#blackshear family
hussyknee · 5 months
The book covers of Regency romance novels are an absolute crime, but in Cecilia Grant's case they're nothing short of absurd. You could maybe excuse some of these half dressed gym bros in breeches cradling heroines either swathed in satin sheets or off-the-rack prom dresses if the contents are some kind escapist erotica in a setting that could pass as the Regency era on a porn set, à la Bridgerton. But when it's something like Grant's Blackshear Family novels, the covers go from ordinary crime to war crime.
Grant's writing is beautiful, very introspective, slightly antiquarian and almost literary. The Blackshear novels are very touching mediations on love and desire and social injustice within the dictates of respectability and vulnerability of the landed gentry, not the aristocracy, travelling everywhere from the tenant homes and farms of country estates to the gambling hells of London to field hospitals crammed with the dead and dying of the Battle of Quatre Bras. The sex scenes are well done, but they're slower burn than a beeswax candle and definitely not the point of the stories at all. They're about how people in history lived and loved.
The covers for the books?
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What, I say, the fucketh?
The treatment of this entire genre and its writers by the publishing industry is a study in misogynistic contempt. It doesn't matter whether they're queer or het, or fantasy or mystery or historical or all of them. Anything tarred with the brush of romance and a feminine readership is considered "chic lit" and therefore not worthy of proper editing or halfway respectful or even relevant covers, much less critical recognition.
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samanthaandlife · 4 months
Therapy- This is likely my last deep unload of secrets. As I was warned, Tumblr is not the best place to reveal secrets without much unwanted attention. My choice to be detailed will help me accept myself and choices. I need to finish this but to my dear reader, please be kind!
Recap, I am an only child, raised in a tiny town in South Georgia. Church, sweet tea, and Bless her heart were just part of the culture; a place where no one ever locked their doors and the biggest crimes were public drunkenness and shoplifting. My parents both worked so in the summer they had to find someone to take care of me. Daycare was way too expensive and my mom’s sister, Sharon, was a teacher and had the summers off. She and her husband Jim lived nearby, on Lake Blackshear. Jim was in finance, worked for some company in Chicago, that’s where they met, and apparently did very well for himself. Sharon wanted to be closer to her sister so they decided to move south. I practically lived at the lake every summer, for as long as I could remember; I even had a room in their house which I always kept, among other things, a bathing suit. Sharon and Jim were my absolute idols and I wished on so many occasions that they could be my parents! A big part of why I chose to be a teacher was because of Sharon, I tried imitating everything she did. She always went to church with my family but Jim chose to stay home, which my parents disliked very much. Sharon was different from my parents when it came to her faith. She never liked using Bible passages for any argument as she had read the book cover to cover and realized there were many contradictions in the book. She tried her best to love God and love her neighbor without judgment. She also donated time and money to charity and one of her summer commitments was volunteering at a homeless shelter the third Tuesday of each month. On these days Jim would watch me and we always had a great time. He taught me card games, showed me magic tricks, and shared stories about when he served in the Marines. I was in absolute awe around him, he was a big man 6’3” and really fit for 40. It’s fair to say that I very much looked forward to the third Tuesday of each month!
The summer I was 11 was no different than any other year with one small exception, I had gotten taller and my one piece was just too small for me to comfortably fit into. When Uncle Jim suggested we take the first swim of the summer, I was super excited only to discover I couldn’t reasonably fit into my suit. When I told my uncle, with disappointment, he told me not to worry and he told me that he had a secret. He said that he hated wearing his suit and almost always swam naked. It’s fair to say that their house was in fact secluded, even on the lake. Their house sat back in a small cove with no other houses so it was reasonable. He, right in front of me stripped, revealing the biggest dick I had ever seem. Well, to be honest, other than my dad’s when I walked in on them having sex, he was the only naked man I had ever seen. He encouraged me to take off my clothes and come join him for a swim and then he walked down to the dock. Now, let me be clear here, I looked like a boy with long hair and no penis. I was so afraid but I did as told and removed my clothes, grabbed a towel and joined my uncle on the dock. I’ll never know why I did that, given my self-consciousness about my body, but I did.
When I got to the dock he was already in the lake so I dropped my towel on the dock and did my best dive from the dock, just like he had taught me a few years earlier. I swam and played around in the water, god how I loved the lake! Eventually I decided to warm up and dry off on the dock. Jim was already sunning himself, lying on his back and didn’t seem to notice when I joined him on the dock. I was so embarrassed but I trusted this man and I was also absolutely captivated by the sight of him and I believe that was why I decided to sun myself next to him. It was nice, the warmth from the sun, the sound of the water under the dock, birds singing, it was perfect! Then I heard some strange noises coming from next to me and I was unprepared for what I saw. My uncle was stroking, now an even more impressive dick. I just sat and watched, trying not to make a sound, as he quickly moved his hand up and down his shaft. He looked over at me and must have seen the amazement on my face, he stopped his stroking and asked me if I had ever masturbated before? I don’t remember what I said but I just shook my head. I think it’s important to mention that at this time I fully believed that my private parts were for my future husband only! You only touch that part to pee and eventually my period but no other reasons!
He looked lovingly at me and said “Here, let me teach you,” and he took my hand then showed me my clit. With some awkward motions and more instructions I found myself for the first time. He returned to his own enjoyment and there we were both touching ourselves out on that dock for everyone to see. I was simply being awkward, but Jim was having a moment. When I watched him shoot his load all over his hand and stomach I was instantly disgusted for I assumed it was pee. He assured me that it was not pee but the nectar of the gods for all women. He told me that one of the major reasons women marry is so they can have the nectar anytime they want it. I asked him why and he told me that a man’s nectar helps women become fully women and in my case it would probably help my boobs come in. He licked some of his off his finger in a way to show me it was safe and then told me to try it. I did as told and I licked my uncle’s cum off his finger. It didn’t taste like much, a little salty maybe, it just looked disgusting but I was so fascinated. He eventually “fed” me all that we could find so I could grow my boobies, so he said.
He jumped back in the water to cool off and, I now imagine, to clean off as well. When he got out, moments later, he grabbed his towel and suggested we head up for lunch. That was it, never mentioned again, a secret we both shared. When my mom picked me up that day the only thing I mentioned was that I needed a new swimsuit. Needless to say, I couldn’t stop thinking about it and in my bed at night I practiced the moves he showed me. Days later my first orgasm took me by surprise and I moaned so loud that my mom came to check on me. I told her that I had a nightmare but I was fine now and boy was I! I wanted to tell Jim so badly about my discovery but something told me to wait until the 3rd Tuesday. It was miserable waiting so long to share but by then I had been pleasuring myself nightly. The guilt that I carried with that knowledge was overwhelming, believing that I was going to hell and I might never get a husband. So, why did I continue knowing the consequences? That is one of the questions that has bothered me all of these years.
I waited for that next 3rd Tuesday with a blend of anxiety, dread, and bold excitement. Having polarizing emotions is a real challenge, so much so that I almost told my mom everything on the drive that morning. Instead I just suffered in silence watching each mile pass before me. The closer we got I became more and more nauseous to where I almost asked my mom to pull over but knowing it might lead to questions I just rolled down the window for some air. There he was standing in the driveway waving and a big smile on his face, Sharon at his side. My mixed emotions continued as I tried to put on a happy face for everyone. Closing the door and watching my mom drive away was a moment that I will never forget. When Sharon left and we were all alone is when the tears came and I just unloaded on him, all of my fears and discoveries, everything! I was so spent, emotionally, after that, once the tears finally dried; he held me, comforted me, reassured me and apologized for his actions. I forgave him and soon things got back to normalish until he went down to the lake naked. This time I had a new two-piece, that I actually thought I looked cute wearing. I thought to myself that if he wanted to be naked, that was okay, this time I’ll keep my clothes on!
Like the month before, we swam, sunbathed, and he pleasured himself on the dock. This time he asked if I wanted to help him; I was so fascinated with his maleness, I eagerly agreed. Here I was stroking this huge dick out on that dock, taking my two small hands to keep him going. The thrill I had, it was just amazingly to me. As many men find, the girl got tired just at the wrong moment. I was exhausted from moving my hands up and down so fast and so long that I couldn’t hold up my arms. This was the only time he ever yelled at me, he must have been so close and for me to just stop frustrated him and he lashed out at me. He grabbed my hands, put them around his cock, then put his hands over mine and stroked himself off. I knew that I should have never been with my aunt’s husband in this way but he had convinced me so completely that what we were doing wasn’t sex but just human pleasure. The same reason that I wasn’t ruining my wedding night, touching yourself or someone else just wasn’t sex. This time when he released some did land on my arm and his legs. He told me to lick it off my arm and I did as told. He used his fingers to feed me from his legs and then jumped onto the lake.
The following 3rd Tuesday was eventually one of the last summer days I would ever spend at the lake. The third and last time I would share alone time with my uncle started like the previous two. I don’t know why that dock made him so different but it did. We can be sitting inside next to each other and he never brushed against me or accidentally touched me, nothing like that, only on that stupid dock. This final time he reminded me of how when he released his nectar it would go everywhere and so much was wasted. He explained another way that I could help him and in turn help me with my growth, it was a win, win. When he did release in my mouth, it was so much, I just couldn’t keep all of it in my mouth and just swallowing wasn’t on my mind so I ended up spitting most of it out. I apologized so much for “wasting” it. When it was over we walked back up that path to the house, never to talk about it. I never got the opportunity to tell him that I finally masted that oral skill as well as my boobies did finally grow! Ha! Jim died a few years ago from a brain aneurysm. What happened between us was wrong and a long time ago. Despite everything, I did learn a few valuable lessons, so maybe I need to thank him for the good parts. I guess my biggest secret in all of this is that knowing it was so wrong, I enjoyed the experience. I never saw my uncle as a partner but I did lust for him in my head for many nights to follow; and for that I am deeply ashamed!!!
So, yeah, that’s my darkest deepest secrets, they no longer hold power over me if all of you are reading it. I am no longer embarrassed by what happened. I know I was just a child and that my actions are to be forgiven. I also knew what lust and desire that I experienced was wrong but I just didn’t understand why. My bodies response was that of a normal hetro-woman when first introduced to sexual pleasure just like the guilt of a rape victim finds sexual pleasure in her attack. I know that I am not to blame for what happened; I also know that I never once said no.
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esoutherngolf · 1 year
The Peaches along the Georgia Golf Trail
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Of the 20+ golf courses on the Georgia Golf Trail, nine of them are tucked away in nine of Georgia’s state parks.  While some of these golf courses may be off the beaten path, so to speak, they are worth making the effort to go play. “Our state park golf courses in Georgia are terrific golf destinations.  They are incredible designs which are very well maintained and fairly priced,” said Doug Hollandsworth, Founder, Georgia Golf Trail.  “The affiliation of these golf courses with amenity filled state parks makes them a perfect place to visit, especially with your families.” HIGHLAND WALK - There are many scenic selfie ‘hot spots’ at Highland Walk Golf Course (706-245-6770) at Victoria Bryant State Park in Royston.  At Highland Walk, there are many uphill and downhill tee shots.  The best photo ‘opp’ locale is the tee box of the signature hole -- the 17th. Arrowhead Pointe Golf Club overlooking Lake Russell ARROWHEAD POINTE - At the Arrowhead Pointe Golf Course (706-283-6000) in Elberton, visiting golfers will discover a 6,800-yard course situated on a peninsula within the Richard B. Russell State Park.  Arrowhead Pointe deserves to be called the ‘Crown Jewel’ of the Georgia Golf Trail.  Here, 10 of the 18 holes border Lake Richard B. Russell. THE CREEK - The Creek Golf Course (706-557-3006) at Hard Labor Creek State Park in Social Circle is a joy to play.  Here, the sternest test is the tee shot on the par-four 10th hole, formerly the opening hole, which used to be considered “the hardest first starting hole in Georgia.” BRAZELL’S CREEK - The Brazell’s Creek Golf Course (912-577-7745) at Jack Hill State Park in Reidsville is a well-designed par-71 layout.  At Brazell’s Creek, a 1,500-yard winding bridge through a canopy of trees connects the front nine with the back nine. The back nine was built on a windswept, open landscape with a links-style look.  The front nine is tree-lined, and the greens have some creative contours. THE LAKES - The Lakes Golf Course (912-285-6154) at Laura S. Walker Park in Waycross is the southernmost golf course on the Georgia Golf Trail.  It features large, undulating greens. The fairways and landing areas are defined with gentle, links-style mounds that accent the course’s three large lakes.  Loblolly pines are a common sight at the Lakes GC, which is an easy course to walk. MEADOW LINKS - The Meadow Links Golf Course (229-768-3714) opened in the George T. Bagby State Park in Fort Gaines in 1998.  Golf Digest ranked Meadow Links as “the nation’s sixth-best new affordable public course.”  Each day, when the sun sets in the west, the views resemble a picture postcard. Explore The Wonders Of Nature and experience the comfort Of Brastown Valley Resort and Spa. BRASSTOWN VALLEY RESORT & SPA - Golf at Brasstown Valley Resort & Spa (706-379-9900) is refreshing, delightful, and scenic.  The views of the surrounding mountains from the golf course are stunning.  This golf course is in terrific shape.  Afterward, get a massage at the Equani Spa, swim in the indoor pool, eat at Brassie’s Grill, spend the night at the resort, and wake up next door and do it all again!  It's a total escape! WALLACE ADAMS - Once you arrive at the Wallace Adams Golf Course (229-868-7474), located in the Little Ocmulgee State Park outside McRae, you’ll quickly see that you’ll want to play this course more than you had originally intended.  This golf course has an Augusta National Golf Club look and feel to it.  And it’s true.  The only things missing are patrons, leaderboards, and cameras from CBS.  This golf course is nicknamed ‘Little O.’  You will enjoy the chance of going low at Little O! GEORGIA VETERANS - The Georgia Veterans Memorial Golf Course (800-459-1230), located at the Lake Blackshear Resort and Golf Course near Cordele, has been labeled the “best value in the South.”  Once you walk off the 18th green, head to the Cypress Grill.  You can relive your experiences on the “best value in the South.” For more information about these golf courses in many of Georgia’s state parks, access gastateparks.org or GeorgiaGolfandTravel.com. Read the full article
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The Best Neighborhoods Near Oviedo, FL
Oviedo, FL is a city that has seen its fair share of growth in the past few years. It's one of the top suburbs near Orlando, and it's quickly becoming a destination for families who want something more than what they get in the city limits. If you're moving to Oviedo or are already here, there are plenty of neighborhoods with good schools, fun events and homeowner associations that take care of everything from trash pickup to lawn maintenance. Here are some of my favorites:
Dean Rd
Dean Rd is a family-friendly neighborhood that's close to a number of attractions, including the Orlando Science Center.
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This quiet residential area features tree-lined streets and well-kept lawns. Dean Road residents enjoy the convenience of having shopping centers, restaurants and grocery stores within walking distance.
Oviedo is a town in Seminole County, Florida, United States. The population was 17,924 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Orlando–Kissimmee–Sanford Metropolitan Statistical Area.
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The area that today encompasses Oviedo began as cattle ranches in the late 19th century and early 20th century. In 1914, several of these ranches were combined to form dairy farm called Oviedo Farms Incorporated by John Blackshear Mabry (1879-1956). He was born on a farm near Roswell Georgia son of James Dickson Mabry (1846-1906) and Mary Virginia Blackshear(1850-1889). His maternal great grandparents were Francis Marion Blackshear (1740-1776) and Sarah Devereux Wiseman(1747 - 1826).
In 1920 Mary Charlotte Harris (1902-1993), sister of U.S. Senator Robert Sidney Harris, purchased land from a Mr Harry Smith who had been leasing parts of it since 1919 for cattle grazing purposes only but never took an active role in developing them into anything more than open fields with big oak trees scattered throughout just like his neighbors did; except for one difference: That difference being that Mrs Harris decided not only wanted bigger trees planted but also wanted roads built through those fields!!! This caused some problems initially because Mr Smith had not cleared enough space before planting his seedlings which resulted in some being uprooted during construction activities."
Sanford is a city in Seminole County, Florida, United States. It is part of the Orlando–Kissimmee–Sanford, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 54,570.
The city has two distinct areas: (1) around Interstate 4 where most major commercial activities are located; and (2) around Lake Monroe on State Road 46 where many residential neighborhoods are located.
Forest City
Forest City is a town in Seminole County, Florida. It has a population of about 3,000 people and is located about 25 miles south of Oviedo. The town was founded in 1927.
Forest City is just one of many neighborhoods close to Oviedo that offer great amenities and an excellent quality of life for families who want to live near the city without being too close to it.
Power Washing Orlando FL is a professional pressure washing company. We specialize in pressure cleaning decks, patios and driveways in Orlando FL. We are professionals and quality matters! You will be impressed with our workmanship and prices. We have a team of experienced professionals that are dedicated to providing professional service and expert advice.
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The Pressure Guys, LLC 5372 Rocking Horse Pl, Oviedo, FL 32765 (407) 917–7748 https://www.thepressureguys.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=6947438322663981929
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savedaughtersworld · 2 years
Stetson Bennett Girlfriend, Wiki, Age, Family, Bio, Net Worth, Height, Career
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Stetson Bennett is a quarterback in the National Football League. Stetson Bennett Age is 25 and was born on October 28, 1997, in Atlanta, Georgia. Stetson Bennett family moved from Atlanta to Nahunta, Georgia, while he was in first grade. In eighth grade, his family relocated to Blackshear, Georgia, where he attended Pierce County High School. As a senior, he led the school to three straight state playoff appearances, throwing for 3,724 yards, rushing for 500 more, and scoring 40 total touchdowns.
Stetson Bennett Girlfriend's name is Cameron Liss. Cameron Liss is from medical field. Stetson shared photos of himself with Cameron Liss. According to reports, the pair began dating late but kept their relationship a secret until later. When the duo published individual photos of themselves, fans uncovered their affair. However, neither individual has formally declared their relationship.
He made his first appearance and first start of the 2021 season against the UAB Blazers after Daniels went down with an oblique injury. In that game, Bennett tied the record for most touchdowns in a game by a Georgia quarterback, with five. Bennett was trusted with the starting job for the rest of the season, and he led the Bulldogs to a 12–0 record. He finished the season with 29 touchdowns and seven interceptions. On January 20, 2022, just ten days after winning the National Championship and amid speculation that he would transfer, Bennett announced his return to Georgia.
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pungentlove · 8 years
It was the alarm, surely, the fright of her near brush with ruin that had loosened her hold on reason and shrunk her world down to the touch of his hands on her elbows, the ardent vibration of his apologizing voice, the familiar clean smell of his soap.
Cecilia Grant, A Woman Entangled
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1910 Southern Charmer in Blackshear, Georgia for $344.9K.
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It’s so roomy, it reminds me of the Cajun style homes in Louisiana, with the center hall room. Beautiful fireplace and ceiling.
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Cozy living room off the center room has a window to the kitchen.
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And, what a kitchen- look at how huge it is. Plus, it has a dinette. 
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Adorable little coffee bar niche.
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Hallway with lovely plantation shutters.
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Main bd. has an exposed stick wall with the remnant of a fireplace- at least they saved what they could.
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Family room/office.
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Large modern bath.
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The bd on the other side shares the bath. 
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Another bd and ba. 
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Beautiful lemonade porch.
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This home even has a porte coche. 
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Porches all around- this is the front porch. 
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Plus, a 2 bd guest house. And all for less than $345K. 
via for the love of old houses
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Ten months after her 5-year-old daughter's death and three months after she was charged in connection with it, a Springdale mother was arrested Tuesday.
Bryce Foster, 26, of Springdale is charged with involuntary manslaughter and child endangering. Investigators said Foster did not provide her daughter Kaysen Blackshear with medical help in a timely manner, leading to her death.
Foster took her Kaysen, who suffered from seizures, to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Liberty Campus on July 17, investigators said.
Social workers there suspected child abuse and transferred Kaysen to the hospital's main campus in Cincinnati where she later died.
A social worker said the girl was "nonresponsive" when she first arrived at that hospital and was found to have swelling of the brain, injuries to her face and back and a chipped tooth.
Police reported that Foster and her boyfriend were questioned about how Kaysen was hurt, but "were unable to explain how the injuries occurred."
Springdale police launched an investigation into the death, which was ruled an apparent homicide. At the time, officers said Foster was cooperating with police.
In February, Foster was charged. Investigators said Foster did not call 911 when she saw her daughter was in medical distress. Court documents state she instead tried "home remedies" and provided CPR to Kaysen for several hours before taking her to the hospital, but by the time they arrived the child was in full cardiac arrest.
Kaysen was the subject of a 2019 Enquirer story that reported she suffered from a genetic disorder that caused seizures. The story was written in a partnership with the United Way and, as a result, a vehicle was donated to the family.
The article said that Kaysen had many doctor's appointments and was raised by her mother. It is unclear if Kaysen's medical condition played a role in her death. Court documents do not say what caused the injuries that prompted the social worker's concern.
Once Foster was charged in February, officials said they could no longer locate her and asked for the public's help to find her.
On Tuesday, Foster was booked into the Hamilton County Justice Center.
She appeared in court Wednesday where her bond was set at $300,000. A grand jury is expected to review the charges by May 20.
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ltwilliammowett · 4 years
Sailors and exotic Birds
However, many people associate sailors, especially when it comes to pirates, with a very special companion. The Bird, mostly a parrot.
Already Columbus brought back five long-tailed macaws from his voyage in 1492 and sixty parrots from his next voyage. They were not only fabulous gifts for his patrons, but also tangible proof of his discoveries. As a result a real hype broke out. And many ships that were on their way to foreign worlds during the Age of Discovery brought back home beautiful and rare birds. But not only as companions during the voyage but rather to sell them. At home a sailor could get up to 10£ for a bird, a good profit. And they were easy to handle during the crossing, they hardly took up any space and feeding was possible with leftover food. The value of a bird could be increased by teaching it to talk and some tricks. This kept the birds busy on board and provided a fuller purse when the animal was sold.
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Pirate with a Parrot by Thomas Blackshear ; Long John Silver and his Parrot by N. C. Wyeth 1911
Others tried to sell these animals, not only parrots, to faculties as research objects. This meant that researchers who could not travel themselves had a certain quota and, together with the travel reports, which the captains were also happy to sell, they had a basis for researching such exotics. But not only birds were brought home, monkeys were also very popular. Small anecdote from my own family, my great great grandfather, lieutenant of the German Imperial Navy, had taken a monkey home for his daughter, my great grandmother, when he was in Africa. But the animal didn't live long, on the one hand he had problems with the North German weather and on the other, a power line he had climbed on was his end.
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Signalman Tim Ryley with his beloved, but vexatious, parrot Mac, 1908; Woman at the Piano with Cockatoo by Gustave Léonard de Jonghe, 1870
Some of them were not sold, but travelled with the captains as companions. Admiral Thomas Cochrane reports in his autobiography that when he sailed with his uncle Captain Alexander Cochrane on the HMS Thetis in 1794 (he served there as a midshipman) there was a parrot on board. This bird was even allowed to fly freely on deck. Much to everyone's chagrin, however, this animal had learned to speak and liked to imitate orders, which caused great confusion. For example, the parrot made sure that a lady who was brought on board with a boatswain's chair was pushed into the sea just because the bird shouted "Let go". The Astrolabe, a French research vessel that sailed to Antarctica in 1837 under the command of Jules-Sébastien-César Dumont d'Urville, had a cockatoo on board. This animal was probably much appreciated even though it had destroyed the captain's barometer.
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Nehemiah Slade, Able Seaman with his Parrot, Master and Commander
This suggests that the association of sailor with parrot was not a sailor's yarn or the fanaticism of painters, although it is based on true facts. Especially since this kind of exotic animal trade existed far into the 20th century before it was banned. 
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bandtrees · 4 years
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family fun with the blackshears! and ronnie's favorite cousin johnny....
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fearsmagazine · 3 years
Screamfest Horror Film Festival Announces Initial Lineup for 21st Edition
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Screamfest® Horror Film Festival, the largest and longest-running horror film festival in the United States, announced their first-wave lineup of competitive features and shorts for its 21st edition. Running October 12th through 21st at the TCL Chinese Theater, Screamfest® welcomes audiences back to the big screen for a collective experience they won’t soon forget. Tickets can be purchased here: https://screamfestla.com
The Retaliators will open Screamfest® LA on October 12th for its North American premiere with a red carpet prior to the screening. The film follows an upstanding pastor who uncovers a dark and twisted underworld as he searches for answers surrounding his daughter's brutal murder. Directed by Bridget Smith and Samuel Gonzalez Jr. and written by the Geare brothers, The Retaliators also features a high-octane original soundtrack and cameos from some of the biggest names in rock music, including Five Finger Death Punch, Tommy Lee, Papa Roach, The Hu, Ice Nine Kills, Escape The Fate, and more appear on screen. Marc Menchaca (Ozark), Michael Lombardi (Rescue Me), and Joseph Gatt (Game of Thrones) star in this horror-thriller which reveals a game of revenge played using a new set of rules.
Considered the "Sundance of Horror," Screamfest® is proud to showcase new work from independent filmmakers from across the globe. Highlights from this year’s program include the World Premieres of Father of Flies, the haunting tale of family life and the supernatural and Teddy Grennan’s Wicked Games where a long weekend at a country estate is turned into a nightmare when a group of masked intruders invades the property. Little do they know one guest has a surprise for them.
Four films will be making their North American debuts at the festival. In addition to The Retaliators, Richard Waters’s dark folk horror Bring Out The Fear traps its protagonists in an unsolvable maze where a sinister presence awaits; Clare Foley stars in the sci-fi horror The Changed where an alien presence takes possession of the hearts and minds of her city; and Isolation depicts nine tales of terror which are woven together as remote people work to survive an increasingly deadly outbreak.
US premieres at the festival include Russia’s #Blue_Whale produced by Timur Bekmambetov, which follows Dana as she works to uncover the truth behind her sister’s suicide; Argentina’s fantasy horror film Nocturna: Side A- The Great Old Man’s Night which depicts one old man’s journey to rethink his past and present and question his reality; and Kratt by Rasmus Berivoo in which children stumble upon an instruction manual to create a supernatural being.
West Coast premieres at the festival include a joint production between the US, Mexico, and Venezuela, Exorcism of God which follows an American priest working in Mexico who, due to a botched exorcism, carries a dark secret with him; hailing from Ireland, Let the Wrong One In dives into the complications of family ties when a vampire is discovered in the family; Erik Bloomquist follows twins who spend a night at a remote inn to investigate their missing father in Night at the Eagle Inn; North American distribution rights to the Argentinian The Returned (Los Que Vuelven) - which follows a woman in 1919 prays to a mythical deity to resurrect her stillborn son - were acquired in a new venture between Peter Block of A Bigger Boat and Seth Nagel, Scott Einbinder and Garrick Dion of 5X Media; What Josiah Saw explores a farmhouse haunted by the past; Alone With You stars Emily Bennett, Emma Myles, and fan-favorite Barbara Crampton in a twisted tale of memory and horror unfolding over a romantic homecoming for a distant girlfriend; and When I Consume You by Perry Blackshear where two siblings get more than they bargained for when hunting a shadowy stalker.
The festival will also feature a Special Presentation of Daniel Farrands’s Aileen Wuornos: American Boogeyman starring Peyton List and Lydia Hearst, which follows the notorious killer through a little known chapter of her life in Deland, Florida.
“After a challenging year for cinema, we are excited to return to our home at the TCL Chinese Theatre for our latest lineup of frights,'' says festival founder Rachel Belofsky. “While last year’s drive-ins allowed us to continue to celebrate horror films as a community, we have missed the magic of the traditional theatrical experience.”
Formed in August 2001 by film producer Rachel Belofsky, Screamfest Horror Film Festival is a female-run 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that gives filmmakers and screenwriters in the horror and science fiction genres a venue to have their work showcased in the film industry.
Please find the 2021 Screamfest feature line-up below:
Aileen Wuornos: American Boogeyman (US, 2021) - Special Presentation Written and Directed by Daniel Farrands Produced by Lucas Jarach, Daniel Farrands, Meadow Williams, Swen Temmel, Luke Daniels, Daniel Davila Executive Producer(s) Nicolas Chartier, Jonathan Deckter, Lydia Hearst, Alan Pao Cast Peyton List, Lydia Hearst, Tobin Bell, Nick Vallelonga, Swen Temmel, Meadow Williams, Andrew Biernat Based on a little-known chapter in the life of America's most notorious female serial killer, "Aileen Wuornos: American Boogeyman" takes place in 1976 when 21-year-old Aileen (Peyton List) arrives in Florida attempting to escape her tragic past. Soon she marries wealthy yacht club president Lewis Fell (Tobin Bell) who offers her the chance to become part of Florida's high society. Ultimately, the victimized Aileen surrenders to her murderous impulses and wreaks havoc on the peaceful seaside community of Deland, Florida.
Alone With You (US, 2021) - West Coast Premiere Directed by Emily Bennett & Josh Brooks Written by Emily Bennett & Josh Brooks Produced by Andrew D. Corkin & Theo James Cast Emily Bennett, Emma Myles (ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK), Dora Madison (BLISS, VFX), and Barbara Crampton (RE-ANIMATOR, YOU'RE NEXT) Charlie (Emily Bennett) is setting the atmosphere in her sleek, two-story apartment in Brooklyn for a romantic homecoming for her distant girlfriend Simone (Emma Myles) who’s been away for work. There are past glimpses of visual tension between the two, so we’re led to feel that this meticulous setting of mood may be a peacemaking gesture. Enamored beyond all good sense, Charlie begins to experience a myriad of unsettling incidents, and the horrors of what has transpired are slowly revealed in the shards of Charlie’s resistant memory.
#Blue_Whale (Russia, 2021) - US Premiere Directed by Anna Zaytseva Written by Evgeniya Bogomyakova, Anna Zaytseva, Olga Klemesheva Produced by Timur Bekmambetov, Anna Shalashina, Igor Mishin Cast Anna Potebnya, Timofey Eleckii, Ekaterina Stulova, Diana Shulmina, Olga Pipchenko, Polina Vataga, Daniil Kiselev After her younger sister Julia commits suicide, troubled adolescent Dana decides to find out what led to her death. Examining her sister’s computer, Dana finds a secret chat group where adolescents are encouraged to kill themselves through a challenge called "Blue Whale". Dana’s investigation leads her ever closer to the truth, but to really discover what happened, she herself must play the deadly game. #blue_whale // #I_want_to_play_the_game is inspired by real events that happened in Russia in 2015 and 2017.
Bring Out The Fear (Ireland, 2021) - North American Premiere Written and Directed by Richard Waters Produced by Alison Scarff & Richard Waters Cast Ciara Bailey, Tad Morari, James Devlin Rosie and Dan are a couple in a doomed relationship. While taking a final walk in their favourite forest, they find it has trapped them in an unsolvable maze. The paths lead nowhere, the trees never end, the sun never sets, and a sinister presence stalks and torments them, trying to drive them insane... There is no escape. But what exactly are they hiding? This dark folk horror will leave you questioning what is real and what is malicious trickery.
The Changed (US, 2021) - North American Premiere Written and Directed by Michael Mongillo Produced by Taylor Warren and Eloise Asmuth Cast Clare Foley, Jason Alan Smith, Carlee Avers, Doug Tompos, introducing Olivia Freer, with Kathy Searle, and Tony Todd Something has taken possession of the hearts and minds of the populace. Kim (Clare Foley), Mac (Jason Alan Smith), and Jane (Carlee Avers) try to convince themselves it's paranoia, but before long the city is besieged by the changed. By the time they realize an alien intelligence has merged with their neighbor, Bill (Tony Todd), a horde of changed is amassing outside their suburban home.
Exorcism of God (US/Mexico/Venezuela, 2021) - West Coast Premiere Directed by Alejandro Hidalgo Written by Alejandro Hidalgo, Santiago Fernández Calvete Produced by Alejandro Hidalgo, Joel Seidl, Karim Kabche & Antonio Abdo Cast María Gabriela De Faría, Will Beinbrink, Joseph Marcell Peter Williams, an American priest working in Mexico, is considered a saint by many local parishioners. However, due to a botched exorcism, he carries a dark secret that's eating him alive until he gets an opportunity to face his own demon one final time.
Father of Flies (USA/UK, 2021) - World Premiere Directed by Ben Charles Edwards Written by Kirsty Bell Produced by Kirsty Bell, Phil McKenzie Cast Nicholas Tucci, Camilla Rutherford, Davi Santos, Page Ruth, Keaton Tetlow, Colleen Heidemann A haunting tale of family life. A vulnerable young boy finds his mother pushed out of the family home by a strange new woman, and he must confront the terrifying supernatural forces that seem to move in with her.
Isolation (US, 2021) - North American Premiere Directed by Larry Fessenden, Andrew Kasch, Dennie Gordon, Bobby Roe, Alix Austin & Keir Siewert, Christian Pasquariello, Alexandra Neary, Zach Passero, Adam Brown & Kyle I. Kelley Written by Larry Fessenden, Cody Goodfellow, Dennie Gordon, Zack Andrews & Bobby Roe, Kyle I. Kelley & Adam Brown, Keir Siewert, Zach Passero, Alexandrea Neary, Christian Pasquariello Produced by Nathan Crooker, James P. Gannon Cast Larry Fessenden, Dennie Gordon, Graham Denman, Damien Gerard, Bobby Roe Sunny Roe, Bodhi Roe, Adam Brown, Alix Austin, Hannah Passero Marieh Delfino, Alex Weed, Fine Belger, Hans Gurbig Woven together are nine tales of terror that follow isolated citizens from around the world as they confront their darkest fears in an attempt to survive an increasingly deadly outbreak.
Kratt (Estonia, 2020) - US Premiere Written and Directed by Rasmus Merivoo Produced by Rain Rannu, Tõnu Hiielaid Cast Mari Lill, Ivo Uukkivi, Jan Uuspõld, Paul Purga, Nora Merivoo, Harri Merivoo When children are left at Grandma's without smartphones they’re bored to tears. That is until Granny finds them loads to do. She also tells them about a magical creature named KRATT that’ll do whatever its master says. When they stumble upon an instruction on how to build one they don’t hesitate. All they have to do now is to buy a soul from the devil…
Let The Wrong One In (Ireland, 2021) - West Coast Premiere Written and Directed by Conor McMahon Produced by Trisha Flood, Ruth Treacy, Julianne Forde, Michael Lavelle Cast Karl Rice, Eoin Duffy, Anthony Head, Mary Murray Let the Wrong One In follows young supermarket worker Matt, who is a little too nice for his own good. When he discovers that his older, estranged brother Deco has turned into a vampire, he's faced with a dilemma: Will he risk his own life to help his sibling, with blood being thicker than water? Or will he stake him before he spreads the infection further? The film stars upcoming Irish talent Karl Rice and Eoin Duffy, along with Buffy the Vampire Slayer icon Anthony Head, in the role of Henry; a taxi driver with a sideline in vampire hunting.
Night at the Eagle Inn (US, 2021) - West Coast Premiere Directed by Erik Bloomquist Written by Erik Bloomquist, Carson Bloomquist Produced by Erik Bloomquist, Carson Bloomquist Cast Amelia Dudley, Taylor Turner, Beau Minniear, Greg Schweers, Erik Bloomquist Fraternal twins spend a terrifying night at a remote inn to investigate the last known whereabouts of their father. As they dive deeper, the property's dark secrets ensnare them in a hellish labyrinth they must escape before dawn.
Nocturna: Side A - The Great Old Man’s Night (Argentina, 2021) - US Premiere Directed by Gonzalo Calzada Written by Gonzalo Calzada Produced by Alejandro Narváez, Javier Diaz Cast - Pepe Soriano, Marina Artigas, Lautaro Delgado Synopsis - Ulysses is a hundred-year-old man, he lives alone and is on the verge of death. The last night of his life, he will experience something that will force him to rethink his past, his present and his view about his reality.
The Retaliators (US, 2021) - North American Premiere - OPENING NIGHT Directed by Bridget Smith, Samuel Gonzalez, JR. Written by The Geare Brothers Produced by Allen Kovac, Michael Lombardi, Mike Walsh Executive Producer(s) Dan Lieblein Cast Michael Lombardi, Marc Menchaca, Joseph Gatt, Jacoby Shaddix, Katie Kelly, Abbey Hefer, Ivan Moody, Zoltan Bathory In THE RETALIATORS, an upstanding pastor uncovers a dark and twisted underworld as he searches for answers surrounding his daughter's brutal murder. A high-octane original soundtrack and cameos from some of the biggest names in rock music set the tone as this horror-thriller reveals a game of revenge played using a new set of rules. Marc Menchaca (Ozark), Michael Lombardi (Rescue Me), and Joseph Gatt (Game of Thrones) star. Five Finger Death Punch, Tommy Lee, Papa Roach, The Hu, Ice Nine Kills, Escape The Fate, and more appear onscreen and on THE RETALIATORS Original Soundtrack, coming soon via Better Noise Music.
The Returned (Los Que Vuelven) (Argentina, 2021) - West Coast Premiere Directed by Laura Casabe Written by Laura Casabe, Paolo Soria, Lisandro Colaberardino Produced by Alejandro Israel Cast Maria Soldi, Lali Gonzalez, Alberto Ajaka South America, 1919; a landowner's wife is desperate for a child of her own, having suffered through multiple miscarriages. She finds hope, however, in a seemingly outlandish plan: she'll pray to a mythical deity to resurrect her stillborn son. The plan works, but along with the child comes something else...something evil.
What Josiah Saw (US, 2021) - LA Premiere Directed by Vincent Grashaw Produced by Ran Namerode, Vincent Grashaw, Bernie Stern, Angelia Adzic Executive Producer(s) Cole Payne, Scott Haze Written by Robert Alan Dilts Cast Robert Patrick, Nick Stahl, Scott Haze, Kelli Garner, Tony Hale, Jake Weber Everyone in town knows about the haunted Graham Farm on Willow Road. You'll hear there's a bad history to it. Josiah and his youngest son, Thomas, are all that remain of this estranged family. But after experiencing terrifying visions from beyond, Josiah decides they must change their ways to right a great wrong. After being away for over two decades, Eli and Mary, Josiah's eldest children, are enticed to sell the property and reunite at the old farmhouse in hopes of closing this haunting chapter of their lives for good. Sins of the past will be paid in full.
When I Consume You (US, 2021) - West Coast Premiere Written and Directed by Perry Blackshear Produced by MacLeod Andrews, Perry Blackshear, Evan Dumouchel, Libby Ewing Cast Libby Ewing, Evan Dumouchel, MacLeod Andres, Margaret Ying Drake Siblings Daphne and Wilson Shaw practically raised one another. They’ve protected each other from everything life has thrown their way. Daphne’s professional life is soaring and she’s looking to adopt a child. Wilson is interviewing for a position at a local school, hoping to become a teacher. But Daphne has an unsettling, dangerous stalker whom she can’t seem to shake, and now threatens to destroy them both. They hunt for their tormentor through the shadowy streets of Brooklyn, honing their bodies and minds for a showdown. But this foe may prove to be more than they can handle. They will break and rebuild themselves if necessary to save each other, and protect the light they know is in this world for them... if only they can persevere.
Wicked Games (US, 2021) - World Premiere Written and Directed by Teddy Grennan Produced by Bennett Krishock, Heath Franklin, Burton Gray, Teddy Grennan, Christopher Walters Cast Christine Spang, Markus Silbiger, Michael Shenefelt, Conner Ann Waterman When Harley joins her new boyfriend for a long Halloween weekend at his country estate, they're invaded by a bank of masked freaks and forced to play a Wicked Game. To the intruders' unpleasant surprise, Harley's hard-boiled history has endowed her with a bag of tricks which give the game a surprise ending.
Standing out as one of the top tastemakers in the genre of horror, Screamfest has been a launchpad for top tier franchises and storytellers. Among the numerous films that have been discovered and/or premiered at the festival include box office hit The Wretched, Tigers Are Not Afraid, We Summons the Darkness, Pledge, The Master Cleanse, Tragedy Girls, American Mary, Paranormal Activity, 30 Days of Night, Trick ‘r Treat, and The Human Centipede.
Screamfest selects award winners at the close of the festival. Film entries are accepted in the categories of Best Feature, Directing, Cinematography, Editing, Special Effects and Musical Score. In addition, there are special categories for Best Animation, Best Short, Best Documentary and Best Student Film as well as a Screenplay competition.
Screamfest® takes the health and safety of its guests seriously and proof of vaccination or negative COVID test with a temperature check will be required for entry. Masks are required at all times while inside the venue. Hand sanitizer stations are placed throughout the theater and lobby with special cleanings in between screenings. Screamfest® will comply with all LA County regulations and policies are subject to change.
For more information or the latest news, visit screamfestla.com
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thehealingwords · 5 years
1-4 for Moreau 👀
1. What influenced or inspired the creation of this character?
i honestly don’t really remember what i was thinking of when i made her! i think she was a branching off from her older sister’s design, but im realizing she’s definitely at least a little inspired by Thomas Blackshear and her design was definitely influenced by me looking up aasimar and getting annoyed seeing blonde haired blue eyed paladins....i also really wanted a lawful good character but we all saw how that panned out IUSHFDISHF
2. What is your character’s relationship with their family? Family is a word which here refers to biological relatives, close companions, and/or the individual(s) who raised them.
biologically? nonexistent since, as far as she knows, she’s the last - but she has her suspicions. 
love and care -wise? she cares deeply about her family back at the monastery, even if she’s too embarrassed to go back. it’ blatantly obvious she has nothing but love for Odi, even if she says mean things about him😔 she considers the main party her family at this point, since the fluctuation of people in and out of the monastery has influenced her concept of family - anyone who fights and rests beside and for her is someone considered family tbh. she just. doesn’t say that bc she knows it takes more than that for some people and she doesn’t wanna freak anyone out UISHFUISDF
3. Who is the closest person to them?
AUGH...i accidentally made the stoic monk a social butterfly so relationships shift every session...like i want to say rose because they literally share a bed so she knows things about moreau by virtue of sleepover talk and vice versa?? but also azar because their heart is the one moreau wants to understand most, since they were friends at the beginning of the campaign and their characters were both great foils for each other, so she’s actively prioritized them over the rest of the party bc she wants to see them living their life without that mask😔 BUT ALSO she and sm has a very sweet burgeoning sibling dynamic forming, and she does love to tease and watch out for him since she considers him her younger brother at this point. he’s also trusted her with his name, and she’s not sure he’s done that with anyone else in the party so she’s holding that close. AND THEN THERE”S MORRIGAN who was her quintessential gay “do i want to BE you or do i want to be WITH you” crush for a hot minute before she realized that she feels a kinship/understanding with morri that was only solidified during Library Cry Time ...i didnt answer the question.
4. What were the conditions surrounding their formative years? 
well! she was raised in a cult trying to bring about the end of the world so there’s that! she was treated well given her circumstances but i can’t really go into that cause it’d be meta >:3c she had to do a soft-reset from ages ~9-13, where she was emotionally stunted but still influenced by her hothead brother (as seen in her reactions with authority). there was a lot of discipline but her home was more lax that other monasteries, so she still dealt w like. teen drama shit UIDHF
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chameleonarcher · 7 years
Review: A Gentleman Undone
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A Gentleman Undone by Cecilia Grant My rating: 4 of 5 stars What can I possibly have to say to a man who would split a pair of fives? As promised in my last post, my first romance review! I read this series 2-1-3 solely because of the library’s e-book availability and oddly enough I enjoyed them in the same order, though the gap between this book and its predecessor is quite narrow. Will…
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17. A Gentleman Undone (Blackshear Family #2) by Cecilia Grant
This was a much better follow up, I thought, to A Lady Awakened. Lydia was so much more enjoyable to read than Martha, and I thought her and Will had much more believable/understandable backgrounds and interactions.
18. Bundled Up (Portland Heat #1-3) by Annabeth Albert
Yet another example of me stumbling into a series and fully committing because I have no self control. Also, this is another example of how inaccurate my Goodreads tracker can be. Because this book is three novellas (Served Hot, Baked Fresh, and Delivered Fast) and only counts as one, but also is it even fair to count a short novella as one book like the rest? I don’t know, but I do know this series is angsty and fluffy and all the characters are connected.
19. Knit Together (Portland Heat #4) by Annabeth Albert
Actually, I kind of hated this bit in the series. I didn’t think the couple was all that great, and one of them was very anti-bisexual which I don’t think was resolved.
20. Wrapped Together (Portland Heat #5) by Annabeth Albert
This one was fine, but I just wanted the narrator to drop a little bit of his formality and embrace the fact that he’s a nerd. I also have no concept of how much time has gone by in this world.
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thebackwoodslife · 5 years
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We stand strong. #family #L #lee #strong #usa (at Lake Blackshear) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2sj4AnJBoo/?igshid=1wx9mbe3qd7r8
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kharrisdawndancer · 6 years
Sensory Aesthetics -  Kharris/Khaeris
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(Painting by Thomas Blackshear)
BOLD what applies to your muse
small towns. big cities. six thirty curfews. lights that take the place of stars. blanket nests. light through the blinds as a wake up call. found family. finding a single star in the middle of New York city. window shopping. watching something terrible and enjoying it. growing numb to the sight of injustice. wilted flowers. faded caricatures. bright, bold colors.
crickets and lightning bugs. car engines and a/c units. a phone call to mum / dad. laughing with friends. jokes that are so bad you have to laugh. the clicking of computer keys. noise canceling headphones. the sound of silence. muffled music from another room. drumming fingertips on a table. clicking of pens. listening to a clock and swearing the ticks get slower. ringing in the ears. the voice of someone you love. pitch shifted songs.
being held close during a long night. fleeting reassurances. holding hands when you’re scared. brushing fingers through strands of hair. freshly dried clothes. bruises on your knuckles. silk and satin. your favorite pet’s fur or feather.wringing your hands anxiously. snuggles. comforters in the dead of winter.nails against skin. cold metal. leather in summer.
coffee in the morning. tea in the evening. bubblegum that lost its flavor.alcohol burning the back of your throat. homemade cooking. no matter what’s made. blood in your mouth. stale air. mint. fresh vegetables. that processed taste of citrus candy. the first meal you cook by yourself that tastes good. foreign sweets. fast food. bittersweet. sour. spicy. sweet. bitter. too much salt on fries.
morning glories and honeysuckles. pine. freshly cut grass. dirt. hot chocolate in the middle of winter. nail polish. acetone. hospital rooms. smoke. hair spray. your favorite shampoo /conditioner. the scent of home. perfume. cologne. mint. something burning. wet dogs. copper. metal. unemptied ash trays. something familiar yet different. camp fires. damp caves.
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