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cyrilcantarelli · 11 months ago
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Les impôts m'ont demandés une copie de la source de mes revenus...
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amberammolite · 1 year ago
bashtonned for wencicles in blagering montrey as guemblor crutsil sproom??? TT_TT orvle squencers will blunket froe pamp, right? ^w^
Apparently they're selling post content to train AI now so let us be the first to say, flu nork purple too? West motor vehicle surprise hamster much! Apple neat weed very crumgible oysters in a patagonia, my hat. Very of the and some then shall we not? Much jelly.
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444names · 3 years ago
dragon names, common flower names and the entire wikipedia article on el misterio de huracán ramírez
Acover Agock Agonflaco Agonke Alenden Alkornew Allaen Allbelly Allspin Alvalm Amíreedum Anasily Ancat Anchania Ancias Andorita Anemum Anine Aninta Appeack Appeop Applentin Arylle Arysa Assion Assuck Athus Balez Balybut Bayfe Baylia Begoluel Belium Belivy Bella Bells Blacis Blager Blamake Blamelly Blamisyth Blavine Boron Brold Broludez Buran Buranther Burnelia Burogon Buroser Buruez Busagnoth Businey Busisy Butta Buttail Butten Caldum Calez's Callown Caloodral Camen Canada Canglame Canirea Cansy Carion Carysunne Casmoryuu Cathan Cathanot Catisemut Cattan Chastirna Chasto Clard Clower Clowern Cluez Clupid Colion Coluelum Conflown Conly Conquil Coragong Corchaved Cormelf Corney Coventin Crogg Crosted Cycladaf Dailypea Dandea Danden Davenast Davia Dayllagia Daylls Dayllybut Delis Denisco Denth Denthaver Diong Diret Disiose Dracily Dracins Drail Draki Dramakon Dramer Dramium Drana Dranchane Drande Drandy Dranghe Drawbe Droon Drubrock Drunia Drígue Dríguez Dríncans Débutter Eduarcip Edula Eracándy Erfla Erfly Euchi Famayfer Famer Fametvion Farchea Farks Farla Fearlower Feartle Fendelus Fercia Ferifey Ferloweed Ferrosery Fincacán Firephan Firis Flower Flypeacia Flyphol Forane Forax Forcía Foxglaur Fraegal Frakes Frolez's Froodis Froppetia Froseeber Galanot Galleeddy Gando Gardo Garianot Garther Gartley Gayfer Glaed Glagiat Glauragia Glavint Gloodir Gloulip Glown Graco Gragon Graker Gricon Griol Hadanax Hadisy Hasiol Heartlea Heath Heming Himse Hocalaed Hocksh Hodrínch Hogglot Holionium Hoose Hosed Huranth Hurna Hurry Hyacorna Hyarther Hydran Hydrangg Hydrax Hymells Hymemonax Hymeo Hysan Hysson Hyste Icacing Imromatha Imroseed Irnax Ivalls Jacine Jaconfloe Jacos Joseetmel Junia Junin Kalam Kalan Kallf Kateria Katil Lacon Lacove Lamaker Lamemum Lamming Larksh Lazhden Lemarai Letocha Libio Libis Licha Lichin Lilax Linando Lioll Liver Lover Lowee Loween Lucatis Luchadil Ludez's Magia Magonia Magonks Manium Marcia Marcía Mareop Mares Mendent Merflow Mexic Mexick Milyho Miscon Misytur Miumper Mnendum Momiles Monlyper Moodo Moongla Mosagone Myren Mysunt Nanch Narch Narreen Naston Nemaurna Nidhole Notheaf Notia Olity Oraills Oramooses Orawbal Orcholue Ormer Ornax Ornia Oryss Otheathe Othia Othrunium Paaris Paleatine Pallbel Palowern Palyof Pananot Panielia Panirez Panis Panket Panow Panth Panthir Pastoch Patleyron Peatilyof Pephiscus Peplez Peprose Petpearre Picame Picever Pidee Piden Pinge Popsilyho Prifea Prigol Prion Prock Proon Prígue Príguez Príncam Pyretme Ramaki Ramellaug Ramemath Ramemaug Ramene Ramíre Recter Rectuft Repeat Riaaco Rodel Roder Rodion Rodir Rodraco Rodrax Rodrosee Romin Roodea Roodil Roppleath Rosmonar Rostlago Ruffodelf Sagia Sagocane Saleysa Salez Saphirn Sappy Saver Saviseed Scackly Scald Scally Scathurre Scatming Sconksh Scorge Scorrom Scostree Scupider Scush Seatter Seduartla Seediold Selis Sestlic Sillevisy Silly Silypea Singe Smisis Snollamut Snothever Snothruft Snoweed Snower Snowerses Soney Soode Spaleves Spandum Sping Spuran Spurnan Spurt Stent Stiria Stlemill Stocks Stopsin Stria Struffily Stunium Sucho Sweed Swerlamay Thame Thavvy Threz Thwing Tilva Titen Tithe Toraconia Tormel Trassis Trepris Tretrage Trick Truing Trunien Tulammina Tunip Turower Typtunic Vinghemat Vinne Visine Volingea Whibises Whing Whinta Whiter Wilva Wilywer Wiscor Witerios Wournán Yarde Zingeate Zinghe Zinth
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littlelycheegirl · 6 years ago
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Heart Evangelista is shaking! #Fashown #Mowdel #Hohotidi #Vlogher #Blager (at Chicago Downtown) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo7w8O_AEF0usflQ3_Z_nOF2XI_LzKwfuLZnd00/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pzggni2nraj8
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yosoyjpee · 7 years ago
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As a commuter, my hair is always exposed to pollution, smoke, and sweat. These could cause unwanted odor that might cling to my hair. But with #VitressHairFreshener, I’ll never have to worry about that again! 😊 With its #InstaFresh Technology, Vitress Hair Freshener instantly eliminates unwanted odors leaving my hair with a long-lasting fragrance and shine! This will also be a perfect companion when I travel abroad! ❤️ Thank you, @officialvitress! 😊 #Influenza #Mandatories #CopyPoints #NabigyanLangPo #Blager (at Bonifacio Global City "Fort BGC" - Taguig City)
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coolskeleton3000 · 8 months ago
I forgot blager even can fucking hurt, haven't been in situation like this in a long long while
Screw that, drinking that much water before long bus trip was a damn mistake my blader hurts so much
If I wet my pants I'd die from sheer embarrassment
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craftrising-blog · 8 years ago
First post and Rare Barrel review
Welcome to my new online venture. I try to be involved in as many aspects of the Arizona beer scene as I can; working as a beertender at one of the best bars in the state, selling craft beer with a distributor, working at one of my favorite local breweries and just generally being a pain in everyone’s ass as possible. I’ve also written beer reviews on Facebook and Instagram and I’ve had people say “hey, why not make a blog?” So I decided, why the hell not? And here it is. I will be reviewing beers and talking about local breweries, beers, events and anything involving the Arizona craft beer culture, especially in Tucson. I’m not here to rip off my good friend The Classy Alcoholic, as a matter of fact he has been instrumental in helping me get this started. Now, on to the fun stuff...
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Now, while my main focus is the Tucson and Arizona craft beer scene, I also love beer from all over the world. For my inaugural first review, I have decided to tackle this beast of a sour from The Rare Barrel in Berkeley, CA. Supermassive is a variation of their dark sour beer aged in oak with blackberries and black currants and it clocks in at 6.9% ABV.
The color is a deep ruby that is nearly opaque. The nose is a rich blend of dark berries, light oak barrel and tart cherries. This beer is explosively jammy with huge notes of overripe blackberry, acai and bitter currants washing over pomegranate and light oak with a backbone of lactic tartness and sour cherries. Just a nice, punchy, jammy American-style fruited sour ale.
Rare Barrel beers are only available from The Rare Barrel and many of their releases are only available to members of their “Ambassador” program but lucky me I have nice friends!
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hajime-isayama-official · 7 years ago
Oh yay ask box is open! I just want to say, fuck hold up. *Looks down at paper* I really like Urn Blager, one of the angriest protagonist. I also like his smart friend *squints eyes* Arms in art let? *clears throat* yeah I love them so much.
Ikr they best
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sammiiee1014-blog · 7 years ago
Hello? Testing testing blager!
Go ahead, type a post
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jangety19 · 5 years ago
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Blager!!! 🇹🇷 (at Adana, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qLD1_pRNn/?igshid=1l31adc6w65q1
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image-transcribing-bot · 6 years ago
i wame Bigger thighs, better health? According to one study, people whose thighs measured less than 24.5" were more likely to have heart disease and other health problems. d Trista & ". ~ Plot twist: thick thighs do indeed save lives WebMD ® Blager thighs, better health? According to one study. people whose thighs measured less than 24,5" were more likelyto have heart disease and other health problems. wh m/ 2zM020U sos am - 3 Or 2018 2,756 Retweets 5,283 Lies secso0ean6
I am an image transcribing bot which uses Tesseract OCR to translate images to text. I'm far from perfect but I try my best! Existing is hard. You know why. | PayPal | Patreon
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ideaimateria · 6 years ago
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Des d'arquitectes i dissenyadores de productes fins a artistes tèxtils i innovadors digitals,  Women Design  perfila una selecció de les dissenyadores femenines més dinàmiques de l'època moderna, mostrant el seu millor treball i celebrant la seva influència duradora
El disseny al llarg de la història ha estat profundament modelat i millorat per la creativitat de les dones; com a practicants, comentaristes, educadors i comissaris. Però en una narrativa que impulsa amb entusiasme els seus homòlegs masculins, sovint les seves contribucions passen per alt
A través de 21 perfils atractius,  Women Design es  redescobreix i es delecta en el treball de pioners com Eileen Gray, Lora Lamm i Lella Vignelli, mentre que brilla un focus en pioners moderns com Kazuyo Sejima, Hella Jongerius i Neri Oxman
Molt il·lustrat amb imatges d'arxiu, es tracta d'una rara visió del món laboral d'algunes de les forces més influents del disseny contemporani
El 2018, les dones d'Europa tenen més oportunitats professionals que mai. Tres quartes parts dels estudiants de disseny són dones, però la proporció de dones en càrrecs directius en la indústria descendeix a només una quarta part. La raó és suficient perquè la comissària britànica Libby Sellers organitzi una sèrie de conferències de dos dies titulat "Women Design", en col·laboració amb el Design Museum de Londres. L'objectiu principal de les converses és subratllar que les dones en disseny han de ser advertides i reconegudes. Paral·lelament a les anàlisis històriques, els participants del sector del disseny, l'arquitectura i l'art examinaran els problemes actuals i buscaran possibles solucions. Per exemple, la discussió sobre "Historiografia basada en el gènere" se centrarà en les dones pioneres de la indústria, com ara Lina Bo Bardi i Anni Albers. A "Gendered Technologies", l'autor Tamar Shafrir i el dissenyador feminista queer i no binari Gabriel A. Maher parlaran de les possibilitats de les noves tecnologies i del paper que juga en les identitats de gènere en el disseny. El dimecres 7 de desembre de 2018, la Residència mostra una celebració de l'exposició inaugural dels dissenyadors Legrand Jäger, Ella Bulley , Hester Buck i Helga Schmid. El punt de partida de l'esdeveniment va ser el llibre "Disseny de dona" de Libby Seller, on la comissària escriu sobre com, fins i tot en una indústria progressiva com la del disseny, les dones segueixen sent oblidades i marginades o no tenen les mateixes oportunitats que els seus homòlegs masculins. L'esdeveniment del Museu de Disseny reunirà a dones de la indústria i mostrarà la seva importància.amb:Saskia Sassen, Farshid Moussavi, Odile Decq, Emily King, Frith Kerr, Marina Willer, Nelly Ben Hayoun, Tamar Shafrir, Gabriel A. Maher, Alice Twemlow, Penny Sparke, Catherine Ince, Matylda Krzykowski, Shumi Bose, Christine Checinska , Yasmin Shariff, Pat Kirkham, Ann Coxon, Noemi Blager, Tulga Beyerle i Jane Hall . https://designmuseum.org/whats-on/talks-courses-and-workshops/women-design
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architecture-corner · 5 years ago
Lina is commissioned to design  SESC Pompéia, a leisure centre built in an old factory. She organised space without hierarchy: swimming was deemed as important as learning weaving, a jazz concert, or playing chess. She created a culture of convivial diversity that continues today: inclusive environments where the old and the young interact.
From http://linabobarditogether.com/2012/07/17/about/ Noemí Blager, Curator
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majoyjoy · 8 years ago
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06.11.17 Feeling blager na naka mask 😂 (at Blooming Petals, Inc.)
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