thetoaddaddy · 1 year
@bladedhunter liked for a little starter
Coming across rogues in a mostly rogue oriented town was no surprise. Alas so long as no one kicked up a fuss things tend to be fairly peaceful around here if very shady. As talented as Jiraiya is he can’t exactly out do a whole gaggle of rogues if he picks a fight. But it’s good for information and getting on the latest for where certain people are moving. Jiraiya watches as a certain person walks into the bar. Blonde and his type. Alas they’re part of enemy group number one so the most he can do is strike up a friendly conversation. He finishes his drink before taking a seat across from Deidara. “Cards?” He offers as he pulls out a deck from his pocket. “Or are you jut here for the food?”
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naru-uzumaki · 3 months
FROM THE START --- there had been a gravitational pull that the jinchuuriki couldn't help but be drawn to, their surroundings completely blurred except for the silhouette of [ that teme ]. How did Sasuke manage to have such a hold on him ( every part of him )? Naruto had allowed his feelings to overpour from the core of his being the night prior, blurting out what he thought Sasuke would just shrug off. It had taken [ everything ] for the young blond to contain himself but everything just slipped out when they had a quiet moment to themselves.
Naruto went home the HAPPIEST man alive once his outburst was... recognized and given the response he had hoped for. With their history, he had been ready to receive whatever unknown came to him.
But now --- here they were.
Naruto tried his best to not be completely captivated by the Uchiha right off the bat, grasping onto his hand and beginning their 'walk' towards what his idea of a date might be.
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❝ Oi... Let's go this way. ❞
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kiigan · 4 months
@bladedhunter Deidara lands in front of Itachi, having jumped off a clay bird that promptly explodes in the air above them. As the air around them kicks up, Deidara fishes out of his pouch an envelope, handing it to Itachi. "Heh, did some digging, figured out it's your birthday." It's another photo of Sasuke. Deidara's managed to capture a photo of him smiling, just a little, with his teammates.
Why are you so obsessed with my spare eyes,
ㅤis what he should have said. In fact, what he should have done, all those months back when, for some reason, the organization decided to celebrate something as unnecessary as Valentine's Day, was to indeed take the first photo and rip it in half and set it on fire. There's no one to blame for the current state of affairs other than Itachi himself, and so he shall own up to his mistakes.
Ideally, never let them happen again.
ㅤYet here he is, accepting the new photograph; relieved that, at the very least, the dark shadow overcoming the crimson sea of his eyes can be blamed on the miniature dust storm Deidara kickstarted with his triumphant entrance. Quick to make it disappear into one of the many pockets he keeps by the inner part of his black-on-red-clouds coat.
«Thank you.»
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hatredcurse · 3 months
Sasuke vc: "Grueling." || @bladedhunter
" Speak for yourself, Captain Brood. I think love is great. "
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shisui-uchiha-anon · 3 months
plotted starter for @bladedhunter
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A retired detective is all that he is now, nothing else is left. He lost his job because he was too blind to see the truth or refused....from his troubled thoughts a melodic voice shook him back to reality. And reality is that his life is good if we take the sad fact that he can not be the face of the law ever again. He has it all, house on the spot he always wanted big yard peace, and the one he loves and the one that loves him the same. He has more than some people would ever have.
"Well, you look awfully miserable Shisui?" Said the melodic voice, that stirred Shisui from his troubled mind, that sometimes invented problems when they were not there. Shisui has spent the entire morning picking apples. Their big apple tree was full of red apples, the redness could be spotted from the road ahead. Shisui was still young and chores like these were nothing to him. Shisui was home alone, he had been alone for months. While his beloved was sent away with a special police unit.
Itachi was home, in one arm he had his bag, and on his face still rested the mask. Shisui hugged him whispering welcome home. Then he took off Itachi's mask, landing the first kiss against his brow, respect, and friendship, then on the lips declaring his deeper feelings. After all, that friendship bloomed into love, and that friendship is responsible for all this happiness. No, this is all thanks to you dearest Itachi, that day you had more courage than I will ever have. Shisui thought.
"Me a house what? A housewife? Only if you want to detonate your own house" Shisui's own words. Now he was just that a domesticated, caring, sensitive.....
"Come you must be tired, I will fix you a bath, while you tell me how it was," Shisui said taking Itachis's bag and walking him into the house.
With Itachi's help, Shisui moved their table from the veranda to the pleasant shade of their apple tree. Soon lunch was on the table, and they ate and laughed together. And Shisui was grateful for every second and for every minute of this happiness.
Itachi was sitting on the veranda while Shsiui combed his long hair, A few strands were still wet but combing and the sun made hat black silk dry. Shisui smiled cuddling his side of the face to Itachi's.
"Tell me how it was this time?"
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shinobinvku · 3 months
@bladedhunter sent: "You're making a big mistake." -ZABUZA
She creates some distance between the Kiri swordsman up high in the tree branches, crouched in a defensive stance within the shadows, ready to dodge the mighty swing of his Kubikiribōchō if need be. The Dragon has vaguely heard the rumors of the Demon of the Hidden Mist and his savagery toward Konoha-nin. All alone and not seeking a death wish today, she treads carefully.
“And what mistake would that be?” She asks calmly. Her heart, however, is racing. 
“Are you not Momochi Zabuza of the Seven Swordsmen? Perhaps you’re mistaken in assuming I’m one of those self-righteous Konoha-nin. I’m here seeking your services if you think the price is worth it.”
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irukasenseii · 1 month
Dropping in to send positivity! I appreciate our threads and am super impressed how quick you are hah! But I also see you *eyes emoji* when you're the only one that likes a post, and I really appreciate that, too! I don't know if it's intentional support but it feels like it lol. MAYBE I'M JUST IMAGINING THINGS! lol anyway I love your Iruka and he's so adorable!
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HI. HELLO?? How rude of you to send me this while I was on my mini vacation LOL but hi! I love the threads we have for sure. Sasuke is his child now and Sarada will always be his grandbaby
but also shhh. you see nothing. don't all me out like that. I like to like things to show silent support shhh
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reddawnmultimuse · 1 month
I'm going to drop kick my way into your ask box because it's POSITIVITY DAY FOR MAY! apparently. idk. HI FRIEND! I appreciate you, and I love the way you write! It's interesting, and also has a sense of humor that always makes me smile! :D
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[ idk what i did to deserve this but thank you! i love your writing, too! ]
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shinnogi · 3 months
      we can never be gods, after all - but we can become something less than human with frightening ease [...] the knives that will slaughter heaven, our heads bloody but unbowed [...] for ours is a fate worse than death...
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      𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐊 ( @bladedhunter ) ━ ❛  Stay.  ❜ ~ Hinata to Neji ?????!!!!!
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      Paranoia had always been a close ally to him, ever since he was old enough to truly understand the word, it had become an ever present entity in his life. And as a shinobi it was an asset, keeping him on his toes and preventing many dire situations from transpiring. And yet the one time he had pushed it away, the one time he had left the Hyuuga estate despite his mind telling him to stay, something like that had happened.
      Attempts on his cousins’ life were not new, his father being one of the causalities of one of these attempts many years ago, even so Neji could never truly be prepared for the fear it awoken inside of him. Learning that once again there had been an attempt to kidnap Hinata, to take her away from them and steal her eyes was horrifying. Not simply because of the assault but because…to harm such a genuinely good person was just despicable.
      Him being away from home while that happened caused him to drown in guilt. He had sworn to protect her — had sworn to give his life for her, and yet when she had needed him, he was not there for her. Yet again Neji had failed Hinata. After making her suffer for so long in his childish stupidity, he had once again failed to keep his promise.
      Neji was unable to sleep, patrolling through the compound, eyes all-seeing as he scanned through the outer walls. He’d not allow such a thing to happen again. Still, his wandering lead him to his cousin’s room, shame and guilt overwhelming him as he thought of Hinata once again in the hands of people who would harm her. Slowly Neji slid the door open, as silent as a owl mid flight, he walked inside and gazed upon the seemingly sleeping girl.
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      She had not been harmed or so he was told, but he figured such a happening would tire anyone. Looking at her soothed him slightly, and he sighed, he had to get better — get stronger so he could truly keep her safe. As he turned to leave, Hinata’s sweet voice struck him.
      ❛  Hinata-sama…  ❜ he whispered, turning around to look at her. Neji had half a mind to look embarrassed, almost shy at being caught during one of his paranoid and protective episodes. ❛  I did not mean to wake you.  ❜ The older shinobi apologized but acquiesced to her request. He could never deny her, after all.
      Kneeling by her bed, he searched her face for injuries, signs that she was in pain. It would kill him to see her hurt, his memories of the chunin exams haunted his every dream, he did not ever want to see her like that again. ❛  How are you feeling?  ❜
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kahenn · 1 year
@bladedhunter for Kakashi!
It hadn't been a particularly hard mission for the two of them, some reconnaissance and acquiring of information in the Land of Earth (why, Miki is confident that Kakashi was likely capable of doing such a mission on his own), it had been a long one. Classified documents acquired, it was nothing more than high alert travel on the way back. While no one ought to know they were transporting important information across border lines, it would be much safer once they crossed back into the Land of Fire.
By the time they enter the Land of Plains, they are tired, strained, and in need of rest. Miki cannot take feeling grimy and greasy for a second more.
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"Kakashi-" she muses, drawing out the last syllable of his name. She knows he's tired too, with the way he hunches just a bit more. "You know...we camped this whole mission. We traded who was on look out and who got to sleep. Shouldn't we get to truly rest a bit, recuperate? I know a nice Ryokan not far from here. Wouldn't it be nice to have a bath? Eat some decent food? Sleep on something soft?" She bats her eyelashes at him, just in case he's inclined to say no.
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thetoaddaddy · 1 month
Maine Coon!!! 🐱 gib to tsuna
A very large, a freaking beast of a cat, strolls it’s way into the office with a very keen knowing of the layout. It’s fluffy, and pure white. The large beastly cat without fear leaps onto Tsunade’s desk and meows at her.
Coincidentally she did summon Jiraiya not that long ago. And this intelligent looking fluffy boy bore a striking resemblance to the more free spirited of the Sannin. He meows again, demanding her attention.
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naru-uzumaki · 3 months
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❝Nande yo --- ? You really still think that? ❞
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kiigan · 4 months
settling dust prompts @bladedhunter/Sasuke requested: [ PUSH ]:     the sender gently pushes the receiver back to lie down so they can check them properly for injuries.
ㅤStop overreacting is at the very tip of his tongue, so ready to come out, but it doesn't - only because Itachi is well aware he has absolutely no moral ground to support such words. One, because how many times has he fussed over his little brother before, for something as simple as a paper cut or wet hair after running in the rain? And, two... because, had the roles been reversed, he would definitely have been panicking as much as Sasuke currently is.
ㅤIn his defense, being found unconscious after a coughing fit that left the lower half of his face coated in fresh blood is kind-of par for the course, at this point - the difference being, it is Sasuke's first time being the one to encounter such an unfortunate scenario. And it is one thing to be aware that your big brother, whom you've finally made peace with, has been ill for years and nearly died from it, and it is another completely different thing to see it happen in real time, Itachi supposes.
ㅤAs much as he supposes Sasuke did all the work by himself of carrying him to bed and hasn't contacted anybody about it yet, from the looks of it. Which is good, because there's no need to trouble the hospital staff about something so trivial. On the other hand, there's now damage control to be done, before this same Sasuke ends up hyperventilating for good. So, after being pushed down for the second time in about thirty seconds, Itachi goes for a different approach - holding his arms open for his little brother as much as the position allows for, sheepish smile on his face.
«Hugs first? You can scold me properly after.»
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hatredcurse · 6 months
Thin, emaciated wrists felt like mere feathers upon Kakashi's calloused palms. Total and utter shock prevented him from enclosing the trembling anatomy with security and warmth, his own skin crawling with a nitrogenous cold. Whatever heat held in the pads of his fingertips receded into his bones along with the spirit beheld by the central body.
"I'm-... Sorry, what did you say?" he said, sheepishly, regaining his sense as many guardian eyes bore into his shoulder with bewilderment," hungry, right. We can get you fed."
The rest of whatever the woman said faded into the obscurity of his mind. Nothing said was sticking to his mind and everything was lost like a downpour of vocabulary into a waterlogged dictionary.
"Where have you- What did you say your name was again?"
Plotted starter — @bladedhunter
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kyuusou · 18 days
Kakashi just... looks at him. This is worse than what he normally wears. "Who are you showing off for, anyway?"
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"Kakashi, I'm showing off my confidence to everyone, as should you! Join me,” Gai said in a serious voice. This was a big deal for Gai—to bring people together while everyone is showing off their confidence in their swimwear! It was summer after all. One last dive into the pool and have fun without restraints.
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uchihasavior · 1 month
Esu my beloved! today I am sending out positive asks and I am not leaving you out! You write fabulously, like, whatever you are writing, you are an amazing friend. You are like my Naruto lore encyclopedia when I have a question. And you put up with all my shit XD like WOW that's crazy. Anyway, have a good day today! ttyl!
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[[ mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
may may may may may
love u bunches!!!!! ]]
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