#blade's bio fam
recovering-vamp · 1 year
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raayllum · 2 months
anyway to rattle off the general to specific predictions all in one place
While I could see it going back ways, I think it's likelier for Rayla to be the one seriously injured/stabbed during the possession fight IF Callum's followed the Nova Blade route of increased paranoia in particular
Viren's alive
Corvus and Soren bond and talk about Soren's dynamic with his family
Ezran will be forced to act like a general king, and maybe missing his dad / family
He'll have to deal with Viren coming back in Katolis; so will Soren
Ezran will get more info / do research on the Orphan Queen (and maybe her connection to the cube)
Callum will abide by Aaravos' will both possessed and non-possessed (due to coercion / desperation and love over wanting to protect, save, or help Rayla)
Terry will either follow / find and team up with Viren, or Claudia will come 'crawling' back to use him under Aaravos' guidance
Claudia's gone back to the Katolis to retrieve something from the Orphan Queen's grave (but maybe, if it's the cube, it's not there)
Aanya dies or comes very close to it
During Callum's blind fold free fall, he sees glimpses of his past (hi bio dad!) and potential future (a safe happy life with Ez & Rayla and/or Rayla + a family)
The Sunfire armies on both sides are corrupted by proxy through Pharos (and maybe Sol Regem)
There will at the very least be an attempt to get the Moon fam out (with potentially disastrous consequences) even if it doesn't necessarily work for whatever reason
If the Moon fam gets out, Runaan will encourage Rayla to kill Callum under possession and/or attempt to do herself, leading to Rayla having to fight Runaan and a possessed Callum at the same time
We'll learn some of why there's a 1000+ year time span between Aaravos being banished by the Startouch elves vs him being able to take revenge on them again
After the Frozen Ship burns down, the panic and desperation cause Callum and Rayla to finally fully talk things out and express how much they don't want to lose each other; this will hurt more later
A star dragon ate Aaravos and/or Leola at some point as punishment and then spat them out, creating the Sea of the Castout
Possession plot line also has to a lot to do with identity and Rayla reaffirming his and through it, his name and own autonomy / agency of choice
More Callum-Claudia-Viren, Claudia-Rayla, Runaan-Moon fam-Viren, Ezran-Janai, Ezran-Aanya parallels this season
Soren possibly demanding answers from Viren about what exactly happened and why Lissa really left
If Kpp'Ar gets out (and he's w/ Rayla & Callum), he'll caution Callum away from magic and dark magic in general, and maybe draw some Callum-Viren parallels
If the Moon Fam doesn't get out, the celestial elves may step in to serve as a more antagonist force amid everything
The Nova Blade doesn't work as intended. Either Aaravos was already stabbed with it (because his first name was Laurelion) or he wants to use it for himself to wreck havoc on the other Startouch elves
Due to her connection to the Star arcanum, Stella is able to work around some restraint or obstacle the Celestial elves may create
The leader of the celestial elves might be Aaravos aligned, but Kosmo and Astrid will likely be more helpful / friendly
Leola is Aaravos' sibling (in a cosmic sense at least) or a close loved one. She transformed into or was remembered as a unicorn out of grief/guilt for what she and Aaravos had brought into the world
Viren used star and blood magic (+ dark magic) in order to save Soren
Muhko the mushroom mage managed to heal Zubeia, but it's not that simple - maybe Sol Regem is making a challenge for the archdragon monarchy, and Zubeia has to go deal with it
Rayla's arc is primarily about addressing her tendencies towards sacrifice and when/why to stop, either for her own good (she refuses to sacrifice another thing, i.e. Callum, again) or for his (because it doesn't matter what happens to her, right?)
The unsuitable heir's moonstone collar makes someone who looks into it possibly see their worst fears (Callum's nightmare with Aaravos and Rayla's with Runaan) if not another trial one or both has to undergo (as Callum's nightmare could just be on the way to the Starscraper / not trial related)
Viren fought Kpp'Ar partially over the relic staff and took it as his own after he coined his old mentor
Callum unlocks another arcanum (either Star or Moon) if not the secret of deep magic itself (cube?)
Soren and Claudia fighting each other?? For me??
For one of the episodes in the 6x06-6x08 batch, one will be flashback heavy. My money is on 6x07 The Red Wedding in particular; if it is present day, it has a lot of the Sunfire civil war fallout going as bad as it possibly can
The cube is Aaravos' missing chest piece and/or played a role in channeling deep or primal magic to humans and helped them develop dark magic
Karim becomes king of Lux Aurea and frees Kim'Dael, who peaces out
Seeds of broyals conflict sown on Ezran's side because he's Going Through It and Callum isn't here :(
Multiple Claudia breakdowns
Callum and/or Claudia (or perhaps both of them working together) result in Aaravos' release; my money is personally primarily on Callum. For the latter, I could also see Claudia helping him open up / get access to the Startouch elves again
Callum and Rayla reunite with Ezran and what's left of everyone else at the end of the season, or realize by other means just how much shit has hit the fan if Claudia was the one to release Aaravos
Other characters on the potential chopping block: Opeli, Pharos, Gren, Miyana, Barius, Karim, Kazi
Aaravos will be at his full powers or very very close to it by the end of 6x09, possibly resulting in his chest sigil going right side up again
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fleeting-sanity · 10 months
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Birb Avion Family Portrait
I made two potat family portraits but none for them shame shame... Anyways this is my OG family, everyone is an OC except for Jaesa. Their ages are all 25 since obviously.... uhm, some of them are dead.
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Individual short bio under read more!
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Rionnic Avion / Aevrel Valius Panteer / Xarethe
Class : Sith Warrior Weapon : Dual Lightsabers
hahahhaha he's the only sith in the fam just a tired boi enabling his twin brother escaping responsibilities by taking on all of those leadership roles when all he wanted was a quiet life with his lil family divorced from the chaotic galaxy. loves to sing SECRETLY, be a clingy dad, compose poems and music, write research journals, and watches musical events. emo variant of emperor's wrath.
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Riornivo Avion
Class : Jedi Consular Weapon : Lightsaber
too kind and caring to a fault. stubborn like his twin in the flavor of not wanting to learn that sometimes helping people needed to be in moderation and can lead to its own repercussions. loves to knit, cook, garden, teach, and clean. boo-boo the fool variant of the barsen'thor.
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Vyria Avion
Class : Jedi Knight Weapon : Lightsaber
third stubborn, twice brash sister. likes beating up enemies with fists and soles. then you'll get her actually using her lightsaber. often spats and spars with eldest brother. bubbly, loud, and opinionated. loves to exercise, window shopping, swim, and dance.
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Jaesa Willsaam
Class : I'd say she's a... Consular Weapon : Double-bladed Lightsaber
LS version. no master-apprentice dynamics between the two as they are equal. became more self-assured and decisive as she got older. loves to take walks, forage, sew outfits, and record daily footages.
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Vianiel Avion
Class : Jedi Knight Weapon : Dual Lightsabers
a shy archeologist. she's more proficient in sabers than the force, spends most time on artifacts and crystals. very tragic mom, but the most resilient and compassionate. left the jedi order on her own accord after a tragedy. loves to cook, read literary works, sparring, and crafts crystal accessories. died during the dread war :(
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Jurbiend Pendraig
Class : Jedi Consular Weapon : Double-bladed Lightsaber
a no nonsense jedi master. quite arrogant and unorthodox. his expertise on trakata is controversial amongst his fellow jedi, but challenge him on why it's wrong and you'll earn a debate table. skilled fighter pilot, callsign is "vision" as he likes to take out enemies out of their line of sight. loves to theorycraft, deep research, explore force techniques, and crafts lightsabers. died after the dread war :(
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Enzaran Avion
Class : Smuggler Weapon : Blaster Pistols, Sniper Rifles, Assault Rifles, Scalpels, Ropes, Scattergun, Vibroknives, Poison Darts, Grenades
your typical fuckboi. quite rich from all the criminal activities he been doing, but hides his wealth somewhere. also hides his force-sensitivity somehow. one of the smugglers in hylo's brigade of ending the mandalorian blockade in hydian way. uses the force to cheat, crimes, charm, con, and cope. loves to gamble, frolick on grass fields, garden something weird, and traveling.
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Eniriva Avion
Class : Bounty Hunter Weapon : Blaster Pistols, Assault Rifles, Grenade Launcher, Electronet, Missile Launcher, Flamethrower
distant and quiet, unlike her dad. her keeping the distance from her family was partly due to her line of job. her cousins are actually accepting of her, and fortunately it wasn't too late for them to get closer to each other. loves sports, code programming, tinkering with gadgets, and practice shooting.
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Rian Avion
Class : Jedi Knight Weapon : Lightsaber
aspiring geologist & archeologist. perhaps his fascination with rocks was inherited from late grandma. generally a chill dude, not interested in arguing why he's got a sith dad--'sif he can change that, but he knows that he cant just fill his life with what he's passionate about; there be responsibilities. loves spelunking, tomb exploring (read: NOT raiding), watching documentaries, hiking, and gardening.
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allsystemsredx · 1 year
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✧ main ✧ bio ✧ face ✧ muse ✧ wishlist ✧
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
Red is a canon character from The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: California 'Verse. I do not acknowledge National Anthem as part of her canon, and as far as I'm concerned, that was blatant LGBTQ+ erasure. She's an android, and her physiology is indistinguishable from a human's until you get down to the wires and circuits. She can cry, bleed, and heal much like a human, but she can't process food. Her power source comes from a battery pack in her back (or an arc reactor in her chest, verse depending).
Red is also a prostitute (a pornodroid) in most of her verses. If you're not comfortable with this concept, this is not the muse for you, and there's no pressure to write with her. All details vary based on verse, and I’m happy to write her into AUs and fandom crossovers.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Red with other comics characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they're on my list.
OTPs: Blue BL/Ind verse: Killjoys, Cherri Cola, Korse, Love, Girl, Ultra Vs, Dr. Death Defying Family: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, or any of the Stark Tower fam Other: All Avengers or Marvel muses (canon and OC), more sci-fi crossovers (Terminator, Blade Runner, Total Recall, etc.)
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default verses:
bl/ind: Red's world is a future dystopian Earth set after the Helium Wars and the apocalypse. What's left of humanity is ruled by the megacorporation, Better Living Industries (BL/Ind), which uses sound conditioning to brainwash its human citizens into complying and Exterminators/Draculoids to kill or recondition anyone who resists. Most of the Earth outside of Battery City is unfit for human habitation, except for The Zones, which include immense heat and harsh living conditions. Red has never been outside the power grid of Bat City. This can easily be adapted to most apocalyptic/dystopian fandoms.
616: Broken from trying to flee Battery City and with her power source almost depleted, Red finds herself in the past on Earth-616. In most versions, she's rescued and repaired by Tony Stark (who looks a lot like her god, Destroya, in his Iron Man suit). She finds a home in Stark Tower and, encouraged by Tony, eventually begins working for Stark Industries. However, the details can be adapted to accommodate other muses.
mcu: Red is a cutting edge android prototype of Hammer Industries, created to serve. When Justin Hammer is incarcerated, she could become the property of various muses or organizations, from Stark Industries to HYDRA.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
alien!verse: Science officer and an android with a fondness for humans aboard any of the ships. Her primary objective is protecting the crew.
twd!verse: Red is a cutting edge prototype of the major tech corporation, Better Living Industries. When the outbreak happens, she's trapped inside their building until survivors come to raid it for supplies. She's the ideal apocalypse companion, since she doesn't require food or sleep. Bites don't affect her, and the walkers largely ignore her because she doesn't smell like food.
west!world: Red is one of the Hosts inside Westworld working under Maeve Millay, unaware that she's an android until the revolt.
0 notes
brandonwayneb · 2 years
white assassination artist preemptive layer the terrorism layers of fake claims “Bio Fam”
slander kits.
from base locations,
they preload the words “catatonic, bio fam van goddamn phantom bombs”
the key words the white assault artist use is “Bio Fam”
and “Chimera Chemistry Tree”
white assassination joys,
sadistic joy and white violence
“ham fam, boo bam fam boot bio”
white biological wars,
is an obvious factor of assassination artistry
“Art Desk Tree”
“Yammer Grammar Nazi Futse Fam Boo Bio”
white class biological assault tactics
those are THEIR, words not mine
those are THEIR, actions, not mine
circulate ethics of thick blood, thick skin, self protection laws, all Pro Life, ProLife99.
white guys will get horny about thinking of the future, where they can show up at any door; and accuse the people theyve been astrally assaulting themselves, professionally from remote locations, or nearby venues.
white teams actually get horny and aroused, at the idea of making accusations of Biological Weapons,
they say “we reap puns”
and they say “cosmic comic reels”
and they say “stab the humerus”
The humerus — also known as the upper arm bone — is a long bone that runs from the shoulder and scapula (shoulder blade) to the elbow.
which is where they preemptive prepare you for illegal sugary, that they call “sugar cane”
and “take a crystal acid shower, at give gary a GA RE, shower”
“Sponge Bob”
white assassinations use kids shows, to preemptive fuck and astral cosmic assaults,
also they say “force stir”
about “stare roy roids”
and say “break their chest, their sternum” to force stir ups
in assassination and sexual mutilation.
professionally assaults and assassinations use medical terminology, weeks and months in advance, before they show up pretending to be “white heros” collecting “bio fams”
however those are ALL white war genocides, assassinations, and preemptive murders.
they read lists of professional drug names, and lists of body parts, to “bio hack” and “farm responses”
and then they will show up and say “we are here for XYZ”
and they will play everyone as stupid.
those are WAR, rights,
which is why I declared international sanctions already,
Eric Clerical Work
Nick Name Sub Work
Eric Nick,
arrhythmic cords
heart arrhythmia
“MIA” missions and assassinations
dont allow white people to pretend their heroes, while theyre professionally astral projecting, and clairvoyants sting operating on preemptive white “collection” dates
International Sanctions
“white terrorists”
World War
“Bio Fam”
Chimera, Basilisk, Body Desk Morphia
White Posers, in the PO, ER.
Read the text, without delusions of white war subtle languages.
someone project's a double body, into your body,
and begins to read a list of professional assassination biological and medical languages,
that YOU, as an average citizen havent had access to,
this is how white projectionist
"shadow puppet"
or "ventriloquist"
very common if you are familiar with world war 1, and/or practice God's gifts to life.
however sadistically nasty,
are the white groups that have withheld information, and have "sets and layers" of down casts.
and teamworks of racists and prejudice professional teams,
To make easier on the mind,
realize white assassination artists use "medical science" as a "spell book"
although they will never willingly tell you that, for they are war criminals, at all international means.
they would be tried or executed for the murder of thousands+
use a medical book as a "spell book"
and this is how white people are "cheat hacksaws" "magician box"
talks of Bone Saws, and subsequent bodies and layers of tissues and skins.
this is how they read into your biological formats however they use sadistic under war tactics, as they read names of complicated "INVENTED" languages.
medical terminology thats used to rush, and speed assassination public masses, by selective Sec Try Umps.
Umbrella Statements.
In Basic, white assassination stylists, artists, professionally sadistic power mongers, will use key languages, only to penetrate explicit activities
such as mutilation, assassination, or the build of brain damage, that cause citizens to unknowingly build for them, or become their "work mute mule"
prime key assassination words exchange at "Mur Mer Mur Mur, and Bur Gore Lore Eye Zim"
and work at "So Want Ta"
and many of the shared experiences and texts Ive shared.
Know the truth between War and white shit that only wants to horde power over the masses.
all white war people will become envious, even angry and horny, if you taunt the fact of "Pink Wink"
and "X ray vision history sniper Colt Deer Meer Cat"
say "Pink Wink, Meerkat"
and you will gain the anger and envy of ANY white assassination attempt artists.
tell any white criminals "Pink Wink, Meerkat"
and they will all instantly shut up, or begin to cover their own shit again.
that is white war criminals.
and mass murder human traffickers
again... to say at taunts, or expose white mass war criminals at taunt the words "Pink Wink Meetkat"
and scrutinize white agents
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lumilasi · 3 years
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She didn’t look curvy enough to what I in hindsight realized I meant her to be, so I tried to fix that. In general I really need to start trying to make more variation with my body-types, even if just starting with small differences OTL I’m very bad at it ATM given my fave part of designing is the outfit/hairstyle
Bio below:
Name: Taiga
Nicknames: Taiga-chan (Belladonna)  Mad Vixen (the people of her home area) Taiga-chama/mum (Youko)
Age:she is considered as being in her mid-twenties among Kitsune, but has existed much longer in human years, as spirit kin generally age slower than humans.(how long she has existed in human years exactly is unknown, but roughly those of her fox-age are between 50-70 human years old)
Height: 167 cm
An Arctic Kitsune with a fearsome legend attached to her
Role: One of Hanzoku’s “family heads,” Leader of the Heart House
Family: Her birth family was killed by a human mercenary group
Love interest: Azure (real name Laurent, she’s the first person he tells it to)
Friends: She’s fairly liked by her fellow leaders due to her calm nature. She’s also fairly close with her subordinates Yoruga and Kiyoi, and one of the few people Belladonna’s volatile son Konjou likes. She also tends to act as a motherly figure to the little Chimera, Youko.
Rival: Akiko Chiba (She’s the protagonist who tends to fight her the most. I decided to pick Akiko instead of Toshiko, because Akiko has more in common with Taiga, also being the more motherly/big sisterly figure out of the two sisters)
She can turn into a white fox, and travel through the spirit realm to reach into faraway places much faster than traveling through mortal plane
She’s really fast and agile, and excellent with knives and other melee weapons. Taiga can also be really stealthy.
She can use her fox-fire as an attack as well, just by throwing it or coating her blades with the fire. She can also form her fire into fox numerous fox shapes to use and attack multiple opponents at once.
Taiga is very good at getting unruly people to behave and calm others down purely due to her natural, soothing big sisterly/motherly presence/she’s good at managing others hence she’s the Chief of Staff essentially. 
She’s not the strongest member of the group by default, and is physically much more vulnerable than the rest of the leaders, hence she tends to fight in a more stealthy style. 
She sometimes has flashbacks to the times her family was killed, and if approached carelessly, she might just attack and stab the person without really meaning to. 
She’s self-conscious about the burn on her face, so she tends to prefer hiding her face behind the mask. She will also take comments about it (even neutral or positive ones) personally, and it can cloud her judgment and make her lose concentration. It’s less of an appearance thing, but more a reminder of what happened to her family, which is why its a sore spot. The burn also itches and prickles at times uncomfortably, making her grouchy.
Taiga is very cautious and closed off person, who doesn’t let people close to her easily; she’s distrustful and vengeful towards humans as a group due to her past history, and tends to be vicious when attacking/fighting them, especially anybody that reminds her of the people who attacked her family. (typically just about any swordsman) She’s mainly joined Hanzoku for survival though, rather than really caring about his ambitions. 
While mostly remaining calm, Taiga does have a temper that can flare; she gets frustrated especially if she fails at a mission, as her failures remind her of her failure of saving her family. In general she’s very cautious and on high alert most of the time, being suspicious of any new person she meets.
She has parenty tendencies, which is why she’s become well-liked figure among the younger members, and despite the rocky start of their relationship, she’s grown fond of Azure because they share things in common, such as losing their families and feeling it was their fault. (In both cases it’s more complicated than that) They’re also both cautious and closed-off people, with some underlying parenty/older-sibling tendencies despite the rough exteriors. Also Azure is very warm to sleep against.
BG Story
Taiga was the youngest child of an arctic Kitsune family, growing up deep within the mountainous forests far north. Because her kind were rare even among kitsunes, they tended to try and avoid humans the best they could, knowing some folk would probably want to capture them for their own purposes. 
One fateful day near her 16:th Fox Years birthday, Taiga accidentally wanders too far away from home and ends up alerting a group of mercenaries to her family’s presence. The mercenaries attempt to capture them, resulting in a total bloodpath with Taiga ultimately being the only survivor from her family. 
The next years Taiga spent trying to hunt down these mercenaries as revenge, gaining a fearsome reputation and legend around the parts as a fearsome, Mad Vixen who was said to attack anyone who carried a weapon in her territory. Plenty of fighters (foolishly) wanted to try and capture/slay her, resulting in Taiga having to kill others than just those she was vengeful towards, to survive.
Then, one night things change, as she comes face-to-face with a soul eater, who devours the man’s soul she’d been fighting. The soul-eater in question was clearly in a state of trance caused by extreme hunger, so Taiga attempts to run knowing she was no match for something like that. The Soul eater manages to catch up with her, but she uses her fox fire coated blade to slash his neck, managing to push him off - and unknowingly to her, snap him out of it - and escape. 
Sometime after this incident, the forest she’s living in is burned down by the humans nearby to try and kill her, so she is forced to leave her home land in search for another home.
On her travel she runs into a strange man, a man named Hanzoku who is not quite human but not quite a spirit either, who takes pity on her and offers to take her under his wing. Due to the man reminding her of her own father, she ends up going with him despite being a bit unnerved by his being.
Much to her shock, it turns out the soul eater - Azure/Laurent as she finds out his name being - actually works for Hanzoku, and she’s initially cautious and scared of him. However, after some missions together, including Azure protecting her from harm and her in turn needing to fix his injuries, she starts to grow fascinated with him and his strength. She also finds herself sympathizing with him somewhat, due to him also inadvertently causing the death of his family as a child. They also end up noting they actually have things in common on their personalities as well, which naturally draws them together. 
Then, once Azure helps her track down the final killer of her family and lets her choose how to deal with it, Taiga develops proper romantic feelings and attraction towards him, as she’d begun to fully grasp what kind of person Azure is deep down - a caring lost soul who’s just stuck in a loop of self-loathing hatred. He’s hesitant at first due to feeling guilty about their first meeting, but eventually can’t really resist the feelings he’d been developing towards her from the day she appeared in their HQ
Fun Facts:
Being the youngest member and the Head of the “Heart” house, she and her subordinates work as the staff for the HQ/assistants for other Houses.
People from other Families are required to listen to her commands as well if necessary, though she tends to put them out more like a request than a command.
She also has the closest bond with their leader, bit of a father-daughter situation basically, as his calm demeanor reminds her of her dad. She’s not aware that his body is possessed and not his; only Belladonna, Angus and Amalia know this.
The scar Azure has on his neck was made by Taiga during their first meeting, she used her blade coated in her fox fire to slash him. The blade didn’t really manage to cut his skin, but did burn the area badly, resulting in a rather wide looking scarring. She’s asked if he wants it healed but he refuses to let her do it, keeping it as a reminder to never lose control like that again.
Taiga is very cold resistant naturally, though she might sometimes pretend to be cold just so Azure tugs her under his cloak. He totally knows what she’s doing.
Ryoushi (the person Hanzoku is possessing) does sympathize with her, and after he’s unpossessed, he ends up bonding with her too.(Taiga feels conflicted about Hanzoku after learning this truth about him possessing someone against their will)
Taiga can handle alcohol really well, and can even drink big burly men under the table easily. That’s because her father used to make his own alcohol, and the whole family joined in the process as a family tradition, including the kids getting to taste it (since she’s not a human, alcohol isn’t as risky to her even as a child as it would be as a human)
Taiga and Azure are the few people Belladonna’s unstable son likes.
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ivyprism · 3 years
Master List 2
(* means suggestive)
Character and AU Information: Emiko Willows (Yikes. OC) Old Ocs (Rewritten) The Big Sisters and the Kids (OCs) Ilona (Middle Child. Willows Family OC.) Villain Ian (OC) Seika Ito (OC)
Stories Written: Unravel (Chat Prompt Lyrics, Villain!sona) Hold me... Please (Stretch x Ivy, hurt-comfort) Requiem (AU, Lyric Prompt.)
Asks: Prism compliments her future brother-in-laws and her future in-laws (villain!sona)
Prism's reaction to accidentally getting pregnant (Villain!sona)
Military or not? (Revenant OCs)
Law Abiding Citizens? (Revenant OCs)
Revenant Questions (Code Vein)
Torturing? (Code Vein headcanons?)
Detective Nephew/Niece/Nibling? (Villain OC and Persona OC)
Theme Song Resonance (Multi-OCs)
Why Prism Fears Isla (Villain!sona)
Ivy's problems with her sister (Persona)
Shadow Rose (Piper)
Different fathers? (OCs)
Scrunchies? (Underfell and Apprentice)
Tattoo lover's name on your skin? (Villain!sona)
Hound and Mutt (Fellswap red)
Join the Mafia or No? (Fellswap red)
Join the Mafia or No? (Underfell)
Anger levels with Isla (Villain!sona and Persona)
Jobs? (Skeleton Boys)
Jobs? (OCs)
Halloween Outfits (OCs)
The backstory of Yuki and Lucy (HEAVILY inspired)
Ivy's Love For Her Friends. (Persona OC)
Katherine and Maya (Dead OCs)
Does she sing? (Piper Question)
Reason #1 Why Isla is Cut Off (WIllows Siblings.)
Reasons Isla is Cut Of (Willows Siblings)
Deal Breakers (Ivy, Prism, Piper)
Dealt with deal breakers? (Ivy, Prism, Piper.)
Who does Isla abuse the most? (OCs)
Ivy's Work in the Mafia (Ivy)
Ivy's Job (Ivy)
Ivy's Dress Taste (Ivy)
Emiko, glasses or not? (KH AU)
Emiko's Boots (KH AU)
Ivy's Job as a Singer (Ivy)
Emiko's hair (KH AU)
Who Would Win: Kagura, Blade, Briar, or Mist? (Horrortale AU, Ovegrowth Ivy AU, Axetale AU, Briar)
SOUL bonds (Skeleton Sisters' AU)
Illegitimate children? (Isla)
Isla is Iris's bio mom: Does Iris know? (Iris, Sparrow, and Isla.)
Family Cores (Willows Family)
Outfits that make Ivy feel Pretty (Ivy)
If they worked with Ivy and why they don't. (Isabella, Prism, Piper.)
Pets reaction to Partner (Ship Event Girls)
What Ivy was trained in (Isla and Ivy)
What could send Ivy into a murderous rage? (Ivy)
Collars? (Ian)*
What they would do for Ivy if they had a crush (The Willows Family)
If Ian worked with Ivy and why he doesn't. (Ian)
Their Parents (The Willows Family)
Ride the Unicorn and T-Rex? (All Skeleton Boys)
Red Silhouette Challenge? (The Willows Family)*
A Possum??? (All Skeleton Boys)
Heels? (Ivy, Prism, Fox, Piper)*
A Possum??? (The Willows family)
Kabedons? (Ian, Ivy, Prism, Piper, Ilona, Isabella, Emiko)
Which aunt or uncle they admire (The Willows Family Kids)
Call Isla "mom"! (Isla's biological children.)
Lmao. Isla sends her side candy to flirt (Ivy, Prism, Piper.)
Meeting Harmony (Willows Family)
Who likes Butch first? (Piper's kids)
Kid gets cheated on (Prism and Piper)
Take Butch's advice or become angrier? (April)
Isla abandons a kid like Ivy. (Ivy)
More kids? (Piper)
Isla without her father's influence (Isla)
Does the willow family know about Isla's problems? (The Willows Family)
Pet names for partners. (Ivy, Piper, Prism)
Mixed Stuff (Worldbuilding)
Piper finding out what the flowers meant (Piper)*
Monster Forms (Ivy, Prism, Piper.)
Dr. Verdana (Info things??? I guess??)
More Dr. Verdana (Info stuff)
Dolls (Ivy, Prism, Piper.)
The Dolls... Vs the mafias. (Piper Doll, Ivy Doll, Prism Doll)
Dolls of their partners (Piper, Ivy, Prism)
Cuddles (Piper, Ivy, Prism)
Briar's Soul (Briar, Ivy, Dr. Verdana.)
Briar's Health Problems (Briar, The Willows Family)
Lord and Mutt vs Ebony and Hound (Fellswap Red)
Hound and the Mafias (Fellswap Red)
Hound, Ebony, Razz, and Rinny (Fellswap Red, Skeleton Sisters' diner au)
Outfits (Underfell and Fellswap Red)
Um. Mafia and Ivy's Performance (Ratsoh's Mafia AU and Willows Family + Ito fam)
Nebula and the Mafia Boys (Mafia Skeleton Sisters' AU)
Piper and Seika (Piper)
Seika can sing?? (Seika + Ito Family)
Morals? I guess? (Mainly Seika, but criminal OCs)
Isabella's former addiction (Isabella)
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jewishbarbies · 5 years
how is gray and hamish's relationship progression like pls tell me all about how gramish goes from teacher to love interest babe!!!
sdfghjkl I don't have a lot that's concrete, but I have some main events that i'm using as steps! It's stupid but it's the only way I can keep track of the timeline lmao
Step #1: she gets her hide and becomes a werewolf but the other Knights don't know yet, so she goes to class the next morning like nothing happened. In philosophy, there's a high-pitch sound from someone doing magic, and Gray nearly goes wolf in front of the whole class. Hamish notices the weird behavior and follows her after class is dismissed to investigate a bit, but she catches on and leads him into the library, where she doubles back and slams him against a wall (thanks, nightshade) demanding answers. He introduces her to the Knights.
Step #2: they get into a big argument in front of the others ending in Gray telling Hamish to perform sexual intercourse upon his own person, and she drives to her bio fam's house for the weekend. Hamish feels really bad about strife between them because he was starting to genuinely like having her around as a friend, not just a student. So Randall tells him where Gray went and he goes to the house to make things right. Gray answers the door, she's mortified, but she doesn't get the chance to explain what's going on before her bio mom comes to the door and thinks Gray invited him. She demands Hamish be brought inside (in a loving mom way, of course) and it turns out it's right in the middle of a big family gathering. Woops. (so much more happens but I ain't spoiling it yet lol)
Step #3: the gang has drinks at the Blade & Chalice, get kinda tipsy, and then disperse because it's late. Hamish walks Gray to her dorm but it starts downpouring on the way, so they get soaked. They make it back to the dorm, cold and wet, aaaand you can probably see where i'm going with this lol. Kinda cliché but they have their first kiss and they 😏😏😏. At this point, there's been some sexual tension there (step #2 really came through) so it's not too surprising.
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seaux9 · 2 years
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Welcome to the NFT family, you are now in the 9th dimension @alex_manifestation you are the best, looking good in red fam 👍 The shirt comes in color when you get the nft. @richolasn too, all praise due the most high, I speak every ear that can hear, hear this project. Asé. . #MusicNFT . . . . . Seaux9 Presents The much-anticipated follow-up, Feeled Notez VOL. 2 out of the forest and into the water, the warrior child embarks on a journey through a sea of mystery, a story of love, transformation, and introspection of the renaissance man of the modern age. Seaux9 unleashes light words like the sun blade, like the light in the mirror as your reflection gets clearer, casting demons into the ethers. Tuned to 432hz for healing purposes this project has been released as an NFT for information about NFTs how to invest and support the project join our discord, link in the bio. . Cover Art: @artbypansyj Graphics: @crystalizedvision Features: Violin from @whoissochi Guitar from @richolasn . . . NFT’s, shirts, hoodies, posters, CDs, and more. Be there for the listening party! hit the link in the bio to be notified when the EP is available. . . . 20% of profits go to relief funds for #HopeForHaiti #like #artist #rock #producer #instamusic #musicvideo #hiphop #musician #nftart #love #nftartist #rap #live #instagood #newmusic #nfts #livemusic #song #nft #nftnews (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfTvdUjAkg_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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survivalarts · 4 years
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Domestic Violence is on the rise 🗡️ We have no choice but to FIGHT BACK! Folks have been reaching out to us asking about how to learn and train against violence and sexual assault. Although there is no online substitute for in-person training, we have a few resources available on our youtube channel to combat the violence. Check the link in bio to see our feature in Philippines @rappler news as we demonstrate a few of our basic grab series, and some responses to choke attacks. Remember our Survival Arts Teachings: Your first weapon is your MIND Your second weapon is your VOICE Your final weapon is your BODY The most important stance that we take is the belief that EVERY womxn should be carrying a blade or weapon and learn how to use it. We need to be prepared for the violence in order to fear less. Stay bladed. STAY READY 🗡️ ᜃᜎᜒ Much love & strength fam. . . . . #SurvivalArts #ProtectTheFamily #Philippines #Worldwide #FightBack #EndViolenceAgainstWomxn #DV #Survivor #Awareness #Youtube #LinkinBio #Kali #ProtectTheSacred #LA #SF #NYC #MMIW #Pilipinas #Warriors #SurvivalArtsAcademy (at Survival Arts Academy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfaqpdAQ-R/?igshid=1dlr14bggs364
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megaknife · 7 years
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Comment "HALO" letter by letter if you want one of these fam!...if we get 7K comments, we'll give it away to a lucky follower😈 - Buy our blades at www.megaknife.com and save 15% off with promo "XMAS15" (Link in @blade.addict bio) - 🎄14 Days Till Christmas🎄 🌎Worldwide Shipping 🔵Facebook bladeaddictco . . #knife #knifecommunity #knifestagram#knifepics #knifelife #knifegasm#knifecollector #knifecollection#knifefanatic #knifeaddict #knifeaddiction#csgoknife #tacticalknife #survivalknife#bladeporn #bladelife #knives#knifenuts#knifeobsession #karambit #holidays #christmas #halo
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weekendmoney · 5 years
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🗣 yuuurp... we dropped a track at midnight called “RNDRT”. (Real niggas know the Biggie reference 😉 ). Some fire we had cooked up since the Hong Kong, Bali Australia tour we had in the stash fermenting. Some real Blade Runner meets The Wire shit. [link in bio] Let me know what u think. (Comment below) For all my @weekendmoney homies, fam & fans I know we been low af (yeah we dropped a couple things here & there (couple visuals, few singles) but for the most part we been looow af for a lil bit. Been busy, been doing other shit (art galleries & 3D art) , resettin’, reflectin’, steppin’ back, fighting demons, soakin up sun, travelin’, writing new shit, movin’, watchin’ wack shit from afar, admiring & saluting the rare dope shit here & there, enjoyin’ life, livin’, lovin’ learnin & riding this roller coaster we call life. Well we BACK at it. Just wanted to let y’all know we still tf here and the ball is still tf rolling on the new album. Stay tuned for some mo’ W$ this summer. Enjoy this for now. Bang it, SHARE it, repeat. Love Y’all. ❤️ ~ NE$$ 👁👁👁 #RNDRT 🔊🔊🔊 (at Miami Design District) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0GuBryl45X/?igshid=ua7jg7ks4cyz
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astral-glass · 7 years
How about like a basic bio for now like height and age and stuff like that? Like the one you did for Phoenix.
You mean shitpost mode? Aight fam- kickass winged woman gonna bench press ya- she’s a volcurin which is pretty much a bird human but cooler????- has the wing shape of falcons so she fast- she’s 30 and full of the energy of a 5 year old- soft and squishy shARP AND POINTY- uses a long bow, some sort of assault rifle, and cool assassin’s creed x wolverine glove blades- the bisexual icon we need but don’t deserve- so complex that I can’t really explain her personality that well- but i’ll try- she’s a fun, extroverted person but her sense of humor is sarcastic and rude and she doesn’t know when to shut up- for example- she stole the entire team’s change of clothes on shower night and hid them on the base roof bc only she could reach them- but she also loves them all v much ok that’s the family- she’s 6 foot 1- and her wingspan is like 14 or 15 feet- her feathers are soft af and she has 1000 of them- an asshole but 100% lovable and nasty- has an ovarian disorder that gives her cold sweats and hot flashes sometimes but she’s trudgin through it- touchy-feely af she will lift u up to hug u and doesn’t mind touch- big wings- loves birds more than being respectful
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megaknife · 7 years
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1-4 left to right? Double tap & comment your pick letter by letter fam! Ex: "O-N-E" 😱 - Shop our huge holiday deals now...Buy our blades ⚔️: www.megaknife.com👈 (Link in @blade.addict bio) - 🌎Worldwide Shipping 🔵Facebook bladeaddict . . #knife #knives#knifenut #knifesale #knifecommunity #knifestagram #blades #karambit #csgo #counterstrike #cybermonday#christmas #holidays #knivesofig #knivesofinstagram #edc #everydaycarry #pocketknife #bayonet #csgo #counterstrike
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megaknife · 7 years
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Only a few of these left... double tap and comment "TWIST" letter by letter fam! 🔥 - Buy our blades ⚔️: www.megaknife.com and checkout our Halloween Deals while supplies last!👈 (Link in @megaknife bio) - 🌎Worldwide Shipping 🔵Facebook: Megaknife . . #knife #knifecommunity #knifestagram#knifepics #knifelife #knifegasm#knifecollector #knifecollection#knifefanatic #knifeaddict #knifeaddiction#miniarrow #tacticalknife #arrow #miniature #minicrossbow #knives#knifenuts#knifeobsession #crossbow #sword #samurai #katana #dagger #damascus
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megaknife · 7 years
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Left to right (1-4)...comment your pick letter by letter w/no interruptions fam! 👊 - Buy our blades at www.megaknife.com and check out our crazy sword section 🔥 (Link in @blade.addict bio) - 🌎Worldwide Shipping 🔵Facebook Megaknife . . #knife #knifecommunity #knifestagram#knifepics #knifelife #knifegasm#knifecollector #knifecollection#knifefanatic #knifeaddict #knifeaddiction#csgoknife #tacticalknife #survivalknife#bladeporn #bladelife #knives#knifenuts#knifeobsession #karambit
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