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fleeting-sanity · 24 days ago
She's gone. I'm all alone now. On the brightside... I'm free to take my own life now.
I know my cat is old and I don't have the funds for her health anymore but I can't take anymore grieving. I hope the vet visit tomorrow shows nothing serious. But I can't sleep bc the anxiety's making me nauseous... She has never refused to eat before so this is scaring me to death...
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fleeting-sanity · 24 days ago
very glad no other land won and seeing it at a local palestinian film festival last year was one of the most impactful experiences i've ever had in a theater like when the text of final end card came up on screen you could feel it hit the whole room, but even in that moment while watching it it was so obvious why the film was framed the way it was and every time i've seen yuval speak during the press tour or read his writing since it's made it more grating… truly hate that to get this film to see the light of day and get even the limited distribution it's had that basel has to like. humor him in this way. and constantly share every stage and platform the film affords them because it is a Shared Project even though it's absolutely basel's story it's his community and family and home and his fucking life
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fleeting-sanity · 24 days ago
very glad no other land won and seeing it at a local palestinian film festival last year was one of the most impactful experiences i've ever had in a theater like when the text of final end card came up on screen you could feel it hit the whole room, but even in that moment while watching it it was so obvious why the film was framed the way it was and every time i've seen yuval speak during the press tour or read his writing since it's made it more grating… truly hate that to get this film to see the light of day and get even the limited distribution it's had that basel has to like. humor him in this way. and constantly share every stage and platform the film affords them because it is a Shared Project even though it's absolutely basel's story it's his community and family and home and his fucking life
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fleeting-sanity · 24 days ago
2 Mar 25
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fleeting-sanity · 24 days ago
Some people on Twitter were defending Yuval’s speech by saying that he’s speaking to a Zionist/Israeli audience when he said what he said. This is the same Yuval that had to delay his going home to Israel because he faced threats from his own society because of the film he made. This is the other side of it too. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what your politics are or your activist credentials are or what your identity is. After October 7 (and quite frankly before), any time the Palestinian narrative is highlighted, even when Gaza or Hamas are not involved, it’s disparaged by Zionists. You can’t talk about the ethnic cleansing or displacement in the West Bank, which has only increased since Oct 7, without some idiot being like “well, release the hostages!” or something. This is to say that after a year of what we’ve witnessed, we don’t need to make the Palestinian cause more palatable for (liberal) Zionists. After a year of genocide, we need to focus on doing more solid work, including changing the conversations we have around Palestine. We’ve moved past the point of early 2000s style co-existence rhetoric.
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fleeting-sanity · 24 days ago
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FUCK the eu, fuck them fuck them i fucking despise every single western nation and i can't wait until you all fall to ruin
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fleeting-sanity · 24 days ago
People really don't understand how ridiculous that no Israeli tried to resist the genocide while being literally right next to it, that's like if Philadelphia was being bombed nonstop for months and people in NYC just went about their lives normally. Like they really did not care. Palestine is a small place, israelis could have gone to right outside gaza's borders and back to their houses in a day if they wanted. They could have organized like a weapons blockade or blocked the road to air bases but no one did anything. They were literally right there. Tel Aviv is like an hour from Gaza. It has like 4 million people. No one cared. Literally mind boggling to me.
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fleeting-sanity · 25 days ago
Was so confused when I heard that a "Palestinian" film about Palestinian suffering at the hands of Israeli government actually won an Oscar.................then I learned that its a Palestinian-Israeli film that has the Palestinian main character befriending a nice Israeli settler who helps him in his struggle and while accepting the award that Israeli settler just had to squeezed in how brutal October 7th is and how Israeli hostages must be freed and he made to specify the hostages being Israeli so that you wouldn't think he's talking about the thousands of Palestinian hostages in Israeli concentration camps who were kidnapped before, during and after October 7th and are currently being tortured, raped and killed as I'm writing this.
Meanwhile actual Palestinian films and other media (fully made by Palestinian without any outside influence) that highlight the suffering of Palestinians under the Israeli occupation and the impunity Israeli terrorists receive from Western countries without bothering to take a big portion of the screen-time dedicated to showing how kind and nice some Israeli settlers are, so that racists in the audience wouldn't seethe too much, continue to be the subjective of systemic censorship and removal from western platforms and it would be a cold day in hell before THEY receive a prestigious award like an Oscar.
Or like how the Palestinian writer Mohammed El-Kurd said in his "Perfect Victims: And the Politics of Appeal" book:
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fleeting-sanity · 25 days ago
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fleeting-sanity · 25 days ago
Israel closes the crossings into the Gaza Strip and stops the delivery of food and medicine to besieged Gaza with the push of a button for the second day in a row.Let it be clear that Israel refuses to begin the second phase precisely because this phase of the agreement includes a complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and a final end to the “war,” both of which Israel does not want. here
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fleeting-sanity · 25 days ago
2 Mar 25
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fleeting-sanity · 25 days ago
Today is the first day of Ramadan. How I wished I could be in my humble home with my children, living in warmth and safety. I hope it comes back to us in the best condition
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fleeting-sanity · 26 days ago
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From Mohammad El-Kurd's "perfect victims"
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fleeting-sanity · 26 days ago
Should've just let ONLY the Palestinian co-director talk without being hijacked with "our people suffered too" BS. Notice the lack of applause when it comes to Gaza's genocide must stop VS the hostages talking point.
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fleeting-sanity · 26 days ago
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Hi everyone, today I'm making a post for Ola @ola987! She is a mathematics teacher in Gaza who has had her life upheaved by the genocide, and simultaneous scholasticide, in which schools, universities, teachers and other educational and cultural infrastructure in Gaza has been destroyed. She is in need of your critical support so that she and her family may be able to rebuild and recover. She has currently raised $77,547 out of her $85k goal, so we're 91% of the way there!
Please continue to support; the ceasefire is not the end and eyes and hearts should still be on Gaza and Palestine!!
If you can, please match my $5 donation! Anything helps, especially now as she needs the funds to care for her family and to continue her education! Let's get her to her funding goal!
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[Art is not mine! Permission given by Ola to post.]
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fleeting-sanity · 26 days ago
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Did an official Star Wars book actually state the Jedi Purge as a genocide??? Like, we all knew it was, but THEY ACTUALLY FINALLY SAID IT??? GODDAMN THIS BOOK IS NOT PULLING ITS PUNCHES. [Star Wars: The Reign of the Empire: The Mask of Fear | Alexander Freed]
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fleeting-sanity · 29 days ago
I know my cat is old and I don't have the funds for her health anymore but I can't take anymore grieving. I hope the vet visit tomorrow shows nothing serious. But I can't sleep bc the anxiety's making me nauseous... She has never refused to eat before so this is scaring me to death...
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