adele (yes, THE Adele), a bored NY socialite and a super-sweet hetero couple bring our boys together. The only problem is… they’re both in committed relationships.
The One That Got Away by Catcat85
AU after the breakup scene in Season 6 Episode 1. Heartbroken and devastated after Kurt ended their relationship, Blaine changed his life completely. He quit NYADA. Enrolled at NYU and became a Pediatric Surgeon. He married Sebastian Smythe and they later have a beautiful daughter named Elena. Kurt realized he made a huge mistake by letting Blaine go. But the realization came too late. Blaine had already moved on and wanted nothing to do with Kurt. Kurt did his best to move on with his life. He graduated from NYADA and started getting cast in off Broadway productions, which led to having his big break when he was cast to be Link Larkin in Hairspray on Broadway. Since then, his career had taken off and he became a successful actor, but he couldn’t find a man he loves enough to marry. Desperate to have a family of his own, he found an egg donor and surrogate to have a baby, a boy which he named Chris. This is a story about a lost love between Kurt and Blaine, as well as a love story between Chris and Elena. No matter how hard their parents try to keep them apart, Chris and Elena find each other. Even after 25 years, the strength of their love might just be the thing to bring Kurt and Blaine back together.
Foundations by gentlereader
After breaking up Kurt and Blaine went their separate ways.
Blaine’s now a successful LA musician while Kurt is a high school counselor.
The creation of the Pavarotti Music Foundation was their dream… and now its a reality.
A Song For Cordelia by @melissamotown [PDF]  [EPUB]
Kurt never called Blaine after the break up, despite Isabelle’s advice. It was not out of spite, or because he didn’t believe she was right, but because his heart didn’t know how to forgive. Five years later, when their paths cross once more, Kurt and Blaine decides to be friends again - just friends. But where the heart goes, the man follows…
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Sorry to be late! On vacation this week. Also, Blaine Anderson has entered the building.
Chapter 6
Chap 1 Chap 2 Chap 3 Chap 4 Chap 5 on Ao3
Day 6: TPEUAGS = upstage, guest, gasp
He gives himself two days. Two days of thinking and self reflection. And then, on Tuesday, he sits on the sofa near Elliott’s easel, watching as Elliott dabs and smudges at the canvas that is still not quite where he wants it.
“Take a break?” Kurt asks.
Elliott looks up, a little startled, but then he smiles. “Sure,” he says, dropping a charcoal stick onto the table. He wipes his blackened hands on a rag and goes to the kitchen, returning after a moment with two glasses of red wine, which he plunks onto the coffee table before sitting next to Kurt on the sofa. “So,” he begins, “Am I talking first or listening first?”
“Um. Listening first, I guess.” Kurt takes a grateful sip from the wine glass in front of him, then swirls it gently in his hand, watching the wine weep down the inside of the glass. “First,” he offers, “I really am sorry.  Even if I had any right to pass judgment on your–” he flounders for a moment “–relationships, which I don’t, I could have been a little more gracious in the way I handled it. So I apologize.” He finally looks at Elliott again, and Elliott’s just holding his own wine and gazing steadily and openly back at Kurt. Kurt sighs and continues.
“And I promise that I’m over my… thing with you, but, honestly Elliott, how am I not supposed to see this as a rejection? I feel like a walking, talking cliché, but what’s wrong with me? How am I so bad that I’m not even an option, but you’re falling into Sebastian’s bed the minute you two get left alone together?” Kurt is slightly appalled to feel tears welling in his eyes and quickly gulps at his wine.
Elliott’s face is almost comical in the rapid array of emotions it tries on before finally landing on guilty remorse.
“Kurt, no,” he says, quiet but vehement. “You’re not – I’m sorry for being a colossal jackass. I just –” he cuts himself off, puts his wine glass down abruptly onto the coffee table, and squares his shoulders. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. And I’m so sorry I made you feel like that. I just learned a lot being with Nate, you know?”
Nate is Elliott’s ex. The one he’d been dating when Elliott and Kurt first met. The one who’d messed Elliott up pretty badly when he walked away.
“He was a lot like me. And a lot like you. It wasn’t a good thing in the long run. Both of us are too fiery, too mercurial, too opinionated… we were great when we were in sync, but ninety percent of the time it was like we were constantly trying to upstage each other… we just ricocheted off each other and it got more and more painful, you know? And I love you so much, but it’d kinda be like dating my twin and I worry it would end up like it did with Nate. We’re so alike that we’d end up just chipping away at whatever we were trying to make. And you’re way too important to me to take that risk, so…” Elliott runs out of words and he just looks so sad that Kurt’s heart clenches.
“And Sebastian… First of all, I’ve had feelings for him for a while, just so you know. And I don't know if anything’s gonna happen there, but I know that you know what a good person he is under all the snark, or you wouldn’t even give him the time of day. But, Kurt, he’s just… he’s steady, you know? He grounds me – he pulls me in when I’m all over the place and I rile him up when he gets complacent. And I think that could be really good.” He pauses again, looking at Kurt with a combination of guilt and hope on his face. “Does that make sense?” he mumbles finally.
Kurt loves his best friend so much. And it does make sense. And maybe Kurt isn’t designed for romantic relationships, but he does have some damn good friends and that’ll have to be enough. He looks at Elliott and both of their faces are soft and open, Kurt’s with forgiveness and Elliott’s with relief. The only thing he says is, “I’m obviously the more fabulous twin.”
And Elliott takes the wine glass out of Kurt’s hand and hugs him hard, and they’re both laughing and they’re always going to be just fine.
Elliott wants to move his charcoal sketch down to the studio at Muse.  He has to relieve Chandler in a couple of hours anyway, and Kurt has the leather and linen piece to finish, so they walk to the gallery together. Kurt carries Elliott’s charcoals while Elliott carries the carefully covered canvas. Things feel as easy and comfortable between them as ever. Kurt’s glad.
They access the building through the back door and enter directly into the studio. Kurt dumps Elliott’s bag and approaches his own work as Elliott situates his canvas. They can hear Chandler’s voice through the open doorway to the gallery discussing the current exhibition with  a guest. 
Kurt has just realized with sinking horror that he never ink-rubbed the leather that’s already attached to the linen when Chandler’s voice amplifies as he moves closer to the studio door. 
“...been here for quite a while. Is there anything I can–” even Chandler’s gasp carries “–oh! It’s you! Mr. Anderson, right?”
Elliott’s head shoots up in interest. Kurt is too frustrated to even register the patron’s response. But Chandler’s obsequious tone carries into the room as he replies, “Oh, really? Another one? Do you know which one?” And Elliott strides out into the gallery like the studio floor has suddenly become lava under his feet.
Kurt doesn’t register their conversation – he’s busy trying to mitigate the artistic disaster in front of him. Does he really need the ink wash? Should he try to remove the leather that’s already been stitched? He’s furious with himself for such a stupid, simple oversight and he’s deep in irritated concentration.
He’s finally decided to try and cover the linen and just rub down the leather that’s already attached, but he should probably test it on scrap leather unless he wants to run the risk of actually completely ruining this piece. He’s scrounging for fabric and a piece of leather he can waste if need be when the voices in the gallery shift again. He realizes that the three of them – Chandler, Elliott and Mr. Anderson – are standing at the wall just outside the studio space. Which means they're looking at his work now.
He thinks he hears Elliott say “Kurt Hummel,” but now he’s looking for his damned leather shears and biting his cheek so that he doesn’t let loose with a string of curse words that would be completely unprofessional. And probably bad for business. 
It’s unfortunate that Mr. Anderson chooses this moment to say, “At first glance, his work lacks passion–”
And Kurt stalks into the gallery like an angry cat, hissing “Excuse me?”
Kurt’s brandishing the leather shears like a weapon and Chandler’s face goes alarmingly red while all the color drains from Mr. Anderson’s (seriously, the man looks like he’s seen a ghost). Elliott murmurs, in his most conciliatory tone, “Ah. Kurt Hummel, meet Blaine Anderson.”
Kurt’s first thought is that Chandler was right. Mr. Anderson – Blaine – smells heavenly. His second thought is that he also looks sublime – gold-brown eyes, a beautiful, straight nose, and dark, curly hair tamed with a touch of product. It’s Kurt’s third thought, though, that comes out of his mouth. “What’s your art expertise?” he snaps brusquely.
Anderson’s black, triangular eyebrows shoot up and he answers calmly, “Oh, none. I’m one of those ‘know what I like’ people.” His face is still strangely pale, but his voice is even and pleasant. This man is unfairly attractive, and he knows how to dress, too. Kurt’s sure that’s a Prada crewneck wrapped around his toned biceps.
“In that case,” Kurt drawls, “why don’t you move on back to ‘what you like’? I believe it’s over there with Elliott’s name on it.” 
Elliott is looking at Kurt like he’s going to sink through the floor and disappear, and Kurt really is trying to soften the blow, but what he comes up with is, “There’s no accounting for taste.”
And now Elliott looks like he might actually kill Kurt, but Anderson just replies, “Indeed.”
As he flounces back into the studio, Kurt swears there was a tiny tilt of a smile on Blaine Anderson’s handsome face.
Chapter 7
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songbirdlopez · 1 year
Santana and Brittany should’ve been senior prom queen and king.
This is something I've believed since Prom Queen 2x20. 
Let's start with why I believe this would be a perfect full circle moment for Santana's high school experience. 
Santana Lopez had from the beginning wanted to be McKinley High's "top hoe". 
In season one we are introduced to her as Quinn's second in command, but it's made obvious that she wants the full glory. 
Of course we don't know why popularity is important to her yet, but we'll get there. 
When Quinn becomes pregnant Santana takes the opportunity to take over the cheerios. 
She does support her friend with the New Directions, but as far as one-on-one chats and encouragement go, she gives nada. She is even out right cruel about Quinn's situation, there's no denying that. 
Throughout season one she focuses her attention on the two most popular guys. Noah Puckerman is her on-again-off-again boy toy who she feels nothing for until someone else wants him. Finn Hudson is purely a conquest to cement her place on the Cheerios.
Onto season two. We find out why Santana is so cagey and cruel. Santana is in love with her best friend Brittany Pierce. But with raging internalised homophobia and the general homophobia of the time and place she suppresses these feelings. 
We finally get insight from Santana herself, she's scared of being herself and the consequences. 
As she starts to address and deal with these feelings she lashes out, but she also shows her soft side. We begin to see that she can be a "hardcore friend" when she wants to be. 
Then we get to Prom Queen. After Kurt is announced Santana breaks down and tells the last of her insecurities. She has been an outcast all her life and believes she always will be. She wanted to be prom queen so that there would be one night where she felt normal and accepted. That's why popularity has been so important to her.
Finally, season three. Santana and Brittany start dating officially, yay! But in secret as Santana isn't ready to come out publicly. 
Then disaster strikes and she is outed to the entire state by Finn Hudson. I will not start talking about this event because I will never stop. Because of this she comes out to her parents who are supportive, but up next is her abuela who is suggested to be her main caregiver, and definitely the person Santana looks up to the most. When she comes out to her she is rejected and disowned. Santana's worst fears have come true, being herself has had terrible consequences. 
Despite this heartbreak she moves on. Throughout this season we get to see Santana Lopez's friendship in full force. 
She gives Brittany the confidence to run for Senior Class President, she helps Kurt when Blaine is assaulted, forgives Finn for his unforgivable act, makes up with Rachel, goes to help shut down Sebastian's bullying, etc. Now to Senior Prom. 
Promasaurus is the perfect episode to complete Santana's high school arc. Her and Brittany winning prom queen and king, respectively, would show her that being herself isn't something that always ends in rejection. 
Her whole life Santana has known she is different from the norm and wants to feel fully accepted by her peers, this is how it happens. Unlike Prom Queen, where she doesn't win, she is finally being her full self and for once she is being rewarded for it. 
Her metamorphosis from a conniving, cruel, scheming mean girl to an open, warm, still snarky, out-and-proud lesbian is complete. Now she isn't popular because she's feared, she's popular because she's herself and she's brave. 
The relationship with Brittany that took her so long to come to terms with in fear of rejection is being put on a pedestal.  
There are also the real world effects. Seeing a sapphic couple be Prom royalty and be celebrated by their peers would be instrumental to young queer kids, even in a TV show.
In conclusion Santana Lopez and Brittany Pierce should have been Prom royalty. The story line was set up for over a season, and it is much more meaningful than what actually happened. Thanks for your time.
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lilyvandersteen · 1 year
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Home Away From Home by @lilyvandersteen
This story was written for the Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang, and is dedicated to @justgleekout, who made art for this prompt, and to my faithful beta @hkvoyage. Thank you so much!
Cooper buys a hotel sight unseen and asks Blaine to run it for him over the summer. Only, the hotel is a health and safety hazard and Inspectors Hummel and Abrams are hell-bent on closing it down. Can Blaine spruce the hotel up in time and save Cooper's investment?
Rated M. Warning for the use of a rape drug in the story. No actual rape, though, I assure you.
You can also read this story on AO3.
Blaine woke with a start as he fell out of bed.
“Oops!” said his roommate, wincing sympathetically. “Didn’t mean to push you that hard, but you just wouldn’t wake up.”
Blaine groaned and rubbed his sore bottom as he got up, squinting at his alarm clock. “Tina! It’s three o’clock in the morning! Why would you wake me up at this hour?”
“So you could answer your phone. Or silence it. It’s been blaring off and on for at least ten minutes. You’re lucky I haven’t smashed it to bits yet!”
Right on cue, Blaine’s phone went off again. He grabbed it and tapped the Answer button.
“Hey squirt!” Cooper boomed.
“Don’t call me… Coop, why on EARTH are you waking me up in the middle of the night?”
“What? It’s not… Oh, hang on, time difference. Right. Didn’t think of that, squirt, sorry.”
Blaine sighed. “Don’t call me squirt. And okay, I guess you’re filming somewhere at the other side of the world again?”
“Yes, we’re working on that fantasy series for Netflix that I told you about. I’m in Thailand right now. Flying to New Zealand tomorrow. I’m having a total blast.”
“That’s great. Now tell me, what was so important you had to tell me right this minute?”
“Oh! Oh, just you wait, you’re going to LOVE this!”
“Uh-oh,” Blaine mumbled between gritted teeth. “What now?”
Cooper either didn’t hear him, or pretended not to.
“You know how you’re always telling me to stop spending my money on stuff like cars and tech, right?”
Blaine huffed. “And with good reason. You spend an obscene amount on gadgets. And that Bugatti is SO over the top.”
“Exactly!” said Cooper. “Well, now I’ve made a ‘sound investment’, as you call it. Real estate, as you advised.”
Blaine’s heart leapt. “Really? You bought a place in New York? And you’re calling me to ask me if I will move in with you? The answer’s yes!”
Tina put her hands on her hips and glared at him.
“Nah… No. Not exactly.”
Blaine’s sense of misgiving tingled.
“I didn’t buy a house. I bought a hotel. It was a steal, I’m telling you. I couldn’t pass it up!”
“A hotel? Where? Why?”
“Well, I won’t be this pretty forever, you know,” Cooper explained. “And then I might not get booked as an actor anymore. So I needed to find a back-up plan for when I stop being in demand. Talked about it with the guys here over lunch, and Sebastian Smythe, who plays my younger brother in the series we’re filming, said he had a hotel he could sell me. I kind of like the thought of offering people a nice vacation, you know. A home away from home. Maybe I could do a one-man show after dinner. Like they do on cruises. Doesn’t that sound amazing?”
“Yes, yes, that’s all very well, but you’re still filming now. So who’s going to run the hotel?”
“Well, that’s where you come in,” Cooper announced cheerfully. “You’re done with your exams, right? And now you’ve got several months off. So you can go check out the hotel for me. See if the staff that’s in place is okay or needs to be replaced.”
“Coop, are you insane?”
“Think of it as a free vacation, squirt. I’m sure the staff will pamper you once they find out you’re the brother of the new owner!”
Blaine shook his head slowly in disbelief. “Have you even SEEN the place before you bought it?”
“On the website, yes. It looks great!”
“Ugh, Coop! So you saw a couple of pretty pictures on a website and shelled out a fortune sight unseen? How can you be sure the place even exists?”
Cooper chuckled. “Well, of course it exists! The previous owner sent me an Excel spreadsheet with the bookings. It’s booked solid for the rest of the year already! Just think what a fortune I’m going to make!”
Blaine tugged at his curls in frustration, repressing an ungodly urge to strangle his brother. “UN-BE-LIEVE-A-BLE. You are unbelievable! Okay, not everyone has a head for business, but I can’t believe you are THIS much of an idiot! Are you sure you’re actually my brother and George Anderson’s son? Our father would have a conniption if he found out about this!”
“I thought you’d be happy I’d followed your advice.”
Blaine could almost hear his brother’s pout.
He sighed, raking a hand through his hair again.
“I know you meant well. But… Buying a place without even visiting it first is not a good idea, and that’s putting it mildly. There could be all sorts of things wrong with it. If you say you didn’t pay much, that’s quite likely, in fact. This ‘investment’ of yours may be just as useless as that Nintendo Wii Supreme you just had to have.”
“Hey! It’s not useless! I’ve used it a lot!” Cooper protested. “And I’m sure it’s all on the up and up. As I said, the pics on the website look fantastic!”
Blaine pinched the bridge of his nose and suppressed another sigh. Talking to Cooper was very much like talking to a toddler, sometimes.
“Coop … Anyone can copy-paste a couple of nice pictures onto a website. That doesn’t prove anything. Did the realtor give you a virtual tour?”
“Uhm… No.”
“Did you pay someone to do a thorough inspection of the property before you bought it?”
“Please tell me that the offer you made had a home inspection contingency, at least?”
“Uhm… No idea.”
Blaine’s voice rose an octave. “A title contingency, to make sure no-one else can claim the property?”
“I don’t know.”
“Did you even so much as look the hotel up on TripAdvisor to see if it had good reviews?”
“Nope, didn’t think of that.”
“Oh, Coop…” Blaine groaned. “What a mess! You need to go there, stat, and check the property from top to bottom. You actually bought it already, right? It’s not just an offer you can withdraw?”
“It’s mine, yes. I signed a contract. But you know I can’t go check the property right now. I’m heading to New Zealand tomorrow, and I’m needed there for at least six more weeks.”
Blaine let his head down, overwhelmed. “Ugh… I’m not awake enough for this. Coop, send me all the info, and the contract, by e-mail. I’ll look it over and see what our options are.”
“I knew I could count on you, squirt. Thanks a lot. I’ll send you everything. And now I’ll let you sleep. Sorry again for waking you up, and talk to you later!”
Cooper rang off, and Blaine was left staring at the phone in his hands in bewilderment.
Tina cocked her head to the side. “So… Your brother bought a hotel? Just like that?”
Blaine nodded. “Just like that. And then recruited me to sort everything out for him. Oh, this is going to be a disaster!”
“Why are you in such a panic about this, Blainey Days? Surely, your brother wouldn’t let himself be duped?”
Blaine groaned. “Oh, yes, he would!”
He patted Tina on the arm. “But that’s my problem, not yours. You can go back to bed, and I’m sorry my idiot brother woke you up like that. I’ll make you pancakes in the morning to make up for it, okay?”
“Okay. G’night.”
Blaine wearily shuffled back to his bed, and was out like a light.
By six a.m., though, he was awake again, worrying.
After half an hour of tossing and turning, he got up quietly and started up his computer.
Cooper had sent the files, as requested.
The contract did not have a home inspection contingency nor a title contingency, as Blaine had feared.
The hotel wasn’t in a nice touristy location. It was in the middle of nowhere. A place called Lima, Ohio.
Also, the hotel had certainly not been a “steal”. Cooper must have sunk a lot of capital into it.
The photos on the website did look good, yes, but as soon as Blaine checked the reviews about the hotel on TripAdvisor, he knew they had to be fake.
All of the reviews were negative. And it was bad. Worse even than Blaine had feared.
The mildest complaint was one about the lack of free Wi-Fi. It went steadily downhill from there.
Guests complained about the hotel being overbooked. About dirty and stinky rooms. About a faulty outlet that fried their shaver. About bed bugs and cockroaches. About leaking taps that kept them up all night. About wanting a nice hot shower and only getting freezing cold water. About noisy neighbours that kept them up all night because the walls were so flimsy you could hear everything through them. About beds that creaked with every move they made and mattresses so old and thin their back was in knots. About sweltering heat in summer and bone-deep cold in winter, because the air conditioning units didn’t work. About the stale bread and lukewarm coffee they got for breakfast. About seeing mice in the restaurant. About rude staff that would come into their room without even knocking or that were accused of stealing money and a phone charger. About the lack of elevators and ramps for wheelchairs. And a blind person complained about their assistance dog not being let in.
When he’d read all of the scathing reviews, Blaine let out his breath in a big woosh.
 Oh, Cooper, what have you done now?
Blaine felt like banging his head on the table in frustration, but refrained, choosing to get started on the pancakes instead.
When Tina emerged from her bedroom and saw how unhappy her roommate looked, she steered him towards a kitchen chair to give him a shoulder massage, saying, “Tell me all about it, Bee.”
So Blaine told her everything.
She whistled low. “I know the place. I grew up in Lima. And that hotel was where I lost my virginity after prom.”
Blaine shuddered. “TMI!”
Tina laughed. “Oh please! That’s something everyone does in high school. Get over yourself!”
Blaine wouldn’t meet her eyes, thinking of the only school dance he’d ever been to and how that had ended.
“Not everyone,” he mumbled.
“Well, anyway,” said Tina, “the place was a dump even then. I’d say sell it again immediately. But who’s going to want it? And even if someone does, they’ll pay a lot less than your brother did, so he’ll lose a lot of money.”
“Can he afford to lose that much money?”
Tina clacked her tongue. “Then we’ll have to do what we can to save the situation.”
Tina put her hands on her hips. “Yes, well, unlike SOME people, I believe in roommate solidarity. Don’t think I didn’t hear you, telling Cooper you’d move in with him!”
“I meant for you to come with me, of course,” Blaine tried weakly, but Tina wasn’t having it, sending him a fierce glare.
Blaine looked down and swallowed, remembering how happy he’d been for a moment before Cooper had dashed his hopes. “Sorry. I just… I saw myself living in one of those pretty brownstones, and I jumped the gun. Sorry. As it happens, you don’t need to be scared I’ll leave you in the lurch. If I want a brownstone, I’ll have to buy one with my own money one day. Cooper’s proved once again that I shouldn’t count on him. And I was a fool to think I could, even for a split second. He’s an idiot, and all he ever does is make my life difficult. I should know that by now. He’s proved it so many times.”
“Aww, don’t be so hard on him.”
Blaine put a pancake on his plate and drowned it in syrup. Then he started shovelling big bites into his mouth, chewing with vigour and determinedly not looking at Tina.
“Blaine, don’t be like that. He made a mistake. We all do that, don’t we?”
Blaine swallowed a piece of pancake and retorted, “Our mistakes don’t cost millions of dollars. That’s the difference.”
“Well, he’ll make more millions, won’t he? How much does he get for that acting job he’s doing now?”
Blaine shrugged. “Dunno. But it had better be a lot, if we’re to renovate the hotel he bought. Let me first check with Monique if we can get that contract voided, though. I don’t think we’ll be that lucky, but it won’t hurt to check.”
“Who’s Monique?”
“She works for my father,” Blaine clarified. “Has done so for years. She’s like part of the family. I’ve known her since I was very little. Played with her daughter in my father’s office.”
“Hmm, so how could she help you? And why would she?”
“Monique has a soft spot for me,” Blaine smiled, thinking of all the scrapes with his father she’d gotten him out of. “And she knows this stuff like the back of her hand. She does everything that’s to do with real estate for my father. Buying, selling, finding contractors for renovation works, buying furniture for buildings, you name it, she does it.”
Tina cocked her head to the side. “Why didn’t Cooper contact her then, if he wanted to buy a hotel?”
“Coop’s more of a split-second decision kind of guy,” Blaine told her. “Never looks before he leaps. And then he looks to me to solve the problems he’s created. It’s exhausting.”
“You’d think he were the younger brother,” Tina giggled.
“Yep. He’s almost forty, but he still has the impulse control of a four-year-old.”
After breakfast and doing the dishes, Blaine called Monique and explained the situation, sending her all the documents. She confirmed what he thought – there was no backing out of the contract anymore.
“Could you check if the place is Cooper’s outright, please?” Blaine asked. “Seeing as there’s no title contingency, there’s no knowing who else might have a claim on it.”
“I’ll look into it,” Monique said, “but I don’t think you need to worry about that.”
“Oh, and please don’t tell our father about this, Monique, okay?” Blaine implored her. “He’d go ballistic, and even though Coop is a moron, I don’t want him dead.”
Monique laughed and promised not to breathe a word about it to Mr. Anderson. “And if you need any help fixing the place up, you know who to call. Glad to help, whatever you need!”
“Well, the first thing we’re going to need is pest control. So if you know a good pest control firm over there in Ohio?”
Monique hummed and click-clacked on her keyboard for a minute or two. Then she said, “We’ve worked with Orkin, based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Did the job well. I’ll e-mail you their contact information. What else?”
“An HAVC specialist, a handyman and an electrician to fix all sorts of stuff, and a reliable plumber. Oh, and another thing… You buy loads of office furniture and supplies cheap in auctions, right? When companies go bust and their assets are sold to pay the debts?”
“That’s right. Want me to look for hotel stuff for you?”
“Yes, please. Furniture, mattresses, quality linens, you name it, we’re going to need it. Thanks, Monique!”
Monique chuckled. “It’s your brother who should say thank you. The things we do for that boy, right?”
“Right,” Blaine sighed. “Looks like I’m heading to Ohio for the summer. I’ll keep you posted, Monique, and thanks again!”
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bitbybitwrites · 5 months
Hey! Not to be boring and of course if you don't want to answer you have every right not to, BUT, I'd love to know if there's any news on the sebklaine fic you had mentioned a few weeks ago that I was so curious about! 🤭
Hi! I have started writing a bit for this one.
I've got a rough outline banged out and feel it's going to be more than a short PWP.
Tentatively titled : Let You Put Your Hands On Me
I've written only about 1,200 words so far - just Kurt and Blaine meeting for the first time to discuss about becoming possible roommates - with Sebastian currently running late to the meeting. He's about to make his appearance soon.
I think that's all the news about it at the moment. 😊
Here's a little bit for you:
Blaine laughed.  It was warm and rich and, Kurt had to admit it melted his insides just a wee bit.  “I’ll let you in on a secret, “ he said, hazel eyes shining.  “I actually bake when I get anxious or stressed.” “Oh god, me too," Kurt giggled.  “If this works out we are all going to have to watch our waistlines.” Blaine took an appraising look at Kurt who smoothed down his waistcoat nervously.  “I hope this isn’t rude, but you look fantastic.  I don’t think you have a thing at all to worry about.” It was Kurt’s turn to blush.  “Flattery will get you everywhere,” he murmured to Blaine.  
Thanks for the ask, @fallevs!🥰
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daisyishedwig · 5 months
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Shhh, I totally posted this yesterday, I 100% posted this yesterday. I definitely did not forget to post this yesterday because I got distracted by the Klueless update and dropped everything to read it.
Anyway, have another snippet from like it hasn't been forever, I'll definitely post more of it one day, I promise.
“I’m running for senior class president,” Blaine said as he slid into his seat across from Sebastian. He drummed his hands on the table with a wide grin. Sebastian raised an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t that election have taken place last year?” Sebastian asked instead of expressing concern about this being the fifth extracurricular Blaine had told him about in the past two weeks.  “Yeah, probably,” Blaine said with a wave of his hand, “but it’s McKinley.”
its a day late, but I'll still tag @lusthurts, @calsvoid, @imogenlefay, and @kurtsascot
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jammie3132 · 11 months
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe Story Summary: After a fight with Kurt, Blaine goes running back to Ohio…again! The problem is he doesn’t have Dalton to run back to. Chapter 1 Title: Are You Happy? Chapter 1 Summary: Blaine is back in Ohio after a fight with Kurt. His friends are determined to not let him fall back into old patterns Notes: 10 Days of Seblaine Week 2023 Day 3: Dalton
Canon through Season 6 with exception of 5 year time jump.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are beginning our approach. Please prepare for landing. Welcome to Columbus. It is currently 62 degrees…
Blaine put his tray table up and his laptop in his carry on. This was NOT the trip he expected to be taking this week.
“Kurt! I’m home! You’ll never guess…what’s going on?”
“Isabelle got me a showing for my accessories at Paris Fashion Week! Can you believe it?”
“Um…isn’t Paris Fashion Week next week? Our anniversary is next week. We’re going to Hawaii on the Honey…the trip we postponed last year because Isabelle’s assistant got the flu and she insisted she’d never survive Paris Fashion Week without you. And the year before that because... You know, I can't remember what excuse you used that time."
“Oh, yeah. I forgot. But Blaine, this time it’s for our future. It's not the same.”
“Yes, yes, it is.”
“Come with me. We can enjoy the city during our down time. Support me like I supported you at the Grammys.”
“You didn’t go. You decided it wasn't worth missing your classes the next day because my category wasn’t televised.”
“Not this again. It was 3 months ago and you didn’t win. Get over it.”
“You did not just say that.”
“Look, I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. And I’m sorry I’m postponing our vacation again. I’m not sorry I’m going to Paris. Stop being so difficult.”
“Just go. I’ll go back to Ohio for the Groundbreaking Ceremony at Dalton. I was disappointed when I found out we couldn’t attend because we’d be in Hawaii. Since that’s no longer an issue…”
“Oh, hell no! I saw Sebastian Smythe’s name on the list of committee members. I’m not letting you go anywhere near that asshole without me.”
“Uh…excuse me. You’re forbidding, literally forbidding, me from going to Dalton’s Groundbreaking?"
"That's not what I meant."
"But it was what you said. You know how important Dalton was to me. I was devastated...”
“How important could Dalton have been if you left just because I asked you to?”
“Fuck you!”
“Blaine, don't…where are you going?”
Three hours later Blaine finally relaxed when a friendly face opened his door and gave him a hug. “Get in here” Sam said, pulling him into his apartment. “Did you leave your luggage in the rental?”
“Nope. In my dramatic exit I only grabbed my school bag.”
“Good thing I’ve still got the stuff you forgot the last time you were here. For once my procrastination paid off.”
“You didn’t procrastinate, you've been busy. I remember how crazy it was preparing the Warblers for Sectionals. The New Directions are trying to three-peat at Nationals in a few weeks…big difference. I feel like an ass taking up your time, but I just couldn’t face my mom’s interrogation. At least not tonight. I mean it would be stupid if I didn’t stay with her when I go to Dalton.”
“If you say one word about how I used to make that drive all the time, I’ll tell your new girlfriend about the time Sue was hypnotizing you and…”
“Hey! I had no control over what I was doing! And it’s not fair to use that stuff against me when I don’t remember any of it.”
“Except sleeping with Rachel.”
“I wasn’t hypnotized for that” Sam told him with an added wink.
Blaine’s phone went off (his mother not husband) so Sam went to his hall closet and brought out the box he’d stored there. Since Pam was on a tangent, it gave him time to go to the kitchen and make some calls of his own. He had a plan for his best friend and wanted to confirm the pieces were in place.
When he returned with drinks, Blaine was laying back on the couch rubbing his temples. Pam had that effect on people. “You’re going to have to go to Target for underwear and stuff like that. I’ve got a toothbrush…”
“Sam, what aren’t you telling me?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You got kind of defensive when I mentioned your new girlfriend.”
“I know” Sam sighed as he rejoined Blaine on his couch. “It’s just, I’ve been trying to find a way to tell you this. My girlfriend already knows about everything that happened with Sue, and Rachel.”
“Ok? Why is it so hard to tell me you told your girlfriend?”
“I didn’t have to tell her. I’m dating Kitty.”
Did not see that coming! “Kitty? Kitty Wilde?”
“Yes, and we have a date tonight. So do you.”
“You realize I’m still married, no matter how pissed I am at Kurt.”
“Not like that. I called a friend and he’s taking you to Scandals to get drunk and forget how big a jerk your husband is.”
“Who did you call?”
“It’s a surprise. You have time for a shower and nap. After you called, I went to the store and got a bunch of your favorite Kurt did something stupid comfort food. Please eat something before you go to Scandals so you don’t get drunk on your second beer.”
Blaine wanted to give a snarky comeback but didn’t because Sam was right. “Thanks, Blond Chameleon.”
“Anytime NightBird.”
Because he wasn’t getting picked up until later in the evening, Blaine had time to run to Target. There was also enough time to visit with Kitty before she and Sam left on their date. He had to admit he was having a little trouble getting past the whole former football coach/cheerleader thing. It was only 3 years ago.
But if they wanted to relive that time in private…
Oh God, now it’s worse.
At 9PM on the dot the doorbell rang. He was not prepared for who was standing in front of him. “David? What are you doing here?”
“Taking you to Scandals? “Ready?”
Dave Karofsky? Sam called the guy he broke up with and then married Kurt a week later? Sending them to the place where they reconnected after he returned to Ohio when Kurt ended their engagement? Well, if Dave is here, he must be fine with it.
“Sure, just let me get my phone.”
“No phone. You’re going to drink and talk to me and the others. No checking your phone every 10 minutes to see if Kurt called. Sam was very specific with his directions but I’m pretty sure Kitty was the actual mastermind.”
“Sam and Kitty…I wouldn’t check my phone…” Then it dawned on him. “Did you say others? Who?”
“No idea. Let’s go. I don’t want to give up any more of my time because you’re overthinking what’s going on.”
Blaine shook his head and chuckled. This was nice. “You know me so well.”
It was all small talk until they were settled in a back booth at Scandals and each halfway through their first beer. “Do you remember what you promised me when you came over to tell me you’d married Kurt?”
“David, I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve any of that.”
“You’re right, I didn’t” Dave told him with a confidence Blaine didn’t remember. It looked good on him. “Now answer my question. Do you remember your promise?”
Oh yeah, he remembered. “To not lose myself in my relationship with Kurt again. To do what was right for me, even if Kurt threw a hissy fit. And I have, most of the time. Sometimes that’s not how marriage works.”
“And yet you’re sitting here with me and your husband is on his way to Paris. Weren’t you supposed to be in Hawaii for your Spring Break? On the honeymoon you never took? We both know that weekend in Rhode Island didn’t count.”
“How do you…Sam?” Dave nodded his response, not giving him a chance to go off topic, which they both knew Blaine would try. “When we had our fight, I couldn’t say the word honeymoon. I just reminded him it was our anniversary. It wouldn’t have made a difference. Kurt was going to Paris no matter what I said.”
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
Shit! He noticed. “No, but I’m getting better at it. At least I think I am, but he makes it so fucking hard!” Blaine stopped to finish his beer and motion to the waitress he wanted another. If those coming later were anything like Dave, he needed to get a good buzz going. “I was so happy when I got home but he didn’t give a chance to tell him my news!”
“You can tell me. I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.”
Blaine thought about it, but not for long. The thought Kurt had to be the first one he told was gone. “Do you know about the song writing contest I won at NYU?”
“Who doesn’t? The prize was it would be recorded by a major artist and put on their next album. None of us expected Celine Dion or that the song would be nominated for Pop Song of the Year at the Grammys. By the way, you should have won.”
“Thanks.” Blaine tried to push out the memory of Kurt’s earlier comment but couldn’t. “Celine was asked to record a song for a movie, a big…big movie, but she hated what they sent her. She told the studio she’d do it, but she wanted me to write a new song.”
Dave rushed around the table and crushed him in a bear hug…maybe bear was a poor choice of words. “Oh my God! That’s huge! What’s the movie?”
“I shouldn’t say…in case things don’t work out.”
“Ok, it’s Deadpool 2.”
Dave pulled back, a blank expression on his face. “Are you shitting me? Seriously, are you shitting me? The first one is my favorite movie of all time!”
“I remember.”
“And Sam! He’s going to freak that you’re going to write a song for a comic book movie!”
“If they use it.”
Once again, Dave tightened his hold, this time even harder. “You are a Grammy nominated song writer and Celine fucking Dion asked you to write her a song for fucking Deadpool 2. Stop doubting yourself.”
“Ok, the walk down memory lane is over. Time for the male hobbit to forgo the sugar coating and get some tough love from Auntie Snixx.”
Dave whispered Good Luck before leaving. Blaine wasn’t sure if his abrupt exit was part of the plan, animosity toward one of the masterminds of his ambush wedding to Kurt or not wanting to piss off the girl who once told him she had razor blades in her hair.
Did it matter? Yeah, it did. Their time together made him realize how much he missed him. He’d like them to be friends again…if it wasn’t too weird for Dave.
His long awaited second beer arrived, but Santana declined anything stating she wouldn’t be there much longer. She then pulled out her phone and smiled a smile Blaine had seen enough to know it meant trouble. “What are you doing here Lopez?”
“In Ohio? Lord Tubbington needed an intervention for his latest addiction…Internet porn.”
Blaine didn’t question her explanation which for some reason made perfect sense. “I meant here…at Scandals.”
“Sammy called. He needed help getting in contact with the third ghost of Blaine Warblers past.”
“You are not a ghost from my past. I see you at least once a week.”
“Then Karofsky’s your past, I’m your present and the next person can be your future. Guess that makes you and your pissy mood Scrooge.” Santana took a deep breath and folded her hands on the table. “I’m only going to say this once and if you tell anyone, I’ll deny it…then cut off your balls.”
That was interesting. Interesting enough he prepared for what she was going to say by taking a big swig of beer. “Deal”
“I’m sorry.”
“I should’ve never let Britt talk me into the double wedding. She only remembered high school Klaine and then depressed Blaine who missed Kurt. She wasn’t here for the engagement and she definitely was around for toxic NYC Klaine. I was.”
For the second time since he arrived in Ohio, Blaine didn’t have a comeback because the person across from him was telling the truth. Was it progress to admit what they were saying were truths? “You didn’t have faith we’d make it?”
“Once I was out of the happy bubble of my wedding day? No, not a chance in hell. You and Hummel got back together only a few days before. You needed time to either work out the issues you had the first time or realize you were in a never-ending cycle, doomed to failure.”
“Wow, tell me how you really feel.” Blaine downed the rest of his beer for time to come of with a reasonable response. Like that was going to happen. “I thought we were ready.”
“Why? Because you went to therapy and a had rebound relationship with Karofsky?”
“Never, I mean never, say crap about Dave! I don’t care about shit that went down in high school. He didn’t deserve what I did to him, no matter what he did back then!”
Santana tilted her head then nodded, showing she was both stunned and impressed by Blaine’s outburst. “You obviously misunderstood Anderson. Was your relationship with Karofsky on anyone’s bingo card? No. Did some people think you were with him as revenge for Hummel ending your engagement? Yeah, probably more than you realize. But I know you had feelings for Dave, just not love. He was the wrong person at the right time.”
“Then who was the right person?”
“The guy who just walked in the door.” She took hold of his hands and asked “Do you remember when we went to Dalton to hear the Warblers sing MJ and they did I Want You Back? How I said we were in big trouble?” Blaine nodded because seeing Sebastian had rendered him speechless. “I didn’t mean for Regionals. The New Directions were in trouble because we were going to lose you. If that Slushie didn’t happened, you would’ve eventually gone back to Dalton. Not for the Warblers but for a Warbler…Smythe. You looked at him in a way I never saw between you and Hummel…ever.”
“Just talk to him. Listen to him. And listen to the voice in your, thankfully no longer plastered into submission, head.”
“Hey” Sebastian said upon his arrival at their table, unsure of what he was doing there in the first place. Other than fear of what Santana Lopez would do if he’d declined, of course.
Santana stood to leave, kissed Blaine on the cheek, then took hold of Sebastian’s arm. “Thank you for coming but if you fuck this up, they’ll never find your body.”
“Understood.” Then as a shock to both men, she kissed his cheek before leaving. “That…that…my younger self would never believe that just happened” Sebastian stammered as he took the available seat. “I still live in fear of her revenge for the Slushie I threw at her. Sometimes I wish she would just get it over with. I mean, how many …don’t answer that. I remember. I’ve always remembered.”
Their missing waitress appeared out of nowhere, obviously due to Sebastian. Even though Blaine hadn’t finished his current beer, he went ahead and ordered one for each of them. Hopefully they’d arrive before the girl realized she worked in a gay bar.
They did.
The tension was awkward, but since Sam had gone to a lot of trouble to put this evening together, Blaine decided the least he could do was see it through. “How’s the Groundbreaking preparation going?”
“Crazy” Sebastian told him, but the former Warbler Captain instantly broke out a smile. “But it’s Dalton crazy so…”
“Organized chaos” Blaine finished for him. “How did you get involved?”?
“Long story.”
“Good. We can get comfortable while we get up the nerve to talk about whatever Santana told you.”
“She didn’t tell me anything. I had no idea you’d be here. In fact, shouldn’t you be in Hawaii? It’s the reason you declined your invitation.”
Blaine was still reeling from hearing Sebastian didn’t know he’d be here. As much as he wanted to ask how Santana convinced him to come, he decided it was safer not to know. “Kurt was offered a business opportunity in Paris, but that’s a conversation we should save until you’ve caught up to me. I’m on my third beer and I’m not the lightweight I used to be.”
“Challenge accepted.” Sebastian took a good-sized drink and looked for the waitress. She must have figured out flirting was a waste of time since she was nowhere to be seen. Fortunately, one of the bartenders remembered Sebastian from the old days who took care of him. “So, we talk about Dalton for now?”
“For now.”
“Ok, then I got involved because the Reopening Committee asked. It’s my Spring Break so I have a lot of extra time.”
Before everything went to hell between them, Blaine learned some of Sebastian’s telltale ticks. If he tapped his fingers on the table, he wasn’t telling the whole truth. He never lied. He just had a habit of leaving out important details. Right now, he was practically tapping the drum solo to In The Air Tonight.
“It’s my Spring Break too, which makes sense since I'm supposed to be in Hawaii. Where did you wind up going to college?”
“Not Harvard like your dad. I bet that went over like a led balloon.”
“Ding, ding, ding…200 points to the Grammy nominee.”
“You heard about that? Never mind, seems a lot of people have.”
“You’re kidding, right? Everyone knew you’d end up in music, we just didn’t know how. But I have a question. When I read about your nomination, the article said you won a song writing contest at NYU. What happened to NYADA?”
“Kurt broke off our engagement, crippling depression caused my work to suffer, NYADA cut me.”
“They cut you? Depression that bad should've gotten you a medical excuse.” “My parents’ lawyers said the same thing. NYADA cleared my record, refunded my tuition, and when I refused to go back, the Director of NYADA convinced Tische into accepting me despite the fact I’d missed all application deadlines.”
“Let me guess, after NYADA (air quotes) fixed everything, you and your parents didn’t sue.”
“Ding, ding, ding…500 points to the Stanford man.” The tapping went into overdrive. “What aren’t you telling me?”
Sebastian moved his hands to his lap. “You remembered?”
“You’d be surprised how much I remember about you.“ Oh shit! Time to stop drinking.
Either his comment went over Sebastian’s head, or he was polite enough not to push the subject. “Let’s just say you weren’t the only one to switch colleges. I’m not at Stanford anymore. I’m at OSU.”
Huh? “Your turn to spill what happened.”
Sebastian finished his beer and signaled the bartender for another. They were both well aware this would be his third. According to their agreement, it was time to talk about the hard stuff. “Do you remember, back when we were friends, and you asked what was something I could never have but wanted more than anything?”
“Of course. You said my ass.”
“True, but then I said…”
Blaine’s eyes flew open even though they were heavy from the alcohol. “You told your father off? How you hated him for all the crap he’d put you and your mother through? Oh my God, what did he say?”
“You’re cut off.”
“Oh shit!” While Blaine was in disbelief (but in total awe at the same time) Sebastian seemed fine…peaceful. “That’s why you left Stanford? He even cut off tuition?”
“Everything. But Blaine, it was the best thing to happen to me.”
Huh? “What do you mean?”
“He no longer has control over me. I make all my own decisions. I’ll admit I was lucky this pissed off my grandmother, his mother. She gave me the equivalent of what I would inherit when she died. It didn’t take my finance classes for me to realize living in California, near San Francisco, was going to drain the money in less than 10 years. I finished the semester at Stanford then moved here.”
Blaine couldn’t take his eyes off Sebastian. He was practically glowing, and not from the beer. “You look really happy.”
“I am and it’s not just being free of my father. Dalton plays a huge role in what I call my recovery.”
“Dalton? How?”
“I’m not just working on the Groundbreaking. I work part time for Dalton. I’m still working on my Finance Degree, so I’ve been helping with fundraising. OSU gives me credit for practical experience. I’m also getting a degree in Education Administration.”
Excuse me?! “You? Sebastian Smythe are going to be Dalton’s Head Master?”
“Oh, hell no! I’m going to teach French and work as an assistant to the Head Master…title pending. The Head Master has to handle crap like curriculum and faculty. I’ll be in charge of budgets and making sure students don’t do stupid shit…title pending. The idea was who's better for the job than someone who broke practically every rule. There’s not a lie or excuse I won’t see right through.”
When Blaine found out his best friend was taking over the New Directions, Sam asked if he was jealous. His answer of a little was true. He had loved coaching the Warblers. But what Sebastian was doing? He wasn’t a little jealous. He was so jealous his heart hurt. “Are you happy?”
“Extremely. I know everyone expected me to be a lawyer or CEO. I’d rather work at Dalton and not have high blood pressure and ulcers by the time I’m 30. I suppose I’ve grown up.”
“I suppose you have.”
Sebastian took a chance to reach over for Blaine’s hand and was pleasantly surprised when he didn’t pull away. “Killer, when was the last time you were truly happy? Not with something in your marriage, or Kurt in general. Something that was only about Blaine Devon Anderson.”
Was it sad he couldn’t answer immediately? Blaine wanted to say his song writing. How he’d been asked to write a song for a movie. Neither was the truth. “When I was coaching the Warblers before the fire. My life was a mess, but for those few hours a day, safe inside the walls of Dalton, I was genuinely happy.”
Sebastian didn’t look surprised. “If you have time, you should come help with the Groundbreaking. Or, even if you don’t have time, could you please, please, please come help with the Groundbreaking? Some of the bigger donors asked what the Warblers were performing…yesterday. As of now, there’s no performances scheduled, just speeches. You, former Warbler and musical savant, showing up like this is basically a miracle. Unless you say you won’t do it. No pressure. You obviously have a lot to deal with, but please, please pretty please.”
It sounded perfect, but he didn’t want Sebastian to know Dalton was the reason he was back in Ohio. Kurt forbidding him from coming would somehow come out and he didn’t need that getting around. It was beyond embarrassing. “I have time and even if I didn’t, I would’ve found a way. Can we have lunch tomorrow and keep catching up…no matter how difficult it might be?”
Sebastian smiled as Sam and he assumed Kitty walked in. The only reason he wasn’t sure was because she was tiny, and every single McKinley Warbler was scared shitless of her. “B, your designated drivers are here.”
“Not quite Eiffel Tower…”
“Eiffel Tower?” Blaine and Sebastian asked in unison.
Kitty rolled her eyes at them, but Sam thought it was funny. “They’re both tall and French.” She rolled her eyes again when not only Sam, but Blaine and Sebastian, began to laugh uncontrollably. “Anyway…” she said in a way Sebastian suddenly understood why the guys were terrified of her “It’s late, you’ve been drinking and none of us are making the drive to Westerville and back. You’re staying with Tana and Brittany at the Pierce’s. Give me your keys. I’m driving you.”
The guys all began laughing again. They were so loud the other bar patrons could hear them over the music. “You…you?” Sebastian tried to say between breaths. “I don’t think my seats go up that far!!”
Sam pulled himself together. Kitty was almost at her Santana level. “I’ll drive Sebastian’s car. You and Blaine follow in mine.”
“No, I want to talk to the jackass about me and the McKinley Warblers singing Blaine’s song at his fancy shindig on Saturday.”
That got Blaine’s attention. “My song?”
“Rise…the one you wrote when Dalton burned down.”
Blaine quickly got up, and once the room stopped spinning, he grabbed his jacket. “I’ve got to get back to Sam’s. I need my laptop.”
Sam didn’t like the sound of that. Kurt had been calling Blaine’s phone throughout the evening. He hoped his plan hadn’t been for naught with his best friend wanting to Skype his husband. “Why?”
“My song writing software is on it. I’ve got an idea.”
I read somewhere Klaine’s original “introduction” in the 5 year time jump had Blaine as a Grammy nominated song writer and Kurt with a popular accessories line…no Virgina Wolfe. I went with that narrative.
Season 6 Wedding: Episode 6x08 2/20/2015. However, there was no fear of snow or cold, and that barn was VERY open. This is why I moved the anniversary to April/Spring Break.
Dalton Fire: Episode 6x10 3/10/15. While in canon it was 2 weeks later, I moved it to 1 week.
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smythewmu · 6 months
From Hunter: *While Sebastian is distracted Hunter slips a special surprise in his bag. An extremely large vibrator. The sheer size alone along with the massive batteries inside will definitely cause Security to do a bag check. But don't worry they'll let you through afterwords.*
"Sir, we need to check your bag"
Sebastian's eyebrows arched up at those words beacuse that was the last thing he was expecting while standing at the security line. His head turned back to look at Kurt, Blaine and the rest of his friends with a little shrug and a little bit of a dramatic sigh as he mostly put it down to the annoying fact that they had to fly economy instead of first class like he was more use too. He moved to the side and towards the little desk where they security guy was already moving to open that bag.
His mind racked for a few moments to fiqure out what the hell he could have slipped his mind that was going to get flagged. His electric toothbrush? It wasn't like he sudden had the urge to smuggle a whole bunch of knives when he was packing even if he had been sightly distracted by Kurt and Blaine hanging out on his bed.
"I get that you have to do this but can we kinda hurry up? You know I kinda have yet to suffer whatever mediocare food this airpor- "
Sebastian didn't get to finish as the oh so helpful security guard fished out a nearly fourteen inch, thick, purple vibartor with realistic veins running down it and was holding it up as if they were damn stature of liberty so the entire god damn airport could see it.
"Sir, is this yours?"
It took Sebastian's mind a few seconds to reboot as he stared at that massive toy. Thank god his snark ran on a different system than his brain. "I-.."
"Oh yeah- my favorite one. I call him Kevin. He's very dear to me."
It was the security guards turn to look like they needed a reboot as the slience that followed that statement seemed to stretch between them for eons and tension quickly rushed to fill it before the airport officer finally just said-
"You can't have batteries on the plane. You gotta throw them out."
Sebastian just nodded as he reached for the toy to pluck it out of the others hand and slipped the batteries out to hand them back over.
"Why, thanks. Me and Kevin thank you for all the hard work you do here."
Sebastian quipped before shoving the toy back into the suitcase and zipping it up and tugging his stuff back away towards the rest of his laughing friends.
Hunter seemed partiulary pleased if you asked him.
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daltonblaine · 2 years
you're so right about sebastian lol. he had like 20 mins of screen time in the entire show and managed to be racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and fatphobic. real speed run.
i see sebastian as a bit of a cartoonish villain which is why a lot of offensive stuff he says i'm like Ugh okay fine LOLLL like he's a homophobic gay guy but in a funny way (not like the serious, plot-driven way karofsky was) JKJFGJAFG i think my main gripe just comes from that fact that sometimes people tend to bend over backwards defending him or justifying his behavior which is all good and fine until it starts interfering with how they perceive & analyze canon plotlines and characters + being straight up kurt or blaine antis... always makes me go 🤨
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so-long-soldier28 · 1 year
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~ updated 7/12/23
~ read tags before reading; each fic is thoroughly tagged
~ back to main masterlist
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✨ ~ fluff
🖤 ~ smut
⛓️ ~ dark &/or kink themes
💚 ~ angst
🌈 ~ fun themes
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• we are very young & we are learning how to live ~ (ao3) ✨💚
who knew an innocent day at a kid's fun park would end in blaine's emotions being laid out in front of him at a picnic table? who knew finally admitting what he had done would bring him peace, and even happiness, after feeling lost for so long?
• christmas nights ~ (ao3) ✨💚
blaine always comes home on winter break. but unlike in the past, this year, he'll run into an old friend he hadn't planned on seeing, and his life will change drastically.
• a lesson in acceptance ~ (ao3) ✨💚
all throughout his life, blaine's experienced negativity from people all around him. at times, it feels like the only person on his side is his mom. his dad, brother, boyfriend, and classmates have all turned on him at some point. every seemingly good thing never lasts long, and eventually, he learns to hide his happiness; bury it, so he doesn't lose it.
• jeremiah ~ (ao3) ✨
while out studying one day, a man in the corner can't seem to take his eyes off blaine. of course, sebastian notices and immediately becomes protective, refusing to let anyone make a move on his boyfriend. though when the man finally walks up to the pair, blaine's hit with a blast from the past. then, back in the choir room, sebastian learns of a certain video previously kept secret by the warblers: the gap attack.
• annabelle ~ (ao3) 🖤
just in time for date night, the newest installment of the conjuring series hits theaters. with the promise of cuddles and a hoodie to steal, blaine agrees to go see it with his boyfriend. though instead of focusing on the movie, his attention is on sebastian, and what exactly his boyfriend is doing down between his legs...
• secrets ~ (ao3) ✨🌈
the warblers figure the only way to get sebastian to confess his feelings for blaine is to force it out of him. so, they do.
• crush ~ (ao3) ✨🌈
the usual warbler study date brings the boys back to the lima bean, but this day ends much differently than their study dates have in the past.
• somebody i fucked once ~ (ao3) 🖤
a bar in cincinnati is not how blaine and sebastian expected to reunite after so many years apart. however when they do, they're so enamored by finally getting a chance to be together, that their first attempt at a relationship is flawed and rushed, and ends quicker than desired. unable to let go of each other completely, they stay in touch once a month at a sketchy motel halfway from each's university. but is this enough? should they let go and share their feelings for a second chance at love? or will they ignore their own hearts breaking and be happy that at least they have each other in some capacity? only time will tell.
• the polygraph test ~ (ao3) 🖤⛓️
blaine fails an important test, but can't make it up without it going on his permanent record. maybe the detective will let him pass if he impresses him in other ways...
• or that moment again, he’s insisting that friends look at each other like that ~ (ao3) ✨
blaine's three years into college, recently transferred from nyada to the university of miami at oxford, and feeling better than he ever thought he would be. when he receives an invitation to a dalton academy reunion, he's hesitant to go. though his friends, new and old, convince him he should. this would come to be the best decision of his life, besides moving back to ohio, as he finally realizes he can be truly happy, as long as he admits the words on the tip of his tongue.
• colors of you ~ (ao3) 💚
blaine gets drunk one night to try and stop the thoughts flowing so freely in his mind, but instead, he just shares them with others. guess rum probably isn't the best solution to his problems, after all.
• road rage ~ (ao3) ✨
blaine has never faced an issue with driving home late at night, but that changes when he becomes the random target of an angry assailant on his way home. things worsen when no one's picking up, and he remembers his mom is out of town. In a last ditch effort, blaine calls an old friend in his contacts, hoping he'll be able to help, if he even answers.
• what happens now? ~ (ao3) ✨💚
recently separated from kurt but determined to enjoy his senior year, blaine tries to make the most out of his circumstances. right when he gets back on track, though, something happens that will change his life dramatically. but it's true what they say: it gets worse before it gets better. just at the point where he's sinking and scared, someone re-enters his life and reminds him how good life can really be.
• the wedding ring ~ (ao3) ✨
blaine goes ring hunting in his efforts to win back kurt via proposal, but what happens when he runs into somebody that might make him change his mind?
• keep you safe (and warm) ~ (ao3) ✨
after the fight at scandals, blaine decides to walk home instead of going back with kurt. that’s how sebastian found blaine wandering on the side of the road that night, drunk and cold, minutes after leaving the bar himself. he insists he drive blaine home, who soon agrees, and does his best to comfort him on the way.
• pomegranate juice ~ (ao3) ✨🌈
it's a friday, which means there's a lacrosse game at dalton, and jeff wants his two best friends to watch with him. he finds them in the cafeteria, eating the messiest fruit he's seen in his life. learning the game is starting soon, blaine heads to the bathroom to get cleaned up. enter sebastian, who becomes incredibly concerned about the mysterious redness on blaine's hands and questions him insistently about it.
• learning french ~ (ao3) 🖤💚
blaine ends the school day with an x-rated video online when he hears a knock on the door. he’s able to hide the open tab before sebastian enters, but can’t ignore the feelings deep in his gut. already turned on and now face-to-face with the boy he’s crushing on, blaine goes through a rollercoaster of emotions before he’s finally able to tell him what he wants.
• only seventeen ~ (ao3) ✨💚
blaine hosts a holiday party and invites friends from both schools. still unable to forgive himself, sebastian chooses to not go. that is, until he hears “betty” on the radio and drives to blaine’s before he can stop himself.
• all you need is love ~ (ao3) ✨
blaine is interrupted while studying for midterms at dalton. during a study break prompted by sebastian, the two talk and share a heartfelt moment, accompanied by the choir room’s untouched harp. (post 4x07)
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• birthdays are for breaking the rules ~ (ao3) [complete] ✨🌈
on audrey's eleventh birthday, blaine lets her skip school to enjoy the day together. the plan is to go to their favorite coffee shop for a treat, before heading to rachel's surprise party; blaine's had it planned for weeks. but what happens when someone from his past walks through the doors and catches him off guard? someone who's never left blaine's mind, no matter how hard he tries to forget? and more importantly, what happens when his daughter picks up on his change in emotion after the man leaves? what lengths would she go to reconnect the pair, after hearing her dad's confession over the phone?
• anonymous ~ (ao3) [part 1/?] ✨
blaine's finally showing improvement on his third day of recovery in the hospital, after an incident that left him with a torn cornea and need for immediate surgery. he's just now getting around to the thousands of text messages, as well as the many questions from his mom. realizing the complete disaster the whole situation became during his past two days of constant rest, blaine makes a phone call, desperate to talk to one of his best friends, who ironically, was the reason he ended up in the hospital.
• secret fantasy ~ (ao3) [part 1/2] 🖤⛓️
blaine has a secret. it’s something he’s never shared with kurt, nor sebastian, nor anyone else, even those he considers close. despite how much he may want to reveal it, the fear of anyone seeing him differently after they know is too strong. the reason? his secret is a fantasy. and sharing fantasies never went well with his last ex...
• new york nationals ~ (ao3) [part 4/6] 🖤
a multi-part series following the warblers' trip to new york for nationals, and seeing what will happen with two of them in particular, on the way.
• red, red wine ~ (ao3) [part 46/?] ✨💚
a long night of drinking and just dance 3 landed sebastian in a terrifying situation and in immediate need of help. blaine's help, specifically. this story starts with the backstory of how sebastian got red wine on his blazer in the first place, and the phone call that happened afterwards. from then on, things take off between the two. first as friends, then later... something more?
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
any high school fics where they get together really early on or are already together please? preferably they are or are similar to their canon selves. thank you!!!! :))
Here are some random fics that I've chosen from our high!school Klaine tab, and hope they suit. ~Jen
Redefining Views by inkinmyheartandonthepage [EPUB] [PDF]
Burt and Carol are getting closer and Finn has yet to meet Burt’s son, Kurt. Kurt isn’t like Finn, he’s the type of boy that Finn bullies. Finn and New Directions are about to meet the epic-ness of KLAINE!
The Architects of Life by misqueue
Follows the development of Kurt and Blaine’s relationship in the canon timeline from 3x05 “The First Time”.
Shiftings  by @chazzam  
The shift in their relationship didn’t come out of left field at all. Beneath the surface, things had been changing all along.  This fic describes what changed in Kurt ant Blaine’s relationship to make him realize that his feelings for Kurt were more than just friendship. 
Family Week by DreamingisBelieving
Mr. Schue gives the assignment for the week: Family. That sends Blaine into a frenzy, because he never got along with his family, but with Kurt by his side, he’ll be fine, right?
Are you spying? by @nineofhearts4
Rachel graduates after the New Directions wins Nationals, leaving Kurt as the new captain of the Glee Club. He is left to pull a new team together, including finding a 12th member after auditions fall flat. He resorts to posting on a show choir forum to recruit new members, where he meets another poster by the name of BWarbler, who happens to be very fed up with his own glee Club, which is now run by Sebastian Smythe. They strike up a friendship online, never realizing that they are show choir rivals who will meet and compete against one another at Regionals. ....until they do
The Sex Investigation Squad by thetimesinbetween
Blaine has befriended the rest of the New Directions guys. In return, they become obsessed with his and Kurt’s sex life. (They’re pretty sure it doesn’t exist and have agreed that, if it does, it probably involves lots of candles and flower petals. But they need to make sure.) Meanwhile, Kurt and Blaine are in an established, happy, sexual Dom/sub relationship, and they’re getting increasingly desperate because people keep interrupting their time alone. Things…well, things escalate.
Nine in the Afternoon by lexinwonderland [PDF] [EPUB]
After Kurt chokes at Regionals, causing them to lose. Blaine does everything he can to reassure him that he still loves him and cares about him. And if that means he has to sing his favorite Panic! At The Disco song, well that’s a plus for him.
99 perspectives on a single love story by @spaceorphan18
The Story of Kurt and Blaine told through the eyes of everyone else but them. Each chapter is a different perspective in the ongoing tale of their love story.
Glass Houses by JennMel
In an alternate universe, all babies are born with a level of empathic sensitivity to others; an ability to sense emotions, to glimpse deep into a person’s soul with just a kiss. Except Kurt Hummel. Registering at a mere 0.5 on the Hawkins Scale of Empathic Sensitivity, Kurt has resigned himself to a lonely life, empty of touch or true love. That is, until the mysterious Blaine Anderson transfers to McKinley, and everything Kurt thought he knew was changed. But finding love is never easy, even in a world where everyone’s emotions are shared. This is the story of the boy who could not feel, and the boy who felt too much.
Delinquent By balletismyobsession
Kurt is starting to lose hope that life at McKinley can be anything more than daily trauma, but that changes when a dark-haired mystery boy transfers and sends rumors swirling. But Kurt is determined not to write Blaine off. As they grow closer, spill painful pasts, and begin to trust one another and heal, they find more than they ever thought they could: someone to call home.
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chenfordsrollisi · 2 years
Slash Fic Roundup Pt. 1
Note: This is a roundup of all the slash fic I’ve written. Some pairings are canon, some aren’t. The tags on this post will just contain the fandoms. 45 Slash fics. Enjoy, loves. Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buddie (Evan "Buck" Buckley/Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz) Fic: Better Late Than Never
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buddie (Evan "Buck" Buckley/Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz) Fic: Don't Worry
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buddie (Evan "Buck" Buckley/Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz) Fic: Here With Me
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buddie (Evan "Buck" Buckley/Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz) Fic: Hold Me Close 
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buddie (Evan "Buck" Buckley/Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz) Fic: Later
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buddie (Evan "Buck" Buckley/Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz) Fic: Lonely Until You
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buddie (Evan "Buck" Buckley/Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz) Fic: Not Everyone Makes It 
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buddie (Evan "Buck" Buckley/Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz) Fic: Why Ruin A Good Thing?
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buddie (Evan "Buck" Buckley/Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz) Fic: With the Right Person
Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Mackson (Nathan Miller/Eric Jackson) Fic: Better Than Fine 
Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Mackson (Nathan Miller/Eric Jackson) Fic: Fill the Void
Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Mackson (Nathan Miller/Eric Jackson) Fic: Forgive Me
Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Mackson (Nathan Miller/Eric Jackson) Fic: Unusual
Fandom: Angel: the Series Pairing: Angel/Spike Fic: The Best of Enemies, the Best of Lovers
Fandom: Boy Meets World Pairing: Shory (Shawn Hunter/Cory Matthews) Fic: When Friendship Becomes More  Fandom: City Guys Pairing: Jamal Grant/Chris Anderson Fic: Everything to Me 
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Moreid (Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid) Fic: All to Myself 
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Moreid (Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid) Fic: Fear
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Moreid (Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid) Fic: First Day of the Rest of Your Life
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Moreid (Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid) Fic: Heart On Your Sleeve
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Moreid (Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid) Fic: I've Had My Eye On You 
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Moreid (Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid) Fic: Never Doubt My Love
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Moreid (Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid) Fic: Simplicity
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Moreid (Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid) Fic: Vacation 
Fandom: Degrassi Pairing: Darco (Dylan Michalchuk/Marco Del Rossi) Fic: Better Than Ever
Fandom: Degrassi Pairing: Darco (Dylan Michalchuk/Marco Del Rossi) Fic: How Much I Adored You 
Fandom: Degrassi Pairing: Darco (Dylan Michalchuk/Marco Del Rossi) Fic: Losing My Mind 
Fandom: Degrassi Pairing: Darco (Dylan Michalchuk/Marco Del Rossi) Fic: Run to You 
Fandom: Degrassi Pairing: Darco (Dylan Michalchuk/Marco Del Rossi) Fic: Trying Again
Fandom: Degrassi Pairing: Darco (Dylan Michalchuk/Marco Del Rossi) Fic: We Were Happy 
Fandom: General Hospital Pairing: Logan Hayes/Johnny Zacchara Fic: Break Me Down 
Fandom: General Hospital Pairing: JaSpin (Jason Morgan/Damian Spinelli) Fic: Opposites Attract 
Fandom: General Hospital Pairing: Jason Morgan/Lucky Spencer Fic: So Wrong But Feels so Right 
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Seblaine (Sebastian Smythe/Blaine Anderson) Fic: Absent
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Klaine (Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson) Fic: Always There For You
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Seblaine (Sebastian Smythe/Blaine Anderson) Fic: Breathing Space
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Seblaine (Sebastian Smythe/Blaine Anderson) Fic: Everything You Want 
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Klaine (Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson) Fic: First Kiss
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Seblaine (Sebastian Smythe/Blaine Anderson) Fic: If Wishing Made It So
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Seblaine (Sebastian Smythe/Blaine Anderson) Fic: Let Your Guard Down 
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Seblaine (Sebastian Smythe/Blaine Anderson) Fic: Longing 
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Seblaine (Sebastian Smythe/Blaine Anderson) Fic: Say Everything
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Seblaine (Sebastian Smythe/Blaine Anderson) Fic: Stay Close 
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Seblaine (Sebastian Smythe/Blaine Anderson) Fic: Things We Said
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Seblaine (Sebastian Smythe/Blaine Anderson) Fic: Waiting For You
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backslashdelta · 2 years
24 and 25 for the writers asks!
Ahh thank you!
24. have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
Hmm this is an interesting one, but no I don't think so. I tend to not want to put too much effort into research tbh, so I write things that I'm always familiar/comfortable with most of the time. I'll do a little googling here and there but certainly not enough to become an expert on anything.
25. copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
Everyone's asking me this I love it lol. Answered here and here and here and here but let's do another :) This is a short paragraph from Notes of an Old Mistake:
Of all nights, he had to run into Sebastian the night he broke up with Blaine. He loves Blaine, even now he still loves him, but sometimes love just isn't enough. It had killed him to break Blaine's heart the way he did, but he didn't have another option. He'd rather Blaine hate him than grow to hate Blaine himself. So he'd broken up with his fiancé – ex-fiancé, he reminds himself – and gone to Elliott's, and Elliott had decided they needed a night out. He figured it couldn't hurt, it would be a good way to take his mind off things because all he wanted to do was stop feeling, but then Sebastian Smythe had been there, had the nerve to try to apologize as though he wouldn't be the first one to try to pounce on Blaine if he knew, tell Blaine all the reasons he should hate Kurt, and the thought alone made him sick.
Get to know your author asks
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endiness · 3 years
y'know what annoys me about the fandom giving blaine shit for dating karofsky? obvs he hurt kurt the most, but karosfky did still assault blaine and harass him and was homophobic to him too. but who cares about that.
and nevermind how fucked it is that kurt pretty ruthlessly broke up with blaine. and very likely watched him dive headfirst into depression at nyada yet did nothing to help him. although i suppose doing nothing is still better than encouraging blaine to take on disordered eating behavior like he did the last time blaine was depressed. and then the show used karosfky to invalidate blaine's feelings and his perfectly reasonable anger at kurt for breaking up with him the way that he did.
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